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Conspiracy Nation Vol. 09 Num. 47

Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 47
("Quid coniuratio est?")
[CN transcript of remarks by west coast researcher Dave Emory.]
In a miscellaneous archive show entitled "Gloria in Excelsis"
(subtitled "The CIA, the Women's Movement, and the News Media"),
Gloria Steinem's many intelligence contacts were described in
considerable depth. The main intersection between Steinem and
the CIA is Steinem's role as co-founder, and at one point
director, of an organization called the Independent Research
Service: this is a CIA-financed student organization which has
been used in a number of different capacities. We also noted
that Ms. magazine itself, which had Steinem as editor, has as a
principal stockholder Katherine Graham of the Washington Post.
The Graham publishing empire, and the Washington Post in
particular, [are] inextricably linked with the Central
Intelligence Agency, as we looked at in the book *Katherine the
Great* by Debra Davis. It should also be noted that the first
publisher of Ms. magazine was a woman named Elizabeth Forsling
Harris, who arranged many of the key Dallas details for President
Kennedy's motorcade route.
By way of further exploring Gloria Steinem's CIA background --
specifically, her role with the Independent Research Service --
we're gonna take a look at some information now which comes from
a book entitled *The Pied Piper* (subtitled "Allard K. Lowenstein
and the Liberal Dream.") This was authored by Richard Cummings.
The book was published in hardcover by Grove Press, Inc., in New
York. And it's copyright 1985.
Of Gloria Steinem and her involvement with the Independent
Research Service, and in turn the Independent Research Service's
involvement with disrupting the Vienna Youth Festival (which had
very strong Socialist and Communist participation), author
Cummings writes as follows:
The Independent Service for Information on the Vienna Youth
Festival, which was technically founded by Gloria Steinem
and Paul Sigmund, and which came to be known as the
Independent Research Service, was funded by the
Independence Foundation, one of the conduits of CIA funds
into the National Students Association [NSA]. In 1965, it
was the Independence Foundation which leased its posh
offices in Washington to the NSA [National Students
Association], signing a 15-year rent-free agreement.
The Independent Service diligently recruited hundreds of
American students to attend the 1959 Vienna festival and
later, the 1962 Communist-backed Helsinki festival, to
oppose the Communists as vigorously as possible. According
to Eugene Theroux, who served as chairman of the
metropolitan New York region chapter of NSA in 1958, the
Americans went "to cause trouble."
I would note here also, more about the activities of the
Independent Research Service, the CIA-financed student
organization, co-founded by Gloria Steinem. And we're gonna look
at, in addition to the glance we just took at the Independent
Research Service's work in disrupting not only the 1959 Vienna
festival but also the 1962 Helsinki festival, we're gonna look
at plans of some of these same elements and individuals to
disrupt a conference that had been scheduled for Algeria in 1965.
This conference was cancelled. But had it not been cancelled it
might very well have been disrupted by the aforementioned Eugene
Theroux. And one of the people who is aiding Theroux was the
aforementioned Allard Lowenstein, a former Dean of Students for
Stanford University, and Gloria Steinem presiding over the same
mileau once again.
Turning again to Richard Cummings, *The Pied Piper* (Allard
Lowenstein and the Liberal Dream), we find,
Another Communist-backed youth festival was planned by the
IUS for the summer of 1965 in Algiers, and Lowenstein made
preparations to go there in order to disrupt it. Planning
to join him this time was Paul Theroux's brother, Eugene,
who as a NSA leader in 1958 had met Lowenstein and been
inspired by him to work on behalf of southwest Africa and
black students in the south. Eugene Theroux had been
recruited in 1965 by Gloria Steinem to work for the CIA
front, Independent Research Service. They were to be part
of a delegation to "cause trouble," as Theroux puts it, or
to "engage people in debate," as he corrects himself.
And again, as noted, the 1965 conference never came off. But we
find some of the same elements: Lowenstein, Steinem, Theroux, et
al., planning to disrupt this conference as they had the 1962
Helsinki conference and the 1959 conference in Vienna as well.
It should be noted that a number of other prominent liberals have
intersected with this same mileau, this CIA mileau which involves
Gloria Steinem. Among those are William Sloan Coffin(sp?), one
of the leaders of the anti-war movement, himself a chaplain from
Yale University, himself also, for several years, a CIA agent.
We took a look at William Sloan Coffin and his intersection with
the CIA in discussions from the book, *The Man Who Kept the
Secrets* (about Richard Helms.) That's authored by Thomas
Powers. William Sloan Coffin's CIA background described there.
As we shall see, William Sloan Coffin intersecting with the
mileau involving people like Allard Lowenstein and Gloria
Steinem and, as we shall see, current Massachusetts congressman
Barney Frank, who also worked with Gloria Steinem and the
CIA-sponsored Independent Research Service.
Returning once again to *The Pied Piper*, by Richard Cummings.
It is known that the CIA had established centers on the
campuses of many American universities. In his recruiting
efforts at some of these universities, Lowenstein was
working with people who had been affiliated with the CIA or
had participaated in CIA-sponsored projects. William Sloan
Coffin at Yale, whom Lowenstein wanted to head the summer
project, had worked for the CIA. Barney Frank at Harvard
had been with the Independent Research Service delegation
to Helsinki, an operation which, by Frank's own admission,
he clearly understood was CIA-backed. Frank jokes about
the role of fellow delegate Gloria Steinem, whom he
describes as running around at nightclubs set up by the CIA
in Helsinki, helping to win over Africans from the
And again, this little section here is going to go into the
aforementioned miscellaneous archive show, "Gloria in Excelsis:
CIA, the Women's Movement, and the News Media." That is already
on file with Archives on Audio [PO Box 170023, San Francisco, CA
94117-0023; phone: 415-346-1840]. And this particular section
of the program is going to go in as an addendum to that
particular broadcast.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et
pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9