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Nintendo64 scene NFOs
 · 26 Dec 2019


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ݲ±°°°°°°°°°°° DùEùXùTùRùOùSùE - CùOùDùIùNùG - SùEùCùTùIùOùN °°°°°°°°°°°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Title : Excitebike 64 USA CRACK ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Release-date : 02.06.2000 ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Coder : LaC ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Type : Crack ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Platform(s) : N64 (Both IPS and APS format) ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Drink : All out of drinks, send me money. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Release-note : ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Y00000000000! ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ I've had lots of time on my hands. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ This is a complete crack for this game. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Just patch it to the original z64 format rom ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ released by MNC. The rom should be 128mbit. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ There was not much room left on the end of the ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ rom, so it won't have my normal intro. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ This crack allows you to save using ANY backup ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ unit, even if you do not have a 16kbit eeprom. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ If you do not have a 16kbit eeprom in your cart ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ then I rewrite the routines to use sram instead. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Titanik did something similar in his dk64 crack ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ I think. Apparently it didn't work very well. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ I haven't looked how he did it for dk64 yet, but ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ when I have time i'll look and maybe write a fix ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ for his. Actually I probably won't, AND I most ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ likely won't write another crack that uses this ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ method for 16kbit eeprom games. So that means ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ you all should go buy a 16kbit eeprom cart like ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Episode 1 racer. :) ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Please note this game WILL still work if you ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ do not have sram or 2048 eeprom, it just won't ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ save. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Instructions for V64 and V64JR users: ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Patch the original rom with this patch BEFORE ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ you byteflip it to v64 format! please! ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Also to save the game you should use a ds1 or ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ if you just have a v64jr you could use a cart ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ like revenge to save I think, or could even ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ replace the boot code in the cart with 6105 ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ bootcode and recalc the crc with rn64crc. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Instructions for CD64 users: ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Patch the original rom with this patch. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Make sure the rom you patch is in z64 format. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Use ds1 or a cart with sram, like wcw:revenge. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Instructions for Z64 users: ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ On z64 it will save to sram only. Even if you ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ have a 16kbit cart. And the z64 should save ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ the sram file on zip disk. So you guys can make ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ tracks and exchange them easily! Lets hope ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ someone releases a tool soon that will allow ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ uploading/downloading of sram/eeprom/mempack ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ to/from v64/v64jr/cd64! HINT HINT. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Greets to _kid, CrowTRobo, ss_forces and Endo for testing help!³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ More releases will be... released. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ACTRAiSER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Hartec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Hotblack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ LaC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ NaN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - secret - ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Ravemax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Redbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ If you are an experienced DOS,Win95,Unix or even N64-Coder and ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ want to join as a trial-member,then contact one of our members ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ via email or on IRC. We will check if you are good enough .... ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ .... good luck ;-) ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ You can get all our releases at our INet-WHQ : ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ WWW.DEXTROSE.COM - managed by ACTRAiSER _AND_ Hartec ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ _AND_ Redbox ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ RANDOMIZED: Until it came in the order I wanted it in. ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Nagra bpoint hartec Hotblack ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Actraiser Titanik Destop Ravemax ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ wild fire JL_Picard nil cforman ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Immortal Widget ConMan Endo rip ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Iggy Necromanc kidstardust SPAMAN ss_forces ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Rene Twinsen RedBox kid Demo PPC750 ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Zilmar Lemmy Angelo Cricket VL Eden ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ subice All_of_Protest_Design Refried ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ HYJiNX Kemuri m0tion nop Acey scav ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ duddie hWnd RCP Lothos slacka schibo ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Jabo WT_Riker SoS contrasf King Rasta ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ lem sneaky Sage JaZ segmond icepir8 ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Silver Steve rudeboy fractal Rico ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Jovis Rbubba oman datawiz superdoc Icarus ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Bloodfest LongShot DeadSoulz newt Gloomy ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Strider palpy MrPips rider Cyborg Wh0carez ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ MiSFiT Gryzor PsHayes 007 Goyle loom Locke ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ brettb OSI-C1P Netfucker SpeedyG saska fangel ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ twk Stumble TlippyB TrYpTaMiN MooN faze sponge ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ DooM UNiT modus Sispeo Ste NaN poyz stage ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ shroomz stan trilili BryHud silo thesim ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Uxorious Sweed ennay Brabury swasti tracker ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ dextor ego Madhatter sdsd O^Freeze Ninja ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Nintense Darkman ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ And some of the members of TC who should ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ reconsider some stupid actions to me. You know ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ who you are and what you did (zodi, delerius). ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ Regards to the Manufacturers of V64, Z64 and CD64 ³°°±²Þ
ݲ±°°³ ³°°±²Þ

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