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jonas issue 3

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago


| ___ _____ | _____ _ ______ ____|
| | _ | | | | | | gh.cia:
 ___| |______|____| |_____| |__________|
| | | |____| |____|
_| | | ˙ ˙ j ˘ o ˘ n ˘ a ˘ s ˙ ˙
¨_________| 'the only mag elite enough to be coded in asic'

press return please

___ ___ _____ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ ____ ____ _ ___| |widonai
| | | - | | | | | | | _| | | | |odgpasi
| | |___| | | | _| | |wioinc!
|_|---|_|__|__|___|__|___| |_|---|_|____|__|___|______|\_
-/- jonas numero tres -\- \___ \__
\___ \
1 - welcome to jonas, biznatch. ) |
2 - edicius' editorial ( \
3 - members and sites and stuph \__ )
4 - ramblings about kurt cobain (edicius) \___ /
5 - fat slayer rips? (edicius) ) |
6 - ivu w/ flood by edicius / \_
7 - ivu w/ euphoria by edicius ( \
8 - dont press this key \__ )
9 - quit jonas right now \_____/
r selection

. .. welcome to jonas, biznatch .. .
welcome to numero tres of jonas. we will see when this will finally
come out. i wanted it to come out at 11:59pm eastern time, april 8th,
1995. but right now its 10:59, i dont know if i will be able to do it
in a hour.
some news this month:
. .. members: we welcome grey hawk and cidica who did me asciis this
as members. woohoo, welcome guys.
. .. sites: we got an actual site this month! hooked on fonix (sysop is
white power). thanks man! :)
. .. coding: we switched languages this month, from ingeles to espa§ol.
para ella esta muy grande. er, or. i meant i switched from asic (a
shareware basic ripoff type language), to quick basic 4.5. i must thank
grey hawk for qbx, and this issue will have actual ansis.
. .. more: with the ansis, it seems that the size of the file will be
raised greatly. tell me your opinions. if you liked the old way, tell
me, if you like the new way, tell me. i need to know which way is
hmm. thats about it. i must thank all of the people who have supported
me and stuff. thanks alot! later.
- edicius [ j o n a s l e a d m o f o ' n n i g g a h ]
[ now the mag is leet, i used niggah ]
its right now, 11:39, almost 12 hours after jonas was due to be
released. i ran into some trouble with quick basic, so i'm reverting
back to asic. it might only be for this issue, and numero cuatro will
be in quick basic, or it may be perminant. one of the things that
people like about this mag is the fact that it is clutterless, with no
ansis. soo. i most likely wont code it in qbx, but i at least know how
to code ansi into qbx so i can work on my bbs software now. :)
. .. edicius' editorial .. .
hmm. its the second week of april, the 8th, to be exact. there's like
38 files in the april directory on kndbot (thanks sexman, if it were
a tad bit faster, it'd rule even more, but its still very good :)).
wow, alot of files eh?
well, personally, i haven't seen any of them yet, er, most of them. the
only art packs/related stuff that i have seen this month would be,
emerge, angst, shiver, spastic, cia (fools and real), illness, and
intergrity. wow. not alot eh? i have the quadp, firm, um, wo!
(whatever that is), and like 4 more packs sitting on my shell. i'm
going out, so i'll get a mass dcc of acid/ice and union, and set it for
a good 3 hours of pure leeching, and thus, i'll be caught up. :).
what do i want to talk about this month. hmm, first off. i would like
to clear some stuff about emerge. read the interview that i had with
euphoria, very interesting to me. i had some stuff in my last editorial
about emerge, but some of it wasn't true; but it was true to me at the
time (meaning, i only had one side of the emerge story). emerge's
chances of survivial are still slim, but better then what i had
previously thought.
blade. i don't know if they died or not, but i sure hope not. alot of
people have declared them dead because of what chromatik did (leaving
blade). fucking lamers. blade won't die; blade was around before
chromatik, blade will be around long after him. mindcrime is not the
type that will let his group die because of one person. sure, blade
won't be as highly regarded as they were with chromatik, but they've
been around a year, they'll be around much longer.
<brief intermission of about 2´-3 hours>
wow. i just got a bunch of packs, some good. alot of new groups, wow.
decent month so far. if i had any will or desire to, i would
write what i thought about this month right now. but lets just say, it
was a halfway decent month.
- edicius [ j o n a s f o u n d e r ]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ jonas staph and stuph ]-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=
___ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____
| | | _| | | |_ _| . | __|
| | _| | _ | _| -|__ |
-!# edicius #!-
||||||| editor in chief
/ \ -!# edicius #!-
| | | riter
| (\_/) | <-ø -!# edicius #!-
\_\_/_/ |
¿- pip official bitch
-!# pip the angry youth #!-
guy who did alot of asciis and stuff for me
-!# cidica #!-
guy that did more asciis and i gave him a blow job
-!# grey hawk #!-
______ _____ ______ _______ ______
| __|_____| | __| __|
|__ | |- -| __|__ |
world head quarters
-!# aneurysm ˘ i.9o8.27o.8i98 #!-
eastern whorehouse
-!# shattered thoughts ˘ i.9o8.446.io94 #!-
board thats in the middle of the big 'd'
-!# hooked on phonix ˘ i.2i4.T00.L33T #!-
member boreds
-!# the north star ˘ i.9o8.264.5o42 #!-
-!# brand echh ˘ i.9o8.n0t.yet1 #!-
spam information hotline
-#! i.5o7.4o7.58oi !#-
.. my comments, remarks, and thoughts on kurt kobain, and more ramblings ..
i was listening to the radio today, and found out that it has been one
year since kurt kobain was found dead. its really weird. i gotta say
something to all of you people that are still obsessed with him, those
that are cotemplating suicide because of him, and those of you who
generally still worship the ground he walks on; a year later...
get a fucking life people.
its really scary. people call kurt kobain the spokesman of our
generation, yet he killed himself. he may have known how many people of
our age group (the general age group of 15-30) felt, but he had his
problems, he didn't know how to deal with it, so he killed himself.
this may not sound like much coming from a guy who's handle is edicius
(backwords suicide). i think suicide is a wonderful thing, i think
suicide is very powerful. i dont think its for everyone, i dont think
its a true way out, its a final way out, but from what i saw, i dont
think kurt tried much else besides shooting up on herorin and drinking.
kurt cobain was not a hero, people have built him up to be a hero, but
he was far from it. he was a normal person, with some musical talent
that just did not know how to deal with it. i dont comend him for what
he did, but i do understand it, although i wish he could have done more,
but alas, i dont know him, maybe he did try more, i just dont know him.
i wish he did more, but we dont know him. we can wish it, but he did
what he wanted to do, and he suceeded. i myself will probably find
hyself in hell with kurt, we will see.
. .. fat slayer rips? .. .
did fat slayer of cia rip a loader he did for my board, aneurysm? at
first, the evidence seemed pretty convincing. joe mama (of shiver and
spastic) was on irc today, shortly after the cia pack was released, and
said that the loader fat slayer he did was a true rip.
he offered the loader (, thanks for spreading my number
around irc too :)) and a pascal source code to a program written by a
guy in holland. he said it could not have been written in assebler,
like fat slayer said he did code it in, and that it was truely ripped.
i called up tut (the other sysop of aneurysm) and he told me he had the
source, in assebler, that fat slayer gave to him. i offered the file on
irc after joe mama was offering the pascal source/loader. and i think i
proved, or hopefully, proved that fat slayer did not rip.
talking to some senior members of cia, i heard they were considering
kicking him out of the group. to the seniors of cia, please dont kick
him out. he has a great coding record, and he continues to improve. he
is alittle childish, but he's like everyone else.
what he wrote in assembler was basicly the pascal source code rewritten
into asm. in the asm source, the first four comment lines say, 'written
by michael whatever [fat slayer] of cia. based on the pascal source
code written by...' he rewrote it, not ripped it.
as i said, dont kick him out. please dont. he's cool, most of the
interview with flood <angst/teklordz>
ed: okie, cool. hmm, basicly, first, tell us your name, age, affils, etc.
fl: ok, my name is mike, i'm 15 and i run angst and i'm lit head for teklordz
ed: are you still in emerge?
fl: well, i helped them out, but i'm still not sure..
ed: oh ok. hmm, how did you get into the 'scene'? and tell us a brief
scene 'history', if you will.
fl: ok, welp i started off in this lame warez group called 'TiE', and
that was when i was in da warez scene, but then i did my first lit and
got accepted into BROkEN, i was then accused of ripping lyrics, and
left the group scene for a little bit. I then got hooked up with eden,
and then welp, i had an idea of starting a lit group, and then came
ed: nice, angst has been alittle rocky, but it has alot of promise.
hmmm. lets see, what are your views of the scene?
fl: welp, ya know, new groups are popping up everywhere, some are
quality, some just plain suck. But once and a while i think it's nice
that new groups develop, cuz if they didn't, the scene would be a little
ed: nod. good idea. hmm, this is, well, might be alittle touchy, but
what do you think about the whole lyrical ripping scandal, so to say.
do you deny that you did it, and do you think i was wrong for kicking
you out of broken?
fl: welp, to me i thought it was inspiration, but to everyone else it
was plagerism, but i dunno, it was there desicion, so i went along in
ed: heh. good :). hmm. what do you think about emerge? emerge seems to
be a big topic of conversation lately (with everything going on with the
untimley death of broken). plus, i just interviewed euphoria of emerge
voice today. what do you think about the whole emerge situation, do you
think they will survive?
fl: welp i dunno..i wasn't too impressed with the pack, but ya know,
they might live if they pick up some new numbers =)
ed: heh. as much as i really didn't give emerge a chance last week,
after talking to euphoria i think they might do alittle bit better then
i thought. hm, tell us about angst, and what are your plans for the
future with angst?
fl: welp, i think we'll develop nicely ya know..#3 was a really good,
and i think with a little more time and effort we'll develop really
great in the next few months, i have big plans for angst.
ed: very nice. i wish you luck with it. hm. have you ever considered
dropping the scene entirely, and if you did, what would cause you to do
fl: welp, i don't really think that i would drop the scene, i think i
would have to lose my love for computers if i ever drop the scene.
ed: hmm. good idea. many people have said they would drop the scene,
but not many actually do it. and if they do, its something major that
caused them too. :).
ed: hmm. how much longer do you see yourself in 'the scene', and
what do you think is in store for it?
fl: welp i will stick around for a while maybe another few years if it
doesn't by ..erf die by then, i think before I drop the scene, angst
will be one of the best lit groups in the scene..then i'll consider
ed: hehe. angst is already on its way to becoming one of the best lit
groups, 2 or 3 more quality packs, maybe less. it will be one of the
top 2 or so groups. hmm. one last question, how did you get into
teklordz? and tell us about teklordz in general.
fl: ok welp one day i was looking through a teklordz pack, and i saw
they had a semi- desperate lit department, so i sent some of my stuff to
smooth, he must have liked it right away, and decided to make me a
senior. Teklordz is basically the son of acid, or so it's been called,
it's a hawain based group, and that's about it =)_
ed: sounds like you've had an enjoyable experience in the scene. hmm,
anything you would like to add before we end this?
fl: welp i just wanna greet psychoskylark, mind flux and the inquisidor,
and oh yeah darkforce for that awesome ansi..
ed: okie, coo. thanks for the interview, and i wish you alot of luck
with angst and teklordz.
fl: danke =)..byez
- el fin -
interview with euphoria <emerge/acidic>
well, this was supposed to be an interview, but i called him voice, so i
wound up just jotting down notes. lets see how this came out, this is
coming from notes on a piece of a paper and my memory.
ed: what is your name, age, and affils?
ep: eric, 14, and i'm senior staff for emerge, and i'm in acidic
bbs modding (renegade division)
ed: how did you get into the scene? and tell us alittle scene history.
ep: basicly, halo and reactor showed me some packs. normal stuff, like
acid and stuff like that. i thought that was pretty cool, so i formed
kimp, the worst group ever created (except for maybe paw.) i really
knew nothing about the scene. i formed it with halo, and we wanted it
to be more non-201/908 people in it, but it turned out that way. we
tried to merge with ica, and it failed. so we renamed the group to
indigo, and soon merged with another 201 group called hail, and after
the whole broken / cia ordeal, hail and the remaining broken members
formed emerge.
ed: is the rumor that you merged with eden true?
ep: well, alot of the better members of eden left and formed apathy.
they left because the senior staffers of eden were doing alot of real
assinine things, like putting the pack together when they were drunk,
and not paying too much atention to the group. so we (emerge) decided
to let them merge into us, and thus we have been joined by saint sinner,
borys, and others. saint sinner and borys are new senior staffers for
ed: will voiz leaving emerge effect you at all?
ep: well, he did leave, but he might return, and just to emerge. he's
not too sure about it. if he does, we welcome him. but it shouldn't
really hurt us too much, mainly because we just merged with apathy. it
really shouldn't hurt us.
ed: how long have you been bbs'n?
ep: about a year or so now.
ed: how long has your board, erebus, been up?
ep: hmm. about seven to eight months now.
ed: i've heard you say how bad mergers are to groups, i might even go as
far as to quote you as saying, 'mergers suck'. why do you still accept
mergers then?
ep: well, we would rather not merge into a group, and lose our name.
but we won't exactly stop a group from asking us to merge into us.
ed: what is going on with stain and tripe? they left emerge, on sour
terms? what happened there?
ep: tripe and stain left, but they weren't a true asset to us. stain
used to be ballistick of typhoid, the one who ripped ansis of blurr of
cia. both of them are notorious group jumpers, and didn't join emerge
untill literally days before we released our pack.
hm. thats about all i have. i must thank euphoria for the interview,
and wish him luck with emerge and acidic.
i said dont press this key asshole
. .. byebye, farewell, from jonas numero tres .. .
thanks for reading this issue. read jonas.nfo for any last last minute
information. la la later.
jonas words to remember:
everything dies baby thats a fact
but maybe everything that dies someday comes back
put your makeup on fix your hair up pretty and
meet me tonight in atlantic city.
- bruce springsteen's, 'atlantic city'

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