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Tyrone 04 Article 09
7"`` ` TYR0NE -- NUMBER F0UR
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7 : E-M-P and K-R-E, droppin' graff
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ú `'ýÀ**Ùý'` ú styles for miles :: ODELAY 1997
: I
-Interview with Discofunk
[1mSession Start: Mon Oct 27 21:32:43 1997[0m
[1m*** Now talking in #blackman[0m
[1m( join ) tum has joined channel #blackman.[0m
[1m( join ) god_ has joined channel #blackman.[0m
[1m*** tum sets mode: +o god_[0m
[1m<tum> so, let's get started[0m
[1m<god_> yes![0m
[1m<god_> ok.[0m
[1m<tum> this time we'll have an interview discofunk, the[0m
[1m acclaimed ascii artist with the badass studs[0m
[1m<tum> so discofunk, how long have you been in the scene and[0m
[1m what groups have you been in?[0m
[1m<god_> uhh, i've been in the scene roughly 2 years now..[0m
[1m something like that. I've been in a number of groups,[0m
[1m started out with some small local ones, then went to[0m
[1m odelay, from there cia, .. uhh, serial, .. kwest, remorse,[0m
[1m i can't remember.[0m
[1m<tum> which one has been the best group experience for you?[0m
[1m<god_> Probably Odelay. I've always known what's going on in[0m
[1m that group, and i was a senior for awhile.[0m
[1m*** god_ changes topic to "kILLUMINATI tHUGS!!@&@#*("[0m
[1m<tum> ya, why draw when we can all pack lead and be thugztas?[0m
[1m<god_> Good question. Where's mHz or that wannabe black man[0m
[1m drax when you need them.[0m
[1m<tum> cool.. regarding recent trends in the scene, what do you[0m
[1m think about this whole nonstandard character use thing that[0m
[1m caused such a big deal in the last issue?[0m
[1m<god_> Pfft, who give's a flying fuck. Trends change, it's[0m
[1m just the way things are flowing. Soon everyone's going to[0m
[1m be like ' yO! be original, use dollar signs. '[0m
[1m<tum> how about the large controversy regarding the use of[0m
[1m colored ascii?[0m
[1m<god_> Wha? controversy? .. OH.. you're talking about pariah.[0m
[1m<tum> ahahaahah[0m
[1m<tum> along with many others..[0m
[1m<god_> YES! .. what are we talking about?[0m
[1m<tum> color vs. black and white in ascii art[0m
[1m<god_> i'm sorry. My mind is elsewhere.[0m
[1m<god_> oh yes.[0m
[1m<tum> some have disagreed with it while others have regarded[0m
[1m it as the only alternative. what do you think?[0m
[1m<tum> disco, pull your hands out of your pants[0m
[1m<tum> and close netscape[0m
[1m<god_> uhhm, It's all ascii to me. Though true ascii should be[0m
[1m abled to be viewed in dos. .. Seeing as how maybe 4[0m
[1m artist's color their ascii's it's no big deal except to[0m
[1m them.[0m
[1m<tum> hmm, ok, now for the REAL controversy. what do you think[0m
[1m about the immense amount of havoc caused by sargon's[0m
[1m homo!ascii?[0m
[1m<god_> Ha. What havoc? Their exposing a weakness in the scene[0m
[1m and remorse ascii. They wouldn't be doing this shit if it[0m
[1m wasn't such an easy target.[0m
[1m<tum> so what are your predictions for the scene?[0m
[1m<god_> I predict everyone will come to worship me as god and i[0m
[1m wil destroy every group alive today and make one super group[0m
[1m called ' morporno '[0m
[1m<tum> can i be a siteop?[0m
[1m<god_> Sure![0m
[1m<tum> actually, can i be the PERMANENT GUEST?[0m
[1m<god_> uhmm, no. Permanent guests are gay.[0m
[1m<god_> Kinda like black jack.[0m
[1m<god_> uNF[0m
[1m<tum> ouch[0m
[1m<tum> naw black jack's sweet like heroine[0m
[1m<god_> he knows he wants it :)[0m
[1m<tum> anyways, back to the subject. how about the loss of mhz[0m
[1m and many other artists? does it bother you that such respected[0m
[1m artists have been simply "fed up"?[0m
[1m( join ) tammy has joined channel #blackman.[0m
[1m<god_> a little. I've noticed it alot elsewhere aswell. And[0m
[1m not just on irc. It's all these .. well, i dunno what to[0m
[1m call them. Let's just call them newbies who come in and act[0m
[1m all gay and blah blah blah, and their ruining it for most[0m
[1m people[0m
[1m(M:) attempting to kickBan (tammy:#blackman)[0m
[1m*** tum sets mode: +b *!*NASSERI@*[0m
[1m*** tammy was kicked by tum (.#:hamsteR. x- )[0m
[1m*** tum sets mode: +i[0m
[1m<tum> what the hell was that[0m
[1m<tum> i think she was looking for drax pr0n[0m
[1m<god_> elite![0m
[1m<god_> stupid canucks.[0m
[1m<tum> how about your own relations to the scene as of late? you[0m
[1m seem to be disgruntled with remorse and generally pissed (like[0m
[1m usual). what do you think is wrong with it? what should be[0m
[1m changed?[0m
[1m<god_> I think alot of things are wrong.[0m
[1m<god_> for one, i don't like the fact how remorse runs #ascii[0m
[1m like a well oiled nazi maching.[0m
[1m<god_> err, machine.[0m
[1m<god_> I don't like everyone acting stupid in the channel like[0m
[1m it was #ansi back in mid - late 96.[0m
[1m<god_> I think i'm going to eventually get fed up with it all[0m
[1m and end up trying to destroy every group.[0m
[1m<god_> I also don't like radman.[0m
[1m<god_> but that's different.[0m
[1m<tum> cool, then we can start our own group! with cheap juarez![0m
[1m<tum> ok maybe not.[0m
[1m<god_> YEAH![0m
[1m<god_> jUAREZ![0m
[1m<god_> pfft, fine. Just means more for me.[0m
[1m<tum> cool.. one LAST thing. what does a black guy think when he[0m
[1m has diarrhea?[0m
[1m<god_> uhh.. ' oh GOD! .. i have diarrhea '[0m
[1m<tum> nah, he thinks he's melting[0m
[1m<tum> alright, that's all for this month campers[0m
[1m<god_> ahhh..[0m
[1m<god_> ELITE![0m
[1m<tum> until next month, this is the upright mexican, signing off.[0m
[1m<god_> makes sense to me.[0m
[1mSession Close: Mon Oct 27 21:54:06 1997[0m
[0mSAUCE00 19971031 P