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Z*NET Online Magazine Issue 523

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Z NET Online Magazine
 · 22 Aug 2019


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Z*Net Atari Online Magazine
(½) 1990 by Rovac Industries, Inc.

Issue #523 June 8, 1990


> THIS WEEK.................................................Ron Kovacs
> Z*NET NEWSWIRE......................................................
> LAST WORD...............................................Andrew Reese
> Z*NET DOWN-UNDER..........................................Jon Clarke
> ST STACK.................................................Alice Amore
> MODIFYING PAGESTREAM.....................................James Parry
> PD/SHAREWARE STOP.........................................Mark Quinn
> TICK TOCK CLOCK........................................Press Release
> FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF THE TT IN CANADA..................Darek Mihocka

by Ron Kovacs

Response to the ST-JOURNAL notices we published has been very successful
so once again here is the information on getting the magazine.
Individual copies are available for $4.50 and a yearly subscription is
$29.95. More information available from ST-JOURNAL, 113 West College
Street, Covina, CA 91723, 818-332-0372.

For those interested in contacting Z*Net: On Compuserve at 71777,2140,
on GEnie at Z-NET or the Z*Net BBS at (201) 968-8148.


(Editors Note: The following expanded Newswire coverage contains CES
announcements of interest.)

Franklin Electronic announced the world's first hand-held electronic
encyclopedia. The electronic edition of The Concise Columbia
Encyclopedia is a technological breakthrough -- providing split-second
access to masses of information. Franklin's electronic Concise Columbia
Encyclopedia provides advanced electronic searching and cross-
referencing capabilities. This new format eliminates hours normally
spent searching through texts to retrieve specific information buried in
scattered articles. By simply typing in key words you call up every
article related to your request, categorized by subjects. The
Encyclopedia will be available in late 1990 with a suggested retail
price of $299. Franklin Electronic Publishers Inc., 609-261-4800

A new company by the name of Lexicor Software has come onto the Atari
scene. According to Lexicor, its sole function is to support software
authors, develop some much needed tools for the artist at affordable
prices and pay authors the best possible royalties. Says Lee Seiler of
Lexicor, "authors get much more than just financial support; they also
retain all their copyrights, have the right to use their codes in
projects outside of Lexicor, and have a voice in every aspect of the
publication and development of their programs. They get signed
contracts up-front in addition to money. In short, Lexicor is a
software development company run by authors for authors. According to
Seiler, Lexicor has both a long term and a short term goal. The long
term: to complete their modular motion control programs series, Phase-4,
for the Atari by mid-summer. The short term: to create a fully mouse
driven environment which will put the Atari user into the computer video
imaging world arena. Lexicor's Phase-4, written by Paul Dana, will
feature full motion control of CAD3D3 objects and will load 3D, 3D2, DXF
and Renderman-RIB files. It will include an object file viewer program,
written by Dave Ramsden, for importing and exporting all Cyber
compatible files (DXF, IGES, Mac sculpt, Amiga sculpt 3D formats) and
for saving Delta file animations. Other features of this series will
include a real-time point cloud, wire frame and solid face rendering in
depth-cue, a surface modeling and contouring module (Lexicor says the
features of this program must be seen to be believed), and a fully
functional Cal-Comp Digitizing tablet driver by Paul Lefevre which will
be selling for under $200. In the planning stage, but being coded for
in current modules, are pipeline and hook interfaces for a real-time 3D
font generator which will be keyboard driven (Just type it into the
keyboard and see it extruded into 3D3 on the screen.) and a 2D template
editor and creation tool which will run as an accessory. All coding
will be compatible for both the ST and the TT. Regarding Lexicor's
short term goal, their mouse driven environment, according to the
company, will focus on the small graphics artist and on the TV station/
cable network market. As such, they are developing this program in such
a way that the user will be able to create and export files to high
level systems such as AutoCad, Crystal, Renderman, etc. On the other
hand, systems users will be able to contract a large segment of their
work to artists using this program and get back fully compatible file
formats. Says Seiler, "We believe that with such programs any talented
artist or computer owner can, if he or she wishes, choose to pursue a
career in computer video imaging. With the TT close at hand this is no
longer just a hoped for dream. We may well propel the Atari into the
world of commercial productivity." Anyone needing more information can
contact Lee Seiler at, Lexicor Software Corporation, 58 Redwood Road,
Fairfax, Ca 94930, (415) 453-0271. This item was reprinted from the
first issue of ST-JOURNAL MAGAZINE by permission.

50,000 plus attended the Summer Consumer Electonics Show. Sponsored by
the Electronics Industries Association, some 1,300 exhibitors were on
hand with automatic navigation systems for confused motorists and an
electronic handheld encyclopedia, among the items. The keynote speaker
was Akio Morita, chairman of Sony Corp., who told how new technology can
improve the quality of life. Another speaker, Rick Del Guidice, of
Panasonic's Auto Products Division, said mobile electronics such as
cellular telephones and compact disks would prove particularly
innovative at the show.

CMS announced the Calling Card Mini Fax for PC-based and Apple personal
computers. The Calling Card Mini Fax is a pocket-size modem that
features 4800 bps send fax capabilities for facsimile transmission, as
well as 2400 bps Hayes-compatible data modem capabilities for file
transferring and data communication. Packaged with both PC and
Macintosh communication software, the Mini Fax is compatible with both
types of systems. Available immediately, the Mini Fax has a suggested
retal price of $349. CMS Enhancements, 714-259-5888

NEC unveiled a new, color hand-held unit to challenge Nintendo's Game
Boy. TurboExpress portable video game system was among dozens of new
products making their debuts at CES. TurboExpress, is a full color
portable system that can double as a portable TV for camcorder monitor
with a special adapter. TurboExpress will play games made for the
TurboGraphx home system.

Xerox Desktop Software, a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox Corp.,
announced this week that it has been renamed Ventura Software Inc. a
Xerox company. The company's products, including Ventura Publisher and
FormBase, give users better ways to capture, manage and present
information. Ventura is the name of the company's flagship product,
Ventura Publisher, recognized worldwide as the leading desktop
publishing system for IBM personal computers and compatibles.

Smith Corona introduced the entry level PWP 1000 Personal Word Processor
that includes the new Personal Card File and Battery Back-up features.
The PWP 1000 includes the ultimate Smith Corona organizational tool, the
Personal Card File. Like a rolodex on screen, the Personal Card File
enables users to efficiently create, edit, view, sort, print, and secure
information in an index card format, for business or personal use.
Suggested retail price for the PWP 1000 is $499.99.

Software Publishing announced PFS:Preface 1.0, a menu system and DOS
manager designed to simplify the basic functions of a DOS-based
computer. PFS:Preface 1.0 allows novice and occasional users to
organize and manage software applications and the contents of their hard
disks without requiring knowledge of DOS syntax. The application menu
system also allows users to create new links to the main menu by
providing help in locating additional programs on the hard drive.

Robert Noyce, founder of Intel Corp., and president of the government/
industry consortium Sematech, died on Sunday in Austin, Texas. In 1974,
Noyce was awarded the AEA Medal of Achievement, presented annually for
significant contributions to the advancement of electronics.

Mitsubishi has announced five new monitors ranging in size from 14
inches to 26 inches that operate over a wide range of frequencies
including VGA, VGA Plus, 8514/A and TARGA interlaced, Macintosh II, CGA,
EGA and Super EGA. The monitors start at a retail price of $1200 to
$11,000. Mitsubishi (213) 527-7686

LJN Ltd. is unveiling "Back to the Future: II & III" for the Nintendo,
which were debuted at the recent CES show. As Marty McFly, players
embark on a wild adventure through three time dimensions, ranging from
the 1800s to the year 2000 - that feature a jumbled "space/time
continuum" in which objects have been misplaced. Using the super-
charged time machine/sports car, players must collect keys and
unscramble anagrams in order to return objects to their proper places in
time. Available this fall, "II & III" is expected to retail for $44.95.

Mitek Systems is introducing a new Macintosh pc, the Model 660T. The
660T is based on the advanced, high-performance Macintosh IIfx and
offers ease of use and capability. This computer is ideal for
computation-intensive applications that demand fast processing of large
amounts of data, such as simulations, computer-aided design, 3-D
graphics rendering, enhanced desktop publishing and 24-bit image

WordTech, manufacturer of interpreters and compilers for the dBASE
language, said it would make a major announcement regarding their next
generation of fully dBASE compatible products at a press conference to
be held at PC EXPO in New York on June 19. WordTech's press conference
is scheduled at PC EXPO in New York on Tuesday June 19 from 2-3 p.m. in
Room 1C01.

Activision and Twentieth Century Fox announced an agreement granting
Activision rights to develop video and computer games based on the two
creatures of our time: the "Aliens" and "Predator", from the movies by
the same names. Under the agreement, Activision will develop "Aliens vs.
Predator" across multiple computer and video game formats, including a
Christmas 1991 release of the game for the Nintendo.

Nintendo announced that Foote, Cone & Belding will become its agency of
record, handling all advertising for the company's Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES) and Game Boy product lines. Estimated
advertising for Nintendo in 1990 are $35 million.

A federal court has given states the power to control computerized
telecommunications, a ruling that may force the Bell companies to set up
subsidiaries to handle such services as automatic banking and alarm
systems. The decision this week by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals overruled the FCC, which had put regulation of the industry in
the hands of the federal government. State regulators now may require
the nation's Bell operating companies to set up independent subsidiaries
to provide specialized computer services that use the same telephone
lines as regular consumer phone service. Dozens of the nation's leading
computer and telecommunications companies joined in the lawsuit,
including the MCI Telecommunications Corp., IBM, NyNex Telephone
Companies, AT&T, and GTE Telephone Operating Companies.

As the first New Jersey Bell directory to include 908 listings and
information, the Monmouth area book begins a year-long cycle to update
all directories by June 1991, when the new code officially takes effect.
Residents will begin receiving their new Monmouth directory beginning
June 14. A blue announcement on the cover directs them to pages 24-29
of the Customer Guide for information about the new 908 area code. The
908 code, includes Warren, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Somerset,
Union and parts of Ocean, Sussex and Morris counties, is in the North
Jersey, along with the 201 area code. The 609 area code remains
unchanged. The cost of telephone calls also will remain the same.
Other New Jersey Bell directories that primarily cover the 908 area
code are Ocean County, New Brunswick, Hackettstown/Washington,
Elizabeth, Middlesex, Phillipsburg and Plainfield.

Everex Systems announced a new line of 80286 and 80386-based PCs, the
line will be compatible with Everex STEP systems and will include the
Tempo XT/12, the 286/12, 286/16, 386sx/16, 386/20 and 386/25. Tempo
systems will begin shipping this month.

TeleVideo has signed two joint venture agreements to market its
computers in the USSR. The first pact signed with ABM Computer Systems
in West Germany and the Municipality of Moscow. TeleVideo will be
demonstrating many of its computers at the upcoming PC World Forum/
Moscow, scheduled for July 10-15.

Commodore unveiled an interactive multimedia system at CES. The
Commodore Dynamic Total Vision (CDTV) player is the first consumer-
oriented product to combine Compact Disc technology and a personal
computer into a single, simple-to-use, affordable unit. The player
connects directly to a television set and home stereo unit to become an
interactive entertainment, information and education center. The
CDTV player will ship this fall with a suggested retail price under
$1,000, with hopes of more than 100 titles available.


This feature is a reprint from the April/May ST-JOURNAL MAGAZINE,
presented here by permission. THIS ARTICLE MAY NOT BE REPRINTED IN ANY
JOURNAL, 113 West College Street, Covina, CA 91723, 818-332-0372.
Individual copies of the first issue of ST JOURNAL are available from
the above address for the cover price of $4.50, and subscriptions are
$29.95 a year.

Reprinted by permission of ST JOURNAL MAGAZINE

[This month we give the last word to Andrew Reese, who recently left the
Editorship of STart magazine for the land of the Big Blue skies.]

For the last several years, as Editor of STart Magazine, I have had the
privileged position of keeping close tabs on the Atari world. In
November of last year, I left STart to join a major software developer
that focuses on the IBM PC (among other "serious" platforms).

It's a different world-and it has made me think seriously about Atari.
Don't get me wrong - I love my ST. It's been my stalwart servant for
three years and I'm not going to give it up. Yet, every day at work,
I'm surrounded by 386's crammed with more goodies than you can imagine.
They're efficient, they're fast and they're versatile. But they're not
my ST. I think a comment I read on one of the online services says it
best: there will always be enthusiasts for Ataris, just as there are
Porsche or Ferrari fans. And there will always be those who buy
computer hardware the way they buy their cars - for utility's sake.
Maybe a Compaq 386/25 isn't quite like a Chevy; maybe it's more like
one of today's high-tech Corvettes, but it still doesn't have much
personality. I don't feel for one like I do my ST.

So how has Atari made me such a loyalist? And can they convert more of
the "Chevy drivers" in the U.S. to the mark of the Fuji? Most of all,
I think I love my Atari the best because it's just plain fun to use.
The GEM interface is *easv to learn and quite useable. No matter how
well I know DOS commands, I still resent having to use them. I know
there are command line fanatics out there who hate GEM and love CLI's,
but for my money, they can just keep them. Give me a graphic user
interface any day. Oh, of course, there are graphic interfaces on PCs,
but the problem is that they take monstrous amounts of RAM and disk
space just for the operating system. The overhead is just not worth it
for most applications.

An ST can do so many things so well. Yes, it's a great game machine,
but there are programs available for the ST that do just about anything
you want - from desktop publishing to graphics. But, by this time in
its life, the four-year-old ST design is a little long in the tooth.
It's not state-of-the-art; it's not even just behind. It's w-a-y
behind. Why? Atari had a good idea back in 1985 and brought it to
market quickly and well. But things have stagnated since then. Sure,
there was the Mega line. They're nice, but about all they added was
memory. And then there was Atari's laser printer - a good idea that came
out too late and cost too much (and still does).

Ah, but what about the ATW Transputer, the STE, the STACY and the TT?
Well, the ATW is pretty much a dead issue, what with Helios reportedly
out of business. And the STE is a fine machine; it's just that it's two
years late. STACY is a sweet computer with a great keyboard and endless
possibilities, if Atari can just get it out the door with a working hard
disk. The TT could be a great machine, but it's still sitting in

All of these Atari hopes were developed by really bright, dedicated
people who put their hearts into each of them. But the powers-that-be
at Atari missed one window of opportunity after another by skimping on
internal development funding. In fact, the only real successes they've
had in the U.S. have been with technology developed elsewhere: the
Portfolio and the Lynx. Maybe that's the key for Atari: concentrate on
being a hardware packager rather than a developer.

I want Atari to succeed. I would love to see them make a resurgence in
the U.S., but I'm discouraged. Would you buy a Ferrari - or even a
Chevy - if there wasn't a dealer within two hundred miles and there were
dealers for every other make within a few blocks? If you still would,
you're a true Atarian. And so am I.

To succeed in the U.S., Atari has to do all of the things they've said
they're going to do: redevelop a dealer network, advertise, and, most of
all, get those new machines to market. Maybe then more of your
neighbors will drive Ataris instead of those transportation machines.

- Andrew Reese

/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\
\/\/\/\/""""""""""" Z*Net Down Under """""""""""\/\/\/\/

/\ by Jon Clarke


One of the local universities in Wellington, New Zealand has identified
a new phobia called "fear of computers". This may seem a bit strange to
most reading this. However, this phobia is on the same level as fear of
spiders and the fear of flying.

Mr. Pak Yoong, an Information systems lecturer from Victoria University
said, "Just as some people feel fear even before they step on a plane,
others just don't want to face up to a keyboard. It becomes a block.
The fear is not so wide spread now as it was two or three years ago but
there is still quite a large proortion of people in the closet who have
not been prepared to face up to it."

To combat this "Computerphobia" Victoria University is running a series
of courses this month called "Computers for the interested and the

"We have a variety of activities to give people an opportunity to
verbalise or explore their feelings associated with this fear. In a
group they will realise they are not the only ones with this problem."

Hands up, how many of us out there can identify with this?

Copywrite Laws/Piracy. [Do the RIGHT thing.]

Things are moving fast in the area of copywrite laws and the rounding up
of major pirate rings worldwide. The subject of Pirating has again been
the focus of debate. Those that think it is ok and those that think it
is not on.

For those that think it is ok, beware! The laws in many countries have
or are changing to the detriment of the pirates concerned. You may have
read in the on-line magazines over the last few months about "USA
Copyright law" and the likes. If not, I suggest you get copies and read
them. What does "piracy" mean?

The loss of revenue to the orginal programing team? YES
The loss of revenue to the software distributor? YES
The loss of revenue to the local dealer? YES
A Lack of faith in the end user market by the program team? YES
No support for the end user market by the program team? YES
No support for the end user market by the distributor? YES
No support/ No sales to the end user market by the dealers? YES
Comdemnation of the end user market as a bunch of PIRATES? YES
Total lack of software for the end user market? YES
Slanging matchs and the likes between users? YES
Alienation between various groups? YES

Today we find more and more "hot" debates about the rights and wrongs of
piracy. Many of us follow the flow or jump on the band wagon and are
very quick to condem the pirates with out first looking at our own 'back

So lets take stock of what we have done in reguards to software piracy.
We have all at some time or other or will at some time or other get a
copy of pirated software. "What you say?" "I have never done that!"
Well join the estimated 16% of the population and do not bother to read

** Frankly software piracy is thieft which ever way you look at it. **

What does "piracy" mean?

Kudos to the pirates, for suppling the software? YES/NO
A sense of achievement? YES/NO
Ego boosting? YES/NO
Power building / Empire building ? YES/NO
An "I am greater than thou" attitude? YES/NO
A sense of doing the impossible? YES/NO
"Who Cares" ? YES/NO

The above reminds me of an article I read several years ago about the
three degree of piracy.

[1] The software Hacker/Pirate.
[2] The hanger on's who take the "kudo's" for the piracy. [sector
[3] The people that sell the hackers software.

Ever felt like the above? Answer this honestly as it is not a quiz.
Did you feel good about your answer? Or did it hit a raw nerve? Now
who were we quick to condem before as a pirate? Why did I/We condem
them. Does the old adage "People in glass houses do not though stones",
ring true?

So what is all this leading to? Well in the 'British Commonwealth'
countries there have been differing copyright laws. One for Great
Britian, Canada, Australia and the likes. What was right for one
country was not alway the case in another country. To this end New
Zealand is about to bring in admendments to it copyright laws that will
see the end to any form of piracy. This required new definitions to be
set. Stemming from these definitions were other issues relating to
"ownership" of any item defined as "SOFTWARE". These included and I

[1] Intellectual property protection for screen display.
[2] Home copying,backups and swaps.
[3] Adaption of computer programs to/for new machines.
[4] Allowing reverse engineeering of software as in semi-conductors.
[5] Parallel importing.
[6] Authorship and copyright ownership.
[7] Computer generated works.
[8] Wheather the term of protection should be for 50 years or the life
of the author.
[9] Rights over data stored in databases, including legal opinons.

Bottom line time:

While most of us will admit at some time or other we have seen/had/used
pirated software <I do not just mean Atari software here either!>. Do
the right thing and format those disks you suspect. It is better to
format a disk, than have a disk format you though the courts of law!

ST STack
by Alice Amore

Programmers: Ralph Walden/Larry Novak
DCOPY, the old stalwart, was first written by Ralph Walden, and has been
frequently and consistently upgraded by Larry Novak (who continues to
show a special sensitivity to users' needs). DCOPY's various functions
can be run from a DOS-like menu, although a command line is available,
as is a GEM interface (more about this later).

Although DCOPY is able to handle many picky details that aren't options
in any other program, it does handle the more common ones very well.
Files can be copied, moved, erased, renamed, hidden, un/locked. Folders
can be created, disks can be formatted, text files can be examined,
8-bit text files can be converted, and much, much more.

But DCOPY's shining light is its manipulation of ARChives. It is said
to be faster than any other ARChiver, and it has a devoted following
among ST'ers who have sworn by it for years.

Judging from the documentation, this version of DCOPY (3.6) has been
extensively overhauled. Most of the bugs occurred rarely, and only
under certain circumstances. They've been fixed. Some of the recent
fixes/additions to DCOPY in this latest version (and including other
recent versions) include the following:

o Fixed: the bug in the "eXtract to folder" routine with files created
with ARC 6.02.
o Fixed: the packing bug.
o Fixed: a bug in the "save file" feature within the [T]ype command.
o Fixed: 'Delete folder' command.
o Fixed: a bug in the 'delete file within an ARCed file' when using the
item selector box.
o Fixed: bug in buffer routines. Any file can be ARCed for deARCed no
matter how much free memory is in the buffer.
o Fixed: 'Change working directory' now works properly. Default paths
for the file selector box can now be set quickly.
o Fixed: a bug in the 'search directory' command. Directory searches
can now be written to a disk file.
o When viewing text files using the [T]ype function, you can now use the
mouse or the cursor keys.
o Requests for non-existent files will not upset the program.
o Format routines have been completely rewritten. Mega ROM format (with
new ROMs) is now supported.
o Copy functions rewritten. Any non-protected disk (including those
with extended formats) can now be copied accurately.
o Mouse and GEM file selector box work properly.
o Print from the current screen to the end of a text file.
o Buffer routines are now "legal".
o The UNDO key can be used to exit the program quickly.
o New command added: "-S" lets you store a file to a new/old ARCed file
without compaction.
o The [T]ype command will now continue to search for a word after it has
been found within text.
o In PRG mode, the last path is now remembered.
o While viewing a text file, you can now use the print option. Print
either one screen's worth, or the whole file.
o CLR/HOME can now toggle between GEM and TOS modes.
o The [T]ype command now checks for the presence of a printer.
o When viewing a disk directory or the contents of an ARCed file, you
can now pause/resume the display.
o Date stamps within an ARCed file can now be preserved.
o The display of a verbose listing of an ARChive has been prettied up.
o DCOPY is now about 2K smaller.
o Files of 0 bytes will now ARC.
o The [S]pace command will now give the correct info on disks having
only 1 sector per cluster.
o You can now cancel ARCing a file before choosing the file to ARC.
o In the PRG mode, you'll now get the file selector box for indicating
the location of the extracts.
o Hitting HELP will bring up the Alternate Menu.
o You can now copy to standard output (printer or screen).
o The "Where Is" command is now case-independent.
o Extracts to RAMdisks that won't handle odd address writes.
o File selector box is toggled on/off with the INSERT key.
o Status of DCOPY (TOS or GEM mode) is now shown in the Alternate Menu.
o Menus have been changed and rearranged.
o Now supports extracting to a folder automatically with the ALT-Z
o With one command you can send a verbose listing of an ARCed file to
disk or printer.
o The GEM and destination selector box are easier to use.
o Correct display for WordWriter ST files.
o UnSquashes files that were squashed with ARC 5.12.

If you still find DCOPY awkward to use, please see DCOPYSHL, below. The
author wishes to thank Paul Lee, Keith Gerdes, and Michael Vederman for
their help.

DCOPY SHELL is a GEM menu-based program which acts as a front end for
DCOPY. It uses less than 10K. All DCOPY menu selections are available
from drop-down menus. Additionally, GEM's Desk Menu is there, allowing
you to use desk accessories while within the program. (DCOPYSHL *is
included* within the ARCed file of DCOPY36.ARC.)

Since he didn't write the original DCOPY, Larry Novak can't accept
shareware fees. But Keith Gerdes can charge a fee for his SHELL, since
he wrote it. A deal has thus been struck whereby shareware registration
fees will be shared by Keith Gerdes AND Larry Novak. Sounds like a good

Hey, folks, this must've been Charles Johnson/Albert Baggetta week on
GEnie. There were lots of ST goodies from both gentlemen (although in
the case of Charles Johnson, some would contend that *every* week is
CFJ week.)

Programmer: Charles F. Johnson
Desk Switch (The Ultimate Read-Only Control Panel) is now at version
1.1. It is a small utility which allows you to switch quickly from one
destop set-up to another. The advantages of Desk Switch are that it
uses only 1K of code, and it doesn't stay resident. You can load and
install a new .INF file whenever desired. The disadvantages are that it
eats memory, and you must make a lot of individual adjustments by hand.

From an .INF file, Desk Switch can read and set the following

o The name and position of every desktop icon, including drive icons and
the trash can.
o The position and status of GEM windows.
o Screen colors.
o Printer settings.
o RS232 settings.
o Blitter on/off.
o Key repeat/delay, bell, and keyclick on/off settings.
o Mouse response rate.
o List of installed applications in the .INF file.

If you own CodeHead's HOTWIRE, you can pass your .INF files from HOTWIRE
to Desk Switch and be able to install set-ups with either a keyclick or
a single keypress.

Programmer: Charles F. Johnson
If you've been searching for the Desk Manager 3.3 Preset Editor, be
aware that it was inadvertently omitted from the latest upgrade of Desk
Manager. Here it is. It's version 1.2.

Programmer: Albert Baggetta
The Collector is a coin/stamp database for the novice-to-intermediate
coin/stamp collector, although the way in which this database is set up
would make it suitable for classifying many other types of collections.
An easy-to-use interface allows entry on date, worth, source,
identification, millions issued, condition, and value. With a little
imagination, these headings can be mentally adjusted for most other

Your data can be added and searched. Your .DAT files will be editable
with any word processor.

Programmer: Albert Baggetta
Zeek and Zak are two little Dr. Seuss-like characters who run around on
a grid-like playing board trying to wend their way to the top. The
gameplay bears some resemblance to "Shoots and Ladders". Along the way,
Z. & Z. fall through trap doors, take detours, and so fourth. If you're
an adult, you'll enjoy putting the game on automatic so you can just
watch. If you're a child, you'll enjoy playing against an opponent,
although all you can really "do" is click on the button that determines
the number of squares you may advance.

by James "Kibo" Parry 5/30/90
72347,2731 (Compuserve) (Internet)
userfe0n at rpitsmts (Bitnet)

This file is an explanation of how to edit the PageStream "Bookman"
outline font (sold on font disk 3) to raise the "altitude" of the dots
on the lowercase "i" and "j". No font editor is needed--but you need a
DISK editor that will let you modify sectors in hexadecimal.

This editing will do nothing to the file except move those two dots
slightly--no character widths will be altered, or anything else.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible if you do strange things to the disk
with your disk editor (please follow the instructions below very
carefully.) I am not connected with the Soft-Logik company in any way.

1.) Make a copy of BOOK.DMF. I suggest working from a copy made from
an unmodified version--if you have already edited BOOK.DMF, the
items you need to change below will be in different places.

2.) Start your disk editor. Tell it to open the BOOK.DMF file. Note
whether it calls the first sector of the file #0 or #1!

3.) Go to the 31st sector in the file (this will be #30 if your editor
calls the first sector #0.) Change your editor's display mode from
ASCII to HEX if you need to.

4.) Check to make sure the sector starts with "03 4E 00 04" and ends
with "02 8D 01 F5". If it doesn't, either your file is different
than my original BOOK.DMF, or else you're on the wrong sector.

5.) Find the area in the sector that says "40 00 18 01 92" (it starts
at the 343rd byte in the sector). The "40" in that region is the
first number you will be changing. Here are the changes you will
be making in this sector:

ORIGINAL CHANGED (blank means no change)
40 00
F3 B3
F3 B3
40 00
8D 4D
8D 4D
40 00

6.) If you've done this right (and if I've done this right), you've
just raised the dot on the "i" by 64 of PageStream's internal
units. (The bytes we changed were the vertical coordinates. All
that code was just for one little dot.) Now for the "j"...

7.) Near the end of the same sector--starting at byte #485--is a region
that says "42 00 18 01 F5 01". We will start editing with the

ORIGINAL CHANGED (blank means no change)
42 02
F0 B0
F0 B0
42 02
8D 4D
8D 4D

8.) The last byte you changed should have been two bytes away from the
last byte in the sector, if all went well. This sector is finished
and should be written to the disk.

9.) A little of the "j"'s data goes into the next sector, so tell the
disk editor to advance one sector. This sector (the 32nd, or #31
in some editors) should begin with "02 42 00 04".

10.) Change the "42" to "02" and write this sector to the disk.

You're now done. At this point, you should decide to do one or the
other of these:

A.) Delete the old version of BOOK.DMF from the disk you have your
fonts installed on, and put the new version in its place, or

B.) If you want BOTH versions of Bookman installed in PageStream, you
should use the PageStream font converter to change the name of the
modified font and the ID number (this means keeping a modified .FM
for the new version, and possibly screen fonts too.)

If you want to use this font on a Postscript printer that has the
"standard" Bookman built in, change the new version's name and ID number
and then create a downloadable .PS and .PSF font.

Let me know if you have any problems. I checked this document and I
hope that all the numbers are typed correctly.

James "Kibo" Parry

by Mark Quinn

Author: Scott Foust
Program name: G.I.M.E. Terminal
File type: Application
It's impossible to 'review' a demo. The reviewer lacks a manual, some
of the features necessary for the review have been disabled, so about
all I can do is highlight what I do find, and let you decide for
yourself whether this file is worth the price of a download. At best,
it's a dubious proposition, but someone has to do it.

G.I.M.E. (I keep thinking there should be a second "m") stands for
"Graphic Interface Modem Environment", and is apparently a means of
transmitting graphics at high speeds over a modem.

Some of the features of the text menu are:

Normal, Bold, Italic, Outline, Underline, Block (including Cut, Copy,
Paste, Delete, Print, and Send), Find, Replace, Import, Export, Margin,
and Scroller.

Some of the graphical menu features are:

Fill, Box, Circle, Polly, Arc, Graphic Text (including Bold, Italic,
Outline, Underline), Color (default background color), Fill Pattern
(thirty-six available), Line Thickness, Snap, Trace (calls up the item
selector so that a PI2-format picture file can be loaded), and Edit
(calls up another menu containing the following: Size, Copy, Move,
Delete, Default Colors, Fill Pattern, Line Thickness, Front, Back, Next,
and Previous).

Some of the pull-down menu features are:

The File menu: Disk Utilities (including Select Drive, Directory, Free
Disk Space, Create Folder, Rename File, Delete File, Format Disk), Load
Capture, Save Capture, Merge Capture, Save in ASCII, Save Configuration,
Load Configuration, Run Program.

Transfer menu: Upload, Download, X-Modem GME.

Configure menu: Dialer, Modem, Emulation (GIME Term, VT-52), Transfer,
Printer (including Top Margin, Page Length, Bottom Margin, Character
attributes), Function Keys, Default Colors, Date/Time.

Capture menu: Select Capture, Capture On, Capture Off, Clear Capture.

Help menu: Contains help for the above menus.

Granted, I haven't offered much of an explanation of the above features.
Some of them are disabled, and the help menus only go so far. You can
"Load Capture" and take a look at the snazzy graphics screens by
scrolling through them (click on the down arrow on the "Message"
selection) a page at a time. All said, one can toodle around with the
available options for quite a while.

Author: James D. Kleiser
Program name: PITCHPIPE
File type: Application
PITCHPIPE is a tuning aid for guitarists who use standard tuning.
PITCHPIPE is perfectly usable in medium resolution, but looks much
better on a monochrome monitor. The program is straightforward enough,
but those among us without near x-ray vision may have to "squint for
hints" on how to operate it on a color monitor. All of PITCHPIPE's
features can be used via the mouse or keyboard.

The user can deviate from standard tuning by a half-step up or down,
choose between a steady tone and that of a plucked string, 'strum' up or
down through the strings, or just click on the appropriate icon or key
until each string is in tune.

You can't put PITCHPIPE in your pocket, but if you're practicing at home
(if you have a STacy, you could presumably take PITCHPIPE on the road),
assuming you don't suffer from (Rin Tin) tin ear syndrome, you can
quickly polish your axe.

Quinn's Quickies"

Shareware from Albert Baggetta. Game of chance. This "mummy" doesn't
exactly bake cookies. You're on an archaeological expedition, Indi'
(Dr. Golana), and must solve various puzzles in a tomb beneath a
pyramid. On the first screen, the player matches symbols. The hard
level is quite difficult. Even on the easy level, you're bound to get
sent back to the start of the game many, many times.

Shareware. Educational game, for children 2-6 years. Arrange pictures
in the proper sequence (sort of like arranging a scrambled storyboard)
to reveal an animation. Also has animations that help teach addition
and subtraction. Good user interface. Music. A souped-up portion of
an IQ test, but far less threatening.

Are you tired of the usual keyclick sound from your monitor? Replace
it with a number of digitized sounds. I wanted to give this program
more attention (as in a full review above), but didn't have the
requisite SND files. If you do, you should give this file a look and
a listen. Even if you don't, a disk full of SND files (and other
STuff) can be ordered from the programmer for $15.

Press Release

Innovative Concepts (I.C.)
31172 Shawn Drive
Warren, MI 48093 USA
Phone: (313) 293-0730
BBS: (313) 978-1685
GEnie: I.C.
CompuServe: 76004,1764

We at I.C. are pleased to announce our latest new entry into the
ST/Mega/STE market; The Tick - Tock Clock. Just another clock you say?
Read on....

Time is money, and with a $39.95 suggested retail price, your time is
easy to keep track of.

* Solderless, Plug-In Installation!
* 2 - Ways To Use - Internal Or External (cartridge board only $10 more)
(for internal on STE, please call for information)
* Very Flexible Software - Show Time/Date Where You Want, When You Want.
* Includes Both .PRG And .ACC Software Versions.
* Boot Program Uses Less Than 1K!
* Supports Multiple Clock Modules - Up To 10! (Excellent for world time
zones, experiments, event timing, and more!)
* Clock Is Accurate To 1 Minute Per Month!
* Tracks: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day Of Month, Month, And Year.
(future software update will also support hundreths of seconds!)
* Forget About Batteries To Change - Includes 10 Year Lithium Battery!

Ordering Information - All in U.S. funds
USA/APO/FPO - Include $4 S&H. COD is $3.50 extra (USA only) Canada/
Mexico - Add $7 S&H. All other countries - Add $10 S&H.

Note: We have MANY other products for the Atari 8-bits & ST lines. For
our latest Catalog (included with orders), send a S.A.S.E. (business
size). Or, you can download it (in ASCII text form) from our sections
on; CompuServe, GEnie, or our own product support BBS. Dealer,
Distributor, and User Group Inquiries Welcome!

This text file may be freely distributed, as long as it remains intact,

(C) 1990 by Darek Mihocka, June 4, 1990.

Well, today was the day Atari Canada made it's big debut of the TT at a
downtown Toronto hotel. Free food too. You'll probably be hearing a
lot about it in the next few days (the TT, not the food) and it'll be
interesting to see how soon the promises start getting broken. As
expected, the machine is not available yet, and is supposed to ship
later this year.

As of today, TT's are available to developers in Canada, and dealers
can expect a few for demo purposes by the end of August, with real
shipments starting in fourth quarter. The press release states "The
Atari TT is scheduled for Canada-wide release in fall of 1990". The
invitation talked about a "North American" debut, so I don't know what
that means for the U.S. market. Probably 1993.

The retail price is $3995.00 Canadian, (that's about $3395.00 U.S).
That includes 2Meg of RAM and a 40 meg hard drive. Add from $200 to
$1000 for a monitor, depending on which one you get. The floppy disk
drive is still IBM comptible, now supporting the 1.44M format.

The machine supports 6 screen resolutions, including the original 3
from the ST, plus a 1280x960 Moniterm mode, a 640x480 16 color VGA mode,
and a 256 color 320x480 mode. The color monitor being used at the time,
an Atari TTC30 or something was capable of supporting everything but the
Moniterm mode. The desktop in VGA mode looked quite good, comparable to
a Mac II desktop or a Windows desktop on a VGA monitor. The display was
crisp and free of any interference. The TT has the 4096 color palette
of the STE, as well as the 8-bit stereo sound, making it a machine ready
for multimedia applications.

The TOS running in this machine was still TOS 3.0, 03/01/90 version.
The real TOS for the TT is supposed to be 2.0, and it's supposed to be a
lot faster than 3.0. I ran Quick Index on the TT just to see the kind of
performance I'd get. With the cache on, the CPU numbers are between
about 350% to 500%, and with the cache off, about 30% slower. What this
means is that in terms of raw processing speed, the TT can run 68000
code about 3, 4 or 5 times faster than an 8MHz ST or STE. I tried some
sample software which I had earlier timed on my STE, and found the
increase to be consistently about a factor of 3.

All the Atari reps were emphasizing the speed. Calamus was being
displayed, and the TT flyer and press release were both riddled with
references to DynaCADD, and a 6 page DynaCADD brochure was included with
the press release. The explanation given was that Atari wants to
demonstrate that the machine is a full blown CAD workstation, and can
run existing ST CAD packages. Once software like Calamus and DynaCADD
is recompiled for the 68030, it will run even faster.

All of the documentation presented was created with Calamus, and the
press release mentions that Calamus running on the TT prints three times
faster than any other package. It doesn't mention which other packages,
but goes on to say that DynaCADD running on the TT is 2 to 10 times
faster than Autocad running on a 386 based machine.

Atari is also working with an unnamed third party to develop a software
PC emulator that runs at the speed of an AT. And I'm sure another
unnamed third party is busy on a Mac II emulator.

The TT also comes with an Appletalk interface (gee, I wonder why!), MIDI
ports, VME slot, 2 serial ports expandable to 4 (hey sysops, imagine the
possibilites!), and SCSI and ACSI. The machine is certainly set up to
communicate with the rest of the world. UNIX, X Windows, and Ethernet
support are listed in the "Future Support" category of the spec sheet.
Hopefully this isn't being handled by the same department that was
responsible for getting the STacy and STE to US markets last year.

The thing that I found quite odd with the TT is that with all the nifty
hardware built in, this machine does NOT have a blitter chip. The last
thing I would have expected in a machine that's being presented as a
powerful graphics workstation is that all graphics operations are being
performed by software, and by TOS 3.0 of all things. This TOS, I'm
told, is almost identical to the TOS 1.6 currently installed in STEs,
which as we all know, is almost the same thing as TOS 1.4, just slightly
faster. TOS 2.0 is supposed to change all that and really be fast, but
I seriously doubt that they'll whip together something by August, given
that TOS has already been worked on for 5 years.

So, back to Quick Index I went and benchmarked the screen performance.
Someone at the presentation had mentioned that you could load in a
DynaCADD file with 10,000 objects and watch them redraw REALLY fast.
Well, the numbers I got from Quick Index, for example, in medium
resulotion, gave the TT a GEM index of 166% relative to the STE. That's
about 180% relative to a Mega ST. So in other words, the TT, running
TOS 1.4 (or close enough to it) on a 68030 was not even twice as fast as
an 8MHz 68000 with blitter support. Take away the blitter and you're
slightly over 200%. However, take into account that you can drop in Jim
Allen's T16 accelerator board into almost any ST, and for $300 give
yourself a 50% speed boost. That cuts the lead of the TT down to about
30% at best for screen redraws, and about 200% for general CPU
operations. Needless to say, I wasn't kidding last week when I said
that an ST running Quick ST blows away the TT in screen performance.
Text operations gave similar results, and about the only screen
operation the TT was good at was VT52 scrolling. That's due to the 32-
bit data bus of the 68030 compared to the 68000's 16-bit bus.

Don't forget also that there will be the usual incompatibility problems
with older ST software. You think TOS 1.4 compatiblity was bad. Wait
till they try running the stuff on a 68030!

So, the TT is a nifty machine, and for only $4000 you can emulate an AT
and run UNIX as well. I should say "you'll be able to...". I still
have bad memories of the 1450XLD and 260ST. You all remember the 260ST?
The original ST, until they actually tried to put it together and
realized they couldn't make TOS run on 256K. Hopefully TOS 2.0 will run
on 2 meg!

But in all fairness, since this information was presented by ATARI
CANADA, in Canada, and was not just another Sunnyvale stab in the dark
about what they might ship in 3 years, I have faith that Atari Canada
will deliver as promised. They delivered on the STE and STacy and
CD-ROM, so all I can say is that I'm glad I'm not in the US.

About 6 months ago, I was wetting my pants and then some over the STE.
Not so for the TT, at least not yet. It's out of the price range of
most casual ST users, and as an ST compatible machine, offers less than
a doubling of power for more than double the price of, say, a Mega ST 2.
Sure the TT specific software written for the 68030 will be faster, but
that will mean buying a whole new set of software.

I think what will probably evolve will be some sort of a 68030 upgrade
for existing STs (c'mon Dave!), similar to the kind of upgrades we saw a
few years ago for converting 8088 machine to 80286 machines. I've
already got 3 STs and 2 monitors, I don't need more. I would much
rather pay $1000 or more to upgrade my 4 meg STE to a 4 meg STE/030
instead of shelling out another $4000 for something only slightly

The TT will still hopefully sell well in the business market. The
hardware is certainly there and at the right price. Perhaps not as fast
as we'd like to believe, but the same hype existed with the 386 chip.
Perhaps the TT will follow the same path as 386 machines, and a year or
two from now we'll see a more affordable TT working its way into the
home market replacing the then obsolete 68000 based STs.

Well, that's the way I see it anyway.

- Darek

Z*Net Atari Online Magazine
Publisher/Editor: Ron Kovacs
Editor/Senior Correspondent: John Nagy
Assistant Editor: Alice Amore
Columnist: Mark Quinn
Columnist: Jon Clarke

Z*Net Atari Newsletter
Publisher: Ron Kovacs
Editor: John Nagy
Advertising Manager: John King Tarpinian
User Group Coordinator: Robert Ford
Layout/Distribution: Bruce Hansford

Z*Net Mechanics Online Magazine
Publisher/Editor: Ron Kovacs
Publisher/Editor: Bruce Kennedy
Columnist: Eric Gove
Z*Net Atari Online Magazine is a weekly released publication covering
the Atari community. Opinions and commentary presented are those of the
individual authors and do not reflect those of Rovac Industries. Z*NET
and Z*NET ONLINE are copyright 1990 by Rovac Industries. Reprint
permission is granted as long as Z*NET ONLINE, Issue Number and author
is included at the top of the article. Reprinted articles are not to be
edited without permission.
Copyright (c)1990 Rovac Industries, Inc..

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