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jonas issue 8

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 years ago


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---------------------------\ \
r selection

. .. m y n a m e i s .. .
% % . . . . . . %
% %%. . . . . . ____.%% %
% %%%/ | : . : \ : : :___ \%%% %
bF% %%%%/ | : | | | \%%%% %
% %%%%%(__________|__________|_____\____|_____|____|__________)%%%%% %
. % %% 1 ... welcome to jonas, biznatch ... (edicius) ... 1 %% % .
. % %% 2 ... edicius' editorial ........... (edicius) ... 2 %% % .
. % %% 3 ... member and sites listing ..... (edicius) ... 3 %% % .
. % %% 4 ... toners and teleconfs ......... (term. v.) .. 4 %% % .
. % %% 5 ... group pride .................. (term. v.) .. 5 %% % .
. % %% 6 ... religious fortitude .......... (akira) ..... 6 %% % .
. % %% 7 ... underground/computer news .... (edicius) ... 7 %% % .
. % %% 8 ... guyness quiz! ................ (edicius) ... 8 %% % .
. % %% 9 ... top ten list (really keen!) .. (edicius) ... 9 %% % .
. % %% 10 .. interview with black francis . (edicius) .. 10 %% % .
. % %% q ... leave this issue of jonas .... (quit) ...... q %% % .
would i be amused ˙ would you be impressed ˙ knowing i had the power
to put a hole in your chest ˙ when the kids are crying ˙ after the
welfare check's been spent ˙ would i rob a licquor store to get some
money for the rent?
dead milkmen
welcome to jonas, biznatch.. .
composed by edicius.. .
- -- --------------------]
hey dw33bs.
now, here it is. another issue, long awaited, _very_ long awaited.
wooHoo. party in the hizouse. everybody have fun tewnight,
everybody wanchung tewnight.
news? we dont need no fucking news. urhm, actually, there's not
much news. basicly,
we got gnu members!@ cheer. akira of platoon wrote an article, ts
of teklordz did an ascii, christopher robin of rival? (wait, isn't that
dead?) did an ascii, paranoid insomniac did an ascii, and. urh, oh, i
sCandal of cia did me a really leet one, and i used asphixia's that he
did a long time ago. :P
i cant remmeber any gnu sites. i think i added unseen fate, but i'm
not sure if that was before the last issue or not.
everybody jump on phearnet!@ its really hep. along with screamnet.
thats really hep too. two hep nets, one hep coordinator. (rattle, the
bbs tiki god.)
cerebral neurosis of cia music, did the music routine. he
originally wrote it for his game, penis wars, but i con'd him into giving
me the source for jonas. he said he wrote a new one, but i haven't
gotten it yet. sorry. :P i'll use that next issue.
i finally moved on to a better coding language. this issue was k-
koded in quick basic 4.5, and not asic. that shareware basic ripoff. :P
urhm. contributions can be sent tew urhm. me. i really dont have a
steady email address. just find me on irc. (edi, or edi_. do a /whois
edi before you send. a bunch of people from bulgaria have the name
'edi'. strange, but thats a real first name in bulgaria.) also, join
#jonas. its a romping-stomping good time. also, people from sweeden
keep taking over that channel, cause one dude's name is 'jonas', and he
uses it to talk with his friends, what a d0RK!@. h3h3.
thats it, later dweebs.
edicius.. . [jonas fat daddy]
edicius' editorial.. .
composed by <h3h3, guess>.. .
- -- ------------------------]
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jho bitch.
paranoid insomniac did that really leet ascii. beg him (pI-) for
jES. lets go devils. wooHoo. i'm not like a hockey fan, but well,
when a team from your state is doing really good, you gotta cheer for
them. lets go devils.
i just got my haircut, phear me, not mogel.
on that subject, best wishes to mogel after his 'departure' from
hoe. he's gonna be missed, along with black francis and pEz monthly.
also leaving, eerie. later dude, get everything straightened out
and stuff. underground, er grown, will be missed. :) so will his
ansis, even tho he never did me one. bastad.
vapor sucks, in a way. in a way, it doesn't. like, they have most
of their group dual grouping, which blows. so there's really no loyalty
there. their art is there, but if i wanted to see spastic art, or cia
art, or whatever, i'd download the spastic or the cia pack. and they
dont have lit or ascii, which makes them even less k-leet.
this is really going no where. this is really going no where.
duncan, why do you have to leave? i dont want you tew. fewl, i'm
coming out to california somehow. i'm gonna live with you, i'll be your
i met the state like a month and a half ago. and you didn't. i
hung out with louie, and the rest of them. i have their autographs, and
i'm just really k-leet. ner. the chick wasn't there tho, which pissed
me off. but the rest of them were really cool. i was in their tent
eating goldfish crackers with them and stuff.
this is really going downhill.
god, next time i go to sit down and write an editorial, i will plan
a topic. or maybe this suddenly zany humor is what makes jonas
different. hm, possibly.
i was talking to terminal velocity, as i always do, the other day.
we were just talking about the old broken days and stuff. odd, so many
successful people in the art scene, currently, started from broken. grey
hawk, is a senior in cia and a very good artist. diehard is reknown to
be the best up and coming artist currently. urhm. there's more.
terminal velocity is a great new lit artist. and myself, i run a
successful mag and i'm a coordinator for cia. pretty impressive for a
lame local group, eh?
good luck to lamsey jamsey with hoe. good luck to trank, and good
luck to hatred. jeah. that sounds good.
thats it. good night.
edicius.. .
-+* jìÔís êmíáçzçÔê mêm·êÍs úçsÁçÔá *+-
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toners and teleconferences.. .
composed by terminal velocity.. .
- -- ---------------------------]
It's Friday night... your friend just called you telling you your
group that theres a teleconference. So you call up and start talking to
your friends when suddenly you hear a loud toning noise. That's right...
20 minutes in to your conversation and someone is already toning.
Apparently someone in the group gave the conf info to a friend who in
turn gave it to a friend who in turn gave the info out on some IRC
channel. The next thing you know the only thing you hear is loud toning
and you just hang up and the whole conf has just gone to shit.
I've been on more than a few conferences in which the whole thing
is ruined by a bunch of people who feel it is their duty to ruin the
evening for everyone else because they weren't good enough to the conf
info. So rather than not acting like assholes and being mature so they
can get more infos for confs later on, they have to ruin all the ones
they are lucky enough to get. Often it is hanger-ons for groups, people
in the scene who aren't good enough to get in to a group and feel the
need to rage against the group because they weren't good enough to get
in. Or worse yet, they are in groups and they are too immature to be
allowed on teleconference because they feel the need to show they world
they are a bunch of pre-pubes who should be shot. It also seems that even
with the utmost security, some asshole always seems to get the
information, because as any hacker can tell you, the weakest links in any
security are human beings.
For a conclusion I would like to make a note to toners
everywhere. Grow up. If your mad because you get left out of conferences,
consider your actions. If you tone, no one will want you in their conf...
you'll spend your whole lame existence outside of the scene, or at least
your be so hated you might have to go find a life.
pride in the scene.. .
It seems these days that everyone in the bbs world is in some
sort of group. Be it art, text, or renegade modding, everyone is in some
sort of group. The problem is a lack of pride. Not the type of hubris
displayed by the members of ACiD in thinking their gods, but the type of
pride that good artists invest in their work. I know a lot of artists out
there (artist meaning ansi, ascii, lit, vga, or music) who release stuff
just to release for the month. The credo of most groups is quantity, not
quality. While this is the de facto standard in much of the scene, it is
a very sad time. This pride I speak of isn't just limited to their work.
It's also pride in their group.
You have to have pride in your group and understand that your
actions for the most part reflect on the group of which you are a member.
A lot of groups out there have members who act like asses, thus shedding
a bad light on the group and tarnishing it's reputation. When you join a
group you have an obligation to act in a mature manner and to conduct
yourself as a mature adult like you want to be, and not like an immature
little asshole and start bullshit flamewar shit. Not only do you have an
obligation not to act like an asshole, but also do the best work you can.
If it sucks, don't release it! Everyone will just trash you for it and it
will only make you and the group look bad.
religious fortitude.. .
composed by akira.. .
- -- ---------------]
Wait a sek. Is 'fortitude' a real word? Uhm. Oh well. Here I am, today,
typing for your enbetterment and my waste of time. Or, rather, I am
typing this to enhance your ability to vote or suggest correct and/or
better choices as well as write a good article for Jonas!. I like the
second one. This is an article, as the header says, about Religion.
Please don't stop reading this because it looks cheesy or because you
know that your don't care. Just fuggin read it. It may be helpful - just
Religion is a very strong power in the United States.. as it has been and
is all across the world. There are special hospitals for certain groups,
there are schools, there are even political groups that cater to those of
only certain belief. I ask you to look at their power. On the case of
abortion, you can find a good article on the views of several anti-
abortion-ists in the country in a copy of the New York Times a few
daysback. Here are a few examples of the responses to the killings of
several abortion doctors, not quoted exactly, but close enough. 'I am a
soul believer in God. He says, I obey. And he does not say that we can
kill our kids before they are born. Therefore, the abortion doctors MUST
be atheist. They must be killed. They are a menace to society. and
another less religion based example, much the same as the last, is kill
them all, they kill kids.' Now, if you agree with them, no offence, but
that is f***ing stupid. These groups also want to push mandatory
prayer in school, the owning of prayer books in every household,
and prayer schools that are mandated for young children. (the
later is only a suggested idea I read about in some boony zine..
but ech.. the though?!)
Welcome to the United States of America. You have freedom of
speech. So why can't I go into a theater and yell FIRE! ? You have
freedom of the press. Too bad - they fuck up storied pretty badly.. i.e.
the yearbook scandal at GHS (my school) they got all wrong. You should
see the yearbook.. I should scan it in or something.. if people think
that out school is racially prejudice, they are on some bad halucinigins.
You have next the freedom of choice. So if I want to be an atheist, LET
me. Don't force prayer on me. If I want to abort my baby, (no, I am not a
woman and won't be having a baby soon) LET me. You all push the
few freedoms that dwindle. Where are they, fool?
p.s. If you want scans of the yearbook, mail
underground/computer news.. .
typed up by edicius.. .
- -- -----------------]
Taken from the Asbury Park Press, 6/22/95:
_Reward doesn't ring true at AT&T_
The Associated Press.
PHILADELPHIA -- It wasn't the 'True Reward' AT&T customers had in mind.
AT&T Corp. in a statement mailed to 175,000 'True Reward' customers
mistakenly provided the toll-free number to a sex chat line instead of
its own.
Callers expecting to reach an AT&T operator were greeted instead by
a sultry, breathy voice saying: Are you ready to get naked? ... If you
want hard-core, uncensored, explicitly sex now ... then come and -- ummm
-- take it!
The number the Basking Ridge company meant to provide, 1-800-869-
9900, allows customers to turn points earned by using long-distance
service into free airline tickets and merchandise from the Disney Store.
But a printing error listed 1-800-896-9900, the number to a $2.98-a-
minute sex-chat line provided by Los Angeles-based Amtec Communications.
Callers are billed only after listening to the introduction and entering
a credit card number.
Donna Alexander, an AT&T spokeswoman in Philadelphia, was unable to
say how many of the 17 million 'True Rewards' customers reached the wrong
number, but she said the company has heard plenty from some who did.
'People have been calling AND expressing their dissatisfaction,
Alexander said.' We have apologized profusely because its NOT Just the
kind of mistake we usually make.
The company sent out the wrong number a week ago and already has
mailed apologies, she said.
Retired Philadelphia police officer Herb Rhodes was on the speaker
phone in the kitchen of his home in Sewell when he reached the sex line.
'My wife dropped a pot, my daughter's mouth dropped open, and I
couldn't believe it,' Rhodes told the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Not all callers went away mad.
Amtec customer service manager Jamie Black said she has noticed an
increase in business, indicating some AT&T callers have intentionally
stayed on the line.
'It hasn't been bad for business she said, laughing,
'but i don't know how AT&T feels about it.'
Taken from Time Magizine, the week of 6/26/95:
_From god@heaven.org_
By Joshua Quittner
Until last week, Christine Hong, an assistant account executive at
the Los Angeles ad agency Poppe Tyson, had never won anything. Then she
receive E-mail 'signed' by Taco Bell president William C. Bell, informing
her that from now until the end of October she could order one free lunch
a week simply by stopping in at a participating restaurant and uttering
this password: ' I'd like a Grande Burrito and hold the McSour Cream.'
But Hong, who used to work at Taco Bell, is no chump. 'I know Taco
Bell's president is not named Bell,' she says. Hong was the victim of
the latest hot prank on the Internet: 'FakeMail,' a free service that
lets fun-loving correspondents send E-mail that looks as if its from
anyone they choose - Bill Bell, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates or even God.
Hacking E-mail addresses is one of the oldest tricks in cyberspace.
But until quit recently the practice required a deeper understanding of
the inner workings of the Internet mail system than most users possess.
Then last month a programmer in South Florida named Ryan Scott opened a
site on the World Wide Web that makes positing an pseudonymous message as
easy as filling out a bank's deposit slip. Simply indicate whom the
message is directed to and whom it is supposed to be from, type a message
in the space provided, hit a button marked SEND and off it goes - a
message that eve couldn't distinguish from the real thing.
In the four weeks it has been operating, Scott's service has
attracted thousands of cutups who have dispatched 18,000 bogus messages
to unsuspecting users all over the world. On the same day Hong won he
phony prize, other Internet users received celebrity E-mail from the
chairman of Microsoft (a handsome job offer), the President of the U.S.
(an admonishment to stop reading and start studying_, supermodel
Cindy Crawford (a proposition), the Supreme Being (an invitation to the
Second Coming) and Satan (an invitation to eternal damnation).
It's not the perfect prank. It works best if the FakeMail comes
from a plausible source with a real, and well-know, E-mail address. And
it's more satisfying if the sender can be there when the mail is received
to relish his cybersucker punch. (' Gee, I'd love to meet you in your
office to discuss the job offer tommorrow at 3 p.m. Mr. Gates ...')
It's also easy to go too far. A victim of a not so funny episode at
the University of North Carolina fell for a FakeMail message, ostensibly
from her boss, announcing that she had been fired. The electronic
mailbox of a University of Chicago student was flooded after used
FakeMail subscribe him to more than a hundred E-mail discussion groups.
Still other victims complain of being set up for sexual harassment and
threats. FakeMail incidents got so out of hand at the University of
Michigan that a system administrator threatened to block student access
to the site.
Scott decided late last week to pull the plug on his own service, at
least for a while. What persuaded him was a call from a lawyer who
pointed out that if someone committed suicide as a result of a FakeMail
message, Scott could be held personally liable. `I never intended for
people to hurt one another,' he says.
None of this comes as a surprise to Internet veterans, who are all
too familiar with the corrosive effect of pseudonmity. 'it dilutes
trust, and trust is of the essence in any communications regime,' says
Stewart Brand, co-founder of the Sausalito, California-Based Whole Earth
'Lectronic Link, one of the first and best-known online gathering places.
Having seen what havoc anonymity can create, the WELL's creators decided
to make every poster accountable for his or her messages. Years later,
some WELL users asked that a portion of the system be set aside for
anonymous discussions, arguing that it would allow people to speak more
freely about volatile topics. 'It was shut down within a week by
acclamation,' says Brand. `The pathology was exactly what FakeMail
encourages-people pretended to be other people and mocked each other
viciously, free or any possible reprisal.
Scott says he just wanted to have a little fun and -- fingers
crosses -- generate business for his company, NetCreations of Hollywood,
Florida, which designs interactive home pages on the Web. He also had a
secret agenda: he thought that an onslaught of phony messages would help
people understand that nothing should be taken at face value on the
Scott is keeping a private copy of every message sent so that
FakeMailers can be accountable if something terrible happens. Meanwhile
his project achieved at least one of his objectives: it brought him a
dozen prospective clients for NetCreations. One of them was a lawyer
looking for a way to gussy up his firm's Internet presence - the very
lawyer who broke the bad news about liability. Scott told him that he
was convinced that it was time to shut down FakeMail. 'Fine,' the lawyer
replied. `Just give me a minute to send one last message.'
quyness quiz.. .
Note: My dad got this from his job, someone forwarded it to him in email.
I'm typing this up from the printout of it, its pretty funny. :P
Take this Scientific Quiz to determine your Guyness Quotient
1. Alien beings from a highly advanced society visit the Earth, and you
are the first human they encounter. AS a token of intergaliactic
friendship, they present you with a small but incredibly
sophisitcated device that is capable of curing all disease,
providing an infinite supply of clean energy, wiping out hunger and
poverty, and permanently eliminating opression and violence all over
the entire Earth.
You decide to:
a. Present it to the president of the United States.
b. Present it to the secretary general of the United Nations.
c. Take it apart.
2. As you grow older, what lost quality of your youthful life do you
miss the most?
a. Innocence.
b. Idealism.
c. Cherry Bombs.
3. When is it okay to kiss another male?
a. When you wish to display simple and pure affection without regard
for narrow minded social conventions.
b. When he is the pope. (Not on the lips.)
c. When he is your brother and your are Al PAcino and this is the
only really sportsmanlike way to let him know that, for business
reasons, you have to have him killed.
4. What about hugging another male?
a. If he's your father and at least one of you has a fatal disease.
b. If you're performing the Heimlich maneuver. (And even in this
case, you should repeatebly shout: `I am Just dislodging food
trapped in this male's trachea! I am not in any way aroused!')
c. If you're a professional baseball player and a teammate hits a
homerun to win the World Series, you may hug him provided that
(1) He is legally withnig the basepath.
(2) Both of you are wearing protective cups, and
(3) you also pound him fraternally with your fist hard enough to
cause fractures.
5. Complete this sentence: A funeral is a good time to ...
a. ... remember the deceased and console their loved ones.
b. ... reflect upon the fleeting transience of earthly life.
c. ... tell the joke about the guy who has Alzheimer's disease and
6. In your opinion, the ideal pet is:
a. A cat.
b. A dog.
c. A dog that eats cats.
7. You have been seeing a woman for several years. She's attractive
and intelligent, and you always enjoy being with her. One leisurely
Sunday afternoon the two of you are taking it easy -- you're
watching a football game; she's reading the papers -- when she
suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, tells you that she thinks she
really loves you, but she can no longer bear the uncertainty of not
knowing where your relationship is going. She says she'snot asking
whether you want to get married; only whether you believe that you
have some kind of future together. What do you say?
a. That you sincerely believe the two of you do havea future, but
you dont want to rush it.
b. That although you also have strong feelings for her, you cannot
honestly say that you'll be ready anytime soon to make a lasting
commitment, and you don't want to hurt her by holding out false
c. That you cannot believe the Jets called a draw play on third and
8. Okay, so you have decided that you truly love a woman and you want
to spend the rest of your life with her -- sharing the joys and the
sorrows, the triumphs and the tragedies, and all the adventures and
opportuniteis that the world has to offer, come what may. How do
you tell her?
a. You take her to anice restaurant and tell her after dinner.
b. You take her for a walk on a moonlit beach, and you say her name
and when she turns to you, with the sea breeze blowing her hair
and the stars in her eyes, you tell her.
c. Tell her what?
9. One weekday morning your wife wakes up feeling ill and asks you to
get your three children ready for school. Your first question to her
a. `Do they need to eat or anything?'
b. `They're in school already?'
c. `There are three of them?'
10. When is it okay to throw away a set of veteran underwear?
a. When it has turned the color of a dead whale and developed new
holes so large that yu're not sure which ones were originally
intended for your legs.
b. When it is down to eight loosely connected underwear molecules
and has to be handled with tweezers.
c. It is never okay to through away veteran underwear. A real guy
checks the garbage regularly in case somebody -- and we are not
naming names, but this would be his wife -- is quietly trying to
discard his underwear, which she is frankly jealous of, because
the guy seems to have a more intimate relationship with it than
with her.
11. What, in your opinion, is the most reasonable explanation for the
fact that Moses led the Israelites all over the place for forty
years before they finally got to the Promised Land?
a. He was being tested.
b. He wanted them to really appreciate the Promised Land when they
finally got there.
c. He refused to ask directions.
12. What is human race's single greates achievement?
a. Democracy.
b. Religion.
c. Remote control.
How to score: Give yourself one point for every time you picked answer
'c.' A real guy would score at laest 10 on this test. In fact, a real
guy would score at least 15, because he would get the special five point
bonus for knowing the joke about the guy who has Alzheimer's disease and
top ten list of failed acid spinoffs and merchandise.. .
10 - acid necrophillia division
9 - lord jazz childrens asprin
8 - somms car seat belts
7 - acid101, light music, all the time.
6 - acid's kill your ex-wife kit
5 - acid hyperdermic needles
4 - rad man sex wax
3 - acid's home spanish teaching kit
2 - cat's home tatoo kit
and the number one failed acid spinoff or merchandise is,
1 - acid psychic connection hotline
IRC log started Wed May 3 16:10
[E/X] The IRC Logfile is ON.
*** bF is (pEz founder % cia ass-key)
*** on channels: @#zines
*** on irc via server ([] Escape - New York City)
*** bF has been idle for 37 seconds (0 minute(s))
*** bF signed on Wed May 3 15:54:26 1995
<edi> nod. wanna be intervued?
<bF> okie dokie
<edi> werd. lesse. quick, name, age, location, and any prior arrests.
<bF> hum. frank black (hehe), 17, pennsylvania, none.
<edi> hehe. whas your current affiliazions?
<bF> razor 1991, fairlight, zillionz. oh. hum. cia, hoe, spamfx, and pEz.
<bF> scratch the warez stuff.
<edi> whoa, j00z l337. w4r3z!@$@#%@#. oh. hm, how long have you been
in the scene, and how'd you get into it?
<bF> about seven years ago, i started on a 300 baud modem and genie.
soon enough, i got into it so much that i went out and got my own
386sx and a 2400 baud. i was livin' phat. i started in nj, on
local porn boards and things and made my way up to this
<bF> i've been in every scene. the warez scene, the art scene, and
currently, i guess, i'm in the 'zine scene.
<edi> dont forget the porn scene. :P
<edi> wowe. you've been around. :). what is/was your favorite scene
of all the ones you've been in, and why?
<bF> i started there, dooder. then, that all ended when i printed out a
gif and left it laying around for my grandmotheer to find.
<bF> well, i liked the art scene for a while, but got tired of it. i
like the 'zine scene the most because that's where the intelligence
<bF> no corny shit like what goes on in the art scene.
<edi> rolling on the fucking floor. i hope it wasn't granma.gif.. :P
<bF> eww!
<bF> heehee.
<edi> hehe.
<edi> i like the zines scene too. hey, i guess jonas can be considered
a zine eh? i dont think so. ah, anyway. who's the most
interesting person you've met in your modeming exploits?
<bF> jonas is a 'zine. it's 'coded', but it's still a 'zine. at least
it's not an ansi 'zine. ick.
<bF> by far, the most interesting person i've ever met is mogel. you
can't beat mogel with a stick. well, literally, you could, but,
figuratively, you can't.
<bF> woo-hoo. run-on sentences; here i come!
<bF> hum.
<edi> mogel's is very cool. he rules. he better come to my party. :P.
lal. tell us alittle about your zine, pez.
<bF> i'll tell mogel and spiff about it, and i can cram them in my car.
*wERd*. anyway;
<bF> pez, uhm, pez (no acronym) is just a 'zine for anyone who wants to
say something and get their word across to a large audience. it's
strictly a humor/editorials 'zines, but it ends up being more on
the editorial side.
<bF> of course i throw my own brand of pitiful humor in there to liven
things up, but it's mostly editorials. it covers everything from
music, to, hum, the ansi 'scene' (sometimes, as scary as that is)
<edi> pez - porky's elite zine. hm. its filled with humerous
editorials, i always laugh when i read it. :P i loved the hole
article in pez 23. :P
<bF> whoah! elite acronym!
<bF> i just may use that for the hell of it. we all know groups suck
unless they have an elite acronym.
<bF> the hole article was something i had to get off my chest before i
exploded and killed courtney love myself.
<bF> but, i figure, she's not even worth the jail time.
<edi> werd. grewps need the leet acROnNYM. werd. hmm. and courtney
love sucks bad. i'm glad you wrote about her. i wrote something
about kurt in jonas 5 or 4 or 6. i forget.
<bF> let her overdose or something.
<edi> do what the russians did, get some guy like oswald to do the killings.
<bF> that's a swell idea :>
<edi> hmm. how longs your board been up?
<bF> there was something about kurt one year later in the lastest pez.
i stay off the nirvana subject. it's touchy.
<bF> well, about a year ago, i put up deep 13. deep 13 was a wwiv board
which carried everything. shareware, text, art, warez; you name it
- we had it.
<edi> nirvana <-> touchy. wow.
<bF> then, i decided to switch to renegade. that was the birth of
sub-culture. sub-culture was an art/sound/programming board.
<edi> sub-culture. thats the perfect name for your board, escpecially. :P
<bF> i ran into a huge problem somewhere along the line and it was taken
down. after a while (a few months), i put up goat blowers
anonymous mainly because there were no good t-file boards, and
mogel was moving to new york. mogel needed a whq for hoe.
<bF> that leaves me where i am now.
<bF> i could have made it a pixies reference and named it
'subbacultcha', but i decided against that :>
<edi> pip's board is subbacultcha. :P
<bF> mainly because 'subbacultcha' (a pixies song) with a sysop named
'black francis' (lead singer of the pixies) would be
<bF> is pip's board up yet?
<edi> what type of puter setup you have over there in pa?
<edi> pip's board should be up soon. i sold/gave him an old 286 i had
for it.
<bF> i have three computers, actually. one of which just recently died.
the computer i run the board from is the same 386sx i got six years
ago. i upgraded the memory and hard drive space, though.
<bF> 6k of memory and 500 megs of hard drive space on two drives.
<bF> the other one that's still working is a 386dx/40 which i use mostly
to screw around on. draw some asciis, etc. i don't write on it,
though. it's not 'comfortable' enough, for some reason.
<bF> that's what the crappy old tandy was for. it was a clunker. it's
the one that just died. it was loud, too. had this big ass fan in
the back that would just make so much noise.
<edi> ah well. to each his own, every writer has their own personal
knack. most of my best poetry and story ideas are thought up or
written in school.
<bF> i believe that, too. i write shitty things on my good computer,
but, some of the best things i write came from the tandy
<bF> things = writings
<bF> whatever. that was a pretty redundant sentence.
<edi> hehe. shtty comes from the best, the best comes from the shitty.
:). hmm, besides the obvious pixies, what type of music do you
listen to?
<bF> hum. i've always described what i listen to as 'indie pop' just
because 'alternative' is stupid, and what i listen to usually isn't
classified as 'alternative'. my taste in music is very diverse,
too. i listen to everything from primus, to the violent
<bF> femmes, to cypress hill. i'm also really into surf punk. like,
dick dale and his del-tones. stuff like that.
<edi> cool.
<edi> i'm more diverse. ner. i range from u2 to they might be giants
to hammer to dead milkmen. :P
<edi> and of course, weezer. :P
<bF> ooh! they might be giants and the milkmen! good stuff.
<bF> weezer rocks. my let my friend borrow my weezer cd as callateral
for a pair of live tickets cause he tought i wouldn't pay him back
<bF> well, i payed him back and i still haven't seen my weezer cd again.
this was in october, too.
<bF> or maybe november. regardless, it was a while back.
<bF> my favorite tmbg album is lincoln :P
<bF> my let my = i let my
<edi> weezer and live rule. lives playing in september like 20 minutes
from my house. i'm seeing hootie and the blowfish in a month too.
<bF> woo-hoo.
<edi> hmm. do you have any 'hobbies' outside of puters and zines and
<bF> i saw hootie and the blow fish waaayy before they became big down
on south street. i had seen them on the david letterman jammy and
really dug that 'hold my hand' song, so i snatched up some tickets.
good song.
<bF> hobbies? tough one.
<bF> i draw cartoons. it's something, possibly one of the only things,
i do extremely well. i also play bass in a band, which, ironically
(i guess) is doing a cover of cdc #39 (fuck the world)
<edi> hootie good in concert?
<bF> most of my time is eaten up by playing bass, my girlfriend, or my
job, so i don't get to draw much anymore.
<bF> ooh. hootie and the blowfish did this really kickin' cover of
'ziggy stardust' :>
<bF> hum. oh yeah. i got to a lot of shows. i guess that can be
considered a hobby.
<bF> they're good vocally, but they don't put on a big glitzy show or
<bF> they sound good and all.
<edi> whats the bands name? what kind of music you play? can i have a
tape of you guys? :P
<bF> they're no they might be giants. i've seen them three times.
<edi> tmbg are playing at a club near me soon. 18 to get in tho. :(
<bF> hum. well, the name of the band is 'chicks with big tits'. we're
really influenced by acts like the pixies, frank black, the
milkmen, and tmbg. we're kind of weird. we're recording a demo
soon and i'll make sure i send you one :>
<bF> we've got a show coming up soon, which i hope to videotape and send
it to some peopl who have been curious as to what we're like.
<edi> chicks with big tits. hahaha. i've got to hear this one. :P.
send me the demo asap. :P.
<edi> hmm. since this is getting alittle long, anything you'd like to add?
<bF> i've been lead vocals for two other bands, previously. both of
which, failed miserably. hum. little red fire engine and mr.
green jeans. i think up the coolest band names :>
<edi> you sir, have one hell of an imaginzation. :P
<bF> not really.
<bF> :>
<bF> ok, then, i shoulld finish straightening up my room now. :P
<bF> byebye
<edi> ok, we'll wrap it up then, eh? lal. been fun interviewing you,
good luck with pEz monthly and gba and stuff. do me a jonas
ascii. :P. later
*** Signoff: bF (*wERd*)
jew me, sue me? [y/n]

words to think about, from jonas.. .
i have rewritten -- often several times -- everyword i have ever
published. my pencils outlast their erasers. -- vladimir nabokov
you know, when you think about writing a book, you think it is
overwhelming. but actually, you break it down into tiny little tasks
any moron could do. -- annie dillard
a writer is not so much someone who has something to say, as he is
someone who has found a process that will bring about new things he
would not have thought of it he had not started to say them.
-- william stafford

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