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Phruwt Issue 04 009
hello. im sure by now we all have heard stories about the warez trade on AOL.
We'll this is a personal account of exactly what goes on there. sevral weeks
ago i was at a local book store when i saw a copy of MacWorld with an AOL disk
attached to the front of it. well itd been a fucking long time (like almost a
year) sence i was last on AOL so i decided id take another look and see if i
liked it. so i grabed the mag, walked to the far side of the store and slipped
out the side door into the night (well was almost dark). i
quickly drove home (god its great to drive) and went to set it up and check
out what was new. the software installed quickly and was pretty much the same
from the pevious time i used. well i logged in using a TCP connection cause
its "local" access number is long distance and a 800 number is free..:) i
proceeded to fill out the info sheet with bogus info about a supposedly real
person, based on some info i found while trashing. i gave them a name, a REAL
address, of who i dont know and a credit card and within minutes i was online
enjoying my new 10 free hours at somebody elses expense.. i remembered about
the warez trade and quickly went to "macwarez" thsome of the people knew who i
was and had read the zine so i was accepted quickly into there group. with in
minutes i was asked to join a massmailing..i said "yeah sure what is it?" they
said that was how the distributed the warez and by getting on the "list" id
recieve them i signed up. i got kinda bored and left to get something
to eat, and when i came back i went to read my new mail. ialmost shit myself
when i saw what was there...over 200 megs of shit! this is just what i can
remember off the top of my head! now dont get me wrong about this, im not out
to get these people in trouble, im just here to show you what's going on.
What might you ask is AOL doing about this? i say nothing. they would like you
to believe that there stopping the warez trade but there is no way in hell
they possibly can. with probably over 100 people with FAKE accounts with other
peoples credit cards using there own or even hacked accounts...theres no way
you can stop them. thats the beauty of it all, there is nothing anybody can
really do about it.
This is the latest word i hear AOL is "in development" of call tracing
software. hahaha yeah right. your gonna have to dig through 1,000,000+ users
phone records + god knows how many calls per day to the system, just to track
down a "warez d00d?" fuck that. besides, they dont even have direct dialups,
everything goes through sprintnet...that makes it even harder. what about the
people who use TCP connetions like i did? then not only do they have to dig
through there own phone records and log files, but throgh the system that
connected's phone records and logs. i doubt that catching 1 single person, or
even 10 people is worth the possible MILLIONS of dollars and HUNDREDS if not
THOUSANDS of hours of reading logs you may have to send a ware or two to get
on the list, but sometimes you dont. just try and social engeneer your way
onto a list if they want files. dont give i now if you are successful, get all
the files as FAST as you can out of your mailbox. they will sit there for 5
days after theyve been read, but your acount will not last that long. you have
at the most 48 to 72 hours before somebody like Steve Case catches on that
your account iz fake and you get bumped. thats why you if you're unsuccessful
and are mad, get even. forward a log of all the conversation in the room to
steve case and skrew over all the assholes in the channel. or if you wanna be
especially mean, take all there warez and still skrew them over. ehhehe thats
what id do. tell them once you get all there shit that your a nark if your
gonna go do that last bit, i suggest you DONOT use your regular net/bbs handle.
you wouldnt want word to get out that your a nark. the way to identify who
people are is by there names. if you see the following in the room, you will
*xxx* - where XXX is a group name, that person is afiled with XXX (ex:
fbtPHi dont quote me on that exactly, but thats kinda what i noticed. so now
you know the basics of AOL warez tradin. go and have a good time and remember,
if you get anything kewl, forward it to me or find me on IRC and DCC it to
me...:) ehehhe