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Z*NET Online Magazine Issue 547

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Z NET Online Magazine
 · 22 Aug 2019


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December 2, 1990
Issue #547

Publisher/Editor : Ron Kovacs
Assistant Editor : John Nagy
Z*Net New Zealand: Jon Clarke
Z*Net Canada: Terry Schreiber
Z*Net Germany: Mike Schuetz

Copyright (c)1990, Rovac Industries Inc.

by Ron Kovacs

Last week's edition never was released because of circumstances beyond
our control. Not for the reasons expressed in recent email about the
Atari Elite. Yes, we have been served a writ of summons of Civil
Action and that is all I can tell you at the present time. We received
this document on Friday. I cannot and will not comment on this

John Nagy had attempted standing in for me while I was away on vacation,
but got very ill and broke a few fingers moving to another location.
I went away for the Thanksgiving holiday and returned late last Sunday
evening surprised as many that the issue had not been released.

Please remember one fact when communicating your feelings when we are
absent. This weekly effort is basically a volunteer project that has
been steady since May 1986. There are very few weeks where we have
missed publication, other then a planned one. The circumstances that
took place are rare and hasn't happened to us. Yet the email demanding
answers were a bit surprising and the reason for this commentary.

We are almost back to normal, although still on vacation till next
week. Our staff hopes everyone had a pleasant holiday. We will return
next week with our regular weekly edition.


Michtron's operation has been purchased by a software group from Newark,
Delaware. The new president, James A. Dorsman, has taken over full
operation of all technical support, development, and publishing. Other
support staff includes Douglas E. Mackall, Curtis S. Wayne, Richard E.
Lamb, and Scott R. Lahteine. Gordon Monnier, former president of
Michtron, will be consulting with the new firm to help make the
transition as smooth as possible.

Under Michtron's new management team, an aggressive and exciting new
product launch is being formulated. Michtron's existing product line
will continue to be sold and serviced with the usual expertise.

Michtron intends to continue distributing and servicing for the overseas
publishers it has worked with in the past, and to seek out new products
from home as well as abroad. For more information, or to be included on
Michtron's mailing list, please call or write to: MICHTRON, INC., 3201
Drummond Plaza, Newark, DE 19711, 1-302-454-7946, 1-302-454-1403 (FAX).

At present we are working very hard to get things organized and working
smoothly. Please bare with us a for a few weeks, until we have our
customer support, BBS, and tech support put together. If at all
possible, please submit any questions in writing to the above address
for the next month or so. When we are completely operational, I will
post another notice here giving the new BBS number. Thank you for your
patience, and we look forward to serving you with the best customer
support in the business in the near future. -- Doug Mackall, Michtron

How about a Mega 2 for $799.00 CDN? Need a Laser printer SLM804 for
$999.00 CDN. These are some of the prices that are beginning to show
up at retailers in Vancouver. Over the last month a local retailer has
sold Atari stock for far less than cost lowering inventory levels.
Although most of these units were claimed to be demo stock some units
were factory fresh in boxes and all units carried full warantee. In
comparison, other local dealers are selling the same units for $1495.00
or more.

Sources at Atari Canada have stated the new Mega STE will be shipping
about December 15th. If this comes to light this could set a new record
as to the time the product was announced and the time you could actually
purchase a unit at your retailers. Atari, not well known for getting a
product to market on time, kept the Mega STE comparably hush hush, or
perhaps most of the enthusiasm was focused on the TT.

Michael Katz has stepped down as chief of game maker Sega of America
Inc.'s consumer products division, a position he has held since joining
a year ago. Katz was previously employed by Atari Corporation.

Motorola recently announced that it has begun volume shipments of its
68040 microprocessor. Motorola introduced the state-of-the-art chip in
March 1990 with expectations of large volume shipments by summer, bugs
in the complex microprocessor forced delay. The chip packs 1.2 million
transistors on a tiny piece of silicon. The chip is expected to be in
short supply for several months as Motorola attempts to fill a backlog
of orders from several companies, including Apple Computer Inc., Unisys
Corp. and NEC Corp.

One of three Georgia men who pleaded guilty to illegally entrying
BellSouth Corp.'s computers is appealing a portion of his sentence that
prohibits him from using computers while serving his time. Robert J.
Riggs was sentenced to 21 months in jail, while his associates, Franklin
E. Darden Jr. and Adam E. Grant, were handed 14 month jail terms, half
of which may be served in a halfway house. Parts of the sentence have
some people concerned, Riggs, Darden and Grant were ordered to pay
$233,000 each to compensate BellSouth for injury to network and to help
pay for repairs.

NMB Technologies announced the availability this week of its new
AAA1M300 series 1-Mbit CMOS DRAM at 60ns. The high-speed design
supports direct access with 16-MHz microprocessors, eliminating the need
for cache memory and allowing designers to create true zero wait state
systems. Pricing for the 1-Mbit 60ns DRAM is approximately $5 per unit
for quantities of 10,000. For further technical and pricing data,
contact Tony Takeshita, NMB Technologies, 9730 Independence Ave.,
Chatsworth, CA 91311, 818/341-3355.

NeXT Computer announced that it has begun on-schedule volume shipments
of its new NeXTstation 68040-based computer. The 15 MIPS NeXTstation
computer has a list price of $4,995 for a complete system that includes
floppy and hard disk drives and NeXTstep, NeXT's revolutionary software
environment. In addition, NeXT announced that it has commenced
shipments of its NeXTcube computer, a 68040-based version of its well-
known cube-shaped computer as well as 68040 CPU boards to upgrade its
existing installed base of 68030-based computers. NeXT also announced
that its two new color computers, NeXTstation Color and NeXTdimension,
will ship on schedule in Q1 1991.


From: D.BECKEMEYER David Beckemeyer
To: Z-NET Ron Kovacs

Sub: CLI Windows

Hello. In a recent Z-Net (Z-Break?) report for COMDEX, I noticed that
you mentioned that Gribnif was working on a version of their CLI which
would allow TOS/TTP programs to run inside the GEM CLI window.

I don't know if you're aware of it, but the Beckemeyer Visual Shell
Manager (known as VSH) has had this capability since 1987. The Z-Break
article made it sound like this was something invented by Gribnif.

Not only does VSH let you run programs inside windows (including lharc),
but you can have multiple windows, with different commands running in
each one, concurrently.

The new VSH interface also lets you install Desktop Icons for running
GEM programs and it has Cut & Paste between windows.

Also I recently uploaded to GEnie a file called "PTYWIN.ARC" to the ST
RT. With this file and the MICRORTX.ARC file, also on the ST RT, users
can run commands inside GEM Windows -- multiple windows, each running
separate commands. And this is all free for the downloading.

- David Beckemeyer @ Beckemeyer Development

It was not my intent to indicate anything about any other product when
I described GRIBNIF's new CLI in one paragraph of my COMDEX report.
Nevertheless, I thank BECKEMEYER for forwarding us this information, and
am happy to be able to share it with our readers. - John Nagy


Ever since Z*Net published an article about the Cleveland Free-Net and
Atari SIG, users have been calling the Cleveland Free-Net through
Internet from across the United States and there might also be some
users from across the world. The rapidly growing user population has
enabled the Atari SIG to invade the multi-chat area on Free-Net every
Sunday night like no other Special Interest Group can. Last Sunday,
the Atari SIG had the opportunity to ask Chet Walters of Wizworks about
his two new products for the ST- ImageCat and Mug Shot. The people and
things that helped make Chet Walters' visit possible was Joe Adato of
B&G Electronics, the Atari SIGOps, the "teleport" option which enables
other users from different cities who also have a Free-Net to port into
another Free-Net city at no charge, and to Chet Walters himself who
figured out how to work the "teleport" and take the time to visit with

Since many people thought the conference went pretty well and Chet gave
some good information, a copy of the conference is being reprinted in
this issue of Z*Net. In the beginning of the conference, Joe Adato was
sent questions to ask Chet by users then towards the middle of the
conference, everyone just asked Chet questions themselves.

(Chet logs on and Everyone welcomes him to the conference)

<Joe> Chet why don't you tell us about ImagCat?

<Chet> Image Cat is the COMPLETE graphics cataloguer for the ST! It
will catalogue IMG PI# PC# TNY NEO and MAC pics. We are currently
working through the code that will print GEM files and also will support
NIC and ICE icons and I'm working with Nathan Potechin on CVG and CRG
graphics for Calamus users as an upgrade.

<Joe> Is it easy to use?

<Chet> It does it all for you automatically with a single mouse click.
Just us the FSEL to tell ICAT where your pics are and go have lunch!
It's that easy>

<Joe> Chet what are NIC and CRG?

<Chet> CRG is Calamus Raster Graphics which Calamus saves and loads.
NIC is NEo desk Icons, bothvversion 2.05 and 3.0.

<Joe> What are ICE?

<Chet> ICE are DC Desktop icons. Those are planned for ICAT version 2
due out early next year.

<Joe> FROM the sound of it are there any graphic modes that it won't do?

<Chet> Suggest some. Some folks have asked for Encapsulated PostScript
but I would have to write the equivalent of UltraScript to do that so I
doubt if anyone would want to pay the price.....

<Joe> Do you have any idea what it will be priced at?

<Chet> Yes, for a nominal fee. The new version will sell for $34.95.

<Joe> That sounds very reasonable.

<Chet> The upgrade for registered users will be between $7.50 and $8.50.

<Joe> I'm sending my money as soon as we log off!!!

<Chet> No! It's not released yet. Please wait for a notice! It might
get lost. Please wait till you're notified. MUG SHOT is about ready.

<Chet> Ok, MUG SHOT! What does it do. I still have not been able to
accurately describe what it does. It makes things from parts mostly
faces. It works like the thing that police departments use for
sketches. You put hair, mouth, nose, eyes chin etc all together and
can interchange parts to make millions of different things.

<Joe> There are three police departments in the Cleveland area that are
looking at MugShot right now. Is MugShot almost ready?

<Chet> Joe, the drawing tools are about a week and a half from shipping
in fact the manual supplement goes to the printer tommorrow!

<Joe> Other than the face parts that come with the program will there be
any other faces?

<Chet> Yes, we have a Mr Potatoe head file ready to ship. One of our
artists is working on a more modern cartoon file and Monday we are
picking up from the FBI here in town over 6000 actual criminal faces!
The 6000 most wanted in the USA!

<Mark> To set up a MUG SHOT system will police depts. start at ground
zero by digitizing criminal? Kind of like the fingerprinting system?

<Chet> Ok, yes, for a vertical application, we will be able to take
the actual files from the police and digitize them. That will be for
MUG SHOT PROFESSIONAL and will entail an 8 MEG TT and at least a 44MEG

<Mark> Will the police dept. digitize their own pics?

<Chet> That's up to them. We are researching the methods used to type
faces and will have the ability to make types from our existing files.
There are really only certain types and any artist knows that. It is
not really feasable to digitize known criminals once the part are
already available.

<Joe> Are you saying that the files will need 44 megs to hold them?

<Chet> Yes, Joe, 44 megs. Possibly a 770meg CD disk.

<Joe> If Atari is, as of now, going to release the CD-Player why not put
it on a CD?

<Chet> Well, we are talking with Jim Allen of T16 fame on working out a
host adapter to hook PC "generic" CD Players to the ST and forgetting
about relying on old reliable Atari to move product intelligently.

<Mark> Can anyone use Mugshot?

<Chet> Sure, it's only $39.95 and comes with files to make famous faces
and some cartoons. We are planning some data disks and they are only
$19.95 each for TWO more data files to make different things. We are
planning to release digitized pics of folks from the WAACE show which
includes Bob Brodie, Darlah Pine, Charles Johnson, John E. and many many
folks that you know from Atariland. That's a freebie and will be
uploaded on GEnie and around the country.

<Joe> How is MugShot doing?

<Chet> Joe, MUG SHOT is doing well. We just got a deal with a European
distributor and also with a Britsh fellow. It's doing pretty well here
in the US too.

<Mark> Of all the types of applications that can be programmed, what
made you decide to do graphic applications?

<Chet> I like graphics. Just that simple. I love 'em. I am a
frustrated artist. I have all these images in my mind and I have never
ever been able to draw. I can use the computer.

<Scotty> Does mug shot work in color and mono?

<Chet> I think graphically which is why it's hard for me to describe
MUG SHOT verbally. I can show ya though. Yes, MUG SHOT! works in med
res and high res and will work in the TT native modes early next year.

<Joe> Are there any ideas after mugshot?

<Chet> Well, do you have any? How about something you'd like to have
but don't? We have some ideas, but they are just ideas.

<Scotty> Do you think americas most wanted will ever use it?

<Chet> That's an intersting thought, but with their budget, they can
afford the bigger stuff.

<Len> Chet, why not just make a professional package for police and FBI
and charge them a few thousand??

<Chet> That's the idea, Len. But, we have to get the machines from
Atari and they are scarce here abouts unless you only want an STe.

<Joe> Yes. IBM has several and it would be nice if there was one for us
to use. I know that I could use it.

<Chet> I'll have to explore the IBM versions for some ideas. How's
about a deal on a clone <grin>.

<Scotty> What about local stations doing similar shows on a smaller

<Chet> The idea is there and we are exploring the possibilites. We have
hired a retired Cleveland homocide detective to work out the details.
It's in the works....

<Scotty> is there a possibility for an ageing process for mug shot?

<Chet> You can already "age" be adding lines under the eyes and other
things, but once the drawing tools are complete, you can use them to add
things. I just got the five minute warning. Any last questions?

<Scotty> is the demo pretty complete? except for save?

<Chet> Yes, it is. It runs for only 8 minutes but gives a good feel.

<Joe> I think what is being ask is a routeen that will take the face of
a 5 year old and show what it will look like at age 15 or 20?

<Chet> Joe, you are asking for mainframe capability. Several million

<Joe> It's been great talking with you.

<Scotty> thanks for the info chet!!

If you would like to join the Free-Net Atari SIG Conference, 8PM EST
Sunday night and have access to Internet, why not apply for an ID and
join us? Or if you do something special relating to Atari then write
us and we can give you a temporary guest ID to talk at the conference.

The Internet access address is: freenet-in-a.CWRU.Edu or
The Cleveland Free-Net mail address is:

by Jon Clarke

o( ) <- The "Kiwi" is a Native Bird of
/ /\ New Zealand. Not a green fruit.

The top ten Public Domain Programs in the United Kingdom

Rating Title Type
1 | French Kiss | Demo
2 | So Watt | Demo
3 | Defcon One Demo | Demo
4 | The Mindbomb Demo | Demo
5 | The Union Demo | Demo
6 | Pump up the volume | Demo
7 | The Snowman * | Demo
8 | The Carebears Cuddly Demo | Demo
9 | Starwars Demo | Demo
10 | St Connexions Sound Demo | Demo

If you have not seen any of the above demos I suggest you ask your local
Public Domain libary for them, in my humble opinion they are the beST
availible on the ST. * The Snowman demo is one I know your children will
love and I even have a tear in my eye each time I run it. Most of the
above demos are now in the USA.

The Top 20 selling games in the United Kingdom. (full priced)

Rating Title Rating Title
| 1 | F-19 Stealth Fighter | 2 | Shadow Warriors |
| 3 | Kick Off 2 | 4 | Imperium |
| 5 | Drivin' Force | 6 | Rainbow Island |
| 7 | Battle of Britian | 8 | Manchester United |
| 9 | Midnight Resistance | 10 | F-29 Retaliator |
| 11 | Midwinter | 12 | Football Manager II |
| 13 | Rorkes Drift | 14 | Falcon Mission II |
| 15 | Metrocross | 16 | Batman - The movie |
| 17 | Oriental Games | 18 | Sim City |
| 19 | BSS Jane Seymour | 20 | Archipelagos |

Please not all these games have been released in the USA .

Connect your ST to a Sony Trinitron TV.

If you do not have an Atari colour monitor here is an another option for
those of you with a Sony Trinitron TV that has a 'SCART' plug on the
back of them. This will work fine in medium and low res.
For a detailed explaination of the pin outs on the Atari ST look in
your owners handbook. [PLEASE NOTE: this is for PAL TV's, I have not
tried it on a NTSC Sony Trinitron, but it should work ok.]

Atari Monitor Plug Sony SCART Plug
------------------ ---------------
1 ------------ 470 Ohm R.-------------+- 2
| 3
| 4 --+
| +-- 5 --+
+- 6 |
10 ------------ 150 Ohm R.----------------------- 7 |
8 |
9 --+
10 |
6 ------------- 150 Ohm R.--------------------- 11 |
12 |
13 --+
14 |
7 ------------- 750 Ohm R.--------------------- 15 |
12 +------------ 68 Ohm R.------------- 16 |
| 17 --+
12 +------------ 150 Ohm R.---+ 18 |
| 19 |
9 ------------- 750 Ohm R.---+--------- 20 |
21 |
13 ---------------------------------------------------+

From Usenet this week

/* TOS 2.0 the new TT_TOS is a hot topic on the net these days *\

From: (Daniel Glazman)
Subject: TT Tos disk available in France...
Message-ID: <>
Date: 12 Nov 90 10:06:51 GMT
Organization: /u/tds/glazou/.organization

Hi everybody....
Do you know the TT Tos is available in France for ST Series ? This
is one file called NEWDESK.PRG and that's all... Wonderful !

Glazou ( )


From: (Daniel Glazman)
Subject: Re: TT Tos disk available in France...
Message-ID: <>
Date: 13 Nov 90 09:00:14 GMT
Organization: /u/tds/glazou/.organization

Waouuuuu. I receive in one night more than twenty questions about
TT TOS on disk... Read carefully:

1) this TT TOS (this is the official name) is one file which is about
290 KBytes long. The name of the file is NEWDESK.PRG

2) this TT TOS a ST-disk-version of the TOS I saw running on a TT.

3) I don't think this version is free of distribution. Maybe it has been
distributed free of charge to *some* developpers in France because the
TT computer is only available since some DAYS in France... One of them
did not keep it secret !!!

4) there is one file called TOS20.ARC available on the finnish ftp
site :
this file is in the directory /pub/atari.

-rw-r--r-- 1 548 mat 99459 Oct 21 21:33 TOS20.ARC

I don't know what it is ... Try !

5) I cannot send my version to the net because
* it is in France and I'm now in Sweden
* I cannot access in France

6) One thing is missing in my version : the TT Control Panel Acc with
its CPX. can someone send it to me ?

7) wrote :

>> could it be sent to atari.archives?
>> I'm sure the entire (U.S.) Atari community would be eternally
>> grateful.

I know, but read 5)... If you send me a e_mail with your
**postal** address,
I will send you a copy when I will be back in France
( end of December )


Martin Milan, bande dessinee de Godard, Editions du Lombard.


From: (Jeroen Scheerder)
Subject: The x-control panel - a plea
Message-ID: <>
Date: 16 Nov 90 11:30:55 GMT
Organization: Logic section, Department of Philosophy, Utrecht

I've just finished reading a mag stating the TT's x-control panel
actually runs fine on an ordinary ST.

So, people@atari.uucp (Ken B., Ken S., Allan, Derek etc): I think
it would be in the in the best interest to Atari, ST users AND TT
users if this thing got around.
It looks like the Atari programmers did a real nice job. Why not
make this effort worthwile and cut us loyal ST-users and programmers
in too?

ST compatibility means the world of ST programmers can create
nice XPD's (is that what the're called, X-panel devices?) if
only the x-cp and the documentation on creating modules for
it comes widely available.

I like the idea of modular machine configuration accs - I like
it on my Macs, and think it would help my ST too.

Let's all make this thing work, people; you guys from Atari,
please give us the opportunity to do so.

Greetings, Jeroen (

****--- /* And Finally these appearded the other day *\

From: (Kalle Kivimaa)
Subject: Re: TT Tos disk available in France...
Message-ID: <>
Date: 18 Nov 90 02:58:02 GMT
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

In article <2740@atari.UUCP> towns@atari.UUCP (John Townsend) writes:

>Also, please ask the ftp site to STOP distributing it. It's illegal.

The FTP-site in question has been informed and has deleted the file
in question. Also, it has been removed from all ST-specific BBS's here
in Finland.

>-- John Townsend ..ames!atari!towns
> Atari Corp.
* Kalle Kivimaa * In the beginning the Universe was created. *
* JMT 7A123 * This has made a lot of people very angry and *
* 468 2041 * has widely been regarded as a bad move. *


From: darekm@microsoft.UUCP (Darek MIHOCKA)
Subject: Re: TT Tos disk available in France...
Message-ID: <59145@microsoft.UUCP>
Date: 16 Nov 90 23:29:43 GMT
Organization: Microsoft Corp., Redmond WA

In article <>
>In article <> glazou@mowitz.pdc.
> I found on an finnish ftp site a interestinf file in pub/atari :
> -rw-r--r-- 1 548 mat 99459 Oct 21 21:33 TOS20.ARC
>Yeah! It's there, and it is a demo of the new TT TOS. Go on and try...

It always amazes me how people try to rationalize piracy by convincing
themselves that they are in fact using a demo. Pirates strike again!
The same guys who rationalize their unwillingness to pay for shareware
by convincing themselves that shareware is equivalent to public domain.

If it is the same "demo of the new TT TOS" that is circulating around
here in Seattle, then what you have isn't really even a complete TOS.
It only replaces the desktop and no other functions (GEM, etc). From
the file size shown above, that would seem to be a correct assumption.

Don't bother wasting your time downloading "demo of the new TT TOS". It
is not a demo. It is not intended for public distribution. It is not
legal. It is highly unstable. What purpose does it serve to be
distributing and obvious pre-release version of a piece of software,
since it only wastes people's time, and will only start inaccurate
rumors of the new TOS being unstable, which it (the real one) is not.

- Darek

#include <disclmr.h>

/* Now for something completely different *\

Subject: How to hook-up a MicroSoft mouse to an Atari ST
Message-ID: <>
Date: 15 Nov 90 03:41:49 GMT

Here's a repost of my article of wayyyy back (Feb 1989) on how to hook
an Microsoft mouse to an Atari ST. No software changes are required.
All it takes is creating a special cable between the mouse and the

I've been using a Microsoft mouse now for around 2 years on my 1040,
with nary a glitch. It's so much better than the Atari mouse, I'd never
go back. (IMHO)

Well, here is how to connect a Microsoft Mouse to an Atari ST. (520/
1040) The Atari has a 9-pin D-type connector. The Microsoft Mouse has
a rather strange connector on the end. To prevent having to cut the
mouse cable up, I made this adaptor. If you still can't follow it,
please let me know and I'll try to redescribe it. This does work for
me. I've been using it for 6 or so months now [Note, it's been 2 years
now!] with no problems at all. It does take some soldering skills, so
if you're not so hot at soldering, find a friend to help.

As far as I know, this does not effect your Atari's warranty. However,
I have not asked Atari.

Atari ST Microsoft Mouse ST expected signal
----- -- --------- ----- -- -------- ------
1 5 XB
2 3 XA
3 8 YA
4 9 YB
5 N/C N/C
6 2 Left button
7 N/C +5VDC (N/C)
8* 6 and also tie to pin 1 Ground
9 7 Right button

* = I am not sure why I have pins 6 & 1 tied together, but it does work.

The Microsoft mouse connector looks like this. This is the solder side,
with the leads pointing up.

| 1 |
| 2 3 4 5 |
| 6 7 8 9 10 |
| |

If you can not use the connector, the pins are numbered as follows.
This is the connector side from the Microsoft Mouse plug:

/------------\ This is a view at the front of the connector.
/ Blank "KEY" \ It is where the plug from the mouse would be.
/----------------\ The pin labeled 'n' is not connected.
| n 4 X 8 | The place labeled 'X' is filled, and does not
| 9 7 1 2 | have a pin.
| 5 6 |
\ /

Have fun!

Jeff Beadles


This feature is a reprint from the December/January 1991 ST-JOURNAL
MAGAZINE, presented here by permission. THIS ARTICLE MAY NOT BE
PERMISSION FROM ST-JOURNAL, 113 West College Street, Covina, CA 91723,
818-332-0372. Individual copies of ST-JOURNAL are available from the
above address.

Christmas shopping is hell! Running around at the last minute trying to
find that perfect gift. Well, being the nice folks that we are, we
decided to offer a few suggestions for your favorite Atari enthusiast!

ATY Computers
3727 13th Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610 (415) 482-3775

ATY Computers specializes in all Atari ST hardware and software
products, and handles over 2,000 software titles.

Alpha Systems
1012 Skyland
Macedonia, OH 44056 (216) 467-5665

Create your own sounds, music, and special effects; digitize and design
your own pictures and images with Alpha System's extensive sound and
video applications.

B&C ComputerVisions
3257 Kifer Road
Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 749-1003

According to Bruce Corso, owner, B&C ComputerVisions has more Atari
computer products than any other store in the United States.

Branch Always Software
14150 N.E. 20th St. #302
Bellevue, WA 98007 (206) 643-9697

Branch Always Software, developers of Quick ST II v 2.1, and Quick Tools
volume 1, have just come out with version 2.2 of Quick ST II. Branch
Always says they'll send a free demo disk of Quick ST to those who
request it.

BRE Software
Dept UM 352 W. Bedford Ave., Suite 104
Fresno, CA 93711 (800) 347-6760

BRE Software has an extensive line of software that includes over 900
PD disks available for only $4.00 each.

Carter Graphics
914 W. Sunset Blvd.
St. George, UT 84770 (801) 628-6111

Carter Graphics features removable cartridge hard drives for virtually
all personal computers on the market, and MIDI rack-mount systems to
compact single-drives.

CodeHead Software
P.O. Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004 (213) 386-5735

CodeHead comes up with something great every few months or so. Well
known for their products, HotWire, MaxiFile, etc., their latest
contributions to the ST's well-being are the file management programs,
Lookit! and Popit!

P.O. Box 17882
Milwaukee, WI 53217 (414) 357-8181

In business since 1982, ComputAbility is the oldest advertiser of Atari
products in the U.S.

Computer Network
1605 W. Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91201 (818) 500 3900

Computer Network is a MIDI, telecommunications, and desktop publishing,
value added reseller.

Computer Off-ice Products
16132 Elgenia Avenue
Covina, CA 91722 (818) 813-1051

Computer Office Products has just the cables to let you put your Mega
keyboard where you want it - MegaCoils extended Mega ST keyboard cables.

Computrol Industries
35-28 3.3rd ST.
Astoria, NY 11106 (800) 477-2131

Computrol features MEMORY UPGRADES and says that they use soldering on
all connections to insure high quality of contacts. They offer a 24
hour turn-around and 6 months warranty.

D.A. Brumleve (213) 337-1937

Creator of KidPainter and KidPublisher, graphics design and desktop
publishing programs for children.

Data Innovations Inc.
127 No. Front ST.
Rising Sun, IN 47040 (812) 438-2604

Included in Data Innovations' neat products are: games for sports
lovers, such as the adventure, Mystery Mansion (find the lost treasure),
and that perfect file backup solution: Diamond Back II v 2.11.

General Videotex Corporation
Three Blackstone ST.
Cambridge, MA 02139 (800) 544-4005

Got spare Megabytes on your hard drive? Join Delphi. With their over
10,000 library of prograns, you'll have no trouble taking up that extra

Double Click Software
P.O. Box 741206
Houston, TX 77274 (712) 977-6520

The people from Double Click Software are well known for their solid
products: DC Utilities, a fine utility disk with all sorts of useful
functions, and DC Desktop, an enhancement package for the GEM desktop.

Fast Technology
P.O. Box 578
Amdover, MA 01810 (508) 475-3810

Fast Technology thinks 'faster is better' and they created the Turbo 16
to prove it. So, if you feel the need for speed, you might give Fast a

Gadgets by Small
40 W. Littleton Blvd., #210-211
Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 791-6098

Yes, they're still at it - creating all kinds of emulator gadgets for
the Mac (do they ever sleep?). Their latest gee-whiz? Spectre 3.

Goldleaf Publishing, Inc.
700 Larkspur Landing Circle,
Suite 199
Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 243-9605

Goldleaf Publishing has the fast, simple, and elegant solution for your
compound document problems--Wordflair, their integrated document
processor for the ST.

Gribnif Software
P.O. Box 350
Hadley, MA 01035 (413) 584-7887

Authors of NeoDesk 3 the "ultimate upgrade for the Atari ST." The
program's great! What else can we say?

5316 W. 57th St.,
Los Angeles, CA 90056 (213) 649-6434

Along with membership, the International MIDI Association is offering a
subscription to the IMA Bulletin, access to their technical support
hot-line, and a library of MIDI codes.

ISD Marketing Inc.
2651 John St., Unit #3
Markham, Ontario, CA *L3R 2W5 (416) 479-1880

ISD Marketing can provide you with the perfect tools to help you define
and multiply your creative efforts: Calamus and Outline Art.

Iliad Software
1470 So. State St.
Orem, UT 84058 (801) 226-3270

Iliad Software is the home of some topnotch games and programs - to list
a couple: Maddog Williams (see this issues games review) and Fitness
Manager, Iliad's prescription for a healthier you.

Megabyte Computers
909 Melbourne
Hurst, TX 76053 (817) 589-2950

Megabyte Computers has some solutions to your rodent problems: the Pro
Series Mouse (320 dpi), and the Desktop Controller (useful when room is
at a premium). They also have a nice new double-sided floppy drive, the

1200 S Collins #124
Richardson, TX 75081

See Megamax for a fast, high resolution word processor. According to
the company, Script not only gives you up to 250 hi-res fonts/sizes, but
it outperforms GDOS-based word processors hands down.

Mid-Cities Computers & Software
9406 Flower St.
Bellflower, CA 90706 (213) 867-0626

Included among MidCities' numerous products are an ST to Portfolio
Transfer, a fast, reliable way to get files to and from the ST, other
accessories for the Portfolio, and Roland home computer music products.

200 S. 333rd St., Suite 220
Federal Way, WA 98003 (206) 838-4677

Need a graphic? Get it the lazy way. Migraph Hand Scanner from Migraph
will help you build your own library of images, illustrations, photos,
etc; TouchUp will help you edit that library.

Practical Solutions
1135 N. Jones Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716 (602) 322-6100

Practical Solutions has all kinds of nifty solutions to your computer
needs: Monitor Master, Mouse Master, Drive Master (all eliminate those
nasty cable switching problems).

Prospero Software
100 Commercial St., Suite 306
Portland, ME 04101 (207) 874-0382

Prospero Software, creators of Prospero Pascal, Fortran, and the
Prospero C compiler for GEM, have also developed Prospero Developer's
Toolkit (assembler, editor, CLI, etc) to aid microcomputer

Quidnunc Software
P.O. Box 819081, Suite 175
Dallas, TX 75381-9081 (214) 243-0663

Playing the stock market has been compared to betting the horses. If
you're a market player, Quidnunc's Stalk the Market, stock charting and
analysis software for the ST and Mega, will help you put your stocks in

Rio Computers
3430 E. Tropicana Ave., #65
Las Vegas, NE 89121 (702) 454-7700 (800) 782-9110

Carried among the many hot items at Rio Computers are the SuperCharger
and the Geniscan ST Hand Scanner (4" scanning width and 4OOdpi

San Jose Computers
640 Blossom Hill Road
San Jose, CA 95123 (408) 224-8575

Need a Light Pen with Atarigraphics for your 800/XE/XL, or a 48K upgrade
for your 400? Try San Jose Computers. They not only carry software for
the STs and Megas, etc., but they've also got the little guys covered.

Sideline Software
840 NW 57th Court
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 (305) 771 9035

Importers of fine European software and magazines, Sideline Software
says they're your number one European budget software dealer.

P.O. Box 5257
Winter Park, FL 32793 (407) 657-4611

If the time spent waiting for those files to pop-up is beginning to be a
bit wearisome, Turbo ST from SoftTrek can help speed things up.

Software Development Systems
966 Redondo Ave., Ste 404
Long Beach, CA 90804 (213) 434-5751

Organize and catalog your CDs, tapes, cassettes, etc. with Software
Development Systems'new Home Entertainment Management System (comes
complete with DATADESK, a database environment).

System Solutions
P.O. Box 433
West Chicago, IL 60185 (708) 690-0930

Systems Solutions has racks for the ST, Mega, and Atari hard drives,
with and without cartridge slots (MST4-Rack for the Mega 4, etc.). The
company also carries Pro-Series Mouse and Desktop Controller.

Talon Technology
243 N. Hwy. 101, Ste 11
Solana Beach, CA 92075 (619) 792-6511

Talon Technology has a number of outstanding products for the Atari,
including SuperCharger, Omniswitch, and the Acer monitor.

Toad Computers
556 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
Severna Park, MD 21146 (301) 544-6943

These wild and crazy guys have a great assortment of Toad hard drives,
files, and other stuff. Heck, they even have Tadpole Internals. Dave
Small says, "I love the drives."

WuzTEK Omnimon Peripherals
One Technology Drive, Bldg. 1E, Suite 301
Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 753-9253

WuzTEK of Irvine, California is the manufacturer ofthe OMNIMON Rainbow
& Greyscale multi-resolution monitors, and D.E.K.A., the detachable,
extended PC keyboard adaptor for Atari ST computers.

Zephyr and ST Plus
P.O. 1197
Berkeley,CA 94701 (415) 548-8999

Zephyr and ST Plus, "catering to the professional desktop publishing and
video market," have an abundance of fine software and hardware that
should cover all of your needs.

The holidays are upon us. Christmas is coming soon - time to start your
wish list now!

the magazine for amiga & atari publishing


Radical Type is the only publication dedicated to Amiga and Atari
desktop publishing. Radical Type concentrates on Soft-Logik PageStream
based publishing systems. Coverage is being expanded to provide an
emphasis on Migraph TouchUp, Electronic Arts Deluxe Paint and Gold Disk
Professional Page 2. Plus every issue of Radical Type reviews new
fonts, art and other desktop publishing products.

Radical Type is published bimonthly and started off as a newsletter in
April 1990. It is growing rapidly and is now a small magazine.

I D E A F O R M S 1

Soft-Logik's PageStream frees us from the constraints of traditional
page creation and offers us powers and features we have only begun to
use. However, many publishing tasks are still repetitive. Enter Idea
Forms 1.

Idea Forms 1 has templates and forms for schools, clubs, home and small
business needs for use with PageStream. Idea Forms 1 templates help you
produce letters, reports, books, newsletters, common stationery and
other useful documents faster than ever!

Idea Forms 1 has 2 disks and a short guide to using the templates. To
make this productivity package an even better value, you get the Voodoo
symbol font at no extra charge! The current release of Idea Forms 1 is
in PageStream 1.8 format. It is being updated for 2.0 and the update
will be sent free to registered owners. The 2.0 version will include
several additional templates and style sheets using the new 2.0

Pay by money order, check or Visa. Please make checks and money orders
payable to I-Koen Design. Send orders to:

I-Koen Design
PO Box 107
Lazo, BC, V0R 2K0, Canada

* Visa: include name on card, expiry, and billing address.
* US Visa orders are billed in Canadian funds at the listed prices.
Send Visa orders by GEnie Mail to M.LOADER1. MC/Amex/Discover not
* PD Disk 1 contains PD PageStream fonts. Disk 2 has 24 point screen
fonts for Soft-Logik Atari Font Disks 6 to 17. (Atari only). Disks 3
and 4 have IMG clip art for the Atari and IFF clip art for the Amiga.
Each comes with a sheet showing the disk contents for easy reference.

PRICE LIST: EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1 - subject to change without notice

US ORDERS: The prices have been changed to reflect impending hikes in
Canadian postal rates and a new tax on postage. Shipping and handling
is included in all prices. Prices are not subject to any other taxes.
For Radical Type, you have a choice between air and surface mail. Note
that Visa orders are billed in Cnd dollars ($1.00Cnd approx = $0.85 ->

US ORDERS || Check/Money Order || Visa Orders || TOTAL
prices include shipping|| $US || $Cnd ||
Radical Type - air || $18.70 US || $21.40 Cnd || $
Radical Type - surface || $19.80 US || $22.70 Cnd || $
Back Issues || $ 4.95 US || $ 5.60 Cnd || $
Idea Forms 1 || $29.10 US || $33.60 Cnd || $
PD Club 1 PD PgS Fonts || $ 5.00 US* || $ 5.80 Cnd* || $
PD Club 2 Screen Fonts || $ 5.00 US* || $ 5.80 Cnd* || $
PD Club 3 PD Clip Art || $ 5.00 US* || $ 5.80 Cnd* || $
PD Club 4 PD Clip Art || $ 5.00 US* || $ 5.80 Cnd* || $
PD Club 5 PD PgS Fonts || $ 5.00 US* || $ 5.80 Cnd* || $
TOTAL || Send Atari disks [ ] Send Amiga disks [ ] || $
* price is 4.50US/4.90Cnd per disk when 2 or more are ordered.

CANADIAN ORDERS: The prices have been changed to reflect impending hikes
in postal rates, plus the GST which is also applied to postage.
Shipping and handling has been separated from all prices to avoid double
GST taxing. It may seem strange to separate a magazine cost into price
and shipping, but hey, this is radical. Because taxes are getting
confusing, the order blank below calculates them for you. BC residents
please add the 6% PST column. All Canadian residents please add the 7%
GST column for orders after Jan 1/90 (if the GST is law). Then add the
shipping column and total them together.

CANADIAN ORDERS || Price || 6% BC || 7% || Shipping || TOTAL
|| || PST || GST || ||
Radical Type - air || $16.00 || n/a || 1.12 || 5.16 || $
Back Issues || $ 4.50 || n/a || 0.32 || 0.86 || $
Idea Forms 1 || $30.00 || 1.80 || 2.10 || 2.15 || $
PD Club 1 PD PgS Fonts || $ 5.00 || 0.30 || 0.35 || 0.86*|| $
PD Club 2 Screen Fonts || $ 5.00 || 0.30 || 0.35 || 0.86*|| $
PD Club 3 PD Clip Art || $ 5.00 || 0.30 || 0.35 || 0.86*|| $
PD Club 4 PD Clip Art || $ 5.00 || 0.30 || 0.35 || 0.86*|| $
PD Club 5 PD PgS Fonts || $ 5.00 || 0.30 || 0.35 || 0.86*|| $
TOTAL || Send Atari disks [ ] Send Amiga disks [ ] || $
* shipping is $.86 for one to two disks and $1.29 for three to four

Z*NET Atari Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the Atari
and related computer community. Material contained in this edition may
be reprinted without permission except where noted, unedited and
containing the issue number, name and author included at the top of each
article reprinted. Opinions presented are those of the individual
author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff of
Z*Net Online. This publication is not affiliated with Atari
Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net Atari Online and Z*Net News Service are
copyright (c)1990, Rovac Industries Incorporated, Post Office Box 59,
Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0059. Voice (908) 968-2024, BBS (908) 968-
8148 at 1200/2400 Baud 24 hours a day. We can be reached on Compuserve
at PPN 71777,2140 and on GEnie at address: Z-Net
Z*NET Atari Online Magazine
Copyright (c)1990, Rovac Industries, Inc..

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