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Reality check networK Issue 12
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Reality check networK
Main menU
Û ð1ð Introduction Û ð8ð "Warez-IQ" Warez Quiz! Û
Û ð2ð Editorials Û ð9ð Voting Booth Û
Û ð3ð Interviews Û ðAð RCN Information Û
Û ð4ð Articles Û ðBð Group NFOs [Couriers] Û
Û ð5ð Reviews Û ðCð Group NFOs [Releases] Û
Û ð6ð Dear Entropy, Û ðDð RCN Sound Options Û
Û ð7ð Warez Lists Û Û
Û ð1ð Apogee Û What Apogee Has to Say About Piracy Û
Û ð2ð Couriers on Conquest Û Method's First Try at a Group Û
Û ð3ð Cybernetic Û What Happened to Distinct?! Û
Û ð4ð god Û fATE is REALLY Cool! Û
Û ð5ð Mystic One Û I LEFT Distinct! Û
Û ð6ð Raistlindr Û A Look Back at fATE Û
Û ð7ð Majorr Û Sodom, the REAL Russian Bears? Û
Û ð8ð Super Hacker Û The Hardened WHAT? Û
Û ð9ð Back to Main Menu Û Check out other parts of RCN #12! Û
Û ð1ð Anarchist, Part Deux Û A follow-up on Anarchist's Bust Û
Û ð2ð Bots and Channels Û Keeping Your IRC Channel in Control Û
Û ð3ð Cyrix vs. Intel Û A New Reputation for Cyrix? Û
Û ð4ð fATE's Ancestry Û A Story From Someone That Knows Û
Û ð5ð #M8Leech Û A Threat to #fATEFiles??? Û
Û ð6ð Game Platformx vs. PC Û Playstations/Saturns/Good ol' PC Û
Û ð7ð School and Warez Û I Got Software but Nothin' Else! Û
Û ð8ð Running a Site Û What You Should Know Beforehand Û
Û ð9ð Back to Main Menu Û Check Out Other Parts of RCN #12 Û
Û ð1ð Group Reviews : Games Û The High Scorers in Games! Û
Û ð2ð Group Reviews : Utils Û The High Scorers in Utils! Û
Û ð3ð The Game Review Û Ionizer's Games Review! Û
Û ð4ð Voting Results Û Results From Last Week's Polls Û
Û ð5ð Back to Main Menu Û Check Out Other Parts of RCN #12 Û
Warez listS
Û ð1ð The Seven Listing #1 Û [01/25/96] --> [01/31/96] Û
Û ð2ð The Seven Listing #2 Û [01/18/96] --> [01/24/96] Û
Û ð3ð The Seven Listing #3 Û [01/11/96] --> [01/17/96] Û
Û ð4ð The Seven Listing #4 Û [01/04/96] --> [01/10/96] Û
Û ð5ð Global Warez Search Û Search All Warez Lists!! Û
Û ð6ð Back to Main Menu Û Check out other parts of RCN #12! Û
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º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : <Undisclosed> º
º Subject : Piracy Affiliation : Apogee º
º º
º º
º RCN : Software companies had a hard time when games were released on º
º diskettes since diskettes can easily be copied. However, most º
º companies currently release games on CD-Rom. Since it is often º
º difficult to pirate a game that is 650 megabytes, do software º
º companies feel that CD-Rom has deterred piracy? º
º º
º APG : That depends on what is on the CD-Rom. If a game is 20 megabytes, º
º and it's on a CD, it's just as easy to pirate it. CD's are also º
º cheaper to produce and floppies, and last longer. If someone is º
º going to steal a computer program, they'll steal it no matter what º
º format it's on. º
º º
º RCN : I assume Apogee knows that the final registered version of Duke º
º Nukem 3D will be released on the internet BEFORE it hits stores. º
º Ironically, it will most likely be uploaded to the internet and º
º given to a games pirate group by an Apogee insider. Will Apogee º
º assume preventive measures in the future so that Apogee software º
º is not pirated? º
º º
º APG : As long as human beings are involved, there will always be people º
º who will want to steal a computer program. It's human nature. No º
º matter what you do, someone will steal your program. Period. º
º There's ultimately nothing you can do if someone really wants to º
º steal your program. º
º º
º RCN : So you're saying that Apogee KNOWS people pirate their software º
º and is doing nothing to prevent it because Apogee feels that º
º stealing is human nature? º
º º
º APG : I'm saying that every computer software programmer knows people º
º pirate their software. There is no such thing as a method of º
º protection that can totally prevent your software from being º
º stolen. I'm not saying that Apogee does nothing. I'm saying that º
º you're naive to think you can totally protect your software. º
º º
º RCN : Some companies DO find a way to make sure their software is º
º IMPOSSIBLE to pirate on the internet. They make their games º
º ridiculously LARGE. For example, Phantasmagoria was released on º
º seven CDs, will Apogee take that route in the future by making º
º games that often take up many CDs? º
º º
º APG : I doubt that. º
º º
º RCN : For example, ALL games that include MacroMedia are IMPOSSIBLE to º
º pirate on the internet due to their extensive size, and are thus, º
º HARDLY ever pirated. However, those games that are HARDLY pirated º
º do not sell as well as games that ARE pirated. Why are software º
º companies turning to MacroMedia, a form of programming that º
º requires HALF the usual programming time and are nearly pirate º
º free? º
º º
º APG : If you are inferring that huge CD-Rom games are not pirated, then º
º you're wrong. Haven't you heard of CD-Rom burners? These things º
º are below $1000, and they'll go much lower soon. The CD-Rom is º
º *NOT* protection from copying software anymore, and will be less º
º so in the future. º
º º
º RCN : You can copy a huge game from CD to CD, but you cannot upload or º
º download them from underground bulletin boards because it would º
º take a person about 1 week to download a game on a 33.6kb/s º
º US Robotics Modem. Is that not true? º
º º
º APG : Yeah, but if you think that's the only avenue of piracy, you're º
º not seeing everything. º
º º
º RCN : What is the main avenue of piracy? º
º º
º APG : What do you think it is? º
º º
º RCN : I go over my friend's house and we lend each other SNES games, and º
º sometimes PC games too. I've only copied like 3 games, and I º
º guess a lot of my friends also do what I do, so it must add up. º
º º
º APG : The internet is the main avenue of trading, and countries outside º
º of the United States pose a big problem too. º
º º
º RCN : The internet? People pirate on the internet? So... ya got any º
º cool sitez, d00d? º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Method º
º Subject : Couriers on Conquest Affiliation : COC President º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is Couriers on Conquest? I assume it's a courier group, but º
º what will make it different from all the other courier groups that º
º pop up each week? º
º º
º MTD : Couriers on Conquest came up from a couple of places. When DiC º
º decided to merge with some no name group, a lot of DiC members did º
º not like it so we decided to go run DiC ourselves, but the º
º President of DiC didn't like the idea. Then, a couple local º
º friends of mine decided we wanted to run a local courier group for º
º the time being; and if it got a good response, then we would take º
º it to the NET. I had a local sysop make up a quick application º
º generator and we had a good response of eager couriers, º
º programmers, artists, and distribution sites. We then decided to º
º bring it to the NET and so far, we haven't had a bad response. We º
º are different because we aren't out there to get the best name or º
º trade the fastest. We just want to get out there and have some º
º fun trying to courier. º
º º
º RCN : Have you experienced any trouble with past DiC members that merged º
º with that no name group? Do any of them hold grudges against you º
º or COC? If so, what have they done? º
º º
º MTD : Actually, a day later, the President took a lot of our advice and º
º pulled out of the merge, and then DiC fell apart, but now it's º
º back under new the new President, Blackened. I hope they do º
º better. I have never really had a problem with any of the past or º
º present DiC members. º
º º
º RCN : What must one do to become a COC member? º
º º
º MTD : Couriers need to have internet accounts so they can access IRC º
º and FTP. There are really no requirements for distribution sites. º
º We are really out to have fun. If you apply, there's a 99% chance º
º you'll get in the group. º
º º
º RCN : Many other groups have proven success by being very selective and º
º letting very FEW people in the group. Why and how do you feel º
º that letting in 99% of all applicants will in turn benefit COC? º
º º
º MTD : I believe in giving everyone a chance to prove themselves, in a º
º couple weeks I will cut whoever is slacking. º
º º
º RCN : Is COC planning to courier and release in the future since many º
º new courier groups do so? º
º º
º MTD : We are currently strictly couriering, but may be, this is a big º
º may be, if we do succeed in the future, we might release as well º
º as courier. º
º º
º RCN : So you connect couriering power of a group with how well they can º
º release? The big groups such as RiSC/RTS/MC never release warez. º
º Do you think that perhaps a courier group that DOES release might º
º not be as good as a courier group that does NOT? º
º º
º MTD : I see it as, a courier group that does release has more problems º
º and is more disorganized because the group needs to worry about º
º dupes and fakes. I think that is why more courier groups go down, º
º but courier groups that don't release don't have to worry about º
º dupes and fakes and just have to stay organized and courier. That º
º is why I feel that there is a higher chance of COC staying alive º
º if we don't release. º
º º
º RCN : Where did you come up with the name COC? It sounds like a person º
º sucking on a cock, isn't that a bad name for the group? º
º º
º MTD : I know. I have heard all the little names that COC could stand º
º for. I really don't know. I thought of conquest and put it all º
º together and didn't really think about the initials of the group º
º until someone pointed it out to me. It doesn't really seem to be º
º bringing the group down, and I don't think it really matters what º
º the name of the group is, as long as we all stay together and well º
º organized. º
º º
º RCN : Are there any older courier groups that you model after? º
º º
º MTD : Well, there are some courier groups that just go up to get warez º
º and then there are REAL courier groups that have made a impression º
º on everyone. I personally like fATE, RiSC, MindCrash, and Legacy. º
º º
º RCN : Legacy is a games group, but anyways, do you feel that your past º
º experience in DiC has proved beneficial in helping you run COC? º
º º
º MTD : I saw in DiC that if you weren't organized, you wouldn't make it º
º anywhere in the scene. DiC taught me to keep my group organized º
º and tight. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Cybernetic º
º Subject : Distinct Affiliation : Ex-DTC Member º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is your current position in Distinct? º
º º
º CYB : Since Distinct broke up, I'm not so sure. º
º º
º RCN : What happened on the night of January 29 in #Distinct? Why did º
º Distinct break up, and why did it start up again so soon after it º
º died? º
º º
º CYB : It all started when Bullet Wound was kicked from Distinct. Then, º
º after school today, I came home to find that our channel had been º
º taken over. I got the channel back, and within 5 minutes, Violent º
º (Distinct High Council) came into #Distinct and changed the º
º channel topic to : º
º º
º º
º Later this evening, Weed (Distinct Senior) came into #Distinct and º
º changed topic to : º
º º
º Distinct, Still Trading! º
º º
º I'm not really sure if Weed wants to start it back up or not, but º
º I do belive that two seniors, Axxis and Mystic One left and that º
º Violent and Vertigox are gone. º
º º
º RCN : There seems to be a power struggle between Weed and Vertigox. º
º While both Weed and Vertigox were still in Distinct back when it º
º was still officially running, did you feel that there were strong º
º conflicts between the two? º
º º
º CYB : I didn't see a conflict, but it always seemed as if they weren't º
º so close and it seemed to me that Weed would rather he be in º
º charge. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that Weed plotted the death of Distinct so he could º
º run it after Vertigox and Violent left? º
º º
º CYB : No, i don't think it was Weed's idea to kill Distinct. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that Distinct will be better off now that Vertigox and º
º Violent are NOT running the group? º
º º
º CYB : Better, yes, in a way. Wouldn't the government run better with a º
º Vice President that helped the President? The question is, will º
º Distinct live on in order for that to happen. º
º º
º RCN : You stated earlier that the fall of Distinct first started when º
º Bullet Wound was kicked out of Distinct; why was he kicked out? º
º º
º CYB : Vertigox mass deoped everyone, but since Bullet Wound's script º
º automatically kickbans anyone that tries to mass deop, Vertigox º
º got really pissed when he was kickbanned out of the channel. In º
º turn, Vertigox kicked Bullet Wound out of Distinct. Since Bullet º
º Wound was a senior courier, the group fell part and killed itself º
º in his absence. Therefore, Vertigox and Violent decided to kill º
º Distinct before it drove itself right into the ground. Vertigox º
º didn't want it to end like that, so he killed the group. We could º
º have been a great competitive group. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : god º
º Subject : fATE Affiliation : fATE VP º
º º
º º
º RCN : You have kicked many people out of fATE in the recent weeks, and º
º they have in turn become very bitter toward you. They make many º
º accusations saying that Anti Derivative and you are lazy, never º
º online to take care of problems, and kick people out of fATE just º
º for fun. Do any of the accusations hold truth? º
º º
º GOD : People who are kicked out are kicked out for a reason. It is º
º understandable they are bitter toward me and I feel bad for them; º
º but what am I to do? Keep every lamer even if they are screwing º
º around just because I don't want to hurt their feelings??? As º
º far as lazy goes, I don't consider myself lazy. I own a computer º
º store and work long hours. All my free time is dedicated to the º
º scene. º
º º
º RCN : Why did you kick out Sucre? º
º º
º GOD : Sucre was kicked at long last for a combination of reasons. First º
º off, he had overstepped his limits on many occasions taking it º
º upon himself to call senior meetings when he wasn't even a senior. º
º He was only a member and site operator. He was running around º
º like he owned the group. His site was always down and too slow º
º for us to continue using. Without his site, Sucre was basically º
º useless and he had caused far too much trouble for us to keep him º
º around. It was just time for him to go. I did help him out by º
º setting his site up for RoR. There were other reasons but I am º
º not going to embarrass Sucre. The other reasons why he was kicked º
º out are unreconcilable. I'll leave it at that. º
º º
º RCN : Many people have accused you of always raging war with other º
º groups. For example, Raistlindr, an ex-fATE member, informed me º
º that you have tried to take over #Malice, so in turn, MALiCE took º
º over #Fatefiles. Does the accusation hold any truth? º
º º
º GOD : When was this??? I have talked with Dorian voice and he seems º
º like a nice guy. I have no problem with MALiCE other than º
º friendly competition. I did not try to take over #Malice nor º
º would I try; and MALiCE did not take over #Fatefiles, nor did they º
º try. People don't seem to understand that there is competition º
º between the groups. I slam MALiCE, sure I do. They slam me too, º
º it's all part of the game. In the end, it doesn't matter. º
º º
º RCN : Now don't tell me #Fatefiles has never been taken over. Who are º
º the ones that DO took over #Fatefiles? º
º º
º GOD : I am not sure. It was some small unknown group that took it one º
º night. However, that was like Christmas weekend and all of our º
º good IRC guys were away on vacation. On a regular day, there is º
º no one who could take #Fatefiles and hold it for any extended º
º period of time. We have IRC Operators like Mikeysoft and his º
º friends constantly guarding the channel. º
º º
º RCN : The REAL Mikeysoft, or just a friend on his account. I recall º
º that he was recently busted by Gail Thatcher. º
º º
º GOD : That is the real Mikeysoft. He is not a narc and he is not a º
º lamer. He is the original Mikeysoft who has been around for º
º years. What happened to him is none of our business, it is º
º Mikeysoft's business. Rest assured, he is and always will be º
º loyal to the scene. I have nothing but respect for him and what º
º he has done. He has earned his place. º
º º
º RCN : So Mikesoft is NOT a narc, but he did get busted and was charged º
º with computer crimes and got his computers confiscated? º
º º
º GOD : He got his equipment back but I do not know all of the details, º
º nor do I care. He is back and he is here to stay. He is not a º
º narc. If he were a narc or we had any indication that he was, he º
º would not be permitted to work in our channels. º
º º
º RCN : If you did find out he was a narc, how would you enforce that "he º
º would not be permitted to work in our channels"? º
º º
º GOD : I don't really have an answer, but it's not like that at all. º
º It's Mikeysoft, not some lame impersonator! It's the real him and º
º he's not a narc, and I don't think he has even gone to court yet? º
º º
º RCN : There are many people accusing fATE of having bad relations with º
º release groups. For example, not too long ago, RoR dropped fATE º
º as their official couriers, why did that happen? º
º º
º GOD : RoR did not drop us, we dropped them, and hard. We had our senior º
º discussion as to what should be done with the situation and we º
º came to the conclusion that our couriers didn't like spreading º
º non-working releases. So seeing how RoR was a part of fATE, Anti º
º Derivative and I started that group, so we killed it, and shortly º
º there after, tKLP reformed it and that was that. º
º º
º RCN : Raistlindr accused Leodlion for being a stubborn senior that did º
º not listen to other people's suggestions whenever he was wrong. º
º Does the accusation hold truth? º
º º
º GOD : I have been accused of the same thing. People don't fully º
º understand how fATE is run. Every major decision is not done in º
º the channel. We do voice conferences between the seniors. º
º Leodlion does not kick anyone without consulting us first, vice º
º versa. Once a decision is made, that person is removed from the º
º group swiftly. We jump in the channel and voom that's it. Mind º
º you we talk over every alternative until we are all convinced that º
º the person in question must be removed, then we remove them. º
º º
º RCN : So fATE is actually much more organized than everyone gives it º
º credit for? Why do people give fATE so LITTLE credit? º
º º
º GOD : People tend to rag on us because we do not divulge the inner º
º workings of our group to every lamer that comes down the tracks as º
º any good group would. People slam what they don't understand. º
º They get their own idea of how fATE is run, and 9 out of 10 times, º
º their idea is dead wrong. fATE is much more than a little IRC º
º group. We are world wide and are involved in many things aside º
º from just spreading warez on the internet. º
º º
º RCN : How do you think fATE compares in regards to RiSC? º
º º
º GOD : I have always liked RiSC. They rock. I hope some consider us on º
º or close to the same level as RiSC. º
º º
º RCN : How do you think fATE compares in regards to MALiCE? º
º º
º GOD : I think MALiCE rocks. They are our #1 competition on the internet º
º and on boards. MALiCE is made up of 70% ex-fATE members which º
º tells me that they have strong couriers. I have talked to Dorian º
º voice on occasion and he is definitely not a little warez punk. I º
º learned volumes about his personality, he is mature and well º
º suited to his position as a MALiCE leader. I wish them well and º
º hope they stay cause they definitely keep us on our toes. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that fATE is becoming a HTC since all the good fATE º
º couriers leave for other groups such as MALiCE, MindCrash, and º
º RiSC? º
º º
º GOD : Definitely not, HTC died! Sure, we lose members, every group º
º loses members. However, fATE members do not just leave unless º
º they are not getting along with other members. Not everyone's º
º personalities clash well and sometimes they are better off in a º
º group that portrays their own attitudes. fATE is not made for º
º everyone. I have no problem with that. As long as they keep º
º spreading warez, it helps the scene. They are either with us or º
º the competition. We need both of these to survive. Very few are º
º accepted into our inner circle, and those people never leave fATE. º
º If we only had 10 couriers, we would still dominate as we are now. º
º º
º RCN : MALiCE recently challenged fATE to an upload match. Why did fATE º
º decline the challenge? º
º º
º GOD : Declined??? What??? º
º º
º RCN : Dorian told me that fATE declined an upload match between MALiCE º
º and fATE. º
º º
º GOD : The channel turned into a screaming match. I left the channel. º
º If we are to do a competition, I am happy to oblige. As long as º
º the rules are set and it's on a neutral site. º
º º
º RCN : GREAT! RCN will be MORE than happy to cover the matches. º
º º
º GOD : I would be happy to let RCN cover it :). º
º º
º RCN : On matters of tagging, is it true that fATE is out tagging every º
º group 4:1? º
º º
º GOD : We slaughter groups one week, and then they slaughter us the next. º
º That's how it goes. If I said we were out tagging other groups º
º 4:1, then at that point in time it was fact. Right now, by º
º comparing fATE and MALiCE sites, I can objectively say that we are º
º slightly ahead, around a 10:8 tag ratio. However, MALiCE could º
º jump ahead with a few good tags, or vice versa. fATE and MALiCE º
º are actually very close as far as over all performance. There is º
º not another group in the scene that has been able to keep up with º
º either of our groups. º
º º
º RCN : Reducing 10:8, I get 5:4. Why did you pick your name "GOD"? º
º Many people say that you are egoistical and that you think you º
º created the scene in 6 days. Is that true? º
º º
º GOD : Hahaha, not in the slightest. My old nick back in the Commodore º
º days was Satan. I had a little run with the law using that nick º
º and was away for a few years. When I returned about a year ago, I º
º picked the exact oposite of my old nick. It was not that I think º
º I am better than anyone although I am heh... joke :). º
º º
º RCN : What kind of LITTLE run with the law resulting in a FEW years are º
º you speaking of? º
º º
º GOD : Blue boxing, lame... the Commodore days were good to me :). º
º º
º RCN : Many people say that good courier groups should not release. Why º
º does fATE release? º
º º
º GOD : I personally agree that courier groups should courier and release º
º groups should release. However, from time to time, when something º
º big comes down the track, and the race is on, it ends up getting º
º thrown out as fATE. I have changed the policy as of late. º
º º
º RCN : As of late? You mean this very second? I just saw fATE release º
º a few hours ago. º
º º
º GOD : You should not be seeing that anymore. I wanted to give that º
º release to one of our release groups but unfortunately, our coder º
º Leon was too fast for me to catch. He cracked and ripped the damn º
º thing and got it on the net faster than I could say boo. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Entropy Interviewee : Mystic One º
º Subject : Distinct Affiliation : Ex-DTC Senior º
º º
º º
º RCN : Mystic One, what groups are you affiliated with? º
º º
º MTC : I am in Pantera, Dragon, Darius, Masque, and TnT. º
º º
º RCN : What was your position in the former Distinct? Did you feel that º
º you were the core of the group? º
º º
º MTC : I was a senior. My responsibilities were mainly to courier to our º
º sites and to recruit good sites and couriers. No, I did not feel º
º that I was the core of the group. If a group is to survive, it is º
º because everyone, including the seniors, pulled his or her own º
º weight. º
º º
º RCN : What was your main reason for leaving Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : I presented several suggestions to the group, and recruited º
º several high caliber sites for the group. We had an opportunity º
º to make the group into something special. Unfortunately the º
º leadership was not interested in the growth and betterment of the º
º group. A group must be made up of members working toward a common º
º goal. º
º º
º RCN : In what way was the leadership not interested in the growth and º
º betterment of Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : At one point we were in negotiations to get a major site for the º
º group, and the leadership showed no interest. In fact when a º
º senior was told we lost the site, his words were "Who cares?" The º
º leadership did not mind if the couriers couriered 2-3 day warez º
º even though we claimed to be a 0 day couriering team. Axxis had º
º to fight for almost a week just to get the damn channel '+i'. He º
º fought the high council on this point. He has been around for a º
º long time and he knew that keeping the channel '-i' was a mistake. º
º º
º RCN : You stated earlier that you were not the core of the group, but º
º when you left, Distinct immediately took a vote and decided to º
º close down. Do you think that you were doing more while others º
º sat back and relaxed? Do you feel that they died because the º
º group could not survive without you? º
º º
º MTC : I feel I was one of the more experienced members, and maybe some º
º of them looked up to me for leadership, but as I said before, one º
º member does not make or break a group. º
º º
º RCN : However, we have a log file showing quite the contrary. It seems º
º that a member does make or break a group. When Axxis and you left º
º the group, the log file shows that the general feeling of Distinct º
º was that they could not handle it. What are your comments on º
º that? º
º º
º MTC : Well, they knew that we were the ones pushing for the betterment º
º of the group, and when we left some might have had second thoughts º
º about whether or not the group would get turned around. º
º º
º RCN : Many courier groups often show strength by being affiliated with º
º good release groups. However, Distinct was only affiliated with a º
º small PPE group, do you feel that LSPD hindered Distinct's growth? º
º º
º MTC : No, I do not believe it hindered it at all, the problem was that º
º Distinct never recruited any other release groups. º
º º
º RCN : Why didn't Distinct try to recruit other release groups? Was º
º Distinct rejected left and right or did it not try at all? º
º º
º MTC : I do not feel they tried at all. That too was something we º
º preached at the meetings but was never acted upon. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that a lack of communication and a lack of effort on º
º the part of the members and the council to discuss problems is º
º what ultimately led to the death of Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : Conversation took place. Nothing ever transpired. That was all º
º we did, we TALKED about things. º
º º
º RCN : Where do you think ex-Distinct members will go now that Distinct º
º is officially dead, was there a plan or general consention to º
º merge into another group? º
º º
º MTC : No. Axxis and I had been debating whether or not to start our own º
º group. After leaving Distinct, we decided to move along with our º
º plan for TnT traders along with Ratz and Ratphour. A few of the º
º good Distinct members have expressed an interest in joining. º
º º
º RCN : What will make TnT better than the late Distinct? What will you º
º do that Vertigox didn't? º
º º
º MTC : All suggestions will be considered seriously. Everyone in the º
º group will pull his or her weight, including the senior º
º leadership. We wish to implement several ideas which we feel will º
º make this group unique. º
º º
º RCN : What would you do if Distinct was revived and they invited you º
º back as a senior? Would you accept? º
º º
º MTC : If Distinct was revived, that would be fine. TnT is not out to º
º make enemies with anyone, however I would decline their offer º
º to rejoin because I intend to totally apply myself to TnT. º
º º
º RCN : What will make TnT unique compared to all the other courier groups º
º that pop up each week? º
º º
º MTC : First off, the founders have been in the scene for many years and º
º plan on being around for a long time. We are seasoned traders who º
º will share our combined experience, thus insuring the group gets º
º off on the right foot, and stays on track, outliving 'kiddie' º
º groups. º
º º
º º
º The following took place shortly after Axxis and Mystic One left º
º Distinct : º
º º
º º
º <VertigoX> To be fair, let's put this to a vote... º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I vote yes. º
º º
º <Ez`> You can't vote with only a few people :). º
º º
º <_Weed_> No. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> But any signs of slacking will be the downfall of this group. º
º Let's just say we'll be riding on a tightrope here. º
º º
º <_Weed_> WAIT! How are we going to do this vote? º
º º
º <VertigoX> I just had a brilliant idea, godlike in a way... º
º º
º <Ez`> Maybe it is a good idea to close down DTC. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Remember, it was my idea for a democratic vote. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I might have to agree with Ez now that i think about it. Fuck º
º it, we retire. What's done is done. º
º º
º <serenity> What for? You guys have plenty going for you. No group º
º should have to retire just because 2 people left. Where is º
º your self-pride? You guys should just move on without them. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Serenity, all good things must come to an end. º
º º
º <VertigoX> That's not the only thing... º
º º
º <Ez`> Well, how much did DTC rely on Axxis and Mystic One? That's what º
º everyone has got to about. If that's the ONLY reason DTC is º
º going to die... º
º º
º <VertigoX> Fuck that would be awesome. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Why don't you merge instead of dying off? º
º º
º <VertigoX> I thought about that, but who would we merge with? º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Master... *GAG* ... try Malice... º
º º
º <VertigoX> I don't know Dorian at all... º
º º
º <serenity> You guys have plenty of people in the .nfo other than Axxis º
º and Mystic One. Malice would never accept a merger. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Try Mindcrash... º
º º
º <VertigoX> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Don't make me laugh. º
º º
º <_Weed_> There are good members in Master, so shut up. º
º º
º <VertigoX> All I have to say about Master is Lightning. º
º º
º <Ez`> I don't think The Wicked One from Mindcrash would accept a merger. º
º º
º <VertigoX> I kind of took over #Mindcrash a couple times :). I guess I º
º need some references again. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Anyways, we're dead people. There isn't anyone here that's got º
º a problem with that is there? º
º <_Weed_> Come on, vote time! Let's make the vote anonymous. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I vote our time has come. º
º º
º <_Weed_> The only groups I think acceptable to merge with considering who º
º and what we are, I'm serious about this... º
º º
º <VertigoX> Don't say it. Please don't. I know what you're thinking. º
º Don't say it. Don't even think of it. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Master or Digital. º
º º
º <Ez`> Weed, tell me the ther reason behind closing this down? º
º º
º <_Weed_> I'm not closing this down. I was just suggesting that we vote. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I'd vote Master too, but that would cause ME to resign. º
º º
º <serenity> Aww, I'm hurt, Reflex. º
º º
º <_Weed_> If we stay as one, we should start hand picking individuals. º
º We should not have application forms or anything. I think that º
º if we have chosen members only, and if we drop all useless º
º members right now, that might bring a wave back of action. I º
º also know of an up and coming VERY good courier that could º
º almost could compete with me :) j/k, but he's real good and º
º would help DTC A LOT. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Master isn't a bad group, but I've been thrown off by them a º
º few times. º
º º
º <VertigoX> I've got an idea, but I'll need backing and I can't think I º
º can get it right now. I'm going to do something that defies º
º all my principles. º
º º
º <_Weed_> So wait, what do you think of my ideas? It's risky. º
º º
º <VertigoX> Oh shit, I almost died. Damn, I got an idea... fucking º
º brilliant... º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Those who were good in this group should move on to Viper96. º
º º
º <VertigoX> It could work better than anything ever conceived. Viper96 º
º r00lez. Weed, be a senior with me and let's do it. Get da º
º dope ass m0f0s, get da dope ass m0f0s. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Reflex, stop trying to steal our COURIERS! º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Weed, I'm not stealing anyone; and even if I was, there isn't º
º anything wrong with advice. º
º º
º <_Weed_> VertigoX, you're a freak for trying this, but it can work. º
º º
º <VertigoX> It's fucking crazy ain't it? It's too big. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Anyways, good luck to all of you, I'm out of here. º
º º
º <[PForm]> So tell me, I hope DTC didn't die. º
º º
º <_Weed_> We're like planning and shit. º
º º
º <[PForm]> SIGH, dTZ is BAK! º
º º
º <_Weed_> VertigoX you ass! What do you think? º
º º
º <[PForm]> HAHA º
º º
º <VertigoX> Ok guys, all will be settled tomorrow. Why did this shit º
º have to go down on finals week. º
º º
º <[PForm]> Ah oh. I said something nasty. Anyone alive? It's only º
º 10:41pm. DTC be alive again =). º
º º
º <VertigoX> No. º
º º
º º
º VertigoX has changed the topic on channel #Distinct to "DTC IS DEAD." º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Raistlindr º
º Subject : fATE Affiliation : Ex-fATE Member º
º º
º º
º The following is a reinterview with Raistlindr made in order to clear º
º some misconceptions : º
º º
º º
º RCN : Why were you kicked out of fATE? º
º º
º RST : I told Anti Derivative when I spoke with him that I was no longer º
º in fATE and I thought he understood that. º
º º
º RCN : Why did you tell him you were no longer in fATE? º
º º
º RST : For a few reasons, 1. The fact that Anti Derivative and god were º
º never online to take care of any problems. 2. LeoDLioN is one of º
º the most childish and infantile people I know on the net. 3. The º
º fact that most of the fATE people were not doing anything. 4. The º
º fact that if there was ever a problem, they would just try to kick º
º you out of the channel, and did not allow you to defend yourself. º
º Those are the main reasons. º
º º
º RCN : If Anti Derivative and god were not online to take care of º
º problems, then who did to help accomplish things? º
º º
º RST : In theory, the other seniors did, and that was one of the main º
º problems, was the fact that much of it didn't get taken care of. º
º º
º RCN : Why do you feel that LeoDLioN is childish and infantile? He is º
º married and has kids. º
º º
º RST : That does not matter and is not what I meant. His attitude and º
º how he reacts to other people. For instance, if he has a problem º
º with someone instead of speaking to them rationally or allowing º
º them to defend themselves he will just try and kick them out of º
º the channel anytime there has been a problem with him. º
º º
º RCN : Has he ever done anything personally to you that would turn you º
º off? º
º º
º RST : And when I have stopped the escalation of the problem, he would º
º always start up again. And, yes, he has done a lot to me. When I º
º was still in fATE, he took me off the bots and banned me from º
º #fATE because he realized that I was correct and that he could not º
º defend his actions, so rather than admit he was wrong or try and º
º solve any problems, he just tried to ban me. As long as I was º
º still in fATE, as I was, I should not be taken off the bots, much º
º less banned from them. That is just one example of how childish º
º he acts. He did not like the fact that he felt he could question º
º what I stated and basically stated I was lying and did not like º
º the fact that when he did this, I would defend myself and º
º question his actions. º
º º
º RCN : What did you state? º
º º
º RST : Well, I am a very good "warez-encyclopedia". I know all the files º
º and what was out and when, and back then I was not currently in º
º DMN (Demolition) and a DMN senior came into the channel and asked º
º me directly a question about something DMN was planning on º
º releasing and I stated that the program in question was not out as º
º of yet. º
º º
º RCN : To dupe check? º
º º
º RST : Yes, to dupe check it. Then LeoDLioN decided to insert himself in º
º the conversation and started ordering me to go log off the NET and º
º call Park Central for the files. I had stated that was not º
º necessary as I knew it was not out. I asked the DMN senior who º
º had asked me the question and he stated to me that my answer was º
º quite sufficient and the fact that I stated it was enough for him º
º to believe it. º
º º
º RCN : So do you belive that LeoDLioN, Anti Derivate, and god were bad º
º for fATE, because they either did nothing, or are immature? º
º º
º RST : Well, I believe that LeoDLioN is bad for the group and that Anti º
º Derivative and god can't be good for it as they are not in enough º
º to take care of their duties. I basically feel that LeoDLioN is º
º much too infantile and childish to be more of an asset to a group º
º than a hindrance. For me at least, the main problem was that he º
º was very egotistical and felt that his opinions could not be º
º questioned, yet still felt that he could question others. My main º
º problem with him was that he inserted himself in a conversation º
º that did not involve him and then proceeded to take offense when I º
º questioned what he stated because he questioned what I stated. I º
º did not at the time harbor any bad feelings toward god or Anti º
º Derivative, but the fact that I tried for over 2 weeks to get in º
º touch with one of them to resolve this and neither of them were º
º ever in did not help my disposition towards fATE. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Raw Toxic Interviewee : Majorr º
º Subject : SODOM Affiliation : SDM Senior º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM is a warez group organized in Russia. º
º º
º RCN : Most of us have never heard of SODOM, how long has SODOM been in º
º existence? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM has been around for a year now, a little less or a little º
º more, give or take. º
º º
º RCN : Are warez a big thing in Russia as in comparsion to the United º
º States? º
º º
º MJR : The warez scene in Russia is about if not equal to the one in the º
º United States. º
º º
º RCN : What are some of SODOM's goals? º
º º
º MJR : Our main goal is to monopolize the Russian warez market. º
º º
º RCN : D0D's slogan is `Warez Bears from Russia'. Is D0D competition for º
º SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : Actually D0D only has about 3 members who are actually from º
º Russia; so their slogan doesn't really fit the entire group. D0D º
º is too large to be a Russian warez group. º
º º
º RCN : What is your opinion of the warez scene? º
º º
º MJR : There's too much worthless crap being released, half of it doesn't º
º work, the other half is just useless. SODOM refuses to courier º
º such garbage. º
º º
º RCN : Has the KGB been cutting down on warez in Russia? º
º º
º MJR : No. Microsoft has tried to grab some CD retailers, but it was a º
º one-time deal. They failed against the Russian bears! However, º
º there are some laws concerning copyrights in Russia, but they º
º don't work at all. º
º º
º RCN : Has SODOM experienced any internal problems? º
º º
º MJR : No, we don't have many problems for two reasons, we are all in º
º SODOM for a common goal, and half of us know each other on a º
º personal level. º
º º
º RCN : What do you see in SODOM's future? º
º º
º MJR : I see that while we are expanding in Russia, we will also grow º
º outside of Russia. We would like to keep more than half of our º
º group Russian though. º
º º
º RCN : How does SODOM handle slackers? º
º º
º MJR : We just kick them out of the group. It's easy to do it, every º
º member in SODOM must contribute something useful. º
º º
º RCN : How is the Russian warez scene different from the American warez º
º scene? º
º º
º MJR : There really aren't any groups in Russia. SODOM is the only º
º serious warez group in Russia. º
º º
º RCN : Has the Russian scene grown considerably due to SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : Of course not, we aren't the first group in the Russian scene, º
º there was DOD before SODOM. We just want to be the greatest º
º Russian group ever. º
º º
º RCN : How are you going to make SODOM the greatest Russian group ever? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM is going to unite all the guys in Russia who are able to do º
º something and we are going to work in that direction. We have º
º many former D0D members joining SODOM so we have a good start. º
º º
º RCN : When you mentioned formerr D0D members, did they give up D0D to º
º join SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : No, they were kicked out by Jimmy Jamez and SODOM was willing to º
º let them in. º
º º
º RCN : How do you say 'warez' in Russian? º
º º
º MJR : Waresi º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Super Hacker º
º Subject : The Hardened Criminals Affiliation : THC President º
º º
º º
º RCN : What sets THC apart from other courier groups? º
º º
º SHK : Well, there are many things. One is the name. As you can see, º
º the name is not related nor does it sound like a couriering group. º
º It sounds more like bunch of criminals doing illegal activities. º
º GUESS WHAT, we are all doing this, and we are all criminals. The º
º main reason why the group is different and set APART from other º
º couriering groups is that members in our group are dedicated. We º
º all work in groups and we all have a common goal. We are here to º
º have fun and to help out the warez scene to the best of our º
º abilities. Like we say "HERO'S COME AND GO, BUT CRIMINALS NEVER º
º DIE" SO BANNNNNNNNNG, we are here to stay. º
º º
º RCN : What are the minimum requirements for an accepted THC applicant? º
º º
º SHK : THC looks for dedication, time, and leadership skills in new º
º applicants. We are not like other groups in that we do not ask a º
º member to be on IRC 24 hours a day trading. Everybody has a life º
º and we as a group want people to contribute whatever time they can º
º and expect only 100% dedication. If the new member can only º
º contribute 5 hours a day trading, then that's cool as long as he º
º puts 100% in that 5 hours. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that people might become lazy under that philosphy? º
º Is it working for THC so far? º
º º
º SHK : THC has been working well under our current philosophy. People º
º are not becoming lazy but are becoming more active. People who º
º courier for 5 hours or so are now couriering 10 hours. I don't º
º know how but they are. They even come up with new ideas of making º
º the group more effective, so our philosophy is definitely working. º
º We also have members from other groups joining THC because they º
º say groups like fATE, RTS, and MOTiV8 require more time. So the º
º facts and answers are right in front of us. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that THC's philosphy will make it one of the BEST º
º courier groups in the scene in the not too distant future? º
º º
º SHK : Yes, I believe that the THC philosophy will make us one of the º
º best groups in the near future. We have just started and we are º
º doing well. I did not expect that but with hard work and º
º dedication we are doing really well. One good thing I really º
º enjoyed is that other courier groups don't bug us or do the usual º
º CHANNEL TAKEOVERS. I suppose those things only happen to release º
º groups. Our future plans are not only to accept couriers but to º
º accept suppliers as well. º
º º
º RCN : Since THC will be accepting suppliers, will it be releasing under º
º a separate name or under THC? º
º º
º SHK : A branch of THC will release and the other good part will be that º
º we can spread our own releases. Like I said before, we are here º
º to contribute toward the warez scene and are giving 100%. If º
º members can supply us with warez, then why not supply and courier º
º together. We can have the best of both worlds. º
º º
º RCN : THC sounds an awful lot like THG - The Humble Guys. Did they in º
º any way inspire the name THC? Do members of THC look up to THG as º
º models? I remember memorizing it as an acronym so I could get on º
º some lame one node board. º
º º
º SHK : Well, if you look at the letters THC, you would notice that if you º
º flip flop the "T" and the "H", you'd get the name HTC as well; and º
º like you said, it can also be flip flopped to form THG. When I º
º first started out in the scene, we were called TGP (Tokyo Ghetto º
º Pussy). We couriered and then changed our name to PWC (Pirate º
º Without Cause), but we didn't like it. The Humble Guys in a way º
º did inspire us and so did other groups like PTW, DTC, and HTC. º
º We took all the concepts and good parts of all those groups and º
º formed THC. We took all the good parts from each group and made a º
º new group with a new look and style. º
º º
º RCN : Is THC best at internet or board couriering? º
º º
º SHK : We are best at board couriering. The reason for this is that we º
º have sysops from many areas. We asked them to get us one of their º
º users from their board who can call internet and get warez off our º
º sites. Using this method, we spread to our boards much faster. º
º The users ftp to the sites, they leech 0-1 hour warez and then º
º upload it to their assigned board. The sysops can easily keep º
º track of that because the sysop of the boards are all members of º
º THC. º
º º
º RCN : What is THC's policy on double tagging? º
º º
º SHK : What is double tagging? º
º º
º RCN : Do THC couriers tag files they help spread? º
º º
º SHK : Yes, we put our NFO file in it. º
º º
º º
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º º
º Throughout these past 11 issues, Reality Check Network has received a º
º great amount of user response. The RCN staff has decided to publish º
º these comments, whether supportive or destructive. We would like to º
º encourage our readers to continue to voice their opinions, and we would º
º like to thank all the readers that have done so up until now. º
º º
º º
º Dear RCN/Trite, º
º º
º First of all, thank you for your kind words about MALiCE, however as º
º one of the leaders of MALiCE, I feel I have to address several issues º
º your article mentioned about the group. º
º º
º Group Interfacing and Relations - º
º º
º MALiCE has no quarrels with other couriering groups, be it RiSC, º
º Everlast, RTS, fATE, or any other. May I re-iterate the policy of º
º MALiCE, which may I add is written in our constitution. º
º º
º - MALiCE will not or shall not tolerate its own members slating or º
º rubbishing other groups in public, on the boards, or on the net. Such º
º behavior is completely inappropriate. MALiCE was formed for fun and º
º certainly not for having egotrips or forms of bullshit. º
º º
º I do admit in the early days of MALiCE's reformation, we did have º
º problems with other groups, however such problems have been ironed out, º
º and we extend our respect equally to all other groups. º
º º
º - May I add the channel big-headedness is not "might just be a tad out º
º of date" but IT IS, by over 2 months. º
º º
º - Your presentation of our channel policy is untrue and is not based on º
º true facts, but I would like to know where you received your º
º information concerning our channel policy. º
º º
º However I would like to present the real policy of MALiCE based on º
º facts. MALiCE channel policy strictly states, people who get OPPED in º
º the channel must be a member of the MALiCE team, any other ops must be º
º approved by the leaders and this is only given out under SPECIAL º
º circumstances. People outside the group, with the exception of PWA, º
º DARIUS, Rebels, AFL, Pinnacle, and/or friends of MALiCE may get invited, º
º will not have ops, but rather +v. This provides a harmonious and º
º working relationship with the other groups, and may I add, the other º
º groups extend the same invitation to MALiCE members as they visit their º
º respective channels. º
º º
º Finally, people who wish to join MALiCE may be invited to the º
º channel but at the Council or Leader's discretion. This is the MALiCE º
º channel policy, and as you can see it clearly shows your statement about º
º non-invitations to outsiders to be untrue and unfounded. º
º º
º Publicity? Well, publicity is not one of our main objectives, º
º however, MALiCE's main objectives are : º
º º
º - To have fun and a damn good time in what we do. º
º - To support our boards and our sites well. º
º - Spread the warez of the release groups (this extends to all groups be º
º it the ones we courier for or not), on the boards (MALiCE and NON º
º MALiCE included) and on the net sites (MALiCE and NON MALiCE included) º
º and provide the release groups that we courier for officially, support º
º on their major boards and sites. º
º º
º MALiCE does welcome publicity for itself only by achieving its º
º defined objectives. To gain publicity by inviting any John Doe on IRC º
º is not our way of working, I'm afraid. Lastly, to gain publicity as an º
º individual objective is certainly not considered. º
º º
º "They do all recruiting by word-of-mouth which is not too bad, but not º
º too good practice for a long lasting courier group." º
º - Trite (RCN #10, Articles) º
º º
º May I ask you to justify your source for the above statement in your º
º article? We certainly do not do our recruiting by word-of-mouth, I have º
º no idea where you got this notion from, but I will state it is untrue º
º and unfounded. We do our recruiting based on these attributes : º
º º
º - The applicant would benefit MALiCE in helping achieve our goals and º
º MALiCE can provide support for the applicant, to establish a two-way º
º working relationship. º
º º
º - The applicant has a proven track record on the boards and/or the net º
º and/or has been recommended to us by our other sources. º
º º
º Once council and/or leaders have ascertained the applicant is suitable º
º for membership we usually place the applicant on a two week trial º
º period, which allows the applicant and MALiCE to determine whether it is º
º the right choice for both respective parties. Overall this policy has º
º provided us with loyal and hardworking members, occasionally it has not, º
º but it has been a tried and tested method, and we shall not be changing º
º our recruiting policy in the near future. º
º º
º Aslan - MALiCE Leader / RAZOR 1911 / DARiUS / PiNNACLE º
º º
º º
º Dear Aslan, º
º º
º I find that some of your comments are not as well founded as you º
º appear to think they are. Trite said quite clearly that he joined º
º #MALiCE just to get thrown out a second later by Pericles. This did not º
º involve OPs, it wasn't a question of Trite having +v in the channel, º
º surely he was not too well known in #MALiCE, but I don't believe he º
º expected to get +o, or even +v. He was kicked out for the mere reason º
º of "And you are..." I don't doubt that your constitution incorporates º
º everything that you have mentioned, but I seem to doubt some of your º
º methods of enforcement. º
º º
º I was invited to #MALiCE last night by Dorian, a MALiCE leader. I had º
º never felt so uncomfortable as I had last night in the channel. Members º
º such as Gahn and Lester were openly questioning my presence in the º
º channel. From the above article, I can infer that they assumed I was a º
º John Doe. The only thing that kept them from actually kicking me (as º
º opposed to just talking about it) was the fact that I was invited in by º
º Dorian himself. I do not criticize MALiCE's ability to courier or its º
º presence in the scene, but the enforcement of its established º
º constitution is in question, and ridiculously far from being a reality. º
º º
º Rebel Chicken - Legacy President / RCN Editor º
º º
º º
º Dear RCN, º
º º
º Very cool idea with the rotating music, but I like doing my homework º
º to the songs in RCN, and that damn music rotator gets on my nerves. º
º It's nice when you're reading the mag, but when doing homework, it's º
º just a pain. Could you fix that? º
º º
º º
º Dear Reader, º
º º
º Consider it done! Music now defaults to "No rotate" and if you do º
º want the music to rotate, you can change it out of the options menu. º
º So from now on, you can do your homework the RIGHT way, RCN style :-). º
º º
º º
º Last week Darkhosis e-mailed me about not having RiSC in the Net º
º Couriers list in the voting booth. º
º º
º Dear Darkhosis, º
º º
º I truly apologize for my disheartening mistake. I rarely see any º
º RiSC couriers offering on IRC, but I would never doubt your couriering, º
º and you are by far the most respected Net courier around, and.. duhhh, º
º what couriering group are you in? RiSC. Again, I apologize for the º
º terrible mistake, you're doing a great job couriering, keep it up, and º
º don't let my dumb ass insult you! º
º º
º º
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º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : <Undisclosed> º
º Subject : Piracy Affiliation : Apogee º
º º
º º
º RCN : Software companies had a hard time when games were released on º
º diskettes since diskettes can easily be copied. However, most º
º companies currently release games on CD-Rom. Since it is often º
º difficult to pirate a game that is 650 megabytes, do software º
º companies feel that CD-Rom has deterred piracy? º
º º
º APG : That depends on what is on the CD-Rom. If a game is 20 megabytes, º
º and it's on a CD, it's just as easy to pirate it. CD's are also º
º cheaper to produce and floppies, and last longer. If someone is º
º going to steal a computer program, they'll steal it no matter what º
º format it's on. º
º º
º RCN : I assume Apogee knows that the final registered version of Duke º
º Nukem 3D will be released on the internet BEFORE it hits stores. º
º Ironically, it will most likely be uploaded to the internet and º
º given to a games pirate group by an Apogee insider. Will Apogee º
º assume preventive measures in the future so that Apogee software º
º is not pirated? º
º º
º APG : As long as human beings are involved, there will always be people º
º who will want to steal a computer program. It's human nature. No º
º matter what you do, someone will steal your program. Period. º
º There's ultimately nothing you can do if someone really wants to º
º steal your program. º
º º
º RCN : So you're saying that Apogee KNOWS people pirate their software º
º and is doing nothing to prevent it because Apogee feels that º
º stealing is human nature? º
º º
º APG : I'm saying that every computer software programmer knows people º
º pirate their software. There is no such thing as a method of º
º protection that can totally prevent your software from being º
º stolen. I'm not saying that Apogee does nothing. I'm saying that º
º you're naive to think you can totally protect your software. º
º º
º RCN : Some companies DO find a way to make sure their software is º
º IMPOSSIBLE to pirate on the internet. They make their games º
º ridiculously LARGE. For example, Phantasmagoria was released on º
º seven CDs, will Apogee take that route in the future by making º
º games that often take up many CDs? º
º º
º APG : I doubt that. º
º º
º RCN : For example, ALL games that include MacroMedia are IMPOSSIBLE to º
º pirate on the internet due to their extensive size, and are thus, º
º HARDLY ever pirated. However, those games that are HARDLY pirated º
º do not sell as well as games that ARE pirated. Why are software º
º companies turning to MacroMedia, a form of programming that º
º requires HALF the usual programming time and are nearly pirate º
º free? º
º º
º APG : If you are inferring that huge CD-Rom games are not pirated, then º
º you're wrong. Haven't you heard of CD-Rom burners? These things º
º are below $1000, and they'll go much lower soon. The CD-Rom is º
º *NOT* protection from copying software anymore, and will be less º
º so in the future. º
º º
º RCN : You can copy a huge game from CD to CD, but you cannot upload or º
º download them from underground bulletin boards because it would º
º take a person about 1 week to download a game on a 33.6kb/s º
º US Robotics Modem. Is that not true? º
º º
º APG : Yeah, but if you think that's the only avenue of piracy, you're º
º not seeing everything. º
º º
º RCN : What is the main avenue of piracy? º
º º
º APG : What do you think it is? º
º º
º RCN : I go over my friend's house and we lend each other SNES games, and º
º sometimes PC games too. I've only copied like 3 games, and I º
º guess a lot of my friends also do what I do, so it must add up. º
º º
º APG : The internet is the main avenue of trading, and countries outside º
º of the United States pose a big problem too. º
º º
º RCN : The internet? People pirate on the internet? So... ya got any º
º cool sitez, d00d? º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Method º
º Subject : Couriers on Conquest Affiliation : COC President º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is Couriers on Conquest? I assume it's a courier group, but º
º what will make it different from all the other courier groups that º
º pop up each week? º
º º
º MTD : Couriers on Conquest came up from a couple of places. When DiC º
º decided to merge with some no name group, a lot of DiC members did º
º not like it so we decided to go run DiC ourselves, but the º
º President of DiC didn't like the idea. Then, a couple local º
º friends of mine decided we wanted to run a local courier group for º
º the time being; and if it got a good response, then we would take º
º it to the NET. I had a local sysop make up a quick application º
º generator and we had a good response of eager couriers, º
º programmers, artists, and distribution sites. We then decided to º
º bring it to the NET and so far, we haven't had a bad response. We º
º are different because we aren't out there to get the best name or º
º trade the fastest. We just want to get out there and have some º
º fun trying to courier. º
º º
º RCN : Have you experienced any trouble with past DiC members that merged º
º with that no name group? Do any of them hold grudges against you º
º or COC? If so, what have they done? º
º º
º MTD : Actually, a day later, the President took a lot of our advice and º
º pulled out of the merge, and then DiC fell apart, but now it's º
º back under new the new President, Blackened. I hope they do º
º better. I have never really had a problem with any of the past or º
º present DiC members. º
º º
º RCN : What must one do to become a COC member? º
º º
º MTD : Couriers need to have internet accounts so they can access IRC º
º and FTP. There are really no requirements for distribution sites. º
º We are really out to have fun. If you apply, there's a 99% chance º
º you'll get in the group. º
º º
º RCN : Many other groups have proven success by being very selective and º
º letting very FEW people in the group. Why and how do you feel º
º that letting in 99% of all applicants will in turn benefit COC? º
º º
º MTD : I believe in giving everyone a chance to prove themselves, in a º
º couple weeks I will cut whoever is slacking. º
º º
º RCN : Is COC planning to courier and release in the future since many º
º new courier groups do so? º
º º
º MTD : We are currently strictly couriering, but may be, this is a big º
º may be, if we do succeed in the future, we might release as well º
º as courier. º
º º
º RCN : So you connect couriering power of a group with how well they can º
º release? The big groups such as RiSC/RTS/MC never release warez. º
º Do you think that perhaps a courier group that DOES release might º
º not be as good as a courier group that does NOT? º
º º
º MTD : I see it as, a courier group that does release has more problems º
º and is more disorganized because the group needs to worry about º
º dupes and fakes. I think that is why more courier groups go down, º
º but courier groups that don't release don't have to worry about º
º dupes and fakes and just have to stay organized and courier. That º
º is why I feel that there is a higher chance of COC staying alive º
º if we don't release. º
º º
º RCN : Where did you come up with the name COC? It sounds like a person º
º sucking on a cock, isn't that a bad name for the group? º
º º
º MTD : I know. I have heard all the little names that COC could stand º
º for. I really don't know. I thought of conquest and put it all º
º together and didn't really think about the initials of the group º
º until someone pointed it out to me. It doesn't really seem to be º
º bringing the group down, and I don't think it really matters what º
º the name of the group is, as long as we all stay together and well º
º organized. º
º º
º RCN : Are there any older courier groups that you model after? º
º º
º MTD : Well, there are some courier groups that just go up to get warez º
º and then there are REAL courier groups that have made a impression º
º on everyone. I personally like fATE, RiSC, MindCrash, and Legacy. º
º º
º RCN : Legacy is a games group, but anyways, do you feel that your past º
º experience in DiC has proved beneficial in helping you run COC? º
º MTD : I saw in DiC that if you weren't organized, you wouldn't make it º
º anywhere in the scene. DiC taught me to keep my group organized º
º and tight. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Cybernetic º
º Subject : Distinct Affiliation : Ex-DTC Member º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is your current position in Distinct? º
º º
º CYB : Since Distinct broke up, I'm not so sure. º
º º
º RCN : What happened on the night of January 29 in #Distinct? Why did º
º Distinct break up, and why did it start up again so soon after it º
º died? º
º º
º CYB : It all started when Bullet Wound was kicked from Distinct. Then, º
º after school today, I came home to find that our channel had been º
º taken over. I got the channel back, and within 5 minutes, Violent º
º (Distinct High Council) came into #Distinct and changed the º
º channel topic to : º
º º
º º
º Later this evening, Weed (Distinct Senior) came into #Distinct and º
º changed topic to : º
º º
º Distinct, Still Trading! º
º º
º I'm not really sure if Weed wants to start it back up or not, but º
º I do belive that two seniors, Axxis and Mystic One left and that º
º Violent and Vertigox are gone. º
º º
º RCN : There seems to be a power struggle between Weed and Vertigox. º
º While both Weed and Vertigox were still in Distinct back when it º
º was still officially running, did you feel that there were strong º
º conflicts between the two? º
º º
º CYB : I didn't see a conflict, but it always seemed as if they weren't º
º so close and it seemed to me that Weed would rather he be in º
º charge. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that Weed plotted the death of Distinct so he could º
º run it after Vertigox and Violent left? º
º º
º CYB : No, i don't think it was Weed's idea to kill Distinct. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that Distinct will be better off now that Vertigox and º
º Violent are NOT running the group? º
º º
º CYB : Better, yes, in a way. Wouldn't the government run better with a º
º Vice President that helped the President? The question is, will º
º Distinct live on in order for that to happen. º
º º
º RCN : You stated earlier that the fall of Distinct first started when º
º Bullet Wound was kicked out of Distinct; why was he kicked out? º
º º
º CYB : Vertigox mass deoped everyone, but since Bullet Wound's script º
º automatically kickbans anyone that tries to mass deop, Vertigox º
º got really pissed when he was kickbanned out of the channel. In º
º turn, Vertigox kicked Bullet Wound out of Distinct. Since Bullet º
º Wound was a senior courier, the group fell part and killed itself º
º in his absence. Therefore, Vertigox and Violent decided to kill º
º Distinct before it drove itself right into the ground. Vertigox º
º didn't want it to end like that, so he killed the group. We could º
º have been a great competitive group. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : god º
º Subject : fATE Affiliation : fATE VP º
º º
º º
º RCN : You have kicked many people out of fATE in the recent weeks, and º
º they have in turn become very bitter toward you. They make many º
º accusations saying that Anti Derivative and you are lazy, never º
º online to take care of problems, and kick people out of fATE just º
º for fun. Do any of the accusations hold truth? º
º º
º GOD : People who are kicked out are kicked out for a reason. It is º
º understandable they are bitter toward me and I feel bad for them; º
º but what am I to do? Keep every lamer even if they are screwing º
º around just because I don't want to hurt their feelings??? As º
º far as lazy goes, I don't consider myself lazy. I own a computer º
º store and work long hours. All my free time is dedicated to the º
º scene. º
º º
º RCN : Why did you kick out Sucre? º
º º
º GOD : Sucre was kicked at long last for a combination of reasons. First º
º off, he had overstepped his limits on many occasions taking it º
º upon himself to call senior meetings when he wasn't even a senior. º
º He was only a member and site operator. He was running around º
º like he owned the group. His site was always down and too slow º
º for us to continue using. Without his site, Sucre was basically º
º useless and he had caused far too much trouble for us to keep him º
º around. It was just time for him to go. I did help him out by º
º setting his site up for RoR. There were other reasons but I am º
º not going to embarrass Sucre. The other reasons why he was kicked º
º out are unreconcilable. I'll leave it at that. º
º º
º RCN : Many people have accused you of always raging war with other º
º groups. For example, Raistlindr, an ex-fATE member, informed me º
º that you have tried to take over #Malice, so in turn, MALiCE took º
º over #Fatefiles. Does the accusation hold any truth? º
º º
º GOD : When was this??? I have talked with Dorian voice and he seems º
º like a nice guy. I have no problem with MALiCE other than º
º friendly competition. I did not try to take over #Malice nor º
º would I try; and MALiCE did not take over #Fatefiles, nor did they º
º try. People don't seem to understand that there is competition º
º between the groups. I slam MALiCE, sure I do. They slam me too, º
º it's all part of the game. In the end, it doesn't matter. º
º º
º RCN : Now don't tell me #Fatefiles has never been taken over. Who are º
º the ones that DO took over #Fatefiles? º
º º
º GOD : I am not sure. It was some small unknown group that took it one º
º night. However, that was like Christmas weekend and all of our º
º good IRC guys were away on vacation. On a regular day, there is º
º no one who could take #Fatefiles and hold it for any extended º
º period of time. We have IRC Operators like Mikeysoft and his º
º friends constantly guarding the channel. º
º º
º RCN : The REAL Mikeysoft, or just a friend on his account. I recall º
º that he was recently busted by Gail Thatcher. º
º º
º GOD : That is the real Mikeysoft. He is not a narc and he is not a º
º lamer. He is the original Mikeysoft who has been around for º
º years. What happened to him is none of our business, it is º
º Mikeysoft's business. Rest assured, he is and always will be º
º loyal to the scene. I have nothing but respect for him and what º
º he has done. He has earned his place. º
º º
º RCN : So Mikesoft is NOT a narc, but he did get busted and was charged º
º with computer crimes and got his computers confiscated? º
º º
º GOD : He got his equipment back but I do not know all of the details, º
º nor do I care. He is back and he is here to stay. He is not a º
º narc. If he were a narc or we had any indication that he was, he º
º would not be permitted to work in our channels. º
º º
º RCN : If you did find out he was a narc, how would you enforce that "he º
º would not be permitted to work in our channels"? º
º º
º GOD : I don't really have an answer, but it's not like that at all. º
º It's Mikeysoft, not some lame impersonator! It's the real him and º
º he's not a narc, and I don't think he has even gone to court yet? º
º º
º RCN : There are many people accusing fATE of having bad relations with º
º release groups. For example, not too long ago, RoR dropped fATE º
º as their official couriers, why did that happen? º
º º
º GOD : RoR did not drop us, we dropped them, and hard. We had our senior º
º discussion as to what should be done with the situation and we º
º came to the conclusion that our couriers didn't like spreading º
º non-working releases. So seeing how RoR was a part of fATE, Anti º
º Derivative and I started that group, so we killed it, and shortly º
º there after, tKLP reformed it and that was that. º
º º
º RCN : Raistlindr accused Leodlion for being a stubborn senior that did º
º not listen to other people's suggestions whenever he was wrong. º
º Does the accusation hold truth? º
º º
º GOD : I have been accused of the same thing. People don't fully º
º understand how fATE is run. Every major decision is not done in º
º the channel. We do voice conferences between the seniors. º
º Leodlion does not kick anyone without consulting us first, vice º
º versa. Once a decision is made, that person is removed from the º
º group swiftly. We jump in the channel and voom that's it. Mind º
º you we talk over every alternative until we are all convinced that º
º the person in question must be removed, then we remove them. º
º º
º RCN : So fATE is actually much more organized than everyone gives it º
º credit for? Why do people give fATE so LITTLE credit? º
º º
º GOD : People tend to rag on us because we do not divulge the inner º
º workings of our group to every lamer that comes down the tracks as º
º any good group would. People slam what they don't understand. º
º They get their own idea of how fATE is run, and 9 out of 10 times, º
º their idea is dead wrong. fATE is much more than a little IRC º
º group. We are world wide and are involved in many things aside º
º from just spreading warez on the internet. º
º º
º RCN : How do you think fATE compares in regards to RiSC? º
º º
º GOD : I have always liked RiSC. They rock. I hope some consider us on º
º or close to the same level as RiSC. º
º º
º RCN : How do you think fATE compares in regards to MALiCE? º
º º
º GOD : I think MALiCE rocks. They are our #1 competition on the internet º
º and on boards. MALiCE is made up of 70% ex-fATE members which º
º tells me that they have strong couriers. I have talked to Dorian º
º voice on occasion and he is definitely not a little warez punk. I º
º learned volumes about his personality, he is mature and well º
º suited to his position as a MALiCE leader. I wish them well and º
º hope they stay cause they definitely keep us on our toes. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that fATE is becoming a HTC since all the good fATE º
º couriers leave for other groups such as MALiCE, MindCrash, and º
º RiSC? º
º º
º GOD : Definitely not, HTC died! Sure, we lose members, every group º
º loses members. However, fATE members do not just leave unless º
º they are not getting along with other members. Not everyone's º
º personalities clash well and sometimes they are better off in a º
º group that portrays their own attitudes. fATE is not made for º
º everyone. I have no problem with that. As long as they keep º
º spreading warez, it helps the scene. They are either with us or º
º the competition. We need both of these to survive. Very few are º
º accepted into our inner circle, and those people never leave fATE. º
º If we only had 10 couriers, we would still dominate as we are now. º
º º
º RCN : MALiCE recently challenged fATE to an upload match. Why did fATE º
º decline the challenge? º
º º
º GOD : Declined??? What??? º
º º
º RCN : Dorian told me that fATE declined an upload match between MALiCE º
º and fATE. º
º º
º GOD : The channel turned into a screaming match. I left the channel. º
º If we are to do a competition, I am happy to oblige. As long as º
º the rules are set and it's on a neutral site. º
º º
º RCN : GREAT! RCN will be MORE than happy to cover the matches. º
º º
º GOD : I would be happy to let RCN cover it :). º
º º
º RCN : On matters of tagging, is it true that fATE is out tagging every º
º group 4:1? º
º º
º GOD : We slaughter groups one week, and then they slaughter us the next. º
º That's how it goes. If I said we were out tagging other groups º
º 4:1, then at that point in time it was fact. Right now, by º
º comparing fATE and MALiCE sites, I can objectively say that we are º
º slightly ahead, around a 10:8 tag ratio. However, MALiCE could º
º jump ahead with a few good tags, or vice versa. fATE and MALiCE º
º are actually very close as far as over all performance. There is º
º not another group in the scene that has been able to keep up with º
º either of our groups. º
º º
º RCN : Reducing 10:8, I get 5:4. Why did you pick your name "GOD"? º
º Many people say that you are egoistical and that you think you º
º created the scene in 6 days. Is that true? º
º º
º GOD : Hahaha, not in the slightest. My old nick back in the Commodore º
º days was Satan. I had a little run with the law using that nick º
º and was away for a few years. When I returned about a year ago, I º
º picked the exact oposite of my old nick. It was not that I think º
º I am better than anyone although I am heh... joke :). º
º º
º RCN : What kind of LITTLE run with the law resulting in a FEW years are º
º you speaking of? º
º º
º GOD : Blue boxing, lame... the Commodore days were good to me :). º
º º
º RCN : Many people say that good courier groups should not release. Why º
º does fATE release? º
º º
º GOD : I personally agree that courier groups should courier and release º
º groups should release. However, from time to time, when something º
º big comes down the track, and the race is on, it ends up getting º
º thrown out as fATE. I have changed the policy as of late. º
º º
º RCN : As of late? You mean this very second? I just saw fATE release º
º a few hours ago. º
º º
º GOD : You should not be seeing that anymore. I wanted to give that º
º release to one of our release groups but unfortunately, our coder º
º Leon was too fast for me to catch. He cracked and ripped the damn º
º thing and got it on the net faster than I could say boo. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Entropy Interviewee : Mystic One º
º Subject : Distinct Affiliation : Ex-DTC Senior º
º º
º º
º RCN : Mystic One, what groups are you affiliated with? º
º º
º MTC : I am in Pantera, Dragon, Darius, Masque, and TnT. º
º º
º RCN : What was your position in the former Distinct? Did you feel that º
º you were the core of the group? º
º º
º MTC : I was a senior. My responsibilities were mainly to courier to our º
º sites and to recruit good sites and couriers. No, I did not feel º
º that I was the core of the group. If a group is to survive, it is º
º because everyone, including the seniors, pulled his or her own º
º weight. º
º º
º RCN : What was your main reason for leaving Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : I presented several suggestions to the group, and recruited º
º several high caliber sites for the group. We had an opportunity º
º to make the group into something special. Unfortunately the º
º leadership was not interested in the growth and betterment of the º
º group. A group must be made up of members working toward a common º
º goal. º
º º
º RCN : In what way was the leadership not interested in the growth and º
º betterment of Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : At one point we were in negotiations to get a major site for the º
º group, and the leadership showed no interest. In fact when a º
º senior was told we lost the site, his words were "Who cares?" The º
º leadership did not mind if the couriers couriered 2-3 day warez º
º even though we claimed to be a 0 day couriering team. Axxis had º
º to fight for almost a week just to get the damn channel '+i'. He º
º fought the high council on this point. He has been around for a º
º long time and he knew that keeping the channel '-i' was a mistake. º
º º
º RCN : You stated earlier that you were not the core of the group, but º
º when you left, Distinct immediately took a vote and decided to º
º close down. Do you think that you were doing more while others º
º sat back and relaxed? Do you feel that they died because the º
º group could not survive without you? º
º º
º MTC : I feel I was one of the more experienced members, and maybe some º
º of them looked up to me for leadership, but as I said before, one º
º member does not make or break a group. º
º º
º RCN : However, we have a log file showing quite the contrary. It seems º
º that a member does make or break a group. When Axxis and you left º
º the group, the log file shows that the general feeling of Distinct º
º was that they could not handle it. What are your comments on º
º that? º
º º
º MTC : Well, they knew that we were the ones pushing for the betterment º
º of the group, and when we left some might have had second thoughts º
º about whether or not the group would get turned around. º
º º
º RCN : Many courier groups often show strength by being affiliated with º
º good release groups. However, Distinct was only affiliated with a º
º small PPE group, do you feel that LSPD hindered Distinct's growth? º
º º
º MTC : No, I do not believe it hindered it at all, the problem was that º
º Distinct never recruited any other release groups. º
º º
º RCN : Why didn't Distinct try to recruit other release groups? Was º
º Distinct rejected left and right or did it not try at all? º
º º
º MTC : I do not feel they tried at all. That too was something we º
º preached at the meetings but was never acted upon. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that a lack of communication and a lack of effort on º
º the part of the members and the council to discuss problems is º
º what ultimately led to the death of Distinct? º
º º
º MTC : Conversation took place. Nothing ever transpired. That was all º
º we did, we TALKED about things. º
º º
º RCN : Where do you think ex-Distinct members will go now that Distinct º
º is officially dead, was there a plan or general consention to º
º merge into another group? º
º º
º MTC : No. Axxis and I had been debating whether or not to start our own º
º group. After leaving Distinct, we decided to move along with our º
º plan for TnT traders along with Ratz and Ratphour. A few of the º
º good Distinct members have expressed an interest in joining. º
º º
º RCN : What will make TnT better than the late Distinct? What will you º
º do that Vertigox didn't? º
º º
º MTC : All suggestions will be considered seriously. Everyone in the º
º group will pull his or her weight, including the senior º
º leadership. We wish to implement several ideas which we feel will º
º make this group unique. º
º º
º RCN : What would you do if Distinct was revived and they invited you º
º back as a senior? Would you accept? º
º º
º MTC : If Distinct was revived, that would be fine. TnT is not out to º
º make enemies with anyone, however I would decline their offer º
º to rejoin because I intend to totally apply myself to TnT. º
º º
º RCN : What will make TnT unique compared to all the other courier groups º
º that pop up each week? º
º º
º MTC : First off, the founders have been in the scene for many years and º
º plan on being around for a long time. We are seasoned traders who º
º will share our combined experience, thus insuring the group gets º
º off on the right foot, and stays on track, outliving 'kiddie' º
º groups. º
º º
º º
º The following took place shortly after Axxis and Mystic One left º
º Distinct : º
º º
º º
º <VertigoX> To be fair, let's put this to a vote... º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I vote yes. º
º º
º <Ez`> You can't vote with only a few people :). º
º º
º <_Weed_> No. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> But any signs of slacking will be the downfall of this group. º
º Let's just say we'll be riding on a tightrope here. º
º º
º <_Weed_> WAIT! How are we going to do this vote? º
º º
º <VertigoX> I just had a brilliant idea, godlike in a way... º
º º
º <Ez`> Maybe it is a good idea to close down DTC. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Remember, it was my idea for a democratic vote. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I might have to agree with Ez now that i think about it. Fuck º
º it, we retire. What's done is done. º
º º
º <serenity> What for? You guys have plenty going for you. No group º
º should have to retire just because 2 people left. Where is º
º your self-pride? You guys should just move on without them. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Serenity, all good things must come to an end. º
º º
º <VertigoX> That's not the only thing... º
º º
º <Ez`> Well, how much did DTC rely on Axxis and Mystic One? That's what º
º everyone has got to about. If that's the ONLY reason DTC is º
º going to die... º
º º
º <VertigoX> Fuck that would be awesome. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Why don't you merge instead of dying off? º
º º
º <VertigoX> I thought about that, but who would we merge with? º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Master... *GAG* ... try Malice... º
º º
º <VertigoX> I don't know Dorian at all... º
º º
º <serenity> You guys have plenty of people in the .nfo other than Axxis º
º and Mystic One. Malice would never accept a merger. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Try Mindcrash... º
º º
º <VertigoX> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Don't make me laugh. º
º º
º <_Weed_> There are good members in Master, so shut up. º
º º
º <VertigoX> All I have to say about Master is Lightning. º
º º
º <Ez`> I don't think The Wicked One from Mindcrash would accept a merger. º
º º
º <VertigoX> I kind of took over #Mindcrash a couple times :). I guess I º
º need some references again. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Anyways, we're dead people. There isn't anyone here that's got º
º a problem with that is there? º
º º
º <_Weed_> Come on, vote time! Let's make the vote anonymous. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I vote our time has come. º
º º
º <_Weed_> The only groups I think acceptable to merge with considering who º
º and what we are, I'm serious about this... º
º º
º <VertigoX> Don't say it. Please don't. I know what you're thinking. º
º Don't say it. Don't even think of it. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Master or Digital. º
º º
º <Ez`> Weed, tell me the ther reason behind closing this down? º
º º
º <_Weed_> I'm not closing this down. I was just suggesting that we vote. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> I'd vote Master too, but that would cause ME to resign. º
º º
º <serenity> Aww, I'm hurt, Reflex. º
º º
º <_Weed_> If we stay as one, we should start hand picking individuals. º
º We should not have application forms or anything. I think that º
º if we have chosen members only, and if we drop all useless º
º members right now, that might bring a wave back of action. I º
º also know of an up and coming VERY good courier that could º
º almost could compete with me :) j/k, but he's real good and º
º would help DTC A LOT. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Master isn't a bad group, but I've been thrown off by them a º
º few times. º
º º
º <VertigoX> I've got an idea, but I'll need backing and I can't think I º
º can get it right now. I'm going to do something that defies º
º all my principles. º
º º
º <_Weed_> So wait, what do you think of my ideas? It's risky. º
º º
º <VertigoX> Oh shit, I almost died. Damn, I got an idea... fucking º
º brilliant... º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Those who were good in this group should move on to Viper96. º
º º
º <VertigoX> It could work better than anything ever conceived. Viper96 º
º r00lez. Weed, be a senior with me and let's do it. Get da º
º dope ass m0f0s, get da dope ass m0f0s. º
º º
º <_Weed_> Reflex, stop trying to steal our COURIERS! º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Weed, I'm not stealing anyone; and even if I was, there isn't º
º anything wrong with advice. º
º º
º <_Weed_> VertigoX, you're a freak for trying this, but it can work. º
º º
º <VertigoX> It's fucking crazy ain't it? It's too big. º
º º
º <ReFLeX> Anyways, good luck to all of you, I'm out of here. º
º º
º <[PForm]> So tell me, I hope DTC didn't die. º
º º
º <_Weed_> We're like planning and shit. º
º º
º <[PForm]> SIGH, dTZ is BAK! º
º º
º <_Weed_> VertigoX you ass! What do you think? º
º º
º <[PForm]> HAHA º
º º
º <VertigoX> Ok guys, all will be settled tomorrow. Why did this shit º
º have to go down on finals week. º
º º
º <[PForm]> Ah oh. I said something nasty. Anyone alive? It's only º
º 10:41pm. DTC be alive again =). º
º º
º <VertigoX> No. º
º º
º º
º VertigoX has changed the topic on channel #Distinct to "DTC IS DEAD." º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Raistlindr º
º Subject : fATE Affiliation : Ex-fATE Member º
º º
º º
º The following is a reinterview with Raistlindr made in order to clear º
º some misconceptions : º
º º
º º
º RCN : Why were you kicked out of fATE? º
º º
º RST : I told Anti Derivative when I spoke with him that I was no longer º
º in fATE and I thought he understood that. º
º º
º RCN : Why did you tell him you were no longer in fATE? º
º º
º RST : For a few reasons, 1. The fact that Anti Derivative and god were º
º never online to take care of any problems. 2. LeoDLioN is one of º
º the most childish and infantile people I know on the net. 3. The º
º fact that most of the fATE people were not doing anything. 4. The º
º fact that if there was ever a problem, they would just try to kick º
º you out of the channel, and did not allow you to defend yourself. º
º Those are the main reasons. º
º º
º RCN : If Anti Derivative and god were not online to take care of º
º problems, then who did to help accomplish things? º
º º
º RST : In theory, the other seniors did, and that was one of the main º
º problems, was the fact that much of it didn't get taken care of. º
º º
º RCN : Why do you feel that LeoDLioN is childish and infantile? He is º
º married and has kids. º
º º
º RST : That does not matter and is not what I meant. His attitude and º
º how he reacts to other people. For instance, if he has a problem º
º with someone instead of speaking to them rationally or allowing º
º them to defend themselves he will just try and kick them out of º
º the channel anytime there has been a problem with him. º
º º
º RCN : Has he ever done anything personally to you that would turn you º
º off? º
º º
º RST : And when I have stopped the escalation of the problem, he would º
º always start up again. And, yes, he has done a lot to me. When I º
º was still in fATE, he took me off the bots and banned me from º
º #fATE because he realized that I was correct and that he could not º
º defend his actions, so rather than admit he was wrong or try and º
º solve any problems, he just tried to ban me. As long as I was º
º still in fATE, as I was, I should not be taken off the bots, much º
º less banned from them. That is just one example of how childish º
º he acts. He did not like the fact that he felt he could question º
º what I stated and basically stated I was lying and did not like º
º the fact that when he did this, I would defend myself and º
º question his actions. º
º º
º RCN : What did you state? º
º º
º RST : Well, I am a very good "warez-encyclopedia". I know all the files º
º and what was out and when, and back then I was not currently in º
º DMN (Demolition) and a DMN senior came into the channel and asked º
º me directly a question about something DMN was planning on º
º releasing and I stated that the program in question was not out as º
º of yet. º
º º
º RCN : To dupe check? º
º º
º RST : Yes, to dupe check it. Then LeoDLioN decided to insert himself in º
º the conversation and started ordering me to go log off the NET and º
º call Park Central for the files. I had stated that was not º
º necessary as I knew it was not out. I asked the DMN senior who º
º had asked me the question and he stated to me that my answer was º
º quite sufficient and the fact that I stated it was enough for him º
º to believe it. º
º º
º RCN : So do you belive that LeoDLioN, Anti Derivate, and god were bad º
º for fATE, because they either did nothing, or are immature? º
º º
º RST : Well, I believe that LeoDLioN is bad for the group and that Anti º
º Derivative and god can't be good for it as they are not in enough º
º to take care of their duties. I basically feel that LeoDLioN is º
º much too infantile and childish to be more of an asset to a group º
º than a hindrance. For me at least, the main problem was that he º
º was very egotistical and felt that his opinions could not be º
º questioned, yet still felt that he could question others. My main º
º problem with him was that he inserted himself in a conversation º
º that did not involve him and then proceeded to take offense when I º
º questioned what he stated because he questioned what I stated. I º
º did not at the time harbor any bad feelings toward god or Anti º
º Derivative, but the fact that I tried for over 2 weeks to get in º
º touch with one of them to resolve this and neither of them were º
º ever in did not help my disposition towards fATE. º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Raw Toxic Interviewee : Majorr º
º Subject : SODOM Affiliation : SDM Senior º
º º
º º
º RCN : What is SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM is a warez group organized in Russia. º
º º
º RCN : Most of us have never heard of SODOM, how long has SODOM been in º
º existence? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM has been around for a year now, a little less or a little º
º more, give or take. º
º º
º RCN : Are warez a big thing in Russia as in comparsion to the United º
º States? º
º º
º MJR : The warez scene in Russia is about if not equal to the one in the º
º United States. º
º º
º RCN : What are some of SODOM's goals? º
º º
º MJR : Our main goal is to monopolize the Russian warez market. º
º º
º RCN : D0D's slogan is `Warez Bears from Russia'. Is D0D competition for º
º SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : Actually D0D only has about 3 members who are actually from º
º Russia; so their slogan doesn't really fit the entire group. D0D º
º is too large to be a Russian warez group. º
º º
º RCN : What is your opinion of the warez scene? º
º º
º MJR : There's too much worthless crap being released, half of it doesn't º
º work, the other half is just useless. SODOM refuses to courier º
º such garbage. º
º º
º RCN : Has the KGB been cutting down on warez in Russia? º
º º
º MJR : No. Microsoft has tried to grab some CD retailers, but it was a º
º one-time deal. They failed against the Russian bears! However, º
º there are some laws concerning copyrights in Russia, but they º
º don't work at all. º
º º
º RCN : Has SODOM experienced any internal problems? º
º º
º MJR : No, we don't have many problems for two reasons, we are all in º
º SODOM for a common goal, and half of us know each other on a º
º personal level. º
º º
º RCN : What do you see in SODOM's future? º
º º
º MJR : I see that while we are expanding in Russia, we will also grow º
º outside of Russia. We would like to keep more than half of our º
º group Russian though. º
º º
º RCN : How does SODOM handle slackers? º
º º
º MJR : We just kick them out of the group. It's easy to do it, every º
º member in SODOM must contribute something useful. º
º º
º RCN : How is the Russian warez scene different from the American warez º
º scene? º
º º
º MJR : There really aren't any groups in Russia. SODOM is the only º
º serious warez group in Russia. º
º º
º RCN : Has the Russian scene grown considerably due to SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : Of course not, we aren't the first group in the Russian scene, º
º there was DOD before SODOM. We just want to be the greatest º
º Russian group ever. º
º º
º RCN : How are you going to make SODOM the greatest Russian group ever? º
º º
º MJR : SODOM is going to unite all the guys in Russia who are able to do º
º something and we are going to work in that direction. We have º
º many former D0D members joining SODOM so we have a good start. º
º º
º RCN : When you mentioned formerr D0D members, did they give up D0D to º
º join SODOM? º
º º
º MJR : No, they were kicked out by Jimmy Jamez and SODOM was willing to º
º let them in. º
º º
º RCN : How do you say 'warez' in Russian? º
º º
º MJR : Waresi º
º º
º º
º º
º Reporter : Rebel Chicken Interviewee : Super Hacker º
º Subject : The Hardened Criminals Affiliation : THC President º
º º
º º
º RCN : What sets THC apart from other courier groups? º
º º
º SHK : Well, there are many things. One is the name. As you can see, º
º the name is not related nor does it sound like a couriering group. º
º It sounds more like bunch of criminals doing illegal activities. º
º GUESS WHAT, we are all doing this, and we are all criminals. The º
º main reason why the group is different and set APART from other º
º couriering groups is that members in our group are dedicated. We º
º all work in groups and we all have a common goal. We are here to º
º have fun and to help out the warez scene to the best of our º
º abilities. Like we say "HERO'S COME AND GO, BUT CRIMINALS NEVER º
º DIE" SO BANNNNNNNNNG, we are here to stay. º
º º
º RCN : What are the minimum requirements for an accepted THC applicant? º
º º
º SHK : THC looks for dedication, time, and leadership skills in new º
º applicants. We are not like other groups in that we do not ask a º
º member to be on IRC 24 hours a day trading. Everybody has a life º
º and we as a group want people to contribute whatever time they can º
º and expect only 100% dedication. If the new member can only º
º contribute 5 hours a day trading, then that's cool as long as he º
º puts 100% in that 5 hours. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that people might become lazy under that philosphy? º
º Is it working for THC so far? º
º º
º SHK : THC has been working well under our current philosophy. People º
º are not becoming lazy but are becoming more active. People who º
º courier for 5 hours or so are now couriering 10 hours. I don't º
º know how but they are. They even come up with new ideas of making º
º the group more effective, so our philosophy is definitely working. º
º We also have members from other groups joining THC because they º
º say groups like fATE, RTS, and MOTiV8 require more time. So the º
º facts and answers are right in front of us. º
º º
º RCN : Do you feel that THC's philosphy will make it one of the BEST º
º courier groups in the scene in the not too distant future? º
º º
º SHK : Yes, I believe that the THC philosophy will make us one of the º
º best groups in the near future. We have just started and we are º
º doing well. I did not expect that but with hard work and º
º dedication we are doing really well. One good thing I really º
º enjoyed is that other courier groups don't bug us or do the usual º
º CHANNEL TAKEOVERS. I suppose those things only happen to release º
º groups. Our future plans are not only to accept couriers but to º
º accept suppliers as well. º
º º
º RCN : Since THC will be accepting suppliers, will it be releasing under º
º a separate name or under THC? º
º º
º SHK : A branch of THC will release and the other good part will be that º
º we can spread our own releases. Like I said before, we are here º
º to contribute toward the warez scene and are giving 100%. If º
º members can supply us with warez, then why not supply and courier º
º together. We can have the best of both worlds. º
º º
º RCN : THC sounds an awful lot like THG - The Humble Guys. Did they in º
º any way inspire the name THC? Do members of THC look up to THG as º
º models? I remember memorizing it as an acronym so I could get on º
º some lame one node board. º
º º
º SHK : Well, if you look at the letters THC, you would notice that if you º
º flip flop the "T" and the "H", you'd get the name HTC as well; and º
º like you said, it can also be flip flopped to form THG. When I º
º first started out in the scene, we were called TGP (Tokyo Ghetto º
º Pussy). We couriered and then changed our name to PWC (Pirate º
º Without Cause), but we didn't like it. The Humble Guys in a way º
º did inspire us and so did other groups like PTW, DTC, and HTC. º
º We took all the concepts and good parts of all those groups and º
º formed THC. We took all the good parts from each group and made a º
º new group with a new look and style. º
º º
º RCN : Is THC best at internet or board couriering? º
º º
º SHK : We are best at board couriering. The reason for this is that we º
º have sysops from many areas. We asked them to get us one of their º
º users from their board who can call internet and get warez off our º
º sites. Using this method, we spread to our boards much faster. º
º The users ftp to the sites, they leech 0-1 hour warez and then º
º upload it to their assigned board. The sysops can easily keep º
º track of that because the sysop of the boards are all members of º
º THC. º
º º
º RCN : What is THC's policy on double tagging? º
º º
º SHK : What is double tagging? º
º º
º RCN : Do THC couriers tag files they help spread? º
º º
º SHK : Yes, we put our NFO file in it. º
º º
º º
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º º
º Author : Demaxxus º
º Subject : Anarchist Part Deux º
º º
º º
º Tuesday, January 23, 1996 º
º º
º On the morning of Tuesday, January 23, 1996, the house of the º
º Anarchist (LGC/DMN), was raided. 2 computers were confiscated, º
º thousands of dollars in software, and other miscellaneous computer º
º hardware. The Anarchist is facing 5-10 years in jail, a civil suit by º
º Microsoft, and possession, distribution, and selling of child º
º pornography. º
º º
º So far, it has taken the police almost a week, and they're still not º
º finished going through all his files. It's also kinda funny, cause º
º the police don't have any idea what they're talking about. Here's a º
º quote for you : "We believe it's Microsoft software that he has been º
º pir8ing." Now, I personally wanted to kick that police officer in the º
º balls, cause he's a stupid asshole. The only thing that was on his º
º H.D. of Microsoft (pir8'd), was MS Office. Don't you love when cops º
º PRETEND they know what they're talking about. º
º º
º Monday, January 29, 1996 º
º º
º In relation to the incident which happened on Brown St. early last º
º week, Microsoft and Novell are putting together a task force to come to º
º town and investigate. They will thoroughly search the Anarchist's H.D. º
º They will also go through his user log and personally contact all º
º members of his BBS (The Shadowlands). So, if you've called there, and º
º used yer real info, beware. º
º º
º Tuesday, January 30, 1996 º
º º
º The following is quoted DIRECTLY from The Thunder Bay POST, Vol. 6, º
º No. 11 : º
º º
º Do you know what your child is doing while he or she is accessing their º
º computer? º
º º
º It's a question a lot of moms and dads are asking right now, after the º
º RCMP seized child pornography from a home on Brown Street last week. º
º º
º The pornographic material, according to the RCMP, was just a phone call º
º away for thousands of computer users, not only in Thunder Bay, but just º
º just about anyone who has a computer and modem. º
º º
º Where it came from, just what exactly has been seized, and what will º
º happen to the operator of a local computer bulletin board is still not º
º clear. º
º º
º Suffice to say the RCMP have a lot of work to do, because so much º
º material was seized from the operator of the bulletin board, and 18 year º
º old local youth. º
º º
º "This material involves young children in sexual situations," says RCMP º
º Constable Tom James. "There are other things we can't reveal because of º
º the sensitivity of the investigation. We don't want to compromise our º
º work." º
º º
º What's known so far is that the RCMP executed a search warrant at the º
º youth's home last week. Apparently the parents had no idea what was º
º going on and were stunned to learn about the seizure. º
º º
º James says none of the material involved local children, and RCMP º
º doubt that this material was a small portion of a local "kiddie porn" º
º ring. º
º º
º Yet over the last few days, police have received phone calls reporting º
º other illegal material that's floating about the city on other local º
º computer bulletin boards. That's prompted RCMP to pass along advice to º
º parents. º
º º
º "For those parents who are in doubt, move your child's computer to a º
º more open part of the house -- somewhere where parents can keep an eye º
º on what their child is doing. If that's not an option, disconnect the º
º modem until you can supervise the on-line session." º
º º
º In the meantime, James says, the RCMP is continuing its investigation. º
º Apparently a transmission log, showing exactly who downloaded the º
º material, will also be examined. º
º º
º At this point, it's still too early to say if charges will be laid. If º
º enough concrete information is received about other child porn or º
º illegal material, police will take action. º
º º
º Miscellaneous Notes º
º º
º I personally know the Anarchist, and I know for a fact that the only º
º reason he had pornography was to get people in our AC to pay for leech º
º (they're all porn freaks), and he would therefore be able to make some º
º money on the side. Well.. the Anarchist went too far. º
º º
º Although I kinda feel sorry for the guy, after all, he's only 18, º
º and his whole life is screwed now, and for his family, I don't even want º
º to talk about it, he kinda brought this on himself. It would be ok to º
º offer pornography to people 18+ years of age, but, that's not what he º
º was doing. He was offering it to ANYONE that wanted it, and, he was º
º offering child pornography, which is VERY illegal, and is the thing that º
º is getting him in the most shit. º
º º
º So Anarchist, if you are somehow reading this, you shouldn't have º
º gone so far, but, we're still all behind ya, and good luck. Latz. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Format º
º Subject : Bots and Channels º
º º
º º
º Keeping your IRC channel in control. º
º º
º Since I have seen a lot of channel take overs lately, I have decided º
º to write this piece on how to keep your channel safe from lame asses who º
º are convinced they are hackers simply because they have a copy of º
º LinkLooker. This is aimed toward group channels. º
º º
º Channel Modes º
º º
º All channels should have the modes '+nst'. You may want to have a º
º bot enforce your chosen channel modes. º
º º
º Invite only ('+i') º
º º
º You may want to have the channel invite only ('+i') as well, but º
º this presents a few problems although it can be very beneficial. º
º Members, friends, or other people allowed in the channel won't be able º
º to get in the channel unless someone in the channel invites them. This º
º can become very frustrating. However, this problem can be solved by º
º putting up a bot that has an invite function. An alternative to a bot º
º is to have a user logged on IRC running a script with functions such as º
º '/ctcp <nick> invite'. º
º º
º Moderated ('+m') º
º º
º While '+m' is implimented, only channel operators, or users who have º
º been set with +v can talk in the channel. This is useful if you want to º
º protect the channel from a lot of flooding. º
º º
º Channel Key ('+k <keyname>') º
º º
º If the channel has a channel key set, no one can join the channel º
º unless they know the key. eg, the key is 'warez', they have to type º
º '/join #chan warez'. Channel keys are not often used as they are a º
º pain. º
º º
º Channel Limits ('+l <userlimit>') º
º º
º Set this only if you want a limited number of people in the channel º
º at anyone given time. This is often used on #WarezX because 300 people º
º want to be in it at once. º
º º
º Setting up someone to keep watch. º
º º
º Ideally, there should be a maximum of two bots in any channel. To º
º ensure complete protection I suggest running two eggdrops compiled with º
º TCL. The bots should share a common userbase to avoid conflicts. They º
º should have 2 separate server lists too. This brings me to my next º
º point. º
º º
º Hiding your IRC sentinel from IRC Operators who don't like bots on their º
º servers. º
º º
º IRC Operators have every right to k-line/ban bots they find, so º
º don't complain when your bot is killed by an IRC Operator. There are º
º some tricks however to hide your bot. It mainly involves changing the º
º response from the bot. º
º º
º In your eggdrop bot config file add these lines : º
º º
º # response for CTCP VERSION º
º set ctcp-version "ircII 2.8.2 Linux 1.2.8 :***LiCe(v1.3pl2pre25) º
º By=:SrFrog:=(ircii 2.8: almost there...)" º
º º
º # response for CTCP FINGER º
º set ctcp-finger "$botnick (${username}@hyper), idle 3 seconds" º
º º
º # response for CTCP USERINFO º
º set ctcp-userinfo "" º
º º
º º
º 1. Do NOT give ops to someone unless you are 101% sure they will º
º not abuse it. º
º º
º 2. When banning someone, make sure you are doing it on the right º
º terms and don't just ban their nick, ban their whole address as º
º well! º
º º
º 3. Do NOT be rude to IRC Operators. They are there to help you. º
º º
º 4. Make SURE you revoke anyone's ops if they seem to be abusing it. º
º º
º 5. Do NOT develop enemies! These are the people that will attempt º
º to cause chaos. º
º º
º 6. Respect other groups, make peace not WAR. º
º º
º I will gladly offer my services and create bots. All I ask is that º
º you supply me with an account to run it from. º
º º
º º
º Please send comments to º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : ICP º
º Subject : Cyrix vs. Intel º
º º
º º
º Since the progressive move to the (X)86 series, Intel has maintained º
º a stronghold on the CPU market. After inventing the (X)86 series, Intel º
º began moving the market away from the XT/AT shit-o-ramma series. º
º However, I have personally felt that Intel's performance has lagged º
º recently. We all remember the wonderful Pentium error the press picked º
º up on and widely debated in 1995. Despite the fact that the error º
º wouldn't effect MOST of the computer users, it still troubled me that º
º any respectable company would bother to release products without proper º
º channels of beta testing. Such carelessness led me to researching the º
º alternative brand extensively. It seems to be a re-occuring theme for º
º respected, profitable, inventive companies to take advantage of their º
º fame and fortune by releasing medium quality products at outrageous º
º prices. º
º º
º One such example, aside from Intel, is US Robotics. They master º
º minded the 14.4 Modem series. They gained a reputation of being the º
º best. Then what did they do? They released the USR Sportster 28.8 º
º v.Everything, one of the most shit-filled modems in the history of º
º telecommunications. Their first few shipments had defective errors, º
º crippling its capabilities to even communicate with other modems. Then, º
º as if that wasn't bad enough, several of their latter shipments (when º
º the problem was supposed to have been corrected) needed updated software º
º to accompany them in order to make the bastards run at 100%. It is º
º these kinds of mistakes that lead me to say, "Well, there goes another º
º company... They're so big now they can make shit products and still º
º coherse most people into buying them." So, I started researching the º
º alternatives. now that I have pissed off several USR lovers out there, º
º and believe me, I know the majority of you probably are, let me get back º
º to the Intel debate. º
º º
º When I went to get a new processor to replace my 486AMD (yes, I went º
º against Intel as quickly as I could), I wanted to be really careful. I º
º had heard lots rumors about the competition against the Pentium, namely º
º there there really wasn't any. I think that the general problem is that º
º most people just don't know that there is SERIOUS competition to the º
º pathetic Intel Pentium chips, namely that of Cyrix. I looked into AMD º
º as well, but their research and moves towards greater products has been º
º stagnant in comparison to Cyrix (something very untrue in 486 land). º
º º
º Cyrix actually demonstrated the industry's FASTEST Desktop º
º processor, the 120 Mhz version of the 6x860 processor family at a trade º
º show in Nevada back in November, 1995. The performance, according to º
º desktop PC testing, is expected to rival that of the 166 Mhz Pentium º
º processor. In specified Windows 95 tests, the 120 Mhz Cyrix chip º
º conquered all other processors on the CPUMark32 benchmark, which is º
º developed to gauge the performance of 32-bit applications under Windows º
º 95. º
º º
º The amazing features of the Cyrix 6x86 boggle my mind. Little º
º additions such as a 50% die shrink by using all five metal layers of the º
º IBM manufacturing process increased production capacity, lowered costs, º
º and achieved higher clock speeds. more complex, important modifications º
º of only a few I can FULLY understand account for the wonderful º
º performance the rival Pentium CPUs unleash on Intel. º
º º
º Cyrix claims that the chip is as compatible as the Pentium with º
º operating systems and applications. Apparently the only difference º
º between the Intel Pentium and the Cyrix 6x86 CPUs are: º
º º
º 1. Intel CPUs are more expensive º
º 2. Intel CPUs are slower when compared to similar Mhz ratings º
º 3. Cyrix CPUs are more technologically advanced º
º º
º This rivalry could very well have a lot to do with Intel FINALLY º
º making dramatic price cuts on the Pentium prices. Naturally, they º
º screwed us as long as they could, but now that Cyrix has begun MASS º
º production of their TESTED (unlike Intel) CPUs, Intel has good reason to º
º worry that the millions of LAMERS might notice the severe price º
º difference of products. The Cyrix 6x86-100 Mhz CPU cost $450/ea in º
º stocks of 1,000, while the rival Intel Pentium 133 Mhz CPU is a much º
º higher $520/ea in stocks of 1,000. º
º º
º Cyrix has pushed their efforts to create a superior CPU ahead of the º
º Pentium age. I believe they have succeeded. It's time that people rely º
º more on their own research when they purchase products such as CPUs and º
º other computer related products. It's important to know how your º
º computer functions, but more important to know it functions at its º
º highest capabilities for your hard earned dollar. º
º º
º º
º Norton SI v8.0 º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³ º
º ³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 678 ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 420 ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³°°°³ ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 300 Äij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij²²²³Äij º
º ³ ³°°°³ ³°°°³ ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 200 Äij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij²²²³Äij º
º ³ ³°°°³ ³°°°³ ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 100 Äij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij²²²³Äij º
º ³ ³°°°³ ³°°°³ ³±±±³ ³²²²³ ³ º
º ³ 0 Äij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄij°°°³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÚÄÄÄ¿ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij²²²³Äij º
º ³ Pentium Pentium Pentium 6-x86 6-x86 ³ º
º ³ 120 133 Pro 150 100 120 ³ º
º º
º Bench Marks º
º º
º ú Same Independent System Configuration used for º
º each tested CPU. º
º º
º ú System Included: 32MB RAM, 1MB cache SRAM, Diamond º
º Stealth Video 64 VEAM w/2MB VRAM, 64oX48oX256 res, º
º Quatum Fireball 1GB HD, Enhanced IDE, No Hardware º
º Disk Cache, WIndows for Workgroups v3.11: 20MB Swap º
º File, 32-bit File Access, 16MB Cache Size. º
º º
º º
º º
º United States (Corporate Office) º
º Richardson, Texas º
º º
º Tel: (214)968-8388 º
º Fax: (214)699-9857 º
º Tech Support & Sales: (800)462-9749 º
º Internet: º
º BBS: (214)968-8610 (28.8K) º
º WWW: º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : ICP º
º Subject : fATE's Ancestry º
º º
º º
º First off, let me say that this magazine kicks ASS in many respects. º
º I'm always busy with couriering, or something of a "warez-e" nature, and º
º your production helps me keep up with a lot of the daily politics I miss º
º out on in between uploads. It has especially been of crucial importance º
º lately for my main I-Net account was busted and I've had to lay low a º
º while... Busy searching out new servers and the likewise. º
º º
º My first concern is with RCN's Review of Courier Teams (RCN #10, º
º Articles, Trite). I happen to be a long-standing fATE member, courier, º
º and original co-founder with Calculus, although I openly admit he did º
º pull most of the weight in getting the group started. I believe I have º
º held just about every position imaginable as a fATE affiliate at one º
º time or another. iLA (Internet Leeches Anonymous), as it was then º
º called, just started my PC scene stay (moving up from stone aged º
º C64/128). Calculus must have seen my integrity and willingness to work, º
º for he graciously took me under his wing as a co-head with him and º
º SpinDoc. Since that time I have been President, Senior Council, I-Net º
º Head, Site Manager, I-Net Member, and I-Net courier. most of my º
º positional changes came from the unstable management period of fATE º
º mixed with my entrance into college. This is where I would like to get º
º into the body of my discussion. I have laid all this information out, º
º NOT TO BRAG, but to present my crudentials within fATE before I spew out º
º what input I have to offer. Anti-Derivative and myself are the only two º
º original iLA/fATE members who still exist. The merger of iLA and TiC º
º after all was implemented by Calculus, and in my opinion, saved TiC in a º
º way. At the time, TiC had great board and net support, but lacked the º
º effective quality of membership such responsibilities designated. The º
º mix of the two groups is a real strong point in fATE's history. I º
º believe that without the merger, both groups stood an excellent chance º
º of withering away into the massive numbers of dead groups. º
º º
º Not until recently, with the leadership of Anti-Derivate and g0d, º
º has fATE seen a solid state of management. Your review was correct in º
º commenting that fATE has (past tense) been having organizational º
º problems. It went through a time period where too many leaders cycled º
º in and out of the system. As a result, they brought in too many friends º
º that had no business holding high positions. But, in reference to the º
º present, based on a veteranship I feel I have formed with the term º
º "fATE," those days are over for now. Ever since Anti-Derivative took º
º the head position from Red Dog (which I must admit worried me a bit in º
º the beginning), and brought g0d in to help out, fATE has been relatively º
º well established. º
º º
º Going into detail on the BLURY conditions the review mentioned º
º regarding the absence of Red Dog from fATE... I would like to let you in º
º on what really happened as I saw it. When TiC and iLA merged, Calculus º
º and Red DoG sort of shared a top position, above an appointed senior º
º council consisting of high members from both groups. Calculus became º
º extremely busy with school and work, so he graciously gave up his reign º
º to Red Dog. This was a very crucial move, and displayed the upmost of º
º maturity. Red Dog's leave from fATE was much the same. It was º
º voluntary, and mature! He appointed Anti-Derivative to the position, º
º dropped himself down in rank, and eventually submerged from the group º
º completely. º
º º
º On the top of Issue #10, I have read a few interviews of ex-fATE º
º members that I found a bit odd. Ex-members of fATE always complain º
º about accessibility of the Senior Members through mail and IRC. Little º
º do they sometimes realize how much time these individuals spend working º
º on details they know nothing about. They aren't on IRC or in fATE's º
º respective channels all the time because they take care of a lot of shit º
º outside the net. These guys must spend half their lives going voice to º
º people. It's my humble opinion that many of these ex-fATE members just º
º like to gripe, as does most of the scene. Just ask yourself how many º
º negative comments you hear as compared to positive ones out of º
º designated "elite" mouths? If your ratio is at all like the ones I have º
º compiled in the past, you'll understand what I am mentioning. º
º º
º Now I'd like to touch up on a bit of the garbage fATE takes from º
º other respected members of the scene. I say respected, because I do º
º know many of these individuals from past scene relationships, or just º
º because I have dealt with them. I feel no animosity towards such º
º comments, or the people they come from, but I question the judgements º
º used in making such remarks. Yes, there was a time when I would have º
º said that fATE was poorly organized, poorly managed, had a lot of º
º members that didn't contribute, and needed to be purged, cleaned up, and º
º overhauled, but all of those conditions have since been met with º
º filtering process after filtering process. I believe it has left fATE º
º as a decent, respectable team of couriers. I don't doubt that we still º
º have our weaknesses, and there is always room for improvement, but that º
º is true about every successful group. I just wish the false accusations º
º that still spread throughout channels would halt, or at least be more º
º realistic to the truth. fATE is definitely not the fATE it was two º
º months ago, and in no way resembles either iLA or TiC. I, better than º
º most anyone else, have seen the massive changes. By being dedicated, º
º and sticking with fATE (something most people can't figure out, loyalty º
º that is) through the good times and down right horrible ones, have seen º
º a disasterous, damaged group rise to the couriering level of the best. º
º º
º I feel many objectionable comments about fATE are justified in º
º many respects, but most of the slandering I hear is still based upon a º
º version of fATE that died out a long time ago. I don't feel anyone º
º except for Anti-D and myself has any clue as to what really happened to º
º fATE in its entirety. The scene is full of too much spite, rumors, and º
º immature infants trying to gain power through takeovers, abuse, and the º
º likewise. I see fATE members accused of this sort of treachory all the º
º time, yet, more times than not, I never see, nor hear any proof of º
º evidence, just the usual worthless hearsay. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Atomic º
º Subject : #M8Leech, a THREAT to #Fatefiles? º
º º
º º
º Your average IRC user probably hasn't noticed that Motiv8 couriers º
º have not setup a new channel on IRC called #M8Leech. It's supposed to º
º be something like #fATEFiles, a channel that is +m (Moderated) and where º
º you only offer and leech files, the offered files maybe be no more than º
º 3 days old. When you join #M8Leech, though, there aren't half as many º
º people as there are in #fATEFiles. Let's give #M8Leech a chance, though º
º because it's just getting started. º
º º
º I don't know if the idea is to try to divide and conquer (Wasn't it º
º Napoleon who said that?!) fATE by beating them on the Internet as well º
º as on the boards, maybe that's Motiv8's method of becoming the supreme º
º couriering group. Maybe Motiv8 couriers are trying to become the º
º masters of boards AND IRC. I'm sure that soon enough we will find out º
º if Motiv8 is trying to offer something to the scene by providing it with º
º a better place to trade in, or if it's trying to use #M8Leech as a º
º trick to get bigger than fATE. Either way, #M8Leech is here now, and it º
º looks like it's here to stay. º
º º
º I was quite happy when I saw Motiv8 starting another channel like º
º #fATEFiles because these channels are revolutionizing IRC, making it º
º a safe place to spread files fast and easily around the world. If you º
º place a courier in #M8Leech or #fATEFiles and have him offer, you can º
º practically be sure that your release will get couriered. For those of º
º us that don't have time to leech off of boards and pump warez to other º
º boards, it's very simple just to scan the file offering channels to look º
º for anything of interest. Just beware that to download files from these º
º channels, you should be on a ISDN, T1, or better connection to the net º
º (or have a provider that has one) because people offering usually set a º
º minimum speed that will prevent your average 28.8 from downloading. º
º º
º Problems arise in these channels when there aren't enough people º
º offering and the load of leeches is too high so that so many people want º
º to download a specific program that slots fill up and even queues can º
º take hours to get through. I do, however, think that more and more of º
º these offer channels will arise, so queues will get smaller and slots º
º open slots will be easier to find. º
º º
º I think the idea of setting up fast offer channels like this one is º
º a good one. On the #WarezX channels, the +m flag is not enforced, so º
º the channel is more flooded and that results in higher lag. Also, the º
º files offered in the #WarezX channels are much older than those of º
º #fATEFiles and #M8Leech. Due to the lag in #WarezX, being on more than º
º one channel at a time is virtually impossible because so much CRAP is º
º coming in from that one channel. º
º º
º I expect to see many new fast-offer channels like the ones we º
º already see, these channels (assuming a speedy connection to the 'net) º
º will make IRC THE place to leech from, so look out for these channels º
º in the future, they will make IRC a better place for the scene. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Akira 7 º
º Subject : Game Platforms vs. PC º
º º
º º
º The year of 1995 was the year of the video game. With the launch of º
º gaming platforms such as the Sega Saturn and Sony Playstation, the º
º quality of home gaming systems has improved by leaps and bounds. The PC º
º may still be the most popular gaming system, but how long will this º
º last? Many critics suggest that the PC will not be the gaming leader º
º for much longer. º
º º
º Sega was the first company to introduce a successfull 32 bit gaming º
º system to the market of the United States. Their system, the Sega º
º Saturn, is a very high quality piece of machinery. With dual CPUs º
º running at a total of 28 MHz, the Saturn barely falls short of the Sony º
º Playstation in number-crunching power. The Saturn's graphical engine º
º is also slightly inferior to that of the Playstation, but will not make º
º a noticable difference. Sega's main asset is the AM2 design team. º
º This game design team is responsible for some of the best arcade hits º
º in the country. Some examples are Daytona USA and Virtua Fighter 2. º
º º
º Shortly after the Saturn was introduced to the market, Sony dropped º
º it's bomb. The Sony Playstation is perhaps the most technologically º
º advanced system on the market today, but their success does not come º
º from the 33 MHz CPU. Sony has experienced incredible 3rd party support º
º for their system, and has a large number of games available for it. º
º Then number and quality of the games available for the Playstation is º
º the main reason for it's success. With great games like Tekken and º
º Destruction Derby, Sony is the leader of today's gaming industry. º
º º
º Nintendo of America has dominated the market with every new system º
º they introduce to the market. Nintendo's upcoming Ultra 64 will be no º
º exception. When information about the U64 first leaked out in summer º
º of 1995, it was rumored to be the "ultimate gaming system." I couldn't º
º have said it better myself. The Ultra 64 is going to be a true 64 bit º
º gaming platform, unlike the Saturn and Playstation which are 32 bit. º
º Furthermore, the U64 will have a 128 bit graphics capability, due to º
º their custom graphics chip which was engineered by Silicon Graphics º
º Inc. Silicon Graphics is the most well known producer of high end º
º graphic workstations in the industry. The main CPU of the U64 will run º
º at a screaming 93.75 MHz (Compared to Sony's 33, this is light speed.) º
º and the Rambus system will be running at 500+ MHz. With upcoming titles º
º such as Mario 64 and Killer Instinct, the Ultra 64 will most likely º
º dominate the gaming market. º
º º
º And this brings us to the PC. Where will the PC be in the middle º
º of all this activity? Right where it is now, with interactive CD-ROMs. º
º Many critics believe that the PC is getting pushed out of the gaming º
º market by systems that are built for gaming, but this is not º
º necessarily true. With new operating sysems such as Windows 95 running º
º in 32 bit mode, a higher level of gaming is possible. Will we be stuck º
º hauling around 500mb console-ripped games? I think not... In the º
º future, we will see many more 32 bit games for Win 95 that will be º
º comparable to that of the Sony Playstation. Why, some Playstation º
º titles are already for the PC, such as Destruction Derby. The º
º introduction of the P6 chip to the industry will only further the power º
º of the 32 bit operating systems of today. º
º º
º Systems like the Saturn and Playstation can generate faster, smoother º
º graphics because their components work together much better than in a º
º PC. Some questions to ponder : Will the introduction of the Ultra 64 º
º blow away all of the competition? Will the PC drown in an industry that º
º seems to travel too fast for it? Will Matsushita make powerful PC º
º peripherals from his newly bought M2 chip? (Bought from Trip Hawkins for º
º $100 million.) Only the year of 1996 contains the answers. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Krypto º
º Subject : School and Warez º
º º
º º
º Can School and Warez work together? For many people in the scene, º
º the the answer to this question is "NO." It is understood that in order º
º to achieve greatness at any particular task, one must spend time º
º dedicated to it. This is relevant in both school work and for work º
º involved for the scene. This is where the conflict comes to play. At º
º times, someone may spend hours upon hours couriering warez while not º
º spending any attention on their school
work. This usually leads to a º
º noticeable drop in school grades. Even I, myself had to take a leave of º
º absence from IRC and the scene in order to bring my grades up. The drop º
º was from a 3.6 to a 1.9 GPA. This is an all too familiar story for º
º many. One particular example was Superior Force, who in his resignation º
º letter complained about how many younger people surpassed him in grades º
º and in course level as a direct result of his excessive time spent on º
º IRC and in the scene. He claimed that he had to resign due to a lack of º
º good grades. Others too, such as Rebel Chicken and Manic have stated º
º that the scene had dropped their GPA substantially. º
º º
º º
º GPA BEFORE IRC and Warez : º
º -------------------------- º
º Rebel Chicken - [4.0] º
º Hitex - [3.8] º
º Krypto - [3.6] º
º º
º GPA AFTER IRC and Warez : º
º ------------------------- º
º Hitex - [4.4] º
º Rebel Chicken - [3.5] º
º Krypto - [1.9] º
º º
º º
º At this point, we must ask ourselves, "Is there a way to get good º
º grades and still be elite?" This truly is a hard question and º
º eventually leads us to efficient time management. Time management is º
º knowing the appropriate time to do things and setting priorities on º
º them. I would recommend to those who are in a similar situations, to do º
º their homework and stufies first, then do whatever it is they do in the º
º scene later. The scene will always be here, and USUALLY will not lead º
º you to a productive & meaningful education. Without such education you º
º can still do many things such as : º
º º
º 1. Live in a box for the rest of your life (this means you'd º
º probably have to give up your computer eventually). º
º º
º 2. Go on welfare (you might be able to still retain your computer, º
º if you have enough food stamps to sell for some money to pay º
º for the electricity bill). º
º º
º 3. Become a proud member of the local McDonalds staff (seems like a º
º fun life, you get all the McNuggets you'd ever want). º
º º
º 4. Leech off your parents (when they die, you get to collect the º
º life insurance money). º
º º
º The point is, DO your homework, study, get good grades, and be º
º happy. Then you can spend all the time you want couriering, supplying, º
º or doing whatever else you want. This all leads us to the next º
º question, "When are you going to find time to have sex with your partner º
º (this is another topic)?" Through effective time management, you can º
º get good grades and still be elite like me! And for those of you who º
º are getting good grades and have no time management whatsoever, good for º
º you! I'd like to hear how you can do it. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Drapper º
º Subject : Running a Site º
º º
º º
º Well, Elmo found me and asked me to write an article about running a º
º site. Since I am a siteop myself, I thought it would be a good idea. º
º The first thing that one should consider when starting a site is the º
º operating system on which he will run. If the user has a big hard drive º
º (that is, around 4 gigs) then my choice would be to install both a UNIX º
º varient and Windows 95. If the space is smaller then it depends on the º
º user. If he is going to have the machine as a site, and only a site, º
º then UNIX is the way to go. Otherwise, if he thinks he is going to use º
º it for his own needs and to test things he gets every day, I would go º
º with Windows 95. º
º º
º Some might think that Windows 95 sucks big time, is very unstable, º
º and does not run a good FTP server. Windows 95, on a 486-100 with 16 º
º megs and a 1 gig hard drive makes a perfect site! Just plug in SkyNet º
º (CJM's verion of ServU FTP) and you'll have a site up and running in º
º less than an hour, while Linux needs a shitload of time and patching. º
º Just remember to have a UNIX hacker handy to patch your site or else º
º you'll be screwed. The only advantage I find in Linux is that it has º
º better multitasking (but don't forget, no apps to multitask on!) and of º
º course the best FTP daemons around that will make a site rock. º
º º
º There are, however, some scripts that are around even for Windows º
º 95. There is a SkyNet combo that can have counts of uploads/downloads º
º and analytic stats about each user. The things still missing from º
º Windows 95 such as the whois online command, automatic ratios, ZIP º
º testing, and stability (you will have a lot of crashes under Windows 95, º
º and by the way, anybody that runs Win95 with the Nashville addon should º
º remove bwcc.dll from the skynet/servu dir, it causes crashes). º
º º
º After one decides which OS he will put on, he has to find couriers! º
º Yeah, a site actually needs couriers and not lamers from #warez5099 to º
º upload stuff. The choices are as follows : either put as many couriers º
º from different groups on and stay a neutral site, or put on couriers º
º from one group that will support the site. The choice is a hard one to º
º make and the best is to have both (which is twice as hard of course). º
º Finding good couriers and convincing them to support you is the hardest º
º part. this will take much time. The best thing is to start with a º
º small group (but not really lame groups that appear and disappear in º
º one or two days!). Then the group will have some other sites as well º
º and will get connections to bigger and bigger sites, and bigger and º
º bigger couriers, and will bring them to your site accordingly. º
º º
º The next step is to get informed about which couriers do a better º
º job and are cool people (personal opinion : good couriers with much ego º
º = big pile of crap, I bet someone knows who I mean :). Eventually after º
º much time on IRC and many weeks of waiting, the siteop will have found º
º at least 1 good courier that will offer good support. º
º º
º There are some general hints on improving a site. Since I run º
º Windows 95, I won't talk about Linux here. The first thing one should º
º do is invoke ratios and start a stats file. Even though there aren't º
º automatic ratio programs for Windows 95, there are some ul/dl counting º
º programs that will state ratios as well, so if you are lucky and find º
º one of those, you're all set. Otherwise, you have to do everything by º
º hand which is boring, hard, tiring, time consuming, and really stupid. º
º With this higher competitive spirit, you'll want to start competitions, º
º so the #1 uploader of the week or month gets something (something useful º
º in real life, not just for fame which really isn't that useful). º
º º
º Finally, a SiteOp should remember the following : º
º º
º 1. There is always a site that is faster than yours! That's true º
º for everyone and every site. Even if a site is #1 for a while, soon º
º enough someone else will take that position. º
º º
º 2. The site is meant for trading, it's not solely for uploading º
º (I like that better), it's for leeching too! If the siteop thinks º
º that he should only have people uploading and not trading as well, º
º then he will not be a siteop for very long. º
º º
º Don't use ridiculous ratios like 1:1! A good start is 1:4 and if º
º you see everything is going fine, move to 1:6. Sites are up for traders º
º to do their job. One needs to upload and another needs to download. º
º There is no problem with that, the site serves people to trade and get º
º releases spread. Also, as a siteop, you should always take care of your º
º top 5 couriers. There might be some time when a courier needs some rest º
º or is on vacation, or anything. That doesn't mean he quit the scene! º
º Being inactive for a small period isn't anything bad, so don't nuke º
º people hat you know you need! Leeches need handling as well. Make sure º
º the site has a good ratio of leeches:uploaders (most of the time the º
º leeches will be greater, of course). If you see that leeching goes too º
º far then make some warnings and after that start nuking people! º
º º
º Well, that's it folks! Oh, by the way, running a site ain't as fun º
º as it may seem. After 4 months of running my own site, I'm really bored º
º (that doesn't mean my site will go down!). º
º º
º Oh, and as a final word, I'd just like to greet some cool dudes out º
º there : º
º º
º Prozac ù Ionizer ù Phrozen Ghost ù Night Hawk ù Darwin ù MaSon ù Venix º
º ù HaRy ù º
º º
º I'd like to diss all couriers who think they're #1 because they're º
º moving shit around cables, and who really suck in real life. º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Hitex º
º Subject : Group Reviews : Games º
º º
º º
º Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! º
º Here I will be reviewing the three best game release groups in the scene º
º today. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will º
º be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but º
º you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let º
º me present to you the methods by which I will be reviewing the groups, º
º but first, let me name off the groups that will compete in this division º
º and state a short reason for why I selected these specific groups to be º
º analyzed. º
º º
º 1. Hybrid - Hybrid has done a great job getting to its ranking in the º
º scene today, a relatively short time period in relation to º
º its main competition, Razor 1911. Hybrid pumps awesome º
º quality with extreme speed on a regular basis. º
º º
º 2. Legacy - A newcomer in the game releasing scene, though it has shown º
º where it can get in so little time. Quality hasn't always º
º been quite the best, but Legacy tries hard, and doesn't seem º
º to be the next one-week group. º
º º
º 3. Razor 1911 - They're the grandfathers of the games scene. They've º
º had good moments. They've had bad moments. They've always º
º stuck around, though, and their dedication to the scene is º
º definitely something to be proud of. Oh, and it doesn't º
º seem to be the next one-week group <grin>. º
º º
º Now you know who our contestants will be, lets review the criteria º
º I will be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring º
º basis I'll be using: º
º º
º Points : º
º -------- º
º º
º -3 - The game didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 º
º hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack º
º or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. º
º º
º 1 - The game worked, but it was a dupe. º
º º
º 2 - The game worked, but it sucked so bad that nobody would think of º
º downloading it. A proper example would be Legacy's "Bass Fishing º
º Classics." º
º º
º 3 - Your average release. Most games will be getting this score. º
º º
º 4 - Nice release, not budget, many will download and enjoy. º
º º
º 5 - Damn that was a sweet release! (I hope Legacy released it, heheh) º
º º
º Since we don't play the full game and later find out that something º
º didn't work properly, a group may lose points the following week and º
º have their release labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amount º
º of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, º
º we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a º
º 3 day period, the program will be rated as if it worked in the first º
º place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would º
º have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has º
º expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. º
º º
º RCN will not grant over 3 points to games over 40 disks. A 40 disk º
º release can and will get 5 points if it so deserves, but a 41 disk game, º
º I don't care if it's Warcraft III or the Revenge of the Doughnut Boys, º
º will not get over 3 points. Betas may receive no more than 3 points. º
º If the same program is released under different platforms, it will be º
º counted as a single release. º
º º
º Oh, and you might be asking "How does this differ from Ionizer's º
º 'The Games Review'?" Ionizer reviews games for the purpose of º
º indicating to us which releases are worth downloading. We review º
º release groups in the only way possible, through their releases. º
º º
º º
º º
º ³ Dates of Games Reviewed : 01/25/96 -> 01/31/96 ³ º
º º
º º
º Filename : SOLWIN0 .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 2597 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Solitaire Deluxe for Windows 95 [1/2] Previous Total : 0 º
º (c) Interplay Release Score : 3 º
º _____ ____________ ______ Running Total : 3 º
º . /| \ V / . \ _ \(__\ \ . º
º _/\ _/ : |\_ _/ /\// /| |\/: \_/\ º
º .\// |Z/ \| | \ \ \| | | \. \/ º
º \__|__|!\_/|_____/__\__\__|_____/ º
º º
º º
º º
º Filename : L-ICEF .ZIP Fix name : L-ICEFIX.ZIP º
º Filesize : 2621 kb Filesize : 385 kb º
º Filedate : 1-28-96 Filedate : 1-29-96 º
º º
º ICE AND FIRE WIN 95 (C) ZOMBIE [01/18] Previous Total : 0 º
º --ÜÜÝ---ÜÜÜ-.--ÜÜ-ù---ÜÜÜú---ÜÜú---Üú-ÜÝ-- Release Score : 4 º
º --ÛÛù---ßÜ.ßú-ÞÛ-ß-þ-ÞÛ-ßÛ--ÞÛ-Ýþ-ÞÛþÛÛÝ-- Running Total : 4 º
º --ÛÛþ---ÞßßþÜ-ÜÛ-ßÛÜ-ÜÛßßÛ--ÛÛ-ÜÜ-ÞÛÝÞÛþ-- º
º --.ßßß---ßßß--úßßßß---ß--ß--úßßß----ß-ù--- º
º º
º º
º Filename : L-CGAME .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 3045 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-30-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º CARD GAME CLASSICS WIN'95 (C) EXPERT [1/2] Previous Total : 4 º
º --ÜÜÝ---ÜÜÜ-.--ÜÜ-ù---ÜÜÜú---ÜÜú---Üú-ÜÝ-- Release Score : 2 º
º --ÛÛù---ßÜ.ßú-ÞÛ-ß-þ-ÞÛ-ßÛ--ÞÛ-Ýþ-ÞÛþÛÛÝ-- Running Total : 6 º
º --ÛÛþ---ÞßßþÜ-ÜÛ-ßÛÜ-ÜÛßßÛ--ÛÛ-ÜÜ-ÞÛÝÞÛþ-- º
º --.ßßß---ßßß--úßßßß---ß--ß--úßßß----ß-ù--- º
º º
º º
º º
º Filename : TEMPEST.ZIP Fix name : T2000.ZIP º
º Filesize : 529 kb Filesize : 530 kb º
º Filedate : 1-20-96 Filedate : 1-21-96 º
º º
º Tempest 2000 (c) Atari Interactive [01/01] Previous Total : 0 º
º _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 2 º
º \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 2 º
º dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ º
º _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ º
º \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ º
º =======\___/===ù1911ùCDùDIVISIONù======\___/ º
º º
º º
º Filename : ESPNEXT .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 1225 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-27-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º ESPN Extreme Games (c) Sony Interactive [1/9] Previous Total : 2 º
º _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ Release Score : 4 º
º \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ Running Total : 6 º
º dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ º
º _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ º
º \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ º
º =======\___/===ù1911ùCDùDIVISIONù======\___/ º
º º
º º
º º
º Score Chart : Games º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ 6 6 ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 5 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 4 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ 3 ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 3 ÄÄÄÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 2 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 1 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ Hybrid Legacy Razor 1911 ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º º
º º
º Average Score Per Release : º
º --------------------------- º
º Hybrid - [3.0] º
º Legacy - [3.0] º
º Razor 1911 - [3.0] º
º º
º Damn, that was hard! Well, overall good quality in the gaming scene º
º this week, let's hope for more quantity next week! º
º º
º º
º Author : Hitex º
º Subject : Group Reviews : Utils º
º º
º º
º Hello, and welcome to Reality Check Network's all new group review! º
º Here I will be reviewing the three best util release groups in the scene º
º today. Well, actually, *I* won't be the one reviewing them, *THEY* will º
º be! It's all up to the groups, this is where quantity DOES count, but º
º you will soon enough find that quality by far outweighs quantity. Let º
º me present to you the methods by which I will be reviewing the groups, º
º but first, let me name off the groups that will compete in this division º
º and state a short reason for why I selected these specific groups to be º
º analyzed. º
º º
º 1. Corporation - They have only been around for a few months, but they º
º have definitely shown the scene what they can do. They have º
º pushed through releases at the same speed and quantity as º
º other respected groups such as DOD or PWA, and it doesn't º
º appear that they're about to stop any time soon. º
º º
º 2. Drink or Die - Just as their NFO says, these guys really are the º
º warez bears from Russia and beyond. These guys have been º
º around for quite a while now and their quality hasn't º
º diminished, nor has their quantity. º
º º
º 3. Pirates with Attitudes - Grandfathers of the Utils scene. They º
º definitely know what they're doing. Orion's departure º
º was a blow to the internal workings of the group, but on the º
º outside, they're just as good as they've ever been. Just as º
º any group, they've had their slumps, but their dedication º
º has always been one of their biggest assets. º
º º
º Now you know who our contestants will be, lets review the criteria º
º I will be using for judging releases. The following is the scoring º
º basis I'll be using : º
º º
º Points : º
º -------- º
º º
º -3 - The util didn't work and a crack/fix was not released within 72 º
º hours. The group may regain the 3 lost points by releasing a crack º
º or fix, even beyond the 3 day period. º
º º
º 1 - The util worked, but it was a dupe. º
º º
º 2 - The util worked, but it sucked so bad that nobody would think of º
º downloading it. º
º º
º 3 - Your average release. Most utils will be getting this score. º
º º
º 4 - Nice release, not budget, many will download and enjoy. º
º º
º 5 - Damn that was a sweet release! º
º º
º Since we don't use the entire util and later find out that something º
º didn't work properly, a group may lose points the following week and º
º have their release labeled as broken (thus receiving the proper amount º
º of points). If the group has released a fix between the two issues, º
º we'll give them credit accordingly. If a group releases a fix within a º
º 3 day period, the program will be rated as if it worked in the first º
º place, thus getting the 3 points it lost back and any points it would º
º have earned. If a group releases a fix after the 3 day period has º
º expired, it will receive its 3 points back, but get no more. Betas º
º may receive no more than 3 points. If the same program is released º
º under different platforms, it will be counted as a single release. º
º º
º º
º ³ Dates of Utils Reviewed : 01/25/96 -> 01/31/96 ³ º
º º
º º
º Filename : TC-DIR .ZIP S/N name : TC-DIRS.ZIP º
º Filesize : 66932 kb Filesize : 1 kb º
º Filedate : 1-21-96 Filedate : 1-28-96 º
º º
º DIRECTOR ACADEMIC v4.0 FOR WINDOWS Previous Total : 0 º
º CD-RIP (C) MACROMEDIA [01/47] Release Score : -3+3 º
º ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²Ûß ßÛÛÝÞ² ß ß²ß²Ý ÞÛÛÛÝ º
º ßÛÛ²ßß ß ßßßß ß þÜ Þ² ßß²Ûß º
º þÜÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ The Corporation +Ä ßÜ Ägas!Äþ º
º º
º º
º Filename : TC-ZIPTL.ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 1036 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-25-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º IOMEGA ZIPTOOLS FOR WIN 95 4.01 [01/01] Previous Total : 0 º
º ° ß ÜÛÛÛÛÛ² ÜÜÛÛÛÜ ÜßßÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ß Running Total : 2 º
º ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²Ûß ßÛÛÝÞ² ß ß²ß²Ý ÞÛÛÛÝ º
º ßÛÛ²ßß ß ßßßß ß þÜ Þ² ßß²Ûß º
º þÜÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ The Corporation +Ä ßÜ Ägas!Äþ º
º º
º º
º Filename : TC-NBK0 .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 2276 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º NOVABACK FOR WINDOWS 95 v4.50 RETAIL Previous Total : 2 º
º (c) NOVASTOR CORPORATION [01/02] Release Score : 2 º
º ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²Ûß ßÛÛÝÞ² ß ß²ß²Ý ÞÛÛÛÝ º
º ßÛÛ²ßß ß ßßßß ß þÜ Þ² ßß²Ûß º
º þÜÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ The Corporation +Ä ßÜ Ägas!Äþ º
º º
º º
º Filename : TC-NFSM .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 7086 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º NFS Maestro for Microsoft TCP/IP Previous Total : 4 º
º Client [1/6] Release Score : 3 º
º ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²Ûß ßÛÛÝÞ² ß ß²ß²Ý ÞÛÛÛÝ º
º ßÛÛ²ßß ß ßßßß ß þÜ Þ² ßß²Ûß º
º þÜÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ The Corporation +Ä ßÜ Ägas!Äþ º
º º
º º
º Filename : TC-X5XW .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 16713 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Exceed/Xpress 5 for Windows [01/13] Previous Total : 7 º
º ° ß ÜÛÛÛÛÛ² ÜÜÛÛÛÜ ÜßßÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ß Running Total : 10 º
º ²ÛÛÛÝ Þ²Ûß ßÛÛÝÞ² ß ß²ß²Ý ÞÛÛÛÝ º
º ßÛÛ²ßß ß ßßßß ß þÜ Þ² ßß²Ûß º
º þÜÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ The Corporation +Ä ßÜ Ägas!Äþ º
º º
º º
º º
º Filename : DODAC4 .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 35828 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-21-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º AUTOCAD C4 WIN95-NT-3.11 FINAL BETA [01/28] Previous Total : 0 º
º _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 º
º \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 3 º
º _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / º
º \______ / / / /____ / /| º
º ======\________/\__________/[õm]\________/== º
º ð(*)ð D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 5 ð(*)ð º
º ===================== [ DOD * 21-Jan-96 ] == º
º º
º º
º Filename : DODTTPS .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 21144 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º TURBOTAX PROSERIES/1040 FOR DOS 95.00A [1/4] Previous Total : 3 º
º _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 4 º
º \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 7 º
º _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / º
º \______ / / / /____ / /| º
º ======\________/\__________/[õm]\________/== º
º ð(*)ð D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ð(*)ð º
º ===================== [ DOD * 26-Jan-96 ] == º
º º
º º
º Filename : DOD-WC .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 21144 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-27-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º INTERACTIVE WINE CELLAR CD-RIP [01/15] Previous Total : 7 º
º _______________ ____________ ____________ Release Score : 3 º
º \_ ___ \_ ___ \ ___ \_ Running Total : 10 º
º _/ l/ / l/ / l/ / º
º \______ / / / /____ / /| º
º ======\________/\__________/[õm]\________/== º
º ð(*)ð D r i n k O r D i e 1 9 9 6 ð(*)ð º
º ===================== [ DOD * 27-Jan-96 ] == º
º º
º º
º º
º Filename : PM2PWA .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 4019 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-21-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Paper Master 2.0 Win/Win95 - [1/3] Previous Total : 0 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Release Score : 3 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group Running Total : 3 º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß DK -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PWAPTEF .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 10474 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-21-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Personal Tax Edge 95 Final Filling Previous Total : 3 º
º Edition CD for Win/Win95 [01/08] Release Score : 3 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Running Total : 6 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß DK -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PWASDE .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 69120 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-21-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Solid Edge Release Candidate 3 [01/48] Previous Total : 6 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Release Score : 3 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group Running Total : 9 º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PWA27S .ZIP / PWA27W .ZIP º
º Filesize : 49132 kb / 49261 kb º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 / 1-27-96 º
º º
º Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : -- º
º º
º Windows-NT 4.0 Server Build 1227 Previous Total : 9 º
º Windows-NT 4.0 Workstation Build 1227 Release Score : 3 º
º Disk 1/34 Running Total : 12 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : CBTWT- .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 3210 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-26-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Computer Based Training Win Tracs [1/3] Previous Total : 12 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Release Score : 2 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group Running Total : 14 º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PWACWP95.ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 1151 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-27-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º CardWizard Pro v 1.10.02 for Win95 - [1/1] Previous Total : 14 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Release Score : 3 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group Running Total : 17 º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß DK -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PWATELNT.ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 604 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-27-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Pragma Systems InterAccess Previous Total : 17 º
º Telnet Daemon for Windows NT Release Score : 2 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Running Total : 19 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN º
º º
º º
º Filename : PCW3PWA .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 15006 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-28-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Procomm for Windows 3.0 Beta4 [01/11] Previous Total : 19 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Release Score : 3 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group Running Total : 22 º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN
º º
º º
º Filename : PWAMRC1 .ZIP Fix name : -- º
º Filesize : 27246 kb Filesize : -- º
º Filedate : 1-28-96 Filedate : -- º
º º
º Microstation CAD for Win32 (NT&95) Previous Total : 22 º
º Release Candidate 1 - Cracked [01/19] Release Score : 3 º
º Ü ßßÛÛÜ Ü Ü Ü Running Total : 25 º
º ßÛÜ ßÛÝßÛÜ Þ ÜÛß ÜÜÛÛÝ A Group º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ÞÛ ÛÝÞÛÝ ÜÛß Û That Gives º
º ÜÛÛÝÜß ÜÛÛÝßÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÞÝ Slightly º
º ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛ ßÛ ÞÛÛÛÜÜ Û Less Than º
º ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ ÞÝ ßÛÛß ßÜ A Fuck. º
º ß ß ß ß -XeN º
º º
º º
º º
º Score Chart : Utils º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ 25 ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 10 10 ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 5 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ Corporation Drink or Die Pirates With ³ º
º ³ Attitudes ³ º
º º
º º
º Need I say anything? All I'll blurt is that, as I said, quantity is º
º important (as PWA showed us) but quality can make the difference. The º
º Corporation had 5 releases this week, where DOD had a mere 3, but DOD's º
º quality helped it tie with The Corporation who had some bad fortune on º
º their first release of the week (Director Academic v4.0) which required º
º a serial number that was released over 3 days past the original release º
º date. If not for that one happening, The Corporation could have beaten º
º DOD. Let's look at the average score per release for each group : º
º º
º Average Score Per Release : º
º --------------------------- º
º Drink or Die - [3.3] º
º Pirates with Attitudes - [2.8] º
º The Corporation - [2.0] º
º º
º º
º º
º Author : Ionizer º
º Subject : The Games Review : Issue #13 02/04/96 º
º º
º º
º º
º .a$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&$$$$$a. º
º $$' . `$$' `$$ ' `$$' s `$$' s `$$ º
º $' $ $$ $ $$ a a $$ $ $$ $ $$ º
º $ $ssss$$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ssss$$ º
º $ o o$ $$ $ $ $$ sssss$$ssss. $$ º
º $. $ $$ $ $$ $ $ $$ $ $$ $ $$ º
º $$. $ ,$$ $ $$ $ $ $$. $ ,$$. $ ,$$ º
º `$&@%o%@&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&@%o%@&$$$$&@%o%@&hd' º
º º
º "All the games that are fit to print." º
º º
º Un-Realistic : "I have never played a game I didn't like." º
º - Stu Pid Fewl º
º Realistic : "This game sucks." - Ionizer º
º º
º !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! º
º !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! º
º º
º - After much thought and planning a decision of TGR's future was made. º
º This is the last TGR.... to appear alone! (No, calm down, you'll º
º still be able to ge the scene's most reliable source for true, º
º unbiased, honest reviews) It's just going to be found somewhere º
º different. Reality Check Network, now up to their 12th issue, will º
º now be the new home for TGR. Every Sunday, including this one, TGR º
º will be found in its own section of RCN (Reviews). So now, along with º
º the best game review, you'll get a packed filled issue of the latest º
º group news, interviews, polls and so much more! Please don't write º
º to me asking what happened to INQ. INQ is not dead, but due to the º
º fact that it is MOST LIKELY that they won't release on a weekly basis, º
º TGR would have no appropriate place in their mag. I wish INQ the best º
º of luck in the future, & thank them for carrying TGR in the past. º
º (Ok, you're done reading, you can go read the reviews now!) º
º º
º º
º * For the most part most of you liked the new way of displaying the info º
º about the games (with the DIZs. So unless I get an overwhelming º
º amount of complaints about the format, it will stay this way! º
º º
º ============================================ º
º -------------------------------------------- º
º º
º ("WHERE and WHEN can I GET The Game Review?" The Game Review (c) Ionizer,) º
º (will be released every SUNDAY, in RCN Reality Check Network, and can) º
º (be obtained by /m iondcc xdcc list or /m ionizer xdcc list on Sunday) º
º º
º (TGR, which will now be incorporated into a section of RCN,) º
º (is available on the web @ º
º º
º (You can now also The Game Review via the WWW @) º
º ( ) º
º º
º I don't run the www sites and I am not º
º responsible for them being updated. º
º º
º º
º [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] º
º º
º - Rating Scale : º
º (0-19)/100 = In a nutshell, it sucked! º
º (20-39)/100 = Still crap but slightly better. º
º (40-49)/100 = Possibly worth downloading. º
º (50-69)/100 = Pretty decent game. Might want to check it out. º
º (70-79)/100 = Worth the download if you like that type. º
º (80-89)/100 = Very good, 9 outta 10 its worth the download. º
º (90-99)/100 = Excellent game, a MUST download. º
º º
º RATINGS are based on the game idea, graphics, sound, playability, º
º ingenuity, versatility, and a lot of other words ending in 'ity'. º
º º
º ³ -<*><*> THE GAME REVIEW <*><*>- ³ º
º º
º NoNo Japanese Adult Game º
º (c) Japanese [XX/06] º
º ________________________________ º
º (====\________ \_____ \_________/====) The NFO says you need Win/V º
º ::::::/ ___/ / \____/ \:::::: to run this, but it ran fine º
º :::::/ /__ _/| \eB/ _ \::::: in regular winblows. º
º ::::/____; \ |______\/____\ \:::: However, I don't speak º
º :::::::::|_____\:[REVOLUTiON]:______\::: Japanese except for sushi, º
º (==[RTN]========[01/28/96]========[RTN]==) honda, and habachi, so it º
º makes it kind of hard to play an adventure game based mostly on dialect. º
º But don't worry, you aren't missing much from the looks of the game. º
º º
º RATING : NA/100 º
º º
º º
º A _TEC_ exlusive! They only WISH this platform game could º
º Johnny Bazookatone compare to Rayman, as state it could in the º
º From ARC/US Gold NFO. It's your typical platform game with º
º A Stryper/Nogroup release your guy with a gun. He runs, he shoots, but º
º he doesn't score. You're Johnny Bazookamotherfucka, you got this weird º
º bazooka gun, that you can play like a guitar sometimes, & then it emits º
º a huge blast. The bad thing is, in order to get this to work crash-free º
º you need to turn off all the sounds (music and fx). So in setup, put no º
º soundcard, and then when you load the game up, make sure it's on no º
º sound again. the graphics are ok, but we've seen better, and this game º
º just isn't put together very well. º
º º
º RATING : 44/100 º
º º
º º
º °±²Û - DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.0 -- Shareware - Û²±° We already told you about º
º °±²Û --- by 3D Realms Entertainment --- Û²±° this one last week. º
º "It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM Apogee released the º
º included, look dull. Honestly!" Ä PC Gamer. official SW version with º
º Duke blows away everything you know about 3D a few additions, such as º
º action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over counting how many times º
º buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly you played (might be a º
º interactive game like you have *never* seen. limit), and lots of º
º Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game little things. Here's º
º contollers. Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince. the review from last week º
º Now, go kick-butt in futurustic Los Angeles! in case you missed it : º
º "WOW! Move over doom, move over quake, make way for the classic. º
º Although just a beta <and sw> this game KICKS ASS. If you have the º
º computer to put in SVGA and a good graphics mode you'll love this. º
º Pretty soon you'll be saying "Doom?, what's that?" Perhaps it's the º
º fact that the game <1st episode, takes place in a real life area, rather º
º than those boring and stupid catacombs we've been drowned with. You're º
º in the city, but the one bad thing is that Apogee is still using º
º monsters, I mean why couldn't they make it all different types of º
º gangstars or something? When's the last time you saw a monster in the º
º city (no, that big fat lard was stlil human). Anyway, you can take a º
º piss, watch a porn flick, and blow up motherfuckers and watch their º
º blood splatter on the walls. This game appears to have it all. Now if º
º you will excuse me, I need to go find some dramamine. º
º º
º RATING : 83/100 "(Yes, even though it's SW)" º
º º
º Some other cool things I noticed was when you get to the level with º
º the bar, there's a lot of cool stuff to see and do. You can pay the º
º bitches to shake their tits at the nudie bar. You can watch the OJ º
º bronco chase on the TV in the for corner in the bar <as long as you º
º don't blow it out first>. Also, you can easily replenish your health by º
º blowing up a toilet, or fire hydrant and then simply using the open door º
º button to drink the water. º
º º
º EXTRA! : Cheat Codes, courtesy of LSPD, and edited. To get the cheat º
º code prompt you type DM.. then º
º º
º WARP<episode><level>: WARPING º
º AMMO: all ammo full º
º VIEW: "follow" mode.. catch duke from a few feet behind º
º WEAPONS: all available weapons (1-6) º
º UNLOCK: unlocks a locked door in front of you º
º ITEMS: keys... items.. etc. º
º RATE: 2 numbers on top left of screen? º
º SKILL<skill level 1-5> Re-start level with skill # º
º CLIP: walk-through-walls º
º HYPER: steroids! º
º ENDING: end's the episode º
º º
º Note : In the official SW version I couldn't get them to work, why, I º
º dunno. º
º º
º º
º ///INT!!!INT!!!INT!!!INT!!!INT\\\ This contains AVI's of the following: º
º . BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD INTRO ADDON . That old dude saying "Beavis and º
º . [FOR THE LGC REL]: [xx/09] . Butthead are not rolemodels, they're º
º \\\INT!!!INT!!!INT!!!INT!!!INT/// not even human...," The opening part º
º where they are in the circles, and a quicky episode at the Mcwhatever º
º place they work at, where Todd comes in and kicks their ass. This group º
º says they plan on releasing the .WAVs which would be nice, and make for º
º a complete game. º
º º
º º
º RATING : .AVI/100 <G> º
º º
º º
º ARCADE AMERICA (7th Level) [00/61] Yup, a whopping 61 disks, 125 º
º - Full CD - demos have been RIPped! megs once installed. Is it º
º - Plays off your hard drive. worth it? Depends, if you º
º - Humorous Action/Platform game. like this type of game, but º
º - 10,000+ frames of movie quality anim. personally I can't picture º
º - View the NFO file within for details! anyone over the age of 12 º
º - A Chowdery independent release. wanting to play this. You're º
º an animated character on your quest to find someone or get somewhere, º
º one of those, and you have to do little games and puzzles in which you º
º avoid characters and other boring stuff. It's not exactly go shoot guys º
º and stuff. Each time you get past the level you move up to some other º
º kind of puzzle or something of the sort. Nothing special, but very º
º nicely done with the humor (if ya got half a brain to get the jokes) and º
º graphics. If you got a little brother and sister and 125 megs free º
º doing nothing, then you might want to be nice and get them this. It is º
º a little hard and sometimes frustrating though. Also make sure you get º
º the 5.9 meg fix that includes a file which was missing b/c they º
º incorrectly numbered the ARJ files in the zips <missed 45>. º
º º
º RATING : 53/100 º
º º
º º
º *PC* TOSHINDEN *PC* [03/03] Not only did the intro go º
º ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜ ÜÛ ÜÜÜ ÜÜ slow as hell, but º
º ÛÛÛ ÛÜ ÜÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÜ ÜÜÜ ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ Û²Û ÛÛ picking the player moved º
º Û²Û ßß Û²Û ÛÛ Û²Û ßß Û²Û ÛÛ Û²Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ßß ÛÜ slow as hell too. Then º
º Û±Ûß ß Û±Û ÛÛ Û±Ûß ß Û±ÛßÛÜ Û±Û ÛÛ ßßßßßßÛÛß when I tried to play it, º
º Û°Û ÛÛ Û°Û ÛÛ Û°Û ÛÛ Û°Û ÛÛ Û°Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ß it was missing some º
º ßÛÛÜÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ßÛÛÜÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛ ßÛÛ ÜÜÜ ÛÛÜÛß texture file. º
º Ûß Ü Ûß Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜ º
º ß ßßßßÜ Üß ßÛÜ ÛÛ ROY º
º ßÜß ßÛÛÛ <SAC> º
º ßÛ º
º º
º º
º RATING : NA/100 º
º º
º _________ __ _______ __ ____ _______ º
º \_____ -\/ -\\___ -| / -\| |__| -| Well the first version to º
º // / / \| | |/ \ | | | | | get on the net had plenty º
º / / / /\ \\_ ___/ /\ \\_| || |_| | of ARJ errors to last you º
º /___/ /_____\ /_| /_____\ /___|__| |__| a lifetime. But this one º
º è-+/____\-+-+-+\/-+PRoUDLY+-\/-+PReSeNTs+-è works fine. An extremely º
º NFL QuarterBack Club '96 *REPACKAGED* [XX/25] good football game if you º
º have the computer to handle it. The normal 320 graphics modes on a 486 º
º makes the game JUST playable, so I'd recommend a pentium/90 for it to º
º look anywhere near decent and playable at the same time. It's got the º
º usual football seasons, and an addition of a simulation of classic/ º
º historical games. It's got touchdown dancing, in your face sacking, º
º audibles, and anything else you could want from a football game. If you º
º got the computer (above 486/66), it is worth it, but if you don't, it º
º might not be worth the effort. º
º º
º RATING : 84/100 º
º º
º º
º Top Gun (c) Spectrum Holobyte [11/11] I couldn't figure out most º
º _ ________________________ _____ ________ _ of the controls because º
º \\_____ \_____ \_____ \/ . \\_____ \\ there's nothing to config º
º dZG/\ __// _ |/ ____/. | \/\ __/ your keyboard with. So º
º _/ \ \/ /_ _/ /_ | ! _/ \ \ rather than trying to get º
º \____\ \______\_________|_____\____\ \_ my plane off the ground, I º
º =======\___/===ù1911ùCDùDIVISIONù======\___/ picked the quick action. º
º It looks like any other normal flight sim, the gfx are nothing great, º
º the sound is way below average. It's not too good, but it might satisfy º
º you if you love sims. º
º º
º º
º Sonic the Hedgehog for Win95 [xx/15] It said my sisters' º
º úù-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ùú computer's video card was º
º ÜÛÛÛÛÛßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ²Ûßßßßßßß ßßßßßß not "DCI" compliant, and º
º ²ÛÛÝÛÛ ÜÛÛ²ÛÛßÛÛÛÝÛÜ ÛÛÛÛßÛ ÜÝÛÛÛÛßÛ²ÛÛÛÜ that I couldn't play it. º
º ±Û²ÛÛÛß ²ÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛ²Û ±ÛÛÛ²Ûßßßßßßß Shrug, it's those new 3D º
º °ÛÛÛÛ² ±ÛÛÛ²Û ÛÛÛ²ÛÛ ±ÛÝÛÛÛ °ÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛß Diamond Cards, beats me. º
º º
º RATING : NA/100 º
º º
º º
º ³ <*>GAME OF THE WEEK<*> ³ º
º º
º The lack of choice automatically grants NAPALM'S release of NFL º
º QUARTERBACK CLUB '96 as the winner. With the proper equipment this is º
º an excellent football game. Not much else to say about it, it's got º
º everything you could hop for, except modem or network play ;). º
º º
º º
º º
º - It's back and updated! All projected dates are as of January 30th, º
º 1996 and are based on projected date it will arrive in stores. º
º º
º Key to system types : º
º º
º DCD = DOS CD WCD = Windows CD MCD = Mac. CD º
º W95CD = Win 95 CD M3 = Mac. Disk W3 = Windows Disk º
º W953 = Win 95 Disk D3 = DOS Disk HCD = Mac./Windows CD º
º º
º OS ³ Name of Game ³ Company ³ Store Release º
º D3 Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 º
º DCD Psychc Detcv EA 12/28/95 º
º DCD Sensible Soccer WEA 01/20/96 º
º DCD NFL Qback Club ACCLAIM 01/25/96 º
º DCD PGA 96 Spanish Bay EA 01/29/96 º
º DCD Falcon 3.0 Clssc SPECTRUM 01/30/96 º
º DCD Shadows Over Riva SIR TECH 02/01/96 º
º DCD Harvester MERIT 02/01/96 º
º DCD Starship MERIT 02/01/96 º
º DCD Angel Devoid MINDSCAPE 02/01/96 º
º DCD Cyberjudas MERIT 02/01/96 º
º DCD Pinball World 21ST CENTRY 02/02/96 º
º DCD AH3 Thunderstrike JVC 02/05/96 º
º DCD Sport Hits 2 WEA 02/06/96 º
º DCD Nicklaus@Muirfield WEA 02/06/96 º
º DCD Kyrandia Trilogy VIRGIN 02/06/96 º
º DCD Chronomaster INTRACORP 02/07/96 º
º DCD Pro Pinball:Web ENT INTRNTL 02/08/96 º
º DCD NBA Live 96 EA 02/08/96 º
º DCD Wing Commander 4 EA 02/09/96 º
º DCD Cmmd&Cnqr:Missions VIRGIN 02/10/96 º
º DCD Ganster Bundle AM LASER 02/10/96 º
º DCD Top Gun SPECTRUM 02/12/96 º
º DCD Fast Attack SIERRA 02/12/96 º
º DCD H! Zone WIZARD WRKS 02/15/96 º
º DCD Silent Hunter MINDSCAPE 02/15/96 º
º DCD Net Mech ACTIVISION 02/15/96 º
º DCD Racing's Greatest ROCKET SCIENCE 02/15/96 º
º DCD Battlcrsr 3000 TAKE 2 02/20/96 º
º DCD Whiplash INTERPLAY 02/21/96 º
º DCD Big Red Racing SPECTRUM 02/22/96 º
º DCD Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 º
º DCD Spycraft ACTIVISION 02/26/96 º
º DCD Pinhurst #2 ACCESS 02/26/96 º
º DCD Maximum Roadkill TAKE 2 02/26/96 º
º DCD Dungeon Keeper EA 02/27/96 º
º DCD Cyberia 2 VIRGIN 02/27/96 º
º DCD Deep Space Nine SSI 02/29/96 º
º DCD Dragon's Lair II READYSOFT 03/01/96 º
º DCD Promised Land VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º DCD Jagged H2H SIR TECH 03/01/96 º
º DCD Ripper TAKE 2 03/01/96 º
º DCD Madden NFL 96 EA 03/01/96 º
º DCD Ripper TAKE 2 03/01/96 º
º DCD Terra Nova VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º DCD Deadly Skies JVC 03/01/96 º
º DCD Alien Alliance VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º DCD Rivers of Dawn VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º DCD Madden NFL 96 EA 03/01/96 º
º DCD Lost Admiral II AM LASER 03/01/96 º
º DCD Desktop Toys 2 EA 03/05/96 º
º DCD RBI '96 WEA 03/05/96 º
º DCD Grand Prix 2 SPECTRUM 03/10/96 º
º DCD The id Anthology GT 03/12/96 º
º DCD Hacking DM,2,Hrtc&Hxn SSI 03/13/96 º
º DCD Descent 2 INTERPLAY 03/13/96 º
º DCD Track Attack SPECTRUM 03/15/96 º
º DCD Crystal Skull INTRACORP 03/18/96 º
º DCD Adv Tact Fghtr EA 03/20/96 º
º DCD Wooden Ships&Iron Men AVALON HILL 03/20/96 º
º DCD Adv Tact Fghtr EA 03/20/96 º
º DCD PGA Euopean Tour EA 03/22/96 º
º DCD AH-64D Longbow EA 03/23/96 º
º DCD Zork:Nemesis ACTIVISION 03/25/96 º
º DCD Space Hulk 2 EA 03/25/96 º
º DCD Witchaven II INTRACORP 03/27/96 º
º DCD VR Baseball INTERPLAY 03/27/96 º
º DCD Master of Orion 2 SPECTRUM 03/30/96 º
º DCD Magic/Gathering SPECTRUM 03/30/96 º
º DCD Total Mayhem SPECTRUM 03/31/96 º
º DCD Deathtrap Dungeon SPECTRUM 03/31/96 º
º DCD Amrcn Civil War INTRCTV MGC 04/01/96 º
º DCD Klingon SSI 04/01/96 º
º DCD Mortimer LUCAS ARTS 04/01/96 º
º DCD Pax Imperia DAVIDSON 04/01/96 º
º DCD Pinball Classics GT 04/01/96 º
º DCD Klingon SSI 04/01/96 º
º DCD Mortimer LUCAS ARTS 04/01/96 º
º DCD Hind INTRCTV MGC 04/01/96 º
º DCD NFL Football/Aikman GT 04/10/96 º
º DCD VR Soccer INTERPLAY 04/16/96 º
º DCD Sherlock Holmes 2 EA 04/20/96 º
º DCD Conquest/New World INTERPLAY 04/24/96 º
º DCD Terracide SPECTRUM 04/30/96 º
º DCD PTO II KOEI 05/01/96 º
º DCD Realms/Arkania 3 SIR TECH 05/01/96 º
º DCD Confirmed Kill SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º DCD Escalation GAMETEK 05/01/96 º
º DCD Raw Pursuit JVC 05/01/96 º
º DCD Flying Nightmares SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º DCD Realms/Arkania 3 SIR TECH 05/01/96 º
º DCD Super Heroes SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º DCD Citzns:Blckwtr Affrs SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º DCD Colonization Gold SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º DCD Decathalon INTRCTV MGC 05/01/96 º
º DCD Daggerfall BETHESDA 05/01/96 º
º DCD Star Control 3 WEA 05/14/96 º
º DCD Jggd All-Deadly Gms SIR TECH 05/15/96 º
º DCD Air Warrior 2 INTRCTV MGC 06/01/96 º
º DCD Vision of Glory AM LASER 06/01/96 º
º DCD Bioforge + EA 06/01/96 º
º DCD Adams Pinball GT 06/01/96 º
º DCD Bioforge + EA 06/01/96 º
º DCD Northlands AM LASER 06/01/96 º
º DCD Over the Reich AVALON HILL 06/01/96 º
º DCD Hammer Slammer INTRACORP 06/19/96 º
º DCD Third Reich AVALON HILL 06/30/96 º
º DCD Jetfighter III INTERPLAY 07/01/96 º
º DCD F-16 Fighting Falcon INTRCTV MGC 08/01/96 º
º DCD MetalLords NEW WORLD 08/01/96 º
º DCD Nemesis SIR TECH 09/01/96 º
º DCD Sensory Overload TAKE 2 10/01/96 º
º º
º HCD Wizardry Gold SIR TECH 02/26/96 º
º HCD Full Tilt MAXIS 03/01/96 º
º º
º MCD X-Wing Collector LUCAS ARTS 01/16/96 º
º MCD Space Quest 6 SIERRA 02/07/96 º
º MCD Pelican Hill ACCESS 02/26/96 º
º MCD The Dig LUCAS ARTS 02/28/96 º
º MCD Phantasmagoria SIERRA 02/29/96 º
º MCD Gabriel Knight 2 SIERRA 03/01/96 º
º MCD Transport Tycoon SPECTRUM 03/01/96 º
º MCD Torin's Passage SIERRA 03/01/96 º
º MCD Apache INTRCTV MGC 03/01/96 º
º MCD Shivers SIERRA 08/01/96 º
º MCD Hoyles Classic SIERRA 03/01/96 º
º MCD Police Quest 5 SIERRA 03/01/96 º
º MCD 11th Hour VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º MCD Heroes M&M NEW WORLD 03/04/96 º
º MCD Empire II NEW WORLD 03/11/96 º
º MCD Elk Moon #1 ACTIVISION 03/18/96 º
º MCD Hexen GT 03/19/96 º
º MCD Chaos Overlords NEW WORLD 03/20/96 º
º MCD Aikman Football GT 04/01/96 º
º MCD Ripper TAKE 2 04/01/96 º
º MCD Toy Story Strybk DISNEY 04/24/96 º
º MCD Tank Commander SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º MCD Chessmates INTERPLAY 06/01/96 º
º º
º W3 TTAX95 FDFN INTUIT 01/09/96 º
º W3 TTAX95 FN CA INTUIT 01/17/96 º
º º
º W95 Indy Jones & Adv LUCAS ARTS 02/28/96 º
º W95 Ult Doom: Flesh GT 02/28/96 º
º º
º W95CD Warhmmr:Horned Rat MINDSCAPE 12/29/95 º
º W95CD Solitaire Deluxe INTERPLAY 01/19/96 º
º W95CD Empire II NEW WORLD 02/01/96 º
º W95CD Empire II NEW WORLD 02/01/96 º
º W95CD Family Card Games NEW WORLD 02/06/96 º
º W95CD Daedalus Encounter VIRGIN 02/10/96 º
º W95CD Heroes M&M NEW WORLD 02/15/96 º
º W95CD MT:Earthsiege 2 SIERRA 02/26/96 º
º W95CD A10-2:Silent Thunder SIERRA 02/26/96 º
º W95CD Ult Doom: Flesh GT 02/28/96 º
º W95CD Doom II GT 02/28/96 º
º W95CD D ACCLAIM 03/01/96 º
º W95CD Flight Unlimited VIRGIN 03/01/96 º
º W95CD Destiny INTRCTV MGC 03/01/96 º
º W95CD Civilization 2 SPECTRUM 03/07/96 º
º W95CD Hexen GT 03/11/96 º
º W95CD Mortal Kombat 3 GT 03/18/96 º
º W95CD Mission Force:CyberstoSIERRA 03/19/96 º
º W95CD Chaos Overlords NEW WORLD 03/20/96 º
º W95CD Cry.Sys SIERRA 04/01/96 º
º W95CD St Trk Generations SPECTRUM 05/01/96 º
º W95CD Vegas Games 95 NEW WORLD 05/01/96 º
º W95CD Spaceward Ho! IV NEW WORLD 05/15/96 º
º W95CD Subterrane NEW WORLD 06/01/96 º
º º
º WCD TTAX 95 FDFN DLX INTUIT 01/15/96 º
º WCD T-Mek WEA 02/01/96 º
º WCD Space Bucks SIERRA 02/05/96 º
º WCD Dinotopia TURNER 02/09/96 º
º WCD Sim City Clssc W95 MAXIS 02/16/96 º
º WCD Warhammer 40K MINDSCAPE 02/29/96 º
º WCD Muppet Trsr Islnd ACTIVISION 03/01/96 º
º WCD Tommy INTERPLAY 03/04/96 º
º WCD Urban Runner SIERRA 03/15/96 º
º WCD Elk Moon ACTIVISION 03/18/96 º
º WCD Wizardry Gold SIR TECH 03/28/96 º
º WCD Rise&Rule/Anc Emp SIERRA 03/29/96 º
º WCD New Order EA 03/29/96 º
º WCD Klingon SSI 04/10/96 º
º WCD Syndicate Wars EA 04/20/96 º
º WCD Toy Story Strybk DISNEY 04/24/96 º
º WCD Spr Bubsy/WIN95 WEA 05/28/96 º
º WCD Dragon Dice INTERPLAY 08/01/96 º
º º
º º
º ³ <*>CORRECTIONS<*> ³ º
º º
º - Damn, I'm perfect once again. º
º º
º º
º ³ <*>LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO<*> ³ º
º º
º º
º º
º ³ <*>CLOSINGS<*> ³ º
º º
º - That's it for this week, hope it was of help. º
º - Don't forget to continue getting RCN every Sunday if you wish to read º
º TGR plus many other great articles and information. º
º - This week's list is a little short, and I realize there are still some º
º Win95 games I have yet to review. Trust me, I'm getting to them, and º
º as soon as I get my network up & running, they will be reviewed the º
º week of their release. º
º º
º - Ionizer (Game Reviewer/MALiCE & Razor Courier) º
º º
º º
º Comments/Complaints - send to (NO QUESTIONS OR º
º º
º º
Copyright 1996 Ionizer Inc. #167A939
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º º
º The following are the results from last week's survey on the best º
º warez groups. We thank all that took the time to vote, and please º
º continue to do so in the future. º
º º
º º
º Vote Chart : Games º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 60 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 50 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 40 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 30 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 25 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 20 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 10 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ Hybrid Legacy Razor 1911 ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º º
º º
º Vote Chart : Utils º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ 109 ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³
³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 40 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 30 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 20 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 13 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 10 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³±±±±±±±±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 ÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±±±±±±±±³ÄÄij º
º ³ Corporation Drink or Die Pirates With ³ º
º ³ Attitudes ³ º
º º
º º
º Vote Chart : NET Couriering º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±³ 40 ³ º
º ³ ³±±±³ 31 ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 20 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄ 13 ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 10 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ fATE MALiCE MindCrash Motiv8 RTS ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º º
º º
º Vote Chart : Board Couriering º
º º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º ³ 49 ³ º
º ³ ³±±±³ 42 ³ º
º ³ 29 ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ 20 ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 20 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÚÄÄÄ¿ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 10 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³±±±³ ³ º
º ³ 0 Äij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄij±±±³ÄÄÄÄij±±±³Äij º
º ³ fATE MALiCE MindCrash RTS RiSC ³ º
º ³ ³ º
º º
º º
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º º
º Welcome to Dear Entropy! This is going to be YOUR column that is a º
º cross between Dear Abby and Dave Berry. The most important part of this º
º is YOUR participation. If you have ever had a question about the scene, º
º or just a comment, here's the place! Have you ever wanted to know why º
º some people do this or that? ASK! We would love to take it to the º
º extreme for you and we will be happy to research it! I hope you have as º
º much fun with this as I will! Remember, this is YOUR column! º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º Here's some information about the AOL warez scene and why I used to º
º trade warez on AOL : º
º º
º The sheer ease and size of couriering : AOL has long been the º
º easiest and fastest way to move warez to a lot of people without a T1 or º
º ISDN connections. Within 5 minutes and a mere 14.4 k baud modem, one º
º can mass mail hundreds of 30 meg warez utils and games by simply º
º forwarding you warez to 300 or 400 people. Back when I was on both IRC º
º and AOL, I found it much easier to obtain any game or util on AOL than I º
º I did on any FTP site or IRC channel. º
º º
º Except for a few people, no one on AOL has a huge ego trip. I used º
º to be in a warez group on AOL called NmE and END, but the leader, Dawg, º
º was one of the fastest dudes I have met. He uploaded more warez on AOL º
º than most couriers in a life time, and was the nicest dude I ever met. º
º In fact, find many of the same traits in the AOL warez scene as you do º
º in the IRC scene. There is movement on AOL just as there is on IRC to º
º merge the couriering groups and to stop acting like assholes. º
º Everything mass mailed or sent on AOL is meant to be free. º
º º
º AOLers ain't as dumb as you think. Recently AOL has taken steps to º
º shut down the warez scene on AOL. Most people have no comprehension of º
º the size of the scene. AOL loses approximately 2-3 million a year due º
º AOL piraters. AOL had implemented a CC number check so that fake CC º
º numbers could be used to creat accounts. Within 5 hours, several º
º Windows programers came out with a new hack program which makes accounts º
º based on checking, bank and transit members. Within 2 weeks, AOL º
º implemented a procedure that shut down the checking portion of the sign º
º up procedures. Within 1 day, AOLers then proceeded to rely on phishes º
º to make sub-accounts from the paying accounts of users. These accounts º
º last until the real user gets his bill <g>. Now AOLers rely on phishes º
º and another proceeder which uses CC number prefixes to get pass the CC º
º cc number check. Recently, the "kewlest" AOLers use OH accounts, which º
º give users certain special powers. Several AOLers have been known to go º
º through warez chat rooms and cancel hacked accounts for fun. º
º º
º Storage of warez on AOL, a lot of people on IRC, more than you would º
º expect, store warez on AOL. AOL has a maximum of 550 mails. Each mail º
º usually contains about 10 megs of space, I have seen 30 megs. That's at º
º least 5,500 megs of warez. You will find enourmous "banks" of warez on º
º AOL. Some "banks" are available to the public and some are for private º
º use. This is due to the size of couriering and mass mailing and also º
º due to the fact that many people don't have the resources for their own º
º personal FTP site. º
º º
º All right, too much said already about this shit. Dang, writing º
º this much about AOL is making me feel stupid already =] º
º º
º Signed, º
º Ex-AOLer º
º º
º º
º Ex-AOLer, º
º º
º I agree with you completely. AOL is a very powerfull way to reach º
º a multitude of user who are to scared or whatever to veture into IRC. º
º You are also right that many people that I have met from AOL seem to º
º be 100x better then the people on IRC as they seem to now have the º
º EGO problem that a lot of us here have to deal with. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º I am writing about the responses about AOL in RCN #11. I agree with º
º both people that responded about AOL. I've been on AOL for about 1 year º
º now. I know it's not the Internet, but it is THE BEST online service. º
º It also has it's advantages to the Internet. Couriering files are so º
º much easier since AOL warez isn't couriered by FTPs ,BBSs, or IRC. It's º
º couriered over attached mail since AOL has no meg limit on their mail º
º boxes which makes it simple to get a newly uploaded ware to about 100 º
º people by just clicking a button. AOL has a few good warez groups that º
º courier warez faster than some internet groups out there. These groups º
º are dedicated to their group and can move files just a few hours after º
º their release. I am in one of those groups, Mystic, and we fill boxes º
º up with 0-day ware every day nonstop. AOL has some more advantages, º
º it's cheap, fake accounts are simple to make, killing a lamers account º
º is pretty easy, and AOL is made up of 75% idiots (think about what you º
º can do with 3 million idiots with CC#'s). I'm not saying that AOL º
º doesn't have it's lamers because that would be bullshit. I'm just º
º sayin that not all AOLers are lame. There are many former AOLers that º
º are in major interne groups such as Razor, Legacy, D0D, and Malice. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Smokey Bebee º
º º
º º
º º
º Smokey Bebee, º
º º
º I agree, and as I have said before, AOL is just a goldmine of º
º opportunities that we on IRC just need to realize. People like to point º
º and click their way through anything that they possibly can. Of course, º
º the die hard IRC'ers and Linux lovers will never admit to Windows or º
º almost any GUI program, we all seem to use them and even take advantage º
º of some of the perks that it comes with. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º Recently on IRC, someone was supposed to be opped on IRC º
º automatically by a bot. When he was not opped he started begging for º
º someone to op him. He kept begging til someone got so fed up that he º
º had to op him to shut him up. This was really unreasonable for someone º
º to go to that length just to get a little @ netx to his nick. I mean, º
º what does ops do for you that you can't already do? Some people show º
º that you have power, and most of the people that think that way end up º
º kicking, and banning everyone that THEY hate from the channel. Some º
º people think it is a symbol of eliteness, and if someone doesn't have a º
º @ by their nick, they're lame. This little @ shouldn't make you elite º
º or lame. I have been in the net-scene for about 3 to 4 years and I º
º don't get @ on all the channels I join. I know I'm not lame and I º
º probably know more about the net-scene than a lot of the ops in the º
º channels who kick and ban people. I know all the people that are just º
º starting out in the net-scene and the people that DON'T NEED ops to feel º
º eleet will appreciate it if you don't abuse your ops if you do have it. º
º My final saying is, please don't beg for ops, because it's annoying, and º
º people will get really pissed. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Shroomie º
º º
º º
º Dear Shroomie, º
º º
º I agree with you. Ops in this IRC world has become a huge power º
º struggle. One in which so many people would spend 10 minutes of their º
º time begging for a @ symbol in wich they can say they have ops on º
º #lamers. Some day people will get over it, but as with many things, º
º humans are very stubborn and persistent. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º I totally agree with you. Honestly, when I started out to pirate, I º
º started out from those warez channels. This is because you can get º
º valuable information about how to pirate when talking to people it. º
º Those warez channels are simply, the place for pirate wanna-be's to º
º learn. So, let's just suport those warez channels and help all those º
º new pirates out there! :) º
º º
º Signed, º
º The Magician º
º º
º º
º The Magician, º
º º
º I agree with you. The warez channels are like a teaching room to a º
º lot of people just getting into the scene. Being able to go into a warez º
º channel and use it as a classroom to just watch and observe how people º
º work in this society. Most of the time we kick people who are just º
º sitting there or people who are asking questions, but we always seem to º
º forget where we all came from a couple of months ago. Nobody started º
º out knowing everything and even if they did they would not have stuck º
º with it as if you know everything, then what would be the fun of doing º
º it? º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º The warez channels, they are where most people start. I would have º
º to say the majority of the people are here, whether the top elite on the º
º net or the worst of lamerz. Most of them started on the net, the other º
º minority start through friends in groups. Everyone says that the warez º
º channels are lame, in some cases that is true. I know a lot of people º
º now hang out in the file trading forums, like #fATEFILES or #M8LEECH. A º
º lot of what goes on in the warez channel is just a lot of talk, not much º
º trading, where as in the channels above, all there is trading. º
º Not much discussion is ever seen in there. I would say that not º
º EVERYONE in the warez channels are lame, but some are. Most people use º
º them, whether they are couriers or not. If it weren't for some of these º
º warez channels, files would not get spread around to the "majority" º
º ...because the majority spends there time in the warez channels, whether º
º it is warez - warez??? ...everyone has used them once in a while. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Dark Soul º
º º
º º
º Dark Soul, º
º º
º I agree. I think a lot of what goes on in some of the warez º
º channels is just talk. Infact a lot of what goes on in the elite group º
º channels is just talk. Hell, we are on the Internet Relay *CHAT* º
º Network. We better damn well be talking, but I think what most people º
º do is separate there ELITE or what/who they deem to be elite by checking º
º the ones that they associate with. We all do it in the real world. I º
º personally don't hang out with a group of people because of the way they º
º dress or what not. It all happens. I think that what a lot of people º
º have lost in trading is the fun aspect that the scene used to carry. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Dear Entropy, º
º º
º These warez channels in my opinion are good. When I first found out º
º about IRC, I joined these #WarezX to meet people and got too know many º
º friends over the many months. For people in groups like fATE and º
º MALiCE, I know of some that used to frequent the channel I was opped in. º
º Dr Jekyl would offer and chat in #WarezX a lot during his career as a º
º fATE courier. Cray from HTC is now in RTS and he also comes to hang out º
º in #WarezX. I think these channels are good because it gives you a º
º chance to relax from the "stressful" environment of a group. As far as º
º offering goes, I think it's a chance for the couriers to spread their º
º warez over a greater "distance" and to help people get their warez º
º faster. As far as why #Warez is better than #Warez1, etc, it is º
º probably because the "elite" people, those who have done this for many º
º years and have had a great impact on the scene and what not, most of º
º these channels probably serve as a relax pit for their "elite" and their º
º friends. However, other channels are very friendly and you can just º
º chat about any thing you want when you are bored or if you are a new º
º person to the NET and IRC. It's a wonderful place to start out and to º
º make some pals while having fun trading warez. It's just a plain good º
º time. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Merlin23 º
º º
º º
º Dear Merlin23, º
º º
º Wow. I just think you stated it all right there. I have to agree º
º with you 110%. º
º º
º Signed, º
º Entropy º
º º
º º
º º
º Topic For Next Week : Group Monopolies. º
º º
º Should groups such as RiSC and MALiCE control where and how º
º couriering is headed today? Is there any way we can even control how º
º well they are doing? From what I would say, the last couple of years º
º have been RiSC and just that, a rise in superior couriering. One that º
º has dominated the BBS couriering section and will not let anybody else º
º enter. Is this fair? Should we be allowing smaller groups to try and º
º have a chance at couriering? MALiCE, MindCrash, and fATE have dominated º
º NET couriering for almost the past 6 months. They are on all of the º
º best sites and allow nothing to slip through their fingers. They have º
º people on IRC spreading their name to more and more places each day, º
º keeping a strong foothold on NET couriering; but do they dominate in º
º that they do not give other groups a chance to enter the elite world º
º that we live in? Or should they continue to dominate it and have the º
º smaller groups keep working and praying that one day MALiCE will turn º
º into TDU-JAM! and quit at their peek? Some would say that all groups º
º work for everything that they attain and I would have to agree with º
º them; but would we not work better by working together? Or does this º
º competition really help the scene? Some people I have talked to think º
º that too many people are thinking more about getting the file there º
º faster than anybody else but are not being concerned more with if they º
º get there 100% error free. Could the scene better by groups working º
º together in taking regions and making sure that everybody has the files º
º that the release groups work so hard in releasing? Is it going so far º
º we have threats that some of the biggest and most respected people are º
º actually cutting off people from their uploads to be in better spirits º
º with the group of their choice? What do you think? º
º º
º º
º Please E-Mail all responses to º
º º
º º
³ 4KODABCO.ZIP ³ 15 ³ W95:CDR ³ Dance with ABC ³
³ COPSFX7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ W95:CDR ³ Delrina WinFaxPro for NetWorks v4.1 ³
³ DN-UR964.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Unnecessary Roughness '96 ³
³ DODLFS7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Alcom Lanfax Server System v2.15 ³
³ L-NFCC01.ZIP ³ 17 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Nick Faldo's Championship Challenge ³
³ NFSICEA2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Everest : Iceman's Apprentice ³
³ PDX7-23.ZIP ³ 23 ³ W95:CDR ³ Paradox v7.0 ³
³ PMP40B.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ PM Patrol v4.0b ³
³ PMPN200B.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ PM PostNotes v2.00a ³
³ PNT-HDDB.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ HotDocs DataBase Connection v3.0 ³
³ PNT-L95B.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ LANtastic ³
³ PWA-PFA5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ Peachtree First Accounting v2.0 ³
³ PWAFOSS4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:DSK ³ FormulaOne SpreedSheet ³
³ PWARCADE.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Power Aracade ³
³ RBS-AX18.ZIP ³ 18 ³ W95:CDR ³ Accent Professional Multilangual v2.0 ³
³ RORPLT01.ZIP ³ 36 ³ DOS:CDR ³ The Planets ³
³ SOL-MR2R.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ MR/2 ICE v.99g : I-net Email Client ³
³ CHECKIT4.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Checkit Pro v4.0 ³
³ DMN-INT3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WNT:DSK ³ InocuLAN ³
³ DMN-NAV2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WNT:DSK ³ Symantec NAV ³
³ DODCPT40.ZIP ³ 40 ³ W95:CDR ³ Corel Picture Painter v6.0 ³
³ DODSAWPL.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Software Audio Workshop Plus v1.6 ³
³ IBMARC5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ Arcade Fly Games ³
³ L-MGAME4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:CDR ³ Mind Games Entertainment Pack ³
³ OG-AWC01.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Adobe WorkCenter v1.1 ³
³ PWAANYN5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ DOS:DSK ³ IBM AnyNet Sockets v2.0.2 ³
³ PWAKAI33.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:CDR ³ KAI Power Tools v3.0 ³
³ PWAMFS2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Mobile FileSync ³
³ PWASCMK.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Soft Concert : Midi Karaoke v1.0 ³
³ SGW28.ZIP ³ 28 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Strategy Games ³
³ SOL-XIT2.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ Xit v2.0 ³
³ SP95-3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ SuperPrint v4.0 ³
³ TC-PF7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ W95:CDR ³ AFP PST/2 v2.0 CSD-Microsoft ³
³ TRN-AHS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ AHS Solitaire I ³
³ F8BROC04.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:CDR ³ My Advanced Brochures ³
³ LC-VST2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Vesta Plus ³
³ OBS-EXX4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:CDR ³ Extruder v4.1 ³
³ PWAAWB88.ZIP ³ 89 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Animatek World Builder ³
³ PWAWMHSM.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WNT:DSK ³ Watermark's Enterprise HMS ³
³ SCS-PIM8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ DOS:DSK ³ X-Space's Picmaps 1 : Material Library ³
³ TC-IMS02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ IMS Client Server Toolkit ³
³ TC-VCW03.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Video Craft v3.0 ³
³ TWL-SUR1.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Surecom v1.1 ³
³ VEL-ASS6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ DOS:CDR ³ All-Star Sports Collection ³
³ DOD95R3B.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Remove-It v3.0 ³
³ DODMICW4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ MCSC Challenge Interactive ³
³ DSG_FX17.ZIP ³ 17 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Freex ³
³ EM11PWA7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Emissary Office v1.1 ³
³ EXCD595L.ZIP ³ 12 ³ W95:CDR ³ Hummingbird Exceed v5.0 ³
³ FMPWA-2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:DSK ³ FastMove v1.01 ³
³ HF-POBJF.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Oracle Power Objects v1.0.12 ³
³ IND-EN2.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Enote v2.0 ³
³ PNT-EA2H.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Explore Anywhere v2.0 ³
³ PWAMAX5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ Maximizer v3.0 ³
³ PWAPA01.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ PharmAssist ³
³ 4KOF&GD9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Fun and Games Deluxe ³
³ DODRE3DE.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Realsoft Real 3-D v3.3 ³
³ FCS-FDC7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Full Destruction ³
³ HF-POBJO.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Oracle Power ³
³ IND-DC8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WFW:CDR ³ DataCad Pro v5.05 ³
³ PNT-NC5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ OS2:CDR ³ Netcomber ³
³ PNTDB95L.ZIP ³ 12 ³ W95:DSK ³ DB/2 Server v2.1 ³
³ TI'MAJ4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:CDR ³ Math Ace Junior ³
³ TILTCD32.ZIP ³ 32 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Tilt! ³
³ TMNMHDPK.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:CDR ³ MS Holiday Pack ³
³ ULC-PHS1.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Physics ³
³ VIR-ENV6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Envelope v1.1 ³
³ DMN-ADK6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ W95:DSK ³ MS Access Developers Kit 95 ³
³ IND-CW4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ CodeWright v3.1 ³
³ IND-EBN.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Birthday News ³
³ IND-EM5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Mainfram v4.1 ³
³ L-CCHSS3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:CDR ³ Championship Chess ³
³ N3ANSM-1.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Computer Based Training ³
³ PWAHACS2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ HyperAccess v2.10 ³
³ SCSRZR24.ZIP ³ 4 ³ W95:cdr ³ Razor II ³
³ TC-PROBE.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Analyst/Probe v3.5 ³
³ DODBC561.ZIP ³ 61 ³ W95:CDR ³ BORLAND C++ v5.0 ³
³ IND-HDK3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ HyperText Development Kit v2.0 ³
³ PNC-3DW1.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:CDR ³ 3D-Ware v2.0 ³
³ PWA754_3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Dr.Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit ³
³ PWAINTC3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Internet Coach for Netscape ³
³ RANGERSS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Power Rangers SS ³
³ RORLMN24.ZIP ³ 24 ³ W95:CDR ³ The Lords of Midnight ³
³ SDM-SL13.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Stylus Lingvo Office ³
³ TAHDICT4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ The American Heritage Dictionary ³
³ UCFUNP5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Unprotect Pro v1019-1408 ³
³ COPSGL2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Goldmine ³
³ DODRFX7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Real 3D v3.3 ³
³ L-BUTT29.ZIP ³ 29 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Beavis & Butt-head in Virtual Stupidity ³
³ LSPDEV11.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ ER-View Version v1.1 Enhanced ³
³ NRG-BEX1.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Arcada Backup Exec v7.01a ³
³ PNT-INC2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Incorporate ³
³ PNT-WLC2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Wonderlink Client ³
³ RBS-DDE7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ DataDirect Explorer v1.0 ³
³ REFLE5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Reflection 1 ³
³ VCR_BT09.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ BigTop Interactive ³
³ EDG-SPR3.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ SuperPrint v4.0 ³
³ EOD-CCX3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Chewy ³
³ GOD-NAM3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Namease v1.0 ³
³ PONGWN95.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Pong ³
³ PSH-HB26.ZIP ³ 27 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Familly Health Book v1.30 ³
³ PWAIAC10.ZIP ³ 10 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Internet with an Accent ³
³ T96-VGT.ZIP ³ 29 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Graph Vision ³
³ TC-W3D35.ZIP ³ 35 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Asymetrix Web 3D v1.0 ³
³ TMNHSCI5.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ HSC Interactive ³
³ TRIO2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Trio Fax v5.0 ³
³ DODQB07.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ QuickBooks Pro 1996 ³
³ DRE-NET3.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Microforum's Internet Connection ³
³ L-TNDCD4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Tornado v1.0e ³
³ LSPD-DI3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Digital Ink ³
³ LSPD-ME.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Magic Enchantments SS ³
³ PNC-MDL.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Miami Dolphins SS ³
³ PWA-LTB3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ LivingTrust Builder v4.0 ³
³ SOL-MES2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ OS2:DSK ³ Mesa/2 v2.1 Spreadsheet ³
³ TGFLUG34.ZIP ³ 34 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Links386 Pro Golf ³
³ TMNHSCI9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ HSC Interactive ³
³ UCFACR15.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Adobe Acrobat Exchange v2.1 ³
³ GOD-49R2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ NFL Team SS ³
³ M8DIG-29.ZIP ³ 37 ³ WFW:CDR ³ The Dig ³
³ SOLDAPIZ.ZIP ³ 39 ³ OS2:CDR ³ IBM Dapie Package ³
³ TC-TAX05.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ TurboTax ³
³ TI-TB423.ZIP ³ 23 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Twin Bridge Multilingual Series v4.0 ³
³ VCR_EM17.ZIP ³ 17 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Edmark Sales Pack Deal ³
³ VIA-CK24.ZIP ³ 24 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Cinema ³
³ DODW3M45.ZIP ³ 45 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Word Pro 96 Multilingual ³
³ ERXPWA4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ ERwin/ERX v2.5 ³
³ KRYAB825.ZIP ³ 25 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Abalon ³
³ LKCCHK41.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Check v4.1 ³
³ PLC_CRE6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Creation ³
³ PNT-LR2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ LAN Remote v3.1.1 ³
³ RZMP!DM8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ W95:CDR ³ ClanTech Data Manager Plus ³
³ VIA-BL06.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ The Holy Bible v2.0 ³
³ VIA-T201.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ T2 : Limited SS ³
³ XFRW8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Reflection 4c ³
³ AT-IMKS3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:CDR ³ Immortal Klowns ³
³ M-FCOLR2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Flying Colors ³
³ MPCN3206.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ MicroSoft Mail PC Networks v3.2 ³
³ PWAIE116.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ InterEcho v1.16 ³
³ TI'7MOD3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ CNE Quizer ³
³ ULC-CK41.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ CheckIt v4.0 ³
³ ACE-PT17.ZIP ³ 17 ³ W95:CDR ³ PeachTree Accounting v3.5 ³
³ ARC-SA15.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Arcade America Scenario Add-On ³
³ CCG-MSG7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Microsoft Golf ³
³ DN_DTO03.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Day Time Organizer ³
³ DODHF31D.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ HotFax ³
³ DODHF95E.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WNT:DSK ³ HotFax ³
³ DODZPIT2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Vertisoft Zip-It! ³
³ ETC_CC24.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Corel CD Creator v2.0 ³
³ L-PB4000.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Pinball 4000 ³
³ LANDIST8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ OS2:CDR ³ Lan Distance ³
³ RBSBOF5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Behavior-Outcome Feedback v2.03 ³
³ RBSHSW3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ HelpStar v3.2 ³
³ RORTMG01.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Timegate : Knight's Chase ³
³ SPDUDE-4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Space Dude ³
³ TO-DAOS5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Microsoft Data Access Objects ³
³ TUB-ABS6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ AirBorne Express Shipping Software ³
³ VIA-BK02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Brother's Keeper v5.2 ³
³ WBS101E4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ McAfee's Web Scan 101x2 ³
³ DABB2-04.ZIP ³ 10 ³ W95:CDR ³ Dabbler v2.0 ³
³ DODOMNI5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ OmniForm v2.0 ³
³ DOMCM2I5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Championship Manager 2 : Italian League ³
³ ECD75W95.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ ESS-Code v7.4 ³
³ EISPAK11.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ MicroSoft Excel EIS Builder v1.1 ³
³ INST803.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ HD Program Installer v8.03 ³
³ M-VCPSK3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Visual C++ Starter Kit ³
³ NFS-TD01.ZIP ³ 39 ³ W95:CDR ³ Total Distortion ³
³ NFSMDW-9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ DOS:CDR ³ NFS Maestro TCP/IP ³
³ NFSMW956.ZIP ³ 8 ³ W95:CDR ³ NFS Maestro ³
³ OG-VPPS3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Visioneer Paperport Software v3.0 ³
³ PWA-QGR3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:DSK ³ GameRunner 3 ³
³ TO-CRVC9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Crystal Reports ³
³ TO-SS405.ZIP ³ 5 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Source Safe v4.0 ³
³ TUB-WET.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Windows Emphasis Tool ³
³ UCLW3211.ZIP ³ 11 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Microsoft Win32 Toolset ³
³ VIA-AW03.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Author Work Model ³
³ XFNVNT20.ZIP ³ 20 ³ WNT:CDR ³ DEC NETview v3.02 ³
³ BROKEEP.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Brother's Keeper ³
³ CC96-4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Card Collector '96 ³
³ CNAMOV34.ZIP ³ 34 ³ DOS:CDR ³ The Ladies Club : Poker Night Movies ³
³ CORALRSS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Coral Reef SS ³
³ ICU143.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ ICU v1.43 ³
³ IMG10PWA.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Imaging v1.00.00 ³
³ INETAP10.ZIP ³ 10 ³ W95:CDR ³ Internet Applications ³
³ L-SIDEL7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Sideline Sports ³
³ M-QWEB13.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WFW:CDR ³ WebCompass ³
³ RBSDUPE.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Duplicate Filefinder v2.0 ³
³ RBSLOCKT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ LOCKtite v2.3 ³
³ SPOS2-17.ZIP ³ 18 ³ OS2:CDR ³ IBM Smalltalk Professional ³
³ SPW-21.ZIP ³ 21 ³ WFW:CDR ³ IBM Smalltalk Professional ³
³ X5NTXDKG.ZIP ³ 16 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Exceed 5 ³
³ ABI-3DP2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ 3D Swimsuit Paradise SS ³
³ BBNASD5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ W95:CDR ³ Nascar 3D Racing ³
³ CDS30-47.ZIP ³ 47 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Client Data System v3.0 ³
³ CEMAHT16.ZIP ³ 26 ³ W95:CDR ³ CEMA Guide to Home Theater ³
³ DABB2-08.ZIP ³ 10 ³ W95:CDR ³ Dabbler v2.0 ³
³ FINGD100.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Finger Daemon Server v1.0 ³
³ FTE-WCH3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Worlds Chat v8d ³
³ HHG-AD02.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ After Dark Complete Collection ³
³ HTMLAUTH.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ HTML Author Ver v4.4 ³
³ LKCCHK43.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ CHECK v4.3 Virus Protection ³
³ MYSTERY3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Mystery at the Museums ³
³ NFS_DEV5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Media Developer OCX ³
³ OG-VPPV.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Visioneer Paperport Viewer v2.0 ³
³ RBSEDITP.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ EditPartner v1.0 ³
³ RBSIFA40.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Instant File Access v4.00 ³
³ RBSINTER.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Internet LogMeter v2.01d ³
³ RBSMCD.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Music CD v3.0 ³
³ RBSMULOG.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ MULog v1.0 ³
³ SNCODBT2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ ODBTalk For Visual Age v2.5 ³
³ TEMPEST.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Tempest 2000 ³
³ TO-DAE43.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Data Access Explorer ³
³ VIA-H02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:CDR ³ SVGA Harrier ³
³ VIA-PB03.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Power BBS v5.3 ³
³ XF-SEMI4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Lotus Gold Seminar ³
³ ZOTH3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Zone of Thunder v1.98 ³
³ ACE-SS4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Stationary Store v1.5 ³
³ AIR5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Airforce Commander ³
³ BILL-28.ZIP ³ 28 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Bill English Lessons ³
³ MSQ-WCS.ZIP ³ 28 ³ OS2:CDR ³ Watcom C++ v10.5 ³
³ MSQREL27.ZIP ³ 27 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Reflection Suite v5.5 ³
³ PM2PWA3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Paper Master v2.0 ³
³ RAD-GD34.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:DSK ³ NAT v3.01 ³
³ RBS-BIT2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Cheyenne BitWare ³
³ SOS2301P.ZIP ³ 16 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Star Office v3.01a ³
³ TC-DIR47.ZIP ³ 47 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Director Academic v4.0 ³
³ THCNCPE3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:CDR ³ NetScape Navigator ³
³ TNGTHEME.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Star Trek : TNG Theme Pack ³
³ UCFA16NT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WNT:DSK ³ Ataman TCP Remote Login Services ³
³ WARPTK10.ZIP ³ 18 ³ OS2:CDR ³ OS/2 Warp Developers ³
³ AWPRO_3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Autorware Professional v2.01 ³
³ CEMAHT26.ZIP ³ 26 ³ W95:CDR ³ CEMA Guide to Home Theater ³
³ MSFCLT23.ZIP ³ 32 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Microsoft Foundation Class Library ³
³ PWA-PB04.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ PowerBroker v3.5 Extended C++ ³
³ PWATERM2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Pro One Windows Term Paper ³
³ RBSALCH.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Soft Alchemy v1.5 ³
³ RBSCATM2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Catalog Maker v1.6 ³
³ RBSDDATA.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Diskplayer Music DataBase v1.6 ³
³ RBSFWEB7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Front Page WWW Server v1.0.2 ³
³ RBSPAPE2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Flying Things ³
³ RED!YW13.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Internet Yellow Pages ³
³ RLX-AIV3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Alien Invasion ³
³ RORMSK45.ZIP ³ 45 ³ DOS:CDR ³ The Mask : The Origin ³
³ TC-IMP06.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Impressionists Calendar ³
³ CSW-PWA.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Collector's Showcase ³
³ DICWALP.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Wallpaper Graphics ³
³ DID-AS10.ZIP ³ 10 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Expert Astrology ³
³ DOD31SI3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Schedule It! v3.0 ³
³ DOD95SI3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Schedule It! v3.0 ³
³ FPABC29.ZIP ³ 29 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Fisher Price ABC Complete ³
³ PWA-PTSW.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Personal Timesheet v1.0 ³
³ PWA-TTD2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Turbo Tax '95 ³
³ RBSFBLD4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Intel FLASHBuilder v3.0 ³
³ SCL-PBP4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Picture BlackJack ³
³ SPSOS206.ZIP ³ 10 ³ OS2:CDR ³ IBM Smalltalk Pro Server ³
³ WB31WPWA.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ WineBase v3.1 ³
³ XGLOBAL9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ WFW:CDR ³ X-GLOBAL v1.0 ³
³ CF-MS95F.ZIP ³ 19 ³ DOS:CDR ³ MicroStation 95 v5.5.1 ³
³ DODGCGL2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ Graphics Converter Gold ³
³ NTRK-05.ZIP ³ 26 ³ WNT:CDR ³ WinNT Dev Resource Kit ³
³ PST-NB42.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ NovaBack v4.01 ³
³ RCYCLE-6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Ring Cycle ³
³ REALDEA4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Real Deal ³
³ RLX-MBG2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ MVP Backgammon ³
³ RWW32.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Revol Web Maker ³
³ TC-APM16.ZIP ³ 16 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Adobe Pagemaker v6.0 ³
³ TUB-WD14.ZIP ³ 14 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Webster's New World Dictionary ³
³ VEE-SWP2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ PC-Sweep 32 v3.51 ³
³ XFPS51K.ZIP ³ 11 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Printing Services ³
³ CBTWT-3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Computer Based Training Win Tracs ³
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³ EVILAND5.ZIP ³ 5 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Evil Land ³
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³ FN-SPN08.ZIP ³ 53 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Spanish-Now! v4.0 ³
³ MSQ-AMT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ AM-TAX Federal Returns'95 ³
³ RBSWEBSR.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Internet on a Disk ³
³ SOL-DMST.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ DirMaster v2.22 ³
³ T96-KNGW.ZIP ³ 32 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Long Live The King ³
³ TC-ZIPTL.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ Iomega Ziptools v4.01 ³
³ TCIBM01.ZIP ³ 37 ³ WFW:CDR ³ TCP/IP Client Applications Server ³
³ VIA-CC20.ZIP ³ 20 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Chaos Control ³
³ ARCUSA60.ZIP ³ 62 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Arcade America ³
³ DMN-MMF3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:CDR ³ MultiMedia French ³
³ DODTTPS4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ DOS:CDR ³ TurboTax ProSeries/1040 ³
³ PNT-NSR4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ NS/Router v5.01 ³
³ PNT-QAE3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Quick & Easy Federal Jobs Kit ³
³ PNTLWCT4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ LabWindows/CVI SQL Toolkit ³
³ RBSSCYT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Scytale v1.2 ³
³ RBSSURFC.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Surfer Central v1.20 ³
³ SDM-AIDS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ AIDS Test 1381 ³
³ SDM-DWEB.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ DR. Web v3.08 ³
³ SOLWIN02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:CDR ³ Solitaire Deluxe ³
³ TC-NBK01.ZIP ³ 2 ³ W95:DSK ³ NovaBack v4.50 ³
³ TC-NFSM6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ NFS Maestro for Microsoft TCP/IP ³
³ TC-X5XWD.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Exceed/Xpress 5 ³
³ UCFTWH00.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ NewView v1.1 ³
³ DOD-WC15.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Interactive Wine Cellar ³
³ ESPNEXT9.ZIP ³ 9 ³ DOS:CDR ³ ESPN Extreme Games ³
³ FN-MTL42.ZIP ³ 42 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Mathematics Library ³
³ FN-PRNB6.ZIP ³ 6 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Winn L. Rosch's Printer Bible ³
³ PWACWP95.ZIP ³ 1 ³ W95:DSK ³ CardWizard Pro v1.10.02 ³
³ PWATELNT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Pragma Systems InterAccess ³
³ RADIX06.ZIP ³ 6 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Radix ³
³ RBS-MPT1.ZIP ³ 3 ³ WFW:DSK ³ IBM Multi Transport Protocol Services ³
³ RBS-PER1.ZIP ³ 8 ³ OS2:DSK ³ IBM Peer to Peer v1.00 ³
³ RBSVIDLA.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Video Launch Pad v2.3 ³
³ RTHVISD2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:CDR ³ Visualizer Development v1.2 ³
³ VFN-MAN3.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:DSK ³ Hangman ³
³ VIA-QC02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Quatra Command ³
³ VRT7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Super Scape ³
³ CRAYST27.ZIP ³ 27 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Crayola Art ³
³ DMN-EXDS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Exchange Server ³
³ FIFONETT.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ NetTerm v2.8.3 ³
³ L-ICEF18.ZIP ³ 18 ³ W95:CDR ³ Ice and Fire ³
³ PNT-NC02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Neural Connection v1.0 ³
³ PWAMRC1A.ZIP ³ 19 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Microstation CAD ³
³ RBS-LW95.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Lan Services ³
³ RBSMTW1.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Message Tracker v1.0 ³
³ RT-PSD01.ZIP ³ 56 ³ W95:CDR ³ Printshop Deluxe Ensemble II ³
³ SDMDN142.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Navigator II v1.42 ³
³ TC-DIRS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Director Academic v4.0 ³
³ TI-AD106.ZIP ³ 1 ³ OS2:DSK ³ AdeptX BBS v1.06 ³
³ VIA-DR13.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Director v4.0 ³
³ VIA-SP02.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ SoftTerm Plus ³
³ XF-DAEN4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:CDR ³ IBM VisualAge C++ Dist. App. DevKit ³
³ DMN-EXW8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Exchange v4.0 ³
³ DMNPRNTO.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Pronto TCP/IP mail connection v1.05 ³
³ DMNRFTP2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Reflection FTP Client v5.01 ³
³ DODSTM23.ZIP ³ 23 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Studiom/M v1.0 ³
³ DOD_FPP2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ DOS:DSK ³ F-PROT Professional v2.21.3 ³
³ MNC-HWH1.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Homework Helper v1.1 ³
³ NBT-TWS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Tommorow's World SS ³
³ PNT-ATVP.ZIP ³ 17 ³ WFW:CDR ³ ActivAda Personal Edition ³
³ BGFAX155.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ BGFax v1.55 ³
³ COPSBPW.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Business Pro ³
³ JOHNNY.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Johnny Bazookatone ³
³ L-CGAME2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Card Game Classics ³
³ MSQPAR4.ZIP ³ 4 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Partition Magic Pro v2.01 ³
³ NFSAHD01.ZIP ³ 12 ³ W95:CDR ³ American Heritage Dictionary ³
³ SAWPLUS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Software Audio Workshop Plus v2.0 ³
³ SONIC01.ZIP ³ 15 ³ W95:CDR ³ Sonic the Hedgehog ³
³ TXBDOD39.ZIP ³ 39 ³ WFW:CDR ³ TurboTax 1995 Business Edition ³
³ ULCMWS19.ZIP ³ 34 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Math-Workshop ³
³ CSTAR2-9.ZIP ³ 12 ³ W95:CDR ³ C Star v2.0 ³
³ DMN-E953.ZIP ³ 3 ³ W95:CDR ³ Exchange ³
³ DMN-ENT7.ZIP ³ 7 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Exchange ³
³ DMN_EXDS.ZIP ³ 1 ³ DOS:DSK ³ Exchange Server ³
³ DRC-LFS1.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:DSK ³ LifeForm ³
³ HHGPTGW8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WFW:DSK ³ Power Translator ³
³ HOPE-FA9.ZIP ³ 48 ³ W95:CDR ³ Frankenstein II ³
³ PNT-WWR2.ZIP ³ 2 ³ WFW:CDR ³ WinWay Resume v3.0 ³
³ RWEB10-8.ZIP ³ 8 ³ WNT:CDR ³ Microrim's R : Web v1.0 ³
³ SCUML16M.ZIP ³ 13 ³ WIN:CDR ³ Lotus Notes v4.0 ³
³ SCUMLN4O.ZIP ³ 15 ³ WFW:CDR ³ Lotus Notes v4.0 ³
³ TC-VAS2R.ZIP ³ 27 ³ OS2:CDR ³ IBM VisualAge for Smalltalk ³
³ TC-VASWT.ZIP ³ 29 ³ WFW:CDR ³ IBM VisualAge for Smalltalk ³
ÞÛÛßÜßÜÜþ ßܱ²²ÜßÛÛßÜßßþ²ÛÛÛ² þÞ°±Ýßß²ÛÛÛ²ÝÜßÜþ²ÛÛ²ß ßÜ ßÜÜÜ°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²þßÜÜß±²ÛÛÛÝÛÛ²°Ü°±²ÝÞÞ°±ß ±²²ßÜÜ°±²Üß²Û²±ßßÛ°ßßß ²ÛÛ² ܲ߰²ÛÛ²ßÜ°±ÝÛß°±² ²ÛÛ²ßÜ Ü±²²ßÜÜß²ÛÛÛÛÛ² Û°± ÞÞ° ²Û²±ßÛ°±ÛÛ°±² ²Û²ÞÝÛÛ ±²ÛÛÛ²ßÜ Ü² ²Û²°Û °°± ްݱ²ÛÛ²Þ °±ß ÜÞ²Û ²ÛÛÛÛÝÝÞ°Ý þ°Ý²Û²±ÝÞ°Û ÜßÛ°±Ý±²²±ÝÞ° ²ÛÛÛ²±ßÜß°±ÝÛÛÛ²ÞÝÞ°Ý° °²Û²°ÜÞ°±² Þ °±Ý²ÛÛÛÛÛ² °Ý Ü°ß°²Û² ÛÞ°ÛÝ Û Û°Ý²ÛÛ²þÞÛ ²ÛÛÛÛÛ²ÞÝÞ° ²ÛÛ²°Ü ° ²Þ°°±ÜÜß²²ÞÝÛ°±²ÜÛ۰ݲÛÛÞßÛßÜ°ÜÛßÜÛ²ÛÛÛ² ÜßÛ°ÜÜÜÛßܲÛÛ²Þ ° ±²ÛÛÛÛ² ÝÞݲÛÛÛ²° ÜßÜÛÜß°°ßܲÛÛ² Üß°Ûß ÛÛݱßÝ ßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ß ß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ü þÜÜ Þ°° Üß
º º
º The following is just a short survey on warez groups. Please take º
º the time to fill it out and return it to the following address : º
º º
º º
º º
º Which GAMES group is #1? º
º º
º [ ] Hybrid º
º [ ] Legacy º
º [ ] Napalm º
º [ ] Razor 1911 º
º º
º Which UTILS group is #1? º
º º
º [ ] Corporation º
º [ ] Drink or Die º
º [ ] Pantera º
º [ ] Pirates with Attitudes º
º [ ] Rebels º
º [ ] X-Force º
º º
º Which BI group is #1? º
º º
º [ ] Demolition º
º [ ] Need for Speed º
º [ ] Pinnacle º
º [ ] Release on Rampage º
º º
º Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of NET couriering? º
º º
º [ ] Everlast º
º [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange º
º [ ] Malice º
º [ ] Mindcrash º
º [ ] Motiv8 º
º [ ] Request to Send º
º [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering º
º º
º Which TRADE group is #1 in the field of BBS couriering? º
º º
º [ ] Everlast º
º [ ] Fast Action Trading Exchange º
º [ ] Malice º
º [ ] Mindcrash º
º [ ] Motiv8 º
º [ ] Request to Send º
º [ ] Rise in Superior Couriering º
º º
º º
º Please E-Mail all responses to º
º º
º º
³ ³
³ ³
³ Hitex : Editor ³
³ Rebel Chicken : Editor ³
³ ³
³ Xenon : Coder/Musician ³
³ RATM : WebSite ³
³ Cryptic : Art Design ³
³ ³
³ Akira 7 : Writer ³
³ Entropy : Writer ³
³ ICP : Writer ³
³ Ionizer : Writer ³
³ Manic : Writer ³
³ Trite : Writer ³
³ ³
³ Atomic : Guest Writer ³
³ Demaxxus : Guest Writer ³
³ Drapper : Guest Writer ³
³ Format : Guest Writer ³
³ Krypto : Guest Writer ³
³ ³
³ WebSite : ³
³ E-Mail : AN385786@ANON.PENET.FI ³
³ ³
³ ³