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Electric Dreams Volume 13 Issue 01

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Electric Dreams
 · 3 years ago


E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

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E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

Volume #13 Issue #1

January 2006

ISSN# 1089 4284



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++ Editor's Notes
Richard Wilkerson

++ Global Dreaming News
Harry Bosma

++ Cover "Time Boy"
by Ed Kellogg, PhD

++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
Lucy Gillis - Editor
Dream Characters and Reality Checks Part Three:
Incubation and Fantasy

++ Column: The View From the Bridge
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Olivia Strand

++ Dream: New England Armadillos
Stan Kulikowski II

++ Article: Nice Girls Don't Go Naked in their Dreams (or Do They?)
Dave Lappin

++ DREAM SECTION: Special installment from Computer Dreams by Gem

D E A D L I N E :
December 19st deadline for January 2006

Post Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Send news, events, workshops, conferences& reviews to
Harry Bosma <>

Send Articles, news and other items to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>


Editor's Notes


Welcome to the January 2006 issue of Electric Dreams, your portal to dreams and
dreamwork online.

If you are new to dreams and dreamwork, there are a few e-lists where Electric Dreams
people seems to congregate that might interest you. One is
Subscribe by going here and registering

.. and another is the IASD bulletin board hosted by Ed Kellogg, Ph.D.
Please, no dreams interpreted here, just discussion of dreaming and dreamwork topics.

This has been quite a year for the Dream Movement. The Dream Institute of Northern
California and the International Association for the Study of Dreams are now "living" in
the same location in Berkeley, California. Many dreamwork projects have matured into
full blown educational programs, certifications and international peace projects. The
online IASD PsiberDreaming conference continued its new tradition of exploring the
edges of dreaming. I'm looking forward to seeing these and the many other projects in
dreamwork unfold in the next year and hope to hear from the readers of Electric Dreams
about your new projects, books and events.

This month in Electric Dreams:

Thanks to Ed Kellogg for his cover art contribution of the "Time Boy" graphic and dream
story. Perhaps you too can improve your dream-psi abilities with a visit from Time Boy.

Lucy Gillis continues to explore the edges of dreaming and finds the most interesting
topics for her Lucid Dream Exchange. In an excerpt this month from the Exchange,
Linda Lane Magallón continues her speculation about dream characters. Are dream
characters real people? Do they have a will, or a consciousness of their own? Are they all
the same, or could some be lifeless projections? Be sure to read "Dream Characters and
Reality Checks: Incubation and Fantasy."

Stan Kulikowski II returns in 2006 with his unique style of dream recording, this month
with a dream titled "New England Armadillos." If you have dreams you would like
published, please enter them in the form at

Not only was 2005 having been a busy year for dream research and dreamwork, but also
for dream activism. And the Peace Workers on the Bridge are going to be even busier in
2006! Olivia Strand keeps all up on the World Dreams Peace Bridge activities and in this
month's View, she takes a look at the Peace Festival in Norfolk, Virginia last December,
and how WDPB members around the world are doing in their efforts for peace. .

Peter Farley has spent his life exploring life's mysteries and returning useful information
and techniques. In a selection on dreams below, Peter discusses a range of topics in
dreamwork, and introduces readers to his philosophy on dreaming from a shamanic point
of view. Get the full scoop and links in "Waking Dreams vs. Night Dreams?"

The Dream Editor is on vacation this month. In place of the Dreams Section, I'm
including part 2 of a collection of computer dreams from "Gem". Gem's dreams start in
about 2000 when she got a job involving computer work. What is interesting is that prior
to this job, she knew little about them.

Janet Garrett archives past issues so you can search out specific articles and authors in an
easy-to-access format. These articles contain a wide range of information for dreamers
and dreamworkers. You can see her work progress and view hundreds of article on
dreams at:

Harry Bosma searches around the world for news on dreams and dreaming, which you
can read about in the Global Dreaming News. If you have any dream news, conferences,
books, workshops, and especially any online meetings or events, be sure to send that
information to Harry by the 15th of each month at

Just a quick addition to the news. The International Association for the Study of Dreams
conference in Bridgewater, MA June 20-24th still has room for early registrations, but
you must get in before January 15th. The Presentations are now closed for entry, but
both Hot-off-the-press and the Art Show are still open. See the full scoop at

… and also, we will have more information next month on the Nordic Dream Conference
in Copenhagen this March. Watch here for details :

Be sure to read all of these dreams and more.
If you want to send in dreams, please enter them at
or join the dream flow at


For those of you who are new to dreamwork,
be sure to stop by one of the many resources:

Electric Dreams in PDF: (thanks to Nick Cumbo)


From the Dream Dimension,

-Richard Wilkerson



January 2006


If you have news you'd like to share, simply email Harry Bosma at his special address.


January 2006

If you have news you'd like to share, simply email Harry Bosma at his special ed- address.

- Dreams received for the Planetary Dream 2005
- Dream Visions website
- Dream of the Week email

Physical world:
- Berkeley: Dream Groups by David Jenkins
- San Francisco: The Practice of Active Dreaming

Books, movies, research:
- Bulkeley and Bulkley: Dreaming Beyond Death
- Justina Lasley: In My Dream...

Recurring events:
- Ritual DaFuMu for Peace

* * * ONLINE * * *

- Dreams received for the Planetary Dream 2005

Hello Rêveurs / Dreamers!

Merci pour votre participation au Rêve planétaire 05 ;-)
Vos rêves figurent aux versions française et anglaise du site Oniros:

Thanks for your participation to the Planetary dream 05 ;-)
Your dreams can be seen on the French and English versions of the site Oniros:

Jusqu'à la fin de l'année, vous pouvez apporter toutes les corrections et compléments
d'information que vous jugerez utiles. Up to the end of the year, you can add all the
corrections and added information you think useful.

Joyeux Noël / Happy Christmas

Le webmestre / the webmaster

Roger Ripert

- Dream Visions website

My site,, is a culmination of many years study of dreams and
their rich benefits in personal and spiritual development. My intention is to help others
use their dreams to better understand and improve their lives. The site includes many free
dream interpretation resources, including dictionary of symbols, step-by-step instructions
for dream interpretation, and tips for dream recall.

All the best to you,

Nancy Wagaman, M.A.

- Dream of the Week email

Starting early January, David Jenkins plans to write a weekly email "Dream of the
Week". Each column is a vignette that introduces one of his techniques, describes a
dream and the dream work, and ends with the outcome/insight for the dreamer.

Email for more information:

* * * PHYSICAL WORLD * * *

- Berkeley: Dream Groups by David Jenkins

Elephant Pharmacy Wednesdays: Starting January 11, the Elephant Pharmacy drop-in
dream group has a regularly scheduled time - Wednesdays from 1-2 pm. Enjoy an
exciting hour of dream work as a break in the middle of your day. This is a free class.

Berkeley Thursday Drop In: Starting January 12th, I will be offering a new drop-in group
on Thursday evenings from 7-8.30 pm in downtown Berkeley. (2288 Fulton Street, #201,
$10 per class). This is for the many people who want to tell a dream or to listen to a
dream without necessarily making an on-going commitment. This also allows me to offer
a Berkeley evening group for those for whom Oakland Saturday morning group is not
feasible. Come join and feel free to bring a friend.

The details for these new groups and the current classes will be available on the web site
in early January. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please forward this
email to them.

Best wishes for the new year,


- San Francisco: The Practice of Active Dreaming

Dream Group based on Robert Moss' pioneer synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism.

4 Tuesdays beginning 1/10/06
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Cost $95
in San Francisco
Please call or email Elizabeth Lombardo


- Bulkeley and Bulkley: Dreaming Beyond Death

A Guide to Pre-Death Dreams and Visions

Documented throughout time and across cultures, dreams experienced by those on the
verge of death can offer profound insight into the process of dying and provide deep
spiritual solace for the individual passing away. In Dreaming Beyond Death, Kelly
Bulkeley and Patricia Bulkley bring together their diverse areas of expertise to create a
guide to pre-death dreams that offers practical advice and provides a broader
understanding of this phenomenon.

- Justina Lasley: In My Dream...

In My Dream... is a delightful illustrated journal to capture dreams, thoughts, and
sketches. This creative and inspirational journal contains helpful guides to discover the
meanings hidden within your dreams. Introduce the world of dreams to yourself and
others this season... truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Upon request, journals can be autographed by Justina Lasley for your gift recipients.

More information:


- Ritual DaFuMu for Peace

The World Dreams Peace Bridge, on the 15th of each month, is holding a
monthly DaFuMu (a collective dream of good fortune: to support peace.

In joining a DaFuMu each month we will be seeking the mandala of peace
within the universal mind: learning what it is to be peaceful at a personal
level, how to act in a peaceful manner within the world, and accessing and
supporting the general mandala of peace available to all people. So, please
join in on the 15th of each month. Before sleeping set your intention to
dream towards the mandala of peace.

If you feel that your dream has touched upon a symbol that can be used
within the mandala of peace we are creating, or on a particular relation of
peace, please let us know. Just send your comment, picture or dream to To join the World
Dreams Peace Bridge discussion group, just send an e-mail to .

end news


Cover Artist: Ed Kellogg, PhD: TIMEBOY


EWK 9/25/05 "I find myself outside in a grassy, sloping park setting - very pleasant. I
see lots of people scattered about enjoying the park, picnicking and playing. I crouch
down to talk with two little boys. Semi-lucid, I realize I can do magic and for fun ask
them if I can do anything for them. The boys look five or six years old, very small. The
one on the left looks sick - he has dark shadows under his eyes, looks pale and very thin.
He has thin dirty blond hair. I wonder if he has an illness in waking physical reality. The
other boy looks healthier. They both look at me, as if uncertain of what to say.

I ask the sick looking boy if he would like me to do a healing on him. He tells me "No",
but then adds "I'd like to do a healing on you!"

Surprised, I ask: "On what?" He tells me I have some blockage in my forehead center that
keeps me from perceiving (psychically?) correctly with it. That makes some sense to me,
but I wonder if he can do it, and if so whether he could do so properly. I ask him if he
means the third eye chakra, the little boy nods, but he looks uncertain, as if he does not
know what I mean. However, at this point the other little boy with brown hair
enthusiastically pipes up: "He can do it!" He sounds so confidant that I agree.

As soon as I do, the first boy lifts a very thin arm up and presses his right hand onto my
forehead. As he does this I ask him: "Does your forehead center seems fully open?" He
nods. I can't see his forehead though. He has hair covering his forehead, and wears a
gray wool cap with a red stripe/fringe, that holds his hair in place.

Curious to see what his forehead looks like, I ask: "May I?" gesturing at his head. He
doesn't object, so I begin uncovering his forehead. To my surprise I see a round silver
watch with a white face and black hands embedded on the left side, not in the middle as
I'd expected. Surprised, I continue. When fully uncovered I see that his forehead has four
"third eyes" - round watches with white faces with different times and slightly different
colored metal faces and numbers.

I feel alarmed at what I've seen and back away, breaking the connection - perhaps before
the boy had accomplished anything - but perhaps not. I don't know if I want to end up
with a "forehead center" like his - especially considering he doesn't look all that healthy.
He looks surrealistic, like something by Salvador Dali. I wonder if what I'd allowed him
to do, or had almost allowed him to do, seemed such a good idea. I now understand why
he looked so uncertain when I asked him about the "third" eye" - his "forehead center"
has a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth!

Now that I've backed away "Timeboy" has a temper tantrum. perhaps because he didn't
get to finish his "healing" of me. He shrieks and runs around. I ask the other the boy if he
would like to come with me to do some magic someplace quieter. He agrees. I pick him
up my arms and fly off down the grassy slope of the park . . . (dream continues) "

"The Rest of the Story . . .": On the night of 9/24 - 9/25 I'd incubated dreams to tune into
the target picture for the 2005 PsiberDreaming Conference Precognitive Dreaming
Contest, a target picture randomly selected two days later - the cover of an early copy of
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." Under the title, the cover illustration depicts two men and a pack
of dogs in pursuit of a woman holding a child, her cloak billowing behind her as she runs
away from her pursuers across an icy river through a bleak winter landscape. The men
wear old fashioned clothing, one in brown, one in black.

After I left "Timeboy" (increasingly lucid, and eventually remembering my task), I
encountered two men hurrying along a trail, wearing old fashioned clothing, brown and
black. The one in brown reminds me at first of President Kennedy and later of Theodore
Roosevelt. The two men led me to a room where I saw a large sepia-tone photo of a
dignified black man in old fashioned clothing (same relative dimensions as the book
cover) whom I identified as "Martin Luther King" in the dream, despite the apparent
anachronism. When this dream ended it immediately segued into an amazingly vivid but
short storm scene where I saw a nineteenth century ship - with billowing sails - racing
under pursuit, and then dramatically holed by a cannon ball. The post-Timeboy dream
sequences had a number of hits to the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" target - the theme of pursuit,
the two men, the nineteenth century backgrounds, the photograph of the black man
("Uncle Tom"), and the multiple civil rights associations with President Kennedy, Martin
Luther King, and even to slave ships, like the Amistad, which the 4 masted sailing ship
that I saw resembled. These and other hits left no doubt in my mind at least that I had
successfully tuned into the target picture, and even earned my submission a second place
tie for the precognitive dreaming contest. So perhaps Timeboy's adjustment to my
"forehead center" may have done something useful after all.

Visit with Ed Kellogg, PhD on the IASD Bulletin Board:
Please, no dreams interpreted here, just discussion of dreaming and dreamwork topics.


An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange

By Lucy Gillis


An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange By Lucy Gillis

Back in May, Linda Lane Magallón tackled the subject of dream characters in part one of
her four part series. Are dream characters real people? Do they have a will, or a
consciousness of their own? Are they all the same, or could some be lifeless projections?
Join Linda as she takes us on a journey through her own thoughts and intriguing dreams.
You may not look at your dream characters in quite the same way again!

Dream Characters and Reality Checks Part Three:
Incubation and Fantasy
(c) 2005 Linda Lane Magallón

I don't recall where I got the notion, but I do remember it was born of desperation. I'd
been searching for a new career without success. The suggestion was that, to reveal my
vocational heart's desire, I should analyze my daydreams. There was one fantasy in
particular that had started when I was a kid, then grew and changed as I did. As an adult,
I was too embarrassed to admit that I still enjoyed it. Its genesis had been superhero TV
shows and comic books.

Not surprising, really. My maiden name was Linda Lane, but when people first met me,
they'd call me Lois. Lois Lane was the comic character whose prime function was to be
rescued by Superman. It didn't seem fair that he'd then fly off and have all the fun. This
inequality definitely called for a change in the story line. So one day, in imagination, I
took to the sky. No more Lois. I became Casey Lane.

When I began analyzing my now grown-up version of the fantasy, I discovered that some
of the scenarios were much too vague. So I gave complete names to the characters and
retrofitted them with histories, personalities, vocations, and avocations, all in an attempt
to fill out my ideal working environment. One of the characters was an Afro-American
woman I'd been calling Willie. I augmented her biography and expanded her name to
Willette Nicholson. I was very much aware that I was creating this character. Willful
fantasy was under my control, whereas dreams were totally out of control.

March the 8th International Women's Day. At approximately 4:30 in the morning, for the
first time in my life, I awoke to the fact that I was dreaming. It began as a nightmare, as
usual. Then I was rescued from suffocation, not by Superman, but by a mysterious black-
clothed woman who flung me over her back and took me soaring through the sky. The
dream continued:

We fly over the plaza and down the street through a city of skyscrapers. The woman
makes a right turn, then stops. While hovering, she rolls me over onto my back so that
she is holding me in an embrace.

"Hello, Casey," she says softly, smiling. Her features are indistinguishable but dark in
color. She is projecting a blast of emotion toward me. I am receiving an intense feeling of
kindness and loving concern. She knows me as Casey - my super self!

"Will-it!" I exclaim in utter astonishment as I recognize her. This mutual recognition has
brought me to lucidity. Willette lifts me to an upright position. Still embracing my body
with one arm, she stands to my left. We are both suspended in the air.

I can't believe my eyes. Here is the subject of my creation: a character who I made up in
fantasy. But now I know she's an actual person, a completely mature, independent adult,
standing right next to me, holding me, talking to me! And she can really fly! I can hardly
comprehend it all.

"Why?" I ask. Why is she here, saving me, showing so much concern for me?
Looking me straight in the eye, she says with utmost gravity, "You were once my

The loving concern I felt emanating from Willie was so intense, I carried it with me the
entire next day. I was convinced, both in the dream and after I awoke, that I was
encountering a real person.

Here was the dichotomy expressed more vividly than I could have imagined. On the one
hand, there was this character that I had created, then enhanced during the most intense
period of visualization in my life. On the other hand, there was this emancipating entity,
freely speaking and acting on her own. It was as if I'd incubated a new being in my
imagination, who then crossed over and was born into my dreams. If a statue had come to
life in my own front room, the psychological impact couldn't have been more powerful.

Fantasy Incubation

There was absolutely nothing within my experience to encompass what had happened. I
began a dream journal and read every dream book I could get my hands on. I also
continued to run excerpts from the fantasy in my mind just before sleep. Maybe that
would provide more substance to the dream. Maybe, if there was enough substance,
Willie could make a second crossing - into the waking state. Maybe I could become more
Casey-like in dreams or waking life.

I am walking with Willie through the courtyard of an old apartment building to a
"gathering of the clan." Two friends come walking towards us; they turn a corner and go
up a couple of steps and inside a screen door. As Willie and I follow them, I ponder on
the fact that this married pair are the models for two of the people in my fantasy.
Thinking this way brings me to a low level of lucidity.

Inside the apartment I recall their fantasy names and compare them with the waking ones.
"It's Sandy and Nancy Tully, not Torrey," I remember aloud.
Then I turn to the man and call him by his waking name. "Walter!" I exclaim.
"Who's that?" he responds. "The guy I patterned you after," I tell him.

Off to the right are the rest of the group. I take a big breath and proclaim loudly to them,
"You're all figments of my imagination!" Astonished, they all collapse and sit down on
the floor.

As I wake, I hear a voice saying, "I wonder what she I be?"

Of course, many Willie dreams were directly influenced by the fantasy. This was
especially true when I slipped from hypnogogia into a dream. A few times the scenery of
my reveries would show up in my dreams, but rarely was the story line reproduced. For
the most part, the dream would head off in directions I'd never imagined.

After a while, in some non-lucid dreams, I simply "knew" that I was Casey.
My waking persona had been replaced by my fantasy one. This turned out to be
immensely helpful. As Casey, I knew I could fly away from danger or stand up to threats.
Thus, nightmares could be transformed within the dream, before I ever woke up. My
dreaming self, who had been the unwitting victim of almost 40 years of hellish existence,
was being remade as a super self.

Doctrinal Compliance Again

For Willie, just the opposite seemed to be happening. She played roles I'd never
visualized. A social worker (she was a scientist). A spy (she was a human rights activist).
An elementary school teacher (she taught college as a grad student). A trumpet player
(yes, she was a musician, but she played the flute). In the fantasy, she had a strong
personality; in the dream she could act like a wimp.

Dream Willie was extremely elastic. Something besides deliberate pre-sleep intent was
forming her character. When I read Jungian literature, she'd act like a Jungian archetype.
If I were studying Freud, I'd dream something with sexual content. Depending on what I
read, talked about, or saw on TV, she'd be Christ Consciousness or the Wicked Witch of
the West. She was also The Thinker, a Primal Screamer, a food server, a fund-raiser, a
dress model, a printing shop clerk and The Lone Ranger! The most pervasive influence
was the Seth material. I dreamt of her in Jane Roberts' imaginal Library, as an oversoul
and as a channeled entity. I dreamt she told me that Jane Roberts was part of our
"family." Whereas other folks in the Seth community interpreted that to mean I was part
of Jane Roberts' extended family, the Sumari, I assumed that Willie was referring to my
fantasy clan. In any case, I accepted neither possibility out of hand. I knew only too well
that Doctrinal Compliance was swaying my subconscious. Dream conformity to what I
experienced in waking life was preprogramming Willie's dream persona. It was
responsible for both the foundation and maintenance of most dream settings as well as the
ongoing narrative. A lucid dream wasn't free of this background influence, either.

Lucid Creation and Comparisons

Within lucid dreams, I could deliberately conjure up Willie's image, but it would be quite
vague or readily collapse. Once, her dream body turned into an egg! Maybe I was once
her mother, but this retro-birth was ridiculous. I was more successful when I simply
called for her. True, she didn't show up very often, but then is a real person always
available at our beck and call?

At the edge of hypnogogia, I tried to picture her in new surroundings to see how much
control I had over the pre-dream stage. A lot, it turned out.
However, once the dream began, the scenario was likely to morph. I learned that, in-
dream, create your own character was not an easy task. Most definitely, I couldn't do
everything I wanted to do. In fact, the more I attempted the deliberate do-it-yourself
approach to dreaming, the more I realized how unyielding the dreamworld could be.

Reality checks I did, by keeping records and comparing methods of retrieval.
I came to understand that the sort of Willie I encountered depended on the method of
encounter. The non-lucid dream Willie was not like the fantasy Willie. Less sure of
herself. The automatic writing Willie was more like the channeled Willie. Very
authoritarian. The Willie of poetry was not like the day vision Willie. Abstract and
conceptual rather than visual and objective.
Lucid dream Willie was hard to find. Hypnogogic Willie was often an imp.
This sort of reality check yielded the conclusion that each type of retrieval system
actually formed a different kind of Willie.

Me as Willie

Occasionally, in non-lucid dreams, I actually became Willie - knew myself as Willie,
looked out from her point of view. I assumed this was an expansion of the fantasy. There,
the characters had the communal capacity to become aware of one another's thoughts and
feelings. Tele-empathy. Also, when I ran the fantasy in my mind, I usually took on the
role of each character, especially when they had speaking parts. Temporarily, I could play
But I never thought of her as a "part of me," like an essential limb or organ. Rather, she
was a cloak I could create and wear, then take off and put away.

I experimented with this concept in waking life.
My hair was given a permanent of tight curls. I wore her colors (red and black) all winter
Perhaps because of that period of pretending, I spoke up with more confidence and began
to identify myself as a researcher. Act as if, and it rubs off on you.

Other Dreamer's Willie

When I began talking about Willie to colleagues and friends, several other people dreamt
about her. But with the exception of Melinda Nelson's hypnogogic example, their
variations weren't much like my waking or dreaming versions. True, other people could
dream of Willie singing or dancing, but not to the rock and roll beat of the music tapes I
played when I imagined her. She was the parent of many children as well as a daughter in
one of my past lives (dream reactions to "Once you were my mother"). One dreamer's
version of Willie was a little child; another's was a high priestess.
Personal projection was the driving force, while tele-empathic perception took a back
seat. Willie could show up in other people's dreams as an exalted divinity, an opera
singer's attendant or a camera projectionist (speaking of projection!).

Willie was also the inspiration for communal creativity after we woke.
Besides Melinda's drawing, friends created a plaster face mask for Willie (using my
face), a Tarot reading and a horoscope (based on the date and time of the breakthrough
dream). But none of them really rang true.

Waking Life: The 10% Manifestation

I was running errands one day and musing that if I ever met Willie in waking life, she'd
probably not have that name. After all, I was Casey only in the fantasy. So what name
would she have, I wondered. "Diana" came to me. Two days later I walked into a new job
and met the woman I was replacing. She was of Anglo descent, not Afro-American, but
that didn't stop me from chuckling at her name. It was Diane Wills. I had imagined that
Willie's childhood home would be in Carson City, Nevada. That's where Diane and her
husband were going to retire.

Because the horoscope based on the date of the breakthrough dream didn't feel right, I
decided that, if I were to guess Willie's astrological sign, she would be a Leo. Then I had
a dream that Willie and I would meet in Mexico. By this time, I didn't take it very
seriously. Nevertheless, when my husband and I journeyed there, a black woman was part
of our tour group. I mentioned dreams; she was interested in New Age phenomena. After
talking with her, I discovered that she was the mother of a single son, like Willie.
She was a vegetarian, like Willie. And she was a Leo.

Every once in a while, I'd have synchronicities like these. Bits and pieces of the fantasy
Willie would come true, but never the whole package. At first, I was frustrated, then
disappointed, then resigned. I tried my best to create my own reality in the waking state,
but it proved to be a far more difficult task than influencing dream with imagination.
How much actually came to be? "About 10%," Willie had suggested in a lucid dream.
That may be an overstatement.

The Letdown

Through all my seeking of her asleep, I learned a lot about the lucid dreamworld. The
exploration was fascinating, whether I looked for Willie or not. With increasing
frequency, I did other things. Willie was so elusive that she was becoming an in-dream
jokester and I was not enjoying the joke.
I felt rejected, ignored, conned, let down. Funny thing, the breakthrough dream had
prefigured this. When Willie told me, "You were once my mother," I tried to understand.

"You mean in another existence?" I ask.

Willette does not respond verbally, but half turns and looks off toward the clouds. The
clouds are white and billowing as if in anticipation. They form a corridor through which a
patch of blue sky can be seen. The sky brightens, taking on the silhouette of a robed
Christ-like figure. As I watch the figure approach, I become more and more hesitant,
fearful of being misled spiritually. I'm convinced Willette's comment means that she
believes in reincarnation. Willette gestures with her arm to indicate that this god-like
figure is coming halfway to meet us. "You mean Jesus?" I ask doubtfully.

Willette gives no answer. I worry that the figure might not be the "true"
divinity sanctioned by the Church. "Why am I hesitating?" I ask her, though I know the
answer. There must be some way out of this dilemma. I mentally flail around, searching
for a reason not to go. (Where was I going anyway? To my death? Would I ever come

Ah-ha! I find an excuse; Willette's answer has given me the key. I remember
- I am wife and mother to my own two children. They need me. I can't go yet.
In fact, as I remember, superimposed on the scene is a mental impression of my bedroom
just outside the closet doors. I seem to be in two places at once. Standing in my bedroom.
And standing in the dream. "My children!" I proclaim.

Willette looks at me seriously. "There is something unresolved here," she says as she
releases me. I fall backwards and down out of the sky. I wake with a jerk, as though I
have just crash landed on my bed.

The elation of meeting Willie was tempered by the spiritual conflict I'd had to endure.
And then, when I didn't do what was expected, I was dropped like a hot potato. Some
friend. I ignored this part of the dream. It made me feel too uneasy. I was trying to think
positively about dream Willie. Repression, big time.

The issue of whether the god-like figure was really Christ became moot when I left
Catholicism soon thereafter. I never thought the Christian god would respect me enough
to meet me half-way. To indicate that I was remaining neutral as to its identity, I called
the figure "The Cloud Walker." Six years later, I finally got up the courage to incubate a
return to the breakthrough dream. I didn't encounter Willie, although Jan accompanied
me for a time. It turned out that there were two Cloud Walkers. One of them was a kindly
gentleman named Da'caug. The other one was me! You can read the dream and make of
it what you will. I thought it was amazing, euphoric and, at its conclusion, a bit
humorous. What a delightful change from the sensations I'd experienced at the end of my
breakthrough dream. I felt quite resolved, thank you very much. About the Cloud Walker,
that is, not about Willie.

The energy to have Willie dreams seemed to be winding down. Perhaps the reserves I had
accumulated during 30 years of fantasy were being depleted? I sought her less and less in
lucid dreams. I saw her with diminishing frequency in non-lucid dreams. Elation and
anticipation were replaced by disappointment. I was angry, at her sometimes, but mostly
with myself.
Willie was a trickster and I was a fool, or so it seemed. Cynical, I became, about the
whole affair.

Grounded Once More

After speculating in the stratosphere, it took years to get grounded again.
Thank goodness, I had a ground to fall back on. I had built its foundation with my
research into telepathic and mutual dreaming.

After everything is said and done, who is the only creature who can serve as a reality
check on dream characters? What sort of character can give you feedback as to whether
or not your assumptions are accurate? There's only one. A cooperative, fully alive,
physical human being.

Last in the series - Back to Verification: Mutual Dreaming See LDE 37. (Dream Flights)

Reluctant Willie

Lucid, I yell, "Willie, Willie!" remembering how many times this has not worked to bring
Willie to me and I feel my emotions move into despair. This time, I halt them and affirm
my desire instead. "I've got to believe I can," I think to myself.

Around the corner of a light green house, a slender, but not thin, Black woman strolls
towards me, dressed in slacks and a shirt. Is this Willie? I feel myself start to doubt and
stop myself, as if holding my breath. As the woman comes my way, something like a
banner of dark long hair furls out between us to hide her face. I hope that she really is
Willie and note that she is sporting an Afro. Will I never see her face? I wonder. Then I
affirm that I will hold onto the dream until I do.

She comes around the obstruction and takes me by the left hand with a "come with me, I
want to show you something" attitude. (She may actually say this, but the exact
conversation is unremembered.) Her hair metamorphs a couple of times from the Afro to
several versions of less kinky hairstyle, although all are mid-length. The last has
convoluted curls on top and a fairly straight bouffant. She is slightly taller than I and
younger than I expected. I think, "I've never seen her so close, so long." We walk along
the sides of what seem to be shop fronts. Finally I stop her and ask, frowning, "What's
taking you so long?" meaning to meet me in waking life.
When she starts to answer I realize I need to ask an even more specific question. "Are
you going to come into my reality?"

As she smiles and looks off to my right, I notice her slender facial structure and cocoa
complexion. "I'm waiting, too," she responds. "Next week sometime," she says turning
back to look at me with a wink.

"Next week! Ohh!" I exclaim in astonishment and gratitude. As I awake, I am aware we
are still holding hands.

Unfortunately, Willie never did show up that next week. Not in the waking state, not in
the dream. I was disappointed, discouraged, disenchanted. I am in a meeting room filled
with people seated at rectangular tables.
Willie is seated across from me. I lean forward urgently, asking if she is now living in
this world and get an affirmative answer. I may also ask about doing a project together.
Then I stand to see her smiling but leaning slightly away from the table with an aura of
self-confidence (like she knows she can join me but doesn't have to commit herself).

This connection has been intense, almost to the point of lucidity. I go into the next room
and gain some additional self-awareness when I wonder what name Willie would have in
this life. As if in my imagination, I get the impression of two names, the second ending
with an "sey" like in "Morresey". The room is a bar filled with people. Gazing at a row
of women seated at the bar, I finally gain full lucidity.

I suddenly realize that I have seen Willie in an earlier part of this dream. "Willie!
Willie!" I bellow, facing the women, who look at me askance. I'm ready to bolt for the
next room, but stop to offer an apology for my behavior. "Excuse me, I'm lucid," I say
and leave. I quickly walk to the meeting room, which is still filled with people, sitting
and standing about. "Willie!" I call again. When no one responds and I don't see her, I
hurry on to the next room. This one is a huge auditorium with descending seats to a stage
on the right-hand side of the room. It, too, is filled with people. I call out Willie's name
again, my eyes sweeping the room.

Someone with mid-length curly light brown hair steps directly in front of me and the two
of us sit down on the steps. "What do you know about her?" s/he asks, referring to Willie.
I try to remember our conversation at the table. "Only that she was born in this world,
which says mountains," I reply. I recall that I had been wondering if Willie would remain
a discarnate throughout this life.

"Do you know anything about her family?" "First I thought she was alone," I reply,
thinking hard and picking up more imagery, "Then I got an impression of a lot of
problems, so I don't know."

Those lucid dreams, in which I remembered to or wanted to look for Willie, were so
infrequent that I pursued the elusive will-o'-the-wisp for many years. This dream was the
turning point.

I'm in a large room filled with women. "Willie! Willie!" I yell. In response some of the
women in the first row seated facing me change color from white to black. But it's a
"fake" change, like overlaying one transparency over another and I'm amused/irritated to
see that their features haven't changed from Caucasian either. "Do you know how long
I've been looking for that woman?" I ask the group rhetorically.

"How long?" responds a woman's voice to my right. I turn and discover I'm seated on top
of a counter along with a whole row of women. "Since 1982," I reply. "March 8th, 1982,
as a matter of fact."

A woman rushes past me down the aisle. Another woman perched on the opposite side
stops her with, "The woman (meaning me) wants to talk to you about the mesh."

Is the woman in the aisle Willie? I look at her back and notice her bouffant black hair,
trying to decide if she's Black or White. She hesitates, then continues on. I watch her,
tempted to jump down and follow. But I stop by telling myself, there ain't no way I'm
going to run after her if she doesn't want to see me.

Return to the Breakthrough Dream

I am journeying down a single-lane dirt road through a hot, flat desert on my way to a
distant city. Then I decide I don't like to travel that way and rerun the scenario, this time
in a hot-air balloon. My friend Jan is with me. Problem is, the winds could carry us
anywhere in the desert, where we might die of thirst. So Jan checks out the water supply,
in tanks that look like scuba gear.

Finally, I decide I don't want to go that direction at all and turn around, back the way I've
come. I gaze up at the distant mountains that parallel the right side of the road. They
seem to come together at a single peak which I know is the "north pole." Then I realize
that it looks that way because I can see the curvature of the planet. Wow, this must be a
small planet for me to be able to see its curvature so well! The scene makes me slightly
giddy. I realize I'm not on Earth.

As I bring my gaze down, I find myself standing at the edge of a semi-circular cliff.
Beyond, white clouds swirl, obscuring the view below, but I know that they mask a
bottomless abyss. In fact, it seems that if I could look through the clouds beneath my feet,
I'd see more blue sky and finally the blackness of starry space, as if the cliff is suspended
like one of those "cities in the sky." In front of me in the distance are the multi-forms of
layered clouds and the shadow of a building nestled into the cliff. Above this panorama is
the limitless expanse of the blue heavens.

Knowing full well I might fall, I decide to step off the cliff. What a thrill to realize that I
don't drop! Not even a little bit! Instead I skate forward across the top of the puffy
whiteness. I have conquered my fear and with what wonderful results! I can feel the wind
stream past my face and the sun's warmth on my shoulders. The feeling of wonder surges
up from inside, straining to meet the expansiveness of the outer scene. I fling my arms
wide as the feeling inside my body fulfills itself in ecstasy. This rush of energy brings
me to lucidity.

I land at the building across the cliff and enter via the door. There are a few people about
in this elevator foyer, but one man in particular steps forward to greet me. He speaks
some phrases in an unfamiliar language. "I'm awake...on earth," I exclaim, alerting him to
my degree of consciousness. "Earth" is a lower case word, very, very far away. His
eyebrows go up and his eyes sparkle as he realizes that I am lucid.

"What is this place?" I ask curiously. "Phobe," he replies emphatically, rhyming the word
with "robe." I remember him using that word when he first addressed me. "Phobe?" I ask
excitedly, "You mean one of Jupiter's moons?" "No," he replies, furrowing his brow in
concentration. I get the impression of a spot in the far distance of a horizontal plane.

"What is your name?" I inquire. He tells me. "Da'caug," I repeat slowly, carefully. It
sounds like "Da-cawg."

Da'caug takes my hand in his. He feels so familiar, like family. I realize that while he's
serving as my guide, he is also according me great respect, as if I were a colleague. We
tour the back side of the building, ending up at the far side of the cliff. This time I force
myself to look down into the white clouds and see far below me, the edge of a cosmic
ocean. Hands firmly clasped, we both push off from the cliff and once again I experience
the ecstasy of flying while standing up.
We return to the building and enter another door into a room busy with the atmosphere of
commerce. There are people in check-out lines, as if purchasing items in a gift store at a
lodge. The whole area now has the feeling of a national park. A woman walks by, one I
recognize from the first room.

"Hilda?" I ask Da'caug if that's her name.

"No, Ada," he replies. "She doesn't have a ____."

I don't catch the word but it seems like "soul," though I know that's not it. Da'caug seems
genuinely perplexed, like he can't figure out what she is. I get the impression that she is
more solid and doesn't have the same kind of spiritual emanations that the other people in
the scene do. I look at them, concentrating, trying to see their auras myself, but all I see is
a shimmer as their forms temporarily dissolve and then refocus into sharp outline.

"Auras," I say, "How can you tell?"

"There used to be a brochure," says Da'caug, looking around for one. Am I supposed to
buy it? No, Da'caug is going to give it to me, but is unable to locate one. Instead, he starts
telling me how to see auras. His words resolve into a couple of lines of print in a book. I
get the impression that "seeing" auras is equivalent to seeing an additional layer of
information overlaid on the printed words.

(NOTE: Phobos, who in mythology was an attendant of Ares, is actually the larger of the
two moons of Mars. Its root is "-phobe" which is Latin for "fear." But after the initial
trepidation, I certainly experienced none of that! Actually, the scenario was the antithesis
of fear, perhaps where the "other side" of our fearful selves dwell.

I had been incubating to "go home;" to find Willie so she would take me "half-way" to
god, as in the breakthrough dream. In a later dream of the night, I became lucid in a
room, paused to gather my energies, and called out "Where are you Willie?" But the
effort cost me the dream.)

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and lucid dream related articles and interviews. To subscribe to The Lucid
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Dream: New England Armadillos
A Lucid Dreams
Stan Kulikowski II


DATE : 11 dec 2005 10:10
DREAM : new england armadillos, a lucid dream

=( yesterday was saturday. i spent most of the day grading the student web sites in my
web design course as the semester is just ending, my last final exam given on friday.
during the evening i took a break to watch some blockbuster videos with mother as we
usually do on saturday, then i finished evaluating web sites around 01:30 and got to sleep.
i woke around 05:15 without any dreams that i could recall and got up to run my grading
software since i could not get back to sleep. around 06:30 i started to eat some crackers
but i remembered that i had not taken my morning blood sugar measurements, so i took
one then. 212 which is really bad since my morning sugars are usually around 120. i had
eaten a lorna doone cookie and two dried apricots about an hour earlier without thinking
about them, so my blood sugar reading will be messed up today since i am out of the
usual eating pattern. i went back to bed at 06:45 and feel asleep rather quickly, trying to
remember not eat anything until at least 10:30. )=

at the base of the hill, just before the amherst town commons begins with the downtown
buildings, i can see the old greenhouse where i store some of my things. this space was
given to me by the landlord of my apartment which is at the top of the hill. i am just
going down to the greenhouse to check on the few crates and boxes that i have in there.

the greenhouse has a waist-high foundation made local stones mortared together then the
walls and roof of glass panels that have been whitewashed on the inside. it is always a
little warmer inside, but since this structure has been abandoned for its agricultural utility,
it has that dusty, arid atmosphere of a neglected storage area. over on the right side just
as i enter, i find a large antique chest which has some of my things in it.

the flat square lid of the chest creaks as i open it. inside i find several shoe boxes with
small things in them. mostly this chest contains the yellow white skulls of various
animals that i have collected over the years. the smaller ones which are more fragile have
their own smaller containers, usually made of clear plastic or thick cellophane. i move
several of the shoeboxes around to see the larger skulls underneath them. everything
seems to be here just as i left them. but as i go to replace the last shoebox, its side tears
open and most of its contents showers into the bottom of the chest.
damn, now i need to find a new shoebox and empty the entire chest to retrieve all of this.

i carefully close the flat lid of the chest and look further down the rows of benches where
i have some gardening tools stored. i am thinking that i will leave and go back to my
apartment on the hill when several young men come in. they are not carrying anything
with them, so i am wondering what they are doing here since they are obviously not any
of my neighbors. i worry that they may be here to steal something since i left the padlock
off the door when i came in.

i watch them go down the rows of boxes and crates in here. i doubt that anyone would
want to steal my skulls or old garden tools but there may other things in here of value.
eventually i clear my throat to get their attention. "you boys leave anything in here?"

one of them comes over with a threatening look on his face. "we know about that
marijuana you grew in here." he says to me.

i am startled, but not worried. i have not grown any pot in here for several years and they
would have no proof since it was harvested long ago. just seeing the potted plants, they
could not be sure that i was the planter, but still i do not want cause any trouble that
might get my apartment raided. i do not say anything as the boys file past me one by one
to leave.

after they leave, i replace the padlock on the outer door. i suppose i should tell the
landlord about their intrusion in here in case there is some trouble later. i start walking
up the hill toward home.

i just cross the road and walk a little way when i come to small shop that has a short strip
of grass then a small flower bed around the walls of its building. on the border of its
flower bed i see a strange creature. it is a little larger than a rat but very thin like an
african chameleon and covered with a blotchy red skin, no hair or scales at all. it moves
very slowly with deliberate motions like a sloth. its mouth and jaws look like pinchers,
having no teeth inside when it opens them to lick some ants off the flower stems. i think
that i have never seen an armadillo in new england.

some of the flowers move and i see another of its kind stick its head out between the
blossoms. soon i count five more of them hidden in various places along the garden. i
wonder if they have congregated to breed or if they normally keep in groups.

leaving these curious creatures to feeding on their insects, i start on the sidewalk up the
steep part of the hill. i have to exert some effort to make it up the grade, but i am
accustomed to this walk. i catch up with a young woman who is going slower.

"i think we are dreaming this." she says to me. "look up at the sky."

i look up at the sky at the top of the hill. it is mostly cloudy but a see a bright spot behind
a cluster of clouds where the sun must be.
then i see a patch of open sky a ways away from there where the bottom of the sun is
poking through. there can not be two suns in the sky, so i realize that this must be a
dream. i am indeed dreaming.

oh boy, i rarely get lucid moments in dreams but i know that i should be able to take
control of the experience with my conscious thinking and do anything i want with it. i
look at the woman and think that i might have wonderful sex with her, but only for a
moment without any intention behind it. no, that would be a waste of such an unusual
opportunity, so i spare her my affections. flying-- i have not flown in a dream for ever so
long and i think that lucid flying ought to be less effort than my usual which is often
panic driven.

so i turn around and think that i would like to fly straight up from here to cavort below
those clouds. i see the horizon behind me is filled with a large full moon, indeed so large
it takes up almost half the sky. further confirmation that this is a dream.

but nothing happens. i think happy thoughts like peter pan says we need to fly, but i stay
on the ground. i squeeze my arms next to body and concentrate harder. i am doing
something wrong. it should not take so much effort to get airborne. usually when i
dream of flying it is more like swimming through a thick viscous air, but lucidity ought to
allow me carefree flight like people who born under air signs report. thinking real hard i
feel a tingle shower over me, much as i would think tinkerbell fairy dust must feel, and
finally i feel my toes just lift off the ground about two centimeters. that is all the lift i can
get by just willing it so, but it is enough for me to realize the effect. i just hover there for
a few seconds. hardly cavorting in the clouds but it is flying of a sort i guess.

then i think that i wake up. i can see the clock beside the bed but can not read the large
red LED numbers on it. i reach over to fire up the bedside computer as i definitely want
to get this dream into the computer files while it is fresh in my mind. it usually takes that
laptop seven or eight minutes to get itself ready for input so i wait.

then i am walking up the sidewalk of the hill again. this time i am pushing a wheel
barrow and accompanied by karen rehle and her husband. we are going to the
greenhouse at the top of hill to plant some seedlings for them. in the wheel barrow is
about a half bushel of manure that we plan to use as fertilizer. i assure them it is rabbit
droppings which i got from a friend.

when we get to the greenhouse, there are several older women inside tending to their
plants. we go over to an empty bench on the side near the glass wall where i have a
collection of empty terra cotta pots and potting soil. i slop some liquid run off from the
manure as i wheel over a rough board on the floor. the liquid looks like it has green algae
leaves in it.

=( awake at 10:10. the other awakening in the dream was false, just part of the dream
before my sleeping lost that brief experience of lucidity. i do not understand if the false
wake up was shallower since i saw my bedroom maybe glimpsed it or deepening, a
transition state of my mind returning to its experiencing only condition. i suppose that
the terms 'deeper' and 'shallower' are somewhat arbitrary usage. the dream seems to have
a symmetry to it, greenhouses at both start and finish, the early one at the bottom of the
hill just used for idle storage and the late one at the top of the hill functioning for plant
growth. i lived for fourteen years in or near amherst massachusetts, but i never lived in
an apartment near the town commons, nor was it at the bottom of a steep hill. it is at the
top of a more gentle incline. i suppose there may be some significance to these ups and
downs in this dream. i do have a collection of animal skulls which i keep in various
places around the house, but in that large flattop chest i store a collection of board games.
i have rarely seen a couple of live armadillos here in pensacola, usually they are seen
only as roadkill, but they are larger sturdy creatures than these small fragile animals in
this dream. karen rehle was a girl in my high school who i hardly knew at all. i know
nothing of her husband and she was not at my high school reunion which i went to in
september. my thoughts about dream flying and the horoscope signs which people are
born under are well established in my thinking but they were not editorial opinions of
made just when i wrote this. i actually thought them while i was
dreaming. it is interesting to me that i was able to fly even a little without the swimming
efforts i usually make, but it seems somewhat disappointing that lucidity did not allow for
more exaggerated expression or control. perhaps i am just not any good at lucid
dreaming or maybe inexperienced. it seems a waste of such an opportunity not to know
what to do with total control when i have it so seldom and so briefly. i suspect that better
dreamers than me can do it better, establish a plan for world peace or solve some intricate
problems of quantum mechanics. i could have looked for a predictive distribution of
prime numbers to prove the reimann hypothesis, but instead i just settle for two
centimeters of nonswimming flight. well, feeling the fairy dust sprinkle over me was at
least pleasant and perhaps i needed that uplift. )=



Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace
January 2006
Olivia Strand

Olivia Strand

A busy month for the Peace Workers on the Bridge! The View takes a look at the Peace
Festival in Norfolk, Virginia, running for three weeks and thus almost up to Christmas.
Jody’s son David returned from Iraq, and Ilkin’s son found that his compulsory military
service takes him to a town in southern Turkey that seems just a bit too close to the
Syrian and Iraqi borders for comfort.

New People on the Bridge

We were joined this month by some new people and would like to welcome Lana Nasser
from Jordan, now living in Berkeley, California, and Denise Rodgers from Texas.

Lana is working on obtaining grant funding for a project entitled 'Dance around the world
barefoot for peace', which she hopes to take to young people, working with goddess
myths and dance performance. If all goes well, Lana hopes to produce a documentary
about the project, as well as a multi media performance. If you would like to know more,
please contact Lana at

Denise: “My intention for becoming a member of Peace Bridge is to connect with others
who use both night dreams and day-time dreams to build bridges to humanity. The
"bridge" metaphor is what attracted my attention because I have often referred to myself
as one who helps to bridge the spiritual world with the scientific world.

“In November, I began hosting an Internet radio show entitled "Beyond Your Dreams:
Exploring Myth, Meaning, & Metaphor in Night-Dreams and Day-Visions". I decided to
do the show (on my nickel) so I could make a forum available for others who are doing
good work in the field of dreams and visions, & consciousness. A place where people
can actually hear from the old pioneers, like Barasch, Taylor, Van de Castle, Ullman. A
forum to hear about "Dreams to the Tenth Power" and the goals of Peace Bridge, because
people want to hear about these things.”

You can find more about Denise’s work on the IASD Bulletin Board or you can contact her at

Our Sons and Daughters in Iraq

As many of our readers may already know, several of the people on the Peace Bridge
have sons or daughters placed in, or near, Iraq. Jody Grundy’s son – Jody was recently
interviewed in a programme by the CNN, speaking against the Iraq war, and working in
support of war veteran Marine Major Paul Hackett who hopes to run for Senate for the
Democrats in 2006 against Jean Schmidt – Jody’s son David returned from his second
term in Iraq last week. Major David Grundy served as a doctor both terms.

More and more military personnel (in the US) speak out against the war in Iraq, and I
have to say it carries some weight with me when veterans and currently or recently
serving army people do so. Shortly before his return from Iraq Major Grundy wrote an
article, published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, where he spoke in support of “Rep. John
Murtha of Pennsylvania, a retired Marine Colonel who earned a Bronze Star and two
Purple Hearts during the Vietnam War, stood up on the floor of the House to say, from
the heart, that the war in Iraq is a failure and that we should bring our troops home soon.”

To see the whole article (assuming it remains on the website by the time you read this):

Bridge member Jeremy’s daughter and her fiancé were both posted to Iraq at the end of
the summer, and now Ilkin’s son faces many months of military service in Turkey, near
the Syrian and Iraqi borders – and we all feel for them. Suddenly black and white, either
or arguments seem more difficult, as we have to put real names and real faces to the
people our governments send to serve at the front.

Norfolk Peace Film Festival

During the entire month of December several of the Peace Bridge members who live in
the Tidewater area of Virginia (Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Hampton)
have been sharing in the creation of a Peace Festival, with first-run documentary movies,
video/discussion groups, seminars and other activities. The seminars are being presented
at David Gordon's Studio for the Healing Arts.

On Friday, December 9, Bridge member Valley Reed,

who also happens to be one of the
founders of the Crawford Peace House, was at the Festival with her partner and Peace
House co-founder, Hadi Jawad. Their seminar presentation covered the vigil conducted
last summer by Cindy Sheehan in Crawford, and the other exciting events that have
happened there since then. Never missing an opportunity, Valley and Hadi stayed with
Steve Swan while in Tidewater, and Jean stayed there too, a virtual slumber party, joined
by other Peace Bridge members in the dream state. Other members of the Bridge were
invited to congregate there in the dream state.

In a seminar of her own, "Women and Children in War: Dreams of Peace", Jean will
present the World Dreams Peace Bridge Aid for Traumatized Children Project, showing
the PowerPoint presentation created for this years's IASD conference, and sharing the
article on the group's project, "Dreams and the Children of Baghdad," written for the
summer issue of Dream Time.

Halfway through this festival, and to tie in with the Iraq theme above, Jean Campbell
reported being part of a team of two who facilitated a discussion of the films "Caught in
the Crossfire" and "Operation Dreamland" at the Naro Theater, as part of the Peace

“Although there weren't as many members of the military there as I might have hoped,
one interesting thing was that we had four members of the Army Press Corps (public
relations people), one of whom was in charge of embedding the seven hundred members
of the American press who covered the story of the bombing of Fallujah. Well, of
course, that made for a pretty interesting discussion.

“One good thing was that a number of the members of the Tidewater Peace Alliance
attended the films, and the military spokespeople met with a far more educated and
articulate audience than they thought they might encounter. For example, one man, a
Vietnam vet, spoke about his experience in the military, and then challenged the idea of
"I'm just following orders." He ended up asking the military people, given Bush's
response to terrorism, that if Bush were to ask them to take him (the speaker) out as a
terrorist, would they "just follow orders?" "You wouldn't come after ME would you?" he
asked. (Nervous titters from the audience.)”

DaFuMu in November

Our dreams this month sparked some interesting conversation, touching on what lies at
the core of the work of the World Dreams Peace Bridge – the potential for change that
lies in our dreams, and in reality creation.

But how can I do justice to the wonderful discussions that take place on the Bridge?

“I don't know if recall is all that important. I tend to side with Robert Moss, its about
being CONSCIOUS in a dream, and what one brings back is the message.” Ron

“Just watch people for a few days -- you'll notice they are constantly jockeying for "rank"
through words and actions designed to position themselves vis a vis everyone else they
come in contact with. I think this forms one of the basic unspoken structures of human
interaction, and should be recognized so we can figure out ways to work around this
tendency.” Gina

“I've always felt there was a 'pecking order', even just in social groups -- but never could
put my finger on it or always hear the words -- 'you create your own reality' -- to dismiss
what I see to be true. How does the 'create your own reality' mesh with this pecking order
business?” Liz

“I think we create our realities - up to a point. That's actually one of the things that I
choke on most frequently with all the new age teachings, 'well-meaning' people telling
me to think positive and create my own reality. We simply cannot create our realities
independent of those around us…” Olivia

“…and again I find refer to an ecology – where it seems to me we CO create – the rest of
it is real, is Not us – AND – we, by our choices & actions, how we hold it – have almost
infinite effect. Isn’t it in how we 'take' our reality that we create it? Not the arrogant
stance that we make it all – what we make is our part of the dance with it...” Anna

“I so resonate with the concept of co-creation that has both energies in it: it holds space
for our individual choices and our ongoing life learnings and also holds sacred space for
the communal and world energies that move in us and through us constantly…” Rita

“Ron, I love the idea of Peace T.V. I've gotten more involved with media again than I
ever expected to do. Anne and others are looking into the contract of the local cable
station to see if independent programming is still possible.” Jean

“I will dream the existence of a peace channel with you, Ron, to be created in your
lifetime.” Rita

“I hope so. I just found out there is a military channel. And of course Eric and I just
recently got our new gay channel LOGO. So if we can have a gay channel, a military
channel, gosh darn we ought to be able to have a Peace Channel.” Ron

“Or, to paraphrase St Francis of Assisi: Make me a channel of thy peace.” Olivia

Sound like fun? Come and join us on the Bridge!

And we shall see, what dreams may come.


Nice Girls Don't Go Naked in their Dreams (or Do They?)
by Dave Lappin


My wife, Brenda and I were at some friends house one night to play some dominoes. At
one point during the evening, we started talking about dreams and particularly, being
naked in dreams. I mentioned a recent dream where I had been naked and very openly so.
Brenda mentioned that she had rarely if ever had a dream being naked.

Growing up, she was raised in a fairly strict family and was not able to express herself
like she would have preferred. She once got in trouble at a young age for saying “Golly”,
as her mother thought that was out of line and just one step away from profanity. Later in
her first marriage, she was afraid to speak her mind without feeling the wrath of her
husband. So she grew up not being able to express herself openly. So, from the soul’s
perspective, it made sense that she hadn’t had any dreams of being naked.

It seems that I have had my share of dreams being naked. No, this doesn’t mean that I
secretly wish to join a nudist colony. I grew up in a fairly open-minded family. My father
was known to say just about anything, not to provoke, but rather to just sometimes get a
rise out of someone. We used to call him a champion “Bullshipper.” I think that some of
my dad rubbed off on me.

Growing up, one of the neighborhood ladies use to say I was “such a nice boy.” My
oldest sister and I would laugh about that as we grew up. When we’re “nice” we don’t
say anything to offend anyone or speak our mind, in general. Or do we? Society asks that
we don’t “rock the boat,” but sometimes it sure is fun to do it anyway.

From the soul’s perspective, being naked in a dream represents being open and honest,
particularly in regard to how openly you have communicated (revealed yourself) to
others. I can remember the many times that I have revealed a part of myself to others in
my waking life, only to be naked in my dream the following night. Coincidence? No.
Actually it serves as a perfect metaphor with how openly we share ourselves with others.

I was giving a talk once to a service club. At the end of the talk, one gentleman in the
back yelled out, “You know, my wife always dreams about being naked in church!”
Well, that dream spoke volumes to me. Since being naked represents being open and
honest, I knew exactly the meaning of her dream. A building in a dream represents a state
of mind we reside in from day to day. A church represents living in a state of mind
representing spirituality. So, I told that his wife is open and honest about her spirituality.
The man replied, “Yeah, she talks about that stuff all the time.” Interestingly, a few
months later I was giving another talk on dreams to another service organization. The
same man was there and again mentioned that his wife dreams about being naked in
church. I told him it means the same thing as it did a few months ago!

How open and honest are you in your waking life? It is liberating being able to speak
your mind. You may find yourself, like my wife did, in situtations where is was difficult
to express herself openly. Once you take the steps to say what you are really about the
inner world takes notice. If you are tentative about revealing yourself to others in your
waking life, then you will most likely have a dream where you are uncomfortable about
being naked.

One night I dreamed about being naked while walking down a sidewalk. I then saw a car
coming in my direction and I openly “flashed” the people in the car. I just let it all hang
out in my dream state. This meant that I was being the same way in my waking state. The
day before I had gone on a job interview and I communicated very openly about who I
was and some of the metaphysical beliefs I held. While I did not get the job (and glad that
I didn’t) I open about who I was. I guess I was a little shocked at how I acted in the
dream, as it certainly was an extreme for me, as naked dreams go. I’ve had plenty of
naked dreams, but nothing like this.

It is easy for us to view our dreams on purely a physical level. While there is a
connection from our dreams to our physical life, the real meaning is gained from from
understanding them on a spiritual level. The spiritual is who and what we really are. You
will find that you will not die if you openly reveal to others things about yourself not
revealed before. Try just openly revealing something about yourself that you normally
wouldn’t. You might mention to a friend that you lack confidence in an area of your life,
for example. Part of life is learning to transcend our fears. By communicating to your
friend that you lack confidence, they just might be able to help you overcome this lack of
confidence and help you move on with your life.

By the way, my wife has started to have naked dreams. As she has begun to be more open
in who she is with others, it is no wonder. She even had an intimate encounter in one
dream, but that is for another article.


Dave Lappin He has been interpreting and teaching about dreams for over 15 years. He
has appeared on radio and TV across the Midwest. As well, he has given talks to a wide
variety of groups across the Midwest regarding dreams and other metaphysical topics.
Dave is also a Reiki Master, artist, and writer. You can visit Dave’s website at:
or by e-mail at:




The Dream Section Editor is on vacation this month. In place of the Dreams Section, I'm
including part 1 of a collection of computer dreams from "Gem".

I was communicating with someone about catalyst. I saw communicating because I don't
know if it was by phone or email or on catalyst. I said that I had decided to at least come
in and establish my presence in dissertation proposal writing. There was some
conversation about my continued confusion about not being able to be in dissertation
seminar this semester when I was in it last semester, and having to go back into
dissertation proposal writing instead. (79 words)

Bill C and I were working on some marketing materials. We were playing with different
color combinations and such for the website, color backgrounds on postcards and color
text. Could we do a white background with a silver font? (39 words)

I was continuing the computer work that I was doing all day. (12 words)

I was working at the computer in an Excel spreadsheet. I was trying to figure out how to
print the spreadsheet and show the row numbers but having the row numbers start with
the actual data and not start by numbering the header row. (44 words)

I was at the University of Encino. I was sitting in a room working at a computer. It was at
a table with a high stool type chair. There wasn't much room. There were rows of table
without much room between them. I was sitting there working at the computer and I
noticed out of the corner of my eye that Bill D was trying to sneak up behind me. I turned
around and saw him. He came around the other side of the table and said, "Hi Sweetie."
We hugged. We chatted very briefly then he turned and walked away to put something in
his office. His office was not very far away. He was wearing navy blue sweat pants and a
striped shirt and tennis shoes. As he came back out, I was stretching and rubbing my eyes
because I had been looking at the computer screen so long. He said something about that.
I said I just forgot to bring my eye drops with me. I said I should probably go try to get
some. He told me where the nearest drug store or something was. He said, "Of course,
they're going to be getting ready for the St. Patrick's Day parade now." Then he was
saying something about the fact that they don't get as many people coming in there as
they used to because they're located in a small strip center. The big strip centers are in
other locations and not as many people come in there as used to. (255 words)

I was sitting at a computer working and Matt was sitting next to me. But he was only 5-6
years old. He was sitting there talking about helping me. He said, "I know how I can help
you. I can help you enter things." He was referring to entering references into my
Endnotes software. I said, "Do you really think you can help me with that? You're kind of
little to do that aren't you?" He said something to the effect that he can help. I turned and
looked at him and said, "Well, here's what I think. I think I'm dreaming right now. And,
in waking life you're alot older and I asked you to help me with this and you started and
you did a good job. But, now, in this dream I don't know. You're kind of little." He said,
"Whooaaa!" (144 words)

I was on a business trip with Bill C. We were in a hotel room. Actually I was there and
Bill came in. The room had two double beds. I was going to sleep in one and he was
going to sleep in the other. In this dream it was in my head that this was just the way we
always did it. We were talking about related to business as he was getting ready for bed.
After he was ready for bed he came to my bed and started to climb in. I was lying where
he was trying to get in. He said, "What do you mean what am I doing? You know what
I'm doing." I didn't. I went ahead and moved over and he got into bed with me. He kissed
me. I was thinking that he wasn't a bad kisser and then I thought he could move a little
more but still not bad. At some point Bill became Daniel. Now we were on...I was on a
bus and Daniel got on the bus and at first, even though there was an empty seat next to
me, he took a seat a couple rows back. This was a very short bus. Not a typical bus.
Maybe only 5 or 6 rows of seats. There were 3 seats on one side of the aisle and maybe 2-
3 on the other side of the aisle. I got up and went back and sat next to him. I put my hand
through his arm, at his elbow. We were talking and he was kind of upset about
something, not upset at me. He got up and moved into another seat then. I thought I
would just let him go. This bus had alot of black people on it. In fact, I think Daniel and I
were the only white people on the bus. I turned around a couple of times. I finally asked
one of them if the white guy was asleep. They said yes. We pulled up. I guess he woke up
and got up and came and sat next to me again. We pulled up to this place where we were
getting off. We got off and we were walking together and again I had my hand in his
elbow, holding on at his elbow. [This seems to be one of those dreams that every time I
go back to sleep the dream continues.] It continues to be something about finding the
document or something on the computer. I don't know what computer we're using since
we are on the road traveling. Something continues about or related to him kissing me and
related to the fact that my shoulder was bothering me. (437 words)

The old music group The Monkees wanted to make a comeback. Someone was trying
unsuccessfully to help them. I made some suggestions that fell on deaf ears. The band
members had mixed emotions about the comeback. Micky was the one that wanted it
most. Peter and Mike were easily able to let it go. I don't remember hearing Davey's
feelings about it. Mickey wanted the comeback very badly and was very upset that it
wasn't working out. I got a call from an agent or some such person in California. She
wanted to come meet with them. Someone had suggested that she meet Mickey in
BroadRipple near the train station. I called her and asked if she would be staying in town
and she said that she would be returning to CA on the same day. I then suggested that
they just meet at the airport. It would be easier for everyone and save her time. She said
that was a good idea. She gave me her flight information, airline and flight number, and
told me to have him meet her at baggage claim. After I finished speaking with her I
realized that I did not get her flight number nor did I make arrangements for how they
would find each other. Then I realized that she might know what Mickey looks like from
past TV programs and albums. I called Mickey and shared the good news. I told him he
could get online and look up her flight to see what time it arrives. Since she is leaving the
same day I thought it was odd that she would want to meet at baggage claim. I have the
sense that she was going to have baggage with her but I don't know why she would. In
the next scene I was at the airport and met her. I was sitting and chatting with her and
employees from the airline came up and spoke with her. They obviously knew each other.
I summized that she used to work for the airline. We went to sit in a different place in the
airport, at a small round table. A gentleman came up to bring us something and he knew
this woman also. They were old friends. He was tall, average build, brown hair but
balding, and wore glasses. He had on a white shirt. He worked there, maybe at a
restaurant at the airport. As we sat there we were watching this large crowd of people,
mostly women, yelling and screaming. It turns out they were watching the Monkees
perform. I said to this woman, "See how much they love them?" She nodded her head
yes. I don't know if this was happening live or on TV. The woman's male friend came up
to the table again and as he began to walk away she said, "Oh. I'm sorry. Let me
introduce you to my dear friend Mark." He turned back around and shook my hand. I
noticed he was wearing a wedding ring but had the impression that he was single. I don't
know what gave me that impression. I was thinking what a nice man he was. A little later
the woman and I were sitting and talking with him. He had something written across his
forehead. It was probably five or six lines of text, very clearly readable, and an arrow
with a red stem and blue tip. There was also a birthmark that looked a bit like an x. At
first I thought the text and arrow were there for medical reasons and I felt sad for him that
he had to live with that and how that must get people's attention and cause them to stare
and such. It was impossible not to notice if you look at him but I tried not to look at it
long enough to read what it said. I finally gave in though and read it. When I read it, it
seemed to be there for fun, saying something about beer and I don't know what else. Then
I thought it was just odd. (684 words)

I was trying to find some pictures on the IDA website that I was looking for to download.
I was having trouble finding them. I finally did find them, or at least some of them. But
they were all part of this file that I had to download. In this file there were also a lot of
the graphics that were used to create the website. After I finally found the file and
downloaded it I was going through it trying to delete all of those graphic images that I
didn't want or need so I was left with just the pictures to go through. Maybe I was going
to go through those as well and delete the ones I didn't want. (122 words)

I was at work. Bill C and I were learning and working with some kind of new computer
technology. We were learning the ins and outs of how it works. It was really cool but I
can't explain it. (39 words)

At one point it seems as though I am myself and at another point it seems that I am Carly
from some daytime soap opera. Early in the dream Carly had been kidnapped. Her
boyfriend, Jack, who is a police officer, found her, but didn't tell anyone right away that
he found her. They made love. I don't know why he didn't tell anyone that he found her.
Later in the dream she, or I, am with a young college boy. Some other woman found out
that she/I was kind of seeing this young college guy. He was into computers. That's what
he was studying. I'm in this room with this other woman. There are empty boxes under
this cabinet. One of them is evidence that he is using AOL. The other is evidence of
where I/Carly am. This other woman realized that Jack had found me but didn't tell
anyone. She also knew that this guy wasn't supposed to be using AOL at school so she
wanted to expose both of us. I was trying to get her not to. I'm not sure why. I hid the box
that would let people know that Jack had found me. I kind of stashed in towards the back
of the cabinet behind something else. I did the same thing with the AOL. Now the college
guy is working on a project with some classmates. I see his laptop sitting. We're in a mall
now but he is sitting with all of these six-foot long folding tables. His laptop is sitting on
one of these tables at the front of the room right by the door. There is a big red button on
the front that says AOL. It's maybe 1 by 2 inches long. It identifies that he uses AOL. I
saw it and knew that it had something to do with this woman who wanted to expose him
so I turned it off. I hesitated to interrupt him because he was working with his classmates
but decided to anyway. I went up to his left side and bent down and tapped him. He
leaned back in his chair and I whispered to him what I had just noticed. He wasn't all that
concerned about it. I told him that this woman wanted to expose him but he just wasn't
that concerned. Now I'm going through a large department store in the mall. I'm on the
first floor and I'm walking through a children's clothing department. I go to the escalator.
The two escalators, up and down, are divided by steps. It is a really steep staircase so I
decided to take the escalators. Instead of steps on the escalator it is flat like a people
mover but it goes up. I get on there and I stand to the left. I reached for the rail but there
is a woman who is taking the steps at the same time and she grabs the escalator handrail.
Since this is so steep I know I am going to need to hold on so I grab the right handrail. I
was kind of irritated that this woman who was walking up the steps was in such good
shape that she was keeping up with the escalator. I was upset because I didn't think I was
in good enough shape to do that. I moved over to the right of the escalator so I could hold
on to that handrail. The escalators were much wider than they are in waking life. Still, as
it gets to the top I have to exert a lot of energy and strength to hold on and get to the top. I
almost have to pull myself off. Then you walk a few feet and there is another incline and
handrail and I have to hold on to that handrail as I walk up this other shorter yet steep
incline. I have to pull myself along to get up that one. I finally got up there and I'm
walking around. I think I'm in the ladies clothing department now. The college guy shows
up and is walking with me. We're walking through the various departments and he starts
reading something to me that he found. It's a piece of literature or something that
someone had written. It has lots of adjectives. It's very sensory. It talks about smells and
sights and such. I thought it was very nicely written and I especially liked all the sensory
details. He was kind of making fun of it. I asked him if he had ever really paid attention
to the sensory experiences in his life, the smells, the sights, the sounds. He kind of
laughed. I said I guess that's a difference in our age. I am 20 something years older than
you. I started thinking about that...or maybe I was talking to someone about it. Isn't it
fairly common for very young men to fantasize about being with an older woman and
maybe that's all this was for him. Maybe his desire to be with me was maybe just
fulfilling some fantasy, wanting to experience lovemaking with an older woman, what an
older woman might teach him about romance and intimacy. (870 words)

Someone was helping with my website and we were having a lot of trouble with some of
the pages. (19 words)

I was at the CT office. We had quite a few different websites. We were making some
changes in the copy and such of some hard copy materials and then incorporating those
changes into the websites. (36 words)

I was making some changes to my personal websites. It had something to do with Matt
and his roommates, maybe. Definitely Matt. I was talking to Matt as I was doing it,
telling him that yes it is tedious but if it's kept up, and all the changes are made on all the
appropriate pages that it is certainly worthwhile doing. (61 words)

This dream had something to do with burning a CD for other people. I don't know who
"we" is. I don't know if we were doing this to sell them. There were a couple of different
pieces that were going on the CD. I wanted to make sure that they got burned in the right
order. I also said when people put the CD in their computer to play it they would see the
name of each file for each track. So I wanted to make sure that each track would be
named appropriately so it would make a good impression. There was also something
about dividing up the files or some such. Maybe the whole file didn't need to be burned
on the CD. (125 words)

------------------ END DREAM SECTION ------------------

-------------------- END ISSUE -----------------





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