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On the Jazz - Vol 02 Issue 24

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On the Jazz
 · 1 Sep 2020


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The totally unofficial A-Team electronic mail newsletter
***** Now in it's second year of publication !! *****

Reflector submission address: onthejazz

Administrivia: Nicole Pellegrini
PLEASE use the following address for subscribe/unsubscribe
and back issue requests (do NOT send them to onthejazz!!):
*** pellegri ***
Also use that address if you wish to change your subscription status
to receive the newsletters only (or go from newsletter to news + reflector).

The A-Team Homepage:
*The A-Team On the Web:
*The A-Team Hawaii Page:

*Homes of the On the Jazz Newsletter Archives
DATE: August 26, 1996
Howdy everyone,

A busy past few weeks, lots of stuff to mention and recap here. I'd also
like to say first that I hope everyone reads through to the end on this
one, because I have a few important comments to make after the usual
proceedings. Thanx in advance.

Biggest announcement, which some of you have heard by now is that the "fx"
cable station is slated to start airing "The A-Team" come this fall -
starting September 16th. This is great news, I'm sure, for many of the
people who have been eager to see the show again. More info on the exact
time slot and scheduling when I hear it.
With the coming of fall and the return of many folks to school, I'd like to
propose for our Philly-area subscribers the


Come by and watch A-Team and related stuff all day on my brand new (ie,
much bigger screen) TV, eat, drink and be merry. While watching episodes
from original, unedited NBC broadcasts of the show, we can play the A-Team
board game, card game, and even put together a giant Mr. T jigsaw puzzle.
It'll be a truly mind-numbing a fun way to waste away an entire day.

The location as before will be Center City Philadelphia. The date will
depend on what suggestion you provide - I would like to suggest late
September, either a Saturday or Sunday. If you are interested in checking
it out, please contact me to RSVP and tell me your preference for a date.
Also let me know if you need information on getting here and/or possibly
carpooling with someone else.
Finally in the news, some fanzine updates. As mentioned before,the
deadline for submissions to "The A-Files" is October 1. Barring unforseen
complications with my thesis proposal, the publication date will be in
early November. You can reserve a copy now by emailing me.

Also, I am now announcng a deadline for submissions to "Plans Scams and
Vans 3" of January 1, 1997. The submission date for Issue #3 may close
before then, however, depending on how much material is received - I
already have about 50 pages of submissions for it and much more "in the
works" or promised to me before then...for more details on either project
(A-Files is for A-Team/X-Files fiction and material only, PSV is an all
A-Team fiction/info 'zine), contact me via email.
A couple of Dwight Schultz "sightings" to report this issue...first, the
current U.S. issue of TV Guide (The Star Trek special issue) has a nice
picture and short blurb on Dwight in their "Rogue's Gallery" feature,
mentioning his role as Barclay on Star Trek. Dwight was also just in the
new "Hart to Hart" TV-movie which aired August 25th on the Family Channel -
I haven't seen it yet, am waiting for the tape, so I don't know how big of
a role he had in it.

Also, one of our subscribers recently saw Dwight at a convention in Europe.
Here's her report, posted last week to the mailing list:

From: Sonja Horstmann <amyallen>
To: onthejazz
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:47:36 MESZ

Hello everybody!

I visited a Star Trek Con in Hamm / Germany last Sunday and guess who was there?
Dwight Schultz. I missed his panel but in the afternoon he was signing things
along with Robert O'Reilly. When it was my turn I handed him an old A-Team
Poster Magazine which he quite liked (almost everyone else had brought
ST related material for signing) and asked him about the movie. (You would
all have condamned me if I didn't, right?) He said "no one has ever been
contacted to retake his former role in a new production of the A-Team". I
think he said "no one has ever been contacted" at least twice...But he
thinks it could be possible that the three survivors would be offered some
cameo roles like storkekeepers or thrashmen. I would have asked him if he
would take such a role but there were about 200 people waiting behind me so
I left after he signed the poster and my "H.M." Baseball Cap. But I took
some nice photos and listened to some interesting interpretation he gave
along with Robert of some Klingon Opera. Sitting there and singing reminded
me much of Murdock - I think Dwight might have the same kind of humor than
him :-)

Then there was an AOL conference in the evening where Dwight answered some
questions again and one guy asked about the movie, too. But Dwight said nothing
new. During the closing ceremony he said that he 'd learned one German sentence
during the weekend which was "Haben Sie ein Bier vom Fass" which means
"Do you have some beer out of a barrel?".

I really enjoyed the Convention although I'm no ST Fan. It was nice seeing
Dwight, he was very friendly and spent hours signing everything people gave
him ignoring entirely the coupons the organisers had made. (only one autograph
per person, only three autographs in total)

If I hadn't been a fan of Dwight before this weekend would have made me one.

At least we can be sure now that none of the three has been asked to take
their original roles in the movie. Dwight added that he didn't want to end
up playing Murdock with 60 years. But as he's much younger now - who knows...

Hope this didn't bore you and was of some help to you. If anyone has some
questions left, perhaps I forgot something or is interested in photos, mail
me. But please notice that I'll spend the whole September in California
(any fans out there) and I don't know if I'll make it to uni once again
before I'm leaving.

We now have the complete transcript of SJC's recent chat session on AOL. I
hope you all enjoy reading it! Thanx to you subscribers who got through
with A-Team questions, and thanx to JTalbert for sending me the

Tuesday, August 6th, 1996

AbcLIVE:Here's a few words about Mr. Cannell
OnlineHost:During Stephen J. Cannell's 30 year career, he has: overcome
dyslexia to become one of the most prolific writers in the history of
television; created over 40 shows including The Rockford Files, The A-Team,
Wiseguy, and ABC-TV's current program, The Commish. Send questions by using
the INTERACT button at the top of your screen!

OnlineHost:Stephen J. Cannell has also made a successful transition into the
literary world and became a national bestselling author with his debut novel,
"The Plan." Now Cannell is following up his initial publishing success with
"Final Victim." Send Mr. Cannell your questions by using the Interact button
at the top of your screen.

AbcLIVE:We'll begin today with our first question!
Question:What's in the cards for future Wiseguy Movies?
CannellSJ:We did the one movie on ABC - it ran against Seinfeld and didn't do
as well as I had hoped. Hopefully, ABC will be interested in making another
Question:how do come with so many show ideas?
CannellSJ:People often ask me that question.. and I never can quite answer
it. For me, coming up with ideas for stories or concepts for television shows
has always been a very easy thing to do. But I have trouble balancing my
checkbook. So all things balance out in the end.
AbcLIVE:Next question --
Question:What aspect of the business do you enjoy doing the most?
CannellSJ:The thing I most like about television is writing. I started as a
writer and try and write 5 hours every day. Most of my success has come out
of my typewriter and I really enjoy that part of mine the most.
AbcLIVE:Here's another TV question --
Question:Do you have any new shows cominmg out soon?
CannellSJ:I have a new show coming on in first run syndication called "Two".
It is about a young man (college professor) whose life is being destroyed by
an evil twin he didn't know that he had. They were separated at birth. It
stars Michael Easton and I'm very excited about it. It will be coming on in
AbcLIVE:We're looking forward to it! Our next question is about your new
Question:What made you decide it was time to write another novel?
CannellSJ:I really enjoyed writing "The Plan." It was a national bestseller
in hard cover and paperback. That encouraged me to write "Final Victim" - it
deals with a serial killer who is a computer genius. He uses his computer to
alter the elements of his crime scene so the police when they investigate and
put evidence into their computer, can not match up their crimes. It's about
the 3 desparate characters who come together to catch him and involves a
battle in cyberspace to do it. It's in hardcover now. I'm also very excited
about Chris.
AbcLIVE:Here's just a nice comment for Stephen J. Cannell!
Comment:I've been a fan for many years. Great move bringing Chris Potter to
Silk Stalkings! Good luck with the sixth season.
Question:Kudos on getting Chris Potter for Silk Stalkings -- how much of that
decision was yours?
CannellSJ:Chris somehow managed to get a copy of my script which was the new
pilot for Silk Stalkings. He was in Toronto and he put himself on videotape
reading the scenes from the pilot and sent it to me. I knew him from the new
Kung Fu and thought he was terrific doing the scenes. We brought him to LA,
read him for the network - he was the hands
down winner. I love it when the plan comes together.
Question:How's the book doing? We'll be seeing you tomorrow at the
signing.... You're apparently enjoying writing....? :)
CannellSJ:The book's doing very well. It's selling briskly all across the
country. My hope is word of mouth from the people who've read it will drive
the sells even higher.
Question:Ken Wahl seems _made_ for Vinnie Terranova! Any word on how his
health is doing?
CannellSJ:Ken is trying to get some orthopedic help for his neck. It's giving
him a lot of pain. I know he'll get that fixed and be back to work soon.
AbcLIVE:Here's another Wiseguy question from AnnieRu --
Question:The Wiseguy character of Roger Lococco was wonderful -- any chance
of a spin-off?
CannellSJ:I agree. And at this point, probably not as we've sort of passed
that time by, but it was a terrific protrayal by William Russ.
AbcLIVE:Ruoti10 has this to say --
Question:A lot of A-Team fans are upset that the original actors won't star
in The A-Team movie. Is that definite? Or do you plan to create totally new
characters for the movie? I hope no one replaces the original Team.
CannellSJ:George Peppard has passed away. And pretty generally, the feeling
is when you do a big budget feature film based
on a television show, you should replace all the leads so that the movie does
not feel like a television episode, but I intend to offer parts to the old
cast of the show if they are available and if Universal agrees. Stay tuned on
that one.
AbcLIVE:Here's a question about an ABC-TV show --
Comment:Are you working on any Commish movies? Will the Commish ever be a
sitcom again?
CannellSJ:The Commish wasn't a sitcom - it was an hour drama, but it had a
light touch. It could conceivably get ordered again for two hour movies.
We'll have to wait and see. Write ABC!
AbcLIVE:Here's one pulled out from the past --
Question:I'm a big fan of "Greatest American Hero". Can you talk a little
about that show and will be ever see it in reruns?
CannellSJ:It reruns constantly - right now it's on FX. We only had 56 or so
episodes, so it is not a big syndication
package, but because of its humor and timelessness, it tends to show up in
syndicaton frequently - market to market. You'll have to keep your eye on
your TV listings to find it.
AbcLIVE:Aspierce wants to know --
Question:Was your appearance on Magnum PI (AAPI) your first on-screen
CannellSJ:My first appearance was in a movie for Robert Conrad and his
company "A Shane Productions" The movie was Charlie Hanna. The I did the
Magnum PI Then I appeared in a feature film directed by Melvin Van Peoples
and then Mario, his son,
AbcLIVE:that would be Peeples :)
CannellSJ:cast me in "Posse." All of this led to my playing on Renegade. I
get a kick out of acting, but I'm glad it's not my only source of income.
AbcLIVE:Stephen J. Cannell really is a jack of all trades! Here's a question
about "the biz" --
Question:What advice would you have to a writer with a TV show pilot idea?
CannellSJ:My advice to all writers is to start by writing episodes of
existing TV shows. Don't start by writing pilots. Pilots are at the top of
the tree. Networks want people they have had a relationship with to be
creators of their shows. It's not the concept that's important, it's the way
you execute the concept. For instance, the concept for the Rockford Files - a
private detective who lives at the beach and only handles closed cases. Not
much of an idea but because of its execution, it was an Emmy-winning six year
hit. Start by writing episodes, selling them, and becoming a familiar
commodity at the networks. Then THEY will suggest you write a pilot.
AbcLIVE:Perhaps this question should be asked -- what show are you most proud
of --
Question:Which of your shows do you feel is your favorite?
CannellSJ:The Rockford Files stands tall in my memory because before that
show went on the air, I was a nobody. (The lowest paid writer at Universal).
And after six years, my career was on fire because of Rockford. Plus Jim
Garner and all of our cast and everyone behind the scenes - writers,
directors, producers were all good friends. So it was a very pleasant,
creative, social experience.
AbcLIVE:Here's a wonderful question for Emmy award-winning writer, Stephen J.
Cannell --
Question:You've often talked about overcoming your dyslexia. Is this a test
today on the keyboard?
CannellSJ:I am not typing these responses. Ha ha ha. If I were, I doubt most
of you would be able to read this unless
you were great at phonetic spelling. I write at the typewriter, I'm very
fast, but I spell everything incorrectly.
CannellSJ:I have 3 secretaries who have been with me for a long time who can
read what I've written and who retype it into a computer for me to do pencil
edits the next day. This process allowed me to write 10 TV scripts and one
412 page novel last year. People sometimes say a computer would speed me up,
but I don't think I want to go any faster.
Question:first, I want to say that I love just about all of your shows.
Thanks for some great television! I was wondering (as part of the On The
Jazz mailing list) what you can tell us about the new "A-Team" movie. As big
fans of the "A-Team", my friends
and I are very worried that Hollywood will try to ruin it like they have
other movies.
CannellSJ:I'm going to be involved in supervising the scripting as well as
producing the A-Team movie, so I hope you won't be disappointed.
Question:You have been very successful writing/producing action/adventure
series. Have you tried any other formats? ie. Comedy or Soaps?
CannellSJ:I have a daytime drama/soap in development in NBC. It's currently
in development.
CannellSJ:I've written 1 half hour pilot and delovoped and shot two or three
that were not bought. I feel that my field really is drama. Althouth I'm open
to new ideas and experiences, I will probably continue to operate primarily
in that venue.
AbcLIVE:Liv4Marit is very passionate about this!!!
Question:PROFIT is one of the best new dramas in the past ten years. The
loss of it is staggering. Will the unaired episodes eventually be seen on
Fox, cable, or on home video release ---- PLEASE!
*Tohon:17:07 How did you get your "break" with writing for TV?
CannellSJ:I agree that Fox did not give the show a long enough airing for it
to find an audience. I can't understand why a show that well reviewed would
get pulled after only 4 episodes.
AbcLIVE:Who actually owns those episodes?
CannellSJ:What they intend to do with the remaining episodes is anyone's
guess. Fox has a window during they can broadcast the shows. Then they are
Question:Do you think it's easier writing a script or writing a novel?
CannellSJ:Well, both are fun. Scripts are shorter and with a script
everything has to come out of the
*Sandybchz:17:11 Stephen, What is your routine in you set
character's mouth - you can't easily access his/her thoughts. With a novel,
you have a much longer project You can deal in much greater detail with
character and story. That is very exciting for me as a writer. However, I
love writing TV too. Both are great storytelling venues.
AbcLIVE:Here's an extension of the question previously answered --
Question:Stephen, What is your routine in you set aside time
each day to go about it in a methodical way, or just go with the "muses" so
to speak?
CannellSJ:I write every day from 5 am until 11:30. On Saturday and Sunday, I
write as well. If you wait for the muses, you won't get much done. There have
been times when I've been writing scripts under tremendous pressure - once my
father was in the hospital with lung cancer and I had to get a pilot episode
of !0 Speed and Brown Shoe out to ABC on contract. My muses were no where in
sight. I was terribly worried about my Dad. He did fine - survived - a year
later, I won the Writer's Guild
Best Script 1981 for that pilot, but when I was writing it, I was in outer
AbcLIVE:Now we're back to a question about Mr. Cannell's new novel -- FINAL
Question:Is Final Victim on Audio? Are you doing it?
CannellSJ:Final Victim is on Dove Audio and I recorded the novel.
Question:Does it ever make sense for an outsider to write a script for an
hour long drama and send it "over the transom?" Would anyone read it?
CannellSJ:Scripts over the transom sometimes get read but there is generally
a rule amongst all studios that "we will not read unsolicited material"
(scripts not submitted by an agent.) The reason for this is that it tends to
set the bar a little higher. If you can convince an agent to represent you,
that is a sign that you are a professional. And then the agent can convince
me to buy the script. Good luck. Everybody, including me, had the same
problem. If you persevere, you'll get your opportunities.
Question:Did you have a mentor when you were starting out? Did it help you
at all? Plus, who do
Question:you admire in the industry now? Thanks, Melissa & Treena
CannellSJ:My mentor was Roy Huggins. Roy created, produced Maverick, The
Fugitive, Run For Your Life, amongst many other TV shows. I was lucky to work
for him early in my career. He taught me how to edit film and tell stories in
45 minutes and
53 seconds. He taught me how to develop character, etc. He was a huge
influence on my career and I owe him a lot. He came out of retirement in the
mid-eighties and at my request, produced Hunter for me for four years. It
couldn't have been done any better. I admire many people - the list is long,
but here are a few... Steve Bochco, a long time friend and once a co-creator
with me. Michael Mann uses style and music better than anybody. Don Belisario
plus many others.
AbcLIVE:We're out of time, but I want to thank all of you for sending in
great questions!
AbcLIVE:I also need to mention
AbcLIVE:that Stephen Cannell's book FINAL VICTIM is available through the ABC
Bookstore you can enter by the "store" icon on ABC Online's front screen.
keyword: abc. Many thanks to Stephen J. cannell!
CannellSJ:Thank you all for being with me and thank you for the great
AbcLIVE:Good nite everyone!
CannellSJ:Night all!

copyright 1996 Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.


With the recent airing of the "V" miniseries and regular series on the
Sci-Fi channel, I thought it was a perfect time to finally write up a
review of the fanzine

SURVIVE THE ALLIANCE by Sharon Monroe and J.D. Rich
(Available for $11 US, $13 Canada and Europe, $15 Australia, from Sharon
Monroe, 3369 Rolling Hills Drive, Eagan, Minnesota 55121 USA)

This fanzine is predominantly a V/Battlestar Galactica crossover novella,
however, it features guest appearances by many characters from 80s action
tv shows, including the A-Team. The basic plot revolves around the
Galactica reaching Earth, just after the events of the closing of the V
weekly series (with Elizabeth leaving for the Visitor's Homeworld with the
Leader). The plot cleverly ties together several elements of both series
(remember how the Cylons were originally designed by a "reptillian race"?
Remember the distress signal Julie sent out in the original V miniseries,
hoping for the help of the enemies of the Visitors?) while detailing a new
plot involving the last-ditch effort by some of the Visitors to regain
control of Earth. That's where the A-Team comes into the story, trying to
capture that evilist-of-all-lizards, Diana. Along with the A-Team, there
are plots and appearances involving Airwolf and Knight Rider, and even
guest appearances by the Misfits of Science and many more.

All in all, this 'zine makes for a really fun and entertaining read,
especially if you were a big fan of 80s tv. The writing is crisp and
captures well even the more secondary characters. The artwork ranges from
adequate to outstanding, and there is a suggestion of a possible sequal to
the story, but it hasn't been written to date. But, I suppose we can only
hope that it will...


Last issue's question was:
>In "Beast from the Belly of the Boeing," what was the message Murdock
>sent to Hannibal and Face in morse code?

The first exactly correct response was from AudreyBell,
who knew the message was 'GO TO LAVATORY.' And as Irene pondered to me,
"Why he didn't just type 'go to john', which would have been a lot faster
to spell, I don't know."

This issue's question is:
>In the episode "Skins," what disguise does Hannibal don in the opening scene
>where he is meeting their potential client?


Finally this issue, a few (or rather, more than a few) personal comments I
feel the need to toss out. I'd appreciate your reading these remarks as it
deals with the newsletter and the mailing list, among other things. Some
of you know me better than others, and I believe it's time to say a few
things about myself and my feelings regarding this project, hopefully
without flaming or causing anyone in particular to take strong offense.

First off, some quick comments on the mailing list. In order to keep the
signal-to-noise ratio as low as possible, I'd like everyone to keep these
things in mind before posting to the group in the future. These are all
items which will be added to the information in the Introductory Message
from now on:

-> Try to keep the content of your messages as relevant to the Team, the
cast, Cannell, etc as possible. If you wish to respond to someone on a
subject that *doesn't* relate directly to any of these things, please take
it to private mail unless you really feel the rest of us need to be in on
it. If there is something related to 'net security or policy that you feel
is important to mention, please direct it to me first so I can decide on it
before posting it to the whole group.

-> Quoting a page-long email to add a one or two word response, or just a
sentence or two, can annoy people. Take the time to edit your responses
clarity and minimal waste of bandwidth.

-> If your .sig file is consistently longer than the messages you're
sending, perhaps it's time to shorten it.

-> Send your messages to the group to the address onthejazz, not me.

-> Send your sub/unsub request to me, pellegri, not the

-> As always, chain mail and/or junk mail postings are reason enough for me to
immediately terminate a subscription. I can decide to terminate a
subscrition based on any behavior I find unacceptable or inappropriate.

That's all regarding the list. Now on to general matters...

It's just about two years ago now that I moved to Philly, started grad
school, and rediscovered "The A-Team" in syndication, starting my craze
over the show all over again. A few of you here since the beginning
(Jasper and Valerie, ofr instance) probably even remember my first posting
to asking to talk to other A-Team fans and to see if anyone
would be interested in starting a mailing list about the show. Since then
this project has grown far beyond my initial expectations; at last count we
had about 70 subscribers to the newsletter only, plus close to 130 people
on the full mailing list. I've made some really good friends via the list,
some I've never met in person, others I've had the chance to at least talk
to or even go to conventions with. I've accumulated more information and
material on the Team than I ever would have expected was out there, thanks
to all the great contacts I've made. And I'm eternally thankful to the
many people who have helped make this plan come together so wonderfully -
Robin for setting up the umich mail server and fighting with all the bugs
at first, and Jon for taking it over in recent months and doing a great job
with it; Jasper and Brandon for maintaining the OTJ archives on their web
pages; Laura for help kick-starting "Plans Scams and Vans" and reviving
A-Team fanzines; and everyone else that I won't list now but who have
really been terrific in everything they've done to help out.

However, being basically one of the most "visible" and "accesible" A-Team
fans out there on the net and in the public today, running the newsletter,
maintaining the web page, etc, has caused occaisional problems for me which
have been escalating in past months. There are a few "myths" I feel the
need to dispell now if I'm going to continue with this whole project, myths
about who I am and what my motives might be.

Myth #1: I'm making lots of money off of this.

I really only wish this was true! Certainly I make nothing off of doing
the newsletter as it's all email-based. For my own legal protection I
*can't* make any money off of publishing the fanzines - I'm happy enough if
I don't loose too much money putting them together and by some miracle end
up braking even. Some people have accused me of being unfair and profiting
off of selling merchandise, in particular video tapes. Whatever minimal
service charge I add to any video dubbing I do is solely to cover my
expensives and wear 'n tear on my equipment & tapes, and the time it takes
out of my day to take care of packaging and putting together orders. I'm
not even paying myself minimum wage for the amount of time this takes, and
believe me I'm happier than anyone else if fx starts carrying the show, and
requests for dubs off my collection of episodes dies down. No one's
requiring me to do this, just as no one is requiring you to deal with me if
you don't like my policies. But there was a time earlier this year when I
was so in debt due to fanzine printing costs and numerous trades/orders
that I had not received payment on (some of which I'm still waiting for
payment on...) that I seriously thought about never getting involved in
such work again. I will no longer send out any merchandise before at least
receiving a down payment on it because of the problems I was encountering
at this time.

Myth #2: I can devote all my time to the A-Team and this list and requests
from everyone related to the show.

Truth is, I'm a graduate student, currently getting ready to present my
initial thesis defense this fall. What time I can devote to doing the
newsletter, taking care of requests for various information and items, etc,
is at a premium. So if it sometimes takes me a week, or a few weeks, or
even a few months to get to a matter of business related to onthejazz or
whatever else, that's the way it has to be and I won't make any apologies
for it.

Myth #3: I'm doing this because I'm looking for a date.

If you want to chat to me about something in private related to the show or
otherwise, I'm generally more than happy to do so - over email, or, *if
agreed upon*, in person or on the phone. My private life is my business,
and I don't appreciate uninvited intrusions on it, or mail that I find
inappropriately inquisitive or offensive.

That's all I had to say...guess it was quite a lot. Thanks for letting me
vent a bit, and again thanks to everyone in general for making this such a
cool list.

Until next time!
sockii, aka nicole

Quote of the week:
"That's the hammer of an eight-round, nine millimeter pistol pointed
at your belly, hollowpoint in the chamber. What's a guy gotta do to
get a cup of coffee around here?"

Hannibal in "Mission of Peace"

Sockii, aka Nicole
Hannibal Smith & BA Baracus in '96: I pity the fool that don't vote for them.
"Roof pig!! Most unexpected!" - The Tick

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