Saturn Graphics converter v0.25 by Charles Doty
Saturn Graphics converter v0.25 by Charles Doty (
SSConv will convert 24 bit raw files to 15 bit files for the Saturn. SSConv can output a binary or C file. It also supports transparent settings (Sprite).
To use 'SSConv' type:
SSConv Filein.Raw Fileout.bin Sprite Type [Array Name]\n" );
Filein.Raw is the name of a raw 24 bit image.\n");
Fileout.Bin is the name of Saturn image to save.\n");
Sprite is TRUE or FALSE. This is used to make 0 bytes transparent.\n");
Type is BIN or C. BIN produces a binary file, C produces a C array.\n");
[Array Name] is the name of the C array. Only needed for C array files.\n");
SSConv will then convert the image to the Saturn format as either a binary file or C array text file. If Sprite is TRUE than the upper bit of the pixel is only set on no transparent (Color Red = 0, Green = 0 Blue = 0) pixels.
SSConv will only run under Windows 9x/NT (2000 is untested), as a console application.
Also included in the archive is the source to 'SSConv'.
Please e-mail me (, if you find a problem with 'SSConv'.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
BOOL Sprite = FALSE; // Is this a sprite image?
void Usage();
void FlipBuffer(DWORD length, WORD *buffer);
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
char filename[128];
char savefile[128];
if (argc < 5)
strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
strcpy(savefile, argv[2]);
FILE *handle = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (NULL == handle)
printf("Unable to open %s\n", filename);
fseek(handle, 0, SEEK_END);
DWORD length = ftell(handle);
if (length <= 0)
printf("%s is not a valid file\n.", filename);
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "TRUE"))
Sprite = TRUE;
printf("Converting File...");
char *buffer = new char[length];
WORD *image = new WORD[length / 3];
WORD *buf16 = image;
fread(buffer, 1, length, handle);
for (DWORD loop = 0; loop < length; loop += 3)
unsigned char red = buffer[loop];
unsigned char green = buffer[loop + 1];
unsigned char blue = buffer[loop + 2];
red = (red >> 3) & 0x1f;
green = (green >> 3) & 0x1f;
blue = (blue >> 3) & 0x1f;
unsigned short pixel = ((blue << 10) + (green << 5) + red);
if (FALSE == Sprite || *buf16 != 0)
*buf16 = 0x8000 | pixel;
*buf16 = pixel;
printf("Completed.\nWriting File...");
if (!strcmp(argv[4], "BIN"))
FlipBuffer(length / 3, image);
handle = fopen(savefile, "wb");
if (NULL == handle)
printf("Unable to create %s\n.", savefile);
fwrite(image, 2, length / 3, handle);
if (argc < 6)
handle = fopen(savefile, "wt");
if (NULL == handle)
printf("Unable to create %s\n.", savefile);
fprintf(handle, "// Source File: %s\n\n", argv[1]);
fprintf(handle, "unsigned short %s[] =\n", argv[5]);
fprintf(handle, "{\n ");
for (loop = 0; loop < length / 3; loop++)
fprintf(handle, "0x%04X", image[loop]);
if (loop < (length / 3) - 1)
fprintf(handle, ", ");
if (0 == ((loop + 1) % DATAPERLINE))
fprintf(handle, "\n ");
fprintf(handle, "\n};\n\n");
fprintf(handle, "unsigned long %sSize = %d;\n", argv[5], length / 3);
void Usage()
printf("SSConv (v0.25) Saturn Image converter by Charles Doty (\n\n");
printf(" Usage: SSConv Filein.Raw Fileout.bin Sprite Type [Array Name]\n" );
printf(" Filein.Raw is the name of a raw 24 bit image.\n");
printf(" Fileout.Bin is the name of Saturn image to save.\n");
printf(" Sprite is TRUE or FALSE. This is used to make 0 bytes transparent.\n");
printf(" Type is BIN or C. BIN produces a binary file, C produces a C array.\n");
printf(" [Array Name] is the name of the C array. Only needed for C array files.\n");
void FlipBuffer(DWORD length, WORD *buffer)
for (DWORD loop = 0; loop < length; loop ++)
WORD pixel = *buffer;
*buffer = ((pixel & 0xff) << 8) | ((pixel & 0xff00) >> 8);