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Atari STE Blitter Chip example program

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STE Blitter Chip example program A

* STE Blitter Chip example program A
* Single Blitter Chip Sprite
* Copyright c.1991 Adam Greenwood
* Feel free to change and use this code
* Written for/with Devpac 2
* This program can be run from medium res

* If this program is assembled to memory ensure that the filenames
* in the DATA section include the full path name, if the files
* are not in the root directory

* screen address constants

vbasehi equ $ff8201 screen base address high
vbasemd equ $ff8203 screen base address middle
vbaselo equ $ff820d screen base address low

shiftmd equ $ff8260 shift mode
rgb equ $ff8240 rgb colour registers

* blitter chip constants

blitter equ $ff8a00 blitter chip base address

* offsets for all blitter chip registers

halfton equ 0 16 half tone RAM registers

srcxinc equ $20 source x increment
srcyinc equ $22 source y increment
srcaddr equ $24 source address

endmsk1 equ $28 left end mask
endmsk2 equ $2a middle mask
endmsk3 equ $2c right end mask

dstxinc equ $2e destination x increment
dstyinc equ $30 destination y increment
dstaddr equ $32 destination address

xcount equ $36 x count
ycount equ $38 y count

hop equ $3a halftone operation
op equ $3b logical operation
linenum equ $3c line number/smudge/HOG/busy
skew equ $3d source shift

* Start of program

start move.l a7,a5
addq #4,a7
move.l 4(a5),a5 get basepage
move.l $c(a5),d0 get legth of text segment
add.l $14(a5),d0 add length of data segment
add.l $1c(a5),d0 add length of uninit BSS
add.l #$100,d0 add length of basepage
move.l d0,-(A7) push length to reserve
move.l a5,-(a7) start address to modify
move.w #0,-(a7) zero
move.w #$4a,-(a7) shrink memory
trap #1
add.l #$c,a7

clr.l -(a7) set supervisor mode
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #6,a7
move.l d0,save_stk

move.w #$80,-(a7) disable and get status
move.w #64,-(a7) blitmode
trap #14
addq #4,a7

btst #1,d0 check blitter exists
beq fin if not straight out

jsr save_regs save all registers
jsr get_mem allocate memory

jsr do_mess print screen message
jsr load_all load pictures

move.l #new_pal,a6
jsr rest_pal set new palette

jsr sprite main routine

jsr rel_mem release memory
jsr rest_regs restore registers
bra fin

* routine to handle one blitter chip sprite travelling around
* the screen on a pre-defined path

sprite jsr waitv synchronise
move.b #0,shiftmd set low resolution
move.l scrn_mem,d0 screen memory address
jsr set_scrn set screen address

move.l #coords,a2 start of coordinates list
move.l #32,d2 no. of lines

jsr init_back set up background save

.loop move.w (a2)+,d0 d0 = x coord
cmp.w #400,d0 wrap around if x > 400
ble .less
move.l #coords,a2 start of coordinates list
move.w (a2)+,d0 d0 = x coord
.less move.w (a2)+,d1 d0 = y coord

jsr convert d2 = skew, a6 = offset

move.l scrn_mem,a0 screen address
add.l a6,a0 add offset
move.l save_mem,a1 background save memory
jsr back_blit save background

move.l a0,a1 screen address
move.l sprt_mem,a0 address of sprite
jsr init_sprt set up sprite blit
jsr sprt_blit blit sprite

jsr waitv synchronise

jsr init_back set up background restore
move.l save_mem,a0 background save memory
jsr back_blit restore background

jsr get_key check for key press
swap d0 use high word
cmp.b #57,d0 space = quit
bne .loop


* routine to convert x and y coordinates into screen base offset
* and skew value
* in : d0.w = x
* d1.w = y
* out: d2.w = shift value
* a6.l = address offset

convert movem.l d0-d1,-(a7)

mulu #160,d1 line length x no. of lines
move.l d1,a6

ext.l d0
divu #16,d0 distance along line
swap d0
move.w d0,d2 d2.w = shift no.
swap d0
mulu #8,d0 d0 = bytes to add
add.w d0,a6 screen address offset

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1

* routine to initialise blitter for background save/restore

init_back move.l a0,-(a7)

lea blitter,a0 blitter address

move.w #12,xcount(a0) 12 words per line dest
move.w #2,srcxinc(a0) 2 bytes offset next word
move.w #138,srcyinc(a0) skip 160-(24-2) words
move.w #2,dstxinc(a0) 2 bytes offset next word
move.w #138,dstyinc(a0) skip 138 bytes each line
move.b #2,hop(a0) set half tone

move.w #$ffff,endmsk1(a0) no mask since data
move.w #$ffff,endmsk2(a0) is not shifted
move.w #$ffff,endmsk3(a0)

move.l (a7)+,a0

* routine to initialise blitter chip for 32x32 sprite

init_sprt move.l a0,-(a7)

lea blitter,a0 blitter address
move.w #3,xcount(a0) 3 words per line dest (2 + 1)
move.w #8,srcxinc(a0) 8 bytes between words
move.w #144,srcyinc(a0) skip 160-(24-8)=144 bytes
move.w #8,dstxinc(a0) 8 bytes between words
move.w #144,dstyinc(a0) skip 144 bytes each line
move.b #2,hop(a0) use source direct

move.l (a7)+,a0

* Blitter routine to save\restore background
* a0 = source address
* a1 = destination address
* d0 = x coord
* d1 = y coord

back_blit movem.l a0-a3/d0-d3,-(a7)

lea blitter,a2 blitter base address
move.b #0,skew(a2) no skew
move.b #3,op(a2) replace mode

move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w #32,ycount(a2)

move.b #%11000000,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d0-d3

* Routine to blit block onto background
* a0.l = address of block
* a1.l = address in background
* d2 = shift value

sprt_blit movem.l a0-a3/d0-d3,-(a7)

lea blitter,a2 blitter address

move.w #$ffff,d0
lsr.w d2,d0 shift right
move.w d0,endmsk1(a2) Left end mask
move.w #$ffff,endmsk2(a2) mid mask
not.w d0
move.w d0,endmsk3(a2) Right end mask
move.b d2,skew(a2) skew value

move.b #1,op(a2) AND mode for mask
move.l #3,d0 mask all 4 planes destination

.mask move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w #32,ycount(a2) 32 lines
move.b #192,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)
addq #2,a1 nest destination plane
dbra d0,.mask loop

move.b #7,op(a2) OR mode for sprite data
move.l #2,d0 over last 3 planes
addq #2,a0 skip mask plane
subq #6,a1 second dest plane

.blit move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w #32,ycount(a2) 32 lines
move.b #192,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)
addq #2,a0 next source plane
addq #2,a1 next dest plane
dbra d0,.blit loop

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d0-d3

* Routine to get key press
* 0 if no character ready

get_key movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
clr.l d0
move.w #255,-(a7)
move.w #6,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6

* Subroutine to save pallette to address in A6

save_pal movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)

move.l #rgb,a0 colour register address
move.l #15,d0 all 16 colours
.save move.w (a0)+,(a6)+ copy them
dbra d0,.save

movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0

* restore pallette at address in a6

rest_pal movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)

move.l #rgb,a0 colour register address
move.l #15,d0 all 16 colours
.rest move.w (a6)+,(a0)+ copy them
dbra d0,.rest

movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0

* wait for Vblank & return

waitv movem.l a0-a3/d0-d3,-(a7)
move.w #37,-(a7)
trap #14 wait for Vblank
addq #2,a7
movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d0-d3

* routine to set screen base address
* in: d0.l = screen address

set_scrn movem.l d0-d1,-(a7)

move.l d0,d1
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vbasemd middle byte
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vbasehi high byte
move.b d1,vbaselo low byte

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1

* Save all the memory-mapped configuration registers which
* the program is going to change

save_regs move.l #old_pal,a6
jsr save_pal save old palette

move.b vbasehi,oldvbhi save registers
move.b vbasemd,oldvbmd
move.b vbaselo,oldvblo
move.b shiftmd,oldmode


* restore all the registers which have been changed

rest_regs move.l #old_pal,a6
jsr rest_pal restore old palette

jsr waitv
move.b oldmode,shiftmd
move.b oldvbhi,vbasehi restore registers
move.b oldvbmd,vbasemd
move.b oldvblo,vbaselo


* print message to screen, then turn cursor off

do_mess move.l #message,-(a7)
move.w #9,-(a7) write string to screen
trap #1
addq #6,a7

move.w #-1,-(a7)
move.w #0,-(a7)
move.w #21,-(a7) turn cursor off
trap #14
addq #6,a7


* Subroutine to allocate memory to this program

get_mem move.l #69122,-(a7) room for 2 screens + save area
move.w #72,-(a7) allocate memory
trap #1
addq #6,a7

addq #1,d0
bclr #0,d0 put address on word boundary
move.l d0,scrn_mem save new screen address
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,sprt_mem address of sprite memory
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,save_mem address of save memory


* release memory previously allocated

rel_mem move.l scrn_mem,-(a7)
move.w #73,-(a7) release memory
trap #1
addq #6,a7


load_all move.l #scrn_file,a6
move.l scrn_mem,a5 load screen pic
jsr load_pic

move.l #sprt_file,a6
move.l sprt_mem,a5 load sprite pic
jsr load_pic


* Routine to load a picture into memory
* A6 = address of pathname, A5 = address of memory

load_pic movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)

move.w #0,-(a7) read/write
move.l a6,-(a7) filename
move.w #61,-(a7) open file
trap #1
move.w d0,d6 d6 = file handle
addq #8,a7

move.l #pic_mode,-(a7) dump palette & mode info
move.l #34,-(a7) 34 bytes
move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #63,-(a7) read palette/mode
trap #1
add.w #12,a7

move.l a5,-(a7) address of memory
move.l #32000,-(a7) 32k bytes
move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #63,-(a7) read picture
trap #1
add.w #12,a7

move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #62,-(a7) close file
trap #1
addq #4,a7

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

* Return to user mode and exit

fin move.l save_stk,-(a7)
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1 Return to user mode
addq #6,a7

move.w #0,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #2,a7

section bss

oldmode ds.b 1
oldvbhi ds.b 1
oldvbmd ds.b 1
oldvblo ds.b 1

pic_mode ds.w 1
new_pal ds.w 16
old_pal ds.w 16

scrn_mem ds.l 1
sprt_mem ds.l 1
save_mem ds.l 1

save_stk ds.l 1

section data

sprt_file dc.b 'SPRITES.PI1',0
scrn_file dc.b 'BLIT.PI1',0

message dc.b 'Blitter Chip Single Sprite Demo',10,13,10,13
dc.b 'Copyright ',189,'1991 Adam Greenwood',10,13,10,13
dc.b 'Loading Pic and Sprites...',0


* list of coordinates

coords dc.w 254,079
dc.w 253,085
dc.w 252,092,248,102,244,107,240,112,236,117
dc.w 232,121,228,124,224,127,220,129,216,132
dc.w 212,134,208,136,204,138,200,139,196,140
dc.w 192,142,188,143,184,144,180,145,176,146
dc.w 172,147,168,147,164,147,160,147,156,147
dc.w 152,147,148,147
dc.w 144,147
dc.w 140,147,136,147
dc.w 132,147,128,147,124,147,120,147,116,147
dc.w 112,146,108,145,104,144,100,143,096,142
dc.w 092,140,088,139,084,138,080,136,076,134
dc.w 072,132,068,129,064,127,060,124,056,121
dc.w 052,117,048,112,044,107,040,102,036,092
dc.w 035,085
dc.w 034,079
dc.w 035,073
dc.w 036,066,040,056,044,051,048,046,052,041
dc.w 056,037,060,034,064,031,068,029,072,026
dc.w 076,024,080,022,084,020,088,019,092,018
dc.w 096,016,100,015,104,014,108,012,112,012
dc.w 116,011,120,011,124,011,128,011,132,011
dc.w 136,011,140,011
dc.w 144,011
dc.w 148,011,152,011
dc.w 156,011,160,011,164,011,168,011,172,011
dc.w 176,012,180,013,184,014,188,015,192,016
dc.w 196,018,200,019,204,020,208,022,212,024
dc.w 216,026,220,029,224,031,228,034,232,037
dc.w 236,041,240,046,244,051,248,056,252,066
dc.w 253,073

dc.w 450


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STE Blitter Chip example program B

* STE Blitter Chip example program B
* Multiple Blitter Chip Sprites on double buffered background
* Copyright c.1991 Adam Greenwood
* Feel free to change and use this code
* Written for/with Devpac 2
* This program can be run from medium res

* If this program is assembled to memory ensure that the filenames
* in the DATA section include the full path name, if the files
* are not in the root directory

* This program uses 3 background pictures, two for display and
* a 'spare' which simulates the ability in a mapped game to
* rebuild the background behind a sprite without having to
* save it.

* constants:

* screen address and scrolling constants

vbasehi equ $ff8201 screen base address high
vbasemd equ $ff8203 screen base address middle
vbaselo equ $ff820d screen base address low

shiftmd equ $ff8260 shift mode
rgb equ $ff8240 rgb colour registers

* blitter chip constants

blitter equ $ff8a00 blitter chip address

* offsets for all blitter chip registers

halfton equ 0 halftone RAM registers (16)

srcxinc equ $20 source x increment
srcyinc equ $22 source y increment
srcaddr equ $24 source address

endmsk1 equ $28 left end mask
endmsk2 equ $2a middle mask
endmsk3 equ $2c right end mask

dstxinc equ $2e destination x increment
dstyinc equ $30 destination y increment
dstaddr equ $32 destination address

xcount equ $36 x count
ycount equ $38 y count

hop equ $3a halftone operation
op equ $3b logical operation
linenum equ $3c line number/smudge/HOG/busy
skew equ $3d source shift

sprt_no1 equ 1 2 32x32 sprites
sprt_no2 equ 7 8 32x16 sprites
sprt_no3 equ 5 6 16x16 sprites

* Start of program

start move.l a7,a5
addq #4,a7
move.l 4(a5),a5 get basepage
move.l $c(a5),d0 get legth of text segment
add.l $14(a5),d0 add length of data segment
add.l $1c(a5),d0 add length of uninit BSS
add.l #$100,d0 add length of basepage
move.l d0,-(A7) push length to reserve
move.l a5,-(a7) start address to modify
move.w #0,-(a7) zero
move.w #$4a,-(a7) shrink memory
trap #1
add.l #$c,a7

clr.l -(a7) set supervisor mode
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #6,a7
move.l d0,save_stk

move.w #$80,-(a7) disable and get status
move.w #64,-(a7) blitmode
trap #14
addq #4,a7

btst #1,d0 check blitter exists
beq fin if not finish

jsr save_regs save all registers
jsr get_mem allocate memory

jsr do_mess print screen message
jsr load_all load pictures

move.l #new_pal,a6
jsr rest_pal set new palette

jsr sprites jump to main routine

jsr rel_mem release memory
jsr rest_regs restore registers
bra fin finish

* Main routine which initialises and looks after the sprites,
* swaps the screens etc.

sprites jsr waitv synchronise
move.b #0,shiftmd set low resolution
move.l scrn2_mem,d0 on screen
jsr set_scrn set screen address
jsr waitv wait for new screen

* initialise the tables of sprite information for the three
* sets of different sized sprites.

move.l #sprt_inf1,a0 table 1 (32x32)
move.l #coords1,a1 start of coordinates list
move.w #sprt_no1,d0 no. of sprites - 1
.init1 move.l a1,(a0) address of coords
move.l #0,4(a0) background offset
add.l #12,a0 next entry
add.l #252,a1 move along coords list
dbra d0,.init1

move.l #sprt_inf2,a0 table 2 (32x16)
move.l #coords2,a1 start of coordinates list
move.w #sprt_no2,d0 no. of sprites - 1
.init2 move.l a1,(a0) address of coords
move.l #0,4(a0) background offset
add.l #12,a0 next entry
add.l #124,a1 move along coords list
dbra d0,.init2

move.l #sprt_inf3,a0 table 3 (16x16)
move.l #coords3,a1 start of coordinates list
move.w #sprt_no3,d0 no. of sprites - 1
.init3 move.l a1,(a0) address of coords
move.l #0,4(a0) background offset
add.l #12,a0 next entry
add.l #20,a1 move along coords list
dbra d0,.init3

move.l scrn1_mem,a5 off screen
move.l scrn2_mem,a4 on screen

.loop move.l #sprt3_set,a0 dimensions for blit
jsr init_sprt set up blitter for sprite

move.l #sprt_inf3,a3 table 3 (16x16)
move.w #sprt_no3,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.l sprt_mem,a0 address of sprite memory
add.l #32,a0 offset for 16x16 sprite
move.w #16,d3 16 lines per sprite
move.l #coords3,d6 start of coords list
jsr do_sprite draw all 16x16 sprites

move.l #sprt2_set,a0 dimensions for blit
jsr init_sprt set up blitter for sprite

move.l #sprt_inf2,a3 table 2 (32x16)
move.w #sprt_no2,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.l sprt_mem,a0 sprite memory
add.l #16,a0 offset for 32x16 sprite
move.w #16,d3 16 lines per sprite
move.l #coords2,d6 start of coords list
jsr do_sprite draw all 32x16 sprites

move.l #sprt1_set,a0 dimensions for blit
jsr init_sprt set up blitter for sprite

move.l #sprt_inf1,a3 table 1 (32x32)
move.w #sprt_no1,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.l sprt_mem,a0 sprite memory
move.w #32,d3 32 lines per sprite
move.l #coords1,d6 start of coords list
jsr do_sprite draw all 32x32 sprites

exg.l a4,a5 swap screens
move.l a4,d0 new on screen
jsr set_scrn set new on screen
jsr waitv synchronise

move.l #back3_set,a0
jsr init_back set up background restore

move.l #sprt_inf3,a3 table 3 (16x16)
move.w #sprt_no3,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.w #16,d3 no. of lines
jsr undo_sprt restore background

move.l #back2_set,a0
jsr init_back set up background restore

move.l #sprt_inf2,a3 table 2 (32x16)
move.w #sprt_no2,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.w #16,d3 no. of lines
jsr undo_sprt restore background

move.l #back1_set,a0
jsr init_back set up background restore

move.l #sprt_inf1,a3 table 1
move.w #sprt_no1,d7 no. of sprites - 1
move.w #32,d3 32 lines
jsr undo_sprt restore background

jsr get_key check for key press
swap d0 use high word (scan code)
cmp.b #57,d0 57 = space = quit
bne .loop


* routine to look after one set of sprites
* in: d7 = no. of sprites - 1
* a0 = address of sprite
* a3 = address of sprite info table
* d3 = y count (no. of lines)
* a5 = address of off screen
* d6 = address of start of coords list

do_sprite move.l (a3),a2 address of coords
move.w (a2)+,d0 d0 = x coord
cmp.w #400,d0 wrap around if x > 400
ble .less
move.l d6,a2 start of coordinates list
move.w (a2)+,d0 d0 = x coord
.less move.w (a2)+,d1 d0 = y coord
move.l a2,(a3) save list pointer

jsr convert d2 = skew, a6 = offset

move.l a5,a1 screen address
add.l a6,a1 add offset
move.l a6,8(a3) save offset for undraw
jsr sprt_blit blit sprite

add.l #12,a3 next info entry
dbra d7,do_sprite


* routine to restore background where a sprite was
* for one set of sprites
* restores on off screen, so uses last but one background adderss

undo_sprt move.l 4(a3),a6 old save address
move.l 8(a3),d6 new save address
move.l d6,4(a3) old = new

move.l a5,a1 off screen
add.l a6,a1 background offset
move.l back_mem,a0 background pic
add.l a6,a0
jsr back_blit restore background

add.l #12,a3 next entry
dbra d7,undo_sprt


* routine to convert x and y coordinates into screen base offset
* and skew value
* in : d0.w = x
* d1.w = y
* out: d2.w = shift value
* a6.l = address offset

convert movem.l d0-d1,-(a7)

mulu #160,d1 address of correct line
move.l d1,a6

ext.l d0
divu #16,d0 address of block
swap d0
move.w d0,d2 d2.w = shift no.
swap d0 remainder
mulu #8,d0 amount to shift
add.w d0,a6 a6 = offset

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1

* routine to initialise blitter chip for a sprite routine
* a0 = address of set up table, which is simply a list
* of the correct values for the blitter registers needed
* to set up the blitter chip

init_sprt movem.l a0-a1,-(a7)

move.l #blitter,a1 blitter address

move.w (a0)+,xcount(a1) words per dest. line
move.w (a0)+,srcxinc(a1) bytes offset next word
move.w (a0)+,srcyinc(a1) bytes to skip after line
move.w (a0)+,dstxinc(a1) bytes offset next word
move.w (a0)+,dstyinc(a1) bytes to skip
move.b #2,hop(a1) use source direct

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a1

* routine to initialise blitter chip for a background restore
* using list of values as above

init_back movem.l a0-a1,-(a7)

lea blitter,a1 blitter address

move.w (a0)+,xcount(a1) words per line dest
move.w (a0)+,srcxinc(a1) bytes offset next word
move.w (a0)+,srcyinc(a1) bytes to skip after line
move.w (a0)+,dstxinc(a1) bytes offset next word
move.w (a0)+,dstyinc(a1) bytes to skip
move.b #2,hop(a1) use source only

move.w #$ffff,endmsk1(a1) no mask, since
move.w #$ffff,endmsk2(a1) data is not shifted
move.w #$ffff,endmsk3(a1)

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a1

* Routine to blit block onto background
* a0.l = address of block
* a1.l = address in background
* d2.w = shift value
* d3.w = y count (no. of lines)

sprt_blit movem.l a0-a3/d0-d3,-(a7)

lea blitter,a2 blitter chip address

move.w #$ffff,d0
lsr.w d2,d0 mask off left edge
move.w d0,endmsk1(a2) Left end mask
move.w #$ffff,endmsk2(a2) mid mask
not.w d0
move.w d0,endmsk3(a2) Right end mask
move.b d2,skew(a2) shift data right

move.b #1,op(a2) AND mode
move.l #3,d0 mask all 4 bit planes

.mask move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w d3,ycount(a2) no. of lines
move.b #192,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)
addq #2,a1 next bit plane
dbra d0,.mask

move.b #7,op(a2) OR mode
move.l #2,d0 OR data over 3 planes
addq #2,a0 skip mask plane
subq #6,a1 start at second plane

.blit move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w d3,ycount(a2) no. of lines
move.b #192,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)
addq #2,a0 next source plane
addq #2,a1 next dest plane
dbra d0,.blit

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d0-d3

* Blitter routine to save\restore background
* a0 = source address
* a1 = destination address
* d3 = y count (no. of lines)

back_blit movem.l a0-a3/d3,-(a7)

lea blitter,a2 blitter base address
move.b #0,skew(a2) no skew
move.b #3,op(a2) replace mode

move.l a0,srcaddr(a2) source address
move.l a1,dstaddr(a2) dest address
move.w d3,ycount(a2) no. of lines

move.b #192,linenum(a2) start blit (HOG mode)

movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d3

* Routine to get key press
* 0 if no character ready

get_key movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
clr.l d0
move.w #255,-(a7)
move.w #6,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6

* Subroutine to save pallette to address in A6

save_pal movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)

move.l #rgb,a0 colour register address
move.l #15,d0 all 16 colours
.save move.w (a0)+,(a6)+ copy them
dbra d0,.save

movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0

* restore pallette at address in a6

rest_pal movem.l d0/a0,-(a7)

move.l #rgb,a0 colour register address
move.l #15,d0 all 16 colours
.rest move.w (a6)+,(a0)+ copy them
dbra d0,.rest

movem.l (a7)+,d0/a0

* wait for Vblank & return

waitv movem.l a0-a3/d0-d3,-(a7)
move.w #37,-(a7)
trap #14 wait for Vblank
addq #2,a7
movem.l (a7)+,a0-a3/d0-d3

* routine to set screen base address, which will take effect
* next vblank

set_scrn movem.l d0-d1,-(a7)

move.l d0,d1
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vbasemd middle byte
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,vbasehi high byte
move.b d1,vbaselo low byte

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1

* Save all the memory-mapped configuration registers which
* the program is going to change

save_regs move.l #old_pal,a6
jsr save_pal save old palette

move.b vbasehi,oldvbhi save registers
move.b vbasemd,oldvbmd
move.b vbaselo,oldvblo
move.b shiftmd,oldmode


* restore all the registers which have been changed

rest_regs jsr waitv synchronise

move.l #old_pal,a6
jsr rest_pal restore old palette

move.b oldmode,shiftmd
move.b oldvbhi,vbasehi restore registers
move.b oldvbmd,vbasemd
move.b oldvblo,vbaselo


* print message to screen, then turn cursor off

do_mess move.l #message,-(a7)
move.w #9,-(a7) write string to screen
trap #1
addq #6,a7

move.w #-1,-(a7)
move.w #0,-(a7)
move.w #21,-(a7) turn cursor off
trap #14
addq #6,a7


* Subroutine to allocate memory to this program

get_mem move.l #128002,-(a7) room for 3 screens + sprites
move.w #72,-(a7) allocate memory
trap #1
addq #6,a7

addq #1,d0
bclr #0,d0 put address on word boundary
move.l d0,scrn1_mem save new screen address
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,scrn2_mem address of second screen
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,back_mem address of third screen
add.l #32000,d0
move.l d0,sprt_mem address of sprite memory


* release memory previously allocated

rel_mem move.l scrn1_mem,-(a7)
move.w #73,-(a7) release memory
trap #1
addq #6,a7


* routine to load background and sprite pictures

load_all move.l #sprt_file,a6 sprite pic
move.l sprt_mem,a5
jsr load_pic

move.l #scrn_file,a6 screen 1
move.l scrn1_mem,a5
jsr load_pic

move.l #scrn_file,a6 screen 2
move.l scrn2_mem,a5
jsr load_pic

move.l #scrn_file,a6 background for restore
move.l back_mem,a5
jsr load_pic


* Routine to load a picture into memory
* A6 = address of pathname, A5 = address of memory

load_pic movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)

move.w #0,-(a7) read/write
move.l a6,-(a7) filename
move.w #61,-(a7) open file
trap #1
move.w d0,d6 d6 = file handle
addq #8,a7

move.l #pic_mode,-(a7) dump palette & mode info
move.l #34,-(a7) 34 bytes
move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #63,-(a7) read palette/mode
trap #1
add.w #12,a7

move.l a5,-(a7) address of memory
move.l #32000,-(a7) 32k bytes
move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #63,-(a7) read picture
trap #1
add.w #12,a7

move.w d6,-(a7) file handle
move.w #62,-(a7) close file
trap #1
addq #4,a7

movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6

* Return to user mode and exit

fin move.l save_stk,-(a7)
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1 Return to user mode
addq #6,a7

move.w #0,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #2,a7

section bss

oldmode ds.b 1
oldvbhi ds.b 1
oldvbmd ds.b 1
oldvblo ds.b 1

pic_mode ds.w 1
new_pal ds.w 16
old_pal ds.w 16

scrn1_mem ds.l 1
scrn2_mem ds.l 1
back_mem ds.l 1
sprt_mem ds.l 1

sprt_inf1 ds.l 60
sprt_inf2 ds.l 60
sprt_inf3 ds.l 60

save_stk ds.l 1

section data

sprt_file dc.b 'SPRITES.PI1',0 sprite pic
scrn_file dc.b 'BLIT.PI1',0 background pic

message dc.b 'Blitter Chip Multi Sprite Demo',10,13,10,13
dc.b 'Copyright ',189,'1991 Adam Greenwood',10,13,10,13
dc.b 'Loading Pic and Sprites...',0


* Data used to initialise blitter chip for each operation

sprt1_set dc.w 3 x count
dc.w 8 source x inc.
dc.w 144 source y inc.
dc.w 8 dest x inc.
dc.w 144 dest y inc.

sprt2_set dc.w 3
dc.w 8
dc.w 144
dc.w 8
dc.w 144

sprt3_set dc.w 2
dc.w 8
dc.w 152
dc.w 8
dc.w 152

back1_set dc.w 12
dc.w 2
dc.w 138
dc.w 2
dc.w 138

back2_set dc.w 12
dc.w 2
dc.w 138
dc.w 2
dc.w 138

back3_set dc.w 8
dc.w 2
dc.w 146
dc.w 2
dc.w 146

* three sets of coordinates which the three sets of sprites
* follow around the screen.

coords1 dc.w 254,079
dc.w 253,086
dc.w 252,092,248,102,244,107,240,112,236,117
dc.w 232,121,228,124,224,127,220,129,216,132
dc.w 212,134,208,136,204,138,200,139,196,140
dc.w 192,142,188,143,184,144,180,145,176,146
dc.w 172,147,168,147,164,147,160,147,156,147
dc.w 152,147,148,147
dc.w 144,147
dc.w 140,147,136,147
dc.w 132,147,128,147,124,147,120,147,116,147
dc.w 112,146,108,145,104,144,100,143,096,142
dc.w 092,140,088,139,084,138,080,136,076,134
dc.w 072,132,068,129,064,127,060,124,056,121
dc.w 052,117,048,112,044,107,040,102,036,092
dc.w 035,086
dc.w 034,079
dc.w 035,074
dc.w 036,066,040,056,044,051,048,046,052,041
dc.w 056,037,060,034,064,031,068,029,072,026
dc.w 076,024,080,022,084,020,088,019,092,018
dc.w 096,016,100,015,104,014,108,012,112,012
dc.w 116,011,120,011,124,011,128,011,132,011
dc.w 136,011,140,011
dc.w 144,011
dc.w 148,011,152,011
dc.w 156,011,160,011,164,011,168,011,172,011
dc.w 176,012,180,013,184,014,188,015,192,016
dc.w 196,018,200,019,204,020,208,022,212,024
dc.w 216,026,220,029,224,031,228,034,232,037
dc.w 236,041,240,046,244,051,248,056,252,066
dc.w 253,074

dc.w 450

coords2 dc.w 060,030
dc.w 062,031,064,032,066,033,068,034,070,035
dc.w 072,036,074,037,076,038,078,039,080,040
dc.w 082,041,084,042,086,043,088,044,090,045
dc.w 092,046,094,047,096,048,098,049,100,050
dc.w 102,051,104,052,106,053,108,054,110,055
dc.w 112,056,114,057,116,058,118,059,120,060
dc.w 122,061,124,062,126,063,128,064,130,065
dc.w 132,066,134,067,136,068,138,069,140,070
dc.w 142,071,144,072,146,073,148,074,150,075
dc.w 152,076,154,077,156,078,158,079,160,080
dc.w 162,081,164,082,166,083,168,084,170,085
dc.w 172,086,174,087,176,088,178,089,180,090
dc.w 182,091,184,092,186,093,188,094,190,095
dc.w 192,096,194,097,196,098,198,099,200,100
dc.w 202,101,204,102,206,103,208,104,210,105
dc.w 212,106,214,107,216,108,218,109,220,110
dc.w 222,111,224,112,226,113,228,114,230,115
dc.w 232,116,234,117,236,118,238,119,240,120
dc.w 242,121,244,122,246,123,248,124,250,125
dc.w 252,126,254,127,256,128,258,129
dc.w 259,130,260,131,261,133,262,135,262,137
dc.w 262,139,262,141,262,143,261,145,260,147
dc.w 259,149,258,150,257,151,256,152,255,153
dc.w 253,154,251,155,249,156,247,157,245,157
dc.w 243,157,241,157,239,157,237,157,235,157
dc.w 233,156,231,156,229,155,227,154
dc.w 225,153,223,152,221,151,219,150,217,149
dc.w 215,148,213,147,211,146,209,145,207,144
dc.w 205,143,203,142,201,141,199,140,197,139
dc.w 195,138,193,137,191,136,189,135,187,134
dc.w 185,133,183,132,181,131,179,130,177,129
dc.w 175,128,173,127,171,126,169,125,167,124
dc.w 165,123,163,122,161,121,159,120,157,119
dc.w 155,118,153,117,151,116,149,115,147,114
dc.w 145,113,143,112,141,111,139,110,137,109
dc.w 135,108,133,107,131,106,129,105,127,104
dc.w 125,103,123,102,121,101,119,100,117,099
dc.w 115,098,113,097,111,096,109,095,107,094
dc.w 105,093,103,092,101,091,099,090,097,089
dc.w 095,088,093,087,091,086,089,085,087,084
dc.w 085,083,083,082,081,081,079,080,077,079
dc.w 075,078,073,077,071,076,069,075,067,074
dc.w 065,073,063,072,061,071,059,070,057,069
dc.w 055,068,053,067,051,066,049,065,047,064
dc.w 045,063,043,062,041,061,039,060,037,059
dc.w 035,058,033,057
dc.w 032,056,031,055,030,054,029,053
dc.w 028,051,027,049,027,047,027,045,027,043
dc.w 027,041,028,039,029,037,030,036,031,034
dc.w 033,033,035,032,037,031,039,030,041,029
dc.w 043,028,045,028,047,028,049,028,051,028
dc.w 053,028,055,028,057,029,059,029

dc.w 450

coords3 dc.w 050,93,050,93,050,93,050,93,050,93
dc.w 051,93,052,93,053,93,054,93,055,93
dc.w 057,93,059,93,061,93,063,93,065,93
dc.w 068,93,071,93,074,93,077,93,080,93
dc.w 083,93,086,93,089,93,093,93,095,93
dc.w 098,93,101,93,104,93,107,93,110,93
dc.w 113,93,116,93,119,93,122,93,125,93
dc.w 128,93,131,93,134,93,137,93,140,93
dc.w 143,93,146,93,149,93,152,93,155,93
dc.w 158,93,161,93,164,93,167,93,170,93
dc.w 173,93,176,93,179,93,182,93,185,93
dc.w 188,93,191,93,194,93,197,93,200,93
dc.w 203,93,206,93,209,93,212,93,215,93
dc.w 218,93,221,93,224,93,227,93,230,93
dc.w 233,93,236,93,239,93,242,93,245,93
dc.w 248,93
dc.w 250,93,252,93,254,93,256,93,258,93
dc.w 259,93,260,93,261,93,262,93,263,93
dc.w 263,93,263,93,263,93,263,93,263,93

dc.w 450


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