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Z*NET Online Magazine Issue 545

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Z NET Online Magazine
 · 22 Aug 2019


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November 9, 1990
Issue #545

Publisher/Editor : Ron Kovacs
Assistant Editor : John Nagy
Z*Net New Zealand: Jon Clarke
Z*Net Canada: Terry Schreiber
Contributor: Keith Macnutt

~~~~~~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~

EDITORS DESK.................................................Ron Kovacs
Z*NET NEWSWIRE.........................................................
AN APOLOGY.............................................Dorothy Brumleve
CHICAGO ATARIFEST UPDATE..................................Press Release
BBS EXPRESS! ST UPDATE....................................Press Release
Z*NET NEW ZEALAND............................................Jon Clarke
SEURAT VERSION 2.0 UPDATE.................................Press Release
NEVIN SHALIT IN CONFERENCE.............................................
NEODESK BUNDLED IN CANADA.................................Press Release
PUBLIC DOMAIN UPDATE......................................Keith Macnutt
ZMAG ARCHIVES: NEIL HARRIS IN CONFERENCE...............................

by Ron Kovacs

Comdex is here and we will have LIVE reports direct from the show. Look
also for a full report next week from John Nagy and Terry May.

The following Bulletin Board Systems carry the Z-Net Crossnet and the
Z-Net weekly magazine. If you are interested in joining in this
informative conference you may call any of the boards listed or ask your
local Forem Sysop to join "Z-Net". Conference code is "20448" and lead
node is #593.

5 - Mile High BBS 303-431-1404 Denver, CO, USA
97 - Big Foot 206-726-9739 Seattle, WA, USA
133 - Hologram Inc. 201-727-1914 Old Bridge, NJ, USA
153 - The Temporal Fixation 609-423-4865 Paulsboro, NJ, USA
168 - C.C.B.B.S. 609-451-7475 Bridgeton, NJ, USA
204 - Full Moon BBS 508-752-1348 Worcester, MA, USA
304 - The Twilight Zone 407-831-1613 Longwood, FL, USA
322 - ACEY BBS 509-966-8555 Yakima, WA, USA
401 - HyperSpace III 404-452-7488 Atlanta, GA, USA
423 - The White Runes of Tinuviel 303-972-8566 Littleton, CO, USA
429 - MASATEK 213-518-9524 Torrance, CA, USA
437 - STinger BBS 805-834-9405 Bakersfield, CA, USA
440 - Realm of Chaos 602-789-9426 Phoenix, AZ, USA
441 - The Boiler Room BBS 313-562-1142 Detroit, MI, USA
448 - Crash ST BBS 604-299-5111 Burnaby, BC, Canada
467 - Sherwood Forest 718-522-0768 New York, NY, USA
489 - STeal Your Face 201-920-7981 Brick, NJ, USA
500 - BATTLEZONE 301-969-0621 Glen Burnie, MD, USA
505 - Atari West BBS 604-272-5888 Vancouver, BC, Canada
523 - Leftover Hippies BBS 416-466-8931 Toronto, ON, Canada
532 - Bill's BBS 403-461-7546 Edmonton, AB, Canada
534 - Pinky's House of Horror! 415-531-1576 Oakland, CA, USA
538 - The Dragon's Lair 803-788-7806 Columbia, SC, USA
542 - The Yakima Atari ST BBS 509-965-2345 Yakima, WA, USA
546 - Bear Swamp BBS 513-644-0714 Marysville, OH, USA
554 - ISLAND EXPRESS 604-287-7247 Campbell River BC,CDN
556 - Thieves Guild 301-894-8516 Suitland, MD, USA
574 - Asylum 505-897-4306 Albuquerque, NM, USA
593 - Z*Net Online 908-968-8148 Middlesex, NJ, USA
596 - Super 68 206-859-9644 Kent, WA, USA

Compiled by Ron Kovacs and Terry Schreiber

The new Atari Mega STE is scheduled to be shown at the Toronto Computer
Show this up-coming week. Although a long way off from the distribution
stages this unit sports 16 mhz in a TT style case. This computer will
be the intermediate between those who wish to upgrade from the base
models but don't need or can't afford the costs of the newer Atari TT
that made it's premier at Authorized Canadian dealers this week.

After a five year-long effort the SPA was pleased to have finally seen
the passage of the bill that makes software rental (other than non-
profit library loans) programs illegal. One hour and a half before
Congress recessed to start campaigning for reelection, the so-called
"software rental bill" was finally passed and now awaits expected
imminent presidential signature. Once signed, the bill will go into
immediate effect, making it illegal for companies to rent software so
users can learn to use it, copy the program, then return the original
disks and documentation for re-rental.

Atari recently mounted a public computer exhibition on a train, visiting
key cities around the UK and attracted around 20,000 visitors. The
whistle stop tour was billed as a festival of computing expertise
mounted as free visitor attraction by Atari. There were special
displays built into six carriages on the train which visited Bristol,
Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Birmingham.

Rodime introduced a new series of high performance disk drives,
including the highest capacity 3.5 inch disk drive ever announced. The
3004T Series offers formatted capacities from 331MB to 540MB, using up
to six disks. In addition, the 3004T Series features separate 16-bit
servo and host control microprocessors which implements innovative,
fully interrupt-driven firmware to ensure an extremely rapid response to
host requests.

Acclaim announced the new Acclaim Power Player wireless remote
controller for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The Power Player
features pin-point accuracy from up to 30 feet away in addition to
offering an automatic shut-off control to prevent battery drain.

Verbatim introduced the second generation of rewritable optical disks.
The new 128MB capacity 3.5 inch rewritable optical disk is the most
recent in a series of product introductions that include Verbatim 4MB
floppy diskettes and 5.25 inch rewritable optical disks. Optical disks
are much more durable than hard disks. This durability means that
stored data is expected to last at least 10 years, and perhaps as long
as 50 years.

Copyright (c)1990, Dorothy Brumleve

November 5, 1990 Urbana, IL

In April of 1990, an AtariFest was held in Pittsburgh, PA. Following
this show, there were numerous reports in the press regarding piracy as
allegedly exhibited by show goers. Accusations of software piracy were
lodged at a Pittsburgh user group, the Atari Elite. A discussion of
this issue emerged in the ST RT bulletin board area on GEnie, and I was
a participant in this discussion.

Readers of my posts in this regard may have been influenced to believe
allegations regarding the Elite. I would, therefore, like to make it
perfectly clear that I have absolutely no first-hand evidence to support
any allegations of piracy on the part of this group or its membership.
I am not acquainted with any member, have never attended its meetings,
and did not attend the Pittsburgh show. I am very sorry if my
unsubstantiated remarks have resulted in unwarranted discomfort or
embarrassment or any other kind of negative outcome for anyone
associated with the Atari Elite.

The discussion on GEnie was heated and emotional because software theft
is a very serious issue among developers. On the very weekend of the
Pittsburgh show, an online magazine published an article I wrote about
this issue and how it affects the development of new software for the
Atari ST and, consequently, reduces the value of the hardware investment
of each and every ST user. Software theft is not the _only_ serious
issue faced by Atari and its users and developers, but it _is_
nevertheless a significant threat to the future of the ST. The
Independent Association of Atari Developers (IAAD), of which I am a
member, considers this issue of such importance that one of its first
acts has been the publication of an anti-piracy advertisement in several
magazines. These magazines, in turn, have considered this issue of such
importance that they have donated the space for this ad.

I would urge ST users to take this issue seriously, also, and to _do_
something about it. You should beware of (and report!) bulletin boards
with "elite access" areas. Please discourage software sharing among
your friends. I would urge users groups to take a clear public stand
against software theft. Those who hold commercial libraries are urged
to stop circulating commercial software; the very existence of a group
commercial lending library is an invitation to software theft and gives
the appearance of condoning or even promoting piracy, even when that
group consists only of the most honorable individuals.

One of the main themes of the post-show discussion in the GEnie bulletin
board was the apparent social acceptability of software theft. If any
positive outcome is to emerge from the Pittsburgh show, let it be a
universal condemnation of pirate activities. The Atari ST and _all_ its
users will be better off for it.

D.A. Brumleve

Copyright 1990 by D.A. Brumleve
Permission to reprint without amendment or abridgement is hereby

Press Release

**** Chicago AtariFest V2.0 Update ****

It is now only a matter of hours before the Chicago AtariFest '90 will
be in full swing. We just have a very few late breaking updates to the
previous announcements:

A big thank you to Atari Corp. for their generous donation of a complete
STe Color system. Some lucky door prize ticket holder will take this
jewel home!

Thank you to CodeHead Software for offering to bring their TT system to
demo at the show- Who needs to go to COMDEX to see the hot Atari
hardware? Yes, Virginia, their famous T-shirts will be on sale at table
20, main floor.

Tom Hunt will be demoing his new 8-bit BASIC. Blazing floating point,
like Turbo BASIC, but compatible with SpartaDOS.

GEnie will be handing out copies of the newest version of ALADDIN in
their display area. See Jeff Williams for details- table 38, second

The SCAT MIDI SIG will have an ongoing demo of the latest in MIDI
hardware and software on the 2nd floor stage area. Stop by and request
a song!

An incredible array of used hardware and software will be sold in the
user group "swap" section. I've heard that everything from 2600 game
cartridges, to 4.1 gigabyte WORM drives will be on sale at bargain
prices. The user group areas are all on the second floor - Get there

Just in case you've been out of the country the last month or so; the
Chicago AtariFest will be held November 11th (Sunday) 1990 at the
American Legion Gurnee Post located at W. Grand and IL. Rt. 21 (just 1
mile east of I-94 and the "Great America" theme park). The show will
open to the public at 10:00 AM and will run until 4:00 PM. General
admission will be $3.00 at the door. Children under 6 will be admitted
free with a paying adult.

All paid admissions will have a chance at the STe Color System donated
by Atari, or one of several other valuable door prizes to be awarded at
various times during the day. For more show information, please contact
LCACE at P.O. Box 8788, Waukegan, IL 60079-8788. A special show message
base (#12) is available on the Python BBS, (708) 680-5105 300/1200/2400

Our main goal in working to bring you this show is to HAVE FUN - if you
can, we'd love to have you join us! Thanks for reading these updates,
and we hope to see you at the show.

====================== Press Release

| /\ |
| / / 2 Presenting BBS Express! ST v1.34 |
| / \ Copyright (c) 1987,1990 |
| /\/\ \ Ltd. by T2 Ltd. |
| \/\ \/ |
| \/ (Formerly an ICD Inc. product) |
T2 Ltd BBS Express! Support 714-357-6806 (PC Pursuit "CACOL" node)

November 1, 1990

NEW The 'Idle Timeout Logoff' has been improved so that users are warned
30 seconds prior to the BBS hanging up on them for inactivity. Three
bells ring, and a message is printed, then unless a keypress is received
in 30 seconds, the BBS will print another message and log the user off.

- Messages read by the addressee shows *Received* in header.
- BBS asks user if they want to post before proceeding to next base
on a QuickScan (unless Continuous Scroll is ON).
- You can now change the title of a message when making a [R]eply.
- Auto-Paging (when not in Continuous Scroll Mode.)
- Added read commands include: Jump to Msg, Goto Last, Gosub Number x,
BackUp One Msg '-'.
- More key substitutes (ie SPACE key or RETURN key advances to next
msg, 'X' or 'Q' key to Quit...)
- When a user (or SysOp) presses 'D' to delete a message, the BBS now
confirms their action with a prompt before deleting the message.
- Extra Help screen in QuickScan (and other 'read modes') is built-in
and the options are flagged when available to the user.
- New "Slash Command": /T for title change in editor. Please update
your MSGEDIT.HLP file(s) to reflect this option.

NEW The user (or SysOp) is prompted to delete old mail after a reply is

- The 'C'atalog command now shows the user a short description of each
file in the listing.

NEW The 'B'rowse w/description now has a larger and nicer file header.
New information such as number of accesses and user rating is included.
Use CNVTDESC.PRG to update old description files to the new format.

NEW The screen is cleared between each file when 'B'rowse w/descriptions
is chosen.

NEW The SysOp may now make a remote download while in SysOp mode. This
means that is you want to download a file that isn't in a SIG, you can
just get into the path where the file exists and do a download there,
rather than going through the rigors of copying the file to a SIG and
later deleting it. To do it, just get into the same folder as the file
you desire to d/l, then type "DOWNLOAD" or simply "DL". The BBS will
prompt you the rest of the way.

- An all-new "X-Press FileScan" has been added -- this is, in effect,
a QuickScan of all the file SIGs that the user can access. They may
select a scan of all new files, or input a date.

NEW Complimenting the Script commands "GEM" and "TOS" is the all-new
"TTP". The difference here is that it will only pass the parameters
that you tell it to. The "TOS" command appends 5 others (as mentioned
in the original docs), and with some programs, this can be a problem.

- A new parameter has been made available for the VIEW function; now
you can call a file with ampersand variable processing (as the old
version did), or you can opt to view a file raw; that is, no
filtering of variables. This is useful for viewing files you may
have downloaded, and which may contain the '&' symbol, or to enable
viewing files at a faster speed, or for showing ANSI graphics, this
command parameter works great. To invoke this in your script, use
the parameter "SHOWALL". By the way, this file is being viewed with
that parameter right now -- works faster too.
- A new way of detecting whether a user is a >>Quick Entry<< or remote
caller has been added. Simply use the &29 variable -- if it shows
a baud rate of 19200 baud, then the user online is a Quick Entry.
- A previously undocumented feature was discovered: You can make a
string all uppercase using X = UPPERCASE (X).

============================[ To Order: ]=============================
First time buyers: The price is still $79.95 (cheap) and includes two
disks, documentation, Script examples, and the Script language Compiler,
of course. To add the optional yearly update subscription, add another
$15.00 (for a total of $94.95). Free Shipping!

Registered owners: The yearly subscription fee for unlimited updates
via modem is $25.00 -- you will be able to come online and grab the
latest version was soon as it hits the streets!

Send check or money order made out to "T2 Ltd." to this address:

T2 Ltd.
Attn: Heidi Taylor
17394 Valencia Ave., #54
Fontana, CA. 92335

Further information can be obtained via voice or modem:

T2 Ltd BBS Express! Support 714-357-6806 (PC Pursuit "CACOL" node)
Voice (9am-5pm Pacific) 714-355-5969

by Jon Clarke

Atari News Down Under

Several new promotional offers have hit the stores in time for
Christmas. The best by far is the new "Discovery Pack", which will
retail for $NZ999.

With the clone wars that have been raging in New Zealand we have seen
the costs of the Atari PC range drop in price and have become more
compeditive in the PC_field.

The new colour Atari monitor is on sale with a recommend retail price
of $NZ699. This cuts $200 off the old retail price of the SC1224. The
new colour monitor offers stereo sound and is in fact using a 'Phillips"

With the Christmas season soon on us and the summer season well truly
here, we are about to see a major advertising blitz on our local TV
stations and in the printed media. The adverts are one of the better
ones I have seen on TV and will rival if not surpass the ones done on
the STe over the last six months.

The real coST of computing.
So you think you have it tough in the USA and other countries because
your computer equipment cost "SO MUCH". Well take heart, you have it
cheap. Now consider this and then read the list below. The NZ dollar
is about 60% of that of the USA Dollar. So for every $1 American you
get $1.40 New Zealand.

Item Description New Zealand Dollar American Dollar
SM124 Monochrome Monitor $NZ 499.oo $US 299.40
SM1224 Colour Monitor $NZ 899.oo $US 539.40
SM194 A3 Monochrome Monitor $NZ 4,999.oo $US 2,999.oo
SF314 720k d/s Disk Drive $NZ 499.oo $US 299.40
Megafile 30 Hard Disk $NZ 1,499.oo $US 899.40
ST Mouse Mouse $NZ 90.oo $US 54.oo
SFP 004 MEGA Maths co-pro $NZ 599.oo $US 359.40
Robokit Cart port interface $NZ 199.oo $US 119.40
Spectre GCR Mac Emulator $NZ 699.oo $US 419.oo
MAC ROMS for above $NZ 599.oo $US 359.40
Lynx Hand held games $NZ 499.oo $US 299.40
Lynx Card Games cards $NZ 70.oo $US 42.oo
520 STe Computer $NZ 1,399.oo $US 839.40
1 mb STe Computer $NZ 1,599.oo $US 959.40
2 mb STe Computer $NZ 1,999.oo $US 1,199.40
4 mb STe Computer $NZ 2,599.oo $US 1,559.40
TT 020 Computer $NZ 6,999.[proposed] $US 4,199.40

================== Press Release

================= =====================
November 10, 1990 Bunker Hill, IL 62014
================= =====================



Now, the Best Bargain in Atari ST Graphics Programs just got Better!
SEURAT Version 2.0 has added a host of new features, improvements,
and image power to what was already a great deal!


* Create and Edit Degas, MacPaint and GEM IMG files (any size!)
Largest workspace onto IMG's of ANY program! (reqs. mono mon.) Now,
you can use the full resources of SEURAT to create and edit images for
your Desktop Publishing, using powerful raster tools and working in a
familiar Paint Program environment! Enjoy the best of both worlds!

* THE FASTEST Multi-Ratio Zoom (2X to 8X) there is for the ST! SEURAT
Vers. 2.0 is 121 times faster than Vers. 1.0 and TWICE as fast as

* System, Degas and GDOS fonts on-line for text (with no GDOS.PRG
required!) You can Scale, Style, Color and Rotate Text!

* Automatic Smooth-Curve Spline Drawing Tools! Let your ST draw for you!

* EIGHT Image Buffers available on a 1-Meg ST!

* SlowMouse! Variable-Speed mouse makes Drawing Easier!

* Anti-Alias (and it's goof-proof)! Powerful Palette Editor with video-
like color controls! Modify whole palettes with a single mouse stroke!

* Loads and Saves Compressed & Uncompressed Degas, MacPaint, and GEM IMG
files; IFF (Degas) and GFA blocks; fill, brush and palette files.

* There's also 11 block shapers & twisters to modify image blocks (now
full-screen, too); 92 color & mono fill patterns; 42 brushes including
user-defined and multi-colored; 4 graphic write modes & 21 block &
mask write modes; circle, ellipse & filled disc in free, repeat &
concentric modes; round- & square-cornered rectangles & solids; rays;
airbrush; clear-circle & clear-box; vertical, horizontal & free lines;
polylines & polygons in line-edge or spline-curve; area & seed fill;
user-set clipping ("invisible windows"); color remap; mirror; screen
shift, flip, invert & rotate; fill editor; brush editor; line editor;
gobs of great disk functions like Format and a Super File Directory;
and a hundred or so other features there's no room to mention here...

* INDISPENSIBLE for GEM IMG graphics for your Desktop Publishing! More
graphic tools and operations for creating and editing .IMG files than
ANY OTHER PROGRAM (no matter how much it costs)!

* DON'T BE MISLED by SEURAT's low price! VERSION 2.0 is a POWER TOOL
that out-performs the "big-name" programs!


* NEW! Now, SEURAT PRINTS TOO! With built-in Print Drivers for Epson-X-
compatibles and HP DeskJet (and LaserJet & HP-compatibles like the
Epson EPL-6000). The DeskJet driver outputs at 75/150/300 dpi in BOTH
Portrait and Landscape orientation, and it's positionable to the dot!
You get DeskJet-quality printing from both the Color and Mono versions
of SEURAT. Of course, the DeskJet output is great, but the SEURAT
Epson-X driver at 108 dpi offers the best nin-pin output you've ever
seen, superb print quality for a dot-matrix, using a completely new

* NEW! Not just Bit Maps, Either! Load low-resolution Color (.P?1 files)
DIRECTLY into the MONOCHROME program, converting them into GEM .IMG
files with stretched-histogram dithers in 16 gray-scales. You can
also perform this conversion to .IMG files in the COLOR program, print
your color pictures, or save them as .IMG files! SEURAT re-scales
lo-rez pix to correct for monitor aspect ratio, automatically
reproducing the true proportion of color images. No more squashed

* NEW! Bezier Curves! Flexible, re-positionable controlled curves can
produce a virtually infinite variety of natural-looking curved lines.
Quick and easy-to-use, they really speed up your drawing!

* NEW! Load MULTIPLE .IMG files! Now, SEURAT allows you to load ALL
EIGHT Paint Screens with .IMG files of any size (if you have the
memory!) Even on 1-Meg. ST, at least two big (1280x800) .IMG files can
be edited simultaneously!

* NEW! Improvements Everywhere! Circle drawing emulates object drawing
programs: drawn circles follow the mouse before being pasted down; new
key commands speed operations; and --- yes, I admit it: a few bugs got
shaken out! Still, a way was found to make the color zoom about 15%
faster, and 26,000 bytes were added to the color program code but the
color program ended up only 1400 bytes bigger!

Now, for a limited time, you can purchase SEURAT VERSION 2.06 at a
special, pre-mass-distribution price of ONLY $35.00!

Two-disk set, with 34,000-word User's Manual on-disk; includes BOTH
Color AND Mono Programs and 191 utility and application files! (Requires
1-Meg ST with double sided drive) MasterCard/VISA accepted

SKWare One / P. O. Box 277 / Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014

Also available: a self-collating two-sided printing routine for printing
the 34,000-word User's Manual on the Hewlett-Packard DeskJet in draft
mode. (You just print the LEFT.DOC, put the stack of paper back in
without re-arranging it, print the RIGHT.DOC, and end up with a collated
copy of the User's Manual printed on front and back sides, ready for
binding. If you want a copy of the self-collating printer routine, just
ask for the "DeskJet DOC PRINTER Disk" and include an additional $3.00.

OK, Ok, you KNEW that price increase was coming someday! (Bought any
gasoline lately?) But, you get THAT MUCH MORE for your money (not so
with gasoline)!

AND, to all of you who had the wisdom to have already purchased SEURAT,
your FREE upgrade to Version 2.06, will arrive within the next 30 days!
AND, all pending orders will receive the upgraded SEURAT Version 2.06!

DON'T kick yourself because you didn't buy your copy of SEURAT sooner!
Buy SEURAT now, before STe-support and COLOR .IMG support are added,


Ctsy GEnie Atari ST RT

(C) 1990 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on
GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign
up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection
type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,
GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information.

November 7, 1990

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
On behalf of the Atari ST Roundtable, I welcome all of you to the Nevin
Shalit RealTime Conference on GEnie.

Welcome, Nevin. Do you have any opening remarks you would like to make
before we start grilling you?

Thanks for the intro, Jeff...!

Well, I'll start with a little mini-bio. I am 29 years old, and as Jeff
said I am just recently married. For about 5 years I was a photographer
(for the NY Times, etc) and now I do about 10 things in the ST community
(and a couple of non-ST things).

So that's it for me. Now I'd just like to upload a short text on
Tracker/ST and then we'll open the floor to Tracker questions first, and
then any other PageStream 2.0 or rumor questions.

OK, here goes the short intro to Tracker...

Tracker/ST is a professional mailing list program with lots and lots of
extras. Extras like a full built in mail merge system (including its
own GEM text editor), unlimited notes for each person in your files
(you're not limited to just a few words of notes. You can go on for
pages and pages), super easy and powerful reporting, and much much more.
It prints mailing labels of all types, including perfect labels to laser
printers and the HP DeskJet.

The main thing I think is that even though Tracker/ST is extremely
powerful, it's very easy to use. It's fully GEM based with familiar
drop down menus and keyboard equivalents. Our mail merge system is the
easiest in the click one button and you do your merge! The
truth is that our users really do love the program, and I've been very
pleased with the positive reviews we just received in Current Notes and
Start as well.

Oh yes, I think the price is right, too...$79.95 list.

Any questions, Jeff or others??

<[Stadel Sysop] J.ROY18>
How soon can we expect to see PageStream 2.0 on the ST/STE, and have you
used SliccTOP personally? I know it is on sale now.

Ah, well I see we have a PGS question right at the start. OK...

Well PGS 2.0 will ship "when it is ready" to quote Deron Kazmaier. It
is already shipping for the Amiga, and it is AMAZING. Since I don't
work for SLogik I can't say when it will be released, but I do not think
it will be too long. My guess is probably the exact same day as Nathan
ships Calamus SL. So why not ask Nathan <grin!>?

As for SliccTop I have not seen it, sorry. I use HotWire and love it,
and I also admire NeoDesk 3.0 which is amazing.

<[Stadel Sysop] J.ROY18>
No, that's ok. I was just curious on PS, and hope to buy SliccTOP ASAP,
and wanted a first hand opinion. Thank you. (^=

<[Ric] R.ROGERS2>
I feel like a reporter at the White House. Not asking what you want to
answer first, but jumping ahead to other dear subjects: Pagestream 2.0
is being advertised in the BRE catalog. How much will the update from
1.82 be?

I _believe_ that the upgrade will be $75. But don't quote me! They
have to pay licensing fees for Compugraphic fonts and that is why the
upgrade is more substantial. One nice new feature of PGS/2.0 is font
size up to 186,000 points (in case you want to say something REALLY

<[Ric] R.ROGERS2>
Will it require mono or more than 1 meg?

I do not believe it will require a mono monitor. PGS currently works on
a color monitor (both Atari and the Hi Res color monitors) and this
should not change. As for memory requirements I am not sure at this
time. I imagine it will work in 1 meg as there is still a bit of room
left with 1.82 loaded.

A program like yours on another platform would cost, what, $200-$300?
Aren't you afraid that the $79.95 price may fool people into thinking it
doesn't have as many features as it does? That it isn't as good as one
more expensive?

Well, Craig, pricing is probably the most difficult thing to do. Our
beta testers suggested anywhere from $49.95 for Tracker/ST (we shot that
guy) to $159.95. I decided that $79.95 list was right. We have had a
VERY good response. When we do a windows version we will charge a whole
lot more, believe me. Right now most folks have between 100-500 names
in Tracker/ST, but last week a user set a new record with 17,000 names.
He does a video newsletter for folks who build their own airplanes and
uses Tracker for solicitation letters and to manage his subscriptions.

I was disappointed to see that Ultrascript is no more. What will the
Safari fonts do that Ultrascript didn't? Are they actually post script
fonts, or do they, like Ultrascript emulate post script. Just what is
the deal here? Thanks.

If you do not see buying a PostScript printer (not in your budget) and
if you use PageStream I URGE YOU to buy UScript before it sells out.
Yes, the Safari fonts will look the same with UScript or without, but
Times, Helvetica, Schoolbook, etc look a LOT better through UScript than
through PGS native mode. Also with UScript you can print EPS (high
quality) graphics. It is very sad that Imagen decided to drop support
of UScript. But even with no support it is a must have for PGS users.
I could say a lot more about why Imagen dropped UScript but I don't want
to get a call from Sunnyvale tomorrow. <grin>

<[Matt] M.WEILERT2>
When do you expect to have direct laser (SLM) support? I've had a real
challenge getting Diablo or Laserbrain to work with Tracker on Multi-
Column labels.

Matt, we do multi column labels every day with LaserBrain. Also, the
new diablo printer emulator is very good (it is here in the libraries).
Personally, I use 2 across laser labels and the LaserBrain emulator. If
you ever need help, just call and I will walk you through the steps.
Basically you load your label format and print. It should not be any
more difficult than that.

<[Matt] M.WEILERT2>
I've used easily 80 sheets trying!! Maybe you could e-mail me some more
detail or something. I sent in my card & disk for an upgrade about a
week ago. I'll call either later this week or next.

80 sheets! Wow, I hope you practised on regular paper. No, really,
Tracker is set up to work with both the LaserBrain and Diablo emulators.
If it's not working, maybe something got scrunged. I will drop you some
e-mail later.

<[Matt] M.WEILERT2>
That's basically all from me...'cept there's the once in a while success
with the click-on buttons (under TOS 1.4) if you slow the mouse response

Matt, I remember your registration card. The TOS 1.4 clicking bug has
been fixed and the upgrade is already on its way to you. We fixed that
clicking bug in July.

What do you feel is in Atari's future as far as support for developers
and end users? Do you feel it will get any better or worse with the
slow loss of second party developers?

Mr/Mrs ZNet, good question...!

I do not think it is Atari bashing to say that if the management of
Atari does not radically alter the course it has been on for the past 4
years, you will see a steady decline in many/all aspects of the ST
marketplace. It is really simple. If they do the things that work for
millions of other companies then they will succeed. If they continue to
work in their current manner, well, then the stock price will continue
to sink and you will see fewer and fewer new applications. I am an ST
freak through and through and there will always be support for Tracker/
ST. But there will also be Tracker Amiga and Tracker/Windows. Anyway,
I do believe strongly that it is very frustrating to be on the outside
and see what is happening.

Do you actually think they can turn the market around in the U.S.? What
would you like to see them change?

Oh yes, they can turn it around.


Well the obvious: market the computer. Get the 1040 in mass merchants
at a LOW price ($399-450 with monitor) and work hard to get dealers. I
think there is room for a great home computer. I do not think Atari has
the ability to go head to head in the high end business market, but the
home/small market is huge.

What would you say would be the major marketplace of the TT?


Thank you very much for your responses.

That's a serious answer. I am not sure how the TT will do in the US.

I would like to get back to Tracker for a minute here...

Good idea, Paul.

I know this question will come up from my customers, so I figured I
could ask you here first - Are there provisions in Tracker for multiple
concurrent users?

Not in the current version. Our ability to make a networking version is
dependent upon Precision Software in England. We can do TONS of new
features and enhancements, but multi-user we rely on precision. It all
depends on how the ST continues to sell (and how any particular
networking system is adopted).

Ok - then let me narrow it down to specifics...

Is it possible to have one computer updating the list while others sort,
list, etc., using different directories than the one used for the
computer updating it? Would you like me to word that more clearly?

We have not tried that. I am not sure if it is possible. All of the
multi user stuff is in the Precision code, but locked. It will be
unlocked for me to use when Precision feels like it. That is the one
area I am helpless. If enough Tracker users demand it I can fly to
England and get it done. (Not a joke)

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Who are the people that will find Tracker/ST to be useful? What kind of
applications is it filling?

Well, we have a lot of different types of people using Tracker. A lot
of real estate folks (individuals and folks from places like Coldwell
Banker). They use it for mailings (of course) but they also use
Tracker's Long Notes feature which lets them keep reams and reams of
notes on their customers (like "Mr/Mrs Hill are looking for a 3 bedroom
with a mirrored ceiling in the master bedroom"). Also, lots of
musicians (I think they do TONS of mailings) and many folks who make
newsletters (since Tracker has an automatic subscription aging feature).

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Long Notes feature? What's that?

Well, most mailing list programs just give you one tiny area, about 40
characters, to enter some key words (like the Key Words in the Libraries
here). But with Tracker you can have UNLIMITED notes for each person,
in a true GEM window. So you can call a client, bring up the long notes
and type in everything he says. It really is very handy. Oh yes, we
have lots of churches using our program. Interesting.

Ok... I came in a little late so, this may have been asked. But before
I ask, I would like to state that I am very interested in getting
Tracker for my work at my Bank. I do a lot of mailings and
telemarketing. I just wish I had an ST there too. But what I would
like to know is, do you have any idea when PGS 2.0 will be released?
And do you have any RUMORS for us about Comdex?

Well as far as PGS/2.0 is concerned, it will ship when it ships. I
really believe that fate will make it so it will ship within the same
week as Calamus SL (not by design, just Fate). So ask Nathan when SL
will ship!

Comdex rumors??

Well if you read Category 18 here in the ST RT you will see some rumors.
I think all the hardware has already been shown in Germany. The only
rumor I can give you is that I am going to...

...oh well, I'd better not.


Sorry, i was cut off the line earlier, but I wanted to mention that I
purchased Ultrascript at the same time as PGS 1.82, and US went bottom
up three weeks i'm going to have an awful time
getting fonts for it!!

Any chance someone else will develop fonts for it?

J.COYLE, well all PGS fonts also work with UScript, but of course they
are sometimes not of the same quality. I find that the standard PS35
set is GREAT and if I want a fancy headline font well the commercial PGS
fonts from Computer Safari and Dennis Palumbo are superb (though I don't
use those for body text).

I have the name of a dealer in san diego who has a bunch of Ultrascript
fonts, but after that I guess they're gone. The ps25 is a disc unto
itself, right?

I mean ps 35

Yes, and I suggest you buy it ASAP. It gives you all the Times,
Helvetica, Schoolbook, Chancery, Dingbats, just like the Apple
LaserWriter. Then you can buy the insane headline fonts from PGS

ps35 is distributed by soft logik or imagen?

Imagen. See your local dealer or magazine for ads.

SoftLogik sells disk A which is screen fonts for the UScript printer

<[DarkRealm] J.ROY18>
Could you give us a brief run-down on Rumor City topics coming up? The
3 I'm interested in is: Pricing on the TT? Release date/pricing for
the MEGA-STE? And, do you know if there will EVER be an Atari show in

Well, I write my Rumor City column at the last minute, usually in a
real frenzy. I call Jack and Leonard and Sam...

...just kidding.

Pricing on the TT? I do not know. I have been trying to pry that one
out but I could not. My _OPINION_ is that for it to succeed it had
better be under $3000 by a mile. Atari's main lure is Power Without the
Price. At the same price as other systems, well, other systems have
lots more software available. Sad but true. At much less than $3000
($2000?) it will do great. At more than $3000 it will not (in my humble
opinion). The Mega STe? It has been rumored for a long time and now is
as good a time as any!

I'd like to interrupt for 1 minute to say that Tracker/ST users should
keep their eyes out for 2 things: our first Tracker/ST newsletter, and a
set of AMAZING CodeKeys key files for Tracker that automate everything
in Tracker that is not already automated. (I have one key file which
loads, edits and prints a QuickLetter, turns off the LaserBrain emulator
and then prints a single label to my dot matrix--all by pressing

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Will you be uploading the CodeKey files and putting them on new Tracker/
ST disks?

CodeKey files will be uploaded here and will go on Master Disks in the
future. I have to make 4 sets: color/mono/hard drive/floppy. CodeKeys
and Tracker is the most automated, awesome mailing list/tracking thing
on any machine, period.

<[DavidLynch] B.O.B.>
(Thanx, Jeff) Re-Hi, Nevin. Would one be wise to purchase US if an
SLM is in their foreseeable future? ( I use PGS heavily )

YES YES YES. Buy UScript now. Or just buy the QMS PS410 PostScript
printer for $1750 street price. 68020 engine and 3X as fast as the
Apple LaserWriter Plus.

P.S. I do not get a commission on UScripts! hehe

<[DavidLynch] B.O.B.>
WOW! We have the 810 at work...3 grand...nice machine, but Ok...thanx.

The 410 is 3 x the printer at 1/2 the price.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Nevin......What is it you REALLY do? <smile>

Well I do a bunch of things. To be honest, the response to Tracker/ST
has been very good and I am doing all right. I do a few different
things...but right now Tracker (on 3 platforms) is my main focus.

Could I get on my soapbox for 1 minute?

OK, thanks. Well, I would like to say that everyone who has a good
local dealer should please buy from that dealer and don't worry about
saving $5 measly by going mail order. And second, if you do not have
local dealer (99% of us), write a 3 paragraph letter to Jack, Sam, and
Leonard Tramiel and Greg Pratt (that's 4 separate letters) telling them
that you need a local dealer.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
I think at least Greg will be at Comdex. Are you going to deliver your
note personally? :-)

Yes, I am. I am not going to be bashful because I have nothing to lose.
I can always move to another machine/career (and support my Tracker
users until I die).

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
Well, I think that about wraps this conference up. Any closing remarks
you'd like to make, Nevin?

I think I already made my closing remarks...

But to summarize, if you are looking for a dynamite mailing list/mail
merge/person tracking program please check out Tracker/ST. And check
out our amazing animated demos as well (files 17052 and 17053). And
stay happy.

<[Sysop] JEFF.W>
I thank you, Nevin, for taking the time to be with us tonight. And
thanks to all of you who participated in this RTC!

Thanks all.

Press Release

Gribnif Software NEWS RELEASE October 1990

Press Contact: Rick Flashman, President
Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 350, Hadley, MA 01035
Tel: (413) 584-7887, Fax: (413) 584-2565


HADLEY, MA (October, 1990) -- Gribnif Software has announced that
effective immediately and throughout the current holiday season, all
Atari ST personal computers sold in Canada will ship with their best
selling title, NeoDesk(TM) 3 - The Ultimate Desktop.

The easy to use and powerful graphical environment offered by NeoDesk 3
will bring a fresh new look and higher level of performance to those
units which will assist Atari Canada in their marketing throughout the
holiday season.

The completely graphical approach of NeoDesk 3 brings to the Atari a
more professional, efficient, and user friendly interface which can
effectively compete head on with the new graphical interfaces now being
offered on other platforms.

In making this announcement, Rick Flashman, president of Gribnif
Software stated "We are very excited about this agreement. We believe
that a computer's user interface is an excellent demonstrator of its
power and capability. NeoDesk 3 pushes the Atari to its limit and
demonstrates what many have known all along, that the Atari is as good
or better than anything else available on the market today. We also
thank our Canadian distributor, ISD Marketing, in helping finalize this

NeoDesk 3 is also available through normal distribution channels and has
a suggested licensing fee of $69.95 US (about $89.95 Canadian). NeoDesk
is a trademark of Gribnif Software. Atari and ST are trademarks of
Atari Corporation.

by Keith MacNutt

DTERM v0.9f by Don and Jay

In my last article, ZNET 544, I discussed a program called QDIALER which
gave the user a very powerful tool in phoning up to 100 BBS's. In this
weeks article I will talk about the companion program called DTERM.

DTERM can be loaded into QDIALER and offers a feature no other transfer
program, that I know of to date has, which is uploading in ZMODEM. When
you first run DTERM, the user should configure the program for your
system and save the parameters for future use. This will not only save
time later but in the long run saves the user from lock ups due to
incorrect configurations.

The main screen of DTERM contains multiple radio buttons, allowing you
to set flow control, baud rate, duplex, capture buffer, terminal mode,
protocols, macro files, paths, executable programs, file selector and up
and download functions. In the centre are the modem flow settings, baud
rate and duplex indicators, loading and saving capture buffers, setting
the buffers on or off, line feeds on or off and just below these are the
free memory and capture buffer status.

We'll go through these features one at a time which will give a good
understanding of just how extensive this program is, and at the same
time allow the novices a good walk through on how to set the program up.

Set flow
Clicking on this button sets flow control on or off. This would
normally be set to off unless you have a modem that will support flow
controls. A good example of one such modem is the US ROBOTIC's COURIER.

Set baud
Baud rate can be set from 300-19200. To change the rate keep clicking on
this button until the correct number is displayed in the window.

Toggles between full and half duplex.

Capture buffer
There is a sub menu that comes up allowing you to save,clear, remove or
set buffer size. Clicking on ok will configure the buffer and bring you
back to the main menu.

Takes you back to the ST's desktop.

Term mode
Term mode takes you to the actual screen that displays your logon and
scrolling text info. A right mouse click brings you back to the main

In this menu you are prompted to select your up and down load protocols.
You have a choice between Xmodem, Xmodem 1K, Ymodem batch and Zmodem.

Macro editor
This allows you to type in about a fifty character string, and by using
the function keys F1 to F5, you can transmit that string at anytime.
This feature is handy at logon time where you can put in a string to
auto log on.

Set paths
The user gets to set the system path, the path for your up and

Execute program
This brings up the file selector so the user can pick the program to
execute. (example QDIALER)

File selector
Accessing this feature brings up the file selector allowing you to
carry out a multitude of functions especially if you have LITTLE GREEN

Warning. Don't access these features unless you have correctly set up
for transfer to or from the host system. If you do, expect to find your
system locked up.

This is the only program that I have found to date that will allow you
to upload in Zmodem. What is so nice about Zmodem is that if you are
downloading a file and you get disconnected, all you do is reconnect and
Zmodem will continue at the point you left off at. If you use INTERLINK
or FLASH you can still use DTERM by executing it from within these
programs. While doing file transfers DTERM will give you the size of
the file and the percentage you ave left to go.

The only negative that I could find would be the locking up of your
system if you have not configured you system correctly for the service
you have accessed. This could be fixed very easily by allowing a time
out feature so as to allow the user a chance to correct the
configuration and continue the up or downloading.

(2 Years Ago) 1988

Atari's Neil Harris in Conference

(C) 1988 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on
GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To
sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon
connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt.
Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for
your information.

<[Holly] HS> Okay... welcome to our formal conference with some of our
favorite Atari folks. You all pretty much know how this runs, but for
those who don't.... if you have a question you'd like to ask, use the
/RAI command to raise your hand and get into line. I will ack your
raise with a private message and tell you who you'll follow so you
know. I'll also try to give you some kind of warning when you're time
is about to come up. When you're through with your question, please
let me know via some kind of ack like GA (Go Ahead) or something... it
makes things a little easier. Also, please remember that Neil and John
are my guests tonight. Please treat them accordingly. *smile* In two
weeks, we have Charles Johnson of G+Plus fame scheduled for a formal.
I hope you'll make it...

<[Holly] HS> Let's start by having each of our guests introduce
themselves and let us know just what they do at our favorite computer
company... *grin*

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Sure. I've been with Atari Corp. for 4 years now, in a
variety of roles, including publishing Atari Explorer, heading up PR,
user group support, online support, advertising, product marketing, and
sales for the east coast. My current assignment is with the Federated
stores, specifically to bring them into the computer business. ga

<[John @ Atari] TOWNS> I have been with Atari Corp for almost a year
now. I work in the Technical Support Dept and handle a wide variety of
tasks. Everything from Online support to Shows to Technical Support on
the phones during the day. It makes it quite an interesting job and I
get the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people. ga

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> I've been with Atari for almost three years.
I was the first technical support guy at New Atari, and then I moved
into other things, like shows, West Coast Editing of Atari Explorer,
Internal and Developer documentation, and various product development
stuff, making sure New Things are Good Things. ga

<[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> Neil, does Atari have a definite strategy for
increasing the ST's market share in the U.S. and will we see that
strategy implemented before the ST becomes obsolete? Ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Before implementing any strategy, the issue we're
facing is product availability. We have been living from hand to mouth
for some time now. The DRAM chip shortage hurts, because we prefer to
hold the line on pricing and that limits how many chips we can buy and
how many machines to make. Right now, the lion lion's share of the
computers are going to Europe, to keep the hottest ST market in the
world supplied. Once we can get more machines built, the US will get
our fair share. At that point a strategy can be implemented. ga

<[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> O.K. but is there a defined strategy already
in waiting for that eventuality? ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Any strategy is time and market dependent. If we had
machines to sell last year, we had a strategy ready. If we have
machines this year, we have a strategy, but not the same one as last
year, because the product is more mature now, with more and better
applications, and because the market changes. Next year's strategy is
likely to be different again. ga

<[David F.] D.FAIRWEATH1> O.K. one last point... I think that when the
time comes you should push the fact that with hardware and software
emulation the ST is 3-way compatible with Mac and IBM. GA that's all.

<[Neil] NHARRIS> I agree... as a selling point it is important. But
when people buy the hardware, I know they'll find enough fine ST-native
software so the compatibility issues are not a factor. ga

<[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Mark, do you have any comments on the 3rd party
development of the 16mhz board?

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Not really...I'll have more to say when I see
one. Last I heard, it was still being worked on... ga

<[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Neil, do you think that Atari owners are more
concerned with the status of the parent company than other computer
owners? ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> I think it is reasonable to be concerned with the
company which makes your computer, particularly in the case of a custom
operating system. Apple users are concerned with Apple. I doubt that
most clone owners care much about their company, they watch IBM.
Overall, it is healthy, because the company steers the future
development of the product to a large extent. Atari welcomes user
inquiries and constructive criticisms, and we act upon them more
frequently than is widely known. We love ya, honest we do. ga

<[Rick] R.GRIDLEY> Ok, (Grin) thanks and thanks to John with helping me
with a problem about a year back. I am done thanks Holly

<D.D.MARTIN> huggs, Neil 1. Any truth to the rumor that the laptop
will be available by the end of the year? 2. IBM or MAC compatibility
is a _major_ factor NEIL. The portability of office<-->home is a great
selling feature. And _we_ have a choice of the _best_ that is
available in software to do the job at hand. ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Any announcement of new hardware will have to wait for
Comdex, sorry. Shipping times, too... I agree that it is an important
selling factor, but we won't let that overshadow the need for
continuing development of TOS programs.] ga

<D.D.MARTIN> Atari users are prone to say.. I love _MY_ Atari, but I
don't know if I love Atari.... We all know we have the greatest
personal computer folks at Atari do to.... so who's job
is it to tell the others? ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Mainly ours, of course. But, from a BUSINESS
perspective, which is the only perspective that our boss takes, you
have to look at the return on any promoting we do. Right now, we sell
every computer we make. We'd love to have enough computers to sell
where we would have to advertise in order to move them all. So, in the
meantime, the grass roots, meaning the Atari community, has the main
role. ga

<[Darek] DAREKM> My question is a rehash of one already asked, but, why
_not_ push the compatibility issue? The Mac, PC, and Atari 800 <grin>
compatibility would interest a lot of people. Afterall, the 130XE looks
very much like a 520, yet Atari rarely mixes ads of 8 bits and STs.
However, you look in most Atari user group newsletters, and they mix the
two computers all the time. Earlier tonight I was demoing my 8 bit
drive to ST interface to a group of about 30 8 bit users (no ST users
in the gruop) and about 1/4 of them indicated that they've thinking of
getting an ST. When I showed them 8 bit software booting off an Indus
GT, they all indicated they are _more_ interested. Wouldn't it be a
great way to upload a lot of 520s and single sided drives, by having
some kind of upgrade policy for 8 bit users to upgrade to the ST. I
know you're short of DRAMs, but with the RAM of a Mega 4 you can unload
8 520s. ga oops, I meant to say "unload", not "upload"

<[Neil] NHARRIS> The Mega uses 1 megabit DRAM chips. The ST uses 256K-
bit chips. So, making a Mega does not impact production of ST's at all.
There has definitely been a solid trend toward 8-bit Atari users moving
up to the ST. But to reiterate, it is difficult to justify from a
business sense, promoting a product when we don't have enough to satisfy
the current demand. ga

<[Darek] DAREKM> The 8 bit users indicated that one of the reasons that
they'd like to upgrade is because the 8 bit software market is dead. I
just see it as a great opportunity to get these potential ST owners
before they get tired of waiting and buy a non-Atari 16 bit product. ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> I don't know how to sell our chairman on giving a
special deal to anyone, even our most favorite customers, at this time.

<[Norm] N.RECHTMAN1> Are there any plans to make a laser printer with
more memory for 1040 users? and how about a desk jet copy? ga

<[Neil] NHARRIS> I think a better answer is for 1040 users to get more
RAM. The reason for that is this: if you have RAM in the laser
printer, it ONLY helps you when you are printing. If you put it in the
computer, then it is available for other jobs as well. 4 megabytes
comes in mighty handy when you are spreadsheeting, or doing a Cyber
animation. I am not aware of plans for an ink jet printer from Atari,
but again, we are not here to announce products tonight. ga

<[Norm] N.RECHTMAN1> that was just a suggestion. I would really

to see PC hardware add ons ga

<D.D.MARTIN> Three cheers for Atari taking the bull by the horns and
making plans to move production back to the US of A!!! Neil, can you
tell us how things are progressing with the proposed plant in Houston?

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Well, our negotiating team is still terrorizing the
folks in Texas. We expect some news shortly, but at the moment, nothing
new to report at this time. ga

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> I have two questions: First, what is the current status
of the CD ROM? ga

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Most recent I heard is that we're trying to get
some good applications together... Makes more sense than saying "Here's
a CD-ROM player. Go to Tower Records and buy some CDs. Have a good
time." It would be nice if there was something to _do_ with it first. we're working on it. ga

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> Is that the only setback? Does it work with a Laser and
HD yet?

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Yes. And headphones. :-)

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> <smile>

<[Neil] NHARRIS> There is a driver for the CD ROM that lets it be read
by TOS applications as if it were a really big drive. You can open it
from the desktop and read files directly. So now it is a fairly simple
matter of getting software which reads the databases on the CD ROM disks
and does something with it. ga

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> (I was referring to the rumored problems with other DMA

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> I know several people with the setup you

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> ok, thanks. The other question is one that Neil probably
saw in my letter to Info-Atari16... I was curious as to how normal users
(not developers) will be notified of TOS 1.4...

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Skywriting, blimps, dancing girls...(sorry, I
couldn't resist.) and if they will also be provided with an "official"
way of reporting bugs. ga

<[John @ Atari] TOWNS> <grin>

<[Mark @ Atari] MJANSEN> Well, it's like this... People will find out
through magazines, etc. And dealers will know about it. The plan is to
polish up a little program we've got here that is used for developers
to submit bug reports, and release that to the public too.

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Through the dealers, primarily. And through all the
communications at our disposal.

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> "through magazines, etc??" Atari Explorer is still
reviewing things that came out 8 months ago as NEW!

<[John @ Atari] TOWNS> I believe that the information will also be
published in the User's Group newsletter as well (Right, Neil?)

<[Neil] NHARRIS> Like I said, through all the communications vehicles
at our disposal. I tend to think the Atari community is very well wired
together. ga

<[Dan] GRIBNIF> ok, now THAT's more like what I wanted to hear <smile>
yes, I tend to agree. Sorry about that comment a second ago sounding a
bit huffy. ga.

Z*NET Atari Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the Atari
and related computer community. Material contained in this edition may
be reprinted without permission except where noted, unedited and
containing the issue number, name and author included at the top of each
article reprinted. Opinions presented are those of the individual
author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff of
Z*Net Online. This publication is not affiliated with Atari
Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net Atari Online and Z*Net News Service are
copyright (c)1990, Rovac Industries Incorporated, Post Office Box 59,
Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0059. Voice (908) 968-2024, BBS (908) 968-
8148 at 1200/2400 Baud 24 hours a day. We can be reached on Compuserve
at PPN 71777,2140 and on GEnie at address: Z-Net
Z*NET Atari Online Magazine
Copyright (c)1990, Rovac Industries, Inc..

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