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Playstation 2: All too Frequently Asked Questions

Answered by Bjohnson

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 · 4 years ago
Playstation 2: All too Frequently Asked Questions
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All too Frequently Asked Questions
Answered by Bjohnson

Q: Do I need to patch games to make them work on my ps2?
A: This varies depending on the model of gs2 that you are using. If you are using a Gs2 v1.0 you most definitely need some form of patch on your game else it wont ever get past the blue loading screen. If you are using a 1.3 or higher it is not necessary to patch the games to make them work.

Q: Do I need a kit to make my game function on my ps2?
A: Not all games require a kit. These kits are primarily made for people with low bandwidth and want to rip their own games. But how do you know if you need a kit or not? Well this all leads back to the question of what version of gs2 that you have. Gs2 v1.0 users definitely need a kit or a patch. Gs2v1.3 or higher only need these kits for some games. I.E. Dvdrips and other problem games.

Q: What is a kit?
A: A kit is a small package that takes the files off a ps2 game and makes a bootable swappable copy for you to use. This is done by rearranging the file structure of the CD so that its compatible with your gs2 and so that it loads correctly.

Q: What is addzer0 what does it do?
A: Addzer0 is a simple program that rearranges files in the ps2 iso so that it will load properly with a swap method. Addzer0 works by finding the file that overlaps the LBA 12231 and pushes this file to 12232. Next it takes the system.cnf file from where ever its at and puts it at 12231.

Q: 1223Wha? LbA??
A: Lba is the address or position the files are on the CD. 12231 is the exact position that the system.cnf file is at on the gs2 original CD. So what we are doing is making our CD have its system.cnf file at that spot too.

Q: How does this swapping actually work?
A: The swap itself is a simple tricking of the ps2. What we are actually doing is this. When a Gs2 asks you for the game to load. You push eject and put in the game. This is in a normal usage of it. But what’s happening is that when u push eject it read reads the TOC (table of contents) of the cd. When this is done a check of the authenticity is done too. So here where the trick works, We trick it into not reading the TOC or the authenticity by either using a chip or some other method of forcing the tray out.
When we force it out the game is swapped and the system.cnf is read and it loads.

Q: But where does patching come in at?
A: Patching is a side effect of this trick. In order to make the gs2 V1.0 load a copy the system.cnf has to be at 12231. Now remember that the TOC is not read again so its looking at that spot for it. If you don’t patch it looks there and doesn’t find it so it locks up. But it’s a different story with V1.3 they changed the code and this is no longer a problem. But there is still a need to patch games at times. This is because of the limit and file ordering problems.

Q: What is this limit?
A: It is another side effect of the gs2 swap trick. If you have a modchip installed the limit does not exist because you pressed eject and the TOC is reread. But if you don’t have a chip its not reread. So the ps2 has in its memory a TOC that has a file limit at 520 meg or so. This causes any file at load time that’s beyond there to be ignored. But after its loaded they can be read though. I did test this theory. This limit is the reason starwars wont load with out a chip.

Q: Why exactly wont starwars load without a chip?
A: Starwars has a map file that contains all of the exact positions and file size info of the CD in it. Reindexing this file isn’t the problem though. The problem is that it’s at a position that beyond the file limit. Well move it in within the limit you might say. Sadly you can move it there but it won’t help you any. They made it so that the game directly calls the position at where that file is supposed to be. This means that if the file is moved inside the limit its useless the game is looking outside the limit for it. And it wont work out side the limit, so the game just is impossible (as of this writing).

Q: What is the difference between the Gs2 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4?
A: The Gs2 V1.0 is the first version released and has support to play all your backups. But in order to do it you will need to patch the games using a patch method decribed in other tutorials.

  • 1.2 has to be the worst model, It does not stop spinning when you want to swap it and has problems with loading certain backups.
  • 1.3 Is the easiest to use model. The games do not require patching. The cd stops spinning and almost all backups load without patching.
  • 1.4 is the newest version. It is the only version to load in V4 ps2’s I do not own one but I’m told that the CD does not stop spinning. But the good news is that I’m told that the backups work but there is a key sequence needed.

Q: What is this neo-key thing? Does it actually work?
A: The neo-key is a little device made from a standard modchip and a usb cable. It sends the signal thru the usb and then thru the little jumper wire you need to install in you system. This allows you to play all psx backups. And Ps2 Backups with the noted swap tricks. I have tested this and it does work. Though EA games do require some patching to make them work.

Q: What is a dummy file?
A: A dummy file is just a file filled with nothing. This is used in the patching process. When used right the purpose of the dummy file is to push the system.cnf file to the lba 12231 so that It can be loaded using the GS2 swap. (This is only needed as one of the methods in when using Gs2 1.0)
The files would look like this:

  • Dummy.dat
  • System.cnf

This would make the system.cnf positioned at the right spot.
Here is the Equation that I wrote to calculate the exact size dummy file needed in the ps2 patching: (12231 - ((21 + ((Number of Directories + 3))) + Offset)) * 2.048

Q: What is a good hex editor to use?
A: This is the one I use.

Q: What is this Cd/DVD generator program I’m hearing about?
A: This program is sonys internal software that is used to make master discs of PS2 games. We use it for our own purposes of making backups because of its extreme amount of flexibility in making of a cd layout. But in order due to its only support is that of a burning to a few select sony cdrs a program was wrote by an anonymous coder that converts the iml and ims file that is exported from the program into a useable standard ISO image.

Q: In What Program and what speed do you recommend burning these at?
A: I personally use 8x only because that’s as fast as I go ;-)
But I've been told that 16x works too. As for what program you burn in it doesn’t really make a big difference.
When burning a Addzer0ed image you must use cdrwin and use these settings: Mode2 Cdrom-xa
When burning a Napalm Patched image you must use Fireburner or Cdrwin and be sure to use TAO.
When burning a Dummied image or a standard rip(when using a gs2 v1.3 or better) you use your favorite cdr software and be sure that its mode 2 cdrom-xa and you wont have any problems.

Q: What are the current methods for playing backups on the ps2?
A: There are a few various methods that can be used when playing your backups.
First there is the UT swap: This was the first working swap trick on the US ps2 (Jap systems had a swap months prior) This Trick required you to own a copy of Unreal Tournament. Basically you would put in UT and let it load up to a screen where the copyright info is show. At that point swap out your copy and then you click thru the screens and load you backup.
Neo ModChip Swap: This is trick involved using the original neo modchip. This chip allowed you to play all your psx backups and ps2 backups using the gs2 swap and possibly you would need pot adjustments to remove clicking noises.(This is not a recommended option)
Neo2 ModChip Swap: This chip was the upgrade to the original Neo chip. It worked in hand with the GS2/AR2 to load up the backup. A few simple reset options needed to be done to swap thru the modes in certain games. But this chip is the most popular as of this writeing. ModChip Swap: This chip was developed by to do a job similar to the Neo2. But without the capacitor that the neo2 needed. Also it added support for multicd psx games.

Neo3 ModChip Swap. This chip is not out yet. But current information says that I will be 12 wires and 2 chips linked together on a pcb. It will correct mistakes of the Neo 2 and function a lot smoother and faster.

NeoKey: This is a usb mod solution. It allows all psx Backups to work. And all ps2 backups. But EA games do require patching. This Mod requires a simple jumper wire to be installed in the system. And is plugged into the usb port after installation.

Tray ModChip Swap: This is a special chip that just allows you to use the eject when swapping. Making the swap trick easier then the following options.

Tray Switch: This involves adding running wires directly to the tray motor. Then you would build a small circuit with a switch and a low volt battery. Using this you would send a low current to the motor causing it to open the tray and allow the swap trick to work.

Cog Swap. This involves removing the face of the drive tray. A little white cog should now be visible behind where the face would have been. Turning this opens the tray. This will allow the Swap trick too.

Knife Swap: This involves using a knife to move a little white arm under the tray. This arm moves along a track and opens the tray when pushed to the right. Sliding a knife under the tray moves this arm making the swap trick possible. This saves the warranty.

Q: Can I play burns that I made with my dvdr on my Non jap Ps2?
A: Not as of this writing. Due to the lack of dvdrs and of $$ people havent done as extensive testing as with the cd media. So no one has gotten dvd copies to work yet.
But the ps2 does read dvdr media this has been confirmed.

Q: Can I make backup a dvd game to a cd?
A: Yes this is completely possible in most games. It is done by removing or downsampling the movie files of the game. The DVD checks are removed. And the game is fit to a cdr disc. For more info on this read Gokun’s DvdRip Tutorial.

Q: What are the DVDChecks?
A: A simple media check made by the game to check what type of media the game is running off. It’s easily patched though. The String to look for is 0200 0424 it is changed to 0100 0424. There is only one that needs to be changed but we have yet to find the exact pattern that lets us know if we have gotten the right one with out trying it out first.

Q: Where do I find these great tools you are speaking of?
A: Well I cant give exact sites for em because some arnt exactly legal. But if you want em check out On Irc Efnet #ps2ownz (don’t know what irc is go to

Q: “I just installed my Neo2/ chip and now the tray wont eject or has problems doing so! HELP!?!?!”
A: Many people have done this. But fortunately for them the solution is rather simple. You need to go over the solder points and check everything. The major ones to check on the neo2 are pins 5 and 6 they sometimes are bridged. Take a fine razor blade and clean em out and you should get it to work. On the chip its pins 2 and 3.

Q: What does the ModChip exactly do?
A: Heres exactly what every pin on the chip does

  • PIN #1 = supplies + (power) to the chip
  • PIN #2 = opens PS2 drive tray
  • PIN #3 = closes PS2 drive tray
  • PIN #4 = checks/signals RESET button on the PS2
  • PIN #5 = PS2 drive tray pulse tells the BA5810FP chip whether to expect a drive tray open or close
  • PIN #6 = sends SCE signal out to PS2
  • PIN #7 = checks if game CD is PSX/PS2 (If PS2, immediately stops SCE signal & restarts when a "tray close" is seen. If PSX, it stops after about 15-20 seconds)
  • PIN #8 = supplies - (ground) to the chip

It’s similar for neo2 but its different configuration of the pins.

  • NEO2 PIN #1 = supplies + (power) to the chip
  • NEO2 PIN #2 = sends SCE signal out to PS2
  • NEO2 PIN #3 = PS2 drive tray pulse tells the BA5810FP chip whether to expect a drive tray open or close
  • NEO2 PIN #4 = checks/signals RESET button on the PS2
  • NEO2 PIN #5 = closes PS2 drive tray
  • NEO2 PIN #6 = opens PS2 drive tray
  • NEO2 PIN #7 = checks if game CD is PSX/PS2 (If PS2, immediately stops SCE signal & restarts when a "tray close" is seen. If PSX, it stops after about 15-20 seconds)
  • NEO2 PIN #8 = supplies - (ground) to the chip

Q: Should I pad my games like I did on the DC?
A: NO. This is a completely different system. The DC used discs that were 1 gig and the data was on the outer edges. The ps2 relies on mostly having the data at the right spots on the cd. Padding the disc will not increase the speed like the DC because it’s architecturally different.

Q: What is meant by the PS2 relies on the files in the right spots?
A: The Ps2 has a protection(Or Maybe just for faster load times.) on it that looks for files at set positions on the cd. So if these files aren’t at their right spots the backup wont load. These positions are easily set in CD/DVD GEN or similar cdr software.

Q: What is this V1 –V4 Stuff im hearing about?
A: This is the number that we have assigned to the ps2’s as they came out.
V1 being release day – V4 being newest (as of this writing)

Q: Whats the difference between the models?

  • V1 – Plays all backups just fine
  • V2 – Improvements of the V1 as far are quality of the materials. Loads all Backups fine
  • V3 – Slight architecture changes were done to the system. But it still loads backups.
  • V4 – This version ps2 was protected against all versions of the GS2 except v1.4
  • Modifications were done to the system to prevent the Tray Switch, Cog Swap, Knife Trick. But most are easily fixed to work but you are forced to void the warranty to do it.

Q: How do I know what version I have?
A: Here is a chart of how to tell

  • First you need to look at the back of the system.
  • And read the first 2 characters of the serial #

u1…? (10 screws on the bottom) You have a version 1.
u0…? (10 screws on the bottom) You have a version 2.
u2…? (10 screws on the bottom) You have a version 3.
u2…? (8 screws on the bottom) You have a version 4.

Q: I heard there is a VCD player for the ps2. Is this true?
A: Yes, There is such a thing. It takes mpeg2 streams and converts then to pss (The ps2’s movie format) then allows you to play them on the system. But because we are converting mpeg2 the files will be huge and we’ll get less time than we want to our VCDs.

Q: What if I have more questions and answered on this FAQ?
A: Email any Questions or tutorial requests to
Ill get back to you asap.

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"V3 – Slight architecture changes were done to the system. But it still loads backups." Still load backups....what I actually need

4 years ago
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