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Avalyn Digest Volume 98 Issue 09
Avalyn Digest Wed, 21 Jan 1998 Volume 98 : Issue 9
Today's Topics:
Re: Whats all this about then
Re: Whats all this about then
Re: Lilys/thanks
re: Slowbox
Re: Slowbox...
Re: Autumns sound bites
Re: Mojave delay
Re: Autumns sound bites
(no slowdive) Ride photos: was Ride *were* Sire
Re: Whats all this about then
Re: swallow
Re: swallow
Re: Whats all this about then
Stuff for sale - Slowdive and Lilys
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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 06:02:47 -0800
From: "Tim Warner" <>
Subject: Re: Whats all this about then
> this is very much a random question...but i really am curious. do all
> Lily's "In the Presence of Nothing" CDs eventually skip horribly and
> become unplayable. this has never really happened to any other CDs of mine
> but has happened to two successive In the Presence CDs. I can't live
> without this CD, but the question is, should i buy another one? thanx,
> gage
I don't know if they all eventually skip because I can't find one.
Dammit! Do you have some unlimited secret source?
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:13:27 -0500 (EST)
From: modulation <>
Subject: Re: Whats all this about then
> this is very much a random question...but i really am curious. do all
> Lily's "In the Presence of Nothing" CDs eventually skip horribly and
> become unplayable. this has never really happened to any other CDs of mine
> but has happened to two successive In the Presence CDs. I can't live
> without this CD, but the question is, should i buy another one? thanx,
> gage
hey, mine does this!
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 21:44:34 -0500
From: (Mark)
Subject: Lilys/thanks
My Lilys cd doesn't skip and I can see them from time to time in used cd
stores. If someone needs me to look around, then I'll try. Also, thanks to
everyone on the list for bearing with me this first week. I appreciate the
advice given and hope I didn't come across as an ass and I hope I didn't
insult or cross anyone. This is a great list and I still hope we can
produce a Slowdive true compilation. Thanks, Later.
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 07:17:42 -0800
From: "Tim Warner" <>
Subject: Re: Lilys/thanks
> My Lilys cd doesn't skip and I can see them from time to time in used cd
> stores. If someone needs me to look around, then I'll try. Also, thanks to
> everyone on the list for bearing with me this first week. I appreciate the
> advice given and hope I didn't come across as an ass and I hope I didn't
> insult or cross anyone. This is a great list and I still hope we can
> produce a Slowdive true compilation. Thanks, Later.
Mark...I'd be interested in one of those, if they aren't too expensive.
I love Eccsame...
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:27:53 -0800
From: Richard Henson <>
Subject: re: Slowbox
> PS Anyone here heard of 7% Solution? I'd love to get their address to
> procure a copy of their cd...
Yeah, i've got their album on vinyl (i'm not sure if it's out on cd yet)
it's called "All about satellites and spaceships" or something like that
(it's not here with me). It's a really great disk and i'd recommend it.
Very slowdivey. I got it at an underground store hear in Atlanta Georgia,
USA for eleven bucks.
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:21:04 -0800
From: Richard Henson <>
Subject: Re: Slowbox...
> I heard that Ryko was putting on a Slowdive Boxset...very
> hush-hush, and it would be out by april...It would include everything
> all EPs, Cd's and even a video(multimedia) it will run for like $60 so,
Good God almighty MAN!!! Where ever did you hear such a wonderful
rumor!?! If only it was so... Anyone else hear of anything like
this (oh please, oh please, oh please)?
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 01:48:40 -0600
From: (sugarweathervane)
Subject: Re: Autumns sound bites
>>> So what's wrong with Goldie? :)
>> three words - TOO. MANY. DIVAS.
> Uh, ok, what is wrong with divas? The lady can SING. I forget her
> name, but her voice and presence is beautiful. I saw Goldie here in San
> Francisco and frankly it was one of the best shows I've seen in a long
> time!
it has nothing to do with the singing. it has to do with i can't STAND
wishy-washy synth pad diva-crooning dophin noise downtempo atmospheric drum
and bass anymore. it was nice at first but it had the shortest half-life of
any jungle subgenre. in life as in techno, those that last are constantly
innovating, mutating.
anyway, goldie imo (void everywhere) is a *great* drum programmer and has
written classics in the past, but inner city life nonwithstanding, he now
uses divas as a crutch tool in his music. (so does diva house with
vocalists not half as good as the ones goldie employs but i have an
entirely different beef with that tired music.) jungle voodoo ray, now
*that* would be interesting.
noose above the soapbox, i should be asleep
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:39:52 -0600
From: Myron <>
Subject: Re: Mojave delay wrote:
> i was also told there is no release date for the new Mojave 3
> but it probably won't be until SEPTEMBER. sorry to be the
> bearer of some sucky news....
Maybe this is so as not to interfere with sales of the
Rykodisc Slowdive release.
wishful thinker,
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 01:54:44 EST
From: Flwr2hide <>
Subject: Re: Autumns sound bites
thats ok from what i hear neil halstead is a big fan of jungle/drum and bass
and was a pink floyd fan (and they used divas on dark side)
in the latest issue of alternative press Ryan Lum of LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS
was asked a serious of questions. In the one asking him which artist he
wouid most like to see nude he said RACHEL GOSWELL and HOPE SANDOVAL. and
on the one asking which reunion he would like to see most he said SLOWDIVE
For those of you have yet to experience LOVE SPIRALS DWONWARDS you are
missing a lot. check out:
SIDEwayS foRESt maxi single (great mix of the single on it)
all releases in order of release and are all on PRojEKt reocrds
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:26:10 -0600 (CST)
From: "..." <>
Subject: (no slowdive) Ride photos: was Ride *were* Sire
I wanted to repost this. If you didn't get a chance to check it out...
The FileRoom is a great resource for information on censorship and the
like... you should check it out... the URL's are posted below:
>> On Tue, 13 Jan 1998, Gary Hendershotwrote:
>>> As for the cover, I don't know that
>>> there ever *really* was an actual controversy about its graphics,
>>> but if it had been released in the USA it probably would've had a
>>> fair chance of stirring-up a controversy. The cover features a half
>>> nude approximately 14-year-old girl -- ala the old Blind Faith album
>>> cover -- but in this case she is sitting in a backwards chair facing
>>> the camera. I don't think the photograph was meant to be pornographic,
>>> but undoubtedly someone would probably be offended by the sight of a
>>> young girl's breasts on a record cover.
> I simply think it's a great picture, beautiful in expression and
> technically perfect. Black/white photography at it's best.
>> The photographer is some guy named Jock Sturges who also did
>> similar cover art for the Twisterella and Leave them All Behind
>> singles.
> Small portfolio, incl. twisterella on:
> Does anyone know other sites with his pics? I like them!
>> I don't remember if there was any controversy over
>> the artwork when these were released in '92. I'm sure Sturges
>> came under fire for it when the photos were first unveiled.
> No kidding! Read about it in:
> Jan
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 11:28:15 -0500 (EST)
From: Claire De Leon! <>
Subject: Re: Whats all this about then
> this is very much a random question...but i really am curious. do all
> Lily's "In the Presence of Nothing" CDs eventually skip horribly and
> become unplayable. this has never really happened to any other CDs of mine
> but has happened to two successive In the Presence CDs. I can't live
> without this CD, but the question is, should i buy another one? thanx,
Very strange indeed....hasn't happened to me yet! If you need a copy, give
me a shout out, since I still have about 15 for sale....
take care--
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:46:33 EST
From: Flwr2hide <>
Subject: swallow
anyone here a swallow fan. i was just wondering if any one had a
copy of their remix album bLOWbAck....
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 12:56:30 -0500 (EST)
From: Claire De Leon! <>
Subject: Re: swallow
> anyone here a swallow fan. i was just wondering if any one had a
> copy of their remix album bLOWbAck....
Yup - answer to both questions! Blowback is pretty good, but I'd say the
'Hush' EP is totally where it's at - by far! I *really* got into it just
recently. Get it if you can find it! Also check out Busy Going Crazy, if
you don't know about them already. It's Swallow's guitarist doing dancey
type stuff, which is totally great - they have 2 EPs and a full length CD
which combines the EPs plus adds two tracks - I'm still looking for that
one for those two tracks - anyone have it or know where to score it??
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 11:53:48 -0600
From: o_o_o <gruisinger@POP.UMKC.EDU>
Subject: Re: swallow
> anyone here a swallow fan. i was just wondering if any one had a
> copy of their remix album bLOWbAck....
yes & yes
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 23:24:35 -0800
From: "Tim Warner" <>
Subject: Re: Whats all this about then
> Very strange indeed....hasn't happened to me yet! If you need a copy,
> give me a shout out, since I still have about 15 for sale....
> take care--
> Daniel
Hey, how much are those Lilys cds you're selling?
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 14:53:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Claire De Leon! <>
Subject: Stuff for sale - Slowdive and Lilys
> Hey, how much are those Lilys cds you're selling?
Since someone has asked, not to make a commercial endorsement here, but
if anyone needs a copy of the Lilys CD, they are $8.95 plus $1 for
shipping....e-mail first for availability and details please!
Also, while we're advertising here, the following I also have:
Slowdive-s/t 12" -- $15.50
Slowdive-Morningrise 12" --$9.50
Slowdive-Morningrise CDep -- $9.50
Slowdive-Catch the Breeze/Shine ltd. edition and numbered 7" -- $5.50
None of those prices include shipping, but again - please e-mail if
End of Avalyn Digest Vol.98 #9