Information of the VSMC 9610
Information of the VSMC 9610(C) release
Organized by Typhoon_Z
*** The_Brain ( has joined #emu
<The_Brain> What's with 'The_' ??
<The_CoLo> The_, what The?
<The_AvZ> we want to be like you
<The_Brain> 'The_AvZ', 'The_Brim', 'The_CoLo' ??
<FaR|a|WaY> tb: new vsmc?
<The_Brain> There's no new VSMC, yet. I'm working on a way of implementing Hirom using self-modifying code, because I don't want to lose any speed.
<The_Brain> There _IS_ the cheat finder and mode 7, tho'... But I wanna make new docs, too <GRIN>
<Gorath> The_Brain: Is VSMC In assembly or in C?
<The_Brain> gorath: TASM.
<Lepper> the_brain: What sort of mode 7 stuff is implemented?
<The_Brain> lepper: Just the graphics (and even those are screwed up, due to a DMA transfer mode, possibly?)
<Lepper> the_brain: fix any bugs and stuff?
<The_Brain> lepper: Yeah.. Actraiser never locks up, now.
<Lepper> the_brain: Cool.. How about releasing a B.5 version.. :)
<Lepper> I like those ".5"s
<The_Brain> lepper: Nah. C.
Information on The_Brain's pregnancy
<Lepper> tb: are you pregnant?
<The_Brain> lepper: ... I'm not following you... ? Huh?
<The_AvZ> the_brain: you were rumored to be pregnant
<The_AvZ> congratulations =D
<The_Brain> the_avz: WHAT?
<The_Brain> lepper: Who started _THIS_???
<Lepper> the_brain: I did, :0
<The_Brain> lepper: thanks, <GRIN>...
<Lepper> Oh, you're welcome. Was just a joke.. :)
<The_Brain> lepper: (what possessed you to say _that_ ??)
<Lepper> the_brain: I was waiting for you to join, people were nagging about when (c) was coming, so I changed my name to The_Brain real quick, and changed the channel topic to "VSMC (c) is delayed because well.. I'm pregnant".. Hhehe
<The_Brain> lepper: <GRIN>
Key Defining Bugs
<The_Brain> debug: Don't use extended keys (ie: arrow keys) while defining your keyboard, perhaps.
<debug> TB: A lot of things dont let me use my left and right keys (SMW, Zelda's name selection, etc...) and
idea on this?
Rumor of the day disproven
<Stoner3> Mode 7 is poyogons
<The_Brain> stoner3: NO, IT'S _NOT_.
<Stoner3> What is mode 7 for? I forgot.
Why does VSMC run so slow?
<Typhoon_Z> TB: How do optimizations for VSMC look? VSMC is pretty damned choppy on my P120 w/RAMDRIVE and EMS. =)
<The_Brain> Typhoon_z: ... I just tried it on a P120 without ramdrive and EMS, and it's perfect..
<Typhoon_Z> TB: What about my P120?
<JackL> it runs choppy on my P133, but that's because I run it under Win95 while I'm on irc.
<Gorath> VSMC Runs about half speed of real SNES on my P166+
<Lepper> the_brain: actually, my P-100 is a lot slower than 50% of a real SNES speed.. More like around 25%...
<Lepper> the_brain: (with full IRQ and refresh rate)
<Typhoon_Z> TB: I think your 486 has serious problems. IT runs too fast.
<The_Brain> gorath: Then your P166 has a _BIG_ problem.
<The_Brain> gorath: However, it _is_ true that the P166 has a slower external clock speed than a P133 or a P120... so that could be it, too.
<Lepper> the_brain: actually both the p133 and 166 have a 66mhz external clock.
<Gorath> it's probably because I didn't adjust the refresh and stuff
<Gorath> when I turn it up too much It runs like 100 times faster than an snes
<Typhoon_Z> The: The IRQ should be set at 0 right?
<The_Brain> Typhoon_z: NO!!!
<Lepper> the_brain: well, refresh rate then. :)
<Lepper> the_brain: err, all the way down...
<Lepper> the_brain: ie- 60fps refresh setting.
<The_Brain> lepper: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!?!?
<The_Brain> lepper: NO!!!
<The_Brain> lepper: If you change the IRQ and throw it off-balance, you'll CERTAINLY slow it down.
And then I was disconnected... =(