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Exploiting the Otherwise Unexploitable on Windows
skywing, skape
May 2006

1) Foreword

Abstract: This paper describes a technique that can be applied in
certain situations to gain arbitrary code execution through software
bugs that would not otherwise be exploitable, such as NULL pointer
dereferences. To facilitate this, an attacker gains control of the
top-level unhandled exception filter for a process in an indirect
fashion. While there has been previous work [1, 3] illustrating the
usefulness in gaining control of the top-level unhandled exception
filter, Microsoft has taken steps in XPSP2 and beyond, such as function
pointer encoding[4], to prevent attackers from being able to overwrite
and control the unhandled exception filter directly. While this
security enhancement is a marked improvement, it is still possible for
an attacker to gain control of the top-level unhandled exception filter
by taking advantage of a design flaw in the way unhandled exception
filters are chained. This approach, however, is limited by an attacker's
ability to control the chaining of unhandled exception filters, such as
through the loading and unloading of DLLs. This does reduce the global
impact of this approach; however, there are some interesting cases where
it can be immediately applied, such as with Internet Explorer.

Disclaimer: This document was written in the interest of education. The
authors cannot be held responsible for how the topics discussed in this
document are applied.

Thanks: The authors would like to thank H D Moore, and everyone who
learns because it's fun.

Update: This issue has now been addressed by the patch included in
MS06-051. A complete analysis has not yet been performed to ensure that
it patches all potential vectors.

With that, on with the show...

2) Introduction

In the security field, software bugs can be generically grouped into two
categories: exploitable or non-exploitable. If a software bug is
exploitable, then it can be leveraged to the advantage of the attacker,
such as to gain arbitrary code execution. However, if a software bug is
non-exploitable, then it is not possible for the attacker to make use of
it for anything other than perhaps crashing the application. In more
cases than not, software bugs will fall into the category of being
non-exploitable simply because they typically deal with common mistakes
or invalid assumptions that are not directly related to buffer
management or loop constraints. This can be frustrating during auditing
and product analysis from an assessment standpoint. With that in mind,
it only makes sense to try think of ways to turn otherwise
non-exploitable issues into exploitable issues.

In order to accomplish this feat, it's first necessary to try to
consider execution vectors that could be redirected to code that the
attacker controls after triggering a non-exploitable bug, such as a NULL
pointer dereference. For starters, it is known that the triggering of a
NULL pointer dereference will cause an access violation exception to be
dispatched. When this occurs, the user-mode exception dispatcher will
call the registered exception handlers for the thread that generated the
exception, allowing each the opportunity to handle the exception. If
none of the exception handlers know what to do with it, the user-mode
exception dispatcher will call the top-level unhandled exception filter
(UEF) via kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter (if one has been set). The
implementation of a function that is set as the registered top-level UEF
is not specified, but in most cases it will be designed to pass
exceptions that it cannot handle onto the top-level UEF that was
registered previously, effectively creating a chain of UEFs. This
process will be explained in more detail in the next chapter.

Aside from the exception dispatching process, there are not any other
controllable execution vectors that an attacker might be able to
redirect without some other situation-specific conditions. For that
reason, the most important place to look for a point of redirection is
within the exception dispatching process itself. This will provide a
generic means of gaining execution control for any bug that can be made
to crash an application.

Since the first part of the exception dispatching process is the calling
of registered exception handlers for the thread, it may make sense to
see if there are any controllable execution paths taken by the
registered exception handlers at the time that the exception is
triggered. This may work in some cases, but is not universal and
requires analysis of the specific exception handler routines. Without
having an ability to corrupt the list of exception handlers, there is
likely to be no other method of redirecting this phase of the exception
dispatching process.

If none of the registered exception handlers can be redirected, one must
look toward a method that can be used to redirect the unhandled
exception filter. This could be accomplished by changing the function
pointer to call into controlled code as illustrated in[1,3]. However,
Microsoft has taken steps in XPSP2, such as encoding the function
pointer that represents the top-level UEF[4]. This no longer makes it
feasible to directly overwrite the global variable that contains the
top-level UEF. With that in mind, it may also make sense to look at the
function associated with top-level UEF at the time that the exception is
dispatched in order to see if the function itself has any meaningful way
to redirect its execution.

From this initial analysis, one is left with being required to perform
an application-dependent analysis of the registered exception handlers
and UEFs that exist at the time that the exception is dispatched. Though
this may be useful in some situations, they are likely to be few and far
between. For that reason, it makes sense to try to dive one layer
deeper to learn more about the exception dispatching process. Chapter
will describe in more detail how unhandled exception filters work,
setting the stage for the focus of this paper. Based on that
understanding, chapter will expound upon an approach that can be used
to gain indirect control of the top-level UEF. Finally, chapter will
formalize the results of this analysis in an example of a working
exploit that takes advantage of one of the many NULL pointer
dereferences in Internet Explorer to gain arbitrary code execution.

3) Understanding Unhandled Exception Filters

This chapter provides an introductory background into the way unhandled
exception filters are registered and how the process of filtering an
exception that is not handled actually works. This information is
intended to act as a base for understanding the attack vector described
in chapter . If the reader already has sufficient understanding of the
way unhandled exception filters operate, feel free to skip ahead.

3.1) Setting the Top-Level UEF

In order to make it possible for applications to handle all exceptions
on a process-wide basis, the exception dispatcher exposes an interface
for registering an unhandled exception filter. The purpose of the
unhandled exception filter is entirely application specific. It can be
used to log extra information about an unhandled exception, perform some
advanced error recovery, handle language-specific exceptions, or any
sort of other task that may need to be taken when an exception occurs
that is not handled. To specify a function that should be used as the
top-level unhandled exception filter for the process, a call must be
made to kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter which is prototyped as[6]:


When called, this function will take the function pointer passed in as
the lpTopLevelExceptionFilter argument and encode it using
kernel32!RtlEncodePointer. The result of the encoding will be stored in
the global variable kernel32!BasepCurrentTopLevelFilter, thus
superseding any previously established top-level filter. The previous
value stored within this global variable is decoded using
kernel32!RtlDecodePointer and returned to the caller. Again, the
encoding and decoding of this function pointer is intended to prevent
attackers from being able to use an arbitrary memory overwrite to
redirect it as has been done pre-XPSP2.

There are two reasons that kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter returns
a pointer to the original top-level UEF. First, it makes it possible to
restore the original top-level UEF at some point in the future. Second,
it makes it possible to create an implicit ``chain'' of UEFs. In this
design, each UEF can make a call down to the previously registered
top-level UEF by doing something like the pseudo code below:

... app specific handling ...

if (!IsBadCodePtr(PreviousTopLevelUEF))
return PreviousTopLevelUEF(ExceptionInfo);

When a block of code that has registered a top-level UEF wishes to
deregister itself, it does so by setting the top-level UEF to the value
that was returned from its call to kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter.
The reason it does it this way is because there is no true list of
unhandled exception filters that is maintained. This method of
deregistering has one very important property that will serve as the
crux of this document. Since deregistration happens in this fashion,
the register and deregister operations associated with a top-level UEF
must occur in symmetric order.

In one example, the top-level UEF Fx is registered, returning Nx as the
previous top-level UEF. Following that, Gx is registered, returning Fx
as the previous value. After some period of time, Gx is deregistered by
setting Fx as the top-level UEF, thus returning the top-level UEF to the
value it contained before Gx was registered. Finally, Fx deregisters by
setting Nx as the top-level UEF.

3.2) Handling Unhandled Exceptions

When an exception goes through the initial phase of the exception
dispatching process and is not handled by any of the registered
exception handlers for the thread that the exception occurred in, the
exception dispatcher must take one final stab at getting it handled
before forcing the application to terminate. One of the options the
exception dispatcher has at this point is to pass the exception to a
debugger, assuming one is attached. Otherwise, it has no choice but to
try to handle the exception internally and abort the application if that
fails. To allow this to happen, applications can make a call to the
unhandled exception filter associated with the process as described in [5].
In the general case, calling the unhandled exception filter will result
in kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter being called with information about
the exception being dispatched.

The job of kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter is two fold. First, if a
debugger is not present, it must make a call to the top-level UEF
registered with the process. The top-level UEF can then attempt to
handle the exception, possibly recovering and allowing execution to
continue, such as by returning EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION. Failing
that, it can either forcefully terminate the process, typically by
returning EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER or allow the normal error reporting
dialog to be displayed by returning EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH. If a
debugger is present, the unhandled exception filter will attempt to pass
the exception on to the debugger in order to give it a chance to handle
the exception. When this occurs, the top-level UEF is not called. This
is important to remember as the paper goes on, as it can be a source of
trouble if one forgets this fact.

When operating with no debugger present,
kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter will attempt to decode the function
pointer associated with the top-level UEF by calling
kernel32!RtlDecodePointer on the global variable that contains the
top-level UEF, kernel32!kernel32!BasepCurrentTopLevelFilter, as shown

7c862cc1 ff35ac33887c push dword ptr [kernel32!BasepCurrentTopLevelFilter]
7c862cc7 e8e1d6faff call kernel32!RtlDecodePointer (7c8103ad)

If the value returned from kernel32!RtlDecodePointer is not NULL, then a
call is made to the now-decoded top-level UEF function, passing the
exception information on:

7c862ccc 3bc7 cmp eax,edi
7c862cce 7415 jz kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter+0x15b (7c862ce5)
7c862cd0 53 push ebx
7c862cd1 ffd0 call eax

The return value of the filter will control whether or not the
application continues execution, terminates, or reports an error and

3.3) Uses for Unhandled Exception Filters

In most cases, unhandled exception filters are used for
language-specific exception handling. This usage is all done
transparently to programmers of the language. For instance, C++ code
will typically register an unhandled exception filter through
CxxSetUnhandledExceptionFilter during CRT initialization as called from
the entry point associated with the program or shared library.
Likewise, C++ will typically deregister the unhandled exception filter
that it registers by calling CxxRestoreUnhandledExceptionFilter during
program termination or shared library unloading.

Other uses include programs that wish to do advanced error reporting or
information collection prior to allowing an application to terminate due
to an unhandled exception.

4) Gaining Control of the Unhandled Exception Filter

At this point, the only feasible vector for gaining control of the
top-level UEF is to cause calls to be made to
kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter. This is primarily due to the fact
that the global variable has the current function pointer encoded. One
could consider attempting to cause code to be redirected directly to
kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, but doing so would require some
kind of otherwise-exploitable vulnerability in an application, thus
making it not useful in the context of this document.

Given these restrictions, it makes sense to think a little bit more
about the process involved in registering and deregistering UEFs. Since
the chain of registered UEFs is implicit, it may be possible to cause
that chain to become corrupt or invalid in some way that might be
useful. One of the requirements that is known about the registration
process for top-level UEFs is that the register and deregister
operations must be symmetric. What happens if they aren't, though?
Consider the following example where Fx and Gx are registered and
deregistered, but in asymmetric order.

In this example, Fx and Gx are registered first. Following that, Fx is
deregistered prior to deregistering Gx, thus making the operation
asymmetrical. As a result of Fx deregistering first, the top-level UEF
is set to Nx, even though Gx should technically still be a part of the
chain. Finally, Gx deregisters, setting the top-level UEF to Fx even
though Fx had been previously deregistered. This is obviously incorrect
behavior, but the code associated with Gx has no idea that Fx has been
deregistered due to the implicit chain that is created.

If asymmetric registration of UEFs can be made to occur, it might be
possible for an attacker to gain control of the top-level UEF. Consider
for a moment that the register and deregister operations in the diagram
in figure occur during DLL load and unload, respectively. If that is
the case, then after deregistration occurs, the DLLs associated with the
UEFs will be unloaded. This will leave the top-level UEF set to Fx
which now points to an invalid region of memory. If an exception occurs
after this point and is not handled by a registered exception handler,
the unhandled exception filter will be called. If a debugger is not
attached, the top-level UEF Fx will be called. Since Fx points to
memory that is no longer associated with the DLL that contained Fx, the
process will terminate --- or worse.

From a security prospective, the act of leaving a dangling function
pointer that now points to unallocated memory can be a dream come true.
If a scenario such as this occurs, an attacker can attempt to consume
enough memory that will allow them to store arbitrary code at the
location that the function originally resided. In the event that the
function is called, the attacker's arbitrary code will be executed
rather than the code that was was originally at that location. In the
case of the top-level UEF, the only thing that an attacker would need to
do in order to cause the function pointer to be called is to generate an
unhandled exception, such as a NULL pointer dereference.

All of these details combine to provide a feasible vector for executing
arbitrary code. First, it's necessary to be able to cause at least two
DLLs that set UEFs to be deregistered asymmetrically, thus leaving the
top-level UEF pointing to invalid memory. Second, it's necessary to
consume enough memory that attacker controlled code can reside at the
location that one of the UEF functions originally resided. Finally, an
exception must be generated that causes the top-level UEF to be called,
thus executing the attacker's arbitrary code.

The big question, though, is how feasible is it to really be able to
control the registering and deregistering of UEFs? To answer that,
chapter provides a case study on one such application where it's all
too possible: Internet Explorer.

5) Case Study: Internet Explorer

Unfortunately for Internet Explorer, it's time for it to once again dawn
the all-too-exploitable hat and tell us about how it can be used as a
medium to gain arbitrary code execution with all otherwise
non-exploitable bugs. In this approach, Internet Explorer is used as a
medium for causing DLLs that register and deregister top-level UEFs to
be loaded and unloaded. One way in which an attacker can accomplish
this is by using Internet Explorer's facilities for instantiating COM
objects from within the browser. This can be accomplished either by
using the new ActiveXObject construct in JavaScript or by using the HTML

In either case, when a COM object is being instantiated, the DLL
associated with that COM object will be loaded into memory if the object
instance is created using the INPROC_SERVER. When this happens, the COM
object's DllMain will be called. If the DLL has an unhandled exception
filter, it may be registered during CRT initialization as called from
the DLL's entry point. This takes care of the registering of UEFs, so
long as COM objects that are associated with DLLs that set UEFs can be

To control the deregister phase, it is necessary to somehow cause the
DLLs associated with the previously instantiated COM objects to be
unloaded. One approach that can be taken to do this is attempt to
leverage the locations that ole32!CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx is called
from. One particular place that it's called from is during the closure
of an Internet Explorer window that once hosted the COM object. When
this function is called, all currently loaded COM DLLs will have their
DllCanUnloadNow routines called. If the routine returns SOK, such as
when there are no outstanding references to COM objects hosted by the
DLL, then the DLL can be unloaded.

Now that techniques for controlling the loading and unloading of DLLs
that set UEFs has been identified, it's necessary to come up with an
implementation that will allow the deregister phase to occur
asymmetrically. One method that can be used to accomplish this
illustrated by the registration phase and the deregistration
phase described below.


1. Open window #1
2. Instantiate COMObject1
3. Load DLL 1
4. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(Fx) => Nx

5. Open window #2
6. Instantiate COMObject2
7. Load DLL 2
8. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(Gx) => Fx

In the example described above, two windows are opened, each of which
registers a UEF by way of a DLL that implements a specific COM object.
In this example, the first window instantiates COMObject1 which is
implemented by DLL 1. When DLL 1 is loaded, it registers a top-level
UEF Fx. Once that completes, the second window is opened which
instantiates COMObject2, thus causing DLL 2 to be loaded which also
registers a top-level UEF, Gx. Once these operations complete, DLL 1
and DLL 2 are still resident in memory and the top-level UEF points to

To gain control of the top-level UEF, Fx and Gx will need to be
deregistered asymmetrically. To accomplish this, DLL 1 must be unloaded
before DLL 2. This can be done by closing the window that hosts
COMObject1, thus causing ole32!CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx to be called
which results in DLL 1 being unloaded. Following that, the window that
hosts COMObject2 should be closed, once again causing unused libraries
to be freed and DLL 2 unloaded. The diagram below illustrates this process.


1. Close window #1
2. CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx
3. Unload DLL 1
4. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(Nx) => Gx

5. Close window #2
6. CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx
7. Unload DLL 2
8. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(Fx) => Nx

After the process in figure completes, Fx will be the top-level UEF for
the process, even though the DLL that hosts it, DLL 1, has been
unloaded. If an exception occurs at this point in time, the unhandled
exception filter will make a call to a function that now points to an
invalid region of memory.

At this point, an attacker now has reasonable control over the top-level
UEF but is still in need of some approach that can used to place his or
her code at the location that Fx resided at. To accomplish this,
attackers can make use of the heap-spraying[8, 7] technique that has been
commonly applied to browser-based vulnerabilities. The purpose of the
heap-spraying technique is to consume an arbitrary amount of memory that
results in the contents of the heap growing toward a specific address
region. The contents, or spray data, is arbitrary code that will result
in an attacker's direct or indirect control of execution flow once the
vulnerability is triggered. For the purpose of this paper, the trigger
is the generation of an arbitrary exception.

As stated above, the heap-spraying technique can be used to place code
at the location that Fx resided. However, this is limited by whether or
not that location is close enough to the heap to be a practical target
for heap-spraying. In particular, if the heap is growing from
0x00480000 and the DLL that contains Fx was loaded at 0x7c800000, it
would be a requirement that roughly 1.988 GB of data be placed in the
heap. That is, of course, assuming that the target machine has enough
memory to contain this allocation (across RAM and swap). Not to mention
the fact that spraying that much data could take an inordinate amount of
time depending on the speed of the machine. For these reasons, it is
typically necessary for the DLL that contains Fx in this example
scenario to be mapped at an address that is as close as possible to a
region that the heap is growing from.

During the research of this attack vector, it was found that all of the
COM DLLs provided by Microsoft on XPSP2 are compiled to load at higher
addresses which make them challenging to reach with heap-spraying, but
it's not impossible. Many 3rd party COM DLLs, however, are compiled
with a default load address of 0x00400000, thus making them perfect
candidates for this technique. Another thing to keep in mind is that
the preferred load address of a DLL is just that: preferred. If two
DLLs have the same preferred load address, or their mappings would
overlap, then obviously one would be relocated to a new location,
typically at a lower address close to the heap, when it is loaded. By
keeping this fact in mind, it may be possible to load DLLs that overlap,
forcing relocation of a DLL that sets a UEF that would otherwise be
loaded at a higher address.

It is also very important to note that a COM object does not have to be
successfully instantiated for the DLL associated with it to be loaded
into memory. This is because in order for Internet Explorer to
determine whether or not the COM class can be created and is compatible
with one that may be used from Internet Explorer, it must load and query
various COM interfaces associated with the COM class. This fact is very
useful because it means that any DLL that hosts a COM object can be used
--- not just ones that host COM objects that can be successfully
instantiated from Internet Explorer.

The culmination of all of these facts is a functional proof of concept
exploit for Windows XP SP2 and the latest version of Internet Explorer
with all patches applied prior to MS06-051. Its one requirement is that
the target have Adobe Acrobat installed. Alternatively, other 3rd party
(or even MS provided DLLs) can be used so long as they can be feasibly
reached with heap-spraying techniques. Technically speaking, this proof
of concept exploits a NULL pointer dereference to gain arbitrary code
execution. It has been implemented as an exploit module for the 3.0
version of the Metasploit Framework.

The following example shows this proof of concept in action:

msf exploit(windows/browser/ie_unexpfilt_poc) > exploit
[*] Started reverse handler
[*] Using URL: http://x.x.x.x:8080/FnhWjeVOnU8NlbAGAEhjcjzQWh17myEK1Exg0
[*] Server started.
[*] Exploit running as background job.
msf exploit(windows/browser/ie_unexpfilt_poc) >
[*] Sending stage (474 bytes)
[*] Command shell session 1 opened (x.x.x.x:4444 -> y.y.y.y:1059)

msf exploit(windows/browser/ie_unexpfilt_poc) > session -i 1
[*] Starting interaction with 1...

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\mmiller\Desktop>

6) Mitigation Techniques

In the interest of not presenting a problem without a solution, the authors
have devised a few different approaches that might be taken by Microsoft to
solve this issue. Prior to identifying the solution, it is important to
summarize the root of the problem. In this case, the authors feel that the
problem at hand is rooted around a design flaw with the way the unhandled
exception filter ``chain'' is maintained. In particular, the ``chain''
management is an implicit thing which hinges on the symmetric registering and
deregistering of unhandled exception filters. In order to solve this design
problem, some mechanism must be put in place that will eliminate the
symmetrical requirement. Alternatively, the symmetrical requirement could be
retained so long as something ensured that operations never occurred out of
order. The authors feel that this latter approach is more complicated and
potentially not feasible. The following sections will describe a few different
approaches that might be used or considered to solve this issue.

Aside from architecting a more robust implementation, this attack vector may
also be mitigated through conventional exploitation counter-measures, such as
NX and ASLR.

6.1) Behavioral Change to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter

One way in which Microsoft could solve this issue would be to change the
behavior of kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter in a manner that allows it to
support true registration and deregistration operations rather than implicit
ones. This can be accomplished by making it possible for the function to
determine whether a register operation is occurring or whether a deregister
operation is occurring.

Under this model, when a registration operation occurs,
kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter can return a dynamically generated context
that merely calls the routine that is previous to the one that was registered.
The fact that the context is dynamically generated makes it possible for the
function to distinguish between registrations and deregistrations. When the
function is called with a dynamically generated context, it can assume that a
deregistration operation os occurring. Otherwise, it must assume that a
registration operation is occurring.

To ensure that the underlying list of registered UEFs is not corrupted,
kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter can be modified to ensure that when a
deregistration operation occurs, any dynamically generated contexts that
reference the routine being deregistered can be updated to call to the
next-previous routine, if any, or simply return if there is no longer a
previous routine.

6.2) Prevent Setting of non-image UEF

One approach that could be used to solve this issue for the general case is the
modification of kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter to ensure that the
function pointer being passed in is associated with an image region. By adding
this check at the time this function is called, the attack vector described in
this document can be mitigated. However, doing it in this manner may have
negative implications for backward compatibility. For instance, there are
likely to be cases where this scenario happens completely legitimately without
malicious intent. If a check like this were to be added, a once-working
application would begin to fail due to the added security checks. This is not
an unlikely scenario. Just because an unhandled exception filter is is invalid
doesn't mean that it will eventually cause the application to crash because it
may, in fact, never be executed.

6.3) Prevent Execution of non-image UEF

Like preventing the setting of a non-image UEF, it may also be
possible to to modify kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter to prevent execution of
the top-level UEF if it points to a non-image region. While this seems like it
would be a useful check and should solve the issue, the fact is that it does
not. Consider the scenario where a top-level UEF is set to an invalid address
due to asymmetric deregistration. Following that, the top-level UEF is set to
a new value which is the location of a valid function. After this point, if an
unhandled exception is dispatched, kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter will see
that the top-level UEF points to a valid image region and as such will call it.
However, the top-level UEF may be implemented in such a way that it will pass
exceptions that it cannot handle onto the previously registered top-level UEF.
When this occurs, the invalid UEF is called which may point to arbitrary code
at the time that it's executed. The fact that
kernel32!UnhandledExceptionFilter can filter non-image regions does not solve
the fact that uncontrolled UEFs may pass exceptions on up the chain.

7) Future Research

With the technique identified for being able to control the top-level UEF by
taking advantage of asymmetric deregistration, future research can begin to
identify better ways in which to accomplish this. For instance, rather than
relying on child windows in Internet Explorer, there may be another vector
through which ole32!CoFreeUnusuedLibrariesEx can be called to cause the
asymmetric deregistration to occur By default, ole32!CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx is
called every ten minutes, but this fact is not particulary useful in terms of
general exploitation. There may also be better and more refined techniques that
can be used to more accurately spray the heap in order to place arbitrary code
at the location that a defunct top-level UEF resided at.

Aside from improving the technique itself, it is also prudent to consider other
software applications this could be affected by this. In most cases, this
technique will not be feasible due to an attacker's inability to control the
loading and unloading of DLLs. However, should a mechanism for accomplishing
this be exposed, it may indeed be possible to take advantage of this.

One such target software application that the authors find most intriguing
would be IIS. If it were possible for a remote attacker to cause DLLs that use
UEFs to be loaded and unloaded in a particular order, such as by accessing
websites that load COM objects, then it may be possible for an attacker to
leverage this vector on a remote webserver. At the time of this writing, the
only approach that the authors are aware of that could permit this are remote
debugging features present in ASP.NET that allow for the instantiation of COM
objects that are placed in a specific allow list. This isn't a very common
configuration, and is also limited by which COM objects can be instantiated,
thus making it not particularly feasible. However, it is thought that other,
more feasible techniques may exist to accomplish this.

Aside from IIS, the authors are also of the opinion that this attack vector
could be applied to many of the Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel
and Word. These suites are thought to be vulnerable due to the fact that they
permit the instantiation and embedding of arbitrary COM objects in the document
files. If it were possible to come up with a way to control the loading and
unloading of DLLs through these instantiations, it may be possible to take
advantage of the flaw outlined in this paper. One particular way in which this
may be possible is through the use of macros, but this has a lesser severity
because it would require some form of user interaction to permit the execution
of macros.

Another interesting application that may be susceptible to this attack is
Microsoft SQL server. Due to the fact that SQL server has features that permit
the loading and unloading of DLLs, it may be possible to leverage a SQL
injection attack in a way that makes it possible to gain control of the
top-level UEF by causing certain DLLs to be loaded and unloaded However, given
the ability to load DLLs, there are likely to be other techniques that can be
used to gain code execution as well. Once that occurs, a large query with
predictable results could be used as a mechanism to spray the heap. This type
of attack could even be accomplished through something as innocuous as a
website that is merely backed against the SQL server. Remember, attack vectors
aren't always direct.

8) Conclusion

The title of this paper implies that an attacker has the ability to leverage
code execution of bugs that would otherwise not be useful, such as NULL pointer
dereferences. To that point, this paper has illustrated a technique that can
be used to gain control of the top-level unhandled exception filter for an
application by making the registration and deregistration process asymmetrical.
Once the top-level UEF has been made to point to invalid memory, an attacker
can use techniques like heap-spraying to attempt to place attacker controlled
code at the location that the now-defunct top-level UEF resided at. Assuming
this can be accomplished, an attacker simply needs to be able to trigger an
unhandled exception to cause the execution of arbitrary code.

The crux of this attack vector is in leveraging a design flaw in the
assumptions made by the way the unhandled exception filter ``chain'' is
maintained. In particular, the design assumes that calls made to register, and
subsequently deregister, an unhandled exception filter through
kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter will be done symmetrically. However, this
cannot always be controlled, as DLLs that register unhandled exception filters
are not always guaranteed to be loaded and unloaded in a symmetric fashion. If
an attacker is capable of controlling the order in which DLLs are loaded and
unloaded, then they may be capable of gaining arbitrary code execution through
this technique, such as was illustrated in the Internet Explorer case study in
chapter .

While not feasible in most cases, this technique has been proven to work in at
least one critical application: Internet Explorer. Going forward, other
applications, such as IIS, may also be found to be susceptible to this attack
vector. All it will take is a little creativity and the right set of


[1] Conover, Matt and Oded Horovitz. Reliable Windows Heap Exploits.; accessed
May 6, 2006.

[2] Kazienko, Przemyslaw and Piotr Dorosz. Hacking an SQL Server.;
accessed May 7, 2006.

[3] Litchfield, David. Windows Heap Overflows.;
accessed May 6, 2006.

[4] Howard, Michael. Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Kinda!).;
accessed May 6, 2006.

[5] Microsoft Corporation. UnhandledExceptionFilter.;
accessed May 6, 2006.

[6] Microsoft Corporation. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter.;
accessed May 6, 2006.

[7] Murphy, Matthew. Windows Media Player Plug-In Embed Overflow;; accessed May
7, 2006.

[8] SkyLined. InternetExploiter. bjwever/exploits/;
accessed May 7, 2006.

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