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Game Title:
Pokemon Snap Station - Nintendo 64
[ * ] USA --- [ ] JAPAN --- [ ] EUROPE
Backup Unit Tested On:
[ * ] Doctor V64 --- [ ] Z64 --- [ ] CD64
Video Mode:
[ * ] NTSC --- [ ] PAL
[ * ] CRACK --- [ ] TRAINER
****** Intro:
Well, it seems I am the first to release this crack ;)
Once again, one of the only few 'crackers' out there to release
their shits withOUT BS intros and it will allow the use of
gameshark as well. Apply this .ips patch to the v64 byte
swapped version of the rom.
****** Instructions:
Simple enough, use your favorites ips patcher and
apply this to the v64 version of the rom.
Also Note: When an 'Enable Code' is released at You do not need to enter it.
Thanx for supporting GSCCC & GSN64
****** Greetz:
Wildfire, Titanik, Nagra, Actraiser, WT_Riker, Destop
& the rest of CZN & Blackbag