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Chaos Digest Volume 01 Numero 58

Chaos Digest Dimanche 20 Juin 1993 Volume 1 : Numero 58
ISSN 1244-4901
Editeur: Jean-Bernard Condat (
Archiviste: Yves-Marie Crabbe
Co-Redacteurs: Arnaud Bigare, Stephane Briere
TABLE DES MATIERES, #1.58 (20 Juin 1993)
File 1--L'informatique est-elle une affaire privee? (questionnaire)
File 2--Curieux FTPMail francais (flicage)
Chaos Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are
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with a mail header or first line containing the following informations:
X-Mn-Admin: join CHAOS_DIGEST
The editors may be contacted by voice (+33 1 47874083), fax (+33 1 47877070)
or S-mail at: Jean-Bernard Condat, Chaos Computer Club France [CCCF], B.P.
155, 93404 St-Ouen Cedex, France. He is a member of the EICAR and EFF (#1299)
Issues of ChaosD can also be found from the ComNet in Luxembourg BBS (+352)
466893. Back issues of ChaosD can be found on the Internet as part of the
Computer underground Digest archives. They're accessible using anonymous FTP:
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CHAOS DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing French information among
computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. ChaosD
material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited.
Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for
reprint permission. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles in
French, English or German languages relating to computer culture and
telecommunications. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please
avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary.
DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent
the views of the moderators. Chaos Digest contributors
assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles
submitted do not violate copyright protections.
Date: Thu Jun 10 04:49:00 EDT 1993
From: maas@dutiws.TWI.TUDelft.NL (Franck Maas )
Subject: File 1--L'informatique est-elle une affaire privee? (questionnaire)
Dear reader,
You are now reading the introduction to the "Privacy and Computers"-
questionnaire. This questionnaire is meant to get an idea of what is
generally considered as being appropriate for a system-manager with
respect to privacy. That 'idea' will be described in a short report,
that will be made available to the public (see below).
Three means of distribution are chosen for this questionnaire: the
authors will send it to known people by E-mail, it will be posted
in several newsgroups and it is available by anonymous ftp. See
below for more details.
Everyone who works with a computersystem is invited to send in
his/her response. You are encouraged to distribute the questionnaire
to friends and colleagues. The more reactions the better!
The authors prefer that you send your response by E-mail (see below).
You can rely on their confidentiality. Headers are stripped of immedia-
tely after receiving of the messages. However, if you don't like the idea
of sending your responses by E-mail, you can also choose to return the
form by Snail-mail (normal mail). In short:
* E-mail to
(your mailheaders will be removed)
* send it by Snail-mail to
P&C Questionnaire
PO Box 9512
1006 GA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Please respond before June 27.
Thanks in advance for your effort,
Gerhard den Hollander,
Frank Maas
AVAILABILITY of Questionnaire
* some people receive this questionnaire by E-mail
* the questionnaire can be found in newsgroups,
alt.hackers. alt.privacy, comp.unix.misc,
* until June 26th it will be available by anonymous ftp, on [], as /pub/privquest/quest
Below you'll find questions which are preceded by the character 'Q' and
a question number. If appropriate, you'll find below the question the
possible answer options (preceeded by 'O' + question number). In any
case, the last line will be an 'A' and the question number. Here you'll
find the type of answer that is expected and you can fill in your
If you are replying by E-mail, it would be a great help if you delete
the question- and option-texts (also those which you didn't answer)
before returning your answers.
'...' means an open answer (type as much as you want)
'[.]' means a closed answer (type only the option)
'[.|.|.]' means a closed answer (type all applicable options)
E-mail repliers: don't bother filling in exactly between the '[]'-s,
just type your answer behind the format.
The questions about your personal situation are for pure statistical
reasons only. If you prefer not to answer them, don't.
Q.G1 In which country/state do you live?
A.G1 ...
Q.G2 What is your age/Date of Birth?
A.G2 ...
Q.G3 What is your gender?
O.G3 (F) Female (M) Male
A.G3 [.]
Q.G4 What is your highest education?
O.G4 Choose equivalent:
(N) None (P) Primary School (H) High School
(U) University (O) Other (please specify)
A.G4 [.] ...
Q.G5 What is your education level applied to computer science?
O.G5 Choose equivalent:
(N) None (P) Primary School (H) High School
(U) University (O) Other (please specify)
A.G5 [.] ...
Q.G6 Are you employed in the computer science?
O.G6 (Y) Yes (N) No
A.G6 [.]
Q.G7 Are you a ... ?
O.G7 (S) System manager (N) News manager (P) Postmaster
(U) User (O) Other manager (please specify)
A.G7 [.|.|.|.] ...
Q.G8 Where did you get this questionnaire?
O.G8 (A) Directly from authors (S) From my system manager
(N) From News (specify group) (M) Somebody mailed it to me
(F) FTP from dutiws... (O) Other (please specify)
A.G8 [.] ...
Q.M1 Should reading of someone else's E-mail be regarded as an
infringement of the privacy?
O.M1 (Y) Yes (N) No
(A) Almost always (S) Sometimes
A.M1 [.]
System Managers and Postmasters are invited to go to question Q.M6
Q.M2 Does your System Manager/Postmaster read the mail of users?
O.M2 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.M2 [.][.]
Q.M3 Under which circumstances do you find it justified that a System
Manager/Postmaster reads the mail of users?
O.M3 (P) Mail problems (S) Security problems
(O) Other (please specify) (N) Never
A.M3 [.|.|.] ...
Q.M4 Did you reply on these questions for ... ?
O.M4 (I) Incoming messages (O) Outgoing messages (B) Both
A.M4 [.]
Please go to the NEWS paragraph if you replied 'Both'.
Q.M5 Please describe the difference between monitoring Incomming and
Outgoing messages.
A.M5 ...
Please go to the NEWS paragraph
Q.M6 Do you read your users' mail?
O.M6 (Y) Yes (N) No (S) Sometimes
A.M6 [.]
If you replied 'No', please go to the NEWS paragraph
Q.M7 Why and when do you read your users' mail?
O.M7 Choose one of the following:
(A) Always (S) Security reasons (M) Mailproblems
(O) Other
and specify your reasons into detail
A.M7 [.|.|.|.] ...
Q.M8 Do your users know that?
O.M8 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially (N) No
A.M8 [.]
If your system does not have News, you might want to go directly to
the next paragraph. However, you are invited to reply to the first set
of questions.
Q.N1 Is the System Manager/News Manager allowed to censor news
O.N1 Choose one of the following:
(I) Yes, (s)he can censor incoming articles
(O) Yes, (s)he can censor outgoing articles
(B) Yes, (s)he can censor both incoming and outgoing articles
(N) No
and (if not 'No') explain when
A.N1 [.] ...
(Note: the question is not if a SM/NM may read those articles, since
they are freely accessible)
Q.N2 Is the System Manager/News Manager allowed to forbid newsgroups?
O.N2 (Y) Yes (explain when and why) (N) No
A.N2 [.] ...
The following questions ask for a bit of explanation. Each user that
reads news has a file in his/her directory, describing the active
newsgroups read by that user. Normally this file is only consulted by
the newsreader, however some news-administration tools read all of those
files on a system.
Q.N3 Should reading of those files be regarded as an infringement of the
O.N3 (Y) Yes (N) No
(A) Almost always (S) Sometimes
A.N3 [.]
If your system has no News, please go to the FILES paragraph
System Managers (of systems with News) and News Managers, are invited to
go to question Q.N6
Q.N4 Does your System Manager/News Manager read those files?
O.N4 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.N4 [.][.]
Q.N5 Under which circumstances you find it justified that a System
Manager/News Manager reads those files?
O.N5 (P) Newsproblems (S) Security problems (N) Never
(T) Statistical reasons (O) Other (please specify)
A.N5 [.|.|.|.] ...
Please go to the FILES paragraph
Q.N6 Do you read your users' news files?
O.N6 (Y) Yes (N) No (S) Sometimes
A.N6 [.]
If you replied 'No', please go to Q.N9
Q.N7 Why and when do you read your users' newsfiles?
O.N7 Choose one of the following:
(A) Always (S) Security reasons (O) Other
(T) Statistical reasons (N) Newsproblems
and specify your reasons into detail
A.N7 [.|.|.|.] ...
Q.N8 Do your users know that?
O.N8 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially
(N) No
A.N8 [.]
Q.N9 Do you censor articles?
O.N9 (I) Yes, Incoming articles (O) Yes, Outgoing articles
(B) Yes, both incoming and outgoing (N) No
A.N9 [.]
Q.N10 Do your users know that?
O.N10 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially
(N) No
A.N10 [.]
Q.N11 Do you forbid some newsgroups?
O.N11 (Y) Yes (explain when and why) (N) No
A.N11 [.] ...
Q.N12 Do your users know that?
O.N12 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially
(N) No
A.N12 [.]
Q.F1 Should browsing through and viewing of someone else's files be
regarded as an infringement of the privacy?
O.F1 (Y) Yes (N) No
(A) Almost always (S) Sometimes
A.F1 [.]
System Managers can go directly to Q.F6
Q.F2 Does your System Manager browse through/view user files?
O.F2 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.F2 [.][.]
Q.F3 Under which circumstances do you find it justified that a System
Manager browses through/views user files?
O.F3 (P) System problems (specify) (S) Security problems
(O) Other (please specify) (N) Never
A.F3 [.|.|.] ...
Q.F4 Does your System Manager delete user files?
O.F4 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.F4 [.][.]
Q.F5 Under which circumstances do you find it justified that a System
Manager deletes user files?
O.F5 (P) System problems (specify) (S) Security problems
(O) Other (please specify) (N) Never
A.F5 [.|.|.] ...
Please go to the USER MONITORING paragraph
Q.F6 Do you browse through/view your users' files?
O.F6 (Y) Yes (N) No (S) Sometimes
A.F6 [.]
If you replied 'No', please go to Q.F9
Q.F7 Why and when do you browse through/view your users' files?
O.F7 Choose one of the following:
(A) Always (S) Security reasons
(P) System Problems (O) Other
and specify your reasons into detail
A.F7 [.|.|.|.] ...
Q.F8 Do your users know that?
O.F8 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially (N) No
A.F8 [.]
Q.F9 Do you delete users' files?
O.F9 (Y) Yes (N) No (S) Sometimes
A.F9 [.]
If you replied 'No', please go to the USER MONITORING paragraph
Q.F10 Why and when do you delete users' files
O.F10 Choose one of the following:
(S) Security reasons
(P) System Problems (O) Other
and specify your reasons into detail
A.F10 [.|.|.] ...
Q.F11 Do your users know that?
O.F11 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially (N) No
A.F11 [.]
For the following questions, again a little explanation is necessary.
The system manager can, by means of tools, or just by examining the system
on a regular base, monitor user actions. That is, (s)he can trace user
actions. This can range from watching which programs are run to monitoring
the keystrokes typed in.
Q.U1 Do you regard such user monitoring an infringement of the privacy
O.U1 (Y) Yes (N) No
(A) Almost always (S) Sometimes
A.U1 [.]
If you are a System Manager, please go to Q.U4
Q.U2 Does your System Manager monitor user actions
O.U2 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.U2 [.][.]
Q.U3 Under which circumstances do you find it justified that a System
Manager monitors user actions?
O.U3 (P) System problems (specify) (S) Security problems
(O) Other (please specify) (N) Never
A.U3 [.|.|.] ...
Q.U4 Do you monitor your users' actions?
O.U4 (Y) Yes (N) No (S) Sometimes
A.U4 [.]
If you replied 'No', please go to the INFORMATION TO EXTERIOR paragraph
Q.U5 Why and when do you monitor your users' actions?
O.U5 Choose one of the following:
(A) Always (S) Security reasons
(P) System Problems (O) Other
and specify your reasons into detail
A.U5 [.|.|.|.] ...
Q.U6 Do your users know that?
O.U6 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially (N) No
A.U6 [.]
Q.I1 Do you have access to TCP/IP services (ftp,telnet,etc.) outside your
local network?
O.I1 (Y) Yes (N) No
A.I1 [.]
If you replied 'No' then you can go to the CLOSING section. Still, you
are invited to reply to the next questions, since they are of a general
Again an explanation for the following questions. If you make a TCP/IP
connection to another host (eg. if you rlogin to another host), that host
can retrieve your original host ID. However, your identity is not known.
A tool (pidentd) exists which enables the remote machine to retrieve your
For the following questions, the running of this tool (and thus the
providing of the information) is important. The use of that informati-
on by the remote host lies beside the scope of this questionnaire.
Q.I2 Is providing of this information an infringement of the privacy?
O.I2 (Y) Yes (N) No
(A) Almost always (S) Sometimes
A.I2 [.]
Q.I3 Should the users be informed if their systems provide this
O.I3 (Y) Yes (N) No
A.I3 [.]
If you are a System Manager, please go to Q.I5
Q.I4 Does your system provide this information?
O.I4 Choose one of these:
(Y) Yes (N) No (I) I don't know
and one of these:
(O) Everybody knows officially (U) Some know unofficially
(N) Nobody knows
A.I4 [.][.]
Go to the CLOSING paragraph
Q.I5 Does your system provide this information?
O.I5 (Y) Yes (N) No
A.I5 [.]
If you replied 'No' please go to the CLOSING paragraph
Q.I6 Do your users know you provide this information?
O.I6 (P) Yes, it is a well known Policy
(S) Some users know this policy
(U) Some of them do, unofficially (N) No
A.I6 [.]
Q.C1 Do you like to receive the results of this questionnaire?
O.C1 (E) Yes, by E-mail (specify your E-mail address)
(S) Yes, by Snail-mail (specify your address; letter will be send
on RPP (Receiver Pays Postage) base
(G) Yes, post it in a newsgroup (specify which group; the
results will be posted if at least 20 requests are received)
(N) No
A.C1 [.] ...
Q.C2 Does your company has a policy for Computers and Privacy? If so,
could you summarize it here?
A.C2 ...
Q.C3 If you have any comments, things to add, other observations, etc.
please note them here.
A.C3 ...
Date: Thu Jun 10 12:17:26 GMT 1993
From: (Herve BINDA )
Subject: File 2--Curieux FTPMail francais (flicage)
Les FTP Mail sont des systemes forts interessants afin d'obtenir des
fichiers directement par une simple adresse electronique. Outre le tres
classique, nous avons teste pour vous le dernier
FTP Mail lyonnais a la mode. Voici les trois messages recus:
Date: Thu May 27 14:12:08 +0200 1993
From: internet!!ftpmail-request
Message-Service: mail
Received: from internet by attmail; Thu May 27 12:24 GMT 1993
Received: by; Thu May 27 07:59:18 EDT 1993
Received: by (5.67a8/IDA-1.5f)
via Rocad id AA17912; Thu, 27 May 1993 14:12:08 +0200
MTS-Message-ID: <internet1471224300>
UA-Content-ID: <internet1471224300>
Subject: <FTP EMAIL> response
UA-Message-ID: <internet1471224300>
To: !jbcondat
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 1644
<FTP EMAIL> response
==> First check the local archive for the files you are
==> requesting. We will no longer tolerate those requesting
==> files shadowed locally from remote sites.
* Toutes les transactions sont journalisees. En cas de problemes de
* securite, de transferts illegaux impliquant ce service, nous mettrons
* les journaux a la disposition des demandeurs (administrateurs de
* sites distants, CERT, justice, police, ...).
* Si cette politique ne vous convient pas, n'utilisez pas ce service.
* All transfers are logged. In case of security problems, illegal file
* transfers done with this service, we'll make the logs available to
* the requestors (site administrators, CERT, justice, police, ...).
* If you dislike this policy, don't use this service.
<< Commentaire 1 >>
ftpmail has received the following job from you:
open anonymous ftpmail/
cd /pub/cud/chaos
ftpmail has queued your job as: 504727.19959
There are 15 jobs ahead of this one in the queue.
To remove send a message to containing just:
delete 504727.19959
Your original input was>>
Received: from by (5.67a8/IDA-1.5f)
via Rocad with SMTP id AA17139; Thu, 27 May 1993 14:12:05 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Date: 31 Dec 69 23:59:59 GMT << Commentaire 2 >>
Received: from jbcondat by attmail; Thu May 27 12:05:09 GMT 1993
Subject: _Chaos Digest_
Content-Type: text
X-Charset: ASCII
X-Char-Esc: 29
chdir /pub/cud/chaos
Date: Thu May 27 14:45:08 +0200 1993
From: internet!!ftpmail-request
Message-Service: mail
Received: from internet by attmail; Thu May 27 12:44 GMT 1993
Received: by; Thu May 27 08:32:21 EDT 1993
Received: by (5.67a8/IDA-1.5f)
via Rocad id AA18309; Thu, 27 May 1993 14:45:08 +0200
MTS-Message-ID: <internet1471244310>
UA-Content-ID: <internet1471244310>
Subject: (dir )
UA-Message-ID: <internet1471244310>
To: !jbcondat
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 2091
total 1764
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28250 Feb 10 01:56 chaos-1.01
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28902 Feb 10 01:55 chaos-1.02
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27167 Jan 15 22:16 chaos-1.03
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28736 Feb 10 01:55 chaos-1.04
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 24831 Feb 22 22:46 chaos-1.05
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 29104 Feb 10 01:55 chaos-1.06
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26985 Feb 10 01:56 chaos-1.07
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26968 Feb 22 22:46 chaos-1.08
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 29406 Feb 22 22:46 chaos-1.09
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28711 Feb 22 23:39 chaos-1.10
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28641 Feb 24 08:10 chaos-1.11
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28591 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.12
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27285 Mar 31 18:03 chaos-1.13
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 29628 Apr 14 23:37 chaos-1.14
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 29840 Apr 14 23:37 chaos-1.15
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 29381 Apr 17 02:23 chaos-1.16
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28501 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.17
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27374 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.18
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26277 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.19
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27565 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.20
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 25878 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.21
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28757 May 3 22:28 chaos-1.22
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27588 May 12 23:46 chaos-1.23
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27631 May 17 21:12 chaos-1.24
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 24288 May 17 21:12 chaos-1.25
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 28150 May 18 17:53 chaos-1.26
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26875 May 21 00:35 chaos-1.27
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27857 May 21 00:35 chaos-1.28
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26262 May 21 15:26 chaos-1.29
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27863 May 21 15:27 chaos-1.30
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 27497 May 21 15:27 chaos-1.31
-rw-r--r-- 1 brendan 149 26979 May 21 15:27 chaos-1.32
<< Commentaire 3 >>
Date: Thu May 27 14:45:17 +0200 1993
From: internet!!ftpmail-request
Message-Service: mail
Received: from internet by attmail; Thu May 27 12:49 GMT 1993
Received: by; Thu May 27 08:32:24 EDT 1993
Received: by (5.67a8/IDA-1.5f)
via Rocad id AA18310; Thu, 27 May 1993 14:45:17 +0200
MTS-Message-ID: <internet1471249430>
UA-Content-ID: <internet1471249430>
Subject: ftpmail job completed
UA-Message-ID: <internet1471249430>
To: !jbcondat
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 1063
<FTP EMAIL> response
Your job was (lines begining DONE show completed transfers):
open anonymous ftpmail/
cd /pub/cud/chaos
DONE dir
The ftp log contains:
Connecting to
220 FTP server (Version 2.0WU(10) Thu Apr 8 17:46:21 EDT 1993)
---> USER anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
---> PASS <somestring>
230-If your ftp client chokes on this message, log in with a '-' as the
230-first character of your password to disable it.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
---> PWD
257 "/" is current directory.
---> TYPE I
200 Type set to I.
---> CWD /pub/cud/chaos
250 CWD command successful.
---> PWD
257 "/pub/cud/chaos" is current directory.
---> TYPE A
200 Type set to A.
---> PORT 134,214,100,25,10,216
200 PORT command successful.
---> LIST
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
---> TYPE I
200 Type set to I.
---> QUIT
221 Goodbye.
<< Commentaire 4 >>
[ChaosD: La perspective de ce FTP Mail lyonnais nous semblait interessante,
sachant que nous habitons a moins de 2 km du site questionne. Mais plusieurs
constatations nous sont venus a l'esprit:
* Que signifient les commentaires etonnants en francais/anglais, citant meme
le CERT (!), la justice, la police et un superbe "..." devant un tel
service? D'apres nos sources, ces commentaires viendraient de Christophe
Wolfhugel ou de Herve Schauer, grands "gourous" en la matiere.
* Pourquoi le systeme a bien accepter l'heure incroyable de mon horloge qu'
AT&T se fait un malin plaisir de ne pas regler (temps Unix - 1)?
* Le transfert est superbe, mais le repertoire est en retard de plusieurs
numeros au jour de l'interrogation!
* Enfin, devant un transfert realise en moins de huit minutes, nous restons
satisfaits... sauf que notre serveur lyonnais refuse de servir mon adresse
AT&T pourtant bien lyonnaise et me retourne desormais une clause de non
recevoir definitive.
Alors, en exercice, je vous suggere de tester ou
mieux, le Ils sont tous les deux aussi racistes sur les
lyonnais utilisant AT&T.]
(o o)
| Herve Binda |
| Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Electricite et de Mecanique |
| 2 eme Annee ( filiere ISA ) |
| permanent email |
| temporarly email |
| on IRC : CORWYN |
| on MUDs : can't tell you 8-) |
End of Chaos Digest #1.58