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Electric Dreams Volume 04 Issue 09

Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes comes to the top.
Virginia Woolf in A Room of One's Own
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Volume 4 Issue 9
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
September-October 1997
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams Electric Dreams
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Volume 4 Issue #9
28 September 1997
ISSN# 1089 4284
Electric Dreams - on the World Wide Web
-- Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>
--Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>
--Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>
--For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue
Download a GREAT COVER for Electric Dreams 4(9)
++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton
++ Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams! Webmaster - Matthew Parry
++ The 3rd Annual Halloween Swarm!!!
Linda Magallon
++ "Your Dream of Recovery": Interview with Shelly Marshall
Victoria Quinton
++ Interview with DrmDoc September 1997
Victoria Quinton
++ Nocturnal Postings: an Interview with Julia Koberlien
Interview via email with Richard Wilkerson
++ Precognitive, Telepathic and Clairvoyant Dream Survey
Helen Erickson
++ Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:
Dreaming Through the Houses: 8th House
++ Reflections on the Ninth House
++ Princess Diana's Death as a Ripple in the Collective Field of
Consciousness: Personal Ruminations in the Context of My Work With the Cree
Jayne Gackenbach
++Diana, the Living Myth: Diana/Artemis in Greek and Roman Mythology
Tracy Marks
++Hooray! It's the End of an Age
Linda Lane Magallon
++ Dreams, Death and Diana: Lessons in Personal and Collective Healing
Maureen Roberts, PhD
++ See DREAM section for Dreams of Diana
G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats
This Month's Features:
- Sleepwalkers Coming 1 November
- "The Transcendent in Relationships and Dreams" -- Ann & Barry Ulanov
- Explore Your Dreams
- Video Review: The Language of Dreams
- New German Lucid Dreams Discussion List
- A Dream Practicum
- Photography & Dreams -- Grete Stern Exhibition
- Ione's Dream Festival and Deep Listening Space
- Dreamwork for Psychotherapists
- Mutual Dreaming on T.V.
- Dream-Telling Among the Elderly -- Input Desired
- Dreams of Princess Diana Sought
- Staying Awake While Asleep
- Dolphin and Whale Dreams Needed
- Dream-Quest
- A Study Guide for C.G. Jung's Dream AnalysisTelling Among
- Shelley's Dream World
- Interactive Dreaming
- Dream Journalist
- Tiger's Nest: A dream enhancement approach with product and service offerings.
- CRC Theory
- Sleep, Dreams and Wakefulness
- Drm Doc's Page
- Shelly Marshal's Dreams and Recovery
DREAM CALENDAR for October-November 1997
== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N9 ==
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Vol. 4 Number 9.
Highlights from this issue: The Princess Diana tragedy struck many a chord - unexpected accidental death, privacy, tradition, and independence among them. They were reflected in many dreams. These dreams overlapped many categories from forseeing something to processing images internally after the events of the weeks took place. I have placed them in the CELEBRITY category for simplicity sake, but many belong just as well under others. Even Mother Theresa makes an appearance. Several lucid dreams were submitted with comments on this topic. A query on a "Losing Teeth" type dream brought up some references to previous answers on this topic. Two dreams focused on the Eye [a new category], or was that many eyes? Another Tornado dream lurks ahead - watch out! Join the Unwilling Mercenary on a two part adventure. A late addition to this issue is an extraordinary exchange on a dream called Enigma which I have put into the RELATIONSHIPS section, and which touches on the meaning of dreams and life. (Thanks Kes and Island for sharing this exchange.) Enjoy this episode of our continuing explorations into Dreamland. Bob Krumhansl
--- ELECTRIC DREAMS ACCESS INFORMATION - All the addresses and URL's for the ED staff and ED information and services.
---- DISCLAIMER - Also, please read Bob Krumhansl's editorial on this in the beginning of the DREAM SECTION
OCTOBER 15, WED deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(10)
Editors' Notes
September has been dominated by the death of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. I found that moving through the experience with the online community (and especially the online dream community) was a unique and meaningful way of processing this event. French cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard's theory of the new simulated society suggests that the whole event has been mediated for us by mass media and thus never really occurred. If it did, we would never know it, being so rapped up in simulated images of reality and pushed and programmed by signs that merely point to other signs, copies without originals. The theory is extreme, but began to make more sense when my wife mentioned how she couldn't really go through the grieving process because at every turn she was bombarded by media and new attention getting stories.
In the dream sharing realm, we accessed a domain quite different. Here the signs slow down into symbols. Images are traded, but not on market exchange value. Traditional boundaries shift, and photographer and photographed, Royal and commoner, personal and collective are assembled not on the tabloids but in the imaginal realm. The stimulation of simulation slows down and dwells poetically among the dreams.
This month we are including many of the dreams sent in about Diana and Mother Teresa and how dreamers saw these dreams. We also have a special section of articles on these events so that we can deepen and expand our understanding of the events.
Jayne Gackenbach explores the transpersonal aspects of Death through her connections to the Cree and challenges our concepts of time-space. Tracy Marks offers some comments on the mythic connections of Diana and an extensive link collection of the events surrounding her tragedy. Linda Magallon suggests some paths towards a new Aeon and vision that the events have made possible. Maureen Roberts uses a Jungian/mythic path to explore where these events might be taking us and how to move like shamans through the dream imagery.
There are a few interview this month, including 12 Step Dream Recovery with Shelly Marshall, and interview with DrmDoc and an interview with the editor of a delightful new online publication that often focuses on dream, Julia Koberlien's _ Nocturnal Postings_.
Helen Erickson has a survey she would like for you to fill out and return, please give her research a boost by replying to this work on Precognitive, Telepathic and Clairvoyant Dreams.
Madame Aionia & Island continue the dreams and astrology series, focusing this month on 9th House dreaming.
Electric Dreams Webmaster - Matthew Parry, tells you how to display your dreams and articles better on electric dreams.
Peggy Coats brings a lot of dream news and events in the Global Dreaming News. Find out the scoop on the new TV show about Lucid Dreaming, learn how to get video tapes of your favorite dreamworkers, mark your calendars for special dream interviews on TV, learn about all the new dream web sites and pick the programs in your area for dream education.
Interested in a focus group on your dream? Linley Joy is moderating just such a list. We call then the DreamWheels and several people will ask you questions about your dream then talk about what it might mean to them if they had the dream. You can submit a dream or just watch, or comment as you wish. See below for more details or contact Linley Joy at
Heads up! The 3rd Annual Halloween Swarm is coming up! The idea of the swarm is to have fun online visiting with one another, sharing dreams and dream ideas and updating the whole online dream network. For more on this event, see Linda Magallon's column on the Swarm.
Hope your October is delightful and hope to see you all at the Swarm on Halloween. Next month, we will focus on Nightmares, scarey dreams, monsters, goblins, witches and other dreams that go bump in the night. Send those scarey dreams in for comment!
- Richard Wilkerson
Display your Dreams and Articles Better on Electric Dreams!
Webmaster - Matthew Parry
<hfile href="">
Do you want everyone to see a prettier version of your Dreams, Articles etc? Well I've now worked out how to get the HTML version of ED to look much nicer. All you need to do is:
1. write your article on some user friendly HTML editor and put it on your web site somewhere. Let your imagination run wild!
2. Load the article into you web browser and save it as formatted text - i.e. The browser will save it as ascii text, but without any HTML tags.
3. Add the line
<hfile href="">
somehwere at the top. This tells the program that creates the HTML version of ED where you article is.
4. Send this off to Richard or Bob or whoever.
When my program generates the HTML version it will make the link point to your much better looking HTML page.
N.B. The ED archives at the website will still have a link to your page after the next version of ED comes out, so don't move or delete your article. We're working on this.
Matthew Parry - Webmaster <>
The Fly-By-Night Club, Electric Dreams E-zine and DreamGate Present:
Dream and cyber fun during the entire week of Halloween!
October 25th-October 31st:
* Halloween Costume Ball
(Sponsored by the *Fly-By-Night Club*)
Send dreams to
Friday, October 31st, Halloween Night:
* AOL Chat Room, 6-8 Pacific Standard Time.
(Your host: Fly-By-Night Club's founder, LucidFlier)
Select "DreamSwarm."
* Visit Dream Sites and Network with the Online Dream Community.
* Experiment with new channels for dream sharing - IRC, ICQ, more!
* Say hello to old dream friends via email.
* Follow up reports in Global Dreaming News and Electric Dreams.
Group Dreaming Project: Halloween Costume Ball
Boarding nightly at the Gate of Horn: the Magallon-Galleon dreamland cruise.
Route: 2nd star to the right and straight on 'til morning.
On-board activities: the Costume Ball
How to join the cruise:
Any night between October 25th and October 31st...
Decide what costume you will wear to the Ball before you go to sleep.
Picture yourself in costume, then climb into your own ship of dreams.
Set sail as you drift into sleep.
Sleep and dream yourself to the Ball. Pay especial attention to the characters in your dreams...the fellow revelers you will meet this night.
Wake and record your dreams.
Decide whether you want to be known to your dreaming partners by your waking name or whether you'd like to use a dream or cyber name.
Send your dreams to (Linda Lane Magallon)
Deadline for dream reports: the sooner, the better, but November 2nd is the very latest.
Dreams will be re-distributed to all Halloween Costume Ball participants. Then you can check for resonance between your dream and those of the rest of the group. Did anyone dream about your costume? Did you dream of anyone else's? Or maybe you dreamt about the galleon or the journey or having fun...
A summary report of the Halloween Costume Ball will be printed in the next issue of _Electric Dreams_.
The Halloween Costume Ball is sponsored by the *Fly-By-Night Club*. Check out our web site for more ideas and information. (Fly-By-Night Club)
AOL Chat Room
Friday, October 31st
Meet in the "DreamSwarm" chat room at 6:00 PST (We'll be on-line until 8:00 PST or so...)
We'll discuss spooky, funny dream characters and psychic dreams.
Bring a dream as your "trick or treat" gift. Come in costume!
Your host, LucidFlier (Costume for Linda Lane Magallon)
Questions ahead of time? Contact (She'll be transformed into LucidFlier only for the duration of the chat).
Sponsored by the *Fly-By-Night Club*
DreamBat13 will be unfolding his dream wings and flying though cyberspace on Halloween.
We'll be visiting new dream web sites to do a little networking and visiting old dream sites to do some updates with friends. Dreambat will also be experimenting with alternative Net communication channels, dropping in on AOL with Linda, and experimenting with IRC, ICQ and Web Message boards & splat rooms. Dreambat will leave info on these swarm activities on Usenet, alt.dreams and also on
The Halloween Swarm is co-sponsored by the *Fly-By-Night Club*, *Electric Dreams*, and *DreamGate* (Fly-By-Night Club) (Electric Dreams) (DreamGate)
Join the Next Dream Group Online!
DreamWheel 23 Begins October 1
Linley Joy (Dream Group Moderator)
Join today to participate in a relaxed exploration of dreams via email!
If you are new to Electric Dreams, or the dream community online and would like to see a sample of a Dreamwheel in action, go to and take a look or read the article on email dreamgroups by Chris Hicks at
If you would like to participate, send a request to Linley Joy at and say something like;
"Hi, please put me on the list for the next Dream Wheel Dream Group and send me instructions!"
The Electric Dreams Dream Wheel Dream Groups now have an automated mail list that makes joining and participating easy! By simply sending an email message to our automated system you are put on the list for the Dream Wheel. Once this is done all you need do is check your mail for Dream Wheel related messages!
And, when you are ready to directly participate by sending in questions for the dreamer or comments all you do is send them to a single email address. Any messages sent to this address are automatically *re-mailed* to everyone that has joined the Dream Wheel! Simple!
If you have any questions on how the Dream Wheel Dream Group operates or how to participate, please feel free to email either Linley Joy at or Richard Wilkerson at <>
Dream exploration is a fascinating process, almost always enriching, often surprising, but above all, fun. As the Dream Moderator for Dream Wheel #23, I look forward to you joining in.
Linley Joy (Dream Group Moderator)
Dream Airing Column - Victoria Quinton
Hello everyone
Anyone who would like to be an interviewee is welcome to
send me some email
Have happy and enlightening dreams everybody..
Do you have questions, answers, comments, replies? This is your column to communicate with the rest of the Electric Dream Community, so just send those email in.
Help with Lucid Dreaming:
for the past several weeks, i've been practicing recalling my dreams with relatively good success. i'm at 1-2 per night. but, i've had only one lucid dream. but, once i became lucid i ignored it while i was dreaming. i have a homemade mask to assist in alerting me when i'm dreaming but, i sweat quite a bit with it on. it's made of an ordinary sleeping mask, two LEDs, and a digital egg timer that i rewired to flash the bulbs after 95 minutes of sleep. pretty crude. i can't stand sleeping with it on account of the sweating. have you heard of anything similar occurring to others wearing such devices? any solutions?
Well, Lars Spivock answered this question, but I can't find the answer - does anyone have a copy of that?
Anyone have that Jung quote where he suggests learning as much theory as possible then forgetting it all when actually in a clinical situation?
>Yes, he meant to use ones intuition when listening to anothers dreams.
>Theory is just a foundation.
Dear Richard:
I read this question 2 days ago and have gone nuts trying to find the exact quote. I've looked through all the essays on dream interpretation, MDR, von Franz's books (hoping for a citation), and found many similar remarks, but none quite fill the memory I have of the quote you're talking about. It's so frustrating when you've read something , quote it frequently, and then can't find it. The closest I came to was in Vol. 16, beginning with para 317 through para 318. This whole essay contains wonderful advice for anyone working with client's dreams:
"...The doctor should regard every such dream as something new, as a source of information about conditions whose nature is unknown to him, concerning which he has as much to learn as the patient. It goes without saying that he should give up all his theoretical assumptions and should in every single case be ready to construct a totally new theory of dreams."
" ...we should not pare down the meaning of the dream to fit some narrow doctrine. ...There is no language that cannot be misused. As may easily be imagined, the misuse often turns the tables on us; it even seems as if the unconscious had a way of strangling the doctor in the coils of his own theory. Therefore I leave theory aside as much as possible when analysing dreams--not entirely, of course, for we always need some theory to make things intelligible. It is on the basis of theory, for instance, that I expect dreams to have a meaning. ...All other hypotheses, however, about the function and the structure of dreams are merely rules of thumb and must be subjected to constant modification. In dream analysis we must never forget, even for a moment, that we move on treacherous ground where nothing is certain but uncertainty. "
I agree to the responses to Richard's post, and would just like to add that theory comes to my aid best when I'm working with a very long dream. It really helps to look at the structure, determine the type of dream, search for compensation, associations and amplifications, and etc. Then I try to let go and just listen to the person's associations and answers to questions that arise around the dream imagery. Something will nearly always fly out that hits the mark after going around and around the dream. Von Franz says that we should use all 4 functions when interpreting dreams. If you use only theory, you're using only the thinking and sensate functions, and leaving out the feeling and intuitive functions. This is where you can see how our dominant typology will influence how we approach dream interpretation.
Dream Chat Online
Just a note about the dream discussion and experimentation list at
There have been some very interesting experiments lately on mutual dreaming.If you are interested in joining, you can sign up at the web site. If you are not familiar with mutual dreaming, you may want to check out Linda Lane Magallon's new book Mutual Dreaming at
Interview with DrmDoc September 1997
By Victoria Quinton
Recently, I updated my homepage (which is a never-ending project). I
created a dreamy links page and checked that all of the
links were current.
Then I did a net search on dreams and as a result, found DrmDoc Dream
Translation Page,
DD: Hi Victoria,
I've heard the phrase electric dreams, perhaps in a song. I have also experienced electric shock in a dream.
Never, have I turned away an inquirer's questions. I'd be delighted. Also, I sincerely appreciate your kind inclusion of my web page at your site.
VQ: Would you categorise yourself primarily as a lucid dreamer?
DD: I would categorize myself as a explorer of consciousness through dreams and dreaming.
VQ: About how long have you been online?
DD: Less than 6 months.
VQ: Had you worked much with dreams before that?
DD: I've made a personal study of dreams for nearly 20 years.
VQ: One more question I can think of is, do you work more with your own or
With other people's dreams?
DD: I work with mine and other people's dreams using my dreams as a kind of
Rosetta Stone. It seems to work extremely well.
Victoria 8*)
"Your Dream of Recovery"
Interview with Shelly Marshall by Victoria Quinton
September 1997
SM: Hello--I just read your section in the newsletter for Electric Dreams.
I wrote the book "Your Dream of Recovery"
(Dream Interpretation and the 12 steps).
I would like to be an interviewee to let people know that work
with the 12 steps and dreams.... there are a lot of us out there
but finding them is sometimes difficult.
Is this the sort of thing you had in mind?
You can read more about me at
and go to the section on my publications to see my book.
Thanks, Shelly
Anyway, some further questions:
VQ: I see that the book is dedicated to an Elsie Sechrist.
Have you met her in person?
SM: Unfortunately, no, I wish I could, even in ,my dreams!!
VQ: When did you read her book "Dreams: Your Magic Mirror"?
SM: I read it in 1969, the first year I found recovery from drugs and
Her introduction to dreams was so clear and beautiful to my muddle mind
that I believe She helped save my soul. It was a combination of her system of dream work and the 12 steps that laid the foundation for my life.
VQ In the dedication, you also mention your mother introducing you to the works of Edgar Cayce.
SM: Ah my mother, if it weren't for her, I would be dead. She introduced me to dream Interpretation and Edgar Cayce about 2 months before I got sober and she brought me to the 12 step program which she herself uses.
VQ: 12 steps originates with "Alcoholics Anonymous" and recovery.
SM: Yes it does. As you read, I wrote about the history of this in Chapter One. I would be glad to forward it to any interested readers.
VQ: Can you isolate a time or dream that melded dreams with the 12 STEPS for you?
SM: Well, dreams are about our spiritual growth and the twelve steps are too. Dreamwork is a tool to apply the 12 steps in a more meaningful way. I remember one dream in early recovery where I had red teased hair and
If I would just comb it down I would be more attractive.
After waking up, I could see it was talking about my temper (red hair-wild) and
If I'd calm (comb) down, I'd be more attractive.
This was dealing with my character defect, which is what the program is all about.
I was amazed at how my dreams were working my 12 steps with/ for me.
Another one was me hammering tresses, joining three white houses together.
This represented me building and joining, body, mind and spirit.
It also represents steps 1, 2, 3.
Step one is the body(admitting we have a disease).
Step two is mental, (we make a decision to believe a higher power can help us).
And the third is spiritual (we decide to let our higher power do it)
VQ: What would you most like to share with readers about your book?
SM: Well, I believe that my dream glossary is the best in the world. The book is a great guide to spiritual growth -- but the dream glossary is superb.
Naturally it is designed for a person to design their own--but it gives the foundation for a complete personal glossary like no other. It gives universal meanings to words in a category, suggests cultural interpretations, gives positive as well as negative connotations to be aware of, and gives societal idioms that our subconscious is likely to draw on.
There are 12 categories including colors, numbers, behavior, health, plants-- etc. Again, if anyone were interested, I'd be glad to forward (by e-mail attachment in "Works") the introduction to this and "The Four Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire".
You'll have to buy the book for the rest!
VQ: Apart from checking your website, have you any suggestions about finding others who work with the 12 step program?
SM: You can get to anywhere in recovery from my recommended sites. But going to an AA central office in your community and asking for what you want will help. Or, you can call the American Self-Help Clearinghouse at 201 625 7101 in the US or 613 728 1865 in Canada. In other countries, I would suggest AA again.
light and peace
Shelly from Soberspace
Victoria 8*)
Nocturnal Postings:
an Interview with Julia Koberlien
Nocturnal Postings is an electronic publication specializing in fiction. It focuses on, but does not necessarily limit itself to, the hours between dusk and dawn; this might include stories written at night, works inspired by dreams, things involving the night as a central element to the work, etc..
Richard Catlett Wilkerson (RCW): I noticed that Nocturnal Postings began this year as a forum
for amateur writers and artists. But how did you come up with the Nocturnal theme?
Julia Koberlien (JK): I personally get most of my best ideas in the middle of the night, and
that can be the most peaceful and uninterrupted time to write. I figured other writers had similar experiences, too.
(RCW): What caught my attention was the ~dream~ focus for the August issue. What got you interested in dreams and dreaming?
(JK): Mostly the large amount of submissions I've received in the past five months. At least seventy-five percent deal with dreams and/or interpretations. It's obviously a hot topic.
(RCW): Do you have a special dream from childhood that you remember?
(JK): It's kind of hazy now, but it involved flying - with my mom and older brother - while being chased and fired at in a deserted whitewashed town. Everything looked like it was made out of chalk. Our only refuge was a Burger Chef restaurant. It was very frightening.
(RCW): I have been pushing online and there-abouts for dreams to be considered as valid literature and dream commentary as valid literary criticism. Nocturnal Postings could really help bridge this gap by drawing out dreamers to send in their dreams as literature. Often on Electric Dreams we get so over-focused on what the dream could mean to a person and their life. Do you plan to continue offering issues where the fictions could be dreams?
(JK): Definitely!
(RCW): Do you see dreams as fiction or truth?
(JK): I've had some awfully frightening dreams, so I would have to answer fiction. Truth would make me paranoid! But seriously, I believe dreams are the fiction of our subconscious minds. I am also inspired by medieval and later dream fiction, such as the Old English "Caedmon's Hymn" and the "Dream of the Rood." Dreams have been treated as fiction for hundreds of years, and it's hard to refute that.
(RCW): I noticed the August dream theme was Dreams and Relationships. Perhaps you could send us at Edreams a short summary column each month or the themes for the next month so our writerly folks can send in submissions?
(JK): Certainly. Presently, the upcoming themes for September and October are "Dreams in the Modern World" and "Creatures in the Night," respectively. Other themes will be determined by submissions I receive.
(RCW): We've recently lost a host of writers that were warm to dreams, Allen Ginsberg and Burroughs especially. Any thoughts on their passing?
(JK): It is always sad when the world loses creative souls, but being an optomist, I choose to focus on the works these artists have left behind and the inspiration these works provide for the future.
(RCW): What plans do you have for the future of Nocturnal Postings?
(JK): I plan to continue to publish a new issue each month. Perhaps expand artwork, if I can find more art submissions. I have no plans to become a commercial site with advertising, so unfortunately Nocturnal Postings cannot affort to pay for works used. Perhaps, if one day I become independently wealthy...but that's just a dream!
You can visit Nocturnal Posting at
Or directly contact the editor
Julia Koberlein
Precognitive, Telepathic and Clairvoyant Dream Survey
By Helen Erickson
This questionnaire is designed to identify the range of experiences that people have of telepathic, clairvoyant, and precognitive dreams. Please allow time to answer all the questions as accurately as possible. Estimated time is 15-30 minutes. If you keep a record of your dreams refer to it. All responses are confidential. This questionnaire is part of a doctoral dissertation which attempts to advance the knowledge of psi in dreams. Please give as accurate an answer as possible. Please note that more than one box can be checked in many cases.
A precognitive dream is a dream where you become aware of some future event that cannot be deduced from known data or the sensory awareness of the present.
A telepathic dream is a dream where you become aware of the thoughts, feelings, or activity of another conscious being. This awareness is then later verified or confirmed in your waking life.
A clairvoyant dream is a dream where you become aware of information about an event or physical object; in contrast to telepathy, the information is assumed to derive directly from an external physical source and not from the mind of another person.
ESP or extrasensory perception is the acquisition of information about an external event, object, or influence (mental or physical; past, present or future) in some way other than through any of the known sensory channels.
This questionnaire is part of a doctoral dissertation which attempts to advance the knowledge of telepathy and precognition in dreams. Participation is voluntary and you have the right to refuse to answer any question. Your name or any identification is not requested or necessary. However, you must be 21 years or older to participate. No names will be used in the summarizing of results and interpretation of findings. All responses will be processed confidentially. There will be no follow-up contact. The return of the signed consent form is necessary for participation.
If you have any concerns or are dissatisfied at any time with any part of the study, you may report your concerns, anonymously, if you wish, to the Chair of the Human Research Review Committee, California Institute of Integral Studies, 9 Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA 94109 (or by telephone 415-674-5500.) If you would like further information or a description of the overall results of the study, you may request so with Helen Erickson, 1208 Virginia Way, La Jolla, CA 92037;
This questionnaire is online at
Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:
Dreaming Through the Houses: 8th House
<hfile href="">
Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?
There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave)dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.
This year we are focusing each month on a different House.
The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.
Notes from the Net:
The 8th house is our desire nature which functions in the conscious mind area and the cause behind many of our daily actions. The 12th house of unconscious conditions is the filter of our dream states and the recording device of life experience. Our blood system is our memory system. Our dream state rallies around the ruler of the 12th and it's natal and transit place.
Blessings,Thomas Seers AMAFA
The Ninth House:
Sagittarius. Long distance & time communication and travel, the deeper mind, profound subjects, philosophy, religion, publishing, foreigners, language, dreams.
In the first six Houses, the 9th House corresponds to the 3rd House & Gemini. If you recall, that house is about communication and mind as well. In the Third house, it might be said, we collect and communicate, while in the Ninth House we discover the meaning of all this gathered information. Often these two together make up the fuller term "Mind".
Dream: "We are on a train on a long journey. I'm thirsty and I go into a private compartment and a man there has the whole room filled. Its like Copernicus's room, with open books everywhere, globes, telescopes, maps and other instruments for navigation. I notice the man is very involved and he says he is tracing down the missing 8th harmonic of some Islamic scholar. I am amazed but haven't any idea how to relate to his project. I feel a great rush of love for the man."
How appropriate that it is often called the "House of Dreams."
Here the inner most workings are interpreted and revealed. The information gathered by that messenger and psychopomp Mercury in the Third House emerges as a new perspective in Jupiter and the Ninth House.
Dream: "I am with a business tycoon and he invites me into his office. It's full of things like model trains, compasses, books and other items. I want to talk business but he is interested in a larger project and offers me a chance to take my art to a new level by taking on this project. It's never quite clear what the project is, but I am very excited and feel it will be an amazing journey."
Jupiter is also associated with the Law, but the law has its spiritual as well as earthly order. Spiritual laws, more on the order of archetypes and religious dogma, are a grasping of the nature of the cosmos on a more intuitive level. The laws of living and being and consciousness belong to the subtle realm of the Ninth house. The close, in your face, surface truths recede in the Ninth house like the arrow of the Sagittarian archer, shooting through the surface to find its mark in a broader, more basic experience, awareness and approach. Thus the connection with philosophy and religion. Psychology and esotericism come together here in the binding search for meaning, or in Jungian terms, the path of Individuation.
For those that hide from the journey of the Self, the Ninth House can be like a Shadow and torment the person. Look for dreams of Lucifer, paths of constrictions, dream images where there is overcompensation, disillusionment, pain, endless searching, loss of faith and fears of torture.
Dream: "I see a mirror in my bedroom I've never noticed before. I put my hand through and then walk through the mirror. I enter a completely different kind of realm. Its a huge cavern filled with red lights. I see a passage way that continues out of sight. I become frightened that it might be Hell and try to get back to my room."
The Search for Meaning in the Ninth House may lead to peak experiences, a drive towards direct encounter with the larger than life, including not only traditional visions and gnostic experiences, but throwing oneself against fate, elements, problems and other more concrete adversaries. Watch for those parts of the self and dream characters that are very agnostic as well, especially if it is compulsive.
Dream: "There is an alarm that goes off on the floor where I'm working and we all have to abandon the building. We go down the elevator together but when we get to the first floor, everyone seems to be on their own. I notice on the floor several pieces of a puzzle, and feel that if can find the rest of the puzzle, we can return to the building. There is a great deal of pressure to hurry before the building collapses."
Like the archer, the person in the Ninth House needs a goal or mark to shoot for. Without this direction, we are just pissing in the wind. The wise man and fool may find this a fine activity, but the Ninth House seems to require a one-pointedness to avoid downward spirals. At least at first. The problem seems to be that this goal must be one's own. Taking on someone else's goal will not work for long as the Ninth House is not fulfilled by the individual taking on any authority but his or her own. Like Saturn, the law must emanate from within. As straight as I am characterizing this goal, the truth seems to be a more circuitous path, a wandering from one thing to another, following long paths, extended journeys, broad mental training and deep readings. All of this activity bubbles up from an underlying Jovian joy, a fountain that was not made, by the hands of man.
M. Aionia
Next month: 10th House -Aspirations, ambitions, public standings and honor. Send in your dreams to
M. Aionia at
Reflections on the Ninth House
To my understanding there is no house larger than the ninth, for it is boundless, stretching farther than the naked eye can see, one reason why "vision," "prognostication," are considered ninth house activities, X-rays and telescopes ninth house objects, where mythology and story abound. Imagine a house where activities take place in realms rather than rooms. When I find myself at once transported without accompanying feelings, I dare say I've not quite made the trip. It appears to me that the ninth house is so large and complex that us mere mortals struggle through it. People with ninth house consciousness have more to say than we sometimes can or should afford to hear, sometimes a double-edged sword. It is the house of the dreaming mind and of dreams, the expanding consciousness, the prophet and philosopher, the visionary.
Remember, also, Cassandra's fate and that of John the Baptist or the prejudices felt against the still much maligned "gypsies." On this darker note, it is a house where justice, or judgment, is passed in a court of law; a foreign land or culture where we are beset with difficulties and feel estranged; where we may experience the constraints of law, dogma and orthodoxy espoused by fanatics; where our debaucheries and other excesses may result in karmic consequences; where what we publish, broadcast, advertise or propogandize boomerangs on either the bombast or the individual or society swept away; our counsel and advice to others falling short of intent or drastically overreaching its mark.
Yet here more than anywhere else, I feel shaped by raw feeling, for who cannot weep unabashedly at the feet of an awesome God(dess) of My or Your Understanding, to find oneself, filled with awe, reborn. It is where I go to touch my soul, and I can walk through the hallways of orthodox religion, ritual, profound study, meditation, formal learning, or dreams, and many others besides, to do so. I can fly or sail to foreign realms, immerse myself in diverse cultures. When I allow myself to experience the room or realm, I find my day-to-day reality upturned, my consciousness expanded, as I reclaim or own the inheritance already mine.
I am surprised when I recall some of the very special feelings the ninth house inspires: adoration, a spirit of adventure, reverence, wanderlust, wonder, awe, an exhilarating rush, liberality, love of truth and freedom, prayerful feelings, magnanimity, inspiration, desire to philosophize, confidence and faith, enthusiasm, zeal, buoyancy, authenticity, mystery, rapture, righteousness, a sense of destiny. When I experience those feelings, especially consistently over time, I cannot help but be transformed/reborn anew.
Now it is very curious to me when I stumble across a person with a ninth house developing or developed consciousness because I really want to read or listen intently to what they have to say, while exercising my developing powers of discernment, also ninth house. Fortunately we have to look no further than the commentary provided by a dreamer in this issue whose allusions to dreams seem to suggest a seamless interweaving between dream and day-to-day reality. His commentary, entitled The Immortal, The Living and the Dead, made mention of God 23 times; Muslim, 5; Jesus or Christ, 10; spirit, 5; religious or religion, 6; prophet, 3; Mohamed, 2; Buddha, 2; hexagram, 3; foreign, 3; Tibetan Yogi, 1; Catholic, 1 as some examples. Once immersed in his commentary, I felt a bit of the void filled through my lack of either ninth house dreams or feelings in recent times.
Following are some quotes obtained online which, I hope, may help to clarify ninth house themes and dreams.
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for? Robert Browning
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects. Herman Melville
The people I'm furious with are the women's liberationists. They keep getting up on soap boxes and proclaiming that women are brighter than men. It's true, but it should be kept quiet or it ruins the whole racket. Anita Loos
When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly.
Patrick Overton
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to he man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt
Our faith in the present dies out long before our faith in the future. Ruth Benedict
By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Confucius
The stories of childhood leave an indelible impression, and their author always has a niche in the temple of memory from which the image is never cast out to be thrown on the rubbish heap of things that are outgrown and outlived.
Howard Pyle
Fanatacism consists in redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim.
George Santayana
Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world. Arthur Schopenhauer
FAIRY TALE, n: a horror story to prepare children for the newspapers. ZEAL, n: A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced. Ambrose Bierce
The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. Muriel Rukeyser
"And don't tell me God works in mysterious ways", Yossarian continued "There's nothing mysterious about it, He's not working at all. He's playing. Or else He's forgotten all about us. That's the kind of God you people talk about, a country bumpkin, a clumsy, bungling, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed. Good God, how much reverence can you have for a Supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of Creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatalogical mind of His when He robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did He ever create pain?"
Joseph Heller, Catch22
Years ago fairy tales all began with "Once upon a time...", now we know they all begin with, "If I am elected..."
Carolyn Warner
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least in Heat Moon, Blue Highways
Nigel gave the lamp a cautious buff and small smoking red letters appeared in the air. "Hi," Nigel read aloud, "Do not put down the lamp because your custom is important to us. Please leave a wish after the tone and, very shortly, it will be our command. In the meantime, have a nice eternity."
Terry Pratchett, Sorcery
Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.
Plato, The Republic. Book VII. 529
Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth, more than ruin, more even than death....Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and
comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.
Bertrand Russell
Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.
Ambrose Bierce
Life is the only real counselor; wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue.
Edith Wharton
Laws are only words words written on paper, words that change on society's whim and are interpreted differently daily by politicians, lawyers, judges, and policemen. Anyone who believes that all laws should always be obeyed would have made a fine slave catcher. Anyone who believes that all laws are applied equally, despite race, religion, or economic status, is a fool. John J. Miller, And Hope to Die (in Jokertown Shuffle Wild Cards IX)
All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
Thomas Paine
Why is it when we talk to God we're said to be praying, but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic?
Lily Tomlin
Man has always sacrificed truth to his vanity, comfort and advantage. He lives by make believe. W. Somerset Maugham, The Summing Up, 1938
The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.
Oscar Wilde
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.
Helen Keller
Suppose that we are wise enough to learn and know and yet not wise enough to control our learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves?...Even if that is so, knowledge remains better than ignorance. It is better to know even if the knowledge endures only for the moment that comes before destruction than to gain eternal life at the price of a dull and swinish lack of comprehension of a universe that swirls unseen before us in all its wonder. That was the choice of Achilles, and it is mine, too.
Isaac Asimov, The New Hugo Winners
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Albert Einstein
If the quotes above confuse and muddle sensing/apprehending ninth house dreams, then read anything by Walt Whitman...or dream archetypal? grandiose? lofty? dreams...
The tragic death of Princess Diana set into motion an international swirl of public and private concern, mass media events, talks, conversations, personal reflections and yes, dreams. Those who follow their dreams parallel the processes the general public follow. We struggle with both private and public suffering. Institutions and public processes are brought into question, and our connection with our personal beliefs, images and values emerge. We sort through which of our feelings are mediated by public media events, and which are private concerns for who Diana was to us. Where is she the real person, where the Princess, and where is she a symbol for our own inner life?
I was discussing this event with the dream content analysis researcher, William Domhoff. We were talking about how world events are not usually part of our dream life. Work, for example, is rarely dreamt about. Bill said that his colleague , the famous dream researcher Calvin Hall was teaching a class and collecting dreams in the 1940's. After the atomic bombs were dropped in Japan, he noted that not one of his students had dreams about this event. "Given that we dream so rarely about world events," said Domhoff, "underscores just how deeply Diana was a part of our *personal* concerns." In terms of her fairy tale like rise to nobility, yet her continual struggle with 'common' problems of bulemia, sexuality and other needs, she publically acted out our fantasies and struggles.
On the other hand, Diana also held & symbolized the larger than personal, the values we aspire to be like. This not only included her being selected and noticed by the prince, but also in her heroic efforts to help others less fortunate. The fact that her death evoked such a large international response, became itself an larger-than-life event and has caused the re-examination of many social practices, including the monarchy, the media, and our own roles in her accident. When Mother Teresa then died as well, the two events were often read together, as if a general assumption of great women was taking place.
In the Dream Section of Electric Dreams 4-9 you will be able to see a sample of these dreams and their special and unique ways of coping with these events.
An now, what do we make of all this, what changes in our behavior and potentials are now available? In our articles section we deepen the imagery of this event and offer a few perspectives by which to help investigate our own dreams and feeling of September, 1997, a month when the whole world cried.
Princess Diana's Death as a Ripple in the Collective Field of
Consciousness: Personal Ruminations in the Context of My Work With the Cree.
Jayne Gackenbach
Athabasca University
I asked my class at Maskwachees Cultural College where were they when they heard about the death of Princess Diana? All recalled their exact physical locations as did I, sort of. Although my waking consciousness heard the news of the Princess's death as I was driving in my car about midnight central standard time when it came over the radio, something deeper in me "heard" it hours earlier.
About 6 PM I was experiencing extreme agitation/anxiety. Being a type A personality one might point out, "well, that's not anything new", but this was different in its intensity and sense of being driven to do something, but what? As is often the case when we experience unknown intense emotions at the time I tried to label it in terms of my current circumstances. At 7 PM I went into a movie and upon leaving the theatre a couple of hours later I recall thinking to myself, "Ah, this is much better" regarding my previous agitation which was simply gone and replaced by a sense of tranquillity. The scientist in me argued, that's the effect of the movie, but "Austin Powers" leading to tranquillity!
I dropped any attempts to internally account for this sequence of feelings until after I heard about Diana's death several hours later. As I lay in bed mulling over what I had heard in the hour or so of late night news I had tuned into regarding her death I realized that my experience earlier in the evening coincided exactly with the time between her accident and her death. Then I remembered a similar experience I had around the death of a Native American woman in 1992, CrowWoman. I wrote about this experience in my book "The Traditional Death of CrowWoman":
We all expected every day that week to be her last. Every moment of every day the family waited. But the moments passed, the hours passed, the days passed. I stayed away feeling that it was not my place to go to the hospital. This was the time for the family only. Friday night I picked up her grandson intending to keep him for the weekend. Although he was a bit hyper he seemed OK. Saturday morning as he and my son played while my daughter slept in, I got really restless. I thought, "Oh, this is ridiculous, she's still alive! I'm just gonna go read her that book [Tibetan Book of the Dead]. Maybe she needs to hear it." As much as I find this book intellectually interesting, I am not a practicing Tibetan Buddhist. Therefore I didn't seriously think she had to have the book read to her. But I had been surprised that she was still alive when I had returned from India a week earlier, after attending a conference on sleeping, dreaming and dying with the Dalai Lama, and she had asked me to read it to her. But when I went to do it the next night (Monday) she had taken a turn for the worse and it was a death watch. Then the following Saturday morning I had this strong impulse to go to the hospital. I hadn't gone all week. I hurriedly dressed, grabbed the book and drove to the hospital. Upon entering I checked the cafeteria and found her sister and the Old Man's wife, having a smoke. I joined them. Within 15 minutes of my arrival CrowWoman died.
I very much felt I had no control over any of these events and that I was a pawn in something that was unfolding. I ended up not only taking her grandson into my heart but also writing a book about her remarkable death. Almost exactly five years later as I laid in bed mulling over my sense of shock at the death of Diana I realized that the feelings of earlier in the evening were the exact same ones I had experienced that Saturday morning when CrowWoman died and called me to be in the light of her death.
In this case much of the western world has experienced the light of Princess Diana's death. That week, along with the rest of the world, I followed the unfolding story. I cried softly from time to time during the week and my heart just ached for her boys. I thought to myself as the grief spread and its breadth and depth became increasingly apparent that this was a spiritual event unfolding. I mentioned this idea to CrowWoman's daughter who agreed but the scientist in me needed confirmation, a further sign. I knew that something else had to happen but despite wild internal speculations did not image what it would be. When the sign arrived, the death of Mother Theresa, there was no longer any doubt in my mind about the spiritual nature of this moment in time. With the death of Mother Theresa so close in time to the death of Princess Diana and during the time of such deep grieving for many in the western world it seemed that the death of Mother Theresa somehow joined our two worlds, east and west, in grief for our beloved women. Both mothers in a personal as well as a transpersonal sense.
Then one of my middle aged students from Blue Quills First Nations College came up to me shyly after class earlier today cradling the "National Enquirer", "Star" and "People Magazine" in her arms. She told me that she was saving these for her children so they would have a record of these powerful events. She too felt that a spiritual event was unfolding, perhaps she hesitantly suggested "the end of the monarchy". At this time of a call to self government for Native peoples in central Alberta the idea of the end of the monarchy is shocking. In their stories of their history with the crown the central Alberta Cree often speak about Queen Victoria as somehow understanding their plight. I was born on Queen Victoria's birthday.
Layers upon layers of "coincidences" from the deeply personal to the clearly transpersonal are emerging for as all as we mull over and continue to grieve these dual deaths and the ripple they have caused in our collective consciousness.
Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D.
Internet Educational Consultant Information:
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Diana, the Living Myth
Diana/Artemis in Greek and Roman Mythology
copyright 1997 by Tracy Marks
hfile =
Princess Diana has already become a living archetype, reaching deeply into the personal and collective unconscious of people all over the world, inspiring them. Yet few may be aware that she also personified the myth of the Roman goddess Diana (the Greek Artemis), who was not only true to her own free spirit, but also committed to humanitarian values.
The goddess Diana was a huntress, but she was also nurturer of children and feminine values, and protector of the weak and vulnerable.
Earl Spencer, Diana's brother, stated at her funeral: "It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this: a girl given the name of the anicent goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age."
Let us explore further the myth of the goddess Diana, and reflect upon its psychological meaning, and its relevance to Princess Diana.
Diana was goddess of the Moon, the heavenly light that illuminates the darkness. Sometimes, she was portrayed as a torchbearer, whose torch or candle lit the way for others. Regal and dignified, she held the reins of her life, and drove her own chariot through uncharted territory.
Diana ruled the wilderness, the untamed frontiers of nature. Today we might wonder: Did her realms also include inner terrains and the uncharted emotional wilderness?
Images of Diana in Greek and Roman myth often portray her accompanied by animals, (particularly young stags) or surrounded by women who appealed to her for help in childbearing. Diana was a protector of children, and responded to the vulnerable and suffering. She defended the powerless from unjust treatment by the patriarchy, and took decisive action in their behalf.
Diana's role as nurturer and protectress of all began early in life. She began helping her mother Leto as soon as she was born, by delivering her own twin brother Apollo. Her mother needed more nurturing from her
own daughter than she was able to give in return. All too frequently, the young Diana felt abandoned by Leto, and compelled to come to her mother's aid.
This independent, and yet compassionate goddess was readily available to others, but also vulnerable, and not known to have had particularly satisfying relationships with men, except for her brother Apollo.
But even her relationship with her brother was not always smooth. Her one great romantic love was the handsome and revered giant, Orion, whom her brother did not like. One day Apollo tricked her by betting her that she could not hit a distant object with her arrows.
Thriving on challenges, Artemis aimed, only to discover that her confidence, competence and intuitive aim beheaded her lover. Forever after, she grieved that she had so unintentionally incapacitated her lover, and proceeded to make him a star in the sky since he no longer could be the star that brightened her time on earth.
For graphics and more on Diana Mythology go to:
Diana and Diana/Artemis
(that's a 1 as in ONE)
For links, pictures articles and more
Diana A Tribute is
Thanks to
Tracy Marks
Hooray! It's the End of an Age
Linda Lane Magallon
The strongest image of the Age of Pisces is the wounded man hanging from a cross. His partner fish, swimming in circles in the Sea of Unconscious. is the wounded woman. Whether she be Mother Gaia or Princess Diana, this is indeed the Queen of Hearts, or, in the Waite Tarot deck, the Queen of Cups, the suit of water, emotion and feeling.
It's curious that Diana is not a water-Pisces, though. She's a water-Cancer, like the water-Cancer USA, that ended monarchy in favor of democracy. (Not incidentally, the American Revolution occurred just at the time of the discovery of the revolutionary planet Uranus, the ruler of the Age of Aquarius. And Uranus was a British brother and sister pair.) I agree with Maureen Roberts that Queen Elizabeth is a perfect earth-Capricorn foil for water-Cancer Diana. And this brings up an interesting point: the opposite sign in the Zodiac can be a partner...or a shadow.
So what's opposite of Pisces, the dichotomous fish? Virgo the Virgin. Earth-Virgo. As in the old Earth Mother Goddess reinvented as Mary, Mother of God. Or Mother Theresa (who was also born under Virgo, a double whammy). Or even, the namebearer of the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth. Or maybe, more to the point, Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, the patron saint of philanthropy. Not the wounded woman, the woman of the wounded. And guess where both Diana and Mother Theresa's lives ended? Under the sign of Virgo.
Death on and off the cross has been suffered for 2000 years. We've been crying, in and out of our dreams, for two centuries, now. Do you begin to see why I see this particular global ending as a Very Good Sign? The herald of the end of an Age.
But first, we must get it right: the grieving, the sadness under the suffering Moon. And so we do what is perfect for the receptive Age of Pisces. We react to the event with heart-full dreams, awash in the emotional tide of the Sea of Unconscious.
How very unlike the revolutionary, humanitarian Age of Aquarius, when, instead of living under the hand and sea surface of watery-earthen Fate, we will favor the hand lifting the water jar high with airy-fiery Free Will. Yes! Finally, doing Aquarian dreamwork to get out of the repeating nightmare-hellish rut of Not-So-Good Friday and going all the way to Easter Ascension!
This is when, instead of grieving, we will rejoice. When, instead of reacting, we will become proactive. When we will incubate and induce, dreaming up our own reality...building the blueprint for the launch of strong new lucid Aquarian/Leonine women to act as our global blueprints of the awake-and-dreaming female for the truly sunny New Age.
I can hardly wait. And I'm a water-Scorpio.
Dreams, Death and Diana:
Lessons in Personal and Collective Healing
Maureen Roberts
Like many others, I have been drawn deeply and with powerful emotion into the tragedy of Diana's death. On the night I heard about it (Sunday), I felt an overwhelming desire to be of some help to her. The same night, I was devastated after falling asleep - I ended up spending the entire night with Diana in a long and complex dream ritual. I cannot do justice in words to the powerful feelings and images in this dream; they were complex, reassuring, and distressing, yet overall, something very positive was, I feel, achieved.
Throughout this long dreaming, I was very close to Diana and was helping wash blood off of her (into a large bath); I remember watching it swirl clockwise around and down the plug-hole while at the same time we were talking in detail about the irreversibility of what had happened, and the reality of the here and now; she found it hard to accept that she could not yet leave the place where we were, or that she was in fact dead; she was not overly distressed, more like puzzled, tired, and regretful but the main focus of the dream was on her healing (of soul and body) and on my offer (not in words, but simply as something that happened) to take on myself her woundedness. There was no particular point at which this happened, but suddenly I began to feel physically badly hurt, weak, and aching, as if I were recovering from a recent and devastatingly major operation. I looked down the front of my body, which was badly bruised from the upper chest area, and a huge, healing scar was running down my body. The scar was like a long clean scalpel cut - a thin line that was already closed up. I felt a kind of joy and wonderment at this, partly, I think, because (in a relieved fashion) I'd taken on the woundedness in a kind of recovery mode, without having endured the preliminary shock and horror of its cause. I recall that this process - helping Diana wash herself free of blood, talking through what was now real, and feeling wounded - was enacted over and again in different ways several times, until there was an acceptance by her of death, after which I was free to leave her in peace.
I can't describe the kind of closeness this all involved; it wasn't what you'd call friendship, or sisterliness, or motherliness; it was (for want of better words) an indefinable sense of oneness, sorrow, patience, and compassion. For the next couple of days, I felt continual grief and profound emotion, and could not concentrate on any work, but I also felt glad and immensely gratified (on her behalf) that I'd been able to help out. Quite frankly, I'm still somewhat awed and stunned by this dream - just as I was for weeks after I'd visited the Sun and helped heal Him. I'll also add that the place in which I spent time with her seemed like a sort of neutral ground; it was quiet and supremely functional - there were baths, pathways, and towels there, sort of like an ancient Greek garden, but with no sense of heaven; just a low-key, peaceful place for getting done what had to be done immediately there and then. It wasn't like any other place I've encountered in shamanic journeying, but featured lots of off-white stoneware and buildings, and other folk wandering about, absorbed in other business. The dream was also more feeling-dominated than visual, but the sense of personal reality was overwhelming and deeply moving."
Homage to and meditations on Diana as myth . . .
One of the phrases that has become attached to Diana is "Queen of Hearts"; it seems that folk prefer to see her now as a Queen, a mature version of the Princess who has turned her suffering into compassion for humanity. In my Arthurian Tarot pack, the Queen of Hearts is the Grail Queen, who is described as follows (this sounds exactly like Diana):
"She is intuitive and sympathetic, her compassionate nature embraces all; she imparts the gifts of love to all who encounter her; her depth of emotion marks her as the upholder of the Grail."
The image is of her standing before a rough-hewn doorway in a cliff wall, behind which can be seen the ocean. In her hands she holds a bowl out of which five streams of red wine, the colour of blood, are flowing. It would seem, on reflection, that the old Arthurian myth of the Grail King, who is wounded because of the illness of the land, is being superseded by a Grail Queen myth, personified as Diana. For whereas the Grail King retreats to his Castle in his wounded state, the Grail Queen does not, but instead transforms her pain into the healing of others.
As I noted to jung-psyc, reflecting on my dream of Sunday, I am moved by two key images: the blood spiraling clockwise into the bath, and my own woundedness. The first image resonates with the alchemical bath of transformation and with a Medieval alchemy picture I have of Christ sitting in the round bath of life, flanked on either side by the alchemical King and Queen, and the Sun and Moon, and pierced through the side with a spear. --- From the wound, blood pours into the bath, while from the upper right corner, from a wine press, wine flows into the bath. I am reminded here of Jung's comments late in life about death, when he suggested that it was a mysterium coniunctionis, a marriage, or union through which the soul finally regains its lost wholeness. The alchemical union of red and white (King and Queen) and the circulatio appear in the dream in the guise of the spiraling blood in the white bath. As for the myth that is emerging, my feeling is that it's too early to fully appreciate that yet, but this tragedy has touched many on the level which only an archetypal drama can, and a myth of simultaneous wounding and healing will assuredly emerge. Perhaps it is not King Arthur who will return, but more that the Grail Queen will heal the wounded land. But for that to happen, we must still answer the question, "Whom does the Grail serve"?"
"I guess the point is that we must all answer this question in our own way, and from our hearts rather than from our heads, since the Grail suite (e.g. in the Arthurian deck) is the one most attuned to the heart's pain and wisdom. As Yeats said, "No symbol tells all its meaning to any generation," hence the meaning of the Grail is inexhaustible; but in each age, its message is one of wounding and healing, and union with the divine. The Grail has before now served the Wounded King - and now it serves the wounded Queen of Hearts, inasmuch as she is also each of us."
"I feel this dream was collective as well as personal; we have all felt wounded in our Eros side (the heart region) by Diana's death, so the wound I received was both mediatory (myself as Wounded Healer) and representative of what we're all feeling. (I am a practicing shaman and in the dream was, from this perspective, being called upon, as shamans often are, to help a suffering and bewildered soul come to terms with death). Certainly we need to keep talking about this shattering event if we are to avoid letting it subside, unresolved, back into the unconscious. If we do the latter, someone else may be fated to live the same destiny as Diana, until we understand that we all can and must become "com-passionate" wounded healers. The myth must now be made the conscious responsibility of each of us toward a suffering world."
"I think one of the key statements in Earl Spencer's address was that there's no need for us to canonize Diana, because she stands tall enough as a human being. If we make a saint of her, then we are admitting our inability to embody what she did: simple compassion for suffering humanity. Elizabeth, because she symbolizes the opposing cold detachment of patriarchy and the inflexibility of the senex archetype, is not someone we can readily share our frail humanity and deepest feelings with, whereas Diana felt like a friend and mutually fragile human to us all. (Interestingly, the patriarchy of the Royals is dominated by the Capricornian senex archetype; its opposite pole, the Puer, is characterized by its childlike vulnerability and idealism. The opposite to Capricorn/Saturn/senex is also Cancer, sign of the Mother. Needless to say - oh, how the myths multiply! - Diana was a Cancer Sun, hence extremely maternal). Like Diana, the Queen, too, is playing an inescapable archetypal role (the stern senex), but what our age needs now is its opposite, the Eros of Puer vulnerablity, and the horizontal axis of soul and 'Soul-making'."
"I think Diana started out as a fairytale Princess - the frail Maiden who idealistically captures the Prince. But once this innocence and ideal was shattered, she became a tragically mythic figure and mature woman. Her triumph is that she turned her vulnerability, as victim, into strength and compassion, as heroine. (Marilyn M, for whom Elton's song was originally written, never got past this victim/anima projection/tragic Venus stage). Diana, on the other hand, rescued herself from her pain and transcended it through serving humanity; so can we."
"Shamans are often called upon to lead or escort the dead, or to help them cross over to the afterlife. This is a great responsibility and privilege, and it can cost dearly. A few nights after the Grail Queen dream, I had a quite wonderful dream of Diana in which she was taking on a new role - teaching dancing. It was as if she'd at last found the chance to do what she'd always wanted to and she was trying out some new steps and showing them to me. We were in a kind of low-key holiday resort, something like a place in New Zealand, along with some other folk, and it was she who was offering to teach me."
Maureen Roberts, PhD
(Jungian Therapist & Shaman)
Editor's Note:. It is interesting that Actaeon is one of the Diana cycle myths. Here is a guy who went off the path, experienced something special and was torn to shreds by his own dogs, unrecognized by his own friends. I keep thinking about how Diana the princess saw or was so special, went off the Royal path, was no longer recognized (as a commoner, nor as unapproachable royalty) by her "dogs" or common companions and eventually torn to shreds by them. - Richard
September-October 1997
This Month's Features:
- Sleepwalkers Coming 1 November
- "The Transcendent in Relationships and Dreams" -- Ann & Barry Ulanov
- Explore Your Dreams
- Video Review: The Language of Dreams
- New German Lucid Dreams Discussion List
- A Dream Practicum
- Photography & Dreams -- Grete Stern Exhibition
- Ione's Dream Festival and Deep Listening Space
- Dreamwork for Psychotherapists
- Mutual Dreaming on T.V.
- Dream-Telling Among the Elderly -- Input Desired
- Dreams of Princess Diana Sought
- Staying Awake While Asleep
- Dolphin and Whale Dreams Needed
- Dream-Quest
- A Study Guide for C.G. Jung's Dream AnalysisTelling Among
- Shelley's Dream World
- Interactive Dreaming
- Dream Journalist
- Tiger's Nest: A dream enhancement approach with product and service offerings.
- CRC Theory
- Sleep, Dreams and Wakefulness
- Drm Doc's Page
- Shelly Marshal's Dreams and Recovery
DREAM CALENDAR for October-November 1997
<<<< Sleepwalkers Coming 1 November >>>>
Sleepwalkers, a new television program based on dreams, will premier Saturday 1 November on NBC at 9:00 pm. The plot revolves an exiled Stanford professor (Bruce Greenwood) and some of his former students from the Morpheus Institute, a dream-research firm investigating the connection between the unconscious and waking worlds. Lucid dream author and researcher Stephen LaBerge was the consultant on the series. Sleepwalkers takes a decidedly more inward approach to thrill-seeking than some of its weekend competition, like X-Files. Dr. Nathan Bradford (Greenwood) is a neurophysiologist who has developed technology that allows people to engage in lucid dreaming--while taking researchers along for the ride. Bradford also uses his technology to stay in touch with his comatose wife, but, surprisingly, this doesn't come off as a maudlin plot device. Sleepwalkers is a promising drama worth staying home on a Saturday night for. The cast is uniformly good, especially Greenwood in the restrained role of a doctor compelled to investigate the healing possibilities of dreams because of his wife. Cast includes Bruce Greenwood, Naomi Watts, Jeffrey D. Sams, Abraham Benrubi, and Kathrin Nicholson. For reviews, or more information on the series, check out these sites:
<<<< The Transcendent in Relationships and Dreams" -- Ann & Barry Ulanov >>>> The Haden Institute will sponsor a Friday evening workshop by two outstanding New York Jungian analysts and professors, October 3 at Queens College (McEwen Bldg.) 1900 Selwyn Avenue, Charlotte, NC. The cost is $35 and the time is 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM. To register please send the appropriate fee and registration form to: The Haden Institute 1819 Lyndhurst Ave. Charlotte, NC 28203-5103 P:704/333- 6058 F:704/333-605. Or, for more information e-mail Bob Haden at and visit their web site at:
<<<< Explore Your Dreams >>>>
In this class series, join Barry Winkler on an inner adventure into the realm of your dreams. Learn how to remember, record and connect with the meaning of your dreams for spiritual guidance, emotional healing and creativity. Jungian, transpersonal and shamanic dream techniques as well as creative expression will be used as avenues of dream exploration. Participants will be asked to keep a journal of their dreams and will have an opportunity to work on their dreams in class. A workbook will be provided to each participant. Barry Winkler, Ph.d., MFCC, is a transpersonal psychotherapist who specializes in dreamwork. Since 1986 he has worked with individuals, conducted dream groups and taught dreamwork classes. This course will be held at East-West Bookshop, 324 Castro Street, Mountain Vie , CA , Wednesdays, October 1 through November 5, 12:00-1:30 -pm. The cost is $120. For more information on this event, call 650-306-8188.
<<<< Video Review: The Language of Dreams >>>>
Presented by TMW Media Group
From images to archetypes, The Language of Dreams brings Jung's psychology to life, in a compelling exploration of the dynamic relationship between our dreaming and waking lives. Through an intriguing blend of educational instruction, dream sharing, and deft interpretation, The Language of Dreams enables one to gain a deeper awareness of the transformative potential inherent in Jung's unique approach to dreamwork.
The Language of Dreams is a series of fifteen video tapes which explore dreams and their messages. Hosted by Elizabeth Strahan, a Jungian analyst, it features conversations with other authors and analysts. The videos are presented in a teaching format-the host introduces the topic, discusses it conceptually, and then illustrates it through dream sharing or dialogue with an invited guest. Inherent in the entire series are three underlying methodologies: dream inviting, dream catching, and dream weaving (the process of weaving waking and sleeping realities together to arrive at a deeper fabric of meaning).
The tapes are grouped into three courses as follows:
The Short Course
consisting of two videos, "Understanding Your Dreams" and "Relating to Your Dreams," gives you a simple dreamwork method as embellished by actual work within a dream group setting. The method is easy to remember and use, and is powerful in its ability to connect to the dream in a productive way at all levels of personal, cultural, and archetypal experience. The presentation consists primarily in observing the dreamwork process in action. The remainder of the tapes build upon this basic method, focusing on dream content and its meaning to the dreamer.
The Basic Course
consisting of six videos, takes a look at men and women in dreams from opposite and same sex perspectives, and introduces the concepts of Masculine/ Feminine principles, and the Shadow. Rich with references to mythological motifs and archetypal symbols, this course examines dream territory common to us all, shedding light not only on our dreams, but on our waking relationship to ourselves and others.
The Complete Course
encompassing the basic course and including an additional nine tapes, is divided into two primary subject areas-symbols in dreams and the nature of relationships. The first subject focuses on common dream symbols and their archetypal meanings; for example, birds, insects, snakes, vehicles of transportation (cars, trains, bicycles, etc.), and, of particular significance to women, clothing/adornment and cycles of life (including birth, menstruation, pregnancy, and old age). The relationship tapes broaden the material covered in the earlier segments on masculine/feminine principles to delve into the nature of the Anima and Animus, personality types, and an exciting discussion on the alchemy of relationships which draws parallels between alchemy and the process of individualization through relationship.
Included with the courses are bibliographies, suggested reading material, and a study guide which not only provides concise summaries of the key points explored, but also a variety of exercises complementing and enhancing the material covered.
Whether you're a student of Jung, a practicing analyst, or simply a dreamer interested in Jung's psychology, The Language of Dreams contains a wealth of vital information, provocative discussion, and food for thought. To find out more about the series, contact TMW Media Group, 2321 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, CA 90291. Phone 310-577-8581 or 800-262-8862 or FAX 310-574-0886 or visit the Dreamweavers Web site at
<<<< New German Lucid Dreams Discussion List >>>>
A new discussion mailing list in the German language about lucid dreaming is now up and running. Even though some mails include texts in English, it is important that only people who speak German subscribe to avoid chaos. The list is called the luCiDiTy-list: Subscription is accomplished by sending an email to with the words 'subscribe lucdt-l' in the body of the mail.
<<<< Photography & Dreams -- Grete Stern Exhibition >>>>
Work of the now 93 year old German Grete Stern, will be exhibited in the Dutch town of Sittard (south) in location 'Het Domein', from 6 September - 2 November. Grete Stern was educated at the legendary Bauhaus-institute in Dessau. In 1936 she went to Buenos Aires, still her present dwellling place. Several years she illustrated dream interpretations for the ladies magazine IDILIO. An example of such a photomontage is depicted in the announcement of the exhibition in the newspaper 'De Volkskrant', date 4/9.
<<<< A Dream Practicum >>>>
The New England Society of Jungian Analysts is pleased to announce its Public Program for Fall 1997. All events are open to the general public and will be held at the C.G. Jung Institute-Boston. Lectures: $15 Seminars and Workshops: $75 - $175. One of the programs, a Dream Practicum, is a seminar by Jacqueline M. Schectman, LICSW, 6 Wednesdays, Oct. 8 - Nov. 12, 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Dreams present their messages with great clarity and amazing economy; all that is in question is our ability to understand, to feel into dream imagery. In this practicum participants will work with their own material as they learn to move within dreamscapes, the better to see and hear the language of the night. Recommended reading: Robert Bosnak's _A Little Course on Dreams._ Class will be limited to 15 participants. For more information about registration or other Institute programs, please contact: C.G. Jung Institute-Boston, 283 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. Tel: (617) 267-5984 E-mail:
<<<< ALCHERINGA : Let Us Dream Our Future >>>>
The night of the winter solstice, 20th to the 21st of December 1997, is the time for joining a global dreaming event, Planetary Dream 97. The Planetary Dream 97 is part of the project Alcheringa : a series of five planetary dreams which will lead us in the aboriginal Australian land in the year 2000. The cyberspace, link between the real world and the dream world, will serve as main support for the exchanges which will go with the project. Meetings on Internet, via the IRC program (Internet Relay Chat) will take place from the 4th of September on the channel <oniros> (network or other Undernet server), each Thursday evening, starting at 9 PM (GMT +1). A special didjeridou rave (techno music) focused on the planetary dream will be organized in Paris (and in other european towns like Amsterdam, Prague, etc) in the days preceding the planetary dream.
Instructions to the dreamers
In order to succeed the induction of the Planetary Dream 97, it is advised for the participants to follow the classical rules for dream incubation voluntary induction of specific dream contents) :
1. During the day and before going to sleep, become impregnated with the call for the planetary dream and its theme : the gathering. Think of the way you will participate in this meeting... What will you bring ? Which present will you give to the other dreamers ?
2. Just before you fall asleep and in state of relaxation : * Immerse yourself in the image (in the process of creation), visual support to the induction. * induce the dream through a formulation such as : This night, I shall participate in the planetary gathering.
3. When you wake up, record your dream as accurately as possible, whatever the contents is.
4. Send your dream as soon as possible, before the 31st of december 1997 : * either by email : * or by postal mail : Oniros, BP 30, 93451 Ile Saint-Denis, France.
Composition of the planetary dream -- All the dreams sent by email or postal mail will be registered on the NET as soon as they are received to make up a specific electronic journal, the Dream Time, dated 20th to 21st of December 1997, available for consultation by all the participants at the following URL addresses :
Oniros : EASD :
To be sure of the outcome of the Planetary dream, the incubated dream has to be named, dated, with time indication, and sent with your email or postal address. If you cannot send an email, you can go to a cybercafé in order to send your dream, see the dreams of the others and surf on the dream sites.
<<<< Photography & Dreams -- Grete Stern Exhibition >>>> Work of the now 93 year old German Grete Stern, will be exhibited in the Dutch town of Sittard (south) in location 'Het Domein', from 6 September - 2 November. Grete Stern was educated at the legendary Bauhaus-institute in Dessau. In 1936 she went to Buenos Aires, still her present dwellling place. Several years she illustrated dream interpretations for the ladies magazine IDILIO. Of the 140 ORIGINAL fotomontages G. made between 1949 - '52, only one is left. The other were thrown away by the editors of Idilio, (and would have been worth more than 10.000 guilders/5000 dollar nowadays). The other exposed dream illustrations (30 in the catalogue) are reproductions from the Idilio volumes. At the time of production their value was not recognized. Only 15 years ago, after a large photo-manifestation in Houston (USA), artistic appreciating started, culminating in 1995 in an exhibition in Valencia, Spain, where the montages formed the heart of an exposition of the IVA Centre Julio González. Mrs. Stern was born in Wuppertal in 1904. She changed her major in musical training to graphical art, after which an exhibition of American photographer Edward Weston evoked her interest in photography. In Dessau she got lessons from W. Peterhans. In 1929 she started the photo- & graphical designing studio 'ringl & pit' with her friend Ellen Auerbach in Berlin. Growing antisemitism destroyed the promising future of the studio. In 1933 they fled to London, where she married the Argentinian fellow-student Horacio Coppola. She made portraits of exile-artists, as B. Brecht and Helene Weigel. In 1936 she headed for Argentina, until the sixties, when her photo's were rediscovered. Their studio in Buenos Aires was not succesful. Compared with her (artist)portraits, architecture & anthropological recordings, of which she may be called an expert, the work for Idilio looks almost frivolous. For a column, in which every week a dream of readers was explained, she was asked to make illustrations. The dream interpretor was an Italian- Argentinian psychologist, Gino Germani, (pseudonym 'Richard Rest'). She used the freedom to express her ideas, to give her own personal comment to the dream, often laying accents differently than (differing from, deviating from) the therapeutic explanation by Germani. Being a woman, always having gone her own way, she had a modern view of (or: upon) the position of women in a macho society like (or: as) the Argentinian. For her it was a challenge to make an illustration in which all readers could recognize them (their ?) selves: being locked up in a little cage, or bottle, chased by wild animals, bearing a heavy load, hanging above an abyss, balancing on a roof, simple comments but to the point. Other photo's are less explicit and leave room for personal interpretation. Sometimes they make one think of old Hitchcock movies, where in the past photomontages mostly were used for political photocollages, Stern's photo's are surely interesting sociological products. For more information on obtaining a catalog of the artist's works, contact chris <>
<<<< Ione's Dream Festival and Deep Listening Space>>>> 73 Broadway (Historic Rondout), Kingston,NY October 24,25,26,1997
Mayor Gallo has declared October 24,25,26 Dream Festival week- end with a special proclamation. Dreamers will be able to deposit one or more of their dreams in Dream Boxes created by local artists and children and placed at stores, galleries and other public places to be announced and discovered between October 15 and the culmination of the Festival. The Festival culminates in three days of Dream Events at Deep Listening Space.Two concerts will take place:
Friday October 24, at 8PM:Miracles, Fantasies and a Lullaby by Thomas Bickley a concert that dreams across time with recorders and electronics.
Saturday evening, October 25 at 8PM: Riverdream Through Us , a result of composer Lowrey listening to and making recordings at seven sites along on and in the Delaware River during a River Sounding that took place in 1994. In a related second piece, Spirit Dreams features the participation of Ione reading a text comprising stories of individual masks evoking the non-human realm and the sounding of their dreams set in a context of ceremonial participation by all present.
On Saturday afternoon, October 25 beginning at 12:30PM noted Dream Facilitator, Naomi Schechter, Ph.D., will discuss dreams and dreaming with audience members. At 1:30 PM Pauline Oliveros will read from her book Initiation Dreams with musical accompaniment by Jason Finkelman. At 2:30PM Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. and Robin Larsen, Ph.D., authors of Joseph Campbell's authorized autobiography and authorities on myth, psychology and the visionary process will give a talk and demonstration . At 4-6PM a Reception for the Founders of the Pauline Oliveros Foundation, Inc. will take place, launching a special group art exhibit containing paintings and sculpture on dream themes by 15 artists.
On Sunday, October 26, from 12PM- 6PM marathon dream performances and readings and happenings will take place featuring artists throughout the area and from many points throughout the country and the world.
Internet participation will take place locally and internationally via Ione's Web Site: http//
<<<< Dreamwork for Psychotherapists >>>>
A two-day workshop will be held in Melrose, Florida. November 7 and 15, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. 12 ceu's for licensed psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors. In a relaxing setting, Gail Ellison, PhD, and Diane Farris, PhD, will teach ways to work with dreams, including perspectives and techniques drawn from Jungian, Gestalt, Freudian, existential-phenomenological, and transpersonal schools of thought. Course will include both theory and practice. Fee includes vegetarian lunches. For further information:Gail K. Ellison, PhD 352-475-2220 or Diane Farris, PhD 352-375-7996, or
<<<< Mutual Dreaming on T.V. >>>>
Host Jeffrey Mishlove interviews metaphysical guests on the weekly television show, "Thinking Allowed". Of special interest to dreamers are two programs that will be uplinked by satellite to PBS stations around the U.S.A. on the following dates. Check your station listings for broadcast times in your local area. In the San Francisco Bay Area, channel 60 broadcasts the show on Sunday at 12 noon. A list of other stations can be found on the web site:
#418 OCTOBER 25
Linda Lane Magallon, author of Mutual Dreaming, is a founding member of the Association for the Study of Dreams. Here she suggests that people can learn how to create mutual dreams. In "meshing" dreams, people experience the same dream environments. In "shared" dreams, they can actually experience each other in the dreams. Often when groups form for this purpose, their initial dreams will be negative in nature. However, such groups soon learn how to clean up the dream environment to experience more creative dream states.
Here Linda Lane Magallon points out that mutual dreaming need not be based upon the psychotherapeutic model. Instead, there can be a sense of celebration, exploration and creativity. Often when groups come together to learn mutual dreaming, they develop mutual dreams of flying together. Some spiritual traditions suggest that dream groups can build dream cities together -- in a fashion analogous to the worldwide web.
R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S
<<<< Dream-Telling Among the Elderly -- Input Desired >>>> Dr. Marcel Bahro from the Geronto-Psychiatry Department of the University Psychiatric Services, Bern, and I have just been awarded a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation to study the effects of dream-telling among the elderly (i.e., those over 65). We wish to investigate whether or not there are any changes in subjective sleep quality (depth, duration), subjective dream tone (positive, negative), dream recall and sense of well-being if our subjects (60 volunteers from the community divided into 2 control groups and a study group of 20) are given a regular (once a week) opportunity (via telephone) to tell any dreams they may have had over a six month period. The study commences Nov. 1, 1997. Anyone having ideas about other things we could look at or problems we should anticipate are most cordially invited to send them along. Contact Dr. A. T. Funkhouser, Bern, Switzerland, email
<<<< Dreams of Princess Diana Sought >>>>
I am working on a small research project on the dreams people have had about Princess Diana since her death. Will be looking at how this profound event shows up in our dream worlds. Email me with dreams and thoughts. Thank you. Audrey Malan ,
<<<< Staying Awake While Asleep>>>>
What I am trying to locate is a group (if it exists) that is interested in exploring staying awake while asleep. That is to say the whole ball of wax---going to sleep, taking it on down, watching the various stages, having some control, exploring the deeper areas, etc. It appears that I have been able to do this from time to time, depending on circustances in my life. The first few minutes are not so difficult. Also, going to sleep while standing up and walking around seems to be possible. If anyone out there has similar experiences or interests, let me know: "Bruce F. Wayland" <>
<<<< Dolphin and Whale Dreams Needed >>>>
For a book on the psychological and cultural significance of dolphins and whales, Trisha Lamb Feuerstein is seeking written or taped accounts of dolphin and whale dreams. For details, please write or call her at e-mail:, or s-mail: Integral Publishing, P.O. Box 1030, Lower Lake, CA 95457, (707) 928-5751.
W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S
<<<< Dream-Quest >>>>
DreamQuest is dedicated to the study of dreams.This web site offers an opportunity to learn and experience a new and unique tool to help visitors explore and discover the meaning of their dreams, DreamQuest cards. The cards are comprised of 70 Universal Themes. Each card has 5-7 probing questions specifically designed to elicit personal dream interpretation. The website is also a place where dreamers can share their dream experiences with us and each other.
<<<< A Study Guide for C.G. Jung's Dream Analysis>>>>
compiled by J. Gary Sparks 8.28.97, submitted by Matthew Clapp <> This study guide is the outcome of several classes at the intermediate level using the Dream Analysis book as text. The volume is an excellent way for persons who have learned the basics of Jung to extend their study a bit further. Jung's seminar was given in English and transcribed; the style is thus conversational; class participants have felt it was very readable and extremely practical. In the book Jung shows us how he worked with thirty dreams of one man over the course of about a year of analysis. The pragmatic thrust of the material makes it valuable for learning how the sometimes difficult Jungian concepts are actually applied. I hope the study guide which follows may add to your enjoyment of Jungian psychology. J. Gary Sparks holds a Diploma in Analytic Psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich and has maintained an analytic practice in Indianapolis since 1983. His interests include teaching Jung's primary works at all levels to small groups, Minoan iconography, the relation of dreams to social issues.
<<<< Dead Links >>>>
===== DEAD
The Dream Archive - A collection of dreams by amateur writers/dreamers in unexpurgated forms. Accompanying images may be just as disturbing.
===== DEAD
Angie's Dream Chat - a Friendly bulletin board style of posting dreams and comments on dreams.
===== DEAD
DreamWeb: A site focusing on lucid dreaming, dream science and more. Anyone know what happened to this site?
<<<< Shelley's Dream World>>>>
This site gives practical information on improving dream recall as well as information on how-to's on keeping a dream journal.
<<<< Interactive Dreaming>>>>
This site is dedicated to helping people discover greater happiness, health, growth, self-discovery, inner balance and spiritual fulfillment, through Dreams and Dreamwork. A highly entertaining and informative Multimedia CD, Interactive Dreaming, is also available through the site, to give you ongoing direct experiences of the power and meaning of your dreams. Includes a dream journal database and extensive re-usable audio-guided interactive dreamwork session.
<<<< Dream Journalist >>>>
"Dream Journalist, A Web Site for People Who Write Down their Dreams" will debut later this month. A variety of exciting materials will be showcased, including those from a meeting of long term journal keepers at this year's ASD conference. For more information, contact Cynthia Pearson <>
<<<< Tiger's Nest: A dream enhancement approach with product and service offerings. >>>>
Advice on treating dreams as enhancing one's spiritual growth, advertisements for books and products, dream interpretation message board "for fun only" as well as focus on women's spirituality, schedule of appearances, personal backgrounds. "..designed to support all of us in expanding our awareness and increasing our capacity for understanding the divine mystery. In business since 1985, we chose the name of Tiger's Nest to reflect our desire to be a center of the spirit and a home of the compassionate heart." For more information, visit the site, or contact Alex and Gayle Lukeman at
<<<< CRC Theory>>>>
Michael Coop presents speculations on his general CRC theory (Comprehension, Rationalisation & Conclusion, the mechanisms by which people recognise and respond to their surroundings) using dreams and dreaming for illustration and example.
<<<< Sleep, Dreams and Wakefulness >>>>
Very nice bi-lingual (French-English) site on Sleep and Dreams research. Selections by Michel Jouvet and other researchers. Topics include psychological and philosophical aspects, genetical and phylogenical aspects, sleep-waking cycle, dreams, clinical aspects in adult, comas,children and newborn, books on sleep, Links to other neuroscience & sleep sites. Bibliographies, updates, more.
<<<< Drm Doc's Page >>>>
Ken Howells website offers some nice essays on dreaming, dreamwork, dream recall, dream types and dream translation
<<<< Shelly Marshal's Dreams and Recovery >>>>
Shelly Marshall, author of "Your Dream of Recovery" presents a website for recovering alcohol and/or drug abusers, which emphasises spirituality and dream therapy.
Oct 1-29 in Santa Cruz, CA
Dream Group for Artists and Writers, facilitated by Gina Pearlin, Wednesdays, 7-9 pm. Call Gina at 427- 2957 for more information.
Oct 3 in Charlotte, NC
"The Transcendent in Relationships and Dreams" , a workshop with Ann & Barry Ulanov. For more information, contact The Haden Institute 1819 Lyndhurst Ave. Charlotte, NC 28203-5103 or e-mail Bob Haden at
Oct 3-4 in Concord, MA
"Preception, Dreaming & Reality", a workshop with Sparrow Hart at The Dreamwheel, 9:30am-5:00pm. For more information, contact The Dreamwheel, 191 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742-3423. Telephone 508-369-2634. Email
Oct 3-5 in Kelowna, BC, Canada
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Brenda Jackson at 250-717-3978 for more information.
Oct 8 & 22 in Pittsburgh, PA
The Dream Workshop here in Pittsburgh will be meeting
at 7 p.m. on the following Wednesdays: October 8 & 22, November 12 & 26 , and December 10 at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House), Pittsburgh 15213 fax (412) 241-1451; or e-mail
Oct 8-Nov 12 in Boston, MA
A Dream Practicum , 6 Wednesdays, Oct. 8 - Nov. 12, 7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. For more information about registration or other Institute programs, please contact: C.G. Jung Institute-Boston, 283 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. Tel: (617) 267-5984 E-mail:
Oct 10-12 in Aspen, CO
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Barbie Seidel at 970-925-3421 for more information.
Oct. 15 - 19 in Camp Gualala, CA.
"Night Passages of the Soul: Exploring our Dreams" is one of many exciting workshops at this women's week long retreat, Womanspirit. For more information on Womanspirit phone SRCRS at (707) 546-4543. For information about this specific workshop, contact: Hochima Denise Treppa, MFCC (707) 664-6607.
Oct 17-19 in Arlington, VA
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Cathy Shepherd at 770-434-3999 for more information.
Oct 19in Oakland, CA
"How to Practice Surrender and Aspiration in Dreamwork Using Intuition" with Nora Archambeau. For more information contact Nora at 510-335-7099.
Oct 21-Nov 25 in San Francisco, CA
Dream Group with Jeremy Taylor at Unitarian Church. Contact Joan Phelan at 415-863-8414 for more information.
Nov 1 in San Francisco, Ca
BADG (Bay Area Dreamworkers Group) Dream Costume Party, 6-10 pm. For more information call 415- 897-7955.
Nov 1 in San Francisco and Marin, CA
Groups and Workshops for Sharing Dreams and Learning New Approaches for Interpretation9:30 am - 2:00 pm
for group information and workshop topics, please call Debbie Watson MFCC 415-441-2926
Nov 1 in Walnut Creek, CA
All Day Workshop with Jeremy Taylor, 9am-4:30pm. Contact Jan Schaub at 510-938-5454 for more information.
Nov 4- Dec 9 in Concord, MA
"Opening Sacred Ground: Experiential Dreamwork for Helping Professionals", six Tuesdays from 8:30am-12:30 pm. For more information, contact The Dreamwheel, 191 Sudbury Road, Concord, MA 01742-3423. Telephone 508-369-2634. Email
Nov 6- Dec 18 in Marin, CA
Dream Group, Thursdays 7-9:30 pm with Jeremy Taylor. Call Kathy to sign up, 415-454-2793.
Nov 7 & 15 in Melrose, FLA
"Dreamwork for Psychotherapists", 9am -3pm. For further information, contact Gail K. Ellison, PhD 352- 475-2220 or Diane Farris, PhD 352-375-7996, or
Nov 7-9 in Birmingham, AL
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Marion Johnson-Wesley at 334-382-8050 for more information.
Nov 8-Jan 4, 1998 in Mountain View, CA
"Sufi Dreams", Watercolor paintings by Susan St. Thomas at the East-West Bookshop Gallery, 324 Castro Street, Mountain View. For more information, call 800-909-6161 or email to
Nov 12 & 26 in Pittsburgh, PA
The Dream Workshop here in Pittsburgh will be meeting
at 7 p.m. on the following Wednesdays: October 8 & 22, ~ November 12 & 26 , and December 10 at 4836 Ellsworth Avenue (Friends Meeting House), Pittsburgh 15213 fax (412) 241-1451; or e-mail
Nov 14-16 in Salt Lake City, UT
Dream Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Peg Hunger at for more information.
Nov 15 in Lake Oswego, OR
Understanding Nightmares, a-one day workshop offered at Marylhurst College by Gillian Holloway. For
information call Marylhurst college at: 1-800-634-9982
Nov 21-22 in Oakland, Ca
Jeremy Taylor's Dream Class at the University of Creation Spirituality. Contact Marlene DeNardo at 510- 835-4827 for more information.
== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V4 N9 ==
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Vol. 4 Number 9.
Highlights from this issue: The Princess Diana tragedy struck many a chord - unexpected accidental death, privacy, tradition, and independence among them. They were reflected in many dreams. These dreams overlapped many categories from forseeing something to processing images internally after the events of the weeks took place. I have placed them in the CELEBRITY category for simplicity sake, but many belong just as well under others. Even Mother Theresa makes an appearance. Several lucid dreams were submitted with comments on this topic. A query on a "Losing Teeth" type dream brought up some references to previous answers on this topic. Two dreams focused on the Eye [a new category], or was that many eyes? Another Tornado dream lurks ahead - watch out! Join the Unwilling Mercenary on a two part adventure. A late addition to this issue is an extraordinary exchange on a dream called Enigma which I have put into the RELATIONSHIPS section, and which touches on the meaning of dreams and life. (Thanks Kes and Island for sharing this exchange.) Enjoy this episode of our continuing explorations into Dreamland.
I wanted to remind readers and contributors that we still have not reached a stage with Electric Dreams where we need to bypass or reject contributions. All submissions are shared with the ED readers. You are welcome to share your dreams and commentary. Commenting on a dream can open up worlds that you didn't know existed within you.
I do read the submissions and spell-check the messages. I do not automatically "accept" all spellchecker corrections. In some dreams, the misspelt word can be a key to understanding the dream. We do have international contributors who may not be familiar with the proper spelling or residents of countries where the proper spelling is different from the version common in the United States. Minor editing of proper names or workplace references usually takes place to maintain privacy for the dreamer and known characters mentioned in the dreams, unless there is a specific request otherwise. Some people do want their email addresses included in order to receive direct responses from other readers. Some people also want their submissions reprinted verbatim, many without regard to upper or lower case. I do my best to honor these wishes for freedom of expression, even though they may make the reading experience more difficult.
As a publication for adults, many shared dreams touch on sexually oriented or violent topics or traditional rituals or alternative beliefs which populate many of our dreams. We do not censor shared dreams or comments. To do so would be eliminating a vital part of the experience which might shock us or move us to greater awareness and examining the impact of those issues in our lives. Dreams touch every person and subject. That is a reality no censor can erase. I have yet to read a senselessly vulgar submission or aggressively offensive dream or commentary directed at a specific person or group within our ED community. The dreams of others reflect issues all of us grapple with, and that is part of their wonder. This ED sharing process helps us identify the issues we are at peace with, and those which still need more attention.
Thanks to all the dreamers who share their gems with the Electric Dreams community and the commenters who share their insight. Join in the fun and send us a dream or comment for the next issue!
= Commentary: by Heratheta on EMERGENCY DRM & DEN DRM (970824) =
PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]
REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]
* Dream: Ghosts Downstairs, Evils Upstairs by Evil House Lady (970830)*
DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]
DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
BIRTH [Starts]
CHILDHOOD [Early development]
ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]
DEATH [Endings]
(See the Prince Di CELEBRITY dreams)
COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]
========================================== ==========================================
AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]
ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]
ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]
ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
[This month brings us: Bears and porpoise]
* Dream: Dream Bear by Richard (970911) *
= Commentary: On Dream Bear by Earl Koteen (970912) =
= Commentary on Dream Bear by Heratheta (970912) =
* Dream: The Porpoise Conversion by a male friend (970915) *
= Commentary by Heratheta on porpoise dream (970902) =
BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]
BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]
CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
= Commentary: Dreams of Princess Diana by Richard (970906) =
*= Dream & Commentary: On Princess Di by maidai (970907) *=
* Dream: 'Peace after Diana' s Death' by Audrey (970915)*
* Dream: Diana Not Quite Dead by Maureen (970909) *
* Dream: 'Di's Not-Quite Funeral' by Julie (970907)*
* Dream: Diana Assumption by Catwoman (970914) *
* Dream: "Diana in the Dining Room" by Mermaid(970908)*
* Dream: Friday Night Horror Dream with Diana by psychotic roommate (970914)*
= Commentary: By Heratheta on shaman's Di dream (970910) =
= Comments: By Heratheta on Di drms & chasing clown (970914) =
CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]
COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]
COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]
CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]
DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]
= Commentary by Heratheta on Straight (970908) =
= Commentary by Heratheta on a falling out drm (970829) =
= Commentary by JudeAce69 on Date a falling out drm(970914) =
= Commentary by Heratheta on gothic drm (970906) =
= Commentary by Heratheta on book drm (970907) =
= Commentary by Heratheta on eyes, royals, archetypes,and jude (970915) =
= Commentary by Heratheta on passion (970906) =
DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]
DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]
ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]
ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]
* Dream : 'New Eyes' by Ina Hall (970915) *
* Dream: 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) *
= Commentary: By Cathy on 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) =
= Commentary: by Bob K. on 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) =
FEAR [What scares us]
FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]
HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS
HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]
HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
(See The Journey Begins under JOURNEY as well as Enigma)
HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]
JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]
* Dream: The Journey Begins by Blue Angel (970921) *
* Dream: Unwilling Mercenary Parts I and II by PD (970829)*
LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]
LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]
* Dream: Its All To Real by Kyle (970906) *
* Dream: Hands by The Tibetan (9709XX) *
MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]
MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]
MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]
NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]
POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]
RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]
* Dream: "Enigma" by Kes (970920) *
= Commentary I by Island on "Engima" (97.09.20) by Kes (970921)=
= Commentary II - Response From Kes & Island (970923) =
= Commentary on Commentary by Kes & Island III (970924) =
RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]
SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]
TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]
* Dream: Loose Teeth Query by Steve (970828) *
= Commentary by Mermaid on Dream Loose Teeth (970829) =
= Commentary by JohnCee on Loose Teeth (970827) *
= Commentary on: Toothless by Patrick (970827) =
= Commentary on Toothless Dreams from previous ED's (970829) =
TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]
* Dream: the passion of tornados by Stan (970906)*
TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]
VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]
WATER [A magical earthly fluid]
(See the Porpoise Dream under ANIMALS)
WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
(None this month, but see the many *Princess Di* dreams under CELEBRITIES)
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.10.
Hasta La Vista!
Bob Krumhansl
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
= Commentary: by Heratheta on EMERGENCY DRM &DEN DRM (970824) =
THE EMERGENCY DRM is informing you that "no" is not your soul trend. looking to the right or left of where the intruder came from would have been a direction where your soul trend was headed. DEN DREAM is informing you that "odd" is not your soul trend. looking to the right or left of where you believe the house was from your sleep site is where your soul trend was headed. DEN DREAM also spoke of a tunnel. this is very interesting for I have recently begun to be aware that the black of dreams and the tunnels mentioned so often in near death experiences is the body trend receding in its momentum once an individual rests to sleep. outgoing body/light is black trending while incoming body/light is white trending (figuring body matter is dream light, black to white). once you have rested a while (black trending body light),the momentum of the body trend peaks and then begins to reverse like a rubber band which having been stretched and then let go returns toward its rested position. in reverse the light becomes white for it is now incoming and thus the dream begins activating the rapid eye movement of the eye has much to observe, that is the dreaming. when the light becomes so close as to collide with the flesh of the dreamer the dreamer begins to awaken. as in a previous interpretation I told of moving in my sleep to avoid the above collision and then awaking with having felt the brush of the dream light as it passed by finding the dream manifested visually in the air around me. to me this is a kind of spectacular lucidity.
PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]
REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]
* Dream: Ghosts Downstairs, Evils Upstairs by Evil House Lady (970830)*
[This came in through our new auto form - send-a-dream at]
I am 46 and I have been having this one dream for as long as I can remember. I have it once, twice, maybe 3 times a year.
In general, I am in a house with a very large upstairs area. The lower level of the house varies from dream to dream. The upstairs remains pretty much the same - a very, very evil old house which is falling apart. The upper level is almost like a tri - level with a room in the front, a room off to the side and one in the back. There is a very evil women there but I never see her.
The dreams usually starts on the lower level and I think I always have guests. There are ghosts that I cannot see but they pick me up and throw me against the ceiling. While I find this scary on one hand, on the other hand I am glad that they do it in front of my guests so that my guests can see that I am not in control of ..... I'm not sure what - but maybe the evil upstairs.
I remarried 2 years ago. Since then, I've had the dream 3 times. The first time it was pretty much the same only the upstairs was not quite so scary. The second time, my husband, his sister and father and his sister's husband were there. The whole ghost thing on the lower level happened but this time they were encouraging me to go upstairs. They said it would not be as
scary to me because they were there supporting me - and they were --- literally! They were trying to boost me up one of those old fashioned stairways that I think of as leading to an attic.
I had the dream again a few days ago. This time I was with only my husband. I do not remember being in the lower level but we were in the upper level and I was trying to talk him into fixing it up. He did not think we could fix it up. The area was not as scary to me. The only fear I felt was toward the very back room, which is the room in other dreams I thought had the most evil.
DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]
DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
BIRTH [Starts]
CHILDHOOD [Early development]
ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]
DEATH [Endings]
(See the Prince Di CELEBRITY dreams)
COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]
========================================== ==========================================
AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]
ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]
ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]
ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
[This month brings us: Bears, porpoise ... ]
* Dream: Dream Bear by Richard (970911) *
The last really interesting dream I had was about a little black bear. I was walking with a friend of mine along this path and saw a panther in the woods. It was making me nervous and I told my friend that I wanted to leave. He said that it was ok, and to stay. The panther started following us, and then a little black bear cub came out of the woods. I was happy to see it, like it was a protector. The panther and the bear cub started fighting, and then all of a sudden the bear cub transformed into this gigantic creature and beat the panther.
= Commentary: On Dream Bear by Earl Koteen (970912) =
Richard et. al.,
It's been a long time since I "spoke" here, but I'm in the mood tonite and there's something about this dream which touched me.
When I was a child, I had a little brown bear, a teddy bear. Now I work w/ a woman whose last name is panther.
If this were my dream, I would wonder what I currently find threatening in my life, especially when I'm w/ my friend. It's metaphorically dark and feline. It's in the woods (being, like the dreamer, in midlife, I wonder whether this is the "woods" from which the panther comes).
A small friendly animal spirit - black, which may mean that I know longer know/acknowledge him/her - comes to my rescue and grows to tremendous size. What small instinct did I leave behind - possibly in early childhood - which is now coming to my aid?
I hope these thoughts are of use to you.
= Commentary on Dream Bear by Heratheta (970912) =
avoid making yourself and others nervous and thoughts which do not help you. do you know where the woods this bear was in is located relative to the place where you dreamt this dream(north south east west) and are you left or right handed?
*Dream: The Porpoise Conversion by a male friend (970915) *
This dream was related to me by a male friend, and he gave me permission to share it.
August 29, 1997. Dreamed that street people, I thought, live in this old abandoned house, but when I enter, there is a caretaker as well. In the back the house has a marina to the ocean. In it porpoises that are strange prehistoric beings with yellow bands on their gray body swim and play there. People jump in the water to play with them but become paranoid because the porpoises are following them too closely and so come out of the water. The porpoises put their heads out of the water, and have humanoid features. The porpoises point to a tube coming out of their body that appears like a belly button, trying to convince the people to transmute into them. Their idea is to flood the whole earth so that only beings that could live in the water will survive. When I realize the porpoises plot, that they aren't really going to let the people decide for themselves, I walk down the hall to Captain Picard's room to alert him of the trouble. In the next corridor a tour of the kitchen seems to be going on in a mall or ship of the in ship medical facilities for the Air Force people that is set up like a nightclub. Somehow I am going in the back door to see where the kitchen is. I am being given a tour of the kitchen by this blonde girl, a woman, who held my hand, and shows me this low head room area in the kitchen where all female waiters have to duck under to pick up the food.
= Commentary by Heratheta on porpoise dream (970902) =
the porpoise dream warned of "but" situations coming. after all these months of interpretations I have offered ,"but" dreams seems to be occurring most often. when we succumb to the influence of our dream or purposefully imitate its theme we then become the opposites Carl Jung said made up dreams. when we present those opposites to others they cannot decide exactly what we are and so go back and forth with their opinions of us saying we are this "but" then again we are that and vice versa.
BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]
BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]
CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
= Commentary: Dreams of Princess Diana by Richard (970906) =
Hi dream gang,
I've been fascinated by this Di phenomena and interested in doing a collection of DI dreams similar to the Jerry Garcia collection. For those of you not familiar with this, we put a out a call for dreams after Garcia's death and I was profoundly moved by the response and how dreams dealt with his death. Matthew put these up on our main web site and we printed them in an early ED. Chris used to do this for lots of collective events in his DreamLine column. I'd like to do the same thing for this event. I've put out a call on the newsgroups (see below) and if you all have any favorite mail lists, ezines or what have you, and can find the appropriate context to do this - I encourage you to send out requests as well. Please watch the sept 17th deadline. oh, I've also contacted folks on the jung-psyc mail list individually - I haven't sent anything in directly to the list.
Also, it looks like LUCID dreaming will be a focus topic for the next issue.
posted on newsgroups: =======================================================
Please consider sending in your dreams about Princess Diana.
Our dream sharing community has found that through sharing dreams about collective events and tragedies, we are able to come to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with these events.
Also, by sharing dreams and comments on dreams, we can come to a clearer understanding and separation of personal and larger than person, enhancing both.
On behalf of the Electric Dreams community, I would like to extends our condolences to the Diana's family, the House of Windsor and those moved by the life and untimely death of Diana.
*= Dream & Commentary: On Princess Di by maidai (970907) *=
Hi everyone,
Great idea about collecting Princess Di dreams!
My feelings are a little like Victoria's - its a pretty touchy subject over here in the UK at the moment, and I wouldn't feel incredibly *kosher* about asking anyone for dreams *right* now - in a 'real' way (i.e. in public). (P.s. - don't forget alt.royalty groups)
Now...excuse me folks I feel a little rant coming on.....
It has been a mad/strange/absolutely FASCINATING/odd/tragic/TOTALLY surreal kind of week over here.
I, like most people I think, felt unexpectedly touched and moved by the news... But then found the whole un-folding of the press (and people) frenzy somewhat distracted me from *simply* feeling sad that another human being, a mother, a young woman, had been tragically killed.
Not knowing how to handle their presumably unexpected feelings of sadness and grief, *much* (not all by any means) of the UK public has spent the week looking for people to blame, and then later in the week nit-picking and criticizing everything from the 'gun carriage' issue of her funeral procession to the royal family and media at large. Big issues and small issues, *I* think discussed and debated because people found themselves actually not really knowing *what* else to do with their feelings...
Personally speaking, I think this reaction was indicative of a nation that has much to come to terms with in relation to its concept of itself, but also its feelings about the monarchy - and (obviously) the media.
I am not, and never have been a royal - nor was I ever a fan of Princess Di, but this didn't stop ME feeling quite stunned for a couple of days at the news just like most other people. I think I attribute the bulk of my 'shock' to the fact that like many people in the public eye nowadays, Diana was someone who was ALWAYS there...everywhere you turned...DIANA THIS... DIANA THAT....Anyone that has ever owned a tv or looked at a few papers over the last few years...has received (trivial?) details of this woman's movements and life. Although not especially interested in her or her clothing or her romance or her life, obviously had a part of my brain given over to storing the info and labeling it 'Things I know about Princess Diana'.
The public funeral was a fairly incredible event, and watching it on tv, I was extremely aware of how quiet the streets of Brighton had become (where I live). In towns all over Britain last night there were candlelight vigils and prayers for the Princess and her family - and I think after this week of complete *weirdness* that events have now come round to a fairly healthy pseudo-conclusion. I think at large the public feeling is now a lot more healthy and 'real' rather than 'surreal'.
Having said that, I'm sure that there is still a lot for people and press to explore and talk about...and we will be hearing the pro's and con's of various arguments about canonization of Di, to the dissolving of the monarchy, to free press laws etc...etc... for a LONG time yet.
Well...having grown a little pissed off and cynical during the week, I have now come full circle about her death and again find that I have very simple feelings. Of sympathy for her family (only slightly more powerful that I would for the news of any individual family tragedy on the news) and sadness at the sudden, and violent nature of it all.
People die in tragic circumstances all the time - It has just been so fascinating to witness the gathering of such an incredible amount of people in response to this particular death. As I said, I think the British people have a lot of thinking to do about their various relationships, but most importantly the one's they have with themselves!
Moving right along now....
I'm sure I've had a dream of Di this week, but for the life of me wasn't able to remember it!
However...ages ago I did have a dream about her...which in lieu of a more recent contribution is the one and only DI dream I can offer:
DREAM: (Way! back in 1995)
Exceptionally vivid dream. In one part Lady Diana and a sultry black-haired woman are fighting. Saying hurtful things about each other and shoving each other very roughly around. They are in love with the same man and Diana is fighting back. She lets the other woman push her around totally in the end but it makes her look like the better person, and SHE KNOWS IT. I don't like the way either of them are behaving, but I feel closer to Diana somehow - it's as if I know her better now, after this. I'm a bit surprised by how childish she is being. The dark-haired woman is almost a Cruella de Ville character. Taloned and dangerous. But she too is behaving immaturely - this is a worry to me. The end.
I would be interested in other people's comments about the way the last week (re: this issue) has been in other parts of the world...
Ta ta for now,
*Dream: 'Peace after Diana' s Death' by Audrey (970915)*
the night I heard that Princess Diana died, I had a dream that she and I were in a beautiful place, having so much fun, playing with all these children. Has anyone else had dreams of Diana since her death?
* Dream: Diana Not Quite Dead by Maureen (970909) *
Like many others, I have been drawn deeply and with powerful emotion into the tragedy of Diana's death. On the night I heard about it (Sunday), I felt an overwhelming desire to be of some help to her. The same night, I was devastated after falling asleep - I ended up spending the entire night with Diana in a long and complex dream ritual. I cannot do justice in words to the powerful feelings and images in this dream; they were complex, reassuring, and distressing, yet overall, something very positive was, I feel, achieved. Throughout this long dreaming, I was very close to Diana and was helping wash blood off of her (into a large bath); I remember watching it swirl clockwise around and down the plug-hole while at the same time we were talking in detail about the irreversibility of what had happened, and the reality of the here and now; she found it hard to accept that she could not yet leave the place where we were, or that she was in fact dead; she was not overly distressed, more like puzzled, tired, and regretful but the main focus of the dream was on her healing (of soul and body) and on my offer (not in words, but simply as something that happened) to take on myself her woundedness. There was no particular point at which this happened, but suddenly I began to feel physically badly hurt, weak, and acheing, as if I were recovering from a recent and devastatingly major operation. I looked down the front of my body, which was badly bruised from the upper chest area, and a huge, healing scar was running down my body. The scar was like a long clean scalpel cut - a thin line that was already closed up. I felt a kind of joy and wonderment at this, partly, I think, because (in a relieved fashion) I'd taken on the woundedness in a kind of recovery mode, without having endured the preliminary shock and horror of its cause. I recall that this process - helping Diana wash herself free of blood, talking through what was now real, and feeling wounded - was enacted over and again in different ways several times, until there was an acceptance by her of death, after which I was free to leave her in peace. I can't describe the kind of closeness this all involved; it wasn't what you'd call friendship, or sisterliness, or motherliness; it was (for want of better words) an indefinable sense of oneness, sorrow, patience, and compassion. For the next couple of days, I felt continual grief and profound emotion, and could not concentrate on any work, but I also felt glad and immensely gratified (on her behalf) that I'd been able to help out. Quite frankly, I'm still somewhat awed and stunned by this dream - just as I was for weeks after I'd visited the Sun and helped heal Him. I'll also add that the place in which I spent time with her seemed like a sort of neutral ground; it was quiet and supremely functional - there were baths, pathways, and towels there, sort of like an ancient Greek garden, but with no sense of heaven; just a low-key, peaceful place for getting done what had to be done immediately there and then. It wasn't like any other place I've encountered in shamanic journeying, but featured lots of off-white stoneware and buildings, and other folk wandering about, absorbed in other business. The dream was also more feeling-dominated than visual, but the sense of personal reality was overwhelming and deeply moving. Now that the emotional backlash of having gone through this dream has subsided and I am able to reflect, I am moved by two key images: the blood spiraling clockwise into the bath, and my own woundedness. The first image resonates with the alchemical bath of transformation and with a Medieval alchemy picture I have of Christ sitting in the round bath of life, flanked on either side by the alchemical King and Queen, and the Sun and Moon, and pierced through the side with a spear. From the wound, blood pours into the bath, while from the upper right corner, from a wine press, wine flows into the bath. I am reminded here of Jung's comments late in life about death, when he suggested that it was a mysterium coniunctionis, a marriage, or union through which the soul finally regains its lost wholeness. The alchemical union of red and white and the circulatio appear in the dream in the guise of the spiraling blood in the white bath. And all the while, the dream is my own woundedness and healing as well. As for the myth that is emerging, my feeling is that it's too early to fully appreciate that yet, but this tragedy has touched many on the level which only an archetypal drama can, and a myth of simultaneous wounding and healing will assuredly emerge. Blessings Maureen
Diana as Grail Queen
Homage to and meditations on Diana as myth . . . One of the phrases that has become attached to Diana is "Queen of Hearts"; it seems that folk prefer to see her now as a Queen, a mature version of the Princess who has turned her suffering into compassion for humanity. In my Arthurian Tarot pack, the Queen of Hearts is the Grail Queen, who is described as follows (this sounds exactly like Diana): "She is intuitive and sympathetic, her compassionate nature embraces all; she imparts the gifts of love to all who encounter her; her depth of emotion marks her as the upholder of the Grail." The image is of her standing before a rough-hewn doorway in a cliff wall, behind which can be seen the ocean. In her hands she holds a bowl out of which five streams of red wine, the colour of blood, are flowing. It would seem, on reflection, that the old Arthurian myth of the Grail King, who is wounded because of the illness of the land, is being superseded by a Grail Queen myth, personified as Diana. For whereas the Grail King retreats to his Castle in his wounded state, the Grail Queen does not, but instead transforms her pain into the healing of others. Perhaps it is not King Arthur who will return, but more that the Grail Queen will heal the wounded land. But for that to happen, we must still answer the question, "Whom does the Grail serve"? Blessings Maureen ----------------------------------------------
By all means feel free to share this dream, since I feel it was collective as well as personal; we have all felt wounded in our Eros side (the heart region) by Diana's death, so the wound I received was both mediatory (myself as Wounded Healer) and representative of what we're all feeling. (I didn't mention on jung-psyc that I am a practicing shaman and in the dream was, from this perspective, being called upon, as shamans often are, to help a suffering and bewildered soul come to terms with death). Certainly we need to keep talking about this shattering event if we are to avoid letting it subside, unresolved, back into the unconscious. If we do the latter, someone else may be fated to live the same destiny as Diana, until we understand that
we all can and must become "com-passionate" wounded healers. The myth must now be made the conscious responsibility of each of us toward a suffering world.
* Dream: 'Di's Not-Quite Funeral' by Julie (970907)*
I'd like to post my dream of 9-5 to 9-6 on Princess Diana. This was before seeing anything on the funeral 9-6-97.
Dream: I am at Princess Diana's funeral procession. It is a park and her body is being pulled on an open cart across the lawn, between the crowds. The path is not a straight one, but zigzagging among every- one. Diana is not in a coffin, but laid out cross-shaped in the cart. The cart had high open sides decorated with flowers, and she appears sleeping. Diana is wearing a peach or pink colored top resembling a sport bra or swimsuit top. But from the waist down flowers cover her so it is hard to tell what else she is wearing.
The cart moves in front of my section. (My group is spread out in almost a picnic-type atmosphere, but without the noise.) People are wearing casual dress. Lawn chairs are scattered around and there is plenty of room between the people in which to get a good view of the procession.
The cart stops and the Pope leans over the side of the cart saying a few last words. At that moment Diana breathes in a deep breath and arouses. The crowd kind of gasps, but then sighs, almost disappointed- taking on the attitude that Diana did all of this for attention. The Pope and the crowd disperse.
Diana walks in our direction, but not really toward us. She is sad-looking, dejected. I invite her to sit down with us. She takes a seat. She is now wearing a white shirt and blue pants - no shoes. I think to myself how slender her feet are. She still looks sad. I place my hand on her shoulder and say to her, "You've always tried to take on the burden of the whole world, now it's time to look out for yourself."
Then I change the subject and tell her that after my family and I had left her funeral earlier that day, we came to the park. It was quiet and an eagle flew overhead. She smiled slightly.
End of Dream.
I would be interested to know the interpretations of my dream from Billie, who finds much symbolism in dreams, and from Mario, who has suggested I can be too rational. And to Richard: you are welcome to use this dream for your collection if you wish.
* Dream: Diana Assumption by Catwoman (970914) *
I live on the US East Coast, and the morning of the Funeral for Diana was about to begin, while I was still asleep. I dreamt of flowers and bells and thousands of people, all crying. When I woke, I had no idea what it was about. It was early so I went upstairs to get something to drink and eventually go back to bed. As I walked upstairs I felt a terribly pressing grief upon me. I was curious and began to hear people sobbing. This disturbed and frightened me. I went back to bed and dreamt of horses and brightly lit box. Soldiers were protecting the box, and then I heard a choir and saw tall pillars of glass. I hear the chiming of bells, it sounded so beautiful, and suddenly I awoke in great pain. My cat had went into another seizure where she scratches everything in site. She had clawed me in the foot and woke me up. For a fleeting moment I heard the chimes as they faded into silence. I heard something else, but this time it was in my room. My VCR had been on, recording. I assumed my cat had landed on the remote and hit the record button. When I stopped the VCR, I rewound the tape, to find that it had recorded more than I thought. A couple of hours worth to be exact. I turned on the TV, and there I heard the chimes and bells from my dream. It was live coverage of Diana's funeral. It was actually over, but they were recapping and debating. The images they reflected on had some vague resemblance to those in my dreams. I didn't know what to think. But it intrigued me nonetheless. Once the tape was done rewinding, I pushed the play button. And I was amazed to see that it was replaying from about 15 minutes before the funeral was supposed to start. It captured the whole thing. This was one big coincidence. I don't know what happened, but it has to be one of the most bizarre things ever to happen to me. Well, I take that back. A lot of bizarre things have happened to me, but this is probably the most astonishing.
* Dream: "Diana in the Dining Room" by Mermaid (970908)*
If appropriate, I don't mind this being added to the collection of Diana dreams.
Just call me Mermaid.
As I awoke this morning I knew I had to write to the group.
The above title "came to mind" as I began putting pen to paper, so there it stays for now.
During the dream the light and bird songs of dawn broke through the earlier fuzzy darkness.
Diana was just "there".
She, my mother and I were in the kitchen of my mother's house. We three were leaning on the bench, happily chatting as though we were old friends. She was encouraging me to go ahead and be positive about being loving, despite all the negativity dished out on public kindness and generosity. She reminded me that everyone needs hugs regularly.
In the dream, we were trying to relax enough to make everyone around feel loved. The idea that charity begins at home shone through.
She was not in a huge hurry to leave. She had with her a sky blue handbag with a golden clip. She undid the bag and from it handed me a white business card with a telephone number in Avalon. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt.
I was at Mum's waiting to meet an old friend, who was due to call about the time Diana arrived.
This old friend was a man with dark hair. He had been trying hard to call, but had encountered a series of broken lines. Mum was getting hassled about her plans being put out and was therefore putting the pressure on, as though I were deliberately holding her up.
I cannot now remember the man's name, but know that in my dream Mum had met him too, but I suspect only tolerated him because he was a friend of mine.
Diana had to leave, which is why she gave me the card. I gave her a kiss on the left cheek and a hug.
The dream ended.
There was also an "energy" propelling me towards writing all of this down. I need to "speak" more of humanitarian love, irrespective of "religion".
* Dream: Friday Night Horror Dream with Diana by psychotic roommate (970914)*
My roommate who is psychotic but on medication had a dream that frightened him about a man in a clown suit chasing Diana and kicking her in the ass. Every time she turned around he slapped her face and called her a good deed doing killer until Mother Teresa ran up and starting hugging him to make him stop which he did just long enough to tuck Diana under one arm and mother
Teresa under the other. Just as he was running off with them under his clown arms the Pope ran up and said "Hay wait for me I give up too". Then the evil clown whistled a happy tune and a bus pulled up with Moses and Jesus on board and they got out and slapped the pope around and dragged him onto the bus with Mother Teresa and Huntress Diana. All of a sudden the bus roared off into a bottomless pit and the happy clown turned into a huge owl that flew up to my friend who was standing at the edge of the dream and turned into a nineteen year old boy in jeans and leather boots and jackets who asked for a cigarette.
My friend the psychopath offered the clowny owl in the leather boots a home rolled cigarette and the young guy said " I only smoke marlboro I'm a cowboy" so my friend the psychopath said I'm sorry I only have Home Rolls and the cowboy said "O.K. I'll have one if you don't mind ". So my friend the psychopath gave the cowboy kid a Home Rolls and they smoked quietly for a while until the cowboy said 'Good deed doers are killers even that jewish vampire the nazarene was smart enough to know that." Then my friend the psychopath said "those good deed doers sure do scream a lot " and then the cowboy owl was real quiet as he thought about that at the edge of the edge and said "Fuck em.... Nothing stops The Dream....Nothing starts The Dream" and then my friend the psychopath woke up and told me the dream and asked me if I had a marlboro because he was getting sick of Home Rolls.
= Commentary: By Heratheta on shaman's Di dream (970910) =
it reads like you were advised to get away from it all for awhile to some place where you could breathe easy and relax away from "very". when we do fall asleep our clinging self conflicts are taken away with the momentum of life and for a time we sleep peacefully until we refocus on what the world's conflict looks like. clearly, without the part of our selves (see above)that had been blurring our world outlook but now is away, we see then early in our sleep or let's say the earliest part of our dream what is coming from the farther parts of our lives and as the time we're resting passes the momentum of our away self peaks swinging back toward our resting bodies and begins to cloud the clarity of the world dream with our old conflicts. this self cloud also begins to bring some of that far world back with it, back to us like a huntress coming come from the kill making the returning imminent proximity close enough for us to awaken feeling its presence simultaneously saying hello to a new day only to be nearly blinded by the sunlight or lamplight as we go about the next 24 hours. somewhere in the new day some of us can see some of the dream and recognize it still there . how we react to it is as fateful as why it happened at all.
= Comments: By Heratheta on Di drms & chasing clown (970914) =
reads like the Di drmr's first dream was a sign of too much crying lately and then upon not succumbing to that influence the dreamer then had too much brightly almost if an over correction was made in the dreamers's mood to transcend the crying succubi but feel into the temptation of the brightly incubi. is there such a thing as a perfect dream? of course, they're all perfect for they show us where we do not have to be. the dreamer seems to be handling these switches. where is england geographically from this dreamer's sleepsite and are their dreams located in that direction often ? just because we may cast our dreams out into the cosmos like fishing doesn't mean we have to eat the catch or that we can't try a different spot sometimes in the same water of dreams.
the clown dream reads like there's been a whole lot of chasing going on in this dreamers life not necessarily by the dreamer but when we cast a minnow fish out into the deep we can get a bigger fish back on the same line . then again their are times when the fish jump right into the boat with no line at all. sitting back awhile at the water and watching the fish go by or dance on the water is sometimes nice too.
CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]
COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]
COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]
CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]
DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South, East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]
= Commentary by Heratheta on Straight (970908) =
whatever "not straight" means to this dreamer is what needs to be laid to rest for a day until the next dream at least, and the place least likely to offer resistance to laying "not straight" to rest would not be on a line from the sleepsite of this dreamer toward the park in the dream.
= Commentary by Heratheta on a falling out drm (970829) =
avoid "falling" out of yourself or others and try to stick together and since this is a recurring drm you haven't been trying hard enough. try as if you lives depend on it because they do, until the next dream, that is.
= Commentary by JudeAce69 on Date a falling out drm(970914) =
Deoccuring dreams always fall out
= Commentary by Heratheta on gothic drm (970906) =
"quite" is what you need a brake from today. and if you could travel to the right or left of where the girl came from it would be less difficult to do until your next dream.
= Commentary by Heratheta on book drm (970907) =
it reads like "hey" was coming too close to you and that indirect travel away from "hey" geographically and behaviorally was the other option. choice, however deluded a concept it is , is real enough all the same. I choose the above option.
= Commentary by Heratheta on eyes, royals, archetypes,and jude (970915) =
eyes dream reads like there has been too much "noticed" in this dreamers part of life and thus sometime away from scrutiny self or otherwise would be the soulful journey. where is the laundry from your sleep site, north south east west? of course we've many of us have had too much of this royal stuff, i'm headed south-southeast or north -northwest to stay true to soul. the dreamer here reads like too much "playing" is keeping the dreamer from soul gliding. jude, I, soul, see the archetypes thick and thin and live with them eternally symbiotically, fatefully, knowingly, respectfully. what a cosmos, soul and archetype!
= Commentary by Heratheta on passion (970906) =
"uneasily" is what you have had too much of lately. it is blinding you from your soul path. do what you can to stay relaxed until your next dream. I don't know where you had this dream but wherever that was travel indirectly away from the path that would have lead you to that dream from where you had dreamt it.
DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]
DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]
ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]
ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]
* Dream : 'New Eyes' by Ina Hall (970915) *
A dream from the dream temple form at
I dreamt that I was sleeping the hallway, on a mat, in front of the washer and dryer. I awoke and felt myself on the forehead and noticed something was wrong. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and noticed I had grown two extra sets of eyes. The first set was wide awake and healthy, but the second set was not open and looked very underdeveloped.
* Dream: 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) *
hello fellow dreamers,
happy fall.
a month ago I woke up with the following intriguing dream image:
I and a middle aged woman are standing passengers talking on a bus. she has smooth tan skin. I notice that one of her eyes still has the skin grown over it, so it can't open, the way it is with a fetus or some new born animals. so I say to her, 'you only have one eye'.
but as I observe her, things keep changing. next I observe skin over both eyes. neither one can open, though one is more thickly covered than the other, as though one is nearer to being able to open than the other, as though they are in different stages of development.
none the less, I don't have a sense that her vision is impaired.
next, I have an image of seeing the left side of her head. here there are eyes in varying stages of development also.
finally, though I don't remember visual images of it, I awaken with the feeling that she has eyes on all four sides of her head, though not necessarily two per side. one side may have had only a single left or right eye, and one side may have had three eyes, one left eye, and two right eyes, one above the other. and again, all of the eyes in various stages of development, some all the way open.
I would be interested in any comments or thoughts anyone has in regard to this dream. also, what mythological characters is anyone reminded of by this many eyed women with four faces?
if this were your dream... ? ? ?
= Commentary: By Cathy on 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) =
If I dreamed "You only have one eye," I'd be concerned that in some project I was looking in a narrow, conventional way in making an evaluation or judgement and the reality was more bizarre, complex, extraordinary and rich than I could "see." Cathy
= Commentary: by Bob K. on 'you only have one eye' by jay vinton (970902) =
Hi Jay. Long time I haven't heard from you. Hope all is well at NIH and Vintondom.
Ay, Ay, Ay! How many eyes or "I"'s need to stare us in the face to call our attention to me, moi, myself, yo, ...I.
Every once in a while, a type of dream occurs in which the message is contained more powerfully in the superficial elements than in the story line itself. If this were my dream, it would fall in this category. Of course, it's always easier for a "you" to make sense of this type of dream in which "I" am so immersed that I can't tell the forest from the trees, the ewe's from the "z"'s, the "U"'s from the "I"'s or the "you's" from the "eyes". What an alphabet soup! Numbers play a part in this mystery too. All those "against" say ..NAY, all those "in favor" unison...that's right..."AYE"!! Indisputably, the Eyes/"I"'s have it in this dream. (Wait a second an listen to "For You Eyes Only" ...from the James Bond movie, which sets the mood at this point in this imaginary multimedia dream approach.)
One step back (as we fade to Strobe-lights flashing away to the disco world of days gone bye - close your eyes if it bothers you)... In the yesteryear of computing, the days of CP/M, various utilities were developed to supplement the rudimentary word processors that were beginning their evolution toward the mighty Microsoft WORD. (See ... in the beginning of computer evolution it was not the WORD, but that is certainly where word processordom has evolved to today.) One of those utilities left behind, due no doubt to the rather limited market or desire for the application, was a utility that took your document, analyzed it, and rewrote an output file consisting of a list ranking every word being used in the document by its frequency. The most often used words were listed on top, in alphabetical order within the same frequency. If anyone knows of a simple program to do this within Windows let me know. [Where are you going with this Mr. Bob? You may be thinking at this point, but hang in there for an interesting wild ride on a "dream-o-coaster".]
Phenomenologists look at the dream for what is there, forget about all the ramifications and associations. A linguist would look at the words. Within the dream narrative (Title NOT included), there are 11 instances of "I", and 11 uses of variations on "eye." There are 19 references to quantities with, of course, "numero uno" taking the prize: "one" nine times (including a reference to "single"), "two" three times (including a "both"), "three" once, "four" once, 3 "all"s, 1 "varying," 1 "many" (like "too many" or is that "2 many" eyes?) and way too many references to numbers , I's and "eyes" than usually come up in a 222 word dream! Ok, I may be slightly off, but not significant statistically.
So where does that leave us? Let's explore and contrast an interesting juxtaposition to this volume of expression. The Title: 'you only have one eye' is the only reference to "you" in the dream narrative. The title represents the only spoken words in the dream. The title also represents an inaccurate initial observation based on insufficient experience and incomplete observation of the subject. As the rest of the dream demonstrates, "you" has way lots more eyes than one - in a whole multiplicity of stages, in a dynamic and growing evolving "eye factory of a head." How could her vision be impaired when she can see practically "omni-visually" from various angles? Maybe the closed eyes allow for sight within?? What kind of world does this "you" see? If she processes all those views into a single pattern, it must be more real than the reality we two-eyed people experience. Her reality must be like the holographic reality of virtual reality in cyberspace. Up, down, front, back, sideways, angled, fully developed and just beginning, inside and out (try a perpendicular motion from her perspective... Hello Yoga!!!): What a perspective she must have! If video game makers could come up with a representation of her outlook, the dizziness produced by games like Doom and Quake would be made to look like the "pongs" of perspective. But I'm losing track of the main dream point here (hear???): I didn't catch what it was that this woman was talking with me about. What was "you" trying to tell "me"?
The standing in a "bus" setting (the context for the dream) is one in which a group is temporarily united within a vehicle which will take them on some fixed route to a predetermined destination. We are probably standing because there is no room to sit more comfortably on this crowded vehicle. We might be getting ready to get off soon. Only the "special charter buses go point to point without stopping. We can usually get on and off buses at various points of its route/journey. They are an inexpensive mod e of transportation, and very useful in cities where having your own car can be very costly. What does a bus ride say to me about my life today? What trip am I on that seems temporary in nature that I am sharing with others - specially a middle aged woman part of me? This woman is trying to tell me something about myself, but "I" am so FOCUSED on EYES (or "I"'s) that I am not listening to what she is saying! It may be time to stop and smell the roses, and close my eyes and listen externally and internally instead of concentrating so much effort on seeing the sights. Maybe my eyesight is out of balance with other parts of me, or is that her or is that you? This dream talks to me about basics: like 1,2, and 3's and A, B, and C's. Wait a second "C"? Does that have to do with sight, vision and eyes?? Ay,Ay AY! O Pancho...Oh Cisco!! Who left that Silver Bullet?? Who was that masked man??? (as the William Tell Overture blasts away in the background!!)
P.S Speaking about 1's and Eye's: What is that symbol on the back of the United States One dollar bill at the top of the pyramid to the left? What does it say on that banner the Eagle is holding with its mouth to the right? Dum, de dum dum...dum,de dum dum ... DUMMMMM! Aha .. a challenge to those not into trivia or money.
We now return control of your computer to you viewers. Thanks for visiting the Outer Limits of the imagination. Remember that at any moment you 2 (you are more than 1 you know) can experience the amazing wonders of the twilight zone within.
Thanks Jay for untapping a dormant part of me stuck on a bus and in need of letting go of the emphasis on "I" and sharing more with the many "You" - both masculine and feminine that touch my life. (The theme from "Chariot's Of Fire" comes to mind...)
Bob K.
FEAR [What scares us]
FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]
HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS
HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]
HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
(See The Journey Begins under JOURNEY)
HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]
JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]
* Dream: The Journey Begins by Blue Angel (970921) *
It appeared to be early evening -- the sky's intensity was fading -- when I arrived at a big house. The wrought iron and glass door looked out of place on this glorious house. Some of the windows and other doors were constructed in the same way, of wrought iron and glass. My companion (I don't know who it was)and I were led thorugh a dishevelled garden, laden with untidy mounds of
bricks, trodden flowers and sporadic tufts of grass. We followed a dirt path into the coolness of the house. Everyone sat in plush faded sofas and large chairs covered in once-luxurious fabrics. On the walls hung flimsy, worn rugs and tapestries. The room where we sat was large and appeared to take up much of the ground level of the house. There were no lights on and the dimness
made everything look old, tired and dusty. It felt "cave-like" and cozy.
Against the wall in the distance were tables, mat floor coverings and old carpets and chairs. Everything looked old and cluttered, but comfortable. There was an air of wealth about the house. I could see the garden through which we had walked, through a half-open door. The bricks were there, apparently, "because the boys don't have time to neatly stack them." Suddenly we had to
leave. I suppose it was time to continue, or to begin, our journey. We'd hardly had a moment to rest. We arrived at the edge of an extremely shallow river. It was no longer evening but daylight. The water was so clear, it looked as if there wasn't any. We could see everything that lay on the riverbed. Brown "stuff" was growing over large areas of the riverbed and in
between was gravelly ground. The river had a good feeling about it, in the sense that it was taking me somewhere. Up river I saw a barge-like craft with many people aboard. Then I looked over the embankment and saw our vessel -- a frighteningly unsafe-looking raft made of iron! There was a hinge in the
middle so that it could be folded. My companion and I climbed down onto the raft. Our oars were poles. My companion began to "pole" us down the clear river toward an uncertain future. I felt that I was in good hands. I felt as if I was about to embark on a good and necessary adventure. I awoke feeling this had been "Part One of Seven Parts."
* Dream: Unwilling Mercenary Parts I and II by PD (970829)*
Unwilling Mercenary: Dream of 8-29-97 approx'ly Estimated dream-time length=45min from PD
I found myself in a city that was unknown to me; tall buildings, new and shiny, to be sure, but also many of a "Spanish" or Mexican design. I "feel" like a foreigner yet I know somehow that I am neither a tourist. The few "locals" who pass do not pay particular notice but I certainly feel like anyone who glances at me knows immediately I am not a native....strange contradicting feelings at this early stage. Somehow, the realization hits me like a sledge: there is a revolution going on in this country, and I sensed that I could be mistaken as a rebel if I allow myself to act differently. A soldier is walking toward me, a serious look on his face as he glared to his right, then his left, obviously searching for something....and I DON't think its a Mrs. Fields' cookie outlet! Beyond this individual, who looks like nobody I can think of, by the way, appears to be an entire company of soldiers, knocking on doors, stopping cars, really going about their "search for the rebels" quite seriously. I decide that my best strategy for success is to try my best to blend in and so I started to "search" also, as I walked about a half-block in front of the main body of searchers. Somehow, an old slide-bolt rifle ends up in my hands, and I'm thinking two main Threads of thought..regular citizens will be less likely to suspect me while carrying the rifle, but on the negative side, the soldiers will be MORE likely to stop me carrying a weapon and not looking like the rest of the populace. I approach a long building on my right that seemed to be apartments, although only a few individuals decorated the landscape. I make sure to glance behind me as I progress down the street, until I notice a clutch of perhaps 10-15 men who, as best I could tell from 50 feet away, were in the process of hiding from the approaching soldiers.."ahhh, I whisper, those are the american mercenary "rebels", and I head in their general direction. I worried momentarily that they might mistake me for a soldier, because of the gun, but it's obviously not standard issue, and I look nothing like a native....I hoped! I got close and got a couple of "knowing" nods from the hiding mercenaries and took particular notice for some reason, of details in the "uniforms" they wore. Each had little patches and mementos of the various battles they'd fought in the past..."not exactly subtle"..I thought. Most everyone was hidden well; all, that is, except for this one guy who sat on some low steps about 25' to my right. He was holding a full-auto rifle and was firing indiscriminantly(sp) firing first, in the air, then he took aim at one of the many doors lining this long building. The wood of the door splintered and flew under the impact of the bullets, and he was whooping and hollering loudly, oblivious to the approach of the soldiers that were looking specifically for this group of men....and yet, my reaction was that the best way to blend in, since there was no way to ignore the noise, was to take my own rifle and join-in with the target practice. Somehow this made sense, but only in "dream sense" I looked down as I slid the bolt back, saw a round being properly chambered and the bolt slid forward, but then, it jammed..and I recall, in great detail, my fingers' actions moving this way and that, as I tried to get it unstuck....all the time painfully aware of the noise this other guy was making and the incredible racket made by an M-16 at full-auto! end of part one PD -----------------------------------------------
"mercenary" prt II.... from PD The bolt action rifle I held was stuck and wouldn't fire; whereas the automatic weapon the loud, unconcerned mercenary next to me had no such problem. Despite the soldiers who had just turned the corner and were looking straight at us, he just kept the trigger squeezed, whooping and hollering loudly as the rounds tore up the door he fired at. I remember wondering how he knew no one lived in that particular apartment he was firing into. Also quite vivid was the detail of the old rifle I was holding, and the sliding bolt that was stuck half-open and the different methods I tried to free up the action. Something finally worked because the sliding bolt slipped closed, I held the gun at hip level(hmmm a mis-firing gun at hip level...not tough to figure THAT imagery out, eh? But I tell the truth when I say I suffer neither premature "firing" nor a malfunctioning "sliding bolt" in real life); and, without forethought, turn to my right and shoot the first soldier in line, then, very calmly and without anxiety of any kind, turn left and walk away, down the street. Did I actually kill him? Maybe he's just wounded and has his barrel pointed at my back this very about the two other soldiers who had been walking with the one I had shot..what happened to them? But I didn't turn around, and I heard no shouting behind me, so continued to appear to be "searching for rebels", as I walked from the victim of my violence. (I have never been a "gun" guy, I had to carry one as an insurance investigator years ago, but never got the "fever" I've observed in other guys. I learned to use it with the same intensity I applied to learning how to work the old grass model VI EEG I used in sleep was a tool, and I determined to learn as much as possible about it and become proficient in its use, but guns have never been a big part of my life) I became aware of a group of soldiers now running across the wide, empty boulevard, generally in my direction. The officer leading the team looked slightly familiar.....maybe an old "road dog" of mine named Jimmy, from the early '70s...only with a thick, fumanchu mustache he never had when I knew first instinct is to run for it...sure that someone had seen my shooting of a fellow comrade of theirs. But instead, with great self-control, I glanced at them with an unconcerned expression, and thankfully, they ran past me. I hear a lot of shouting behind me and I turn to see all the "hidden rebels" being taken prisoner..the loud one yelling right in the face of the leading officer who finally slapped the yeller and had one of the soldiers tie a handkerchief around his mouth to shut him up. (I know it would help if the yeller reminded me of someone in real life, but I swear, I get no personal connections at all, and his face is that of a complete stranger..) The thought occurs to me that I now am the only person who can rescue these guys and I plan to walk quickly around the entire city block, to come up behind the group of prisoners, so as to find out where they'll be held. But somehow, I find myself being enticed and seduced by an extremely beautiful "seniorita" who was wearing traditional flowing skirt with numerous petticoats underneath but her white blouse was totally unbuttoned to her waist, and she was pulling her thick, long nipples out to an amazing length, inviting me to pleasure her.... I wont go into the next scene in detail: more appropriate for an After a wonderful sensual experience with the pretty lady, I remember the prisoners and curse myself for being distracted from my "quest" of saving the american, "mercenary rebels". I head for what sounds like a huge crowd of people yelling in a triumphant, sports-like manner. As I round a corner, an amazingly detailed vista-rama in front of me...a huge, RED SQUARE-sized open flat city plaza lain out before me, as I look down and out from my observation point on a neighborhood street that slowly descends to the plaza, perhaps 3 city blocks away, then the plaza itsef, which appeared to be perhaps a good half-kilometer wide...on the far side, where the colorful, cheering crowd was oriented, was a stage of sorts where the "king" was seated, absorbing the adoration of the cheering crowd....I somehow knew the celebration was a result of the king finally capturing the rebels. Somehow, I come to realize that they are being held in an old, solid rock prison situated to my left and above; sitting on the low yet steep hill that I then proceed to climb with great difficulty. (Usually, in retrospect, it is at moments such as this that I become aware that I'm dreaming....great physical effort, running through sand, etc.) The dream continued in great detail for the next 20 minutes as I reconoitered, planned, then executed with James Bond-like efficiency, the escape of the held rebels...I'll save you all the time and imagery now: suffice to say that the experiences I was feeling, the rocks I climbed over, the fear of discovery, the elation of the release of the rebels....all was life-like, non-distorted, either visually or conceptually, and one of the best recalled dreams I've ever had. A teenager squealing his tires in the street outside my house woke me at the point where we were, as a group, crouching low for cover, as we ran along the ridge-line above the crowd-filled plaza below. The time was 3:50am, and I had fallen asleep at approx'ly midnight.
Any comments, questions, etc....would be welcomed.... PD
LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]
LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]
*Lucid Dream: Its All To Real by Kyle (970906) *
I am in my bed, reading a book on Zen Buddhism that someone had given me. In the book there is a sentence which says: "To get to the bodhi dharma, skip the middle two syllables through anger." I think "hey, I'll try it." So I start to concentrate on letting all anger flow out of me, trying to break down any suppression, repression, so forth. I feel my personality start to deintegrate- a feeling as though continents on the earth were breaking up and separating. I start floating up off the bed towards the ceiling, and coming back down. There is intense pressure on my body and a rushing sound in my ears (Leary's "rocket ship launching"?). But at this point the problems started. For some reason I was not able to/decided not to continue. I sat down next to my bed and took a rest. I began to feel kind of nervous, and suddenly noticed a multi-fingered, grotesque hand touching my forehead. In fear and terror, I grabbed it and broke it in pieces. I got up and walked out of the room and into the hall, carrying my Zen book and some other blue power object with me. Suddenly two doors opened, and my book and object got sucked out of my hands and pulled through these doorways. Both doors slammed shut. I attempted to open one, but my hand was shoved back by an invisible force. I asked the door to "please open" but it did not. Then I felt this was getting kind of scary, so I woke myself up.
I am very confused about what happened here. On the one hand, I was given the Zen book, which makes me feel as though some kind of transformation archetype was constellating. But yet, it seemed to be blocked by other, negative forces. I am thinking that maybe what happened was that my ego-complex started to deintegrate in preparation for some kind of restructuring, but some other complex, an autonomous one, sort of took advantage of the ego-complex's vulnerable state. I'm not satisfied with this explanation, though. Any thoughts on what was going on here, or more generally on whether ego-loss in the dream state is a good idea, or maybe a dangerous one? I'd love to hear some ideas- also if anyone has had similar experiences, maybe we can compare notes...
* Dream: Hands by The Tibetan (9709XX) *
Hi Richard!
I just subscribed to Electric Dreams online. I am looking forward to reading over the back issues and getting caught up with what you have been doing!
I am a long time lucid dreamer and want to share insights and learn more myself. Even thought I have one of the first DreamLights and am a charter member of The Lucidity Institute... producing a lucid dream at will still eludes me.
Lately I have been very interested in using hand visualization as a method to induce lucidity. I had an experience a while back in which I woke up from a dream and lay in bed in the early morning... after perhaps four hours of sleep. I held my hand out in front of my face and studied it intensely in the morning light. I closed my eyes and let my hand drop to my side but kept the visualization of my hand in my minds eye, just about the same distance away as my physical hand had been. Then a very interesting thing happened. My visualization turned very concrete indeed. I wasn't just visualizing anymore... I was really "seeing" my hand in my minds eye... then my hand "morphed" into a cross and then a railroad stake... at this time it began to move away from me. I "followed" it with my minds eye... moving faster and faster into the distance.
Then all of a sudden I found my face pressed up against a wall... a dream wall. I stepped back and a dream enfolded before me. I was dreaming and I knew it. I was completely lucid! The thread of waking consciousness had never been broken as I experienced my first WILD. I am sure you are familiar with LaBerge's pnemonic.
Lately, I have been overwhelmed with the synchronicities of hands... using hands to induce lucidity and other altered states of consciousness. I can be slow to catch on at times, but I couldn't ignore these repetitive synchronicities. Jung would be proud.
Besides the obvious "look at your hands" Casteneda reference, I have been finding many others. Lately on Art Bell's radio show I listened to two rebroadcasts (or was it three?) of Stan Tensin(sp?) talking about the "biblical code" he has uncovered in Genesis by stringing the original Hebrew letters together and letting them overlap. The geometric symbols overlap revealing this visual code embedded in the original Hebrew. He then went on to say that all of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet can be visualized by different angles of HAND movements... there goes the hand reference again! By visualizing these hand movements one is propelled into a genesis creation vision he coined as... as... the word now escapes me, but I suspect it is a lucid or obe experience.
I am also reminded of prayer hands used in meditation... different hand gestures used by ninja to induce trance... of shamanic postures involving hand movements to induce vision quests... etc.
I am beginning to suspect that I am onto something here. What do you think? I would be very interested to hear from your subscribers on their experiences of using hand imagery to induce lucidity.
Please feel free to pass this E-mail along to the group or whomever might be interested. I would love to hear from others and their experiences with this.
Another keen interest of mine is the lucid dream vs. OBE debate. I am particularly interested in all consciousness exploration involving OBE like states. I have been using esoteric sound and vibration to induce these states... everything from cymatics and sacred geometry to Robert Monroe's hemi-sync binaural beats to various light and sound brain machines. Once again I find myself on the doorway of various "Star Gates" and am ready to consciously walk into those worlds... just as the Tibetan Dream Yogis call "the practice of the night."
Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts. I look forward to hearing from you and catching up on what I have been missing in Electric Dreams.
Lucidly yours, The Tibetan
Oh yes, feel free to post my E-mail address. You can refer to me as "The Tibetan" if you like... take care and pleasant dreams.
MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]
MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]
MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]
NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]
POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]
RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]
* Dream: "Enigma" by Kes (970920) *
I'm in a familiar building with a lot of other men whom I like. We reminisce; we talk about where we'd had our picture taken; we go from room to room of the old Physics building. Back in the main room now, one of us brings out a photograph and asks if anyone knows what happened to the man in the picture. I remember, and say "He was replaced by Swift." I didn't say Swift's first name, Jack B.
The physicists play games on the floor. On the floor too, I sing snatches from songs that come to mind, mostly German folk songs that I learned in class at college. Someone sitting nearby is listening to me. One of the songs was "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen / Du, du liegst mir im Sinn."
The physicists are taking turns tracing patterns on the floor. Patterns that, put together, resemble leaves, each leaf being an ovoid (that is, like the overlap of two circles) with different sizes of ovoids in the pattern. I watch as one man (who looks a little like Swift actually) painstakingly traces with blue ink the already-inscribed but colorless pattern of leaves.
The men are gambling on their floor-game, placing bets with some old antique monies that were in a box. I pick up the box, smaller than a cigar box, harder than wood. (Later, it seems to be a silver trinket box.) In the box are yet some coins, but the men are done with their game. I wonder why they used these obviously valuable antique coins in their game instead of regular money. There is a $3. US Silver Certificate (framed), a Mercury dime like the one I have at home, and a few cheap-looking amber-colored plastic coins. We're supposed to put the box back now, but I want the Silver Certificate and the Mercury dime, and I don't put it back but take the whole thing.
Conterminate with this, there are some other trinkets that I take with me, folded up in an antique embroidered handkerchief. There are two hair clips, one a deep red color and one gold-colored, both ovoid-shaped with little spheres all the way around their edges. I recognize them as being exactly like some hairclips I had as a child.
There is also something like a silver sachet locket or pin. I put the hair clips in my hair, the red one on the right and the gold one on the left. I might also
have worn the locket/pin. I gather up the rest of it: the locket/pin, the embroidered handkerchief, the $3. Silver Certificate, the Mercury dime, and the silver trinket-box, and prepare to leave the building.
The physics building segues into / is also a very nice albeit faded and worn-out big old house, like the one I didn't buy but much larger. I also, rather dimly, arrive at this house via automobile, as well as ride up on my bike. Outdoors, it's like the street of the house I didn't buy, and it's night.
Indoors, it's late evening. I'm still upstairs, not having left actually, in spite of arriving. The house is big and old and starting to need repair. I see an aluminum screen door propped up somewhere and I hope they're not going to start replacing the nice old wood appurtenances with cheap new stuff, then I tell myself it's probably just temporary so the mosquitoes won't come in while the workmen are working.
Upstairs are several bedrooms, each with one or two beds in them. I go around from one room to the other, and I find a place where I can stow the trinkets that I'm carrying. I find a place between two beds in one room, and slide the trinkets, in a carry case or sack, beneath one of the beds near the headboard. In my mind is the idea that I'm hiding them from Bubba, though I don't know why.
Ruby is here also, and I carry her around from room to room, or she carries me. No, I carry her, whispering quietly so Bubba won't hear. As we go, I tell her one by one about the red clip, the gold clip, the silver sachet locket/pin, the antique embroidered handkerchief, the $3. Silver Certificate, the Mercury dime, and the silver trinket box.
We go downstairs, Ruby being the only one with a bed downstairs. Then we go back upstairs. Overall the house is very much the same, old and faded. The ceilings are maybe 14 feet high, and the wallpaper, where I looked, is a beautiful green tweed. There are more beds up here now than there were before, some out in the central area as well as the rooms around the periphery. Some of the beds are shaped like giant looking-glasses, narrow handled at the bottom and large and round at the top. It seems to me that more people are arriving and getting into the beds. Indeed, I have a memory of being in one of the beds for a moment myself, even though I'm walking round and round with Ruby. I see one woman get into the bed where Mama died, and I wonder if she doesn't feel a little strange about that, then I decide not to worry about it.
I feel that Bubba is also wandering around looking for me, and I try to avoid him. I know that he's trying to get the trinkets that I have, and I'm glad that I hid them. However, I feel that all he really wants is the silver box. I decide to take everything with me but leave the box for Bubba. I wonder why he wants it, might there be some hidden panels in it or something. I hear a voice in my head say "enigma" which I take to be the name of the box. It occurs to me that Randall would really love a genuine antique German Enigma, but then I tell myself it isn't my job to acquire antique crypto machines for someone else's hobby. I go to the room with the two beds and take everything out but leave the silver box.
Now I'm seeking the exit from the house. After a few false tries I sort of will one spot to be what I'm looking for and I see a nice foyer appear, the walls green aqua with gold trim, double doors, and I set my trinkets down outside on the doorstep without going out myself. I feel that Bubba wants to know where I stowed the silver box. In my mind I tell him "Between two headboards".
Now I start to go out myself, and as I wake up I see myself still inside as well as outside looking at my car parked on the street. It's dark outside.
I don't really realize I have wakened up, and now I'm in my own living room listening to music. I can see it too: a woman playing a banjo and singing to a man. The music seems sort of country-western and is a very fast tempo. I have out my metronome and I try to match it to the music. The fastest setting is 3 but the woman is playing faster than that. The metronome ceases to function at 3 as the bob, either too long or too short, knocks against the side.
= Commentary I by Island on "Engima" (97.09.20) by Kes (970921)=
The dream "Enigma," submitted by Kes, is the most beautiful rendering of a dream I can recall. All I know is I was ready to begin work, and meant to check my E-mail, very briefly, and suddenly I feel myself swept away by feelings I am at a loss to describe. Poignant, nostalgic, might do for starters. And yet, as I look up the meaning of both those words, they won't quite do because too keen, too sharp what feelings might I add? There is a kind of somnambulate sensibility which circles around and around things that matter a lot, not only the things that the dreamer carries away from one house to another, but things not chosen (plastic coins), decisions not made (transported by car and bike), the ambivalence lived with (I carried her or she carried me), the house not bought, the street not lived on after all. These trinkets are so valuable that they are passed on as they are verbally described, one by one, to, presumably, a child, Ruby -- all, except the embroidered handkerchief, not spoken of to Ruby -- for how does one communicate to another the essence of a cloth whereby a design is worked with a needle, giving intense attention to the details of all that makes up oneself? So Ruby, suggesting intense feeling, passion, perhaps even idealism * is carrying, or being carried by the dreamer * from room to room. Is she is being prepared to inherit the values of the dreamer, or is she enabling the dreamer to realize her own inestimable value?
At the same time, effort is spent on guarding these treasures, for what will men (Bubba) do with things of value on an open market? All Bubba wants is the silver box, and not the precious trinkets within. To Bubba, the box is a silver box, materially defined, and to the dreamer, Enigma, the container of paradox, ambiguity all that remains inexplicable, shrouded in mystery. Enigma recalls to my mind Pandora's box, containing everything that would undermine and destroy humanity, were it not for hope. Why was Pandora's box opened, I ask? Could it be that, without the forthcoming ills coming from her opened box, Enigma would not exist? What, then, would give rise to feelings of poignancy, regret, nostalgia and other feelings too numerous to name? What feelings would lay memory bare? Would there be songs to sing, history to record, recall, or recount, epic poetry to write, dramas to unfold? Would there be Mnemosyne to honor, or would the Muses have been born? Would we care whether or not the stars whispered of our beginnings and endings, or serve as our map of the Universe, from both without and within?
Would there even be concerns about the quality of materials used to build the physical world, such as "the aluminum door propped up by workmen," giving rise to the dreamer's worry that the "old wood appurtenances" might not remain? Would there be a "faded and worn out house" needing repair? Or would our souls remain arrested in time, a concern of Keats, perhaps, as he wrote "Ode to a Grecian Urn"?
"Giant looking glasses" for bedposts, seemingly searching the heavens in these 14 foot rooms, desire to peer both into the deep past and distant future, for answers, for resolution, perhaps, while the beds in each room * even the bed where Mama died * seem designed to endure the ambiguity, the paradox, the poignant, nostalgic Enigma of it all.
There is a kind of musing going on inside the dream ramblings, first, going from room to room of a Physics Building, where tension builds between what is withheld and what delivered -- as if anticipating some climax, but what? Yes, when "the metronome ceases to function at 3 as the bob, either too long or too short, knocks against the side," as the dreamer, now awake from her dream, realizes. So did Hardy, too, realize, when he wrote "During Wind and Rain." The tick of the metronome * time * does stop, and not in the same moment for everyone for the woman's tempo as she sings the country/western song races against time.
The dream opens in the Physics Building, where ovoid circles -- egg-shaped -- patterned like leaves, recall leavings, departings of leaves, each in their own time, from a giant tree, not a part of the dream imagery, but conjured up by the leaflike patterns. These patterns of leaves are now displaced to a floor where physicists soon done in their game playing take risks * gamble * with antique coins. "Preserve the pattern," one seems to urge, as he traces with blue ink the colorless patterns, now drained of life. But the dreamer values these old coins, just as she valued the memory of the man in the photograph enough to recall that he was replaced by another, Swift, ironically -- where part of the name is withheld, and part delivered.
Does the dreamer ask, are we merely two-dimensional snapshots taken at a point in time? Is that all of ourselves we leave behind? Are only our last names significant, names that bring forward bits and pieces of ourselves from generation to generation? Are our first names, suggesting unique identity, lost to oblivion? A Mercury dime, gathering momentum while spinning on its edge as the world turns in space, echoes God's winged communicator and the whispered communications perhaps spurring on the birthings of civilizations. This dime is taken along with the trinkets. Worn in her hair, these gold and red clips from childhood bring order to what might be said to be symbolic of thought, wisdom -- even Memory -- mingling control and passion all the while. Also a silver certificate, emphasizing the feminine, the intuitive, with a value of three, creativity, captured within a frame. What do men do with things of value on an open market? Will they feel and react much like Jachimo did centuries ago in Shakespeare's Cymbeline (II.ii.39-50):
Here's a voucher,
Stronger than ever law could make; this secret
Will force him think I have pick'd the lock and ta'en
The treasure of her honor. No more: to what end?
Why should I wrIte this down that's riveted,
Screw'd to my memory? She hath been reading late
The tale of Tereus: here the leaf's turned down
Where Philomele gave up. I have enough;
To th' trunk again, and shut the spring of it.
Swift, swift, you dragons of the night, that dawning
May bare the raven's eye! I lodge in fear;
Though this a heavenly angel, hell is here.
One, two, three: time, time!
The metronome stops. And the dreamer, humming, singing her German folk songs, while the gambling goes on, wraps her precious trinkets in an embroidered handkerchief...
= Commentary II - Response From Kes & Island (970923) =
To Island --
Wow. This is the first posting I ever made to a dream group and I was beginning to wonder if such a dream were appropriate, so symboliferous, you know, for most of my dreams are of the "story" type with lots of people-stuff and emotion, and less of the overt symbols. And here you come along and tell a story out of it... Wow.
You didn't ask for feedback. Some of what you said isn't "accurate" from my perspective. But maybe I can provide some details for you that will add to and not detract from the story you have fashioned from my dream. So, if you wanna...
Ruby, my aunt, now living in a rest home. Certainly carried me as a child. Now here I am carrying her in much the same manner. She was the one who taught me hand-embroidery, as a child, not a skill much known today. The handkerchief in the dream, identical to one in my cedar chest today, one of a set given to me by her and Mama. Oddly, though I did recognize, while in the dream, the hairclips and the dime from my past, I did not recognize the handkerchief.
You have given an answer to the only part of my dream that I really didn't understand myself: Why did Bubba want the box? It didn't really matter to me, but I didn't know. I think there's some faint connection here to events of World War II. The physicists are often blamed for the weapons of war and the destruction, and everyone thinks of them when they think of the bomb.
"Enigma" really was a German World War II encryption (code-making) device, which caused the Allies some amount of headaches.
And yet, I sang little German love-songs. I'm pretty sure I was a man in this part of the dream, one of the physicists, but though it's a bit unclear I'm pretty sure I was singing the songs to a woman. The songs, too. Only the one I quoted matched a song I learnt in class at college. The other ones in the dream, I can't recall now, and the other songs I know, weren't among those in the dream.
I myself have a degree in physics, so it is not surprising to find a subconscious connection between me and the "boys who made the bomb". But the "boys who made the bomb" were not evil -- they were people like me, and they loved too.
Poignancy, regret, nostalgia -- if I recall a part of me that was involved in something that could undermine and destroy humanity, what would I think of myself? If I own up to being involved in that destruction, would I think myself inhuman? Or would I show myself that it was really no more than a game and that I'm a loving being after all?
(And what a game, too. So hard to play, so much to risk, and... so hard to stay in the lines!!)
There really was a Jack B. Swift, a physicist. I don't think he was a nuclear physicist but I don't really remember. His name always brought to mind for me the old nursery rhyme, and I'd begin it Jack be nimble, Jack B. Swift, Jack jump over the...
Over the what? Now I wonder. The candle's gift? That doesn't make sense to me. What about, the candle-shift? This fits better. The woman playing so fast -- could there be a shift occurring that Jack will partake of, that is too fast a shift to measure? Could there exist no devices that are capable of measuring the kind of shift the woman is singing about on her banjo?
Actually that explanation feels like it's reaching a little. I feel really that I was just reassuring myself that events are moving along very quickly though it might feel slow to me. I'm well-known for my impatience. Mercury, too. I was glad to see Mercury there...
Memory, yes. The closing lines of Gene Roddenberry's poem: Tell him, as he wanders his starry sea, Remember me.
Names, what are names.
I have another self, soul-mate may be the popular term, whose name I will not give. Just call him "J". Had I been a boy I would have been named John. In my dreams I have come to associate the color red with him and yellow with myself. In this case the colors are very deep, the yellow being actually gold. But the fact that I wore the red clip on the right means to me that in this dream, I was dreaming "as" him, the right being Self and the left not-Self, but I wore both clips, so I was him being both of us at once.
I have often wondered where the other lives went, you know, and it seems to me a little limiting to restrict them to "past" lives. I have come to associate "J", somewhat tangentially, with Ruby, as if Ruby were a part of him as redistributed among the people I knew from my childhood. Bubba, Ruby's older brother, had a son, my only older cousin. Lucky was the boy's name. Lucky lived only a few hours past birth. But I had a dream where J. was Lucky's son, Bubba's grandson, and I had married my second cousin. A second cousin who, in this venue, was never born.
I asked my friend Randall to describe a German Enigma to me, and I got an answer back last night. That box is the epitome of mechanicity!!! Little wheels and gears and puzzles, all to fashion something so that one person with the key can understand it, and another, lacking the key, cannot. "Enigma" now becomes for me a symbol for the invisible lines of thought that divide and separate. And yet, even I continue to speak in code, as I have not given you J's real name. What is it that keeps the lines in place? What makes me think that love is locked away, and requires a key?
Strangely, as I finished reading your commentary, another old German song popped unrequested into my head, so I'll give it:
Ich liebe dich so wie du mich Am Abend und am Morgen Noch war kein Tag wo ich und dich Nicht teilten unsere Sorgen
Which means, I think:
I love you as you love me In evening and in morning There was yet no day when I and you Did not partake of one another's sorrow
(my German's sorta rusty, but sometimes a mistranslation is as good as an accurate one)
P.S. Being new to this, I don't know if it's customary to post my response to your response. I don't know how much actual discussion goes on in the list
itself. If you think it'd fit in, I've saved a copy, and I'll send it to (is that the right one?).
Dear Kes,
I am very pleased that you responded to my comments because it would have remained an "enigma" that I did something so uncharacteristic, which is to be so taken with a dream, and respond in the moment. Your reply was very illuminating. Forgive me if my comments, sometimes going far afield, detracted from the dreamer and dream itself,. Perhaps I should have said, "If it were my dream," however, the dream was so like a poem to me not something I was attempting to decode, but a vision manifesting in the material world that literally swept through me in a manner unique to my experience, warranting my fullest expression in response. I didn't know what the "game" was, however, and if it were my dream, your comments considered, I take it to mean that the "game" is whether or not we choose to begin and end life with ourselves and all that his/(her)Story which ravels and unravels in between, bearing in mind the nature of the feelings that swept through me that I remain at a loss to describe.
At any rate, unfortunately, I do not have the mind of Alan Turing and, though he unlocked the code of the German Enigma, upturning the tides of war, I cannot unlock the code of a dream, which will forever remain enigmatic its very essence -- and the more enigmatic, I feel, the more a multitude of feeling surface to the threshold. So by all means, as far as I'm concerned, your symbolic dream was entirely appropriate, and I hope to read more of them. My commentary? Not nearly as appropriate as the dream itself...but I was really released to have read the dream and responded to it, so thank you.
And your feedback, your comments to me, again, entirely on point you are the dreamer. I loved your comments, in fact, and all, as I understand it, falls within the scope of Electric Dreams. You, however, may or may not be aware of Dream Wheel groups, which take this approach in a much focused, concentrated fashion over time, where others ask questions of the dreamer's dream, who then responds. I myself participated once, and it was a phenomenal experience for me.
So if you don't mind, I will take the entire text of this E-mail, with the exception of the paragraph to you that alludes to the more personal synchronicities that came into play in my life shortly following receiving your dream, and forward it to, who receives both dreams and comments from both the dreamer and the person commenting. Again, thank you for responding.
=Commentary on Commentary by Kes & Island III (970924) =
Well, Island, that is remarkable. But unsurprising. I expect
synchronicities. But I have wearied of the topic. It's like when you do a watercolor painting, you put the first wash on, then when it's dry add highlights, and maybe do this once more, but if you keep on messing with it you might muddy it up. When I heard of the dreamwheel my first thought was, that's not for me. I guess when I have the dream, it changes me, and when I think over it or tell someone about it, I get additional insights, especially seeing symbols I might have missed before putting it into words. But then the next night I have another couple of dreams and so on, and I generally lose interest in the preceding dreams. Some dreams, yes, some dreams stick around. I write those down and save them, particularly the ones with experiences in them that I'd like more of. But even at that, it has always annoyed me a little that the very act of rendering the dream into words tends to change it into something else, and if I don't actively relive the emotions in the dream too, the dream-account becomes the dream, the images rendered by the words replace the images that gave rise to the words, and the initial magic of the dream is altered. My really most favorite dreams I have never written down, or have written once and tucked away, never looking at it again.
Sigh. The foregoing isn't what I initially meant to say. I had asked you about putting my remarks on your remarks in the list. I meant it at the time, but after I'd sent the mail, I read over my remarks a couple of times and the topic was laid to rest, at least in my mind. I wasn't going to send them after all. You sent them to the list for me, but that's fine, no problem here. When you're under the spur of the moment, "carpe" the "diem", you know. Never mind the "if it were my dream" part, or changing little bits of the dream, that doesn't bother me. (That used to bother me, but now I can't remember why.) It's a new mind working on fresh material, and it's changed into a new dream now, sort of a hybrid of my mind and yours. I also meant to say something about the synchronicity. I was a physicist by training and a computer design engineer by profession, but I always felt that circumstance roughhoused me into that mold. Like, left to my own devices, I'd have worked at the five-and-dime for a living and the rest of the time done pretty much what I do now. What it has given me, though, is a line to a kind of clarity of thought. I might have been called someone with a "strong" mind. But I took this beyond logic, applying logic to logic itself to reveal its inadequacies. Even before I was out of school, I knew that the mathematics was woefully inadequate to the task at hand. The universe is perfectly capable of generating problems that any math you devise will never be able to handle. But the universe is a kind universe, and generally gives you only enough "too much". It is up to the user to either tackle with renewed energy that surplus, or disregard it. The universe acts like you expect it to.
You wrote,
> I didn't know what the "game" was, however, and if it were my dream,
> your comments considered, I take it to mean that the "game" is whether
> or not we choose to begin and end life with ourselves and all that
> his/(her)Story which ravels and unravels in
> between, bearing in mind the nature of the feelings that swept
> through me that I remain at a loss to describe.
If you like, I will give you my "current working model" so to speak. There is never anything but a current working model anyway. I have not rendered this into words before, so here goes:
A portion of consciousness intentionally limits its memories of all there is to know. (In a way, this limiting is how the "portion" is formed into a portion.) Then that cut off portion experiences the flavor of the energies it finds itself in. The surrounding limited memories which are retained are all that the cut off portion has access to in addition to its current experience. The limited memories are like decoration to the current experience.
This is where the cut off portion of consciousness either forms or doesn't form an interpretation of the additional knowledge. Taken without interpretation, it remains like decoration, or window-dressing, on the petite artwork under consideration. But with repetition, the decoration associated with the current experience may become interpreted as causal. This makes a unique kind of artwork, the artwork of limitation, and the game becomes to make the petite cute little art be appealing to yourself without straying out of the limits which you have set but forgotten you have set.
On the one hand, it is tough to keep forgetting what you good and well know that you remember, and excursions into the "forgotten" regions are experienced after all. Not believed real, they are dubbed "dreams" by the cut off portion. On the other hand, when you are the cut off portion and the only real thing you have is the cute little art that's inside the lines, it may pinch. (Unless you happen to like being cramped up like a bonsai.) The parts of consciousness that visit these limited artworks may or may not like it, and they come and go.
But there arises a species of consciousness that associates itself entirely with the tiny artwork under consideration. "This is how I organize myself" it says. "And I like things to go nice and not pinch." However if it tries to make things go nice by using the tiny tools at its disposal, shortly it runs out of options simply because the options are finite in number. What it doesn't know is that the rest of consciousness is all the time looking in and trying to help out by materializing new and helpful stuff inside the tiny artwork. But if the consciousness inside the tiny artwork always interprets the helpful stuff as dangerous, back we go to square one.
But art is art, you know, even when pinched. We have gotten good at pinched art. Tragedies always, and even comedies if I am not mistaken are a twist on tragedies, at least that's what the comics say.
Well, that seems a little long-winded. But that's my current idea of what is going on. My personal desire is to retain the teeny artwork but have it nice and not pinch. I don't know if there is a "how" for this. I suspect there is no "how" for anything.
Dear Kes,
Your last E-mail gave me room for a long pause because I feel you were saying something quite profound, and I just don't have quite the mind to grok it. But I'm trying. Your comment about synchronicity and how you expect it. For me, synchronicity is something of a gift, and I am always filled with awe when I experience it, probably because I can't quite fathom how it happens nor why, and feel I've been catapulted inside of a deep mystery. Dreams are like that for me, either my own or another's dreams, and sometimes I am jarred in a dream by the lack of no correspondence whatsoever to what I may have experienced the day, week, or month before. In that instance, I say to myself that dreams are oddly asynchronous, and by that, I again am arrested somewhat mysteriously.
When you began to theorize on your "current working model" of the game, I assume, the game of the physicists on the floor in your dream, and as they gambled with antique coins, this is where things became profound for me. At first I was reminded of Jung's Answer to Job, read many years ago, but as I recall, it dealt with God's conscious limitation of part of His/Her consciousness, I believe to provide a rationale for what we call "evil," or the shadow, which, as I understand it, is evil because not integrated. As what you were saying initially somehow reminded me of this book, nevertheless, you threw in something delightfully refreshing, at least to me. And that is, this limiting [of memories, which I am using synonymously, for the sake of argument, with shadow], is how the portion is formed into a portion, which I associated to how each entity comes into being on the material plane. We arrive with our portion, which we play out, though we have a pact with ourselves not to remember all that is of our finite portion, and let our shades of light and dark dance in Plato's cave.
But I wasn't sure of what you mean by the "surrounding limited memories"? Are they personal memories, grounded in actual experience as life is lived out, as you make a distinction between these memories and experience? These "surrounding limited memories" are memories of what, in other words? Do they merely decorate or flood our lives? As I understand it, it is the interpretation of these memories that makes the difference in quality of experience. I have always felt that repetition is a great key and, as I envision it, perhaps by the repetition of memories colliding with experience, the momentum would build in me that I must necessarily interpret for the tensions would be too great to contain. What happens when we stray beyond our self-defined limits? When we venture to take "excursions into the forgotten regions"? Why do we drive ourselves, or are we driven, into those realms? What do we gain? What lose?
You comment, "Not believed real, they are dubbed ædreams' by the cut off portion. I like that because it helps me to understand the possibility that many of my "asynchronous" dreams are perhaps a part of that reality I chose to forget, either at birth or during the process of living life (accumulating experience). And then you allude to a "species of consciousness," that distinguishes itself by being self-aware of its own artwork as I gather, always a work in progress? And wishes to set the parameters of the quality of experience of how its petite artwork is shaping up, without the pinches, please... then the rest of consciousness tries to remind that little artwork and, I take it, through dreams and imaginings, that there are other options if the artwork would just renege on its promise to itself to forget, and forego that dip into the river of Lethe. For my taste, "there's the rub" as it's the "pinches", or knots, that matter as they're so infinitesimally numerous that could they not be a tiny artwork unto themselves?
RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learnings trials]
SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]
TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]
* Dream: Loose Teeth Query by Steve (970828) *
I was wondering if you could help me?? I had a dream the other night where all my teeth fell out. It started with mine being loose and then they all fell out.
My girlfriend has also had repetitive dreams over the last week where one of her teeth were loose, then last night they all fell out. Could you tell me what these dreams may represent??? Thank you,
= Commentary by Mermaid on Dream Loose Teeth (970829) =
Some URLs mentioning loose, falling out teeth (obviously you can decide how applicable each one is)
This is just a sample and found by the expedient of a net search.
= Commentary by JohnCee on Loose Teeth (970827) *
Hi, I'm a newcomer, so I guess I'll delurk and jump in on this one.
I too have dreams where my teeth fall out. Here's what I make of it. Teeth are something that will go away permanently if you neglect them. I think my dreams of losing them are triggered by a surfacing awareness of ways I'm neglecting important issues in my life, ones that time is ticking away for and may close the window of opportunity I'll ever have to attain some of the things I'd like in life. This includes caring better for my teeth so I don't lose them (okay, john, are you listening to yourself? Are you going to floss tonite?), addressing financial and career issues, finding a partner, etc.
What do they mean for you? I'd start with asking myself how I felt in the dream about losing my teeth, and how I feel now, while I'm remembering the dream, about the idea of losing them.
Hope that helps.
= Commentary on: Toothless by Patrick (970827) =
Teeth, tooths, to be encumbered with tooth traumatic it is when we realize the PARTS of US! ME! are so fallible as to be cast off with pain, regret for not taking better care of "that which was me"; damn, I'm mortal after all.... Yet, there's that weird, pleasure/pain of "wiggling" that molar as you become aware of the first stages of TOOTHLOSS!! It's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to go against that strange urge to feel that root moving around under your gums...or maybe it's just me and I'm actually on the verge of insanity afterall....oh well, knew it all along... Am I alone in this, do you'all have that same compulsion? What this has to do with the task at hand, I have absolutely no idea, just free associating.....P --
= Commentary on Toothless Dreams from previous ED's (970829) =
From: Victoria Quinton
Re: Toothless, Conan's Thoughts
>Hey Anna,
>There's three major sources for "teeth falling out" dreams.
>First, of course, are memories from childhood. We my not remember much on a conscious level, but subconsciously, we remember a great detail about those strange days when we were very young and our teeth fell out to be replaced by our "grown up" teeth. Our parents assured us that this was part of becoming big boys and girls, and we came to associate the slight horror of losing our teeth with "growing up." So, losing your teeth while in the car may represent some change in your life, which is kind of scary, but at the same time, it's something you feel is part of "growing" or improving yourself, or your life, with the car representing forward progress, or your body.
>Second is our own personal experiences and thoughts about teeth falling out. Maybe at some point your Grandpa traumatized the whole family when his dentures popped out at the dinner table or something, leaving you with a subconscious resource for tooth falling out dreams, associated with Grandpa and social embarrassment; that sort of thing, you know? In that case, you have to ask yourself about what memories you have about teeth falling out and cars.
>The third source for interpreting any dream is that memory you have stored in your lower brain functions; memories from your primate past that everybody shares; such as a fear of heights or a love of eating. You don't need any "personal" experiences to know what these things are, and to dream about them. That's why babies dream, even though you'd think they haven't experienced much, well, we as a species HAVE. This gives us some common ground, and so we can come up with some "standard" interpretations.
>On that level, teeth often represent what we SAY, and if you're in your car, it may represent what you "say" to other drivers. You may be worried about your driving style. Then again, cars represent our bodies, so it could literally represent what you say to people in general; a loss of control of your words or a concern that you "chatter" too much. That sort of thing.
>Best of luck -- Conan >
> > wrote:
>> >> Toothless in Seattle - Anna >> >>
I had a dream where I was driving to work and my teeth began falling out! At first I thought they were just loose, but soon I easily pushed them out with my tongue. I was horrified and nearly wrecked the car. Then I woke up and my teeth were fine, but I recalled the dream very vividly.> >
-- "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." -- Nietzsche (bless you)
= Commentary by Richard on Toothless (970830) =
More theory,
Ever notice how *all* mechanical things in dreams are ready to not work at a moments notice? Breaks in cars fail, phones won't dial right, toasters won't toast - well teeth are kind of a human technology - a way we have of extending our control. odd though, it this is so, why do arms and hand have little problem in dreams, they seem to work just fine.
= Commentary by Victoria on Teeth Dreams (970829) =
Also in editorial of electric dream 3 #10
and ED 4#2:
TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities. Following is not a dream, but where to get help on this type of dream or others, just in case you missed the concise Top Ten by Richard elsewhere in Electric Dreams or cyberspace.]
You wrote: Hi Victoria, did you want suggestions to send back to the toothless dreamer or are you >submitting this for ED?
Well, it looks like something suitable for ED, to be included in the next Q&A forum, I think....
Here are my suggestions: There are several places on the Net to explore this question. It must be in the "top 10 questions about dreams" . So I'm offering a Top Ten ways to get information ! (all the below references can be linked to via the Electric Dreams Resources Page )
1. alt.dreams has a FAQ that includes loosing teeth. You can also post your dream there for public comment.
2. Electric Dreams offers a column to communicate with others about your favorite dream issues or
3. You can send the dream into ed-core for comment by a wonderful group of concerned dreamers and netizens. Go to for more on sending dreams into Electric Dreams
4. Electric Dreams also offers dream groups where you can join about a dozen or so other dreamers and talk about your dream. See DreamWheels at
5. DreamLink has a web bulletin board where you can put your dream up for public comment. There are several of these dream message boards around the Net.
6. Self Help and Psychology Magazine has an online Questions and Answers Department and the issue of Teeth falling out has come up for others there, stop by and see what the Dream Educator has to say about it.
7. There are some dream analysis sites, see dream sharing section in the ED resource online guide.
8. Look up the Global Dreaming News, and find a seminar in your geographic area.
9. Look through backissue of Electric Dreams and see what other dreamers with teeth issues have said, articles related and comments from others.
10. Take my class, The History of Dream Sharing and you will know just about every opinion about that dream you would ever want to know. Fees for class still $10.00
Be sure to check out the other classes and education online, again , see the ED resources page
TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]
* Dream: the passion of tornados by Stan (970906)*
Note: Stan requests that his name and address be included with any publication or distribution of his dream.. -R
the passion of tornados
(stan kulikowski ii)
night has settled uneasily upon the neighborhood I grew up in as a boy. now i have returned one last time to help my mother pack her few remaining possessions and bring her down to live with me in Florida. the auction is over, and most of the things she collected in a lifetime with my father have been redistributed to the people who have taken them for a bid and a nod.
still there are things for me to do in the old neighborhood for the last time. down the street there has been a wedding; and although i only know the bride, Denny from Massachusetts, i have been invited to come down for a drink to celebrate their marriage. i do not have any dress clothing with me, but since this is more like a reception, i figure to go as i am, dressed in jeans and a black sleeveless tee shirt.
through the dark and cool air of late summer, i walk the three backyards which separate my mother's house from the dorrough's where my boyhood buddy, Danny grew up. dan is long since moved off to new york with a family of his own, but in his place i find the nuptial celebration of Denny and raide.
raide is from saudi arabia or some such arabian nation, i have probably been told and do not remember. he looks a little like a shorter, paler version of dennis rodman, particularly with the short blonde kinky hair, and he talks with a noticeable accent. not exactly my impression of an attractive person, but Denny seems stuck on him and that is what counts afterall. i take a plastic flute of champagne and drink a silent toast to the bride and her groom.
then a gust of wind kicks up and some pieces of straw brush by my face. although it has been a dark starry night, i look away east and on the horizon i see an ominous glow. something is burning away east of us, and the destruction has lit up the entire skyline. and silhouetted against the pale yellowish light, i see several tornados stretching silently down to earth like stark fingers of an angry god. no noise yet, just the erratic spidery movement of these fingers tearing into the soil.
the first one passes way south of us, a small freight train noise chugging chugging as it moves by. then another passes on the north, but this one has lifted its tail back up into sky, whipping around like a severed tendril seeking its meaning back on the surface but failing to find it. it moans and whistles slightly. we will be alright if this just continues.
several little whispy vortexes sweep through the neighborhood, hardly touching the grass, hardly more than dust devils. if it only stays with these tiny ones... then i see the big one plowing through the night straight on at us. rain comes stinging across my face like a slap as the monster blots out more and more of the horizon glow, growing bigger as it comes on with a ground curtain of dust obscuring its tenuous interface with the surface. it comes from the blacker than black void swallowing the stars overhead, a hard shank of whitish grey fury well organized and determined, and terminating in the indistinct ground curtain of swirling debris. this one is coming straight on and everything seems holding its breath rather than have it sucked away in the onrush.
quickly, the few remaining guests at the marital gathering run to the frame house for whatever safety it affords. Denny, raide and i do not have time to get into the basement as the shrieking of hell's chorus comes on full time. there is a set of three concrete stairs that were poured in a block mold leading to the frame porch floor then to the cinder block basement foundation. this affords the only protect we can reach. Denny lays down snuggling up to the heavy concrete mass with her feet extending under the porch. raide dives over her protectively, and I, being the largest, cover over both of them, my back outward toward the storm. i hug the edges of the three steps for my life.
the dust curtain overwhelms us. i close my eyes and press my face up to the hard clean cement surface. at first it is very hard to breathe, almost like a vacuum, but the air and the dirt slams against us with hammering force. it difficult to keep the dust out of my nose, but i can do it my barely inhaling and pressing my nostrils into the corner where the cement meets the ground. i feel the two newly weds beneath me squirm and reposition themselves flatter to the earth. some wedding night.
the storm is tearing at my back. sometimes wetting it with whips of water like needles, and sometimes abrading it with dirt like sandpaper. then a huge fist of pressure will smite me across the spine as if trying to mash me into the planet, then fingers will tighten on my sides and legs, attempting to pull me up into heavens. mash, pull, slash, rip. this cycle continues on and on, seeming to last forever. there is a loud crack followed by an agonizing groan as the house lets go and large parts of it depart in the maelstrom. there is almost a tangible relief when the building finally gives in. i hear Denny whimper a bit on the bottom of our stack. my fingers are getting raw and sore from their death grip on the naked cement.
then like with a sigh, it is over. the noise of the cacophony continues on the lee side, dying down more gradually than the come on, but it is past. after a few seconds, i release my grip on the heavy steps and roll over. i can see down the driveway that the back of the storm is chugging, chugging away with steady intent of going mindlessly forward. i am gasping for breath, feeling good just to be lying in the yard. suddenly all the air seems fresh and sweet. i assume all the moveable dust and dirtiness has been vacuumed up into the sky, leaving the remaining area clean and rain fresh. as the noise drops to a level where human speech can be heard i hear Denny say, "what was that?"
sure enough, i see something red and blue sweep through the air, trailing after the funnel cloud. i leap up to my feet. the tornado is maybe a mile or less away already, and this odd spherical bubble is following after it. and there is something inside the bubble, but i can not quite make out what. i have heard of aftereffects of tornados, ball lightning and the like, but this is nothing like i would have expected. there goes another one, bobbing along in the dark after the howling monster.
a smaller bubble passes close by me and this time i get a clear look inside. surrounded by a glow that is somewhere red and somewhere blue, i see a small fairy like creature, kneeling as if in prayer or meditation. naked, but sexless, the small sad creature seems attracted after the tornado in a determined purpose. there is no swoop or curve in its flight path as it moves with constant unerring velocity in the aftermath of the tornado. several more move through the yard.
the bubbles are moving a little faster than i can run, but as i see the last one approaching i dash along side of it and reach out to touch it. i can feel its shimmery elastic surface. but as i try to form a grip on it, my raw fingertips slip off and it is gone. still, i am elated that i could feel it at all, confirming its physical reality to me. it not just some phantom of psychology conjured up by the mind in relief of its survival in disaster.
another bubble pops into existence nearby, but it is not the same. it is smaller, yellow and has no occupant inside. it does not follow after the vortex, but wobbles in the air. still, i suspect this artifact has been sucked into our world in the same manner as the fairy globes. i step over and grab the yellow orb. it lasts only a few seconds intact, then pops like a balloon with less noise. a couple others nearby do the same, vanishing completely, but the one i have in my hand leaves a burst shell behind. everywhere my fingers had caressed on the bottom half forms into a yellow residue with fat cells like packing bubble sheets in weight and texture. apparently the sweat and rain water dripping off my fingers somehow combined with bottom half of the bubble, giving it some inescapable residue in this world that the other transients lacked. i briefly wonder about the one fairy globe i managed to touch. i hope i did not tamper with its chemistry and doom it to some ghastly residue in this plane of existence. still there is no way to track it in the dark and helter skelter remains behind the storm.
raide comes up to me and i show him the yellow broken shell in my hands. he is in a mild shock and has no understanding of its significance. he takes Denny's arm as she is about to wander off in aimless listlessness. caring for someone else seems to focus his mind to better clarity. i feel a small surge myself as my body steps down from intense adrenalin rush. the yellow shell in my hand dissolves with a snap, crackle and pop, just like the breakfast cereal. apparently there will be little left of this phenomenon afterall, but it was firm enough for a few minutes to hold in my hand. i will keep that in mind for future reference. my mind is already preparing for first contact protocols with storm sucked fairies.
"oh no, the house." Denny says, and i look for the first time at the dorrough's house. the entire second floor is gone and the walls have caved inward on the rest. i suddenly think with a panic about my mother's house. i better get back there. the people trapped in the basement here will have to fend for themselves until i see how mom has fared.
i walk through the gloom of the backyards to the three intervening neighbor houses. they too have been successively crushed. but as i approach, i can see with relief that her house has survived in better shape. the huge addition my father had built looms out of the wispy fog like a dreadnaught surviving the onslaught of hell. the roof is nearly stripped of shingles, and it sits a little cockeyed on its foundations, but the structure has made through intact.
in the breeze way, i find the house door is stuck closed. apparently the house shifted enough to jam it. but with a solid yank i pull it open. inside i shout for mother and hear her answer faintly from the front door. we are glad to see each other.
she has just admitted a young woman, "you remember sharon, don't you?" no, i am afraid i don't. sharon? hughie's older sister is the only sharon i knew in that area. she was a few years older than me and used to babysit for us when she was a teenager. this sharon is maybe ten years younger than me and better looking than anyone i recall from our street.
going into the large living room, i explain that we are going to have the other neighbors coming to stay with us until relief services start arriving. at first mother is reluctant, but i explain that our house is the only building on the block to keep its roof. everyone is going to make do at least until sunrise. i hear a knock on the door and let raide, Denny and a couple of their guests in. mother takes them to the front bedrooms.
sharon and i are now alone in the back living room. i see the large plate glass picture window is only slightly cracked in one corner. the glass is probably as heavy as the sheetrock walls which surround it. my father built for permanence. he would have been proud of how it weathered this disaster if he were alive.
a slight howl attracts my attention. the hellish glow on the horizon shows us that we are not done tonight. several more tornados are slowly coming to poke their fingers into the bruised earth. sharon, seeing more bad news coming our way, starts to tremble. "oh" is all she says as puts her fingers to her mouth.
i go over to her and put my arm around her to offer what little comfort i can.
out the window, the oncoming band of tornados suddenly shake off four or five vertical flaming streaks. these upright columns of fire zip through the area much faster than any atmospheric effect could. they collide with nothing and just pass over out of sight, i assume to dissipate quietly. "what was that?" i ponder. this is a night to see marvelous storm effects i guess.
the house begins to shake violently. out the window i can see one of the funnel clouds snaking over our way. this will be a near thing at the very least. sharon crouches down on the floor and pulls me down with her, sheltering as she can in my arms. the roof begins to creak distressingly.
"at least if we are going to die, you can go to bed with me." she shouts up to me in the growing howl of everything moving at once. i find this a funny thing she has said.
" i don't think there is a bed left here." i shout back. mother had sold all of them except her water bed in the front of the house. still, floor is beginning to buckle upwards as the ground veil of the tornado engulfs the house. i find a cushion from one of the couches is moving across the floor like it has a life of its own. i grab this and prop it against us on the side of the window and the storm's approach. little protection, but maybe better than none at all.
sharon and i are pushing together in mutual defense against the elements. the glass window shatters outward and we are drug slowly toward the sucking opening. my arms are aching with the pressure of holding us to the carpeting. her body is bucking and writhing beneath me, mostly because the floor boards are ripping loose and lancing upward through the fabric of nailed down carpet. she throws an arm around my neck, i thought to secure a better grip, but she kisses me violently, breathing hard with excitement. there is a look of determined survival in her eyes now. the wall of the kitchen caves outward into the hard vacuum of the vortex. even my father's house is coming apart this time.
sharon yells into my ear, "tell me you love me!"
if there are no atheists in foxholes, i suspect we love everyone at the moment of impending death. i can hardly remember her name, and yet the words she wanted to hear were forming reluctantly on my lips.
=== qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit
| | who not is today, tomorrow less suitable will be
--- -- Ovid _Remedia Amoris_ I 94
TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]
VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]
WATER [A magical earthly fluid]
(See the Porpoise Dream under ANIMALS)
WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
(None this month, but see the many *Princess Di* dreams under CELEBRITIES)
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
Well, that's all for now Folks. See you in ED 4.10.
Hasta La Vista!
Bob Krumhansl
== == == == == == == == == == == ==
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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:
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Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.
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Thanks to our many web links!
The Electric Dreams Staff
Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director
Linley Joy - Dream Group Moderator
Robert Patrick Murtha - Media Management
Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor
Matthew Parry - Web Master
Nutcracker - Dream Journals & Dream Reaper
Victoria Quinton- Questions & Answers Editor
mermaid 8*)
Jesse Reklaw - Art Director & cover Designs
Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director
Cover this month by Jesse Reklaw
Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions
+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Special thanks to Catherine Decker & Jay Vinton
All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.
Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advise or psychotherapy.
OCTOBER 15, WED deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 4(10)