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Z*NET Online Magazine Issue 529

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Z NET Online Magazine
 · 22 Aug 2019


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Z*Net Atari Online Magazine
July 20, 1990 Volume 5 No. 29 Issue: 529
(c½) 1990 by Rovac Industries, PO Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey 08846
BBS 201-968-8148 * CIS 71777,2140 * Cleveland Free-Net * GEnie Z-NET
Staff: Ron Kovacs, John Nagy, Alice Amore, Jon Clarke, Bruce Hansford,
Robert Ford, Mark Quinn, John King Tarpinian, Bruce Kennedy, Eric Gove,
Terry Schreiber and Michael Shutz - German Newswire Editor


- THIS WEEK..................................................Ron Kovacs
- Z*NET NEWSWIRE.......................................................
- Z*NET GERMANY NEWSWIRE..................................Michael Shutz
- MINI ATARI EXPOSITION.............................................CFN
- HARDWARE FOR CHILDREN OF WAR............................Joyce Brabner
- QUALITY BAGS FOR THE ATARI ST...........................Press Release
- REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPTS..................................Donald Thomas
- ROLAND DESKTOP MUSIC SYSTEM...........................Terry Schreiber
- PD/SHAREWARE STOP..........................................Mark Quinn
- AUTOBYTES PORTFOLIO PRODUCTS............................Press Release


With the burning heat of summer here, vacations are being taken by
almost everyone everywhere. The amount of news is down along with the
size of our issues, instead of publishing already released information
in Z*Net, we are decreasing the size. Please refer to our already
released Index issues for contents and information in previously
released Z*Net Online Magazines.

Our staff is also ready for a vacation, so regular columns will be
sporatic until September. There will be weekly editions!

This week, Michael Shutz of the German publication, PD Journal, has
translated news from the publication for Z*Net Online. From time to
time, we hope to have more information from the German Atari community.


~ CHARLES ~ In a move that left some developers stunned, Charles
~ CHERRY ~ Cherry resigned from Atari Corporation this week.
~ LEAVES ~ Charles was the "TOS Evangelist", and he formed the
~ ATARI ~ the current developer support program including
"Softsource" which has yet to debut publicly. He gave
his notice July 12, and left Atari on Tuesday, July 17.
Cherry joined Atari last fall, leaving ANTIC SOFTWARE to
be part of the new corporate support of developers and
dealers under Antonio Salerno. He now goes on to a very
attractive consulting job that requires immediate
attention. Charles says that he holds no grudge or bad
feelings for Atari, and has actively participated in
encouragement of the candidates Antonio and he have been
recruiting for the developer support openings at Atari.
Charles told Z*Net that he knew he had accomplished a lot
while at Atari, and although he had hoped for more and
sooner, he was encouraged by the accolades and
participation of many developers since Charles took over.
Names of potential replacement staff members have not
been publicly discussed. Antonio Salerno said...

"By now, you may have heard that Charles Cherry has left Atari
Corporation. Charles have left to pursue an opportunity to be a
consultant, and Atari Corp. wishes him our very best for his continued
success in his career."

"For both Atari Corp. and myself, I wish to re-affirm to all of our
developers that this does not affect our commitment to you."

"We are actively interviewing candidates to assume Charles' duties.
Indeed, we will be adding more personnel so that we can do an even
better job of responding to your needs. While the loss of Charles does
mean that there will be a delay in the upcoming edition of the developer
newsletter, we will be back up to speed next month."

"The developer support program continues to enjoy the full support of
Atari Corp. and plans that have been announced, which Charles helped
implement, will be brought forth just as soon as we can."

"In the interim, please feel free to contact Gail Johnson, J. Patton,
Dan McNamee or Antonio Salerno with any of your concerns."

Antonio P. Salerno

~ ATARI ~ Concurrent with the arrival of Elie Kenan to take over
~ WORLD ~ Atari USA, Canada and France this last Monday, everyone
~ CONCLAVE ~ who is anyone in the entire international family of Atari
Corporations convened in Sunnyvale, California this week.
Each day was dedicated to reporting, review, and
reorganization of a different part of the global
operation. Thursday was the day for Atari USA, and the
results are significantly readjusted duties, titles, and
responsibilities of many top officials. Our list is not
complete and has not been confirmed from within Atari at
press time, but we hope to have a complete lineup and
summary in next week's Z*NET.

~ NEW ~ Z*Net joins the many well wishers who congratulate
~ TRAMIEL ~ Leonard Tramiel and wife on the birth of a new son,
~ ~ MICHAEL OLIVER TRAMIEL, last Saturday, July 14.

~ CHANGES ~ ST JOURNAL, the newest glossy magazine for the Atari
~ AT ~ market, has released their second issue and announced
~ ST ~ new subscription rates. The "SUMMER" issue will be on
~ JOURNAL ~ newsstands this weekend, and the magazine is planned to
go monthly this fall. Those who already subscribed at
the $29.95 rate publicized earlier will get 12 issues for
their money, and new subscribers can decide whether they
want 6 issues for $20 or 12 for $34.95. Cover price is
$4.50. The new issue has articles from Jim Allen, David
Plotkin, John Nagy, and many others, and includes in-
depth cross-comparisons of desktop alternatives AND of PC
emulators. Plus, as always, there is lots of news and
new product information, MIDI coverage, feature articles,
and the Z*NET NEWSWIRE section fills out the issue.
Publisher Steve Lesh says that the first issue was an
instant sellout at 10,000 copies, and that this issue
will again be 10,000. However, major promotion to the
magazine distribution companies will result in wider
availability... but that there will in fact be fewer US
copies as international distribution is beginning. Look
for larger press runs starting with issue #3, as readers
and dealers get used to looking for ST JOURNAL. Contact
Quill Publications, 113 West College Street, Covina, CA
91723, (818) 332-0372.

~ NEW ~ Atari now has an LCD screen for use with overhead
~ ATARI ~ projectors, allowing projecting the computer output on
~ PRODUCTS ~ any classroom for meeting room wall or screen. A window
like unit, it sits directly on any standard overhead
projector. Manufactured for Atari by nView Corp of
Newport News, Virginia, and similar to their own
VEIWFRAME II+2, the Atari projection screen unit has high
contrast and grey scales, and 640 x 400 resolution when
plugged directly into an Atari ST or MEGA computer. "Y"
cables enable use of a regular monitor while projecting
with the new LCD device. The unit has already been used
at internal Atari events, and will be available at retail
almost immediately. Another new product being built for
Atari is a MOUSETRAC, sort of a hybrid trackball built by
SUNCOM of Niles, Illinois, for release under the Atari
brand name. Some observers have said to expect this to
be bundled with the new TT computer to help the overall
"workstation" feel of the 68030 based computer, expected
to be released within the next two months.

~ LYNX ~ A look at any advertisement from Atari in the last few
~ UPDATE ~ months and you would wonder if they sold computers.
~ ~ Atari has been concentrating it's advertising dollars
into the hand-held market. Atari announced the following
titles soon to be available for the Lynx game system.


Many of these titles will be available in the next few
months, some in weeks.

~ NEW ~ Epson has announced a new ink jet printer that provides
~ EPSON ~ high resolution output for large paper formats of 11x17.
~ PRINTER ~ The EPI-4000 printer uses 64-nozzle ink jet technology to
produce 300 by 300 dots-per-inch resolution on a variety
of plain paper types. The unit prints up to two pages
per minute in draft mode, and is compatible with software
written for the HP LaserJet and Epson FX and LQ models.
The suggested retail price is $1,999.

Edited by Michael Shutz


Atari Fair
Aug 24 - Aug 26, 1990
Dsseldorf, West Germany
On August 24th til 26th Atari invites its fans for the annual Atari fair
in West Germany. During those three days the European Atari Soft - and
Hardware elite will gather in Dsseldorf to show off the newest paint
program or the fastest wordprocessor. A new visitor record is expected
for this years fair, last year 45,000 people came to Dsseldorf and this
year the figure will easily rise above 50,000, especially since now for
the first time many visitors from the Eastern Europe countries will be
able to attend.

Besides more visitors this years show will also see more vendors. As a
result of this development the show will be switched to two different
halls on the Dsseldorf fairground. The size of the fair is increased
by 50% compared to last year.

On an area of 200 qm one of the big issues at this years fair will be:
Atari Computers in education and science. Numerous German universities
and technical schools will present their projects while teachers will
demonstrate the usage of computers within the educational system.
Another main feature will be DTP.

There will be a 400-500 qm DTP-booth at the show, where the production
of a magazine can be viewed by the visitors. From the writing of the
articles, through layout, page development, creation of the print films
up to the printing of the magazine at a real printing press.

The most crowded booth in Dsseldorf, as with every year, will be the
main booth of Atari Germany itself. To see and to be seen will be the
Motto here once again. In the centre of the attention will be the Atari
TT and the ATW transputer workstation. The Portfolio and the Lynx will
naturally be shown too.

Other areas covered by the show will be MIDI-demonstrations, workshops,
public discussions for example about computers in East Germany, women
and computers and education.


Novell - workbook I and II for SFT NetWare 2.1x
The new versions of both books were written for users, that intend to
use their networks under SFT Advanced NetWare 2.1x and who need a
precise German manual. The books contain all, in all the same
information as the 13 original english NetWare-Manuals. Due to
didactical reasons they were merged into 20 chapters.

Book I contains the first ten chapters and deals mainly with the
installation and the usage of Netware with the File-Server, with the
installation of bridges and the creation of shells for the workstations.

Book II contains the chapters 11 to 20 and deals mainly with the user
interface of NetWare, with the installtion of users and the data
structure. All commands are documented in this part of the book.

In these new versions of the books the authors not only made the
material more understandable but they also added new topics such as
Ethernet-topology, Ethernet-hardware, Bridge-technoilogy, OS/2 Requester

Volume I, ISBN 3-7785-1940-9, DM 98
Volume II, ISBN 3-7785-1941-7, DM 98

Hthig Buch Verlag GmbH
Postfach 102640
6900 Heidelberg, tel. 06221/489-250

The programming language H„nisch Modula is now available as Version HM
plus 3.1. This Modula-2 development system will be offered in two
versions (Junior version for DM 298.- and Profesionel version for DM
770.-). The main difference between both versions lies within scope of
delivery and the license-requirements.

Obermarkterstr. 72
4600 Dortmund 30, tel.: 0231/486460

New vector-graphic fonts for Calamus are now available from the company
W.Wohlst„tter and J.Ohst EDV GbR. The fonts are not secured through an
own serial number and can possibly to this fact be used with different
versions of Calamus, which is very important for exposure-services. The
fonts retail for a price of DM 29.-, discount rates are available by
large quantity orders.

Jutta Ohst
Nelkenstr. 2
4053 Jchen 2 Tel.: 02164/7898

Werner Wohlfahrtsst„tter
Irenenstr. 76c
4000 Dsseldorf Tel.: 0211/429876

The well established modem-manufacturer BEST Communications now has a
new partner in Germany. From April 1st, 1990 on Point Computer GmbH
from Munich will be the exclusive distributor for the Southern part of
Germany. BEST Communications succesfully entered the European market in
1987 with its 1200 Baud modem series. Due to popular demand the company
soon rounded up their product sortiment with several 2400 modems. The
top model was until recently the MNP5 that reached transfer rates of
almost 4.600 bps due to the usage of Microcom-own data compression
technics. BEST Communications says they are the third biggest Modem
producer in Taiwan. Soon a new model with the name BEST 9600EC MNP5
will be available. This new model besides matching the CCITT V.32
standard is also supposed to be capable of handling the MNP4 error
correction- and the MNP5- data compression protocol. This could mean
data-transfer with almost 19.200 bps. Naturally all BEST modems are
fully Bell- and Hayes compatible. For the German market, the modems
will be shipped with a 220V power suplly and an extensive German manual.

Point Computer GmbH
Gollierstr. 70
8000 Mnchen 2, tel.: 089/505657

The popular painting program Omikron Draw is now available in its new
version 3.3. The most important feature that this new update offers is
the possibility to use the spray can option with custom fillings.
Registered owners will receive free updates by sending back their
original disk accompanied by a stamped send-back-envelope.

Technobox Drafter is a new program that helps you create high precise
technical drawings. The graphics can be exported as Metafiles and may
then be imported for example into Calamus to produce technical
documentation. The program will retail for DM 798.-

Technobox Software GmbH
Kornhapener Str. 122a
4630 Bochum 1 tel.: 0234/503060

As of July 1st, 1990 the German Software house Tommy Software from
Berlin will legalize all pirate copies of its own software products that
float around in East Germany. With this step, the well known German
software company will offer all users in East Germany the possibility to
legalize the usage of its products. The only thing the East Germans
have to do is write to the software house and ask for a free
registration number for the products they 'own'. The offer is only
valid until September 30th, 1990. All registration requests arriving in
Berlin later will not be recognized. East Germany right now contains a
black market that is hard to overview. TommySoftware - with this
unusual measure - is trying to establish itself in a may-be uprising
East German software market.

Tommy Software
Selchower Str. 32
1000 Berlin 44, tel.: 030/621406-3

Tommy Software additionally offers all citizens of East Germany the
Junior version of its popular painting program MegaPaint for only DM
99.-. The sales will only be handled via mailorder. The written order
must be accompanied by a by a photocopy of an East German I.D.card.
MegaPaint Junior is one of the early MegaPaint versions, that is not
available anymore since Tommy Software had announced the Professional
series. The old retail price used to be DM 199.-.

Tommy Software
Selchower Str. 32
1000 Berlin 44, tel. 030/621406-3

The music-publishing house B.Schott's S”hne offers with Computerkolleg
Musik a new kind of music software for the ST computer series. The
package contains four courses that allow you to train your ears
musically. The programs were developped by the Cami-Group from
Osnabrck, West Germany. They play intervals, scales, rhythms and
accords. The computer automatically adapts to the capabilities of the
user. All answers are checked by the computer, commented and
differentially evaluated. The courses are divided up into an
information-part plus several exercise parts (practical MIDI exercises
are included too). The user also has the option to print out a
certificate that documents his recent progress. The complete package
containing the four courses retail until August for DM 298.- (later the
price will be raised to DM 398.-).

ImaC-Systeml”sungen, Enders, Kriege & Schwirzke
Gr”belweg 13
4500 Osnabrck

************** A T A R I ***************
************** MINI ***************
************** EXPOSITION ***************

Atari Mini-expo at The Slavic Village Harvest Festival
Sponsored by: The Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG & friends

The first and largest Cleveland public Atari computer and Lynx
demonstration will be held at the 13th Annual Slavic Village Harvest
Festival sponsored by the Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG and local
bulletin boards.

The Festival is located on the near East side of Cleveland and is easily
accessible through the I-77 freeway. Instead of expensive outdoor
booths to demonstrate Atari products, the Atari SIG has reserved a store
in the center of the Festival at 5900 Fleet Avenue. About 100,000
people are expected to attend the festival leaving at least a few
hundred to attend the Atari SIG's demonstration.

The demonstration of Atari computers, Lynx and products will be held at
the exact time of the festival. On Saturday, August 18th, the Festival
will be from 4PM to Midnight. On Sunday, August 19th, the Festival will
be from Noon to 9PM.

What will be going on at this demonstration?

The main event will be the display of Atari 8-bit, ST computers and
Portfolio by users to the public. The main idea behind this
demonstration is that we can let people know that Atari is still in
business, they make some pretty nice computers, and that Atari isn't
just a game company. We are taking the main ideas behind what the
Revolution was all about and we are going through with them. It is
word-of-mouth advertising at its prime.

The second event will be the demonstration of Lynx video game systems.
Yes, we know that the Lynx isn't a computer system but it is an Atari
product and if it succeeds in the U.S. then there is more money for
Atari to spend on pushing its computers. At the store, we plan on
inviting any Lynx owner that wants to play multi-player games. They
will not only be having fun but they will also be convincing people to
become Atari Lynx owners.

The last event will be the collection of donated 8-bit computers to the
Children of War campaign. The Children of War campaign has been started
by a woman by the name of Joyce Brabner. (Editor Note: An article
written by Joyce is included in this issue). Her hope is to have 8-bit
computer systems donated that are no longer being used to victims of

These people would then access a special computer network by the name of
Peace*Net in order to talk to family and friends across the world that
have been separated and cannot afford to talk or write to each other in
any other way. More information is available on the Cleveland Free-Net
Atari SIG and an article will also be published in the next Atari SIG's
Newsletter so watch for it.

Who is invited to this demonstration? Everyone. However, if you want
to Lynx up your games, bring your computer to demo software or products,
or become a vendor at this event, please write us before doing so and
tell us all the necessary information such as what you plan on bringing
and at what time you plan on appearing. Vendors should be aware that we
are limited in space since the store is only as big as a Radio Shack so
contact us as soon as you can. Also remember that your main customers
(even though there will be a lot of Atari users attending) will be the
public who does not know much about Atari so you may want to bring
products that can be sold and used right away - possibly Atari computers
or Lynx systems.

Of course this will not be a major Atari expo such as World of Atari
shows but if you are in the neighborhood and are interested in showing
off what your computer can do then you are welcome. Remember, the
special thing about this demonstration is that we aren't inviting people
to motels or gymnasiums to see Atari computers, we have taken the
initiative and have actually gone to where the public is to demonstrate
these systems and products.

The public awaits!

The festival will be between E.65th and 55th Streets. You wil be able
to come off of the I-77 freeway to the exit of Fleet Avenue. You may
park anywhere you can find room. People wishing to demonstrate their
computer are encouraged to come early to drop their equipment off before
the street is closed to traffic.

Write to: The Cleveland Free-Net Atari SIG
P.O. Box 21815
Cleveland, Ohio 44121

Writing through Internet from Compuserve:

Writing through Bitnet:

************** HARDWARE FOR ***************
************** CHILDREN OF WAR ***************
************** ***************
by Joyce Brabner
Cleveland FreeNet

I guess it's time for me to introduce myself. I'm the person working
with Len, Mark and other Atari SIG members, to put together basic Atari
systems, to be donated to young people from Children of War. The
project is pretty much as Mark and Len have described it.

A few months ago 47 young people from countries like South Africa,
Israel, Palestine, Cambodia, El Salvador, Northern Ireland and the U.S.
got together to tour several American cities, and talk about what it's
like to live in a war zone. This year's tour also included
environmental disaster areas -- 3 Russian teenagers from Chernobyl, and
kids caught up the cycle of gang violence, from places like East L.A.
and South Boston.

(Why? Anywhere kids are being shot in the streets is considered a war

What happened? Children of War chapters started in every city they
visited. Teenagers who have seen family or friends killed, who have
themselves survived torture, or been imprisoned, who have had to flee
their countries and start over as refugees, got the chance to ask other
young people in the U.S. for help waging peace. They also formed very
close friendships with each other, during the tour.

These friendships are important. Someone from El Salvador, who has lost
family to the death squads knows what it's like for a Cambodian teenager
to live with memories of "the killing fields". A teenager whose family
fled Iran, now starting over in San Francisco, understands a Palestinian
student's hurt, when classmates make fun of the "terrorist!". An inner
city gang member got his head put on straight, after hanging out with
two South African teenagers.

What's my part in all this? I'm a comic book editor and writer (Eclipse
Comics). I'm writing a comic book about the 1990 tour, which will be
published at the end of this year. I write my comics on an Atari 8 bit,
which I learned to use in three days -- no prior experience. I knew
about Peace*Net-- an international, non-profit computer BBS.

I also knew that Free Net works. When I needed help, Len and Mark
taught me the difference between ascii and binary files, and walked me
through Omnicom. I figured I could donate some money for costs, and I
asked Len and Mark. They're coming through, with help from you.

Philip Chow's hardware helped me connect an 18 year old from a country
7 time zones away, with a 16 year old from Louisville, Kentucky. It's
not safe for him to send or receive letters about politics. Peace*Net
gets him through. Next week, I'll connect a Cambodian teenager, now
living in Los Angeles with her 16 year old friend from Tel Aviv. Then
Brooklyn with San Francisco -- it's working!

Am I writing the Cleveland Atari SIG into the comic book? You bet. Do
we still need hardware? Absolutely. Can I write a lot of checks? Not
really. I'm trying to spend money on user accounts and line time. Most
of these young people have no money. I'll happily send donors an
autographed comic, or a similar thank you. I can connect you with
Peace*Net, and answer other questions about Children of War, if you send
me E-mail.

Finally, it looks like most of the donors are close in age to the Tour
participants (12 years to early 20s). I think that's because you know
what it's like to really, really need to talk to a good friend who
understands better than anyone else what's going on -- family stress,
school worries, uncertainties about the future. This idea didn't need a
lot of explanation at all to take off and yes! Your donations of very
unglamorous, and thoroughly reliable Ataris ARE making a difference
that's felt half-way around the world. Thanks. I'll keep you posted.

Joyce Brabner ah881

************** QUALITY BAGS FOR ***************
************** The ATARI ST/STE ***************
************** (Press Release) ***************

For a limited time only, we are offering at a special price: Atari 520/
1040 ST & STE bags from Targus.

In the Targus tradition of excellence all nylon carrying cases are
carefully made with the following special features:

* Rugged "Zilicone" treated 840D navy blue nylon outer shell provides
unsurpassed durability as well as a non-abrasive surface that is
water repellent and scuff resistant.

* 200 lb. burst strength webbing stitched to nautical standards,
reinforced with fail safe industrial rivets on all stress points.

Targus products utilize free running, self-healing nylon zippers plus
molded positive close, non-corrosive fasteners. Padding for all Targus
cases is provided by impact-absorbing, high-density, closed-cell foam
covered by a protective inner lining.

Special non-skid, shock absorbing, rubber feet are securely stitched to
the bottom of each Targus case. All Targus cases feature cushioned non-
slip shoulder pads and foam padded hand grips for user comfort.
Includes cable pouch.

Now, for a limited time only, at the special price of:

Atari ST bags: $ 27.95 U.S. (U.S.$)
$ 34.95 CANADA (CDN.$)

Note: This price is based on a special purchase & only applies while
quantities last!

92 LORELEI CLOSE, (403) 456-6108 FAX

by Donald A. Thomas, Jr.

(This is PART 30 of a series of articles published and distributed by
Artisan Software. Please feel free to copy and distribute this article
as you please provided you include all unedited text. Also feel free to
upload to boards and communication services. These articles are
designed to entice you to take constructive action. Write to involved
parties and tell them how YOU feel about the subject.)

An Atari user contacted us recently and offered a unique idea. As an
active member of The REVOLUTION, he said that he recently went to the
bank and exchanged a fifty dollar bill for fifty ones. He then stamped
each one with: "Join the REVOLUTION... Use an Atari computer!" and put
them back into circulation. Now there's an ad that won't get thrown

The REVOLUTION stamp can be obtained inexpensively from a variety of
sources. Simply print the message on a piece of paper, then present it
to your local business supply store, print shop or novelty retailer.
They will be happy to assist you in selecting type sizes and font
styles. An official rubber stamp bearing The REVOLUTION logo can be
ordered direct from Artisan Software for those who wish the convenience
of having one mailed right to their home (now only $12.00 including
shipping). Several Atari dealers have made them available to their
customers as well.

The REVOLUTION campaign offers the suggestion to stamp the front of all
outgoing mail. This may include bills and various forms of
correspondence you send out every day. As noted above, there are other
creative applications for the rubber stamp. Perhaps the back sides of
grocery coupons or the covers of magazines in a doctor's office are
potential targets. Instead of using the rubber stamp, many REVOLUTION
members have prepared labels using label design software and colorful
ribbons on their printer.

The rubber stamp concept is designed to be a low cost opportunity to
help spread the word about Atari computers. The little time it takes to
stamp your mail means that many people see the name of Atari computers.
The repetition of seeing the name regularly establishes an unconscience
awareness in the product line. Of course, it is no ones obligation to
rubber stamp their mail this way, but for those who are genuinely proud
of their Atari system, it is an opportunity to let others know how you
feel. It is a constructive alternative to dedicate your energies.

For information on how you can "JOIN THE REVOLUTION" and actively
support the exposure of Atari computers, send $6.00 to ARTISAN SOFTWARE,
PO Box 849, Manteca, California 95336. An ST/MEGA compatible disk-based
HANDBOOK will be rushed to you by return mail. The HANDBOOK is also
Texas), COMPUTER STUDIO (Asheville, North Carolina) and as a download


- Tentrax

New next month from Roland is Tentrax, a dedicated software package for
CM-Series Computer Sound Modules and Peripherals. With a user-friendly
interface and extensive capabilities, Tentrax is well suited for users
exploring electronic musical instruments for the first time as well as
advanced users for pro-level applications.

Tentrax is an easy-to-use 10 track sequencing software package designed
for use with Atari ST series computers and Roland CM-series modules, and
does not require complex midi operation and connection knowhow. The
program lets you conduct most operations by mouse and a ten-key pad,
operation status is always displayed providing visual confirmation of
all tasks.

When used with the CM-32L LA sound module or MT-32, you can create
ensemble performances of up to eight Parts using LA Synthesis sounds
plus a Rhythm Part. When the CM-64 LA/PCM sound module is used or when
the CM-32P is added to this combination, realistic PCM sounds can also
be used for ensemble Parts. Additional sound sources other than the
CM-Series or MT-32 extend sequenced performance possibilities by
allowing you to create a maximum of nine Parts and one Rhythm Part.

Up tp six types of control data for each Part such as changing tones,
Volume, and using a sustain pedal may be handled comprehensively.
Tentrax can also be used to set master volume, performance tempo and key
shift providing greater expressive control. A blank track is provided
to control additional sound sources (other than CM-Series) such as a
Roland Piano HP-Series Digital Piano.

The main screen display layout resembles the operation panel of a ten
channel studio mixer. The bottom right of the display features a switch
similar to the Play/Stop button of a tape-recorder that lets you start
and stop operation via a mouse.

For sequencing the mouse controls:

Master - Master Volume, Key Transpose for Overall Parts, and
Reverb ModeSelect.

Track 1 - Part Volume, Pan, Mute Switch, and Program Change.

Tracks 2/3 - Part Volume, Pan, Reverb Switch, Mute Switch, and Program

Tracks 4~9 - Part Volume, Pan, Reverb Switch, Mute Switch, and Program

Track 10 - Part Volume, Reverb Switch,and Mute Switch.

When sequencing starts, each display element moves in real time. The VU
meter indexes move right and left, faders move up and down, and the
panning buttons rotate left and right.

The names of the Tones assigned to to each Part are shown on the
display. Tone changes can be conducted in real time during sequencing
enabling the creation of sophisticated musical places.

A host of other easy-to-see on-screen displays support all operational
procedures. For example Score Edit display show the notes on a score,
Key Edit display features gate timing using bars, the DrumEdit
facilitates Rhythm track data programming, and the Event Edit display
allows the control of pitch bender, volume and panning.

Song data input can be input in two ways - by real-time recording or
single step writing. With single-step writing, you can place the notes
on the score from the Score Edit, Key Edit and Drum Edit displays via
mouse. Note data can also be entered by pressing keys on a connected
MIDI keyboard. Music data can easily be input even by users without a
MIDI keyboard or who are not accustomed to playing a musical keyboard.


Authors: Doug Harrison File name: LP_DEMO.ARC
File type: Utility Demos Program names: LookIt!, PopIt!
Here are two new utilities from Doug Harrison and the folks who brought
you HotWire. LookIt! is an extensive text/binary file viewer, and
PopIt! allows the user to assign hot keys to load his/her favorite desk

LookIt! has the following features (from the documentation):

- super-fast text display, Blitter/Turbo ST not required
- as many as 32 files can be held simultaneously in memory
- fast regular expression as well as exact match searching
- saveable search strings (18 are available)
- binary file editing on both the hexadecimal and ASCII representations
of binary files
- flexible display options, including color and font size control in
high resolution modes
- printer options allow 40 byte strings to be sent before/after each
file and provide for draft/final and condensed print modes; margins
may be set and headers printed
- may be installed as an application for the GEM desktop or Codehead's
HotWire, to let you show files by double-clicking them
- flexible command line options allow loading of CFG files from paths
other than the default, automatic printing of files, wildcard
- a menu bar operable solely from the keyboard (the mouse works as
- hotkeys for dialog box buttons and edit fields
- keyboard equivalent for cancel buttons

LookIt! looks to be very well designed. It has two display modes: one
for binary and one for ASCII, depending on the extender of the opened
file. Vertical scrolling in both of the display modes IS fast, probably
about as fast as a stock, blitterless ST could get.

This is the first program I've seen that splits directories into two
windows, one for folders and another for files. I think this is a good
idea, especially for hard drive owners with mega-directories. Five
types of directory sorts are available.

PopIt! is another nifty keen idea. Click on ASSIGN, then the accessory,
and assign a hot key to an accessory, or just double-click on the name
of the accessory to access it. Be sure you don't assign one or more hot
keys used by another program.

Author: Bob Silliker File name: STDCAT43.ARC
File type: Utility Program name: STDCAT, version 4.3
This is a nice disk cataloger, and it is about as good as freeware gets,
which is very good, indeed. Version 5.0 of this utility was due in the
fall of 1989. For those of you with version 4.2 who had problems with
the "printer time out", that's been fixed in this version.

If you've got lots of floppies containing those files you can't bear to
delete, this is just the program you need. Feed it your disks and it
prints out a nicely-formatted directory, including comments and other
information such as disk size, free space, used space and even the
serial number of each disk!

Author: Damien M. Jones File name: FIREWORK.ARC
File type: Graphics demo Program name: Fireworks
No, this demo doesn't have an ear-splitting grand finale, but you can
run it at the same time you're popping popcorn in the microwave and
listening to THE 1812 OVERTURE. The combination will really liven up
the place.

Author: Rich Weaver *SHAREWARE* File name: CAL_DATE.ARC
File type: Utility Program name: Calendar Month Display
Drag the hands of a representation of a clock to set the time, and set
the month and day. The clock and calendar displays are nicely realized.
Lemme see: in the year 2392, my birthday will fall on a Monday. I'll
leave a note for my descendants so they can make plans for the big

"Quinn's Quickies"

Monochrome only. Tests synthesizer patches. It worked fine with my
FB-01. Set octave. Point and click on the 'keyboard', too.

Of interest to those with BBS programs that can run external files.
Can run programs from menu, and do file maintenance.

************** AUTOBYTE ***************
************** PORTFOLIO ***************
************** PRODUCTS ***************
Press Release


Autobyte Products Inc, a registered software developer for the Atari
Portfolio, is introducing Six new software packages.

- THE CHECKWRITER is a bookkeeping program. Use it to record all your
transactions. By entering a transaction, the program will automatically
update all accounting books (balance sheet, profit and loss statement,
general ledger journal, bank reconciliation, budget, etc.). All
financial statements can be viewed on the screen in summary format or
printed on paper in detailed format. It is completely menu driven for
ease of use and mininmal keystrokes. You can use all of the functions
for a complete bookkeeping system or use some of the functions for a
very powerful bankbook (up to 24 bank accounts and 25 credit card

Special Features: - automatic transactions
- selectable currency symbols
- automatic GST calculation for Canadian residents
- prints out cheques
French version also available - LE CHEQUIER

- THE TIMEKEEPER is a powerful time management program. It is great for
professionals, consultants, servicemen, or everyone who wants to manage
their time. Using the program, you define the tasks, the clients, the
hourly rates, the minimum chargable time, etc. The program will output
the Time Sheets for any date(s), and will invoice your clients based on
the tasks and time used.

Special Feature: - selectable currency symbols
French version also available - LE CONTROLEUR

- STOCKS is a game that simulates the stock market. Up to five players
can play for a fixed time or a pre-defined amount of money. The initial
set up is completely modifiable allowing changes to the number of
players, the initial cash and the allowed margin and stock names. Since
the Portfolio is small it can be passed around to each player who can
play his turn privately, using his own strategy. At the end of the game
the scores are displayed and a winner is announced.

- TERMINAL is a smart terminal emulation program that uses the Portfolio
serial interface and a pocket modem to become a portable terminal. You
can transfer files in ASCII or XMODEM protocols and is completely menu
driven to simplify it's usage.

655-32E Avenue Suite 201
Lachine, Quebec
Canada H8T 3G6
Tel. (514) 637-6232
Fax (514) 637-1491

Z*Net Atari Online Magazine is a weekly released publication covering
the Atari community. Opinions and commentary presented are those of the
individual authors and do not reflect those of Rovac Industries. Z*NET
and Z*NET ATARI ONLINE are copyright 1990 by Rovac Industries. Reprint
permission is granted as long as Z*NET ONLINE, Issue Number and author
is included at the top of the article. Reprinted articles are not to be
edited without permission.
Copyright (c)1990 Rovac Industries, Inc..

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