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Electric Dreams Volume 07 Issue 03

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

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E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

Volume #7 Issue #3

March 2000

ISSN# 1089 4284

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++ Editor's Notes

++ Announcement: Now, *Two* DreamWheel & DreamChatters!
Kathy Turner, Phyllis Howling & Victoria Quniton

++ Notes to the Editor/Dream Airing

++ Column: An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

++ Event: Mutual Dream Target for March 15: Octopus' Garden
Victoria Quinton

++ Column: The Dream Doctor
By Charles McPhee, Ph.D.

++ Report: Mutual Dream Report: Giza Pyramid
Phyllis Howling

++ Article: "I Just Love My Computer"
By Janice Baylis, Ph.D.

++ Article: Digital Dreams:
The changing (inter)face of dreams
in the twenty-first century.
By Richard Wilkerson

++ Article: Dreams and Astrology for March.
Madame Aionia

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

* DREAM CALENDAR for March February 2000* ASD News Update!

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
dream-flow.v001.n231 - dream-flow.v001.n251

D E A D L I N E :
March 15, deadline for April submissions
Topics: A closer look at the DreamWheel.

M U T U A L D R E A M T A R G E T March 15. Sea Party


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

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Editor's Notes

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Lucy Gillis, in "An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange" offers a review by Robert Waggoner of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

If you would like to join us in dreamland for a mutual dreaming event, see Victoria Quinton's invitation to meet in under the sea on March 15th, 2000.

If you prefer to join us in waking life, Patrica Garfield will be joining Dream Time Live on a real time chat channel. For more information, send an email to

Do you like to chat about dreams? Would you like some to join the best dreamgroups online? There are now several groups, three of which are especially active this season, the DreamWheel, eDreams and DreamChatters. Read about them and how to join in the Dream Group Update. Also Victoria Quntion has included a history and information file about DreamChatter you can read in the Dream Airing/Letters to the Editor section.

We are starting a new column this month called "The Dream Doctor" By Charles McPhee, Ph.D. Charles donated several chapters of his book _Stop Sleeping through your Dreams_ a couple of years ago and will be sending in dreams and comments on dream.

We have a special focus this month on computers in dreams, and we have a guest author who shows how sex and computers are no stranger to dreams in "I Just Love My Computer" by Janice Baylis, Ph.D.

My own contribution to this issue is really a set of dreams that have been turned in from a survey I have been conducting. People who have had dreams about computers and the Internet have sent in some wonderful collections and pieces. Read all about these dreams in Digital Dreaming, the changing (inter)face of dreams in the 21st century.
(it's not too late to get your digital dreams in, just send them to me at

Madam Aionia and Island team up to talk about dream and astrology. It is quite interesting how they have taken the Houses and used them as metaphors for different kinds of dreams. This month, Third House Dreams.

Peggy Coats, from, has been gathering the news about dreaming from all around the Net and has the latest conferences, the best workshops, the finest dream events and all the updates on the latest and best web sites. Be sure to look over the Global Dreaming News for the events in your area.

By the way, I have spent a lot of time putting up information files for the Association for the Study of Dreams that are very helpful. To get the full list, send an e-mail to These are autoresponders so it doesn't matter what you put in the subject or body of the e-mail.

Our Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.

Cover this month by Tom Dragavon!

NEXT MONTH: A closer look at the DreamWheel. Be sure to send in your experiences with online dreamgroups or history notes about the early dream sharing with the Electric Dreams community by March 15.

- Richard Wilkerson

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Electric Dreams DreamWheel Update

Places to Share Dreams!
Kathy Turner * Phyllis Howling * Victoria Quinton

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There are now TWO DreamWheels spinning in cyberspace near you and a DreamChat on DreamChatters!

Are you interested in doing group dreamwork online? Yes! Then join one of the DreamWheels. We both follow Montague Ullman's technique (not slavishly and modified by Richard Wilkerson and others for online dreamwork). Each of the dreamwheelers asks questions about the particular dream we are working on in order to clarify what it was "really" like, then (after listening to all the responses from the dreamer) we make a comment on what the dream would mean to us if it were our own. This technique allows us to honour the mystery and intelligence of the dream and to recognise that each dream "interpretation" is as much about the interpreter as it is about the dreamer. It generates insightful comments for the dreamer and for the interpreter.
The first DreamWheel has a fast turn around. We deal with one dream per week - this means that if you are going to participate you need to be able to email the wheel twice each week. It is particularly good for those who would like to try out online dreamwork. You'll get lots of support and we will build into it a connection to Richard's History of Dreaming classes - so you'll have a chance to try out and think about various ways of approaching dreams. If you'd like to join or to find out more just e-mail
Kathy Turner (

The second DreamWheel is *new*.

It is the eDreams group, with a longer spin time than DreamWheel (a fortnight or even two weeks), and will give 'dedicated' dreamers the opportunity to spend a bit longer with each dream. We'll be starting up the first week of the new millennium - WOW!" If you'd like to join this DreamWheel or find out more, email Phyllis Howling ( and say "Hi, I'm interested in the new dream group and would like to learn more!"

Dreamchatters began in December 1999 as an adjunct to mailing-lists; to
keep up communications between dream-interested individuals. The hope being to be catalysts to creating a clearer path to the future of dreaming online.

Currently there are 39 members subscribed.

Dreamchatters is an egroup aimed at discussing dreams, dreaming and making those online with an interest in these subjects able to keep in touch as it suits them.

Although dreams are discussed there, the primary focus is dreaming community, rather than individual dreams.

It is enlightening to see messages from individuals with diverse backgrounds.

If any group member finds an interesting web site or article online, we pass it on and often that will begin a new thread of discussion.

There is a capacity for a group calendar, member profiles and links to urls to be stored at, so that new members may explore first. It is a place to beta test chat venues'; to try and help make the currently-available technology and capabilities of the internet more accessible to as many people as possible.

Not only do current amd potential group members have differing computer hardware and software, but we also live in different parts of the world, so there has been discussion about "universal time" , time zone conversion, and scheduling formal chats at staggered times so that no one time zone is expected to always be up at, for instance, local 3am.

You can opt to receive individual emails, daily digests, or to read it online at

To subscribe, send a message to

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Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events

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If you would like to get more information about the monthly class, the History of Dreams, send and e-mail to the autoresponder at


I Want a Dream Moo!

Jim Brazell <> from the Virtual Community Mail List suggests looking at some of the MOOs already constructed.

Here is the list found at

Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands [[Custom] Fully original design and coding]
Archaic Dynasty [[Rom] 2.4b6 w/mods]
Autumn Twilight [[Rom] Heavily Modified Rom2.4]
Cardea [Vortex]
Crystal Dreams MUSH [TinyMUSH]
D/s Dreams [DAmnuts]
Dragon Dreams [[MOO] The server is fully modified]
DragonStone [Envy ... heavily modified]
Dreams [[Envy] Envy]
Dreams of Immortality [Modified Rom 2.4b6]
DreamScape [C-Dirt]
DreamScapes Fantasy MUD [Circle 3.0, modified]
Dreamshadow: The Legacy of the Three [MudOS w/ unique mudlib]
DreamsMAZE [TinyMAZE]
Electric Dreams [Rom/Merc/Dream]
Elusive Dreams [ROM]
Emerald Dreams [[MUSH] Tinymush 2.2.4]
Field of Mouse Dreams [[Rom] Modified]
Gilded Promises [TinyMUX]
GodWars: Midnight Dreams [[GodWars] Low 4 *modified*]
Guilty Gear: Riot of the Souls [[MUX] 1.6 patchlevel #1 patched for Linux 6]
Lost In Time [LP MUD]
Magic of the Dragons [[Circlemud] Much changes by the Coders]
Materia Magica [[Custom] IEN]
Midnight Sanctuary [[Smaug] Heavily Modified Smaug]
The Realm of Dreams [TinyMUX]
Realm of Utopian Dreams [ROM 2.3 (extensively modified)]
Realms of Dreams and Mist [[GodWars] Diku->Merc->Godwars->RoK->WotK->RoDaM]
Realms of the Forgotten [ROM24b4/Sin 0.23]
RiseMud [Rom2.4 (HEAVILY modified)]
Shattered Dreams MUX [[MUX] Chaoticmux s3]
Shattered Realms [HIGHLY modified LP MUD running MudOS]
SillyMUSH [TinyMUSH 2.2.4]
Storm Over Krynn [Envy 2.2]
TimeScape Muck [Fuzzball 5.45]
The Turning Point [[Rom] 2.3, Modified]
United Dreams III [[LP] Heavily modified amylaar]
Winterkill [LPC]


Dear Editor

I have recently published an E-novel (available on floppy disk Works format) which has been ascribed an ISBN and has been lodged with The British Library.

It is entitled 'Just Suppose....!' and is under my imprint name of Nutmeg Island.

This novel is set within the world of lucid dreaming (the ability to control one's dreams) and a foreword has been written by Dr. Keith Hearne and David Melbourne, established authors and researchers in the field of lucid dreaming.

The reason I thought this novel may be of interest to you is that E-publications are fast becoming popular as text can be downloaded from a person's computer into a Palm pilot/viewer like a small calculator, which can be carried around like a book.

Within the storyline, an island is created in a dream and various visitors further the plot structure between waking and dreaming moments - one of whom is a rather intriguing 'Bishop' known to his friends as 'the bish'.

He has lots of quirky theological and philosophical discussions with the main characters and turns up at the most unexpected moments.

I have been privileged to obtain various important permissions to quote major organisations, companies, individuals and music publishers/composers to enhance my plot structure and a major bestselling American author has also given me permission to utilise a couple of important extracts from her book within my novel.

The storyline is exciting, with lots of subplots etc. I am also involved with other ongoing writing projects, one of which is the development of a new children's character and his friends to animation stage. I have already been interviewed by BBC Radio concerning that particular project and merchandise is presently on sale. We have our own Composer in Residence and a huge team onboard.

Last year I published a philosophical paper which has since been lodged with the European Commission - it introduced a new term 'Non-Verbal Linguisthetics' and concept relating to aesthetic appreciation within the realm of music and why two people could receive different aesthetic messages from the same piece of music. It furthers the original theories outlined by Socrates and Plato.

Should this be of interest to you then I could let you have further detail.
Thank you for your kind reply in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Hazel A. Speed BA (Lond.) - Philosophy
26.2.2000 Website:


The Association for the Study of Dreams

This is a file that lists various automatic replies you can get from The Association for the Study of Dreams returns information about the organization, addresses, website, mission statement returns this file with various options on autoresponses. returns a lists of common questions and replies about dreaming returns a file with information about the next International Conference returns a file with the latest information from the online What's New? Page. returns the current call for presentations for the next conference returns a summary of all ASD publications


The Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit,
international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Its purposes are to promote an awareness and appreciation of
dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage
research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams;
and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.

Here is how to reach ASD:

Association for the Study of Dreams
6728 Old McLean Village Drive
McLean, VA 22101-3906

Phone: 703-556-0618
Fax: 703-556-8729


If you have questions on dreams and dreaming, please stop by our bulletin board

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March 15th Mutual Dream: Sea Party
Host Victoria Quinton

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March 15th Mutual Dream: Sea Party Host Victoria Quinton

Join us underwater for a merpeople meeting in the Octopus' Garden, 20,000 leagues under the sea. Put on your favorite scales and fins or come as you are. If you don't fancy going right deep into the ocean you could stay on the Wharf, or on a ship or boat of choice..or send a message in a bottle..

How to get there: We are meeting in dreamland, so put the intention in your mind before going to bed on March 15th to meet in the Octopus Garden, 20,000 leagues under the sea.

Just dive down into sleep and hold the intention to meet your friends, Electric Dreamers, Dream chatters and other denizens of the deep.

More mutual dreaming background

What to bring: You are free to bring what every you want. We will be serving up some marvelous seaweed salads and other dishes made from creatures not on anyone's endangered species list! Also, if you met with us at Pikes Peak in January or the Giza Pyramids in February, you might bring them along!

Pictures for focus:

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An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

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The Lucid Dream Exchange (LDE) is expanding its format to include book reviews, articles, and other lucid dream related information. This month I am pleased to offer an insightful book review by LDE co-editor Robert Waggoner.


The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

1998, Snow Lion Publications, $16.95, paperback, 208 pages Reviewed by Robert Waggoner At the 1998 Association for the Study of Dreams conference, I heard the author, a lama in the indigenous Bon tradition of Tibet, speak on their religious view and his personal experiences in dream yoga and sleep yoga after years of focused training. Dream yoga refers to a philosophy and set of practices to enhance awareness in one's waking and dreaming life, which leads to lucidity in the dream state.

For the Bon, when lucid, one can use the state as 'tertons' or treasure finders to discover 'gong-ter' or mind treasures, and for purposes of guidance, healing, divination, etc. Emphasis is placed on seeking even greater clarity, mental flexibility and fullness of lucidity, however, so that one can reach the intermediate goal between death and rebirth "of staying aware and undistracted as the after-death visions arise, (which) depends on the capacities developed in dream yoga"(p.139). The ultimate, final goal of dream yoga is for the practice to evolve into sleep yoga, or yoga of the clear light; simply put, this is experiencing a pure non-dual awareness and can occur during waking or sleeping hours. The author develops a clear set of foundational principles for dream yoga. They include repeatedly reminding yourself that your daily experience is "as a dream," which will increase your sense of clarity and calm, and alter your experience of events. This should also show that the 'meaning' of a thing is imputed by cultural conditioning, and that there is little fundamental distinction between dream-experience and waking-experience. Second, one should become more aware of their habitual reactions of "grasping and aversion and seek to decrease their significance by realizing that objects and experiences are "ephemeral, insubstantial and fleeting." The third principle is to strengthen intent by developing a determination before falling asleep to know that we are dreaming when we dream. And the final principle is to recall your dreams, and use your successes and failures positively to improve your practice.

There are numerous detailed practices of breathing, visualizing protection and love, expressing clear intention and evoking assistance. And these are followed by other practices such as visualizing chakras, waking in the night to practice, using sleeping positions, developing a sense of personal power and fearlessness, and doing meditation to increase one's likelihood of lucidity.
Once lucid, the author delineates eleven categories of experience and seeks to use lucid dreaming to transform each of these, so that one can see the potential inherent in lucid dreaming. For example, one category is "quantity"; so when lucid, one might see a bicycle and say, "When I turn around and look again, there will be ten bicycles!" Other categories like "journey" require one to visit new places while lucid, and "seeing" would ask that you see, for example, your heart pumping. By having lucid transformations in each of the eleven areas, one develops mastery and deeper understanding. Sleep yoga goes beyond basic lucid dreaming towards an experience of pure awareness in which there is no subject or object; it is clear, in that it is essentially emptiness, and light, in that it is pure awareness without distinctions. As the author states, "Any linguistic construction that attempts to comprehend it is already in error... ", so obviously it is to be experienced rather than reasoned through discussion.

As a Westerner and lucid dreamer, why read this book? First, there are innumerable interesting details, hints and anecdotes that may illuminate incidents in your lucid dreaming. These cross cultural connections make one realize the universality of the experience apart from the terminology or philosophy used. Second, reading accounts of other's lucid abilities may spur you on to greater personal lucid goals. Third, it may prompt philosophical questions and concepts about the nature of reality or consciousness - some of which you can try to experiment on in the lucid state. And finally, even the jaundiced reader who skips whole chapters and winces at religious precepts, would have to admit that an expanded view of lucid dreaming engages one in greater thought and analysis.

If you intend to purchase this book, be prepared for the general Buddhist ideas of karma, prana, chakras, etc., and the less commonly known terms that are thoughtfully explained in the glossary. One may have to use some creativity in applying some of the concepts into a Christian or non-religious manner, and seeing their essential value. For example, though you may not care to evoke a Buddhist goddess for protection, you may decide that the basic idea is that your inner self feels safe in the lucid dream environment, and give yourself an appropriate affirmation as an alternative, e.g., "I am completely safe when dreaming."

I also enjoyed this book because of some of my own explorations into lucid dreaming five to ten years ago, in which I became lucid and purposely ignored all the dream characters and objects, so that I could directly engage whatever was behind or beyond lucid dreaming. I had some fascinating lucid dreams. Then all of a sudden, I began to have a whole new type of lucid dream experience - which made me think for the first time, that maybe there is something even beyond lucid dreams and the way to get there is to get lucid about lucid dreams. For the serious student of lucid dreaming, The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep is a detailed, interesting and thoughtful look at ancient practices for increasing awareness and lucidity. I recommend it for serious students and those conversant with Eastern religious ideas.


The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly issue of lucid dream
experiences, articles, and announcements submitted by individual readers. If you'd like more information about The Lucid Dream Exchange
contact Lucy Gillis at

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The Dream Doctor

Charles McPhee, Ph.D.

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"The Right Direction"

Dear Dream Doctor,

I have had a recurring dream for years now. I always misplace my car of all things - not my keys and not my purse - my entire car!

I forget where it is and other times I dream it's stolen. I also dream that I am driving and am lost and going the wrong direction all the time.

I started dreaming this more intensely the last few years after my husband and I separated and then got back together, separated got back together, etc. -- you catch the drift.

I also dream that I am trying to telephone my spouse or my mother and can never reach them - I do think that means I can't communicate with them easily, but I can't communicate with my father or my daughter and I don't dream about them!


--Confused, Age 41, Female, Married, St. Cloud, MN, USA

Hi Confused -

Cars in dreams are familiar metaphors for our selves - and it's always important to notice how they're behaving. If the brakes or steering wheels don't work, it usually means we're feeling "out of control." If you can't find your car, it usually means you don't know how you're going to get from "one place to another." If you're lost and headed the wrong direction all the time - it's just like you said. You're feeling confused about your direction in life!

Given the background you've provided us - you and your husband drifting apart, then back together again - it's easy to see why you're confused about "which way you're heading." Until this situation is resolved, your dreams most likely will continue to reflect this uncertainty.

Keys and purses in dreams most frequently are tied to feelings of identity. Accordingly, your dream doesn't show confusion about who you are - just where you're going!

Your dreams suggest it's time to regain control of your life.
Instead of letting your husband determine which way this relationship is going, why don't you create some direction yourself? If you haven't visited a relationship counselor yet, I think a visit is due. Outside observers who are experienced with relationship problems often can see patterns and obstacles that otherwise can take us years to discover on our own.

The message of this dream is clear. The sooner you get a roadmap for your life firmly in hand, the sooner these dreams will stop. You'll be back behind the wheel - and headed in the right direction!

Copyright 2000 Charles McPhee <>

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Mutual Dream Report: Giza Pyramid
eDreams Report

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On February 15, people from around the world went to bed and made an attempt to visit one another at the Giza Pryamid in dreamtime. The meeting was great fun and I can't report all the dreams here, but will mention a few. Also see the DREAMS section for more reports.

If you would like to join us on the 15th of each month, please be sure to check the target site.

From eDreams and Phyllis Howling:

There's a gathering, lot of people I don't know, various interactions that I can't recall now, party atmosphere. The setting is fuzzy too - bare indoor spaces, earthy, don't recall any furniture or windows (didn't think about it being in the pyramid until after I wrote it down, but seems to fit). I'm standing around interacting with a group of women, and one woman comes and says the top she's wearing is one that I had worn some time earlier. This is a sleeveless shirt with collar and just a few buttons, and with shirt-tails meant to be tied in front so that your bare midriff shows. The fabric is rather sheer, so you can see the woman's black bra through the material. Other women laugh and tease me, saying "Phyllis - you wore that?" and I confess I did, but protest "But I didn't wear a black bra under it!" Now they laugh even more, and I realize that what I said could be taken to mean that I didn't wear any bra under it, when what I meant was I wore a flesh-colored one. But they know this, and it's all in good humor - I'm laughing too, and I feel very warmly towards these women, who seem appealing, loving and fun.

Then I seem to be standing on the lower steps of a stairway talking with a few men (don't recall what about, but friendly, engaged), when I am suddenly called into another room because of an emergency. I rush in (maybe up the stairs?) and see people gathered around a baby, and they have put some sort of healing hood over it. It may be my baby (in the dream). They hand the baby to me and say to rub its back (think it's a girl, only a few months old). And then I am horrified to perceive that the baby's head has been removed - I think they removed it in order to heal her. She is alive though, and I wonder how this can be. I just hold her close and rub her back without daring to look, feeling sick, and think I see her head on a table, which I believe they will reattach. But then I realize I have misperceived all this and her head *is* attached, has been all along it seems, and I feel tremendously relieved. But then someone takes the baby (a woman - one of the helpers/healers) and it turns into a lizard and starts running up the wall in the corner, and the woman jumps up and grabs it and hands it to me, and again I rub its back, very tenderly, this time with one finger, because it's so small. I wake up very disturbed over all this - and my first thought is "darn, this is not a pyramid dream." But then I think maybe it is after all.

I only had an impression of a dark green crocodile; I was sitting on its back and dangling my bare feet into cool green water..

I could see an opening in the pyramid but I can't remember going in to it..

Last night I dreamed I was in an empty dirt room. No windows but I could see at least three openings/doorways to tunnels. (The dirt looked fresh, like this pyramid was newly made.) Felt like a lower level deep in the ground. I was sitting on the floor I think, in front of my computer, waiting for pyramid dreams. (This was my job it seems.) Checked my email several times. Nothing. I checked my email once more and wow. Four messages. Every one I opened was a pyramid dream from someone! I specifically remember Richard's being two dreams. I was so happy. Then instantly felt under pressure because I didn't know how to compile all the information.

I'm not sure now if while in the dream I recognized I was in a pyramid.

From Kathy
Well here is my Great Pyramid dream - I'm putting it here because, as with you Phyllis, the dream centered on a shirt!! - but I didn't get into the Pyramid - mainly I suspect because the night before when I was asking to join in the mutual dreaming I felt afraid about entering the world of the dead and especially what seemed like the claustrophobic world of the inner pyramid.

I was standing outside of the great doors (they felt huge and wooden though I never saw them) of the Great Pyramid. The doors were open but I could see nothing but blackness inside. I was insubstantial myself, hovering in the lighter darkness a little way from the entrance. There was a smallish man there bending over doing something. He did not notice me. All around was fairly dark but his hair was distinctive (slicked back dark hair - he was quite Egyptian looking!) and his shirt was what my whole attention focused on (it was long sleeved and tight fitting, black and yellow stripped - the stripes of various thicknesses, rather like a bar code - and made of something synthetic, perhaps a sort of brushed nylon). I faded out of that dream into another one.

Very interesting to me about the centering on shirts/tops!
Love to you all

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"I Just Love My Computer"
by Janice Baylis, Ph.D. author of Sex, SYMBOLS and Dreams

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How many times have you heard someone say. "I just LOVE my computer."?

For many of us computers are a great augmentation to out daily lives. For many young people computers are also a great career choice. My tabulations have found that about 20% of our dreams are about our jobs.

This dream is a good example of physical sex in a dream to represent mental sex. As Dr. Ann Faraday said in The Dream Game, "Sexual feeling in dreams can be a metaphor for being "excited", "worked up", "turned on" or "intimately involved"....The metaphor tells how much libido -energy- you
have invested in an aspect of your life." Dan, the dreamer, has plenty of money (energy) to put into his relationship with computers.

His dream:
"I m in the entry [beginning level] to a brothel [commercial sex - commercial issues]. There are a lot of guys here. Some seem to live here [for some this is just making a living] others, like me, have come for sex.

I have plenty of money and think I may have sex with every girl in the place.

"I go further in and enter the brothel community room. The women are actually robots run by computers. It seems fine though, and I'm really turned on, sexually. I got one of the robots and start having sex. Others come over and watch.

My computer instructor appears. I come off but my penis stays hard. I think, 'This is incredible!' I choose another computer robot and have sex with her. When we finish I'm still up [He's really "up" for this computer robot stuff]. I'm flabbergasted!

"My ability to keep having sex is unreal. These computer robots are strange, but it sure is fun."
Sex, SYMBOLS and Dreams - p. 29

Mental sex is the excitement and attraction a person feels about a mentally stimulating subject. This dream seems to suggest to Dan that computers would be a fun commercial career.

Besides computers, television is another modern addition to dream symbolism. This next dream made sense when related to the dreamer's work life. The dreamer is Brian. His co-worker, Glenn, has an idea for a technical computer invention. But, he needs the technical skills of someone like Brian to make the item. Glenn had asked Brian to work with him as a
partner on the invention.

Then Brian had a dream. In this dream, based on an association of similar action, the television set represents Glenn's intuition. With television as with intuition the pictures and ideas seem to come out of thin air. Glenn's wife and her womb represent the place where Glenn's creativity will become a manifest reality. Here's Brian's dream.

"I'm at work. Another guy and I are fixing the TV set that the custodians keep in their office. This guy's wife comes in the door. She's a real Wow! [the idea is a good one, attractive]. The guy looks at me and says, "Let's take her!"

He takes her down to the floor [under standing] and offers her to me for sex.

"Next thing I know my head [his thinking] is inside her. It's like I'm looking around inside this guy's woman. [he's getting an inside look at Glenn's creative plan]. He taps me on the shoulder [an idiom for selecting a person] I pull my head out. When I get out the TV starts working because the guy has connected up the TV antenna. [good connections here].

"We're getting a pretty clear picture. The wife is talking to me but I woke up before I got what she said." [The rest of the work will have to be done in the waking state.]
Sex, SYMBOLS and Dreams p 181

Originally Brian didn't have a clue what the dream was about. After discussing how the beginning showed it was about a job he and another guy were working on together, he made the association to Glenn and their project. Then we were able to work out the rest of the dream. The prognosis for the project is good - they are getting a pretty clear picture and the TV set is working.

Both of these dreams illustrate my lifelong observation about the practical side of dreaming. They also demonstrate that dream-mind sometimes uses sexual images to represent non-sexual issues.

" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "¥" "

Digital Dreaming Series
Computer Dreams: The changing (inter)face of dreams in the 21st century

Richard Wilkerson

" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "§" "¥" "¥" "

Dream: "I couldn't get the screen saver to work and had to call my friend who knows about computers. I was afraid the letter I had written would be permanently burnt into the monitor if I couldn't get the screen saver working" Dell

Dream: "Because I used to work here I knew the password, but I couldn't find the files on the computer that I had left several months ago" DB

Dreams about computers are on the rise. Whether you believe that these dreams simply reflect the rising concern and involvement with computers during our waking life or feel that they are a symbolic trail to our innermost self and beyond now mediated by binary metaphors, the information age and its technologically mediated communications now increasingly inhabit our dreamscapes and are a part of our dreamworld. Just as when we shifted from horses and carriages to automobiles and interstates, the shift to computer screens and virtual reality has changed the inner landscape and created a whole new set of images through which we can see our lives. They may offer something even more, a chance to know something radically other than ourselves.

I have an underlying theme and investigation which I want to disclose just so you know one of my investigation biases. I am investigating the notion that hominizaton is virtualization. This phrase was coined by Pierre Levy, a French cultural theorist. Levy feels that becoming human has always been, partially, about becoming virtual. Books, tools, roads, planes, jets, rockets, radio, television; these are all ways we have of extending the space in which we interact. Now we are experiencing this virtualization process in an accelerated pace.

Some feel the acceleration has increased to such a degree that its no longer a question of quantity of change but a quality. Speed itself has become the place as well as the time to get there.

This is reflected in the virtualization of our living and working landscapes that must now have floors and walls that act and react as fast as our windows and doors used to. Just as we now touch people from around the global in an instance, so too our personal space need to have a global, 360 degree space that can move and provide interaction with that which is beyond ourselves.

The computer screen as we know it will disappear, surrounding us with virtual space. The walls will be alive. How like the dream.

Of course, if you seen the dream as only a reflection of yourself, this may not be like a dream to you at all. In dreamspace of this kind we only interact with ourselves. In Cyberspace with interact with others. But profound dreamwork has always recognized the other in dream as Other. Sometimes even the dreamer in the dream does things quite foreign, so much so we can barely recognize ourselves. What we do learn is how to come into relationship with this radical otherness. At times this is simply using the Otherness of the dream as a new way to see our own lives, and other times the Other is so overwhelming we can only gaze in wonder and horror at its own world and designs.

The point here is that dreamworkers have always been in tune with the notion of the whole world being alive. In dreamland, the door may be as ensouled as the dream postman or child next door. Stones can step up and interact with us as easily as the teacher or boss.

And so I am looking at what images and metaphors dreams are now producing and not only what they might be for the individual but for the culture as well. I am not going to spend a lot of space here analyzing these dreams, but here a couple of ways I am looking at the dreams. I have already mentioned the virtualization of identity. Also of interest:

The Soul in the Machine.

Sometimes this is the lost soul, the things that don't quite work the way we planned or wanted, the things we can't quite master or that torment us, the things that get forgotten and lost. Here we find the world of hard drives crashing, modems not connecting, e-mail disappearing, wrong websites appearing, lost files, being denied access, losing passwords and electric surges destroying our files. But the soul is also psyche and manifest as desire. That is, when we feel we can get what we most desire through the Network. Sometimes the network opens up for us like a lover unfolding their heart and sex, other times it leads us into ruin with promises that evaporate in the blink of a screen. In chat rooms we find him, only to find out it's a her. We think we are taking to him and found it's an it. Other time the soul lead us to places we never imagined could exist. And sometimes it leads to ourselves..

The Spirit in the Machine

There are many levels of spirit in computer dreams. Sometimes we simply find affirmations on the screen, and other times come into contact with the a new consciousness that is the Net itself in transcendent self-awareness. These computer dreams of spirit include creative affirmation and productions to encounter with the abstract and ideal, to our alignment with the Infinite. We will see screen savers, surge protectors, teaching others, demonstrating new projects, displaying a new website, sending e-mail to famous people, building virtual communities, finding long lost friends and gaining access to privileges areas. Angelic digital cyborgs will cross our paths and noospheric global transcendence will present itself in burning wires that heat up the cyberscape.

In a series of articles I would like to share some of these digital dreams and explore the metaphorical imagery as it inhabits our cultural sphere as well as our individual psyches.
As this series is an ongoing Electric Dreams Community exploration, I invite you to join in by sending dreams, comments and your take on this shift in dream content.


The subject of "Dreams and Computers" is of great interest to me because I worked in the "computer biz" for about 30 years. So computers have been a part of my life and thus my dreams for a long time: Some examples:

- When I was deep in a programming project, I often dreamed "in" the programming language/environment that I was working in, this fused with the dream content somehow. So there was a sense that I was dreaming that I *was* the computer.

- When I first started doing dreamwork and was anxious about writing down my dreams, I dreamed that I didn't need to write it down because I'd already saved it to disk!

- At a time when I was very overworked, I dreamed that I was pressing Alt/Esc over and over to close windows on my computer - but there were always more.

The following is a recent dream that I had after reading Stephen LaBerge's book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming". There is an exercise in the this book for controlling your dream by imagining a giant TV set and changing the channel. I had already thought that for me using a computer screen instead of a TV set might be better. At this point I hadn't actually had a lucid dream, and the dream seemed to be showing me what it could be like.

Dream: Virtual Rio

I'm at the computer, looking at a financial web site. I click on the company logo, which is of Mount Rushmore, and the background of the screen changes to a view of this mountain, with a blue, blue sky in the background. It swings around to show a 360 degree panoramic view. My husband, who is standing behind me, asks me to turn it off because it makes him feel dizzy. But I'm fascinated, it then shows a view of details, as if you were walking in these mountains ­ you can see individual stones and even insects crawling between them. Later I experience a virtual reality climb up the mountain with statue of Christ on it near Rio de Janeiro. It is very lifelike, almost like being there. I enthuse about this experience to people later. They are not convinced that it can in any way replace the actual experience. I say, "But I can't really afford to actually go to Brazil, and I've been able to see with my own eyes the view from this mountain, as if it were real." I'm blown away by the whole thing, that technology is capable of providing such realism.


Earth Day Connections: dreambat
Sept 24, 1999

I go to a two or three story garage. Its also a school and car repair and research and other things kind-of-place. I talk with people at a kind of meeting-yet-party and eventually they leave. I used to work here as well and need to access the computers. I try for sometime to bring up my account on one computer but have to go into another part of the building to turn on another computer before they can connect. I go and find the room, its like a typical lab room in a research facility, though also like a school and a warehouse or car repair office. That is, messy, full of papers, not very clean.

I turn this computer on and then go upstairs to another computer I need connected. I see someone working in the evening light, a guy at a table full of machines he is working on, like old radios, computer equipment, and other technologies.

I turn the computer on and connect with the systems operator who is on a computer in some other part of the building. I tell them I need to have access to my account and need these various computers networked. We fiddle for awhile and he asks me what room the other computer I needed connection to was in. I tell him. He asks me if I realize what day it is? "No," I say "What day is it?" He says its Earth Day. I look through a long window at a building across the way, and notice again the late evening sun. I also notice how quite it is and think that everyone must be off for Earth Day. I worry that they systems operator will now say that nothing can be done because everyone is off. But instead he says "Since its so quiet, I guess I can just come down look at the computer myself." I tell him I will meet him in the room and head off.




Dream 1: 30 October 99,

I am dreaming that my neighbors are visiting us, we are talking about the Internet. They don't know much about the Internet, so I am demonstrating them some things.

IRL, I was irritated by their dog barking at night and wakening us up. My husband talked to them about it and they agreed to take care of it. The night after that conversation I had that dream. I had positive feelings about the dream.

Dream 2: 31 October 99,

I am dreaming about a colleague, a woman with whom I worked a long time ago. She is sitting at her desk, working on a computer (IRL there were no computers at that time, 1981, 1982, I was a social worker then and in that kind of business at that time, computers were not yet accepted) I am in her room and I am looking at the screensaver, which is constantly on. She lives in a small room and the computer takes a central position in the room.

I don't remember feelings about the dream, the week foregoing to both
dreams, I passed an exam after having followed a computer course and we had a visit from a software-engineer with whom we talked about computers and the Internet.

Dream 3: 22 November 99,

I am at an institution, where you can follow all kinds of courses. One of those courses gives me the possibility of an extra degree as a social worker. However, I do not like the kind of job you can get with the degree. In the dream, I realise that I am not suited for the job, it is a job at social services from the government and I hate to disappoint people. It will be the kind of job with lots of talks in which you have to bring bad news. But I am following the course anyway and at some point I get a menu with different options, then I choose for the unit that give me the possibility to administer fields in a database.

The feeling that I had about the dream was one of pleasure that I had found a possibility to work with computers instead of being a social worker. IRL I have been out of work for more that 10 years now, I have got crohn's disease, an ostomy etc. I am paid from disablement insurance act and I do all kinds of computer things as voluntary work for friends, acquaintances etc. That week I had just completed a little database that I had made for a friend who works as a therapist, to do her administration on the computer.

11 January 2000:

I am in the garden, it's summer and I am neatly dressed, because I have to go to a computer course. My neighbor is also in the garden and I guess she will be wondering, why I am dressed so neatly (distinguished, is that the word?)

Then my cats are walking through the garden, they look different than usual. I am going by bike to the computer course, it is a kind of exam I have to take. It will take place in a building, not far from where live, in an area with all kinds of offices.

The building itself is a place where they produce ostomy bags. (I have a colostomy, I hope you understand the word).

I find the room in the building where I have to be and take a seat. They are computers everywhere. To my left, there is a (to me unknown) soapstar en to my right my aunt NETTIE is seated. I am thinking: this is going to be fun, my aunt Nettie behind a computer.

End of the dream.

IRL my aunt Nettie has never touched a computer. It's possible she has never seen one. The day foregoing to the dream, I had returned a computer to a friend. Her computer gave many problems, modem didn't work etc. I had taken the computer to my house and worked with it, to solve the software problems. Now I think about it, she looks a bit like my aunt Nettie.

"back to organising"

The 15th of January: I am working again, as a social worker. I am the only one that morning working and I have to get everything ready for the next week. (meaning organising domestic helps for sick and handicapped people). I am very busy organising all this and I realise that it is difficult: I have been away for a couple of years, so I am not familiar anymore with the patients and the women working for them as a domestic aid. I am surprised by the way as it comes to administration, things are still organised in the old-fashioned way: with paper and pen everything is written down.

At the same time, there are 2 computer screens on the desk.
I am organising which patients I am going to visit that afternoon.
At the background there is at some point a colleague named Corrie. I feel the need to ignore her, thinking by myself I have been kind enough to you, now you have to make a move. End of the dream.

Comments: Digitally, I found it interesting the contrast of the two ways of organization. The screen thing for me is a big issue in real life. Why such a horrid interface to cyberworld? I keep telling people who hate computers but really hate screens that this will all disappear soon, and you can write on a thing that will appear just like a piece of paper.

So in this way, this dream is very unique and historical, since it situates itself between the time when we used computers via screens and the next generation which will have something very different.
Any idea why there were *2* screens? Did these duplicate the same task or was one for admin and the other for a secretary or ?

26 January:
My neighbors are on vacation and in some way I have access to their house. My husband and I come there regularly to do all kinds of things that are unclear to me. >From the windows, there is a view on all kinds of terraces of different heights. At one point I realize that it is better that they do no find out that we have been there and that we have to erase all the tracks that can indicate our presence there. E.g. we have been cooking dinner there, we have used a pan, that needs to be cleaned and I am worried if we will do that properly. At some point I also have turned on the computer and the stereo installation, and then I turn them off quickly, because I realize that the equipment, meaning the computer, could track down everything that happens with it. (Like keeping up a diary, is that the correct translation?) I also wonder if other people could have seen us entering the house. End of the dream.

27th of January:
I have a neighbors, a woman that I dislike a lot in real life. I dream that she is paying me a visit, I am upstairs vacuuming. When I go downstairs she is busy reading a file (paper file, not a computer file). That file belongs to me and it appears to be outlook express, my email program. She takes the subdirectory that's named Willem. She begins to read aloud his last email. I get furious and tell her that it is not her business. The next moment I am alone with my husband and I am angry with him, for the fact that he allowed her to do so. We have a big argument and he doesn't seem to understand my point. End of the dream.

I do not recall feelings from the day foregoing to the dream. Two weeks before the dream she paid us a visit and I was just on the Internet receiving mail including a letter of Willem. So I could not read it at that moment because she is the type of person who gives you no privacy, she comes to read you email together with you. In real life I dislike her and her visits. She is the kind of type that feels bored all the time, for that reason she comes to visit and hang around. I have many aggressive fantasies about her. What is strange in the dream is the fact that my husband doesn't seem to understand my point, Irl he would certainly understand it, and he also dislikes her. There is one difference between us however: I am more clever in hiding things, I know that she is curious, so when she enters I quickly put away things, books that I don't her want to see. My husband is not so suspicious.

"Haunter"; a 48 year young graphic artist and researcher into anomolous perception.

I was having a rather mundane last REM of the night when I had a very strange "false awakening"; something I haven't experienced in years. I "awoke" to a very real representation of my bedroom; I noticed nothing extraordinary about it. I proceeded to put on the latest CD from a net-friend of mine who's now produced three wonderful and soothing electronic-oriented music CD's and sat down in front of my computer to check email. Interestingly, instead of the usual sounds that I get when connecting to the Web, it played a few static-filled bars of an old Hendrix classic, Voodoo Child! As with most unusual dream content, I explained away this oddity and simply reached up and turned down the volume because it was drowning out Mara's Torment music from the stereo behind me. Then, as I'm checking my email, I note that the letters are HUGE on the monitor; only 2 or three letters could be seen at once and I remember getting really frustrated with having to constantly move the cursor over to the right to read each word. At this point, my attention was diverted to the right of me where I have my computer "mini-tower" because the CD drawer activated automatically and the CD that was contained inside started spinning and rose out of the drawer like a flying saucer! "Coooool" I whispered, then, immediately realized what was going on and I tried to stabilize my consciousness to keep the lucidity intact. I'm a little chagrined to admit that I lost it totally when the CD came flying at my head at high speed and decided I'd better wake up for real....which I immediately did.
Well, nothing too spectacular, to be sure, but it was fun while it lasted and moreso to replay the still-vivid memory of that CD rising up from it's drawer!



Data Input

This occurred before all the others, after I had suggested that I recall a past-life. I decided to try another method. As I lay down, I repeated over and over, "...I was? And I lived in ?" or "I am...? And I live in....?" repeating it over and over, so that as I entered into the hypnogogic state, it would trigger images.
Eventually, I dreamt that I was sitting in front of a computer and keyboard. I had been given a name (i.e. a Christian name and a surname). I tried to get into the right program; either the computer was too slow or the keyboard wouldn't connect, and somehow I knew that if I couldn't get the name onto the computer, I wouldn't remember it when I awoke. Maybe my eyes needed to register the name for my real-time memory to be able to retain the name. I remember trying to type in the letter "M" (so whatever the name was, it contained an "M"). I don't know how I got the name, it seemed to just emerge from the mantric repetition of "I was?, I live in?". Actually, I feel that I had dropped, somehow from the surface level of the 'mantra' to amore fluid level at which I was receptive to such information:-

The computer monitor was subtly transformed into a kind of oscilloscope screen, about the size of a large TV screen. Quite clearly, I could see North America. I think I was initially focussed on the Eastern side of the continent, central latitude of USA. However, as I tried to see the rest of the world (because initially I thought it was a map of the world), I realised that this was not possible. However, the screen did seem to depict the northern reaches of the continent (i.e, Canada (and the Arctic fringes. Certainly the North Pole seemed to be shown. I also was aware of the submarine-type signal while I was looking at the map.
It is possible that, in a symbolic way, my subconscious was not only giving me a name and a place of habitation, but also a profession (i.e. submarinish?). Or maybe this was a symbolic representation of the fact that I was no longer floating on the surface of the unconscious, but that I was actually fully immersed in it and in control.

Note: cf. Dream (paralysis 27th 1993) in which I saw two men sitting over a table looking over 'ancient' maps. Does this mean that I have found a way of keying into information held in my subconscious, in these instances, relating to particular geographical locations, e.g. past life habitation. If so, I still have some way to go before I am fully in control, and can obtain information to order by manipulating within the dream/hallucination.

Note: waking up was almost imperceptible. It was as if I was just hovering below consciousness, e.g. cf. Berlin lucid dream.

Faulty system
Glen was telling me that Prof. Archer was in a bad mood, because someone had told him to do something about a computer system they had in Glasgow. He had apparently told them angrily to hire computer experts or something like that. Somehow this had bearing on whether he could examine me, him being angry, that is (I was thinking of Glen last night with respect to figures for the pH-switch experiment).

Drawing the snake
Paul was monitoring my progress in being able to draw, on a type of computer screen (looked more like an etch-a-sketch, flat on the table, a snake. As each line of the snake was drawn. The snake shape shifted in animation fashion. The movements were snake-like and realistic. Both Paul and myself were suitably impressed.

The Network

With two other people, I feel my sister was one of them. I found myself walking in and out of the main office, e.g. in through order issue, and through stock audit, etc., and vice versa. Reynard was about, generally sitting in at one impromptu meeting or another, and usually close to one of the doors that I was walking through. I wondered whether my bustling through the office might annoy or disturb him.

I ended up with my two companions in the stock audit area. Neither Roy nor John were around, the girl (who works in the bunker) was. Three of us sat down at a PC each and started playing about with the software. There was a particular program that allowed you to take control of a character and swim or float onto the screens of one's companions using it (reminded me of the Network set up during the game of Quake that Andy W. and his mates were playing at the club).

I was hoping that we three were impressing the computer staff with our computer know-how. Of the three of us, however, I seemed less competent, and just blundered through the processes. Eventually, the girl said she wanted to use the "game station". Politely and without protest, I acquiesced (the way I behave with Roy M. these days). I was annoyed with myself in giving ground in this way, especially as all she was doing was playing a game, and not seriously working. My two friends remained at their consoles as no-one wanted theirs. I did note that I had been on the biggest (most powerful) computer, while my two friends were on the less spectacular models (like me living in the big living room in the Salford flat, while Jim B. and Aidy had the smaller, less impressive rooms)

(note as I type this up on 20th October 1997, this association with the Salford flat occured to me immediately, without me looking down the page at the original reference a few lines back. It also occurs to me that my leaving the flat - and my big room - is related to my leaving the powerful computer in this dream).

Later, we were all in a car/bus/coach. That is me, my two friends and the girl). We were driving through a suburb, when suddenly I seemed to recognise my step-brother's street. I pointed in the appropriate direction, saying to one of my companions who was now Ray (had he just become my Ray in response to my associative thought processes?) that I had seen his street through the houses. (I seem to have identified that area with somewhere around Roundhay Road near Tesco's in Leeds). I was still aware of trying to impress upon the girl [this reminds me of my discussion of my move from Oxford to Leeds with Sven W. - (whom I have felt was a younger brother from a past life) yesterday](note added at time - 10:15am 20th October 1997 - of typing this up: Ray of course was a younger brother from the past in this life). The dream also reminds me of how I had to leave the foster set-up, leaving my brother and sister behind - now that connection is


Later we passed St. Michael's College (my old school). The girl (who throughout the dream was a younger, perhaps more beautiful version of her real-life counterpart at McGregor's) read "St. Michael's College" although the notice outside the school didn't say "college" - perhaps it said "school" - not sure, but not "college". I suspected, therefore, that she knew the school.

We were commenting on the run-downess of the building. I pointed out that the school still had that awful blue/turquoise paint. Why had they not painted over it with a non-conspicuous white paint, which would make it look modern and sharp and clean, as opposed to a shambling dinosaur. I pointed out that the living quarters of the headmaster(?) (which was very similar to Peter W.s house (the landlord of my present abode) - note added at time of typing, maybe the similarity between the living abode of the headmaster and that of Peter W. the landlord suggests an equation between "headmaster"(is that the "brain" or "self"?! and does the school represent the "school of (my) life") and "landlord", the latter having been seen in other dreams quite a lot: land=brain, or maybe land=body while head=brain, and master=lord), had been painted with white paint in the relevant places, i.e the window sills and doors, so that it looked quite impressive.



Lonnie dances on the computer desk and jumps on the keyboard
3/5/1998, 6:45

I was working on Lonnie's computer. Every time I started the computer Acrobat reader would come on the screen displaying a manual for some program. Lonnie got on top of the computer desk and started jumping around and dancing. Then he would jump down on to the keyboard. He did that a couple of time. I yelled at him and told him that if he broke the computer I couldn't afford to buy him another one; I was almost in tears. I asked him why he couldn't take better care of his stuff. I told him that he landed on the keyboard and hit certain keys he could wipe out his hard drive.
Note: Lonnie is my son, who was 15 at the time of this dream.

Scanning pita and printing on pita halves
3/13/1998, 7:20

Naomi wanted to get a scanner for David. She called her father because he was going to pay for it. He told her to get David a DC2 model just like his. I said that I didn't think we would be able to find that black and white scanner because when we bought it was during a closeout sale. She said she was going to try Radio Shack anyway. There was a woman there and she wanted to scan and print pita halves on my computer which I had set up in the room. She placed several pita halves on a conveyor belt that passed over the scanner. The pita fell off at the end onto a small table in front of the printer. I noticed some water on the front input bin and started drying off the bin. Lonnie and some friends were standing several feet away by a large bowl of vegetables and the woman told them to start making the salad while we were finishing printing. When I finished drying it we put the pita halves in the bin to print on.
Note: Naomi is my wife and David is a friend of hers who is incarcerated.

Rebooted computer plays strange sound files
5/23/1998, 7:50

I'm in a room with a computer. I notice the shell of a monitor that I think should be tossed out because it has been sitting there for awhile. The computer hangs and I have to reboot it. As I reboot and Windows starts to come up some wave or sound files start to play. I don't know where they could have come from because they seem to be parts of telephone conversations I have had. In the lower right hand corner of the screen I notice a large Dick Tracey icon that belongs to some sound program that I thought I had uninstalled. I think that the strange wave files are somehow related to this program.

Software demo at a Jewish function
6/1/1998, 1:50

There's a large Jewish function going on in a banquet room. I am watching a software demonstration on a computer monitor. One part of the package is an FTP program and the demonstrator is pointing out that his FTP program is much faster at downloading programs than CuteFTP. I tell him I have been using FTP Pro as my program. A woman standing by says, "Oh, I've heard that program has a lot of pornographic material." The demonstrator says, "Oh no, that is a very good program and is not pornographic in itself. It is related to what site is visited and what files are downloaded." There is food being served and the server comes by with a cart. Several of us are standing around another cart. The man at the far end of the cart starts to push it but he can't see where he is going and bumps into the other cart and then continues pushing his cart right over it. All the food from the toppled cart is scattered on the floor. The server is quite pissed off and picks up a half pan of pizza a! nd starts to throw it at the man who upset his cart, but then thinks better of it and just throws it back on the floor with the rest of the food. Then he says, "Well, there is another cart coming." One of the guys standing around picks up the pizza and starts to eat it.

Someone steals my monitor
7/4/1998, 4:50

I'm sitting at my computer in a garage that is filled with lots of stuff. Max S. comes in and is looking at what I'm doing on the computer. He asks if I am using a graphics tablet. I tell him that I am using a different kind of tablet (I see my large graphics tablet lying on the floor, not in use). The mouse cable is tangled up with some other cables (keyboard, etc.) and I am trying to untangle them. I get the mouse untangled but the cable is still twisted and I hold the mouse up and let it unwind and then plug it back into the computer. As I am fooling with the unplugged mouse I notice that the cursor is still on the screen and I am hoping that it will work again once I have the mouse hooked back in. I continue talking to Max about the computer. He asks if I need a program with the tablet I am using that will apply the correct multipliers to give me the correct numbers (inches) so the graphics will be proportional. I tell him that I don't need a program for that because the t! ablet does it automatically.
Max leaves and I fall asleep briefly. When I open my eyes I see that my monitor is gone! I wonder what could have happened to it. I look behind the desk to see if it fell on the floor but it is not there. I become frantic and believe that someone must have come in and stolen it while I was asleep; but I can't imagine how someone could do that without waking me up. Now I think that this must be a dream. I jump up to test it and I float and realize that I am dreaming. I feel myself waking up right away and the scene starts to fade. I wish myself to be in Tibet to try to stay lucid and I see a faded wooden plank wall in front of me. I try to spin but I continue to wake up.

An Animated Mouse Introduces a Web Page
1/30/1999, 8:52

I'm sitting at my computer and logging onto a web site to get some software. Suddenly the entire screen goes completely dark for a few seconds; then it lightens just a little bit and I see a little animated mouse crawling from left to right through a tunnel at the top of the screen. I realize that the screen got dark to give the impression of a dark tunnel. As it crawls along the screen suddenly goes to full brightness and there are some other animated cartoon animals (a giraffe for one) carrying little signs. The it switches to the web site for the software. It informs me that I have already installed the software and it is in the "WAY" directory on my C drive. I call up my file manager to go see if I have that directory. The directory tree is odd because it goes at an angle instead of vertically. At the end of the tree I see the WAY directory. The directory is shown as a large graphic sign with the word "WAY" in the middle. It appears that I am missing some directories after! that one that aren't being show n. I go back to the web site because I want to check out some other special internet software.

Uninstalling some screen saver software
2/27/1999, 0:25

I am working at my computer and trying to install some software. I'm looking at a screen that is related to the AGP video. There are some drivers related to the screen saver that I need to uninstall. A screen is supposed come up automatically which is supposed to remove this driver which is "on call" and replace it with something else.

Getting a fax from Monica W.
3/20/1999, 0:52

I have a computer in my bedroom and I have notified Monica W. that she can call and connect to my computer. I'm getting ready for bed and turn out the light and I hear the phone ring. I look to see if the computer is connecting and it is connecting. On the other side of the room is a typewriter that is also a fax machine and I see that a fax is coming in from Monica. There are several pages about something that I'm not all that interested in. The paper that I have in the fax machine is triplicate copies and is made for a dot matrix (it has the perforated edges with holes). I'm hoping that I don't run out of paper before the fax ends. I also want to remember to change the paper to single sheets so that I don't waste paper.

My parents live in a house on stilts
5/9/1999, 0:02

I come back home with my mother and dad to find all the doors and windows of the house open. We think that someone could have easily broken in and robbed the house. The house is a wood frame house that seems to be up on stilts and it is out in the country. To get into the house we have to rotate the house and the backdoor, which was wide open, swing shut when we rotate the house. We look around inside the house and don't immediately find evidence that anything is missing. It does look like someone has been here but they didn't take anything.
I am looking through drawers to see if anything was taken. I come across a set of car keys and I am glad that they didn't steal or find these keys because they could have then stolen the car. Dad comes in and says that he wants to tell me something. He takes me into the living room and my computer is setup on the floor. He says, "This piece right here (he shows me a small rectangular piece of plastic) - I took it off with out turning the computer off. I don't know if I did something wrong." He demonstrates it by doing the same thing on my computer. My screen comes up looking kind of funny and I say to him, "You just told me you did that to yours and now you've done it to mine!" I turn the computer off and turn it back on and it comes back on okay. He asks me to fix his computer and I ask him what the password is and he tells me it is either "bored" or "party."

My computer monitor is missing
2/8/2000, 3:55

I go down to the basement and over to my computer. I immediately see that the monitor is missing. That seems very odd so I think, "This has gotta be a dream!" I jump up to see if I can fly but I don't fly. I say, "Where in the hell is my monitor?" and I still think that it must be a dream. The furniture is rearranged - the chairs are over against the wall. I think, "Oh, this really must be a dream." This time I jump really hard and fly backwards. I am now flying through empty space. I rub my hands together and repeat several times: "The next scene will be a dream." I keep spinning through space but no new scene materializes and after a couple of minutes I wake up.



8-8-97 - The true shape of the El Gamma Trammaton is on the comment page. The computer eliminated all of the spaces I put in between the letters.
July 9, 1997 - Something new has occurred in my life because of a dream I had last night. In the dream, I was inside the file of a computer which was about a Shaman Indian. I could see his crystal tools. I knew I couldn't steal the file because it would mess up the crystals. I had this same dream 7 times the same night.

The next day I went to the book shop and purchased a book about crystals. It was full of information about communicating with entities from other dimensions using the crystal. This was intriguing to me. fThe next night I put a crystal under my pillow when I went to sleep. I began to get instant visions as well as very vivid dreams.

7-9-97 3.a.m. I put a Tantra Twin crystal under my pillow. I had an instant vision of a large door opening and I walked inside the door. I then went into a dream where I entered a white house and was moving white furniture around within the room. It was like in a doll-house with no ceiling.

In the morning, I had more visions, the first of which told me that I would no longer need my friend Joe to give me messages on the Instant messages on my computer. I could get them for myself.

I then heard a male voice announce something which I missed, but then he also announced 1435 Chestnut. (This has to be analyzed)

I then dreamed all night that the crystal was being programmed with numbers and symbols. I knew that if Joe saw the numbers and symbols he would know how it was programmed.

7-13-97 - I went into a dream in which I was at a computer. The voice said,"You must study the Merkaba.You will contact these people." The computer
showed me a screen with a name, address and phone number.

It went by very quickly and I couldn't catch what it was.
I woke up not remembering the numbers, so went back to sleep. I went right back to the computer and they showed me the screen again. This time I could read the area code which was 309. (309 is west of Chicago)

7-13-97 - During the night, I was again in a computer, this time in a large file about alien life. They were showing me how to access the files, how to post new information and how to change the listings for the information.

I was told that the toughest, hardest working astral level was named ARUMERA. I went there and the feeling was not comfortable. It felt somewhat stressful,
so I left.

7-18-97 - Dream: I dreamed that I downloaded several pages from the computer of a metaphysical nature I good that I had preserved them. I woke up thinking I had really done this and then realized it was only a dream and felt very disappointed. I went back to sleep and went back to the computer and downloaded the same pages plus more. There were 10 in all. I was thinking in the dream that I had really done it this time. Then I woke up from the dream and realized it was still just a dream. This took all night to accomplish.
7-22-97 Dream: I spent the entire night on the computer writing a book to Joe - about the alien - cropcircle - American Indian connection.
7-25-97 - Vision: I saw a hallway with rooms on 4 sides as if the hallway was a square. Women came running to open the doors for me. I then had three dreams in which I was on the computer with Joe explaining to him about the crystal experiments and was drawing pictures. All dreams were identical.

8-5-97 - Dream: I was on the computer in a chat or IM. The computer had a feature whereby you could highlight a word and the computer would do a search to bring up all the files for that subject. I highlighted KALI and KALI-YUGA.

NOTE: Later that day, a Korean Airlines plane crashed in Guam. It was KAL 801. Emotionally that day, I was a wreck, pacing the floor, not knowing what was wrong with me. Synchronicity, that day I was also posting all my plane crash dreams and visions at PUFORI from 1991.

PUFORI is at (purfori is now defunct)

On 8-7-97, I turned on my computer and saw the lead files on America On LIne were all about KAL 801 crash, how it happened from the survivors standpoint and the list of passenger file from ABC news.

8-7-97 Dream: I was with some teenagers and they wanted to have some alien language interpreted. I was able to put it into my computer and tell them what it meant.

8-7-97 Dream: Joe and I both had computers which would translate alien
language. Joe's computer could translate whatever alien language that mine couldn't. We could transfer it directly from my computer to his. Our computer screen were about AOL's IM screen large and were located in our crotches between our legs.

8-10-97 Dream: I was on the computer looking at examples of web pages about a place before I uploaded my own web page about the same place.
8-12-97 Dream: The dream consisted of flashes of light. Each flash was an alien abduction experience that had happened to me. I was transmitting these to Joe over the computer.

8-14-97 - Dream. I was at the computer reviewing all of the day's events. After I was done I got up and went to the door of the house where a bunch of kids were lined up to get on a bus. They all started to have a snowball fight amongst themselves for fun. I watched all that, then went back inside where I demonstrated the playing of a piano for some people and talked with them.

My father came in then, telling us he had been in a long meeting and would have to go back again, but meantime his friend Joe was waiting out in the car to drive us to "Target" for a reward.

I couldn't imagine what that was all about, but as I walked through the house, mentally making excuses for not being ready, every excuse I could think of was instantly remedied and my coat miraculously appeared in my arms, boots appeared on my feet, and stockings appeared on my legs.

We went out to the car and I was still wondering what was at Target that could be a reward and when we got there it was a huge auditorium about half full of people but spread out all over the auditorium and they were waiting to hear me speak to them.


8-22-97 - I had this dream twice. I was typing the story of meeting God on an IM (Instant Message) on the computer. The name of God was "INUIT" and pictured as a heap of millions of jewels which were like bluewhite diamonds.

8-27-97 - Dream: I was on the computer and pictures of crop circles began to appear. Every one of them had either a "4" or "5" for a reference number.

8-29-97 - Dream - The dream was all black and white computer pages. I was seeing crop circles and glyphs all relating to sexuality, and all the sign for Leo The Lion astrological sign.

9-6-97 - Dream - I was in a room with someone. We were looking at a book or computer screen with symbols on. The ones that had alien encounters had underlined faces on. I was going to click on one with a face and then decided not to.
9-11-97 - Dream: I was typing information on a computer all night. Lots of it was advice to myself, particularly about my diet. I told myself not to eat so much protein. (I've been eating chili beans and meat and hot dogs for two days). After I went back to bed today, I was again typing advice to myself in a dream. I typed the name BASIC BEE NEWS, then BASIC ACCESS NEWS on an envelope in the return address. I was sending out a newsletter of advice derived from dreams.


9-17-97 - Dream: - I was working in a very large company and sitting at my desk. A woman called me on the phone and asked me if I would make the last ice delivery of the day. (It seemed that the women took turns doing this). I looked at the clock. It was 5:40p.m. or 20 minutes to 6p.m. I got up to do the ice run. A woman appeared out of nowhere and stood by the filing cabinets on the left of my desk.

I needed to comb my hair before I made the ice run and found that the comb would not go all the way through my hair to the bottom. I had to comb the snags and snarls out before I could go and I did this.

A young woman came into the room in a wheelchair. She was very down and felt unable to do anything. I encouraged her to come with me on the ice run and coaxed her continuously all the way down the hall with me.

I met a dark curly haired man who was going to race a car up the mountain. He was so excited, I decided to go along. The car was in a tunnel-like place.

I saw another man sitting on the passenger side. I opened the door and the man seemed to be unconscious and leaning over against the dark haired driver. The man in the center also had dark curly hair but was a larger man. I looked at him and saw him smiling but trying not to smile and not being able to control it, so I knew he was only pretending to be unconscious.

This car was deep dark blue. When I closed the door, I saw there was no door panel on the passenger side, but there was a wide bar where I could hang onto in case the driver made some wild turns. There also was no seat belt. It was going to be a wild ride up the mountain.

The driver started the car and made an impossible right turn inside the tunnel-like place we were parked in.

I was suddenly back in the office and a woman brought me a brown box half-full of things to take on my trip. Above the items were two lazer bright spot lights shining end to end inside the box. I immediately knew that this was the second box they had given me. I had received one the day before also. I told the woman to make sure that if anything else got packed in the box that the spotlights could be seen.

I was them presented with a calendar. I think it said 'CHAT' on top. The spaces were all blank so nothing was scheduled yet. There was also a small line in blue that said 'percent completed' and then 'acknowledged by.' I had a computer mouse in my hand and clicked on the 'percent completed' and the AOL triangle began to spin...then I realized nothing was scheduled yet and woke up.

12-16-97 - DREAM - I had a dream about a computer page. When the dream was complete, I consciously tried to send the finished page to Joe's computer. I was thinking, "If Joe ever wakes up and remembers MY dream, it'll be a miracle."


"Equations" by MZ

At 09:18 PM 2/11/00 -0600, you wrote:
I've had some. They are just basically a bunch of numbers and equations
running in my head. And software downloading. I see numbers by the score.
I really doesn't make much sense.



Just a quick note: last night, believe it or not, I had a dream in which I was arguing the merits of Mac vs Windows. The details are hazy, but I distinctly remember waking this morning wondering why I dreamed that particular dream. FWIW, I am a Mac user.
This is great, a whole angle I haven't though of - platform symbolism. If you have the time, could you expand on what the two platforms mean to you, emotionally (PC vs MAC)

Notes by Linda: PC means overcomplexity, monopolizing, inefficiency, time wasted, work. Mac means ease of use, less stress, simplicity, fun. I have used both systems, and others, but the Mac has been my office's chosen platform for about 15 years, so you can see that I'm emotionally invested in this damn machine (grin). I guess, also, that the Mac appeals because it's quixotic, slightly rebellious, and going against the grain--all the things I rarely am. Perhaps it appeals to a side of me I don't often get to indulge.


Collected from
With permission to reprint by anonymous donator.

Bike Trip
I walk into a conference hall with Samuel. It is some kind of political gathering, but the greens are mainstream. Ivan is a delegate. I am not a formal participant, as usual. They are in a huge hall, and the meeting is also somehow a computer trade show. The Young Man, who I only recognize as the Christ upon awakening again has sandy brown hair and brown eyes this time. He offers me encouragement about an upcoming bicycle trip and kneels down to tighten my shoelaces.

In the next scene I am biking with Karin and perhaps also this young man on a country road. Our destination is a high rise in a big city, and all the roads visible on the map that approach it are freeways that circle around it... the type of roads that bikes are not normally permitted on. I make the suggestion that we bike as close to it as we can on one of the freeways and then jump across, and then realize this is an impractical suggestion.

The conference with Samuel of course concerns the pending business arrangement which involves him and computers. I haven't thought about or met Ivan in a very long time. Don't know why he appears. The Christ figure resembles the man who would head up this business.

Second Floor Fire

I'm on the third floor of a white 3 story building. There are a lot of other groups of people stationed in this building... It's like there's one big messy room, and each family has its own section. There's laundry hanging from the ceiling, and it has the feel of an attic. I've lived for a period of time on both the second and first floors. There's something a little run down about this building. The tone is much the same as in the environment of the last dream. I think Samuel is with me on the top floor, and I sense there's a campground also on the top floor. It seems natural that a whole forest, a stream and a campground should be on the top floor of a building. Then I learn that a fire has started on the second floor. There's nothing I need on the second floor, but I'm the only one that reacts that it might not be so safe in the building with a fire on the second floor. So I run around and tell everybody that there's a fire. No one reacts. There are a few things on the first floor that I want ¡ my laptop computer and some nice clothing. On the top floor there are also things I want... more clothing, some healthy food, my books, my pianos. I clear all this out by racing down the burning steps each time to carry it out on the lawn. I then come back up to Samuel. It seems like there's something else that should be taken out of the burning building... my other two computers and especially the external back-up drive for one of them that stores my data. In preserving these, I manage to enlist Samuel's assistance.


I'm once again significantly moving from second to third floor dreams. Last time there was a fire in a house in a dream, it was followed by a schism/argument between the people who lived in the house... which was later healed, but with the awareness of the limitations of the relationship. The things I rescue from the fire are really the things I most care about, but I see them now also in a symbolic sense. i.e. what is literal in this realm is also symbolic. I'm still not entirely sure of the significance of moving from the second to the third floor. A couple years ago, I had tons of second floor dreams, but none on the third floor.


I'm at some kind of party or gathering initially at my mother's house, but later it's someplace else. My computer is there plugged into the wall and in use, and the ubiquitous young man is present, whom I once again don't recognize. This time he's white with light brown hair, a little unusual in character, perhaps artsy/scientific, but he doesn't really fit in any class. His face is rather wide and he has fairly large eyes. I'm once again convinced I'm awake, and that this time I'm going to fly in waking reality, and indeed, I take off from the ground to fly between my home and this party to get some things I need. I fly over a beautiful, wide body of water, perhaps even an ocean to get home. When the party is ended, I carry my computer back, but I am unsure whether the surge suppressor was my own, or whether it belonged to the owners of my house. I consult the young man about this, and he's not very clear about it, but he seems to think it belongs more to the hosts of the party. I'm concerned about this, because I feel if I get back home and don't have a surge suppressor, I will really need it.




I dreamt that my physical body (well, not really physical, more a kind of virtual physical body) was surfing through cyberspace. The sites were kind of virtual places to be visited and I was flying through space from one place to the other. In some rooms I placed bookmarks, huge pieces of virtual wood, the kind of things (only much smaller) one uses in a garden to distinguish one plant from the other, sorry, my English fails me at this point :-). The experience was exhilarating and in my dream I was really sure I would remember and recognise my bookmarks the next day, in real life, so to say. The next day, after I woke up, I checked, but to my disappointment I neither remembered nor recognised the places I had been in my dream.



I'm 21 years old, 4th year computer science student. Also, working as a programmer for an American software company for 1.5 years already.

I dream a lot about programming. Also, i'm a kind of person who dreams really a lot and the dreams are particularly bright. There are dreams which aren't directly connected to programming, but one can easily infer my job/university assignments from them. I think i dream a lot about programming, because I'm into this field from morning till evening. Programming at the university, programming at my job. At my free time i'm reading philosophical books, poetry, contemporary novels, going to the theatre, cinema. Also, i was considered a bright chess player when i was younger.

Unfortunately, the dreams are forgotten as soon as you try to remember them :-(

Here is one of them (i've experienced it at the time i was particularly interested in the Perl programming language):

I'm sitting in a classroom where programmers gathered. I know that there is the Perl programming language and the people who are programming in it. There is nothing more. I'm sitting in my classroom and trying to reflect this programming language intimately. Then someone shouts: "How to convert the script to an *.exe file?". I get very obsessed about this thought, it seems to me that there's a solution, but no one can find an answer to it. Suddenly all my Perl experience passes through my eyes. The way i was programming, reading books, talking to people about it. Here I get up with a really strange mood for the morning.

I am a computer programmer and as I was learning to program I was a step behind completely understanding pointers. For non-programmers, a pointer is simply a number that "points" to a location in the computer's memory so that it can get information out. In code, you can either pass a real object or a pointer to an object into a function (and it can make a big difference in your program which you choose to do). My dream was fairly normal until I realized that I wasn't touching a stone, but a pointer to a stone. I wasn't walking on grass, but pointers to blades of grass. My entire world started turning into nothing more than pointers to the objects they represented. Right as I woke up I remember the stupefying realization that I wasn't having a dream, but a pointer to a dream. Once awake, my head was spinning... but in all honesty, since that dream the concept of pointer use is completely clear to me.

I dream about doing web pages (HTML) and dBase III+ at night. I usually can do them and don't forget the code, unlike in a typical classroom dream. I have also dreamt I was a character inside of the game, Rogue (1983 version which is a great game.) I dreamt I made it all the way to level 26 and found my way out of the dungeons of doom and was finally free. I walked out into a sunny forest.

My ex-boyfriend and I used to play Rogue together alternating rounds. I'm a slightly better player than he is because I type faster and with both hands, something that makes me extremely fast, though Rougue requires brains rather than hand-eye coordination. He I think is a better player than me because he tired of the game less easily.

Actually, as I was about to reply "no such dreams for me," I suddenly remembered that back in the 60s when I was a Research Assistant at the Center for Psychological Research at Syracuse Univ., one night I dreamed the entire night about carrying boxes of computer cards comprising Fortran programs back and forth across the Quad; and I would drop the box, and have to sort through the cards to try to put them back in order again.
When I told people about it the next day, they said that virtually everyone who worked there had had some sort of dream like that at one time or another...

But I've spent much of my time using computers for the last fifteen years, and I guess at this point for me it's just another tool; it would be, perhaps, like dreaming about a pencil. I'd probably be more likely to dream about what I was trying to write or design on the machine, or how to teach somebody how to get online -- the content, rather than the device...


For years I would dream that I could Code-Z (undo) something negative away... it was funny because I was using Apple computers around that time, and I remember often waking up thinking *wouldn't it be great if we could Code-Z our mistakes?

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Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:
Dreaming Through the Houses,
1. Third House Dreams - M. Aionia
2. Third House Dreams - Island
3. Some notes on 1st and 2nd House - Island

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Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave) dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year we are focusing each month on a different House. The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

The Third House, connected with Gemini, is the sphere of communication, education, the intellectual, of movement. It is commonly seen as about communication, short trips, siblings, neighbors and mental activities & qualities. Many see Gemini and communication as the key to this house, which may be an over-simplification, but a useful viewpoint. Thus in dreams we may look at all kinds of communication, such as writing, talking, telephoning, emailing, building web sites, online chat rooms, lecturing, teaching, and signaling. Travel is an extension of this connecting and may be found in walking, driving a car, riding a bicycle or a bus, especially when visiting or busing. Look for mental activities and work, like reporting, writing and clerical work. Mental quality is also part of this, how we develop, communicate, and find mental subjects. The process is to perceive, analyze, differentiate and move on. The style one favors in interpreting dreams will also be seen as a 3rd house issue.

Focus on Third house dreams as well as the Third House in parts of dreams can lead to a better understanding of one?s mental and communicative styles. This month we have a special treat, as Island has provided us with some examples and analysis.

Third House Dreams - Island


*** Dream an extensive dream of riding in a cab.
*** Dreamed of nothing but cockroaches crawling out everywhere I turn. [7.?.79]
*** Dream of a prose list that I am intensely scrutinizing point by point. Someone close at hand scrutinizes it with me. [4.25.80]
*** Dreamed of passing a French exam and having to take it again. [12.7.80]
*** Dream of witnessing, or being involved in, an auto accident on a mountain road. A woman who is to help me has a lengthy, unpronounceable name. [81.06.15]
*** Dream my oldest brother visits me. He is disturbed and stays longer than I want him to stay.
*** Dream of walking up to something similar to a ticket booth, with someone beside me at the other window, and deciding which classes I want to register for. [5.8.82]

*** I am taking a train ride to upper Manhattan and am with two astrologers. I am having difficulty getting where I want to go. I am told by one that my next job will be a medical position. I don't like this at all. [6.26.82]
*** Vaguely recall dreaming of being pressured to write newsprint or like a news reporter and glad that I do not. [9.5.83]
*** Dream Sally, Laura, Barbara, and myself are together discussing poetry in a very silly, frivolous way -- like giggling school girls. [1.22.84]
*** Dream I am in a large room, resemblying a classroom, and I'm trying to listen to one side of a tape, tying loose ends together, etc. [84.02.04]

Comments by Island:

Because I feel, first, that I am a creature of change, yet there is also a part of me that feels unchanged and unchanging, I look at dreams and fragments from years ago as much as I look at dreams I dream now. For some reason, it feels good to do it that way because dreams I'm dreaming now springboard me to the future and growing end, whereas dreams I dreamed years ago, I'm probably just now catching up with myself! From my third house fragments, I sense that I pay my dues as I travel through life but others drive me, with a further hint that I am fully aware that life is on loan (the cab), to borrow from an old Anglo-Saxon phrase, "Lief is Lein (pronouned Leef is lane -- the spelling is probably incorrect). There is a strong suggestion of difficulty, even arduous work, when it comes to learning -- certainly validating the sign of Capricorn on the cusp of my third house. Though the house is not tenanted by planets, it has fascinated me since Aquarius is intercepted there and Pisces rudely rushes in for a degree or two before the house door closes. So it's a little bit complicated, especially since Saturn, the hard taskmaster, occupying the ninth house, sits right at my tenth house door. In my third house dreams, I labor over a list, and someone watches me. Just about the worst possible thing I can imagine happening because one of my parents was obsessive about watching every little move and commenting negatively, often with harsh judgement (cockroaches I can never seem to rid myself of). I pass French -- interesting, because it is a foreign language, which is more 9th house -- yet I have to take the exam again. Much like life -- when I believe I've passed, but I perceive that others believe I fail, so I have to do it all over again, Sam! As I register for class, someone looks over my shoulder. Here is the further suggestion that learning takes place in narrow confinement (the booth) where I'm being ticketed (graded) or ticket myself instead of evaluated with heart set on evolving. Communication leans away from short, succinct, news commentary style where all the facts are presented, and feeling squashed. I like that. I feel that contemporary society is a tremendous pressure shaping writing style that will have far-ranging impact on the way we think, feel, and assimilate. I did feel emotionally and spiritually devastated mid-'81 and probably wouldn't even have been able to pronounce my was a huge mountain I climbed then but probably would have been better off flying or climbing than driving...couldn't even discern then if I was involved, or just who? I'm so confused it takes two astrologers, not one, to point me in any direction, and I do end up under medical scrutiny just three years up the road. My brother does pay a surprise visit in 1990 and ends up living with me for months when he was only to come for a few days. He is deeply disturbed, which disturbs me. A profound period in my life...strange that it was signaled by such a brief fragment of a dream, years before the event. A couple of years after I finish taking all classes I would take in poetry, I am with my professor and two students, giggling like silly schoolgirls. My dreaming mind is telling me that I've shaped this ninth house experience into a third house frame. So as poetry is diminished, on the horizon looms another classroom, and in fact, that is what happened. By the late eighties until present, my professional work is to listen to tapes and tie up loose ends.

Some notes on previous Houses covered, by Island.


*** Dream of scratching my head which is filled with dandruff. [12.8.80]
*** Dream my eyelashes fall out of both eyes, leaving only three remaining. Expecting to get together with a man, I am horrified that I have no lashes. [1.17.81]
*** Dreamed I tell someone that my rising sign is primarily Sagittarius. [10.13.81]
*** Dream of a refrigerator covered with ice. [4.28.82]
*** Dream I am struggling hard to make out the impression, physical, etc., of Nietzche in a dream. [9.23.83]
*** Dream, like magic, I run a solution through my hair, and it is beautifully frosted with white tones. [2.28.84]
*** Dream of a lineup, at night, of faces of women in a group [6.18.84]
*** Dream of seeing my breasts. They are hideous, like wieners with the skin folded around them to look like buns, both shocking and embarrassing me. Someone reshapes them so they conform to the natural contour of a woman's breasts. [11.9.84]

*** Dream I am wearing a full skirt with petticoats underneath and feel very uncomfortable, for a man is watching me closely.
*** Dream I see several majorettes from above coming out of a tunnel, or enclave of sorts, with the and behind them at a distance. These majorettes are fat and ugly. [12.2.84]
*** Dream a hand paints a purple line in the middle of each eye (shadow), and I observe it in a mirror. [6.15.81]
*** Dreamed of going several places nude, feeling uncomfortable being nude, and realizing I've been doing a lot of that lately. [10.17.81]


*** Dream searching for specific snakes to find them and put them back in my purse where they belong. [12.6.80]
*** Dreamed Aunt Hester is debating on which new auto to buy. [11.13.81]
*** Dreamed I'm given an all white, long-haired puppy dog who has the personality of a human. [Jan/Feb '82]
*** Dream something about my aunt liking a particular dress and spending a large sum of moeny to have several copies made of it. As it turns out, it is money ill spent. [11.23.83]

Next Month- Forth House Dreams and womb to tomb!

M. Aionia



March 2000


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:


>>> International Conference on Science and Consciousness
>>> Interactive Dreamscapes
>>> Science, Art, and the Unconscious Mind
>>> offers a dream course online
>>> Call for Entries, ASD Millennial Dream Art Exhibition
>>>Training Program in Lucid Dreaming
>>>Henry Reed Dream Helper Ceremony and Dream Ethics
>>>The Temple of Dream Healing

>>> Sydney, Australia Needs Dream Analyst

>>>Dream Central
>>> "DreamLife" has moved

DREAM CALENDAR for March-April 2000




>>> International Conference on Science and Consciousness
When? April 28 - May 3, 2000
Where? Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
At some point in history, a split occurred and we ended up with Science and Religion. Science limited its study to the material world and the Church took charge of the metaphysical realms. Now, with science studying consciousness, we are ready to reintegrate Spirituality and Science. There has been a major surge of interest recently in studying consciousness as more and more people have experiences that cannot be explained by the old scientific paradigm. The International Conference on Science and Consciousness will explore the frontier where Science and Spirituality meet. In addition to dream author and researchers Stanley Krippner and Gail Ellison, other featured speakers include Jeffrey Mishlove, Russel Targ, Larry Dossey, Judity Orloff, Charles Tart, and musician Steven Halpern who will present a special concert on Saturday, April 29. For more information, contact The Message Company, 4 Camino Azul, Santa Fe, NM 87505. Fax: 505.471.2584. Phone 505.474.0998. Email Website

>>> Interactive Dreamscapes
Here's something interesting and different - interactive three-dimensional dream paintings! Entitled the "Dreamscaping Series", these are original digital paintings that have been made 3-dimensional so that you can actually get inside of them. The experience is very dream-like as you take to flight as a bird, float in mid-air as a balloonist, or dive into the water and swim around as a fish. You can also simply go for a walk around these virtual worlds as a human form if you like. All transformations are automatic depending on where you are in the dream. These paintings, in fact, move more towards being a "dreamulation" where the participant becomes the motivating force within the imaginative set and settings created.

Ilan Papini and Paul Marcano are the collaborators on this exciting project. Very few products like this are on the market where the 'object of the game' is not a game at all but rather a trip into a work of art where you get to know it from the inside-out rather than outside-in. Here, art-appreciation takes on a whole new dimension with the viewer becoming a participant within the artist's imagination. As new art forms go, the idea of walking around or flying around in an affordable original artist's painting, as you can in the Dreamscaping Series, could not have been possible without the advent of today's powerful computers.

As you wander, swim, float and fly through these electronic paintings, you can sense the freedom and independence you have to contemplate just being in a virtual work of art, an intimate part of it. The Dreamscaping Series does something few 'reality simulators' do and that is leave you alone to explore, at your leisure, the rich textures and broad range of perspectives, as you transform yourself from humanoid to bird to fish and balloonist!

In order to enter the paintings, and to start collecting the Dreamscaping Series, you must first download and install the free "Dreamulator", which includes a free ZestFlight System Check that allows you to test-fly your computer to see if it can run the software dreams. System requirements are:

? A Pentium 166
? Windows95 or Windows 98
? DirectX 6 or 7 (download at
? Sound card
? 3D Graphic Accelerator with 4 MB

Downloading the Dreamulator and DirectX software will take under half an hour with a 33K modem and much faster if you are fortunate enough to have cable internet or DSL. Dreams 1900-2000

>>> Science, Art, and the Unconscious Mind
Edited by Lynn Gamwell
Cornell University Press, Binghamton, NY, 2000
When Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900, he began the modern study of a phenomenon that has fascinated human beings for thousands of years. At the same time he opened a new realm, the unconscious mind, to filmmakers and artists who were inspired by his theories. This beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated book--written to commemorate the centenary of Freud's classic work--examines the shifting roles that dreams have played in twentieth-century art and science.
Over the course of the twentieth century, as scientists have researched the psychology and physiology of dreams, artists from Odilon Redon and Joan Miró to Jenny Holzer, Ingmar Bergman, and Laurie Anderson have produced dramatic images centered in the unconscious. An exploration of this artistic output, this volume features a hundred color and fifty black-and-white illustrations depicting work by a broad range of artists in painting, photography, sculpture, video, film, performance, dance, and other media.
In her opening essay, Lynn Gamwell reviews the psychoanalytic understanding of dreams and explores the ways in which Freud's theories have been interpreted artistically. The next essay, by Ernest Hartmann, traces attempts to link somatic and psychological dimensions of dreaming and to discover parallels between these dimensions and creative thought. In the final essay, Donald Kuspit assesses the impact of the transition from the mystical outlook that human beings held in the nineteenth century to the twentieth-century scientific paradigm for the human mind.
A century of dreamwork is captured in this stunning volume, which concludes with a "dream archive"--an illustrated catalogue raisonné of approximately five hundred examples of twentieth-century art about dreams.
Contributors include: Lucy Daniels, Lucy Daniels Foundation, Raleigh, N.C. , Lynn Gamwell, State University of New York, Binghamton, Ernest Hartmann, M.D., Tufts University School of Medicine, Donald Kuspit, State University of New York, Stony Brook , August Ruhs, M.D., Universitätsklinik für Tiefenpsychologie und Psychotherapie, Vienna.
Review by the publisher, Cornell University Press , July 9, 1999
You can go directly to the page for this book at by entering the following URL:

>>> offers a dream course online

From Ancient Trace to Cyberspace: The History of Dream Sharing.
Special for March: Dreams and Health Supplement.
Instructor: Richard Catlett Wilkerson

This class has been offered online since 1994. DreamGate Courses on Dreams & Dreaming. Starts March first. All you need is to be able to use e-mail. Cost: $29.95 [Special for March, two-for one. If you sign up, you can add a friend FREE]

From Robert Van de Castle, author of OUR DREAMING MIND,
"...It is a GREAT course!"

This delightful class gives you both e-mail essays on the history of dreams and dream sharing, as well as interactive labs and groups to teach you ways of working and playing with your dreams.

See the Syllabus (Jung, Freud, Lucid Dreaming, New Techniques, Dreaming Online, more)at DreamGate Web:

>>> Call for Entries, ASD Millennial Dream Art Exhibition
"Dream Journeys" will be a juried multimedia slide show presented at the 17th Annual International Conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams, July 4 - 8, 2000, at the Loew's L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, D.C. All artists are invited to submit slides of dream-related work for possible inclusion in the show. ASD is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied study of dreams and dreaming. Entry fees are used to fund ASD arts programs. Original work in any medium about or inspired by dreams is eligible. Since no actual pieces will be displayed, choose works that hold up well in slide format. Each artist whose work is accepted will be represented by one to five images. A gallery book of artists' statements, with thumbnails of the images and information about how to contact the artist, will be available for viewers to browse. Detailed information about how to submit work, along with a copy of the entry form, is available online at the ASD website
or from Dr. Deborah Hickey, National University, 2022 University Drive, Vista, CA 92083. Dr. Hickey can be reached by email at <>. Slides and paperwork must be received by March 31, 2000

>>>Training Program in Lucid Dreaming
"Dreaming and Awakening" -- the sixth annual residential training program in lucid dreaming, with presenters Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. and Alan Wallace, Ph.D., will be held on the Stanford University campus, August 4-13, 2000. Details at or by phone at 1.800 GO LUCID.

>>>Henry Reed Dream Helper Ceremony and Dream Ethics

Henry Reed, often called the Father of Dreamwork, has some special new dream projects online. The first is the famous The Dream Helper Ceremony, where a group of people volunteer to dream for someone who needs help. It is a healing ceremony and demonstrates intuitive and inspirational dreaming, builds community and group spirit, is a self-teaching experience in dream interpretation and improves dream recall.

Henry Reed is also developing the new "No Boundaries :An exploration of the non-local self in the coming world crisis in boundaries." site which will explore the ethics we might consider in telepathic dream worlds as well as technologically mediated ecologies.

>>>The Temple of Dream Healing

This summer, shamanic dream teacher Robert Moss, the author of "Conscious Dreaming" and "Dreamgates", is offering new five-day trainings in Asklepian dream healing, spiritual cleansing and shamanic soul retrieval on both the East and the West Coast. Within the deepening energy of the circle, we will tap into boundless energy, participate in creating an authentic dream temple, and practice the powerful "dream transfer" technique from bringing guidance, vitality and healing imagery to others. For further details, please visit or email

East Coast:July 23-28 at Lenox, MA. Contact Kripalu (800) 741-7353.

West Coast:Septermber 10-15 at Big Sur, CA, in one of the most beautiful locations on the planet. Contact the Esalen Institute (831) 667-3000.


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>> Sydney, Australia Needs Dream Analyst
Rhythm FM requires a dream analyst (reputable) in Sydney to appear regularly on our Morning Daze program. If you are qualified, please contact


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>Dream Central
Visit Dream Central, a well-made website with a lot of information on dream interpretation, along with a live chatroom! Learn about dream basics, and analyzing your dreams, then check out some links to other dream websites.

>>> "DreamLife" has moved
(contains articles from a.o. Lucidity Letter,Oniros etc.), my Dutch book on lucid dreaming in English translation (in construction now), the well-known "Review of the Lucid Dream Litterature" and some Stories (induced by dreams). The Dutch version of DreamLife (contents the same as above) ,called "DroomLeven" remains at



March-April 2000


March 2-23 in San Rafael, CA
Chaplaincy Institute Program (CHI) Dreams Class with Jeremy Taylor. 9:30-12. Call Gina for info on class and on the CHI: 510.559.1854

March 3-5 in Boulder, CO
Naropa Institute Weekend Workshop - "Intro to Working with Dreams in a Group" with Jeremy Taylor
Contact:303.245.4800 or 303.245.4810.

March 8 online 7 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time)
Dream Time Live - Online Chat with Patricia Garfield, Ph.D., on Universal Dreams
WHERE? asdreams chat room on : TO BE ANNOUNCED
Select Discussion then CHAT

March 10-12 in Lenox, Massachusetts. Shamanic Dreaming. Experiential weekend training with Robert Moss. Call Kripalu (800) 741-7353 or email

March 11 in Walnut Creek, CA
Jeremy Taylor Workshop - 9:00-4:00 pm. "Group Dreamwork: "If it were MY Dream" Contact Laura Fisher at 925.798.4875.

March 17-19 in Salt Lake City, UT
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor - "Advanced Dreamwork: Looking at Archetypes in Modern Dress." Contact Peg Hunter at 801.466.3507.

March 18-19 near Cleveland, OH. "Shamanic Dreaming" weekend workshop among the blue herons of the beautiful Cuyahoga River nature preserve. Contact MiShalla (513) 697-9845, email

March 30 in San Rafael, CA
Chaplaincy Institute - Lecture on Dreams with Jeremy Taylor. 7:30pm. Call Gina for more details at 510.559.1854.

April 1-2 in High Wycombe, U.K.
Two Day Conference on Dreaming. Contact: Dr.Stephen Speed, Dept.of Arts & Media, Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College, Queen Alexandra Road, High Wycombe, HP11 2JZ. E-Mail: Stephen Speed@

Apri.l 7-9 in Marysville, WA
Evergreen Unitarian Univ. Fellowship - Weekend Wotial Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Rae Rubley at 315.597.6092

April 7-9 in Central Oregon. Dancing with the Bear: Recovering the Arts of Dream Healing. Experiential weekend training with Robert Moss. Contact Kathy Nagel (541) 549-8922, email

April 15 in Saratoga, NY area. Dream Transfer, a New Way of Healing. One-day intensive with Robert Moss. Call Stillpoint (518) 587-4967 or email

April 15 in Mountain View, CA
The Dream Barometer: a hero's journey of health and human potential based on the psychology of Abraham Maslow, BADG Potluck. Call (408)996-8410 for more information.

April 22 in Santa Rosa, CA
Al l Day Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Jan Ogren at 707.584.7167.

April 23-28 in Big Sur, CA - ESALEN
Dreamwork Intensive Retreat.: "The Dreaming Mind: Doing Individual and Group Dreamwork." Cost is $885 (includes housing/meals). Register by fax at 831.667.2724. General info at 831.667.3000. Express reservations:
831.667.3000 ext7321.




dream-flow.v001.n232 - dream-flow.v001.n251

Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by the DreamEditor, a software creation
of Harry Bosma, author of the Dream interpretation and journaling software Alchera

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and comments
from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams in cyberspace.
Many mail lists participate, including
The Dream Sack http//

If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you can

leave them at

If you have a mail list or would like to contribute dreams and
comments on a regular basis, you can subscribe to the dream-flow
by sending an E-mail to
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You may get a note back to verify the subscription. Simply hit
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-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n232 --------------

001 - Anonymous - I'm


--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n232.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: I'm Pregnant
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 14:05:15 -0800

Dream Title I'm Pregnant by Rocky Mounds
Date of Dream january 23, after 6 am Dream I am back in high school, and I am walking down the hallway. My ex-best friend, Kim, approaches me. She knows I am pregnant, but I didn't tell her. She's the "father" inmy dream. She's being very nice to me and making sure I am ok to walk and carry my books. I feel like I have to pee every couple of minutes. So, I strat to decend down this beautiful gold and marble sair case, that goes down about maybe 10 stories. I reach the bottom, as Kim is following me, and she brings me into the girls bathroom, which is huge. I go to the bathroom and she sits on a chair ouside the stall and asks me questions about who I thought the father was, which is weird because at first, in my dream, she was the "father". I go back inmy htought and say if I remember correctly, Brendan (and ex- boyfriend of mine, whom I am recently not speaking to because of a fight on New Years Eve)and I fooled around the time when I would have gotten pregnant. Someone in the bathro! ! om mentions to me abortion, and I remember that I have options, and kind of fell better. Then I wake up. Comments by Dreamer I felt like the girl in beaches for awhile, Hillary Whitney, like a poor little rich girl, who was pregnant and on her own. Very weird dream. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n232 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n233 --------------

001 - Anonymous - World War Three
002 - Anonymous - Queka

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n233.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: World War Three
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 18:35:19 -0800

Dream Title World War Three by Proserpina
Date of Dream 01/21/00 5:30 am. Dream I am swimming in a river. Te river does not frighten me. Suddenly, my best friend from when I was five years old parachutes out of the sky with her mother and father. We are swimming around and having fun for a while, but then the mother looks up and says, "China is invading America!" At this point, it begins to rain machine gun bullets. I can hear the guns in the background, but the bullets are falling from the sky. I swim to the shore and run to my father's house. My father's house is locked and no one is home. I run down the street until I am beside a green house. The house is open and I run inside and hide inside a kitchen cupboard. I hear a man walk into the house and pick up the telephone. I don't leave my hiding spot and I am afraid the entire time. The man begins to speak on the phone in rapid Chinese. I stay still until I hear the man leave. Then, I jump out of the cupboard and run out of the house. The man sees me and starts chasing me with a! ! gun. He doesn't shoot the gun. I run down the street and into a white house. I lock the door. There are hour old women drinking tea and sewing. They are sitting in each corner of the room. I tell them about the Chinese man chasing me and the war with CHina. When I am done, one of the ladies looks at me and says, "don't worry. they can't get you in here." I am immediately calmed. The man beats at the door for a few minutes before walking away. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n233.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Queka
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 13:31:32 -0800

Dream Title Queka Date of Dream Dream I had a dream where I was talking to someone but I couldn't see who it was. I felt something hard in my mouth and when I checked what it was, it was my tooth that had fallen out by itself and the person who I was with asked me if I did it on purpose and I said no. Then I woke up. What does this mean? Comments by Dreamer I was told that this means that someone is going to die. Is this true? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n233 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n234 --------------

001 - Anonymous - BEARS
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n228.229,230,231,232,233

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n234.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: BEARS
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 18:02:19 -0800

Dream Title BEARS
Date of Dream JAN 20, 2000


Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n234.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n228.229,230,231,232,233
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 22:35:54 EST

house drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming huge cats drm-peace had lain to the right of the tyrailer if you had avoided becoming unrecognizable alien drms-peace had lain to the right of the flight if you had avoided becoming high #229 fixture drm-peace had lain to the right of the fixture if you had avoided becoming horrible man drm-peace had lain to the right of the other men if you had avoided becoming somepne others are with #230 mannequin drm-peace had lain to the right of the mannequin if you had avoided being konked out cats drm- peace had lain to the right of the cats if you ad avoided becoming really boss drm- peace4 had lain to the irght of the job if you had avoided becoming new #231 knok drm-peace had lain to the right of the husband if you had avoided becoming ex what the drm-peace had lain to the right of the jurney to the house if you had avoided becoming something that had to be clue drm0-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming nice marshs drm-peace had lain to the right of the peaople if you had avoided becoming known about big drm-peace had lain to the right of the boyfriend if you had avoided becoming gone out with #232 pregnant drm-peace had lain to the right of the hallway if you had avoided becoming ex #233 war drm-peace had lain to the right of the river if you had avoided becoming suddenly queka drm-peace had lain to the right of the someone if you had avoided becoming unseeable

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n234 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n235 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n234
002 - Anonymous - bus blow-ups
003 - Anonymous - Just a Friend or More?

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n235.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n234
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 11:42:59 EST

bear drm-peace had lain to the right of the bear if you had avoided chasing

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n235.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: bus blow-ups
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 19:17:42 -0800

Dream Title bus blow-ups
Date of Dream cant remember Dream I ran out of my school after being dismissed and I missed my bus. I watched it go up this long hill with 2 other buses trailing it. All of a sudden, the 1st bus exploded then the 2nd one exploded and the third one exploded. I stood there in complete shock and I ran to go back inside the school but when I turned to run back in, it was my house. Then I woke up. Comments by Dreamer I was very afraid to go to school the next day. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n235.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Just a Friend or More?
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 19:18:26 -0800

Dream Title Just a Friend or More?/PJT
Date of Dream 1/27 and 1/28 Dream None of the dream(s)is clear so, bear with me. I have two dreams the past two night with the same gut in them. The first dream, he was far from where I was located. The second, he approached me and put his arms around me. That is all that I remember. I know this person and it is a guy that am interested in, but I am not real sure if he is intrested in me. I have single for atleast 4 years and I have not felt like I do, when I am around him, since then. What may the dreams represent in relation to my current situation? Comments by Dreamer I know this person and it is a guy that am interested in, but I am not real sure if he is intrested in me. I have been single for at least 4 years and I have not felt like I do, when I am around him, since then. What may the dreams represent in relation to my current situation? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n235 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n236 --------------

001 - Anonymous - All Knowledge: Zaxus
002 - Anonymous - Please no---Dragon Rose
003 - Anonymous - leaving him

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n236.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: All Knowledge: Zaxus
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 16:26:03 -0800

Dream Title All Knowledge: Zaxus
Date of Dream 01/20/2000 Time: unknown Dream Am at an entrance, a bridge to the left, long and looks boring. Rock wall to the right of the bridge entrance. I knew the key, had the missing piece to the puzzle, and inserted and pressed the right rock on the rock wall, all at once. A door way appeared in the rock wall. I approached and opened the door. There was infinite sky before me and infinite space below, I did not enter. I looked and felt all knowledge, I was extatic with the knowing of being able to step in if I wanted to. I looked and felt and thought. I knew it wasn't time to step in. It was the most wonderous sensation, I stood in the doorway and looked. Once I made my decision known that I would not step in at this time, hundereds of ???? flew out of the door followed by hundreds of white doves, gad was it a great sensation. As the white doves were flying out a head went by, bearded, black hair and mustash, it had a most delightful message for me. He said I was in for some gre! ! at things to come into my life, I knew he meant my waking time. Another head went by. End of dream. Comments by Dreamer The sensation of all knowledge is with me today. WOW! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n236.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Please no---Dragon Rose
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 17:19:51 -0800

Dream Title Please no---Dragon Rose
Date of Dream 1-31 morning Dream I had a dream last night about my ex-boyfriend, Zak, whom I still love with all my heart and soul. I drempt that I was sitting on my dad's knee on a covered porch by the beach. One side of the porch opened up into a sidewalk and steps just beyond the porch. My dad asked me who I was going to the prom with this year and I said Zak. As I said this 2 guys came down the steps. They said something to each other and one went back up the stairs and one sat down on them. Just then my mind in the dream flashed back to an e-mail that Zak had sent me that I had made myself forget. In it he said that he was going to kill himself. I remembered this and suddenly knew that it was true and that he had. I started crying and ran off the porch onto the sidewalk covering my face as tears ran down them. The guy sitting leaning back on the steps just watched as I ran past. I went a little farther and then dropped to my knees screaming and crying. That is all I ca! ! n remember of the dream. Comments by Dreamer It scares me a lot because my dreams and feelings are often prophetic. It seems to me that I have seen that e mail before in another dream or something. In the past week, that is the second partially recurring dream I have had involving him. I don't know what's going on. Someone please help me! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n236.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: leaving him
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 16:47:03 -0800

Dream Title leaving him - by georgina
Date of Dream 27/1/00 Dream Hello! This dream has fascinated me for a week now. What do you make of it? You should know I am 16 years old I have been seeing Tom my boyfriend for 4months now I honestly love him I live in England

My dream- I am on holiday somewhere, and I meet my boyfriend. I recognise him, but we are strangers. It's is like I we are meeting for the first time. We get together, and are very happy-but then I have to go home. I feel sad and perhaps cry. He takes me to the airport. I do not remember the plane journey, but then we are back in England. He is still with me. He walks me home, we are close and hold hands, and on the way we stop into a shop, he wants to buy me a goodbye present. He decides on a beany baby toy, but it turns out to cost £8.99, which we can't afford, and so we leave without one. We walk down my road to my house. It is dark, night time, and the stars are out. It is very pretty, but also cold. We stop out side my house. I still have a sad feeling because now I understand that he will have to leave (forever?)when I get to my house. I cant bear for him to go, and so we sit outside my house on the pavement together. I look at the stars, and suddenly one starts to dart around. I say 'look Tom! It's a UFO!' and point into the sky, but he cant see it. I continue to point, and he looks at me as if I am mad... The lights grow larger and larger and begin to fall out of the sky. Now we can both see that it is the cockpit of the plane that I travelled on just a while ago, crashing to the ground. Then the gear stick from the plane falls to the ground by our feet. I look at it on the ground and feel sickened. Then my mum comes running out of the house, pleased to see us both. She invites us both inside, and I realise that I don't have to leave Tom. There is a sence of relief. I wake up.

Could you possibly help me make sence of this dream??? Thank you!

Georgina Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n236 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n237 --------------

001 - Anonymous - big ball'a'yarn
002 - Anonymous - angry and lost in the house
003 - Anonymous - cblue2
004 - Anonymous - marriage dissapointment
005 - Anonymous - tom, planes and other things

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n237.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: big ball'a'yarn
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 14:36:24 -0800

Dream Title big ball'a'yarn
Date of Dream one a yeaR Dream about every year i have this dream. the only thing that happens is a big fushia colored ball of yarn unravels. it never keeps goin and goin and goin!!! i always wunder why i have it. it sounds really stupid but i'm totally freaked out about it! Comments by Dreamer please tell me what this is all about!! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n237.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: angry and lost in the house
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 07:51:06 -0800

Dream Title angry and lost in the house
Date of Dream 2/2/00 @2:00 Dream Comments by Dreamer In my dream I was at my house and I was there with this girl that I'm having alot of trouble with. Well in the dream I put gum in her hair then I get into a pushing match with her the dream ends with mein the office of the dean of students and my mom is there and the dream ends. I don't get in trouble, I'm not being punished. I wake up in a cold sweat. I'm not sure what the dream means can you help me? Angry and lost Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n237.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: cblue2
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 07:49:46 -0800

Dream Title cblue2
Date of Dream 02/02/2000 Dream This was sent to me by a guy I'm seeing, but I really like him . We haven't been seeing each other very long. Any comments would be helpful. I've tried to figure it out and I don't have a clue: Mine was weird in a sense, that you and I were children playing in the cul de sac that I grew up on, in Kentucky. Even more bizarre, we were playing a game that my brother and I used to play when we were kids, called, kiss the bush. This game entails fooling someone to walk in front of this bush, at the bus stop, and then shoving that person into the bush. When this unfortunate soul falls into the bush they get covered by thousands of tiny little flowers. The bad part is these flowers are incredibly sticky and nearly impossible to remove unless you get out of your clothes and throw them in the washer. You shoved me into the bush and I was doused with flowers. The school bus pulled up and I had to go to school allday with these flowers on me.

Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n237.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: marriage dissapointment
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 11:39:44 -0800

Dream Title marriage dissapointment
Date of Dream 02.02.2000 Dream i dreamt that i was in a desert on my way to getting married to my current boyfriend. However there was another couple getting married also and the groom turned off the wedding and went to find another woman who he got married to. Secondly my boyfriend did the same as the previous man. He got married to another woman, took my gown and gave it to the woman he married.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n237.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: tom, planes and other things
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 14:44:45 -0800

Dream Title tom, planes and other things--Georgina
Date of Dream 27/1/00 Dream My dream- I am on holiday somewhere, and I meet my boyfriend. It's is like I we are meeting for the first time. We get together, but then I have to go home. I feel sad and perhaps cry. He takes me to the airport. I do not remember the plane journey, but then we are back in England. He is still with me. He walks me home, and on the way we stop into a shop, he wants to buy me a goodbye present. He decides on a beany baby toy, but it turns out to cost £8.99, which we can't afford, and so we leave without one. We walk down my road to my house. It is dark, night time, and the stars are out. It is very pretty, but also cold. We stop out side my house. I still have a sad feeling because now I understand that he will have to leave when I get to my house. I cant bear for him to go, and so we sit outside my house on the pavement together. I look at the stars, and suddenly one starts to dart around. I say 'look Tom! It's a UFO!' and point into the sky, but he cant see it. I continue to point, and he looks at me as if I am mad... The lights grow larger and larger and begin to fal out of the sky. Now we can both see that it is the cockpit of the plane that I travelled on just a while ago, crashing to the ground. Then the gear stick from the plane falls to the ground by our feet. I look at it in the ground and feel sickened. Then my mum comes running out of the house, pleased to see us both. She invites us both inside, and I realise that I don't have to leave Tom. There is a sence of relief. I wake up.

Comments by Dreamer u should know- I am 16 I have been with Tom for 4 months-I honestly love him Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n237 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n238 --------------

001 - Anonymous - BETRAYL SHALAIT
002 - Anonymous - Plain flying dream, but mine

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n238.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 18:56:00 -0800


--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n238.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Plain flying dream, but mine
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 18:41:45 -0800

Dream Title Plain flying dream, but mine... By Mateo
Date of Dream Feb. 4, 2000, 2:00 a.m. Dream I just noticed I could fly, and it was the result of feeling a tickle in my chest, shoulders and upper back, a shivering. My ears sort of vibrated. I just knew I could fly, I was incredibly light. I felt not only content, but fullfilled. I thought I'de been chosen for finding a flying technique, it was a spiritual experience I had to share with mankind... I was very proud of myself. It had to do with the streght of my faith, whatever that is... I did see the landscapes of my home city, from very up high. It was night in my dream, I saw the lit windows in houses and buildings. Then I had a doubt, I thought I was "dreaming", in my dream. And I found myself inside this big, round hotel. I was telleng my wife I had learned flying, and then I proved it to her, by flying. But then, two guests of the hotel just went crazy, and I mean psychotic, as a result of seeing my fly. I'm mazed! Please send any comments to I really would appreciate an interpretation. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Please comment, no problem...

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n238 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n239 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Fishing
002 - Anonymous - Monster in the attic
003 - Anonymous - Alexsis
004 - Anonymous - Black Raptor

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n239.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Fishing
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 17:07:54 -0800

Dream Title Fishing
Date of Dream 02/06/00 Dream I continually have dreams of fishing. I am trying to pull in a fish and usually don't succeed, or the fish I am trying to catch is usually not the one I am trying to hook.

Is this as simple and straightforward as it sounds? (I am looking for something and an just unable to achieve the goal?)

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n239.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Monster in the attic
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2000 21:53:45 -0800

Dream Title Monster in the attic
Date of Dream 02-05-00 AM Dream I ascended to the attic by shimmying through a bright duct. I was a little girl but grown at the same time. I knew the monster was up there. I had never actually gone to visit him before and didn't know what to expect. I knocked on the door. He opened the door and said "so you came up to visit?" I crawled through some branches that were blocking the door halfway and entered into his attic room. I had known the monster for a long time and we had an understanding so he never was a threat to me. His room was neat and orderly. I started looking around while he was talking to me. I looked in one corner and looked up. There were shelves of sleeping children. One child, a little girl, was looking at me but didn't talk. I asked the monster about these children. He said that this is what he did. He stole the little children and put them to sleep forever. All of the children had spaces in their teeth like Ian, my little boy. I didn't know that h! ! e was doing this in my attic. All of a sudden I felt like I had to rescue the children. I tried to rescue the little girl that was awake but she just started screaming and the monster realized what I was doing. The monster was not threatened at all. I could tell that he thought, "the children like their place here, I keep it clean and they just sleep all the time, it is a nice place to be and they don't want to leave." Maybe the children did not want to be rescued. I realized that since there was no ladder to the attic and I had to shimmy up, that it would be very difficult to get the children down. I knew I needed help. I wanted to wake them up and rescue them. I thought that if my husband were down there that he could catch them. It was still going to be hard to get past the monst Comments by Dreamer I woke up feeling sad and contemplative Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n239.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Alexsis
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 00:09:11 -0800

Dream Title Alexsis
Date of Dream everyday Dream My best friend/ exboyfriend and I get back together. The next scene is him and I getting married in a church full of hundreds of people. The scenes after that deal with our children. After that our grandchildren, and then our deaths Comments by Dreamer These dreams happen every night, and always have small differences to them, but always the same outcome. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n239.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Black Raptor
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 10:39:00 -0800

Dream Title Black Raptor
Date of Dream Feb. 7 before 12:00pm Dream I dreamed of this Harpy Eagle, it was 4 and a half feet tall and first it started to chase me then I pet it on the face. I saw a pegasus flying and I was as high as it was, flying I suppose. Then I was at my dad's house with my stepmom and we both saw a tornado forming and we went to prepare this place in the bathroom for safety. I don't know why we went outside again but a tornado was right there, it was a skinny funnel and she told me to touch it and when I did it felt like blasting sand. I didn't see any powerlines down or anything. I was wandering if anyone could interpret it for me. it's Comments by Dreamer It sounds symbollic if not prophetic. (I've had some prophetic ones and that one sorta got to me) Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n239 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n240 --------------

001 - Anonymous - michael

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n240.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: michael
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 08:54:45 -0800

Dream Title michael
Date of Dream 1st 9yrs ago.2nd most of childhood Dream ok-i have a few things to submit. first when i was about 15(9yrs ago)i had this dream about being joseph out of the bible.i'm a non religious person so this was not must have been in the time of mose because the soldiers were killing all the babys,so mary and i ran in the house(brick type was which were pretty well none existent-smashed down),but the guards were at the door and couldn't get in.the house had one room with like a large wood feuled iron oven in the middle(which was not on)we hid jesus in there as he was the baby.the guards broke in looked about opened the oven and there was a large(1 1/2 foot long)golden key. as you can see i can remember it like it was book i read 5 times.???????????

the second thing stopped when i was about 13.every body knows when your becoming consious in the morning you can start controlling(and remembering your dreams).as a child they were all basicly the same type and never anything would generally start with mud.mud killed you.if mud touched a person there face would start constently changing like liquid termintor off t2,but with mud.then they would try to get you like a zombie and there would lots of them all the same as the first(which was generally different in all dreams). i would usually react by suddenly having an axe or chainsaw and hacking them up ,but i can never win so i fly upward.two things can happen hear.1,2,or 3 of these thing's will grab my foot which i'rd try to hack off or kick off,but say it's holding on to my toe and i chop at his hand his hand will then be connect to the knife and this fuckhead is weighing me down and i'rd probly wake up. other wise i would rise up cleanly (which being a frightened kid i'm accelerating pritty fast.usually now i get stuck in a big bubble and struggle to escape just fly into another one.or i might see a picture and fly into that(which then become's another dream hopefully where i can fly unobstructed. far out i must be a fruit loop.i can fly now unobstructed. see if you can rap your laughing gear around that one.

email me at if you think you have a valid comment Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments yes people can connact me and yes you can publish it.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n240 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n241 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Moving - by Caroline
003 - Anonymous - Net Noise
004 - Anonymous - naked support

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n241.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Moving - by Caroline
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 13:20:17 -0800

Dream Title Moving - by Caroline
Date of Dream Feb 10, 1999, 10:45 A.M. Dream I have been dreaming of angels lately, but this morning, I awoke with a strange and lucid dream in my head. In it, I was living in a large house and in the process of relocation my bedroom to a smaller room in the back of the house (one in which I shared a bathroom and the door was closed, and I insisted on putting furniture over the bathroom door so I would have to use the hallway door). In my new room were 4 girls and two guys (I don't think I knew any of the girls, but I knew at least 1 if not both of the guys). They were hanging out, enjoying themselves there, and one of the girls asked me to follow her to the adjoining bedroom because she had a gift for me. I followed her, and she handed me a choice of two watches. One had a huge face, and even though she wanted me to pick that one, I declined because the watch was way too big for my arm and would look funny. So I took the smaller one, exactly the same as the other except for normal watch si! ! ze. She stressed that it was imperative that I switch and wear her watch instead of the one I currently wear, even though I like the aesthetics of mine better. This was a very friendly, yet urgent, encounter. Then, we went back to my new room, where my male boss had joined the group. He was picking numbers for a game where the one who had the number won a prize. All the numbers were mine, and I think I won two electronics (stereos or something), but on the third number, my prize was that the two guys had to take their clothes off. The last thing I remember was their complaining, then the phone rang and woke me up. Comments by Dreamer I would be very interested in any comments on this dream as it was especially unusual and lucid for me. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n241.2 ---------------


--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n241.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Net Noise
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 10:16:12 -0800

Dream: Net Noise by Haunter

xxxxxxxxxxx I was having a rather mundane last REM of the night when I had a very strange "false awakening"; something I haven't experienced in years. I "awoke" to a very real representation of my bedroom; I noticed nothing extraordinary about it. I proceeded to put on the latest CD from a net-friend of mine who's now produced three wonderful and soothing electronic-oriented music CD's and sat down in front of my computer to check email. Interestingly, instead of the usual sounds that I get when connecting to the Web, it played a few static-filled bars of an old Hendrix classic, Voodoo Child! As with most unusual dream content, I explained away this oddity and simply reached up and turned down the volume because it was drowning out Mara's Torment music from the stereo behind me. Then, as I'm checking my email, I note that the letters are HUGE on the monitor; only 2 or three letters could be seen at once and I remember getting really frustrated with having to constantly move the cursor over to the right to read each word. At this point, my attention was diverted to the right of me where I have my computer "mini-tower" because the CD drawer activated automatically and the CD that was contained inside started spinning and rose out of the drawer like a flying saucer! "Coooool" I whispered, then, immediately realized what was going on and I tried to stabilize my consciousness to keep the lucidity intact. I'm a little chagrined to admit that I lost it totally when the CD came flying at my head at high speed and decided I'd better wake up for real....which I immediately did. Well, nothing too spectacular, to be sure, but it was fun while it lasted and moreso to replay the still-vivid memory of that CD rising up from it's drawer!

Haunter is a 48 year young graphic artist and researcher into anomolous perception.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n241.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: naked support
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 12:20:25 -0800

Dream Title naked support mermaid
Date of Dream sat 12 feb 20000 6am Dream I was walking down the street naked and wet from a shower. Rather than laughing and mocking, others were trying to encourage me to stand tall;I had no reason to feel ashamed. I went to a post office, and it had a "sex section" in it. The so called toys seemed grubby and demeaning to me. It seemed that in my naked state I was better able to hear the secret meetings being arranged. I got whatever papers it was I wanted and then went outside again. A big car with a man in a cap driving(somebody who I inherently trusted and had learned to trust over a long time) picked me up at the side of the road. He rescued me from a long walk in the hot sun. We went to a school and on the basketball court were some adults whom I hadn't seen since we were all at school together (mainly girls and some of their brothers) . They were all people who continued to be as generous now as they had been then. Comments by Dreamer I have been feeling like shutting myself away lately and wondering if there is merit to the way my life seems to be going at the moment. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n241 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n242 --------------

001 - Anonymous - "Natasha" by Mephistopheles
002 - Anonymous - The see Paola

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n242.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Natasha" by Mephistopheles
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 09:56:58 -0800

Dream Title "Natasha" by Mephistopheles
Date of Dream 2-11-00 ~4:00-4:30 am Dream I dreamt that I was in a house which seemed to be a combination of all the houses I have lived in before. My girlfriend was with me, but in the dream she was my sister. We were watching TV and just hanging out, when she asked me to kill her by cutting her head off. I intuitively knew that she would come back and if I didn't do it, she would die very painfully and horribly. It felt like it was something that happened all the time, that she would die and come back. So I didn't feel bad at all about doing it. I tried to do it with what I think was an X-Acto blade or utility knife, or something. But it only cut her throat a little. She wasn't bleeding at all and she could still talk even though I had just cut her throat open. We tried to think of a better way to do it, as time was running out. We went out into the garage and I found a broom and a plastic dustpan. I attached the dustpan to the end of the broom and used the broom as a handle to cut her head ! ! off with the front edge of the dustpan. As soon as I did that, her body fell to the floor and disappeared, but her head didn't disappear. I picked it up because it wasn't bleeding at all and seemed kind of deflated. I put it in a box and went back inside the house. Just then my father (who is my stepfather in real life) came home with my younger brother. After they came in, I put the box on the kitchen counter and opened it to show him. As I did that, I started crying very forcefully and woke up. Comments by Dreamer After I woke up, I found that my girlfriend wasn't in bed. I got up to see where she was and found that she had fallen asleep on the couch. I woke her up and she came to bed. I told her about my dream, but she just joked about it. Any interpretations are very welcome. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n242.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The see Paola
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 10:56:52 -0800

Dream Title The see Paola
Date of Dream 11-2-2000 Dream lately I often dream that i go to the beach and as soon as I get neer to the water it suddenly gets ruff. I always manage to get out without any harm but there is always a very strange atmosfere around me; usually there are only few people whith me. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n242 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n243 --------------

001 - Anonymous - getting rid of the mice
002 - Anonymous - The Rapture/Ctrude
003 - Anonymous - loutyr

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n243.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: getting rid of the mice
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 09:15:50 -0800

Dream Title getting rid of the mice Lori
Date of Dream Feb 12, 2000 Dream I was at college with a girl who just recently became a good friend. Her and I were in her dorm room and I had my book bag with me. I don't remember how long we were there, but I remember we both heard a noise. I recognized the noise right away. I looked at her and said "it's a mouse" We looked underneath a chair and sure enough, there was a mouse. The mouse was just sitting underneath this lazy-boy type chair. My friend had to pick it up and put it outside the room. The mouse did not move except for its face when it made it's squeaking noise. So as the dream went on the basic concept was that I was deathly afraid that some how there would be a mouse in my book bag. We then kept finding mice larva (I know there is no such thing). This made me even more upset, because it meant that there were so many of them and they could be anywhere. I just remember being extremely worried that they would be in my book bag, which meant they would also be in my room if I took my book bag back to my dorm. I decided to go and get a vacuum cleaner from down the hall so she could vacuum them up. I walked in to the hallway and I had to walk down a long open hallway. It was high in the air and exposed to the sky. I walked a while, came back to a hallway, and went down a different way. I came to the trash shoot and took of my shirt. Then I realized I still had one on so I held the first one and took off the second one. I threw it down the shoot. I had my bra on, but many people were around and looking at me. I walked at a normal pace back to her room. By the time I got there, I had my shirt back on and somehow she had got the vacuum cleaner herself. She cleaned her dorm room so I wouldn't be worried. The last thing I remember is finding one more alive mouse with the same characteristics as the first. It just sat there making a squeaking noise. I remember thinking that it was finally over because we had found two real mice. I thought that they must have been the ones making the mice larva. She got rid of the last one the same was as the first and that is the last thing I can recall.

Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n243.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Rapture/Ctrude
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 11:37:45 -0800

Dream Title The Rapture/Ctrude
Date of Dream 11 Feb2000 415am Dream I am going to my parents' house for a visit. I see a white van going toward the sky. I get to there house and no one is there, except an unknown person running thru the house telling me that no one will let him in their house. The houses that he can get in there is no one there. For some reason I am at peace about the whole thing.I can remember when I was younger dreaming similiar dreams. Comments by Dreamer I can remember when I was younger dreaming similar dreams. Is this a common dream? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n243.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: loutyr
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 00:20:20 -0800

Dream Title loutyr
Date of Dream 2/9/00 Dream dog head different color heads Comments by Dreamer scary Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n243 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n244 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Cheater
002 - Anonymous - Breathing Underwater by Andrea
003 - Anonymous - bumble bees/tattoo

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n244.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Cheater
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 18:03:03 -0800

Dream Title
Date of Dream 2/7/00 Dream I was walking through the school halls with my girlfriend (who i like a lot and there are a lot of guys who do) and a boy came up that she knew and they started making out. I got real mad and left and this girl in my chemistry class saw me there and tried to comfort me. I dont know this girl very well but were sort of friends. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n244.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Breathing Underwater by Andrea
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 23:13:22 -0800

Dream Title Breathing Underwater by Andrea
Date of Dream 2/1/00 Dream I had a dream that I was struggling to swim to the surface of a clear blue swimming pool about 25 feet deep. There was a bright light atthe top and I was aware of another female presence in the pool, but unseen at the surface. I tried to struggle to get to teh top, but then I realized that I couldn't and so I just floated there about midway down and started to breah and feel both warm and cool all over. I then swam around. It was so real! Comments by Dreamer I have been hainvg a lot of problems and the next two weeks were calm and cool! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Use it for whatever you wish, but I just wanna know what it means!

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n244.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: bumble bees/tattoo
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 11:13:02 -0800

Dream Title bumble bees/tattoo
Date of Dream Nov 99 ?? Dream dreamt i got 3 bumble bees tattooed behind my right ear ???? what does this mean ... i am now considering to get a tattoo but i am debating whether to put the tattoo behind my ear or around my belly button and a bee on my left breast ... also this tattoo dream has inspired me to have my belly button repierced ... Comments by Dreamer i hope you can help to interpret my dream and what it means ... and if it has any significance in my life .. this dream has been with me for a very long time in my mind i cant forget about it ... it must mean something .... regarding the date of my dream i believe i dreamt it sometime in november of 99 and the time i believe was early morning before i woke up ... also, i dont know if this is important but just before i woke up i dreamt also that i got another tattoo ... dont know what it was or where it was tattooed ????? ... i hope i can get a response asap ... it would be appreciated in my mailbox. thanks so much! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n244 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n245 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n243 -235
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n244
003 - Anonymous - Katie died
004 - Anonymous - Deserts - Lucretia
005 - Anonymous - Crying man at the Great Pyramid
006 - Anonymous - Labyrinth - Lucretia
007 - Anonymous - BIFA the man-headed sheep
008 - Anonymous - Second coming of Jesus
009 - Anonymous - Boils
010 - Anonymous - Wartime asylum; dreamed by Lauren

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n243 -235
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:21:17 EST

#243 mice drm-peace had lain to the right of the dorm if you had avoided becoming "right away" rapture drm-peace had lain to the right of the white van if you had avoided becoming "going" dog drm-peace had lain to the right of the dog if you had avoided becoming "different" #242 natasha drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "seemed to be" paola drm-peace had lain to the right of the beach if you had avoided becoming "as soon as" #241 moving drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoiede becoming "strange" net drm-0peace had lain to the right of the last rem if you had avoided becoming "very" naked drm-peace had lain to the right of the street if you had avoided becoming "rather" #240 michael drm-peace had lain to the right of the soldiers if you had avoided "killing" #239 fishing drm-peace had lain to the right of the fish if you had avoided becoming tried monstor drm-peace had lain to the right of the duct if you had avoided becoming "bright" alexsis drm-peace had lain to the right of the get together if you had avoided becoming got eagle drm-peace had lain to the right of the eagle if you had avoided becoming "at" #238 betrayal drm-peace had lain to the right of the phone if you had avoided becoming "calling" plain flying drm-peace had lain to the right of the fly if you had avoided becoming "just" #237 yarn drm-peace had lain to the right of the yarn if you had avoided becoming "unraveled" angry drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "trouble" cblue drm-peace had lain to the rihgt of the cul if you had avoided becoming "weird" marriage drm-peace had lain to the right of the desert if you had avoided becoming "on the way" tom drm-peace had lain to the right of the holiday if you had avoided becoming "like" #236 knowlege drm-peace had lain to the right of the entrance if you had avoided becoming "knew" dragon drm-peace had lain to the right of the knee if you had avoided becoming "dad's" leaving drm-peace had lain to the right of the friend if you had avoidedd becoming "but" #235 bus drm- peace had lain to the right of the run if you had avoided becoming "missed" just a friend drm-peace had lain to the right of the guy if you had avoided becoming "approaching"

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n244
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 00:29:38 EST

cheater drm-peace had lain to the right of the halls if you had avoided becoming "maddening" breathing drm-peace had lain to the right of the water if you had avoided becoming "a struggle" bumble bees drm-peace had lain to the right of the bees if you had avoided becoming "gotten"

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Katie died
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 20:22:34 -0800

Dream Title Katie died
Date of Dream september 16 1998 Dream My best friend Katie died in a car accident. She died Septmeber 12th 1998 and I had a dream a few nights after. In the dream she called me on the phone and I knew she was dead. And I said Katie? And she said Yes. Her brother was also in the car accident with her and he was in a coma and she started talking about him. (he survived) At the end of the phone call she sounded upset and said "I'm so sorry Lyndsay" Like she was sorry for leaving me...and then the phone disconnected. Could you please email me Back and tell me if it could have really been her communicating. Thankyou Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Deserts - Lucretia
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:09:38 -0800

Dream Title
Date of Dream February 16-17, 2000 Dream A desertlike area, dry land with small, dry but green bushes here and there. I kind of switch between this desert and another in order to compare them. The second desert is more desolate. Comments by Dreamer This is one of the dreams I incubated on the occasion of the Mutual Dreaming Event of February 16. Though we seem to be on intimate terms in the dream, I do not know this man (or anyone who looks like him) in waking reality. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I submit this dream in view of the Mutual Dreaming Event, for comparison with other dreams that were sent in for this purpose. I'd rather not have it interpreted ("if this were my dream etc..."), but of course any comments regarding the relation of my dream to other dreams of this particular night are welcome.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Crying man at the Great Pyramid
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:08:59 -0800

Dream Title Crying man at the Great Pyramid - Lucretia
Date of Dream February 16-17, 2000 Dream I'm standing near the Great Pyramid, Giza. Near the entrance a man is sitting on a block of stone. The man is about 45 years, medium height, has thin, short hair of a lightish colour and a round, sunburnt face. To my alarm, he is crying. I know I caused this, because I hurt him very deeply. I sit down next to him and put my arm around his shoulders. There are other people, but they are inside the pyramid. Comments by Dreamer This is one of the dreams I incubated on the occasion of the Mutual Dreaming Event of February 16. Though we seem to be on intimate terms in the dream, I do not know this man (or anyone who looks like him) in waking reality. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I submit this dream in view of the Mutual Dreaming Event, for comparison with other dreams that were sent in for this purpose. I'd rather not have it interpreted ("if this were my dream etc..."), but of course any comments regarding the relation of my dream to other dreams of this particular night are welcome.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.6 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Labyrinth - Lucretia
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:10:19 -0800

Dream Title Labyrinth - Lucretia
Date of Dream February 16-17, 2000 Dream I'm in a labyrinth within a building with a lot of people I don't know, amongst whom a tall, slim, elderly man. It is rather dark. I can see over the wall of the labyrinth, so it's easy to find a shortcut to the exit. I walk through a dark corridor towards a room with a lot of light. People who have found the exit gather here to talk and have some coffee etc. I recognize Marjolein, a friend of mine, and another woman (which I don't know in waking reality) of about 35-40 years, with thick, blond, half-long hair. They kindly ask if I'm OK and I sit down between them. Accidentally, I drop a few pieces of paper I have with me. Comments by Dreamer This is one of the dreams I incubated on the occasion of the Mutual Dreaming Event of February 16. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I submit this dream in view of the Mutual Dreaming Event, for comparison with other dreams that were sent in for this purpose. I'd rather not have it interpreted ("if this were my dream etc..."), but of course any comments regarding the relation of my dream to other dreams of this particular night are welcome.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.7 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: BIFA the man-headed sheep
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:51:38 -0800

Dream Title BIFA the man-headed sheep
Date of Dream 01/13/2000 Dream Well, the title pretty much says it all. I don't really remember the whole dream but the most noticeable thing was this creature mentioned in the title, helped me in some sense. I mean I think he showed me some kinda direction. I just remember him having a very good looking man's head and the body of a sheep. Comments by Dreamer This is one of the weirdest dreams I ever had. I usually see normal everyday stuff in my dreams. Any comments? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments could you send me an email with the comments please?

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.8 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Second coming of Jesus
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:53:10 -0800

Dream Title Second coming of Jesus
Date of Dream 1/24 2:00 am? Dream I dreamed I was with two of my friends laying out under the stars and the moon started to turn red and the stars started to move in the sky. They moved in clumps from one side of the sky to the other. My friends and I figured that it was the Second Coming. I was terrified and was practically hyperventilating. It turned out to be a false alarm, but it still scared me to death. Comments by Dreamer What does this mean? The whole time in my dream I was thinking about my boyfriend, but he wasn't there with me. My two friends are also my boyfriends best friends, but he wasn't there with me. This dream really frightened me. I woke up and my heart was beating out of control. The Second Coming isn't supposed to be a scary thing either. help! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.9 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Boils
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:53:38 -0800

Dream Title Boils by akuma_green
Date of Dream 01/27/2000 @5:00am Dream The dream started out where I was lifting heavy boxes onto the back of a work truck behind what I think is a department store. It seems like it could be a warm humid night in late August here in Phoenix, and I begin to sweat. I then look down, and I notice on my right arm there are these large boils on my forearm. They're itchy, and they hurt (a lot). The boils begin to spread up and down my right arm, and the more I sweat, it seems the more boils I have, and the more painful it becomes. No matter how many more I get, the boils are only forming on my right side. When I woke up, I still vividly recalled the boils, and I was left with an unpleasant feeling for quite awhile afterward. Comments by Dreamer This dream particularly bothered me for three reasons: 1. If I do have an unpleasant dream (which is rare), it is usually on an evening when I sleep much less than I should. On the night in question, I slept 8 hrs. 2. I have never worked in the sort of profession that I was doing in my dream. Usually, my dreams center around my typical settings (going to school, or at my part-time job, etc.) 3. I have rarely experienced such a strong "holdover" effect of the dream. I felt almost ill when I woke up. Also, I am right-handed. What is the significance of my right side only getting the boils? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments also, please feel free to email me at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n245.10 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Wartime asylum; dreamed by Lauren
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:52:41 -0800

Dream Title Wartime asylum; dreamed by Lauren
Date of Dream Mon. Jan 17th, ended at 8:30 am Dream It started out as me being in a combination of a food court and version of a place called Discovery Zone (it's like a really big, indoor jungle gym/playground. Really cool). I was talking to people from my high school. I did not recognize them, but I knew they had gone to school with me. They were three oriental girls (I myself am caucasian). I spoke of having to go to Discovery Zone when I babysat Megan and Emily (which I really did in real life), and we compared prices that we paid for our lunches. At that point, I stood up and walked off. The scenery changed, and I was walking into another food court, except this one was really glitzy, almost like a toned down version of a discotheque. I sat down at a table with the people from high school, and we continued talking about lunch prices. When I sat down, there was a Personal Pan Pizza in a box from Pizza Hut. I had stated that I paid 9$ for the pizza, and that was way too much money. We talked about how that is what i! ! t costs to get a pizza at the food concession at the Silver City theatre (a new, huge multiplex movie theatre in my hometown). I shrugged in a what-can-you-do fashion, although I was still annoyed about how much it cost and that I actuially paid for it. The conversation continued, but I drifted off and looked around the food court, taking in the atmosphere.

After a little while, I stood up and walked away from the food court. I went outside into a big courtyard. There was a war going on. The courtyard was a dingy grey-brown with cobblestone ground and walls on all four sides. I stood there stroking a calico cat I was holding in my arms. The cat looked exactly like my cat, except it was younger and thinner. The cat recently had a litter of five solid black kittens. I knew this, but they were not with me at the time.

I stood still and looked into the centre of the courtyard, where there was a massive pile of dead infants, from newborns to three or four month olds. In a huge ring around this pile stood young children, aged three to seven. The children were starving, you could see their bones sticking out through their skin. At a signal from one of the soldiers in the courtyard, they ran to the heap of dead infants and began despratly tearing them apart, eating the bodyparts that were soft enough for them to chew. The children were covered in blood from the dismembered babies.

Suddenly I felt as though I was beginning to lose my mind. I remembered that a mental institute had been set up to deal with the hundreds of people that had gone insane because of the war. (The war, by the way, was awful. You didn't see many casualties, but there was a great deal of mental torture the civilians had to put up with, hence the mental institute) By now I had allowed my cat to jump out of my arms and run off. I knew shw would be okay, and the kittens were already at the institute, so I was not worried about any of them. I was vaguely concerned that I would not be allowed to keep them there, but for some reason I was confident that I would be able to do so.

Even though I was unsure whether or not I had realy lost my mind or not, I could feel my sanity slipping away, and thought it best to check in. The institute looked like a combination of a grand style of building and my highschool. I walked into the library, where the new patients could check in. I walked into a very big, very ornate, and very cramped room and faced the front desk, giving the people there my stats. One of the staff members was Erin, a friend from high school whom I still see on occasion. Behind them stood the director of that particular institute. He looked exactly like the principal I had in elementary school, and had the same nickname we called my principal back then (Lenny), except the man in my dream had a far better personality. After I checked in, they needed my signature to make it official. I said I would sign the sheet only if I could make a request. Lenny smiled and said "Just ask. We'll do anything you want." I asked if I could keep my cat! ! and her kittens in the institute so they would be safe, and he gave me permission.

I walked out of the library and went to the bathroom. The bathroom was an exact replica of the main floor bathroom in my highschool. The room, however, was absoloutly filthy, dirt from shoes mixed with water, as though the water from the toilets would overflow slightly when flushed. I was repulsed, but needed to use the facilities very badly, so I walked into one of the stalls and shut the door. I realized that part of the reason that it was so dirty was that the toiled bowls were a little shallower than normal and unless you held yourself at exactly the right angle, some of the urine would hit the rim of the bowl and splash out. I managed to use the toilet without getting dirty, and as I walked out of the stall, I saw that the bathroom was rather crowded. There were a lot of inmates in the room, each being supervised by an attendant. Many of the attendents kept a grasp on the inmate's arm. One of the patients (along with their attendant holding onto my arm) walked pas! ! t me, looked directly at me, and smiled patiently.

At this point I noticed the uniforms that the staff and patients wore. The inmates wore comfortable denim jeans with a suprisingly nice dull blue t-shirt. The staff wore jeans and white t-shirts. All though I was not a staff member, I was wearing a white t-shirt as well.

After I left the bathroom, I walked into the cafeteria, into the food preparation area. The ladies making the food were the same cafeteria ladies from high school. The kitchen was very large, though, and there were a few people in it, just chatting. I found my kittens and put them into a cardboard box. I placed the box on top of the fridge so that they would be warm until my cat came back. I chatted with the people for a bit, and when my cat walked back in, I placed her in the box with the kittens. She lay down and began nursing them. At that point, I kicked away a blanket that had been acting as a curtain from beside the fridge, revealing an area that had been converted into a bedroom. The bedroom looked exactly like it had come out of an Ikea catalogue. Once I had done so, a tall man with glasses and a trench coat walked in and asked what the cats were doing there. I explained to him that they were mine, that I was given permission to bring them here. He said that! ! it was unsanitary to keep cats in the kitchen, and I said that they were cleaner than his trenchcoat, and that they were staying. I walked out. When I walked off, the man somehow morphed into a nun and said "We'll see about that."

I walked back into the library and was greeted by a staff member. She told me in an overly friendly manner that they wanted to know more about me, and I had to read some books. I followed behind her as she took me on a tour of the library. The library was huge, with large, ornatly carved staircases and banisters made from a wood that looked like mahoghany. I was beginning to become nervous and apprehensive, and I began clenching my hands and rubbing the palms together, occasionally pulling at my thumb. My attendent turned and looked at me sharply a few times, and each time I stopped rubbing my hands, thinking "I don't want them to think I'm crazy." I already knew, however, that it was too late.

I asked what sort of books I was supposed to read, and she answered that I could read anything I wanted, but they wanted me to read some certain books in particular. She lead me to a book cart that was filled with psychology textbooks and handed me two sheets of papers with questions and a pencil. I was told to read the psychology books and answer the questions, because they needed to know if I had a "G" personality or not. I picked two or three books and sat down. I opened the books and tried hard to read them, but I just couldn't concentrate. I still felt quite nervous, and found that my attention kept drifting towards the pencil I held. A few times I put my head on the desk and closed my eyes, but kept sitting back up straight and staring at the pencil, turning it over and over in my hands. At this point I woke up.

When I woke up, I found that my hands were clenched as though I was still carrying

the paper in my left hand and the pencil in my right. I was not distressed by the dream, but I was slightly disturbed and very curious. I got up, got dressed, made my bed and walked over to my boyfriends house right away.

Some info about me: I am an 18 year old female, the youngest of seven children, and the only one still living at home. I am in my first year of university at the U of Alberta pursuing a degree in Physical Education. I am currently working very hard with my talent agent trying to build my acting career. I am in a serious, loving relationship with my boyfriend of over a year. I learned not too long ago that my sister closest to me in age, who was married in August, is pregnant. This is the first time I will be an aunt :) I am considered by others to be very confident, gutsy and creative. While I do not have much pratical beliefs about astrology, I am a Saggitarian, born in the year of the Rooster, and have many traits common to both star signs.

Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n245 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n246 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Alligators - Mickey
002 - AngstRidn - response to dream - Katie died

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n246.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Alligators - Mickey
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 23:36:41 -0800

Dream Title Alligators - Mickey
Date of Dream about mid January. maybe 3 am. Dream I dreamt of alligators 2 nights in a row. the first nite, I had an alligator in the house chasing me, but I finally caught & killed it. the second night, I was "fishing" with people for alligators in a large pond. the people on the end of my fishing line turned into dogs as the alligators ate them. the last person turned into a Golden Retriever & escaped from the alligators. then the pond turned back into the yard it had been - green grass & all. kind of made me wonder what it could mean. Comments by Dreamer I am a Correctional Officer at a female prison. at the time of the dreams, I was having some minor problems at work & with my family. some of the "people" I fed to the gators were ones I work with. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n246.2 ---------------
From: AngstRidn
Subject: response to dream - Katie died
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 18:52:15 EST

<< FR: Permission to Comment: yes share comments << Dream Title Katie died Date of Dream september 16 1998 My best friend Katie died in a car accident. She died Septmeber 12th 1998 and I had a dream a few nights after. In the dream she called me on the phone and I knew she was dead. And I said Katie? And she said Yes. Her brother was also in the car accident with her and he was in a coma and she started talking about him. (he survived) At the end of the phone call she sounded upset and said "I'm so sorry Lyndsay" Like she was sorry for leaving me...and then the phone disconnected. Could you please email me Back and tell me if it could have really been her communicating. Thankyou >>

RESPONSE: From: Dee777 Hi: The answer to your question is "Absolutely, Yes!" I had a dream exactly like this when my best friend died in a car accident back in the late 80's. Several days after she died, she telephoned me in the dream, and when I picked up the receiver, she appeared before me. It was such a tragic accident and she left two wonderful sons behind with no Dad to look after them because he was in prison for a long time. I was heartbroken. Dee

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n246 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n247 --------------

001 - Anonymous - famous, Marsha
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n245 and246
003 - Anonymous - Closet Full of Water

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n247.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: famous, Marsha
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 07:19:52 -0800

Dream Title famous, Marsha Date of Dream Dream This is a recurring dream where I am intimately involved with a famous person (male). It is always a different person. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n247.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n245 and246
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 13:22:33 EST

#245 katie drm-peace had lain to the right of the phone if you had avoided becoming "known" lucretia drm-peace had lain to the right of the area if you had avoided becoming "like" crying drm-peace had lain to the right of the pyramid if you had avoided becoming "alarming" labyrinth drm-pead had alin to the right of the labyrinth if you had avoided becoming "unknown" dog drm-peace had lain to the right of the animal if you had avoided becoming "some" 2nd coming drm-peace had lain to the right of the friends if you had avoided becoming "started" boxes drm-peace had lain to the right of the boxes if you had avoided becoming "heavy" war drm-peace had lain to the right of the zone if you had avoided becoming "combination" #246 alligator drm-peace had lain to the right of the first gator if you had avoided becoming "finally" to the right of the people if you had avoided becoming "turned "

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n247.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Closet Full of Water
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 23:13:56 -0800

Dream Title Closet Full of Water
Date of Dream 2/4/00 4:am Dream My Mother was visiting my home and she noticed water coming from under the hall closet door. I opened the closet door,I was meant by a wall of water that came crashing down over me .We went into the closet to find out where the water was coming from.It was coming from a little crack in the wall. Nothing in the closet was ruined or messed up but everything was wet. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n247 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n248 --------------

001 - Anonymous - At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n248.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 10:07:57 -0800

Dream Title At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great Pyramid - Kathy
Date of Dream 17th Feb (to co-incide with 16th US time) Dream Here is the dream I had on the night when i asked for my dreaming mind to go to the Great Pyramid as part of the mutual dreaming event on 16th february. I must say I was frightened at the idea of going into the pyramid before I fell asleep. In the dream I arrive at the tall opening of the pyramid. The doors (they seemed like tall wooden ones) were open and inside was darkness. In the area in front it was sandy or rather sandy/clay and quite shadowy. I stood a little distance from the opeing and saw a small man (quite Egyptian looking!) with dark black hair, slicked back and wearing a yellow and black stripped tight fitting shirt made of something like brushed nylon(? did anyone have pyjamas on like that???. The man was bending over doing something which i didn't see and he didn't see me (I'd guess I was even in more shadow). I left the dream - sort of fading out of it. It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right - I'd say my censor was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like the fearful land of the dead! Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! Comments by Dreamer It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right - I'd say my censor was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like the fearful land of the dead! Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n248 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n249 --------------

001 - Anonymous - stab
002 - <toban - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n248
003 - Anonymous - Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow
004 - Anonymous - Martha diChristi dreasm site journal
005 - Anonymous - teeth

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n249.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: stab
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:45:47 -0800

Dream Title stab Brenda
Date of Dream 02/16/00 Dream im in a reashonship where i feal so new about him and i have dreams where he pretends to love me, so he calls me over to him then he wispers in my ear only to pull out a knif and trys to stab me. but i run and he does it again. i fall for it every time though i know what is going to happen. Comments by Dreamer i dont know how i can trust him cause i think that this is a sighn that i shouldent trust him. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments i would like to know what it means?

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n249.2 ---------------
From: <toban
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n248
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 10:47:46 -0000

Hi Kathy

Thanks for sharing your dream. My comments are as follows:-

> >-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n248 -------------- >

> 001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great > Pyr >

-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n248 --------------

001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n248.1 ---------------

From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <>
Subject: At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 10:07:57 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Dream Title At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great Pyramid - Kathy Date of Dream 17th Feb (to co-incide with 16th US time) Dream Here is the dream I had on the night when i asked for my dreaming mind to go to the Great Pyramid as part of the mutual dreaming event on 16th february. I must say I was frightened at the idea of going into the pyramid before I fell asleep. In the dream I arrive at the tall opening of the pyramid. The doors (they
seemed like tall wooden ones) were open and inside was darkness. In the area in front it was sandy or rather sandy/clay and quite shadowy. I stood a little distance from the opeing and saw a small man (quite Egyptian looking!) with dark black hair, slicked back and wearing a yellow and black stripped tight fitting shirt made of something like brushed nylon(? did anyone have pyjamas on like that???. The man was bending over doing something which i didn't see and he didn't see me (I'd guess I was even in more shadow). I left the dream - sort of fading out of it. It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right - I'd say my censor was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like the fearful land of the dead! Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! Comments by Dreamer It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right - I'd say my censor was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like the fearful land of the dead! Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments

I think you have put your finger on it. I think that *both* the pre-sleep suggestion and the dream were a symbolic confrontation of your fear of death. Whatever your conscious reasons for choosing this scenario, I would suggest that the whole dream event was set up for you to test this primeval fear. You yourself have translated the meaning that The Pyramid has for *you* - the fearful land of the dead.

At another level, the dream may show in a visually dramatic form, the beginnings of a conscious OBE. The fear of death is one thing that holds many inexperienced practitioners of this 'art' back from effective experimentation.

Thanks for sharing Tony

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n248 --------------- >

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n249.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:27:33 -0800

Dream Title Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow
Date of Dream reoccurring Dream About once a week, for at least six months, and more infrequently even before then, I have a wedding or marriage disaster dream. In all of them, I am marrying or am married to my current boyfriend. Anything that can go wrong does. From not having a dress five minutes before the ceremony to set to begin to my father forcing me to hold the wedding in our living room because he wants to wear shorts- most of the situations are ridiculous, but all seem very real and cause me great stress and anxiety. In the wedding disaster dreams, it has once or twice been a friend's wedding that I caused to be a disaster by not being ready or causing her some kind of stress. In the living room wedding dream, his mom got in a fist fight with our best man's mom over a wedding gift. In another, we got married and came back to the hotel room to get ready for the reception (For some reason, I had to change into a different dress, which I did not have.) and found that he ! ! had invited all of his friends there for a wild bash where they all got drunk and threw my stuff out the windows. Then another wedding couple showed up and kicked me out of the portion of the room that was mine. Then I had to wait in a long line of strangers speaking different languages to try to get back into my room. Clearly, all these events are ridiculous. In the marriage disaster dreams, we are already married, but we hate each other for varied reasons, none of which are clear to me when the dreams are over. These dreams are also overly dramatic and seem unrealistic in their situations, like us scraeming at each other and throwing armfuls of papers at each other while standing in a busy street. Comments by Dreamer I'd love to hear comments that anyone has. My friends are starting to think I am just making these up, they are so strange and happen so regularly. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I'm in favor of any comments I can get.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n249.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Martha diChristi dreasm site journal
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:46:56 -0800

Dream Title Martha diChristi
Date of Dream 1958-2000 Dream Over 300 of my dreams listed and indexed in 3 different ways Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n249.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: teeth
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:58:22 -0800

Dream Title teeth, singer
Date of Dream feb 8 Dream I Just had a simple dream where my teeth kept falling out... Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n249 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n250 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Charlie

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n250.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Charlie
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:39:47 -0800

Dream Title Charlie
Date of Dream 22nd Feb Dream I dreamt that I was holiday with my family at a lakeside resort. We were right on the bank, and in the center of the lake was a island with a Chinese building on it. I went to the waters edge, and 5 metallic blue dolphins appeared. I slid into the water, and started to swim with them. My father tried to take photographs. Comments by Dreamer This was a really amazing dream, but I'd really like to see what you guys think

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n250 ---------------

-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n251 --------------

001 - <toban - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n249
002 - Anonymous - Keeping Down the Animal, Ike Baine
003 - Anonymous - The Ravaged Foot, Ike Baine
004 - <toban - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n250
005 - Anonymous - Sleeping with my mother. Amr

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n251.1 ---------------
From: <toban
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n249
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 06:59:13 -0000

-----Original Message----- From: <> To: <> Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 01:22 Subject: Digest dream-flow.v001.n249

> >-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n249 -------------- > > 001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - stab > 002 - "toban" <toban@newscienti - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n248 > 003 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow > 004 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Martha diChristi dreasm site journal > 005 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - teeth > >Electric Dreams: Dream Flow >A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace > > >--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n249.1 --------------- > >From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Subject: stab >Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:45:47 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed > >Dream Title stab Brenda >Date of Dream 02/16/00 >Dream im in a reashonship where i feal so new about him and i have dreams >where he pretends to love me, so he calls me over to him then he wispers in >my ear only to pull out a knif and trys to stab me. but i run and he does >it again. i fall for it every time though i know what is going to happen. >Comments by Dreamer i dont know how i can trust him cause i think that this >is a sighn that i shouldent trust him. >Permission to Comment yes_share_comments >Permission Comments i would like to know what it means?

Unconsciously, the dreamer is picking up that the boyfriend poses a serious threat. A knife can be used to 'stab someone in the back'; but also to literally 'break one's heart'. As long as this remains the unconscious perception of the dreamer, the real-life relationship surely rests on rocky ground.

>--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n249.2 --------------- > >From: "toban" <> >Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n248 >Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 10:47:46 -0000 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; > charset="iso-8859-1" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > >Hi Kathy > >Thanks for sharing your dream. My comments are as follows:- > > > > >> >>-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n248 -------------- >> >> 001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - At the door of the temple - mutual >dreaming at the great >> Pyr >> >>Electric Dreams: Dream Flow >>A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace >> >> >>--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n248.1 --------------- >> >>From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >>Subject: At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great >> Pyramid >>Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 10:07:57 -0800 >>MIME-Version: 1.0 >>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed >> >>Dream Title At the door of the temple - mutual dreaming at the great >>Pyramid - Kathy >>Date of Dream 17th Feb (to co-incide with 16th US time) >>Dream Here is the dream I had on the night when i asked for my dreaming >>mind to go to the Great Pyramid as part of the mutual dreaming event on >>16th february. I must say I was frightened at the idea of going into the >>pyramid before I fell asleep. >>In the dream I arrive at the tall opening of the pyramid. The doors (they >>seemed like tall wooden ones) were open and inside was darkness. In the >>area in front it was sandy or rather sandy/clay and quite shadowy. I stood >>a little distance from the opeing and saw a small man (quite Egyptian >>looking!) with dark black hair, slicked back and wearing a yellow and black >>stripped tight fitting shirt made of something like brushed nylon(? did >>anyone have pyjamas on like that???. The man was bending over doing >>something which i didn't see and he didn't see me (I'd guess I was even in >>more shadow). I left the dream - sort of fading out of it. >>It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right - I'd say my censor >>was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like the fearful land of >>the dead! >>Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! >>Comments by Dreamer It seemed to me that freud is at least sometimes right >>- I'd say my censor was at work - I did NOT want to enter what seemed like >>the fearful land of the dead! >>Thanks Scott and Richard for the chance to party! >>Permission to Comment yes_share_comments >>Permission Comments > > >I think you have put your finger on it. I think that *both* the pre-sleep >suggestion and the dream were a symbolic confrontation of your fear of >death. Whatever your conscious reasons for choosing this scenario, I would >suggest that the whole dream event was set up for you to test this primeval >fear. You yourself have translated the meaning that The Pyramid has for >*you* - the fearful land of the dead. > >At another level, the dream may show in a visually dramatic form, the >beginnings of a conscious OBE. The fear of death is one thing that holds >many inexperienced practitioners of this 'art' back from effective >experimentation. > >Thanks for sharing > >Tony >>--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n248 --------------- >> >> >>dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams >>Courtesy of DreamGate >> > > > >--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n249.3 --------------- > >From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Subject: Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow >Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:27:33 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed > >Dream Title Wedding/Marriage Disaster Dreams by marcbrow >Date of Dream reoccurring >Dream About once a week, for at least six months, and more infrequently >even before then, I have a wedding or marriage disaster dream. In all of >them, I am marrying or am married to my current boyfriend. Anything that >can go wrong does. From not having a dress five minutes before the ceremony >to set to begin to my father forcing me to hold the wedding in our living >room because he wants to wear shorts- most of the situations are >ridiculous, but all seem very real and cause me great stress and anxiety. >In the wedding disaster dreams, it has once or twice been a friend's >wedding that I caused to be a disaster by not being ready or causing her >some kind of stress. In the living room wedding dream, his mom got in a >fist fight with our best man's mom over a wedding gift. In another, we got >married and came back to the hotel room to get ready for the reception (For >some reason, I had to change into a different dress, which I did not have.) >and found that he ! >! >had invited all of his friends there for a wild bash where they all got >drunk and threw my stuff out the windows. Then another wedding couple >showed up and kicked me out of the portion of the room that was mine. Then >I had to wait in a long line of strangers speaking different languages to >try to get back into my room. Clearly, all these events are ridiculous. In >the marriage disaster dreams, we are already married, but we hate each >other for varied reasons, none of which are clear to me when the dreams are >over. These dreams are also overly dramatic and seem unrealistic in their >situations, like us scraeming at each other and throwing armfuls of papers >at each other while standing in a busy street. >Comments by Dreamer I'd love to hear comments that anyone has. My friends >are starting to think I am just making these up, they are so strange and >happen so regularly. >Permission to Comment yes_share_comments >Permission Comments I'm in favor of any comments I can get.

Perhaps the dreamer is not totally sure of this relationship and is telling herself that real committment at this point would not be sensible. Perhaps the dreams will cease over time as insecurities in the relationship are dealt with. A warning to take stock and take things slowly.

> > > > >--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n249.4 --------------- > >From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Subject: Martha diChristi dreasm site journal >Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:46:56 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed > >Dream Title Martha diChristi >Date of Dream 1958-2000 >Dream >Over 300 of my dreams listed and indexed in 3 different ways >Comments by Dreamer >Permission to Comment yes_share_comments > > > >--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n249.5 --------------- > >From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Subject: teeth >Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:58:22 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed > >Dream Title teeth, singer >Date of Dream feb 8 >Dream I Just had a simple dream where my teeth kept falling out... >Comments by Dreamer >Permission to Comment yes_share_comments >Permission Comments

A classic dream. A range of possibilities, but main thrust is a loss of 'grip' on a situation; losing the ability or urge to get one's 'teeth' into a situation; perhaps the dreamer is unwilling or unable to take a current position in and digest its implications. I begin to wonder whether ones hair, teeth and nails might stand in for each other, and then the implication of one;s 'hair falling out' may be significant. > >--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n249 --------------- > > >dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams >Courtesy of DreamGate >

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n251.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Keeping Down the Animal, Ike Baine
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 23:14:49 -0800

Dream Title Keeping Down the Animal, Ike Baine
Date of Dream Dec 99 Dream I entered a building on a universtiy campus. As I entered I was confronted with some stairs which I proceeded to climb. As I neared the top, I became aware of a very energetic and restless cat which was running up after me. I would occasionally turn round to scare it back down, but it was persistent. At the top of the stairs, there was a door opening to the outside. I edged the door open, at which point I was ready to allow the aggressive cat up the stairs and out into the open. Comments by Dreamer The cat is a common feature in my dreams. I *love* cats but don't have one. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments All comments welcome

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n251.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Ravaged Foot, Ike Baine
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 23:15:36 -0800

Dream Title The Ravaged Foot, Ike Baine
Date of Dream 23/02/00 Dream Three young men were playing around in a house they were living in. They were role-playing. They each had a weapon, although someone took a sort of subsidiary role in that they were assigned the role of 'scape goat'. However in an act of rebellion, the 'scapegoat' got into the bedroom of one of the others, hiding behind the door. In an act of dream identification, I merged with the 'scapegoat', but stood behind the door holding a radio aerial in my hand. The aim was to hit the owner of the bedroom as he entered, thus getting my strike in first. This was breaking the rules of the game, as in this role I was supposed to just accept the beatings. Presently, the bedroom door opened and I lashed out, hitting the other guy hard. He snatched his hand away, gasping, both surprised and amazed. He hit me, with his 'aerial', I hit him back.

Eventually, however, we were out on the landing and I had got my right foot entangled in three kittens, which were biting and scratching it. Indeed the kittens were now completely locked onto my foot, trapped by their own strong teeth and claws. It was very painful, and my companions decided that they would take me in an estate car to the hospital. I was helped out of the house, limping. Some girls (the next door neighbours from years back, adolescent years)were watching us, making amused comment, possibly fancying one or other of us). I sat in the back of the estate car, my butt wedged in a depression behind some boxes. The pain at this point was actually not unpleasant, just an intense sensation (perhaps the pain threshold had been shattered!) However, I realised that the extrication of these kittens was going to be painful indeed. The kittens were still tightly bound to my feet.

Comments by Dreamer Possibly the cat's clinging to my foot was evoked by the vet programme I was watching last night where puppies were shown suckling their mother; also an old episode of Doctor Who where some embryo Daleks were clinging to Doctor Who's neck, strangling him).

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments All comments welcome

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n251.4 ---------------
From: <toban
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n250
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 07:32:10 -0000

-----Original Message----- From: <> To: <> Date: Friday, February 25, 2000 05:22 Subject: Digest dream-flow.v001.n250

> >-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n250 -------------- > > 001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Charlie > >Electric Dreams: Dream Flow >A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace > > >--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n250.1 --------------- > >From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Subject: Charlie >Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 20:39:47 -0800 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed > >Dream Title Charlie >Date of Dream 22nd Feb >Dream I dreamt that I was holiday with my family at a lakeside resort. We >were right on the bank, and in the center of the lake was a island with a >Chinese building on it. I went to the waters edge, and 5 metallic blue >dolphins appeared. I slid into the water, and started to swim with them. My >father tried to take photographs. >Comments by Dreamer This was a really amazing dream, but I'd really like to >see what you guys think

Certainly at one level I think the dreamer made a connection with a Chinese incarnation, possilbly with the realisation that the dreamer's family was happily involved in that life. The lake would represent the layers of the unconscious through which the dreamer had to 'swim' (or unconscious resistance?). At another level the island represented the dreamer; perhaps there is a feeling of isolation, of 'alienation' from the family. The feeling that he or she speaks a different language, that connections made to the outside world or family are somewhat artificial (the dolphins were constructed and mechanical as opposed to warm, flesh and blood creatures.

>--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n250 --------------- > > >dream-flow is for the sharing of dreams >Courtesy of DreamGate >

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n251.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Sleeping with my mother. Amr
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:31:41 -0800

Dream Title Sleeping with my mother. Amr
Date of Dream 2/23/00 between 12:00 am and 6:00 am Dream I met a man and we have been dating for a little over 2 months. The other night I had a very vivid dream that my boyfriend slept with my mother. What could this possibly mean?

Comments by Dreamer I was at my mother's house and she began to tell me that her and my boyfriend slept together. She proceeded to tell me how great it was and how she let him shave her and that it was now itching like crazy. I was absolutely flabbergasted as I am finding myself really liking this guy. All I can remember after her telling me that is that I cried like crazy and the next thing I knew I woke up. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n251 ---------------

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