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Electric Dreams Volume 08 Issue 02

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Published in 
Electric Dreams
 · 4 years ago


E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

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E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

Volume #8 Issue #2

February 2001

ISSN# 1089 4284



Download a Cover for this Issue!

Artist : Fung Lin Hall


++ Editor's Notes

++ Event: Mutual Dream Destination for February 14:
Valentine's Day : : Eiffel Tower, Paris

++ Notes to the Editor/Dream Airing:

++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

++ Column: The Dream Doctor
By Charles McPhee, Ph.D.

++ Column: The DreamSpinner Column
Working Dreams With The Power Of Computers
By Bjo Ashwill

++ Column: Exploring Dreaming through the I Ching
Hilary Barrett, Clarity

++ Article: Cyberwork: The Archetypal Imagination in New
Realms of Ensoulment
by Cliff Bostock

++ Special Notice: Call for Art for the ASD Conference
by Richard Russo

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

* DREAM CALENDAR for January 2000 & February * ASD News

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
This issue includes volume #67 - #87

D E A D L I N E :
January 15, deadline for FEBURARY submissions

February 14, 2001 : Eiffel Tower, Paris

Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>


Editor's Notes


Welcome to the February issue of Electric Dreams, your
portal to dreams and dreaming. If you are new to Electric
Dreams, please see our January 2001 issue for an
introduction and guide to dreaming online.

I wanted to first mention that we are re-structuring the
dream groups sponsored by Electric Dreams. We will still
have the same great in-depth dream exploration, but we are
adding some educational components to some and allowing for
more personal group formation on others. Keep and eye out in
early February for full scoop, we will send out information
along the Electric Dreams channel as well as the DreamGate
"History of Dreams" channel. If you are already a member of
one of these groups, you will hear about the changes from
your group moderators.

I would like to draw your attention to Cliff Bostock's
article, "Cyberwork: The archetypal imagination in new
realms of ensoulment". Just as the Electric Dreams community
has been struggling with the issue of soul in cyberspace
(via dream sharing and dreamwork) so too has Bostock been
pondering both the cyber-wasteland and cyber-utopian dreams.
Bostock challenges and expands James Hillman and Marshall
Mchluhan's notions about image and media with an examination
of the new cyberbody that we are giving form to, and acting
as the midwife. Though not directly writing about dreams,
Bostock's article will expand and deepen your notion of what
we are doing here sharing dreams.

Speaking of man and machine, I have expanded the Computer
Dreams survey to include not just digital dreams, but also
dreams about robots, cyborgs, androids and other beings and
scenarios that look at the human-machine interface. Be sure
to drop off your computer dreams and fill out the survey at:

Bjo Ashwill has been showing us how to use the computer's
power to store, group, analyze and retrieve information from
our dreams. This month she uses her program the DreamSpinner
to analyze over a thousand dreams in search of those with
grins and smiles. As you will see, some interesting
surprises pop up as we move from the grin of devils to
angelic smiles.

Charles McPhee, author of Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams
and the director of the Dream Doctor website returns to
comment on dreams.

Just in time for Valentine's day and a dreamy box of
chocolates, the excerpt from Lucy Gillis's "Lucid Dream
Exchange" focuses on the power of taste in lucid dreaming.
Learn to turn those lucid dreams into a wonderful gustatory
experience, with out getting fat!

Tired of that same old dream bus or train? Hilary Barrett
uses the I Ching on a train dream with interesting results.
Make your next station stop a place for enlightenment with
"Exploring Dreams through the I Ching"

Our news directory, Peggy Coats, from, has
gathered dreaming news from around the world, events,
conferences, seminars..... be sure to read what is both
online and offline has allowed us this month to include the
ASD E-news in place of the usual Global Dreaming News.
If you have news items about dreams and dreaming for Peggy,
send them to her at

Our Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have
been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be
sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and
soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.

If you would like a cover for your Electric Dreams, the
cover is at
Thanks to the artist, Fung Lin Hall
Read more about the process in the Dream Airing section.

Be sure to meet with us WEDNESDAY January 24, 7 PM Pacific
Time for online chat with the famous author and therapist
Robert Bosnak.

More on this below in the Dream Airing section. See you

-Richard Wilkerson


Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events

Want to chat about dreams?

So you have seen it all and done everything there is to do
in dreamwork. For you, Electric Dreams offers the further
reaches of dreamwork. On the outer edge, the community
explores postmodern dreamwork, transhumanist dreamwork,
mutual dreaming, lucid dreaming and psi dreaming. Imagine
dreamwork at trans-warp drive speeds. Open a sub-space
portal and teledream though. A good place to start here is
with the list. Stop by for more


About the Cover Artist: Fung Lin Hall

About Eggplant project:
This project got started quite by chance in Prague with my
meeting of mutant eggplant at Havelska market and the
Russian exile Ivan who was gifted with computer

The Mutant Eggplant and all the photos are real, including
the toilet paper from the Prague Castle.
(No help from photoshop).
The "Eccentric Visions" is an imaginary hypersyllabus of
parallel universe, pairing our heroes, and my attempt at
poking fun at gender politics.
G theory is my spoof on C theory. These are my chinese
peasant feet, good for planting rice.
The photos of the tower are from Karlstejn and the last
photo is the ossuary from Kutna Hora.
A shrine of bones and skulls built slowly by two monks after
the Plague.

Post.M.E. is about looking...reflections through art, film
images, culture and society.
Saguaro Follies, an interactive project based on archetypes*
was the first project Koji Tada and I worked together.

Koji has helped with Silent Stars by Andy Warhol (he did the
flash work)

Three Easy Pieces and Good Luck Bullshit Calligraphy.
Strangefruit is an email collaborative project with Andrew
Pothecary, installed right after Saguaro Follies.
In case you are curious, I was born in Tokyo of Chinese
parentage. I studied Art History at U of Hawaii, trained
myself visually in Printmaking and had Art Exhibits in
Miami, and Honolulu. I now reside in Phoenix, Arizona, which
explains my shift to Saguaro (cactus).

Fung Lin Hall


The Association for the Study of Dreams


On January 24, 2001, 7 PM Pacific Time, our Dream Time Live
guest will be Robert Bosnak, author of the Tracks in the
Wilderness of Dreams, Little Book of Dreams, and Dreaming
with an AIDS patient.

Future Guests will include, former ASD President and Editor-
in-Chief of the Journal, Dreaming, Deirdre Barrett.

WEDNESDAY January 24, 7 PM Pacific Time
03:00:00 Thursday January 25 2001 in GMT

What time is that for me?

That will be GMT or Universal Time = 03:00:00 Thursday Jan
25 2001 in GMT
19:00:00 Wed JAN 24, 2001 in California is
03:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in GMT or Universal Time

04:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in Europe/Oslo
04:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in Europe/Amsterdam
00:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in America/Buenos_Aires
05:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in Africa/Johannesburg
11:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in Asia/Hong_Kong
14:00:00 Thu JAN 25, 2001 in Australia/Melbourne

Be sure to stop by the CyberDreamWork Web site before the
show to learn about the program and how you can participate:



This chat will take place in the Dreaming_and_Chatting chat
You can connect from the Web or IRC

Instructions: Simply point your Web browser to this page,
sign in and you will be connected. To enter questions or
comments, type in the small long box below the chat room
screen and use your enter or return key to send
the text you have typed.

AOL: if you are having difficulties connecting via the AOL
browser, make sure you have downloaded and installed the
latest AOL6.0

If you are using AOL 6 and still experiencing difficulties,

Select the security tab and change the level to Medium-Low.
This should enable the JAVA to work with your browser.


Mutual Dream Destination, February 14, 2001
Eiffel Tower, Paris


What a better place to meet for Valentine's Day than under
the Eiffel Tower in Paris? Be sure to put the intention in
your mind that night and then send in your dreams about what
happened to the rest of the group (see below).

Story: When I used to see picture of the Eiffel Tower and
imagine what it looked like, I always had a vision of it as
very lacy and delicate. But when I actually saw it and
climbed on it, I had more the feeling that I was in
something made by Jules Verne. This was the architecture of
the Nautilus, with curving 19th Century ironworks and
pulleys and cogs. There was something organic about all this
inorganic material, something that might rise up from
Neptune's factory.

See you there!

Can this really happen? What about different time zones?
OK, don't get overload by consensus reality. First, yes,
people often have dreams where upon awakening they find out
that someone else had the dream too. We just boost this
process by lending a conscious intention to the game. It
doesn't really matter if you dream of Florida tonight after
reading this, or on the specific date set out. We don't put
that kind of linear time requirement on this game. We are
not trying to determine if we "really had the same dream" or
"really were there together". Let's just say that to some
degree, imaginal, psychic, cosmic, or comic, if we dream
about similar things, we do share those images and in a
sense, we were both there.

You can share them on Dreamchatters or Dreamshare, two discussion lists, or you can send to Judith
<> and indicate whether you are
comfortable posting them to the Dreamshare conference.

About Mutual Dreaming: See Linda Magallon's Mutual Dreaming

Where would *you* like to meet in the future?
Contact Judith
E-mail :


An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-

By Lucy Gillis

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, who can help
but think of love, romance, and of course, chocolate! As
most of us know, chocolate is wonderful in waking life - can
you imagine what it would taste like in a lucid dream, with
senses heightened? This month's excerpt includes two
delicious examples of experiencing the sensation of taste in
lucid dreams.




Chocolatey Lucid Dreams

September 29, 2000

I was in a crowd watching bicycles go by, and there was one
bicycle that was for 5 people; all the crowd was amazed.
After the cyclists went by I was walking home and there was
a chocolate truck that was leaking out the sides, all over
the place, forming big puddles of melted chocolate. I became
lucid and flew up in the air. Just then I remembered another
benefit of lucid dreaming, which is indulging in foods that
one normally shouldn't eat too much of. There were POOLS of
rich, deep, dark, velvety chocolate, and I let myself sink
into it. It was so smooth, and it tasted like liquid heaven
- much more intense than RL. I thought about diving into the
chocolate, but even though I knew breathing wouldn't be a
problem, I decided just to enjoy the taste. It was far
better than anything I've ever tasted while awake.


October 6, 2000

I dreamed that I was in a little room or kitchen, stirring
[or *folding*, actually, for you gastronomes] a very large
bowl of chocolate mousse. It was light (both color and
texture) and fluffy, something like thick whipped cream. I
decided that there wasn't enough of the mousse, and that it
wasn't dark and chocolatey enough for my taste, so I added
another ingredient which resembled corn syrup but was dark
chocolate. The mousse grew to a much larger size in the bowl
- so big in fact, that it was going over the edges of the
large container! I was using a big flat utensil to stir it,
and kept trying to flip the oozing chocolate concoction back
into the bowl. [The texture was very interesting - somewhat
firm and flexible, but also still "moussey" and almost
browny-like.] Finally I got it all to stay in the bowl, and
brought it out to another room where Adastra was lying back
on a couch or bed. There were large stacks of large, thin
chocolate chip cookies sitting around him, an! d he was
munching on one when I came out. The stacks of cookies
looked sort of like tall piles of tortillas. I sat cross-
legged behind where A's head was, and took one of the
cookies and tasted it. I felt guilty about eating it,
especially because there were so many piles of the cookies.
I remembered that I was only dreaming though, and felt very
happy that I could enjoy as much as I liked. [Not sure if I
was lucid before that time] I said, "Ha! wait for this!" and
took the bowl of chocolate and dipped my hand in, scooping
out a big, fluffy amount. I slapped it onto the cookie and
put another one on top to make a sandwich. I took a bite and
it was the most rich and wonderful taste I could imagine.
The chocolate filling ooozed out the edges, and I licked it
off my fingers. mmmmmmmm


The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly issue featuring
lucid dreams and lucid dream related articles, poetry, and
book reviews submitted by readers. For further information
contact Lucy Gillis at



The Dream Doctor

Charles McPhee, Ph.D.


"Snapping Turtles"

Dear Dream Doctor

Hi! My name is Kelly. I live in Louisiana. I keep having
dreams about turtles.

In my first dream a snapping turtle was attacking my friend
so I went to help. Then it started attacking me. It felt so
real that when I woke up, I ran to the bathroom, put on the
light, and started checking my body for blood and missing

My second dream was last night. I was coming home from work,
and a woman was stopped on the road trying to get a turtle.
Well, I stopped to help her. I had a bullion sack in the
back of my truck, and I found a stick and pushed the turtle
in the sack. When I went to pick up the sack, the turtle
busted out and grabbed me on the arm around the wrist area.
It bit down until my wrist was bit in half.

About my background: Yes, I am involved in a relationship.
My lover is not from Louisiana, she is from Illinois. She
moved here to be with me, so she has been homesick lately.
She's been on edge, but we both have been. I am 37 years
old, my lover is 25, and yes, we are thinking of having a
family. She would be the one to carry the baby, not me. Her
sister just had a baby May 1st.
What do you think?

Kelly, Age 37, Single, Female, LA, USA

Hi Kelly

We know you were happy to wake up from both of these dreams!

Now that you are awake though, the question still remains.
What in the world does this snapping turtle symbolize? Not
only are the turtle dreams recurring, suggesting an
important message that needs to "get through," one dream was
so vivid that you actually ran to the bathroom to see if you
were bleeding.

When you first sent in your dream, I answered back asking if
you were involved in any relationships at present, where you
feared you might get hurt (the "snapping turtle.") I also
asked if babies were on your mind, because as many women
who've been pregnant before will confirm, turtles in dreams
are common during pregnancies!

It's a bizarre combination, isn't it? Turtles and babies?
And yet, when women become pregnant, lizards, turtles, frogs
and a host of other small, reptilian creatures often begin
appearing in dreams. As pregnancies progress, the dream
creatures expand in size. Soon women dream of birthing cats,
baby dogs and other household pets! Typically it is only
after delivering a genuine, healthy baby boy or girl that a
woman is reassured that there really was a baby in there all
along. (How do we know this to be true? Animal dreams are
much less common in subsequent pregnancies!)

Given the background you provide, the snapping turtle in
your dream almost certainly represents the current
relationship you are in, blended with your desires to begin
a family. The woman whom you stop on the road to help put a
turtle in a bag is your lover. You two have already
discussed children to the extent where you have agreed that
she will carry the baby. Do we now understand the metaphor
of putting a "turtle in the bag?" You're trying to get a
baby in your lover's belly!
But alas! The baby issue is complicated. Your partner is
homesick, which suggests indecisiveness in her commitment.
The setting for the second dream, in fact, is a highway, an
apparent reference to your partner's expressed desire to
move home. Given the circumstances, is it any wonder you
fear becoming hurt in this relationship right now? You are
ready to settle down and watch the young ones grow. But your
partner thinks she may move back to Chicago.

Ouch! Do you remember how much it hurt when you were bit?
These are warning dreams, Kelly! It appears you already
know, inside, that these are not the best circumstances in
which to raise a family. Given the uncertainties, I think
you would be wise to take your dream's advice and wait to
find a more "settled" home to raise your turtles.

Kelly replies:

Yes, at times I am afraid of getting hurt. Because I know if
she keeps getting homesick really bad, I will call it over.


The DreamSpinner Column
Working Dreams With The Power Of Computers

7th Column: Finding Big Differences with Subtle Shifts of
By Bjo Ashwill


Hi, Electric Dreamers. I am Bjo Ashwill and am writing a
monthly column on my experiences of creating a computer
software program that does very detailed analysis of dream
narratives. You are welcome to visit my web site and check
out DreamSpinner, the software program I will be describing. The site was recently revised
and is full of exciting interactive things you can do. Check
us out!

In this column I shall describe, over time, how to use the
computer's power to store, group, analyze and retrieve
information from our dreams. DreamSpinner's greatest power
is working with long "over time" dream series, although it
can work with individual dreams as well. How do metaphor
patterns change over time? That is the question that began
my journey toward creating DreamSpinner.

This month I decided to see what I could learn from a very
subtle difference. To get different patterns from things
that are very dissimilar would make sense. But what about
closely related items. For no particular reason, I decided
to run a word frequency count on the single words "smile"
and "grin". They are not only single words as opposed to
groups of words in a category, but they are both in the same
category of "Non Verbal Expressive Communication" sub
category "Facial" With so much in common, how then can they
give any different kinds of patterns or insights.

Well, for starters I think I found more clues on finding the
"Trickster" archetype in my dreams, some clear messages
about my Sexuality and the wonderful beauty of spirituality.

Let's look at the numbers. They will give a general sense or
trend. Then we'll dig into the dreams. Out of 1180 linked
dreams, only 120 of them had the word "smile" in them. Only
16 had the word "grin " in them. A pretty big difference in
my usage of these two words. They seem then not to be
interchangeable. Then I realized that some "smile" dreams
also had "grins" in them and visa versa. So I created four
dream sets to examine. The All Smile and Some Grins set. The
All Grins and some smiles set. The Grin only set and the
Smile only set. I did a word frequency count for those four
dream sets with the following results.

Smilegrin GrinSmile SmileOnly grinonly
120 dreams 16 dreams 112 dreams 8 dreams
Urination .122 1.66 -0.041 -1.369
Brother .031 1.616 -0.067 1.418
estblshmnt .478 1.077 .438 .478
conduits .178 .891 .124 .891
potentiala5.801 -1.491 .801 -1.491
gun parts .719 -1.115 .719 -1.115
fix things .655 -1.349 .655 -1.349
addictions .595 0.595 .595 -.976
Red .03 .58 -0.055 .721
positive .239 .579 .216 1.177
Spiritual .031 .559 0.00 .621
work .499 .077 .56 .077
F2 others-
to dreamer .308 .471 .287 .203
dogs .471 -1.000 .511 -1.000
gruities .426 .426 .426 .426
guns .421 -1.793 .421 -1.793
Failure .023 .261 .023 .363
Stranger .111 .258 0.089 .258
positive .239 .579 .216 1.177
F2 dreamer-
to others .229 .118 .229 .072
stranger 0 .206 0.023 .154
general .032 .206 .032 .151
Aunt .205 -0.795 .229 -0.795
Monsters .205 .776 .107 -0.795
Sexuality .035 .164 .035 .193

Just what the heck do all those numbers have to do with a
"trickster" archetype you may well grumble.

Let me explain. The numbers you see are called HP factor
numbers in statistics, a type of study I usually avoid. It
takes the raw numbers of frequencies and converts them into
a percentage. I am measuring the base norming set of "All
Linked dreams" with the sub dream set. If they measure the
same percentage of hits, then the answer is 0. Hence, no
statistical difference. Any number represented here in the
chart that is over .100 has some statistical relevance. That
is because the HP factor takes into consideration the fact
that percentages when at the outer edges of the scale have
more significance than the percentages in the middle.
Therefore, we can use these numbers as a simple way of
seeing if there is some differences in patterns within sub
dream sets.

As it happens, the "Grin Only" and the "Grin & Smile" dream
sets were each 8 dreams long. Making them a viable size to
examine within this space.

The first thing I discovered is that I had some high HP
numbers in the Grin Only dream set on interesting things
like the color "Red", "Spirituality", "Sexuality". These
seem to me to be traits of a trickster. Further,
"Female/Stranger and Female General were raised as well.
Supposedly in the Jung Archetype literature the Shadow
figure is often the same sex as the dreamer. All of them
were higher in the "Grin Only" dream set. I surmised that
the Trickster is being shown to me in dreams where a "grin"
occurred, but no body was "smiling".

I also noticed that there was higher incidences of "Service
Work", "Guns" "Potential Aggression Level Five (Theft) and
"Dogs" in the "Smile Only" dream sets. "Smile Only" dreams
tell different stories and point out different lessons than
"Grin Only" dreams. Those dreams that have both smiles and
grins blend the two and change the shape of the metaphor. I
will focus on the Grin metaphor in this column as it is a
smaller set and easier to encapsulate.

After examining the dream set numbers and reading the dreams
below to confirm, I realized that "smile" is a friendly
(generally) facial communication . I actually have 5
different types of smiles defined in DreamSpinner, like weak
and sad, or genuine friendly, or sarcastic. Grin didn't
break down into different types. Grins had special
Further they usually happened around some interesting shift
of scene or mood. Some excerpt examples from the Grin Only
Dream Set.:

"...and know it would be wiser if I went over to the other
deli to comparison shop. But I am tired and decide to just
go with what's here. I feel bad about not checking it out.
He says how much were you going to spend? I say maybe 200
dollars. He grins and says no problem I can do that. Maybe
it will be 250 dollars. I know this is costing me more, but
I don't check it out. I then go out into the hall, trying to
find an elevator to get over to the next building without
having to take the long way around. I can't find it. I stop
into an office where a man and a woman are necking and
flirting. I interrupt them and ask. They don't know where it
is either. I am frustrated because this will make me even
more tired."

In this example, the trickster slows me down long enough for
me to encounter a flirting couple. Perhaps a suggestion of
how I might better spend my time?

In another example:

:... D comes up to me with a silly grin on his face and I
say what's with the Kirk Douglas grin? Then I look over next
to him on his right and see the real Kirk Douglas. D. had
met him in the grocery store and brought him home to meet
us. Kirk is interested in me and is flirting..."

Again the grinning person is a person bigger than life and
points me in the direction of love and fun.

Next example:
"...Now Paul Newman is going up to bat. I stand directly
behind him so close our bodies are touching and I copy all
his moves. "I'm playing baseball too" I say. He grins at me.
Later, he's seated in the stands and I cuddle and I kiss
with him..."

Well well. Do we have an interesting pattern going here?

Yet another example:
".... I must not give in. A young girl walks toward us
innocently. I yell at her "Run, run and get father" If only
I can resist until Father comes to save me. The man grins
and waits for me..."

More examples:
".... I see a small 4 month old baby. I go over and pick it
up and cuddle
it. An 8 year old girl sees me and says I don't mind if
she's going to be with my daddy, but she doesn't have to
pick up the baby without permission! I didn't hear her and I
go to the man and say look at this cute baby. The man grins
because its his baby. I say you can hold it. I hope it isn't
afraid of you. I'll finish typing the letter and you hold
the baby. He agrees. As I'm typing, or trying to, the girl
comes up to her daddy and says "It's OK. I like her." He
shushes her, embarrassed and I did hear this time and now
realize what's going on. He suggests we finish at his

And now for something a little different:
"...I get into a car. J S is driving. We are unsure where
the fair is but
think it's to the right. J. suddenly grins and starts
driving backwards up hill. I say oh, did you figure out
where the fair is? The scene changes. We are in an outdoor
scene but it is all enclosed in a sky-scraper kind of
building. There is an ocean and I watch as the water is
being sucked way, way out to sea. Now, there's trouble,
because that means we're about to
experience a tidal wave..."

And here is a completely different example:

"...I plug a yellow round wire end into a tiny yellow hole,
and the same with a black one and then I hesitate with the
pink one and R says, yes, that's right, you've got it. I
grin and say, I only watched it being done before. It's hard
to remember how to do things unless you do them yourself. He

Are the Grins in the Grin and Smile dream set the same or
different?? Let's look.

".... A woman stands right in front of me and opens her
dress completely like it was a robe. I stare at her naked
fat body and then turn my eyes away. I am repulsed by her
fatness. She is grinning at me. Then she has underwear on.
She closes her dress and is inspecting all the things in the
house. Some General is around and wants to know. I show her
D's room. ..D smiles, not concerned."

".... I say to D , it looks like I'd better always wear a
dress under this thing, after all, my boyfriend is disabled,
but he's not blind. A group of young women burst out
laughing at my amusing joke. I grin and stroll on..."

".... I walk in to see a couple on the floor almost starting
to make love. They stop abruptly at my entrance. I smile and
say just a moment. Sorry. I need to get some clothes. ...Now
I leave the room, thinking I should probably take the one
chest of drawers that is mine and its contents back up to
where I was. I feel tired and decide not to. I don't need
that stuff anyway. The couple is very glad I'm leaving but
pretending to be polite. I say as I walk out the door. I'm
not stupid, you know. They grin. (I think there were
mentally retarded people upstairs I was working with)"

"... I smile and call out "Remember, you make the rules." My
division" sees me and they call out happily, "Bjo, Bjo" I
grin and wave."

".... You almost killed me. He smiles and shrugs. I say give
me your name and insurance. He gives me a card. I say I'll
bet this is the wrong phone number. He grins. I say I'll
take your license number. It is RE 7-12. I memorize it and
then walk toward school. As I near the door, I see him
walking, whistling happily behind me. I say sarcastically,
here, allow me and open the door for him. He shrugs and
accepts. As we walk in, he says, you aren't ever going to
forgive me, are you? He sounds upset like he doesn't
understand why I'd hold a grudge on such a minor thing."

"...A pouch with a banana is handed to me. I get sexually
excited, aggressively, powerfully so. I grin and pull 2 legs
out of the pouch and the banana turns into a penis. I want
it bad...."

"...Then I looked up and a large black lion was running
toward me. I got a little scared. and lay down on the path
on my back so the lion wouldn't see me and hurt me. He ran
close to me and around me and I was very tense. Then there
was a second one with a black head and checkered body. They
finally left. I got up and ran some more. A girl went by and
said, "When you want your replacement, just let them know. I
grinned. I decided I was going to go to the finish..."

"...He teases me because he knows I want to marry this guy.
I think, hum. It could be interesting if we married, like a
challenge to get him to love me. I then tell D the car is
his. He grins and gets into the driver's seat. We start
going. I grab at Styrofoam cup with coffee, cigs, ashtray,
etc. Put them in my lap. I am sitting on car seat that is
sideways to the rest of the seats. Hot wax (pink) spills on
my pants leg..."

These are dreams that span over 20 years. The use of the
metaphor doesn't seem to change.Here are the dreams in full.
Play with them. See what you come up with. Feel free to
email me at with your comments.

Grin and Smile Dreams

9/13/98 Flying Dolphins, Cathedral Grapes
I am in a house. I think my brother D. lives there also. I
notice it is raining very hard. I walk over to a window to
see the downpour when I am suddenly aware of the courtyard
and how beautiful it is. A canopy of grape vines like a
cathedral ceiling. I look to see if there are grapes. Big
nice ones, some so big they look like electric light bulbs.
What abundance I had with me and I never noticed before.
Then I look higher to see two transparent glass like
dolphins leaping and arching over the top of this grape vine
structure. They are so graceful and beautiful. I go back
into the house. A woman stands right in front of me and
opens her dress completely like it was a robe. I stare at
her naked fat body and then turn my eyes away. I am repulsed
by her fatness. She is grinning at me. Then she has
underwear on. She closes her dress and is inspecting all the
things in the house. Some General is around and wants to
know. I show her D's room. I am uppity and joke around about
being a spy. I don't like their attitudes. Now a young man
is talking to D who is soaking in a pool. He explains he
deliberately let the demons out to hunt D and he's really
sorry. D smiles, not concerned.

9/24/96 He's disabled, not blind
I am walking around a sort of track and field shaped area.
It's a store. I need to go pee and find a bath room. I sit
and pee and pee, but can't get relief. I hear the loud sound
of peeing and feel the pee going down my leg. I get up, a
bit uncomfortable about all that urine all over my dress and
in my moccasins. I walk on. I see a deli counter, sort of a
Safeway Bakery. I find a bag of rolls or muffins and decide
to get one. I read the ingredients to make sure there is no
sugar in them. I continue strolling. As I walk, I nearly
step on the end row boat of a string of them. It is a rowing
team. J C, G's J is learning to row and is lying down on his
back in the last boat (like it's a train of them) I smile
and apologize for nearly stepping on him. I think I
embarrassed him and feel bad about that. I choose a sweater
to buy. I put it on and notice it is quite huge. Longer than
my dress. I see DM and she has a sweater like it. It is pink
knit, half sleeves, I notice I can see my dress underneath
the sweater. D is telling me how she fought with the
telephone company over a one thousand dollar bill and they
agreed to remove 300 dollars of it. She was quite proud of
that. I congratulate her. I say to D, it looks like I'd
better always wear a dress under this thing, after all, my
boyfriend is disabled, but he's not blind. A group of young
women burst out laughing at my amusing joke. I grin and
stroll on. I still have to pee so as I am walking I pee down
my leg. I am a bit embarrassed about the urine smell and
being in public. I sit at a caf‚ table and three men join
me, I continue peeing, hoping they don't notice.

9/28/95 I want to change my clothes so I go. I want to
change my clothes so I go down a series of flights of stairs
to a room. where I had stored some clothes. I walk in to see
a couple on the floor almost starting to make love. They
stop abruptly at my entrance. I smile and say just a moment.
Sorry. I need to get some clothes. They smile and say no
problem, but of course I know they can't wait for me to
leave so they can get on with it. I open drawer after drawer
and can only find summery clothes from Mexico, gauzy
material, bright colors, a bit revealing and sexy. I am
aware I am too fat to wear them. I check the next chest of
drawers and find them full of papers and Kodak film boxes.
Nothing to wear, oh well. Now it is time to leave and at the
last minute I decide to clean up some mess I've left. paper
scraps, some tiny knitted or crocheted stocking hats, tiny
yarn doll bodies and so on. Now I leave the room, thinking I
should probably take the one chest of drawers that is mine
and its contents back up to where I was. I feel tired and
decide not to. I don't need that stuff anyway. The couple is
very glad I'm leaving but pretending to be polite. I say as
I walk out the door. I'm not stupid, you know. They grin. (I
think there were mentally retarded people upstairs I was
working with)

8/21/89 Remember You Make The Rules
I'm going out to meet my "division". Another group is
waiting to go out. I pass them. They look uncertain and
envious of me. I smile and call out "Remember, you make the
rules." My division" sees me and they call out happily,
"Bjo, Bjo" I grin and wave.

9/27/87 Hello goodbye
I see S. He smiles and comes over to me. I can see he is
going to kiss me. I say no as he bends me over in a romantic
dip. He smiles and kisses me anyway. It is pleasant. I pull
away and say I have work to do. Now, go away. That was a
good bye kiss. He grins and says if that's a goodbye kiss
then I can't wait to say hello!

9/9/82 How come you're mad, cause I killed you?A
famous woman like India's prime minister is walking down the
street. She sees a car with a man in it and then a car with
a woman in it. She has a premonition that the man will try
to run over her and the woman will save her. As it starts to
happen I am her. I see the car coming at me and I throw
myself up against a wall in defeat because I'm trapped. Then
I think oh how awful and turn around in the nick of time and
leap straight up seconds before he hits me. I roll over the
top of the car. I yell at him. You almost killed me. He
smiles and shrugs. I say give me your name and insurance. He
gives me a card. I say I'll bet this is the wrong phone
number. He grins. I say I'll take your license number. It is
RE 7-12. I memorize it and then walk toward school. As I
near the door, I see him walking, whistling happily behind
me. I say sarcastically, here, allow me and open the door
for him. He shrugs and accepts. As we walk in, he says, you
aren't ever going to forgive me, are you? He sounds upset
like he doesn't understand why I'd hold a grudge on such a
minor thing.

11/16/80 Freudian banana nightmare
Fear on bed, in bedroom, rising up the curtain like in an
elevator, but I'm not. As I'm going down I get more fearful.
There is a hole in the curtain and outside the hole is a
cage, but my fear of it is like its a Nazi concentration
camp. I scream because I'm going to be pushed out of the
window into the cage. I push myself backwards. It was a weak
push but I fall back hard, fall across the room, move
furniture as I fall so I won't get hurt and land on floor at
foot of bed. 2 children in the bedroom, a little boy and a
little girl. A pouch with a banana is handed to me. I get
sexually excited, aggressively, powerfully so. I grin and
pull 2 legs out of the pouch and the banana turns into a
penis. I want it bad. I kick the little girl out of the way.
I place the penis in me and can feel it, real. I hold the
man tight and the closer I get to orgasm, the fiercer I am.
Then I see a "picture" of our faces. I'm smiling, really
into it. He's smiling because it gives him joy to see me
feel so good (fierce intense smiles). As I start to have
orgasm, a little boy was screaming, "Daddy. Daddy, don't" 2
policemen came in. I can't talk. I try to but can't. Want to
finish. Can hear the screams. Feels like a nightmare.

11/7/80 Running the race and winning
I was in a marathon road race. I was back in Mac, wearing a
cute cheerleader outfit. My running partner was R, an old
high school girl friend. I was exhilarated because I was in
this race. I figured I wouldn't finish but at least I could
do a segment and then someone else would finish for me. We
ran through the paths on Linfield College campus. It was
pretty, I was pretty and I didn't hurt. Other girls in the
race were amazed at me that I could run. It felt good. We
stopped at my old dorm for a drink of water. I looked in at
my old room. A man was there. He came out for a chat. Then I
remembered the race and we went on. I went on, feeling a
little slowed up by R but not too annoyed because I enjoyed
being where I was. Then I looked up and a large black lion
was running toward me. I got a little scared. and lay down
on the path on my back so the lion wouldn't see me and hurt
me. He ran close to me and around me and I was very tense.
Then there was a second one with a black head and checkered
body. They finally left. I got up and ran some more. A girl
went by and said, "When you want your replacement, just let
them know. I grinned. I decided I was going to go to the
finish. R was slowing me up. I was annoyed now and keep
asking her to pick up her pace. I lengthen my strides. It's
hard work now, but I do it. We get to the downtown section
of Mac. We are near the finish. We then go through the old
grade school. Can't find the door out. I think I know where
it is, but it's gone now. So then we find it. Then I see a
store. A man is there. He's the owner of it. I go on. At
this point I'm lost. Can't find the finish. Get angry and
anxious. See an information booth. They are having a bake
sale. I ask a woman there for directions. She pulls out
pamphlets and we talk. I feel time passing. She says, Ah,
you need to go to Rose's place (a drug store cafe) So I say,
"OK, R, Let's go. If you can't keep up, I'm going on without
you. Now time and the race are more important than her or
the enjoyment or the nostalgic surroundings. I run. Get
almost to the finish. I run down a hall. Just before I turn
left into a door, There's a bed. DB is there, in the bed,
laying down and moaning. She's drunk and incoherent. I look
at her and then go though the door. Turn right down a short
hall. The other girls who have finished the race are there,
resting, talking, one (S, I think) smiles. I say, "Where's
the finish line?" She points back into the room at a silk
cloth item with a Valentine's heart on it and pockets.
"Touch that," she says. I do, I am weary and glad that I had
finished the whole race.

Grin Only dreams
1/2/2000 C won't rehearse
I am preparing for a presentation. C is supposed to play a
character in the presentation and Sh is supposed to get the
food ready for the buffet. Both show up together, late. I am
trying to explain to C that she needs to have her lines
memorized. She doesn't want to do that. She wants to carry a
sheet of paper with them written on it. I explain how that
will not be professional and besides it will make the show
not as good. She just doesn't want to do the work involved
to do it right. Meanwhile I am trying to show Sh the map of
buildings across the street where she needs to go to get the
food for the buffet. It is Paul Muni's deli. She can't seem
to get it. I walk with her and am still talking with C about
how much better it would be if she'd rehearse. I find a deli
counter and see Paul Reisner. I ask him where the other deli
is and he says why bother, he has everything here. I try and
ask him how much and know it would be wiser if I went over
to the other deli to comparison shop. But I am tired and
decide to just go with what's here. I feel bad about not
checking it out. He says how much were you going to spend? I
say maybe 200 dollars. He grins and says no problem I can do
that. Maybe it will be 250 dollars. I know this is costing
me more, but I don't check it out. I then go out into the
hall, trying to find an elevator to get over to the next
building without having to take the long way around. I can't
find it. I stop into an office where a man and a woman are
necking and flirting. I interrupt them and ask. They don't
know where it is either. I am frustrated because this will
make me even more tired.

9/20/96 R is helpful
R is seated at my computer and working on something to help
me get things straightened out. I am at the back of the
computer looking at the connections. Something needs to be
plugged in again and he says he will do it for me and I say,
"No, I need to learn to do it." I plug a yellow round wire
end into a tiny yellow hole, and the same with a black one
and then I hesitate with the pink one and R says, yes,
that's right, you've got it. I grin and say, I only watched
it being done before. It's hard to remember how to do things
unless you do them yourself. He agrees. I then find my
wheelchair which is sort of folded up like a manual. I
struggle to unfold it myself. The back pack, or recharger is
stuck and reaches over and unhooks it so I can continue.

4/16/95 I am at D2's house
I am in D2's house and it is dream group time. I see a woman
standing with her back to me and I say "Hi, L" she turns and
it isn't L. I feel embarrassed, especially since that might
make D2 know I was thinking about him and L. D2 decides to
go to the grocery store. Then an overweight man sits on the
couch and I sit next to him and then SH comes and sits on my
right. It's very cozy. I am explaining to them what we did
at the last meeting that they had missed. I am telling them
and then I ask for my notes.
D2 is back and he hands me my note pad. I open it and laugh
realizing that I thought I'd written words but I had only
drawn pictures to remind me. That's not going to help the
people who weren't there. Then I pick up another note pad
and see writing. I try to read it but I see I've only
written a few words or phrases to remind me. One says "three
strikes and you're out" then a space and then two words,
"jerk" and another word. I say to the overweight man, I
can't remember what this was about. D2 comes up to me with a
silly grin on his face and I say what's with the Kirk
Douglas grin? Then I look over next to him on his right and
see the real Kirk Douglas. D2 had met him in the grocery
store and brought him home to meet us. Kirk is interested in
me and is flirting. D2 is a little jealous of that and of
how I let those two men sit so close to me on the couch.

12/12/89 Sexy Baseball game
A baseball game is in progress. I'm in the stands watching.
A guy has a box of balls, one has a pumpkin in it that
weights it so he can cheat. He's very careful to protect it
so no one will know. Then he decides to nonchalantly bounce
it around (looks like a small basketball) but he drops it in
a pile of other balls and a boy grabs it and runs off. I say
"It was the redhead. I'll watch for him." Now Paul Newman is
going up to bat. I stand directly behind him so close our
bodies are touching and I copy all his moves. "I'm playing
baseball too" I say. He grins at me. Later, he's seated in
the stands and I cuddle and I kiss with him. I touch his
lips and say "only my lipstick." He teases me by pretending
he might kiss someone else and I possessively grab him and
kiss him long and sweet to keep him to me. He's aroused and
we lie down. I am stroking his very hairy arm which is down
by his waist so that it's almost like his penis only furry
from the amount of arm hairs. He does have a hard one and I
feel good because I "have" him.

12/7/89 Resisting Sexual Desire
A man (like S) rubs a thick cream on my right thigh. As it
soaks in, I am nearly overcome with sexual desire but I
fight it valiantly. I must not give in. A young girl walks
toward us innocently. I yell at her "Run, run and get
father" If only I can resist until Father comes to save me.
The man grins and waits for me.

9/11/89 Angel helps me connect with man
I'm in a church. 4 of us are the "elders" who take the wine
sacraments to the congregation. We stand facing each other
in a square and bow our heads so the minister can pray over
us. As he does, a beautiful angel comes and puts its wing
over my shoulder and whispers to me. It is telling me I'm
going to have a good relationship with the guy opposite me,
a nice quiet family man. I am, of course, quite shocked to
be having an angel talking to me and can't concentrate on my
job. The little wine glasses jiggle and tremble and I spill
wine in the tray. He helps me clean it up. As we walk back
up the aisle. He helps me carry the tray so we don't spill
anymore. We go to the kitchen area and pour off the spilt
wine in a cup. I suggest we take it to the vestry as it is
blessed wine. Then we go to the handshaking line and its too
late, everyone's gone through (we are supposed to stand with
the minister and shake hands with the departing people) so
he starts typing a letter. I see a small 4 month old baby. I
go over and pick it up and cuddle it. An 8 year old girl
sees me and says I don't mind if she's going to be with my
daddy, but she doesn't have to pick up the baby without
permission! I didn't hear her and I go to the man and say
look at this cute baby. The man grins because its his baby.
I say you can hold it. I hope it isn't afraid of you. I'll
finish typing the letter and you hold the baby. He agrees.
As I'm typing, or trying to, the girl comes up to her daddy
and says "It's OK. I like her." He shushes her, embarrassed
and I did hear this time and now realize what's going on. He
suggests we finish at his house. As he's cooking a turkey
and doesn't know how, maybe I could help?

9/23/87 Outside or Inside
Hello again! Dream cycle has started I go into a woman's
house. She has large white onyx cat statues all over her
house. One is glued to the drapes as though he is walking
down the drapes, head first. I am amazed they can do that,
it being so heavy. I see two cat statues curled up under a
table, they are the same as the ones under my TV. She also
has pretty red and ornate vases. The woman approaches me and
asks angrily, "Why are you in my house?" I answer
embarrassed that I was looking at garage sales and stopped
to admire her lovely cats and vases. She coldly tells me
that she's not having a garage sale. So, I leave, asking her
if she knows the way to the county fair. She doesn't know. I
get into a car. J S is driving. We are unsure where the fair
is but think it's to the right. J suddenly grins and starts
driving backwards up hill. I say oh, did you figure out
where the fair is? The scene changes. We are in an outdoor
scene but it is all enclosed in a sky-scraper kind of
building. There is an ocean and I watch as the water is
being sucked way, way out to sea. Now, there's trouble,
because that means we're about to experience a tidal wave. I
see it coming and run for high ground, scrambling over
rocks. I then keep climbing up, sometimes rocks, sometimes
stairs. I need to find the car, which I can't see, but know
it's somewhere. I will it to be there and see a small toy
car under a table. I then get in it, it's regular size now,
I drive down the stairs looking for the first floor exit. I
see windows and look out. I see large expanses of flooded
land and a car driving down a road. I ask someone how to get
there. They say why bother, you can't go far anyway because
of the flooding.

2/25/80 Relationships not going well
Some heavy journey in a wilderness. Then a young girl in a
white satin bride dress comes into my shop. Everything is
white. She is snotty, doesn't like me. She then goes into
next section of my shop, all white tablecloths, glasses,
etc. She sits on red velvet. I think, how beautiful. I then
go to get in my car that I have finally gotten from my
brother. It's a blue and white '55 Chev with a continental
kit. Good shape. It's punch hooked beautifully all over the
outside. My brother is (both) are in enormous backseat. He
is laughing and saying that the bride's brother doesn't want
to marry me but his family will force him to. He teases me
because he knows I want to marry this guy. I think, hum. It
could be interesting if we married, like a challenge to get
him to love me. I then tell D the car is his. He grins and
gets into the driver's seat. We start going. I grab at
Styrofoam cup with coffee, cigs, ashtray, etc. Put them in
my lap. I am sitting on car seat that is sideways to the
rest of the seats. Hot wax (pink) spills on my pants leg.
D drives us to a turn out on a bridge that over looks the
town of the main street.

Come on up to my website: and leave some smile or grin
dreams. Or any kind of dreams you wish. Leave a comment on
others dreams. List the metaphors in your dream and comment
on how that metaphor seems to mean to you. Check out what
others think that same metaphor means to you. It's yet
another dream group online.

See you next month.


Exploring Dreams through the I Ching
Hilary Barrett, Clarity


The Dream
The Train Station by Miroshu

I am now 24 and I can say I have been having this dream
consistently for at most 20 years. I am always trapped in a
train station either taking the trains in the wrong
direction or missing the trains completely, or trying to get
to the right train. By the way it is not always the same
train station and I ride the train almost daily in my "real
life". In my dreams the stations never appear as they really
are in "real life" but are close enough. I have a naturally
good sense of direction in "real life", I can be somewhere
once and go there again without thinking about where I have
to go my body just leads me and I know the subway systems
very well but in my dreams it is a totally different story.
In my dreams when I receive advice from other passengers it
gets me into more trouble when trying to get out of the
station. Basically my goal is to leave, get out of the train
station but I never seem to make it. I take the stairs only
to find that I am in another area of the station. I am
usually by myself sometimes with my sisters, or my best
friend or my boyfriend. I almost made it out one time I got
out but I was not were I wanted to be so I had to go back
again in the damn train station. I am so annoyed. I need to
figure it out cause I need to get out of the train station
for good.
I think this may have to do with the decisions in my life
but I am not that sure because this is a dream that I have
been having since I was a little girl. I really have no clue
where I am trying to go.

The I Ching's answer: Learning to command your potential
The I Ching's perspective on this recurring dream both
explains what it is showing you, and also sets this
experience in a wider context, showing you what you will
need to achieve to get out of that station!

It begins with hexagram 4, Learning, which tells you why you
find yourself trapped in the station. You are still
learning, still ignorant, like a growing plant that is
covered over. The cover means things are hidden from you:
this mirrors the dream image of being caught underground,
unable to find the way up, out of the station and into the
daylight. But a cover can also be useful, as a way of
protecting and nurturing hidden growth. The Judgement (main
text) of Hexagram 4 shows this at work. A teacher is
'Learning, growth. I do not seek the young learner, the
young learner seeks me. To ask once brings you insight; to
ask two or three times brings only confusion, not insight.
You benefit from determination.'

In other words, you receive answers only when you are ready,
which is why asking your fellow passengers for directions
gets you nowhere. I suspect that you've revealed the heart
of the situation yourself in your comments: 'I really have
no clue where I am trying to go.' A station offers you many
choices of route, and many exits onto different streets in
the 'real world' above - it is where you choose your future
direction. If you're not sure where you want to go, you
won't be able to leave the station.
In fact, this image is an indication that you have set off -
your journey is underway. In the I Ching, Hexagram 3
represents birth, and hexagram 4 the next stage - growth and
learning. In some ways, this stage is more difficult:
'Birth: clear vision, not losing your grip on your dwelling
place. Learning: disorder, obvious.' Enlightenment comes
later - but once you have left your dwelling place and moved
out into the world, your first experience is naturally of

Your situation is pinpointed by just one moving line, line
6: 'Striking the learner. Violence is no use; useful to
resist violence.' This, I think, expresses your current
state of frustration. You keep having the same dream, and
you are understandably annoyed at being stuck in 'the damn
train station'! In other words, you are hitting out at your
own ignorance. The I Ching acknowledges your irritation, but
also warns that it won't get you anywhere.

The way things can change is depicted by the inner Pattern
of Change, hexagram 43, Deciding: 'Decision. Declaring it in
the ruler's chambers, crying out with sincerity. Danger.
Notify your own capital city. It is no use to take up arms;
it is beneficial to have a direction to go.' So your
intuition about your dream is quite right: this has to do
with decisions. When you first dreamt it as a child,
important decisions were being made for you; now, you have
the chance to take them for yourself. The next stage is to
decide where you want to go: this is the fork in the path,
and following one route means ruling out other
possibilities. Then you can bring this decision into the
open - being clear in your own mind, and then open and firm
with other people. Once again, overt aggression ('taking up
arms') is of no use.

The wider context for all this is shown in the Relating
Hexagram: 7, the Army. This hexagram is not about attacking,
but about organising potential to make it useful in
practice. The Chinese 'army' was actually just the mass of
common people, not a separate group: the strength of the
country was hidden in the people, like an underground river.
This offers you a new perspective on the things that are
hidden from you - they can include underground currents of
strength, and maybe aggression. This mass of unorganised
potential calls for you to become a strong leader, embracing
all parts of yourself, taking responsibility for your own
potential and managing it like a general, or a great
teacher. Find your most important principles - like a
general finding his ruler - and organise your life around
The Nuclear Hexagram for both Hexagrams 4 and 7 is 24,
Return. This is the potential at the heart of both learning
and of taking responsibility: renewal, and a return to
fundamentals. It can also mean a turning point, when you
rediscover the right path for you. This is the hexagram of
the winter solstice: the darkest time is also when the light
begins imperceptibly to return. But the solstice was a time
for rest, not for travelling.

It may be that a large part of
what you have to do here is simply wait for the
understanding, growth and light that will make it possible
to move on.


The I Ching is the ancient Chinese oracle of change. For a
hundred generations, it has been answering people's
questions, from dream interpretation to career decisions,
across the whole spectrum of human experience. I have been
learning from the I Ching for many years, and founded
Clarity, a dedicated I Ching consultation service, to make
the oracle's help readily and simply available to all who
need it.

Hilary Barrett.
Please send comments or questions to



The archetypal imagination in new realms of ensoulment
by Cliff Bostock



This paper actually reworks some of the ideas in an earlier
paper I wrote here called "Cyberspace: Shadow of the
Cultural Imagination?" It was inspired by a meeting between
my class at Pacifica Graduate Institute and James Hillman.

Reprinted by Permission of Cliff Bostock from:


"The persons I engage with in dreams are neither
representations (simulacra) of their living selves nor parts
of myself. They are shadow images that fill archetypal
roles; they are personae, masks, in the hollow of which is a
numen." -- James Hillman (1979, p. 60)

"Are the gods bytes?"
--A comment on the "ContraDiogenes"
site of the World Wide Web.

Do the gods occupy cyberspace? Can soul be constructed in
virtual reality?

In this paper my intention is to make a few observations
about images and cyberspace (or virtual reality) from the
perspective of archetypal psychology. My curiosity about
this subject is personal and intellectual.

I have inhabited cyberspace over 10 years but have long been
aware of a kind of self-reproach for my participation in the
medium - similar, I think, to the kind of embarrassment
people often bring to their television viewing. At the same
time, I have been irritated by what I've come to call
"archetypal Luddites," psychologists, particularly Jungians,
who dismiss the medium as another soul-destroying inflection
of technology. Over the years, I have myself waffled between
the extremes - internet junkie and Luddite. I journey into
cyberspace and then flee it, condemning it with every
breath, for months at a time always returning. Ultimately,
the tension has led me to the question of what I am
resisting in my habitation of cyberspace, which I would like
to define psychologically at the outset as a world of
mechanically generated images.

In some ways, this paper represents recanting of some of my
own positions - or at least an effort to situate myself with
more clarity in cyberspace. It is also an effort to
establish some kind of rapprochement between cyber thinking
and the archetypal imagination. This is important to me
because among the archetypal Luddites seems to be James
Hillman himself. I have heard him dismiss cyberspace in
public talks.

The quality of images

The dismissal of cyberspace by so many archetypal
psychologists intrigues me because, as I said, the medium is
purely imagistic and, according to the Hillmanian view,
images are the foundation of psyche. Of course, images have
varying character. Images can be degraded in their
representation and, certainly, the images in cyberspace vary
wildly in that respect. But one does not dismiss all art on
the basis of bad painting.

A little background in Hillman's orientation to images is
necessary here before proceeding to anything like an
archetypal overview of cyberspace.

For Hillman, a "good" image actually has nothing to do with
formal aesthetics. It is one that temporarily arrests the
movement of psychic process and, like an alchemical drawing,
expresses in metaphorical language a personification that
can be psychologized, "seen through" to its ideational or
archetypal/mythological significance. It opens to the

"Stick to the image!" he repeatedly warns us, quoting the
dictum of Rafael Lopez-Pedraza that has become central to
Archetypal Psychology. Whether in dream, in fantasy or in
the gazing at art, he told us in class, we must not
symbolize the image but respect its particularity.

The image, according to Hillman, is inhabited in its depths
by a god and has telos. The image's movement expresses the
telos, a kind of manifestation of the god within, and it is
followed, not interpreted, with varying skill in the
analytical process. Origins are beside the point, he told
our class at Pacifica. He writes that the image, although it
is a snapshot of a personally inflected archetypal process,
is not static. He quotes Ezra Pound: " the image is more
than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and
is endowed with energy .a vortex, from which and through
which and into which, ideas are constantly rushing." ( 1989,
p. 264)

Borrowing Freud's word "dreamwork," Hillman compares the
creation of dream images to the work of a bricoleur (1979,
p. 127), a cobbling together in the psyche of the images,
expressions of archetypal process, that are actually the
construction of soul. He extends this analogy to all images.

And while this process is one of the psyche, it is an
interiorizing process, not a strictly interior one in the
sense that it orginates and is contained there. The image or
its seed is interiorized by the personal psyche (of the
dreamer, the painter, the fantasizer) and worked (or played
with) but its numen arises and reopens to the world. The
numen belongs, in fact, to anima mundi, the soul of the
world, according to Hillman, and thus, following Keats, we
construct not just personal soul but world soul, which by
the definition of its construction here is shifting and
forever changing. (This is highly reminiscent of Jung's
statements after his encounters at Taos.)

This latter observation about the shifting quality of world
soul is important. It is a point of significant departure
for Hillman from the Platonic point of view, which includes
Henry Corbin's theorizing of the mundus imaginalis. In this
view the telos of images is to recover their genesis in the
realm of ideal imaginal forms. Hillman rejects that origins-
preoccupied point of view but the nominalist one as well
(1975, p. 8). For him, world soul is adverbial and verbal.
The longing is more important than its object. Since the
image, the picture of soul, is a vortex in its function, so
must the soul be.

This is, of course, a postmodern view - but one that oddly
grounds itself linguistically in the Platonic tradition. The
leap from the Platonic to the postmodern and back again is
nothing he denies: "I have spent 30 years at
dismemberment the pearls not the rope. Dionysos the
Loosener. It's not logical, yet it's true." (1989, p. 61).

This self-contented leap from paradigm to paradigm, this
Dionysian loosening without thought to the inconsistency and
the chaos, nevertheless has resulted in volumes of
revelations that really do open upon the numinous. And this
process brings to mind the words of an earlier thinker,
Marshall McLuhan: "The medium is the message." In other
words, the image's arising is more important than its
content. The "ah-ha" or the gasp on its viewing is what
opens us to the numen, not a deciphering of symbolic
meanings or even a fixed metaphorical referent. This in fact
- the gasp, the sound of arrest - is what signifies an
authentic image.

Marshall McLuhan and the body

On the surface, everything that Hillman values seems to be
true of cyberspace. There, through hyperlinks, images arise
and morph. Some images, if not the majority, are certainly
banal and do not arrest us for any longer than it takes to
click on the next link. Still, one often clicks on an image
that is like the vortex Pound describes: a center through
which pours all manner of thoughts.

But more to the point, the lived experience of browsing is
different from the penetration of its individual images -
just as the act of stepping into a dream as a total gestalt
is different from the encounter with its individual images.
(And the appearance of cartoon-like images in postmodern
dreams is surely ubiquitous.) Multiplied over time, the
viewing of images in a session of "browsing" the World Wide
Web produces an experience of fascination that is like a
virtual or digital poeisis. The imagination is seized and in
browsing, the metamorphic movement through imaginal space
(telos of the mouse), mood is altered, meanings are
constellated, experience is affected. This can involve
sinking into a world of visual, aural and written images. It
is very much like Hillman's "seeing through."

The fact that these images are mechanically generated seems
to be at the heart of many critics' objections - as though
soul is banished from technology. In Marshall McLuhan's
seminal writing about electronic media, prior to the advent
of the internet as global phenomenon, we find some explicit
statements about the differences in images that arise in
dream or fantasy and in electronic media. They help explain
the profusion of banality in cyberspace, constituting a kind
of apologia, but may be an answer to the usual critique.

McLuhan wrote, with Wilfred Watson, a little known book, now
out of print, called _From Clich‚ to Archetype_ (partially
excerpted in McLuhan 1995). It is a book of essays in which
the media philosopher examines Jung and the cultural
imagination. McLuhan observes, writing about the effect of
television and other electronic media, two main effects. One
is disembodiment. In this view, the cyber inhabitant has
forsaken his body. He travels through space and time without
a body. McLuhan generalized this to the culture:

As electric media proliferate, whole societies at a time
become discarnate, detached from mere bodily or physical
'reality' and relieved of any allegiance to or a sense of
responsibility for it...The alteration of human identity by
new service environments of information has left whole
populations without personal or community values..."
(McLuhan, p. 379).

The assumption here, obviously, is that values (and
feelings!) arise in sensory experience of the real world.
One experiences the ecology and thus has some sense of
responsibility for it. To cut oneself off from that is, to
his mind, to affect the sense of responsibility. However,
McLuhan is operating without any kind of meta-process other
than media. For him, there is no soul to extend itself, even
redemptively, into media. Interestingly, Robert Sardello,
one of Hillman's early influences shares the same concerns
and has written at length about them (1992, 1995). In
Sardello's view, technology can be ensouled but he insists
on the withdrawal of "salvational fantasies" for the same
reason: that technology disembodies us. One suspects that
Hillman himself shares this point of view, since, as
indicated above, his revelations are nonrational. His recent
writing and his participation in the mythopoetic men's
movement point to an increasing consideration of the sensory
body and non-rational process.

My response to this is that it simply ignores what is.
Technology, as McLuhan noted too, does not just disembody
us. It extends (and accelerates) the body, even as it
produces the experience of disembodiment. In pedestrian ways
this is experienced as a lack of emotional inflection in the
absence of vocal tone and physical gesture in cyber
chatting. People often "misread" one another.

But the very suppression of these sensory cues, to say
nothing of a very superficial anonymity, also heightens
vulnerability and intimacy. Thus the constant stories like
the recent one of the sailor who disclosed his homosexuality
in cyberspace, resulting in his discharge from the Navy.
Eros drenches every corner of cyberspace. It is filled with
millions of erotic self-portraits of ordinary people -
something that probably is unique in history. Romances,
platonic and sexual, are conducted in cyberspace. "Cybersex"
and "virtual sex" describe new styles of lovemaking. For the
average person, this is what cyberspace concerns.

I find this fascinating in light of Hillman's repeated
statements that Aphrodite brings the world forms, its
images, into existence. It is Aphrodite's touch that ensouls
. And so it is not the purely sexual that is significant in
this consideration, but that the erotic, as image-
production, is erupting and birthing itself in cyberspace.
Thus it is not that cyberspace disembodies us. Instead, it
gives rise to a new imaginal body: the cyberbody, as erotic
as our physical bodies.

In the view of many ecologists, the planet has already
passed the point when its health can be fully recovered.
Thus, it occurs to me that the body that is birthing itself
in cyberspace may in part represent destiny: a kind of
cyborg that fuses machine with body. Although we demonize
this notion in our nostalgia for a healthy planet, it may be
our only chance of survival. Further, several scholars,
including Pierre Levy (1997) and Jennifer Cobb (1998) wonder
if a collective and self-reflective intelligence - god or
the anima mundi? - isn't embodying itself in cyberspace.
Cobb imagines cyberspace as the evolution of Teilhard de
Chardin's metasynthesis of mind and matter into a collective
intelligence. Levy imagines something like the Islamic
collective mind documented by Corbin, but with less fixed

If archetypal psychology does not turn its lens upon the
cyberbody, it may well be turning its back on the future.
The numen hidden in the hollow of the cyber persona may be
our collective daimon attempting incarnation.

McLuhan and the archetypal imagination

Let us say that the cyberbody represents the future. Let us
even agree that the process of occupying cyberspace,
browsing, may be more important than the contents viewed
because something "other" is constellated in the
imagination: a new form of the vortex. (And I stress that it
is the dialogic property of the experience - not the image
itself - that constellates the new form. Thus the argument
that the images are generated by another intelligence in the
first place is irrelevant. So are the images arising in the
collective psyche and interiorized by the dream ego.)

But we are still left with the nagging reality of
cyberspace's actual imagistic banality. This is a genuine
concern. When you consider that McLuhan was primarily
writing about television and you look at its wasteland of
cliches, it is hard to reconcile oneself to the idea that
the archetypal is arising there, no matter how much you
dwell on process instead of content - the medium rather than
the particular message.

McLuhan, alas, does little to relieve us of our anxieties in
this respect but he certainly prefigures the way popular
culture and the fine arts have been conflated in the
postmodern critic's evaluation. (See Camille Paglia, blazing
a dubious trail to what one would have to call "Jungian

In McLuhan's reading of the archetypes, they actually are
cliches. He sees them, like Hillman as inhabited by gods.
But he calls them imagistic cliches of desacralized tribal
gods. The archetypes, he writes, are personifications
understood in their own cultures to have valid moral and
spiritual exegeses. But over time they become desacralized,
as they were in Greece. Then they are retrieved by, say, the
Romans, and later still, by Renaissance-era scholars and

In this process, he writes, these images become increasingly
reductive, until they become clich‚-like in their content as
well as their appearance. This, he says, is the process of
media. On the other hand, he says, the image-as-clich‚
retains its archetypal ground.

In fact, he argues, an image cannot retain its archetypal
ground unless it becomes a clich‚ understandable to the
culture to which it has moved. (Obviously, media move images
across cultures.) He writes: "Is it not natural than, as any
form becomes environmental it should select as 'content' the
most common and vulgar of materials As any form becomes
environmental, it tends to be soporific. That is why its
content must also become innocuous in order to match the
effects of the medium." (p. 338).

In McLuhan's view, it is job of the artist - and we might
say of the depth psychologist - to reveal the dialect
between old and emerging forms, to keep the numinous meaning
from sinking into cyberspace's unconscious. (The medium has
enormous shadow. Thus the Heaven's Gate cyber cult was able
to announce its suicide three weeks in advance and never be
taken seriously.)

Although this attention to banal images may offend the
proponents of classic formal aesthetics, it again seems to
be the future of culture - not just in cyberspace but
wherever ideas are being discussed in deconstructive ways. I
count it as another of Hillman's odd paradigmatic leaps that
he seems on the one hand to insist on seeing through to the
beauty of soul's pathologizing nature in personal
symptomology, even though most symptoms now can be reduced
to diagnosis (a kind of clich‚). But he is less willing to
penetrate the oddity of cliches as pathology in the culture.

Alchemy, alchemy

Finally, I offer alchemy and Goethe's own image of what may
be occurring in cyberspace: the emergence of the homunculus,
a personified manifestation of the philosopher's stone, a
union of the organic and the inorganic. Is this so different
from the cyborg of contemporary imagining in virtual
Of that small creature constellated in the moment of Faust's
brief coniunctio, Edinger writes: "the homunculus signifes
the birth of the conscious realization of the autonomous
psyche. In dreams it may appear as a doll or statue which
comes to life, representing the ego's dawning awareness of a
second psychic center, the Self" (p. 62).

Perhaps the Self is indeed demanding incarnation in
cyberspace. How can we not stick to its image, too?


Bostock, Cliff (1996) "Cyberspace: Shadow of the Cultural

Cobb, Jennifer (1998). Cybergrace: The Search for God in the
Digital World. New York: Crown.

Edginger, Edward (1990) Goethe's Faust: Notes for a Jungian
Commentary.Toronto: Inner City Books.

Hillman, James (1979). The Dream and The Underworld. New
York: Harper and Row.

Hillman, James (1989). "Responses." In David Ray Griffin
(ed.), Archetypal Process. Evanston: Northwestern University

Hillman, James (1975). Revisioning Psychology. New York:
Harper Collins.

Levy, Pierre (1995). L'intelligence collective: Pour une
anthropologie du cyberspace. Paris: Editions La Decouverte.

McLuhan, Marshall (1995). Essential McLuhan. Erick McLuhan
and Frank Zingrone,eds. New York: Harper Collins.

Sardello, Robert (1992). Facing the World with Soul: The
Reimagination of Modern Life. Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne Press.

Sardello, Robert (1995). Love and the Soul: Creating a
Future for the Earth. New York: Harper Collins.

Be sure to see ~all~ of the Soulworks Site by Cliff Bostock
This site embodies the both the irreverence of the digital
generation and the soulfulness of psyberspace.

From the Soulworks site:

Soulwork is not psychotherapy, although it has evolved
partly out of a broad cultural dissatisfaction with therapy.
It is a kind of work that restores "psyche" to its original
meaning as "soul."

The January 1997 issue of the Utne Reader was largely
devoted to the evolution of this new approach to learning
and personal growth. "A new artistic and spiritual movement
has evolved so far beyond...therapy," says the magazine,
"that it needs its own name." Maureen O'Hara, former
president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology,
suggests "soulcraft," "psychopoetics" and "the existential
arts." We have chosen "soulwork."

Soulwork, although it is a growing cultural movement
typified by James Hillman, Thomas Moore and Marion Woodman
(just to name three), has ancient roots. The Greeks, the
Sufis and the shamans of indigenous cultures all practiced a
kind of oracular knowing through the use of the imagination.
Carl Jung amplified this by his process of active
imagination. Others since Jung have added bodywork, so that
material gleaned in the field of the imagination is firmly
grounded and resonates completely in the here and now.

Soulwork, in short, is the art of living soulfully, from a
place of deep imagination but in a fully embodied way, so
that you can make a difference in the way you actually
conduct your life.

Practically speaking, in soulwork we access the deep
imagination which has been variously called the
"archetypal field," the "spirit," the "soul" through
specific assignments and exercises, including breathwork.
This work often involves writing, art, music and movement.
It is available individually and in ongoing groups and

An important component of this work is that it attempts to
help you cultivate soul in the world. It views the
inhibitions and blocks to personal growth as more than
personal symptoms but as symptoms of the world in which we
live. When we access the deep imagination, we are accessing
anima mundi, the soul of the world, itself. In that deep
place, we find our purpose in being here.

Cliff Bostock, MA, 404-525-4774 (Atlanta), offers this work
independently and through his association with SoulWorks


* * *
Dream Art Exhibition
at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the
Study of Dreams
University of California, Santa Cruz * July 10 -15, 2001

Richard Russo

Eligibility: Original work in any medium about or inspired
by dreams.

Presentation: All works must be suitably framed and/or
ready for display. Works on paper must be framed under
glass or Plexiglas.

Selection: Each artist may submit up to 10 slides
(multiple views or details of the same piece are acceptable
where appropriate). Artist's name, title, medium and size
of work must appear on each slide. All slides must be 35mm
in a 2"x2" cardboard or plastic mount, clearly labeled
"front" and "top" and submitted in a plastic slide sheet,
accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed return envelope.
Entries lacking a SASE will not be returned.

Each entry must include a completed and signed
entry form. In addition, each entry must include a brief
biographical statement, and a brief artist's statement
explaining how the work is dream-related. These documents
must be printed or typed on 8 1/2 x 11" paper, ready to be
inserted into the gallery binder. Any additional comments
or personal communications should go in a separate document
or cover letter.

Fee: There is a non-refundable $10 entry fee for non-
ASD members. Checks or money orders (in U.S. funds) should
be made payable to ASD. Fees are waved for current ASD
members. For membership information, check our web site
( or call the ASD Information Office (1-

Shipping: Shipping is the sole responsibility of the artists
and/or their agents. Artists whose work is accepted will
receive detailed shipping instructions. A separate packing
list with name, address, phone number, list of works and
prices must be included. All works must be picked up from
the college or return shipping must be provided and paid for
in advance. ASD will assume no responsibility for works not
removed by July 15, 2001.

Sales: A 20% commission will be charged on all sales
during the exhibition. All fees and commissions are used to
help fund ASD art exhibitions and events.

Liability: All slides and all art works will be handled
by experienced personnel and the utmost care taken to
guarantee the safety of the work. However, ASD will not be
responsible for any loss or damage to the work during
shipping or during the exhibition itself. Insurance is the
responsibility of the artist.

Deadline: All slides and paperwork must be received by
Saturday, March 31, 2001. Mail entries to: Richard Russo,
ASD Art Exhibition, 835 Peralta Ave., Berkeley, CA 94707.
Russo may be reached by email at:



February 2001


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

- Announcing Patricia Garfield's New Book
- Register Now for the Dream Conference
- Conference: The Dream in Western Europe 1500-1800
-- Call for entries : Art exhibition for the Association for the Study of Dreams

- Start the New Year Off Right, with Dreams to Guide Your

- Astrology & Dreams
- Astro Awareness Now Includes a Dream Section
- Book of Dreams
- Dutch Dream Center
- Group Dreamwork Experiment

DREAM CALENDAR for February 2001




>>>> Book Announcement: Patricia Garfield
The Universal Dream Key: The 12 Most Common Dream Themes
Around the World.

Every night, all over the world, sleepers are dreaming the
same 12 dreams. The details differ but the same themes recur
in every culture, as they have throughout recorded history.
This much anticipated book presents a detailed analysis of
the many possible meanings of these fundamental dreams,
creating a skeleton key to the 12 doors of the dreaming
mind.Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. is a worldwide authority on
dreams. She is one of the six co-founders of The Association
for the Study of Dreams and is the 1998-99 President. Her
bestseller Creative Dreaming is considered a classic,
available in twelve languages.

Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. Event Schedule:

>>> Register Now for the Dream Conference
The Association for the Study of Dreams conference will be
held at UC Santa Cruz July 10-15, 2001. It is shaping up to
be an exciting conference and everyone is encouraged to
attend. If you would like to make a presentation at the
conference be aware that this year's deadline for
submissions is November 15. Information on how to submit is

They already have Jean Shineda Bolen as a key note and will
have Strephon Williams, Jeremy Taylor, Gayle Delaney, Kelly
Bulkeley and many many other presenters! The conference
should be great. Information and web links are listed below.
There is also a toll free number to request information on
the conference. 1 866 Dream12.

HELP ASD! Go to and register by credit
card or download the registration form and send it by mail.
Take part in an extensive Continuing Education or C.E.
program (30+ CE Credits), revel in a great dream art show,
and take advantage of extensive special offerings in all
areas of dream work and dream studies. Special themes for
this year's conference will include nightmares and
transformation, dream and sleep disorders, dreams and the
arts and film, regional dreamwork, and/ spirituality and
dreaming plus much more!

>>>>>>>>> The Dream in Western Europe 1500-1800
Conference: February 23-24, 2001
Princeton University

Like us, early modern Europeans were fascinated by dreams.
Unlike us, they rarely assumed that dreams were primarily
useful for illuminating the hidden workings of the self.
This conference explores the diversity of early modern uses
of the dream, in discourses ranging from poetry to medicine
to religion to the literature of exploration. The
flexibility of the dream in early modern hands was not only
disciplinary but also epistemic: the dream could work
historically to underwrite the truth of past or future
events, metaphysically to discover the forms of the
supernatural, heuristically to guide interpretation and
investigation in many fields, or aporetically to figure
experience and memory as inaccessible or unspeakable.
Should we speak of the dream as a single object of many
early modern knowledges, or as a series of objects produced
afresh in each new discussion? The dream's singular
polymorphousness lets us ask fundamental questions about the
internal boundaries of early modern knowledge, as well as
the ways in which those boundaries could be crossed. What
is clear from the outset is that early modern people of
deeply differing stripes found the dream an excellent tool
for thinking with.
Stuart Clark, Professor of Early Modern History at the
University of Wales, Swansea, will present a Faber Memorial
Lecture at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 23 in Woolworth
Hall, room 102. Professor Clark is the author of Thinking
With Demons: The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe
(Oxford University Press, 1997) and co-editor of Witchcraft
and Magic in Europe: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
(University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999), among other works.
All are welcome to attend; a reception will follow.

Conference schedule and information:

* * *
Dream Art Exhibition
at the 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the
Study of Dreams
University of California, Santa Cruz * July 10 -15, 2001
Deadline, March 21, 2001
For details and entry form, go online to
Select the Art Exhibition.


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>>Start the New Year off Right, with your Dreams to Guide
the Way!
Learn how you can receive intuitive guidance from dreams in
my proven, personally mentored, home-study "Dream Quest." In
this unique program, you'll find your dreams can help you
get where you want to go, and they'll probably go you one
better. In just four weeks you'll also come away with
experience using practical methods for dream interpretation.
For a limited time, those who enroll online will get $100
off the usual fee, which also includes my creating for you a
hand-painted watercolor "Dream Mandala". For more
information, sample mandalas and some success stories, go


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share
with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help
spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is
really a public projects board and requires that everyone
keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a
point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>> Astrology & Dreams
Astrologer Barry Cowper explores the effect of astrology on
dreams. Site also features astro-cartography and astrology

>>> Astro-Awareness now includes a Dream Section
"Astrologically dreams are ruled by Neptune," says Maria and
she will take a look at your dreams and try to answer your

>>> Book of Dreams by Scott McLoud
Scott is a grad student in secondary education and has put
up his personal dream journal. The journal extends from
childhood and is illustrated.

>>> Dutch Dream Center

TWT Dream Centre: A Dutch site about dreams and dreaming,
dreamwork and other projects in the Netherlands related to
dreaming. Contact:"Tjitske Wijngaard" <>

>>> Group Dreamwork Experiment

This is a nearly completed group experiment in non-
interpretive dreamwork using methods involving movement,
gesture, and ritual.



February 2001


Feb 2-4 in Albuquerque, NM
Jeremy Taylor workshop with Brooks Institute. Contact Jane
Kopp at 303.377.2938

Feb 5-May 18 in Berkeley, CA
7:10-9:40pm, "Dreams" class, taught by Jeremy Taylor, at
Starr King School for the Ministry. OPEN TO AUDITORS. Call

Feb 10-11 in Los Angeles, CA
Conference on Dreams, Religion, and Science. At the
University of California, Los Angeles. Sponsored by the
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. Invited
speakers include Jeremy Taylor, J. Allan Hobson, Tracey
Kahan, and Lee Butler. Contact for more information:

Feb 10-11 in Cleveland, OH
Dreamgrowing: Releasing the Healer and Creator in You, 2-day
workshop with Robert Moss. Reservations and directions:
Please contact MiShalla (513) 697-9845, email

Feb 16-18 in Gainesville, FL
Weekend workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Carla at
352.392.6547, ext 311

Feb 20 in Menlo Park, CA
11-1pm, Jeremy Taylor lecture introducing dreamwork at St.
Denis Church. Open to all. Contact Tereza at or Kathy at 415.454.2793

February 23-24, 2001
Conference: The Dream in Western Europe 1500-1800
Princeton University
Kristine Haugen (

Feb 25 in San Francisco, CA
Jeremy Taylor Forum at Grace Cathedral: "Deepening Spiritual
Practice through Dreamwork." Contact Sean at 415.749.6363.

Feb 24-25 in Miami, FLA
Shamanic Dreaming and Divination, 2-day workshop with Robert
Moss. Reservations and further information: Please contact
Dominick Sorrentino (305) 445-5064,



New Series begins with Digest #1

This issue includes volume #67 volume #87

Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by Richard Wilkerson and the
DreamEditor, a software creation of Harry Bosma, author of
the Dream interpretation and journaling software "Alchera".

Please note that we print these dreams as they come to us
and that means we do not correct the spelling. Some
dreamworkers find these spelling mistakes a great window on
the dream and dreamer.

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and
comments from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams
in Cyberspace.

Many mail lists participate, including
The Dream Sack http//
Usenet groups (too many to name, search DREAM)

If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you
can leave them at

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------------------------- BEGIN ---------------------------
[dream-flow] Digest Number 67


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. A Great Story to Tell
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 08:14:53 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: A Great Story to Tell

Dear Dream Flow People:
This is my first contact with you and I wonder what the
procedure is. Here is a recent dream that I'm working on.
Thanks for any input.

Dream December 18, 2000
I am in some business negotiations with a high-powered
business executive. It has to do with purchasing airline
tickets, perhaps for resale. I have an assistant with me and
there is a guy from Bethany, working at a relatively low
level job for the company I am negotiating with. At one
point, my assistant slips me a pen. He is lying prone and
passes it under his body to me.

The executive offers to take us for a flight in his jet. We
go out to the runway. There we see a jet (not the one we
will fly in) in an expensive, genuine leather casing. I
think about the cost of just the case.

People get in the jet but I am seated on the nose of the jet
behind the pilot (the executive). I am very nervous of this,
thinking about flying on the outside of a jet. I ask, "Will
the wind blow my glasses off?" The pilot is reassuring. I
feel the jet that I am sitting on and think that if worst
comes to worst, I can punch my fingers through the thin
fabric of the skin of the jet and grip the frame.

The pilot, who has a reputation of not paying attention to
all the rules, taxis off the runway without proper clearance
and then the ground drops away below us and he coasts,
glides through the air. It is frightening but not as bad as
being under jet thrust. We are flying over a beautiful
harbour. I begin to slip and try to get my feet on the grips
for my feet but I can't seem to. I don't fall off.
I think, "This will be a great story."


[dream-flow] Digest Number 68


There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. A Great Story to Tell
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
2. The Accident (Terror of Seperation)
From: Anonymous
3. bad dreams for years
From: Anonymous
4. Adventures in a Red Cavern
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 12:56:30 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: A Great Story to Tell

Daniel's Dream December 18, 2000
I am in some business negotiations with a high-powered
business executive. It has to do with purchasing airline
tickets, perhaps for resale. I have an assistant with me and
there is a guy from Bethany, working at a relatively low
level job for the company I am negotiating with. At one
point, my assistant slips me a pen. He is lying prone and
passes it under his body to me.
The executive offers to take us for a flight in his jet. We
go out to the runway. There we see a jet (not the one we
will fly in) in an expensive, genuine leather casing. I
think about the cost of just the case.
People get in the jet but I am seated on the nose of the jet
behind the pilot (the executive). I am very nervous of this,
thinking about flying on the outside of a jet. I ask, "Will
the wind blow my glasses off?" The pilot is reassuring. I
feel the jet that I am sitting on and think that if worst
comes to worst, I can punch my fingers through the thin
fabric of the skin of the jet and grip the frame.
The pilot, who has a reputation of not paying attention to
all the rules, taxis off the runway without proper clearance
and then the ground drops away below us and he coasts,
glides through the air. It is frightening but not as bad as
being under jet thrust. We are flying over a beautiful
harbour. I begin to slip and try to get my feet on the grips
for my feet but I can't seem to. I don't fall off.
I think, "This will be a great story."

I took the Gestalt approach and dialogued with a couple of
the characters in this dream. Very interesting results.
The pilot is a cocky, risk taking part of me. I asked him
why he sat me on the nose of the plane. He answered, "I am
here to serve you. If you tell me what to do, I will do it.
If you don't tell me what to do, I will tell you what to
I also dialgued with my assistant. He is quiet and
conservative. He said, "I'm here to serve you, advise you.
Please listen for me." I asked, "Why did you pass me a pen."
I wanted you to write this dream down." I asked, "Why were
you lying prone on the desk?" He said, because I wanted you
to notice me."

My life conclusion: I need to think and plan carefully,
listening to the various voices in me and then deciding my
course of action. If I don't make definite decisions, there
are a number of inner characters, I think, who will. In the
future, I want to be more consciously directed. Some of my
unconscious decisions have been costly. I have great inner
resources to draw on.

I feel that there is more to this dream yet. What do the
tickets represent? What is the leather covered airplane? The


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:40:09 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Accident (Terror of Seperation)

Dream Title The Accident (Terror of Seperation)

Date of Dream 12-20-00, 10:30 am
Dream I just had this dream, less than an
hour ago, and I remember it so vividly, that I cry thinking
of what happened.....and I don't understand it at all.
Firstly, I live in a small town, so it is a common phrase
used among us that here, "it's inevitable that we will meet
once again". Those words have been going through my head
over and over again since he said them.

"He, is my X boyfriend, the first that I ever felt real love
for, but we were forced apart, by our family's opinion on
our difference of age.

Now that you know all the supporting facts on this dream,
I'll fill you in on what happened in it:

I was taking some sort of dance class, but I wasn't in my
regular studio. For some reason, I found myself in the
public high school of our little town, doing all the dance
steps right in front of the windows by the front doors. But
outside the windows, was not the school's parking lot, as it
is in life, but it was as if our town's square was just
outside those doors, and I was watching the cars go by.
Then, I saw him, and it's been aa long time, (like 3
months), I knew that i might never see him again, so I kept
my eye on him, as he rode his bike around the square just
outside those windows. He didn't see me, so I knew there was
probably no chance of him slowing down, I felt I had to go
out RIGHT then, just to be able talk to him again.

He passed by the windows, as all those thoughts crossed my
mind, and then, I's my last chance,
go!.....I ran one of those glass doors just as I saw him
turn around a corner, about 6 yards away, down the street
that leads to one of the only street lights we have here. I
slowed down walking.....I guess I was thinking that I didn't
want to look like I was desperatelyy running for him (but
inside, that's exactly how I felt) Then, right before I
turned that corner, I heard, screeching tires of what had to
be at least 2 cars....and then..... siren, I stopped dead in
my tracks and felt a complete regretful terror sweep over

I ran towards the street corner, and made a sharp
left......I was swamped in the middle of a whispering, crowd
of onlookers.....I pushed my way through the mob attempting
to find what it was that they were looking at.....and all of
my fears came true when I saw exactly what I was scarred to
admit had caused all that ciaos....a few cars were stopped
all crooked like on the street, with tired treads behind the
wheels.....I looked around the side of one of the emergency
vehicles and saw about 3 AMBULANCE guys huddled around
something with a a stretcher and other medical things, as I
came to look over their backs, I saw him there.....mangled
in his bike.....obviously beyond any help......
All I could do was turn and run, through the crowd, and past
the high school that had suddenly been relocated nearest to
the accident, and past any civilization....I kept running
until I woke up....

Comments by Dreamer I can usually interpret my own
dreams, but in this case, I'm scarred of what conclusions
I'll lead to. Please help me.....


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:40:42 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: bad dreams for years

Dream Title bad dreams for years

Date of Dream 12-19-2000 time 3:15 am
Dream i was wondering if any one knew
about dreams. i been haveing really bad dreams for like
almost 3 years now... same sorta dreams where i cant move
and i think im awake.. but im not . cuz of course im
dreaming....the room looks the same and it always feels like
something is there... but i never knew what i just knew it
scares me... well like last month it started talking to
me... i know this sounds crazy and maybe ur laughing at me
but this is sorta scary to me.... its been calling me names
like stupid bitch well tonight it happened agian....ill tell
ya about might sound stupid to u but they scare the
shit out of me... ok i been fighting with this thing in my
dreams i can never see it but it comes to me calling me
names mainly bitch.... like bitch i bet u wont go to the
door u dumb bitch. well this thing knows i freeze and cant
move... the room looks just the same and even the computer
light shines threw out my room nothing is diffrent when i
loo! ! k around......well it ware calling me names agina and
telling to go the the door . so i actually got up. i never
get up in these dreams and i can feel my heart beat threw
out my chest and im really scard and im like not this
time.... im finding u and its over .....either u kill me or
im killing u well it starts laughing at me telling its not
behind the door.... when i open it and calling me a stupid
bitch,.,,, soo i start yelling where the fuck are u....and
dareing it to tell me where it is...... and it says its in
the mirror and i go to my full length mirror and its not
there. it says go to your new huge mirror ya dumb
bitch...... so i go there and the mirror is all gray and
dark sorta looks cracked even i move to go threw the mirror
to find itbut i wont go all the way in like half my body gos
threw soo like my waiste and legs are out soo i can pull my
self threw....and it starts telling me its playing hide and
go seek with me and wants me to find it.... and i say no....
i wa! ! nt u to face me tell me who the fuck u are?!? and it
laughs at me saying calling me the same names and telling me
to find it.... and its singing this song to me about hideing
and im like look im here come out.. and like all these faces
start appearing to me.... like demons and really crazy shit
like flashing before me and its still laughing and i can
feel like a arm on my arm....... soo for sum reason its like
pulling me in and im sayin come on me and u. this is ending
and ur going down...... and its pulling me in and ok this is
the stupid part but i start singing holy roller to it .....
from mother love bone and its like what bitch what did u
call me? and im like ur a fucking holy roller how do u like
that and calling it a jesus loveing bastard who needs to
leave me the fuck alone.......and itpulls me in harder and i
start getting reall scard cuz the faces are closer than be
fore and that horrid laughing....... ughh and i finally woke
up.... but omg...... its like talking to ! ! me and carring
conversations now....... ughhhhhh i dont wanna sleep
does any one know about dreams and maybe can give me an idea
why i have these and what the fuck my minds doing to me cuz
im starting to be one of those people who cant sleep.....and
i really need sleep but im sorta afraide to thinking it
might happen agian...... heh


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 22:29:48 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice t <janibenn
Subject: Adventures in a Red Cavern

Dream December 21, 2000 Adventures in a Red Cavern
I am in a large, man-made cavern, carved out of red clay or
earth. There are two levels, seperated by a dirt cliff of
about 50 feet. I am against the wall near the large entrance
(though the actual entrance must be some distance away, the
cavern is entered by a large tunnel) on the lower level.
There is a quiet, submissive woman with me, perhaps she is a
student of mine, I think she is considerable younger than my
50 years.
A cement mixer comes in the tunnel entrance into the lower
level where I am and then climbs the cliff. This is quite a
feat if not miraculous. I think, it couldn't do that unless
it was empty." The truck rolls and rights itself when it
reaches the upper level.
Something disturbs the cavern, perhaps the truck, and large
chunks fall from the ceiling. My companion and I huddle in a
hollow in the wall. Oddly, there doesn't seem to be any fear
at this.
I am directing a play and putting it on with a company in
the cavern.
I climb to the top of a small mountain where there is an
ancient, perhaps Egyptian, stone statue of a reclining
woman. The woman comes to life and gives me oral sex,
swallowing my semen. (This is my first wet dream in years.)



[dream-flow] Digest Number 69


There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Attacked
From: Anonymous
2. diving
From: Anonymous
3. Can I Take Your Picture?
From: Anonymous
4. The Weird Theater with Admirers
From: Anonymous
5. Hells to pay for wrongful death
From: Anonymous
6. Hes not really dead...
From: Anonymous
7. The Train Station
From: Anonymous
8. old women
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:06:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Attacked

Dream Title Attacked

Date of Dream 12/22/00
Dream I have dreams that someone is
trying to kill me and they hurt me and I can feel it. Yet I
never die no matter what they do to me? What does it mean?


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:07:59 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: diving

Dream Title diving

Date of Dream 12/27
Dream I had a dream last night, that i
was learning how to dive. I was diving into a large lake.
The lake was only about 2 to 3 feet deep, and if i did the
flips right, i would land perfectly and not hurt myself.
But a few times, i would not do any flips and land hurting,
while others watched.

Comments by Dreamer What does this mean?


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:08:36 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Can I Take Your Picture?

Dream Title Can I Take Your Picture? D. V.

Date of Dream 12.24.2000 @ 6:00 am
Dream My family and I rented a large
house on a beach, but it was cold out, so I just took a walk
by myself to find objects on the beach. Coming toward me,
was a man, about 30 or so, and he was caring a camera and
tripod. I started to turn away when he asked if he could
take my picture. I thought he asked me to take his picture
so I went closer. He asked again to take my picture, and
the asked if he could cut me in half, and then cut one half
into a hundred pieces. He said he would let the other half
go. I just looked at him and he was serious, so I started
running to the house. He followed, but walked. I stumbled
on the sand, but finally reached the house where i banged
frantically on the doors screaming to be let in. My mother
let me in, and i told the to lock the doors and windows. I
thought he was outside, but the phone rang. That is when I
woke up.


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:07:06 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Weird Theater with Admirers

Dream Title The Weird Theater with Admirers-

Date of Dream 12/22/00-all night until about 9:00
Dream i had a dream last night that i was
in this huge formal theater and everyone was really dressed
up. behind the theater there were locker rooms, like at my
school gym. one side was girls', one was boys'. throughout
the first part of the dream, my crush was following me
EVERYWHERE i went. he was really annoying me and i couldn't
get rid of him. finally, i went in the girls' locker room,
and he was in the boys'. then i quickly ran out and went up
into the balcony and sat with my mom. soon, i went back down
by the locker rooms. my crush was there, only this time, he
was my OTHER real-life crush, but portrayed as the same
person in the dream. he asked me why i ditched him, and i
told him he was annoying me. then he apologized, and acted

Comments by Dreamer this was a really strange
dream...please tell me what it means!!!

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments i'd like a copy and an
interpretation emailed to me, please, at


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:09:56 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Hells to pay for wrongful death

Dream Title

Date of Dream december15 3:00 am
Dream well it all started out when me, my
mom, a good friend named nick and my arche enemy lisa where
all in lisa's car driving down the road and we stopped at
lisa's house which my ex-boyfriend also lives well she get
out of the car and starts looking around kind of puzzled so
i got out of the car and she looks at me and says it's a
neverending story sarah then all of a sudden there was these
hidious screams of agony from the back yard and we still
didnt know where alex (my ex) and lisa's mom where so we run
to the back yard and it was a big back yard about a football
feild and there was alittle shed write in the middle and 3
girls i relly dont know that well run out from behind the
shed one ran up to me and screamed in my face "HELLS TO PAY
FOR WRONGFUL DEATH" and then lisa started crying then i
woke-up we still hadn't found out where alex and lisa's mom
was and why did that girl scream that in my face

Comments by Dreamer i just want to know what that girl
meant when she screamed that in my face it scared me to
death i woke up crying and the first thing i thought about
that alex had killed him self and why couldn't we find alex
and lisa's mom


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:07:39 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Hes not really dead...

Dream Title Hes not really dead...

Date of Dream 12/27/00 and i dont know the time
it was at
Dream Did u ever hear the thing about if
you have a dream about a dead person that means they came to
you in your sleep? do you believe it? I do, just don't Think
I'm crazy... his death hit me really hard and it hurt... :(
I knew him sense 4th grade so...
Last night I dreamt that I was still at south op.(its a
continuation school) , but north (my home school) I guess
moved over to south. And south op. was walking back from
lunch and we saw a group of juniors (like my bro., and some
of his friends )Sitting at a table that was fenced in. the
only peoples face I saw was my bro. (at the time), and
Hannah (this girl i know) went to south op. with me and she
had a piece of cake and she was trying to shove it through
the fence to give to my brother. Then i noticed someone was
laying down and i look real hard and it was my friend who
passed away. i was shocked in my dream, and i looked at him
and i did that little head nod thing to say whats up. and he
was like "what's up?" and I was like "oh my God, I thought u
were dead" and he was like "yeah well I'm not. Can u say
that a little louder" but he said that in a NOT mean way.
And I was like "I'm sorry. But I went to your funeral" and
he was like "it was a fake body" and I was like "so w! !
here have u been this whole time?" and he named off a few
states and shit and I was like "how could u fake your death?
your Mom ... your dad..." and then I guess I forgot what
happened. I know hes really dead but i cant figure out this

Comments by Dreamer What does this mean?
e-mail me at :


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:06:15 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Train Station

Dream Title The Train Station by Miroshu

Date of Dream for years
Dream I am now 24 and I can say I have
been having this dream consistently for at most 20 years. I
am always trapped in a train station either taking the
trains in the wrong direction or missing the trains
completely, or trying to get to the right train. By the way
it is not always the same train station and I ride the train
almost daily in my "real life". In my dreams the stations
never appear as they really are in "real life" but are close
enough. I have a naturally good sense of direction in "real
life", I can be somewhere once and go there again without
thinking about where I have to go my body just leads me and
I know the subway systems very well but in my dreams it is a
totally different story. In my dreams when I receive advice

from other passengers it gets me into more trouble when
trying to get out of the station. Basically my goal is to
leave, get out of the train station but i never seem to make
it. I take the stairs only to find that I am in another area
of the station. I am usually by myself sometimes with my
sisters, or my best friend or my boyfriend. I almost made it
out one time I got out but I was not were I wanted to be so
I had to go back again in the damn train station. I am so
annoyed. I need to figure it out cause I need to get out of
the train station for good.

Comments by Dreamer i think this may have to do with
the decisionsd in my life but i am not that sure because
this is a dream that i have been having since i was a little
girl. i really have no clue where i am trying to go.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Share it, interpret it. Whatever! I
just want to know what you take and no i will not hold you
accountable for anything. I know an interpretation is just
that an interpretation


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 15:09:12 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: old women

Dream Title old women

Date of Dream 12/28/00 3:00 am
Dream My dream was in black and white and
in it I dreamed i was living in this like gutter or alley
way of a wharehouse that had a dock, i did't seem like the
otherpeople i saw, i was cleaner, different some way, it
felt like i didn't belong there and then it goes. I stood
there by the dock and the stairwell, it was mad of solid
concrete, then higher up above the stairwell was a concrete
walk way, the whole building was made of concrete, I had
just seen somthing pass up there running fast, they where
moving real fast, i didn't get a good look at them but thay
seemed to be two men, i didn't get a sense of fear from them
though, A minute later i seen an old women on the walk way
running, as if she was trying to chase what i had seen
before away, she stopped and looked right down at me, her
death showed then, she wasn't growling but that was her
facial expression, or that was how her face looked she had
so many teeth that it wouldn't even close, the were filthy,
and jagged, when she saw me she ran down to me with unhuman
like speed, so fast that it seemed just like a flash, to
attack. She didn't make a sound but it was a growl, if i
could have heard her she would of cetainly been growling,
she looked over 300 years old, a lot of deep wrinkles as if
she had weathered in the sun all those years, her hair was
just around shoulder length, so gray that it was white, the
top of her head was bald,she had on a dress that was real
long touching the floor it had long sleeves,it was real
tight over the top of her body and waste, she wad skinny and
shrunken, her eyes were real white and the color was little
more than a dot. when she standing above me on the dock not
even knowing that i was trying to scare her off i yelled and
kicked, the yell wasn't even in my tone, it was so shrill,
my own scream scared me and surprised me, it was like it was
almost invoulentary, it was a scream of fear, she wasn't
stopping. she was coming to harm, kill me, my fear was like
no other fear i've ever known. okay so after i screamed and
kicked i seen her whole image one last time, the i woke up,
when i awoke my breathing was normal and my heart wasn't
racing, my neice said that i was kicking and gasping in my

Comments by Dreamer it was the worse fear i've ever


[dream-flow] Digest Number 70


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Richard "It Scared Me to Death"
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2000 09:43:30 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: Richard "It Scared Me to Death"

Hells to pay for wrongful death
Dream Title Date of Dream december15 3:00 am
Dream well it all started out when me, my
mom, a good friend named nick and my arche enemy lisa where
all in lisa's car driving down the road and we stopped at
lisa's house which my ex-boyfriend also lives well she get
out of the car and starts looking around kind of puzzled so
i got out of the car and she looks at me and says it's a
neverending story sarah then all of a sudden there was these
hidious screams of agony from the back yard and we still
didnt know where alex (my ex) and lisa's mom where so we run
to the back yard and it was a big back yard about a football
feild and there was alittle shed write in the middle and 3
girls i relly dont know that well run out from behind the
shed one ran up to me and screamed in my face "HELLS TO PAY
FOR WRONGFUL DEATH" and then lisa started crying then i
woke-up we still hadn't found out where alex and lisa's mom
was and why did that girl scream that in my face Comments by
Dreamer i just want to know what that girl meant when
she screamed that in my face it scared me to death i woke up
crying and the first thing i thought about that alex had
killed him self and why couldn't we find alex and lisa's mom

I find that often the emotion of the dream is the key to
what it's about.
it scared me to death i woke up crying -- What in your life
scares you to death and makes you want to cry? That is what
your dream is about.


[dream-flow] Digest Number 71


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Dreaming of Dying
From: Anonymous
2. cookie
From: Anonymous
3. Modeling
From: Anonymous
4. Moving Mike
From: Anonymous
5. Stealing/Running/Fighting
From: Anonymous
6. A Miraculous Van Crash
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
7. A Miraculous Van Crash version 2, comment on this
one, please.
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:43:33 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Dreaming of Dying

Dream Title Dreaming of Dying

Date of Dream 12-29-00/7:00 am
Dream I had a dream last night that I was
dying. I don't know how I knew or what I was dying of. My
family and friends were gathered at a place, I don't know
where, but it was very decorative in color. It was filled
with reds, golds, greens, and purples. There was a bed made
up for me to sleep my last night in. My aunt had given me a
poster with pictures that I've never seen before but that
had happened in my life. It was like my whole life was on
this poster. Under every picture was a caption about what
had happened at that point. The last thing I remembered
saying was "If I don't die tonight, I'm going on a diet
tomorrow." I'm overweight but not at an extreme point where
I'd die from it and I was at the same condition as I am now
as I was in the dream. Today, which is the day after the
night of the dream, I couldn't eat much. I just haven't been
hungry? What does this mean?


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:40:49 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: cookie

Dream Title cookie

Date of Dream 1985
Dream my son was sick and i was going to
the hospital and i was in a elevator when an older nurse try
to throw me in a room full of candles.i manage to escape,so
i threw her down a fire escape,and when she fell i heard her
head hit the ground.then she manage to get up and started to
climb up it and saying ,im going to get you.then i seen my
mothers old butter knife that had roses on it.then i stabbed
her about 5 was so scarey,i couldt get back to
sleep for a while.

Comments by Dreamer ill never forget it.


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:42:03 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Modeling

Dream Title Modeling, mis sea

Date of Dream 12/28/00
Dream I was walking in a mall window
shopping and a man from a shop called to me, and asked me if
I would come with him into his store. I accepted the offer,
and when entering, found a few other teens. the owner
asked me to change into a formal gown, which I did. My hair
and makeup was quickly done, and before I knew it, I was
modeling off different gowns with the other teens, Soon
they all left but I was asked to stay. when the session was
finished I was told I could leave and keep a gown. I
changed into my favorite and then exited the store, and mall
to find myself onboard a cruse ship. Walking around, I
stopped at the railing, and looked off the port side of the
ship into the horizon, of which included a setting sun.
Once again I heard my name being called and so I turned to
meet the man who was calling me. That is where I awoke.


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:42:46 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Moving Mike

Dream Title Moving Mike

Date of Dream 03/12/00
Dream I have my own manufacturing company
and a few months ago I was dreaming that I am standing at a
strange warehouse and some of my employees are taking all my
small mixing tank and equipments out of the warehouse and I
was so cool about it. I could see a strange girl which I
knew she was there to help me there and she was appearing
and disappearing from the action. After my employees took
all the stuff out of the warehouse. I see someone brought me
a huge square tank and set it up at the warehouse for me
then I see the same strange girl showed up she came toward
me to gave me a hug and holding me in her arms like she
knows me for a long time.


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 14:41:42 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Stealing/Running/Fighting

Dream Title Stealing/Running/Fighting Howard2

Date of Dream December 30,5:00 a.m.
Dream I am in a Walgreens store
purchasing paper plates and napkins but as I am ready to
check our I realize I forgot my money. I walk out the door
with the items, realize that I haven't paid for them and
toss them under a bush by the front door. Then I walk away
quickly. I am followed by a store security guard. I begin
walking faster and he takes chase. When he catches up to me
I try to explain that I didn't steal these items, that I
just set them down so I could get my money and come back.
He wants to have me arrested. I proceed to fight him karate
style (He is Asian) and manage to get away. I go to a
friend's house and hide but somehow he knows me and goes
there too. He finds me hiding in a closet. When we return
to the store, there is a strange room with multiple doors.
He leaves me in the room. I realize all of the doors lock
from the inside, so I begin locking them. He walks in the
only door I haven't locked yet. We start fighting again.
There is a bucket of water in the corner and I shove his
head in it and try to drown him. When he stops struggling I
let go and leave through the unlocked door. As I leave, I
realize he isn't dead but he is weaker. I run into my
extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, brother)
and we are having a special dinner. I join in but am afraid
I will be caught by the security guard. Soon I begin to run
again but now my legs won't work. The security guard finds
me and just as we are to fight again, I wake up.

Comments by Dreamer I woke up afraid, like I was having
a nightmare. The dream was very vivid. I was off work for
a while and money was tight, but I went back to work over a
month ago and we are getting on our feet again. I also
miscarried a pregnancy one year ago on Jan. 2. What does
the dream signify? That I am able to fight this man, does
it mean I am getting stronger from my loss? What does the
stealing mean?


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:20:21 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: A Miraculous Van Crash

December 30, 2000 Miraculous Van Crash
I am driving down a mountainous road. It is snowing and the
road is slippery. I am in the back seat of the van and
trying vainly to steer it with a stick or something. We
barely make a couple of corners (miraculously) and suddenly
we are crashing through trees, heading downhill. Everything
has gone to slow motion. I have the sense of great speed,
of trees coming at the van, sometimes sideways but I see it
all as in slow motion, like in the movies. We come through
the forest but now we are on the edge of a cliff and the van
topples over the edge and is falling through the air. I
think, "I'm really gonna get hurt" and I try to get my arm
up from being draped over the back of the seat or over a
piece of metal so that when we impact, my arm will not be
I do not remember the impact. The next scene is in the
parking lot of a small strip mall. There is a concrete,
square garbage can there and a coffee shop or variety store.
There is also another building, a dwelling, a friend's
house, just vaguely on the right. There is some snow and
slush in the parking lot. I am looking at the van, which is
somehow up on a hoist. The van appears that it may still
drive but the sheet metal on the outside is all crumpled,
loose, peeled back and hanging. It's a mess. I really don't
see how I can drive it.

I am inside the friends' house (the Newtons). They are not
apparent but I sense that they are around. My wife, Janice,
and the kids are at the door to come in.
It is miraculous that I wasn't killed or even injured.
I really wonder what I'm gonna do.

The van is my current white 92 Aerostar Van. Today is a
slippery and snowy day. My wife borrowed the van earlier
today (we are separated and the children live with her).
They are visiting some mutual friends, the Newtons, this
evening. I was acknowledging that my life is out of control,
today, in my 12 Step group. I was reading and praying over
Psalm 91 yesterday, a Psalm of protection: "He will give his
angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your
ways." v. 11
The outlines of the interpretation are obvious to me. I need
to be in the driver's seat of my van: I need to be in
control of my vehicle. Or is it obvious, at all? The issue
in 12 Step is surrendering control of one's life to God. I
have been a very self-willed person in the past and have had
a lot of knocks because of it. Who should be in the driver's
seat of this van? So, the theme of this dream is obvious but
the message to me is not. I do thank God for his love and
protection of me. I sense the presence of helping agents in
the friends in the dream, although they are only vaguely


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 18:30:18 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: A Miraculous Van Crash version 2, comment on this
one, please.

December 30, 2000 Miraculous Van Crash
I am driving down a mountainous road. It is snowing and the
road is slippery. I am in the back seat of the van and
trying vainly to steer it with a stick or something. We
barely make a couple of corners (miraculously) and suddenly
we are crashing through trees, heading downhill. Everything
has gone to slow motion. I have the sense of great speed,
of trees coming at the van, sometimes sideways but I see it
all as in slow motion, like in the movies. We come through
the forest but now we are on the edge of a cliff and the van
topples over the edge and is falling through the air. I
think, "I'm really gonna get hurt" and I try to get my arm
up from being draped over the back of the seat or over a
piece of metal so that when we impact, my arm will not be

I do not remember the impact. The next scene is in the
parking lot of a small strip mall. There is a concrete,
square garbage can there and a coffee shop or variety store.
There is also another building, a dwelling, a friend's
house, just vaguely on the right. There is some snow and
slush in the parking lot. I am looking at the van, which is
somehow up on a hoist. A mechanic, or someone who knows
what to do about these kinds of things is looking at the
van. He says nothing and I don't speak to him. The van
appears that it may still drive but the sheet metal on the
outside is all crumpled, loose, peeled back and hanging.
It's a mess. I really don't see how I can drive it.

I am inside the friends' house (the Newtons). They are not
apparent but I sens
e that they are around. My wife, Janice, and the kids are at
the door to come in.
It is miraculous that I wasn't killed or even injured.

I really wonder what I'm gonna do. Discussion

The van is my current white 92 Aerostar Van. Today is a
slippery and snowy day. My wife borrowed the van earlier
today (we are separated and the children live with her).
They are visiting some mutual friends, the Newtons, this
evening. I was acknowledging that my life is out of control,
today, in my 12 Step group. I was reading and praying over
Psalm 91 yesterday, a Psalm of protection: "He will give his
angels charge concerning you, To guard you in all your
ways." v. 11

The outlines of the interpretation are obvious to me. I need
to be in the driver's seat of my van: I need to be in
control of my vehicle. Or is it obvious, at all? The issue
in 12 Step is surrendering control of one's life to God. I
have been a very self-willed person in the past and have had
a lot of knocks because of it. Who should be in the driver's
seat of this van? So, the theme of this dream is obvious but
the message to me is not. I do thank God for his love and
protection of me. I sense the presence of helping agents in
the friends in the dream, although they are only vaguely


[dream-flow] Digest Number 72


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. my old ex
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 13:17:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: my old ex

Dream title dream Date of dream 5
months ago Dream I had a dream on night
about a one of my old ex who I deeply consitered as a
friend. I was in the classroom and one of my sister's
friends came up to me and told me the he still has feelings
for me. i felt pretty happy he was walking with my sister's
friend I catched him waiting for me after class but he
avoided me. i tried to figured out why at one point he
talked to me for a while them he just completely disappear I
saw him heading away with his frinds I was walking with my
friend at that time standing next to this house feeling blue
I saw a rose that grew right in the middle of a rock I found
it really weird it was the most beautifull rose I have ever
seen then my friend found it pretty also and she pulled it.
But another one grew but it took forever.


[dream-flow] Digest Number 73


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Is it love or not
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 10:10:17 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Is it love or not

Dream Title Is it love or not

Date of Dream 1/1/200110:30pm
Dream I had this dream about this friend
of mine we went to camp last yr andhe said that he liked me
and i told him that i liked him back but he had a g/f soi
haven't spoken to him since april last yr untill a month ago
and i keep on having these weired dreams about him that we
are at camp and he likes me and i like him and in every
dream i find myself cutting my wrists and then we kiss. i
want to know what it means if possible Comments by Dreamer


[dream-flow] Digest Number 74


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Is it love or not?
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
2. The Dreams of the X
From: Anonymous
3. confused
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 19:54:54 -0500
From: Daniel & Janice <janibenn
Subject: Is it love or not?

Message: 1 Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 10:10:17 -0800 From:
"Wilkerson, Richard" <> Subject: Is it
love or not
Dream Title Is it love or not Date of Dream
1/1/2001 10:30pm Dream I had this
dream about this friend of mine we went to camp last yr
andhe said that he liked me and i told him that i liked him
back but he had a g/f soi haven't spoken to him since april
last yr untill a month ago and i keep on having these weired
dreams about him that we are at camp and he likes me and i
like him and in every dream i find myself cutting my wrists
and then we kiss. i want to know what it means if possible

Comments by Dreamer

Does it mean that you are hurting yourself to pursue this
This is the 2nd time that I have commented on your dreams,
Richard. I would like a response of some kind.


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 17:19:13 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Dreams of the X

Dream Title The Dreams of the X

Date of Dream 12/22/00
Dream Me and my X were skating together
and I fell down and he rushed over to me and held my head up
and told someone to get help. He kissed me after they left
and then I saw everything go black because I got knocked un
conchous. Then when I woke up he was there and he said," I
Love You, Will You marry me and be with me forever." I
answered yes and then we kissed and I woke up right after

Comments by Dreamer I wanna know what it means! I'm
confused about this!


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 08:25:25 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: confused

Dream Title confused

Date of Dream 1/1/01
Dream me and an old crush were walking to
my classes and he put his arm around me.him and i walked to
my class and then he went to his class...when i walked into
my class there were no desk and the teacher told me we were
in the library today and i wasn't sure if when i left if i
should close the dooor or leave it opean so i stayed in
there for a while then i woke up...


[dream-flow] Digest Number 75


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Laura Pregnant
From: Anonymous
2. Scared
From: Anonymous
3. Trucking
From: Anonymous
4. "Why was it Him?"
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:21:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Laura Pregnant

Dream Title Laura Pregnant

Date of Dream 1/3/01
Dream I had a dream last night that I was
told that I was 8 months pregnant. I wasn't showing though.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:20:02 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Scared

Dream Title Scared

Date of Dream 1/2/01
Dream I had a dream that I had a baby and
left it at the hospital, the next thing I know I am ridding
in a car with my sister asking her when I have to pick up
the baby, she tells me that the baby has to stay in the
hospital for a couple of days. When my sister tells me this
I am very happy because I will not have to take care of the
baby for a couple of days. What does this mean? My husband
wants us to have a baby and I am wondering if my dream is
trying to tell me that I am not ready.


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:20:32 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Trucking

Dream Title Trucking,By Kasual

Date of Dream 07/87 5am
Dream The dream starts by us driving to
Kansas City as we had done before, It was My husband, My
Mother and Myself, The reason for the trip was my mothers
husband was a truckdriver and he had a layover, so we had to
go pick him up and then take him back when a load was
available, We drove into the trucking company's lot and
looked for his truck,Finally after about thirty minutes we
found his truck,but he was nowhere in sight,I get out of the
car and go to the truck and open the drivers door as the
truck had a sleeper on it and thought maybe he was resting
till we got there, I opened the door and the entire cab was
filled with blood,I had to have spent thirty to forty five
seconds looking around then stepped down from the truck and

The dream was irritating as I have had dreams about people
before,i hadn't talked with my mother for several weeks and
tried to talk to my husband but he wasn't responsive,So I
called my mother and asked where her husband was, she said
"right here on the couch," "why",I told her to keep him
there as long as she could and again she asked "why"I told
her about the dream and then asked when I had the dream and
I told her last night,she gasped and said,"oh my" I said
"what" she said his daughters son died last night.

Comments by Dreamer This is only one of many dreams, I
have given you one of the most eastest to read without alot
of detail,If you would like to respond,I would enjoy
reading,if there is any asistance with this "Dreaming" I
have many more to share

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please be considerate,Thank You


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 17:22:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Why was it Him?"

Dream Title "Why was it Him?" - Me

Date of Dream
Dream This is the dream and whole story
behind it...
It was werid because I don't understand why the person who
was in it, atended in it.
I don't remember whe whole thing but there is a part that
makes my think that i remember clearly.

So i was in my house and about to go to bed and something
happened that my close and friend and her , cute, brother
had to sleep over. Somehow everyone disappered and it was
just me and him, usually I wouldn't mind because we're
pretty good friend- well actully once were now that I look
at it. Ever since I saw hit I've always thought he was the
biggest hottie and we always did our share of flirting but
it was never anything serious or real- just playing around.
One day I was really down and upset,crying, and he just
cared enough to just stay by my side and just cared.

We lost touch after that, we just started dirfting because
of different things in our lives. Although, I made it very
clear to him that if at any point he needed me I was there
for him and I mean it was clear that I left something for
him, but still I never expressed to much gratitude for it

Then, I started crushing on a friend of his. When i would
call he would tease me about that other kid, it was just
always laughs. I soon realized that i missed seeing him
around all the time but since he didn't care I stopped too.
Back to this other kid, so yeh i had a crush on him which
didn't last long. When i finally started gettin over him,
when i knew nothing would ever become of him and I becuase
like everyone said he was no good for me and all that stuff
- i agreed. I had almost no more feelings for him when i had
this dream, and I just find it so werid..

So back to the dream...

He, my friend's brother, was sleeping in my parents room
where the bed is really firm and big, i remember that, and
he looked very upset. We didn't talk I just layed down next
to him and he just put his head on me and we just slept. I
woke up after that, but the werid thing is that when I woke
up I had this feeling like it really happened, I still felt
his head leaning on me. It felt as if his head was actully
layed on my shoulder/chest just listening to my heart and
restin peacefully. I remembered that so well when I awoke
and then when i went down to sleep it was like I was being
placed back into that same situation. As if knowing he was
there, I felt so safe and secure- like bad and hurt were
never born.

When i awoke in the morning I still had that same old
feeling which I wanted to cling onto forever to , but it was

So now, i've just been thinking about why it would be him
who appeared in my dream. Could it be that even though I
didn't realize I helped him with something in his life or is
it one of those dreams that I rather just forget? Or, does
it really mean something that there is no of a future to us
then both of us now of?
Alrite, well I'm done.. thanks


[dream-flow] Digest Number 76


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Russian War
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 12:50:05 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Russian War

Dream Title Russian War-By Victoria

Date of Dream 11pm-8am1/5/2001-1/6/2001
Dream My best and me were playing and we
ended up in the middle of the Russian war. They started to
chase us and my friend leavt me and I was running so fast
that I fell throw this hole and I was in my school. I hide
in the bathrooms, classrooms every were but when I went to
my social room it turned into a big wagon. When I got out I
ran to the cafeteria and the Russian's were right on my tail
and the cafeteria person had a sign saying this way to North
America. I ran in there and then they stopped the Russians
and they didn't let them go in. it was a piece of ice the
size of your trailer and surrounded by ocean. I yelled "mom"
but it wasn't my mom it looked like that blonde actress but
I don't know her name. I ran to here and then a helicopter
came to help us but the Russians had one to. They both like
were hitting into each other and spark were fling everywhere
and the Russians yelled if you don't give up your daughter
will kill you first. So my mom came ! ! charging at me cause
I was near the edge she was trying to push me in but I moved
and I killed my mother! Then I ran back to the school and
the helicopters were both dead. It was time for recess so my
friend and me went to it. I remembered this dream by now
cause I've had it before and I was trying to think of what
happens next and I started hearing a rumbling noise. I
thought it was a avalanche but it was a volcano eruption so
we ran and go on top of the snow bank and the lava got real
close then in my dream me, the kid I like, and I girl I envy
fell asleep. When I woke up I went up to my friend and
yelled at her cause she didn't wake me up and how she leavt
me but she didn't answer. I looked down and I was a ghost.
Then Mr. Carlisto, my English teacher came out and said"
this has been a very sad day and 4 people have died that
went to this school" and me, the kid I like, the girl I envy
and my favorite teacher had all fallen asleep and were died.

Comments by Dreamer And it just doesn't make sense
cause why did all the people I liked die and why was I
trying to help people cause I have had this dream before and
I felt like I was awake but couldn't get my eyes opened.


[dream-flow] Digest Number 77


There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Russian War
From: Heratheta
2. triple twin
From: Anonymous
3. Brown bear in a bed
From: Anonymous
4. Love and Happiness?
From: Anonymous
5. "Winning turned dark"
From: Anonymous
6. falling
From: Anonymous
7. caroline
From: Anonymous
8. Cut off your nose to spite your face?
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 15:38:15 EST
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Russian War

Mup y)(e ylo)(eHHi cnpaba BouHa e)(elu bi y)(e oBoxogulu
cmaHobay7u "koH7eHHi"


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 14:00:26 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: triple twin

Dream Title triple twin

Date of Dream about 5 years ago
Dream I was standing next to a very old
man with a big nose. He said you are the triple twin, the
one who got lost and found home again.
(does any one know what the triple twin means?) Comments by
Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I would love comments


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 15:38:45 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Brown bear in a bed

Dream Title Brown bear in a bed

Date of Dream 01/01/07/ 7:30
Dream I am in a forest sitting on a bed
observing a brown bear (grizzly?) in daylight with a
spotting scope and an old 8mm film camera. Nightfall comes
and the bear goes out of sight through the forest, when I
think to myself "if he comes here while I'm sleeping I must
not freak out...". I fall asleep and awaken in the dark to
the sound of an animal crunching through the forest next to
the bed. Suddenly he jumps on to the bed and my heart starts
racing but I decide I must be calm. The animal begins to
sniff and lick my face, covering my nose with his big wet
lips so I cannot breathe, but my heart suddenly stops racing
as he lets out a long sigh and sits down with his forepaws
on either side of me, almost hugging me in a protective
manner. I have not opened my eyes through this whole
sequence and am only assuming it is the same bear.

Comments by Dreamer My spirit animal has been
recognized as a wolf while my birth totem is a brown bear


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 15:54:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Love and Happiness?

Dream Title Love and Happiness?

Date of Dream 1/4/01 11:07
Dream My dream is...I was 17 in my dream
and I got in a fight with my mom. I left in my car and when
i got down to the intersection i realized that there was no
where to go and my friends wouldn't be there for me. So I
decided to go to this good friend of mines who lived in ohio
to go to college. And sense i lived in oregon do i called my
mom and all i said was i am going to see Michael. Michael
and I in real life are pretty close. Well anyway he calls
on my cell phone a few days later and I am in Idaho. He
tells me he has a gilrfriend and that i shouldn't come. So
I start crying really hard and i call my sisters husband (in
the dream) and I tell him what happened and he told me he
would never let anyone hurt his little sister. He also told
me to go stay with them in colorado but i said I was going
to live in wisconsin by myself. In really life I have
always wanted to go to wisconsin to meet my husband and we
would be happy forever and in love. what does this mean?


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 15:54:52 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Winning turned dark"

Dream Title "Winning turned dark"

Date of Dream 12/00
Dream I was in what resembled a small
scale casino playing the slot machine or something simalier
to a slot machine, when all of a sudden I won $400. At the
moment of winning, all the electricty went out, except for
my machine, which stayed on until I got my pay out. I know
the city I was in, it was the next city over from where I
live, Atlantic Beach, NC (not Atlantic City.) Once I
recieved my payout, me and the person I was with (who I have
no idea who it was, although I can feel it weas a male
energy) got into the car and started driving over the
Atlantic Beach bridge (which is a very high, almost a semi-
circle, so that boats may pass under without the use of a
draw bridge). When we reached the top of the bridge we
noticed that the lights were out all over the city that I
lived in, as we tried to go down the bridge, it had a "flat"
on the down side, making it impossible to cross. So we just
sat at the top thinking "wow Morehead City had a black out".
That is all that I remember of the dream, but again, the
image and feelings of this dreams are burned into me. (for
the record, we do not have gambling in NC)

Comments by Dreamer Exact time and date I don't
remember, but the dream is as clear as if I just woke up.


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 15:55:53 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: falling

Dream Title falling

Date of Dream 1:00
Dream i was dreaming about how i fell and
it wouldn't stop.

Comments by Dreamer what does that mean


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 11:47:36 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: caroline

Dream Title caroline

Date of Dream AT NIGHT


Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments NOTHING REALLY


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2001 13:44:51 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Cut off your nose to spite your face?

Dream Title Cut off your nose to spite your

Date of Dream 01/08/01
Dream Background history: Was involved
with a man (Ed)for 6 years in an adulterous type affair on
his side. It ended harshly and abruptly. He stayed with his
wife and 2 children, I moved on and never saw him again.
It has been about 4 years since it ended.

Also, when we were together, he always bought me jewelry
from this one store. The store wasn't in the best of
neighborhoods and the windows and door had bars on them. He
knew the owner well.

This dream occurred to me on the morning of his birthday.
What is my subconsious telling me?

OK the dream:
In my dream I hear that Ed had died. I went to his funeral
and saw his wife, his children and his sister-in-law. They
were all very nice to me (Wierd given the nature of my
relationship with Ed and how it ended in an ugly manner.)
On the closed casket was a little box given by the children
to their father. It was propped open and in the dream I
approached it and felt around inside. The box was filled
with little pebbles or dirt and as I moved it around I found
what appeared to be Ed's cut off nose.

Somehow after the funeral or later in my dream (this is
where it gets a little fuzzy)I find out that Ed was wanted
or found guilty of stealing jewelry. How he ended up dead
though, I do not know.

Please give me your interpretation of what the cut off nose
would mean? I cannot find anything on this sort of


[dream-flow] Digest Number 78


There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. all the time
From: Anonymous
2. teeneejen
From: Anonymous
3. Re: all the time
From: kittycrisis <kittycrisis
4. Re: teeneejen
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001
5. Re: all the time
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001
6. Re: all the time
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:41:13 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: all the time

Dream Title suga

Date of Dream all the time
Dream some times i dream that i am
falling. although, i do not see anything. it usually
happenes when i am half asleep and i have to sit up with a
start because i feel odd.

Comments by Dreamer very odd. i want to know if it is
normal and what it means. please tell me what this means.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 10:06:23 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: teeneejen

Dream Title teeneejen

Date of Dream dec. 21 2000
Dream i had a dream that i was in a big
group of people and all of a sudden i'd bite down or talk
and my teeth would crack and fall out..i just kept spitting
tooth after tooth out and people were freaked out...if i bit
anything they would fall out..they were all rotten and

Comments by Dreamer its very wierd because i've never
had any trouble with my teeth that i remember..i have
perfect teeth..i've never had braces or anything like
that..except for when i was little... when i was 1 or 2 when
i just started walking i fell down a slide head first and
knocked out my front teeth..and shortly after that i got hit
in the mouth on another part of the play set and it knocked
out my other front teeth.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 12:44:18 -1000
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001
Subject: Re: teeneejen

I have had this dream before and other ones that were
similar. Freud would of liked this one. Are the teeth on the
ground? Do you know any of the people? -----Original

Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 8:22 AM Subject: [dream-
flow] teeneejen
>Dream Title teeneejen >Date of Dream
dec. 21 2000 >Dream i had a dream that i
was in a big group of people >and all of a sudden i'd bite
down or talk and my teeth would crack and fall >out..i just
kept spitting tooth after tooth out and people were freaked
>out...if i bit anything they would fall out..they were all
rotten and scary... >Comments by Dreamer its very wierd
because i've never had any trouble >with my teeth that i
remember..i have perfect teeth..i've never had braces >or
anything like that..except for when i was little... when i
was 1 or 2 >when i just started walking i fell down a slide
head first and knocked out >my front teeth..and shortly
after that i got hit in the mouth on another >part of the
play set and it knocked out my other front teeth.

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 12:49:13 -1000
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001
Subject: Re: all the time

I think this is where falling asleep got its coined phrase
"falling asleep". Do you have any visual eperience with
this, like falling from a building or something? Is there
any sound? -----Original Message----- Date: Wednesday,
January 10, 2001 8:19 AM Subject: [dream-flow] all the time
>Dream Title suga >Date of Dream all
the time >Dream some times i dream that i
am falling. although, i >do not see anything. it usually
happenes when i am half asleep and i have >to sit up with a
start because i feel odd. >Comments by Dreamer very
odd. i want to know if it is normal and what >it means. >
please tell me what this means. > > >

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 12:49:27 -1000
From: "Jackie & Steve" <palaisaj001
Subject: Re: all the time

I think this is where falling asleep got its coined phrase
"falling asleep". Do you have any visual eperience with
this, like falling from a building or something? Is there
any sound? -----Original Message----- From: kittycrisis
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 9:51 AM Subject: Re:
[dream-flow] all the time
At 18:41 10.01.01, you wrote:
Dream Title suga Date of Dream all the
time Dream some times i dream that i am
falling. although, i do not see anything. it usually
happenes when i am half asleep and i have to sit up with a
start because i feel odd. Comments by Dreamer very odd.
i want to know if it is normal and what it means. please
tell me what this means.
first off, i've never posted to this list before. i'm not
sure if there's some sort of "protocol" to follow here as
the above seems like a standard template. i'm just not awake
enuf to check back with the egroups page right now. surries.
secondly,... this is a common phenomenon, though i'm not
sure if it's "common" to experience it all the time.
it might be related to sleep paralysis, which i used to
experience almost every night, sometimes making me afraid to
fall asleep. i attributed it to the body getting ready for
sleep - i.e. kinda separating the muscles from the mind. now
this ought to happen while you're dreaming, and not while
you're still fully or half conscious, like when you're
relaxing, or about to fall asleep. in the beginning, i
thought i might be dying, but i lost mi fear of it. a few
years ago, it progressed into actual out of body
experiences, and i then learned to (sort of) control it, and
even to conjure it up at will; sometimes right out of the
blue. don't ask me how i did *that*.
anyway, to end this tangent and get back to the "falling"
experience - i suspect it might, just like the OBE, be
attributed to this separation of the mind's "input" from the
body's "output", i.e. your awareness is about to shut out
much of the outside world, and turns to the inside instead,
just like during dreams wherein you can feel, sense, sea and
hear and taste and think things you wouldn't if you were in
a daily-life kind of frame of mind. i could be just that,
rather than a dream; or, it could be a dream triggered by
the physical sensations that go with the muscle
relaxation/onset of sleep paralysis.
do you experience any other physical sensations during this
falling? in mi case it was like (possibly fairly low-level)
panic attacks, heart beating fast, afraid to asphyxate,
headache (pressure), strong "tingling" sensations, and
complete physical paralysis (unable to move, open the eyes,
or call for help.) but it wasn't about falling, usually.
so. i might just not know what i'm talking about. ohwell. i
really have no firm scientific ground to stand on.
end of babble!



There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. explosion
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 20:14:15 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: explosion

Dream Title explosion

Date of Dream nighttime
Dream for the last two night in a row i
have been dreaming of things around me exploding Comments by


[dream-flow] Digest Number 80


There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: The Train Station
From: "Hilary" <hj-b
2. My Dream
From: Anonymous
3. moving to
From: Anonymous
4. Fish
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 19:19:19 -0000
From: "Hilary " <hj-b
Subject: Re: The Train Station

For Hillary Barret's comments, please see the I Ching Column
in this issue.

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 19:18:28 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My Dream

Dream Title naturegoddess77

Date of Dream 1-13-2001 4:10 approx
Dream My Dream,
I was walking through a store like a bakery of some sort I
was in a single file line with many other people I didn't
know and i came out of the line and found a large cinnamon
roll big and puffy, i grabbed it and sat down in a lawn
chair a short one, and i sat and began to eat this cinnamin
bun and i was picking at it while i was eating it this line
of people were still walking past me and then this indian
man stood before me, tall medium toned skin, straight hair
pulled back like it was in a pony tail, and he was wearing
tan swede(buck skinned ) clothing shimmies and all, and
mockasins. he was holding this rattle type thing large bulb
at the top and a red ribbon made of a leather wrapped around
it and a thing handle. He kneeled down along the side of me,
my legs were crossed torward him and he started shakking
this rattle next to my legs and and he said,I am so sorry
sweetie" .... "spread your legs". I said "No" and then my
legs opened on thier own. and then he satn in all fours in
front of me with his face away from me. butt in between my
legs. and he started to shake his rattle thing and said
something about the devil. and when he said that My whole
body flew on top of his arms sprawled out over his body as
he is saying something in indian. my mouth open wide and it
felt like i was being relased of some type of demon. and i
could feel it being expelled from my mouth and body, and i
woke up.

Comments by Dreamer please tell me what this means. my


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:18:10 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: moving to

Dream Title moving to cccrocker

Date of Dream 1 13 o1
Dream I moved to N.Y., I'm in a
apartment that looks like a victorian flat I use to live in
S.F.. I'm glad i'm there and I feel like I got there before
anyone else decided to rent it. I'm hoping I don't have to
share it. An exboyfriend is there and he's kissing me, I'm
uncomfortable because I'm trying to chew a piece of meat in
my mouth. Then I see a fish tank on a table with fish in it
but only half full. I'm conserned that the fish will die. A
young woman comes out of one of the rooms and it's clear she
lives there I'm very upset, she looks like a hippie, and is
very unkept, the house looks a mess.It's obvious I'm going
to have share the house with her. end of dream.

Comments by Dreamer Living in Wis. with parents, at
the present time for a short visit. Will have to find a
apartment in bay area in a couple mo. when I go back there
to work.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I would like comments and you have
my permission to publish my dream.


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 00:18:48 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Fish

Dream Title Fish

Date of Dream 1-10-01 at night
Dream I have a reacuring dream that i am
fishing with my family usualy my little brother and sister
and i am standing on slanted ground then either one will
cach a fish and i will have to real it in and it puts up a
BIG fight and almost pulls me into the water and when i
finaly get the fish in its only about 1 inch long

Comments by Dreamer what dose this mean i am sick of
beong overwelmed by little fish:)

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments go a head share my dream if it will


[dream-flow] Digest Number 81


There are 16 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Bye Jeep
From: Anonymous
2. Slavery Theresa
From: Anonymous
3. money & dogs
From: Anonymous
4. Getting back with ex
From: Anonymous
5. Obituaries
From: Anonymous
From: Anonymous
7. The Black Dress
From: Anonymous
8. Mystery Boy
From: Anonymous
9. teeth
From: Anonymous
10. Daisy
From: Anonymous
11. Ceiling Falls, Beside
From: Anonymous
12. My Nails
From: Anonymous
13. the colour purple
From: Anonymous
14. Ugly Woman
From: Anonymous
15. "The Dance of Death"
From: Anonymous
16. baby bottles
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:46:22 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Bye Jeep

Dream Title Bye Jeep (Lauren)

Date of Dream 01/14 7:00
Dream I went to a University to sign up
for classes. I parked my red jeep in a parking lot, and I
didn't notice that a river was nearby. Later, when I came
out of the building, there was a swollen muddy river in
front of me. At first I thought I had come out the wrong
door, then I noticed a dark green minivan float to the top
of the water. Next came a new red van, and then my Jeep
bobbed up and started floating away. I went back inside the
building for help. I didn't know what to do. The staircase
was crowded. It was a tiny spiral thing - like a child's
slide. When I tried to get back out the door, a Gypsy woman
and her children were sleeping just outside it, and it was
difficult to get out. I woke crying over the loss of my car.

Comments by Dreamer I graduated from college in 1980.
I'm a single mother, and a well-paid computer specialist.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:47:54 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Slavery Theresa

Dream Title Slavery Theresa

Date of Dream 12-29-00
Dream There is a man and another man
talking. The man that has more authority is supposed to be a
"religious" man. He is a priest or something but he is
corrupt. He is telling the other man that there is not
enough money, that even after doubling their workload its
just not good enough. They'll have to kill them. The
religious man is not in the dream at all after that. The
other man is larger and goes into a room where there are
tables and tables of women working. It looks as if they're
doing something with denim. There are no sewing machines so
it's hard to tell what their work is. The room is present
day. The floor is white tiled and the tables are long and
modern. The man now has some others with him but I don't see
any faces of the men. They jump on the tables and knock
things off. All the women scream. One woman is wearing a
handkerchief on her head and has long brunette hair. She
covers her face and screams. At this point I'm one of the
women and I run! ! into a complicated shower complex. The
shower complex is modern too but like nothing that exists. I
run through it and it is like a maze almost. I go into the
furthest back corner from the door from which I entered. I
believe I'm then in a shower or a dressing room. It is tiled
in there, off white tiles. The whole bathroom was white
tiled. In the shower/dressing room there is a door that is
blue and resembles the door to a safe. Its small in size but
not too small that I couldn't go through it. It is locked
however so I press my body against the wall that the door is
on, facing it and listen as the man searches for me. I have
little doubt in my mind that he will find me eventually.
When I first ran into the shower complex I thought that I
could say if caught that I thought we would be taking
showers. This part of my dream reminds me of the holocaust
for obvious reasons. I heard the man opening doors and
making noise but was surprised when the noise died down and
I hadn't been! ! found. The next thing I know I'm with the
other women and we are walking through a room. The room is
wide and I see only one wall where there are blue curtains,
like shower or dressing room curtains. I think about hiding
behind them and than it jumps to another scene where
everyone is in a room. We are crowded together and I have a
son who is there. My son is dark haired and looks about 8 or
so. We are speaking with the man from the first scene and my
son says something that insults him. What he says is about a
horse. I see the horse and it is brown. The mn is angry and
is going to kill my son. I put my hand on the man's shoulder
and tell him that he's a good father. Why I tell him that or
how I know that he is a father I'm not sure. I know

that the
man was at that time wearing a white T-shirt. I'm not really
too concerned or upset about the fact that this man may kill
my son. My son is in the room in a space that has been
cleared of people and the man is heading over there. ! ! I
was being kind to the evil man with hopes that he would like
me and not kill me. The next thing that is happening is that
a newspaper has been brought to everyone attention. It
announces that the young king has been found dead by a lake.
I'm still in this woman's body but its not "me". It stopped
feeling like me after the shower maze. I'm still her but I'm
not- Its not me with a son. When I see this newspaper in my
head I see the lake and the dark haired man who is the
"young king". I have much hope after this. I know that it is
in fact not a young king but the father of my child. The man
is my boyfriend or husband and he is back-from where I don't
know but he has been gone. I know that he is not dead.

Comments by Dreamer Shortly after Christmas?

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Yes-I'm a student-not married or
with a son or boyfriend


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:48:26 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: money & dogs

Dream Title money & dogs

Date of Dream 1,14,01,7:00a.m
Dream i remember counting some money, and
being chased through a alley by a dog, i would like to know
why i dream what i dream, and what it meant.

Comments by Dreamer What is it all about???


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:47:53 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Getting back with ex

Dream Title Getting back with ex

Date of Dream 1-11-01 11:50a.m.
Dream Always dreaming of having a happy
relationship with my ex. Like we havent even broken up.


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:48:09 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Obituaries

Dream Title Obituaries

Date of Dream 01/11/01
Dream My husbands name showed up in the
Obituaries but I was out of state working. And his middle
inital was 3x bigger than the rest of the letters. His
middle inital is T.

Comments by Dreamer This is a dream my Friend had while
I was out of state. She told me her impression but I ????

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:47:32 -0800
From: Anonymous


Date of Dream 1/10/01
Dream The dream begins when im on a beach
with people no one in particukar i see a woman naked but it
turns out to be a giant doll.So i take a raft and i raftng n
the a river but the river runs thru on subway tracks which i
see alot.I'm having so much fun i want to get the giant
naked doll but the alarm vgoes off before i can

Comments by Dreamer I find this dream weird because i
was having so much fun and i had feelings for the doll.


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:45:40 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Black Dress

Dream Title The Black Dress

Date of Dream 1/8/01
Dream satin gloves Walking down stairs
that are covered in red carpet. In some kind of amazingly
fancy hotel. After decending the stairs i can see myself.
Im in a black ball gown and black shoes with black elbow
high and a sheer black scarf that was draped over my arms.
In this dream i was so frightened and uneasy. Until later
saw in my dream that i was the daughter of an abusive man
but he wasnt my father. I remember having two older
siblings. Through the dream i was trying to get away from
this man and went into a bar but he followed me. We got
into a huge fight in the middle of the bar. Their was so
many people around but they didnt do anything even though i
was crying. He grabed my arm and i remember it hurting, in
the dream i could feel it. Before he had found me i was
talking to a random guy wearing glasses and he had red hair.
I was trying to explain my situtation but he didnt
understand. I ran out into the garden behind the bar and was
hiding behind a white flower bush hoping he wouldnt find me.

Comments by Dreamer i dont know what it all means but
my dreams always seem to echo some type of foreshadowing
later in my life. This particular dream frightens me.


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:43:27 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Mystery Boy

Dream Title Mystery Boy

Date of Dream 1/9/01
Dream I had a dream about a boy who's
name I know, but don't talk to and really don't have any
romantic feelings for. We were at a picnic and we kissed.
He was my "boyfriend," I guess. We were together throughout
the whole dream. What does this mean?


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:46:47 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: teeth

Dream Title teeth

Date of Dream 9/1/01 6pm
Dream i dream that all the teeth in my
mouth fall out not whole like in the past,but rotten and
grinded to pieces and there was a mountain off grit Comments
by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments its an interpritation what i am


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:46:02 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Daisy

Dream Title

Date of Dream Jan.07
Dream I was eating on a seaside
restaurant in the Phillippines w/ a filipino woman I work
with and we were discussing how to prepare human male meat.
There were some young, naked men over by the docks that we
were looking at while we ate and had this conversation.
From there, the dream faded, but I can't stop thinking about
it because it was so absurd! I am a happily married woman,
and a churchgoer. Why am I dreaming these things?

Comments by Dreamer This is the most bizarre dream I
have ever had in my life, especially because I am a strict


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:44:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Ceiling Falls, Beside

Dream Title Ceiling Falls, Beside

Date of Dream 1/07/2001
Dream My professor from graduate school
is seeking answers, to a crossword puzzle or to election
results, he is on the telephone with a woman, who says
AJ,AJ,AJ, He says I am going to need help with this one and
asks the question. The answer is Suzuki (always be a
beginner)Then a ceiling falls on the woman, an asian woman,
because her husband was banging on the ceiling, think she is
dead, but she is not, she says, I came for happiness, he,
her husband says, I tackled happiness.

Comments by Dreamer AJ,AJ,AJ in Hungarian means the
same as saying "ay yai yai" in English.


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:45:06 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My Nails

Dream Title My Nails

Date of Dream Thursday Jan.4,2001be4 6am the
first dream (I wokeup at 6am and then went back to sleep.The
other between 6:15 and 7:00because i woke up at 7:00
Dream 1 night I had 2 dreams that my
nails had broken. In 1 I dreamt that only 1 of my nails had
broken and in the other (which followed right after) I
dreamt that all my nails broke, and in my dream i remember
crying because they broke.



Message: 13
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:42:59 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: the colour purple

Dream Title the colour purple

Date of Dream 15-1-01
Dream i am a florist, in my dream i was
painting the dutch mans lorry ,although i cant remember what
the picture was ,i know it was i person in purple.

Comments by Dreamer the colour has stuck in my mind,can
you help?
rcw: Interesting that this came through on MLK day!


Message: 14
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:47:09 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Ugly Woman

Dream Title Ugly Woman

Date of Dream 08/01/01 (2am)
Dream An ugly woman was trying to poision
me, except that the she could not get me to the food. she
then begun to chase me. I had this dream for about 3 times
with the same woman in it.
It seemed to so real

Comments by Dreamer It was the most awful dream I've
ever had. I have never seen such uglyness in my life. I
usually sleep through the night, and wake in the morning
with REMEMBERING my dreams. Please help as this dream has
caused me to worry.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Kindly share my dream with others.


Message: 15
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:44:30 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: "The Dance of Death"

Dream Title "The Dance of Death" Leslie

Date of Dream Friday, January 5, 2001
Dream I see myself walking into this
party and I am wearing this long red gown. As I walk in, I
look to my right and see my four best friends sitting at a
table and they are calling to me, telling me to come over
there with them. I look the left and see another friend in a
suit telling me to come there with him. Then I look straight
ahead and I see my boss, who I am a little closer with than
an employee should be, and I go to him. He smiles and holds
out his hand and we dance around the room. I look back at my
friends and they're crying. I look back at my boss and I
call his name and he looks at me and says, "That's not my
name, Leslie. I'm Death." Then his eyes turn black and he
hugs me and I can't get away. I woke up at this time.

Comments by Dreamer It really frightened me. I have
been having dreams about devils and demons, and even satan
himself! What's all this mean?


Message: 16
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:46:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: baby bottles

Dream Title baby bottles

Date of Dream 01/08/01 8:00
Dream i went out and there were alot of
people in my house.the house wasn't my own, it was on a
block where all the houses were the same. i don't know where
i was going. i came home at what seemed like 3:00 am. when i
came in my grandmother was sleeping in a chair next to a
window by the door. it was very dark. as i walked through
the house i noticed alot of baby bottles drinking glasses
bottles and clothing all over the place. i went into the
bathroom and pulled the shower curtain away and in the tub
there were baby bottles and bottles over flowing out of the


[dream-flow] Digest Number 82


There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Held Captive
From: Anonymous
2. Mushroom Head - Jellybelly
From: Anonymous
3. Tension and Fatigue
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
4. the color in dream
From: "Roxanne Yang" <roxanny
5. color in dreamworld
From: "roxanny" <roxanny
6. Birth and death
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 11:02:16 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Held Captive

Dream Title Held Captive - Karla

Date of Dream 01/16/01
Dream I had a dream that I was in
someone's house and this man walks up behind me and asks me
what I'm doing. I turn around and even though he looks
nothing like my boyfriend I know it's him and am somewhat
uneasy around him. I then tell him that I'm looking up
Jeffrey Dahmer for a paper at school. As soon as I say this
the entire setting changes to me being handcuffed to a couch
and the man who was supposed to be my boyfriend as being my
capture. As I sit there with him, he is preparing to go on
a trip and I somehow manage to talk him into letting me go
to a wedding or party with some friends so they don't
suspect that I'm being held captive. When I'm at the party,
I convince some friends to follow his car after he picks me
up from the party and tell him when he will be leaving for
his trip. The plan is to have them wait until he leaves and
then come rescue me. When the day finally comes, I watch my
friends car pull up. He then tells me that since he is
leaving he has to attach these electrical alligator clips to
me. If I move, I'll be electrocuted and the clips will dig
into me further until they finally rip off of me. He leaves
and then I see my friends getting out of the car to come and
get me and I wake up. Comments by Dreamer


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 12:36:57 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Mushroom Head - Jellybelly

Dream Title Mushroom Head - Jellybelly

Date of Dream December 2000
Dream I dreamed I was getting something
out of my daughter's car, a red Ford Probe - 1990. The car
used to belong to me and my ex-husband. The car took off
with no one driving and rolled/backed from the road I now
live on and went to the road parallel to mine. I chased
after it hoping and praying it would not hit somone elses'
car, house, or another person. As I chased it I ran past
two young women standing in the front yard with their arms
crossed over their breasts. One of the girls I recognized
as my daughter's ex-roommate. The two had had quite a big
battle and are no longer friends. The other girl I did not
recognize. As I passed, the ex-roommate yelled that I would
never catch it or something to that effect. The car
continued and went still another road over. This is a
residential area, houses are close to each other and many
cars are parked on the road. When I reached the next road,
the car had been stopped by a woman standing in her yard. I
found out that this woman was my daughter's ex-roommate's
mother (I've never met this woman). She told me she was a
nurse (I am a nurse too). Then I noticed my daughter was
standing right next to me. At that time I felt something on
the top of my head and reached up to feel it. It was a
small hard lump growing in my hair near the crown of my
head. I asked my daughter what it was and she said: "I
don't know what it is; a pimple or something." I worried
about it though, because it didn't seem normal or something
as simple as a pimple. The bump grew bigger and I could
feel the increased growth every time I touched it. I went
into the woman's/nurse's house and looked into a mirror.
Soon it appeared to be a flesh colored mushroom. I became
increasingly upset about a mushroom growing on top of my
head. Soon, I looked into the mirror again and noticed that
it was no longer a mushroom, but a penis which was neither
erect or flaccid. The dream ended when I awoke. Comments by


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 21:02:27 -0000
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
Subject: Tension and Fatigue

Lately I have been having horrific nightmares and I wake up
very tense and sore as if I had taking a beating..Last night
I remember I was dreaming I was back in middleschool (I
graduated highschool in 94) and we were outside for some
reason going in the backdoor..and there was a hideous
looking skunk it seemed I was so terrorfied in the dream
that I could not move my legs..I was trying to get to the
door as well as everyone else and I could not get my legs to
move..once again I woke up tense and sore??????


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 01:33:54 -0000
From: "Roxanne Yang" <roxanny
Subject: the color in dream

i am interesting of the color in dreamworld... i need some
suggestions about how to research this topic..... please
give me some feedback...thank you..


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 09:50:19 +0800
From: "roxanny" <roxanny
Subject: color in dreamworld

I am interesting of the color in dreamworld. I need some
suggestions about how to research the color in dreamworld.
Thank you...


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:08:40 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Birth and death

Dream Title Birth and death

Date of Dream 1-16-012am-6am
Dream I dreamt that I gave birth and
after the doctor took my baby saying that something was
wrong. He returned a short time later and said that I had a
baby boy but there were complications and that my baby was
going to die very shortly. I held my beautiful baby with
dark brown hair and eyes like his daddy's and talked to him,
breastfeeding and crying too. I looked down at him after a
few minutes and he was sucking on a feeding tube and I heard
someone say that it had a pain killer in it. I heard my
baby talking, hallucinating and I freaked out. The nurses
and doctor took my baby away from me and I was screaming,
crying and reaching for him but couln't reach him. I woke
up trembling.

Comments by Dreamer I have never had a dream like this
before, it seemed so real. Nothing different happening
lately except some marital troubles, nothing major, and I've
been working extra hours. I'm not pregnant, can't have any
children and don't have any now.

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I don't really care who reads it, I
just need some answers. thanks


[dream-flow] Digest Number 83


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The man
From: Anonymous
2. water activities
From: Anonymous
3. ?? grace
From: Anonymous
4. Re: color in dreamworld
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
5. Re: Birth and death
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
6. The crash by Aahtalah
From: Anonymous
7. Skwerl
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:11:47 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The man

Dream Title The man /aquagirl

Date of Dream 1/17/01/6:00am
Dream So there was this guy he was
chasing me. The dream felt so amusing at different points
the essence was like a knowing grin. So I am running from
this guy trying to find a hiding place before he catches me.
Before this scene I have a bag in my hand I think I am
searching for something. There are already a lot of things
in this bag they are small and squishy. There is something
really important to me in this bag I put it in there because
I didn't have anywhere else to put it. I think it was
magic it was my magic a gift that belonged to me. It was
really special and I put it in the bag with all the other
stuff. I find this baby or maybe I had given birth to a
baby. I think it may have also belonged to the guy who was
chasing me. I put the baby in the bag but before I did that
I think I may have killed it or it was dead or something.
So now there is this baby in the bag with all of theses
things that I am trying to carry with me. It is all real! !
ly important stuff. So I am in a big building lots of
stairs and hallways there are only windows in the rooms and
most of the rooms are empty of all furniture and stuff.
There are a few furnished rooms in different places these
rooms are really random. It seems that maybe they are
renovating I seem to recall random pieces of plastic for
painting maybe. So there is a baby in this bag with all of
my other stuff .I am walking down a hallway and I can feel
this bag moving around in my grasp. It is getting more and
more difficult to keep the bag in my grip to keep the baby
hidden. I think I am a little startled also to see that the
baby is still moving. I go into this room and I realize
that the bag has my gift in there and that the baby is in
there as well. I get scared because I want my thing but I
can't open the bag because the baby is in there moving
around trying to get out of the bag. In this room there are
two doors the door that I came in and another door there is!
! also a plant and a wooden table the lights are glowing
softly. I decide to throw the baby down and run from the
room because the bag is moving franticly and I don't think I
can hold on any more and I can't get my gift out I am
frustrated and upset. I run from this room and I just sort
of wander around on the same floor I think I am slowly
looking for a way out. I am really laid back about the
whole thing as though it's not that important even though it
is. I think I know what is supposed to happen, I am
actually supposed to be here waiting for this guy to find me
hiding. This is supposed to happen. When he finally
arrives I think he might even be the owner of the building.
I think through out the whole dream he is lazily searching
for me and I am lazily trying to find a hiding place. I
hear him and peek out of this room I just escape him. He is
attractive and has dark hair and a nice build he reminds me
of the manager that works at the hotel that I work at. He
has ! ! the same look as this guy but the feel of someone
familiar and comfortable. So I just miss him and make it
across the hall to the next room there aren't any lights on
but I have to stay low because there are windows and a light
in the hallway shinning thru. He is in the room exactly
across looking for me. I look down and there is some sort
of wooden bench or maybe it is a desk. I look behind this
desk and there is a space for a body to slide
behind usually cats and things will crawl back in this area
behind desks. Anyway you can open this area up you just
pull on the foot board and it leans up maybe for storage or
something but I am afraid of crawling back there because I
know he isn't so stupid just to walk past and not check back
there behind this desk. When he sees me it will be really
easy for him to open this foot board to reach me. I am
trapped because there is no other door besides the one that
I came in. I chance it and look into the hallway ..
I see him but he doesn't see me so I run down the hallway.
I know that he sees me now he is out of the room and
following me stalking me quietly I know this is happening I
don't look back to see for sure I just know. I run thru the
hallway and into the next hallway I open this door and I am
in the room next door to the baby in the bag .
I can hear him coming and I can hear the baby in the bag.
The baby sounds a lot bigger than it was when I left it
there. It seems that the closer he gets the louder the baby
becomes it isn't crying it just sounds like it is becoming a
giant baby. I can't go anywhere he knows where I am there
is nowhere to hide and the door opens. It is like we have
known each other forever. We don't really like each other
but because we have known each other so long it doesn't
really matter it is like we love and dislike each other. It
is like there was once so much pain because of us not being
on the same side or something that the pain was so
intolerable it became a ticklish spot and it doesn't hurt
any more it is just another thing. We smile at each other
and we both go to open the door to this baby's room. When
we open it the baby is huge and it is black because of lack
of air. The skin is disgusting and it still looks like a
fetus. You can see that it would have been a beautiful
baby if it were aloud to grow but it had been killed. It
starts to scream it is talking about hate and it is angry
and hurt sad and depressed it is guilt and pain self
loathing and depression. It was like crying out all of this
stuff it was carrying the worlds pain all mortals
pain. We come together as we come together I think we are
going to hug or kiss or just love each other again. As we
do this the door shuts slightly the baby gets louder it
seems like the walls are going to come down .like we are
going to be sucked into this baby's scream when suddenly
everything is quite, we still have the handle in our hand
and we push the door open .the baby is in a blanket on the
floor its arms are moving and it has been brought back to
life. It is healthy and giggly. It looks like what I
imagine to be myself when I was a baby I realize that it
isn't me but just a baby. Things were okay.


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 13:02:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: water activities

Dream Title . Tekno

Date of Dream Almost every night for the last few
Dream Recently I have been having dreams
(every night) of Water activities. These involve large
groups (family and friends) and revolve around a river/bank.
We are all either boating, water skiing, swimming or diving.
The themes are always water bound and last for a long time
scale (days/weeks). Boat trips are aplenty and water based
activities (water slides, games, swimming etc.) always
occur. Any help with interpretaion is kindly appreciated.
Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment
yes_share_comments Permission Comments Any help is
appreciated !


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 17:23:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: ?? grace

Dream Title ?? grace

Date of Dream 01-17-01
Dream I am in a classroom, watching a
(video/lecture?). There is a ruckus in the hallway. Nurses
enter & ask for assistants: about 4 or 5 women & myself. w
rush into the hallway down to a set of double doors, where a
middle-aged black woman is being moved from an ambulance
onto a stretcher. She is pregnant, but something is wrong.
Her (husband/family?) is/are there for a moment, then gone.
I help to wheel her to a department & move her to a hospital
bed. She is crying. I (ask/overhear?) a nurse say that there
is no sign of life from her baby. I look at the woman's face
- she seems to know that her baby is dead. Many of the
volunteers begin talking loudly about this & are forcibly
removed from the area, but I am specifically selected by
(the lead nurse?) to stay. I do, but move to a (table/cafe?)
that is, for some reason, close enough for me to still see
the woman in her hospital bed. I weep at the table, but am
interrupted to go back into her room. Around the woman stand
8 - 10 nurses, one of whom holds a birthday cake. Everyone
sings, "Happy Birthday" to her, and she begins to cry.
I can take no more, so I leave & go downstairs to a
different cafeteria. At the table is a River
Phoenix/Leonardo DiCaprio beautiful man with some of his
friends. They are talking, and I try not to be too
intrusive, but I end up talking to this beautiful man. As we
talk, I am occasionally distracted by what is happening just
outside the window to my left, where the letters spelling
'HOLLYWOOD' are being knocked off of the hill by


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 03:48:51 -0000
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
Subject: Re: color in dreamworld

--- In, "roxanny" <roxanny@s...>
wrote: > > I am interesting of the color in dreamworld. > I
need some suggestions about how to research the color in
dreamworld. > Thank you...

This is the information I have about colors in dreams..
red- energy, activity, agression, danger, blood, prohibition
blue- spirituality, intellect, tranquility, distance yellow-
childhood, joyfullness, playfullness, enthusiasm black-
mystery, night, evil, danger, death, ressurrection white-
purity, virginity, mourning, spirituality, and light green,
nature, the senses, fresh growth, sickness, decay, envy
orange- freshness, suppleness, dynamism purple, riches,
opulence, luxury, royalty pink, feminity, infancy,
gentleness, frivolity, aritficiality gold- divinity, wealth,
deception, weight, age silver- aspiration, intergrity, luck,
skill, youth

The two sources that I use most often is David Fontana's
Reader Digest's Dream Pack. It comes with a dream journal,
dream cards, dream book, and dream pillow. The journal is
even hardback. Its a very nice set; I think it runs about
30.00. I, also use Tony Crisp's Dream Dictionary. Its a
very detailed source of dream symbols. I believe it was
like 8.00. These books can be found in the
newage/astrology/spirituality section of a bookstore. I
hope that helps ^.^


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 03:58:42 -0000
From: "Olivia P" <sixdebunzy
Subject: Re: Birth and death
Dream Title Birth and death > Date of Dream
1-16-01 > > 2am-6am >

Dream I dreamt that I gave birth and
after the doctor > took my baby saying that something was
wrong. He returned a short time > later and said that I had
a baby boy but there were complications and that > my baby
was going to die very shortly. I held my beautiful baby
with dark > brown hair and eyes like his daddy's and talked
to him, breastfeeding and > crying too. I looked down at
him after a few minutes and he was sucking on > a feeding
tube and I heard someone say that it had a pain killer in
it. I > heard my baby talking, hallucinating and I freaked
out. The nurses and > doctor took my baby away from me and
I was screaming, crying and reaching > for him but couln't
reach him. I woke up trembling. > Comments by Dreamer
I have never had a dream like this before, it > seemed so
real. Nothing different happening lately except some
marital > troubles, nothing major, and I've been working
extra hours. I'm not > pregnant, can't have any children
and don't have any now. > Permission to Comment
yes_share_comments > Permission Comments I don't really
care who reads it, I just need some > answers. thanks
Hello ^.^

The first thing I thought of when I read your dream is you
were possibly in fear of maturing and then once I read of
your marital troubles comment (sorry btw = / )) I thought
perhaps fear of maturing alone..the baby having such
similiar features of your husband? as being the baby's
"father" --perhaps you have been a protective mothering type
figure to him in your relationship? The kind of conclusion I
drew from your statements on your emotional state..still
breast feeding him...etc .etc dont want to give up on
this thing you are scared of losing but you perhaps believe
its out of your conrol?.. That was a lot of personal
opionion with some knowledge of symbolism and such. Good


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 22:41:54 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The crash by Aahtalah

Dream Title The crash by Aahtalah

Date of Dream 1-16-01
Dream I have a reoccuring dream where I
am happy, usually surrounded by friends and family. In my
dream there are planes of all sizes that continuously crash
around me. Everything from Space Shuttles to commercial
passenger planes. They all crash and burn yet know one but
me seems to be frightened or concerned about what just
happened. I am starting to have this dream more often and I
am curious about what it means. FYI - I am not afraid of


Message: 7
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 22:43:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Skwerl

Dream Title Skwerl

Date of Dream 01/16/2001
Dream It is very late and dark. I am in
a unfamiliar house and am compelled to look out the window.
Out in the drive I see a small child or animal that looks
hurt. I go outside to help this small creature and am
startled by a man coming around a van and saying it is ok. I
fall down and try to scurry away from him on my knees and am
unable to find the little child or animal that I came out to
investigate is gone. I run to my car and get in it and I
can not get it to start because my battery has been
unhooked. I look up and see someone I know sitting in his
car staring at me in a very sinister way. I get very
frightened and run from my car back into the house. Now
the house if familiar on the inside and I see this small kid
now clearly. I am standing in front of my coffee table and
staring at a dark wall and have the very crushing feeling
that I am being watched by someone or something to horrible
to imagine. I can hear it in the dark and for some reason
sense it wants the child. I start picking things up and
throwing them at it and I can hear the objects hitting him
and the floor. It starts to come out of the dark holding
one of those blue light sticks and growling. For some
reason I figure that I would scare him by screaming at it
only I am woken up being told that I am actually doing the
screaming. I have had this dream twice in two nights will
little variation. It is to the point that I can not go into
a dark room in my house nor can I fall asleep without a
night light of some sort on.


[dream-flow] Digest Number 84


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Possessed Boss
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 10:40:13 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Possessed Boss

Dream Title Possessed Boss

Date of Dream 1-17-01
Dream I had a dream that my boss was
possess by the devil and he was trying to get. He wasn't
trying to kill me, but he was trying to catch me, but he
couldn't. What do you think about this dream? I know it
sounds weird and it is because this boss of mine is not my
main boss. He is really over some other people and really
has nothing to do with me. Does this mean anything?


[dream-flow] Digest Number 85


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. My Man by Love Kachur
From: Anonymous
2. Upside down christmas tree?
From: Anonymous
3. Giving birth -
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:01:26 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My Man by Love Kachur

Dream Title My Man by Love Kachur

Date of Dream Everyday
Dream I dream of the same man over and
over every night Even though I have a boyfriend I cant help
getting feelings from theses dreams


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:02:32 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Upside down christmas tree?

Dream Title Upside down christmas tree?

Date of Dream Jan 19, about 6am
Dream I was in a large room with carpet
on the floor, and there was a very large christmas tree, but
it was upside down in the middle of the floor. There was a
ladder that the man that i love was standing on,holding up
the tree, and i had to climb UP the upside down tree to
decorate it. Then i got down from the tree and he kissed me.
There was a thin woman standing off in the background next
to a shelf, i think the shelf had dolls on it. Someone,

Comments by Dreamer As a side note, i have begun to
collect Barbie dolls. I had billions of them as a child.I
don't know if thats relevant.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:48:30 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Giving birth -

Dream Title Giving birth - Joanne -

Date of Dream January 18, 2001
Dream I dreamt that I gave birth to a
son. All the events occurred on 1 day. I think that in the
morning I gave birth, and although I knew who was the father
of the child (it's the man I am "involved" with at the
moment), I could not exactly recall the pregnancy. Anyway,
I had a baby from him and then the baby appeared to have
become a lovely little boy. He was gorgeous. My mother was
with me, but not his father and him and I were not married.
Later in the day, my mother and I went out and it was a bit
burry but I think that I was looking for somewhere to live;
and I bumped into a friend who I haven't seen for years in
actual life, and she told me that she had 2 kids, and to
come and stay with her for a while, and I sort of accepted.
Then we got to her place, her husband was there with the
kids, I had my son, my mum was with me and in the evening
all of a sudden, all my relatives appeared. I had forgotten
my mobile phone at another friend's house and my partner
wasn't there although we had arranged to meet and I knew
that it was because he did not know where I was as he would
have tried to reach me on my phone. Then I don't know how,
but my phone appeared and I could see that he had tried to
ring me several times and I asked him whether he would join
me, but as he hadn't been able to reach me, he had made
plans and told me that he probably would not make it. I
felt disappointed as it was the day that our son had been
born. anyway, the little boy was gorgeous, all my relatives
had bought him presents; and then my mum told me that I had
embarrassed her because I had a child and I was not even

Comments by Dreamer This dream is quite strange and I
am having trouble interpreting it. In actual life, I am a
26 years old female and single. I have been involved with a
guy for about 1 year now. I fell in love with him ( and I
think that I still am) but since the beginning I knew that
he had a sort of girl-friend who lives in another country,
but with whom he was having problems. Although he told me
the truth, and told me that he did not want another
relationship, he always wanted to see me, and we became
physically intimate after 3-4 months. At the end of last
year, he returned to his country, wanting us to keep in
touch by phone, email and he has been calling me very often.
But I got fed up that although things are still not going
well with that other woman, that he's not making a decision.
So I told him that I didn't want to keep in touch with him
anymore. He was very upset, but after a couple of days, he
started calling me again as if things were normal between
us. the thing is, that he is miles away from me and the
fact that he still calls me makes me think that there is
something serious between us. However, this week, a mutual
friend told me that my guy is still having problems with the
other woman. Therefore now I've decided that I am really
putting an end to this relationship. This is why I would
really really like to know what significance this dream has
because I know that it's about this relationship. Also I am
not pregnant in real life, nor do I want to be at this
moment. Please provide some insight
I would really like an interpretation please


[dream-flow] Digest Number 86


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. My nightmare
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 05:13:49 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My nightmare

Dream Title My nightmare

Date of Dream i really don't know the date or
Dream I had a dream about this guy that
i'm kind of seeing. the only thing is in the dream he died
somehow. i don't know how but everyone kept telling me that
he died. I kept asking everyone even people that didn't
know him or that I thought didn't know him but they somehow

Comments by Dreamer Just thinking about that made me
really worry about him and want to see if he was ok. When I
did see him and got an e-mail from him i felt so much better


[dream-flow] Digest Number 87


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. my kids badly hurt almost to the point of death by
From: Anonymous
2. javaid
From: Anonymous
3. Water and death,
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 05:26:53 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: my kids badly hurt almost to the point of death by

Dream Title my kids badly hurt almost to the
point of death by me

Date of Dream 1/19/01 1230pm
Dream i dreamed my kids were bleeding,one
was hurt on head,another in chest ect.i dreamed i tried
killing my kids in this violent way,i have 4.i realized what
i did and was sorry,and crying .i woke up crying thought it
was real.

Comments by Dreamer what does this mean?why did i dream


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 12:03:49 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: javaid

Dream Title javaid

Date of Dream 1/18/2001 at 1.00 PM reenwichmean
Dream dream is;
i am standing in a lane covered by buildings on its both
sides.on the back of a building in front of me on the north
side i saw a cloud rising from the ground(i imagine it so as
i saw its highest portion rising in th sky behind that
building).the strange thing in that cloud was that it was a
mixture of red and yellow colours as if thick fire or the
mass of blood and pus was rising in the sky.i was terrified
indeed imagining it the wrath of God.yonder on land i saw
water rising towarsds the lane and the strange thing in it
was that it was of navy blue colour.on my back was a house
where my family lived.I shouted at them of the catastophe
warning them to be careful.In the meantime i observed that i
was going upstair to inform my family about all that and
viewed water covering the ground floor.I was shouting
telling that the water has filled the ground floor and that
they should vacate it for safety.
in the meantime i felt that Nature was demolishing all the
buildings in the vicinity.Hence i asked my family to come
out of that building for the safety of their lives.In the
meantime i saw the upper storey of a building at the back of
our building fell down.A brick or two of the same fell on
our building.This made my family members run out of our
building.I could see one of my cousin and both of my
grandsons along with others run out of the building to come
down from the front side.I saw my elder grandson finding no
way to come down from the front side went sideways and came
down through a side stair along with others of the same age
group aged 2-3years.He came to me and i along with him went
to the backside of our building.I saw that huge building
fall down and felt sorry for a large number of families
living there.I saw a mother with his baby crying for help.
from here we went back to our building to join our family
but my family was not there.however our building was intact
with no obvious damage to it.while coming back from that
place i saw a boy aged 10-12 was accompanying me and not my
grandson who was 3-years old.When i came to our building i
noticed that i was having my eldest son by my side.
the dream has mixed effect upon me as i felt wrath of God
creating that cloud of blood and pus from what i did not
see,the demolishing of buildings,the sympathy for the
effected people and quite relieved seeing our building
one thing i forgot to mention that sometime in between the
dreams i saw a big spindle like shape-two big balls of fire
connected through some rodlike thing but made of light,in
east-west direction and the balls glowed turn by turn.


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 19:55:20 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Water and death,

Dream Title Water and death,drempt by

Date of Dream every night
Dream For about a month now I have had
dreams about water and beaches. In these dreams, ocean-
preditors have been after me trying to eat me. They talk to
me and tell me they want me and only me. All animals talk
to me and seem drawn to me. In my other water dreams, I am
on a diving team. In every meet I drown and have another
dream that follows.

Comments by Dreamer What does this mean...?

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please send all comments to me.
Thank you so much!


-------------------- END DREAM SECTION --------------------





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dream-flow mail and discussion lists. You can subscribe and
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The archives for DREAM-FLOW are at

Post message:
List owner:
URL to this page:
SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.

Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you have
articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or dreamers -
including book reviews, movie suggestions or conferences and
meetings, we will publish them. I'm especially interested in
creative interpretive approaches to dreams, including
verbal, dramatization, and mixed media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We
usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all
events and news to Peggy Coats <>
SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and
dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on
dreams, but we will submit you questions to our network and
other Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special
interest requests. Send those to Richard Wilkerson at

JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you
are interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with
peers, contact Richard Wilkerson,

the following discussion groups on dreams and dreaming:

Intuition Network: Mutual and Psi dream projects,
discussions about personal dreams and more.

Post message:
List owner:
URL to this page:
URL for Cyberdreams Homepage:


NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now
provide them and you can download them at
or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape
choose the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and
get B&W copy that is adjusted to your paper size.
1994 - 1997 Backissue covers are also available at:




Also available AOL
America On Line:
Alternative Medicine Forum

(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork)
or KeyWord: aol://4344:1679.ALTdrem.13664900.588132320

Also at the Writer's Club Libraries
Keyword: writer
\writers club library
\writers club e-zines

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the
Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ
files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other
Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post

Thanks to Matthew Parry for his work with the original
Electric Dreams Web site!

Thanks to our many web links! See

The Electric Dreams Staff (Current)

Peggy Coats Global Dreaming News & Calendar Events

Jenn Fraser - Chief Archive Editor
E-mail :

Kathy Turner - Dream Wheel Moderator (DreamWheel list)

Phyllis Howling - Dream Wheel Moderator (eDreams list)

Victoria Quinton-Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
DreamChatters Host
mermaid 8*)

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Marc Vandekeere - Awards and Lucid Dreams

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions
& Publication

Also thanks to

+ The generous authors of our articles
+ Our many years of Dream Section Categories by Bob
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Our many supporters and contributors
+The several illustrated versions by Dane Pestano
+Thanks to Bryan Smith for
many of our Web page Illustrations.
+Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997
+ Thanks to Jay Vinton for being a guardian angel for

All dream and article text and art are considered
(C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves.
Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text
for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other
than the author must be with the permission of either the
author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.

DISCLAIMER Electric Dreams is an independent electronic
publication not affiliated with any other organization. The
views of our commentators are personal views and not
intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.

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