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NULL mag Issue 05 25 Torrentz part 2

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
null magazine
 · 4 years ago


__ _ __ _ _ __
______\ \_\\_______________________\///__________________________//_/ /______
\___\ /___/
| .__ __ |
| | ___ __________/ |________ |
| \ \/ / ____/\ __\_ __ \ |
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: H/Q Another Droid BBS - :
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+ --- -- - . - --- --- --- - . - -- --- +
: :
| torrentz part ii |
: :
` --- -- - . - --- --- --- - . - -- --- '

In the previous issue i posted a script for downloading torrent files
to a BBS. I made some additions to that so, i am posting it here to be
available for others too.

The new stuff is that we delete torrent files that are older than a
specific amount of days ex: 7. This way, we only keep "fresh"
torrents, which have more seeders, as we only get the top100 of them.

Also we add some info for the torrent, like seeders, leechers and file
size. To accomplish that, i used this trick. I placed each torrent
file into an archive and created a file_id.diz that contains the info.
This way, in any bbs system, the torrent will display also the
file_id.diz and the user will have some idea of the original file
size, seeders etc.

We could also add the description of the torrent, from TPB, but i
tried with mixed results. The site uses UTF8 encoding, but many BBSes
use CP437. A conversion from UTF8 to CP437 is not always succesfull,
so i got some weird results, that made the bbs server to kick the
users who viewed those files. If you use a UTF8 system, perhaps it
will work for you.


#Use a valid address. Check for new ones.

#Check to get area numbers

#Edit this to your torrents root folder.

echo "Deleting Files older than 7 days..."
find /home/pi/mystic/files/torrentz/ -type f -mtime +7 -name '*.zip' \
-execdir rm -- '{}' \;

while read -r area; do
mkdir -p $root/$area
sleep 2s
echo "Getting Area: $area"
curl -s $prt/top/$area > /tmp/tmp.htm

#iconv -f utf8 -t cp437 /tmp/tmp.htm > /tmp/tmp2.htm
#rm /tmp/tmp.htm
#mv /tmp/tmp2.htm /tmp/tmp.htm

page="$(cat /tmp/tmp.htm)"
links="$(cat /tmp/tmp.htm | grep "<div class=\"detName\">" | sed \
's/^<.*<a href="
//g' | sed 's/" class=.*>$//g' | tail -n100)"

while read -r line; do
#title="$(echo $line | cut -d '/' -f 4)"
title="$(echo $line | cut -d '/' -f 4 | sed 's/%5//g' | sed 's/\./_/g' \
| sed 's/)//g' | sed 's/(/_/g' | sed 's/__/_/g')"

echo "Checking: $title"
if [ ! -f "$root/$area/$" ]; then
echo "Getting page: $title"
curl -s $prt$line > /tmp/tor.htm
#iconv -f utf8 -t cp437 /tmp/tor.htm > /tmp/torr.htm
#rm /tmp/tor.htm
#mv /tmp/torr.htm /tmp/tor.htm
cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "href\=\"magnet" -m 1 | sed -e \
\(.*\)" title.*/\1/' > "/tmp/$title.magnet"

$(cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "<dt>Size:</dt>" -A 1 | tail -n1 \
| sed 's/.*<dd>\(.*\).*<\/dd>/\1/')"
$(cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "<dt>Files:</dt>" -A 1 | tail -n1 \
| sed 's/.*false;">\(.*\).*<\/dd>/\1/' | cut -d "<" -f1)"
tuploaded="$(cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "<dt>Uploaded:</dt>" -A 1 | \
tail -n1 | sed 's/.*<dd>\(.*\).*<\/dd>/\1/')"

tseed="$(cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "<dt>Seeders:</dt>" -A 1 | tail \
-n1 | sed 's/.*<dd>\(.*\).*<\/dd>/\1/')"

tleech="$(cat /tmp/tor.htm | grep "<dt>Leechers:</dt>" -A 1 | tail \
-n1 | sed 's/.*<dd>\(.*\).*<\/dd>/\1/')"

echo "Files : $tfiles " > /tmp/file_id.diz
echo "Size : $tsize" >> /tmp/file_id.diz
echo "Uploaded : $tuploaded" >> /tmp/file_id.diz
echo "Seeders : $tseed" >> /tmp/file_id.diz
echo "Leechers : $tleech" >> /tmp/file_id.diz
echo "-------------------------------" >> /tmp/file_id.diz

zip -j "$root/$area/$" /tmp/*.magnet /tmp/file_id.diz
sleep 3s
rm /tmp/file_id.diz
rm /tmp/*.magnet
done <<< "$links"
done <<< "$areas"

cd "/home/$(whoami)/mystic/"
./mutil massupload.ini

+ --- -- - . - --- --- --- - . - -- --- '
_____ _ _ ____ _ _
| _ |___ ___| |_| |_ ___ ___ | \ ___ ___|_|_| | 8888
| | | . | _| | -_| _| | | | _| . | | . | 8 888888 8
|__|__|_|_|___|_| |_|_|___|_| |____/|_| |___|_|___| 8888888888
DoNt Be aNoTHeR DrOiD fOR tHe SySteM 88 8888 88
/: HaM RaDiO /: ANSi ARt! /: MySTiC MoDS /: DooRS '88||||88'
/: NeWS /: WeATheR /: FiLEs /: SPooKNet ''8888"'
/: GaMeS /: TeXtFiLeS /: PrEPardNeSS /: FsxNet 88
/: TuTors /: bOOkS/PdFs /: SuRVaViLiSM /: ArakNet 8 8 88888888888
888 8888][][][888
TeLNeT : [UTC 11:00 - 20:00] 8 888888##88888
SySoP : xqtr eMAiL: 8 8888.####.888
DoNaTe : 8 8888##88##888

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