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Demo News 134

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Published in 
Demo News
 · 5 years ago


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DemoNews #134 - 24 Nov 1996

DemoNews is produced by Hornet. Subscribers : 2590
The Hornet Archive - (ftp|www) Archive Size : 3626M


Top Downloads
The Coder and the Programmer................Maverick


Date Event Location Concact Points
--------- ----------- --------- ---------------------------------------------
01 Nov 96 Wired Belgium
09 Nov 96 Gravity Poland
22 Nov 96 Demolition2 Finland


CANCELED! Demobit Slovakia
09 Dec 96 Movement Israel
27 Dec 96 The Party 6 Denmark
21 Mar 97 Mekka Germany
22 Aug 97 AntIQ Hungary


Category Location Contact Points
-------------- --------- ----------------------------------------------------
Hornet Archive USA
HA Mirrors Portugal
S. Africa
USA (PA) (from /demos/code)


These statistics represent both ftp and http transfers for the past 7 days.

Category Times File
-------- -- ----- -----------------------------------------------------------
Demos 01 00196 /demos/1995/a/
02 00164 /demos/1995/n/
03 00145 /demos/1993/u/
04 00144 /demos/1996/m/machines.arj
05 00144 /demos/1993/s/
06 00136 /demos/1996/m/machines.a01
07 00136 /demos/1996/a/
08 00134 /demos/1993/0-9/2ndreal1.lzh
09 00132 /demos/1996/m/machines.a02
10 00129 /demos/1996/a/

Music 01 00076 /music/samples/
02 00064 /music/samples/
03 00052 /music/songs/1996/xm/e/
04 00052 /music/samples/
05 00049 /music/songs/1996/mod/e/
06 00046 /music/songs/1994/s3m/
07 00045 /music/songs/1996/xm/a/
08 00045 /music/samples/
09 00043 /music/songs/1996/mod/s/
10 00043 /music/samples/

Graphics 01 00015 /graphics/images/1996/a/
02 00013 /graphics/images/1996/a/
03 00012 /graphics/programs/vector/
04 00012 /graphics/images/1996/a/
05 00012 /graphics/images/1996/a/
06 00012 /graphics/images/1994/i/
07 00012 /graphics/images/1993/
08 00011 /graphics/programs/editors/
09 00011 /graphics/images/1996/i/
10 00010 /graphics/programs/vector/

Code 01 00115 /code/effects/3d/3dtext.arj
02 00077 /code/effects/tunnel/
03 00077 /code/effects/blobs/
04 00064 /code/demosrc/pumpsrc.arj
05 00060 /code/demosrc/
06 00057 /code/demosrc/
07 00056 /code/demosrc/
08 00050 /code/demosrc/
09 00048 /code/graph/
10 00047 /code/graph/

Incoming 01 00168 /incoming/code/
02 00108 /incoming/WIR96/in64/
03 00098 /incoming/party/
04 00097 /incoming/WIR96/demo/
05 00096 /incoming/demos/
06 00085 /incoming/demos/
07 00070 /incoming/demos/
08 00064 /incoming/music/songs/xm/
09 00055 /incoming/demos/
10 00055 /incoming/SEN96/demo/

Total files downloaded : 160,820
Size of files downloaded : 31,148,516k


All ratings are subjective.

/pub/demos/demos Size Rated Description
/1996/0-9/ 722 ** PS96:demo:03: 6 Years by Astral
/1996/a/ 59 **+ Vectors by Absence
/1996/a/ 17 ***+ PS96:in4k:01: Generated Sintab Sux by Reptile
| of Astroidea
/1996/b/ 64 ** SKE96:in64:03: Breakdown by The Crow
/1996/b/ 14 *** PS96:in4k:02: Bubbles by Byteam
/1996/c/ 49 **+ SKE96:in64:??: Son & Samba by TPOLM
/1996/c/ 2588 **** SKE96:demo:04: Rebel (As Perceived) by Complex
/1996/c/ 2732 ***+ SKE96:demo:01: Washing Machine Encore by COMA
/1996/c/ 1820 **** Corrosive 3 by Exmortis
/1996/c/ 1820 ****+ ASM96:demo:02: Toasted (final) by Cubic Team,
| $een
/1996/c/ 278 ****+ ASM96:demo:02: Toasted (bugfix) by Cubic Team,
| $een
/1996/d/ 6 * BBS Black Town by Darkness Unknown Force
/1996/f/ 64 * PS96:in64:01: Tehen by Fake
/1996/f/ 603 [n/a] COV96:demo:??: Negative Zero by FTS
/1996/g/guggleme.a01 501 *** [2/2] SKE96:demo:??: Guggle Me by Doomsday
| Productions
/1996/g/guggleme.arj 1422 *** [1/2] SKE96:demo:??: Guggle Me by Doomsday
| Productions
/1996/h/ 54 ** FDG96:in64:06: Hypochondriac by Tundra
/1996/i/ 69 **+ FDG96:in64:03: Thunder Again by Index
/1996/i/ 56 **+ FDG96:in64:07: Total Happiness by Index
/1996/i/ 52 **+ FDG96:in64:04: Friendship by Index, Proxima
/1996/i/ 33 ** SKE96:in64:??: Insert by Interamnia
/1996/j/ 22 * Jointro by Quasar
/1996/j/ 1448 ** COV96:demo:??: Elemental Illusions by Jinx
/1996/k/ 68 *** FDG96:in64:02: Corrosive by Kloon
/1996/k/ 496 **+ KFMTV 1 (Gimme A Break) by Kosmic
/1996/k/ 29 *+ Ascii by Knights
/1996/k/ 13 * BBS Giedi Prime by Knights
/1996/k/ 31 * SKE96:in64:??: Kravatti 3 by PWP
/1996/k/ 178 **+ At the End of Life by Karva
/1996/k/ 491 **+ Project Viro by Karva
/1996/m/ 215 * GAR96:demo:EE: Macarona Plus by Peus
/1996/m/ 1164 *** SKE96:demo:??: Vihreat Lehmat by MFX
/1996/m/ 1181 **+ Genesis by Motion
/1996/p/ 69 ** BBS Changing Times by Primary
/1996/p/ 259 *** Pitch by Hoaxers
/1996/p/ 383 ** PS96:demo:02: Pumpa by Kamu
/1996/r/ 10 ***+ PS96:in4k:03: Radiation by Net of Urinate
/1996/r/ 385 [n/a] Drolle 2 by Rectum Cauda
/1996/r/ 45 *+ FDG96:in64:08: Funk by Rectum Cauda
/1996/r/ 59 ** FDG96:in64:05: Paper Roach by Rectum Cauda
/1996/r/ 182 * FDG96:demo:09: Au 2 by Rectum Cauda
/1996/r/ 510 **+ FDG96:demo:05: Rhino by Dr. Dyregod & Kompany
/1996/r/ 2573 **** SKE96:demo:05: Rotaliator by Dubius
/1996/s/ 1557 **+ Suspended Animation by Jourgensen
/1996/s/ 1692 ***+ PS96:demo:01: Error 808 by Shock
/1996/s/ 631 **+ FDG96:demo:04: Shapes by Maak
/1996/s/ 44 [n/a] SKE96:in64:??: Ropotys by Skraappa Skruuppi
/1996/v/ 299 **+ Kasvis by Brainless Coders
/pub/demos/music Size Rated Description
/disks/1993/rmuzik0.lzh 341 ***+ Rmuzik0 by Renaissance
/disks/1996/0-9/ 630 ** 140 Beats Below Zero by DropZero
| Productions
/disks/1996/a/ 734 **+ The Final Pravda by A-Men
/disks/1996/b/ 1045 *+ [1/2] Bedtime Stories by Silvery
/disks/1996/b/ 890 *+ [2/2] Bedtime Stories by Silvery
/disks/1996/d/ 591 *** Destination by Mr. Angry
/disks/1996/e/ 1072 *+ Elements by Darius
/disks/1996/f/ 1142 **** [1/2] Future Crew Tribute by
| Various Artists
/disks/1996/f/ 1352 **** [2/2] Future Crew Tribute by
| Various Artists
/disks/1996/f/ 870 **** Sleight of Hand by Basehead
/disks/1996/g/grv01-a.arj 1529 *+ [1/4] Groove Pack #01 by Analogue
/disks/1996/g/grv01-b.arj 1346 *+ [2/4] Groove Pack #01 by Analogue
/disks/1996/g/grv01-c.arj 1336 *+ [3/4] Groove Pack #01 by Analogue
/disks/1996/g/grv01-d.arj 2133 *+ [4/4] Groove Pack #01 by Analogue
/disks/1996/m/ 2048 *** One Way Glass by Porus
/disks/1996/n/ 1176 **+ Dark Side by Demuc
/disks/1996/n/ 3006 **+ Orbit by NOISE
/disks/1996/n/ntr-nine.a01 1118 ***+ [2/2] Nine! by Neutron
/disks/1996/n/ntr-nine.arj 1422 ***+ [1/2] Nine! by Neutron
/disks/1996/p/ 1224 *** [1/2] Phluid 10/96 by Acid
/disks/1996/p/ 1206 *** [2/2] Phluid 10/96 by Acid
/disks/1996/p/ 1451 *** [1/2] Phluid 11/96 by Acid
/disks/1996/p/ 1463 *** [2/2] Phluid 11/96 by Acid
/disks/1996/s/ 1326 *+ [1/2] Disk-Volume 001 by SDC,
| T-o-M
/disks/1996/s/ 442 *+ [2/2] Disk-Volume 001 by SDC,
| T-o-M
/disks/1996/s/ 1418 * [1/3] Flying Donkeys by Skyjump
| Team
/disks/1996/s/ 1418 * [2/3] Flying Donkeys by Skyjump
| Team
/disks/1996/s/ 1375 * [3/3] Flying Donkeys by Skyjump
| Team
/disks/1996/s/ 1411 * Spleen October 1996 Musicdisk by
| Spleen
/disks/1996/s/ 1058 *+ Spleen November 1996 Musicdisk by
| Spleen
/disks/1996/s/ 2688 ***+ Synthetica by Sanxion
/disks/1996/u/ 581 **+ Chaos Theory by TheHacker
/disks/1996/v/ 1105 *+ No Diggity by Mad Logic
/disks/1996/v/ 1761 ** Entangled Minds by Vanic
/songs/1992/mod/ 323 ****+ Beyond Music by Captain
/songs/1992/mod/ 128 ***+ Axel F (remix) by Vogue
/songs/1992/mod/ 173 ***+ Crystal Orbit by Vogue
/songs/1992/mod/ 69 ***+ Soft Brilliance by Vogue
/songs/1992/mod/ 142 ***+ Crystal Starlight by Vogue
/songs/1993/mod/ 139 ** Wild Beat by Dustbin
/songs/1993/mod/ 61 **+ Haplo's Demo by Scaramouche
/songs/1993/mod/ 112 **** Sequestral by Mr. Man
/songs/1993/mod/ 142 **+ Tea Cooler by Scaramouche
/songs/1994/mod/a/ 155 **+ Assign by Szudi
/songs/1994/mod/c/ 175 * Join in the Chant by Nitzereb
/songs/1994/mod/i/ 50 ** Goshpel by It-Alien
/songs/1994/mod/t/ 211 **** Trans Atlantic by Lizardking
/songs/1995/mod/c/ 351 *+ Frightnight by Pyxis
/songs/1995/mod/c/ 71 *+ Inverted I by Chimaera
/songs/1995/mod/f/ 3 *** My First Chip Song by Dustbin
/songs/1995/mod/n/ 61 **+ Emphysia by Hawk
/songs/1995/s3m/c/ 139 **+ Freaky Blox Part 1 by Cygnes
/songs/1995/s3m/c/ 90 *** Freaky Blox Part 2 by Cygnes
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 101 *** Celestial Vibes by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 283 *** Distant Suns by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 106 **+ Doze by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 68 *** Elephant Droppings by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 93 *** John Puked by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 228 *** King of Fools by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 114 ***+ Pan's Dance by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 246 ** Real Time by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/d/ 217 **+ Sexual Majeek by DNA-Groove
/songs/1995/s3m/m/ 274 *** Uranus Revisited by Manchild
/songs/1995/s3m/s/ 93 *+ Surrounded by Loki
/songs/1996/it/0-9/0content.arj 204 *+ Content? by Benzel
/songs/1996/it/a/ 487 **+ COV96:mmul:01: FTS Theme by
| Griffin
/songs/1996/it/a/ 274 ** COV96:mmul:09: Perplex by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/a/ 187 *+ COV96:mmul:13: Horizon on the Moon
| by Swill
/songs/1996/it/a/ 220 *+ Reallusion by Dominion
/songs/1996/it/a/ 383 *** Africa (cover) by John Hawksley
/songs/1996/it/a/ 96 *** Alfa Project by Tyko
/songs/1996/it/a/ 828 *+ Alien (remix) by The Screamer
/songs/1996/it/a/ 313 ** Anywhere by Galahad
/songs/1996/it/a/ 497 **** Fiat Lux by Ari
/songs/1996/it/a/ 258 ** Atomic by Crimeday
/songs/1996/it/b/ 182 **+ Child Majik by Blurry
/songs/1996/it/b/ 147 **+ Oldskewl by The Binar
/songs/1996/it/b/ 461 ** The Peace Inside Me by Behemoth
/songs/1996/it/b/ 195 **+ Purple Shadows by Beren
/songs/1996/it/b/ 219 *+ Caught by Bibby
/songs/1996/it/b/ 181 ** Fluid Funk by Bibby
/songs/1996/it/b/ 221 ** Knew You by Bibby
/songs/1996/it/b/ 347 **+ Dancin' Together by Tyko
/songs/1996/it/b/ 479 + Bootycrack Nasty by Aaron
| Bergstrom
/songs/1996/it/b/ 145 * Cyborg World by Tphenity
/songs/1996/it/b/ 312 *** A Walk in the Sky by Barbatruc
/songs/1996/it/b/ 8 **+ Chippie and Friends by BlueShadow
/songs/1996/it/b/ 325 *** Attacking on Impulse by Blackwolf
/songs/1996/it/c/ 430 + Instinctual Behaviors by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 312 + Black Man Don't Bash Me by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 399 + Fuck You for the Concern by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 1320 * I by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 266 + The Art of STI by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 90 + Shutdown It Lives by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 140 * The Downward Spiral (cover) by
| Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 440 + Triscuit (remix) by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 169 * A Voluntary Misfortune by Coiled
/songs/1996/it/c/ 16 *** Alpha by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 440 *** Epidemic by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 369 **+ Feel the Night by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 724 *** Hard to Believe by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 326 ***+ Lookin' Up by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 160 ***+ The Search's End by Vegas
/songs/1996/it/c/ 273 **+ Could You Just Be Here by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 170 **+ Halloween by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 363 ** In the Place to Be by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 181 ** Pumpkin Fun by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 304 *** Renouncement by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 5 **+ Running out of Time by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 80 *** Time Controller by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 228 *** Waiting for You by Cygnes
/songs/1996/it/c/ 352 **+ Children (cover) by Jungleman
/songs/1996/it/c/ 467 *+ Cillium Divergent by Expel
/songs/1996/it/c/ 411 **** Climb by Centurion
/songs/1996/it/c/ 434 ** Delayed Anticipation by Stein
/songs/1996/it/c/ 809 *+ Follow the Flood by Stein
/songs/1996/it/c/ 509 *+ MSBash 3: Microsoft Groove by
| Stein
/songs/1996/it/d/ 161 *+ Illusion by Molk
/songs/1996/it/d/ 155 *+ Test the Machine by Daruc
/songs/1996/it/d/ 113 * That Thing You Do by Daruc
/songs/1996/it/d/ 157 * This Life by Daruc
/songs/1996/it/d/ 539 + Windeath by Daruc
/songs/1996/it/d/ 291 **+ Dead Shift World by Mute
/songs/1996/it/d/ 47 *+ Deepness of Rhythm by Schizoid
/songs/1996/it/d/ 334 *+ Disrespect by Doomed
/songs/1996/it/d/ 387 *+ Oxygen Zero by Doomed
/songs/1996/it/d/ 2132 **+ House Megamix by Dr. Martines
/songs/1996/it/d/ 376 **+ Crashable by EZ
/songs/1996/it/e/ 119 ** Bring on the Swing by Ethereal
/songs/1996/it/e/ 225 ** The Elven Valley by Zaigamor
/songs/1996/it/f/ 221 **** NAID96:mmul:03: Demon's Pride
| (remix) by Future Assassin
/songs/1996/it/f/ 165 ** Rhythm of Joy by Flash D
/songs/1996/it/f/ 273 *+ In the Balance by Sabbath
/songs/1996/it/f/ 334 ** Crate by Crimeday, Junglizt
/songs/1996/it/f/ 320 *+ Leave me Alone by Junglizt, AlienX
/songs/1996/it/f/ 113 *+ Life Passes (remix) by Crimeday,
| Sabbath
/songs/1996/it/f/ 309 * No More Fucking Acid! by Crimeday
/songs/1996/it/f/ 138 *+ Parental Advisory Noise by
| Junglizt
/songs/1996/it/f/ 80 *+ Shockwave by Junglizt, AlienX
/songs/1996/it/f/ 256 * Fantasies by kHz
/songs/1996/it/f/ 275 *+ Trance Zone by Fortune
/songs/1996/it/f/ 204 *+ New Worlds by Mosh
/songs/1996/it/g/ 370 ***+ Ruinscape by GD
/songs/1996/it/g/ 475 ** Murder Corporation by Galahad
/songs/1996/it/g/ 246 *+ I Hate Wednesday! by Bigod-20
/songs/1996/it/g/ 356 *+ Lag 22 by Galahad
/songs/1996/it/g/ 356 *** Olympus by Arclight
/songs/1996/it/g/ 203 ** Box of Tears by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 193 *+ Hate Kill by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 37 ** Ignorance is Bliss by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 140 *+ Regeneration by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 76 ** Rip Me Open by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 105 **+ Rise of the Drake by Grymmjack
/songs/1996/it/g/ 149 ** Aspic by Graham the Happy Scum
/songs/1996/it/h/ 497 **+ Bouncing Cats by Kamophlage
/songs/1996/it/h/ 121 *** Chillin' by Synapse
/songs/1996/it/h/ 447 **+ Until Tomorrow by Synapse
/songs/1996/it/h/ 194 **+ House Beat by Tyko
/songs/1996/it/h/ 186 *+ Acida Feviera by Humanoid
/songs/1996/it/i/ 210 **+ Push the Feeling by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/i/ 284 **+ ShowWough by Motiv
/songs/1996/it/i/ 301 ** Welcome to the Future by Dan
| Abnormal
/songs/1996/it/i/ 128 **+ Wakarimasu Desu Ka? by Shaithis
/songs/1996/it/i/ 65 **+ I'm Bad by Stalker
/songs/1996/it/i/ 323 *** Trepanation by Graham the Happy
| Scum
/songs/1996/it/i/ 99 ** Highforest Rain by Imager
/songs/1996/it/j/ 1042 *** Under our Power by Jackal, Cullyn
/songs/1996/it/j/ 244 **+ Fascination by Argh
/songs/1996/it/k/ 482 **+ Vertical Angel by Vivid
/songs/1996/it/k/ 360 ***+ Blind Pursuit by Chris Jarvis
/songs/1996/it/k/ 867 **+ Leechin' Your Blood by Vivid
/songs/1996/it/k/ 303 **+ Raved and Confused by GooRoo
/songs/1996/it/k/ 311 *** Entropy (finite mix) by Ara
/songs/1996/it/k/ 149 *** Forgotten Dreams 2 by Inner Vision
/songs/1996/it/k/ 755 ***+ Fieldtrip by Chuck Biscuits
/songs/1996/it/k/ 442 *** Gutterdance by Zinc
/songs/1996/it/k/ 203 ***+ Jamaican Mars by CD
/songs/1996/it/k/ 247 ***+ Leadership by Astrid
/songs/1996/it/k/ 658 **** Longing by Chuck Biscuits
/songs/1996/it/k/ 231 ***+ Mendellian Miscarriage by Chuck
| Biscuits
/songs/1996/it/k/ 586 **** Messing with Motifs by Mick Rippon
/songs/1996/it/k/ 481 **** Painting Rainbows by Liam the
| Lemming
/songs/1996/it/k/ 221 **** Subterranean (3bc edit) by Chuck
| Biscuits
/songs/1996/it/k/ 520 ***+ Sundae Parfait by Chuck Biscuits
/songs/1996/it/k/ 788 **** Eruption of Vesuvius by Siren
/songs/1996/it/k/ 265 + The Last March by Aborg
/songs/1996/it/k/ 275 + Parade of the Common Hero by Aborg
/songs/1996/it/k/ 228 + Dancetone Beatbox by Aborg
/songs/1996/it/k/ 398 **+ The Jade Garden by KXMode
/songs/1996/it/k/ 386 **+ Plink by KXMode
/songs/1996/it/k/ 245 **+ Vortexian Frequencies by KXMode
/songs/1996/it/l/ 95 *+ Aardvirk 12 Cafe by Lipid
/songs/1996/it/l/ 105 * Shaking the Grimace Cage by Lipid
/songs/1996/it/l/ 72 * Wednesday by Lipid
/songs/1996/it/l/ 140 ** Alea Jacta Est by Liopic
/songs/1996/it/l/ 198 *+ Dead Dance by Liopic
/songs/1996/it/l/ 192 ** Fish by Liopic
/songs/1996/it/l/ 106 *+ The Opportunity by Liopic
/songs/1996/it/l/ 128 **+ The Well by Liopic
/songs/1996/it/l/ 343 **+ Dynamic Motion by Larry
/songs/1996/it/l/ 387 ** Dipping Ryan in Acid by Lupin
/songs/1996/it/m/ 160 ** Junior Overdrive by Ming
/songs/1996/it/m/ 194 ** No Ambition 4 by Ming
/songs/1996/it/m/ 188 **+ Seahorse Corral by Mikpos
/songs/1996/it/m/ 281 ** Acid Heights by Wood
/songs/1996/it/n/ 530 ***+ NAID96:mmul:11: Ground Zero by Van
| Halen
/songs/1996/it/n/ 242 *** NAID96:mmul:09: Inner Light by
| Delta X
/songs/1996/it/n/ 494 ***+ NAID96:mmul:05: Monolith by Harry
/songs/1996/it/n/ 214 *+ Northern Glory by Myrddin
/songs/1996/it/o/ 262 ** Quixotic by Omega
/songs/1996/it/p/ 302 **+ Acid Experience by Panic
/songs/1996/it/p/ 400 *+ Placebo (An Altered Ego) by
| Placebo
/songs/1996/it/p/ 56 *** HyperElation v2.0 by Pfister
/songs/1996/it/p/ 681 **+ House Quake by Airon
/songs/1996/it/p/ 98 **+ Uncle Phil by Meat
/songs/1996/it/p/ 238 **+ Think of Her by PhazeOne
/songs/1996/it/p/ 342 ***+ NAID96:mmul:XX: Stigmata by
| Phoenix
/songs/1996/it/r/ 384 **+ After the Rain by Tyko
/songs/1996/it/r/ 406 **+ Mental Mashup by Rippin' Snare
/songs/1996/it/r/ 203 **+ A Beautiful Angel by Super Keyby
/songs/1996/it/r/ 136 ** Destroy Everyone by Super Keyby
/songs/1996/it/s/ 146 *+ The First Invasion by Stash
/songs/1996/it/s/ 298 ** Afternoon Breeze by Shudder
/songs/1996/it/s/ 195 *** Giggle of the Fairies by Shudder
/songs/1996/it/s/ 617 *+ Am I Insane? by Subliminal
/songs/1996/it/s/ 71 *+ Ana Ng (cover) by Subliminal
/songs/1996/it/s/ 378 *+ Catatonic by Subliminal
/songs/1996/it/s/ 177 *+ Chaos Bubble by Subliminal
/songs/1996/it/s/ 166 *+ Dark Regression by Subliminal
/songs/1996/it/s/ 112 *+ If I Were Closer To You by
| Chocolate King
/songs/1996/it/s/ 219 *** Dream Invasion by Catspaw
/songs/1996/it/s/ 65 *+ Hey Jude (cover) by Chocolate King
/songs/1996/it/s/ 192 *** Jungle of the Rain by Pikkle Jar
/songs/1996/it/s/ 162 *** Luminescent Creation by Catspaw
/songs/1996/it/s/ 154 **+ As Time Goes By by Pikkle Jar
/songs/1996/it/s/ 68 * The Walls are Crying by
| Brokenheart
/songs/1996/it/s/ 233 ** Yakland by Crackerjak
/songs/1996/it/s/ 166 ** Journey Towards Starside by
| Shaithis
/songs/1996/it/s/ 266 *+ Solitary Escape by Shaithis
/songs/1996/it/s/ 126 *** Cliche by Smeghead
/songs/1996/it/s/ 128 **+ The Drain by Parallax
/songs/1996/it/s/ 725 *+ Cold Fusion by Swill
/songs/1996/it/s/ 685 *+ Death Techno by Swill
/songs/1996/it/s/ 853 * Killbot by Swill
/songs/1996/it/s/ 819 *+ Opus 1 by Swill
/songs/1996/it/s/ 1446 * Retinal by Swill
/songs/1996/it/t/ 339 *+ A Bleak Timelessness by Turrican
/songs/1996/it/t/ 432 ***+ Change It by Darkwolf
/songs/1996/it/t/ 181 ***+ Fluid Motion by Darkwolf
/songs/1996/it/t/ 643 **** When Time Began by Darkwolf
/songs/1996/it/t/ 122 * Gruw Ere, Gruw Matra by Tibika
/songs/1996/it/t/ 99 + Noise by Tibika
/songs/1996/it/t/ 118 + Silent Sonata by Tibika
/songs/1996/it/t/ 160 ** Tina's Theme by Maverick
/songs/1996/it/t/ 249 *+ Fewlin' by Twist
/songs/1996/it/t/ 94 * Infuriosity by Twist
/songs/1996/it/t/ 129 *+ Jazz to the 90th by Twist
/songs/1996/it/u/ 245 *+ Theme from Wendy Hamilton by Bad
| Hoffman Code
/songs/1996/it/u/ 745 *** AtmoCube by Froyd
/songs/1996/it/u/ 582 **+ Cat Zed by Froyd
/songs/1996/it/v/ 225 *** NAID96:mmul:15: The Path Taken by
| Vegas
/songs/1996/it/v/ 105 **+ Vandraren (remix) by Tyko
/songs/1996/it/v/ 113 *+ Damage by Vector
/songs/1996/it/v/ 215 ** A Beginning by Vindicator
/songs/1996/it/w/ 389 *+ Walking in the Rain by Lord
| Shakath Jei
/songs/1996/it/w/ 661 ** World Drop Fly Swat by Taust,
| Fluffy
/songs/1996/it/x/ 349 *+ Thank U for Playing Score-O by
| Bigfoot
/songs/1996/it/x/ 657 **+ Orion by Zoner
/songs/1996/it/x/ 577 *+ Oh So Funky by Soulfunk, Wahian
/songs/1996/it/y/ 244 *** Bluegrass Rock by Yannis Brown
/songs/1996/it/y/ 366 ***+ Optimism by Yannis Brown
/songs/1996/it/y/ 221 ***+ With Heart and With Soul by Yannis
| Brown
/songs/1996/it/y/ 85 ***+ Spaz on Jazz by Yannis Brown
/songs/1996/it/z/ 53 *+ Does She Care? by Zaigamor
/songs/1996/it/z/ 459 *+ Slick Style by Zack G da Mack
/songs/1996/it/z/ 157 **+ Two Bubs in a Zwheel by Lord
| Blanka the Black
/songs/1996/it/z/ 262 **+ Q by Zinc
/songs/1996/it/z/ 210 ** Tree Frog by Zinc
/songs/1996/it/z/ 266 **+ Childish Behavior by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 177 *** Changes by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 307 **+ The She-Drug by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 255 **+ Blind Eyes by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 160 *** Find a Way by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 348 *** Arise (Wake to Pain) by Zauron
/songs/1996/it/z/ 259 * Dying Nations by Drakkar
/songs/1996/it/z/ 297 *+ The Dreamer by Drakkar
/songs/1996/it/z/ 196 *+ Final Contentment by Drakkar
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 64 *** Conqueror of Virgins by Szudi
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 180 **+ Flying Stars by Robo
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 143 *** Fuck'n Work by Szudi
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 88 *** Genetic Brothers Hymn by Sixtus
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 27 **+ Hunger by Szudi
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 272 *** Last Empire by Szudi
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 93 *** Low Radiation by Szudi
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 9 ** Reggae Chip #1 by McBear
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 143 ***+ Ode to Vanessa by Amusic
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 29 *+ Arabian Empire by Haze
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 211 **+ Cloclo by Axis
/songs/1996/mod/a/ 74 **+ D-Stroy Terminator2 by Axis
/songs/1996/mod/c/ 229 ** Insane by Pyxis
/songs/1996/mod/d/ 59 *+ Dance Mania by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/mod/d/ 38 *+ Dance Mania 2 by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/mod/d/ 8 **+ Tertin by Dune
/songs/1996/mod/d/ 36 ***+ Within Range of Three by Dune
/songs/1996/mod/d/ 420 ** Dance People by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/mod/e/ 12 ** Eson Gib by Argh
/songs/1996/mod/e/ 154 *** Extermination by Bethoven
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 73 *+ Pump that Bass by Flash D
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 138 *+ Can't Wake by Bargel
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 43 ** Fluto by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 2 **+ 2 Channels Song by Dustbin
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 303 *** Rest in Peace by Dustbin
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 224 *** Shadows in the Past by Nabo
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 98 **+ What Time is It? by Dustbin
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 277 *+ Front 242 Mix by TKW
/songs/1996/mod/f/ 57 ** Dynamo-Funk by Scaramouche
/songs/1996/mod/g/ 152 ***+ GASP95:m4ch:01: Gasp-y-age by Maf
/songs/1996/mod/g/ 98 + The Gee Song by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/g/ 198 + The Gee Song (part 2) by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/g/ 113 **+ Gravitational Pull by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/h/ 111 ** The Corner by Zaigamor
/songs/1996/mod/h/ 292 *** Exit Hotdog Seven by Caramel
/songs/1996/mod/i/ 1049 ***+ Imagine by Sidewinder
/songs/1996/mod/i/ 99 * Inertia by GreatAlex
/songs/1996/mod/k/ 138 **+ The Kim Demo (part 1) by Willy
/songs/1996/mod/l/ 76 *+ Little 15 (ff mix) by Fast Fashion
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 390 ***+ Adults by Dreamfish
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 86 ***+ Byte Me by Hollywood
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 204 *** Decay to Infinity by Substance
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 332 *** Dreamscope4.1 by Dexter
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 534 ***+ Ebbtide Moon by 4T Thieves
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 246 ***+ Faraway Adventure by Carebear
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 409 *** Streetjazz by Mortimer Twang
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 304 ***+ Paramagic Dancer by Iso
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 166 ***+ Phase-187 by Hollywood
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 403 ***+ Polarbjornattack by Azazel
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 140 **+ Sladdfack by Substance
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 190 *** Stop by Carebear
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 231 **** Theme by Mortimer Twang
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 4 *+ Dans Festivalen by Mongo
/songs/1996/mod/m/ 14 * Disko Hunter by Mongo
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 114 *+ Bedroom Visitors by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 170 ** Centipede by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 239 **+ Chrysalix by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 285 **+ Emotions by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 251 **+ Escape from Suicide by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 391 *+ The Final Day 2 by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 130 **+ House is Mine by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 262 **+ Infinite Red Shift by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 227 ** Da Jungle is Wicked by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 61 *** Liquid Plastic by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 134 **+ Oak by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 196 *** Parliament of Dreams by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 122 **+ Redhanded (remix) by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 27 *+ Riot's Day by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 226 **+ Soul of the Jungle by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 158 **+ Summerdreams by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 237 **+ Terminal Velocity by Juice
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 242 ** Warning by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/p/ 240 ** Wash Your Brain by Pirat
/songs/1996/mod/r/ 253 **** Ink Ribbon by Radix, Jazz
/songs/1996/mod/r/ 97 *+ The Rivers of Avalon by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 194 ** Bongos and Flutes by Synthetic
| Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 183 *+ Digital Glycerine by Synthetic
| Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 65 ** Persian Dance by Synthetic Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 108 * Planet Techno by Synthetic Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 311 *+ Streams of Color by Synthetic
| Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 60 * Transparent Blue by Synthetic
| Minds
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 67 * Salvorite by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 92 *+ Called Upon by Sublime
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 104 *+ Lost Confusion by Sublime
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 64 *+ Scorpion by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 78 ** Skyroads by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 101 *+ Spice by Massive Attack
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 65 **+ Stasis by Musaya Sonuku
/songs/1996/mod/s/ 288 RIP Sundgau Dawn by Toal Nkor
/songs/1996/mod/t/ 281 **+ To the Havens by Toni Harkonen
/songs/1996/mod/t/ 35 ** Tower by Salvorite
/songs/1996/mod/v/ 77 * Haemorrhage by Violator
/songs/1996/mod/v/ 151 **+ Infinite Dreams by Killer Kid
/songs/1996/mod/v/ 549 ** Pyroteknix by Killer Kid
/songs/1996/mod/z/ 619 ***+ Zygo Rain by Sidewinder
/songs/1996/other/ 404 **** Chunk by Vic
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/ 75 * Section 502 by LOgre2'3
/songs/1996/s3m/0-9/ 94 + Mad Cow Disease by Captain Hell
/songs/1996/s3m/a/ 320 *+ COV96:mmul:12: A Raver's Dream by
| Bad-A$$ DJ (aka Insane)
/songs/1996/s3m/a/ 239 ** COV96:mmul:10: Scent of Religion
| by Vision
/songs/1996/s3m/a/ 127 *+ Almost There by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/a/ 353 *** The Age of Aries by Crux
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 46 * Beetle Love by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 676 *** Hyper Mad Helium Blast by Darkhalo
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 216 *+ Bloodstone by Loki
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 158 *** The Feel of Spring by BlueShadow
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 8 **+ Hiroshima Theme by BlueShadow
/songs/1996/s3m/b/ 71 **+ Tune4demo by BlueShadow
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 73 *+ Cabbage and Powder by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 80 *+ Calmness by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 216 ***+ Can U Feel The Beat? by Xlr8r
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 697 ***+ NAID96:mmul:02: Pain 96 by Mayhem,
| Absalom
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 216 ***+ NAID96:mmul:XX: Playground by
| Replay
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 276 **+ Silent Moves by Cygnes
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 22 *+ Chill! by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 303 *** Cleared for Take-off by Messiah
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 78 + City of Death by Doombringer
/songs/1996/s3m/c/ 264 **+ NAID96:mmul:XX: Vanity by LakEEE
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 174 *+ Dance v1.0 by Buzz
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 76 *+ Dance Unlimited by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 231 * Rave on the Web of Death by
| Darkness
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 71 * Delifusion by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 118 *+ A Desolate Man by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 224 * Destined Time by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 341 *+ DJ Beats by Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 123 * To The Dogs by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 63 *+ Dream Quest Battle Music by
| Vindicator
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 146 **+ Serenity by Dead Soul
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 145 ** Transition and Time by Dead Soul
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 48 ** Dusk by Warp
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 441 ***+ NAID96:mmul:11: Intrigue by
| Darkwolf
/songs/1996/s3m/d/ 150 *** Change of Feeling by Draygen
/songs/1996/s3m/e/ 265 *** Element 138 by G-Force
/songs/1996/s3m/e/ 145 **+ Electric Sound by Perttu
| Lamminmaki
/songs/1996/s3m/e/ 77 * NAID96:mmul:XX: Envol by Matju
/songs/1996/s3m/f/ 251 ** Face of Death by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/f/ 185 *+ Foxy Lady by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/f/ 168 *** NAID96:mmul:XX: Warcraft by Fred
/songs/1996/s3m/g/ 208 ***+ Eclipsing Ganymede by GD
/songs/1996/s3m/g/ 339 *** Green by Darkhalo
/songs/1996/s3m/h/ 130 * Little Helpers 2 by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/h/ 97 **+ Above the Clouds by Halberd
/songs/1996/s3m/h/ 78 **+ Winter Woodlands by Halberd
/songs/1996/s3m/h/ 43 * Hunt You Down by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 179 *** Energia (inertia mix) by B00mer
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 334 *** Havada Ki Abris by Ara
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 536 ***+ Mortal Kosmic by Siren
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 250 *** Party People by Phoenix
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 244 **+ Sleeping With My Two Eyes Opened
| by Ringlord
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 344 ***+ Static Religion by B00mer
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 196 **+ Disjointed Thoughts by Floss
/songs/1996/s3m/k/ 273 *** The Child by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/l/ 295 *** NAID96:mmul:07: Desert Sands by
| Lord Blanka the Black
/songs/1996/s3m/l/ 364 *** Rebirth of the Legend by Messiah
/songs/1996/s3m/l/ 231 ***+ NAID96:mmul:14: (I Wanna) Dance
| Forever by Liam the Lemming
/songs/1996/s3m/l/ 110 *+ Loneliness by Warp
/songs/1996/s3m/l/ 147 **+ Lunar Mass by Pfister
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 166 * Mystical Flight by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 185 ** Manta by Stawio
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 159 *** In Absence of Minor by Manchild
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 58 **+ Smukke Bent by Manchild
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 263 *** Planet Groove by Manchild
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 140 **+ Indaba by Manchild
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 227 **+ The Messiah by Messiah
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 101 *+ Cyan Sails by Ming
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 271 * Pink Grapes by Ming
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 208 * No Ambition 3 by Ming
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 241 *+ Planet Hell by Ming
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 340 ** Missing (Toxic mix) by DJ
| Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 387 ** GAR96:mmul:04: My Last Wish by Mr.
| Mortal
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 79 *+ Bab's Uvula Who? by Yosfits
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 384 ** Civernetic by Yosfits
/songs/1996/s3m/m/ 66 *+ Metallic by Yosfits
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ 140 ***+ WIR96:mmul: : Mere Assumption by
| S.Roger
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ 137 *** Demo Funk by Nova
/songs/1996/s3m/n/ 187 **+ Too Much Love Will Kill You
| (remix) by Nova
/songs/1996/s3m/o/ 112 + Oelala! by Buzz
/songs/1996/s3m/o/ 297 + Off Topic by Obuk
/songs/1996/s3m/o/ 71 * Once upon a Christmas by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/o/ 83 *+ Orange Rebellion by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/p/ 57 * The End by Pain Fetish
/songs/1996/s3m/p/ 407 **+ Power in Numbers by G-Force
/songs/1996/s3m/p/ 121 + What's Your Proplem by Darkness
/songs/1996/s3m/p/ 166 *+ Pump up the Volume by DJ Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/q/ 267 ** Children (remix) by QYV
/songs/1996/s3m/r/ 263 **+ Solitude by Robil
/songs/1996/s3m/r/ 309 ** Re-evolution by Xlr8r
/songs/1996/s3m/r/ 409 * Reaction by Stawio
/songs/1996/s3m/r/ 534 ***+ NAID96:mmul:18: Rise of the Tides
| by Rhythm Greene
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 138 * Save the World by Kaoc
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 325 *+ Sorrow's Night by Subliminal
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 370 *** Sea Hawk by G-Force
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 549 * Set U Free (sensual mix) by DJ
| Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 85 ** Analog Cloud by Smil
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 246 * United Troops of Soap by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 248 * Solecism by Obuk
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 112 ** Color is Soup by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/s/ 200 **+ Summer Dreams by Perttu Lamminmaki
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 212 *+ Technobility Mix '96 by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 122 *+ Temple of the Unseen by Loki
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 56 *+ The Meaning of Life by DJ
| Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 190 *+ Retro Lutionz by Stank-E
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 181 ** TLS Wild by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 568 *+ The Masakre by Yosfits
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 116 * Rollerblade Bob by Teapot, Ming
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 25 **+ Transcendancy (epic mix) by Ozone
/songs/1996/s3m/t/ 55 * Bugs (elitist version) by Twist
/songs/1996/s3m/u/ 169 ***+ NAID96:mmul:17: Unforgotten by
| Vizz
/songs/1996/s3m/u/ 196 + United Rave of America by DJ
| Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/v/ 211 ** Virtual Rythmic Synthesis by
| G-Force
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 76 *+ Warrior's End by Panther
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 107 ** Gem of the First Waters by Crow
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 135 * Dreams of Whatever by Loki
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 316 * Witch Doktor by DJ Karmatika
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 53 ** Untamed Ignorance by GrubWerm
/songs/1996/s3m/w/ 288 *** Winter Dreams by BlueShadow
/songs/1996/s3m/x/ 225 *+ DigiDream by XCEL
/songs/1996/s3m/z/ 240 ***+ Beneath the Blue Moon by Zauron
/songs/1996/xm/0-9/ 128 **+ 0x90mus by Libertine
/songs/1996/xm/0-9/ 392 * Go to Lubbock by Zen Monx
/songs/1996/xm/0-9/ 304 ** 29 Years Virgin by Humanoid
/songs/1996/xm/0-9/ 280 *** COV96:mfst:02: Tears Again by
| Phorte
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 321 ***+ COV96:mmul:08: Airborne by Phorte
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 434 *+ COV96:mmul:11: Quick G-Force Mix
| by Centrifuge
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 398 ** COV96:mmul:07: Sicko Trance by
| Centrifuge
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 159 * New Anthem Remix by DJ Psyko
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 146 ** Acid Style by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 221 ** Dead on Awakening by Jake
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 527 **+ Artica by Hawk
/songs/1996/xm/a/ 255 ***+ Secrets of Atlantis by Mordicus
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 225 **+ The Unopened File by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 223 **+ Lost in this World by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 482 *+ Poison (remix) by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 369 **+ Slap by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 216 **+ Transforming by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 338 ** Travelled by Blackbird
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 411 ***+ Birth of a Star by Heatseeker
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 40 * Harder is Better by Baked
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 112 **+ Bloodthirst by Dr. Death
/songs/1996/xm/b/ 441 **+ Pipework Returns by BassQ
/songs/1996/xm/c/cb-curse.arj 351 *** Cursed by Memories by Guy
/songs/1996/xm/c/cb-dabw.arj 323 **+ Dreamin' a BetterWorld by Truxx

/songs/1996/xm/c/cb-mread.arj 272 *** Mindreader by Logos
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 410 *** NAID96:mmul:06: Grapefruit Glow by
| Atlantic, Aahz
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 472 *** NAID96:mmul:XX: Natetan by In
| Tense
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 324 **** NAID96:mmul:01: Party On
| Funk-o-Tron by Dynamic Harmony
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 161 ** Centurion by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 352 *** Migrants by CG
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 334 *** Consummation by Mesonyx
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 445 *+ With Love by Embrittlement
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 593 *** Space Whispers by Soundmaster
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 255 **+ Cybertech by Heatseeker
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 490 **+ Bridge Over Troubled Water (remix)
| by CyberZip
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 470 *** Might of Magicians by CyberZip
/songs/1996/xm/c/ 372 ***+ Soft by CyberZip
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 203 + Hacker's Dream by The Soul Stealer
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 77 * They're Here by The Soul Stealer
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 101 * Mission Impossible (remix) by The
| Soul Stealer
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 316 * Da Place by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 38 * Dance Mania by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 177 ***+ Daylight by Daft
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 241 ***+ Showdown by DD
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 212 *+ Dance Dread by E-Motion
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 431 * Discipline by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 228 ***+ Inside Out (remix) by Omega
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 183 * To The Sea by Decker
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 451 *+ Anticipating For? by Luk
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 6 ** C64 rulez! by Luk
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 602 *** Dream On by Codec
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 275 *+ Fly Trance by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 422 *+ Second Dimension by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 439 *+ Little World by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 375 ** Dreaming by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 289 *+ Consciousness by DJ Kike
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 209 ***+ Dumdidum by Zalt
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 180 * Dreams are What? by Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 138 * Ellen, Don't Roll by Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 295 * Elements of Fantasy by Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 162 ** Fable Remix by Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/d/ 212 * Mission Impossible (remix) by
| Datrix
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 165 *** Earthed Fusion by Daft
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 112 + Ekstasy by Ruud
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 498 *+ Deep Down by Erektor
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 354 *+ Fanvadtrist by Erektor
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 297 * Erektonaut by Erektor
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 409 * Esoteric 2 by Electric Lucidity
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 328 *+ Force 2 by Electric Lucidity
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 250 * Rollercoaster by Electric Lucidity
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 602 *+ Transformation by Electric
| Lucidity
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 287 **+ Beyond Understanding by Elfstone
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 482 *** Cosmic Voyage by Elfstone
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 462 **+ Daydream by Elfstone
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 370 **+ Inside by Elfstone
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 506 *** Mind Machine by Elfstone
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 392 *+ Enjoy the Silence (remix) by MC
| Dreamer
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 301 *+ The Way by Eye of Hurricane
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 517 + Esteem by Greatfox
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 494 ***+ Evening Trouble by Heatseeker
/songs/1996/xm/e/ 321 ** Spaceman Remix by Ertzi
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 663 *** NAID96:mmul:19: Fallacy by Porus
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 21 + Beetle Dream by FireBeetle
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 260 *** Shawarma by Manchild
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 2778 *+ Fire by Dead
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 120 *** Flux by Daft
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 415 ***+ Cotton Wool by Mellow-D
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 150 ** Force Channelling by Darius
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 244 **+ Fragile (voice mix) by Mesonyx
/songs/1996/xm/f/ 236 * Fuckin' Disguise by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 83 *+ Discordia by Ryan
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 149 *** Irreparable Perdition by GBlues
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 274 **+ Supertron (Roswell mix) by Uranium
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 789 ***+ Billy Madison by Glitch
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 352 ***+ Happy Music by Glitch
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 331 *** Raveborg by Glitch
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 73 ** Go Go Go by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 64 **+ Gradius 1 (Perfect Selection) by
| Techno Dreams
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 149 ** Close Encounter by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 373 ** Unknown Forest by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 238 ***+ Guidance by One
/songs/1996/xm/g/ 155 * Guitar by Darius
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 201 ** What Happens by E-Motion
/songs/1996/xm/h/hawk.arj 240 *+ Hawk's Eye by Mentat
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 528 * Headbangin' (Hell 1) by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 385 *+ Heaviness by Pix
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 112 + Hellfire by Ruud
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 6 *+ Synthetic Pollution by HiQ
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 223 ***+ Hold the Line by Libertine
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 38 **+ Arabian Techno by Hans Der Reuter
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 414 ***+ Final Pray by Hans Der Reuter
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 356 *+ Move your Body by Hybris
/songs/1996/xm/h/ 66 * Hypnotrance by Ruud
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 94 ** Sattelight by Ivok
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 37 *+ Skrewdriver by Ivok
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 792 **+ I Feel You (instrumental cover) by
| MC Dreamer
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 500 **+ Improvization by SoundGod,
| EagleFalcon
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 290 **+ In the MC4 Forest by XFYL
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 393 ** Into the Time by MC Dreamer
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 321 ** All this Time by Smash
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 191 **+ One More Chance by Michael Bolton
| (aka Smash)
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 209 **+ Liberated by Smash
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 361 **+ Whispers in the Wind by Smash
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 281 *+ Antiarmonia by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 202 ** Blue Fantasy by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 266 *+ Crucifixion by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 194 ** I'm Gone by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 309 ** Wonderful Life - Horrible Death by
| It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/ 1038 *+ It's On You by Gabriel O. Ilardi
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 176 ** Kashtahnek by Jimmac
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 288 **+ Sour Thoughts by Jimmac
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 451 **+ Human Being by Heatseeker
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 212 ** Puuskissa Tuulee by Jaffa
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 293 ** Mushroom Experience by Jaffa
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 320 ** Johtaja (Tuho) by Daft, Hydra
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 445 * The Universal Horn by J.Rook
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 333 ****+ Pools of Poison by WAVE
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 144 ***+ Urgent but Unwanted by WAVE
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 978 **+ Juncture of Orgasm (remix) by
| Akbar
/songs/1996/xm/j/ 63 + Jungle Van Hoggelen by Ruud
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 538 *** 7 days 1 week by Keith303
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 189 * Bane of the Kosmic Forge by Quarex
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 124 ** Blue Sky Day by Karl
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 194 *** The Box (remix) by Maelcum
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 701 ***+ Burning Symbols by Vivid
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 598 *** Circles in my Mind by Bert
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 407 **+ Coiled Heart by Boomer
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 681 **+ In Depth by Vivid
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 518 *** 200 Miles from Earth by Khyron
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 122 *+ Half Life by Karl
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 119 *** Lost Continent by The Hacker
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 482 *** You Make Me Wanna by Bert
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 265 ** Plastic Reality by Karl
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 135 *** Self-Inflicted Euphoria by Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 142 *+ Sellout Shit by Karl
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 200 *+ Tonka Stylez by Karl
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 327 *** The Truth Unfolds by Boomer
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 497 *** Morning Shadows by Mad Process
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 366 **+ Psychodrama Remix by Fahruz
/songs/1996/xm/k/ 283 ***+ Flash Counter by Kleitus
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 92 *+ Seven Days, One Week by Luca
| Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 106 ** Dreams by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 73 **+ Jungle Minds by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 242 *+ Roberto the Bastard by Luca
| Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 155 * Matteo in the Techno by Luca
| Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 77 *+ Techno Dance by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 101 ** Word by Luca Restifo
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 488 **+ Planet 303 (promo) by Labworks
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 447 *+ Mowing the Moon by Lam
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 17 ** Thomthing Swampthing by Alpha
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 166 + The Leavening by Emulsifier
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 302 *+ The Lights Go Out by Peter Kendall
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 815 ** Lover by Saturn, DopeGroove
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 336 *** Arctic White Wolves by Lone Wolf,
| Snake
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 408 *** Groove vs. Harmony 3 by Lone Wolf
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 602 *** Planet 303 by Labworks
/songs/1996/xm/l/ 503 **** Vinegar Chips by LioZ
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 557 *** Children (remix) by Mentat
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 222 ** Acid & Bass by Super Slimer
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 268 ** Rising Moon by Super Slimer
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 445 *+ Sensualis by Super Slimer
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 134 *** Shredless Wonder by Dreamfish
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 25 **+ Chippy Fluid by Magic Fred
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 437 *** Voyage to Miranda by Noiseman
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 219 ***+ Simon Says by Relief
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 758 *** Anxiety Express by Keith303
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 103 *+ 1st Masterboy Theme by Gabriel O.
| Ilardi
/songs/1996/xm/m/ 329 ** Organized Chaos by Zeugmatis
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 456 ***+ Child by Nutcase
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 34 ** Agronymic by Hitachi
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 92 *+ Blue Bubblegum by Hitachi
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 64 ** Looping by Hitachi
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 226 *+ Ultimate Sextrack (remix) by
| Hitachi
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 14 * Analyse by Noxy
/songs/1996/xm/n/ 202 * Double Talk by Noxy
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 274 **+ Anthem to Lost Love by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 342 *** Below the Surface by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 403 **+ Wednesday by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 356 *** Hippocampus by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 121 * The Odyssey by Repo Man
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 98 *+ Bloody Death Sky by Prinz
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 14 *+ Blue Persan by Hoax
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 115 *+ Round Brass by Mayweed
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 112 **+ Dear Emma by Hoax
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 320 *+ Gotcha (remix) by JayDean
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 293 **+ Inside Sadness by The Skyjacker
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 367 ** L.L. by Hoax
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 164 *+ My Heart by JayDean
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 562 *+ Natural Sex by Franck
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 151 ** Normal Day by Strat
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 271 * Pride (Hardhouse mix) by JayDean
/songs/1996/xm/o/ 553 **+ Sexual Trans by The Skyjacker
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 119 ** Ukko Nooa by PAH
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 494 **+ Around the Corner by PAH
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 193 ** The Rendezvous of the Death by PAH
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 90 *+ Waiting for the End by PAH
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 337 *+ Overdose by Point Blank
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 222 *+ Orbit by Point Blank
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 496 *+ Mother Fucker by Project
| Gabbangelion
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 317 **+ Cathexis (jungle) by Teis
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 441 ** Aria Piano by Pix
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 245 **+ Waterfalls by Pix
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 589 ** Pointer by Parker Kane
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 314 * Point of No Return by Sunrise
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 181 ** Psygnosia by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/p/ 302 **+ Wind of Magic by P-Tec
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 117 ** Breathe by Rival
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 720 *** Radio Trancemission by COM
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 580 *** Rainbow by Noiseman
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 614 *** Rainbow to the Stars (remix) by
| Daft
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 314 **+ Everyday by Robil
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 567 **+ Paradise for Sale by Robil
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 275 **+ Pacific Express by Robil
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 114 **** Abbey Road by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 178 ***+ Daytripper by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 165 **** Evidence by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 117 **** Icing Invitation by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 67 **** I Got a Pony by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 278 ****+ Peekaboo by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 6 **** Pork Soda by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 179 ****+ Sarsippus' Ark by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 311 **** Shapes by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 253 **+ NAID96:mmul:16: Reign by Toc
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 328 **+ Revenge by Mesonyx
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 679 **+ Rimmini by Anpe
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 202 * The Rings by Erektor
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 188 *** Ready or Not by Daft
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 88 *+ Complex Anomaly by RS3
/songs/1996/xm/r/ 296 **+ Right Up by DJ Rex
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 282 ** Cathedral by Synthetic Minds
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 101 **+ Cuboctahedron (9C) by Synthetic
| Minds
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 417 *+ Phonkie by Synthetic Minds
/songs/1996/xm/s/sabbath.arj 343 *** Sabbath by Dead
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 304 *** Phonesex and Fashion by
| Screamager, Stinger
/songs/1996/xm/s/secon.arj 329 * My Second Experience by B.A.Jump
/songs/1996/xm/s/sigeum.lzh 527 ** Sigeum by Euji Acha
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 262 * Nuove Ricerche Sonore by Riders
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 301 ** Rime by Riders
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 337 ** Undetermined Feeling (remix) by
| Riders
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 987 *+ Uncle Tana by Aphex
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 91 * X-Traemor by SperMaster
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 71 ***+ Drop Out by Silke
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 505 **+ Married to a Gangsta by Stinger,
| Mellow-D
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 641 ***+ Humanoideja by Stinger, Mellow-D
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 264 ***+ Moonwaves by Stinger, Mellow-D
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 685 *+ NAID96:mmul:XX: Somewhere in my
| Heart by Saxy, Miss Saigon
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 106 **+ SOS by Miss Saigon
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 10 ***+ Souly Chippy by Libertine
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 213 *+ Kiss Two Bucks Goodbye by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 1164 ** Jewel by Spieg
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 332 **+ Breezy Heart by Norbert
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 86 ** Bud's Symphony by Bud
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 238 *+ Rainy Sunday by Dcee
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 67 **+ State of Mind by Mesonyx
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 144 ** Break the Silence by Gabriel O.
| Ilardi
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 237 **+ State of Funky by Noiseman
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 1596 ** Subconscious Fears by Akbar
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 182 + Sun-Rise by Sunrise
/songs/1996/xm/s/ 146 **+ Supremacy by Mesonyx
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 187 *** Capricorn by Thaylor
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 560 **+ Drifting Away by Thaylor
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 560 ***+ Ozone (remix) by Tangerine
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 341 **+ Destiny of Love by The Borg
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 711 *+ Teo Falling Down by Aphex
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 75 *+ Poem Without Words by Gabriel O.
| Ilardi
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 362 * NAID96:mmul:XX: The Snuh by Sketch
| the Cow
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 559 **+ Jazzy Calmness by Mateus
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 415 *** Legions of Darkness by Mateus
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 430 ** Tombed in Time by MC Dreamer
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 332 **+ Trancetrain by Gentech
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 289 *+ Trance Fiction by Spurious
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 1132 ** Helltown by Trash Scene
/songs/1996/xm/t/ 745 *+ Tragic Deep Melody by Noiseman
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 287 *+ The Uberfunkmeister by Alex Noble
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 199 * Crank by Uranium
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 507 *** The Bridge by Nabo
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 670 ***+ What's this Funk by Dustbin
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 180 *** Music is my Life by Dustbin
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 539 ***+ When the Penguin Slides by Dustbin
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 157 **+ It's Not Tomorrow by Dustbin, Teo
/songs/1996/xm/u/ 214 *** Wake Up by Dustbin
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 260 ** Haunting Angelika by Perpetuator
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 380 **+ I Still Need You by Acidic
| Sunshine
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 309 *+ Nicole (You are my Angel) by Dope
| Groove
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 432 ** Nova by Perpetuator
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 296 *+ Dancing While Trancin' by DJ
| Uphigh
/songs/1996/xm/v/ 425 **+ Depressiv by Vivid
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 235 ** Continuum by W0zz
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 312 ** Titanium Lullaby by W0zz
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 122 *+ Ursa Minor by W0zz
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 207 *** Waiting by Daft
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 351 **+ Walking Alone by Noiseman
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 160 ** Water by Darius
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-dream.arj 258 ** Dream by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-eofdp.arj 83 *+ Empire of Electronic Trance by
| Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-felin.arj 387 ** One Step for Man by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-hzhz.arj 84 *+ Houze of Houze by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-indep.arj 178 ** Independence Day by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-party.arj 95 *** Hidden Real(m)ity by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/wb-scrm.arj 253 **+ Siren's Screams by Wonderboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 258 * Weewer Core by Tiamat
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 692 **+ Against my Will by ?
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 1212 *** Wind by Dead
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 439 *** Winter Skies by Spaceboy
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 229 * The Hunt of the Wolf by BlueFelix
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 286 ***+ Wonderland by Outrage, Orc
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 335 ** Generation Love by Wraith
/songs/1996/xm/w/ 470 **+ Opticz by Wigwam
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 138 ** Dreams by Dare-Devil
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 305 ** Unforced Error by G-Day
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 266 *+ Excaliblurred Vision by G-Day
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 495 ** I'll Explain by G-Day
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 198 *+ Rave 2000 by G-Day
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 224 **+ Stormy Weather by Dare-Devil
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 455 *+ Where is the Beat? by XFYL
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 202 **+ 03b by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 7 **+ 64ish by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 1688 **+ Death Does Not Discriminate by Per
| Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 190 *** Perish by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 9 **+ Pulse by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 253 **+ Rasterburn by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 1 **+ Det Finns Stunder by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 176 **+ Working by Per Almered
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 112 ** Ali Jens by Xilian
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 627 * Nervous Acid by X Reel
/songs/1996/xm/x/ 1002 *+ Computer Controlled by X Reel
/songs/1996/xm/z/ 731 **+ For Never by Zest
/songs/1996/xm/z/ 185 **+ Regardless by Zanti
/songs/1996/xm/z/ 251 **+ Stupidity by Zanti
/songs/1996/xm/z/ 20 *+ Zippo by Darius
/pub/demos/graphics Size Rated Description
/images/1996/a/ 52 ***+ PS96:grtc:XX: The Gargoyle by Coolhand
/images/1996/a/ 691 **+ PS96:grfx:XX: GetImage by EdoUno
/images/1996/a/ 115 ***+ PS96:grfx:01: Mee My and Eye by Rendall
| : Amiga Graphics Competition Entry
/images/1996/a/ 68 *** PS96:grtc:03: Alien Base by Mado
/images/1996/a/ 107 *+ PS96:grtc:XX: Axeman by Piszur
/images/1996/b/ 96 ** PS96:grtc:XX: Bee by Tomcsab
/images/1996/c/ 664 *** PS96:grtc:XX: Cookie by Kvazar
/images/1996/d/ 144 *** SAT96B:grfx:??: Fish by Axxel
/images/1996/d/ 184 ** PS96:grtc:XX: Diesel by ???
/images/1996/e/ 303 ** PS96:grfx:XX: Easter Isles by Gabe
/images/1996/f/ 131 ***+ PS96:grtc:02: Fantasy by Beef
/images/1996/f/ 90 **+ PS96:grtc:XX: Just a Picture by
| Airsmith
/images/1996/f/ 151 ** PS96:grtc:XX: Firehand by Piszur
/images/1996/g/ 37 ** PS96:grtc:XX: Guns 'n Roses Room with
| Slash by Dr.No
/images/1996/h/ 40 ***+ SAT96B:grfx:??: ??? by Haplo
/images/1996/h/ 423 ** PS96:grtc:XX: Wild by Pirat
/images/1996/i/ 53 ** PS96:grfx:XX: Is Dat a Face by Enok
/images/1996/m/ 255 ***+ SAT96B:grtc:??: Hygiene by Mario
/images/1996/m/ 64 **** SAT96B:grtc:??: Mystical by Madman
/images/1996/n/ 53 *** PS96:grfx:XX: Green Naga by Blaise
/images/1996/n/ 116 *** PS96:grtc:XX: Nature by Tomcsab
/images/1996/p/ 114 *** PS96:grtc:XX: Pyramid of Chaos by
| CybroID
/images/1996/p/ 138 **+ PS96:grfx:XX: Portrait by Grass
/images/1996/r/ 64 **+ PS96:grtc:XX: Riddle by Piszur
/images/1996/s/ 49 ***+ PS96:grtc:01: Castle by True
/images/1996/s/ 60 **** PS96:grfx:02: Metal by Das
/images/1996/s/ 38 **+ PS96:grfx:XX: Sundown by ???
/images/1996/w/ 39 *** PS96:grfx:01: Laying With the Brutality
| by Ward
/pub/demos/info Size Rated Description
/demonews/demonews.133 49 DemoNews 133 - 11 Nov 1996 by Hornet
/dn_other/sh-grace.jpg 73 Grace by Shaithis of Immortal Coil :
| supplemental to DemoNews.133
/traxw/traxweek.077 45 TraxWeekly 077 - 14 Nov 1996
/traxw/traxweek.078 45 TraxWeekly 078 - 22 Nov 1996
/pub/demos/party Size Rated Description
/invites/1994/ 158 ***+ ABD94::: Abduction '94 Invitation Intro
| by Mindprobe
/invites/1996/ 68 COV96::: Coven '96 Info Pack
/invites/1996/cs7.txt 6 CompuSphere 7 Invitation Text
/invites/1996/ 155 *** Compusphere 7 Invitation Intro by Orca
/invites/1996/ 1253 **** GRV96::: Gravity '96 Invitation Intro
| by Pulse
/invites/1996/hack_xvi.txt 2 Hackerence XVI Invitation Text
/invites/1996/ 440 ***+ WIR96::: Wired '96 Invitation Intro by
| Kloon
/invites/1996/ 453 ***+ MOV96::: Movement '96 Invitation Intro
| by Moon Hunters, Esteem
/invites/1996/ 391 *** WIR96::: Wired '96 Invitation Intro by
| Neutron
/invites/1996/ 106 SE96::: Summer Encounter '96 Info Pack
| v2
/invites/1996/ 83 WIR96::: Wired '96 Info Pack v3
/results/1996/ps96.res 1 PS96::: Pie Slice '96 Results
/results/packs/ 151 Party Results & Previews v3.8 by
| Astroidea



:: "Introduction"
:: Snowman / Hornet -

Hello all, and welcome to DemoNews 134.

Jtown makes his triumphant comeback this week with over 247 zillion new music
files catalogged. Kudos to Jtown and his merry band of music reviewers!


I spent the past 10 days at the 2nd largest trade show in the world; Fall
COMDEX in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Around 200,000 people showed up for the

Dan Wright showed up at our booth on Thursday morning. Dan Wright founded
the Hornet Archive and DemoNews in September of 1992.

We talked of Trixter, of CD projects both past and upcoming, of the demo
scene, of goals and life. It was good to see him again (last time we saw
each other was NAID in April of 1995). A picture of us was taken and will
hopefully be online soon.

Though this encounter might not seem very noteworthy, I mention it for a
reason. Every time you download a file from /pub/demos, remember that the
honourable Dan Wright is the one who made it all possible.

_____Detail Levels

All html file listings output now have controllable detail levels.

Try searching for the letter "s" on the entire archive. You know what you
get? 2 megs of results. It occured to me that perhaps not all of you have
T1's running to your home computers and might be concerned about the size of
file indicies. So I implemented a simple little system (and this applies to
stand-alone directories too, not just search results):

50- matches = high detail (filename, size, rating, and description)
100 matches = medium detail (filename and description)
150+ matches = low detail (filename only)

So when you browse a directory or perform a search, the output is controlled
by the number of files to be displayed. This prevents _huge_ results from
occuring. But what happens if you get "low" detail but really want to see
ratings, regardless of the size?

Now in the upper right-hand corner of each output you are given the ability
to force an alternate detail level. This isn't really technical marvel but I
hope it helps.

_____Running Out of Space

For all of you who have been following the progress of the Hornet Archive
over the past several years, you'll be keenly aware of how troublesome
running out of space can be. Some times it's been a positive motivator (i.e.
moving from to Other times it's been a great
loss (deleting tons of classic music to free space).

We have 139 megs free. For the past 16 months we have been averaging 145
megs growth per month. Simple math... we're gonna run out of room at X-mas.

Now, this is a somewhat unusual circumstance. Although wcarchive
( has around 70 gigs of storage, the biggest single drive has a
maximum capacity of 4 gigs. Right now the Hornet Archive is the sole
occupant of drive #3. Since getting higher-capacity drives is not in the
near future, we're going to either move crappy files offline (backed up, not
deleted), or we'll start growing into another drive. If we grow into another
drive, there are many problems associated with permissions, ownership,
symlinks, etc. Nothing impossible to work around but annoying none-the-less.

Right now I am calm. However, as X-mas draws near you may find me getting
very concerned and tense about this.

_____Cogs and Bolts

Over the past 3 months, I've started getting a lot of positive mail
concerning improvements to our web site. This is a good thing. It makes me
happy! :D

I've also started getting more mail from people like "What is CGML?", "How
are files processed?", "How does the archive WORK!?". These are good
questions and deserve good answers. Starting next week I'll start a new
article series, describing in excruciating detail the nuts and bolts of The
Hornet Archive.


From the looks of things above, it looks like you've got a lot of new songs
to download this week. Get 'crackin!


:: "The Coder and the Programmer"
:: Maverick -

(with apologies to Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass" and also to
the "Tao of Programming")

The Sun was humming on the desk,
Task switching through the night
He did his very best to make,
The fractals smooth and bright
And this was odd, because one saw
The effort was so slight.

The PC whined so sulkily,
Because she thought the Sun
Had got no business to be there
Coz Bill said that he'd won.
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"

The Net was quick as quick could be,
The packets clean as clean
On tower cases everywhere
There shone a shiny gleam
No managers were prowling round
(Gone home at five-fifteen)

The Coder and the Programmer
Were coding close at hand:
They wept like anything to see
Such quantities of RAM
"If this were cut in half," they said
"T'would foil Bill's evil plan!"

"If seven techs with seven Philips
Unscrewed for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Coder said,
"That they could get it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Programmer,
And shed a bitter tear.

"O Windows files come walk with us!"
The Coder did entreat;
"A pleasant list of all your gist,
A DIR that's all complete.
We're really tired of 'cat' and 'more'
And vi's not a treat!"

The COMMAND-dot-COM looked at him,
But ne'er a wink he flashed
He kept unblinking on the screen,
As cross-linked files he trashed;
But merely placed a new prompt down
(The current dir backslash)

But four young programs hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their Windows origins were plain
Responses fast and neat
And this was odd, because they take
Such ages to complete.

Four other DLLs popped up
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more
All hopping through the disk-drive heads,
And scrambling to the fore.

The Coder and the Programmer
Browsed down a gig or so,
And then they rested for a bit
(They were at the end you know)
And all the little files displayed
And waited in a row.

"The time has come," the Coder said,
"To talk of many things
Of WHOIS and MIPS and RISC and VAX
Of Sparcs and Token Rings
And why PC's have so much RAM
Yet fail at simple things."

"But wait a bit," the programs cried,
Before we have our chat;
"For some of us are off the screen
And some are in the FAT."
"No hurry!" said the Programmer.
They thanked him much for that.

"A DELTREE," the Coder said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
Are very good indeed
Now, if you're ready, DLLs dear,
We can begin to feed."

"But not on us!" the programs cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After such kindness, that would be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The night is fine," the Coder said.
"Do you admire the view?"

"It was so kind of you to come!
And you are very nice!"
The Programmer said "Hey!
File not found: device
Not ready; But you said we'd
Finish in a trice!"

"It seems a shame," the Coder said,
"To play them such a trick.
INSTALL and SETUP take so long
And PROGMAN's such a brick."
The Programmer said nothing but
Just watch this neato trick!

"I weep for you," the Coder said:
"I deeply sympathise.
Why Linux is for free but you
Are hardly to be prized"
And he held his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

"O Windows," said the Programmer,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be browsing you again?"
But on the screen showed none.
And this was scarcely odd cause
They'd deleted every one.

If you are a regular reader of Demonews and would like a poem converted to
semi-humorous computerspeak - do it yourself ;-) Seriously, all suggestions
will be seriously considered except the ones which recommend violating
natural body openings with various original works of art.


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