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--- Date : Crack Made on 08-04-99
Game Title:
F Zero X - Nintendo 64
[ * ] USA --- [ ] JAPAN --- [ ] EUROPE
Backup Unit Tested On:
[ * ] Doctor V64 --- [ ] Z64 --- [ ] CD64
Video Mode:
[ * ] NTSC --- [ ] PAL
[ * ] CRACK --- [ ] TRAINER
Applied over the V64 format rom.
****** Greetings:
Here it is, the first of many to be released aps patches to allow
the use of "GameShark" or "GameShark Pro" to be used with your 'Backup
N64 Roms'. As of right now, we only have 3 .aps patches released to
allow the use of GameShark with your v64. (not sure if this will
work with the z64/cd64 or any other backup unit.) ENJOY!!
****** Instructions:
1) There are 2 .aps files here:
fz-orig.aps - Apply this one if you have the original Pokemon
Snap Rom (NOTE: Patch must be applied in V64 Format.)
fz-czn.aps - Apply this one if you have the CZN-Cracked one
with the CZN Intro. (NOTE: Patch must be applied in V64 Format.)
2) When the 'Enable Code (Must Be On)' is released at
&, DO NOT Enter it. This will already be patched
into the ROM after applying the appropriate .aps.