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jonas issue 5

eZine's profile picture
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 · 5 years ago


˘ jonas numero cinco ˘
| ˘ our best issue yet!@ ˘
- - - ---|\--- - - - ˘ the valgamon tribute issue ˘
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press return please

,xxcxxX; '.'Xxnaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo.
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its 0 ; :; :xxxxxnaxxc. .oXX0o.,,.o0XX0ocXx.o0xXxc,. .oXxx0o.,,.o0X
jonas^ ^;. ` .^ .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo
.,oo00^' `^' .; jonas e-mag issue number five .;. ascii by napalm of cia ;.
.o0' .o0` .,:,. created by edicius who sux .,:,. pro-duck-shins 1995 .,:,
oX`' .o 1 o. welcome to jonas 'xox`.o 6 o. vegitarians (traq) `xo
X .o 2 o. edicius' editorial 0 .o 7 o. long way.. (frostbyte) 0
X .o 3 o. member listing 0 .o 8 o. i'm a dork 2 (edicius) 0
X .o 4 o. racism in the scene (tv) 0 .o 9 o. broken stuff (edicius) 0
o0o. .o 5 o. great minds... (tv) ,xox,.o Q o. quit this issue now! ,xo
your selection

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. .. welcome to jonas, biznatch .. .
thanks to epidemic of remorse for that ascii header. it rules. :).
news this issue;
wow. its been a whole THREE fucking days since i released jonas 4, and
i have alot of shit going on.
1 - this is the valgamon tribute issue, because valgamon is such a
peachy k-keen guy, i like him, he likes jonas, and he posses the
power to permitally ban me from #ansi :).
2 - i got submissions this issue from:
frost byte <cia>, terminal velocity <cia/saz>, and traq <no group?>.
thanks guys!
3 - new sites:
sarcastic toaster (you know the number). sysadmin _57, distro site.
aqua (619 630 8950, i think). sysadmin Psionide, distro site.
terminal frost (808 487 6812). sysadmin tyme, surfer's hangout.
4 - new members. with all of the articles, and submissions, we welcome
these people.
rattle - guy i dont have k-keen title for
valgamon - official mascot
superdave - official mag nerd
frostbyte - official paq trivia guy & writer
terminal velocity - official pyro head & writer
traq - writer
eerie - artist
epidemic - artist
asphixia - artist
napalm - artist
(sorry, i was too lazy to condense this :))
5 - i think thats it. if it isn't, FUCK ME UP THE FUCKING ASS LIKE I
6 - oh yeah, i think we might have a vmb soon. hopefully.
- edicius [jonas k-keen guy]
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˘ edicius' editorial ˘
thanks to mr. kite for the awesome ascii that i decided was special
enough to be a header :). thanks also to napalm, asphixia, & epidemic
for their asciis this issue, and thanks to frost byte, terminal
velocity, rattle, and traq for their articles. and last, but not least,
i must thank eerie for the diz, even tho i still dont know what it says
wow, i dont even need to do any more articles. i've been getting a
shitload of submissions. thank you people! i love you all.
my topic for this editorial? well, its ereetnet. eREETNET. run by
vector - x, right? i think he runs it, or else he's a major part in it.
i see iv, opaite, and some others are ircops, so its cool :).
people have been saying how its lame to kickban everyone from #ansi just
to go onto ereetnet. personally, i am mixed about this. i think
ereetnet is great, mainly because there's only a couple of dozen people
on it at one time and they're normally cool people (iv, vectorx, opaite,
valgamon, eerie, rattle, and alot others. oh, and ME! :)). you can
form any channel you want, there are no channels. i finally got ops on
#aol, #jesus, and #gayteen today. :).
i think people should use ereetnet, it really is a good server. i dont
think vector - x should be kickbanning everyone from the efnet #ansi,
but hey. its working, people are going to ereetnet. about the only
efnet channel i bothered to look into today (while on ereetnet mind you,
textbox's windowing mode rules) was #ice. as always, #ice was its
normal goodiness. :).
(wow, the #ice people really hate the #acid people because stc and
others took over #ice. hehe.)
anyway. use ereetnet people. its the way of the future. it won't grow
too big, which is why it will be good. give it a shot, even i was
alittle wary of going on a subnet with the word 'ereet' in it :). but
it shocked me, it was actually good. #ansi is pretty active (funny, i
woke up today around 5 or so in the morning, around 6:15 i'm on irc,
there were maybe 4 people on efnet #ansi, all dead or bots. on ereetet
there were like 5 people, and 3 of them were talking. hehe. funny).
the #hack/#phreak channels are pretty active, and the #warez channel is
very active.
ereetnet - the wave of the future - the only servers i remember that i
know work are:,, and,
- edicius [jonas' macho man]
Racism in the Scene
by Terminal Velocity
In Edicius' artical, `I'm a Dork'(Jonas Issue 4), he touched apon
racism in the scene, I will elaborate on it here. I often see many comments
in message bases, one-liners, or in chat areas(irc or whatever) that are
completely and totally racist. I found I was totally distgusted by it.
The society in which we have created for ourselves in this electronic world
is one in which it doesn't matter what you look like, but how you act because
people don't know what the hell you look like, yet everyday I see more and
more racism. Why is this? Honestly I don't know the answer, but what I do know
is it makes the people that say it sound uneducated and obnoxious to say the
least. It seems as though the only way they can express themselves is through
degrading other people, and not through any talents of their own. The sad
part is not too many people are willing to go against these people for fear of
being called lame or a nerd. Who gives a shit?! You've never met the person
and you'll probably never see them again. If you don't like it, take a stand.
If you don't care then fine, but don't cower in fear of being labeled lame
for something you believe in. The problem with the racism is, it dirties the
open atmosphere that we have all come to know and love. It creates an
impenetrable cloud around it and makes it unpleasant to be around. The other
problem is that so many of the people in the scene aren't even old enough to
begin driving lessons, let alone understand the impact of their words.
Everytime you promot racism, you agree with all the people who want to burn
book, label or burn records, get rid of violence in movies or video games,
because you are agreeing with an ignorance which is prehistoric and has no
place in the information world in which we all live. Here there is no place
for such unreasoning ignorance based on something as stupid and insignifigant
as some ones colour, or nationality.
Warped Minds Think Alike:
An Inside look on the mindsets
of lit writers
by TV
In this artical, I will attempt to expose the inner workings of the
minds of some people who I would deem some of the best lit writers I know.
Mystic Plague:
Groups: BLADE Lit Department
Age: 14
Years doing lit: 1
Hobbies: Keyboard, Program, Ride Bike, Play Football
Favourite Lit Format: Most common lit format is rhyming scheme, with
a variable meter.
Major Inspiration(Direct Quote): At first we were doing this SAT words in
school and if it sounded cool I tried to make it in to a rhyme. Awhile
back I go interested in NiN so I turned to Trent for my inspiration.
Favourite Lit Writer: Terminal Velocity
Best Lit: Acid; 0494(?) Blade Pack
Important notes(comments by Terminal Velocity):
He's really cool... I actually met him in person the day I was going to meet
some girl and she ended up talking more to him than she did to me. He's also
a great friend and he's helped me more than a few times. Overall he is also
pretty freakin' screwey and definatly not someone you want to meet in a dark
alley alone at night.
Groups: CiA Lit Dept.(Coordinator)
Age: 15
Years doing Lit: 1
Hobbies: Computers, Science, Sports, Writing
Favourite lit format: Ballad
Major Inspiration: Music, Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, HG Wells
Favourite lit Writer: Argon, Frostbyte, Terminal Velocity
Best Work: Love Never Had (CiA 0595)
Important notes(comments by Terminal Velocity): He rules, because of him I
am a kewlio member of CiA. His work often inspires me, I want him to know
that he is loved by all.
DeaTH T0 THe VeGiTaRiaN
by TRaQ
no, this is not an attack on vegitarians. this is merely a commentary
on the liberal society we have come to know so well, and have or have
not tried to fit into every waking hour of our miserable lives. it's
something we have no control over. you see, the more we try to be
different, the more we are all the same. everyone wants to be different,
we invent new fashions, new mini-philosophies to suit our needs. we are
trend setters, certainly distinct fr0m previous generations. we are all
in a race for individuality and excellence, but we are always losing to
some invisible entity we aspire to be.
for instance, i work at mcdonalds (yipee... sigh), and a girl came to me,
and ordered two cheezeburgerz, with no meat... now, i myself do not
relish the thought of eating mcdonalds 'food', but she could as easily
have ordered a salad. the point of my little excerpt from my night is
that, by ordering a salad, she would have been a 'normal' vergitarian.
if she had ordered the cheezeburger, she would be a cow-slaughtering
murderer. she HAD to be different, even if it meant sacrificing society's
better view of her.
is it that important to us? do we have to be SO original that we risk
losing what previous generations worked so hard to gain. respect?
i myself, by nature, do not like most people. i prefer sitting in a dark
corner, absorbed in Poe, to having a 'social life'. i tend to think that
if you are taking the time to read this, you may feel the same way. the
only think that overrides this is girls... sorry.
so, where do we go next? doesn't there have to be an end to this? the
answer, i dunna. i do think that we should never settle. settling was good
for building a structure to our lives, to our country. now that the roots
are in place, i think we have the unique position to be inovative, if that
is even a clear goal...
btw, traq wanted me to include his address,
Flush twice it is a long way to the XYZ group pack...
Well, over the last few months more groups have come out of
the wood work that I thought to be humanly possible, a few
groups actually had/have some potential. In generaly, many
of the groups are the same members as groups that died
recently, and will last for another 2 packs, maybe a little
longer, but will remain totally unrespected. It pivits
on a about 10% potential rate. The people that are decent
get called to larger and more respected groups, and the
others run the group into the ground, and two months
later are back, under a new name.
The artists I have no problem with. Currently there are
over 55 active groups. This is too many, WAY too many, most
of the time people have never even heard of these other so
called groups. They will wallow away in their Area Code,
maybe release on the net like they are there to impress
people. And cop an attitude with some of the older people
in the scene. Zero respect is held, just because some
little Renegade or PCboard in your area thought your stick
figures were impressive, does not mean that the whole
scene is going to shit a brick when they see your 10 min
attempt at drawing Spawn.
Well, I will get off my soap box with numbers of groups...
Next topic... Group pack size...
Isn't it amazing how month after month (lately) that iCE,
ACiD, CiA, some of the other older groups have managed to
turn out large packs? I appears to me that some of the
smaller groups suffer from Pack Envy because every Joe
Bob, Nuclear FudgePacker, and Ninja Nympho have to produce
a pack in the range of 1 meg and up...
Undoubtably these smaller groups have some sort of ideal
struck in their head that large is the way to make it in
the world. Something they may not realize is that most of
the larger groups did not break the 1 meg mark until around
December of 1994. A few times there were large packs, but
it was not as common as now.
There are a few groups that as of late have been determined
to have large packs. There smaller groups have done
assinine actions like zipping their packs up with no comp-
ression, adding completely UDDER CRAP to the package, and
placing items like 400k Gifs in their packs.
Number One, if you plan on releasing a pack with NO comp-
ression, why even bother to package it up... just delete
it before it is released, that looks SO lame.
Number two, putting udder crap into the pack looks worse
to have a pack that is 1 meg with 3 stellar pics, and
200 crap, then it is to have a 10k pack with 3 stellar pics.
Number three, if you are releasing a gif that is over 400k,
you should be shot, some people CAN make nice stuff at this
size, but is it worth having a pack THAT large for one
pic. Don't get me wrong, I am not picking on just GIF
artists, I have seen some VERY large gifs, I have also
seen people who do not know how to save ansis and
release a 600k ansi that is not a true animation,
they just wanted to save it with 50 delay to be cool.
I have seen Lits huge, and I have seen 50k Rips that
could have been done correctly in 10k.
Well I shall get off my soap box at this point...
anyone have a beef or a prop I am in #ansi
most of the time give me a scream...
Frost Byte <CiA>
lal. hello there. recently, in the latest undergrown (issue 8),
mistawho had his 'reply' to my messages that appeared in undergrown
issue 7. bah, there's alot of replies going around, but, well, since
the messages appeared in undergrown issue 7 without my quote unquote
consent, i really don't care that they were in there, but i wish i could
have had a chance to be better represented in undergrown (i posted the
quick message without much thought, i wish i could have had more time to
write my thoughts). so, in that case, here we go. my public letter to
mistawho, basicly a reply to his article in undergrown issue 8. enjoy.
dear mistawho,
you posted alittle article in the latest undergrown, and well,
everyone's entitled to their opinion, i would just like to show you
first, let me reply to several points of your letter (i edited the
ug.dat and cut your letter out, btw). here we go:
(anything that starts with a '>' is what was written in the article)
>In UnderGrown #7 there was a little article. It featured Edicus (I don't
>remember how to spell it, maybe I got it right) and Valgamon. At first, it
>was talking about the merge with Broken and CiA, shortly after VOR merged into
>CiA. Valgamon asked why The Master was still using Broken and not CiA, and
>why he was asking Valgamon to help out with the literature, and as all the
>other coordinators and seniors in CiA do, he god mad. He slammed Emerge (What
>was once Broken) and said that they wouldn't even survive. He also said that
>the merge was somewhat legit, somewhat is not even good enough.
that was all true, i will admit. it seems alright. i did slam emerge,
i did say it wouldn't go far, but then again, i've 'slammed' alot of
groups. basicly, i don't think that any group formed in the last four
or five months will survive or go very far. btw, its edicius, two i's.
spell suicide backwords.
>The truth is that the whole Broken/CiA merge was a takeover of the group, but
>as everyone knows, no one likes a takeover. It was kept as quite as it could
>possibly be. Everyone in CiA that was part of the staff knew what was going
>on. Grey Hawk and Edicus decided to get more power, and to over throw The
>Master and take Broken. Everyone knew that The Master would release the
>packets on IRC, and would recruite most of the members. Hell, he even got me
>to join. He is great at what he does, and no one can deny them that. If they
>do, they are probably in CiA.
lets see; it might have come out as a 'takeover' of the group, but the
way we worked it, it was going to be a total merger, except for a few
loose ends. we consulted with a good 75 to 80 per cent of the group and
they had agreed to merge. they were, for the most part, dissatisfied
with the master's performance, and the way broken was being run at the
time. personally, i didn't give the group a march pack. or at least a
good one, for a variety of reasons.
i for one, never took anything from the master. i wouldn't say that i
am on very close terms with harvery (the master), but i am on decent
terms. he is a nice guy, but he, as everyone, has his ups and downs.
in my view, and the view of others, he seemed to think he knew alot
about art. i will admit, he did know a good amount, but he wasn't 'the
master' <pun> of art. one of the reasons we were forced to leave him in
the merger was that he had no artistical ability, what so ever, and cia
has a great organizational staff. he would just be a drifter, he
wouldn't really have a true role in cia after the merger, and we knew he
would find a new place somewhere else, in another group. he was one of
the reasons we looked into the merger, but we knew he would be better
off somewhere else.
and on a side note, i, nor grey hawk, was in this for power. we looked
for the good of the group, and personally, if i wanted power, i was
offered a good position in a few groups prior to this, each of them i
could have taken, but i didn't, because i wanted to broken to do well.
>1) The Master was NEVER told of the merge until it officially happened. The
> group was taken over, there wasn't an agreement, and CiA agreed and helped
> out Grey Hawk and Edicus the whole way.
i cannot deny this, but i will justify this. we didn't want the master
to know because he wasn't involved, fully, in this. we were leaving him
in the merger, and we didn't want him to find out beforehand.
>2) The Master was KEPT from all information. Grey Hawk would even ban him from
> #cia on irc to make sure he had no idea to what is going on. They knew if
> he found out, that the merge would be off, and CiA would get a bad rep for
> it.
during the part of the merger, i did not have full internet access,
so, i wasn't on irc much, so i was not aware that grey hawk was doing
this (banning tm), i was mad that he was doing it tho.
>3) They went as far as to say The Master knew about it the whole time, I for
> one know he didn't, I talked to him voice twice. He was asking me to find
> out as much as I could about the merge.
uh, correctment here. i never said that the master knew about it the
whole time. i always said that we told him about it at the last
possible moment, which turned out to be, giving him the farewell pack.
>As the FACTS say, Broken never merged, a part of the members went over, and
>some stayed. I had the hugest respect for that group. Even after the merge
>with VOR and CiA happened when I wasn't exactly in a love affair with VOR, I
>still respected it. Yet they can not deny that they knew that The Master
>didn't know. They knew he was a SS, and they knew that Grey Hawk and Edicus
>wanted more power. Why when the VOR members barely got any power in the
>group, that the two SS's would retain their positions in CiA? Simple, CiA
>probably OPENLY offered those positions to the members, to make sure that more
>members would come into CiA. They have some of the crudest little re-
>cruiting tactics (tacky at that) that I have ever seen in my whole life.
no, actually, we did merge. lets see, we had all but one ansi artist
come with us, and that ansi artist that didn't come, went to another
group. and one ansi artist decided to dual group with cia and emerge,
but it doesn't matter now, because he dropped the scene. three people
from the literature department came, me, and two others. i was told
that two others would come, and fully supported us, but they decided to
stay with emerge. ascii coding and vga, well, i really don't know about
their members offhand. but its just funny, everyone from emerge keeps
saying that only 8 people left, but its just pretty funny that they lost
the entire ansi department, most of the literature, and ascii. a good
part of the group did leave. pretty funny fact.
as i've said, i did not want more power, and trust me, grey hawk did not
want more power either. we were not in it for power, we were in it for
fun. we made a senior council after the merge, and within this senior
council, vor got more power then broken. its an odd fact right? three
members from cia would become senior staff, two from vor, and one from
broken (grey hawk). i would become co literature coordinator, alongside
frost byte.
>it's all true, and they can not deny it, because if they do, you will just
>have to hear it from The Master. And I am sure he has a few things to know
>about it. Grey Hawk always complained about The Master having the WHQ too, I
>bet it was just a grudge over that, one thing is for certain. When you get a
>power hungry person like Grey Hawk, then things are bound to go wrong.
i can deny it when its nots true. as i've said, i have nothing against
the master, and really, the only one in emerge i really have a problem
with is euphoria. grey hawk is not power hungary. he's one of the
nicest, non selfish people i've met in the 'scene'. but unfortunally,
you, and others in emerge just hate one thing we did, and of course have
a grudge against that. as euphoria said to me one day on irc, 'people
like you are whats ruining the scene'. heh.
mistawho, why the hell do you even care so much about broken? you
obviously didn't care too much when you dropped us in january to persue
other interests. pretty odd that you care so much now, after
everything's said and done, and still dropped us. odd.
as far as the master's organizational ability, grey hawk put together
all of teh packs, with the exception of the 1/95 pack, which i put
together. i helped grey hawk on many aspects of putting the pack
together too. the master did somethings, but not alot.
the world head quarters situation was not a matter of power, it was a
matter of the group. the two most common complaints that i heard where
'the master does shit for the group, and he's the leader, it doesn't
look good.' - coming from alot of people outside the group.
'lord of the underworld is not an art board, the north star is, tns
would better represent the group as a whole'.
lotu is not an art board, tns is. which looks better? calling a whq to
apply for a group and it looks like shit, or calling one of the most
customized boards in the country (as far as renegade goes)? alot of
members were not pleased with the master's work, nor his board. facts
are facts. what people told grey hawk and i is what we knew.
the emerge pack has been out now for a few hours, and already i was
talking to one of the members, and one of the better ansi artists, and
he said he was displeased with emerge and that he was interested in cia.
seriously. i never talked to him before, and didn't know who he was.
till he said;
'uh, i really didnt like the emerge pack. they released work that was
months old and the rest of the group looked like shit. i'm seriously
considering dropping it now.'
an ansi artist already dropping emerge? wow. pretty sad that the group
is offically hours old and its already losing members.
one more pack, thats all i give it. i've heard alot of people talk
about emerge tonight, one more pack seems to be the general theory.
hugs and kisses, xoxoxo.
edicius, w/ special help
from grey hawk...
<fuck the part about emerge currently (the last 2 paragraphs). i wrote
that rigth after the pack was released, like 3 weeks ago.
. .. an update to, i'm a dork, by edicius ..
lets update this story that appeared in jonas 4. once and for all, I
2:39 am, est, april 16th. easter. i've been up since 5:20am april
15th. from 6:03am to 6-6:30pm i was on a local chat board/internet, ONE
FONE CALL LAST 12 HOURS!@$. just after 1 am, i broken the elusive 1000
minutes for on day mark. i just logged off for the night (hopefully),
and i was online for 1106 minutes, IN ONE FUCKING DAY.
i really am a dork. for one day, for 18, EIGHTEEN FUCKING HOURS.
EIGHTEEN OUT OF TWENTY FOUR HOURS. i was on this board. plus, for
another 40 minutes i was on goat blowers anonymous, and another 20-30 i
was on the north star. so for 19 hours today, i was on boards. (then
again, i slept 3 hours while on the chat board and showered for 30
minutes, so.).
i had nothing better to do then site on this chat board, sit on the
internet, fool with ereetnet, and do shit like that. BUT GOD FUCKING
___ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____
| | | _| | | |_ _| . | __|
| | _| | _ | _| -|__ |
founder, writer, and all around peachey keen type guy
-!# edicius #!-
official guy who i dont have a k-keen title for
-!# waddle the bbs gawd #!-
official mascot
-!# valgamon #!-
ooh-fea-ceal paq trivia guy
-!# frost byte #!-
true members who have submitted an article
-!# terminal velocity #!-
-!# traq #!-
people who have done me some sort of artwork
-!# grey hawk #!- -!# cidica #!-
-!# epidemic #!- -!# eerie #!-
-!# asphxia #!- -!# napalm #!-
______ _____ ______ _______ ______
| __|_____| | __| __|
|__ | |- -| __|__ |
- head quarters -
world head quarters
-!# aneurysm ˘ 1.9O8.27O.8i98 #!-
place to go when in need of a good rape and honey,
-!# the land of rape and honey ˘ 1.6O9.698.i358 #!-
official jonas gay bar
-!# shattered thoughts ˘ 1.9O8.446.iO94 #!-
oahu hangout
-!# terminal frost ˘ 1.8O8.487.68i2 #!-
largest beasiality gif collection in canada
-!# sarcastic toaster ˘ 1.4i8.849.oi2i #!-
- distro sites -
-!# hooked on phonix ˘ 1.2i4.T00.L33T #!-
-!# final descent ˘ 1.5i6.437.6858 #!-
-!# full metal jacket ˘ 1.2O3.53i.7626 #!-
-!# aqua ˘ 1.6i9.63o.895o #!-
- member boards -
-!# the north star ˘ 1.9O8.264.5O42 #!-
-!# brand echh ˘ 1.9O8.N07.Y371 #!-
-!# apocalypse systems ˘ 1.2oi.934.56i8 #!-
- e0f -
. .. later .. .
read the jonas.nfo file, if you haven't done so already.
jonas words to remember:
driver says, 'hey man we go all the way'
of course we were willing to pay.
my name is winfield,
and i got a box full of your toys.
fresh out of batteries.
but you still make is nice,
make it nice.
tell me what to do, now the tank is dry.
now this wheel is flat, and you know what else?
- weezer's 'my name is jonas'
(yes, this is where i got the fucking name from!)

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