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EFFector Online Volume 8 Number 03

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EFFector Online Volume 08, No. 03 March 20, 1995
A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation ISSN 1062-9424

In This Issue:

ALERT - Join Us in Opposing Exon Censorship Bill - ACT NOW!
EFF Legal Services Needs Your Help: The Cyberspace Defense Fund
Zimmermann, Borg, Ware to Receive EFF Pioneer Awards
Scotland and Italy Crack Down on "Anarchy Files"
Bay-Area EFF Meeting, Mar. 31: Sovereignty of Cyberspace, CoS v Inet
Calendar of Events
What YOU Can Do

* See or, /pub/Alerts/ for more
information on current EFF activities and online activism alerts! *


Subject: ALERT - Join Us in Opposing Exon Censorship Bill - ACT NOW!

(Note this is not the electronic "defeat S314" petition)

Update: - Telecomm Reform bill scheduled for markup Thu 3/23/95
- Sen. Leahy (D-VT) expresses "serious concerns", seeks
alternatives that protect free speech
- Coalition Internet campaign has an impact

Mar. 17, 1995

Distributed by the Voters Telecommunications Watch (


Yet even more organizations have joined us. Welcome aboard!

Next week (Mar 23, 1995) the telecomm reform bill will be marked up in
the Commerce committee. If the Communications Decency Act is added to
the reform bill as an amendment, it will be *very difficult to stop*.
The result of this bill becoming a law will be to change the nature of
the Internet as we know it. The volume of information we take for
granted will slow to a trickle.

Win this battle, and we've won the fight for this year and stopped the
bill. Lose it and we'll be on the ropes in the Senate for the rest
of the session.

Only you can make the difference, and it will only take two minutes.



In order to use the net more effectively, the following organizations
have joined forces on a single Congressional net campaign to stop the
Communications Decency Act, S. 314 (in alphabetical order):

the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),
the American Communication Association (ACA),
the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT),
the Center for Public Representation (CPR),
the Computer Communicators Association (CCA),
the Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR),
the CyberQueer Lounge, an online resource for the gay community,
the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
(Note the above DC-based EFF has no local chapters)
the Electronic Frontier Foundation-Austin (EFF-Austin),
the Electronic Frontiers Australia, (EFA)
the Electronic Frontiers Houston, (EFH)
the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC),
the Florida Coalition Against Censorship (FCAC),
the Hands Off! the Net petition drive,
the National Coalition Against Censorship, (NCAC)
the National Libertarian Party, (NLP),
the National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN),
the National Writers Union (UAW Local 1981 AFL-CIO), (NWU)
the People for the American Way (PFAW),
the Society for Electronic Access (SEA), and
the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW)

These organizations are using the Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW)
as a conduit for legislative feedback. When you contact Congress about the
Communications Decency Act and send your feedback to, that
information is being fed back to all participating organizations.

If your organization would like to sign on to this campaign and receive
legislative feedback, contact (Note the Fidonet and FTN
mailing directions below)



What you can do
Current status of S. 314/H.R. 1004
Where can I learn more about the bill? (URL & Fidonet/FTN included)
Where will I learn about updates to this alert?
Current list of participating organizations



1. Contact Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD, Commerce Committee Chairman),
Sen. J.J. Exon (D-NE, sponsor of the bill), and Sen. Bob Packwood (R-OR,
Chairman, Communications Subcommittee).

Note: although contacting your own Senators is important, these
members hold the keys at this point in time. If you want to contact
your own Senators, that's great, but between now and Thursday Pressler,
Exon and Packwood are the ones to focus on.

Time is of the essence: *Phone calls* are best, faxes only partially
effective, email has the least impact.

P ST Name and Address Phone Fax
= == ======================== ============== ==============
R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1259*
243 RSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510
*Note this is the Senate Commercommittee's fax machine

D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 1-202-224-5213
528 HSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510

R OR Packwood, Robert 1-202-224-5244 1-202-228-3576
259 RSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510

Urge them to keep S.314 from being incorporated into
telecommunications reform legislation and to support Senator Leahy's
efforts to explore alternatives to the Exon bill. Follow the communique
at the bottom if you need to.

2. Feel free to use the following communique:


I'm a resident of _______. Please support Senator Leahy's
efforts to explore alternatives to S. 314. Please keep S. 314
out of the telecommunications reform bill, and remove S. 314
from the fast track.


See below for a brief description of Leahy's initiative. His letter
to CDT is in the VTW gopher.

Concern over S.314 is not limited to the U.S. Among many international
expressions of support, two have stood out in the first two weeks.
EF-Australia is a member of the growing coalition, and IndiaNet has
circulated our alert widely. If you are not a citizen of the United States
you can still express your concern. A sample message to Senator Pressler

Dear Senator Pressler:

The Exon bill will cripple the U.S. portion of the Internet
and thereby devastate the growing global information community.
Internation commerce and social and political cooperation will
suffer greatly. I urge you to refrain from incorporating S.314
into any telecommunications reform legislation and to support
Senator's Leahy initiatives to explore alternatives to S314.

Both US citizens and non-US citizens should remember to be polite
when speaking to legislators, even their own.

3. DON'T FORGET TO DROP A NOTE TO VTW@VTW.ORG to tell us who you contacted.
(See below for FTN -> Internet emailing instructions.)
We'll tally the results and feed them back to all participating
organizations. It's crucial we have this feedback, even if you just
got a form letter, or a "thank you" to your phone call.

Please, when you report back, tell us what state you are in! This
will help us track constituent calls, which are the most effective.

4. Feel good about yourself. You've just participated in democracy
without leaving your seat.

5. (Extra bonus activism) Pass this alert to your friends, especially if
they're in South Dakota, Nebraska, or Oregon. These states need to
have as much constituent contact with their Senators as possible.

Also, you might send a thank-you note to Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) for
his continuing efforts on behalf of free speech and the free flow of
information in cyberspace. He can be reached at:

P ST Name and Address Phone Fax
= == ======================== ============== ==============
D VT Leahy, Patrick J. 1-202-224-4242 1-202-224-3595
433 RSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510

Don't forget to Cc: on your mail to him, so we can tally
the response.



Dear Net Citizens:

Legislation has been introduced before the Senate which would severely
restrict your freedom of speech, halt the free flow of information on
the net, and require all telecommunications carriers to censor your
public and private communications.

The "Communications Decency Act of 1995" (S. 314), introduced in early
February by Senators Exon (D-NE) and Gorton (R-WA), would place
substantial criminal liability on telecommunications carriers (including
traditional telephone networks, Internet service providers, commercial
online services such as America Online and Compuserve, and independent
BBS's) whenever their networks are used to transmit any material
which is deemed indecent or harassing. In order to avoid these penalties,
carriers would be forced to restrict the activities of their subscribers
and censor all public and private communications.

We must act quickly to stop the progress of S. 314. The bill may soon
be incorporated into Senate telecommunications reform legislation, which
is currently being drafted by the Senate Commerce Committee. The
telecommunications reform bill may be introduced as early as mid March,
and is expected to be considered on a fast track. If S. 314 is included
in this bill, it will be extremely difficult to change or remove and
could pass quickly.

We are asking you to join us in urging key members of the Senate to
prevent S. 314 from being included in Senate telecommunications reform
measures and to hold open, public hearings on the issue.



The bill was introduced on February 1, 1995 by Senators Exon (D-NE) and
Gorton (R-WA). It is currently pending before the Senate Commerce
Committee (chaired by Senator Pressler (R-SD)).

No committee action has been scheduled as of March 9, 1995.

The telecommunications reform bill is scheduled for hearing starting
March 21, 1995. It is possible that S. 314 will be folded into the
bill during markup next week.

H.R. 1004 (worded the same as S. 314) was introduced on February 21,
1995 in the House by Representative Johnson (SD) and has been referred
to the House Commerce and Judiciary committees.

No committee actions in the House have been scheduled as of March 17, 1995.



S. 314 would expand current law restricting indecency and harassment on
telephone services to all telecommunications providers and expand
criminal liability to all content carried by all forms of
telecommunications networks. The bill would amend Section 223 of the
Communications Act (47 U.S.C. 223), which requires carriers to take
steps to prevent minors from gaining access to indecent audiotext and
criminalizes harassment accomplished over interstate telephone lines.

If enacted, S. 314 would compel service providers to severely restrict
your online activities. Your access to email, discussion lists, usenet,
the world wide web, gopher, and ftp archives would be substantially
reduced or cut off entirely. The bill would also force providers to
closely monitor and pre-screen your electronic mail, and refuse to
transmit any message or other content which may be considered to be

This bill poses a significant threat to freedom of speech and the free
flow of information in cyberspace. The bill also raises fundamental
questions about the right of government to control content on
communications networks, as well as the locus of liability for content
carried in these new communications media.

Recently, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has requested the Center for
Democracy and Technology's Public Interest/Industry working group IWG
(Interactive Working Group) to explore other solutions to the problems
that S. 314 attempts to solve. The working group must be allowed to
examine current legislation and explore technical alternatives that are
consistent with the First Amendment and the free flow of information.

We've received over 400 messages in two weeks, with our log showing
over 700 letters, faxes, phone calls, and email messages (many people
contacted more than one Senator. At least two respondents wrote all 19
members of the committee!) Of course many more people have probably
contacted Congress without sending that note to VTW.

Almost 200 messages went to Pressler, who may be getting the point.
His staff told one caller, "Why are you calling us? It's Exon's bill!"
(This is why phone calls to Pressler are so important.)

One citizen wrote to Senator Gorton, a co-sponsor:
"I, frankly, am amazed at the audacity of your proposed
bill. We are not children sir, nor do we need your
misplaced guidance in raising our children!"

Along the same lines, another wrote to his own Senator:
"While I am pleased, being an enthusiastic supporter of
anti-harassment legislation, with many of the provisions of
this bill, I am frankly astounded and appalled with others."

Someone came up with metaphor that frankly we aren't clever enough to
have thought of:
"A few years ago, a tanker laden with a crude, noxious substance
ran aground in the virginal territories of the Alaskan coastline.
It poisoned the land and sea for many miles around.... We are now
faced with another 'Exon Valdez'... a vehicle filled with crude
legislation, currently at risk of running ashore on our pristine

Finally, someone writing to Pressler spoke for all of us to all of us:
"At a time when communications between ordinary citizens has
been all but drowned out by the barrage of mass media, online
communication has become the last bastion of real citizen
deliberation and has become the "public square" so to speak,
of the nation. This bill would destroy this great experiment
in the rejuvenation of grassroots democracy. Please do all
you can to prevent its passage."

We are encouraged by the success so far of the campaign, and hope that
you take the time to participate at this crucial time.



The Voters Telecommunications Watch has set up a gopher page where
you can get a copy of the bill (including analyses by the American
Civil Liberties Union, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the
Electronic Messaging Association, and others). Here's the URL:

WWW URL: gopher://
Gopher command : gopher -p 1/vtw/exon

If you have difficulty getting to this gopher page, or if you don't
have access to Mosaic/gopher, drop a note to:

BBS Network Users:

You can FREQ the files from the EFF BBS, 1:109/1108, 1-202-861-1224.
The "magicword" for a list of relevant files is S314. You do NOT have to be
nodelisted to get the files, or in any particular network. Just create a
dummy nodelist entry with our phone number if you need to do so.
Those in QWK nets or otherwise not able to File REQuest can download the
files manually from the BBS, in the ALERTS file area. Feel free to login
as ANONYMOUS, password GUEST to bypass newuser questionnaires.

To send mail to from FidoNet or other FTN systems, create a
netmail message to your local UUCP host. Search the nodelist for the
GUUCP flag, and use the address of that system:

To: UUCP, [GUUCP system's address here. "To:" name MUST be set to UUCP]
From: [you]
Subject: S.314

[Message starts here on 3rd line. The second "To:" line with the internet
email address MUST be the first line of the message body, and the blank
line following that is REQUIRED. Mail will not be delivered by the gateways
without it.]

To email one of the Senators in the list above, just put the Senator's email
address in place of "" in the above example.

If you are unsure whether your FTN has an Internet gateway, or suspect it
may use something other than a GUUCP nodelist flag, ask your network



We will post updates to this alert in three places:

-On the account (finger
-On Usenet (,, and alt.privacy)
-Through our announcements mailing list,

To subscribe, simply send a message to with the
following in the message body:

subscribe vtw-announce Firstname Lastname



At this time, the following organizations have signed onto this
campaign and are receiving the legislative feedback that VTW is compiling:

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),
American Communication Association (ACA),
Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT),
Center for Public Representation (CPR),
Computer Communicators Association (CCA),
Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR),
CyberQueer Lounge,
(Note that the DC-based EFF has no local chapters)
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF),
Electronic Frontier Foundation-Austin (EFF-Austin),
Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA),
Electronic Frontiers Houston (EFH),
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC),
Florida Coalition Against Censorship (FCAC),
Hands Off! the Net petition drive,
National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC),
National Libertarian Party (NLP),
National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN),
National Writers Union (UAW Local 1981 AFL-CIO),
People for the American Way (PFAW),
Society for Electronic Access (SEA),
Voters Telecommunications Watch (VTW),

Note that the Voters Telecommunications Watch does not speak for these
organizations. Any opinions contained herein are those of the author,
and not necessarily endorsed by participating organizations.


Subject: EFF Legal Services Need Your Help: The Cyberspace Defense Fund

Over the past couple of months, several legal cases have surfaced that
challenge the very heart of net communications. The Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF), as always, is working to ensure that civil liberties
survive these challenges.

* EFF has filed a lawsuit suing the State Department and the NSA,
challenging the current law limiting the export of encryption as being an
unconstitutional prior restraint on free expression.

* EFF is filing an amicus brief in support of two California
sysops convicted of obscenity charges in Memphis when a Tennessee
Postal Inspector dialed into their system and downloaded files.

* EFF has found pro bono counsel for a BBS sysop and an outspoken
critic of the Church of Scientology to fight against holding system
operators liable for the postings of their users.

But even with pro bono counsel, these cases can cost tens of thousands of
dollars in litigation-related expenses, such as long distance telephone
calls, court fees, fed-x charges, airplane tickets, copying, etc. We need
YOUR help in our fight to protect civil liberties online! EFF has
started the Cyberspace Defense Fund to collect money for defending the
net against such threats to free speech and privacy.

Let's stop these threats to the cyberspace before they spread. Please
send us your contribution -- $100, $50, $20, whatever you feel comfortable
giving -- to help us continue this important work. Send your donation to:

Cyberspace Defense Fund
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1667 K Street, NW, Suite 801
Washington, DC 20006

And get your friends to donate, too! We also can accept Visa and
Mastercard. Call 202/861-7700 if you'd prefer to charge your donation.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,
and your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Thank you so much for your


Subject: Zimmermann, Borg, Ware to Receive EFF Pioneer Awards


On March 29, at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference in
Burlingame, California, the Electronic Frontier Foundation will present
its Fourth Annual Pioneer Awards to three individuals who were judged to
have made significant and influential contributions to computer-based
communications or to the empowerment of individuals in using computers.
The 1995 Pioneer Award recipients are Philip Zimmermann, Anita Borg, and
Willis Ware.

Nominations for the Pioneer Awards were carried out over several national
and international computer-communication systems. from the fall of 1994 to
February 1995. A panel of six judges selected the winners from these

The Pioneer Award Recipients

Philip Zimmermann is the original author of PGP ("Pretty Good Privacy"),
public-domain encryption software that has become a worldwide standard for
e-mail encryption. Zimmermann has been an outspoken advocate of individual
access to powerful encryption tools, and PGP has been widely praised for
having made it impossible for governments to prevent individuals from
communicating with true privacy. The publication and wide dissemination of
this software and its extensive use on the Internet worldwide has
heightened public-policy debate about encryption, and it has crystallized
opposition to government policies grounded in distrust of citizen access
to true privacy. Zimmermann is the individual who has done the most to put
the power of encryption into the hands of individual citizens.

Anita Borg is the founder and keeper of Systers, an electronic mailing
list for women in computer science. As the result of Borg's efforts, her
list has become a major force for increasing the numbers and improving the
position of women in the computer science field. Although she is also
known for a number of technical contributions to the field of computer
science in the areas of fault tolerant operating systems and cache
performance analysis, she is particularly well-known among women in
computing for the Systers list. Prior to her development of the Systers
list, women in this field had tended to be physically isolated from each
other and rarely able to find even a few role models or others with whom
to share common experiences. Systers has done more to increase
communication among women in computer science than any other available

Willis Ware, now an emeritus staff member at the RAND corporation in Santa
Monica, California, has been at the forefront of computer-privacy issues
for decades. In 1972, he was appointed Chairman of the DHEW Secretary's
Advisory Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems, which issued the
landmark report, "Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens." This
report provided the intellectual foundation for the Federal Privacy Act of
1974. In June 1975, he was appointed by President Ford to the Privacy
Protection Study Commission created by the Privacy Act of 1974 and served
as vice chairman. The Commission made a study of data banks, automated
data-processing programs, and information systems of governmental,
regional, and private organizations and reported its findings to President
Carter and the Congress on June 12, 1977. This report remains the most
extensive examination of private sector record-keeping practices.
Throughout his career, Ware has been both prescient and outspoken on
public-policy issues relating to computers and privacy; he has played a
key role in bringing privacy concerns to the forefront of public policy.


This year's judges for the Pioneer Awards were: Mike Godwin, online
counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, who coordinated the
judging process; Philip Elmer-DeWitt, senior editor of TIME; technology
analyst and editor Denise Caruso; Steven Levy, NEWSWEEK columnist and
Paulina Borsook; and Bruce Koball, technologist and chair of Computers,
Freedom, and Privacy '93.

For further information, contact Mike Godwin at 202-861-7700 or


Subject: Scotland and Italy Crack Down on "Anarchy Files"

Anarchists online were the target of two recent police actions, one in
Scotland and one in Italy. Scotland Yard is investigating net-based
anarchist dissidents allegedly using online media to advocate
anti-government violence, at least one of whom was arrested several
weeks ago by detectives from the UK's Special Branch police agency, on
charges of sedition - the first such case in the UK to involve
computer-mediated communications. The suspect appears to have been a
Scottish system operator, running a BBS called Terminal Boredom, which may
have archived some of the publications of anarchist publisher Spunk
Press, a voluteer-based collective (though Spunk itself does not know
the sysop, and says he is not directly associated with them).

A Computer programmer, activist, and editor for Spunk Press in Scotland
and who conducts seminars on progressive activism and Internet basics,
was recently targetted in the British press, and associated with the
online anarchists under investigation. A highly questionable article in
the UK _Sunday_Times_ by Adrian Levy and Ian Burrell (Mar. 5) accused
the Spunk editor (who prefers not to be named again due to negative
publicity) of encouraging the use of computer technology for organizing
violent and illegal acts, as part of an online terrorist coalition, at
an "anarchist campaign" last October (described by attendees rather as a
conference on anarchist politics and online activism).

However, the Levy/Burrell article is both replete with errors (it refers
in one place to FTP archive directories "booby trapped with viruses that
attack the computers of unauthorised intruders" - an impossibility, as
any experienced Internet user would know) and remarkably biased (the article
alleges that supposed 'anarchy files' encourage students to "take
part in dirty protests and riots.") Additionally it makes many wild and
highly unrealistic accusations of global anarchist conspiracy (led by
"an intelligent and well-informed girl", a British student, according to
another similar report.) No relevant evidence or sources are cited.

Spunk "maintains an archive of anarchist material at umich [the U. of
Michican anonymous FTP site] and other sites. It includes historical
documents, articles by the likes of Chomsky & Bookchin, the text of
various anarchist magazines and, contrary to what the Sunday Times said,
nothing about bomb-making or other [seditious material]", Mitzi Waltz, a
technology writer and US member of Spunk, told EFF, adding that another
member of the Spunk collective, in Italy, suffered a police raid on
his political discussion BBS, BITS Against the Empire, Waltz disagreed
vehemently with the _Sunday_Times_ article: "I have met [the Spunk editor]
and he's about the furthest thing from a terrorist you can imagine. I
was at the conference referred to [in the _Sunday_Times_ article] also
last fall in London. [We] led workshops on using the Internet for
communications and networking. Basic stuff, like 'what's a BBS?'..."

Others involved with Spunk Press indicate that a previous article in the
UK trade magazine _Computing_ also attacked Spunk, possibly slanderously.
Recently, _Computing_ was inundated with criticism of its report.
These articles appear to have been the inspiration for a series of
similar, and even further removed from reality, mainstream press reports
in Italy, which compare the events to the raid on BITS Against the Empire.

BITS Against the Empire, a computer bulletin board system run by Clinamen,
(a Rovereto, Italy social center) and providing communications services to
users via Internet, Cybernet and FidoNet, was seized along with printed
material and disks during a Feb. 28 police search of Clinamen. The homes
of a number of people associated with Clinamen were also raided that
morning by the Carabinieri Anti-Crime Special Operations Group, who
seized books, computers, diskettes, even diaries. Some of those raided
are allegedly associated with the Italian anarchist movement. Only one,
the sysop, Luciano Paccagnella, is directly associated with the BITS BBS.

To date, only some of the seized materials have been returned, and the
BBS itself, other computers, and diskettes are still being held for further
investigation. No one has been arrested, but the individuals raided
have been formally charged with terroristic subversion crimes, which
carry severe penalities: 7-15 years in prison. Paccagnella expresses
skepticism regarding the likelihood that authorities really want him in
prison for 15 years, reasoning he and the others charged are probably
expected to be intimidated into plea-bargaining. "What they really want
is clearly to scare us," he said.

A Clinamen press release noted wryly: "According to the authorities, the
bulletin board's activities in pursuit of free communication and counter-
information represent a danger to the democratic order...Clearly nobody
has explained to them that hard disks and diskettes can be copied in a
matter of minutes. Meanwhile, those facing prosecution, as well as the
hundreds users of BITS Against the Empire BBS, must continue to wait as
police computer experts work to uncover not only the DOS 'copy' command,
but also that very dangerous information - from publicly available
electronic journals, articles and academic essays on the social use of
new technology, to publicly accessible electronic discussion groups -
which has inspired the charge of subversive association with terrorist

The BITS BBS carried a file index of materials available from the Spunk
archive (though not the files themselves), as well as back issues of
_Computer_underground_Digest_ (for which EFF itself is the main archive
site), and other political and non-political text material (no software).
It is currently unconfirmed whether there is a direct link between the
BITS raid, the Scottish BBS raid, the apparent mainstream media campaign
against the Spunk Press Collective, or the earlier Italian "BBS
crackdown" (which was targetted, ostensibly at least, at software
pirates, though a few victims of the raids suggest that the crackdown
was entirely politically motivated.) Paccagnella doubts there is any
official connection between these events.

Those concerned about the Italian raids can send messages of support or
requests for updates to Luciano Paccagnella at:
Bitnet: lpaccag@itncisti
European Counter Network: Luc Pac, 45:1917/2.1
Cybernet: Luc Pac, 65:1400/6 (currently down)
Fidonet: Luc Pac, 2:333/412 (currently down)

This news is very disconcerting, particularly given the recent law passed
in the UK greatly restricting Britons' rights of assembly, not to mention
other Parliament actions to negate the right of silence at arrest and
broaden police search and seizure authority, as well as statements by UK
Minister of Parliament Chris Smith that the "findings" of the Scotland
Yard investigation into alleged online anarchist "terrorists" shows "the
need for international agreements to ban groups preaching violence from
the information superhighway", as the _Sunday_Times_ article triumphantly
paraphrased. MP Smith is also on record as supporting a ban on public
use of encryption, unless it is "escrowed" so that government agents can
decode encrypted messages and files, likely due to international
lobbying efforts on the part of the US Administration to convince European
and other governments to attempt to retard private-sector encryption
market growth and to embrace Clipper-like surveillance schemes.

When governments cannot distinguish between a socio-political philosophy
denying governmental authoritarianism and actual conspiracy to commit
terrorist crimes, no one's intellectual freedom is safe.


Subject: Bay-Area EFF Meeting, Mar. 31: Sovereignty of Cyberspace, CoS v Inet

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is pleased to continue its series
of monthly `BayFF' meetings in the San Francisco Bay Area. All EFF
members, guests, and the public are invited.

This meeting will be in Burlingame on March 31, 1995, at 7:30PM. Our
meeting place is in the same hotel as the Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
conference, on the evening of the last day of the conference, with
their gracious assistance:

Grand Ballroom
San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel
Burlingame, CA
+1 415 692 9100
Drive US 101, exit East at Millbrae, turn right on Old Bayshore.

Richard Horning will speak on the recent Church of Scientology court
case, and the liability of system operators and communications
providers for the speech of their users. Richard is a partner at
Horning, Janin & Harvey of San Francisco, and is representing Tom
Klemesrud, the BBS operator who was recently sued (with Netcom) by the
Church of Scientology. The case highlights several important issues
including anonymity; the right to dissent and criticize; how
intellectual property protection is balanced with freedom of speech
and association; personal liability for online speech; liability for
the carriage of online speech; and the duty (or lack thereof) of
communications carriers to terminate controversial speech, or the
access of controversial speakers, upon request.

John Barlow will also speak on the sovereignty of Cyberspace. John
is a professional Cognitive Dissident, co-founder of EFF, and frequent
commentator on Electronic Frontier and intellectual property issues.
It may well be that cyberspace is inherently a sovereign region, and
that those who do business there and interact socially in that
environment would do better to recognize it as such. If cyberspace
were to declare its independence from all terrestrial governments, how
would they respond, how would we defend ourselves, and who would be
authorized to make such a declaration?

John will have just returned from Singapore, where he spoke about
freedom of expression in digital media, at the invitation of the
Government of Singapore. Singapore is one terrestrial power that's
been exerting extravagant control over its corner of cyberspace.

There will be plenty of time for general and specific questions,
issues, discussion, meeting people, and socializing with frontier-
minded folks.

To learn about future monthly BayFF meetings, send email to whose first text line is subscribe BayFF .

We hope to see you on Friday the 31st!

John Gilmore
Jane Metcalfe
Denise Caruso
(Bay Area members of the EFF Board)


Subject: Calendar of Events

This schedule lists EFF events, and those we feel might be of interest to
our members. EFF events (those sponsored by us or featuring an EFF speaker)
are marked with a "*" instead of a "-" after the date. Simlarly, government
events, such as deadlines for comments on reports or testimony submission, are
marked with "!" in place of the "-" after the date.

If you know of an event of some sort that should be listed here, please
send info about it to Stanton McCandlish <>

The latest full version of this calendar, which includes material for
later in the year as well as the next couple of months, is available from:

ftp:, /pub/EFF/calendar.eff
gopher:, 1/EFF, calendar.eff

Updated: Feb. Mar. 19, 1995

Important changes: Added much new material, but most importantly
corrected the eddress for CFP95 info. Added March EFF SF Bay-area
meeting! Corrected ETHICOMP date.


Mar. 19-
23 - SuperComm95 and the International Communications Assoc. Expo.;
Anaheim, Calif. General communications conference; "Internet"
appears in the titles of most of the sessions and presentations.
Contact: 1-800-424-5249 or 1-800-422-4636 (voice, US-only), or
+1 708 940 5249 (elsewhere).

Mar. 23 * Practicing Multimedia-Based Computer Law in Our Rapidly Changing
Cyberspace; Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC.
Includes a panel featuring EFF Chair and Sr. Policy Fellow David

- Commerce & Banking on the Information Superhighway; Chicago.
Speakers include Tim Jones (Mondex CEO). I'd be surprised if
David Chaum (DigiCash) won't be there too. Warning: This one
costs a fortune - $1,195 registration fee.
Contact: +1 312 540 3010 (voice), +1 312 540 3015 (fax)

Mar. 24 * EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow speaking at the Microsoft
Library, Microsoft "Campus", Redmond, Wash., 1:00pm PT.

Mar. 25 * Electronic Frontiers Houston Meeting; Ramada Hotel Galeria,
Houston, Texas. Speakers include state Rep. Scott Hochberg,
Ed Cavazos esq. (EFH), and Steve Nuchia (EFH). Topics:
Cyberspace and the law, and bill to make Texas legislative info
avialable via Internet. Meeting open to members and non-members.
Contact: +1 713 250 5436 (voice)

Mar. 27 * Cyberspace: Doing Business On The New Frontier; NCB Auditorium,
71 Science Park Dr., Singapore 0512. Keynote address by John
Perry Barlow (EFF co-founder). Sponsored by Singapore Computer
Society Internet SIG, Singapore Telecom, and NCB.
Contact: Marvin Tay Eng Sin <>

Mar. 27-
30 - Geographic Information Systems '95, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Contact: +1 604 688 0188 (voice), +1 604 688 1573 (fax)

Mar. 28 * Digital Libraries Conference, Singapore, 2:15 PM
Featured speakers include EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow.

Mar. 28-
31 * 5th Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy (CFP95), Burlingame
/Palo Alto, Calif. Sponsored by the Assoc. of Computing Machinery
Featured speakers include EFF's Esther Dyson & Mike Godwin, plus
Roger Wilkins of George Mason U., John Morgridge of Cisco Systems,
Margaret Jane Radin of Stanford, Willis Ware of of NAE, IEEE &
AAAS, Phil Agre of UCSD, Stuart Baker ex- of NSA, David Banisar
of EPIC, Chris Casey of Sen. Kennedy's office, Michael Froomkin
of U. Miami, Phil Karn of Qualcomm, Jamie Love of TAP, Brock
Meeks of _Inter@ctive_Week_ and _Cyberwire_Dispatch_, Lance Rose
author of _SysLaw_, Dick Sclove of Loka Inst., Brad Templeton of
ClariNet, Ross Stapleton-Gray of TeleDiplomacy, Glenn Tenney of
Fantasia Systems, Kim Taylor-Thompson of Stanford U., Alan Westin
of Columbia U., Mitch Ratcliffe of _Digital_Media_, Matt Blaze
of AT&T Bell Labs, Kent Walker Asst. US Atty. of the Dept. of
Justice, David Smith of EFF-Austin, Christine Harbs of Privacy
Rights Clearinghouse, Peter Harter of NPTN, Barbara Simons of the
US ACM, Roger Clark of Australian Nat'l. U., and many others.
See also Apr. 1, below.
Contact: Carey Heckman, +1 415 725 7788, fax: +1 415 725 1861,
Gopher:, "CFP95" menu item
FTP:, /CFP95

Mar. 28-
30 - ETHICOMP95 - Int'l. Conf. on the Ethical Issues of Using Information
Technology; DeMontfort U., Leicester UK.
Contact: Simon Rogerson, +44 533 577475, +44 533 541891 (fax)

Mar. 30-
31 * 10th BILETA Conference: Electronic Communications; Strathclyde
U. Business School, Glasgow, Scotland. Sponsored by British
and Irish Legal Education and Technology Association, CTI Law
Technology Centre, U. of Warwick, and U of Strathclyde Centre for
Law, Computers & Technolog. The conf. "promotes the integral
treatment of information technology law and the applications of
technology in legal education and practice." Speakers include:
Lord Hope (Pres., Scot. Court of Sessions), Henry Perritt (of
Villanova U., and EFF Policy Fellow), Tom Bruce (Cornell U.
Legal Information Inst.), Diana Faber (Law Commission), Scott
Taylor (U. of New Mex.), Peter Wahlgren (Stockholm U.), + others.
Contact: +44 1203 523294 (voice)

Mar. 31 * "BayFF" Bay-Area EFF Meeting, Grand Ballroom, San Francisco
Airport Marriott Hotel, Burlingame, CA, 7:30pm, in conjuction
with CFP'95. Featured speakers include John Gilmore & John
Perry Barlow (2 EFF co-founders). Other EFF board & staff may
also attend. Meeting open to all members and interested
parties. Topics: crypto export, CoS and sysop liability,
sovereignty of cyberspace.
Contact: +1 415 692 9100 (hotel, voice)

Mar. 31-
Apr. ? * Techshow95 (aka LegalTech); Chicago, Illinois. Sponsored by
the Am. Bar Assoc's Law Practice Managment Section and the
Chicago-Kent College of Law. Features a presentation by David
Johnson (EFF) & Fred Bartlit titled "Vision of the Future".

Apr. 1 - Privacy Advocates meeting, in conjunction with CFP (see above);
Burlingame, Calif.
Contact: Rober E. Smith of _Privacy_Journal, +1 401 274 7861

Apr. 1-
2 - RoboFest VI; City Coliseum, Austin, Texas.
Sponsored by the Austin Robot Group, et al. Will feature Internet
demos by EFF-Austin (who need a large number of volunteers to help
run the event.) Sharir Dance Co. will also be featured.
Contact: +1 512 288 9135 (voice)
Email: (event info)
Email: (to volunteer)

Apr. 2-
5 - 12th Ann. Information Systems & Security Conf. & Expo: Learning
from Each Other; Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Sponsored by ISSA. Speakers include: Gale Warshawsky (LLNL)
Charles Blauner (BellCore), Bart Burron (Auditor General
Canada), many others.
Contact: +1 708 699 6441 (voice), +1 708 699 6369 (fax)

Apr. 3-
5 - WebEdge: The Macintosh WWW Developers Conference; Apple Computer
Assistance Center, Austin, Texas. A pre-event mixer is scheduled
for Apr. 2.
Contact: +1 512 326 8222

Apr. 5 - Deadline for registering for Apr. 25 IBM security conference.

Apr. 5-
7 * UCLA Multimedia Roundtable; UCLA, Los Angeles, Calif.
Featured speakers include Denise Caruso (EFF board of directors).

- National Net '95 (Net'95), Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel, Washington
DC; sponsored by Educom, ALA, ARL, CAUSE, CNI, CSN, CRA, CREN,
FARNET, ISoc, NASULGC. Featured speakers: Ron Brown (US Sec'y.
of Commerce), Richard McCormick (US West), Molly Broad (CSU),
Larry Irving (NTIA), Andrew Blau (Benton Found.), Steve Cisler
(Apple), Marty Tennebaum (EIT/CommerceNet), Peter Lyman, Marc
Rotenberg (EPIC/PI), Brock Meeks (_Inter@ctive_Week_, _Cyberwire_
_Dispatch_), Bob Gellman (ex- of Capitol Hill staff), Barry
Steinhardt (ACLU) + others. Sessions on the underprivileged & the
NII, privacy net surveillance, network challenges for business,
int. property.
Contact: Elizabeth Bernhart, +1 202 872 4200 (voice),
+1 202 872 4318 (fax)

Apr. 5-
8 - Global Village Schools National Conference; Atlanta, Georgia USA.
Speakers include educators, computer engineers, state officials.
Focus will be on tele-education and the educational role of the
Contact: +1 405 325 1567 (voice), +1 405 325 1824 (fax)

Apr. 7 * Multimedia Round Table; Ritz Carleton Hotel, Marina del Rey,
Calif. Featured speakers include EFF co-founder John Perry
Barlow (10:30am PT).

Apr. 8 * Mayo Conference on Telemedicine; Rochester MN
Featured speakers include EFF-co-founder John Perry Barlow (9:00am)

Apr. 10 * EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow speaking engagement at Harvard
Law School; Cambridge, Mass., 5:00pm ET

Apr. 10-
12 - Coalition for Networked Information Task Force Spring Meeting,
+ CNI/AAUP Joint Initiative Workshop on University Presses in the
Networked Information Environment; Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel,
Washington DC. (CNI/AAUP event may be at another location.)
Contact: +1 202 296 5098 (voice), +1 202 872 0884 (fax)

Apr. 10-
14 3rd Int'l. WWW Conference: Technology, Tools & Applications;
Darmstadt, Germany. Organized by Fraunhofer Inst. for Computer
Email: (?),

Apr. 11 * 1st Amendment Forum; Lindsey Auditorium, University of
Denver, Denver, Colo. Featured speakers include EFF co-founder
John Perry Barlow (7:30pm MT).

Apr. 15 - Deadline for submissions to June 24 Workshop on Ethical &
Professional Issues in Computing.

Apr. 18 * The First Amendment in Cyberspace: 2nd John Henry Faulk Conference
on the First Amendment; U. of Texas, Austin, Texas. Conf. "will
explore topics such as the legal definition of free speech on
the information superhighway, universal access to the Internet,
censorship online, and new directions for information
technologies in the twenty-first century." Speakers include
Mike Godwin (EFF), Katie Hafner (_Newsweek_, author: _Cyberpunk:_
_Outlaws_on_the_Electronic_Frontier_), Peter Lewis (_New_York_
_Times_), Jamie Love (TAP), Gary Chapman (UT's 21st Century
Project, ex-Dir. of CPSR), Jon Loehman (SW Bell), Eugene Volokh
(UCLA Law School), Frederick Williams (author: _The_People's_Right_
Contact: +1 512 495 4515 (voice)

Apr. 18-
21 - Digital Creativity: Conference on Computers in Art & Design
Education, + ArCade Computer-Generated Art Exhibition; Univer-
sity of Brighton, England.
Contact: +44 1273 652501 (voice), +44 1273 642405 (fax)

Apr. 19-
20 - Information Security & Privacy in the Public Sector; Hyatt Hotel,
Dulles, Virginia. Speakers include: Lynn McNulty (NIST), Marc
Rotenberg (EPIC), Dorothy Denning (Georgetown U.), Joan Winston
(OTA), David Banisar (EPIC), Jim Bidzos (RSA).
Contact: +1 212 952 1899 ext. 308

Apr. 20 - The Twenty-first Century Marketplace: Doing Business on the
Internet; Ann Arbor, Mich. Seminar instructor: Peter Deutsch,
(Bunyip Information Systems). Sponsored by CICNet.
Contact: 1-800-947-4754 (voice, US-only) or
+1 313 998 6703 (voice, elsewhere)

Apr. 20-
21 * E-Mail World; Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, Calif.
Featured speakers include EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow
(10:30am PT Apr. 20, 2:20pm, Apr. 21).

Apr. 21- System Administrator Liability Workshop; Brookline, Mass.
Sponsored by the Sun User Group. Similar to SUG and
EFF-Austin workshops on related topics in Austin, Texas last year.
Instructor: Ed Cavazos esq. (EF-Houston).
Contact: +1 617 232 1347

Apr. 22-
25 - Computer Game Developers Conference; Santa Clara, Calif.
[Still trying to determine whether or not game ratings imposition
will be a topic at this Conf. or not. Gaming and the Internet
will be one of the topics, so it may be of interest even aside
from any civil liberties discussion.]
Contact: +1 415 948 2432 (voicemail), +1 514 948 2744 (fax)

Apr. 25 - IBM Security Technology for the Future, Chicago(?). Sponsored,
of course, by IBM. This is a small house organ conference on
Lan Server & OS/2 security, and "will focus on emerging trends
in Information Security Technology and IBM's plans to address
those trends...The keyrole [sic] of the cryptography [sic] in
meeting open distributed security needs across the enterprise are
[sic] highlighted." IBM divisional program manager Curt Symes
appears to be the sole speaker. Registration deadline: Apr. 5.
Contact: +1 312 245 1599 (voice), +1 312 321 5116 (fax)

Apr. 25-
27 * Vanguard Conference, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Saint Louis, Missouri.
Featured speakers include EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow.

Apr. 26-
29 - USAIN: Cultivating New Ground in Electronic Information Use of the
Information Highway to Support Agriculture; Lexington, Kentucky.

Apr. 27-
29 - CCUMC (Consortium of College and University Media Centers). Utah
State U., Logan, Utah
Contact: +1 515 294 1811 (voice)

Apr. 29 * EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow speaking engagement at Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, 7:30pm CT.

May 1-
2 ! 5th Annual "U.S. Copyright Office Speaks" Seminar (East Coast);
the Washington Vista, Wash. DC. Topics include: inside look at
New Register's agenda, analysis of NII legislation, ACCORD update,
& international developments. (West Coast event: June 5-6)
Contact: +1 201 894 8260 (voice)

May 1-
3 - Distance Education & Technology: A Professional Development Work-
shop for Distance Educators; College Park, Maryland.
Contact: +1 301 985 7811 (voice), +1 301 985 7845 (fax)

May 3-
4 * Apple New Media Forum; Cannes, France. Featured speakers include
EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow. Sponsored (of course) by Apple

May 4-
5 * Nieman Foundation Conference
Featured speakers include Denise Caruso (EFF board of directors).

May 7-
11 - Assoc. for Computing Machinery Conf. on Computer-Human Interaction
(CHI95); Denver, Colorado.
Contact: +1 410 263 5382 (voice)

May 8-
10 - IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, Oakland, Calif.

May 14-
17 - Interactive95; Anaheim, Calif. "The leading forum for developers
and users of multimedia learning technology".
Contact: 1-800-348-7246 (voice, US-only), +1 617 393 3344 (voice,

May 17-
20 - National Public Telecomputing Network 1995 Conf. (Free-Net '95);
Computing Commons Bldg., ASU, Tempe, Arizona.
Includes a session entitled "Laws and Liabilities of Electronic

May 22-
24 - ErgoCon '95 - Silicon Valley Ergonomics Conference & Exposition;
San Jose, Calif.
Contact: Abbas Moallem, +1 408 9244132 (voice), +1 408 924 4153 (fax)

May 26-
28 - Virtual Futures 1995; U. of Warwick, Coventry, UK. VF'95 "is an
interdisciplinary event that examines the role of cybernetic
and specifically dissipative or non-linear models in the arts,
sciences, and philosophy. The conference explores the relationship
between postmodern philosophy and chaos theory, with topics
ranging from: information technology, hypertext and
multimedia applications...[to] neural nets, and nanotechnology."
Speakers include: Kathy Acker, Hakim Bey, Richard Kadrey, Manuel
DeLanda, Alan Sondheim and many more. Deadline for proposals:
Mar. 1 '95.
Contact: +44 0203 523523 x2582 (voice), +44 0203 523019 (fax)

May 31 - Deadline for paper submissions, 11th Ann. Computer Security
Applications Conference (Dec. 11).


Subject: What YOU Can Do

* S314

This harmful bill could pass in a matter of WEEKS, or be added to any
legislation pending on the Senate floor, such as the Senate telecom
bill (if this happens, Sen. Exon's censorship language will be very
difficult to keep from passing and changing online communications
as we know them utterly and for the worse.
Business/industry persons concerned should alert their corporate govt.
affairs office and/or legal counsel. Everyone should write to their own
Senators and ask them to oppose this bill, and oppose it's inclusion
in any other bills. Explain, quickly and clearly, why this bill is
dangerous, (see the first article in this newsletter for the main points
to bring up) and urge efforts to stop this legislation and to support Sen.
Leahy's proposal to see alternatives to this bill explored
problems. S314 is Sen. Jim Exon's "Communications Decency Act".

Contact Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD, Commerce Committee Chairman),
Sen. J.J. Exon (D-NE, sponsor of the bill), and Sen. Bob Packwood (R-OR,
Chairman, Communications Subcommittee). mail, fax, phone, email or
express in person your concise, calm, but firm concerns to these Senators
now holding the keys to the future of this dangerous legislation:

Party State Name and Address Phone Fax
===== ===== ======================== ============== ==============
R SD Pressler, Larry 1-202-224-5842 1-202-224-1259*
243 RSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510
*Note this is the Senate Commercommittee's fax machine

R OR Packwood, Robert 1-202-224-5244 1-202-228-3576
259 RSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510

D NE Exon, J. J. 1-202-224-4224 1-202-224-5213
528 HSOB
Washington, D.C. 20510


EFF has lists of the Senate and House with contact information, as well
as lists of Congressional committees. These lists are available at:, /pub/EFF/Issues/Activism/Congress_cmtes/, 1/EFF/Issues/Activism/Congress_cmtes
The full Senate and House lists are senate.list and hr.list, respectively.


Please send your donations to the EFF Cyberspace Legal Defense Fund.
Every dollar counts when freedom of speech, security, and privacy are
on the line. Donations can be send to: EFF, attn: Cyberspace Defense Fund,
1667 K St. NW, Suite 801, Washington DC 20006 USA. Visa & MC donations
are accepted (via postal mail, or via encrypted email to -
send any message to for a copy of the EFF PGP 2.6 public
encryption key.)


"If five years from now we [the FBI] solve the access problem, but
what we're hearing is all encrypted, I'll probably, if I'm still here, be
talking about that in a very different way: the objective is the same.
The objective is for us to get those conversations whether they're by an
alligator clip or ones and zeros. Whoever they are, whatever they are, I
need them."
- FBI Director Louis Freeh, clarifying statements that the FBI may seek
legislation to ban strong encryption, in an Oct. 1994 interview with
Steven Levy.

Ensuring the democratic potential of the technologies of computer-mediated
communication requires active participation in the political processes that
shape our destinies. Government agencies, legislatures and heads of state
are accustomed to making decisions about the future of technology, media,
education, and public access to information, with far-reaching and
long-lasting effects on citizens and their lives, but are accustomed to
doing so with little input or opposition from anyone but the largest of
corporations, and other government representatives.

Now, more than ever, EFF is working to make sure that you can play an
active role in making these choices. Our members are making themselves heard
on the whole range of issues. EFF collected over 5000 letters of support
for Rep. Maria Cantwell's bill to liberalize restrictions on cryptography.
We also gathered over 1400 letters supporting Sen. Leahy's open hearings on
the proposed Clipper encryption scheme, which were held in May 1994. And
EFF collected over 90% of the public comments that were submitted to NIST
regarding whether or not Clipper should be made a federal standard.
Additionally, EFF has worked for the passage of legislation that would
ensure open access to the information infrastructure of today and tomorrow,
and continues to provide some of the best online resources on privacy,
intellectual freedom, the legalities of networking, and public access to
government representatives and information.

You *know* privacy, freedom of speech and ability to make your voice heard
in government are important. You have probably participated in our online
campaigns and forums. Have you become a member of EFF yet? The best way to
protect your online rights is to be fully informed and to make your
opinions heard. EFF members are informed and are making a difference. Join
EFF today!

For EFF membership info, send queries to, or send any
message to for basic EFF info, and a membership form.



EFFector Online is published by:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
1667 K St. NW, Suite 801
Washington DC 20006-1605 USA
+1 202 861 7700 (voice)
+1 202 861 1258 (fax)
+1 202 861 1223 (BBS - 16.8k ZyXEL)
+1 202 861 1224 (BBS - 14.4k V.32bis)
Internet fax gate:

Editor: Stanton McCandlish, Online Services Mgr. (

Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. Signed
articles do not necessarily represent the views of EFF. To reproduce
signed articles individually, please contact the authors for their express
permission. Press releases and EFF announcements may be reproduced individ-
ually at will.

To subscribe to EFFector via email, send message body of "subscribe
effector-online" (without the "quotes") to, which will add
you to a subscription list for EFFector.

Back issues are available at:, /pub/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector/, 1/EFF/Newsletters/EFFector

To get the latest issue, send any message to (or, and it will be mailed to you automagically. You can also get
the file "current" from the EFFector directory at the above sites at any
time for a copy of the current issue.


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