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Xope for Atari

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 · 3 years ago

Hi there!

It was a sunny day in early January. Sunny but not hot, a little chilly actually. Fucking cold would more than likely be the word! It was on this day ( 93/01/04 ) that I decided to release my polygon routine as a shareware program. I don't really know why I did it, maybe I got struck by a wave of kindness and felt like sharing my work with the humanity? But anyone who knows me would say that I lied if I said so. No, the idea is to get every lamer in the world to look up to me and think that of me as a really great guy ( hehe ).

And now to the technical part...
The routine is called "Xope", and have the current version number of 2.01. This is the very same routine that I used in the "Grotesque" demo! I don't know if it is the fastest polygon routine on the STE or not, but it can perform some amazing stuff. This version is NOT bug free... And I don't know if I will make another version either. The known buggs are:

  • The polygons can look strange in the corners on STE.
  • The polygons ends one line early on both STE and TT.
  • Some very large polygons that just touches the borders, can disappear!
  • The Z cut funktion is kind of kinky...

This version of Xope works perfectly well on the STE and the TT. The routine will make a total bomb out on a ST. The routine is assembled and packed, and is a binary file wich you include in your source. Xope will self- relocate when you start it up.

Well as I said in the beginning, Xope is shareware. That means that if you can copy it freely without any permission. But, if you use Xope for a commercial purpose, then send me a donation. Also if possible, a copy of the program would be fun to have. Xope can be freely used in non-commercial purpose without any donations sent. But please state somewere in the program that the polygon routine is Xope, and that Micael Hildenborg is the writer of the polygon routine.

Donations can be sent to:

Micael Hildenborg
Kalenderv. 6
415 11 Gothenburg

That is also the address that I can be reached on.


Micael Hildenborg.


Xope 2.01 .

A program that uses Xope should be built like this:



lea parameters,a0
jsr polygon_mupp

* Register D0 contains the amount of memory used by Xope.

move.l a0,variables
move.l a1,jump
move.l a2,jump3
move.l a3,jump4


move.l variables,a0

* ; Send cordinates and commands to Xope.

move.l jump,a1 ; or jump3 / jump4 depending on funktion.
jsr (a1) ; jump to polygon routine.



variables: dc.l 0
jump: dc.l 0
jump3: dc.l 0
jump4: dc.l 0
screen: dc.l scrbuf

dc.w 0 ; computerpointer
dc.l buffert ; pointer to buffert
dc.l screen ; pointer to screen pointer
dc.w 0,0,-1000 ; lower x,y,z cut
dc.w 319,199,1000 ; higher x,y,z cut

incbin "a:\bin\xope2_01.img" ; self-relokable polygone routine.
section bss
ds.l 4096 ; MUST BE AFTER XOPE

buffert: ds.l 131*256 ; At least 131K if STE,
; 84K if TT
scrbuf: ; This is the picture buffer.


The computer pointer states what kind of polygon routine that is wanted. If you wants a STE dependent routine, or TT routine. If the pointer is set to two, then the program is forced to a TT mode. And if a one is stated, then the STE routine is used instead. A zero to the computer pointer will make the program make it's own choise, and blitter has the priority.

"Jump" is the address for a general polygon routine, that can draw any polygon from three to sixten edges and it cuts the polygon at
the borders.
"Jump3" and "Jump4", is two special routines that draws triangles respective squares. And they don't cut the polygons by the borders. This increses speed.

Variables is the address that you will send the datablock that is needed for each polygon.

This block is built like this:

 pocom:    dc.w    0 
color: dc.w 0
data: ds.l 100

"pocom" is built like this:

 bit 0:      Should the backside of the polygone be visible? 
bit 1: Should the frontside of the polygone be visible?
bits 2-3: Number of bitplanes. 0=1, 1=2, 2= 4 , 3=reserved
bit 4: Reserved for the future.
bit 5: Is border cut wanted?
bit 6: Is z cut wanted?
bit 7: Reserved for the future.
bits 8-15: Number of polygon edges-1.

If a polygone with four edges, and front and backside visibility and border cut is wanted, then pocom should be $303

"color" is built like this:

 bits 0-7:       Reserved for maskconfiguration ( planed ). 

In four bitplanes:

 bits 8-11:      Color number 0-15. 

In two bitplanes:

   bits 8-9:     Color number 0-3. 
bits 12-13: Bitplane offset 0-2.

In one bitplane:

   bits 8-9:     Bitplane offset 0-3. 
bit 15: 0= OR polygon, 1= AND polygon..

"data" is the place the cordinates should be placed. The cordinates must be in a certain order, it must be in clockwise or opposite. If not, the routine will probably crash. If the z cut has been chosed, then the cordinates will be in x,y,z order. And if z cut is off, there is only need for x,y.

Micael Hildenborg.
Kalenderv. 6
415 11 Gothenburg


; Xope example.
; Made by Micael Hildenborg.
; Omega.

; The routine waits until the X key has been released, if the routine
; halts, the try to press the X key.

; This example uses my standard main routine. Andthis routine feutures
; an error handler that can take a bug. If a bus, address or illegal
; instruction occurs, then the error handler restores all IRQs and
; hardware registers and jumps back to Devpac, and shows bombs.
; You can also make a reset back to Devpac, if a very serious error
; occur. But, this routine is not idiot safe...

*** Equostates ***

dator: equ 1 ; 0=tt, 1=ste
e_handle: equ 1 ; error handle on/off
prog: equ 0 ; .prg version on/off

ifeq dator
resreg: equ $ffff8262

ifeq dator-1
resreg: equ $ffff8260

*** Main start ***

move.w #4,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
move.w d0,res

pea init(pc)
move.w #38,-(Sp)
trap #14
addq.w #6,sp

move.w res,-(sp)
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14
lea 12(sp),sp

ifeq prog
move.w #0,-(sp)
move.w #11,-(sp)
trap #13
addq.w #4,sp

clr.w -(sp)
trap #1

ifne e_handle
move.l a7,stackp

move.w #37,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp

ifeq prog
move.b $fffffc02.w,d0
cmp.b #$ad,d0 ; x+$80
bne.s key_x_wait

clr.b resreg.w

ifeq dator
movec cacr,d0
move.l d0,cashe_reg
movec caar,d0
move.l d0,cashe_reg1
movec vbr,d0
move.l d0,vb_addr

move.w #$2700,sr

movem.l $64.w,d0-d6
movem.l d0-d6,l1_7i

ifne e_handle
movem.l $8.w,d0-d2
movem.l d0-d2,errors
move.l d0,b_error1+2
move.l d1,a_error1+2
move.l d2,ill_inst1+2
move.l $42a.w,resvec
move.b #7,$ffff8800.w
move.b $ffff8800.w,snd_cnfg
move.b #14,$ffff8800.w
move.b $ffff8800.w,snd_cnfg+1

lea mfp1dat,a0
lea $fffffa01.w,a1
bsr savemfp
clr.b $fffffa07.w
clr.b $fffffa13.w
clr.b $fffffa09.w
clr.b $fffffa15.w
bclr #3,$fffffa17.w

ifeq dator
lea mfp2dat,a0
lea $fffffa81.w,a1
bsr savemfp
clr.b $fffffa87.w
clr.b $fffffa93.w
clr.b $fffffa89.w
clr.b $fffffa95.w
bclr #3,$fffffa97.w

lea video,a0

move.b $ffff8201.w,(a0)+
move.b $ffff8203.w,(a0)+
move.b $ffff820d.w,(a0)+
move.b $ffff820a.w,(a0)+
move.w resreg.w,(a0)+

movem.l $ffff8240.w,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,(a0)
lea 32(a0),a0

ifeq dator
lea $ffff8400.w,a1
moveq #127,d0
move.l (a1)+,(a0)+
dbra d0,.loop1

move.l #scrblock+255,d0
clr.b d0
move.l d0,screen
move.l d0,a0
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,screen+4

move.l #15999,d1
clr.l (a0)+
dbra d1,.loop2

move.b screen+1,$ffff8201.w
move.b screen+2,$ffff8203.w
clr.b $ffff820d.w

lea $64.w,a0
lea return,a1
moveq #6,d0
move.l a1,(a0)+
dbra d0,.loop3

move.l #vbl,$70.W

ifne e_handle
move.l #b_error,$8.w
move.l #a_error,$c.w
move.l #ill_inst,$10.w
move.l #reset,$42a.w
move.l #$31415926,$426.w

lea parameters,a0
bsr polygon_mupp ; Xope startup.
move.l a0,variabler
move.l a1,hoppa
move.l a2,hoppa3
move.l a3,hoppa4

move.w #$2300,sr

tst.w vblflag
beq.s .loop4
clr.w vblflag

lea screen(pc),a0
lea 4(a0),a1
move.l (a1),d0
move.l (a0),(a1)
move.l d0,(a0)
move.b 2(a0),$ffff8203.w
swap d0
move.b d0,$ffff8201.w

jsr main

tst.w vblflag
beq.s .loop
clr.w vblflag

cmp.b #$b9,$fffffc02.w ; space+$80
bne.s main_loop

move.w #$2700,sr

ifeq dator
move.l cashe_reg,d0
movec d0,cacr
move.l cashe_reg1,d0
movec d0,caar
move.l vb_addr,d0
movec d0,vbr

movem.l l1_7i,d0-d6
movem.l d0-d6,$64.w

ifne e_handle
movem.l errors,d0-d2
movem.l d0-d2,$8.w
move.l resvec,$42a.w
clr.l $426.w

lea mfp1dat,a0
lea $fffffa01.w,a1
bsr setmfp

ifeq dator
lea mfp2dat,a0
lea $fffffa81.w,a1
bsr setmfp

lea video,a0
move.b (a0)+,$ffff8201.w
move.b (a0)+,$ffff8203.w
move.b (a0)+,$ffff820d.w
move.b (a0)+,$ffff820a.w
move.w (a0)+,resreg.w

movem.l (a0)+,d0-d7
movem.l d0-d7,$ffff8240.w

ifeq dator
lea $ffff8400.w,a1
moveq #127,d0
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
dbra d0,.loop2

move.w #$2300,sr

moveq #23,d0
move.b (a1),(a0)+
addq.w #2,a1
dbra d0,.loop

moveq #0,d2
move.w #10000,d0
move.b -18(a1),d1
cmp.b d1,d2
bhi.s .jump
move.b d1,d2
dbra d0,.loop1
move.b d2,(a0)+
moveq #0,d2
move.w #10000,d0
move.b -16(a1),d1
cmp.b d1,d2
bhi.s .jump1
move.b d1,d2
dbra d0,.loop2
move.b d2,(a0)+
moveq #0,d2
move.w #10000,d0
move.b -14(a1),d1
cmp.b d1,d2
bhi.s .jump2
move.b d1,d2
dbra d0,.loop3
move.b d2,(a0)+
moveq #0,d2
move.w #10000,d0
move.b -12(a1),d1
cmp.b d1,d2
bhi.s .jump3
move.b d1,d2
dbra d0,.loop4
move.b d2,(a0)+

moveq #23,d0
move.b (a0)+,(a1)
addq.w #2,a1
dbra d0,.loop
move.b (a0)+,-18(a1)
move.b (a0)+,-16(a1)
move.b (a0)+,-14(a1)
move.b (a0)+,-12(a1)

*** Error handler:

ifne e_handle

movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr ende
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
jmp 0

movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr ende
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
jmp 0

movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr ende
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
jmp 0

move.w #$2700,sr

move.l stackp,a7
bsr ende

lea pack,a1
lea $fffffc00.w,a0
moveq #3,d0
move.b (a0),d1
btst #1,d1
beq.s .loop
move.b (a1)+,2(a0)
dbra d0,.loop

moveq #127,d0
move.w #999,d1
dbra d1,.loop2
move.b 2(a0),d1
dbra d0,.loop1

dc.w $a000

move.b #7,$ffff8800.w
move.b snd_cnfg,$ffff8802.w
move.b #14,$ffff8800.w
move.b snd_cnfg+1,$ffff8802.w


*** Interrupt area ***

move.w #-1,vblflag


*** Main area ***

tst.b $ffff8209.w ; test if visible scanline.
beq.s main

move.w #$30,$ffff8240.w

; bsr clear_screen ; clear screen

; Main loop

move.l variabler,a0

move.w #$203,(a0)+ ; Three edges, both sides visible.
move.w #$000,(a0)+ ; bitplane 0

move.w #0,(a0)+
move.w #0,(a0)+

move.w #100,(a0)+
move.w #10,(a0)+

move.w #150,(a0)+
move.w #100,(a0)+

move.l hoppa,a0
jsr (a0)

move.w #$fff,$ffff8240.w

*** clear screen 320*200*4 ***

ifeq dator
move.l screen,a0
move.w #7999,d0
clr.l (a0)+
dbra d0,.loop

ifeq dator-1
move.w #2,$ffff8a2e.w
move.w #16000,$ffff8a36.w
clr.b $ffff8a3b.w
move.l screen,$ffff8a32.w
move.w #1,$ffff8a38.w
move.b #192,$ffff8a3c.w

*** Data section ***

pack: dc.b $80,$1,$12,$1a

variabler: dc.l 0
hoppa: dc.l 0
hoppa3: dc.l 0
hoppa4: dc.l 0

dc.w 0
dc.l buffert
dc.l screen
dc.w 0,0,-1000
dc.w 319,199,1000

incbin "a:\bin\xope2_01.img"

section bss

ds.l 4096

ifne e_handle
errors: ds.l 3
resvec: ds.l 1
stackp: ds.l 1
snd_cnfg: ds.w 1

cashe_reg: ds.l 1
cashe_reg1: ds.l 1
vb_addr: ds.l 1
res: ds.w 1
video: ds.w 275
l1_7i: ds.l 7
mfp1dat: ds.b 28
mfp2dat: ds.b 28
savesp: ds.l 1

screen: Ds.l 2
vblflag: ds.w 0

ds.l 16000+64

ds.l 131*256

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