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Tyrone 04 Article 15
7"`` ` TYR0NE -- NUMBER F0UR
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7 d
7 : E-M-P and K-R-E, droppin' graff
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ú `'ýÀ**Ùý'` ú styles for miles :: ODELAY 1997
: I
[1m To tell you the truth, it is kind of funny to see some of the aspects[0m
[1mof the scene today. I can safely say the majority of the scene is sitting back[0m
[1mbitching at each other all day long, making marks on one's flaws, and lack of[0m
[1mthe so-called 'eliteness'. You ask me, I say it is all basically a bunch of[0m
[1mbullshit. NOBODY in this precious scene has the right to tell anyone how or[0m
[1mwhat to draw, art is an expression of someone, therefore if you are drawing the[0m
[1mway someone else wants to see your art, are you really enjoying what you are[0m
[1mdoing? (That questions is quite rhetorical) It is pretty obvious when you[0m
[1mview the art of artists such as The Prodigy and Discyple that they can care less
what is artisically accepted in this scene, because these guys are drawing for[0m
[1mthe sake of art, not for the sake of being MR. ELITEASSARTIST. Now, dont get me
wrong, many of us artists enjoy the fact that we can compete and try and topple[0m
[1mover eachother with our ascii skills, but in reality, can we really compare two[0m
[1munique pieces of art? It just gets to me to see these guys come around and rip[0m
[1moff others artwork, its quite humorous to tell you the truth. What are these[0m
[1mguys trying to accomplish by ripping off anothers artwork? Fame? Oral Sex? Well,
whatever the hell it is, im sure as hell interested. While im bitching and[0m
[1mmoaning here, id like to get into the whole dispute over what kind of characters
artists should draw with. OK, my view on the topic, WHO GIVES A FUCK. Just go[0m
[1mout there and draw, don't let others discourage you and try and limit you to a[0m
[1mcertain character set, draw what you want to draw how you want to draw it. So[0m
[1mwhat I am basically getting to here, is to listen to noone but yourself. Fuck[0m
[1mpolitics, fuck limitations, shut up and draw. I love you guys.[0m
[1m - John / Mass Murderer[0m
[0mSAUCE00 19971031z P *