The Simpsons Season 1: The Telltale Head
Series: 7G
Episode code: 7G07
Episode title (english): The Telltale Head
Episode title (italian): LA TESTA PARLANTE.
Season number: 1
Year of production: 1989/1990
First airing on TV (USA): 25/02/1990
HOMER and BART are chased through the streets of Springfield by an angry mob, someone sawing the head of the city's founder statue. In fact, it was BART, the little boy had no intention of doing it, but derided by his friends, he takes the tragic step to make the fig. Filled with remorse, BART returns home and tells his parents everything. While HOMER accompanies his son to join the police, the two are discovered by the angry mass. BART tries to appease the citizens of his city, emphasizing how what happened has united the city and taught the inhabitants of Springfield to be proud of their past. Everyone agrees and BART is forgiven.