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jonas issue 6

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 · 5 years ago


g fdghfgdh f fghfghfgh fffgd
d fdghfgd fgh fgh gg fgd
ff fghgffgh fghfgh ghggh h fgh d g
fgh dfgh dfgh g gh hg f fgh f
fgh gf ghf h gh fg fg gdafghfgh gg
fgh fdghfgghgfg gh g fhhfg gg gf f fghfgh d g
fgh fghfghfg gh g hfgfgh fgh fgh g fghfgh dfgd g
ghfghfgh g gf fgffgh ggghf fgffhgfggh ggdfdgdggg

j 0 n a s n u m b a h s e x
shitty selection

`XXx. -sk!emg
.x` xXXXXx Xxx. xXxXX XXXXx' `xX Xxx .xXXXx x xXXXXXX
hey bizatch.. it sayz jonas..
1 - edicius' editorial - read to see why this mag is so shitty.
2 - why aol is lame, by edicius
3 - the scene, as bitched about, by crimson tide
4 - local crap, by mojo
5 - bigitory in the scene, and about, by super dave
6 - top ten reasons why pascal sucks, by nebula
7 - eleet interview with rad man, by mogel.
8 - i'm sorry, by edicius
9 - quit this issue of jonas
. .. thoughts on america online, by edicius .. .
wow. i knew aol was lame, but recently, the last 2 days or so, i've
been fooling around with aol alittle. using my trust credit master v3
and a registration code i got awhile ago, i've made 6 or 7 accounts in
the last 2 days. wow, thats alot, eh?
aol has people they call 'guides', these are people set to help you if
you have any problems. i've found out that guides have the power to
disconnect your fone call and suspend your account in one shot. :).
pretty funny, considering 5 minutes later i'm staring at the setup
screen registering my new account. :P
its great to instant message (private message thing) the guides and say
various things along the lines of 'you muh bitch', 'you muh main nig',
and 'joos a motherfucking wackass guide!'. funny how they say 'you have
just violated a tos aggreement, please refrain from that again, or i
will have toi take action.' bahaha.
the only semi-cool channels are the new member lounge channels, because
you can find so many new members that will believe you when you tell
them you're from security and you need their password (i got one account
and password today, and someone else gave me their credit card number
and info today!).
the other semi cool channel is the private channel called 'hack'. god,
its so pathetic. now lemme just say, i'm by no means a 'hacker'. i've
fooled before, but i wouldn't call myself a 'hacker'. but tonight, i'm
sitting on the hack channel, just as i was getting the message from the
guy with his credit info. i tell the people on the channel i just got a
credit card, and i get 20 instant messages asking me for the credit
info. the people in there really didn't know what they were doing, and
like 5 of them were trying to get aohell to work, and obviouslly
god. its so pathetic. aol is pretty pathetic. but if you want a good
laugh, call up aol customer releations, get the software, and then use
cmaster and make a few accounts for fun. hehe.
The Scene
As bitched about by, crimson tide
Well, I'm getting so sick of everyone bitching and complaining about
the scene, complaining about new groups, and complaining about IRC. Yes, IRC
IS lame. But, if it is so lame, why do you hang out there all day? Is it
because you have no life? Yes, I thought so. Now, normally I wouldn't write
anything, because I'm not a writer kind of guy, but, I felt compelled to
after reading in every e-mag, hearing everyone bitch about the scene.
New Groups. My feelings towards them is that they are great. Without
them, no one would get there start, and many people would stop drawing ansi
before they have a chance to get good. Without new groups, all the good
groups would not be here today, at one point, iCE was a new group. Now look
at it. I spent a lot of time in little groups, and the only reason I'm not
in a group right now, is because I don't really feel like being in a little
group anymore. But, I'm an ascii artist, so there ARE no good groups to
join.. Oh, well.
IRC. Why the hell does everyone complain about IRC? Because of
fucking op wars, and lamerz coming into #ansi and telling everyone there
group is gonna be the shit. Well, WHO GIVES A SHIT?! Just ignore them, and
keep on going. This is the one thing I learned from an extended time on AOL,
when lamers come into the rooms, you ignore them, and keep on talking. If
no one says anything to them, or talks to them, or does anything for them,
they eventually leave. It's that simple.
Umm.. ok. I think I wrote enough for now (As I said, I'm not a writer)
-crimson tide
-crimsont on IRC
. .. the end of jonas numero seis .. .
jonas words to remember.. .
particle man, particle man.
doing the things a particle can.
what's he like? its not important.
particle man.
is he a dot, or is he a speck.
when he's underwater does he get wet?
or does the water get him instead.
nobody knows. particle man.
- they might be giants, 'particle man'
local crap
by: mojo [eden]
y'know, i like local boards better than all these big ass colored
blocks boards.. well, my board is a colored block board.. never the less,
there's 3 chat boards in the area, plus 3 internet sites, plus a couple wif
free mail. well 2/3 the chat boards fucking suck a mongolians dick, the
other one is pretty cool. I also like local boards cuz you can actually meet
these people.. the only bbs people iv'e met out of my state are the people
in the next state, which is local to my calling range, its also one of the
biggest boards in that next state.. I live in Rhode island, thats 401 and
Massachusets is that next state, 508. even if that one cool board is local
still there's a big difference between RI and MA personalities, we in RI are
like the wannabe-punk type, MA is the punk type :).. Oh yeah, i forgot to
mention that Crimson tide of RiVAL's board in in the 508 zone which is local
to me.. call it.. unholy citadel.. its rad, just ask me and i'll give u the
So this local chat board i call is pretty cool i guess, lotsa lamers
but you can sorta just kick thier ass outta there when you have leet op like
access.. This is how i met my current girlfriend shana .. hm, chat boards
are cool and stuff.. and i'm on irc a lot, ouv'e seen me impersonating rad
dickhead an shit :) fuck you inner vision you cocksucker..
-mojo da elusive one [eden]
The Top 10 Reasons Why Pascal sucks
By Nebula
Pascal has got to be THE most disguisting programming language known to man.
Although it comes close to the replusivness of BASIC, Pascal loses by a nose.
I program in C, and you may hear that you can't do anything more in C than
you can in Pascal. This is most likely not true, but that is not why Pascal
is the suckyist language out there. And now, the top 10 reasons Pascal sucks!
10) Pascal uses big words, like BEGIN, END, and WriteLn...very confusing
9) Pascal's structure is unbearable to read at 1:00 am in the morning at
80x50 resolution with a spotlight on the screen. Horrible.
8) Pascal sounds too much like plain English, ie, it uses words like THEN
and IF and FOR. Although C uses several of these words also, when they
blend in with the {'s the }'s the ['s and the :'s, you normally don't
notice that you are typing words.
7) Pascal has a string variable, that is, you can store a string in memory.
What is so stupid about this is, why make it so easy on the programmer?
In C, a REAL man's language, you have to define a array of characters
and allocate memory for them to make a string.
6) Pascal's name (Pascal) is too damn long! Why not make it simple, like
Ada, or C? Any language who's name is over 4 letters long, in my opinion,
shouldn't be touched.
5) Pascal compiles too fast! When you write a huge program, you don't want
to immidiatly see it compile and run! You want to wait ten minutes, take
a break, get a coke, and wait for it to compile.
4) Pascal requires too much typing. If you want to write to the screen, in
Pascal you must type WriteLn('Hello World!');, but in C you have to
type printf(`Hello World!');, an entire keystroke is eliminated!
3) The extention on a pascal file is .PAS, on a C file it is .C, imagine the
amount of hard drive space you save on filename storage by using C instead
of Pascal?
2) They teach Pascal in high school.
1) Bill Gates programmed in Pascal!
`Mogel's Rad Radman Interview. Phear!@#!@'
Well, I was bored on IRC. Big surprise, eh? At any rate, I was
sitting there and along comes Radman. I figure 'Hey! I can do something
evil! I'll ask Radman a bunch of questions about other groups and get him
to slander the other groups and have it logged! Then I can give the quotes
to Jonas all and havok can break loose! Or not.' At any rate, I began to
ask the questions and at a point I discovered that Radman really _has_ been
at this a long time. I definatly NOT an 'Ansi-person' by any caliber,
however, after a complimentary mention of the godly 'zine cDc, I realized
that Radman, was, infact rad! Heading the biggest Ansi group is a big job.
Before I continued I looked at my logs and they were all mysteriously
corrupted. I decided to take Radman to another channel and interview him,
strangely, he aggreed to it. Radman has changed my opinion of the ansi scene
more positvly in many ways after this interview. Anyhow, Here's the result:
Mogel: 'Okay, thanks for doing this. Here we go. I guess to start off,
we'll start at the beginning.. What was it that first pulled you into
the ansi scene?'
Radman: 'I saw some ansis by the <AAA> artist Chips Ahoy, the first guy who
actually gave me the idea that ANSI could be used as a medium for
visual arts. At the time ('88) I was just another lamer with their
own h/p/a group, and I drew up an ansi logo combining like two
colors with the shading blocks, a logo for `HEaT', this stumbled
into the right hands (the president of <AAA>), and I was quickly
Mogel: 'Back then were you (or..<GASP!>..are you now) into the WaReZ scene at
all ;>?'
Radman: 'Back then there was no ansi-art scene, and I didn't really see any
difference between warez and p/h/a, except that you needed a bigger
hard drive to be a major warez affiliated board, and you didn't need
to carry text files. Other than that, I felt they all went hand in
Mogel: 'What is your history with ACiD? How did you hook up with them, etc?'
Radman: 'Well, after a while in <AAA> the group was growing stagnant minus
the two other most active artists that were 'recruited' into <AAA>.
It was a unanimous decision that a newer more structured group was
needed by myself.'
Mogel: 'How exactly did you pick your Nick? Any implications to the term
'k-rad'? '
Radman: 'Basically I thought up the nick when I was very young, with much
'80s influence no doubt (bmx biking and skateboarding).'
Mogel: 'What exactly are the things that interest you? Do you like ANSI,
VGA, K0deing, RIP, LIT, Sounds? Any preference in these arts?'
Radman: 'All of the above I like, except for lit. It is rare that a piece of
LIT will catch my eyes.'
Mogel: 'I agree. I'm not a fan of the 'poetry lit' stuff. I do like the
to read the story and essay aspects of it however.'
Radman: 'It's come in handy when I needed some homework, heh.'
Mogel: 'Heh. What do you do nowadays the most? Programming? Ansi? Or are
you mostly busy keeping everything from falling apart?'
Radman: 'Not necessarily keeping things from falling apart, but organizing,
yes. There are alot of projects that the group has to stay on top
Mogel: 'I'm sure a rad guy like you has a life...heh. What sort of
real-world interests do you have. I think I heard you mumbling about
weight lifting. Are you a b1g d00d?'
Radman: 'Well, I have a full time job, and am employed with an unmentioned
fortune 500 company, and lift weights daily 2 1/2 hrs a day straight
in the morning.'
Mogel: 'Wow. I don't wanna fight you then. You said before that you found
Beastie to be the guy you found the 'coolest' in the scene now. Why
is that 'zactly?'
Radman: 'It's tough to explain. I will put it this way - I'm not sure if he
just seemed to have the best grasp on what 'the scene' as a whole
and what it really was all about, or if he just seemed to hold alot
of the same ideas and concepts of it as I did and we just seemed to
agree on it all dealing with him and myself.'
Mogel: 'And of course, it's known that (as people keep asking you) you find
'The Wizard' (of Spastic) excessively annoying. How did this start?
What's behind that? I know for a fact that there's a lot of people
in the area code that he comes from (215/610) that agree with you.
I've had an annoying dealing with him myself. Basically I laugh now
at the fact that he's an major 'affils junkie'.'
Radman: 'Heh. Well, I don't really like to make personal attacks on people,
but I feel he's just another kid who goes mindlessly from group to
group, without any taught, taking what artists he can with him,
getting their hopes up on his journeys while he makes up his mind
and being an affil collector is another thing too..'
Mogel: 'Heh.. yah.. there's a whole background on that... he had some big
group he made that he put all this effort into, and it's whole point
was just to merge into CIA. Shrug. Anyhow, what do you hope to see
for ACiD in the future?'
Radman: 'I hope to see them to continue to expand across all types of art
platforms and to continue to grow, while never sacrificing its
Mogel: 'Do you have any big project(s) in store that you can give me a little
el33t sneak preview on?'
Radman: 'We have a big WWW home page project under development, ACiD T-shirts
within the month, and just recruited Jazz, author of Sinister
offline mailreader into the group.'
Mogel: 'ACiD is by far the most well known by name Ansi group around.. do you
ever feel pressure or competition? Do you ever get cocky when you
see the 60-million little l0zer wannabe groups?'
Radman: 'I don't feel pressure, or allow any pressure to be put upon me. Of
course tho I see the competition, and I thrive upon it. It is healthy
for groups and practically necessary for their existence and growth to
have competition. When I see the little alternative groups, I see
pluses and minuses (your going a little too fast.. heh). The pluses
are such that they bring out new up-and-coming artists that many
people may have never seen other wise, that they help expand the
ever growing art scene, and I also think some of them remind us
where most of us came from. The downsides are that some people get
too carried away, alot of them are built upon hype and propaganda,
many never get to or past pack one, some of them can tear apart what
could have or should have been potentially good groups. I could
really go on forever arguing for both sides.
Mogel: 'Sorry about the speed. I'm a little hyper off Vivarin right now.
Heh. At any rate, you have been through basically all of the changes
and development of the ansi scene over time. Is there any one serious
lesson or advice that you've learned that you think would be helpful
for someone to know?' [My IRC Script tells me the time is 06:00AM.]
Radman: 'I've learned that alot of people can ruin the scene for themselves
by taking it too far or too seriously. I've seen alot of good
friends and acquaintances quit the scene over silly reasons. The
worst I see are people with their scene pessimism, that spend their
free time complaining about how much the scene sucks. If you are
that deep into the scene, that it actually DEPRESSES you, REALLY,
then you need to go outside and take a break.'
Mogel: 'How caught up are you on the ANSI-related e-mags? Do you think that
there are too many? What's the best and why?'
Radman: 'There are tons of great ansi mags still in production, some of the
greatest (in my opinion of course) are Continuum, Bitchslap, and for
the light-hearted Emigre is very cool ansi mag, and has a great
interface. The worst ansi mags out there are the review mags that
proclaim they have figured out the CORRECT and right way to review
and they are so high up on themselves they believe they are the
bottom line and last word of all that can be said on critiquing
artwork, and in turn these usually turn out to be the shoddiest
Mogel: 'Did you ever read Jonas by Edicius of cia? ;>'
Radman: 'No, I didn't.'
Mogel: 'I know you don't wanna give opinions of how ACiD measures up to other
groups for diplomatic sake, but could you give me your general
feelings of certain groups as I list them? [i.e. 'good ansi, bad
vga, okay rip']. How about iCE?'
Radman: 'iCE has great ansi at the moment, the vga dept could use help, and
their rip dept is non-existent.'
Mogel: 'How about the all-around goody two-shoes, CiA?'
Radman: 'I'm really not educated enough to comment.'
Mogel: 'Spastic? (Pretending that t_wiz wasn't with them ;>]'
Radman: 'Spastics only artist is eerie, actraiser is gone.'
Mogel: 'UNiON?'
Radman: 'They've lost much ground after their 'union vs. the world' incident a
few months ago. Now that t2, tc, ld, et al are gone, they've gone
back to 'fun', which I find to be a real cop out.'
Mogel: 'Are there other groups out there that you are knowledgeable about that
you would like to praise or critique that stand out?'

Radman: 'Yes, DARK, a local canadian base group which has been able to
consistently break the rules and turn out great artwork on their own
time. Thats about it.'
Mogel: 'A lot of people recently complain that the ansi scene is 'so much'
worse now than ever before and whine endlessly about it, what are
your feelings on the scene as a whole now?'
Radman: 'Those people can go get a life, quit complaining, quit the scene, or
take part in the movement and start doing something about it.
Whining won't get you anywhere but the label of a whiner.'
Mogel: 'What would you like to see mature from the entire scene in the
distant future? Would you like to break the label that people give
to ansi people (like 'd00dleb0yz' or 'art ph4gz')?'
Radman: 'The scene is great, the only thing I would like to see is the mental
separation of different underground scenes and the negative
connotations some may hold, and the preconceptions help between
different ignoramuses in various scenes. I figure if you give
respect, you will get respect.'
Mogel: 'Thanks very much for this interview. I really appreciate it. It's by
far the most intelligent ANSi interview I will ever read (not as if
there was any stiff competition in interview quality). Do you have
any last comments?'
Radman: 'Well, just that you're lucky you caught me in my creative mood (weird
hours in the morning).'
-m0g3l [a la 'zine h03]
- Bigorty in the Scene and about -
Ok, this is a little bit of an add on to Terminal V's article about
racism (ref. Jonas #5).
This article is about gay/homosexual people, and how they have been
sterotyped in `the scene' and in life. For say, I'll be on irc some day
(wow, that's like all the time!:) and some nerd will come in and flood the
#ansi channel. Of course once the geek has figured out that he is flooded
off his server and banned, he quits. w0h0, that sucked. But what I'm getting
at is that after he leaves i see shit like `man what FAGOT,' and `damn, that
guy was gay.' I, personally, hate the word faggot... My self, I'm not gay
or bisexual, but i have friends who are and i support them... cuz hey,
they're my friends.
Probably what i hate THE MOST is when i see people accually braging about
going and gay bashing at the mall all day long. That really disgusts me.
Sure everyone is entitled to their own oppinion, and i'm not here to censor
that right, but wtf. You're acting like a premature nerd. Plain and
simple, anyone who uses the word `fag' or `faggot,' is, in turn, a bigot.
Now you may be saying `who the fuck is this guy to call ME a bigot?' or
`I'm not a bigot because I gay bash...' Well, that's normal. Most people
I've met like this have been taught by their parents or by their religion
that homosexuality is terminaly wrong. But you have to use your brain and
think for a second WHY do you accually hate these people because of they're
sexual prefrence? No, just saying `cuz they fuck guys, or girls,' or the
best excuse `because.' Can you honestly look me in the eye and give me one
good reason why you loathe them so much?
Here, in Seattle, just this past week (spring break) there was a hate
crime against gays. It was up in a suburb of seattle, right in front of
some High School. There were three people, two guys and a girl. A car
drove up and a few guys got out, called them all fagots, then nearly beat
the living shit out of these three teenagers. When i saw this in the paper
i was disgusted... these people wern't gay, but just because of some rumor
in school that they were, they were nearly killed. It doesn't matter
if your in some hick town or in a big city. Racism and bigotry is there
looking back at you from the rest of society. Natzis were bigots, they
were racists. What makes you any better than them? Homophobia is a
disease of the mind. You can lose the fucking aditude and learn to deal
with how others may act.
This is MY oppinion, and not that of the mags.. maybe it is but i can't
speak for the all mighty jonas! I'm sure that i will get flamed by some
people for this article, but see, i don't care, am i gonna crawl into my
room and cry cuz some lamer decides to say `hey fag boy, are you defending
those faggots cuz you are? and your mom too' etc.. etc..
Personally, i don't care...
______| _/______________________________________
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. .. edicius' editorial .. .
sigh, i really dont have any topic for this issue. actually, yeah, i
have a topic. i'm thinking of quiting the scene, and i am. i'm quiting
the scene temporarly, for a month. i'm shutting off most of my access
to the 'scene' (stop calling 'art/tfile' boards, internet acess runs out
in 7 days. etc). i'm gonna see what i can do to get a life. i really
have lost all interest in the 'scene' and groups and such, and really
don't feel like releasing this issue of jonas. it might be the last
issue, we'll see. thanks to everyone who submitted and stuff, i really
am not keeping a member list right now, so i dont know who submitted
offhand. fuck it all, its gotten incredibly lame, and fast.
- edicius [lamer]
. .. i'm sorry, by edicius .. .
lal. i'm sorry for this shit. this could have been a very good issue,
my heart is just not in it anymore. alittle time off, hopefully, will
cure that. submit what you like, i'll be checking my
mail, so if you want to get in touch with me, email there. i'll
definally put out one more issue, as long as i get a few submissions..
oh, pip and mogel had another article that they wrote, i'll put them in
the next issue, when/if it comes out. i think rattle had something too.
not sure. fuck it. :). later, and again, i'm sorry..
kun71nu3 [Y/n]

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