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jonas issue 7

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago


sisthemagwiththefla|` '||` '||` | '| /` . '\ |` __|asisthemagwiththeflav
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your selection

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*wERD* edicius' editorial *wERD*
(thanks to frannie for the use of the word, *wERD*, and _ME_ for the
phont. :P)
why, am i releasing this? this isn't even a total mag, there's like 3
articles? i donno. i would just like to say, i'm sorry. that mag was
complete, and utter, shit. i know, thats the _purpose_ of the mag, to
be shit. but i just didn't like how that came out.. it just wasn't,
wasn't there. my heart wasn't in it, and if my heart's not in it, its
just not good.
that isseu could have been just _GREAT_. i had the interview with rat
man, er, rad man, alot of good articles, and alot of good asciis. werd,
that just ruled. it could have been great, but it wasn't. my heart
just wasn't in it. sigh. ah well.
i'm sorry to all of the people i may have upset over that. i dont know
why, but i have a feeling a few people may have been pissed off at me
for that issue.
another reason i'm releasing this is because pip the angry tooth, er,
booth, er, youth, and mogel, both did me an article for 6 that i didn't
release. and i have an ascii from issue 3 that someone did that i never
used. sigh. i'm sorry guys. it won't happen again soon..
oh. you may have noticed a major mood swing from issue 6. in 3 days.
wow. i dont know. its just been simply amazing. friday night <the
night i released issue 6>, i felt like shit. i was dissatisfied with
alot of stuff. thats why i came out so bad. so, i went out to dinner
with my parents, aunt, and uncle. mmm. chicken parmagine <sp>, i think
thats what i had. saturday, i went to my cousin's house near newark,
nj, and visited my 6 month old cousin that i haven't seen. and
yesterday, i drove 400 miles through new jersey and pennsyvania with my
brother, for his job (long story, no need to explain. :P). damnit!@$# i
was in philadelphia. i could have met mogel and spiff and black
francis!@#$@# arg!@. i'll be down again, soon, guys.
oh, and today a really, _REALLY_, hot senior girl volentarly <sp> talked
to me for 45 minutes today, during gym. woohoo. she rules. she rocks.
i want to fuck her like an animal. but she has a boyfriend that's
always drunk and got kicked out of highschool. hehe. i dont care, i
will fuck her, soon, very soon. :D.
later dorks.. .
3d1c1uz - j0n4z ph0und3r

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founder, writer, and all around peachey keen type guy
-!# edicius #!-
official guy who i dont have a k-keen title for
-!# waddle the bbs gawd #!-
official mascot
-!# valgamon #!-
ooh-fea-ceal paq trivia guy
-!# frost byte #!-

true members who have submitted an article
-!# terminal velocity #!- -!# traq #!-
-!# superDave #!- -!# mojo #!-
-!# grandmastah m0g3l #!-
-!# pip the angry tooth #!-
people who have done me some sort of artwork
-!# grey hawk #!- -!# cidica #!-
-!# epidemic #!- -!# eerie #!-
-!# asphxia #!- -!# napalm #!-
-!# euphoria -#!- -!# shakti #!-
-!# the blunted 0ne #!-
-!# inner chaos #!-
______ _____ ______ _______ ______
| __|_____| | __| __|
|__ | |- -| __|__ |
- head quarters -
world head quarters
-!# aneurysm ˘ 1.9O8.27O.8i98 #!-
place to go when in need of a good rape and honey,
-!# the land of rape and honey ˘ 1.6O9.698.1358 #!-
official jonas gay bar
-!# shattered thoughts ˘ 1.9O8.446.iO94 #!-
oahu hangout
-!# terminal frost ˘ 1.8O8.487.68i2 #!-
largest beasiality gif collection in canada
-!# sarcastic toaster ˘ 1.4i8.849.oi2i #!-
- distro sites -
-!# final descent ˘ 1.5i6.437.6858 #!-
-!# full metal jacket ˘ 1.2O3.53i.7626 #!-
-!# aqua ˘ 1.6i9.63o.895o #!-
why i will never write an article for jonas by pip the angry youth
jonas is a mag for splitting cowards... pure and simple... edi asked
me if he could put commentaries on the sc3n3 in gasp, i said as long as
you change the names... then i changed my mind, said yeah sure, and then
3 days later bam... there's jonas... and then after 2 issues someone
does him a diz... then an ancii... then a couple of ascii's... then too
many ascii's... and i'm still here on gasp #25 without a diz promised by
grey hawk (who still hasn't gotten me a 25 line pic for my board, which
he promised me about 2 months ago.)... and here's tom, with ascii's out
the ass... grrr... this makes me an angry youth...
then there's the submissions... people are submitting articles to him
about the sc3n3 and shit... all bitching about #ansi... as i type this
i'm sitting on #ansi, no one's saying anything, people are trying to
force netsplits like children... and i've just seen 5 screenfuls of
m0j0^PiG ( has joined channel #ansi
[E/X] [FAKE] d1ld0 #ansi -o m0nd0 from
*** d1ld0 has been kicked off channel #ansi by p4nt13z ( b0ng0! )
[E/X] NETSPLIT HACK DETECTED. On: #ansi By: l33t^4c1d
this is why #ansi sucks...
k-rad divider line
now there's only so many articles that you can compose... i give it
not too long before other mags start writing about how #jonas sucks or
whatever... stop bitching about the sc3n3 and l34v3 it if you're so
(hey, if you get bored, /msg me for the gasp's or just d/l them from a
board... if it's leet, it'll have it) <-- cheap plug
'Mogel is a pathetic loser that should be ignored.'
Wow. A 'zine guy writing for Jonas? What will they think of next?!
Well, What can I say? Jonas caught my eye. A 'zine that's MEANT to be the
shit of the shit? It was too rich, I just had to write something. Anything.
And considering that Jonas was ready to take anything that they get then no
matter what I write will get published.
Does that idea scare you? It scares the shit out of me, but actually it
excites me too. No, Not in that way. The idea that I can say something, and
it can be read by a whole bunch of hungry people ready to DCC anything that
pops on #ansi is good. It's such a waste that there are so many 'ansi
reviewing' mags out there. People waste so much programming talent. That's
why I founded the 'zine I run HoE. I wanted to be obnoxious. I wanted to
have the medium to say whatever I wanted. Words. Writing. That's where
it's at. That's what the TRUE meaning of the characters that we use to type
on the glowing screens of ours are for. Communication. That's what it's
I'm not really one to majorly rag on other people. Wait. That's a lie.
I do that all the time. When I usually do it, however it is a joke. I
honestly don't take any other this stuff seriously. You're be a truly
wit-less wonder of the world if you do. At any rate, my personal likes and
dislikes in the world of 'puters is not for most things that are about.
I'm not a fan of the ansi scene. Don't get me wrong, if I see a good
piece of art - I don't need a kick in the head to know that it's good.
I'm just not really for the 'group wars' type of deal. There's a ga-zillion
st00pit ansi groups out there. I totally ignore it to be honest. I could
never draw for my life anyway (although I made a damn good text ascii ad ;>).
I'm of coarse not a WaReZ d00d either. Those guys (I know this need not
be said, but I like typing redundant stuff for the sheer hell of it) simply
breed stupidity. Again, I have no problem with 'pirated' files. It's the
idea of a 'scene' and what the 'scene' is like that is gross and corny.
'my WaReZ are mUthApHuCKiN' z3r0-dAy b1tChz!'
What do I like? I like information and communication. Some people would
automatically jump this to H/P (hacking/phreaking). Although I am interested
in these topics, support them, and do what I can to learn about them, this is
not the 'scene' I'm really dedicated to either. There are simply too many
morons in there too. Guys that think they are big and bad because they can
hack irc or a bbs. That is pathetic. There are (of course) ba-zillions of
knowledgeable h/p people out there. I talk to those people. I simply ignore
the stupid. It seems to eventually be the only worth while thing for me to
The core of what I truly like is 'zines and writing. That's the
foundation of cDc and many more. I made my own 'zine dedicated to it. There
simply isn't enough 'out there' to make us think. Drawing colored blocks
doesn't cut it. I think for fun, call me a madman.
I appreciate good writing of all types. Someone might jump to call me a
'lit' person, but I don't think so. What the most Ansi-boys consider 'lit'
is not what I like. 'Ansi-Lit' in general, is a bunch of little tiny poems.
This is of coarse an OPINION (I can only speak for myself, remember), but I
think most of these poems lack quality. Don't get me wrong, if I see
something amazingly well written that stands out, I DO take notice.
I guess it's just my tastes for common-sense, but I like things that PUSH
IN YOUR FACE a feeling or something to think about. Simply put, most often,
Ansi-Lit doesn't' do the job. I *DO*, however like the type of 'Ansi-lit'
that consists of Stories and Essays. These, I believe, are where the core of
the good writing emanates. There is definitely not enough of this sort of
writing out there. This is what I like, this is what I want to put out
myself, in my 'zine - because it is something eternal and meaningful.
I'm not really sure where I meant this article to go. It was supposed to
be a commentary on Lit in general. It's more like an entrance into what I
like. It'd be nice to know my opinions are shared, but to be honest, I don't
give fuck whether they are or are not. I'm stubborn and happy doing what I'm
doing. Having fun.
- The ELiTE ]<iNG Grandmaster 'k' m0ggy-m0g Bopper Mogel
Phear me Phorever. Yes, you MistaWho.
[P.S. - If anyone was wondering what 'lit' people I do like, I am currently a
fan of Dryad, FrostByte, and Mister E. I strongly suggest you people DO look
at the 'zine scene out there. Mags are where it's at. Check out: HoE, cDc,
F.U.C.K., TYME, PeZ, GASP, PISS, uXu, BLaH, IBFT and many more...]
i found this article in my paper, the asbury park press, today. i
thought it was interesting.. .
anything in ()'s is a comment by me.
_teen accused of faxing bomb threat to school_
(right there, you know they'll blame it on puters)

The Associated Press
Bridgewater Township-- A high school freshman accused of sending faxes
threatening to blow up his school and classmates if he wasn't paid $1.3
million may not have acted alone, police say. (der, the kids an idiot
already, 1.3 million? h4h4.)
After searching the boy's home and school locker, however, they have
found no evidence that the 15-year-old in custody was actually
constructing a bomb, Police Chief Richard Voorhees said yesterday in
this Somerset County Community.
'No materials were found to put together any kind of device,' Voorhees
said. Authorities have no disclosed the boy's name because of his age.
The teen was arrested Wednesday night after Bridgewater-Raritan High
School had received two faxes earlier in the week threatening the bomb
the school when students were inside if he wasn't paid, Voorhees said.
The school has an enrollment of about 1,200, he said.
Authorities have linked the teen to a telephoned threat made on March 22
-- before the Oklahoma City bombing -- to the John F. Kennedy Elementary
School in RAritan, that demanded $250,000, the chief said.
That telephone caller used a computer voice synthesizer and said the
building would be bombed when no one was inside, Voorhees said. (uh oh,
computers have entered this now.
The teen boasted of his plans in school and students helped police solve
the case, Voorhees said. (asshole!!)
(here's the kicker)
Copies fo the faxes and a recording of the tellephone threat, along with
instructions on how to make bombs were found near the family computer at
the boy's home, authorities said. The instructions appear to be part of
the 'Jolly Roger' recipes circulating on the Internet computer network
Voorhees said.
--[ my rant ]--
ARH! this is the second time in 2 weeks something like this has happened
in jersey. last week or the week before, 2 kids were caught with napalm
in their lockers and were also believed to have spread 10 copies of the
'jolly roger cookbook' on computer disks. arg!#%@$ the media thinks the
internet is the sole responsibility for this!!@$ various 'anarchy'
texts are only texts that show where you can buy this stuff legitimatly!
whoa, did someone say legit? so that means, that these companies were
around long before the jolly roger and the internet. sigh. the media
always focuses on the bad part of the internet; the anarchists, the
kiddie porn, hackers, and the software pirates. (yes! i just called my
eleet hacked voice mail box and found out a friend got me a beta copy of
ms dos 7 and those gifs of stephanie from full house that i wanted!@$@!.
oh wait, bad example for this file. :P).
edicius.. . fight the man in ninety phive.. .
/<0N7iNU3 [


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%%(__ | | | | - | __|%%
%%| | | - | | : |__ |%%
%%(_____ (_____ (__|__ )___|_ )_____ )%%
%% jonas^jonas^jonas^jonas^jonas^jonas %%
1 - edicius' editorial
2 - member/site lisiting
3 - why i won't write for jonas (ptay)
4 - mogel is a pathetic loser.. (mogel)
5 - b0MB1NG! (edicius)
6 - quit!@$#$
. ..later dork.. .
don't mess me up i'm on a roll
you'd be wise by being inspired.. .
dont fuck me up with peace and love
when i haven't got it in me
i haven't got it in me
i haven't got it in me anymore.. .
cracker - dont fuck me up with peace and love

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