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Wave Issue 05

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago


.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> inTroduction <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

CongratulationS! You are our only reader and you just won the WoW award. No, for
real now... I really hope you are one of a million addicted WaVe readers, and
further i hope you did not kick your dog's butt after reading our last issue...
in fact we did not have very much fun with it.. it was a quite hectic work, and
half of our standart staff (mainly Jay Dee and Villain) did not really
participate (though JD contributed one article...), because our interior
communication was badly damaged... BUT! we think we fixed that, and though this
is (as always) the first part of issue#5 i am really confident, that this issue
will improve in comparison to number four which really had some crappy parts...
To regain my happyness i am proud to finally announce our e-mail adress and,
perhaps, if everything works the way i plan it (it never did yet!) we'll also
have a steady irc-channel and even some WWW page... IFFFFFF you can help us with
such stuff we'll gladly take it and forget your name.
Second part of the intro.... the following lines are mainly for all the nice
people out in the irc channels, that use to talk to me... i found quite many out
there, who want to write for WaVe, so that we'll perhaps get more international
and known. I want to welcome Speedy, BlackMagic, the Druid, the Outlaws, Marbz,
Prophet (hope so), RioAndKen (well!?), Getler and, last but for sure not least,
JULiE. I am sure i'll (we'll) still find more people who want to contribute to
the 2nd best maggy out there and perhaps help us to claim to hot-spot some time.
Ok, enough intro now.. you'll need some more time to get through the next
194739284 lines. Enjoy it and spread our name!
-! the WaVe team !-

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ-/\/-Ø> WaVe GuidE <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ-˘˙. cL!

ƒƒƒƒØ> ARTICLE <ƃƒƒƒƒƒƒ-Ø> AUTHOR(s) <ƃƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒØ> aRT_ID.DiZ <ƃƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ

Introduction ≥ chug Lee ≥ this one always starts the stupidity
WaVe GuidE ≥ chug Lee ≥ follow me, and gain some plan
iNTERbLAH ≥ cL! & JULiE ≥ the most LLLOVELY sysop's talkin' here
iNTERvIEW ≥ Rave & Spoon ≥ artys talk....
faREweLL ≥ chug Lee ≥ take out your black clothes and cry!
scene MAGz ≥ chug Lee ≥ we're heating up....
gROUPYs ≥ JULiE ≥ the one and only realistic comment...
iNTERNET iNFO 4 WaVe ≥ chug Lee ≥ email and such thingies....
LiTeraTurE ≥ chug Lee ≥ ONCE: nobody knows it but me...and tm
≥ chug Lee ≥ TAUGHT: so, what did we learn??
≥ RaVe ≥ tELL mE wHY: ..does the secretary...
≥ Speedy ≥ Words of Wisdom
wHAT iF ≥ chug Lee ≥ playing some stupid games...
Ozzy-lanD ≥ Speedy ≥ another sad story ... or not?
tHe first Days... ≥ chug Lee ≥ my weird way to the n.e.t.
Bamberg texT ≥ Elvin Nox ≥ not translated! for germany only..
GaGa PaGe ≥ chug Lee ≥ the hEROSMITH is here...
gREEEETINGs ≥ all together ≥ you, you and YOU are all mentioned!
DISCLAIMER ≥ WaVe ≥ legal stuff.. don't care, don't read.

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> iNTERNETy <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

Being Born! We finally got on the damn internet and we'll stay there for some
time...ContacT US! however you want. Write us e-mail with criticism and adress
it to:
or if i am your problem, write to
or just join the #WaVe channel on irc... - we'll try to keep someone in there
all the time (if we finally manage to get a bot ....). ALSO! we'd be glad to
receive articles of any kind. Further we'd have no problem to open up a
clipboard, such as searched/2give or something for scene-people... Iffffff you
would perhaps want to open some FTP-Site for us... no prob either... we'd bring
enough traders on there! that's it for the info part... hope to see ya or, even
better, read ya!

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> faREweLL <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

With wet, wet, wet eyes and our hands in our pockets we bid farewell to our old
buddy ViLLAiN! We will miss you brother, we will miss you, and yeah, we will
miss you. Now, i want to inform you about this misterious accident, that
happened to our lead-programmer:
It was a cloudy day, a raindrop fell on the tip of his long, long nose (he was a
damn liar ;))... he was down. His girlfriend just left him because he did not
remove his fingers from the keyboard, that got soooo famous, 'cause he used it
to programm WaVe! So, running through the streets, lonely and boared he saw
something totally new for his eyes! It was like a desktop on four wheels, and it
passed him very, very fast... a LOT faster than he ever ran! He couldn't believe
his vision, but, clever as he was he followed this thing and when the owner left
the wonderthing he answered ViLLAiN all the intelligent questions about his
machine...It was an automobile, and everyone could get it! Equipped with such
enormous knowledge our brother, he may rest in peace, made a plan:
He figured out, that he'd need MONEY to get the license for such a vehicle, and
even more of those printed papers to buy his own auto. Up to now he did not
consider selling his computer, because he loved it so much, and he wanted to
write soooo many articles for the WaVe MagaZine, but when his ex-girlfriend
stood before him again he melt away and so she really managed to trade his compy
for a trabbi. With no further sign of his existance we finally came to the point
of no hope, where we just HAVE TO wish him a good life out there and promise him
to keep his spirit alife until, someday, someway he'll regain the power of the
scene and join the WaVe-TeaM again.
As he won't be able to read this text i thought i should be honest and tell you,
that he was a fucking asshole who never did anything, but sadly all i can really
say about him is, that his program is a really nice one, that he is just as lazy
as our whole bunch and finally, that he sounded damn funny on the voice...
Serious: thanks to ViLLAiN, who made my dream of a scene-mag possible, and i
really hope you soon got enough time to get REALLY, REALLY active for WaVe...
byo, cL!

.˙˘-ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> BamBerg-TexT <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ--˘˙. ÓÔ

On 04-26-96 some stupid guy wrote a text-file called bamberg.txt.
This text is a fake. There wasn't any article in the newspaper here. So don't
believe all the shit. Here is the article with some comments in german.
[marked by {} / german because the original text is german too...]

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZArticle about the busts from a Newspaper! Eg
of Elvin Knox and other phreakers/traders ;(
{NOX ! NOX ! schon der erste Fehler im diz. faengt ja gut an}

-/ those fucking cops may die /ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ

Bamberger Zeitung 13.4.1996
{"Fraenkischer Tag" heisst der Wisch hier}

Schlag gegen Telefonbetrueger.

Wegen Verdachts des Telefonbetrugs
wurden anfang letzter Woche 6 Personen
{ ^ }
{ das waren 5 in Bamberg }
{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }
{ 1. war das Ende der Woche }
{ 2. zu dem Zeitpunkt schon ueber 2 Wochen her}

im Bamberger Raum festgenommen. Sie
{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ }
{ festgenommen wurde hier niemand }

sollen amerikanische Telefongesell-
schaften um mehrere hunderttausend
{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }
{ und die Telekom mehrer hundertausend verdient ? }

Mark betrogen haben.

LKA Bayern und das Interpol ermitteln
{ ^^^^^^^^ }
{ Interpool ? wow ! das hoer ich auch zum 1. mal }

gemeinsam seit Mitte 1995 in diesem
{ ^^^^^^^^^^
{ schon wieder falsch - solange gehen die Ermittlungen noch nicht }

Fall. Unterstuetzt von der amerikanischen
Telefongesellschaften SPRINT und der
{ ^^^^^^ }
{ wieso ausgerechnet Sprint ? Das ganze ging allein }
{ von der Telekom aus. }

deutschen TELEKOM haben die Beamten des
LKA Bayern die Leitungen von verdaechtigen
Personen ueberwacht, welches durch eine
neue Gesetzregelung, die seit Ende letzten
Jahres in Kraft getreten ist, ermoeglicht
wurde. Bei den Untersuchungen wurde bekannt,
dass die Verdaechtigen seit Jahren die
Leitungen der deutschen TELEKOM fuer
kriminelle Aktivitaeten missbraucht hatten.
Fuer die kostenlosen Telefonverbindungen
benutzten sie zumeist sogenannte
"calling cards". Dabei handelt es sich um
einen Dienst von amerikanischen Telefon-
gesellschaften, die es ihren Kunden
ermoeglicht, ueber kostenlose Servicenummer
sich mit anderen Telefonteilnehmer zu
verbinden. Der Kunde indentifiziert sich
durch eine 14 stellige Nummer, ueber die
am Ende des Monats abgerechnet wird.
Bei der Hausdurchsuchung wurden Listen
{ ^^^^^^ }
{ wahrscheinlich auf Klopapier ausgedruckt }

mit mehrere Hundert dieser "calling
{ ^^^^^^^^^ }
{ Gefunden haben die bisher gar nix. Die die Hausdurchsuchung gemacht }
{ haben wissen wahrscheinlich nichtmal wie man Computer schreibt. }
{ Kleiner Auszug aus den Protokollen: }
{ - 2 cd-rider (der Mann war wohl auf der Sonderschule) }
{ - 1 pc colorado 250 mb (gemeint is der gesamte Rechner, was da nun }
{ eingebaut war ist wohl egal (streamer is klar))}
{ und mal um die Genauigkeit der deutschen Polizei zu zeigen: }
{ - Schachteln mit CD's }
{ - 1 Modem USR gross }
{ - 1 Modem USR (immerhin hab sie nicht "schwarzer Kasten" geschrieben) }
{ - 1 Karton mit Computerzubehoer (Einschueben) }
{ und dann wird jede vergammelte Maus die ich hatte einzeln und mit }
{ serial-nummer aufgefuehrt. Was eine Maus ist wussten sie offenbar. }
{ Das war aber auch das einzige. Alles wo kein Aufkleber drauf war }
{ haben sie wohl in eine Schachtel geschmissen und schrieben dann }
{ "Schachtel mit ...". }
{ Danach wurde das ganze nach Muenchen geschickt wo es jetzt wohl }
{ noch ca. ein Jahr rumliegen wird bis sich da wieder was tut. }

Auf dem Pressekonferenz des LKA Bayern
{ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ }
{ hehe Pressekonferenz - das war jetzt aber ein bissl uebertrieben }

wurde auch bekannt, dass momentan gegen
weitere Personen ermittelt wird wegen
einer anderen Art von Telefonmanipulation,
auch bekannt als "blueboxing". Wegen des
{Der Satz da oben stimmt ausnahmsweisse mal. Wer in Deutschland noch blueboxed }
{sollte immer mit einem bust rechnen. Die ganzen busts in letzter zeit waren }
{auch (oder sogar hauptsaechlich) wegen blueboxing. }

Stands der Ermittlungen wurden hierzu
keine weiteren Stellungnahmen gemacht.

{^^ }
{ wer oder was ist kc ? (kimble-clone?) }

{cL!: addon : this is total crap, 'cause they can't find anything, 'cause no one
did anything... everyone here knows the TeleCom.. they're stupid
like hell and can't handle their computers... doh... }

Elvin Nox

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> sCENE-Mags <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

As to the latest developments i am sure my info-staus is high enough to compare
some bigger MaGs a bit. The competition is heating up a bit lately, which makes
me quite happy, 'cause competition is a thing for free and willing people, and i
think all the editors out there do quite some kickin' job. Buuuutttt... (bud?)
let's go ahead and make some friends ;))
I'll start with RCN - for sure the best maG around right now. Though i hate to
admit it, but the layout, the code and the number of articles and participants
of RCN is superior to WaVe's. The latest issue (#15) was the first one i read,
and as i read any maG i find i was quite impressed, that my scribbling paper
gave RCN for positive than negative impressions... I could give a list of things
i didn't like/which didn't work as they should, but hey - i am your enemy and
for sure i won't tell you about your weak points ;). Nothing big about the
articles, just that i am impressed how many texts they have even though they do
it weekly.
-> #1 (up to now) ...

WaVe... my number 2, but i won't write about the maG i publish.. that'would be
stupid, 'cause i'd be biased. Anyone else, some guest-writer - you're welcome!

NTM - well... the articles are partially a big joke. so, at first a comment on
one, that made me (and elvin) roll on the floor:
So, a note to hmm!? i forgot his name.. some tyranny leader hehehe... HE!?,
leader of a pirate group, tells other groups NOT TO COPY!? his (u)!? hahahah...
come on, and down... this is shit... what the hell are we pirates for? Ya really
think we kick Bill Gate's (c) and use it whenever and wherever we want and leave
yours, big king, as it is? reality BYTES ;)
(u) Uncopyright by cL! (you now gonna send your lawyer or what?)
p.s.: read it again.. it was the great CyberAngel ;) greets to you, buddy...
[be happy we lost our original gaga page #4 haha... you've been the big star.]
If one read this article one should know NTM overall.. in my eyes NTM and INQ
have once been quite ok, but they lost a lot in matter of support, innovativity
and credibility...
-> #3 (and loosing)

Other maGs like DEFACTO and FLASH are not considered, 'cause they really can't
compete in my eyes.

Finally... read WaVe and forget the other crap... if anything of interest occurs
in those mags i'll make my day by trying to get through the tons of trash text
and copying it into our maggy! ;)

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> gERMAN wAREZ rEPORT <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙.


From now on you don't have to ask yourself anymore, which games you should test.
Every month I will test all releases by german groups and grade the most exiting

Enjoy it and have fun ... !

A M F ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
B A C K L A S H ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
- STONEKEEP GERMAN FIX ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛..]+ ≥
- STONEKEEP ENGLISH FIX ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛..]+ ≥
- KINGDOM 'O MAGIC GERMAN ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛...]+ ≥
D Y N A S T Y ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
- SILENT HUNTER GERMAN ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛..]+ ≥
- SILENT HUNTER SPEECH ADD ≥ -[˛˛........]+ ≥
- SHANNARA GERMAN ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛.]+ ≥
- DICE A WOMAN 2 ≥ -[˛˛˛.......]+ ≥
- WORLD RALLY FEVER ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛.]+ ≥
- OFFENSIVE ENGLISH ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛.]+ ≥
- OFFENSIVE GERMAN ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛.]+ ≥
- THE DIG GERMAN ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛.]+ ≥GERMAN CD RIP
E N E R G Y ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
O R G A S M ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
- ALADDINS SPIELEPARADIES ≥ -[˛˛˛˛......]+ ≥
Z Y L O N ≥ ≥
≥ ≥
- SPEED HASTE ≥ -[DUPE......]+ ≥
- DER BAULôWE ≥ -[DUPE......]+ ≥
- VIKINGS ≥ -[DUPE......]+ ≥
- REVOLUTION X ≥ -[DUPE......]+ ≥
- EARTH WORM JIM II ≥ -[DUPE......]+ ≥
- CONQUEST OF THE NEW WORLD ≥ -[˛˛˛˛˛˛˛˛..]+ ≥

ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ≥ƒƒƒƒ≥ ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ≥ƒƒƒƒ≥
DYNASTY ≥ 63 ≥ DYNASTY ≥ 63 ≥
ZYLON ≥ 15 ≥ ZYLON ≥ 15 ≥
ENERGY ≥ 9 ≥ ENERGY ≥ 9 ≥
AMF ≥ 7 ≥ AMF ≥ 7 ≥
ORGASM ≥ 4 ≥ ORGASM ≥ 4 ≥

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> iNTERbLAH <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL! & Ju

Soooooooooooooooooooooo... in english... gotta be, honey... ;)
Anyway... for the readers:
This is going to be some <special> interview.... you know... normally RaVe does
the interviews (or at least the questionaries) and, by the way, i am damn happy
with his interviews.... But, as you perhaps already found out: this ain't RaVe's
style... So, my partner for this extraordinary little thingie is JULiE! :))) I
don't really know how many readers know her (i don't even know if we have any
readers...), so i'll start with a little story and then we'll have the famous
JULiE herself doing some poetic and philosophic work.... It was about one year
ago, when i first called her... it was quite strange... i mean.. i just got to
the scene, and over Elvin Nox i asked RaVe for some ANSIs for my BBS and my
(then mine.. later our...) group, CNC. To my excitement he said "sure!" and some
days later i got a mail: "hY! i have two sysops who would like to become HQs of
well... one of the two sysops was JULiE... my first chat with her was
quite impressive... to be honest... i didn't understand anything! ;) She was a
lot too fast in typing and a lot tooo slangy (and female ;) ) for me..
But, with the time (and we had some longer chats during my active trading time)
i got used to it and with that i started to enjoy it.... Enough shit now... to
cut it short(er): JULiE was on CNCs side from the 1st moment on, and it seems
like she is willing to stick with our pack for some more time... and as far as i
know the whole pack is happy to have her. Now i'll (finally) shut up and let our
CHIEF speak:

- So.. we'll just get into it with some FREE STYLE! open your heart and put the
stuff coming out into this file! :))

Ø Yeah, finally someone who wants to read my heart's, my heart...
well, i live, like that and do it with passion!....both at the same time...
i am.. just to laugh... to sing - no one wants to hear it..
what for, eh? ,)

- Then... Just give us your Life-Story (we WANT details)... why don't you start
with the embarrassing details? ;)

Ø Heyohhh.. in fact nothing's embarrassing for me.... i anyway do what i want!
That could only become embarrassing for others..... ,)

hmmm... i can't tell so much for real..
when i was born i began to live, {she's soo cute! but wrong girly...we'll
discuss this sometime!} hmmm...and that's what i am still doing... hrmm ;)
Somehow i seem to have slipped into the scene... after stealing the MCi from
Rager i was suddenly there ;) I tell ya, there ain't no BBS as real as the
MCi, 'cause it's stolen! ;) No, crap... he gave it to me? .. kinda ;)
YoSo, now i am Julie.. sysopine(?) of the MCi ESCAPES.. and i love to be that!
Else quite nuts, but that's the only way i wanna live... i hate normal stuff..
more a bit weird.. yooo.. just like me. ;)
Of course i don't live alone...gotta be someone who pays the bills, eh? ;)
I do have some fear 'cause of the board here.. but hey, it's fun.....
They can take my computers, but they will never be able to take away the fun
i had.. that's gonna stay with me! ;)

- What about cybersex? (i just HAD to steal this one from RaVe!)

Ø haha ja, sure... had2be! ... RaVe didn't dare to ask himself ;)
YoSo, no Prob...i prefer live-sex!! ;)

- Would you want to talk a bit about your BBS? Or just tell us you don't have
one.. could be more save... ;)

Ø Heyo, the MCi ESCAPES... hrmmm.. that i do NOT run.... hmm. would be a nice
board...My CoSysops would be: Avenger, Dyamant, RaVe, Tyger
it would have ;) 7 Nodes (5xISDN, 2 modem and a local one.. ouuu.. that are
8!? ;) uupsy
Would run on 4 i486DX-50, 1 i486/33 and one i386DX-40... each node would have
it's own machine... all that over a server with 16mb, 2 ethernet cards and
3gigs online.

Right now i'd have the following groups:
of course i am in search for more cool groups..seems like i just don't do that
with enough intensity. ;)
I'd be online for over THREE years.... great time! ;)

- Your cup-size?

Ø yO! WoW!!!.. hey, i was tellin' ya... i am happy ! ;))))

- Some user storys are always of interest....

Ø well, because i ain't got no board i can only write about stuff i heard..;)))

The story.. about the user, who you tell: 'ey, buddy, just try alt-h"
for sure many sysops tried that one... it works over and over again...
some buddy really does so....;) very funny ...
Though everyone knows, that this will format your HD, eh? ;)

Also quite funny...some people just won't believe i am female...
i'm giving a warm welcome to a user saying: Hy, honey!..
and the user asks: 'hey!? are you gay!?"

but... that doesn't matter... for my users i'd even become gay ;))

yoso... i really screw up a LOT... ;) hrmm.. i don't wanna go into detail..
would just boar you (surely not ;)) )
Nah, i like my users..every single one {also MAD!? cL!}
(if are also active i really LOVE them ;) )

If i had a BBS...i'd for sure meet many of my users personally... this is
damn funny! See, if you only chat with someone for a year... and then you
get him in real life...then, hmm, well.. then... hehe you prefer to stay with
chatting..;).. ermm.. no, crap, was a joke.. i think ;)))

- I won't ask you for your favorite PPE or Programmer, but i am really
impressed by your (new) styling... the replacement percentage is really
great.. (higher than mine was... before the police decided to take my system
for state use as an example for usability.. ;)). Anyway, what do you want
ppes to do in generell.... I mean... do you want more visual effect,
or usability, or whatever!?

Ø The new style of the MCi...yoooo was time to make some changes!
Avenger and RaVe are responsible for that..;) very good in my opinion!
The ppes are very userfriendly... err.. always say HELLP... errr nah, what
i mean is nice handling.
I think the users don't want to go through a maze of PPEs first... but work
with them easily and understand them... sadly there ain't no other way with
the new calling costs... We don't want to acquire the Telekom, eh? ;)

- Your age?

Ø haha ;) i get this question about 87077 times and it was never really
answered ;)))) Hey, chug, i am a MADAM or something ;) but i'll tell you
in private sometime! (attention! i am lying) ;)))
{i am sure i'll find out... cL!}

- HIT us with hard, brute, cruel criticizm of our work as WaVe-Team.
e.g.: - Which section do you prefer to read.
- Which do you HATE!?!!
- The best thing you ever read?
- The worst one?
- Grade the issues.
- Which author do you prefer?
- Why don't you become a steady part of WaVe?

Ø YoSo .. I always read the MAG... at the very beginning the GREETZ.. ;))
I am always happy when someone sends out some greets to me ;) other...
i like it quite a lot.. Especially the texts of cL! {i did NOT pay her...
not yet ;) cL} ... always quite funny and not sooooo dry ;)
Do something for the MAG myself? In fact i don't really have to say so much
what would be of interest for the make it public...Well...
should i ever feel the urge to publicize my opinion i'll call up ;))

- Which scene events/people impressed you the most?

Ø I like the scene...i found many, many friends... well... there also were..
how to say... some weird people... who cares...;) The scene should just
stand together some more... one should have fun.. aLOT of FUN ;))) and not
become a business!

- Some more FREESTYLE!?

Ø Heyo... i like computers, and even more computers ;)
music.. being lazy (a good sysop is lazy! err.. i am a VERY good sysop) ;)
Over all i like the whole just doesn't know that ;)
well...i just try to make my life completly FUN.. hey, it's FUN! ;)))
I just hope no one expects something serious.. 'cause i am not like that ;)

- Ok, i can't think of any more dumb questions, so i am really happy, that you
did the interview, and i am really waiting to read the answers!
chat ya soon, bunny...
PeACE and clean lines... MaY the CaRRiER be with yOU...

Ø chug, the dumb questions are my part...
you can put the others, intelligent ones! (but not to me!) ;)

tot ziens {sorry, bunny... i never understood that one!? cL!}

-Ø So, it's done! she made it. i am proud. i am in trouble. I always thought my
english was okay, and i could handle to translate the german articles we
receive, but this time i was close to give up! Don't tell her, but she IS
nuts! ;) i am just glad, that she did calm down a bit for this interview,
'cause with her real-time-chat slang i would have been shot! So, if you want
to have the most weird chat of your lifetime call Julie!! After all i am done
with the translation, and i really hope i was also able to translate some piece
of her humour and weirdness. The board really has a cool styling and a superb
sysop-team. Just too sad, that there are no real traders out anymore.... get
back to trade guys! We have to stand until at&t arrives. Finally i will announce
Julie's steady part for the WaVe magazine... she doesn't know yet, but i will
find something to write for her... and as i consider her style i tend to give
her the GaGa PaGe (or at least a part of it...)! :)) ok, c ya

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> iNTERviEW <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. RV & Spn

RaVe: Hi, this is RaVe for The WaVe Magazine... I want to ask you
some questions about yourself and SAC...

Spoon: yaps... head on...

RaVe: Where are you from and how long have you been in the scene?

Spoon: I am from east-berlin and deal with the crap for about 8 years, modem for
about 2 years..... eastside rules!

RaVe: How did everything start? history?

Spoon: hmmmm.... ok, i am from the former east-berlin and i got my first c64 in
1988. Then it was something like the top-hi-tech product in the east.
As i did not have a floppy then i started coding. After the big turn i
bought a floppy, which gave me the chance to see my programs twice...
Then i went to the computerclub for young talents in seat-berlin (hi
stoffel...), where i met people like Fatman. Well.. and that's how every-
thing started. Stuff swapping {?}, abo {?}, coding and then also music.
By the time i had an amiga500 and so i started out with tracker,
sequencer, ... in 1992 then i got my first PC (386dx25,80mb HD,2mb) and
explored, via pals and abo {?}, the pc-scene. About two years ago i
finally bought a modem (14.4 hayes), to get really active, but after the
first bill i decided to get back to music only. Shortly we founded a
berlin-sounder-group (btb), which did not work out and so i joined sac,
then dytec.. well, now i am with dynasty. This is where i am today.

RaVe: Can you code or something like that?

Spoon: yo, for school pascal, assembler, c and basic... everywhere enough to
calculate a pyramid, but not enough to code a demo :)

RaVe: What do you think about the scene at the moment?

Spoon: Well... normally i don't get into big argues - i prefer following those
with some distance, but i think that, if people don't understand, that
it's better to solve problems via mail or voice and not with text-files,
there won't be a real scene in the future. i am talking about the wares-

RaVe: your favourite games, utils ...

games : battle isle ii, frogger, katakis, duke3d, simon the sorcerer 2
utils : fasttracker :)

RaVe: what do you think about words like "LAMER" & "ELITE" ?

Spoon : what is 'lame'? lame is english for slow. {great... if your english is
that good, then why the hell am i sitting here translating your
answers??? cL!}
So, those two definitions only make sense for traders. If someone only
has last-week-stuff he is lame. okay. But why is someone who pays for
games lame? Or someone who doesn't know what the shortcut pbx means
{pissbox? cL!}, ... The people i know, and respect (not so many...), all
got a clear optinion to this theme: stupid, yeah. shitfuck, yeah.
lame, no idea, ask the elite.

RaVe: What do you think about cybersex :)?

Spoon: Somehow shitty to fuck with one's glove.

RaVe: So what group did you first join and how?

Spoon: blown to bits, a sounder-group. how? founded. hehehehehehe

RaVe: When did you join SAC and with whom?

Spoon: erm... hmmmm... think more than half-a-year ago... ALL ALONE! hhehe

RaVe: What can you tell me about the SAC organisation, any differences in the
organisation now if you look back in the SAC history...

Spoon: SAC is an art-group. At least good art-people are in. And, foremost,
is (quite) no one in for nothing, means all have the abilities. Further
it's very democratic, at least i think so. The problem is still the
vote for applies. There you gotta kick people to make them act, but else
i am proud to be in there.

RaVe: What does it take to be a music artist of a group as great as SAC?

Spoon: STRESS!

RaVe: Any hints to music artists in other groups on how to become successful
in their way of creating music...?

Spoon: Do what YOU like and not what anyone does. Sure, now one will say:
'Everyone makes techno, you included.", but still the question is HOW!
Besides that you have to develop. That's all i can say 'bout this...

RaVe: What kind of music do u style ?

Spoon: I prefer acid, house trance ... Those are mainly my influences
(like amorph,, cygnus x, ...).. Lately i tend to the beat itself.
Means chemical brothers or prodigy.
Well... from time to time i also have to make some IntroSound, last one
for vortex, now i am on some for hybrid. Further we are doing a
jump'n'run together with hetero and dream design. It's gonna be a more
c64 styled sound... quite some difference ;)

RaVe: Do u use a lot of own created sample ?

Spoon: Mostly own samples, for every new song a new sample, but of course i
have a library for the basis, like bassdrums, hihats, claps, ...

RaVe: Which is ur favourite game music ? Who is the best in ur eyes(ears_:)?

Spoon: The PP.HAMMER soundtrack on the amiga and the sequence of psycho pinball,
when you enter your highscore for the trick-or-treat-table. And then the
Battle Isle II music, 'cause i heard it soo often ;)

RaVe: Who insperate u ? Tell some group or dj names ?

Spoon: cygnus x, emmanuel top, amorph, resistance d, dave clarke,
thomas heckmann, chemical brothers, the prodigy, paul van dyk,
f.e.o.s, n-son-x and many more...

RaVe: How much time does a cool song created by yourself take?

Spoon: Quite different. About one or two fulltime days are no problem, if you
take all between selecting the samples and doing the file_id.diz.

RaVe: How many songs do u create in a month ?

Spoon: Depends on my creativity and my mood. well.. about two or three...

RaVe: Do u know the difference between TECHNO and TEKKNO?

Spoon: Sure. techno has 3, tekkno 4 legs hhehehehe...

RaVe: What can you tell me about ICE and ACID?

Spoon: really cool ansis, and chuck bisquits is one of the best sounders on the

RaVe: So what's going on in SAC right now ?

Spoon: We try to get things for the next pack hehe...

RaVe: What's your favorite BBS throughout the years ?

Spoon: If i answer now the others will kick me.... ;)
call closed society!

RaVe: Who are the best artists you can remember?

ansi: black spyrit, sonic
asci: jed
vga: j.o.e, dream design
mod: paso, 4-mat, sqd (pc)
xm/s3m: toxic trancer (hi toxic), dac (hi dac), keith303 (hi keith), chuck b.

RaVe: How do you look at the fact that floppy-scene died and CD-ROM became the
only way to continue releasing?

Spoon: Shitty. 100-disk releases suck!

RaVe: What's your opinion on the internet scene, will the BBS-scene die?

Spoon: i think the iNTERNET will soon become the center of the wares-scene.
Groups get more international, and it's a lot cheaper.

RaVe: Anyone you like/hate more than others in the scene and why?

Spoon: erm, no comment. {i really didn't have to translate or correct it! cL!}

RaVe: How do you look at germanys Art scene?

Spoon: GREAT! at least one thing we are on top.

RaVe: Anyone you'd like to greet or curse as we're closing up?

Spoon: nope, i am not in the mood to list pages of names... just some
(those who'd beat me if i didn't greet them ;))
carsten, ralf, ronny, sebastian, nico, alex, andreas, sebastian and marc.

RaVe: thnx for this interview... and good luck in the future!

Spoon: no prob.... uhhh... 2 hours!

{yeah, sure.. guess how long it took me to translate this thing? hey, i won't
read it once more... just sorry me for any mistakes. cL!}

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> gROUPYs <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. JULiE

Yapsl... i want to do chug a huuuge favour .. make his worries, which he doesn't
have ;)) disappear.. hoe? and write some blah.. but he says.. Julie, i'll give
ya some topic..and what's next..nothing...chugi gimme!..i don't know anything..
but, i'll write about no subject..but about... errm.. something
different.. had2be ;)
About.. errrm Groups? how they try to mangle each other? who's the best? who's
the fastest? how the hell should i know? there is one release after the other..
yO! some are even unpackable with pkunzip.. horrrny!! and then ......
tschhhackkk ERROR... welllllll could also be my fault... ('cause i am a moving
error ;)))
But, no matter.. the same game was also released by another Group...horrrrny!...
wanted to play it, ...... splash... no Sound..well... no prob... let's give the
cd-player a chance...some fitting music...ooopppsyyy....besides demo... should
have been playable....hmmm!?... well... oky, anyone can have bad luck.. let's
just take the same game from another Group... and again... unpacking (no prob
with 30 disks.. that's so unbelievably fast..err?) yeahhhh! great! works! err..
mom.. well... in the beginning.. horny... soo horrrny.. but why the fuck does it
always crash!?.. really desperately i am looking for another version of the
crap...aeh.. well.. perhaps another one is released..and.. waiting was worth
it... there already is a 20! disc fix for the thingie.. yeah! someone say a bad
word about our Groups.. hey, they do their best.. puhhhhhh ;))))) nah, for real,
the boyz are really great... really... but i think i'll go and buy the shit and
hahaha then i'll release it once again with some UNKNOWN ERROR! ;))) Yeah...
this is just crying to be done... release the thing again, eh? ;))) Ah, no,
pals... IF i HAD a board about 70% on it was crappy software... but the
remaining 30%... they were ok, 'cause....... taddaaaaaaaaaaaaa SHAREWARE ;)))
Well.. don't take it too serious... some releases are really well done... but i
never get them into my board, eh? ;))) ehrm.. nah, this is a little bit
exaggerated.. hmm!? i think ;)))) well.. i am waiting for the next horrrrny
release.. whoever relases it ...;)

{cL!: slowly i am getting used to translate your style ;))}

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ-/\/-Ø> Ozzy-lanD <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. Speedy

DATE : 27/5/96
TIME : 4:50pm
LOCATION : Sydney / Australia (+612)

Well being new to WAVE i think i better give you all a quick introduction.
I've been using bbs's etc for about 3 years and in that time i have passed
through a few groups, at the moment im in CELEBRE, where i plan to stay for
quite a while :). I used to be a co-sysop on a board called The Digital Abyss,
it basically died of natural causes (it sucked). Now i'm one of the sysops on
Sydneys biggest board called TOMBSTONE (5 nodes - 7 gig) The reason i'm writing
for WAVE is because basically i didn't have a hell of alot planned today so i
skipped uni and started typing plus I promised chug Lee i would have this ready
by tonight.
Okay well most of you guys & girls(not many of you around) probably think
Sydney is dead when it comes to warez. And well i basically have to agree with
you all. Sydney used to be good, we used to have all the Germans supporting PC
the English supporting AMIGA and US supporting Pc, Amiga and console and of
course the Germans leeching the porn :) remember Pascal ;)Then one dark and
gloomy day the big bad at&t man came along and stopped the nice people from
calling, that's why everyone uses the net now..

Nowadays the only way we get any O/s callers is if someone dials a wrong
number. For this reason the whole of sydney is supported by inet couriers. Being
at the ass end of the world doesn't make it easy to trade etc. We have a few
cool users i have to admit and we don't really have much of a problem with the
little kids that use their daddy's office computer. or the 12 year olds that
thing they are so 3l33t etc. I think we have all run into one or two of those in
our time, if not a whole board full of them .

Overall i think sydney would be about on average 2-3 days behind the rest of
the world. Which gets really shitty some times. Also as far as legitimate
release dates for games go we are really really really behind. An example is
Duke Nukem 3d. Im sure the majority of us got our copies of duke in early may.
In the US the game was released on sale in early may. Well here in the Australia
we have to wait till June 8th. It's not like i really give a shit as i've
finished the game but still it's kinda funny when u walk into blockbuster music
and just see a guy pick up the shareware version of duke and start freaking out.
Generally when it comes to warez we are slower sad to say but true, as i see it
bbs's in Sydney will begin to die soon, for a while i was worried about
tombstone as it was slowing down but now its cool maybe pulling in on a good
week about 500-600 meg. Not bad for a 5 node board in Australia, doesn't compare
to alot of other boards in the world but oh well such is life.

Anyway i might leave you all now. next time i will have an article with a
little more substance as i only had a few minutes to do this in. Time is 5:10pm
so for a quick 20 minute rush job this should be okay.

Anyway look forward to your criticism, comments etc. Oh yeah and check my
Greets page who knows you may get a mention :) you'll hear from me next month,
if the mag is released on time. And from what chug Lee has told me in WAVE were
all lazy so you may hear from me in 2 months :) see how it goes.. later all


.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> inTerneT <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

My first days on the net.....
let's start with a caption for the first three days:
dAY oNE : Damn, where the hell is someone, who still remembers me?!?!
dAY tWO : Damn, where can i get rid of all those, who remember me?!?!
dAY tHREE: Hey, seems like i am getting used to all the shit!
So, more detail? NOS PROBLEMOS ;)
I started on saturday... just one of those let's see if i can get into the scene
again... I joined x-force as this was the only channel i still knew ;). Without
any idea of irc-commands or ip adresses or telnet or ftp or such crap i looked
around and all i found was NOTHING. So, bored to death, 'cause no one was
talking i joined UCF96, where i met Getler... he was so kind to explain some
stuff about the inet to me, and get me emails for anything... well.. time went
by, and i learned about dcc, messaging, and i joined some other channels... and,
finally, i learned about bots, 'cause a stupid one kept me out of #x-force...
ok.. day two... didn't expect much, but hey, i always give my best to get what i
want... so, here i am talking to anyone i could somehow remember, and!? it
happens, people knew me! Some even messaged me hehe... well, in that way, busy
like hell, trying to chat with 120192 people in one moment i somehow joined,
lemme count... 1,2,3,4 groups, got two telnet boards, got promised two more,
should have gotten three ftp-sites (but strangely somehow anyone who said he'd
get me on went on vacation for the weekend...), got five people to write for
this little magazine (not all will contribute to this isssue, but for sure for
number 6!) (welcomes in my greetings!).
Well.. day three was one of the better ones hehhee... with all my experience i
kept contacting alot and got into a huge-fun chat with the Ozzy-team, especially
BlackMagic, Speedy and also the Druid... Nothing special that, day for real...
but, to find some ending, i have to admit, that iNET is more fun than i thought,
and that i am damn impressed how many nice people the scene still has. We'll for
sure meet in some channel..

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> GaGa PaGe <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

Due to the 'loss' of Jay Dee (he fell into coma after masturbating too much...)
it's on me to write the GaGa-PaGe... surely i can NOT go on with his GREAT work
(as you probably saw in issue#4), but i'll do my best. Because this time the MaG
is quite 100% scene-stuff i decided to move a bit away, but stay with multimedia
stuff, so ... here it is... have fun!

the hEROSMITH story.... part ONE
Janie's got some fun

Dum, dum, dum, honey what have you done?
Dum, dum, dum it's the sound of my fun.
Dum, dum, dum, bunny!? was that our 11th one?
Dum, dum, dum, it's the sound...

Janie's got some fun,
Janie's got some fun.
Her whole night's come undone,
from handling her man's gun.
What did her fatty do?
What did he put into you?
They said when Janie was arrested they
found his dick underneath a train.
But man, he was just comin'.
Now that Janie's had some fun she ain't never
gonna be the same.

Janie's got some fun,
Janie's got some fun.
Her bang day's just begun.
Now everybody wants some fun.

Tell me it's untrue,
what did her fatty do?
He screwed a little shitty, maybe,
the fag has got to be insane,
They say he fell down-under,
their fucking sounded like thunder,
and all he can feel now is penis-pain.

He runs away, runs away with the pain,
ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
Runs away, runs away with his pain-
ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch
Runs away, runs away, runs, runs away

Janie's had some fun,
Janie's had some fun.
Her fuckin' life has just begun.
Now everybody wants to be her gun,
What did this fatty do?
It's Janie's last one.on.two,
She had to take him down easy and put
some vaseline on against his pain.
She said 'cause nobody believes me,
The fatty had such a sleaze,
now it ain't never gonna be the same.

{IFFF someone thinks he/she is more funny PLEASE contact WaVe! cL!}

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> wHAT iF <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙. cL!

From this issue on we will play another little game every month. 'WHAT IF?' is
it's name, and we hope it's gonna be a damn funny one, but also a very
informative game. As i (finally) got into the internet i decided to test some-
thing with that relation... what else could i test? Simple, the other magz. All
the magazines i read yet have an e-mail adress, and all promote, that they will
respond and deal with all the mail sent in. We'll test this by sending two e-
mails to each mag (NTM, DEFACTO, RCN). They'll be a bit different heheh...
Anyways... if i can report some reaction later this month they'll be after this
small intro - if not you'll have the reactions in our next issue.

once by cL!
'It was clever' says the egoism.
'It was exciting' states the thrill.
'It was blind' sighs the love.

'It was faulty' grumbles the perfectionism.
'It was difficult' admits the patience.
'It was hard' stumbles the love.

'It was foolish' I know.
'It was miserable' I think.
'That was me' says my love.

taught by cL!
being taught,
is what i am living for.
getting a thought,
gives some heat to my inner core.

experience followes me,
i am not only such a wanna-be,
trying to get around by claiming what i dream would once become reality.
i got used to get shot,
used to ease another life's knot.
I learn like hell, learn to take and fight and win and sell
my soul for any penny.

Never will i use what i've been taught. It's my life, i have to follow my
own thought... but somehow, right, this is what took so many years to
understand: knowledge is something, thinking is more, but
living's all that counts...

Words of Wisdom by Speedy
If something is too hard to do.. dont attempt it,
you'll only end up looking like an idiot.. :)

Scene sleeping
in the lines
no stuff, no board
to trade, tell me why
see the questions
in their eyes
listen to their sysop's
cries, tell me why
Who would think it
still could happen
even in diz time and place
Groups, they may save themselves
but they won't save their face
just hope against hope
it's not too late
You say there's nothing u can do
is there one rule for them and one for u,
tell me why.

.˙˘ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ/\/-Ø> DISCLAIMER <Æ-\/\ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ˘˙.

As to the recent developments we decided to include this from now on:
The editing team is NOT resposible for anything written in this text-pack. With
no sense we want to push any sort of crime. All texts are PURE FICTION and do
not, and never will, show real facts or describe real actions. This magazine is
just for fun-reading and not for reality.


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