An interview with case
By Case
Case: Well hello there Case, me old mucker, how's it going?
Case: Okay apart from all the shitty Uni work I'm doing atm- God will I ever be done with bloody maths?!
Case: Yes well, anyway - can you tell us a bit about your role in Vortex?
Case: Certainly, old chap. Well it all started about 2 years ago, I had only been in the Amiga scene for a few months (but I'd had an Amiga (My trusty A1200) for years). I was in a very small scene group called "The Invaders". I read issues of "The Word" from NFA and Carnage, and got in contact with various traders.
One of these lucky fellows was the mighty Brainlord of Carnage. We got on well and traded loads of stuff by disk. One night while on the phone, we had the idea of staring up our own group, both of us wanting a change from our current groups. Brainlord changed his nick to Stelf and had the idea of the name "Vortex".
Case: I see... So it was just you and the wee lad in those days?
Case: That's right, miladdio, but soon after we started recruiting members, Stelf set up a Vortex web page - things were going well.
Case: Then what happened?
Case: Well it just continued like that, really. We have now had 5 releases, With many more on the way. The future looks very rosy for Vortex.
Case: Thank-You and Goodnight.
Case: Nps. Don't forget that half bottle of Vodka on the way out.
Case: Er.. thanks... bye.