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Playstation link cable
I dont take any responsibility whatsoever caused by reading/using information
found on this documentation.
I checked the cable and found out this kind of connections:
1 <-> 4
2 NC
3 <-> 6
4 <-> 1
5 <-> 8
6 <-> 3
7 <-> 7
8 <-> 5
and the pins are like this (looking into the link cable connector
(looking into the pins of the cable connector) and the connector
facing up) :
// \\
// \\
________________ ________________
/ UP \ / UP \
------------------ -------------------
LEFT |1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | RIGHT LEFT | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | RIGHT
------------------ -------------------
Flame / Pygmy Projects