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NULL mag Issue 07 08 Not just an editor

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
null magazine
 · 4 years ago


for a very long time i was searching for the "perfect" text editor.
for months now, i checked a lot text editors, mainly in linux and
also dos enviroment... but finally i think i found the right one for


and what's the "perfect" editor, you may ask... well i am glad you
did, cause otherwise the article will ended here :p ö so let's see
what functions i wanted this editor to have and finally who is it of
course :)


first of all, i wanted the editor to be able to run in all my
systems, specially on my linux pc and android smartphone and lastly
on my raspberry pi. the solution i found was to use an old dos
application that will run under dosbox in all systems! this way i am
expanding my tool library that i make with dosbox. with a simple
copy/paste the files in each system, i have all my setup in each
system instantly. no other modifications to be made for the apps to
work. each dos app. runs flawless in dosbox. so as you guessed, i am
using a dos text editor... but just wait... don't leave yet.


some other functionality i wanted... to be able to use word
wrapping, which it may seem easy, but it's not. not all editors have
it, specially with using a different line size (less than 80 chars.)
also i wanted to have auto-indentation. this means that if the last
line begines for example from the 4th char, when you press óenterò
to go to the next line, the line will automatically begin from the
4th char. also. many dos editors have the one or other, but not

i wanted to be able to use easily, any ascii character! only a few
have this ability... to show a small box from where you can choose
any ascii char, from 0-255 and pasted in the text! now i can insert
any char. and make my documents more rich... you may realized it all
ready :)


what about drawing ascii lines, by moving the cursor? yep... i
wanted this also, as well a way to draw ascii boxes... done! found
both, very easy, with a press of a button.


but the main "feature" was to be able to use "easy" and "well known"
key strokes/combinations, for me. i am used to use ctrl+c/v/x for
copy/paste/cut, ctrl+n/o to create/open a file etc. this was a hard
task. almost all editors i tried, didn't use these key combinations,
at least not all of them. i was mad, furious and at the end
desperate :( i thought i never find one... and at the last moment,
at the very last tries... eureka!!!


it didn't use exactly the key shortcuts i wanted, but it has a
unique system configuration, that allows to enter your own key
combinations, for any of the functions, the editor has!!! how cool
is that? so i opened the editor and create a new config file, with
the key combinations i wanted. i didn't assign each function of the
editor to key shortcuts, in reality i used much less... but i
assigned those that i am using most. at the end of the file, i have
inserted the config file for the key shortcuts, the menu system and
also a blue colored pallete to use with the editor...


what? you can configure the menus? and also the colors? yep!!! you
can! you can add/remove any menu item or complete menu categories.
this way you can make the editor as simple or complex you want. but
it doesn't stop here... you can justify lines of text, in the
center, left or right. you can repeat a set of chars. as many time
you want, it supports folding, macro extensions and more! i mean,
for a dos editor all these are unbelievable!!! even today, "modern"
text editor, don't have these features.


so who's this editor you ask... it's called Aurora. you can find it

the good thing is, that it's abandonware and you can grab a copy and
register it your self. just open the macro expression command line
(alt+f12 default key shortcut) and write: xE "your name"
restart the editor and it should be registered in your name...

i don't expect to use it or like it. but you should definetely take
a look and see this editor, cause it has some unique and very well
implemented features, that even present editors don't have.

the files

- kbd.aml ----------------------------------------------------------

// The Aurora Editor v3.0, Copyright (C) 1993-1996 nuText Systems
// Aurora Keyboard definitions (included by Main.aml)
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select Recompile
// the Editor from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the editor for
// your changes to take effect.

// Edit and File Manager windows

object edit_fmgr

// Controls
function 'ð' // close window

// Menu activation
key <esc> gotobar // to last menu bar item
key <f10> gotobar // to last menu bar item
key <f1> gotomenu "help" // to help menu
key <alt f> gotomenu "file"
key <alt w> gotomenu "window"
key <alt b> gotomenu "block"
key <alt s> gotomenu "search"
key <alt o> gotomenu "fold"
key <alt e> gotomenu "edit"
key <alt c> gotomenu "clip"
key <alt m> gotomenu "macro"

// Scroll
key <pgdn> pagedown // scroll down
key <pgup> pageup // scroll up
key <ctrl home> row 1 // to file top
key <ctrl end> row (getlines) // to file bottom
key <ctrl up> rollrow -1 // scroll up one line
key <ctrl down> rollrow 1 // scroll down one line

// File
key <ctrl n> opennew // new edit window
key <ctrl o> askopen // open prompt
key <ctrl w> close // close window
key <alt x> closeall // close all windows

// Window
key <alt right> nextwindow // next window
key <alt left> prevwindow // prev window
key <alt -> tile 'v' // tile vertical
key <alt \> tile 'h' // tile horizontal

// Search
key <ctrl s> askscan // file scan prompt

key <shift f12> pickmacro // macro picklist
key <ctrl a> runmacro2 "ascii2" // macro menu

// Set
key <f12> recompile // recompile the editor

// undefined or unnamed keys
key <otherkey> (keycode)
say (geteventname keycode) + " not defined"

// Prompts and Edit windows

object prompt

// Controls
function 'ð'
close // close window

function '*'
enter // simulate <enter>
end // (2-line box only)

// Cursor
key <left> left // move cursor left
key <right> right // move cursor right
key <home> col 1 // to column one
key <end> col getlinelen + 1 // to end of line

// Cursor + CUA-marking
key <shift left> left
key <shift right> right
key <shift home> col 1
key <shift end> col getlinelen + 1

// Editing
key <ins> setting 'I' TOGGLE // toggle insert mode
key <del> delchar // delete character

key <backspace> backsp // delete left character
//key <alt a> asciilist // display ascii chart

// copy from prompt to clipboard
key <ctrl c> copy
// paste from clipboard to prompt
key <ctrl v>
oldmark = usemark _ClipName
instext (getmarktext)
usemark oldmark
col getlinelen + 1

// Prompt history
key <up> prevhist // retrieve prev prompt
key <down> nexthist // retrieve next prompt
key <pgup> askhistory // history popup menu
key <pgdn> askhistory // history popup menu

// Exit
key <esc> close // quit prompt

// non-function keys
key <char> (character) // typeable keys
write character

// filename completion
key <ctrl tab> askcomplete // filename completion
key <tab> askcomplete // filename completion

// Edit windows

object edit

// Controls
function 'ð'
close // close window

// Menu
key <esc> gotobar // to last menu bar item

// Cursor
key <up> up // move cursor up
key <down> down // move cursor down

// Cursor + CUA-marking
key <shift up> up
key <shift down> down

key <enter> enter // enter key
key <greyenter> enter // keypad enter key
key <del> delchar2 // delete character
key <backspace> backsp // delete left char
key <ctrl t> delword _CSet // delete right word
key <tab> tabright // tab right
key <shift tab> tableft // tab left

key <ctrl left> prevword // find left word
smark // cua marking
key <ctrl right> nextword // find right word
smark // cua marking

// Scroll
key <pgdn> pagedown // page down
key <pgup> pageup // page up

// Scroll + CUA-marking
key <shift pgdn> pagedown
key <shift pgup> pageup

key <ctrl home> row 1 // to file top
key <ctrl end> row (getlines) // to file bottom

key <ctrl up> rollrow -1 // scroll up one line
key <ctrl down> rollrow 1 // scroll down one line

// File
key <ctrl s> save // save file
key <f4> open "*.*" // display file manager
key <ctrl w> close // close file/windo

// Window
key <alt \> splitwin 'h' // split window horizontal
key <alt -> splitwin 'v' // split window vertical

// Block
key <ctrl q><f> fillblock2 // fill block with string
key <ctrl q><u> caseblock // change block to uppercase
key <ctrl q><c> justblock2 'c' // center a block
key <ctrl q><l> justblock2 'l' // center a block
key <ctrl q><r> justblock2 'r' // center a block
key <ctrl backspace> deleteblock
key <alt u> destroymark // unmark

// Search
key <ctrl f> askfind // find prompt
key <ctrl h> askrepl // replace prompt
key <ctrl g> isearch // incremental search
key <ctrl l> askrow // go to line prompt

// Fold
key <alt .> foldline // fold next line
key <alt ,> foldline 'u' // unfold next line
key <alt `> destroyfold2 // destroy closed/open fold
key <alt /> // open or close fold
if fold? then

// Edit
key <ctrl z> undo // undo last change
key <ctrl y> redo // redo last change
key <ctrl q><r> commentline // comment/uncomment line
key <ctrl q><t> timestamp // date/time stamp

// Clipboard
key <ctrl x> cut // cut
key <ctrl c> copy // copy
key <ctrl v> paste // paste

// Set
key <ctrl r> setting 'L' TOGGLE // live word wrap toggle
key <ctrl d> setting 'D' TOGGLE // line draw toggle

// non-function (typeable) keys
key <char> (character) // typeable keys
write character

// Other
key <ctrl q><q> askrepkey // repeat entered keys

// invoke a spell checker from within an edit window
// (replace 'jspell' with your favorite spell checker)
key <f9>
save // save the current file
run "jspell " + getbufname "ck" // call spellchecker
reopen // reopen current file

// File Manager windows

object fmgr

// Menu activation
key <tab> gotobar2 // to drive menu bar

// Cursor
key <left> rollcol -1 // scroll left one column
key <right> rollcol 1 // scroll right one column
key <home> col 1 // scroll to column one

key <up> up // move cursor up
key <down> down // move cursor down

key <shift up> fmark // mark files
key <shift down> fmark // mark files

// file manager commands (single character command codes)
key <char> (c)

// toggle file mark
if c == ' ' then

// <shift-character> commands
elseif shiftkey? then
case locase c
when 'o' fopen 'o' // open file/directory
when 'e' fopen 'e' // open file/directory
when 'z' fopen "ze" // open maximized
when 'b' fopen 'b' // open binary file
when 'y' fopen "be" // open binary in one window
when 'f' flopen (fgetfile) // open file list
when 'k' openkey2 (fgetfile) // open key macro file
when 'm' fmove // move file
when 'c' fcopy // copy file
when 'd' fdelete // delete file
when 'n' frename // rename file
when 'r' frun 'c' // run program/batch file
when 'p' fprint // print file
when 'l' fremove // remove line
when 't' ftouch // touch file
when 'a' fattr // change file attributes
when 'i' askscan TRUE // scan files

// spell checker
when 's' run "jspell " + fgetfile "ck"

// unarchive .ZIP or .LZH files
when 'u'
f = fgetfile
run (if? (pos ".lzh" f 'i') "lha e " "pkunzip ") + f "ck"

// view .ZIP or .LZH archives
when 'v'
f = fgetfile
runcap (if? (pos ".lzh" f 'i') "lha v " "pkunzip -v ") + f

// hotkey to files
onhotkey c

key <backspace> onhotkey '\x08' // undo hotkey

// File
key <ctrl backspace> fup // parent directory

// Mark
key <alt m> fmark "ma" // mark all files
key <alt u> fmark "ua" // unmark all

// Command
key <enter> fopen '1' // open file (one only)
key <ctrl enter> fopen 'q' // open file (close fmgr)
key <del> fdelete // delete file

// Sort
key <alt n> fsort 'n' // sort by name
key <alt s> fsort 's' // sort by size
key <alt d> fsort 'd' // sort by date/time
key <alt o> fsort 'o' // no sort (Dos order)

// Print
key <ctrl p> print // print fmgr contents

// All windows

object mon

// define multi-key prefixes
key <ctrl q> prefix <ctrl q> // define <ctrl q> prefix

- menu.aml ------------------------------------------------------

// The Aurora Editor v3.0, Copyright (C) 1993-1996 nuText Systems
// Aurora Menu definitions (included by Main.aml)
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select Recompile
// the Editor from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the editor for
// your changes to take effect.

// Edit Window menu bar and tool bar

function EditMen

// menu bar
menubar "" 1
item "&File" "editFile"
item "&Window" "editWindow"
item "&Block" "editBlock"
item "&Search" "editSearch"
item "F&old" "editFold"
item "&Edit" "editEdit"
item "&Clip" "editClip"
item "&Print" "editPrint"
item "Se&t" "editSet"
item "M&acro" "editMacro"
item "&Help" "editHelp"

// tool bar
menubar "" 2
item "<&&ð>" toolbar // close tool bar
item "<&&?>" quickref 'u' 'f' // users guide
item "<&&*>" open "*.*" // display file manager
item "<&&/>" copywin // copy window
item "<&&Ä>" splitwin 'h' // split window horz
item "<&&|>" splitwin 'v' // split window vert
item "<&&o>" askopen // open prompt
item "<&&s>" save // save file
item "<&&F>" askfind // find prompt
item "<&&f>" findlast // do last find/replace
item "<&&r>" formatblock2 // reformat block
item "<&&®>" undo // undo last change
item "<&&¯>" redo // redo last change
item "<&&>>" foldblock2 // fold block
item "<&&<>" destroyfold2 // unfold line

// Edit Window pulldown menus

menu "editFile"
item " &New <ctrl n>" opennew
item " &Open.. <alt e>" askopen
item " Open &Binary.." askopenb
item " Open and &Insert.. " askinsert
//item " Open Last&.. <alt z>" openlast
item " &Rename.. " askname
item " &Save <ctrl s>" save
item " Sa&ve As.." asksaveas
item "-"
item " &File Manager.. <f4>" open "*.*"
item " &Tree.." runmacro2 "tree"
item " Ne&xt <alt right>" nextfile
item " &Prev <alt left>" prevfile
item " &List.. " filelist
item "Ä"
item " &Close <ctrl w>" close
item " Close &All <alt x>" closeall
item " Sav&e and Close " close 's'
item " Save an&d Close All" closeall 's'
item "Ä"
item " Abo&ut.." about

menu "editWindow"
item " &Restore" restore
item " &Move/Size " sizekey
item " P&an " pankey
item " M&inimize" minimize
item " Ma&ximize " maximize
item " &Next " nextwindow
item " &Prev" prevwindow
item " &List.. " winlist
item "Ä"
item " &Copy " copywin
item " Split Hor&z <alt \>" splitwin 'h'
item " Split Ver&t <alt ->" splitwin 'v'
item "Ä"
item " Ca&scade " cascade
item " Tile &Horz <alt ->" tile 'h'
item " Tile &Vert <alt />" tile 'v'
item "Ä"
item " Tool &Bar " toolbar
item " Pr&ompt Style.." runcfg "prom"

menu "editMark"
item " Mark &Line " markline
item " Mark &Column " markcolumn
item " Mark C&haracter " markchar
item " Mark &Word " markword
item " Mark to &EOL " markeol
item " Mark &Paragraph " markpara "tb"
item "Ä"
item " &Unmark " destroymark

menu "editBlock"
item " Mar&k.. " submenu "editMark"
item " &Copy <alt c>" copyblock2
item " &Move " moveblock2
item " Copy &Over " copyblockover
item " Mo&ve Over " moveblockover
item " &Delete <ctrl backspace>" deleteblock2
item " &Indent " shiftblock 1
item " UnInden&t " shiftblock -1
item "Ä"
item " &Fill <ctrl k><f>" fillblock2
item " S&ave.. " saveblock2
item " &Sort " sortblock2
item " Lo&wercase" caseblock 'l'
item " U&ppercase <ctrl k><u>" caseblock
item "Ä"
item " Ce&nter <ctrl k><c>" justblock2 'c'
item " &Left Justify <ctrl k><l>" justblock2 'l'
item " Ri&ght Justify <ctrl k><r>" justblock2 'r'
item " &Reformat " formatblock2
item " R&eformat Right " formatblock2 "rj"

menu "editSearch"
item " &Find.. <ctrl f>" askfind
item " Re&place.. <ctrl h>" askrepl
item " &Repeat Last Find/Repl <ctrl a>" findlast
item " &Scan Files.. " askscan
item " &Incremental Search " isearch
item " Find &Occurrences.. " askfindo
item "Ä"
item " &Quick Bookmark " quickbook
item " Pre&v Bookmark " cyclebook
item " Place &Bookmark.." placebook
item " &Go to Bookmark.." askbook
item "Ä"
item " Go to &Line.. <ctrl l>" askrow
item " Go to Bloc&k Start " gotomark 't'
item " Go to Block En&d" gotomark 'b'
item " Go to Ne&xt Fold " search2 "f/f"
item "Ä"
item " Find &Matching Char " gotomatch2
item " Go to Compiler &Error " gotoerror

menu "editFold"
item " &Fold Next Line <alt 8>" foldline
item " &Unfold Next Line <alt 9>" foldline 'u'
item "Ä"
item " Crea&te Fold" createfold
item " &Open Fold <alt \\>" openfold
item " &Close Fold <alt \\>" closefold
item " &Remove Fold <alt g>" destroyfold2
item "Ä"
item " Fold Bloc&k <alt f>" foldblock2
item " Fold Block Fl&at" foldflat
item " O&pen Block Folds" foldblock 'os'
item " C&lose Block Folds" foldblock 'cs'
item " Re&move Block Folds" foldblock 'ds'
item "Ä"
item " Ope&n All Folds <alt [>" foldall 'os'
item " Clo&se All Folds <alt ]>" foldall 'cs'
item " Remo&ve All Folds <alt 0>" foldall 'ds'
item "Ä"
item " &Export without Folds.." asksaveas 'x'
item " E&xport Block without Folds.." saveblock2 'x'

menu "editEdit"
item " &Undo <ctrl z>" undo
item " &Redo <ctrl y>" redo
item "Ä"
item " &Insert Line " insline2
item " &Delete Line <ctrl j>" delline
item " &Join Line " joinline
item " &Split Line " splitline2
item "Ä"
item " Ce&nter Line " centerline
item " &Comment Line " commentline
item " Delete Right &Word " delword
item " Du&plicate Line " copyblock '*l'
item " &Erase to End " delchar MAX_COL
item " Sw&ap Lines " swapline
item "Ä"
item " Ascii C&hart.. <alt a>" asciilist
item " Date/&Time Stamp <ctrl k><t>" timestamp
item " Enter &Literal.. " literal
item " E&xpand Tabs " tabfile
item " Hi&ghlight Word " hiliteword

menu "editClip"
item " Cu&t <ctrl x>" cut
item " Cut &Append " cut 'a'
item "Ä"
item " &Copy <ctrl c>" copy
item " Cop&y Append " copy 'a'
item " Copy to &Windows " copy 'w'
item "Ä"
item " &Paste <ctrl v>" paste
item " Paste &Over " paste 'o'
item " Paste &from Windows " paste 'w'
item "Ä"
item " C&lear " clear
item " Current Clip&board..|*" askclip

menu "editPrint"
item " &Print <ctrl p>" print
item " Print &Block <alt p>" print 'b'
item " Print &Formfeed" printstr '\x0C'
item "-"
item " &Header/Footer..|*" askprthdr
item " Printer &Settings..|*" runcfg "print"

// Note: do not change the first 13 lines of this menu
// (except for key definitions)
menu "editSet"
item " &AutoIndent" setting 'A' TOGGLE
item " &Backup" setting 'B' TOGGLE
item " Line &Draw <ctrl d>" setting 'D' TOGGLE
item " Line St&yle.. " submenu "LineStyle"
item " &Hex View" setting 'H' TOGGLE
item " &Match Character" setting 'M' TOGGLE
item " &Smart Tabs" setting 'S' TOGGLE
item " Synta&x Highlighting" setting 'X' TOGGLE
item " &Translate " setting 'T' TOGGLE
item " &Undo" setting 'U' TOGGLE
item " &Variable Tabs" setting 'V' TOGGLE
item " &Word Wrap" setting 'W' TOGGLE
item " &Live Word Wrap <ctrl r>" setting 'L' TOGGLE
item "Ä"
item " Mar&gins and Tabs.." runcfg "marg"
item " L&ine Delimiter Options.." runcfg "ldlm"
item "Ä"
item " &Configuration and Setup..|*" runcfg "main"
item " Save Co&nfiguration" savecfg
item " &Recompile the Editor f12>" recompile

// Note: do not change this menu (except for key definitions)
menu "LineStyle"
item " &Single ÚÄÄ¿" setdraw 0
item " Double &Horizontal ÕÍ͸" setdraw 1
item " Double &Vertical ÖÄÄ·" setdraw 2
item " &Double ÉÍÍ»" setdraw 3
item " &Eraser " setdraw 4

menu "editMacro"
item " &Record Toggle <ctrl r>" record
item " &Play <ctrl e>" play
item " &Erase" erasekey
item " Era&se All" erasekey 'a'
item " Ope&n.." askopenkey
item " Sa&ve.." asksavekey
item " &Assign to Key.." assignkey
item "Ä"
item " &Macro List.. <ctrl f12>" runmacro2 "maclist"
item " &Key Assignments.." opencfg "kbd"
item " Sho&w Available Keys.." runmacro2 "keydef"
item "Ä"
item " Macro E&xpression.. <ctrl v>" askeval
item " R&un Macro.." askrmacro
item " Compi&le Macro.." askcmacro
item "Ä"
item " &Dos Command.. <alt f9>|*" askrun
item " D&os Capture.. <alt f8>" askruncap
item " Dos S&hell <f9>|*" shell

menu "editHelp"
item " &User's Guide Topics" runmacro2 "helpuser"
item " User's &Guide" quickref 'u'
item " User &Tips" quickref 't'
item "-"
item " &Language Reference Topics" runmacro2 "helplang"
item " Language &Reference" quickref 'l'
item "-"
item " &Function Reference <shift f2>" quickref 'f'
item " Function &Quick Reference <shift f1>" quickref 'q'
item "-"
item " &Ordering Information" quickref 'o'

// File Manager window menu bar

function FmgrMen
menubar "" 1
item "&File" "fmgrFile"
item "&Window" "fmgrWindow"
item "&Mark" "fmgrMark"
item "&Command" "fmgrCommand"
item "&Sort" "fmgrSort"
item "&Print" "fmgrPrint"
item "Se&t" "fmgrSet"
item "M&acro" "editMacro"
item "&Help" "editHelp"

// File Manager window pulldown menus

menu "fmgrFile"
item " &New <ctrl n>" opennew
item " &Open.. <ctrl o>" askopen
item " Open &Binary.." askopenb
item " Open Last&.. " openlast
item " &Parent " fup
item " R&efresh" reopen
item " &Tree.." runmacro2 "tree"
item "Ä"
item " E&dit List" flsave 'e'
item " Open &List.." flopen
item " &Replace List.." flopen '' 'r'
item " &Save List As.." flsave
item "Ä"
item " &Close <ctrl w>" close
item " Close &All <alt x>" closeall
item "Ä"
item " Abo&ut.." about

menu "fmgrWindow"
item " &Restore" restore
item " &Move/Size " sizekey
item " P&an " pankey
item " M&inimize" minimize
item " Ma&ximize " maximize
item " &Next <alt right>" nextwindow
item " &Prev <alt left>" prevwindow
item " &List.. " winlist
item "Ä"
item " Ca&scade " cascade
item " Tile &Horz <alt ->" tile 'h'
item " Tile &Vert <alt \>" tile 'v'
item "Ä"
item " Pr&ompt Style.." runcfg "prom"

menu "fmgrMark"
item " Mark &Toggle <space>" fmark
item "Ä"
item " &Mark All <alt m>" fmark "ma"
item " &Unmark All <alt u>" fmark "ua"

menu "fmgrCommand"
item " &Open <enter>" fopen
item " Open &Binary <shift b>" fopen 'b'
item " Open &File List <shift f>" flopen (fgetfile)
item " Open &Key Macro <shift k>" openkey2 (fgetfile)
item "Ä"
item " &Move.. <shift m>" fmove
item " &Copy.. <shift c>" fcopy
item " &Delete <del> or <shift d>" fdelete
item " Re&name.. <shift n>" frename
item "Ä"
item " &Run <shift r>" frun 'c'
item " &Print <shift p>" fprint
item " Remove &Line <shift l>" fremove
item " &Statistics.." fstat
item "Ä"
item " &Touch <shift t>" ftouch
item " &Attributes.. <shift a>" fattr
item " Scan F&iles.. <shift i>" askscan TRUE
item " Cr&eate Directory.." fmkdir

menu "fmgrSort"
item " &Name <alt n>" fsort 'n'
item " &Extension" fsort 'e'
item " &Size <alt s>" fsort 's'
item " &Date-Time <alt d>" fsort 'd'
item " D&os Order <alt o>" fsort 'o'

menu "fmgrSet"
item " &File Manager Options.." runcfg "fmgr"
item " &Line Delimiter Options.." runcfg "ldlm"
item "-"
item " &Configuration and Setup..|*" runcfg "main"
item " Save Co&nfiguration" savecfg
item "-"
item " &Recompile the Editor <alt f2>" recompile

menu "fmgrPrint"
item " &Print <ctrl p>" print
item " Print &Formfeed" printstr '\x0C'
item " Print &Settings..|*" runcfg "print"

// Miscellaneous menus

// yes/no/cancel popup menu
menu "ync"
item " &Yes"
item " &No"
item " &Cancel"

// ok/cancel popup menu
menu "ok"
item " O&k"
item " &Cancel"

// replace/append/cancel popup menu
menu "rac"
item " &Replace"
item " &Append"
item " &Cancel"

- bluepal.aml ---------------------------------------------------

// The Aurora Editor v3.0, Copyright (C) 1993-1996 nuText Systems
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select Recompile
// the Editor from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the editor for your
// changes to take effect.

setpalette 1 (char

// background
color darkgray on gray // 1 screen background

// edit windows
color gray on black // 2 edit text
color gray on black // 3 edit modified text
color cyan on black // 4 edit cursor line
color cyan on black // 5 edit cursor line & modified text
color black on gray // 6 edit text highlight
color darkgray on black // 7 edit end-of-text line

color white on cyan // 8 edit search highlight
color white on green // 9 edit search highlight in mark

color brightgreen on black // 10 edit closed fold
color darkgray on brightgreen // 11 edit open fold top mark
color black on green // 12 edit open fold bot mark

color darkgray on gray // 13 edit border
color darkgray on brightgreen // 14 edit border flash
color gray on darkgray // 15 edit corner

color black on cyan // 16 edit title bar
color white on black // 17 edit title bar controls

color gray on blue // 18 edit menu
color brightcyan on black // 19 edit menu flash
color brightcyan on black // 20 edit menu char highlight
color black on cyan // 21 edit menu bar highlight

color black on gray // 22 edit scroll bar

color darkgray on gray // 23 edit inactive border
color darkgray on gray // 24 edit inactive corner
color gray on darkgray // 25 edit inactive title
color black on gray // 26 edit inactive menu
color darkgray on gray // 27 edit inactive scroll

color black on black // 28 edit user-defined
color black on black // 29 edit user-defined
color black on black // 30 edit user-defined

// file manager windows
color gray on black // 31 file mgr text
color brightcyan on blue // 32 file mgr cursor line
color yellow on black // 33 file mgr file-mark
color yellow on blue // 34 file mgr file-mark & cursor line

color darkgray on gray // 35 file mgr border
color darkgray on darkgray // 36 file mgr border flash
color gray on darkgray // 37 file mgr corner

color white on blue // 38 file mgr title bar
color white on blue // 39 file mgr title bar controls

color black on gray // 40 file mgr menu
color yellow on gray // 41 file mgr menu flash
color yellow on black // 42 file mgr menu char highlight
color white on blue // 43 file mgr menu bar highlight

color black on gray // 44 file mgr scroll

color darkgray on gray // 45 file mgr inactive border
color darkgray on gray // 46 file mgr inactive corner
color gray on green // 47 file mgr inactive title
color black on gray // 48 file mgr inactive menu
color darkgray on gray // 49 file mgr inactive scroll

color black on black // 50 file mgr user-defined

// prompts
// (-1=window title bar color)
color gray on black // 51 prompt text
color black on gray // 52 prompt text highlight
color black on blue // 53 prompt border
color yellow on blue // 54 prompt flash
color white on blue // 55 prompt title
color brightcyan on blue // 56 prompt controls

color black on black // 57 prompt user-defined

// dialog boxes
color black on gray // 58 dialog box
color white on gray // 59 dialog box active field
color brightgreen on black // 60 dialog box char highlight
color white on gray // 61 dialog box border
color brightcyan on gray // 62 dialog box flash
color brightcyan on black // 63 dialog box control

color black on cyan // 64 button
color white on cyan // 65 button active

color gray on black // 66 edit field
color black on gray // 67 edit field highlight
color black on cyan // 68 edit field history tab

color gray on black // 69 group box
color white on black // 70 group box active

color gray on black // 71 list box
color white on cyan // 72 list box active
color white on black // 73 list box inactive
color black on gray // 74 list box scroll bar


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