Saving an Xbox dashboard skin after softmod
Having trouble saving your Xbox skin? Does it Keep reverting back to the green one after powering off? Read here...
I stole this from
Q) Why cant I get my skin to save it keeps reseting when I reboot to the default skin
A) when you go into the skin selection part you need to press the A Button twice. Once is to preview the skin the second time is to save the skin as the default skin.
There is also a bad softmod installer out there that installs a incorrect/invalid config.xml with two sections in it like this.... (the first line and last line)
<Skin Path="skins\">NoImages_Green -By Jezz_X</Skin>
<Games AutoLaunch="No">C:\msdash.xbe</Games>
<DVD AutoLaunch="No">E:\Apps\DVDX\default.xbe</DVD>
<AudioCD AutoLaunch="No">C:\msdash.xbe</AudioCD>
<Data AutoLaunch="Yes"></Data>
<SNTP Synchronize="Yes"></SNTP>
<Skin Path="skins\">Default</Skin>
You need to edit the config.xml and completely remove one of these lines and then set the skin again
You can edit the config file either by opening it in wordpad from your PC or by opening it as a text file from UnleashX's filebrowser. Don't forget to save it..... maybe make a backup incase you eff it up.