Manhattan Project 08
How to Access AOL Through The Internet
Written By: Bitch Beater
For this to work you must have a SLIP/PPP Internet Connection. If you dont I Will Provide you with one. You must get Winsock For Windows. If you dont know what winsock is it creates Internet Sockets In Windows. It enables you the assign your computer a IP address which is a virtual address over the internet. America On-Line Is Accesable Through a SLIP/PPP Connection. Now once you get Winsock You Have to get to the setup menu. Once you are there you will see Many things you have to set. First Set The IP Address to since you will be connecting to a Dynamic IP Server that will give you a different IP everytime you logon. Under Where It Says Name Server Put: This is the server for which you will be connecting to. Now You Have to set you modem up in the box in the lower left hand corner and check off PPP. Once that is all done you must now save that and restart winsock for the changes to take place. Once they are in place you can dialup the server. The Internet Server that we will be connecting to is Through Sprint! Once you are back in Winsock you want to pull down Dialer and then Select " Manual Logon " once that is done you can send your commands to the modem You Now must Dial 1-800-240-6689 with the modem. Once you connect to that number At The Prompt " Annex Username " put " ibox217138 " then at the "Annex Password" prompt put "foci7ibex" you should have access to the server then. When you get to the "SPRINTLINK:" prompt type "PPP". It should say "Switching To PPP" once it says that hit Escape and you can start AOL Now when you configure AOL. You Are Gonna Need AOL 2.5 for this which just came out. When you select your connection type There are like 5 Choices they Are Sprintnet, Datapac, Tymnet, Aolnet and TCP/IP. You Want to Select TCP/IP and then save that. Go back to the main screen and put your password in and connect. This can not be traced due to if they try to trace it it will trace back to Sprint and They will get fucked! Give it a try i use it all the time! If you need a copy of Winsock Find That on Most Boards If you need To Upgrade Waol 2.0 to 2.5 use keyword Webtest to Upgrade. With this connection that you established you can be using other internet services while you are on-line with aol. There are many programs that use Winsock to give you internet services. Such as WS_FTP (Ftp Client) Serv-U (FTP Server) Mirc ( Irc Client ) Mosaic (www Browser) and Netscape or any other Internet Windows Program. If know how to use FTP go to and get all the shit off there you want. Try this i'am positive you if have everything setup correctly it will work excellent
-Bitch Beater