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Atari Online News, Etc. Volume 03 Issue 32

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Atari Online News Etc
 · 22 Aug 2019


Volume 3, Issue 32 Atari Online News, Etc. August 10, 2001

Published and Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001
All Rights Reserved

Atari Online News, Etc.
A-ONE Online Magazine
Dana P. Jacobson, Publisher/Managing Editor
Joseph Mirando, Managing Editor
Rob Mahlert, Associate Editor

Atari Online News, Etc. Staff

Dana P. Jacobson -- Editor
Joe Mirando -- "People Are Talking"
Michael Burkley -- "Unabashed Atariophile"
Albert Dayes -- "CC: Classic Chips"
Rob Mahlert -- Web site
Thomas J. Andrews -- "Keeper of the Flame"

With Contributions by:

Dan Loosen
Bengy Collins
Keita Iida
Rob Mahlert

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A-ONE #0332 08/10/01

~ US Unlikely To Stop XP ~ People Are Talking! ~ IE 6 Out Soon!
~ CD Writer Suite Out! ~ Final CGE Update! ~ Code Red Virus!
~ AUN Logo Merchandise! ~ FreeMINT Update News! ~ The New Napster!
~ JagFest Profit Donated ~ Combat Two For 2600! ~ Netscape Update Out!

-* Russian Hacker Out On Bail! *-
-* Microsoft Appeals To Supreme Court! *-
-* AOL, MSN At Bottom of Satisfaction Survey! *-


->From the Editor's Keyboard "Saying it like it is!"

There's only one way to describe it: HEAT WAVE! Damn it's been hot! Five
days of temperature in the 90's; my thermometer outside hit triple digits
every day this week! My study has an air conditioner, but it's not enough
to cut through this kind of heat. It's been rough sitting down in this room
with two computer systems running, and working on this issue. I feel like I
just want to get in, do what I can quickly, and escape to another room where
the air conditioning is much better! This weather has been inhuman!

So let's get this show on the road and hope that the weekend is about 20
degrees cooler than the past five days. Me, I'm headin' to a cool spot in
the house!

Until next time...


CD Writer Suite 3.2

CD Writer Suite is now at version 3.2, and available immediately from ESNA.
CD Writer Suite v3.2 offers:

*a modern interface
*recording at 4x on 68030 and faster systems
*recording at 2x even on 68000 systems
*reliable writes, time after time
*easy installation: no dongle required!
*simulate-before-writing feature
*support for HP, Philips, TEAC, Plextor, Yamaha, and many
SCSI3/MMC-compliant CD recorder

Although the version number has increased, the price has stayed the same.
CD Writer Suite 3.2 is available for $89.95US or $109.95CND.

FreeMiNT 1.15.12 Released!


I announce the release of FreeMiNT 1.15.12. It was a long time since the
last release and I hope nobody is disappointed of this. I like to thank
everyone who helped me or always had some nice words.

As everyone noticed up to now there are heavy changes of the development.
We use now CVS and I merged all kernel related things into one consistent
source repository. Also all these things are released together with the
kernel. Some people asked for the old way of separate releases for
everything but this is no longer possible for me. I don't have the time to
do such things (if you like to do it please contact me).

The documentation and especially the programmer documentation is not very
up to date. Every help recommended.

Ok, I hope there are no major problems with this kernel release.

It's downloadable from the Sparemint server through ftp or http:
and also on the Sparemint mirrors. The archives are packed in tar.gz and
lzh. To correctly unpack it long filenames are recommended.

Please look into the FILES/README/LIESMICH for information about the

Have fun!

Tschuess ...Frank

CZUBA Tech Web Site Updated


I added many photos and schematics of my work of the last 13 years...
Exclusive documents !

See :

- the 'RECORDS' menu on the welcome page.
- the Phoenix 060 menu (!)
- the CT2 menu : 'Records' sub-menu.

Have fun !
Rodolphe CZUBA

Eclipse Owners Support Pages

I'm glad to announce a website dedicated to the Eclipse for the Atari
Falcon030.The purpose of EOSP is to provide help and information for users in
setting up the Eclipse. Users are also able to share experiences with each
other and provide help where needed. Please check it out and feel free to
submit any kind of contribution. Thank you.


Atari Users Network Logo Store

We are now offering Atari Users Network Mouse Pads and T-Shirts with the
AUN logo on them! International shipping is available!

Joe & Rosemary

Bonjour :)

You can find a Joe's bug fix on my homepage

Features :
- fixed a big crash during communication between Joe and its modules
- Hope to have corrected the menu and dialog box slow ness under MiNT
- use of XRSC for external resource files (RGF method), if you have problems
with it, rename the MODULESXRSRC.OVL as *.OVX.
- keyboard overrun behavior improvement
- some internal small bug fixes
- Well formed HTML. You can deactivate it (ie < IMG/> -> old < IMG>).
- ISO-8859-1 Filter. You can use no more &entities; (please read the
bug fixes.txt)

This version is not MiNT Memory Protection compatible. Tests were excellent
with LicomLIB and its compilator, but there's a niggle (memory
fragmentation) in this library that nearly forbids Joe to run in monoTOS.

If you really want a MP mode compliant, e-mail me and I will compile Joe
with RGF's library, but you should use it only under MiNT or MagiC.

To pardon me about my late, I have released Rosemary sources and its image
maker under the SGF license (SGF for "Schmilblick Goes Forward"). 'Tis same
as GPL, but for GFA ;-)

Note that DGEM will obey to this license (sources and dev-tools released),
when I will finish the 0.14 version.


Rajah Lone of Renaissance.


The YSEDITOR PLUS homepage has moved !!!

Old address:


(this will redirect you to -
My internet account on will soon end, and the old URL with it)

So if you own one of the following Yamaha synthesizers:
FB01, DX100, DX27, DX27s, DX21, TX81Z, WT11, DX11, DS55, YS100, YS200,
B200, TQ5, or V50

You now must go to:

This URL will stay even if I would choose another provider somewhere in the

Qdialer .50 Released

An update to Qdialer was released.

Changes: Support for external messaging to dialer. Cleanups in DIRECT
connection startup. Another bug fixed regarding window placement in the
absence of a config file. For more details see archive.



->A-ONE User Group Notes! - Meetings, Shows, and Info!

Jaguar Corner at the Ohio Atari Swap Meet

Columbus, Ohio - Come join us for fun and games at the Atari Computer
Enthusiasts of Columbus annual Atari Swap Meet to be held on September 8,
2001. This annual event boasts a wide selection of Atari games and systems
for sale. Last year the event had many items available for the Atari ST,
8 Bit computers, 5200, 7800, and 2600.

This year, the Jaguar Corner will be at the Swap Meet. The Jaguar Corner is
your chance to play the most popular and rare games available for the Atari
Jaguar video game console.

Featured games available for view and play are:

- New games from Songbird Productions (
including Skyhammer, Protector, Hyper Force, and Soccer Kid for the Jaguar;
and Lexis, Championship Rally, PONX, Remnant, and more for the Lynx.
- Doom and Air Cars in 2 Player, 2 Console Network Play
- BattleSphere from Scatologic ( available for play and
- Jaguar CD with games such as Primal Rage, Vid Grid, Blue Lightning,
Battlemorph, and World Tour Racing
- Popular Jaguar games such as Towers II, Worms, Zero 5, Defender 2000,
Atari Karts, and Breakout 2000
- JUGS ( - The Jaguar Underground Game Server) which allows
the downloading of underground, homebrew games into the Jaguar. Underground
games available for play include Asteroids, Gorf demo, Jagmania, Jag
Tetris, and Native.

The Jaguar corner is being promoted by Fred Horvat ( and
Brian Gentile ( of Addie's Atari Page

The Atari Swap Meet is being run and promoted by the Atari Computer
Enthusiasts of Columbus (

The Atari Swap Meet and the Jaguar Corner will be held from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm on September 8, 2001 at:

Oakland Park Community Building
980 Lenore St.
Columbus, Ohio 43224-3351Z

Directions: From I-71, take the E. North Broadway Street exit east, turn
left onto Maize Road, and a quick right on Lenore Avenue.

Admission: The price of admission to the Atari Swap Meet is $4 per person
and $6 per vendor table (includes one admission). The Jaguar Corner costs
nothing! For the latest details on the Jaguar Corner, see Addie's Atari
Page (


compiled by Joe Mirando

Hidi ho friends and neighbors. Well, my first week back to work has been
a fairly nasty experience so far.

First of all, the work did indeed just pile up while I was gone. Second,
we're in the middle of the hottest week of the year (today was the
hottest day in six or seven years). If I hear one more person say, "It's
not the heat, it's the humidity", I'm gonna go postal!

Unless you've spent your entire life in a vacuum chamber, you know that
it's the damned humidity. But it just doesn't seem right to say "Is it
humid enough for ya".

I've dealt with oppressive heat and humidity for about 20 years now. The
shop I work in (I'm a grunt, not some office monkey) manufactures
solder. There are lots of melting pots and gas jets everywhere you look.
It's hot an muggy all the time. I've always found that it makes it a bit
easier to just get on with your job and forget how uncomfortable it is.
If it was always fun, interesting, and comfortable, I'd be paying THEM
for working there.

What DOESN'T make it easier is some office dolt saying "Hmmm... it's not
THAT bad out in the shop".

Okay, I'm feeling a little less "postal" now. On the brighter side, the
TEAM ATARI SETI@home search group is gaining momentum with the addition
of two new members. We're now up to almost 48 years of contributed CPU
time to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. I guess that,
having exhausted the search down here on Earth, the next logical place
to look is 'out there'. <smile>

If you're interested in joining the cause, point your browser to the

Okay, that's it for my ranting and raving for this week. Let's get on
with the hints, tips, news, and info from the UseNet.

From the NewsGroup

Last week someone asked about replacing their 1040's floppy drive. Bob
Retelle provides this mini-primer on the subject:

"First of all, the 1040 cannot use High Density (1.44Meg) floppy disks
unless it's modified beyond a simple drive replacement. That's OK,
because all PC floppy drives will also work in Double Density (720K)
mode. You should be able to format DSDD (Double Sided, Double
Density) floppy disks for use with the ST with no problems at all.

Secondly, you can use ALMOST any normal PC floppy disk. The most
important thing to note is that the Atari ST requires the floppy disk
drive to be set as "Drive 0". Most all PC drives come set to be
"Drive 1". That's OK, as long as there is a jumper on the drive
allowing the setting to be changed to Drive 0. Unfortunately recent
PC floppy drives have been turning up which do NOT have a jumper to
change this setting since no one ever needs to do it normally.

You MUST insure that the floppy drive you plan to use has a jumper
allowing it to be set as Drive 0. For this reason, it's probably
best to buy it from a local dealer who has a competent service
department who will be able to tell if their drives meet this
requirement. CompUSA and Best Buy will undoubtedly NOT be able to
tell you if their drives do. Likewise, buying over the internet
would probably be risky unless you're absolutely sure you can get a
straight answer from the dealer before you buy the drive.

Next thing- the cable that plugs into the drive in the ST now, the
original drive, is most probably going to need to be turned "upside
down" to plug into the new drive properly. Most of the floppy drive
mechanisms Atari used had the connector backwards from what has become
the "standard" today. This usually isn't a problem, but on some
models the cable may be pretty short, and turning it over can be
difficult. The power connector from the old drive will fit the new

Then, the new drive is not going to fit into the same space the Atari
drive currently occupies, very well. The new drive will be thinner,
meaning you may have to work out some way to mount it, AND the
"faceplate" of the drive will not fit the same cutout opening in the
side of the ST. In most cases you can use an X-Acto knife and Razor
Saw to cut the case to fit.

Lastly, (and possibly the most troublesome part of all this), the way
Atari implemented the "Media Change Line" is different from the way
modern floppy drives work.

That is, when you pop out a disk and put a new one in the drive,
there is a signal generated which informs the computer of the change,
and alerts it that there is a new, different disk in the drive now.

Because the new PC floppy does this differently, the ST is not going
to have a reliable way to tell that there is a new disk when you
change them.

The ramification of this is that if you open a disk, to get the
directory, then pop it out and put in a new disk, then write a file
out to the new disk, the Atari won't know the disk has changed, and
will use the directory of the old disk to save the file on the new
disk. This will trash the new disk.

You can avoid this potentially disastrous situation by closing the
directory window and reopening it when the new disk is in the drive.
This should read the new directory in from the new disk.

You can also press the ESC key when a directory window is open, which
will force a re-read of the directory.

There is also a way to modify the new PC floppy drive to emulate the
Atari Media Change Line signal, but unfortunately I haven't been able
to locate the text files that tell how to do this.

You COULD just try to find another Atari floppy drive to replace the
one in the 1040ST. In that case replacing the drive is a very simple
matter of swapping the mechanism.

However, there are no new units available, so you have to find a used
one. If you look on eBay, in the "Classic Computers" category (I
think that's what they call it), you can occasionally find people
selling external disk drives. These were used as the main disk drive
for the old, original 520ST, and as the "B" drive for units like your
1040ST. These often sell for next to nothing, and you could easily
take the case apart and use the floppy disk mechanism to replace the
one in your 1040. If you decide to do this, be sure to look for
model SF314, which was the Double Sided model.

The drawback to doing this is that any floppy drive you get would be
easily as old as the one you're replacing.

The advantage of course is you could avoid all the "gotchas" of using
a PC drive."

John Oakes asks about graphics cards for his TT:

"With the prices of Graphics cards lowering, Is there any development to
adapt or port them to the Atari TT030 scene. i noticed from ebay only
one at the time, but by the time I tried to register, the little bugger
had gone. I must admit even when i look for Apple mac Laptop they
were like looking for needle in a haystack. So how about it sit down and
take out your pipe and discuss."

Steve Sweet tells John:

"The Galaxy card by Mario Becroft is what you're after, a modern
supported well spec'd piece of kit."

Edward Baiz jumps in and provides a URL:

"Try the site below. Mario Becroft makes a card that will work in the

Martin Tarenskeen asks:

"I have fpatch2.prg in my Falcon's autofolder but I can't remember
when and why I put it there. Can anyone fresh up my memory and tell me
what it is for?"

'Jonk' tells Martin:

"To use it, copy FPATCH2.PRG to your AUTO folder.

This patch supersedes FPATCH1.PRG. The former worked by hooking into
the BIOS trap and intercepting Bconxxx calls. This patch fixes the
Bconmap problem directly (by setting the Bconmap table size to its
correct value) and hence requires no resident code. It also has
the benefit of allowing the Falcon LAN port to be accessed via
the BIOS."

Thomas Carton asks about ST emulation and games:

"I've just discovered there is Atari ST emulation and tested Steem. And
that works pretty much!

So I dreamed of all that good games I have on my Atari ST, and wanted to
play with... but lots of them couldn't be read by my PC (because of disk

Is there any tool that allow to better reading of an ST Disk with a PC
Drive ?

Or could I find them on the net ? (I saw bitmap brother have taken their
ST games on download on their site)"

James Alexander tells Thomas:

"I think some emulators have disk utilities but it can be a very dubious

Many programs on the ST (especially games with copy protection) use
different formats to a typical PC system. Most pc's will choke badly on
these. One of the reasons I got out of using emulators. Luckily in my
case I have a few ST's around so I'm all set. If you can find one
affordable pick up an ST which I call the best "ST emulator"."

'Grazey' adds:

"Non-Copy protected games and utils can be read on the PC using The resultant MSA/ST file can then be used by
ST emulators (eg Pacifist, Winston, Steem, Saint).

For images of games go to :

Well folks, that's it for this week. Tune in again next time around...
same time, same station, and be ready to listen to what they are saying



->In This Week's Gaming Section - JagFest 2K1 Profits Go To Charity!
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Combat Two For 2600! Okage!
Next Generation Consoles To Soar!
And much much more!


->A-ONE's Game Console Industry News - The Latest Gaming News!

NFL GameDay 2002 Takes to the Gridiron
for Another PlayStation Season

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced that NFL GameDay 2002
from the 989 Sports development team is now available in stores, marking
the release of the latest installment of the original PlayStation football
franchise. NFL GameDay 2002 features new gameplay with updated graphics, as
well as customizing options for playbooks, rosters and players. Coupled
with advanced Artificial Intelligence and more refined player models, NFL
GameDay 2002 gives gamers the license to be the athlete, the coach or the
fan and to experience football as it was meant to be played on the
PlayStation game console.

No other PlayStation football game replicates the competition in the NFL
better than NFL GameDay 2002. Featuring updated graphics, NFL GameDay 2002
brings gamers the true-to-life power and athleticism of the NFL. On
offense, players break shoestring tackles and shake would be tacklers on
second and third efforts. On defense, drag downs and upending tackles
combined with perfect hits that blast the ball loose from the ball carrier
make for a sheer football adrenaline rush. NFL GameDay 2002 combines the
detail of players' actual sizes, weights and body types with play-by-play
commentary from the legendary Dick Enberg and Dan Fouts to produce a truly
exciting football gaming experience.

``NFL GameDay 2002 provides the most exciting football action available for
PlayStation," said Ami Blaire, director, product marketing, Sony Computer
Entertainment America Inc. ``The 989 Sports team has developed yet another
addition to the NFL GameDay tradition of superior football games through
realistic graphics and ultimate gameplay."

Whether playing multiple seasons and drafting, trading and signing free
agents under a salary cap in General Manager Mode, or sharpening your
skills and increasing your knowledge of numerous offensive and defensive
playbooks in Training Camp Mode, NFL GameDay 2002 offers an array of player
and game options. With the addition of motion capture and game consultation
with Philadelphia Eagles' All-Pro quarterback and cover athlete Donovan
McNabb, NFL GameDay 2002 delivers the complete football experience.

NFL GameDay 2002 for PlayStation Key Features:

-- Updated Graphics: Refined player models recreate every NFL player
in detail, from actual size and weight to body type.
-- New Enberg/Fouts Commentary: Play-by-play legend Dick Enberg
returns with color commentator Dan Fouts to deliver new commentary,
innovative back and forth banter and key play analysis and player
identification that keeps gamers glued to the TV.
-- The Smartest Computer Opponent Ever: Advanced AI adjusts to
opponents' tendencies on offense and defense to shut down attacks.
If there is no variety in play calling on offense, failure will be
the result.
-- New Moves: New animations bring the power and athleticism of the
NFL to PlayStation. Players can witness drag downs, shoves and chop
-- Donovan McNabb Motion Capture and Gameplay Consultation:
Philadelphia Eagles' All-Pro Quarterback Donovan McNabb was motion
captured and consulted on the gameplay to help deliver the most
realistic football gaming experience on PlayStation.
-- Enhanced General Manager Mode: Play in multiple seasons as a coach,
player and general manager, while drafting, trading and signing free
agents over several seasons with a salary cap.
-- Upgraded Training Camp Mode: Sharpen skills and increase knowledge
of various offensive and defensive playbooks. Select both the
offensive and defensive plays in order to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of certain plays and formations.

The independent Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rates NFL
GameDay 2002 ``E" for ``Everyone."

``WWF Betrayal" Ships for Game Boy Color

Who Kidnapped Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley?

THQ Inc. and JAKKS Pacific Inc. announced the release of their newest World
Wrestling Federation branded video game, ``WWF Betrayal" for the Nintendo
Game Boy Color handheld system.

``'WWF Betrayal' brings an entirely new element to World Wrestling
Federation handheld video games," said Peter Dille, vice president,
marketing, THQ. ``This newest World Wrestling Federation action adventure
blends suspense and intrigue with wrestling mayhem."

``We are excited about this new twist to our successful brand of World
Wrestling Federation video games," stated Nelo Lucich, senior director of
interactive, JAKKS Pacific. ``The action adventure element adds a whole new
level of excitement like no previous World Wrestling Federation game ever

Developed by Way Forward Technologies, ``WWF Betrayal" will allow the user
to control one of four World Wrestling Federation Superstars in an all out
effort to rescue the kidnapped Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. This action
adventure features six completely interactive levels filled with kidnapping
adversaries, weapons of destruction and numerous deadly obstacles such as
steam blasts, fire, security systems, automated lasers and traps for the
superstar to overcome. The unique story mode requires the hero to overtake
all obstacles and opposition in order to safely return Stephanie
McMahon-Helmsley and regain the World Wrestling Federation Championship.

THQ Announces ``MX 2002 Featuring
Ricky Carmichael" for Xbox

THQ Inc. announced ``MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael" for the Xbox
video game console.

Developed by THQ subsidiary Pacific Coast Power & Light Company, ``MX 2002
featuring Ricky Carmichael" features the number one rider in motocross
racing, Ricky Carmichael, a highly detailed freestyle mode for tricks and
exploration, an ultra-realistic racing mode, and completely upgradeable
bikes. ``MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael" for Xbox is scheduled to
release nationwide this holiday season.

``'MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael' is currently one of the top selling
PlayStation 2 titles, and we're very excited about bringing it to the
Xbox," stated Peter Dille, vice president, marketing, THQ. ``With new
tracks only available on the Xbox system, upgradeable bikes and even more
authentic tracks and mini games, this title takes complete advantage of the impressive
technology of the Xbox."

The robust freestyle mode is one of the main aspects that separates ``MX
2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael" from every other racing game. Players are
able to explore the open terrain without limits or restrictions. Secret
areas and death-defying tricks add to the excitement. Gamers will also be
able to fine tune and customize their bikes as they advance through the
twenty-four racing and freestyle tracks.

The game's 30-rider roster includes some of the flashiest freestyle
professionals. Gamers can perform tricks and combos with freestylers like
Carey Hart, Trevor Vines and Mike Jones. The top names in racing are also
well represented, with riders like Ricky Carmichael, Mike LaRocco and Kevin
Windham. All of this is showcased on several unique fantasy and officially
licensed tracks, like the THQ US Open and Loretta Lynn's Amateur National
Championships, which were constructed from actual satellite data for an
unprecedented level of realism.

THQ Unveils Next Generation Video Game
Line-Up for Holiday 2001

At a press event in New York Tuesday, THQ Inc. demonstrated its next
generation game line-up for the 2001 holiday season.

Featured titles include ``Dark Summit," ``New Legends" and ``MX 2002
featuring Ricky Carmichael" for Xbox, ``Red Faction" for PC, and in
conjunction with JAKKS Pacific Inc., WWF SmackDown! ``Just Bring It" for
the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system and ``WWF Raw Is War" for
Xbox. In addition, THQ is also demonstrating numerous Game Boy Advance
titles for Nintendo's best selling new system.

``With an unprecedented three new gaming systems being introduced this
year, we expect Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft to significantly expand the
interactive entertainment business," said Brian Farrell, president and
CEO, THQ. ``We have a great line-up of next generation products including
four more PlayStation 2 titles, 14 games for Game Boy Advance and four
titles for Xbox. We also have several Gamecube titles in development for
release in early 2002."

THQ's next generation 2001 holiday lineup will include:

* ``Dark Summit": ``Dark Summit" is a completely unique video game
experience that combines snowboarding action with an in-depth story
line and mission-based objectives. The game features a number of
challenge-based objectives on massive runs, as players work to solve
the mystery of Mt. Garrick. ``Dark Summit" is scheduled for both
PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
* ``MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael": The biggest extreme sport just
got bigger! Players can race like a champion, pull amazing tricks and
compete for rockstar status in freestyle mode or just cruise the open
terrain. With 30 professional riders, authentic courses modeled from
satellite data, and bikes which can be upgraded and fine tuned -- it's
the complete motocross experience for the Xbox. ``MX 2002 featuring
Ricky Carmichael" is also currently available for PlayStation 2.
* ``New Legends": ``New Legends" combines intense action and high
adventure with cinematic combat and an engaging story line set in a
future China. Players will approach battle with the style and skill of
a master martial artist, boasting the ability to wield two weapons at
once while performing dramatic attacks and a selection of specialized
moves. ``New Legends" is scheduled to release exclusively on Xbox.
* ``Red Faction": ``Red Faction" revolutionizes the gaming world via
its proprietary Geo-Mod technology that allows players to fully
alter and destroy the game environment in real-time. Developed by THQ
subsidiary, Volition Inc., this action thriller for the PC features a
sophisticated physics engine, five controllable vehicles and an
in-depth multi-player mode supporting up to 32 players online. ``Red
Faction" is also currently available for PlayStation 2.
* WWF SmackDown! ``Just Bring It": Developed for the PlayStation 2 by
Yuke's of Japan, players will square off against more than 35 World
Wrestling Federation Superstars in over 70 different matches, as the
most electrifying show in sports-entertainment comes to life like
never before. All-new matches, an enhanced story mode and even
voiceover from Michael Cole and Tazz help make this one of the deepest
World Wrestling Federation titles to date. From the opening Titontron
entrance to the final bell, each Superstar comes to life with
exquisite detail and true to life motion.
* ``WWF Raw Is War": Created by Anchor, ``WWF Raw Is War" for Xbox
throws The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and 35 other superstars into
gamers' living rooms. With unsurpassed realism and amazing graphics,
``WWF Raw Is War" captures the look and feel of the World Wrestling
Federation with an authentic TV-style presentation. For the first time
ever, opponents will be able to grab clothing, while announcers and
audiences scatter as the action spills out of the ring and into the
stands. It's everything gamers have come to expect from the wildly
popular spectacle that is the World Wrestling Federation.

Okage: Shadow King Transports Players on a
Mystical Journey on The Playstation 2 Computer
Entertainment System

Imaginative Role-Playing Game Immerses Players in
a Legendary Struggle Between Light and Darkness

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced the fall 2001 release of
OKAGE: Shadow King, an engrossing role-playing game (RPG) available
exclusively for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Featuring
a mesmerizing storyline with six uniquely amusing characters set in a
vibrantly animated, vast 3D world, OKAGE: Shadow King takes full advantage
of the power of PlayStation 2. Combining traditional role-playing elements
with action-packed, dramatic real-time battle sequences, strategic gameplay
and puzzle-solving, OKAGE: Shadow King will transport players on a
graphically spectacular adventure this fall.

The legend of OKAGE: Shadow King will enchant gamers as they assume the
role of Ari, a young, innocent boy summoned to embark on a mythical quest.
When Stan, the spirit of an evil king, is unleashed, Ari must relinquish
his shadow to the demon and accompany him on a mission to destroy all the
other demons in the world, thus restoring Stan's power. Players will find
themselves entangled in a whirlwind of myths, legends and traditions as
they make their way across brightly-colored landscapes, encountering
whimsical characters and deciphering the mysterious clues and secrets
buried deep beneath the world in which they live.

``The incredible story of OKAGE: Shadow King will appeal to both
traditional RPG fans and action-adventure enthusiasts with its innovative
design, creative plot and magnificently unique graphics," said Ami Blaire,
director, product marketing, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
``Featuring a captivating storyline, 20 beautifully-rendered environments,
six extraordinary, entertaining characters and hours of engrossing
gameplay, OKAGE: Shadow King truly showcases the capabilities of
PlayStation 2."

The tale of OKAGE: Shadow King takes place in a remote village called
Tenel, where young Ari lives with his family. When a ghost attacks Ari's
sister, his father unknowingly unleashes Stan, the spirit of a great evil
demon, in a desperate attempt to protect his daughter. Stan agrees to save
Ari's sister's life, but only on the condition that he can possess Ari's
shadow, forcing Ari to become his slave. Once resurrected, however, Stan
discovers that his powers are weak and he no longer has the ability to
instill fear and terror in those he hopes to rule. When he learns that
several other demons already inhabit the world of Tenel, Stan is convinced
that they are the cause of his weakness and forces Ari to join him on a
quest to purge the country of these imposters. Navigating as Ari, gamers
will submerge themselves into this action-packed adventure, exploring
breath-taking surroundings, encountering compelling characters and fighting
fierce enemies during their magical journey.

OKAGE: Shadow King introduces a unique approach to traditional role-playing
games through interesting, stylized visuals and characters and featuring
dramatic real-time battle sequences in which allies and enemies fight
simultaneously. In addition, gamers will discover hundreds of attacks,
spells and weapons, and more than 150 items to collect during the adventure
through lustrous towns and ominous dungeons. With its combination of
immersive narrative, challenging gameplay, wonderfully animated characters
and spectacular graphics, OKAGE: Shadow King will add a unique and exciting
role-playing game to the PlayStation 2 catalog this fall.

The independent Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has not yet
rated OKAGE: Shadow King. For more information about the ESRB visit

Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. Announces 'Burnout'
for Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System

Expanding upon the breadth and depth of its holiday lineup for the next
generation gaming platforms, Acclaim Entertainment, Inc. announced that it
has entered into an exclusive global publishing agreement with Criterion
Games Limited for their eagerly anticipated arcade driving game, Burnout,
for the PlayStation2 computer entertainment system. The title, which has
been in development with the UK-based developer for more than 18 months,
will be released this November.

``Criterion possesses the technologies to harness the power of the
PlayStation2 computer entertainment system and deliver an immersive driving
game that is poised to take the genre to a new level," said Evan Stein,
Vice President of Brand. ``With its high-speed action and dramatic crash
sequences, Burnout will be a `must have' this holiday season for racing
game enthusiasts."

Burnout takes the white-knuckle, foot-to-the floor action often associated
with track racing, and brings it to major highways and densely populated
city streets. Inspired by some of the most memorable car chase scenes from
the greatest action films of all time, Burnout features an incredibly
sophisticated and intelligent traffic system, which challenges players to
race to the finish line at breakneck speeds through a myriad of checkpoints
and obstacles. With dramatic crashes possible with every turn of the wheel,
competing drivers are rewarded for pushing the envelope and their skills to
the extreme. Burnout also includes a simulated in-game heart monitor, which
rewards the player with incredible bursts of speed as they experience
danger and their pulse increases.

``We set out to create an exciting, rewarding and intuitive arcade racing
game that would appeal to the masses," added Fiona Sperry, Studio Head and
Vice President of Criterion Games Limited. ``Burnout has already generated
excitement among the European media and was well received at E3, where we
demonstrated the product behind closed doors."

UK-based PSM2 magazine voted Burnout as the ``best racer" shown at the
2001 E3 show in Los Angeles. According to Computer and Video Games,
``Burnout is the first PlayStation2 computer entertainment system game
that'll make your eyes water!"

In addition, Burnout will offer a broad array of features, including:

- Multiple cars to select, race and crash;

- Real-time vehicle crashes, highlighted by amazing slow motion instant
replays that dramatically illustrate the massive damage that can be

- Sixteen exciting courses, each filled with unique challenges and
obstacles, including such locations as the United States, Europe and the

- Multiplayer split-screen action for head-to-head competition;

- More than 300 vehicles on each course to interact with;

- Intelligent traffic system, featuring three distinct types of driver

- Dolby Digital surround sound technology;

- Dual-shock controller compatible, letting players feel every turn and
crunch of the car!

The game will be available in November for the PlayStation2 computer
entertainment system at a suggested retail price of $49.99.

Next-Generation Consoles Set to Explode
Gaming Industry, Finds Gaming Survey

'Digital Gaming in America Survey' Finds
PlayStation 2 Clear Favorite Over Xbox and Game
Cube as New Console of Choice

Forty-two percent of all video gamers plan on buying at least one of the
new wave of gaming consoles due out by Christmas of 2001, according to the
``Digital Gaming in America Survey," a comprehensive look at the
demographics and psychographics of the gaming market. The finding is yet
another indication that video gaming -- increasingly in the public's
consciousness with movies like ``Tomb Raider" and ``Final Fantasy" -- is
becoming a permanent part of today's culture.

``Video gaming is much more a part of our lives and everyday entertainment
choices than 20 years ago," says Lee Uniacke, group publisher of the Ziff
Davis Media Game Group, which sponsored the independently-researched
survey. ``Gamers have become a key demographic target for advertisers and
vendors, young males from 15 to 25 years old. That's where movies and
television are aimed and that's exactly where video games are."

Some of the new consoles are more anticipated than others. Of the 42
percent of gamers who were planning to buy a console, 62 percent picked
PlayStation 2 (cited as reasons: ``Leader in the market, loyalty to Sony,
most game variety"), 34 percent wanted an Xbox (``Best Internet access,
most technologically advanced, speed and power"), and 33 percent desired
the Game Cube (``Best kids games, best game franchises, best adventure
games"). Some respondents considered buying more than one console.

The survey also turned up an enticing, sometimes contradictory snapshot of
gamers lifestyle choices:

Thirty-three percent of core gamers -- those who buy at least three games a
month -- have tattoos, body piercings or colored hair, contradicting the
worn image of the pimply nerd with smudgy glasses.

The celebrities gamers say they'd most like to see featured in a video game
mostly came from the sports world: the top ten are Dale Earnhardt, Jr.,
Tiger Woods, Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, Jeff Gordon, Keanu Reeves,
Allen Iverson, Britney Spears, Derek Jeter and Rusty Wallace.

As the life cycle of old consoles like Nintendo 64 and the first
PlayStation wind down, the arrival of the Sony PlayStation II (already on
the market), Nintendo Game Cube, Microsoft's Xbox and others promise to
jump-start the industry with their enticing blend of Internet-ready
capability, vastly improved graphics, and even DVD playability offered by
these new machines. Uniacke sees the growth cycle continuing into 2005.

The survey paints a thorough and sometimes surprising picture of the
lifestyles and buying habits of people who play games on PCs and consoles
like PlayStation, Sega, Nintendo and GameBoy.

* Online capabilities are a strong selling point for the next-generation
consoles. While 80 percent already have Internet access and 63 percent
of those play online games for an average 4.4 hours a week, 48 percent
of respondents said they would pay for Internet access strictly
through their consoles.

* Gamers are very social and more active than the "couch potato"
stereotype. Eighty-one percent of all gamers game with other people.
Core gamers spend 2.4 hours a week talking about video games while
they cruise in their cars (44 percent), date (35 percent), play
football (28 percent), snowboarding (10 percent), and skateboarding
(10 percent).

* Core gamers, about 22 percent of the gaming population, are growing in
size and influence. They accounted for 61 percent of game sales this
year, up from 55 percent in the "Gaming in America Survey" last year.

* Gamers are active consumers. Eighty-seven percent shop for games
every month, and sixty-three percent make purchases with credit cards.
Seventy-eight percent have a specific game in mind before they go
shopping. Wal-Mart ranked number one as the favorite store to buy
video games, preferred by 68 percent of respondents. Best Buy came in
second at 42 percent, followed by Toys R Us at 39 percent.

``Video gaming has become a big part of the lives of teenage boys today,"
says Uniacke. ``By conducting this study, we get a very compelling profile
of these young men -- one of the most desirable demographic target for
advertisers. They're the ones who are setting the pace of this industry and
of pop culture in general, and video gaming is the common denominator
between them."

The blind survey was conducted through national random-digit dialing to
find video and PC gamers. The fieldwork closed in June 2001. The study,
which queried thousands of gamers, was conducted by The Strategy Group, an
independent third-party research company.


->A-ONE Gaming Online - Online Users Growl & Purr!

Final CGE Update, 7800 Encryption

Classic Gaming Expo 2001 Update 8-7-01

This is the final update for Classic Gaming Expo 2001 as all of us are
heading out to Vegas in the morning to get things set up.

Hope to meet many of you at the show and if you're having a party,
watch out. We love to crash them. :)

Dragon's Lair 3-D Update!!!

Legendary animators and Dragon's Lair co-creators, Don Bluth & Gary
Goldman, will be appearing at CGE 2001. They will be joining Rick
Dyer and John Pomeroy, both of whom had already committed, for a video
presentation and keynote speech.

This is the first time the four creators of Dragon's Lair have been
together in the same room since 1983!

*NOTE* All CGE attendees will be eligible to win one of two signed
animation cells provided by the guests. One will be from Dragon's Lair
and the other from Shadoan (Thayer's Quest).

The guests will also be bringing movie size Dragon's Lair and Space
Ace posters that they will be signing.

Atari 7800 Encryption Program Released!

We've decided to kick off the festivities early and get everyone into
the CGE spirit by releasing the 7800 encryption generation program.
This is the actual program used by Atari to encrypt 7800 games and
came right off of the hard drive that they used for this purpose.

Stop by to download your copy of the encryption
programs. Now let's see some new games!

New Alumni Guests Signed On!

We've added some great new guests since the last update. Here's some
of the new celebrities that have signed on:

Jay Smith - Creator of the Vectrex
Joe Decuir - Father of the Atari VCS
Dan Kramer - Father of the Atari 5200 trakball
Susan McBride - Graphics Artist for Atari coin-op, Lynx, and Jag
Mark Turmell - 2600 Fast Eddie, Arcade Smash TV, NBA Jam, NFL Blitz

...and many, many more.

Check out the latest list at:

We're sad to announce that the Father of Videogames, Ralph Baer, has
been taken ill and will not be able to attend CGE 2001. Ralph has
been with us from the beginning and we will certainly miss him this
year. Please join us in wishing him a speedy recovery!

As mentioned, we're on our way tomorrow morning. We look forward to
meeting everyone at the show so please be sure to stop by and say "Hi"
when you get to Vegas.

Have a safe trip and see you there!

John, Sean, & Joe

Combat Two For Atari 2600 -- Exclusive First Look
At Finished Production Cartridge

After more than 20 years of waiting, classic gaming and Atari enthusiasts
will finally be able to get their hands on Combat Two for the legendary
Atari 2600 game console, courtesy of Retrodesign. As you may already know,
a one-of-a-kind prototype of this unreleased game was discovered several
years ago, and it was rumored for quite some time that the owner of the
game would make the game available for purchase to eager fans everywhere.

Retrodesign has manufactured 250 copies of Combat Two cartridges, which
come complete with a box and manual. The design of the cartridge label
and box is identical to the early C2 artwork shown in publications such as
Atari Age Magazine. It's a very professionally done piece of work and

is in complete color. The cartridge label is even laminated. Put the game
on the shelf with the rest of your 2600 games, and you'll swear that Combat
Two was an official 1981 Atari release.

Combat Two will be available for the first time at this weekend's Classic
Gaming Expo 2001 event in Las Vegas. Atari Gaming Headquarters received an
advance copy of the game to review, and we have everything from production
cartridge pictures to screen shots.

If meeting some of gaming's greatest pioneers, mingling with other
enthusiasts and playing some of your long lost favorites isn't reason
enough to head over to Vegas this weekend, then perhaps the official public
debut of Combat Two will convince you to go. For more info on CGE2K1, head
on over to

Keita Iida
Atari Gaming Headquarters

Jagfest 2K1 Profits Donated

For everyone that supported Atari Jaguar Festival 2K1: Beyond Tempest in
any way, once again I would like to thank you. Both Gary and I have been
extremely bogged down lately working on the Web site. (Check it out
throughout the month if you haven't lately... we're adding a lot of stuff!)

Anyway, we finally are finishing up everything from Jagfest and I thought
that this would interest everyone...

August 4, 2001 - The GOAT Store, LLC Donates Profits From Jagfest 2K1 To
The Boy Scouts

The GOAT Store, LLC today announced that all of the proceeds from Atari
Jaguar Festival have been donated to the Milwaukee County Council Boy
Scouts of America.

"The Boy Scouts were nice enough to allow us to use their facilities," Gary
Heil of the GOAT Store said. "Because of their support, we were able to
hold an extremely successful event. I am privileged to present to the Boy
Scouts this donation on behalf of the entire Jaguar Community."

Atari Jaguar Festival 2K1: Beyond Tempest was held in the Milwaukee County
Boy Scout Service Center's PieperPower Center on June 30, 2001. The event
set a record in attendance.

"I was glad that everything worked out for everyone involved," stated David
Loosen, who accepted the check on behalf of the Boy Scouts. "I would like
to thank everyone that was involved for this generous donation."

The GOAT Store, LLC declined to state exactly how large the donation was.
For more information, visit the GOAT Store, LLC Web site at Gary Heil can be reached at


A-ONE's Headline News
The Latest in Computer Technology News
Compiled by: Dana P. Jacobson

Experts Warn 'Code Red II' a Meaner Internet Worm

A smarter and nastier version of the ``Code Red" worm is spreading across
the Internet, potentially exposing sensitive information and setting
infected computers up to launch attacks on other Web servers, security
experts said on Monday.

The new worm, dubbed ``Code Red II" surreptitiously infects computers
running Microsoft's Windows NT or 2000 operating systems and its Internet
Information Server Web server software, and then spreads to other machines.

The malicious program, which first surfaced on Saturday, is not spreading
any faster than its predecessor, but it could prove to be far more damaging
because of the way that it leaves servers vulnerable to future hacking,
experts said.

``Every single human being on the Internet with a clue can break into your
server if you have been infected by Code Red II," said Alan Paller,
research director at the Systems Administration, Networking and Security
Institute (SANS).

``If you have credit card numbers stored on your Web server you have to
consider them forfeit," Paller added.

Computers infected by the virus are easy targets for malicious hackers who
could find potential victims by simply looking at the Internet addresses of
the computers that are scanning their own Web-connected computers, experts

``The people who run Web sites are frantic," Paller said. "The companies
that run big Web hosting services, they're just getting hammered."

Code Red II installs a ``back door" onto an infected computer's machine
that would allow anyone using a Web browser to remotely access the server
and execute commands, said Elias Levy, chief technology officer at

The new worm also allows a remote attacker to access files on the
computer's ``C" and ``D" drives, Levy said.

``We're seeing some indication that people are starting to look through the
back doors," said Levy, who captured a version of the new worm on

``The number of potentially vulnerable machines has gone down," Levy said.
However, Code Red II ``is a lot more aggressive and fast than the old

Machines infected by Code Red I scan 100 other computers at a time looking
for vulnerable computers to infect, Levy said.

Machines infected with Code Red II running Chinese language versions of the
Microsoft software can scan and spread to 600 other computers
simultaneously and all other infected computers can spread to 300 other
machines simultaneously, Levy said.

Code Red II also is able to move quicker than Code Red I because it doesn't
wait for connections to time-out when scanning other computers that might
be unreachable, Levy said.

The new worm also doesn't just scan random numeric Internet protocol (IP)
addresses looking for new computers to infect, but selects IP addresses
that look like they may be in the same network as the infected computer, to
increase the likelihood of finding susceptible victims, Levy added.

For instance, digital subscriber line and cable modem users are being
heavily scanned by others who use the same network service, experts said.

``It will tend to sweep through an entire operation," said Paller.

There appear to be an estimated 150,000 to 160,000 Web-connected computers
infected with one worm or the other, and around 70,000 infected by both
worms, Levy said.

That is a large number considering that it only takes 200 computers to
effectively shut down a Web site by launching a distributed denial of
service attack, Paller said. In a denial of service attack a Web site is
bombarded with so much traffic that no one else can access the site.

Code Red originally was written to launch such an attack on the White House
Web site ( but the attack was averted by changing
the IP address of the Web server in July.

The worm was written to go dormant on the 28th of the month, but infected
computers with incorrect internal clocks caused the worm to begin spreading
again on Aug. 1.

More infections are being spread from the U.S., Korea and China than other
countries, however experts still don't know the origin of either of the
worms, Levy added.

Code Red first became a threat in mid-July, hitting an estimated 350,000
machines. Another version of the worm has hit an estimated 540,000
computers since Aug. 1, but many of those likely are reinfections of the
same computer.

The worm caused no significant impact on overall Internet performance last
week, but it did overload some routers and Web sites, forcing them to be
taken off-line or to crash.

Network Associates' McAfee anti-virus software detects and removes the
backdoor that Code Red II installs, but the software patch provided by
Microsoft is needed to prevent future infections, experts said.

A free software patch with instructions remains available.
( The Mercury Interactive Web is
also offering free vulnerability scans for Code Red.

Russian Hacker Freed on Bail Pending U.S. Trial

Russian software programmer Dmitry Sklyarov, whose arrest last month on
U.S. copyright charges sparked protests over free-speech rights in the
Internet age, was released on $50,000 bail on Monday by a California court.

Moscow-based ElcomSoft Co., put up the cash bond for Sklyarov, 26, author
of a program that allows people to make and transfer copies of digital
books using Adobe Systems Inc.'s eBook Reader. He was freed into the
custody of software programmer Sergei Osokine of nearby Cupertino, Calif.

``Great result. It's a first step. He's out," said attorney Joseph Burton,
leader of the legal defense for Sklyarov, whose arrest at a hackers'
convention in Las Vegas prompted among computer professionals.

The technology Sklyarov invented is legal under Russian law, but violates
new U.S. restrictions on the online use of copyrighted material.

``It's the first milestone ... It's not going to be easy from here on
out," said Jo Hastings, spokeswoman for a group of activists who have been
lobbying for Sklyarov's release through public protests and on Internet
sites such as (

The tall, lanky software programmer quickly became a cause celebre among
computer literati after his July 16 arrest made him one of the first people
to be prosecuted under the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA),
which seeks to extend the boundaries of copyright protection into

The controversial new law bans the creation or distribution of technology
that can be used to circumvent copyright protection.

Sklyarov on July 15 gave a talk entitled ``eBook Security: Theory and
Practice" at the DefCon hackers conference in Las Vegas. He was arrested
in his hotel as he prepared to check out and return to Moscow.

His arrest focused attention first on Adobe, which had claimed that
Sklyarov's program was a clear violation of its copyright.

But after several demonstrations outside the publishing software company's
San Jose, California headquarters, and a series of meetings with
pro-Sklyarov activists at the San Francisco-based Electronic Freedom
Foundation (EFF), Adobe switched positions and publicly asked the U.S.
government to free him.

The EFF, founded by Grateful Dead lyricist John Perry Barlow and Mitchell
Kapor, founder of the software company Lotus, has repeatedly argued that
the Sklyarov case reveals fatal flaws in the new U.S. copyright law, which
they say outlaws technologies instead of conduct.

``Mr. Sklyarov is not accused of infringing anyone's copyrights. He is
accused of building...a tool," the EFF said in an earlier statement on the

Federal prosecutors, however, have not been as easily swayed and are
pressing ahead with the case.

Sklyarov, who was held in both Las Vegas and Oklahoma City before his
transfer to San Jose, appeared in court for the bail hearing, looking pale
and wearing orange prison-issued garb. Officials said he would be formally
released from jail on Monday once the paperwork was processed.

Magistrate Judge Edward Infante, through a translator, ordered Sklyarov to
stay in northern California pending his trial on charges of violating DMCA.

Protesters who gathered outside the courthouse called his arrest by the
Federal Bureau of Investigation a violation of free speech rights
guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Network security consultant Dan Kaminsky, 22, said he spoke just before
Sklyarov at DefCon and was ``really freaked out" by news of the arrest and
the idea that a Russian citizen has to fight free speech laws in the United

``It just boggles my mind," he said.

Microsoft Appeals Antitrust Case to Supreme Court

Microsoft said on Tuesday it had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an
appeals court ruling that the company abused its monopoly in personal
computer operating systems.

In a separate legal filing, Microsoft also asked a federal appeals court to
delay an order that would send the case back to a lower court to determine
what remedies should be imposed on the company to prevent future antitrust

In its petition for Supreme Court review, Microsoft attorneys argued that
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia should have thrown
out all the conclusions reached by the lower court judge, Thomas Penfield
Jackson, because Jackson appeared biased and granted secret interviews with
reporters in the midst of the trial.

``The court of appeals' deference to the district judge's findings of fact
in this important, highly visible case despite the appearance of partiality
created by his secret discussions with reporters can only erode public
confidence in the judicial system," the company said.

In a June 28 ruling, the appeals court sharply rebuked Jackson for
misconduct and reversed his order to split the company in two.

However, the appeals judges upheld Jackson's conclusion that Microsoft
holds a monopoly in PC operating systems and used illegal tactics to defend

Microsoft also said it may ask the Supreme Court at some later date to
reconsider a long list of other violations confirmed by the appeals court.
That includes the court's finding that exclusive agreements with Internet
access providers and licensing deals with computer makers violated U.S.
antitrust laws.

Justice Department spokeswoman Gina Talamona responded that Jackson's
conduct had already been examined by the court of appeals. ``We will
respond promptly to their filing," she said in a statement.

The appeal to the Supreme Court comes less than a week after the appeals
court rejected Microsoft's request to re-examine part of its ruling
agreeing with Judge Jackson's finding that the firm ``comingled" computer
code of its Internet Explorer browser and Windows operating system to
protect its monopoly power.

Barring any delays, the

appeals court is scheduled to send the case back to
a lower court later this week, where a judge will decide on remedies, and
reconsider whether the company illegally tied its Internet Explorer into

The timing for moving the case could be crucial for Microsoft, which is due
to roll out its new Windows XP operating system, jam-packed with new
features, in October.

U.S. Unlikely to Seek Halt of Windows XP

A source close to government antitrust enforcers said on Thursday they are
``highly unlikely" to ask the courts to halt the release of Microsoft
Corp.'s new Windows XP operating system.

Despite fears that Windows XP could hinder competition in the software
business, most state and federal prosecutors oppose the idea of trying to
block its scheduled October 25 release because they doubt a judge would
grant the request, the source said.

A possible injunction against Windows XP has been hanging over Microsoft
since a June 28 federal appeals court ruling agreed with the trial court
that the company illegally abused its monopoly in personal computer
operating systems.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia concluded that
Microsoft tried to illegally maintain its monopoly by tying its Internet
browser to Windows.

The appeals court is expected to decide within a matter of days whether to
send the case back to a lower court or grant Microsoft's request for a
delay pending a review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The idea of seeking an injunction against the new XP operating system is
supported by only a small group of the state attorneys general involved in
the case, the source said.

``It's very hard to get a preliminary injunction," the source said. ``You
wouldn't start off in front of a new judge with a motion you didn't think
you could win."

The source said the government could use the feature-packed Windows XP to
build the case that Microsoft is continuing to flout antitrust laws by
tying in new features sold by rival software makers.

The government could seek changes to the new operating system later, the
source said. ``Just because XP is released doesn't mean it's written in
stone forever."

Seeking an injunction to stop the release of XP would take up time and
resources that might be better spent pursuing a long-term remedy in the
case, according to the source.

A lower court judge will decide on remedies to be imposed on Microsoft to
prevent future violations and reexamine another illegal tying claim against
the company.

Some of the 18 state attorneys general who are party to the case have
expressed concern that the company is using a strategy similar to the one
condemned by the court.

The new operating system includes software for instant messaging and photo
imaging, as well as a media player.

Justice Department officials have refused to discuss the government's legal

Bob Brammer, a spokesman for Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, said on
Thursday that the state attorneys general ``have not made a decision on
whether to take any action regarding release of XP."

Microsoft executives have said they want to move the case forward quickly.
However, some legal analysts believe the company is trying to hold up the
case long enough so that it does not interfere with the release of Windows

Legal precedent makes it extremely difficult to get an injunction because
it requires that the government prove a product would inflict irreparable
damage on competitors.

A judge would also have to weigh the impact halting Windows XP would have
on Microsoft and the public.

Want Privacy? Get Cloaked on the Web with One Click

An Internet security company announced Tuesday that it is offering
one-click "cloaking" software for Web surfers who want to retain their
privacy. said its Privacy Button will enable users to turn
advanced privacy protection on or off with a single click in their
Internet Explorer browser toolbar.

The San Diego, California-based company said the technology makes users'
Web activity invisible to the Web sites they visit and to other prying
eyes, such as collection companies specializing in compiling personal
information. The company claims it also protects users from most pervasive
security threats on the Internet, including online tracking and malicious

Online security is a big business, and while many companies sell advanced
security technology, most require the user to go through a fairly
complicated series of clicks to activate it.

"I'm pretty confident this is the only [one-click cloaking service],"
Anonymizer spokesman Charlie Bornheimer told NewsFactor Network.

"This is unique to the field. There are a bunch of Web-based services that
use proxy servers like Anonymizer does," Bornheimer added. "The privacy
button definitely moves ahead of that bunch."

Instead of forcing users to log on to a separate Web site and type in new
URLs each time they want to surf undetected, says its
privacy button works by "automatically and transparently routing the user
through its proxy servers, which are protected and "encryption-enhanced."

The servers then re-write Web pages to remove privacy and security threats
before serving them to users. The technology hides unique user identifiers
like Internet protocol addresses. The company also claims it prevents
third parties from attaching malicious files or code on users' computers
and neutralizes cookies, Java, JavaScript ActiveX, Web bugs and "other
potential threats."

"Any time you're out on the Web, on any given Web page, and you feel like
you want some privacy protection, you just click the button and it
automatically routes you through our service," Bornheimer said.

Anonymizer offers both a free and paid version. The free version does not
have an expiration date and offers basic privacy, but has randomly limited
access to some Web pages.

The paid version, which costs around US$50 a year, is faster and includes
advanced features like Safe Cookies, URL encryption and ad filtering. It
also has no access limitations.

Both versions are compatible with IE 5.0 and higher. Although the company
has no firm date, plans call for future Netscape, Mac and Opera versions.

Internet security and privacy are among the biggest Internet-related
public issues as intrusive technologies such as spyware and other online
tracking mechanisms become more sophisticated, and users are increasingly
bombarded with "spam." Viruses that have proliferated and wreaked havoc,
sometimes on a global scale, have made security of paramount importance.

A study by Harris Interactive for the Privacy Leadership Initiative, a
group made up of CEOs from 15 major corporations, showed that 59 percent
of respondents who regularly surf the Web felt businesses did not do a
good job about informing them of what is done with their personal
information. Forty-three percent said business has no incentive to
properly inform users of what they intend to do with their data.

The problem from consumers' point of view is that technology designed to
combat intrusive measures has generally lagged behind the threats.

"Advances in cloaking technologies are always outstripped by advances in
collection technologies, both in capabilities and degree of adoption,"
Junkbusters president Jason Catlett said in a statement.

Online security for consumers may be entering a new era, as McAfee Corp.
announced this week it was awarded a patent for its system of delivering
security software and services over the Internet.

Most security software companies have sold their packages either directly
or through retail outlets, requiring customers to do their own
installations. But other large companies, such as Microsoft, have
considered using the subscription-based distribution method.

With the patent, which protects the technology McAfee uses in its
subscription-based offerings as well as the business model itself,
security firms wanting to offer online services may now be forced to pay
licensing fees.

CEO: New Napster Worth The Wait

Napster remains a powerful brand in the online music world despite a court
ordered shutdown, says the company's CEO, who hints that new,
subscription-based file-swapping services will cost $5. No launch date has
been set.

New Napster Chief Executive Konrad Hilbers is floating a new price for the
file swapper's planned subscription service, saying that downloading will
soon cost "about $5."

In an interview with German magazine Stern, published Wednesday, Hilbers
defended Napster against charges that the service had become irrelevant
after being shut down for a month.

"Napster is not dead," Hilbers said in the interview. "The name is very
valuable, and we operate with a high level of pressure to make it a
functioning company."

Hilbers did not give details on when the subscription service, long slated
for release sometime this summer, would launch. But he said the monthly
fees would be approximately $5.

The interview was conducted in German.

Former CEO Hank Barry said earlier this year that subscription prices
would likely range between $4.95 and $9.95, depending on how much music
subscribers wanted and on whether they wanted the ability to burn CDs or
move the music to portable devices.

Those plans have changed somewhat as Napster was forced to change its
original model, signing up with the MusicNet wholesale distribution
service as a way to get major label music from EMI Recorded Entertainment,
Warner Music and BMG Entertainment. Those major label songs will only be
available by paying an extra fee on top of the ordinary Napster charge,
the company has said.

The base Napster service will provide access to the music of more than 200
independent labels. Songs will be distributed in a new proprietary format
dubbed .NAP, rather than MP3.

The file-swapping service has been shut down since July 1. An appeals
court ruled that Napster is able to operate in the short term as long as
it maintains strong filters, but the company has nevertheless kept its
service offline.

A message that has remained unchanged for weeks tells Napster users that
"file transfers have been temporarily suspended while Napster upgrades"
databases supporting its new filtering technology.

Napster declined to comment on the interview.

AOL Releases Netscape Upgrade

AOL Time Warner released the first final upgrade to its notoriously buggy
Netscape 6 browser, promising a smoother and faster ride for Netscape

The upgrade comes nearly nine months after the AOL Time Warner unit
released Netscape 6, which itself was two-and-a-half years in the making.
That browser, Netscape's first based on the open-source
development effort, was roundly judged to be not ready for prime time.

Now Netscape is calling Netscape 6.1--a beta of which appeared in June--a
vast improvement over the buggy 6.0 release.

The upgrade "greatly enhances the performance and stability of Netscape
6.0," Netscape promised in a statement accompanying the release.

Most of the past nine months' work has been fixing bugs and improving
performance and stability, according to sources close to Netscape.

Other changes include a new cache for storing frequently accessed files,
an upgraded mail program, new search functionality, and--borrowing a page
from competitor Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser--drop-down
auto-complete for Web page forms.

With Version 6.1, Netscape is capable of rendering Hebrew characters,
which are read right-to-left. The browser also supports Arabic characters
when run on Microsoft's Windows operating system in Arabic. The browser's
AutoTranslate feature now includes Russian, and translates between
European languages.

Whether Netscape 6.1 can rally the Netscape faithful remains to be seen.
While Netscape 6 encountered first delays and then scathing reviews,
Microsoft assembled an overwhelming lead in the browser market.

Netscape also is releasing browsers under the shadow of comments by
executives suggesting that the company is de-emphasizing its involvement
in the browser business.

The upgrade is available from the Netscape Web site.

Internet Explorer 6 Going Gold in August

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 is set to launch as early as the middle of
August -- sans the controversial "Smart Tags" and beta-blasted "Personal
Bar and Contacts" -- following word that the company is done with testing.

The latest browser from Microsoft, which many thought would ship with the
company's new Windows XP operating system in October, is ready on its own
with an IE6 gold version -- the production version -- called build 2530.1,
to be released August 15th, according to reports.

While the new browser does not have some of the controversial and
convoluted features originally planned by Microsoft, it does include
Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) protection, integrated multimedia
playback, and automatic picture resizing.

In light of its antitrust battle with the U.S. Justice Department, the
Redmond, Washington software giant is trying to stay on track to ship its
Windows XP operating system by October 25th.

By unveiling IE6 on its own, the company is hoping for a smoother XP
release, Giga Information Group analyst Rob Enderle told NewsFactor

"It avoids a series of problems that might occur around the Windows XP
release," he said of the move. "It keeps a lot of the problems contained."

Enderle said a page break issue in IE6, for example, could be associated
with XP if the browser and OS were sent together, adding that Microsoft's
move "increases the chances XP will be received favorably."

As expected, the controversial Smart Tags -- which were designed to
transform words on a Web page into links but drew strong opposition when
the links were to Microsoft Web sites -- are not included in IE6.

However, Giga's Enderle, who called the links a good concept that did not
work, said the feature will reappear within a year.

"They'll be back," he said. "Expect them to come back sometime in the
middle of next year."

Enderle said Microsoft must not only improve the technology of the Smart
Tags, but promote their acceptance and overcome their stigma as well.

"They have to return control to the Web sites and the users," he said.
"There was too much control by Microsoft."

The new IE6 browser, which will reportedly work with all versions of
Windows, is also being released without the Personal Bar and Contacts
feature, which was scrapped in earlier beta testing.

"I heard that the testers who used it thought it was awkward, inadequate
and it just didn't work well in practice," Enderle told NewsFactor.

The new IE6 browser will also include overhauled search functions; a
"Media Bar"; SMIL 2.0 for interactive media; and improved Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) support.

The P3P privacy feature allows IE6 users to block third-party cookies --
electronic markers that marketers plant in online computers to track Web
surfers' activities.

AOL, MSN at Bottom of Web Survey

The world's two largest Internet service providers, AOL Time Warner Inc.
and Microsoft Corp.'s MSN, came out on the bottom of a customer
satisfaction survey.

The survey released Thursday of 1,640 dial-up modem users, conducted by
Consumer Reports magazine, gave high marks to AT&T WorldNet, BellSouth
Corp. and EarthLink Inc. for overall satisfaction.

MSN got the survey's lowest overall rating, due to dissatisfaction with
e-mail, technical support and reliability of its dial-up connections, said
David Heim, the Yonkers, N.Y.-based magazine's managing editor.

``If you're paying $20 for a busy signal it's not going to make you a happy
camper," Heim said.

Respondents also identified AOL as unreliable in terms of quick and
sustained dial-up access, said Heim.

``What seemed to matter most was being able to get on line in a hurry and
stay online without being kicked off," he said.

Sixty percent of AOL users answering the survey reported an interruption in
their connection during the previous month, the worst rating among all ISPs
examined, Heim said.

Users of AOL-owned CompuServe rated it next-worst for dropped connections,
Heim said.

Conversely, just 33 percent of AT&T WorldNet and EarthLink services
reported similar disconnections, he said

Based on a possible 100 points for perfection in all aspects of service,
the rankings of the eight providers examined by the magazine were as
follows: AT&T WorldNet, with 78 points; BellSouth, 76; EarthLink, 76;
Prodigy, 73; Qwest Communications', 70; AOL, 68; CompuServe, 67;
and MSN, 67. The survey guidelines state that differences of five points or
more are considered significant.

AT&T WorldNet was the top choice for connection speed and reliability and
offered the best array of low-cost plans.

Users also gave AT&T's e-mail service highest ratings.

Technical support assessments also favored the higher-rated providers and
panned AOL, CompuServe and MSN, said Heim.

``We're not painting AOL out to be a horrible company," said Heim. ``They
still kept a majority of the respondents satisfied. AT&T just did a much
better job overall."

MSN product manager Mark Wain said Microsoft continues to upgrade its
service to keep pace with growth in its user base.

``We're building out as fast as we can," Wain said. ``It's an ongoing
process for us."

AOL spokesman Andrew Weinstein declined to comment on the specifics of the
survey. ``Our members have never been more satisfied," he said noting that
the magazine gave AOL high marks in ease of use and other areas.

The survey users reported choosing AOL - the world's largest Internet
service provider, with 30 million users - primarily to communicate with
friends and access its user-friendly Web browser. AOL was also chosen for
strong parental controls, the magazine reported.

The magazine's September issue will carry a full report of the survey,
which asked about overall satisfaction, connection availability, speed and
interruptions, support, e-mail and downloads.


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